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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1906. r ; 4 I 1 1 SPECIAL tlOTICES tlrrtlwMnili for III. rolamna 111 be Ukri til IS a, for the ere-nlnar edition and mil m n. at. for lh moraine day edition. lUIrt 1 1-3 n wor4 Krtl Insertion. 1 a word thereafter. Swtalac tnkea tnr leas I ha a 20p for the flrat Ineer !loa. These advertisement maat ! rna ennaeentlvr-ly. Advertisers, hy rrqaritlai a lim I rrfi) rhrrk, enn hare inwri d reaad to at aambrrril letter la car of The Bee. Aainfra ao addressed will le drllrered an ftreaentatloa of MISCELLANEOUS FALL TERM DOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE 18 NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. Student are admitted any day. Near Catalog Free. Tel. Doufla li Address II. B. Boyle. President. Koyle Building. Omaha. Nb. R "8S OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., HJ o. 15th tit. Tel. .Douglas 631. u-Ma:3 OMAHA Bar and Iron Work make a pe- cialty of (lie escape, shutter, door and .Alca. G. Andreetw prop., 103 8. 10th St SIGH FAINTING-). H. Cole. 1402 Dougla. R 7 TRY Kslljr's Towel Bupply. Tel. Doug. 3530. IOWA 6anllanr Cleaning Co.. loin Farnam. II iVi EL8A8SER A KRICB, Machinists, 21 buuth Uth St. Tel. 6837. 11 EFL1N Locksmith, moved upstair entrance, 13J4 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2974. R-Wl WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, auit and shopping iarni. Old irunka In exchange, Repairing. FRKL1NU & BTEINU. 419 N. ICtb St. 'Phone Douglas 41195. R-M105 Nov. 1 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Womau cook, VS per month; must furnish leconr.menuatlona. Addreaa L. 1, Bee. C Mta WANTED Fifty girl to work In candy factory. Good chance to earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. The Voegele A Dlnniug Co., Uli Jones St. C7-M7W FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls If or 1 year old for clipping threads. . Bern Is Omana Bag Co. C MlOtl EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted at once. D. J. O'Brien Co.. 1202 Howard. C-M.JS5 WANTED A fairly competent girl for gen eral housework. 1801 Blnney. Mrs. O. C. Baasett. C M9JS 6 FOR GOOD positions, male and female, call at Canadian Office, ICtb and Dodge. C-M97S 6x WANTED Five laundry girls. M. E. Smith A, Co., factory lith and Douglas Sts. C-MK98 8 GIRLS experienced In bindery work. Loom Is Co.. ! Farnam. C Mllu WANTED Alteration help and aalesladles . for Ladles' Cloak and Suit Depts.; high ;' salaries. 8. Fredrick Berger & Co., 11)17 t Farnam. - . C-123 WANTED 3lrl for general housework. Apply at once. 240 Chicago St. . , 1 C-119 4 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. No washing. Wages, tt per i week. Inquire 604 S. 36th. C M1S2 ? WANTED A thoroughly competent young . lady to mall and file letter and make her self generally useful In an office. Address In own handwriting. T. .4, Bee. C 161 S WANTED Thursday a. m., li or 14 girl to make artificial flowers. See Mr. W. R. Bennett, mnln floor. The Bennett Co. C-M16i 6 WANTED A good cook in family of 2, best wages paid. Call, with references. at 150 iiamey Bt. w. biuii. C-16 4x COOK wanted In private family, good wages. 2225 Farnim St. C M1S2 A OIRL to assist with housework. 1S12 ' N. 2th Bt. C-193 u WANTED Girls to operate machines at Puritan Laundry. 2810 Farnam. C 191 8 WANTED Experienced millinery sales lady, trimmers nnd, makers. Apply at , once, 2d floor, millinery dept. O'Donnhoe . Redmond-Normlle Co., 16lb and Howard Sts. C-188 4 COMPETENT girl for second work. 2418 . Farnam. C 202 ( WANTED A first-class family cook to go to Butte. Mont.; no laundry: refer . enoes; wages 40. Apply 1306 Bo. SOtli ' Av. C-M209 7x A PERMINENT position and good wage for an experienced marker. Anply at the Eagle Laundry, Council Bluffs . c-mJLI- BUSINESS CHANCES Do you Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or prop erty that you want to aell or exchange write ua. CJbGUE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha. Neb., Sioux City. la. Y-M108 Nov. 1 FOR SALE A ftrat-clasa Job office with a-i newapaper plant in connection, pun- lUhlng three paper in aurrouiiding towns; loo type w new; aoing gojj liuslness; exceliunt reaaon for aclllng located at Uaatinga, Neb. Writ now. or come, aa this suap will not last long Price low., Addreaa Boa tla, UaattiiKa, Nab. M-ii FOR Sale Prosperous mercantile business; kii-ali invejtmeiit; town railroad diviaion; latch and stock aurrounuina; bualnea about 82.004 monthly; stock about Rl-ou; food reaaon for my selling. Addreaa Uox 14, Lima, Mont. K M70 8 FOR SALE Hardware business, com plete stock, invoice tt.OOO; located in southwestern Iowa; population 8,000. For particulars addreaa LU. Rothery Information Bureau, 111 So. 14th St. Y ISO FOR SALE