Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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prfe cn I)oi i. Erly Part
T f SMliOB.
"lilac Da ts Kara-seaa WhIii
aetata- Streactk U aa Cah
! Bxaert Bastaes Re-arted-Cara
la laavetlve.
ti,. i t .w. "nt vet. a. jnw.
. viuneu niuti Ktuwa un-Liie-iored.
but there i considerable Sell
ing OII aCOOIinL nf n l..iir..ian
iieea, and pricea were gown aoout a cent.
r. h early part of the session pricoa
P1 UP about So ana Closing
" osiow yesterday. KcceipU were smaller
loan last year and the cast) demand was
greatly Improved Minneapolis le ported a
aOOQ demiLriil for Amir bfiih ,. v .." anil
ur Qomeitw una, and milters bguglil wbeat
In that market. .
Corn ooiiuaued Inactive.' Opening orlcja
Win flUV MM., Ah.,.. - t it. , .
tlonai oecilne. A nrmer leaning u caused
oy toe closing- strength In wneat, ana me
Euro was steadied, neceipts wars niodor
lb cash demand was slow and
prices shows! a mn tiin
Primary wbeat receipts wear 1,111,000
bu. and shipments til, 000 bu., against re
ceipts last year of 1.467,000 bu. and ship
ments of 898,000 bu. Corn receipts were
vi.uuv du. and shipments 820,000 bu.,
against receipts laat year of 668,008- bu.
and shipments of (41,000 bu. Clearances
were li 0.70 Jtu. wheat, 209,200 bu. nats,
and wheat ana flour eauai to 821.; 04. bu.
Liverpool closed t-d lower on wheat
and 'lUUd lower on corn.
There were numerous reports of export
Dusiness today, uululb reported tne sale
of 60,000 bu. to go east. Toludo sold
small lota of red winter for tioarL New
York claimed Manitoba sold for export
and Puluth sold whest to continent, grade
net given. -
A wire from Duluth said: "Exporter sold
New York red winter wheat today to go
to continent at 7 marks advance from laat
sale. They are going to take the cheapest
wneats, wnich are tne winter ana uurums,
to replace the rye shortage In Germany. '
Southwestern exporters are reported as
being buyers of low grade wheat at Kan
sas Cltv for export. Oood sales also are
reported to tne mms.
Local range of options:
Articles. Open. Hlgb. Low. Close. Yes'y
Wheat I .
Dec..- 8Vt 60S, 6$ & 69'A
May... 73 73 72 72V4 7 J
leo.... 87H 37H 874 37
May... , 8V xsvil 87 38fr
Omaha Cash Sales.
. WHEAT-No. ' 2 hard, 1 car, 68c; No. 4
han. l car, eic.
OATS No. 3 white, JlVio; No. 4 colored,
l oar, softo.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 1 hard. 788o: No. I hard.
MSVh7c; No. 4 hard, 6163Vkc; No. 1 spring.
coRN-No. I, 40(541c; No. 8 yellow, 4Ofc0
4ic; cio. s wrst, o.
OATB No. 3 mixed. 3OH03Otte: No.
white. STatoSlVic; No. 4 white, H331c.
RYE No. 2, 66c; No. 1, H'c.
Kansas City
St. Louis ..
Carlttt Receipts.
Wheat Com. Oats
.. 64 1
.. ii
, 83
hit- SH'WTOHr; No. 4 white. 82'aST'KV.
KYK Klrm; No. J, 6i64c.
WHIRKV-nn th t.. ... r tin for fin.
Ished goods.
4aetatleee ef the Day Varloaa
ceipts, I,l bhls.; extorts, 12.249 bh.s.; sale'.
1.21A parkaaes; market steady but quiet;
wimer paifnia. t-i. ,tv4 winter airma n",
flai a. 60- winter extras, V.Mol.A: v. inter
low irrades, 2.7iKi?.W: Minnesota pmenia.
MlSlj4.4t; Mlrncaota bakere. IVWJ.f.
Rye flour Arm! fMlr In aood. 83 IX i5;
choice to fancv. HBfa4.i. Buckwheat
Dour quiet. IJ-V.I W. to arrive.
, RYE-Flrm; No. 2 western. Gc, C. 1. f.,
New York.
CORNMKAty-Steady; fine white and ysl
low, coarse, tl.loai.12.
UAKLES-8toy; uedl g, 4iV 42c. c. U t.
HEAT-Recelnls. VM bu.: exports,
40.1S2 bu. ; sales, 2,4X.nno bu , futures; No. 2
red, 70c elevator; No. 2 hard winter, MV.
f. o. !., stiont. Vp to midday wheat dis
played weakneas and wan lower on
cable. Big clearances rallied the rnnrkot,
however, and It eventually recovered all
loss, helped by export rumors snrt covering,
the clone ahowlne- net advance; May,
Mti6c, closed at 64c; December, 82 t-U
tiM', closed at 83c
juuri iteceipta, zk.ui du.; expone,
191.4(17 bu.; shI-s, lO.tmO bu., futures; Brt.u-iU
bu., spot; sport market easy; No. 2, 60c,
elevator, and E6V4c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2
yellow, 67c; No. 2 white, 6"Hc Ortlon mar
ket was generally steady all day, but quiet;
May olosed at EOUc: December. &2fauc
closed at b2c.
OATH Receipts, 91.0TO bu.; spot market
easy; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 37c; natural
white, 30 to 82 lbs., 30.
FMKD-Flrm; spring brsn, t0, October,
shipment; city, t..&itg 26.50.
HAY Quiet; shipping, boljftOc; good to
choice, l$95c
HOPS Hteady; state, common to choice
19, 21024c; lsno. Ilfrl7c; Paclflo coast, lww,
lJic; 19f 1216o.
HIDES Steadv; Galveston, SO to 26
pounds. 20c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 21c;
Texas dry, 24 to 30 poumla. 1c
IiKATHER Quiet; scld, 2fia27Hc.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, tll.50
eni.VQ; mess. $; beef harms
22.50; packet. tlO.OOiijlO 50; city extra India
mrss. $16.0iVifl6.50. Cut ments. steady;
pickled bellies, tl0.25310.ft0; pickled hams.
H'i'&lSc. Ijird, steady; western prime, $9'i0
f.10. Refined, quiet; continent, 19.45;
. A., 810.25; compound. 7.12Vit)7.37V4. Pork
steady; family, 18.0i'19.6O; short clear,
IH.6tKg.lg.60; mess, 818.26'618.75.
TALLOW 8teady; city (12.00 per pack-ae-1).
6c; country (packages free), ESTifiS''.
R1CB-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, SH
twi'dc; JaDin. iioniinul
ens, fowls and turkeys. 14cV Pressed. Ir
reajular; western chlckvns, 12(ij6c; spring
turkeys, 122c; fowls. 12'15c.
BL'TTER Firm; street price. extra
cremery unchangrd, 25H'!i2fic; official prices,
creamery, common to extrt, l!fii6Vic; held
seconds to extras, Zli&2rVtc; state dairy,
common to fancy, 181240.
CHEESE Klrm: state, full cream, small
fancy, l?.c; fair to good, 12m'Wtc: largo
fancy, 13c; fair to good, 12ViSc; Inferior,
KOG8 Firm; jrtate Pennsylvania and
nearby, fancy seltcted, white, 3283Jc;
choice, 30ft31c; mixed, extra, 28c; western
firsts, 252oHc; official price, 24326c; sec
onds, 23 iio.
St. Lonla General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 8. WHEAT Firm;
track. No. 2 red, cash, 77c; No. 2 hard, 73a1
75c; December, 737c; May, 77 777c.
CORN Firm; track. No. 2 cash, 45c;
December, 41c; May, 41c; No. 2 white,
OATS Firm; track, No. 2 cash, 84c; De
cember, 84Vc; May, 354c; No. 2 white.
FLOUR Steady: red w'lnb?r patents. 83. 16
'a? 63.40; extra fancy and straight, t2.853.;
tirar, .ofA.ltf.
Bbr.ue iimotny, sieaay. w.ooran.w.
CORNMEAL Sttady, 82.60.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 80S 82c.
HAT Hteady; timoiny, u.(.viiia.vA; ljihi-
rle, 88.009' 11.(0.
PROVISION-Steady; Jobbing. 816.50.
Featares tfc Tradlaa; aa Closing:
Frlees a Board f Trade.
CHICAOO, Oot I. Th purchase of Lrd higher; prime ateam. 88.55. Dry salt.
American wheat by foreigners caused a steady; boxed extra shorts. 89.50; clear ribs.
slight advance in wheat prices tier to- M.62H; short clears, 19.75. Bacon, steady;
ay, nnai quotations on iouiur foxed extra short, iio.ffi; clear ribs, Il0.37i4;
ltery being up Mo. Corn was up 8nort cjf r jio.62H.
