Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tlin OMAHA RUM BF.r.: TIirUKDAY, OCTOHKR 4. 190fi.
Jttsst KumW f Visitors ia Citj 8isc
Melialsj Day at Eipoiition.
All Ses-tlons at This '.and Other
tate Pwople rirk Onikl
tti Mmt AM
' "r-Be.V
'he splendid outpourtnir of th peopla
? the kingdom of Quiver Into the chUf
oity of Cibola, the metropolis of the hint
dnnv. 1 regarded a special tribute to the
city's wonderful growth and prosperity
Mid to the energy being displayed by tbe
rnerrhant of the cltr trt preparing , for
the thousands who are flocking hens. Ac
cording, to popular opinion, never since
the day William McKlnley visited the
Transmlsslsslppi exposition baa there
een anything like the number of peoplo
to be card for and neirc since that time
hare the depots and street of Omaha
presented such an unbmken -concourse of
people for the king to' view as he passes
on his way through thecrowded thor
wghfarc of his capital tonight.
The fame of the airship and the other
ittractlone ton Humerus to mention his
gone abroad in the land and people are
omlng to Omaha a day earlier than usual
r two reasons. First, the cut rates
Vent into effect on the railroads a day
rariler and, srejond, the electrical parade
I" a day earner than usual, with the
lower parade to follow Thursday. This
omblnatlon appears-to be acting as an
nducement to the subjects of the king
o tarry longer than Is their usual cus-
In the, capital city.
Nor are the airship and the parades
nd the carnival attractions the only
tnagnet drawing the Increased numbers
to Omaha this fall, for besides these the
city has witnessed such a Commercial
growth In the retail district as Is not
Hvn many cities to enjoy. New and
fprgeons stores have been hastened to
tompjetion with the special idea of car
ing for , the visitors from the state. Whi
tlows all over the city are decorated with
artiatlc taste and splendor which forces
to stranger to atop and gase. Thousands
f the people of the city make special
trips to view those windows, for they art
he talk of the town.
All Trains ilcavllr Loaded.
All Incoming trains Tuesday) night and
Wednesday wore filled to their capacity
and the depots were taxed to their utmost
to handle the extra equipment and Uie
thousand! - of Visitors. The Burlington
trains which arrived Tuesday night and
early Wednesday morning were packed
from tender to rear flag. The morning
Vralrf on the Oreat Western had a Jong
trlng of loaded coaches, the Wabash
was filled, the Northwestern trains from
Boneateol snd the Black Hills came In
loaded to tho guards In two sections
each, t'nlon Paclflo trains Nob. 4 and i2
wera so filled they were considerably de
layed In reaching - the city. The Mil
waukee morning train also wss crowded,
rfhowlag that lOwa Is coming to the
carnival as well as Nebraska.
Nearly all the roads have arranged for
special trains from Omaha tonight after
the parade. Th Northwestern has found
the rush to the city so great that It lias
Arranged for five special trains from
Omaha after the parade. One will leave
th Webstsv street station for Emerson
and intermediate points, one for Norfolk,
one for Albion, one for Carroll, la., and
"One for the South rintte country. The '
t'nlon Pacific will run a special to Stroma
burg . and one to Columbus; the Burling
ton one to Plattsmotith and two to Lin
coln; the Illinois Central one over the
western Iowa division; thr Great Western
on, ia Fort, .Dodge. , The Rook Island will
care for returning visitor on the regu
lar train, which leave for the west at
10:14 and will run a special to Iowa.
Fifty Years Blarkamith.
Illxburg. adjoining the famous Appnmat
'ox, where the gallant Lee surrendered to
lie famous Grant. Is the home of Samuel
K. Worley, now 85- years of age, and ac
tively engaged In horseshoeing, who often
relate how he shod horses of unolnlsts
and confederates from ISriO to IMS. making
the shoes ..agd fitting them. Mr. Worley
says: ' "I have been shoeing horses for
more thsn fifty years, and Chamberlain's
Pain Balm has given me great relief from
lame back and rheumatism, which advanc
ing years and herd work brought, snd It Is
the best liniment I ever used." When
troubled with rheumatic pains or soreness
of the muscles give , Peln Balm a trial
and you are certain to be pleased with the
prompt relief which It affords.
