Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Offlcc. 10 Pearl Si. Tel. 43.
Mion MttTTIO.
Davis, drugs. , -
Clerk's, sods.
"tockert sells carpet.
Kin engraving at I,effrt's.
Ed Rogers' Tony Fsost beer.
Get those new nhotoe at Rrhmlrtl
.Plumbing and tinting. Btxby Son.
-ji iummng and heating. Btxby Son.
I Jywli Cutler, funeral director, 'phone Ti,
i Woodrlng- Undertaking company. Tel. 3.
M For rent, modern hou-w, 1 Sixth avenue
mA "uperflaous hales removed permanently by
'Jt olectmlvse-, at iinvM' Venn tiri
e. bob Btfpnen rpron. tor nre di-)ck ana lire
Tly, aewer pipe; ntting und garden lioae.
Lost, brinrile bull .dofi. lour white f"-t,
bob tsll and ear. , iifturn . to lhotmib
Caughey, l. 8. Maui slrcv,t. und iccolve
reward. .
Supreme ConTeotioi of Daniih Brother
hood Mtsti Her Htxt Weti.
In Aodltlea to Restates Tim Will Be
Taken for a Somber af Sorlal
F.tents, One a Baaejaet la
The local committee has piaotlcaUy cum'
pitted Ita preparations for the entertain-
Ua.. T i r. T I 1 - . - A .
N. H.j'-wlR-ellvr af re" lecture this even- j n'pnl ' supreme eonven
lag at the New theater on l n flat Inn "on 01 ,ho Danish brotherhood to be held
1 pay fUfier ton' for cast Iron; mixed llu,
love. ; raga, lVfcc per lb.; rubber.
copper, Ite.pta- lb... J. jwaieiman, r Mum,
bam 'pbpnes Cob Y v. .
-Juat-.pevp in the A. I loupe Company win
dow, in nuuth Main struct, and ate one of
lite finest baby grand ptaaoa ever brought
to- Council Hiuhs.
'Do yotl wftrjt it done Tight? Jf you do tot
LorwicK, ill i. -Mntn. oo -our pHpering.
painting and Interior decorating.
m J Jive the, unest line oi sample monu
ments totseieuti Irum iu the wesi. dhoetey
gt Lane- Marble, and .Unnlte works, 21!
fcavst Hroauwuy. Council Uluirn. la.
Council Bluffs lortaoof Kik will meet In
regumr aeaolon this -evening, win n a class
of candidates win r' timiHd. Lunch win
be served at the clone of tne meolitig.
Darnel Kilhyun, the Milwaukee switch
crow forerftan wno Wus Injur i in tb local
yard l uesuay, wus removed trom his hnm'j
to tn Oenura.i hoapitiu yvaleruuy moriilng.
Mrs. .Wallace, wno la Vi years of uge, waa
alntolly mjbimi Wedmvnay nrnthi oy a
tall at the . nowe of her oaugiupr, aire.
John U. Ismail, Wi Euat vv aglunaum avenii.
WanifU, a juuiig niiiriica ni.iu ocml-cii
twenty-tir ana ' tnlry Vcara oiU, 10" uo
woir a pool houao, taKi'-ckrr of turnaco ami
yard. "Apply to Liconard Evticit, i t'cari
street. " " "
JUv, Wl 8. Clenimar rf the Firm Chiie
Uan church, ) In uea Moinca attenolng niu
VOnrtatliUi Idiideavor ea'Jriv meenna ami
jT which h will deliver an midruaa
MJH)y.-?-, -i.-.
' i.V. Mathirwn and Mnry Anderson, huh
of On tana, were marttou in tnla city yeaier-
day tnonung' by juatice. J-leid. t ne groom
is aaalatanf yard master tor Armour at
Boutn omana.
Van Tlrnr.t has Just received a few more
cars of nobby vemoies and will be pieured
to haw you,. cil and look, them ovei. dome
great oargains win no onerea. anyone win
ulrect you to his repository.
A chance for a. oargaui, aa you want It?
we nave a largo siova oi carpet ana mat
ting, remnants; must get rid of tbem; will
. sou at most any once. Btove oil ciom
'from 'Jc to 40c a aiuare yard; cocoa floor
j mm, uc ts v.M- .Biockerl carpet co.
