THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER T, 1W6. Telephone,, Dotiglat .! . . Welcome lo Omaha's Modern Dry Goods Store. Thovsauds of enthusiastic visitors have thmrtgpd thin gnat-Rtore during those first fair lay, ! "Praise and comment wen demnnstrntetl in numerous ways. Some were heard to say f'My, isn't it grand.' Uthera were heard to say, "And their stocks are so fresh ami clean." Those and many other .words of praisewere heard on all hands. We have exerted every effort nd have secured the Kest and most complete stock of fall and winter merchandise ever placed on view in Omaha. Our prices are always the lowest, our qualities are always the'best. Come Friday and let us prove this -Assertion. Always glad to show goods. ' ; We check hand baggage and packages free of charge. . i - New Flannela . i I Our Flannel lcpnrtmnl tn vr- complete wjth tp latt and rholct materia In. i sre,me. .t .v. ,2V i Imported K1niiliPt(e nt and 85c- yd. j . Outing Flannel at 7V'. S'sc. and 12V? : 4 yard.-' . ' ' " j ; 8IIK nibroll'red crrnm FlnnnH at Mo- per Jrnrd. . " !', . Hcotrh'Hannela for waietg at 3' inc. tiAo ' and TV. per yard. '-' Wool eiderdown FJanneK (f, Indies wide, iVr Iter rd,'V". V ' ' i -V" . Klnkledown. all shades, at 5f rr yard. ' Blanket Department If voi' are looking for reliable blankets trial "are gVn1 "t pnly- on the surface, but good 'thruKti and through, we ran supply you at the same low price. We buy direct from tho mills. .Aroma Poclety Blanket at H.50 a pair. Bt. Mary's Plankcts at "!o a pair. .North Star Blankets aj $f.2T. a pair. New Brerrltn Blankets at $5.(10 a pair.' ..Oreon Tllanketa at, $2.75 a pair. Totton Blankets, white, grey or fancies, all grade, all prlc,-. ; g ; (. Attention, Men ' Are you prepased for the great event, the k-8ar-Bcn hm.?ftfave you looked up your evening clolhei to see If yen have all the proper essential shirts, gloves, collar, hids. etc.?.- " v ... You will find , all' llies necessary tssen tlals at oxl'r 'Merl'a, department. If you ean't oome; down .yourself. Just 'phone ftougla BIS and 'ask, ff.. the Men' depart ment and we '.rtll" fln''yiHi out. Mac'lffurdle The acknowledge! shirt for evening; wear. Comfort mean .a. reat deal In evening clothes, and -itnlew ;yur. htrt fits correelly you will not r bo cortitcktable. When you wear a Mad j(Urrtl .your collar will fit right and your. Mart twfilVlB riot bulge like on so manyi, SWH.( .WHtiprrt ourTs, $1.M; at Uched fHffs', fl,H teti.l-.?:,V .. Whit. Jtld 'fllovea, liirt, pec pair. . .Light gray jfrndriw!!, tyd Olwee, button clasp. W.'nr twrl pair: '$ v.j . ' ' Full dree bow Tle, lie and 25c each. The "Oood Form" evening Tic. 26c each. 'Tokely,''he potr dollar -for evening vr, Me, or-.two for JBe.' ' H, - .-: . i - , - ' , fern. Mrs., Nejson waa her own driver and Miss ., Margaret JSVood rode with her. ' Fred Hamilton wouldn't' trust himself in his automobile for fear-he would detract from its beauty, so he let the chauffeur do the work and had Kim dressed like a red devil. JwL' JniaeWaa-Waa coverod with red popples. American Beauly"rosea were used by Mrs. N. B. Updike, an 5,000- of theth made the big touring; car a gorgeous mass of red. I The machine waa driven by Mrs. E. 8. ) Weatbrook,' while the Other occupanta were Mra. .Updike, Ml"; Madallne Merrlam, Miss Marlon Hughes , and . Miss . Gwendoline Whit. A m.-tgnlflcerlt ' whIU rose, with a beautiful young designer as the. centerpiece, was the beautiful offering of Miss Ruth Brandels, The body' of the machine was of yellow roses, and It ' waa upon thla the beautiful whlte;, rose; rested.' Miss Brandeis waa dressed Jn'a filmy gown of white and be came a part of the' rose aa natural, and beautiful aa the petals themselves. Red and white poppies, chrysanthemums and ferns were used by Charles Beaton to .makf a pretty float.' . The body of the ma chine was of red, trimmed with white. Paul Beaton' droVea and he Was accompanied by Miss . Maria m'.Connell. Miss Wakefield and Mlsa Edith Locke. ,Wtermelea and Plekaalaar. A great big watermelon, with the head of a llt-tle pickaninny popping out at appro priate times for , the amusement' of the crowd, was the unique contribution of Mogy Bernstein to the' parade. The watermelon rested u pea a body-of white roses. In the center of which to the rear of the machine waa, the, initial of the owner In red.