- Ak-Bar-Beta Visitors
Can havs msll addressed to The Omaha
He. We will see that It I properly cared
for. Open day and night.
to get the county physician, but failed aad j
Tuesday night Boyd succeeded In getting
treatment from Police Surgeon Harris. The
body was taken In charge by the coroner.
The man was a stranger and his home is
not et known by the authorities.
Tear of Rarape M le by H. P. Whit
more a a family Sew
at Masse.
Harry P. Whltmore "has returned to
Omsha after a four months' trip through
England and the continental countries with
his wife and daughter. Business wa com
bined with pleasure, and while Mr. Whlt
more says he had the time of his life, still
he says he found time to pick up a fine ar
ray of antiquities and fine arts which will
be a revels tion to (he people of Omaha.
"The greatest pleasure on the trip to me
wa my visit to the home of Sir Alma
Tadema," said Mr. Whltmore. "He Is a
Hollander residing In London and probably
gets a higher price for his mounts than any
living artist. Hln latest production. Tha
rinding or Moses,' wa sold for $70,000. II
has a beautiful home In London, one court
being set aside, for a collection of paintings
given him by the principal artists of the
world, and should he choose to all these
he undoubtedly could get over $l,AOO.ono for
them. The Interior of his homo I decorated
by his own hand.
"We visited Scotland. Holland and went
through that country on th canals In a
houseboat with the fsmtly of a friend of
mine. We visited Oermsny, Austria, spend
ing some time In Vienna and then went to
Italy, where we were entertained by my
friend. Malnetla. He Is a charming man
and the most noted of the Italian school
He la Illustrating a bonk and I will have a
copy of It shortly. We stopped at St.
Morlti, In Swltierland, and In France, four
week. We made an automobile trip
through Normandy.
"In all my trips across the water I never
met as many American as this year.'
Make Deposltloa la Federal Coart In
Dleorr Case at Loss
The deposition of Mrs. Fannie Rice Ba-
sett in the divorce proceeding Instituted
against her by her husband, Charles C.
Bassett of Washington, D. C, wa taken
before Special Examiner D. W. Dloktnaon
It the federal building. Omaha, Wednes
day morning. Mrs. Bassett was tepre
sented by her attorney. Judge I. F. Bax
ter and Mr. Bassett by E. F. Colloway, an
attorney of Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Bassett first Instituted divorce pro.
ceedlng against her hushand in the dis
trlct court 1 of Douglas county, alleging
nonsupport, false accusations and cruelty
This suit wss kept suppressed for i
period, but upon Mr. Bassett receiving of
flclal notice of the suit he at once fllsd a
counter petition, alleging infidelity and
adultery with Rev. E. L. Hunt of Wash
Ington snd later of Brooklyn, N. V, as co.
respondent, and applied for a division of
the children. Both of thesn suits arc still
pending. In the Douglss county case Mrs.
Bassett was granted an order for tern
81bmch'i Bequest far Coal Iroit Er-
ioc Rsfmed by Jade Troup.
leant? Attorney Mill Real Tab. lag
Testlntaay at Oaee If Trast
Persists la Resisting
His Plaas.
Judge Troup Wednesday morning denied
the application of County Attorney Sia
baugh for the Immediate appointment of a
referee to take testimony in th Coal trust
Injunction case. The court held under the
law It had no authority to appoint a ref
eree until the expiration of the time al
lowed for the defendants to make their
answer, which is October 23. Th attor
ney for the Coal exchange made a hard
fight against the appointment by the court
of a referee at present, but after li
court had decided in their favor Intimated
they might voluntarily consent to having
a referee appointed.