Up-to-date grocery and meat market In one of the best locations in Omaha; tine established trade, doing bus iness of 430.UUU annually. Address T-l, lite. 114 Tx FOR SALE Restaurant, doing splendid business; 40 regular boarders; selling on account of alukneas. J. H. Parrotte, Pnx ton block. Y-M177 7 1 HAVE 810.000 to tnveat In downtown business property. If you are an owner and nave a bargain please answer. Aa dress T-T. Be. Y IS 4x FOR SALE A 110. COO Mock of general mer- chandlae. Smith Center. Kan.; will take part good farm land or city rental prop erty, i nut is a guoa, clean, up-io-aat stock. Investigate. Call on or write E. A. Hampton, tui N. 41st Av., Omaha. - Y-190 1 FOR BALE Meat market, doing good business; building, fixtures, double cooler; everything complete; a bargain it aoia at once. Addreaa Market, is Walnut St., Grand Island. Neb. Y-MM l"x DOGS FOR SALE TOUNO Darheaund dog: fin strain: nedl greed; black and tan; will sell cheap for cash. Address DOS . omana. or call at 3a So. Ma St., Council bluff. M-81S PLUMBING BUY Plumbing auDDlle direct. Wholesale price. Save on every article. Only flrat Uaaa good handled- Prompt atUaaUeet 10 every order, bend for catalogue, a. jr. KC4, tm UarrUoa BU Ctitaago. 111. -Ua3 WANTED MALE HELP t". f. NAVT enlist for four yertr yomv. tnn of good charnrter and round physic condition. IT to 2T )pnt, ppr-ntlr wmon, and men qualified for rcl: ratinen. 21 to 35 years; the ply la good, expnwa moderate, fond wholesome nn rufflrlenl. nnd life iK-neftcial phylcnll and ntherwiro. Young rm-n hf are skilled m chanter., poclnir aome knowledge of electricity or students of electricity, wh show aptitude for the nival .rrvic mn le enlisted a "landsmen for electrician and given the training at the n:ival elec trical school, nil H'irn men must have a pood education. Office at Lincoln and HnstJnas, Neb., and lv-s Molnc and Sioux City. la. Address Navy Recruiting OfTtce, P. O. Bldg., Omaha. B--M180 WANTED Five boya. good wsges. per tnanent Job. A. D. T. Co.. tit JJs," DRUG 6TORES bought and eold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleat. 424 N. T. L. v B 803 WANTED Car builders, repairers and truck men. Cudahy Packing Cojjj TOUNO MAN. STUDY LAW! Omaha School of Law; evening sewlon onlv. Further Information, address sec retary. Jol N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug.. 867. B-9a0 OS WANTED Three men and three boy. Omaha Bos Co., East Omaha, B1 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, our facilities cannot be equaled. Steady rractlcc. careful Instructions, diplomas, ools and positions waiting; rw weeks completes, money earned from start. Big wages to graduates; little expenses. Call or write Moler Barber College, lllti Far nam St. B-M742 ox CIVIL SERVICE Want young men to pre pare. See Underhill. 3320 N. 24th. B M774 0: WANTED. SOUND YOUNG MEN. 1R to 35, to prepare for firemen and brnkemen on new roada and for fall rus-h: experience unnecessary: firemen $10i promoted to engineers Km; brakemen $i5, promoted to conductors $150; positions ntw open. Na- tlonal Training association, 6 X I'axton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. B-M1SS Nov2 WANTED A first-class printer for coun try Job office. Address F. P. Healy, Bedford, la. ' B-M1U0 7x JEWELER wanted: none but steady man nted apply. Address Oaborne-Rogera Di-us" Co., Casper, Wyo. B M102 S WANTED Experienced linen salesmen; only those with experience In linen de partment need apply. Apply A. D. Bran dels between and U a. m. J. L. Brandels & Sons. B 120 4 A POSITION FOR YOU No trouble, nor worry and little expense. Call or write stating ybur experience. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. (INC.) Dept. 810-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg B 1S4 4 WANTED Experienced elevator man. Ap ply Mr. Thomas. J. L. Brandels & Sons. B-12I 4 WANTED A short order cook for town in southwestern Iowa. Addrtss T 2, enre Be. v H MHO bx WANTED, at once, several delivery clerks; must have lirst-claas references. See Mr. Williams, order -department,, basement. The Bennett Co. B M143 o WANTED 3 boys with 'Wheels. Apply to O Donahoe-Redmond-Nornille Co B-13S Bx WANTED At once, two strong boyr, with wheels; steady position for bright, honent fellows. See Mr. .Williams, order depart ment, basement. The Bennett Co. B-M178 S WANTED An outside repair man for fur niture store, steady employment. Apply Hartman Furniture and Curpet Co., i41i Douglaa SU B 6 YOUNG man for teas and coffees. State age. experience, etc. Apply by letter. T 16, Bee office. B Mlta 0 GORDON PRESS FEEDERS Douglas Printing Co., 314-816 8. 19th St. B Mli3 u ERRAND BOY Douglaa Printing Co., Si4 316 8. 19lh 6t. , B Mlii 6 HUSTLERS out of employment can do well to call on us; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard. B -M139 Nov2 ... Kstw TJ , . f DKlVjni, entlis- iiiT-rwjrnr, irvji v..