- The driver was hlddea In the melon. Mia .Ella Brown' Rambler contributed on of the effective features of the parade. The machine waa covered with black pop plea, . with yellow centers, and - hovering ahead were butterflies driven by 'ribbon. Th, occupants of. the machine were gowned In black, with black picture hats. They were i Mis Ella Brown. Mis Ruth Dahl maot Mis Mabel Christie, Mis Phlloniena Gentleman- and C E. Holt, driver. Joyous spring . wa depleted In Vane Lane's float, and .even In the most minute datalia the Idea wa carried out. Water lllle wer .used .for decorations, - while three swans tn spike fashion drew the float, , Tr?T vV-V A whole vast stock o! every thing Boys and Girls ever wear. Special Values in Underwear Department.. Boy' and Ctrl' vests. panU or drawer. . la natural gray or nti or ray or ..25c white, Jersey fleeced " cotton, per garment. '.Boys' shirts and pants or drawers, ; In fine, Egyptian cotton, Jersey ribbed and .fleeced, color silver , irajr, per, , . jartueat . .,.tlJi Boys' and girls' vests or pants, to ... Coa Australian wool, good me dium weight, per Cfli garment , 3UC Boys' or girls' union suits, fine Jersey ribbed fleeced cotton, all sise per - 50c suit WRITE FOR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. BETJSON SrTHORRES III A ..'- y Fnri r,lflr '""" 5,10 pr ,r- Main Floor. Notable Black Silks at a Great SAviiig in Price Haokrl!' Silk. arolntfIy the hext black IIHi In the world. It not only pays you to buy a reliable allk. It pay us to sell good rtlk and no other. No trash, no rubbish ' ,10w 'ou OTe.. These special prices are to will further advertise Inskril'a silks. Make it a point to pee them, look them over curefully before you buy any black silks. Our Showing of New Autumn Dress Goods the Event of .the Season The result of many months examining and comparing la now to be seen In entire completeness, new spot proof Broadcloth, now stripes, etc. I-nstly, lakr a good look at the goods you think you want In a good. l mrnnr llsht. In comparison with a hundred or m other styles sold elsewhere at the same price. Pon't be fooled Into bcllevinB "Job lots" are as good as good, clean, crisp dress goods. '. Note Visit our basement Dress Goods I department for medium priced dress gootla. Fine value, good styles at smalt cost. Silk Plaiting for Trimming ONE OF THE SEASON'S N K W EST TRIMMINGS. 811k Knife Plaiting, one Inch wide, a very popular fall trimming. In black, white, cream, navy. Alice blue, baby blue, brown and green, at 25c a yard. Brown, navy and Myrtle may be bad with plaid finish at top and full string. Our line of fall Trimmings Is complete, lookers equally as welcome as buyers. Come Friday and see the new lines Main Floor. . . Ostrich Feather Boas SPECIAL FHOWINO FOR WEAR AT THE AK-8AR-BEN BALL. These Boas are shown In all the latest color combinations white, while and black, sky. pink, brown, gray, brown and white, also blark good large, fluffy shapes, made only from the finest selected stock. Ask to see them Main Floor. 1 Open Saturday Evenings. IB, Howard - Street ..Corner Sixteenth. being driven -by ribbon reins. The wheel were solid water lilies, as was the body-of the., maciilne. The occupanta were Mlsa (Catherine Beeson, Miss Alice Carter, Mlas Hasen Evans, Mlsa Greta Lane and Miss Lillian Lane,, driver. All wore white. . Mrs. H.. E,- Fredrtcksun was out In .her Thomas, flyer covered with Easter lilies, while she ant) her companions were dressed In white and carried white parasols. Benu- tiful white butterflies rested gracefully on th lilies, the whole effect being a reminder of spring. Mr. Fredrickson drove the ma chine and Mrs. J. C. Cohen of Honolulu, Miss Grace Wheeling of Omaha, Mrs. K. R. Smith of Duluth, Miss Margaret Rittvs of Omaha, Mr. Fisher of Denver and Mrs. Fredrickson occupied the auto. D. C. Bradford. In his efforts to please the judges, sent to California for pampas grass, which waa mixed with p!rk and white chrysanthemums with decidedly beautiful effect. The occupants wero dressed In white and wore large white Ht hat covered with