Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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MtmtoT I'oTphy Stop Wrk tn tbs
Mi'iouri Afinns Pifini.
Tnyor H)rr Ilea Ortlnf Orant
li t hlen Parlllc Hlkltl-Wr
i street l.rndlna t the
Jetter Brewery.
onttaotor Itufh. Murphy ba cessed
tor on Mlssnurl avenue. Whether the
rork will be abandoned or the difficulty
gain, patched tip la conjecture. Murphy'a
epresentstlv rtated yesterday that he con-
laeren the attempt to pav me
.u end. He Intimated that the oppoeltlan
rhleh hnd apparently frightened the city
vnitrfl Into rescinding Ita motion allowing
he nglneer' estimate rame from Ofrg
ar1ts and CTarlrs Panning, from whom
la had been especting trouble for aome
lm. Nothing has come to the urfnc to
rlfy the statement, other than his stnte.
nent. .Mrv Murphy haa withdrawn part of
tla machinery and the work la at n atafid
till. Thla fact waa the occaaion of an
ndlgnatlon meeting on the part of the
:et Bide Improvement club. Thla waa held
.t the drug atore at Twentieth and Missouri
tvenue laat night. The condition of the
treet la deplorable and It la certain that
i heavy rain would practically destroy all
he curbing and nil up the catch basins.
They took occaaion to expr-ss the seml
nent that the council ahould enow a little
nore backbone and after paaslng on an
etlmate let Ita action-atand.
It la asserted, however, that the payment
if the engineer's estimate waa a direct
lolatlon of the contract with Mr. Murphy,
(tils contract require that SO per cent of
he eatlmatea ahaJI b reserved and thla haa
.ot been done.
The Inside of the latest action of th
ouncll ts not clearly apparent. Jamca
'ivonka declare that he has never had any
ntentlon of Interfering In the affair of
Klaaourl avenue. Th East Side club Is to
nake an effort to get the council together
' n a plan of action to give permanent
ellef. . .
Railroad Ordinance (darned.
The mayor signed the railroad ordinance
resterday which grants to the Union Pa
tine the right to lay track between
Twentv-etventh and Thirtieth atreets. It
a at first thought -a little doubtful
vhether th ordinance: would meet with his
.pproval. He took th ordinance away with
ilm In the morning from th office of the
ilty clerk. ' In th afternoon, however. It
aa returned by Mr. Dundy, attorney for
i t'nlon Pacific. Martin Jetter and Mr.
Dundy gave a atatement to the press yes
errtay Intimating the several Industries
fhlch are expected to spring up along the
Ine of the spur track. ' Among the fore
noat ara th Improvement which are at
-eady under way at Swift' packing houae.
rber ar to be extensive additions to th
tilling beds and throughout the plant Th
tar repair shops will be much enlarged. It
aald that a large furniture company la
4 erect buildings Along th route. It will
nanufactur bar room fixture aa a spe
cialty. Th brewery will receive the addl
ion of extensive bottling works. LaUer
, rther Improvements are announced. There
vlll be other Industries a far west as
Thirty-sixth street. The nature of these la
mown to some people whq have th confl
lence of the promoter, ' but a yet th
irlginator ar not ready to announce thnlr
Aecldeata oa Street Tar.
Two serious accident occurred yester
lay evening on th South Omaha street
tara, Th first waa that of Harry Daw
ion.' Fifteenth '-and M street, who had
. teen In Omaha to-, the parade of th
tfternoon. He la a boy of about 16 and
i th car- waa coming south at about
B street he lost hi hold and fall to the
tavement. Hta arm ' was fractured at
& forearm, both bone ' being broken,
a waa picaea up oy the train crew
and carried to Dr. Slabaugh' office,
there bis Injury was dressed. After the
Tactur waa reduced he waa abl to go
o hi noma.
Th second accident occurred about 7
k m. at Twenty-fourth and B streets.
Th German maid In the family of Prof.
Has Landow, who lately arrived from
' Berlin, ,whHe holding th hand of on
at ta children, a boy of S year, made
The Name Which Now la On Many
an attempt to get off th er befor It
had come to a stop. Bh turned the
wrong way and fell on touching the
pavement, with the boy under her. Bh
was quite severely brulaed about th
head, but soon recovered. It Is feared
the boy was still more nererely Injured.