- erence required. Sunderlund Brother uo. WANTED Boy about 15 for general work. Rex. 8U 8. 16th. B M170 tfx WANTED Good all round printer; steady work and good wages. Aauress nepuo llcan, Auburn, Neb. B 192 ii" . rw4h, vniin, man , n nuaint n ii l l j i-J 'B " J ...... .......... photographers good proposition to the i . . , j II. T) .1(10 Cv WANTED Boy. over 15, for easy night work; to a week. 113 tioaru oi irane. iJ-Milt 5 AtiTOMOHlLE DRIVERS, repair man. chauffeura and othera wanted all over the country; 60.000 machines built thi year in the United States, affording great opportunities for our students; 6 cents a day will qualify you for good wag's In this growing neia; employment necured for our graduates. For full nArtii-nlara and one free lesson. Includ ing dictionary of motoring terms, ad- druss the t orresponaence ocnooi oi Au tomobile Engineering, suite eus r mtiron . . i i i. I T on? I, WANTED Laborers for Indoor work at r. ..-. ai.vllnv rntrv wag" J'- K nd $2.40 'per day; about four montns wwn. WANTED 3 or 4 good clothing salesmen m - ll - . l. . t . TL'lll lor a soeciai dkir ai iicin--!. v-n... i.. pay railroad fare nnd good wages. Ask for me at Paxton hotel. Monday, Oct. 7, at 8 p. m. Bam Goldberg. B M218 T SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION wanted by conscientious woman as nurse tn private tamiiy; familiar with all kinds of sewing. Ad dress T 8, Bee. A-210 6x WANTED AGENTS ORIENTAL WAISTS AND SUITS. Agents wanted everywhere. Ladles and gentlemen are making $25 to $50 per week selling embroidery good direct to the la dies. Good aelier In cities or country. No txperlence or capital requl;ed. Call at efflc or write to U. B. Embroidery Works, lu- and llltt So. 15th SU Omaha. Neb. J-M-,fc OU WANTED Salesman to Introduce ami aell the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Large money to hustlers. Gallup Mfg. Co., Room 1 Patterson Bldg., Omaha, JNeb. J-MG20 AGENTS tn sell our line of Sales Check Books, upon either a salary of commission basis. Merchants Sales Book company, 7440 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago, III. J-M136 I SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN to handle our Sales Check Hooka us a aid" line. Merchant bale Book company, 7440 S. Chicago Ave., Chi cago. 111. ,UM135 9 WANTED We have a very atraetiv con tract to offer to a young man In the kiate of Nebraska. Travelers Insurance Co., 220 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. L 128 i : if PRINTiNC A- LYNG3TAD High Grade 1907 Calendar, a. muim K. uoener UiU St. and t wu.u. caoilol av. CALLING card 26o per hundred. Caatle man Printing Co- 2 . ltta Bt. 3X7 04 WE HAVE a new press no Job too larg or two small. Ctntral Printing Co. U-7M Olt COMPLETE line of IW calendars. Snell Printing Co., 810 8. 12th St. 157 Novl N PATENTS r. J. LARSON CO. patent iawyaa; patent book Ire. Be Bldg., Uinaha, N h. SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Pateat procured, Inventlona developed,, patterns, castings, rr a'liine work, taui-t.lj) fc7lfU St. -436 PATENTS procure- and aold. 1 fee. Nst I Iuvsimeut Co. Douglas Blk., litb A Dodge Ui O 8 Too bad you watch the BEE find many good FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European notU Uth nd rrnrn. Us w Doug. 611 O.M.E.IIaul Trunli E HOC CAPITOL HOTEL, lKth and Capitol Ave., outti iront; room witn or without nonro. B 80 FURNISHED room In new, modern house. Douglas St. iv 4J EXCELLENT modern furnished front nnd back rooms; phone In house. 2674 Har ney St. E 991 LARGE, modern, well furnished southeast front room with alcove; private family. Telephone Harney 2206. E M133 ox TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 416 N. Z3d. r-M14T ox THREE pleasant rooms, partly furnished; roomera; references required. 2711 Wool- worm Ave. te M."B 7X FJJnNiiHtUnuUrtiS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunk) F 509 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F-lJ ONE large front room with board; suitable lor two young men. 1060 s. 28th St. F-MIX5 7X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR REN1 FOR RENT Nice light housekeeolna rooms; modern; furnace heat. Jit 8. J.ith. G ISO Fx FOR RLNT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest price. Tel. Douglas 10:5. Ronmoller It Mueller Piano Co., 1311-Ult Farnam. i-ill HOUSES ,n Pnrt" of th" cl,y- uuuofi C Peter -o. Be Bldg. U 61 J UJ C OJLiO 0i F ivla c0-, & Bee Bldg. D U HOUSES. Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Bit. U all OMAHA Van Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. II. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. K-ia D-813 WE MOVIS planoa. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496 Office. 