County Attorney Slnbaugh has served no
tice on them that unless they consent ta
the appointment of a referee he will begin
at once to tak testimony by deposition a
fast as the witnesses are examined by the
grand Jury. If Judge Slabaugh does this
he can take the deposition wherever and
whenever he pleases. If the hearing Is be
fore a referee It will be necessary to ac
commodate both sides. This fact may en
able County Attorney Slabaugh to induce
the attorneys for the dealers to consent to
the appointment of a referee at once.
A meeting between County Attorney 81a
baugh and the attorneys for the coal deal
era was arranged for Friday morning,
when the latter will announce whether
they will assent to th county attorney's
program or stand on their legal rights and
delay the appointment until after Octo
ber 22.
Kew Legal )aeslon.
A new legal question will have to be de
cided' before the case can be heard on Its
merits. Baldrige A DeBord, representing
E. B. Carrlgan and th Central Coal und
Coke company, filed a demurrer, asserting
that the petition filed by the county at
torney doe not stats facts sufficient to
constitute a cause of action. The time for
the hearing of the demurrer has not been
There wsa a lull in the taking of trust
testimony before the grsnd Jury Wednes
day morning, the entire forenoon being de
voted to criminal cases from the police
court. Under the law It is necessary for
the grand Jury to pass on all felony com
plaints filed while It Is In session. The
morning was spent In hearing testimony
In a number of these cases.
Aii-Sar-Ben Visitors, Here is a Suit Sale for You
We contracted lor the delivery of one of the largest or
ders given to one of the most reputable nutters of men' fine clothe.
Men's Suits
and Overcoats
Carnival Season Inspires the
God. and Multiplies tha
And now It is the Ak-Sar-Ben bride who
Is coming to the front and demanding
public recognition of her charms. Sine
the opening of the festivities along the
porary alimony pending the final settle- J King's Highway fifty-five blushing maids
A purchase involving many hundrdd suits and overcoats
for men. This announcement bearing the important
news of the selling of the very finest suits at $1Q. $18, $18
and $2Q, will cause more than a ripple on the smooth
waters of local retail selling. The prices we offer on
very finest garments are positively the lowest ever quoted
Ak-Sar-Ben visitors will do well to attend this sale of
men's clothes as the values are exceptional.
ring the Boys Here Today
Ak-Sar-Ben Sale of Boys' Clothes.
Boys' Suits at a Great Saving in Price.
HOYS' SUITS Xewost Styles, 2.9.T All
Wool Cheviots, newest colorings, with plain
or Knickerbocker knee pants all "A95
uima tuned anil trlnle-sewed ZJ
extra strong linings and a very
special value, at . .
Made of pure all wool materials, In a score
of patterns to select from. You will find
all seams taped and triple sewed, miaran
teed not to rip. The fit Is most
perfect and the values exceptional,
plain and knlckerbocker pan
two pants with suit
HOYS' SUITS Strongest Values, $.1.03
Cheviots, casslmeres, worsteds and blue
serges, extra large assortment to select
from. We positively guarantee aasrQC
red, miaran-
the wearing qualities and a per
fect fit is assured with every suit,
will go at
k snaa
Made of high grade, pure wool cloth. In
cheviots and casslmeres, in new dark shades
all seams triple sewed and guar- yff 95
anieea to give ine dobi wear, piain
and knlckerbocker pants, two pair
pants with suit , . . . .
Boys' Knee Pants
That are Exceptional Values,
COUDUROY rants, at $1 and 75c We have
a most exceptional value in boys- corduroy
knjekerbocker pants, in sixes 6 to 16 years,
- and we positively claim they are the best
values offered.
and BOc We have thousands of knee pants
for boys that have double seats and knees.
They make excellent pants
for school wear. They are p PA
offered at a special f I H 1 1 1
At the corner of
and 15th Streets
At the corner of
and 15th Streets
ment of the case.
Mrs. Bassett Is the daughter of et
United States Senator Rice of Arkansas.
Mr. Bassett is still in Washington, con
nected with the United States geograph
ical survey.