He waa covered with blood when car
ried to the residence and fell aaleep or
Into a atunor within - nve minute after
th fall. The parents watched him with
great anxiety during the night, fesrlng
It .might develop that there ,wer seri
ous Injuries to the .boy's skull. The
family have been In this country only
a rery few weeks and th accident I
thus harder to bear. .
Magic City Gesaln.
Fiirrl!bed house for rent. 'Phone Ft -4-15.
Call In evening.
Mra. A. C. Jenson of Fremont I th
gueat of Mrs. C. M. Schlndel.
A. I Lott returned yeaterday morning
from a trip to the Windy City.
Jetter' Oold Top Peer delivered to all
ari of the city. Telephone No. 1 ,
Ralph Williams was sentenced to thirty
bays in i he county Jail fur petit larceny.
Dan Dtigan wea sent up to the county
jail for tnlrty days on a charge of drunk
enness. Mis Beset McLean la th gueat of Miss
Cecile I. yon during carnival week. Bh
tome from Clarka.
Rev. and Mr. Charle Miner of Seward
ar vlNlUng with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Copen
harv during carnival week.
Louis Burdorf is "reported doing well at
th South Omaha hospital. There la no
fracture at the base of the brain.
Mrs. Harris Quthrie will entertain thla
afternoon In honor of Mr. E. O. Fenlon
of Clinton, who la the guest ot Mrs. Ocorge
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bhugart have returned
from New York, where they have beetl
enicaged In the pleasures of the grape har
vest In their old home.
The funeral of Andrew Bchrelner will be
held Thursday at 10 a. m., from the family
reaidence, 4"U4 L. street. The burial will
be In Laurel Hill cemetery. Dr. R. L.
Wheeler will officiate.
Alfred Green and family of Exlra, la.,
the father of Mrs. John Ceughey, havs
lately cotne to South Omaha, with a view
to locating here permanently.
Th following births were reported yester
day: Peter Btuieet. Twenty-eighth and H
streets, a son; rred Burger. Tnirty-flrat
and g streets, a son; Albert Jacobs, 27
South Twenty-first street, a daughter; Dan
Halney. 4bo South Nineteenui street, a
son; Anton Kaaol, Eighteenth and 8 streets,
a daughter. .
A young man by the nam of Fowler,
newly arrived from Michigan, lost his grip
laat night from one of the saloons at
Twenty-sixth and Q street a. He set It down
Just Inside the door and went behind th
screen. When ne returned It was missing.
The srlD contained his valuables and cloth
ing. He expected to work In the packing
houses today.
The Century Literary club held a pleaaant
session yesterday afternoon, liyron waa the
author of the day. Mrs. Bruce McCutlough
was leader. Mrs. Derbysher and Mrs. ft. M.
Qraliam presented paper, the former on
ine lire oi tne treat poet ana tne tatter on
the leaser poets. It waa decided to hold the
meetings or th club every week tnrouan
ine winter, instead of tortmgntiy.
ilaa at Caralval Groaad
of Iavestla-attoa by Has
, .i - Society.
The little monkey which dodgea rubber
balls on th King' Highway waa brought
to th attention of the Nebraska Humane
society Tuesday through Alfred Millard,
who thought It was Inhumane to throw
gutta perch a missiles at the simian' bead
to make sport for th carnival visitors.
Mr. Millard reported the matter to Super
intendent Ellison of th local human so
ciety. .Mr. Ellison went to the carnival
grounda and watchedpopl throw . balls
at the monkey at so many throws for a
stipulated sum. cigar being given to per
sona striking th monkey. Up to ' date
only a few hav succeeded In hitting th
animal. Mr. . .Ellison, who J something of
a base ban player himself, waa unabl to
hit " th : mark, ao - concluded ther ' was
nothing inhuman In. throwing :. soft . rub-
Not wishing to assume' the whol respon
sibility, la the matter, Mr. Ellison Induced
Dr. George L Miller and Rev. John Wll
Hams, officer of th Nebraska Human
society, to visit th carnival ground and
pass Judgment on th monkey. . Whether
Dr. Miller and Rev. Mr. William tried to
hit th monkey with the rubber balls wa
not made known, but It developed that
they concurred with Mr. EllUo In the
opinion that th monkey was -n6t receiv
ing Inhumane treatment, as he seemed to
enjoy the sport aa much aa the people
did and appeared gloomy when business
wsa dull at his booth. The monkey waa
allowed to remain on the grounda and
dodge balls or even airships If he wanted
Saw 6m Franobii Ordinance Geti a
Bather hill Teception.