long pink automobile veils and carried parasols of white dec orated with tampaa grass. A square of pink against a background of white formed the back of the machine. Plumea of pampas shot up in the front and back. Miss Flor ence Lewis waa the driver and her com panions were Mr. Charles Crary. Mies Ethel Robertson, Miss Mattie Robertson and Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, each adding beauty to th picture. Fred Davis exhibited pumpkin blossoms, gorgeous and tasty. The fenders were cov ered with solid white blossoms, with the yellow center, while the occupants carried parasols covered with pumpkin blossoms. Those who rode In this automobile were: Mtsa Mellora Davla, who drove; Misses Helen Davis, Isabel French and Elisabeth Congdon and Mr. Davis. Mrs. Ella Nash decorated her electric 1 runabout ' with lavender and purple, the I blanket being broken at Interval by bow Of purple ribbon. The wheel were of white rose trimmed with purple, while beneath the body waa pure white. Mrs. Nash drqvc her own machine and Mra Ben Cotton rode with her. White and green chrysanthemums were chosen by E. I. Cudahy to decorate his ma chine and the combination made a beautiful eight. Th rowers wer arranged In blanket form, with alternate aqu.trea of tbe two Boys' or girls' union suits, part wool, silk finished and taped, Jersey rib, according to 7fl slse, garment $1 to..;... UC Boys' or girls' union suits of fine Australian wool, silk taped, Jer sey ribbed, according to $1.00 size, garment 11. SO to. IN THE HOSIERY DEPART MENT. Boys' and gtrU" "Pony" and "Onyx" brands, .brilliant fast black, full fashioned feet, rein forced heel and knee. In medium or heavy weight, per pair '. 25c Bee. October 4; Women's Gloves THE NEEDED STYLES FOR WEAR RIGHT NOW. .. Eight-Inch Glauc or fluede. In all the pop ular shades and blnck or white, $1.?iO tp $J.0fl per pair. Eight-inch Glace Glmes, with new Taney tops, white with tan or . gray trimming, black with white trimming, per pair $2.3'. Twelve-inch black Glace Gloves, $3.W per pair. , Slxteen-lmh Suede,, black, white, mode, tans, browns, rreen. navy and evening shades, per pair $3.00. ..... BlJiteeti-lnch Olate, black, white, tans, browns, pink and light blue, per pair f.1.9W Main Floor. .. . Great Special Remnant Sale of Fall Wash Goods Lengths from one to twelve yards of choice Wash Materials for fall and winter. loe Outing Flannels, in remnants, at Sc per yard. 64c best Standard Prints, In remnanti. dark blue and white, cadet blue and white, gray and white, on sale at Stye per yard. 7Vic Apron Gingham, in blue and -white checks, remnants, at "Sc per yard. 10c Flannelettes In dark )yles, remnants, at Sc per yard. 124c Dress Ginghams, remnants, on sale at c per yard. 124c and 15c Percales, '.'A Inches wide, rem nants, on sale at "4c per yard. No false or exaggerated , values quoted here; every one a genuine bargain In base ment. y Women's Knitted Underwear Goodness, coupled with economy. Is the feature of every item mentioned for Fri day's selling. Women's Swiss Ribbed Cotton Vests for fall wear. Drawers to match, ankle length, 30c each. Women'a Fleeced Cotton Vests, high neck, long sleeves, merode make. Drawers made with French band or tape top, ankle length, slies 4. S and 6, 50v each; extra largo sIeos 75c each. Women's Fleeced Cotton t'nlon Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankla length, merode make, $1.00 each. These three lines on display In our How ard street window Main Floor. colors. Miss Helen Cudahy was the driver. Mis . Ruth Hitchcock drove a machln? decorated a pure white, with no coloring. Miss Hitchcock was accompanied by Ruth ( Hammer and both were dressed In pure white.. . ' y Dlmick's comic German band graced the Balduff float, which' Was a unique feature, i . Creation f nllt , YeH.vr. r "': Louis Nash turned out a creation of solid yellow, In which Mrs. Ed Bwobe and Charles Smith rode, with a handsotno boy blacked to represent a colored footman In the rear. Both the occuparts were dressed In black and the colors mnde a harmonious combination. The McKeen motor car was beautiful in Its magnificent covering of many colored flowers, only the windows being visible, through which many