1713 W eo ster PC D-818 SEE u when shipping household good to large cities weat. We can ssve you money. EXPRES8MEN B DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. TeL Doug. 1191 r D 817 FOR RENT 9-room house. modern; furnace. a. J. so. uaenmann, ; Bik. -o-m PIANOS and household good moved; boxea for nle. Cole ft Gunnell 1 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 670. D M774 O 13 STORAGE M(3se fnmitnre. Telephone Douglas 976. 1216 Harney St D M827 014 FOR RENT A new modern 6-room house. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M247 FOR RENT Two first floor and on sec ond floor Hot. corner 29th and Douglas. Globe Land & Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M61S APART- MENTS Applications will be re ceived for renting the up-to-date apartments of Ave and six room each In new build ing, 26th Ave. and Half How ard St. Will be ready for occupancy about Oct. 15th. Rent 845 and 840 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1801 FARNAM. Tel. Douglas-75. D-200 8 FOR RENT At X511 South 29th St. New brick house, 7 rooms and large reception hall. Modern in every particular. Lo cated in the best part of the city. Will be ready for occupancy, about October 10. Inquire of the owner. J. R. Camp bell, He office, or 1341 South 27th St. Tel. Douglas 6440. D 762 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Beat storage house in the city. Immediate attention given. 1529-31-33 N. 16th 8t. Tel. Douglas-4f,19. D 117 H-r., mod., choice, 241 Sherman Ave. $30. 8-r.. mod., choice. 2204 Maple 828. 8-r.. mod., close In. C2 N. 19th-. 7-r., mod., choice, 8103 Marcy-22.50. 5-r., good repair, 616 8. 83d-812. . i-r., partly mod., 1161 N. 18th $11. Kt.HStil-.lj et H ltllKlLli tju., 432-3-4 Rum ge Bldg.. 15th and Harney. D-119 4 STEAM, central, 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. D Ml 4 8 11-ROOM bouse, bath, electric lights, barn, .o -1 a Al" ........ 11k mwA Kta keys at 1234 8. 10th St. Mrs. J. M. Met calf. D-159 9x 7-ROOM strictly modern cottage, paved street, near car. O. F. Carson & Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. D-197 4 FOR SALE OR RENT Fine, modern dwelling house, containing 12 rooms, be sides four rooms in cellar; good stable and carriage house: permanent walks and driveway; paved street; new high school; No. 2619 Chicago St.; price, $9,000. If not sold by Oct. 6 will rent at V per month. D 204 6x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk rom tn Be offlc. city hall building. 417 N. 26tb St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 A GOOD OPENING for a bakery, with a let clasa bake oven, 1718 Nicholas St.; team heat during winter. Bemis. Pax ton block. ' I-M7U FOR RENT Large corner store room, lith and Vlntoa Sts.. $30. C. M. Bach-m-tnn. 4 3 Paxton bl.K-k; I M6J1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED A furnlahed or unfurnished house in care for In owner' ubaenc ur would pay small rent or buy a home at a bargain; give full particulars In reply. Addr aa 8-63. Be. K-9S5 ix WANTED To rent, from t to 8-room hone. A ddiea T 6, Bee. K--M176 6x LOST AND FOUND STRAYED Black mar, from farm, 70th and Center St. Reward if returned. C. E. Wilkin. Loat-tti LOST In downtown district, a gold St. Nicholas Lengue pin. Return i Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St., and receive re ward. Lost 16 4 LOST Card case containing $16.00. Reward for return to Bee office. 165 Ix LOST Bay horse, yeaia, 1,250 lb: lli-i ber ankles and legs; lame in ltft hind lrg. ! Frank Spina r, R. F. D. 3. South Omaha. ( -195 7 . i LOST Gold dog collar, set with fresh water pear la and emerald pendant; be tween 25th and Dodge and 15th -and Far nam St a. Return to Beaton Drug Co. and receive reward. . Loat 01 4 LOST Abou. July 2a contract for deed. Seo. 33-J6-15. Chey.nne county. Return itn floor Ooalxa Nat l Bank Bldg. Re ward. y-.03 7a I are out of work, but if you would WANT AD PAGE you could positions. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 1H mile from Calhoun. 9 miles northwest of Florence, on the Ridge road; lot of fruit, plenty of fine shade trees; part In cultivation, high and aightly, on main road. Price, 175.00 per acre, which la cheap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Tel. Douglaa-1781. Y. L. Bldg. RE-153 5 ' SOMETHING CHEAP 3 lots on N. E. cor. 31st and Ohio, each 50x120; south fronts, sewer, water and gas on street. $300 each. Have nice view; half block to car. 4 houses on N. E. cor. 27th and Patrick Ave., renting for $66 per mo. $5,600. W. H. 617 N. Y. Life. GATES, Phone Doug. 1294. RE 162 5 ONLY TWO LEFT One of the five hou?es on Bt. Mary' Ave. Hill which we ndvertl?ed was sold yes terday. Onlywo more for sale, but you can have your pick of four. The two re maining will be kept by the owners for homes. One 8 rooms, rented at t(H0, price $4,700. One 9 rooms. Just finished, price 85,760; will rent for t600. One 8 rooms, occupied by owner, will rent for 3600; price 85.750. One 9 rooms, nearly finished, will rent for 8660: price t6,150. Good tenant at these rentals guaranteed. These are the best built house on the market In Omaha todny. Modern In every respect One house has oak finish In nret story. Two are on corner lots. If you want a good home, close In, or an Invest ment on which your Income will not bu cut by repair bills, buy one f these house. J. H. Dumont & Son, 906-8 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglns-690. RE M 162 5 . $25 Down $10 Per Month This Is not outside acre property, but good lot with natural shade In Wilcox's Second Addition; two blocks from1 car line; Just the place to build a home; handy to Omaha and South' Omaha; the price is right, loo, $450 to WO. .Tlyt owner doesn't want the mrmey, but is determined to sejl and has made these Drices and terms to Insure immediate sale. No discount for all cash. J.H.Duraont&Son 905- N; t'i Life Bldg. 'Phone, 'Dbuglas-690. RB-181 4 $3,250 NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE ' ON WHIT STREET. Just completed, ready to move -Into, located Just east of Sherman avenue, ha large reception hall, . parlor, dining room and kitchen on first . floor; 3 good-sized bedrooms and large bathroom on second floor, combination stairway, strictly all modern, good furnace, 60-foot lot, outh front, half block to car, ail new home near it. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St.. Ground Floor, Be Bldg. RE-M1S3 t FOR SALE QUICK $2,3004031 Charles St., 8-room, modern except furnace, IV story house, has par lor, dining room, kitchen and three bed rooms and bath below; two large bed rooms up stairs, all newly papered; ha mantle and grate In parlor, full fifty-foot lot, barn, cistern, good cellar, good neigh borhood, one-half block from car line; house alone cost more than we are salting for the property. $2,1001312 8. 2Sth 8t. 7 room, modern, except furnace; room largo and well ar ranged; mantle and grate In parlor; hot ana eoia water in aucnen, good basement; ! permanent walks; paved street; good neigh, iborhood; close to Hanscom park car line. i ins is a Dargain tor a noma or investment. $3,2502909 Poppleton Ave., 8-room, thor- I ouamy moaern no-use. rooms large ana well .arranged; front and back parlor, dining room, kitchen, bed room and bath on first i floor; four bed room and closet and basin up stairs, all in good repair; on paved street: good neighborhood; close to Hans com Park car line. $1,2002630 Seward St., 8-room cottage, city water; good cTstem; new roof; gooo. neighborhood; close 1,0 24th St. car line. Apply to WILLIAM B. ME1KLE. 208 Ramge Bldg. RE-M131 7 John Morrison Place Grand Ave. and Florence boulevard; 9 rooms, big barn. An tree, great outlook; di agonally across from Rom Miller's. Peremptory orders t rent or sell. Ask us for par ticulars. Harrison & Morton 912-913 New York Life. Telephone Douglaa-314. RE-MJ77 FOR SALE Two brick modern houses, two blocks north of Hanscom park, oa paved street, eaat front; rented for $70 a month: .any terms. I want an offer. THOMAS BRENNAN. Rcom 1, New York Lit Building. RE-M75S WHY pay high rent! Let u sell you a farm. Wi have Improved farm In Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and alsea. for sale on the earnest kUd of term and payment. Squire c Annis. Council BluC. I. RE 43 BARGAIN Modern residence. In Kounta Place; 76 feet front, large barn; hot water heat; cement cellar, laundry; alate riM.f, must be aold at one. So owner. 19J1 Wirt St. RE MJi3 COR 8ALB S-roum strictly modern bnus. Cheap. 24 Miami. RE MM 7x FOUR house and lot. 16 1 T Caaa . RE 40 O-ta FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON A NEAT HOME A good six-room cottage with full lot and a fine barn at trio Franklin. One-half block from Harney car line. - Thl property is all In good condition. We can give Im mediate possession, ro as soon as you buy you can move into your own home. We are mak ing the price $1,360, with son cash and balance monthly. It will rent for $15 per month, so it is also a good Invest ment besides a good home. A. P. TUKEY A BON, 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 23S1. RE 189 5 A BENSON BARGAIN Neat 9-room cottage, brand new, with four full lots; fine young orchard; only few blocks from car line. Let s rhow It to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Dcuglas-17Sl. RE 154 4 GRAMERCY PA RK There are a few bar- gains left In this beautiful addition, onlv - blocks from car hue. Will uc on ground Saturuay from 2 to 6 p. m. with plat of lots, lake Walnut Hill cur to 4Mn and Military Ave. and walk south 2 blocks. RE 199 4z C. G. CARLBERG, real estate and insur ance. 911 N. Y. Life. Phone Red-7i!7. V RE M179 