4c Oats were up Ho. Provisions were POULTRY Firm: chickens. lOHc:
8H. to 6 Hohlgher. springs 12c;. turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c; geeBe,
etrengtn in me wneat numi otToiopmi sc.
rlata In th day. sentiment early In tho BUTTER 8teadv: creamery: 2o3?Cc:
season being quite oeansn. a report aatry, i'qs:c.
made by a crop expert of Minneapolis re- EGGS Firm at 18Uc case count
carding th total amount of the spring Receipts. Shipments
wheat crop was partly responsible for Flour, bhls 9.000 10.000
selling by pit traders, which caused the . Wheat, bu.; 84.OD0 37,O0
early weakness. This report confirmed. Corn, bu..,, 62,000 83,00
previous estimates - of a liberal yield. Oats, bu... 112,000 62,000
Others fsctors that helbed to depress the 1
market were lower cables and Increased I Minneapolis Grain Market
receipts In the northwest. The chang.j MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Oct. 8. FLOUR
In sentiment was due to reports from ifr,t patents, tl.aodKSO: second patents.
New York ; and New Orleans, Which $4.oMiH.l5; flrwt clears, 83.2643-66; second
Claimea inai xoreignera were ouyina ton- clears, 82.4uiJfZ.00.
lri.phl mianlltlna nf Amprlmn wheat. I u ii . x in v. , . 1 1. HjnMMiv
The market was further strengthened by (Superior Board of Trade quotations for
large clearances of wheat and flour, the Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The
total exports for the day being 833.700 range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day
bushels, snorts were active Duyera in ft co., uo-111 uoara 01 iraas, was
In the day. The market closed strong
responding day a year ago. Minneapolis, F'x
Inilutn ana Jliicago reporiea raceipie
831 cars, against 648 cars last ween ana
aaa rara a vear aso.
Scattered selling by commission houses
caused an easy undertone In the corn
market early In the day but later this
wmknFii save place to a steady feeling.
Excellent weather for the maturing crop
and lower cables were the main reason
for the early weakness. Late In the day
the market was affected by the strength
of wheat. Th close was ateady. D.v
MmhM oDened a shade to Vac lower
at 43 411 4P42c, sold between 42o I
and 4c, ana cioaea at 10c u"i m
celpts were 16 cars, with 86 Vart con-
.. mdik
rkoia were oulet and steady. Cash
bnuaea were the principal aeuer.
with prices at th highest point. Decern- Articles.! Open.j Hlgh.j Low. Clos.Yes'y.
ber openea ho lower at ii. aoia o:t
a 1 1 1a ft 1 hp. iind then advanced to 75a
1KU ! The rinse was at 754t,&78Ka
Primary receipts were 1,151,000 bushels,
compared with 1,457,000 bushels the cor-
77(6 Tl
1 11
1 lli
1 10H
1 14H
744 1 78H 744
78 77H 7sH
79H I 7S 7
1 12HI 11H4 1 12H1
1 12Vi 1 11 1 l'-H
1 104 1 104, 1 lov,
1 14Vi 1 14H 1 14H
Ipecnlalioa it Heary, but tho KoTimont ia
tonstantlT Ghiftinar.
Atehlaon Deellnea la Fare f laereaae
la Dlridend anil Market Tares
Weak, with Close at
l.o west.
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-There was a 1ms
speculation In slocks again tolay, but the
movement was constantly shifting. Thin
was a pairs hie effort to divert the iecul.
tion to some of the low prlre.l rullroad
stocks and some of them tesiMindod. with
a show of strength. The movement, how
ever, lacked SKntunelty and was clearly
due to professional Inlatlve bused on techni
cal rnriiiirrtinnn nthr than on acfual de
velopments regnrdluK these properties. It I
was plausibly argui'il, however, that this
cIhss of securities has never advanced In
proportion to the wide advances In the high
priced stocks, In spite of the share of these
companies in the increased earnings
common to the raMroad systems of tho
whole country. Market operators are at
tracted by th argument also that carrying
charges on the low priced stocks are les
owing to the smaller sums to be borrowed
In taking on the stocks. This argument
has special force during a period of tight
ness of money and particularly at a period
when customers of brokerage houses arc
receiving statements of accounts for Sep
tember with charges to Interest account,
owing to the high money rates, which make
a notable impairment of profits on a move
ment of pncw. Thia factor Is believed to
prompt some of the recent pressure upon
the market, in spite of the Improvement In
the immediate money outlook. A glance
at the sales list reveals, however, the con
tinued preponderance of speculative favor
toward high priced railroad stocks and even
in the disproportion congestion in a small
number of them.
Atchison was the conspicuous flsrure In
the day's dealings and suffered severely
from the resolution of the doubts over the
dividend question by the declaration of a
2Vi per cent semi-annual dividend. The
weakness of stocks In face of an Increase
from a 4 to a 6 per cent dividend basis was
accepted as a striking lesson of the specu
lative disposition to excessive anticipations
of favorable events. There have been vocif
erous assurances about the Stock exchange
for many ditys that a 6 per cent rate has
been definitely determined on. wholesale
speculative liquidation was the consequence
when the dividend action became known.
Tk. mi nnianiiiapft detail of the ore deal.
! of Southern Pacific's alleged control of
St. Paul and of the ne-w holding company
for the coal properties proved their superior
efficacy again today in the strength of the
stocks concerned. Canadian Pacific s lump
on the extra dividend otit of proceeds of
land sales was no! well maintained, snecu
lutlve profit-taking also making Its effect
felt. , ,
Sentiment over the money outioor i
distinctly brighter. The subsidence
f the import movement or gnia is ieu to
be due to the present satisfaction 01 re
tirements. It was reportea irom um
hot a lt ens-Hirpment of gold bars at the
Bank of England for New York account
hnd been cancelled. This caused a revision
of yesterday's views of the certainty of an
advance in tne nana 01 r.nsiaou
mnrrtw anit Hiacotinta were easier In Lon-
,4.. liuinv thrtiiirh still ruHno well above
the bank s ofllclal rate. Han rxancisto mno-.
large remittances here tnrougn me nm
treasury. but $100,000 was transferred
throuub mat medium to iew vjnenn".
The market did not fully recover at any
time from the break In Atchison, which
rirnnnoH from 1AR5i In th mOTTlIng tO WYl,
closing at a net loss of 3. When Reading
ran oft to 150 In the late dealings, after
having sold at 154H In the mornlnsr the
closing of the market became weak nil
Bonds were irregular. rorai suiee, ,mr
value, $2.674.nno. United States bonds were
Following were the sales and range of
prices on the Stock Exchange:
BalM. Htlh. Low, CIM.
Adams ExpreM
Aimlgmied Topper
American C. A F
do pM
American Cotton Oil
do pfd
American Expreaa
Americas H. and L, pfd...
American lea sec
American Unseed Oil
do pfd
American Locomotlre
do pfd
American 8. A ft.:
do pfd
American Sugar Refining..
American Tobacco, pfd 0.
Anaconda Mining Co
do pfd
Atlantlo Coast Line
Baltimore A Ohio
do pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Tranait...
Canadian Pacific
Central ef New Jereer
Chesapeake A Ohio
Chicago Great Weatern
Chicago A Northweitero
Chicago T A T
do pld
C, C, C. A St. U 1
Colorado Fuel and Iron..., ti.tmo
receipt f the New York opening
the market became erratic snd at the close
prices were Irregular. On th curb quota
tions eased. Atchison, Topeka A Binta
Fe fell to li4 on the poor dividends. Japa
n's1' Imeperlal us of 1f4 cked at 1T!4.
HEKLIN, Oct 8. Prices on the Bourse
tcilar were weak upon New York ad
vices and npprehens'on over the rsl'lng
of the bank rate by the Imperial Bank of
PARIS. Oct. 8 Prices on the Hours
tednv opened unsteady, but closed firm.
Russian Imperial 4s closed at 7.'.5 anil
Uns-lan bonils ef 1!04 at S.
ST. PF.TEHSHl'RI, Ort. 3 Trading on
the Bour today vnclllnted. Imperial Is
closed at and 5s at S.'V.
Sev York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 3 MONEY On call,
firm, 4VjU6 per cent; ruling rate, 54 per
cent. Time loans, easy; sixty days, 6 per
cent: ninety days, 6ft per cent, six
nvnlhs, ( per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' hills at 34 835
f4lS70 for demand snd at 4.770M
4.7975 for slxtv day hills; posted rates.
34!OHj4 81 and 31-84 V4; commercial
bills, 14 .78V ...
SILVER War. 65-Tc; Mexican aousr.
DONPS Oovernment, sieany; ranroau,
Quotations on bonds today were as fol-
V. . ref. U. reg-.-losH japan a. M series. .10"H
do coupon 10.1 on Ha ear
. 8. 3. reg I"!1! do id eer
do coupon 101 1. A N anl.