occupants looked out upon the multitude. The top was covered with a blanket of white roses, while pifple flowers were used to cover the eaves of the car. The windows were encased in whits. The effect was a mountain of flowers, a most pleasing sight. A perfect Niagara of rainhow-h:iet pupr streamers greeted the appearance rf Miss Ruth Brandela at Sixteenth and Douglas streets, where the employes at 3. U Brandels & Sons filled the windows of th? Boston store, accompanied by hearty cbor. Ing and hand clapping. Miss Brandels re sponded with a pleased smile and wave of the hand, and not until her automobile had passed on up the street did the young men and women cease their ovation. Beside Miss Helen Cudahy In her auto w-ere Miss Louis Brlnker. Mis li. - I. Cudahy and Miss Spike Kennedy. That these three were the happiest und tho moBt entertaining people in the . parade, should go without saying. It should also go with out saying they were "Miss" only for the afternoon, but their graceful forms wero adorned In the' most beautiful costume of alfalfa paper, and paper money, and other things to match. They scattered smile and threw kisses to the Joy of the crowd, many people believing them to be the real goods. Hard to Keep Ham. Rate. The difficulty of maintaining the. same rat of speed along the whole line of au;o mobiles resulted In a drawing away of the forward sections In the parade, causing at timea gapa In the line, often two or more blocks In length. These gaps were always the signal for much craning of neck to see If there was more to conle and a disposi tion on the part of the crowd to encroarn on the free space in Its efforts to look down the line. The occasional policemen wci powerless In some Instances to prevent tha treet from filling up and, . only fur tlio I perfect arrangement made for aecuring re inforcement for uch emergencies, the pa rade would have found Itself swamped In masses of humanity at several points. ' At Sixteenth and Douglas streets the peo ple swept over th. open space with a rush when there wa an apparent end of the parade, there being no automobiles In sight to the south. Th. four policemrn on the corner were unheeded and there was pandemonium for some distance. How ever. It wa near th. end of the line of parade and many officer had been re lieved from duty at their assigned posts. A half dosen of these went to the scene of the disturbance, and under Sergeant Cook and Rentfrow succeeded In opening a way so that when the Royal Italian band cam up at the head of the balance of the parade It wa able to pass through without trouble. MAYOR CIT BY THE OMISSION DaklaiaS'Jllisppelatr at Mistake Made Wtiirilt) Klckf Th failure of King Ak-Sar-Ben's float to top In front of the mayor' stand Wednes day evening, per cuctoni of former years and tn accordance with plans made for this year's ceremonies, was the. chief topic of conversation about the. city hall'Thursdoy' morning.' Some of the mayor's friends were Inclined to think th Incident wa the work of some one who wanted to slight the mayor, while others charged the aff.ilr to carelessness on the part of the Ak-Sar-Ben par ad comiuittva, After bavins bn urtrd by tbe Ak-Snr-Ben officials to do the honors In the name r-f the city on the re viewing stand, and then to be turned down, stung the mayor to the quirk. ' . There la no question about arrangement having been made for the float to stop In front of the mayor and for the king to receive the official kk.y. but how such a small and yet o Important detail of the ceremonies should have gone by default Is something many find hard to reconcile. The key was sent to the mayor's office by the Ak-Sar-Bcn officials at o'clock Wednesday -afterrmorh wfth the under standing that the mayor make the usual presentation." A week ago II. J, Penfold and the mayor had an Understanding on this point while at dinner. The mayor said i the Incident was particularly embnirasslnn, as he had his family and a number of his personal friends from other towns sitting , with him. -j John C. Drexr-l, who Impersonated the king Wednesday evening. - called on. the mayor Thursday morning aud said he fully expect'-d ,tne float to atop Wednesday even ing and' was finable tiT explain the Incident. Mr. Drcxel snkt he called to the horsemen to stop, but -his Importunities wore un heeded.'