'Vy'IlUa fS'erbsck. trio 10-year-old eon of
H.. A; Eliorboca,' a farmer living aeveral
rnlVeS from the city on the Dumfries road,
WHS brought', to the (leneral hospital
Wedneaday evening,' auflermg from a bad
ftai-ture of ' the. eioOW of nc Wit arm,
tuti4 by a' fall from a trea.
. WAfxfB A f bAue where the tamily uses
our i famous Ohio nut coal. Will do the
work of fcoonomy nut and Kentucxy nut.
Is. sua a tvav.oAeapar and thres times as
cseaa.v tirtasnstein
avsnae and
In Council Btiiff all of next week. The
committee constat of N. P. Anderson, Ole
a pane of glass out of the kitchen window . vntn ITfC CI AW T A rill?
to recurs an entrance. The house w AilUllA 1 Lj JLUII IU TILL
ransacked, nut as rsr ss nas oren iearnui
nothing of particular vslue was secured by
ths thieves.
At the residence of K. A. Countryman;
who lives at the rear of his grocery store
at .VI Harrison street, a gold watch wss
stolen. Hers the thieves entered by for
cing a rear window.
Owner Seeds Maaey.
Must sell elegant lot on Qlen avenue;
also good dwellings on Seventh street, nesr
Bloomer srhool. Tel. 61. Chas. T. Officer.
411 Broadway.
Ibirtj-Tito Hsmiiationi Hot Ttt Csrtifitd
to th Eoerotary of tut.
All Mast Be la y gatarday Sight r
Samea t'aaaot Appear aa Ticket
Rlrl Threateas ta Isiaalt
lalrlde If Heat ta Jail.
I From a Star? Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Oct. 4. (fcpuclal.)
There are thirty-five nominations that
have not been certified to the secretary
of state and which must be certified to
him before midnight Saturday night If
the names of the candidates are to go onto
ths ballots. Most of these are republl-
Waa-oas aad Motors Collide.
The street railway had two collisions
last evening. A car struck a wsgon In
which Frank Pike was driving, at Broad
way and Tenth street. Pike was thrown I can nominations as representative,
from the wagon and cut about the head j gressmnn Hull , of ths 8evehth district.
In sddltlon to receiving a wrenched back. I was, however, one ef those who had not
He was taken to the police headquarters,
Rasmussen. Dr. M. C. Chrlstensen. J. C. ! h'r' hl" Injuries were temporsrlty st-
Jensen and Peter Petersen. In preparing
for the convention the committee hss been
sKlfted by Fred Petersen, delegate from
the local lodge and candidate for the office
of supreme treasurer.
The convention will he composed of 24S
delegates and many of them, it la ex
pected, will bo accompanied by their wives
and other members of their families. A
largo number of members of the order
from Omaha And adjoining cities are also
expected to he In attendance.
The convention will open Monday morn
ing and will not clone until Saturday aft
ernoon, when the election . of officers will
be held. The Hcsxlons will be held in the
Danish hall at the corner of Broadway
and Park avenue. At the opening sesKlon
Monday morning at o'clock J. C. Jensen.
presldnt of the local lodge, will deliver
the address of welcome on behalf of the
lodge nnd Mayor Macrae will perforin a
like duty on hnhalf of the city. The re
sponse to the two addresses will be made
by H. H. Vogt of Davenport, Is., supreme
president of the order.
Tuesday evening the delegates and visit
ing members of the order will be' the
guests Of the local lodge at Its meeting, at
which a moving picture entertainment will
be furnlSfied by W. J. Levcrett of this
city nnd refreshments will bs served at
the close. ,
Wednesday forenoon and afternoon will
be devoted to business, but In the evening
at 7: o'clock the delegates and visitors
W-lll be. tendered a banquet served In the
Danish hall, at which there will be a pro
gram of toasts.
Thursday morning will be devoted to
buslnesp and a short business session will
be held In the afternoon. ' At 4 o'clock
the visitors will be taken for a tTolley
ride through this city and Omaha and In
the evening will be guests of honor at a
banquet at Washington hall, Omaha, ten
dered them by the members of the order
of that city.
Friday will be devoted entirely to busi-
tended to and then was removed to his
home at Twenty-third street and Seven
teenth avenue. The team ran away and
looked after the llttla formality of hav
Ing his nomination papers filed. There
are several democratic nominations that
have not been filed also. Telegraphic
wires and telephone-wires were kept busy
finally brought up in the front yard of ' today informing condldatea that they
the residence of Fred Spetman at 714 I must step lively to get their papers In.