. s. eld 4a. rs....l024 Manhatan o. g 4i
do coupon 1"2 Mtitcan Ontral 4e
. 8. new 4a, reg. .. .HI I do lit inc
do coupon Ill M. A Rl. L. 4a...
Amerlcw Tobacco 4 T7SaiM.. K. A T. 4a...
an ft. iinu iia zda
Atc hlne.m gen. 4a. ...101 N. R. R. of ' " "
do adl. 4a iJaJ. y. Central g. . '"
Atlantic C. U 4n.... Mt. N. J. Central g. ''
. A o. 4a in: V Northern ractnc ta..i
do tvte MV. do 1 W1
Brooklyn R. T. e. 4a. s N. A W. con. 4a t'
Central ot Oa. 6a... .US O. 8. U rfd. 4a 5
do let Inc (i ;PennriTni c. ia. i"i
do td Inc M IReading ge. 4a
do Jd Inc 1 St. L A I. M. c. Sa.1114
C. A O. 4a 1M St. U A S. F. fg 4a. MS
. A A. Jta 91. L.. nouinw n c. w
., B. A J n. 4a.... Seahoard A. L. 4a ... M
.. R. I. A P 4a.... T4 Southern Pacific 4a.. !'.
ia (a II do lt 4a car M
C..C..C. A St.L g.4a.I01H Southern Rallwar ia 11H
Colo. lnd. 5e. 8er. A 78 Tnaa A PacISc late. Hat
Colo. Mlrtla w 4a ... 73V I T.. St. U A W. 4a. 1
Colo. A Southern 4a 1 Union PacISc 4a.
Cuba 6a 101 tV. S. Steel id da
P. A R. O. 4a 100 wabaah lata
Platlllera' Sec. (a.... do Deb. B
.eaiern sin.
W. A L. E. 4a.,
Wta. Central 4a..
Japan 4a car
mm live stock market
rlLn Off i CtUlt Rsooipu and
Bheeaj aaa leatab Market Coatlaaea la
a Uood Healthy t oaelltlaa. with
All Kieae Sellla Freely
at Steady Prices.
SOUTH OMAHA, OcU 8. 18v.
ltecelpts we.u:
Othclul .Moiulay ....
UIUsiai luesuay
Oiiiciai Weuneeuay..
...U..447 t,.J 84,3.1
.. 4.73 fc),u
,. 4.SOV 6,uU U,Ai
Kaaaas City Grain and Provisions.
December, 69Hc; May, 72c; cash, No. 2
71 He; No. 8, Bc
hard, 70HJ72c; No. 3, 6&70c; No. 2 red.
liamace reports from the northwest had Included, 20c; seconds. 14Vic.
Wheat, bu
.t.aiivinr influenca. December opened
unchanared at 84fcc. ranred between It Vac.
3360, and 34V4C and closed at 34VJ.
1 Mi.lnln wnr 177 Cttrl.
r, ..i. mm earlv in the day I Corn, bu
hut later became oulte firm. The easier Oats. bu..
tone of wheat and com had a Uepresslnu
effect at the start. This Influence was
offset by a to advance in the price of
CORN December. 38c: May. 38 He; cash
No. 2 mixed. 43c: No. Z white. 46c.
OATS No. 3 white. Bbc: No. 8 mixea.
HA x steady : choice timothy, 8U.iWiz.ou;
choice prairie. .wi .&o.
KYK-Hinher. bitttOC.
EOU8- urm; extras, zic; nrsts, cases
26c; packlns.
Receipts. Shipments
99.000 152,000
21,000 2r,00
16.0U0 13,000
Philadelphia Prodae Market.
live hoars. January pork closed at a gain I Firm, extra western creamery, ortlclal
of KtfTVio at 113. 42V4. Lard was up bo price, 26c; street price, ZtiVxc; extra nearby
at - J.kUt.. nil)) were up nu prlius. inc
'i.'.d recelDts for tomorrow:
Wheat 30 cars; corn 236 cars; oats 260
cars; hogs 86.0011 neaa.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close.Yes'y.
EGUR Klrm, good demand, nearby fresh
and western fresh, 25c, at mark.
CHEESE Firm, good demand: New York
full creams, rancy. lsvc; choice, 13V:
fair to good, UVjlic.
IH-o. ,
Jan. Lard
Oct. Jan.
U 3S
t WW
T 87H
75Ae4 74'AW7cNpS4
43 I
45v 46V
4iil-VI 43
Mllwaakee Grata Market
Steady; No. 1 northern, 7Bot)Hc; No
7S1? I northern. 7GJi78Vic; December. Tjc.
I CORN Firm; No. 3 cash, 40Vij47c; De
34U! Kfi
8Sil 85'
13 H
. I 85
3 67H!
' 7 MS!
' 8 27h'
18 8lW
6 V
T ti
8 20
1 12HI
cember. 48c.
I 1 r. - 11 III , Al. ft. HlV1li.
. . 1 . t . - v r . . 1 1 . va o r -. . . . 1 00 .
. . I DAOiJOllUll, WWW, BllllJtO, M U
' I 5tc
34HI 344
36HfH , 8o
Liverpool Grala Market
nrm; No. 3 red western winter, bo t i
IS 42: 13 S7V I tures, steady;- Deceniber, Cs March,
t t?H' 8 PTV4
t 6P4 8 524
T 32H T 87H
8 25 t
T nw 3 i
fix ,V..l
t.OKJV Bpoi, steaayi American mixea, s
lid. Futures, quiet; uc toner. 4s W, L-
cember AS 67nd; January, 4a lv-d
Cssh quota'.ton, were as follows:
irift-i:H Urm: winter patents. 83.3nf
1 40: winter straights. 83.10163 35; spring pat
ents $3.711 spring . stmifzhta. H.Hi;;
12 il,ll.IO.
WHEAT No. 3 spring. "WMci No. t
spring. 72wc; No. I re.i, BSS.Je.
CORN-No. 3. .4,c; No.' 8 yellow. 46VJVrT a.
Dalatlt Grain Market.
PUteUTH. Mlnnw Oct. 8 -WHEAT-No,
1 hard, on track. 77H"' No. 1 northern
7iHc; No. X northern, 75c; December, ,6c
May, 'isc. .- . .
OATS To arrive ana uctooer, sac.
Cattea Market.
jsir.W YORK. Oct. 3 COTTON-Snot
Closed quiet B4d t4eady; middling urland
lO.bnc; Iiiiuuuiik gun. tv.on.-, taica, i
"SaTS No. t, tISo No, i white, t4Vi?lc;
ft a 1 wniu. -
No 8. liHc. 1
BARLKT-Oood feeding, tSSSVic; fair to
choice malting, 44M;o.
v ' xi
fair demand ana prices o.(iii -omi rigii-r
imuH.un mlrt.llliiftT fnlr. il'XIii; scol nil. I
dllna -8od; low mlddlintr. 6.Md; sor d or
dlnsrr. 5 &4il; ordinary, 5.30d. lha s;le o
lh day were nates, or -wmcn 10
m.'irrxt No. 1 flax. $108: ' Nox-V north-I ., tnr .,i.,iic-ii' n,t m,irt n
western. 81 It - Prime Hmothjr,, 83.0Iu.e6. llic.tu)cd f0 Laloe American; rvcoipts. 2,0 0
Clover, contract pad,. 312 including LUX) bulea Amejlcan.
PHiiVlSloNS-fcl.ori iloa HJes (Ihosel. eT LOM8 Ma. Oct. . 3. OTTON
TVP'O?- wJlrt.r..ShJ Steady; A'lodllng. 10c, Mies. US bales;
U 700 HSVa lit 111
11. 00 45U 44V. 44
J00 101, 101"4 lM
1,100 14 I5S
;;;; !!" J4s
lMVi 15.1H
t.eoo x
100 lt4
'bOO 74"
1.400 ir5
100 1154 11IH
1.109 134
300 M
1S44 l!l
1.800 UA tM
II '4
1M.DTO 10IA, (H
4' 101 10t
too 141
4.000 1234 122H
15.600 7Sa 7714 11
17,600 m M W
Colorado A Southern
do lat pfd
do id .pfd
Coneolldated Oas
Corn Producta rfg
do pfd
Pelawar A Hudeon
Delaware, U A W
Denver A Rio Grande
do pfd
platlllera' Securities
Erie .'
do lat pfd
do 3d pfd
General Elect rlo
Hocking Valley
Illnola central
International Paper
do pfd
International Pump
do Did
Iowa Central
do pfd
Kanaaa Cite Southern
do pd
Loulevllle A Naahvillo ....
Mexican Central
Mlnneapolla A St. Iuia..