- ' ' One of the" reports current at the city hall Thurexlay : Wai thnt the Mien engaged to draw the k big's hnraff were drivers of lc wagons and had been "fixed" to get even with the- Tnayor for his attrtude In the re cent lest controversy. That report was given little credence by those In touch with the situation. -" .-. - ' RAI ( AWOT STOP Fl 3HAKKH e - . " . " ' Brief Xlinnrra. Him little Kffert on . Those Who Visit -Hlahnsr. For a wJlile ,lst night it- looked as thoiiRh . rain would - spoil the. fun at the carnival, but after, a sprinkle of ten or fifteen .minute the heavens ceased their weeping and thousands of people spent tho evening n festivity along the King's High way. The ground was damp, but. the mM-ry crowds didn't mind that.- What cared thry for a little dampness: the, dust on the highway was -laid. .The. air was rather cool, but tliey laughed the harder and danced the merrier. and kept warm. A third accident" . happened, on the leap the gap in the North America show last night. The Red Demon, who came In response to a, telegram .from Manager Raver, axklug him to take the place of the crippled Stanley, -did not get a right start down the Incline and rode so un steadily that his bicycle left the track. He managed to keep it upright when It struck the ground, but could not stop It before he had crashed into, the rear of a booth and . was knocked breathless. There was great confusion ' among the spectators and one woman fainted. The Red Demon waa given ready assistance and was taken from the enclosure. He 1s badly bruised and may not be able ro 'ride again this week, but If he cannot Manager Raver, promises to have another mah In bis place by to night. The Red Demon had Just come out of ihc hospital on his recovery from the effects of a-fall he 'bad' In the spring. Reckless Standley ha had two falls this week and is now unable' to ride On ac count of a broken nose. ' Will L. Tetter. 'one of the governors of Ak-Sar-Ben. was ene'of the prominent fig ures on the King'- Highway. Big and handsome, be made -a great 'hit with tbe girls and when he wasn't chewing the taffy they gave him b-waa busy spitting out confetti they'- tfrreW In' his smiling mouth. ' ' With a bevy" of ' girts he strolled over to the Douglas county 1 agricultural ex hibit to look at fit Vegetables. ' "Say, didn't the'm ptinklns grow on your farm," snid a . happy . street urchin whd bobbed up front nowhere In particular. ;."Nope,. they rtw .In the king's gard?n patch." aald Mr. VTntter. ' ''tgtald therMy.v"!. thought you Wa tho king. You, logic awful . swelled up with ' your wh.fte Jiat and your pretty Kiria.:- ;;. . ;.: The big airship chafed at its ropes aa'lf very anxious to .soar into .the sky again. It did hot sail 'Thursday afternppn be cause of the strong Weexe, but Mr. Ham ilton holds himself; ready to make . the flight this afternoon If the weather, per mlts. 'Many of the visitors. In the city have arrived since the flight of Wednes day afternoon and."ar,e eager to aeethe wonderful ship of the air. "This IS the first chance I've had to breathe this week," said one of Hi po licemen who guard the King's Highway. . That' right," .replied, a comrade, "there's always a lull after a storm, and there' usually a storm after a lull. We had a big night Wednesday, tonight if light, but rest while you can, for we'll get It again Friday' and Saturday." BIG CROWDS MAKE BIG fit SI KM Store Surpass Maslmam of Trade Sever Such an Inflax. Merchants are unanimous In saying; this has been the banner week for them for many a day. Every Una of business ha had an enormous trade and all the auto mobiles of the city hav been sold. The opening of the giant new store ha had a tendency to hold the people a day or two longer than heretofore. The electrical parade has been given Thursday night heretofore and people, have left in hordes Immediately after the parade. The added attraction of the floral parade Thursday lias bad the effect of helping to hold the people a day longer and the street's Thursday morning presented a crowded an appearance a on the day be fore. The estimate of tlie ralrroad that' a third more people would 'visit Omaha this fall than last year has been made good.