Mr. Bassett's deposition taken before
Special Examiner Dickinson Wednesday
morning I a general and specific dental
of all the allegations made in the peti
tion of her husband..
Three-Haadred-Dollar " Diamond He
. stored to Mrs. K. Wlllard
Two splendid truth were brought forcibly
home to Dr. E.' Wlllard Powell Wednesday
morning, when his wife's ring was re
turned to him after having been lost from
a Jewelry bag last Saturday night. One
was that It pay to advertise In The Bee
and another was that the Field club has
honest porters. The ring wa valued at
tans and was placed In a Jewel bag by Mrs.
Powell Just before leaving the Field club
last Saturday night. She feared the high
waymen who have been operating between
the Field club and the street car. A defect
In the bag allowed the ring to lose out
and notching was heard from It until Allen
J. Austin, a Field club colored porter,
picked it out of the gravel near the Field
club entrance Tuesday night. He returned
it to the owner, knowing to whom the ring
belonged by reading the advertisement In
The Bee, and was rewarded for his hon
Hobert Ray. Gaeat af White Fraat,
Dies While at the
and as many embarrassed swains have
secured the necessary permit to wed from
License Clerk Harry Morrill. lit accord
ance with the tradition that marriages
contracted In the chosen city of tha
King Ak-Sar-Ben during tbe ten days set
apart for the celebration are always free
from trouble the happy couples come
from near and far to begin life's Journey
under the benign Influence of the gay old
The happy couples come hand in hand
from all directions. Iowa, Kebraak., Sou li
Dakota and even from some of the east
ern states. They are of all age,, too. Tha
palm has been awarded to Mrs. Katlo
Markstall of South Omaha as the oldest
of the Ak-Sar-Ben brides this year. Prob
ably because the fountain of youth is
open only to men the grooms are a little
ahead In the matter of age, Carl Q. Peter
son of Valley standing as the patriarch cf
the bunch at the age of ST.
As the days of the festival are nearlng
the close the number becomes larger, un
til the office of the county Judge is often
crowded with brides and grooms. They
are all served, however, and depart happy
In the possession of a fancy certificate
adorned with pictures of clasped handa,
smitten hearts and dancing cupids.
Gray-Haired Mothers and Vivacious Swtet
hsarti Cad at Eoldisr' Departure.
C'ompaay I of Signal Corps Leaves
Fort Omaha, far .Newport
Sew to Sail for
Pathetic scenes marked the departure
Wednesday morning of Company I of the
signal corps from Fort Omaha to Newport
News, where it will embark for Cubs.
Gray-halied mothers," who had recently
moved to Omulia in or del to be near llielr
boys who are in the corps, youthful sweet
hearts and wives were among those who
bid a tearful farewell to the boys. One of
regards his promotion as a recognition of
faithful service. He has ben chief en
gineer for seven years.
F.x-Postmaster, Legislator and Fore
man of (iraad Jary Ha An
other Chance. -
Judge Munger handed down his decisiun
in the United Stales district court Wednes
day motnlng, granting . a new trial to
Joseph Crow.
Former Postmaster Joseph Crow, ex
legl8latorand foreman of the federal grund
Jury of November, 1905, was convicted at
the lust term of the federal court of pro
curing free transportation for certain mem
bers -of that grand Jury, on the allegation
that such transportation was procured for
the parties to influence their action in
finding "no bill" against Rev. CK-urgc O.
Wute In the Hooker county land fraud
and conspiracy cases.
Crow's attorneys gave Immediate notice
Fellan Arrested Kay He I Jim Dahl
maa When Taken to
Robert . Boyd, aged M. was found dead I Mayor Dahlman evidently has an ardent
In hi room- at th Whit Front lodging I dmlrer now in the city Jail awaiting trial
house. ID Farnam street, about 11 a. m. Ion the charge of vagrancy. When ar
Wedneeday, H went to the lodging house rested about 1:45 a. m. Wednesday by
Isst Monday night, saying ha was very sick I Officer Shields and taken to the station
and requesting the serrlce of a doctor. J. T. ' he gave his name as Jim Dahlman, re
fusing to divulge his real name until
later when he said his name was A. E.