M., St. P. A 8. Ste. M...
do pfd
Mlaaourl Pacific
HUmurl, Kanaaa A Teiaa
do pfd
National Lead
N. R. R. ot H. pfd
NfW York Central
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A Weatern
do pfd
North American
Pacific Mall
Peoplee Oaa
P., C, C. A St. L
P.-eaaed Steel tar
do pfd
fullman Palace Car
do lat pfd
do td pfd
Republic Steel
do pfd
Ruck Inland Co
do pfd
Rutiber Oooda pfd
&t. Lcnla Soutbwtatarn.
do pfd
ftuuthtrn Pacl&c
do pfd
Soulh.'rn Railway
do pld
Tcnneteee Coal and Iron.
Texaa A Pacific
T , Kt. U A W
do pfd
Vnloa Paclflo
ito pfd
1.1' 10
I. ro
3i4 2ta 424
1 114 14
4 4 4
67, 64 644
41 H 40
4 41 U
i3 13 Wa
30'4 30V4 t"Vi
Erie prior Hen 4a.. 100
do gen. 4a asii
Hocking Valley 4Ha.l07
Japan ee 1004
Uojtoa stocks and tlnnds.
BOSTON. Oct 3. Call loans, 6fiS per cent;
time loans, 67 per cent. The closing quota
tions on stocks and nonets were as io.iow.
Atehlaon adj. 4a.... W lAtlantlc
do 4a l"o Bingham
Mexican Central 4a.. 7Sicaluraet A Heckla..l06
Atehlaon 10314 Centennial
dc pfd liioicouper Range
Boeton A Albany lianaiy weni
Boeton a Maine im
Roaton Elevated ....14
Kltchhurg pfd 137 I
Mexican Central ... II
N. T., N. H. A H..1MW
Per Marquette .... la
fnlon Pacific l4j
Amer. Arga. Chemical 2
do pfd si
Amer. Pneu. Tuba...
Amer. Sugar 134Sa
do ofd 138
Amer. T. A T 13
Amer. Woolen Mb
do pfd 10
Dominion I. A 8... 2
Edition Elee. Ilium. 23
Maaa. Electric 1H
do pfd 70
fnlted Fruit lot
United Shoe Main... 7S
do pfd re
V. 8. Steel 4't
do Pfd IOCS
Amalgamated Ill
Asked. "Bid.
Franklin 24V
Uranhy '"
Isle Royale 8
Maaa. Mining
"Michigan 14
Mohawk 44
Montana C. A C
Old Dominion 614
Osceola H1
Parrot IT4
Qulacy 4
Trinity H
t'nlted Copper eon
tl. 8. Mining II
V. 8. Oil "I
Victoria 74
Winona 8
Wolverine 141
North Butte loan
Butte Coalition 401
Nevada 1
Calumet A Arliona..l21
Tecumeeh 14
Anaona Commercial. Mil
Ttiree days this week. .B.iai 12.7) 84,773
Sxine das last wees. ...U.1 le.ila iti.ttia
tiaine o t wneas,lii le,ii4 o,M
bame uayi i weeks o.ll,; li,e4 4S,iM
name uaa 4 wes (i.;t.i bo,su
fame days last year. . . .i,4o4 leu0 4,U
tne luitoKiog taiix aiiual Ui i.-.i"
tit collie, nuga aitu Sftteep at Houin Ooi..a
lor tue year to iMle, cuiuparrtt witu wii
car. lm in. '
Cattle 740, 16 707,878
lioss 2,0ift,istd l,o,Jl lM,eu4
.P i,4v.iMi IraAHiaU iti,J
CAi lLu. ytol Ai'iiyAav.
taoou to cuuiks toill-leu sieui ....-'"
rail' tu guxu vuia-iwtl aietis
luiiiiiion to la. i curn-ted aieers
txoud to cboke range steers
fair to good ran go slvris
uirnioa 10 lull in steers....
ijooa arasa cuai hhii ftieifers...
s'air iu luou cows anu neiters.. i.wai v
t.omnion to lair cows and betters., l.evu4u
Uood to choice stocaers and fdrs.. 4 wmt W
Jr to goou siucaers and toetlera,. l.iwui w
Common to lair slocaeis 3.I(W.A
tuns, stags, etc l.iouJ.i
Vsal calves 40i.kuv.ia)
ine toiiuwing table shows the avctag
price of nogs at bouih Omaha lor tne last
several tlaya, witn comparisons:
11 heifer.. CW 3 80 44 rows ... 817 I to
3n rows eK 3 70 10 calves.... 341 3 60
UH feeders. .128 3 86 66 calves ... 178 6 00
L. Oalbreath Wyo.
t steer.. . .11M 4 oo 6 cows 1088 3 7
D. R. tVhlUker-Wyo.
3 steers.... ism 4 80 14 cows 1087 3 13
Smith At I V yo
17 steers. ...1J4 4 J I steers.... 973 3 60
17 feeder. . 7;flt 8 88
William Ellls-Wyo.
80 feeders. . 6W im 7 cows 1118 166
I cows PH0 3 10
RtM-ky Mountain Csttle Co. Wyo.
IG3 feeders. 0'. 3 86 60 cows W3 3 10
3 cows liu! 3 60
lit.u in some rtses salesmen who just
happened lo have something that appealed
extra p.easlog to the eyes of buyers
nought lliey secured n little strouttrr
prills than esteioay, but the general mar-k-t
rould hardly be quoted more Hum
steady. The trade was st no lime vtry
active, but hogs kept se lling, and Hie most
ol tlietn changed Imnoa In reuaonHbie sea
son. As will be n.;ed from tlie saies be
low, hogs sre selling largely at tu.lJtl-
with some of the best Hunt bogs at m
and above. ,
While there has been hhrtlly enoUe5h
change to quote any duy this week, tliere
hss iM-en a gradual firming up In valuta, s
that the average of nil the sales has ueeu
a trine hlalur each day.
iteprrseniative sales:
4 nt u
3 ISAeV.Ve
e ova.00
Date. IM. Il.llu4.1803.:l!i)8.l01.l.
Sept. I I 6 28 6 761 t T8 I 0 t si
bept. 14.. 1 17 6 ; 7 .4, 1 i 44 t 1A
dept. ilo.. 17V 6 8S I 6 l 7 U t (W 6 16
cept. M. . I ( ii, t Mi f 37 t iOi 7 4i " 7b t 1
Sept. U .) Dii ( 1,, 6 blj 1 1 84 7n t It
btpt. . u i 6 IM 6 4i t 8 i i
bLvt. -tt..l i la, 6 6 t let 7 31 l
bept. ju.. i 6 lot 6V t 1 7 241 6 9
Oct. 1....I I 26 1 I 6 74 t il 7 14 t 7o 13
Oct. 2....I 6 iti'Jk 6 18i I t 611 7 W 6 W 6 18
Oct. t.... 6 10 i 72 6 M 7 6 6 18
Omaha ti.ivwu.ja
Ivaiisaa City 1. iowi.m
Ut. Luuls H.wrtta.M
oioux City
'I lie oiiiClat nuinbei ut cats ol a.w.u
brought in today oy tacn iuu was.
w.i. o. ,U
a. wie. uu
U. U
Ne. A. Sk. FT. No. Av Sk. Ft
44 141 10 4 II 4 in 11" 4 U
M 24 40 I II IS 40 4 II
0 IS I 40 llll 14 ... 4 tTUj
II i ... .7l 41 tH) 120 4 iv
M 2 It) 40 4 20 14 231 120 4
m irr 40 re tu i;i ... 4
0 21 M o 7) 247 M I SSVe
I IM ... 4 10 II 2l IMI 4 3.S
M r7 ... I 20 44 211 ... I ln
T2 171 ... 4 11 II U4 100 I lit,
4 171 KIM 71 3.4 120 4 t:i
41 271 ... 6 n 42 Hi 44 I II
40 Ml ... 4 14 71 t ... I list
74 l ... (II eg 221 HO lim
41 ilO ... 4 21 IM 1j4 lit) I lis
U i 44 I II 71 i)i Mill
1 2SI ... I 71 Ul ... I If.
0 3i 400 4 24 14 IN 110 4 40
44 370 40 4 24 71 214 ... 4 40
til 804 I n ( . Its (44
l 2M ... 21 71 121 120 4 40
wss'unctisnsed In the Knsllsh msrket with
Hianiiard foundry guoled at 64s and Cleve
land waiT'nls at Ms tnl; tne iocsi marset
was firm and a simile h;glier on some
grades. No. 1 foundry noitnern Is minted
al l-'l 0ttr.'2.i'; No. -3 foundry northern,
t.n.6ii ..; No. 1 foundry southern at
tel 'I' No. t southern St 3.1
BT. l.Ol IS. Oct 8, MKT A 14 l.caii. nrm
St fXi, Se;ter. quiet at 81.14j.
C, M. A 8t. P
Miaaouri i-'aclllc ......
U. P. bysteui
C. & N. W., east
C. dc N. VV., West
C, til. P., M. & O....
C, W. ak g., eaat
C. B. oc W., west
C, K. I. at P., east....