Bluff street, where it did considerabla I The democratic and republican conven
damage to the lawn, shrubbery, etc. tlons of Fhelhx county are to be held
At Broadway and Bryant street a motor Saturday, and the republican conventions
struck a wagon driven by Herman Ures. In Clinton county is to be held the samj
a farmer living a short distance east of 1 day. The republican convention in Du-
the city. The wagon was badly demor
alised and Gress waa thrown out, but es
caped with a few bruises and a general
shaking up. He was able to proceed to
his home, but the wagon had to be left
In. town for repairs.
For Imported wines, liquors and Bud
welser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer. Bit South Main street.
Always Increasing In all of the depart
ments except the price department. C.
Hater. Council Bluffs, la.
Parter Speaks at Missouri Valley.
Hon. Claude R. Porter of Centervllle,
democratic . candidate for governor of
Iowa, was accompanied to Missouri Val
ley, where he spoke yesterday, by J. J.
Hughes, member of the stats committee
from the Ninth district, and Herman
Schurs. chairman of the democratic con
greaslonal committee of the Ninth district.
The party returned shortly after S o'clock
and reported a good meeting. This morning
Mr. Porter will go to Charlton, where he
speaks this afternoon. Wednesday night
Mr. Torter was the guest at the home of
Mr. Hughes -. ...
Governor Cummins, who spent Wedne
day night in this city after speaking at
Missouri Valley, left early yesterday morn
ing for Afton, where he was billed to speak
nesa, as will Saturday forenoon and after
asnstein- A Smith, Fourteenth I noon, the conventloif proper closing In the
Sixth street. Telephone 12. J afternoon with h. ,i.n.inn r m ....
rrlANcl next place of meeting.
THE .M08T REABONABLE PRICKd. ' In th' evening there , will be a dramatic
entertainment and dance at Danish hall.
The officers of the supreme lodge of
the Danish brotherhood are: Supremo
president, H. H. Vogt of Davenport, la.;
supreme vice president, William Klkke
buach of Chicago; supreme secretary, J.
Michaelsen of Omaha; supreme treasurer,
If you want a good position, finish s
course at the Western Iowa college. Day
and evening school. Enroll any time.
'Phone for information.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night, L1
, W never fall to give absolute satisfac
ilori. Csrpet cleaned by -our aanltary
process ape' thoroughly cleaned. We take
them from your floor and relay them. You
have, ho trouble or annoyance. Call up J. Curls- Esklldsen of Chicago; supreme
trustees, T. Orlob of Salt Lake City,,, M.,
Larsen of. Racine, Wis,, and. J. P. Carlson
of Wllllmantio, Conn.
1 arid see how cheat) wa do It- The Cotni
cil lUulfs Cleaning and- Rug Mfg. Co., 34
(orth Jdatn street. -
B. H. Spltsnagle, local agent of the Pa
cific Expreas' company, has been trans
ferred to the Omaha office of the company
and' R. H. Grady has been appointed gen
eral agent and will have charge of the city
office, as well as the office at the Unlr.n
Pacific transfer depot). D. H. Stubbs, who
has been In Mr. Grady's office at the trans
fer, will b cashier at the city office.
H. V. Battey. clerk of the district court,
received notice yesterday from Superintend
ent Wltto of the state asylum at Clarinda
that Mvrtle Carr, a patient from thia city,
had died! Beptemher '20. Myrtle Carr waa
ths wife of Russell' Carr and was com
mitted to St. Bernard's hospital on May Xt,
1HU3, and later paroled. In care of her hus
band. Oft June SO. 1H04, she was again be
fore the commission and was committed to
Uta asvlum at Olarlnila. At the time of her
committment Mrs, Carr resided at 131
Eighth avenue.
We are headquarters for fine pianos.
No matter -what may be your need we can
supply It. ,We offer you a line of pianos
'that ar fully tested and we guarantee yoti
aV'x satisfaction In the purchase of an Instru-"
roenl from us. can on us. xour money
wlU go farther, here ' than anywhere else.
Easy term If desired. Swanson Music
Co., 407 West Broadway.
' Sotlael
The celebrated Acorn Una of staves,
ranges, base burners, heating stoves aftd
cook . stoves, sold the world over, and
acknowledged to be the best stove on im
market for heating, cooking and durability.