Baker, residence "Nowhere." Mr. Dahl
man will appear before the people's bar
Thursday morning.
Condon. . clerk at th .lodging house, tried
IS Ufa RENZE. with hia wonder
ful display of electric floats.
Very busy are we takiag or
ders for, fall and. Winter suits and
Oyercoata. -Wonderful, too, Is
our display ot "roolens. ' -
Visitors to our store will sea
the largest, brightest and best se
lected stock of goods ever shown
in Omaha.
Suits and Overcoats to ordetw
$25 fo $50
All garments guaranteed per
fect in At and etyla, ..,
fell m yor tailor trouble.
Phone. Doug. !. KM-ast Bo. lath 8t.
sst door to Wabash Ticket OfJUc.
Saperh Service, Splendid Sreaery.
en routs to Niagara Falls, Muskoka. and
Kawartha Lakes, Georgian Bay and Te-
magaml Region. St. Lawrence River and
Rapid. Thousand islands, Algonquin Na
tional Park. Whit Mountain and Atlanllo
tea roast resort, via Grssd Trunk Kail
way System. Double track Chicago to
Montreal and Niagara Fall, N. Y.
For copies of tourist publication and de.
scrlptlve pamphlet apply to Oeorge W.
Vaua. A. G. P. A. T. A.. 131 Adam street.
Wilson, Who Says Printers Aasaalted
Him, Helleved of Gaa
In t'aart.
Charles F. Wilson, complainant In the
contempt case against John Curry,
charged before Judge Kennedy with vio
lating the prlntera' Injunction by threat
ening Wilson and several other nonunion
printers, was relieved of a loaded re
volver while he was on the witness stand
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Wilson wss undergoing a cross-
the young women was Mrs. Mark F. Mur- ; of application for u new trial, and Hie
Rev. G. A. Luce, Twenty-fourth and Larl
more, 17.600 concrete stone church.
Man with Great Name Draws Two
Tears for Handred and
Fifty Dollars.
81r Walter Scott was given a passport
that will entitle him to tcansportatlon to
Lincoln and two years free board In Mr.
Beemer's castle south of Lincoln. Walter
admitted to Judge Sutton Wednesday
morning that he had taken 1150 belonging
to Thomas McVittie out of a safe In
Charles Lea-la' saloon, where he was work
ing as porter.
May Gibson, u colored woman, also
pleaded guilty to rifling the pockets of An
drew Johnson of tl.V) and was sent up for
two years. Of the $130 only $W was recovered.
ray, who became a bride Tuesday, tlio
wedding being hastened by the orders
compelling Mr. Murray to depart with his
corps. She was formerly Miss Florence M.
Withrow, IT years of iige, and the hasty
hearing on this application was had be
fore Judge Monger last week. The argu
ments for a new trial were based on the
admission of certain evidence during thtf
trial that was held by the defendants as
marriage took place before County Judge not germane to the case and upon the
The scene about the, station vividly re
called the departure of the Nebraska boys
for the Philippines eight and a halt years
ago. The boys themselves, for the moat
part, are anxious for the opportunity to
exchange the monotonous life of the bar
racks for service in the field.
Company I, under command of Lieuten
ant J. E. Abbott, left Fort Omaha Wednes
day morning for Newport News, Va., and
Will tak transport there for Cuba. Tie
command numbered 12f enlisted men. It
marched from Fort Omaha to the Burling
ton station, where a special train was wait
ing to take the command to Chicago, where
It will be turned over lo the "nig Four,"
I for Cincinnati, and to the Chesapeake c
construction that the Jurois put upon the
instruction of the court, and upon I life
further showing that new evidence not ob
tainable nt the time of the trial would iut
a new phase on the case.
examination bv W. J. Connell. attorney ' nku ...ik-... -r. i ,n v.nnr I
- j v'iiii; i i n. , , , vr 1 1 i iiimii.Ii iv . . v . .