C, R. I. t P., west...
Illinois Central
Chicago Ul. Western..
.4... 1
London Closing- Stocks.
LONDON. Oct. 3. CTosing quotations on
the Stock exchange were; .
Conaola. tor money. M l-ll M , K. A T tl
do account
Atehlaon ,
do pfd ,
B. A O ,
Canadian Pacific .
C. A O
Chicago O. W. ..
C, M. A St. P..
De Beera
D. A R. O
do pfd
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Central ,.
L. A N
lH;N. Y. Central 1464
... H4i Norfolk A Weaurn.ioost
..111V do- pfd
..lCSH'-Ontarlo A Western
..137HPensaylvanla ....
..117 I Rand Mines
.. a-,H'Radlng
.. 1114 Southern Railway.
..Ill f do pfd
.. lSVftouruorn Paclflo...
.. 4tVi Union' Paotrlo ....
., do pfd
.. M4 y, 0teel
.. 78, .o pfd
.. 7 Vrtu
.jn I do pfd
..142t48pablah 4
SILVER Bar, stendy,. 31d per ounce.
MONEY 3li per cent. ,
DISCOUNTS The rate of discount In the
open market tor short bills is 4-S per cent;
for three months' bills. tHSHVTper cent.
.. 73V,
.. IH
.. Ts'4
.. It
.. 47V4
.. 17
.. 41
.. II
.. 4
.. 45
04 12414 2!24 122V,
100 K44 C644 KS',
1,100 43V4 42VI 42
100 W 84 U
4. SOO 70 ID 49
17,100 47 40 41
100 "It 7H 71
100 1114, lS U
100 117 147 111
204 174 )7t 17
, 100 42 12 II V
100 l.14 HI kJ
1.01(0 31 31 il
1.2O0 H3, K 41
l.oiio is i"i
I.3U) ftS 494 (,
1.3V0 H7 l4Vi lie
40 Z2: 21 22
2i 74 74 74
luO l.r,2 ! lr2
lS.b.tO 41
h) 37
kuO 71
I.7U0 7Hi
1.84 60
1.400 14U
1.000 4S
100 17
ioo it"
3tt0 il
44.700 142
100 44
1.4"0 14
100 74
13t Ui
4 41
M 44
.... 00
42 13
II 37
141 141
Bl.lot IM 160
. . 2. lt'0
.. t.a)
.. . 400
114.400 Sf, 13
too tm in
H"fl 7 3rt
14 M
ttoud Slatea Eftpreea
I nittd
. 4.7i 40 3i,
fO S 34
. 1.0t 14
.101,704 IDC 4 1S44
. 1. 100 f7 54 $4
son lid no icaa
.1M.:"0 47. 44 4i'
11,14 107 lt6 ll7
jl 1' O OB., 0-.7W. tti V m wu,
$B 6tvjj.6-'t.
shipments. Hi bale;
rollowlng were the receipts and ship'
ments of flour sod raln: : .'.-,
Flour, bbls...
Wheat, ou...
Receipts. Bhlptnenis
ft, MMV r m J
80 6
B ' snar
...yk. ........ tl.f't
com. u t;;;-
Ti.riev. bu.jlhv i...i. 87 8fa)
the Prid'iif exchange today 'the tout
... market - tva" arm; creamerlea, JHJ
Iftii. dalrlca. yjHwilVrC. Km, .firm; at
receipts.- -'S bn.r
nch in l'S bales
NEW (iKUPAMi. M. , wi. j-voi i 1 1 .x
Snot clcscd steady; sales, 8.f bales; l.-w
ordlnsry, 6Tc, .nominal; .ordinary. .44".
nominal: good orninary. uw; kw a-aLLe-
mldd'lnir l"Uc: cood mlild'l:ir.
. H.C0 I ift.-;' 'middling f Ur Me nominal; fair
d mate Keally
I'nllFd Btatne Rubber
do pfd ,
t'nlted bUatea fiteel ...
do pfd
Virginia-Carolina Ctutnlca!
do pfd ity
Wfthatk 4') 2 to M
do pfd. T l.iuO 46 4i v
WVII. Fargo Kxpreaa 5W
W'tai Inalnuae lileelrtc eei-,'
Wilern 1'l.lon M0 17 17 a7
v oviing LMKt c. .e
W.eo:.eln eiitial
do pfd.
Northern Pa lAc
(Vl.lral l,uainrr
do p'd
8lnaa'ShefnMd 4tio 74 74
Interurltan atetropolltau... . J.uofi 3h't gc
do pM ' JftO 7J1, 7,a. N irhtra pfd . 4.40Q 44 441
K-Ijv:.utl. "tiSirea. . . . .
Toul aalu, lor Ibu day. 1,244.004 aaarea.
1. 100
4,700 j! 214
S0 34 l
7 1
Boston Coprier lharket.
Closing quotations on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Logan A Bryan. 3 Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
Adventure T Mohawk 46
Allouea 17 Nevada Coneoll Jatcd. II
Atlantlo 12 North Uutte 106
Bingham 34 Old Dominion 43
Black Mountain 7Oeceola Ill
Boaloa Coneolldated.. 11 Pjeu. Service 11
Butte Coalition 41 Pneu. Service, pfd... 11
Calumet A Qulncy 44
Calumet A Hrcla....4tW Shannon
. M Tamarack
Itl Tenneaeee Copper
. 161 Trinity
, 13 lalted Fruit Iu7
. 111 Vnlted Statre, com.. 47
. 27 I tilted Statea. pfd.... 44
. 14 Vlah Coneolldated.... I
. 4 I tan copper ..
. 11 Victoria
. 21 Winona
. 4 Wolverlna
.. lo
Copper Range
Dally Weat
Eaat Bulla
(ireene Copper ...
lale Royal
L. 8. A Flttaburg
Maaaachuautts ...
. 7
Trensnry Statement.
WASHINGTON. Oct. ' 3. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the tl.VUOO.UUO gold
reserve, shows: Available casn uaianre,
3iiO,133,081; gold coin and bullion, 12!.uJ,-
li; gold certificates, 4to.w9.dw.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Oct. 3. Bank clearings for today
were 31.9uG.47l.09. and for the corresponding
date last year 31.UU.8.6 0I.
Totals receipts ...
The disposition of the day s receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 487 701 676
bwirt and comiiany v l.t'l !..
Cudahy Packing LjO 1,117 l.TVi
Armour 4V Co KM
Van Bant A Co 2i7
Carey & Benton 148
lbroan & Co M
McCreary A Carey 837
w. 1. Biepnen sob
Hill A Bon 34
F. P. Iewls. 138
Hamilton A Rothschild.. 64
L. F. Husi 248
Wolf 814
J. II. Bulla 81
Mike Haggerty.... l.r
J. B. Root & Co 137
T. B. Inghram 7
Sullivan Bios io
V. A. Britton 10
Ihmer Bros 17
St. Louis D. B. Co
Other buyers 1.067
..7.186 6,704 23.885
CATTLE Receipt ot cattle looked small
this morning compared to the heavy runs
of yesteruay and the day beiore, but Hie
total tor me tnree days Is Just about the
same as fur tne correspunuing period of
last week. The market as a whole did
not show very much change.
The supply of beef sleets, both cornfeds
and rangers, was extremely light, thsre
being very little of either kind and noth
ing choice like the best cattle here yes
terday. The feeling was ully steady, and
had there been any right desirable It
might poaslbly have sold even stronger.
Everything In the way of desirable beef
sold in good season.
Cows aJid heifers were In moderate sup
ply and the general market was not ma
terially changed trom yesterday. In other
words, the market was Just about steady
at the decline noted yesterday. The mar
ket was reasonably active, and the more
desirable, of the offerings changed hands In
very reasonable season.
The big end of the receipts consisted of
Blockers and feeders. While good feeders
did not show any material change, the me
dium and common kinds were very slow
and In many casts hard to move. It was
not so much a matter of price as of want
ing the cattle. Speculators, who bought
freely yesterday and day before, had a
good many cattle of that kind on hand,
for which there was very little country de
mand. Hence they were very backward
about taking on additional supplies unieas
at a concession In price.
Representative sales-
av. rr. P.O. av. rr.
. 731 I 44 14 1111 I II
.1177 4 lo 61 1214 6 44
,U0l I 16
:j yv a.
. 404 1 T4 14 ...
SHEEP Receipts this morning were
very liberal, eighty-five cars bolng re
ported ss against sUty-four a week ag.
Kor the three days this week ovor 80,00')
sheep have been received as against 70.S10
for the corresponding days ot last week.