WHEN YOU BUY REAL ES TATE Insist upon knowiug whether the owner of the property has a good title, free and clear of all en cumbrances. Ask for a MIDLAND GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Abstract, and their opinion upon it, and then have them examine the papers before closing the purchase. Call at 1714 Farnam St. N. P. DODGE, JR., PRESIDENT. RK FOR SALE Vineyard and orchard homes cheap. end for free "Hotneseekers' Guide." Shepherd-Teague Co., Fresno, Cal. RE-M206 7x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE UARVlls BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and tk par oaat loans on real estate; no dalay. W 4 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. W-819 WANTED City loan and warrant W. Farnam Smith as Co., 1320 Farnam St. . . W-6 BUILDING loan on residence property; i per cent. v. B. Meikl. Ram .g Blk. i . W-ael IX) WEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block. vV-io2 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. W-fcJ tl.0G0.000 TO LOAN on bualnea and real, dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no oeiay. Thomas Brannan, K. I, N. Y. LU. W-ot WANTED City loan. R. C Pater V Co. W-8o City V farm loans. O. F. Caton Co., N,Y. U W-eit LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Tuomaa, (06 First National Bank Bldg. W-ai,- Money to loan chattels EASY TO GET A loan . on furniture, pianos, livestock or other chattels, left In your (Undisturbed Possession) IP YOU NEED MONEY to Py your grocer, landlord, or any other bills which may he bothering you. Our plan the best as we give you a writ ten copy of the contract with a GUARANTEED REBATE If paid before the contract expires. SALARY LOANS mad to people eteadll) employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO (Established U92.) Tel. Doug. $295. 119 board of Traae Bldg. o do. loin street. X-M522 REDUCTION In salary and furniture loan from now until further notice. We aie ami offering to hnncal people our special 30 loan for ii. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms t07-3uS Paxton Block, Corner Farnam and Sixteenth St. ' X-U16 The Union Loan Qo. 310 BEE BUILDING. Make loans to suit your convenience. X-Mlu 16 . DR. PUIBBENOW 3 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, piano, horsta, etc.. In any amount; lea tlian half rate., tif-cl privacy : Imim-dlate attention; any erma wanted. Payment suspended whr ick or out of work. 314 Karbach U L luv oouin lata bl Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advance private inonay on chattel or salary; eaay to get, no red tape; you gal money am day asked for at smalt CuL Open averting till 7- XU MONEY I .OAK ED SALARIED PEOPLS nd others without security; eaay pay. menta. OfUces la 6 rrincipal cities. Tjl man. room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-H3 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; relianio accom modating; all businec confidential. Uul Douglaa. X44 MONEY loaned on ptauo furniture, Jew eliy, borc. cow, etc. C. '. Keed, 3lo A Ulh. X-4 Fl'KNl ll.'RK, live atock, salary loan Due Green Loan Co.. room 8. Bamtr blutk. . 2C-4i CHATTEl-S. salary and Jewelry loan. iy lAma Co.. UA Farnam St. X CHATTEL and salary loans. Potent t . , . . . J Di I... KlAk -V' T V.I Wi . WV.l - ' - FOR SALE FARMS 160 ACRES IM PROVED IN LIN COLN COUNTY ONLY $2,800 - This farm Is a snap. When you see It you will buy it. The man who waits pays a profit to the man who buys. Send for description of this farm No. 162. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglns-1781. H-156 t 320 ACRES IMPROVED CORN LAND FOR ONLY $20 PER ACRE. Located at North Plstte. Neb. The corn on this land thin year Is equal to the best crop In Douglas Co. Think of the price only $20 an acre. Writ us about No. 261. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. H-155 I FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its land In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $6.09 per aero Take advantage of the low price and eaay terms offered, the opportunity will sooa be gone. Special excursion rate to the landa Foi further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCT. (18 Sou 10 lith St.. Omaha. Nab. H M977 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. EST INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of ua. Buy direct. No agents. No heavy rorainlsslons. Fineet, all-pralrle, hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollars. Easy terms. Others ask fifteen and more. Wo save you money. Write us quick. F. A. PARKER A CO.. Spencer, la. H-267 Oil FOR SALE A good farm of 200 seres, about 30 miles northwest of Omah. In Washington county; good soil and spring water; price. $70 per acre; ea?y terms, T. E. Stevens, 1003 New York Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. H