- Sev eral thlnga show this. The attendance at the carnival grounds 1s on Indication. A year ago Wednesday was children' day with thousanda of children In attendance and still there were b.000 more people on the grounds this year. The day before showed an Increase of 8,0a over the cor responding day, last year. (uneral Manager Smith of the street railway company estimates the crowds at many thousands greater than ever viewed King Ak-Sar-Btn pass before hia sub jects: "I rode over the city and it seemed to me the congested district extended two blocks In each 'direction farther tbn ever before," said Mr. 8mith. "The people were jammed farther north .than ever, farther south than ever, and farther east than ever." . Many spot where people have atood in comfort In former years were Jammed and packed last night. And the beauty of It was everything went off on time and th large concourse had plenty of time to hie to the carnival grounds and finish th evening lit a whir! of revelry.- HYMENEAL Cioald-Heaeoak. FALLS CITY. Neb.. Oct. 4. (Special.) Mlsa Beas Thorn Heacock and Mr. Victor Raymond Gould were piarrled last night at the borne of the bride's parent. Mr. and Mrs. p. 8. , Hearsck. About forty guest wer. present at the ceremony. : Among those from qui of town being Mr. and Mrs. Gould and two daughter of Omaha, parent and Bisters of the groom, N. F. Horn of Syracuse, Neb.; Clifford LeRoy.of Lincoln.. O. A. Cooper and daughter or Humboldt and Mrs. F. A. Smiley and two duughters of Kansas City, Ma.; Mr. and Mrs. G0 Id will make their home in Omaha. Crawford-Srller. CLINTON. la.. Oct. 4.-8peclal.) The marriage of 'Miss Peiler to ll-igh Waddell C'&afoid, division freight sgcut fur Chf- esgo. Burlington ft Qulncy railway, wss celebrated here today at S o'clock In the afternoon by Rev. Allen Judd of t. John's , episcopal church. The affair has a tinge j of romance. Miss Poller was the steno- I grspher In the office of Agent Rodman of ' the Chicago, BurlinRtnn ft Qulncy here and j In the course of events met Mr. Crawford, j whose burtnrss visits to this cltv eventually' assumed a different aspect. The weddln came as a surprise to bis friends outside of the city. k.wF)raecb. At the home of Mr. snd Mrs. George Braurh, 2R7 South Thirteenth street, at 2 o'clock Wednesday their daughter. Hasel, i waa united lit marriage to Hans P. Skow. I The Presbyterian service was read by Rev. Walter H. Reynolds, pastor of j Ptreet church. The bridal pair stood un- ! der the wedding bell. The house was ap propriately decorated throughout. Little Nellie Pickett bore the ring and Miss Mninie Stephen played the piano. Rav ; Braurh. brother of the bride, and Mi; Bes sie Wharton of Montrose. In., were grooms man and maid of honor. The gucM were relatives and near friends. A wedding sup per was partaken of. Mr. and Mrs. Skow will reside at Thirteenth and Bancroft streets. I.n aa f el tner-Wheeler. Mis Florence Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler, 1802 Van Ciimp avenue, and Jotph C. Lanttfellner of Omaha were united In marriage at the homo of the bride's parent. Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock by Rev. Walter It. Reynolds, pastor of the Castelliir Street Presbyterian church. Tho homo was beau tifully decorated.' Many gnents were pres ent and lieaiitiful presents received. Mr. and Mrs. Ijingfellnfr will reside In their own house on the north side of the city. Miss Dagmar Hansen of Omaha ntterded the bride and D. W. McRne of Schuyler was bcrt man. Little Miss Miller or Oris wold, la... a cousin of th bride, was a charming ring bearer. PALMA URGES INTERVENTION (Continued from First Page.) rebels. Three pugnr plantations destroyed. Foregoing all resolved In palace. Present the President, Secretary of State. Secretary of War, and STEIN HART. Consul General. HAVANA. September 14. l!i. 2:41 p. in Secretary of Stale, Washington: President Pnlma has resolved not to continue at the head of the government and Is ready to present his resignation even though the present disturbance should cease at once. The vice president has resolved not to ac cept the office. Cabinet minister hnvs declared that they will previously resign. 