1 1' i -- -.... - . . .......
If It was not true he csrrled a revolver
most of the time and Mr. Wilson admitted
he did. Mr. Connell then asked him if lie.
did not have a loaded gun In his pocket
at th time. He said he had and on mo
tion of Connell he was forced to give up
the weapon before testifying any fur
ther. He was taken Into the Judge's pri
vate office by the bailiff, who took charge
of the gun.
la.OO i BtaaTala and Retarn.
from Chicago, on October W, U, IS and la.
rla Nickel Plat road. Return limit from
Buffalo, October is or October a, by ex
tension of ticket. Thr through dally
trains. Vestibuled Pullman sleepers and
club meal from 16 rent to 41 00 In Nickel
Plat dining ear; also a la carta. No ex.
cess far charged on any train on Nickel
Plat road. Writ John Y. Calahaa, general
agent. 107 Adam Bt. Chicago, for further
particular and reservation of berth.
Ak-aar-Sa Vlsltnr
Can bav mall addressed to Th Omaha
Be. Wa will that It U properly eared
for. Open day and night, v -
WATCHES rrsnr. nth and Dodge Sta
Mirth and Oeatki.
The following birth and death were re
iKirted to the Board of Health during the
twenty-four hours ending Wednesday noon:
Birth n. I. Amiiing. wis ml, boy;
Jab for Balldlaat Pearl Meatarlal
Methodist Hoase af Wor
ship la Let.
Th trustee of the Pearl Memorial Meth
odist church have let the contract for the
erection of tbe new church at Twenty
fourth street and Larlmore avenue. Th
Omaha Concrete Stone company will do all
the cement and stone work and I. P. Hick
ha the remainder of the general contract.
Th wail will h of concrete block.
Pearl Memorial church wa organised
only about ten months ago, with Rev. O.
A. Luce a pastor. Vntll th new hou
of worship is completed th church will
hold services each Sunday at 10:46 a. m.
and T:S p. m. In Magnolia hall at Twenty-
fourth atreet nd Ames avenue. C. P.
Daniels, formerly musical director for th
Seward Street Methodist church, will have
charge of the music. The Sunday school
will meet at noon and Epworth league at
The command will be augmented by fifty
more men at Newport News, bringing it up
to a force of IX enlisted men, and at which
point Captain George S. Glbbs, signal
corps, United States army, will assume
command and proceed with It to Cuba.
The departure of Company I from Fort
Omaha leaves but seventy-five men of the
slgnnl corps at .Fort Omaha, constituting
Companies D and B. ' However, there Is
now rnroute from Benicla, Cel., a detach
Hrv Bock. ITU t'unultn
CuDita. ITTi South Thirteenth, "art
terms. Mils uavenporc, uov; vaciav snip.
trl: I. Es-
11 W aouth Seventeenth, fit I; Oeorge Gunia,
g. m
John OHalloran. K17 Maple, girl
tuia Hancroft. boy; I
Caldwell, boy; Otto Ham bur
rry llersog. i0
TU Hlokoiy.
lliiam Stahlmann. Twsnty-tourth and
Fort avenue, boy; Fred Trullinger. Sci
Chicago, bny.
Deaths Thomas Kelley, Sixteenth' street,
$; Ousts v R. Mattson. County hospitsl,
U: Mary Parker. County hosrvital. 7:
I Porethy-ZeUer, UJ louta Tenth, 77.
. Dp- Graves'
Tooth Powder
used twice-a-dajr you will have
white teeth, hard fumi, clean
mouth, pur breath, food digcG
tion, good health. Listen to your
dentist's advice. - He knows best.
la handy asatal can ar hstsls. .
Dr Graves' Tocih Pender Co.
Two Salts Brosght by Contractors
Famishing Material for Con
struction of Ilnllillng.