Aaalataat t'ltr Attorney !) Telia
of its Drawbacks and Zlmmaa
rroooae Jlfw Deal oa
Street t.laihtlna;.
Cooper! Madioin Frieci Vaw Diieas ta
Light la Bt Lonls.
Dollar gaa, on of lh councllmanlc night
mares, waa brought up at the council meet
ing last night, when Councilman Funk-
houser, chairman of th lighting commit
tee, reported he had nn ordinance submitted
by Q. W. Ciabaugh. Frank Hamilton and
Thomas Dolan, oflirers of the Omaha Oa
company. The only action taken on the
matter was to listen to an opinion from
Asaiatant City Attorney Dunn on the ordi
nance and remarks on the general subject
of gas from several of th councllmen. In
aubstnnce, Mr. Dunn' opinion was:
"The proposed ordinance. If passed, would
take out of the hands of th council and
the people th right to regulate the price
of gas or nx It at lower than fl. The
price of gaa may be all right today at
tl and all wrong tomorrow. It must be
remembered that If th ordinance I
paused, It would become a contract. The
time ha com when no public franchise
should be permitted to bind the people
to any particular rate. The council should
retain the right to regulate rate at any
time they become unreasonable. Till
ordinance I practically an extension of
th present gas contract, which expire
twelve year hence.
Other Defects la Ordinance.
It la the evident purpose of Messrs
Clsbaugh, Hamilton and Dolan to assign
the franchise, If granted, to the Omaha
Gas oompany. Then the ordinance per
mits of extensions -only under certain con- pP.rh
..!.. T-1 , 1 . . I .1 . I . V. I r
ui nuns. x uv cuuncu aiiuuiu itiain mv
right to apeak for the property owner
at all time In the matter of extending
ga main when necessary. The pur
chase proviso la defective In that It pro
vide that one appraiser shall be appointed
by the gas company, one by the mayor
and the third by those two, making an
agreement Impoaslble, or at leaat Im
probable. In my Judgment the council
ahould get together and outline what they
want for a gas franchise and then submit
that franchise to the gaa companies. The
ordinance In question Is practically the
sam aa the existing contract with th
Omaha Gaa company.",
It waa brought out In a forcible manner
that the ordinance submitted waa silent
on the matter of street lighting. Coun
cilman Funkhouaer stated he approached
the Omaha Gaa company on that aubject,
but th officials were not dlspoied to
grant any concession along that line.
Zlmman Ha Snaxestlon.
Councilman Zlmman' said ha thought the
council could repeal the present street
lighting gas contract, which waa forced
through the council chamber by the aid
of the police and the gaa company'a at
torney. Mr. Zlmman contended the gaa
company should "furnish th city gas for
street lighting purposes at a rate of at
least II per 1,000 feet, and showed how
lamp could be maintained for 19.80 per
year, of a total of 121.80 for each lamp per
year, It being estimated that each lamp
would consume 13,000 feet per year. Th
preaent lighting contract with th Omaha
Gaa company provides for a rat of $28
per lamp per year.
Bids for paving Laka from Twenty
fourth to Thirtieth and Charles from
Twenty-sixth to Twenty-ninth were opened
and referred to tha city engineer for
tabulation. " " ." v .
Councilman McOovern offered a resolu
A material decresne has been noted In
the shipment of fruit to the local market
the last few day and the walka in th : PP ARC THOROUGHLY FRIGHTENED
Wiole.ea.1e market that nave oeen eiacaea
high with boxes and barrels and crate
for week were almost cleared Wednesday
morning. The fresh fruit season Is almost
over and th dealers are beginning to
quote price on "dried" and "bulk" fruit.
Th Bartlctt pear are gone, but there are
big Beaure C'laergeau pears to be had at
I2.9A a box. Peach will last a week or so
longer and they are selling at all sorts
loan Mas Kaplaina th t'aaao of
Troable May Hldeoaa (Treatnree
Ar Takes lata ' Byateia
with Rare Meat.
ST. LOVI8, Oct. Probably the mot
unusual feature of the excitement that
of prlcea. according to how many dealera , haJ, bfen cre,e( hy u T Cooper's visit
happen to nave ana ineir co.iuiuon. in. , ,,, cU ,h r(,movmi of paraalus
best sell from tl to 1125 a crate. For . t.,wnrmm hi nren&retlnna
During tha early part of Cooper' ty
In Bt. Lout Individuals who were tak
ing his "New Discovery." aa It la called,
brought either to himself or to physi
cians throughout the city Immense para
sites that had left th System after us
ing th medicine.