Do not buy until you see the -Acorn. D. W.
Keller, agent, 10S South Main street. .
met restaurant, ISO Broadway.
If you' need a sawing machine or want
to rent a machine or want your machine
repaired, call on Williamson, at 17 South
Main street,. He has machines to rent from
o up. ..' i, ;
Real Estate Transfers.
These 1 transfers ..were reported to The
Bee Ooioker 4 by the Pottawattamie
County -Abstract company of Council
Bluffs . ,,- ...
Mary -Gsrtrude Gould and husband
to Tho'uaa 11. Jamea. lot 19, block
, in McMahcn. Cooper' Jefferla'
ad to Council Bluffs. la., w. d ll.SW
Mark L. Williams and wife to Ben- -
lamln-Kehr Real. Estate . company,
lot lft, block S4, and lot 1, block
a. In rerry aa to council mun.
Ia., w. d i
J?. J. Gilbert and wife to Anna B.
Hahn. lot 11, block M, in Central
subdiv. In Council Bluffs, la., w. d..
C D. DlUln and wife to A. Godburg
sen, lot IS, block 36, in Ferry ad
to Council Bluffs, la., w. d
Iowa Townalte company to B. Van
aden, lot , diock u, in ucuienanik
a., w. a
Utiry Pains and wife to Nela Nei-
son. lots , t and 10, block 63, In
Railroad ad to Council Bluffs. Ia.,
y$f, d
Interstate Realty company to William
H. and Nellie M Morris, lots 10 and
11, block 14. Ih Evans' id Bridge ad
to Council Bluffs, la., w. d
Seven transfers; total
Beggar Has Pleaty of Cash.
Baer Simons, arrested' Wednesday by1 the
police for begging . about the city, was
discovered yesterday to be far from suf
ferlng from financial embarrassment. When
searched on being taken Into custody the
police found but little on the man except
a ' miscellaneous assortment of. what . kre
termed In police circles as "trinkets" and
a amaJl tobacco sack full of coins. Among
the coins were fifty new Canadian S-cmit
pieces. As Simons declined to give a sat
isfactory explanation for hia possession of
the coins, he waa locked up" on a charge
of vagrancy.
Yesterday when charged with being a
vagrant he indignantly denied "being one
and produced from one of his pockets three
silver dollars, which the police had over
looked on searching him. A further search
of the man's clothing waa determined
upon, and In a pocket on the inside of the
man's trousers there wan brought to. light
tJ in currency and telegraph money or
dera aggregating t7. When first arrested
Simons claimed Chicago .as his home, bu
yesterday he shifted the place of tils home
to New York. He waa given ten days nn
the vagrancy charge, und during this time
the police will try and ascertain how he
came Into possession of the Canadian coins
and the other money found on him.
If you think of palntlnm your house let
M fty you an estimate aow. We guar
galea the peiat to be made of pure ma
terials, mixed gnd put up by skilled me
ehanlos. so when we paint It stays painted.
We also hav some odd lots of arttstie wall.
S caper that we. are closing out at low prices
make way'for new stock. If you want
leod paper at little coat corns see us now.
Jensen Ktcolaeeen. tsg Broadway. .
' Marriage Ureases.
Licenses to. wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Reindence . Aje
j C. Mthlesen, Omaha
Umij Anderson. Omaha...' W
rarl W. Ruberg. Council Bluffs ;
Burcba E. Gllem. Council Bluffs IS
Walter Chorn, Council Bluffs... .'. ;... J1
vfioldle Frampton. Council fluffs... .r,.. 17
lisr Beard. Utieolri....- t -)
rl" May. tumpsun. Lincoln..... M
. uriiflLAUa THE PIONEER -lA'M-
Smith Unable to Keep Date.
Congressman Walter I. Smith vs com
pelled to cancel a speaking date at At
lantic, la., yesterday owing to Illness.
Unless he is greatly Improved ho will b
unable to speak at Harlan Saturday after
noon, although last' evening he was in
hopes thst he would be In a physical con
dition, to do so. He has a speaking date
for eyety day ' next week except Satur
day. . .
Hers is a good chance to get a 18-horse-
power . Jackson touring car, almost new.
On exhibition at Van Brunt's buggy re
pository. Fourth street. Will be sold very
cheap.' Call and see It. .
CENTRAL FLOUR-IU6. Every ' sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones St
Lively Class Scrap at Iowa State
AMES, Ia., Oct. 4. (Special Telegram.)