The Omaha Auditorium company is de
fendant in two suits filed Wednesday in
district court tor the collection of over
$4,000, representing part of the cost of the
Auditorium building. The Paxton A. Vter
ling Iron works sues for $4,510, represented
by a note given January 11, lfrjfl, snd due
In six months. The note has gone to pro
test and a $3 protest fee Is also added to
the claim. The plaintiff In the second suit
is Rocheford & Gould, the brick contrsc
tors, who hotrl a note for $1,755.99, signed
July 10, r90Ay and due In a year.
Kane of Mnade WhlterorWs Family
t'aiaea to Take the Corpse
l Home.
Maude Whiterock. the fallen woman wliO
died In the city Jail Saturday night and
who ha since been found to be a member
of a prominent family at St. Joseph. Mo.',
seems to have been deserted In death by her
relatives. Her body was taken to Coroner
Bralley's, who had the police at St. Joseph
Private Frank Qulnn, troop B, Thirteenth
cavalry, has been detailed on special duty
as clerk at headquarters. Department of
the Missouri.
Leaves of absence nave been granted Sec
ond Lieutenant George E. Price, Tenth cav
alry, for twenty days; Second Lieutenant
Qulncy A. Gilmore, Jr., for fifteen day.
and Second Lieutenant Arthur 11. Wilson,
Sixth cavalry, for thirty days.
Chief Clerk Paul Harms of the Depart
ment of the Missouri has returned from two
months' duly at he maneuver camp near
Fort . Rlley. . . .
Lieutenant Colonel Sharp, chief of staff
during the army maneuvers at Fort Riley
during the past sumimr. Is a visitor at
army headquarters.
The Burlington Is handling a special train
conveying troops from Portland, Ore., to
Newport News, Va. The train left Billing
Tuesday morning, en route east.
A general court martial has been ordered
lo convene at Jefferson Barrack, Mo,
Tuesday. The detail for the court Is; Cup
tain L. W. CornlHh. Ninth cavalry; William
L. Littebrant, Twelfth cavalry; John T.
Geary, artillery corps; First Lieutenants V.
3. McConnell, Seventeenth Infantry; Allen
Parker. Twenty-sixth Infantry; D. D. Greg
ory, Fifth cavalry; Second Lieutenant
John R. Musgrove, artillery corps, and
First Lieutenant W. G. Heaton. Thirteenth
cavalry, Judge advocate.
Honorable discharges frorl the regular
army have, been granted Private Ernest
Brown, company B, Eleventh Infantry, Fort
Ralldlnar Permits.
The following building permits lisve been
Issued: Kdard Brown, 24 IH Binney and
Twontv-tlf lh anH Pratt K MHl l olllni?i
ment of fifty signal corpa men for assign- j Jo1'" Hw.'n"?2' Ti"L,y-.,lfth.." R'" ! 'hr:1mwJ' nol'i!1""" ,h I,"cket" of a
notify her father and mother, requesting to
be advised as to what disposition theyln . '. w.. wa-onee Pst L.
wished msde of the body. The family wa Ru,.ht., tr00p F, Brconi, cavalry. Fort
duly notified last Sunday morning, hut no ' .. ,,
I, Orders hsve been definitely Issued front
hesdquartrrs of the Northern Military dlvt
word has been received flnce then.
Hav Root print It
Douglaa (G4t) IHntlng Co.. 150$ Howaid.
Miss Keith of Des Moines Is the guest
of Mrs. Rsy Wagner.
R. B. Buseh. vice president of the Crsne
company, entertained the salesmen of I he
firm at a dinner at the Omaha club lust
evening. The affair was strictly a family
one and informal, but most pleasant witliql.
There will be special services celebrating
the Feast of Burcoth at Temple lata-i
this evening at 7:J) and Thursii.iy morning
at 10. The service for this evening is
advanced from $ o'clock to 7:30 on account
of the parade.
Mollie Dickson, the colored woman whose
trial on a charge of larceny from the
person began before Judge SuttAn Tuesday
morning, was allowed to pl"d guilty to a
rhartt of petit larceny in the afternoon.
She wa sentenced to thirty days In die
county Jail by Judge , Sutton. She wss
ment to the commands at Fort Omaha.