Many of these peopl wer frightened,
and case of this sort became so numer
ous that Cooper Anally made th follow
ing statement for publication:
He aald: "In every city I visit the
things ar brought to me within a few
days after my medlcln I sold In the
city. They are what 1 known aa tha
tape-worm, and grow to enormous else.
"Few indeed realise how prevalent these
creature ar. I think I hav been the
first to demonstrate what a large factor
they are In the poor health of thla gen
eration. I believe that fully one-half th
chronic stomach trouble that la ao uni
versal la caused by these parasite.
Individuals may have them for year
two days th first of the week there were
no lemor.s to be had except what th
grocers had They sell at 40 cent a
While orange are always to be had
here. It Is between the seasons and tha
next really ' choice will come from Cali
fornia about the 1Mb or 30th of thla month.
There will also be grape fruit from Flor
ida at that time. This will be the first
to come to the ' local market since last
winter. "
The first Of the new figs are In. They
come In packages that sell for 5, 10 and
IS cents, according to size. The dried bulk
figs sell for 10 cents a pound. The Im
ported pressed figs will not be In for a
Oetober Recipes.
Cheese Balad Wash fine the cold yolks
of three hard boiled eggs and rub them
with a coffeecupful of finely grated cheese,
a teaspoon of mustard, a saltspoon of aalt
and one-half aa much white pepper. When
all are well mixed add Iwd' tablespoonfuls -nd not be awar of the reason for con
each of oil and vinegar, alternate. Heap
this upon fresh lettuce and garnish with
the whites of egg cut Into rings and a
few tips of celery. Berve with hot but
tered cracker.
Meringue - Pudding Stew th
peafhes In a syrup of sugar and water
until tender; remove and boll the syrup
ontll thick, then pour over the peaches.
Make a cornstarch custard of th yolks
of two or three eggs, about a pint of milk,
two teaspoonfuls of cornstarch (wet In
cold milk), sugar and vanilla. Make a
meringue of the whites of the egg mid
sugar and spread over the peaches. Us
the custard as sauce.
Peaches and Cream Fro sen Peel and
quarter the fresh peaches, mix them with
sugar and cream to taste. Arrange some
of the quarters of the peaches tastefully
In the bottom of a basin, then fill and
freese the nines solid without stirring.
Turn It out to aerv.
Boston Grand Jury Will Investigate
Assaalt on Policeman hy
Harvard Student.
B08TON, Oct. 3 Further Investigation
by tha Boston police .and action today by
the grand jury In connection with an
assault on a policeman In Boston Commons
Thursday evening. In . which Theodore
Roosevelt, Jr., waa Involved, resulted to
night In the arrest In Cambridge of Shaun
Kelley of Fltchburg, a companion of young
Roosevelt and, president of th sophomore
class of Harvard. , Kelley was arrested on
a warrant Issued by the municipal court
of thla city, charging an unknown person
with an assault on a police officer. He was
taken to the Cambridge pollc station,
where ho furnished, ball, and tomorrow
morning will appear in.the municipal court
of this city for Y hearing. Kelley waa ar
rested while .two. ; officer, of the Boston
police force ..were,., serving . summons on
young Roosevelt, ajd Meredith Blagden,
another Harvard'J.utfent, to appear as wlt-
tlon creating th offlc of meat, hotel and i ln 8uffolk nd 3urv Investigation
restaurant Inspector at a salary of I1.S00 ' of the case next Thursday Young Kelley,
former resolution , " ui p.iwo Timu. wuuiu un
V '-;" VJV" Hj
:i i.-w.yi, fa x.i-
. v.V
t IF
S y
I 1
on I Quoted a faying; It Wa to
Fore Balldlna; of Foot-
hrldg. ,
Charge' that th enjoining of th con
struction of th four South Omaha sewera
la an effort to force the building of a foot
bridge on lower N street . were mad by
witnesses In the Injunction hear'ng before
Judge Kennedy Wednesday morning. Sev
eral witnesses testified Michael Plvonka,
son of Mrs. Magdellna Plvonka, ln whose
nam the suit was brought, told them he
wa going to enjoin th building of the
sewer In order lo force th building of
the foot bridge. A number of th residents
along lower N street have been trying to
hav th bridge built for om time, but
hav not aucceeded. According to th wit
nesses It was believed the Union Stock
Tarda company would be Interested In hav.
log th Injunction suit dismissed and would
b willing to help build the foot bridge as
tha price ot a dlamissal. Th taking of
testimony occupied all of th forenoon session.
per year, to replace
carrying a aalary ot $1,800. The resolu
tion was referred to the general committee.