M910 6x 760-ACRE stock ranch near Maywood, Neb., 200 acre tillable; only $6 pr ncr'. cash. 8. llawver, 1611 Emmett St., Omniia. H M141 Sx THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp bell, Litchfield, Neb. 11-103 Nov. 1 . A Fine Kanch for Sa'e Consisting of 1.400 acre and description a follows: 150 acre in alfalfa, 250 crop, 1,000 smooth buffalo grass pasture; 14 miles of good fence; 10 acre of timber; liv ng water Mows through ranch; a good young orchard, bearing; hous-s has eight looms, with hot and cold water; good cellar; bain 26x40, for 12 horses; 40 tonfl of hy; t granaries, 28x16; one 16x24 crib: lOx.fll work shop 12x16; two cattle. sheds, one lx,0, one 16x2; seven chicken houses; hog barn, 16x 4K, cement floor; two hog tight pnsturea one 20 and one 25 acres; 200 acre In g-xd corn; windmill, tanks hold i'5 barrel: hydrant about place. Thl ranch Is three and one-half miles from a good B. & M. R. R. station. In Hayes county. Will con sider a trade of $6,000 In good property, stock of goods or land. Price only $20 per acre. This fine ranch has over $7,000 Im provements. I want to sell soon. Writ me at once. F. H. KILVER. -207 W. Sixth St. Hastings. Neb. H-M216 S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any sis. Utf Farnam. t , Q-7 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best nixed paint. 'Sherman at McCunnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-79 HALL'S safe, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam, Q 797 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard nd pool table; we lead the world In cheap bar fixture; eaay payment. Bruna-wick-Balke-Collender. 407 8. 10th 8t. 0-79S LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets In stood condi tion,' mud of walnut and have two drawer each. Call at Be bualnea offlc and get a bargain. U 441 a FOR SALE Steam house beating boiler; waa used to heat 8-room bouse; will b suld cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (J-M439 6END US your mail order tor drug, freight paid on 819 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q Ml SQUARE PIANO for sal cheap. Call Red or 2537 No. lslh St.v SI iStox MILK cows, easy term, 43d and Center. . (J-iioil 600 UNREDEEMED overcoat, 418 No. 16th. Q-M6.1l O 24 FOR SALE Automobile, Rambler touring car, 1906 moncl, cape top, lull equipment tools and extras, 32x4 inch wheels; bet ter than now. Owner leaving city. Ad dress T-3, Bee. y161 6x FOR SALE 100 tons ice, Norfolk Ice Co., Norfolk. Neb. Q M112 8 FURNITURE and household gtitds. 2136 1 1 a rney . Q-M 215Jix WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red-894. N MlKi wi WANTED Irish setter male pup; must be well bred and have paper. Address 8-46, Beo. N-763 8 WANTED A furnished or unfurrtlshed house to care for In owner' absence or would pay small rent or buy a home at a bargain; give full particulars In reply. Address "-63. Bee. N i7 tlx WANTED To buy econd-hnd furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas-3971. N-M36 O A CHEAP, light. rubbstlred runabout. Tel. Douglas-4189. N-M146 6 UNIMPROVED house and lot. cheap; be quick. Also bicycle. Address T 1". Bee. N M21I 7x DANCING MR. AND MRS. MORANDS classes In dancing and physical culture for cuiidieii will reopen Saturday, October 6. (Now location. 110 So. 18th St.) Btglnncrs, 19 a m. Advance. 3 p. m. Matinee claw, 3 30 p. m. Particulars, booklet 'lele- fihone Douglas 1041. Parents are cordially nvlted to examine our classes. Youvill I 7x CHAMBER8, 2424 Farnam. now open. Adult beginners Mondays and Wedn.d.iy.; children Wednesday snd Saiutdiv; Juven'le advanced Siturdiys and pilvata lceaon'i terma reasmahle, connenui with advantagea and benefit derived In otar achool. Telephone Douglaa UT!. M-;i for exchange i F YOtt do not And what you wart im ' column, put an ad In and you will ' la get itJ - WANTED to exchange atock of g-neral merchandise In good town In I'llnoti for rood western farm. Addrtsa T 9 O niha Bee. Z M.12 11 LAW AND COLLECTIONS I. M. Macfarland. tut N. Y Douglas y. L. Bldg. TeL M.3 CM PERSONAL DR. ROY. Chiropody. Doug.-497 l.w Far. U-C7 r-P-lVATE confinement b?"?- a ! King. 201$ N. tlet St. Tel. Doug. :1 ITS exqulslt perfl-me If only one o!, the virtues of Batlr skin powder. PI PATINP. iKS?f a I a a a I i Jmb.-oioerins, Dyeing and v ii-anina. 8pons'uf ""t,81".., lng. only iv per yard, t-end ror pneo Hl and sample. LAUNDRY c,i?5f . ..... --jm ; ; 1 THB ftalvatidn Army solicits r,-, clothing: in frt. anything you do n' tteed. Ve collect, repair and ell at IK N 11th Bt.. for cost of collecting jo thk worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 1 "J1d wagoi, will eaU. U-U xnr.cj meairai a no urgieai irea"-. tA treatment at Dmenport dt. Special alter tlon paid t'4 f connncment cases. All treatment "ul Vised by col.ea- professora. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Call ana wared day or Bight. A. THE City Garbage Co.-Offlee. IV ng Leavenworth St. Tel. Doual ... W sal SURVEYING. Bllckensderfer. U Be Bldg. PENNrtl.l, Mllllnery-Co.. fortnerly f W nd Douglaa, now located at UN. lta OMAHA Ut am merer Instltut. Ramg UJdg. U J4 SYRINGES, rubber good, by mall; cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. U-stt WE RENT sewing machines at $1 per week: we sell second-hand machines 44 tip. Nebraaka Cycle Co.. corner 16th and Harney. Tel. Douglaa 1861 U 4 ARCHITECT O. Brollne, 618 Be Bldg. U M359 O a CHRI8TENSON, carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 1669. , U-MS00 O 13 WE will find good, comfortable home for babie whose mother cannot care for them. See "Mother Lee. Supt." Tlnley Rescue Home, 401 Bancroft St. U-700 OS l AnKTi!TTf! treatment and oath. Mm. LU XLKj Bmiih us M ia iA floor. U-M6 1S.1 OUX ACORN PRESS Tel. Dougla 3763, 1610 Howard. U M204 )W TO FARMERS AND tJOUNTRY CHANTS We pay nlghest market charging no commission, for all kinds' produce butter, cess. etc.. cash or mer chandise. Write for dally quotations. We II stnd pretty souvenir postal. THB BENNETT COMPANY. U M303 M A&S4fiF. BwedUh movement, 410 N. U M107- Nov. I WANTED A furnished or unfurnished house to care for In owner' absence or would pay small rent or buy a home at a bargain: give full partloulara in reply. Address, 8-63. Be. 17-886 8x INT POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Horn for Women at SS24 N. !4tn St.. Omaha. Neb tj-MlOO USB Blanchard' Eczema Lotion for skin dlseuse, at drugglsta. Asslstanco gives free by Prof. J. Blanchard. akin specialist. Minneapolis. U-M671 O 10s TRY KELLY'S Lanndry. 8520. "Prion Dougiss xj-Sm PRIVATE ftomi during .nfiacment; bs ble adopted. The GooU Samaritan Saa Itarlum. 728 First Av.. Council Bluff, la. TeL 774. U-4U2 DR8. VOOEL private hospital for 'women ana lor lames before and during confine ment. &uy s. 13tn St., Omsna. Neb. U-M9M) DJJ MATRIMONY Ladles and gentlemen, If you wiah correspondence for amusement and general results. Join The People Corresponding club, write for particulars sending your description; strictly confi dential! Address Manager, Box 1117, Mil waukee. Wis. U 134 3x ONE of the sight of the city Hawver's patented wall folding bed; built in fln.h with the wall; save space, time, mony. . labor; you are invited to inspect it at 1(14 Emmett St., the home of the Inventor. U-M143 5X NOTICE-Max H. Carson will obtain Im . port.'int messages from Burma by writing to John N. Dryden, Kearney, Neb. U-M171 13 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to y. E. Flodman & Co.. 1514 Capitol Ave. O M1N3 MOVJ MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Orey' Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman dt McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. -438 DR. PRIES, specialist, worn en'i i' dlawate. re gularltlta- 1L Wltbaell r weakneaaea, discharges, irregula cured nainlessly and safely. WI block. 16th and Harney, room 2. Omaha, -J7 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. NELSON i the world renowned palmist, asslstanco for troubled or unfortunate. When other fail she succeeda Law suits, wills, dlvorcf V " love courtship, marriage. Tells when y4 will marry. Remember, only chance In a lifetime to see this gifted lady. Don't wait. 211 North 18th St. S-994 4x MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventrul and truthful predictions given. Call 113 8. Kth St , Opp. Boston Store. FENCING WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest prices; free catalogue. Omaha Wire and Iron Work. 933-35-37 No, 24in St. Tel. Dougla 1701 M Sol 013 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wlr Fencing 60 per foot. 3U6 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 81t r MS03 013 CHAMPION fence best. U B. 16th, Dou. 151Q. --984 j DRESSMAKING VaDAME WOODRUFF Robe. 8ult 313- 14-15-16 Nevui iua- lei. ivougia txia. M- 1369 Oct22 DRESSMAKING in family or at horn. Mis Sturdy, 2G06 Davenport, Phone Hnr ney I. ; -T7 HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE 8-MONTH-OLD mar colt. 419. Tel. Douglai P-M145 6 FOR BALE 7-year-oid bay, city broke; fin driver, single, double and suoaie; phaeton and harnesa 820 Hickory St. P-Jw. OSTEOPATHY JOHN80N Instltut. 41 N. Doug. 1U64. . ' Y. U Tai, DR. BOWSER. roug. 6.T70. over 1500 Farnam. Tel, M-698 OJ FLORISTS HESS A SWOliODA. 14U Farnam. -73 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. TL Loug. 1253 Wi DETECTIVE SERVICE WETJIOKB dettfctlv service. Phona R ;uL Rooms 13 and 14. Union Bik 16th nd Farnam. i -, M 4J 1 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES i CHATELAIN School of Languages Duy ana evening Classes, rrench. V rman bpanlah, fencing. Davldge Bldg. aI Hi (i 1 I, 7