Notwithstanding tha fact that the offi
cial count shows the receipts fur Mon
day and Tuesday to have been 63,7 1 A.
there were very few remaining unsol.l
when the market rlorred last night, aside
from a few odds and ends and aome very
undesirable trash. With the receipts so
large It kept everyone busy and the scales
did not close until nearly 7 o'clock last
night, the work of weighing up being car
ried on with electric lights. An Investi
gation of the- sheep barns this morning
showed practically nothing In the way of
really good sheep or lambs left over In
first hands. There was lo be found, how
ever, quite a number of common old ewes
which have been In very poor demand all
the week and which are Inclined to ac
cumulate. It would look aa If parties de
siring to feed that kind of stuff would do
well to get In their orders.
1 Tho fresh receipts began arriving this
morning in very good season and it was
not long until the buying commenced.
Packers seemed to want a few good kill
ers, but the supply of that kind was very
meager. Prices on-everything that would
) do for killers did not show any material
4w chantre, the market being steady, the same
a I as yesterday and day before.
As hits been the case ail the week the
greater proportion of th arrivals con
sisted of feeders. Fortunately there was
the usual good demand and the murki-t
did not show much change. The fact Is
feeder sheep and lambs have sold In
about the same notches all the week. The
trado was a little slow at the opening, aa
country buyers naturally want to do a
little looking before purchasing, but whn
the trade was once under way there wag
a fair movement.
Quotations on killers: Oood lo choice
lambs, 36.800 7.00; fair to good lambs.
86.004jt.80; good to choice yearlings, 35.
6.76; good to choice wethers, 16.0048
6.26; good to choice ewes, 34.604.66.
Quotations on feeders: iJamhs, 36.601?
(.70; yearlings, 36.25(6.60; wethers, 14. iS
43 6.10; ewes, 33.60424.60; breeding ewes,
Representative sales:
No. Av.
1361 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 85
402 Wyoming ewes, feeders...... 48
260 Utah ewes, feeders 100
177 Utah ewes 10S
729 Bouth Dakota wethers, feed
ers 174 Wyoming lambs
4'8 Wyoming lambs
4 Ctah lambs
3T.7 Ifaho ewes, feeders
3.17 Wyoming Iambs
V) Wyoming lambs, feeders,,
427 Montana Is nibs
126 Idaho goats
42 Montana culls ,
8i3 S. D., ewea feeder
2:'3 Wyoming ewes
Mi9 Utah yearlings
8SI7 Wyoming lambs
70 Wyoming lambs
.. 60
.. 1(0
.. B7
.. 67
.. 87
... 82
... 79
... 99
... M
... 60
4 30
4 40
4 40
4 76
t IS
7 On
4 40
t 76
3 26
4 26
4 26
4 40
6 66
8 23
6 2S
Cattle and Hogs Btroa to steady
Sheep Aboat Steady.
CHICAGO, Oct. 8. CATTLE. Receipts,
lIOoO head; market strong fur good to
choice, steady for common and medium
grades. Common to prime 3S.75ifji7.00; cows,
J.i(Kill.7S; heifers, e2.tW6.35; bulls, 2.ti
4.60; calves, 33.004jti.Cu; Mockers and feeders,
HOOS Receipts. 22.000 head; market
strong early, but weakened later In the
day, .Choice lo prime heavy, 6.uu0j6.75;
medium to good heavy, 3C.5O4j6.G0; buichei
weights, 80.6tMitift2ty; good to choice mixed,
le.fcWjijfjO; packing, 6.ii.60; pigs, 16.50
tl 50.
8HEBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 35,000
head; market about steady. Bheep 34. 75
6.26; yearlings, t5.70rutl.00; lambs. I6.00tf7.65.
Coadltlen at Trad and tsaeitattona mm
.staple and Peary Prodae.
KOOS-Pcr 00a. liHilDc.
UVK POlLTHf-llens, 8's": roosurs,
(c; turkeys. c, ducks, i,10r: spring
chickens, HHc
BUTIKR-Packing stock, lt: choice td
fancy dalrv, luiiioc; creamery, :'.'fio.
HAY-l'rlcfs quoted by Omaha Kcl com
pany: Choice i.ilnntl. 150; no diom, IV Wn
coarse, 3JOii8.6t. Uve straw, ti.6uy i.00.
HKA.V Per Ion. fl&(ti.
TOMATOES) Home grown, per lia.ieit ft
20 His., .6u:tio.
WAX 1-iKANS-rer market basket of
about 13 lbs.. Sic.
bu., 76c.
LEAK LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog,
heads, .e.
CELEKT Per dos.. 255Jnr.
CL'CL'M HERS Home grown, per flog.,
ONIONS -HoTte grown, per hu.J
Spanish. 11.76 per crate.
tl RE EN ONIoNS-Ptr oS. bunches. 18c.
RAf'ISHES--Per dor bunches, I5TC.
NAVY BEANS- Per bu.. II 86; No. 2, 3L.1.
LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 8Hc . . .
OHEEN PEPPERS Per market basket,
PARSLEY Hothoiiaer. per dog. buivches,
CARRACirc Home grown. pr lb., 140.
EOO PLANT per basket, 60c.
POTATOES Per bu . 66e.
OR ANQE8 Valenclas, according to sue,
LEMONS Llmonlers, extra fjnry, SK)
else, i', 50; 900 slse. 38.60; s'se, 38.60;
other brands. 31 less.
B ANANAfi Per m-dlnm-elied bunth.
tl.76jr:.: iumbos, $ MiM.
DATES Per lb.. S'n6,6.
PEACH ES Colorado, tVVifJti.uO; Missouri,
per 6-basket crate, 3i.OO4jl.26; California
Hal ways, per box. ll.W.
I'Ll'M 8 Oregon Italian prunes, 31.10.
PEARS Bart lett, per box. 33 "0.
GRAPES Hume grown, per 8-lb basket,
17c; Tokay. 81.76.
APPl.ES-Per hbl.. K OOff 2.60.
CRANBERRIES-Per bbl., 360.
WATERMELONS Per lb., ltjle, of
about ":6uJoc each.
CANTELOUPE8 Poor quality and not
No. 1 ribs, 11c; No. 3 ribs, KV4c; No. I
ribs, 6Hc: No. 1 loins, 16c; No. 2 loins. 13c
No. 3 loins. 64c; No. 1 chucks, 6c; No.
chucks, 4c; No. 8 chucks, 8c No. 1 rounds,
8c; Nc 3 rounds, 7c; No. 3 rounds, 6c; No.
1 plate, 3c; No. 3 plate, Hc; No. 3 plats, lo.
SUGAR Granulated cane, in sacks, 35.41;
granulated beet, lu sucks, 35. 41.
CHEESE Swiss, new, lac; Wisconsin
bruit, 14?; Wisconsin limburger, 13c;
twins. I4vtc; young Americans, lbVtc.
COEEfclil Roasled, No. 35, "c per lb :
No. JU. it';c per lb.; No. 26, lKVfcc per lb.;
No. 20, 16VC ptr lb.; No. 21, 12ViU per lb.
rJVHUJt In bhls., r.c per gal.; In cases,
6 io-lb. cans, 31 70; cases, 11 6-lb. cans, 31-80;
cases, 21 H-lb. cans, 31.86.
HON E x er V4 iramea, sa w.
CANNED UOODB Corn, standard west
ern, e4joc; Maine, 31.15. Tomatoes, 3-lb.
cans. 41.U0; 3-lb., 87Hclg.fl.0U. Pineapples,
grated, 3-lb., Ji.oi'u' i, sliced, 1. 90(1.2 20;
gallon apples, fancy, IJ.&5; California apri
cots. fl.90ti2.26, pears, 31. 75.50; - peaches,
fancy, fl.iofj2.40; H. C. peachea fiOtKB'J .60.
Alasaa salmon, red, 11.25; fancy Chinook,
K., 42.IO; fancy sockeye, K. 31.96: sardines,
Oil, 12.76; i mustard, H.0U. Sweet pota
toes, ll.loal.j6; sauerkraut, fl.00; pump
kins. 0c4j 41.00; wax beans, 2-lb 66'iiWc;
lima beana, 2-lb., 7&cii31 36; spinach, 11.35;
chiap peas, 2-lb., 60c; extra, 76090c; fancy,
CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, per
quarter bbl., 100 lbs., f4.00; Norway mack
erel, No. 1, fl'8.01 No. 2, f24.0O; No. 3, t20.0H;
Irish, No. 2, 314 00; herring, in bbls.. 200 lbs.
each. Norway, 4k, 812.00; Norway, 3k, flf.OO;
Holland, mixed, fll.OOl Holland herring, in
kegs, milkers, 80c: kegs, mixed, 70c.
FISH Buffalo, Urge dressed, 8c; .trout,
medium or large, dressed, 12c; pike, dressed,
11c; halibut, fine stock, lie; catfish, dressed
16c; bullheads, dressed sod skinned. 12c,
white perch, dressed, 6c; crapplea, large.
I'.'c; sunflsn, pnn gise, act white bass, extra
choice, 12c; pickerel, 9c; salmon, Chinook.