The freshmen class of the Iowa State
college defeated the sophomores tonight In
a two hours' fight on the college campus.
Six men are Injured and hundreds are
minus all sorts of clothes. This Is the
first class .scrap sanctioned by the college
faculty and is sanctioned at the Instance
of the student council seeking an amicable
settlement of the differences always exist
ing between the two classes. The sopho
more class' fought to the last, but was out
numbered, 309 freshmen to 150 sophomores.
For winning this the freshmen are allowed
to float their colors at tomorrow's excursion.
buque Is to be held tomorrow. Close
time must be matte In getting In the
papers from those counties. To compli
cate things the attorney general has been
asked to give a decision of what la neces
sary when a nomination Is by the primary
method. When nominated by a convention
the certificate of , nomination must be
signed by the .chairman and secretary of
the convention, but the attorney general
ruled today that when the nomination Is
by a primary the papers must be signed
by the canvassing board. . In. some in
stances this mean that as many as
twenty persona living In different parts
of the county must sign the papers,
Where an executive committee la ap
pointed to canvass 'the primary returns
this committee must sign the papers.
Where the large committee must sign it
there must be hard wort In getting the
signatures all In by Saturday. Five sen
atorlal condldatea on the republican side
had not filed upto tonight. . These are
from the districts of Des Moines county.
Clinton, Scott, Crawford-Harrlson-Monona,
Dubuque, and Howard-Winneshiek dis
tricts. The certificates for representa
tives from the districts of Allamakee,
Cerro Gordo, Calhoun, Cedar, Chickasaw,
Clinton, Dallas, Decatur, Delaware, Des
Moines, Dubuque, Henry, Johnson, Jones,
Loutsls. Madison, "'Monona, Plymouth,
Pocahontas, Scott; Shelby, Story, Webster,
Winneshiek, and Wright had not boen filed.
The nominations In these counties wre
made some time ago. with the exception
of Shelby, Clinton and TJtJbuque, as named
above. The candidates and leading poli
ticians of the counties were notified today
by telegraph and Velephone to get their
papera In at once. '
Elect All Desi Moines Mea.
At the meeting) ofthe Iowa Anti-Saloon
league here today .E.;.T. Hugerman. pastor
of the First Methodiai, church, was elected
president of the league, which makes the
principal officers all Des Moines men. Th
vice president is Dr. A.. I Friable, the
secretary Is Fj S. 'IHAiihe.; treasurer I. M.
Lleser, attorney ja'rneV T. Houser ' arid
superintendent..!. N. McOgshrAll were re-
elections except, lhatrjof .jt,he president. It
ws.8 voted to niake the Dial of Progress a
monthly Instead 'of weekly paper. The
business meeting was held behind closed
doors at the Young Men's Christian as.
socVUIon parlor. , ,
Vaccination Caases Delay.
Orders from the Wat department that
every private in the two squadrons of the
Eleventh cavalry be vaccinated before leav
ing for Cuba has caused a delay . of ono
day In the departure .of the troops. The
two squadrons will be off at break of dpy
tomorrow morning according to expecta
tions now.
Pictures for wedding gifts. C. E. Alex
ander, 333 Broadway.
We sell the Red Cross Base Burner, ths
Round Oak Heating Stove and the Quick
ileal Range. See ua before you buy. Swains
A Maurer, S3ti-S38 Broadway.
Old Hickory, Olds and Van Brunt farm
agous, scoop boards, wagon boxes, for
sale . at VanBrunt's repository. Special
terms for next sixty days.
All-Week Big Deaaouslratloa.
Continuing Monday morning and lasting
all week, we will demonstrate the Cole's
Colelsed Steel and High Oven Ranges and
Cole a Original Hot Blast Hesters; all In
operation at our store, 41 8. Main St 18.60
set of cooking utensils free. Paddock at
Handschey Hardware Co.
Matters la District t oart.
In the district court yesterday morning
Judge Green began the trial of the suit
of John C. Bridget against ths Town
Mutual Dwelling House Insurance asso
ciation of Des Moines, a jury having been
secured from the talesmen drawn Wednes
day afternoon. At tli close of the
plaintiff's rass a motion of the defendant
to take the case from the jury was over
ruled. Bridget sues for tl.000 insurance
on furniture and household goods alleged
to have been dertroyod by Ore a year ago.