There did not seem to be an unanimity of
opinion a to th need of a meat In
spector. The September appropriation ordinance
waa paased.
Sterling stiver Trenret lutli Dodge at.
Marriage Licenses.
Th following man-lag licenses hav
been Issued:
Name and address. Ago.
Ousts v O. Pupe, Omaha 21
Klcna Carlton, Omaha , 24
Amos C. Boyce, Omaha..... 33
Mary Sandan, Omaha 1 ; . , 20
Harry Coleman. Ulysses, Neb 31
Anna Patterson. Ulysses, Neb II
Oecrge Pelton, Omaha..,.. 21
Flora Winkler, Cherokee, la '. 18
Hans P. Bkow, Omaha 22
HasHl P. Branch. Omaha 11
j James K. O'Nell. Jr.. Omaha ft
! Mable R. Warrlek, Omaha tl
'Carl Danlelson, 'Omaiia. ; 2$
tlulda Johnaon, Oinana 0
Dan W. Cortner, Weeping Water. Neb. 83
Ftre Doe SI tab t Damagr at Farrell'a
and I Watched by Many
Fire broke out Wednesday morning at
11:30 In the warehouse of Farrell & Co.,
wholesale merchants, at Seventh and
Douglas streeta. The warehouse waa
filled with empty cases, ao the damage
only amounted to about 1100. It la pre
sumed that the fir started by a spark
from a passing engine lighting on the
shingle roof of the structure, aa the build
ing waa locked iand had not been entered
for some time. Th fire waa confined to
the south end of tha building, ut such
quantities of smoke was emlttud for a
short time that a large crowd gathered
on the bridge to watch the firemen In their
efforts ln rescuing the empty cases.
- Dr. WelHt In balanced.
About 1 p. m. Wednesday a telephone
message- was received at the police station
stating that a craay man was running
amuck In the Ftenser block. Fifteenth and
Dodge streets, and several officers an
swered the call In the patrol wagon. Upon
their arrival they found Dr. H. O. Welaao,
who resides at 1406 South Sixteenth street,
sitting peacefully on a chair on the second
floor awaiting their attention. The doc
tor waa arrested on the charge of Insanity
September 2S, but waa dlwcharged, as he Is
not a dangerous patient and waa not caus
ing any particular disturbance when ar
rested. His wife promised to have him
ft seed In charge ot the county aut holl
ies, ...
compelled to tell .what they knew of the
affair to the grand . Jury, approached the
Boston officer and accepted the arrest on
the warrant granted yesterday for an un
known person. Although Kelley's caae may
be settled In court tomorrow, young Roose
velt and Blagden will still be compelled to
attend the grand Jury Investigation.
Police Commissioner O'Meara tonight
Issued a statement to the effect that the
department was not satisfied with th re
fusal of Judge Sullivan on Saturday to
issue a warrant for young Roosevelt and
therefore a warrant for an unknown person
waa issued.
After District Attorney Moran had talked
with aeveral of the policemen the isum-
monse were Issued for Roosevelt and Blag
den as witnesses.
Demand of Mrs. Robert W. Dnnn.
Formerly of Browavllle, In
District Court.
Sultana. A. Dunn ha begun suit ln dis
trict court for divorce from Robert W,
Dunn, formerly a. prominent resident of
Brownvllle, - She charges him with non
support and asks the court to make an
equitaoie aiviaion 01 tne sao.ui'u worm
of property she says her husband, owns.