Ho; white fish (frosen). 12c: mackerel
(Spanish). 16c; Native, per fish, 18-J6r:
codfish, fresh, frosen, l2o; floundvrs, fresh,
frozen, lie: nlueflsli, fresh frosen, 15o;
haddock, fresh froien, 10c; red snapper,
dressed. 12c; smelts, No. 1, per lb., 12a;
lobsters (boiled), per lb., 40o; green, 37e;
eel, per lb., 18c; frog legs, per dos., 26c:
me shad. 31 esch; shsrt roe. pair, 46.
H. B. Davis of Sterling, Colo., W. A.
NUTS Pecans, lurge, per lb., 12c; smnll,
per lb., 11c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb.,
15c; hsrd shells, per lb, WUId. Coooa
nut, 14.00 per sack of 100.
HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen salted.
No. 1, 134c; No. I. 121c; bull hides. 9H
10140; green hides. No. 1. 1?4c: No. 2. HVjr;
horse. 1 .6KH 3.76; sheen pelts, 60c5fl 26. Tal
low, No. 1. 4He; No. i. 3Ho. -
WOOL Per lb 18iB'26c.
.. 110 1 71
..K40 I M
.. 5 I 00
.. kfio I 14
..1U4 I la
..lut.4 I 40
.. IU I
146 t 00 1...
Wool Market
BOSTON. Oct. 3. WOOL Market was
firm, active In soule directions snd dull
in others. No large blocks of territory
wool have been received; territories ore
ntnvini freelv. Pulled wools are steady.
In foreign wools the purchaae of 3.000, "J j J' "
bales of New Zealand cross-breils, run- j ,70 , u t t
ntng from 46c to 56c by a New England I J ui j 3, t..
mm was me maiuir ut vnw ... . ...... ,
ranged froi.t 41c to 44V4c. Leading quo- I
tations follow: Missouri .combing, three- I
eighths blood, 33Siioc; utiarier blood, 3fif
34c. Texas, scoured basis, flue 12-inontlis ,
726'73c; 8 to 3-months, 67&69c; tine fall
clean, &860u. California, scoured bal,
northern choke, 68 4t70e; northern good,
67t70c; middle county, 66&tic; southern,
621i 63c; fall free), 660 67c. Oregon,
scoured basis, eastern No. 1 staple, J2fJ
i74c; No. 1 clothing, 67 068c; valley No.
1 60ti'62c. Territory staple, scoured
basis, fine, 73r V5c; due medium. 68 70c.
Territory, ordluuVy. scoured btmls, fine.
7uii72c: fine medium, tsu iOr; m-dium
..1044 I 60
..1014 I 40
..ItttO I H
..1014 I 44
..1U.4 I 00
..1324 1 0
..411 I 14
..1077 I 14
.. 140 t 71)
.. It t M
..10OI) I 04
.. 144 8 14
1140 I 45
404 I 00 t
114 4 4S 1
140 I 24
...Ai 347 I 71 1
461 t 74
714 I 74 II 712 I U
lo4 I 40 1 IM IK
ftf I 10
im feeders. S21 3 46 38 feeders.. 8W 3 60
40 feeders.. 9H8 3 C5 8 feeders.. 443 3 15
114 I 40
140 4 00
470 4 44
S54j 6!.c. Colorado and Now Mexico spring. ; a , ltb9 t 12 steers. ...llao 8 40
secured basl., X. 60i.0c; No. 1. 64 W J tic. , g ,,,,.1 ..10C9 2 75
Pullud wool, scoured babls. extra, 72 U-74c; " I C. H. Tully Neb.
v 4.SVW
-n, rases infiuatni, rwu-v; nrsta, ire;
prime Urate. ' V c; extras,
atrong. UVsi1 :'- :. .'
Heart Market,
FFORIA. VjcL 8. -CORN - tjnt
No. 8 yellow and NO, 3. 40y; No.
I. 4oHc,
lTII-Eayj NO. J-white. No. 3 1 kettle, good to choice, SoijiSc
Forelau Pinaaclal.
IXNDOX. Oct. 3 The enjppilea of money
Increieed In fie nmrKet toddy witli the
quiftiur end. DiaoounUi weie firm, pend n
the announcement tomorrow ef tha tank of
Englnpd s rate of discount. Opera. Ions on
I tn Htnt'l: 1 ifhuttL'. ift.Mr.. (.,! ., ..
HHc nominal; receipts, i.i'.j oaies, SToca. monetary cloud, but In some directions a
76.339 bale. , . 4 j ,. ( heller tone wus noticeable. Crnsols i n-
. . "-:' 1 proved, owing to the luirdenlng of Ne
v. MilnsseS, ; vt rk exclunge. Home rails had a better
YOUK. Ot ' 3 8UQAR Raw. tone on the Improved traffic returns. Km-
runers were Irregular. Rusetan were
easy. Americans after the adjournment
at parity met with ateady support eaily
In the day and the majority of the ao. v
Issues under the lead of Atchison, To; e1 a
A Sinta Fe advanced to over par ly
(rrand Trunk, however, eased on dsip
polnttng t rattle rtturna Canadian Pacific
hesitated, pendlnar the annt'Ur.i-. rnent of
the coming stockholders' meeting. On Itu
.....u.. t,,ir r-nned. 9-liio : ceritrlf uaal.
I nrsta SVc; I u ,4 mpsses suwar,. 3'.c. Re-
23c,. ,em,;d qiet; No. 8. 4.60c; No. 7. 4.c: No. 8.
4 36C4 Ne. S, -4iJCl tJ. ji, aw;. ;u. l;.
4 lie; No.' Ill 4.1'ct- Wo. 14. 4 tljc. Confer
tioners A. 4.9uc; mould A, 6 36c; cut loaf,
ijur; crushed. 70c; powdered. 1 10c; granu
liteil. be: enbes. 6 26c,
MOLAcMEti Bteaayt - rew Orleans open
fine, eo'a 69c; A superfine, o4c; B
topers. 60tv55c.
WNDON, Oct. 3. WOOL A good selec
tion, amounting to 12.319 bales, was offered
at the wool auction Miles today. Merinos
and cross breds were in la:ne supply and
bidding for them was active. Scoured
wevo taken by home mid Oerraan buyers ul
the hlKhest prices of tlie series. Americana
paid is 2d for New South Wales greasy
wethirs and la 3d for a few lots of Vic
torians. Low giades were steadier. Fol
lowing are ttie sales In detail: New South
Walts, 4,700 bales; scoured, jua'jjza; greasy,
liV.UHls 2Hd. Queensland, i.'M bales;
scoured. Isi'fi2s; gr;iy, 9dls Id. Vic
toria, 1,20" bales; scoured. Is lrtgls UHd ;
groar-y, Mf; is 3.1. 8'tuth Australia. 100
ltaJ'-s; greasy, lid. Tasmania, Iju bulea;
greasy, la. New Zealand, 3,100 bales;
scoured. Is3d'aii"9d: greasy. 4Sils8d.
Cnpe of Good tiope and Natal. 6) bales;
scoured, 6d (jlsUd; greasy, 61t,d'gl0l.
ST. LOl IS. Mo., Oct. 3. WOOL Steady.
Meiltutii gnidrs cotnbirg and clothing.
27c; lighi fine, lsft'-lc; heavy fine, Itfinc;
tab washed, 32fj3c.
Cvdee Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 3 Cable market for
reffee futures opened steady at ar ad
vance of livj points In response to btttrr
European cables thHn xcled. There
was very little demand In the local mar
ket, and after holding around th Inltlil
figures during the middle of the day prices
eased off under selling against firm offer
ings from Brasll. The close was bareiy
steady at a net decline nf five to ten points.
Sales were reportfd of S8,ia bsgs. Includ
ing December. 4.65'u 66c; March. 4. 75-1; 4 Hoc;
May, 6 9tp6 5c; July. 7. 06c; September,
7 u6j7.3oc. Spot Rio quiet; No. 7 invoice,
TOLEDO. O.. Oct. 3. SEEDS Olrrrer,
cat-h and October. 38(0; December. 14.45.
j Timothy, fl.90; alalke, 37.34.
1 rows 1006 3 70
K. P. Meyers Neb.
18 stockers. 343 3 to
A. J. Kelly-Neb.
28 feeders.. 40 3 40
S C. Boone-Neb.
13 rows II '3 2 40 9 cows 1016 165
48 rows 646 3 66 6 feeders., "it) 3 40
N. K. Hemcare Neb.
7 cows..... 80I 2 40 14 feeders.. 872 3 40
J. R. Kverton Neb.
14 00 ws 9tfl 2 66 3 cows 1026 2 3
30 foeders.. 970 3 40
A. W Morrlll-Nob.
4 steers . ..1.10 3 70 7 cows CI8 i Ti
R. D. Mann Neb.
60 steers.. ..13U2 4 16 .a sto-rs....llM 8!)