Pastor Lavelaad lonsmeatled.
WATERLOO, la., Oct. l.-(8pecial)-The
official board of the First Methodist Epis
copal church had a meeting to aettle the
affairs of the church before the pastor,
Rev. Frank LaFayette Loveland, should
close his ministry. Everything pertaining
to the church waa found to be in the best
possible condition and the board had only
the highest words of praise for the paator
who now, after three years of faithful
service, leaves to accept a call to the
Methodist church of Omaha, Neb. By a
unanimous vote enthusiastic resolutions
were endorsed by the church officials com
mending the Rev. Mr. Ixiveland for his
work both in church and city and com
mending him to the members of his new
Pareatal Okjeetloa Avails ethlag.
SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 4.-(Special Ttle
gr am.) Miss Ethel Waltermler, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Waltermler of Sioux
City, and Frank Resener eloped from here
today to Lincoln, Neb. Mi"s Waltermler
left Sioux City ostensibly for Kansas City,
where she was to visit relatives. She met
her lover in Lincoln, where they secured
the marriage license. The groom is an
employe of the Sioux City Gas and Elec
tric company. The girl's parents frowned
upon the attention Resener showed her.
Tar aale.
A. -Metsgar A Ta.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
til Mynstsr Street, Co. Bluffs. Ia.
Home-made Bread a Soeclalty.
Visitors Welcome. "
t otted Eraagellral Caafereaee.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Oct. 4 -Rev. R. F.
Swcngrl of York, Pa., waa elected secre
tary of the central conference of the
United Evangelical church today. The
presentation of a gavel to Bishop Hsrtxler
completed the first session.
Evaagellral Coa.-rreoee la Iowa.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Oct. 4 The fourth
general conference of the United Evangel
leal church began here today. Today's ses
sions were devoted to reception and prelim
inary organisation.
Rarled Allvei hat Lives.
Curt Bmlth of 1439 East Twenty-ninth
street was buried alive today while work
ing In a street ditch twelve feet below the
surface of the street.' He was burled by
a oavein of. the dirt and remained for eight
minutes before rescued, but is alive and
will suffer no serious inlury.
Girl Threatens Suicide.
Miss Myrtle Menchon of Jewell Junction,
Ia,, was arraigned1 ', today before Polico
Judge A- J. Mathls on a charge of street
walking and was sentenced to three days
In Jail When sentence was pronounced
the girl declared she would kill herself
if sent to Jail. Judge Mathls informed her
that he would put a special guard over her
to see that she did nothing of the kind, but
could promise nothing better.
Coalda't Leave Sweetheart. .
While Intoxicated Corporal Harry Sand
ers of Troop I. Eleventh cavalry t" took
strychnine at the Morgan hotel last night,
declaring to a fellow trooper that he would
prefer death to service In Cuba away from
Nell." The police ' do ' not ..know who
Nell" . Is, but Cy Physician. Miller do-
; clared that all Sanders had was bad whisky.
He was sent to the post hospital.
Fouatalablae Wiaa the' Trlaaieh
Stakes at Brlghtoa Beach.
NEW YORK. Oct. 4. James B. Brady's
Fountainblue, with Shaw in the saddle and
hacked down .from t to 1 and 11 to e won
tne triumph slakes, one mile for 1! year
olds, at Brighton Beach today. Mont
gomery was second, with Prince Hampton
mira. ine nine was i:jv uinna Ken,
the 8 to & favorite was never dangerous.
Summaries: ,
First race, six furlongs: Eldorado won,
Dan Buhre second, Yankee Girl third.
Time: l:iai.
Second race, Bteeplechase, Selling, about
two miles: Bound . Brook - won, Caller
second, Carter Knot third. Time: 4:12.
Third race, selling, mile and a sixteenth:
Ed Ball won. Oarsman second, Deutsch
land third. Time: 1:45.
Fourth rsoe. The Trlumps stakes, for 8
year oitis. mile: j-oumaiuniue won, Mont
aomery second. Prince Hampton third.
Time: 1:40.
Firth race, mile and a half: Angler won,
Mcklttredge second, Miss Crawford third.
Time: J:34S. .
Sixth race, six furlongs: Jacobltfs won.
uaniurinus sepunu, rim flaws, iniro. Time
Seventh race, selling, six furlongs: Sly
tien won. Bayior secona, Biickaway third.
lime: 1:14.