1'nder these conditions it is Impossible that congress1 will meet for the lack of proper person to convoke same to designate a new president. The consequences will he absence of legnl power and therefore the prevailing state of anarchy will continue unless the government of the I'nlted States will .1 .1 .P. , Ka r.. ...a ..-.. nAMi.wirw , II 1 ' . 1 1 1 , V, I .1 r. n BTVlTilUlDT ! .an a.?,,, . .... Consul General. DEATH RECORD. ' Job. a Boss. John Boss, aged S8. a patient of long standing at the county hospital, ' died at that Institution Thursday morning. He had been at the hospital since February 13, l!lon.. suffering with kidney trouble, which was the cause of his death. He was of German parentage and it Is believed had relatives, Jn Indiana. '' Milton fMellman. Milton, the 8-year-old son of Morris Stell man,' who resides at 3019 Burt street, died Wednesday night after an Illness -of but a few hours from croup. The funeral will be held Friday at i p. m. from the family home, when the body will be taken to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery for interment.- A Reasonable Plea ' "! For The Stomach If Vour Htomach is Lacking in Diges tive Power, hy Not Help the Htom- . . ach Do Its Work-Kspecially When It Coats Nothing To Try? Not with drugs,, but with a reinforce ment of digestive -agents, such a are nat urally at work In tne stomach? Scientific analysis show that digestion require pep. sin, nitrogenous ferment and the secre tin ot hydrochloric acid. When your food falls to digest It, Is proof, positive that some of these agnts ure lacalng" in your digestive apparatus. ... Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain noth ing but these natural elomenta necessary to digestion and when placed at work in tho weak stomach and small Intestine' sup ply what these organs need. They stimu late the gastric, glands aud gradually bring the .digestive organ back to their normal condition. Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets have been subjected to critical chemical tests at home und abroad and are found to contain noth ing but natural digestive. Chemical Laboratory: Telegraphic ad dress, "DifBndo," London. , Telephone No. Central. 20 Cullum St., Fenchurch St., E. C. . LONDON, lh Aug., 19u6. I have analysed moat carefully a box of Stuart's Dysiiepsla Tablets (which 1 bought myself at. a. city chemist's Bhop fur the purpose), manufactured by the F. A. Stu art Co., Temple Chambers. London, E. C, and hav. to report that 1 cannot tlnd any true, of vegetable or mineral poison. Knowing the Ingredient of the tablets, 1 am of opinion that they are admirably adaptable for the purpose for which they are intended. (Signed) John R. Brooke, F. I. C, F. C. 8. There Is no secret in the preparation of Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets. Their compo sition is commonly known among physi cians, aa is shown by the recommendation of 40,0.0 licensed physicians in the. United States and Canada.' They are (he moat I popular of all remedies for Indigestion, dys pepsia, water brash, insomnia, loss of ap petite, melancholia, constipation, dysentery and kindred diseases originating from im proper dissolution and assimilation of foods, because they are thoroughly reliable and harmless to man or child. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at once a safe and a powerful remedy, one grain of these tablets being strong enough (by test) lo digest 3.UW grains of steak, eggs and other foods. . Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest your food for you when yeur stomach can't. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent package or send to u. direct for a free trial sam ple package and you wit be surprised at the result. F. A. 8tuai't Co., M Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. WE Make k3& 3pectaeles and Eyeglasses ill ffi SM Up Columbian Optical Co. 211 South 16th Street Cant CoU biOMDcy, Grfta 2 t) box. 254 J 16 lh HOWARD 1 Jp 'W "" Stop it 0 ' Don't stir a stop townnl homo until you take advan tage of the great inducements we are offering at our spe cial' sale ' ,' , - '.v FRIDAY Wou ean't afford to go gains. . .. -.'