14 steers.. ..1123 3 60 6 cows 1J0 3 60
W. B. Ellis-Neb.
26 feeders., ri 3 6
W. Bhangran Neb.
24 cows 903 2 85 20 cows Ml 3 to
Q. Deass Neh.
f cows 888 1 90 10 feeders.. 841 3 10
Monroe B Neb.
24 feeders.. 1029 3 60 23 feeders.. IU IM
13 cows I006 2 60 14 cows 972 2 60
K Irk Bros S. D.
20 oews..... 957 2 60
W. H Rlckell-8. D.
a feeders.. 1045 3 70
McKenna t Son 8. D.
13 cows 2 46
J. W. Bultlvan-8. D.
18 feeders. .1158 3 65
J. V. Sldney-8. D.
31 cows 918 3 46 ,
Paine & Arnold 8. D.
11 cows 1022 3 86 24 feedrs..l337 3 !r9
8. Morris 8. D.
8 calves... 814 3 60 10 cows 847 t 60
13 cowa.,,.. (sJ 2 no 6 st'ers.. ..1114 I X5
6 steers.... 1CM 3 36 Scows 923 160
10 cowa.... SJ3 i e
23 feeders.. 1023 4 06 16 calves.... 1S1 (00
3 calves..., 20 6 00 4 cows Wt 3 10
4 -ows .... 8v7 3 60 4 steers.. ..1136 180
Oils and Itoaln.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. .-OTt CreUt
balances. 11.58; runs. lno.W hhls. ; shipments,'
134 KS1 hbl.: ftvereire, 147. S?0 bhU.
SAVANNAH. Ga... Oct. 3; OIL Ttir
pentlne. firm; Hfo. . ,
ROPIN Steady; otiote A. P. C. $3 9rifM.m;
D. tumi 10: E. t4.15: E, 14.10: O. I4.2B: H.
34.30: I, 34 35; K, 34.50; M. $4.75f N, t5.20f
W W. 36.60.
Kansas City Live gtock Market.
Receipts, 13.000 head, Including l.iXJO south
erns; market strong: stockers and ftd-rs
lftihc higher than Monday; choice -export
and dressed beef steers, S0.RO06.6O; fair to
good. 34.26ri6.40; western steers. f3.tSji6.00;
stockers and feeders, 32.5tv4'10; snuthern
ters, f?.fi('li3.75; routhern cows, 317Vt)J90;
native, cows, ll.7uj3.7fi: native hrlfers, 12.75
6 li; hulls. IJ.)(Vfj3 i: calves, 33.00M.50.
HOO 8 Receipts. 7,000 head; market etenrtv
to 6c higher; top, ft' 55; bulk of sales, ti.4vt
6.60; heavy, 36.4W'"6.45: packers, 4Kw( tt. 65 ;
pips and lights, f6.70t 6iA.
heud: market steady to 10c higher; lambs,
I'.. jciiTJS; ewes and yearlings, H.Mit&.to;
western yearlings. fS.0fU6.7o: western sheep.
f4.Oorii5.25: stockers and feeders, 83. 60.06. 40.
St. I.oals live Mock Market.
BT. LOUIS. Mo.. Oct. 3. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 3.000 hend. Including l.EOO Texans;
market 1'Vi higher; natl'c shipping and ex
port steers, f4.80'j.M: dressed beef and
butcher steers, 34. 266.65; steers under l.OuO
Eiunds, 33.50(6.(41; stockers and feeders.
WiH.ilV. cowa and heifers. 12. 3.' (ij 5. 50;
ranners. fl.264i2.ft6; bulls, I2.(ju'g4 00; calves,
f3.oOCa7.60; Texas and Indian steers, fa.OU
5.1C; cows and heifer!. t2.005jS.5o.
110G8-Recelpts. B.ouo hid; market
strong; pigs and light. fi.8Oftii.70; packers.
t-i.3opd.Cii;. butchers and beat heavy, fb.55if
SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 1600
head; market strong:: nitlve muttons. 83.(0
4i6.&0: Iambs, 84 0(-4j7.o: culls and bucks,
fJ.UO4j.60; stockers, 83.75ti4.50.
gt, Joseii'h Live 8toek Masket.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct. 3. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 2.704 head; market Meady; natives,
34 boo.' 6. ; ; cowa and helrer. fl.ofri 1 75;
Blockers and fnerleis. 3.1.11014.50.
HOUS Receipt . 8.645 hesd; market strong
to steady; top, !'. r5,; bulk of gxles, 8t't.
SHEEP AND LAMHP-Heifipts, 415
head; market steady; larnhx, 37.25.
tloaa City Live 8lek Market.
SIOUX CITY. Is Oct. 3 8pec;l Tele,
gram. I OATTl E Receipts s-X hd; mir-
ket steady; bei ves. f4.t ?'! -;; cows, bulls
and rulxeil, f2.20rt.5O; sttjekera and f-etiera,
f.1 fVfi4 4'; CHlves and yenrllnns. fj.3),f3.7ri.
HOGS -Receipts, 2.8 lie id; market
wr4k. selling at 86.164jC.35; bu.k of sales,
gtark In Meat.
Receipts of live stock nt the six lindptl
western markets yesterday:
Ca-. le. Hog. 8'iep
South Omaha 4,M)i b.t.A .i.lit)
Sioux City e""' 2.8m)
Kanaas City 13.1V) 7.00 f 0
St. Joseph 2.7 3.64j 41 1
St. Louis 6.(1)0 6.i) 1,6. 0
Chicago 2.'.'l 2j.(xi) Si l 0
Bessie Hodder snd husband to Charles
W. Martin, eaat 84 ft. lot 31 and
west 8 ft. of lot 82, Luke & Temple
ton's f 600
J. W. Thomas and wife to Hugh Mc
Caffrey, lots 1 and 3. block 2, Wind
sor place 1
M. I Potter und Wife to Hugh Mo
Cnffery, lot 8, block 3, Windsor
terrace 38
D. V. Sholes company to Reuben R.
Krebs. lots 22 and 23, block 4, Den
man place 276
Anna tiusn ana nueroana 10 .muiisho,
II. Williams, lot 6. block H. Meyers,
Rlc' urdg A Tllden's 400
ii n 1 1 n 1 , . t.un iti uriniu ... . ' 1 v . 1
lots 16 and 16. block 3, Ames Place ,
add. and other lots.,..(Sa 500
Alice M. Gutes to Rusa A McKU- . ,
rick company, lot 3, blot-k E, Pros
pect place tUt
Jinn N. Haskell et al, to Rudolph,,.
Heal, lot 6. block 10. Walnut hill 2UI
Antonle Trlska et al. to Vaclav
Kokrda and wife, south 40 ft. of j
lot 47 and part of lot 28, Kountse
Second 1.760
John W. McDonald to Charles F.
Fuhs. nH lot 6, block 60, South
Omaha 1,000
Esther L. Carter and husband to
Maurice W. Murphy, lot 10, block 3,
Sulphur Springs........................ 1,800
Axel J. Smith to Mary '. Btuchen
burg, part lot i, blot-k A, Uwi'i.... 10
Nrbianka Investment ot Improvement ,
company to Thomas J. O'Nell. lot .
4. block 358, South Omaha 1,600
Forest K. Park hurst to Amos H origin,
part of lots 8 and 10, block 76. Bouth '
Omuha , S.000
1 Miry L. Heyden and husband to.
Thomas UusKtn, lots 13, 0 und 21,
block 4, Ames add 373
E?ra H. Norman and wife to Lena
8. Thorson, lot 1. block 11, Druid
Hi!) 1.8X0
Os-ur A. Scott and wife to Minnie
, f , t .. mm. I. In, ft
lot M. Omuha 2,400
Peter Gravert and wife to Martin Nel
son, lot 8 atitl evi lot 9, mock 24
..4..4 4o.:tj 65,911
A. B. LEACH & C0.,
Metal M-r!ie.
NEW YORK. Oct. 3. M ETALS The de.
cllne lo the London tin market was fal
lowed by renewed Mrmrifsi. today snd i;ot
closed at 1'4 ls and futurts rin: .1 at
1 10a The loci tin market wjs
higher In sympathy wltli spot closing at I
142." to 142 '0. Copper was tinc'ianged lo I
6.1 h:gher In London " lth spot closing a I CHICAGO BOHION FUILADKLPOli
10a ana tutures tr: ivs i.ocauy cop-
Ler wae a-trong at (lie recent advance.
,ake Is quote-d at f?0 00 iT.0.06, electrolvtlc
at 8'4 1:1 20 '" and rtsting St 11119 75.
Iead was a shade higher at 18 15s In the
London msrket. LocjIIv quotations rana-e
from 86.75 t-i ItVO". S.,llr was 6s Jd
lower st 11 7s 6l In Lottlnn. IOrally
the market was quiet st felb&d.lS. Iron