LOUISVILLE. Ky. Oet. 4. Results:
First race, selling, five furlongs: Iura
r. won. rseara second, jonn Kaufman third
Time: l:m.
Second race, aelllnar. six furlonss- twi,
Nun won, petit Due second. Nun's Velllne
thlrd. Time: 1:14. "
Third race, purne, six furlongs: Charlie
wun, n no. uonnan second
Hector third. Time: 1:1.. .
Fourth race, free steeDlecha hni
full course, about two miles: Little Wally
Tln"i-d0OCWyn CoaA' 8,mu'' hird.
Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs
Elcctorlne won, Nellette second. Miss Lid
third. Time: 1 07 S.
Sixth race, selling, mile: Golden Mineral
0 ' .; v. rr'1. ( t 'ft
V 'ill
'. ... "',5;'. hl ,. '
. - , ,. u-'i !i- ;' .'
We are about to publish a new wtx-kly. A magazine so difTerr-ut iu
purpose and scope and usefulness that people will wonder why it was not
published long ago. H seems to us that this great country of ours with nil
its forcefulness and enterprise ean afford to be constantly in touch with
itself. "We believe that we have discovered a way by which we can givo
the people something they very much want and something that they now
have no other way of getting. '
The unique feature of Kidgway's is, that it will be published from .
fourteen cities simultaneously every Saturday morning. How are we go
ing to do it! Well, here is our plan, and we think it will look as good to
you as it does to us. We shall maintain a complete organization in each
of the following centres where Hidgway's is published: New York, Chicago,
Philadelphia. Boston, San Francisco, Washington, New Orleans, Seattle, ,
Atlanta, Denver, Cleveland, St. Louis, Pittsburg, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
In each of the fourteen cities there will be a managing editor, with associate
editors, correspondents, special contributors, artists, advertising ami cir
culating managers. We intend with the aid of our editors all over the
country to get to the scene of evry important event at the earliest moment .
after it has happened. At midnight of the day preceding publication each
of the local editors will wire to New York a brief editorial story of the
events of his section that he believes will be of interest to the rest of the
country. In New York, editorial writers with Samuel Hopkins Adams in
charge, wil go over these stories, shape them up, being careful not to des
troy the local color, and wire three or four pages of finished editorials back
to each branch, thus the whole country will contribute to the national edi
torials. A few hours later Ridgway's will be on the presses in fourteen
. cities being printed at newspaper speed.
The local news and editorials will be treated just as thor-'
oughly by the local editor for his own section. We have secured
. the best man obtainable in his district, one who can reflect the
life of his section, in Business, Politics, Sports, Finance. Society
and Education, week in and out. There will be nothing but clean, .
crisp, up-to-date news that will keep wide-awake readers alive to 1
the big events that are happening around them.
What about stories and illustrations and general articles? We shall
have plenty of them. The best we can buy. We believe in humor and
every form of wholesome amusement. Nothing will be left undone to make
these features a great success with our readers. We shall seek contribu
tors everywhere. Ridgway's will undoubtedly make a great many' liter
ary reputations, just as Everybody's did. We are already able to announce
a great serial story by Joseph-Conrad, to be called "The Secret Agent."'
It will begin in the first issue. Mr.' Conrad has written sea stories that
have made him famous. In The Secret Agent he has entered a new field.
It is a story of European Diplomacy. The scene is laid in London, well
known as an asylum for European Anarchists. SA: storjof this" kind is
necessarily .full of action and fascination. The Secret Agent is especially no."
Gelett Burgess will conduct a department of humor, consisting of at
least four pages each issue, fully illustrated., It will be kept up-teAiate.
When you see the first number you will appreciate how good this depart
ment is. Mr. Burgess will have the aid of the" best artists and illustrators
at home and abroad. Another feature of the illustrations will be a sixteen
page section of half-tones printed on super paper depicting important
happenings, local an.d national. There will be weekly full-page cartoons,
true td the topic and the times.
Here are some of the contributors who are now at work for us:
Emerson Hough
Broughton Bradenberg
Ernest Poole
Harvey J. O'lliggins
Franklin Matthews
Samuel Blythe
Ralph P. Paine
Wintou Churchill
Agnes Laut
Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd
Jacques Futrelle
Dr. Henry C. Rowland '
CJeorge W. Ogden
Lucia Charaberlin
One of the greatest features of Ridgway's will be the Washington .