-''..".';' " ,.' - The Greatest EmoVS;aDsng"'n:: 25,000 yard of very, fine Swiss aiul'NainptVok Kin broidories and Insertions in matched seta, also eoret cov ers and allover embroideries. In this great assortment there are values worth tip to 75o a yard. Friday they will will go on sale at vard V, 39c, 29c, 19c 15c, 10c a tid ..... I sC DbN'T miss them. . Here's Another Dig Friday BargainTable Napkins. - 100 dozen manufacturer's sample Table Napkins, big sizes and worth $1.50 a dozen we wi 11 sell them Friday in. one-half dozen bundles at per ' L.ftt' . -bundle ,.;,,.4t,oc. 5,000 yards of fine Dress Flannelettes, in pretty colcors and patterns, lengths U to 7' yards, worth Ca 15c a yard, Friday v. j Manufacturer's Silk Remnants at 19c .yard AVe have bought especially for this sale 2,0fX) yards of fine Silks, in Rhort lengths, from a to 10 yards. in each piece,' lots of them are. fine for fancy work, waists and skirts, v every yard worth from 50c to $1.00 ' 'Q Friday a yard v.. .j'. . .v-MaZC 3,000 yards of new Val. Laces, with Insertion, to match, and swell values at 10c, on sale Friday at . , C yard -. OC ' . f .'V . ' In Our Notions Big new lot of .Fresh Water Pearl Buttons, Shirt Pearls, 14-line, worth 10c o 15c dozen, on sale Friday r , at, dozen JC Two groa of- fine bristle, polished hardwood back Hand Scrubs and Nail Brushes, worth 25c and 39c . ICI. each, on sale Fridav for One gross plain wood Hand Scrubs, good values and only, each. . . . ; . Ladies' Coats. - - Every co&vt in : the house, at greatly reduced prices. Long Full Box Coats Btrappod backs, in the new plaids, checks and plain blacks, never sold less than "v A ( C $7.50, special Friday at v.T' J Beautiful Coats in exclusive weaves, in box and." Prince Chap" backs, 50 inches long, trimming to match cloths, very stylish, in all the new fancy plaids and novelties, regularly worth $18.50, Friday IJQ Ladies' Suits at $12.50 " ' Elegant Man-Tailored Suits, in the newest cloths, made up in very snappy styles, in Norfolk, Prince Chap and fitted coats,, with full pleated skirts; every one new and jaunty, not one in the lot worth less than $18.50, f C special Friday at la&tjvr New Wool Shawls . Single Wool Shawls, in gray and brown, from $1.95 to $3.50. Double Wool Shawls, from $2.25 to $5.95. Extra Heavy Beaver Shawls, $3.95 to $7.95. 'PHONE DOUGLAS 981. AMISKBITB. KRUG Ik, 2 5c 50c, 75c ..Tonight.- r TAXB KATtTW VrB UbmU J. Oartar'a Xat.t Mm of BMliim 200 Nights In N.w Vara Nights In ChlC ta. Orrt Auto-Traia Bac. Sunday The Volunteer Organist 1.. and Mra. . Moraiid'i clasaea for Dancing and Physical Culture will re open in their uew Academy, 210 8. 18th St., near Farnam, for children, on Saturday, October th. Ileginner. 10 a. m.; advance, 2 p. ui.; matinee claaa, 3:SO p. ui. Parent are cor dially Invited to visit thla achool and examine the advantage offered to our pupil. You will nd It to your in tereat to do ao. Ixnafion. clientel and M-ltool chamber unecelled. For .i iiiiculara telephone Itwugla 1041. , DEPL'TT STATU VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, 0. V. S. I ITV r:TUIIIARI V , ., tHii-i"Yii "infirmary. JSth und Mason Bn. CMAtiA. isbU. TlThun Haroty 3- BEDFORD'S innr iso nurt or Store without ;one' qt lliese Big Bar 1 each. i . ... . . . 3c i . . AMI REMEXTff. BOYD'S w'?.r Mfl"- Tonight, Hat. Mat and Night, KLAW A ERIiAXGEK Present Jeo. Cohan' Munlc Play 4C MlfNUTFS FROM Broadway with FAY TKMPLKTOX Commencing Sunday Night . Five Performance LAND OF NOD OUR WOOD KataBrMr ' I I . I . I ' . I , This Afternoon, Tonight, Saturday Afternoon and Night THK W(X)I)VAHI STOCK CO. In TURNED UP Next Week "THE WIFE." PRICES-NlghU. 10c-26c. SB )IIHTOM 'Phon. Doagia 4M. TONIGHT MATINEE SAtlltDAY MODERN VAUDEVILLE Wilifred Clarke A Co., Lillian A pel, Billy Van, The Camllle Comedy Trio, Hickman Bros., Mr. and Mr. Edward II. Kemp, The Lucanla Trio and The Klnodrome. , . Price 10c, 2Sc, 10c. ' CHAMBERS' DANCING ACADEMY NOW OPEN 8424 TAUNAM. ' ADULT UEGINXKKH. Monday and Wednesdays. CHILDltEN. -Weduesdays and Saturday. Juvenile Advanced Saturdays and Private Lessous. Term reasonable, commensurate with advantages and benefit derives in our school.-" . . Telepboo Douglas 1871. 1 1