Captain Wlldman will remain In command
at Fort Omaha.
a i' V
Bath Will peak at MeKlalry (lab
Meeting. hat (ammla
Cannot Come.
George L. Sheldon, republican candidate
for governor, and Congressman John 1.
Kennedy will be the orator at the meet
ing of the McKlnley club to be held In
Crelghton hall next Monday night. All of
th republican candidates for atate officers
are expected to be present.
The usual Informal dinner will be held at
O'Brien's at $ o'clock and preparations are
being made for 150 guests. At I o'clock
an adjournment will be taken to Crelghton
hall to listen to' the addresses.
It had been hoped Governor Cummins of
Iowa could be secured to address the meet
ing, but It was found Impossible to get him.
- T Baffala. M. Y..
and return, via Nickel Plat road, at $13.(4
for th round trip, from Chicago, on Octo
ber 16, 11. 1$ and 13. Return limit, October 1$.
or by extension of ticket, October 2t. First-
class equipment. Individual club meals
from $6 cents to $100. served on Nickel
Plate dining cars; also a la carte. Mid
day luncheon, 60 cent. City Ticket O files.
JOT Adam St.. Chicago.
DIAMONDS f renier. 15th and Dodg sta
Man gum dt Co.. LETTER f tClALISTi
and Thirteenth snd Spring, $1,000 dwellings; man named Doyle.
slon, directing the movement of troops front
the Department of the Missouri. The de
tachment of 126 nun from the Signal corpa
at Fort Omaha will leave early Wednesdsy
morning via the Burlington for Newport
News, Va. The two tqundrons of the Elev
enth cavalry at Fort Des Moines will leav
Thursday, and the two battalion of Ihs
Eleventh Infantry from Fort D. A. Russell,
Wyo., will leave Friday morning for th
same destination.
None of the troops stationed at Fort
Crook are tinder orders ta leave nor any
such orders expected.
The Teomen's 8tate bnd of Holdree,
the hand which led ths Industrial parad
Tuesday afternoon, serenaded the em
ployes of The Bee after the psrade had
disbanded. This band, numbering twenty
one musicians, gave several selections ta
front of The Bee building.
tr sr -i- vi i w i a.
ri v9ci
Charles Master Promated.
Charles Baxter, chief engineer of th
federal building, ha been intuiiioUhI, by
order of the s"--;-etary or Ihc treasury, id
be auMFt-nt custodian ami engineer of th
bull dice, under Custodian baxru.
I Pieces. Boas nd Muffs furriers
Furs," to distinguish from Jackets, fur coats, etc..
hem "Small
mHF richest furs th finest skins go
can i
but they constitute a large part of the fur trade. Every
lady wear aom small fur, and every Idea of price oaii
b suited.
Tow Health aaa Comfort nothing can be batter pro
taction to a sensitive throat or cheat than fur. Nothing
can set off a cloth coat or suit ao well as a bit of fur. k
A a prospective purchaser of some small fur. either for
yourself or as a gift, you will be Interested In our little book
"Judging Tun" see below.
1ST IHiU rima you can fix your own price and get value
received for what you pay.
Just to show how nice a set ran be bought for little money
her Is a handsome Sable Ruaslan Lynx Boa and alufl 1
Th Boa Is T ftp PA The Muff Is th
Inches long with , Jj.all flat styie and
headend talta.. .'"' wv Urge ise
It Is literally true that we hav several thousand differ
ent styles, sixes, varletlas of fur and prices to correspond
in the way of small furs.
W also hav over 75 varieties of Ladles' Fur
Jacket; and over $00 varieties of Men's Fur and Fur-
Lined Coats at prices that will suit; jacket at S2U.r0
to (B200 and upwards; Men' Coats from S16 to SJOO
If iia a LAJrrsXB TVm it Is a fur of satisfaction.
IVaJrraz TtJJta r sold by the leading dealer In
every community. Writ to us for th book "Judging
Furs" and we will also send you th address of our
nearest dealer