Bureau, under'the direction of Martin Egan. We propose to tell you in
an interesting way, every week, just what each department of the national
. government is doing in your service. Mr. Egan will have a staff-of twelve
associate editors in order to cover every department of the government.'
There will be special representatives for the Senate, the House and the
Diplomatic Service. This Washington Bureau will make us better Ameri ;'
cans. We are all interested in our great big government, yet, how much do
we know about it! ,
What will be the policy of Ridgway's? principally to tell, ,
the truth and make the truth interesting. We shall not try to nifl' ' ' :
down or over anybody. We shall stand squarely on the platform, '
a militant weekly for God and Country. If we feel that any indi
vidual in the public eye is not getting a square deal, we may think
it wise to give him an opportunity to tell his own story. What
we want is facts; facts that are fresh in the making. If we give
- things as we find them, the average Amercian citizen can be trusted ' ,
to reach a very definite conclusion by the shortest possible route. ,.
Ridgway's will be on sale everywhere tomorrow morning. It will be a
G4-page weekly, and will be sold at 10c a copy or $5.00 a year. We advise
you to get your order in early because advance orders indicate a big de
mand, and we shall not print beyond immediate requirements. You can
buy Ridgway '8 in the same way. as your newspaper or magazine. It will
be'eold by the newsdealer and the newsboy, on the stand or in the street.
Union Square, New York City
Publishers of Everybody's Mtf tzine
found dead today In a cornfield, apparently
Bararlars Visit Two Hawses.
Two houses were reported to the police
yesterday as having been raided Wednea- , murdered by tramps, who shot him.
day nlgnt by thieves while the fx-cupants
. Iowa Maa reaad Dead. ' " ' ' .2Z m' ILL . .V," M'r"ral
MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., Oct. 1 Charles Tme: L41. econo-' The Only Wa, third.
Neat a - farmer living near Bayard, wi
were la Omaha witnessing the., ejmtruaj
parade. At the home of II. C Raymond,
alt Sixth avenue, tho thief or tnievea ew
If you hav anything tc (rvAe advertise
It In the For Exchange column ef The
bee Went Ad page.
Goe4 .ttteadaarre at Raeoa.
M COOK. Neb., Oct. 4 -(Special Tele
gram. The first annual races of the .Mo
Cook Driving Park association opened here
today with a good attendance. Despite un
favorable weather three events were pulled
off. Results:
1 Class iM, trotting, purse Mt: Lola B
won, Montie second. Republican third.
?aderew.kl fourth. Best time: d
Class . pacing, purse IJWi: t rJ r ij
won Ch.nX. second Deey Dillon
third. Bandy M fourth. Best time: S.
third. Time: :S1V.
CearslBgr at Frieod.
FRIEND, Neb.. Oct. 4. (Special Tele,
gram.) The meeting of the Missouri Val
ley futurity coursing will be held at this
place, beginning with Tuesday. October ,
and will continue during the wek. The
grounds are in perfect order and loo Jai ka
re being driven and made acquainted aith
the giuund and escapes and the lover of
this kind of sport will witness some fine
races. The Commercial club of St. Joseph,
Mo., has signified Ita Intention of being
present on Wednesday.
.1 I o
Uood Reels at Tec a ai sell. '
TECUM8EH. Ntb.. Oct. 4-(Special Tele
gram.) The races at the county fair here
today were vry Interesting. Following
are the results:
First race. ..30 trot:
Check Hook 1 1 1
Raven Boy i i t
I'rlnceaa Lock hart S 1
Time: I UK,. ! 33.
Second race, Z:Si pace:
i Time: 2:41. J:4S. ' i ""'
j Third race, gentlemen's roadster race:
I eb 1 1 x x
,' White Foot ! . 1 ill
ir1-"" a i 3 . s
sy ... 4 4 4 4 1
1 "rinie. half mile: 1:34, 1:S2. l:Ss, l . 1 -
j Ruben O won the three. fourtls-n. tie,,
idaah running race; Pickens second. k'o
K third and Anna Shaffei-yfourth. Time:
The best racing events ofthe week, arc
scheduled for tomorrow, the last diiy of
the fair.-
WATCHES- Frerir.r. Ijth and Dodge St.
T ttsiu 4 .j marrin 1 i
Gray Neil '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.i i ti stee Want AUs Produce Haaulta.
i t
M i
U' !