She declares aha ha no Income and no
property except ' house at 801 North
Forty-third street, where she llvee. She
wanta the court to give her temporary all
mony pending the hearing of the aulL
Hperry Ruggner-ia an applicant for A
divorce from Dorothy Kdlth Ruggnir
charging her with desertlou. They woro
married December 24, 1V02, and he Bays
she left him September 24, 1804. -Keren
Jackson has been granted a dl
vorca from Olle , W. Jackson on the
grounda of non-support.
tlnued Ill-health, but attribute It to many
different disease, when In reality on of
these creatures la robbing . them of their
"These parasites are taken Into the sys
tem In .uncooked food or rare meat, in tho
form of an egg, which hatches almost Im
mediately. People suffering from, them
experience a feeling of lassitude and ar
extremely nervous. The action of th
'New Discovery' seems to be fatal to theoe
great worm and In moat cases a few
doaea of the medicine drlvea th creature
from tha system. I will hav hundred
of them brought to me before I leave th
This grewsome prophecy haa been am
ply verified, for not only hundreds but
thousands of St. Louis peopl tiav been
relieved of one of these fearful parasite
since taking Cooper' preparation, and
the entire city haa been aroused by th
Some of these parasite are of such
enormous alee as to startle the Imagina
tion. Tha atatement of Father John Bap
tist Arnolls, on of th beat known and
best beloved priests In' this section of
the country, verifies this. HI atatement,
among othera given to a reporter, was
as followa:
"For yeara I Buffered from what I
thought waa a general run down condition
of the aystem caused by stomach trou
ble. I felt extremely tired all th time,
and It was a great effort to attend to my
duties. I would wake up In th morning
feeling worn-out aa when I went to bed.
If I stood for any length of time I would
have a pain In the lower part of my back,
and would hav to ait down.
"I was very nervous and depreased In
spirits, and was troubled with dlssy spells.
I would see spot befor my eye when I
stooped over and raised up quickly,
had a very Irregular appetite, and would
have palpitation of the heart after ascend,
tng the stairs.
"The . talk .about Mr, Cooper's prepara
tion was so universal that I decided to
try some, although' I do not take patent
medlotnea -as- a rule. I took- four dose
of Ui 'New Discovery,' a It ta called.
and a tape-worm about ninety feet in
length left my system.
"I am very thankful for thla groat ro
ller, and I now know what haa been the
cause of all my sufferings,
Thla story of Father Arnolls Is a fair
example of th experience of an aston
ishing number of St Louis people, and
Cooper'a preparations ar selling her In
Immense quantities. It Is now estimated
that he haa aold one hundred thousand
bottlea to date In thl city alone, and
the aale la still Increasing.
Sheldon Is Power that Will Inanr
Republican Victory, Baya
Senator Fries.
Senator M. L. Fries of Valley county la
n Omaha trying to find the elephant about
which he ha read- ao much thla week.
Mr. Fries represented his district In the
two seulona of th lrglslaturs Just pasted
and he k epa In touch with th politic
or th state. He sold:
"Wer It not for the fact that tha repub
licans hav nominated George Sheldon for
governor, I believe w would have a hard
lime electing th ticket. Sheldon, I be
lieve, I th only man the republican
could have nominated who could hav
been elected governor thl year. With
him at the head of the ticket, however, I
bellev all of th candldatea will be
Nea-ro Thief Identlned.
Sallie Shaffer, colored, who waa arretd
Monday afternoon by Detective Maloney
on ine cnurge or m-ing a suspicious charac
ter haa been positively Identified aa th
Degree who robbed Mike Schlaf of Bpauld
Ing of tVJb a few days aco. The woman
waa picked up In a raid of a house of
unsavory reputation and waa Identified by
mr. bc nut weaneaaay morning.
William A, ScholL known to tarn as
'Diamond Dick,' who haa become the sub
art of the diamond situation sine opjn
ng here, becamo famous some ten years
igo by' being charged by the government
letecUvcs of smuggling. Pour years sgo
M became more famous by bringing Into
his country diamonds which nave baf
Ud the expert of America to detect the
litferenc from the genuine tak-m from
Jie mines In South Africa. Wheie he e
surea them th public haa failed 'o worm
rat th secret, but It Is believed that it
a th formula of either th two world
(reatest chemists. Moisten of Paris r
Xronchoff of Russia. It caucod some
tmount of confusion when Mr. Scholl gav
N. P. Prandsen, tha Jeweler at 109
touth Sixteenth street,' the exclusive
handling of th atone here, thus com
piling th public to purchase from on
nan. Th sal f th Slon I oouflned
w th wealthy-and proprietor of bu fl
ies s Institution only, thu creating dla
aUlaractloa amoug th medium elaaa, and
nor. It U a had blow at Us diamond
liattle A. Dufneld, Weeping Water.
Andrew M. Larson, Omaiia
Christine Ucker, Omaha
Harry Bronson, Hamburg. la
Mlnyoale Woods. Hamburg, la. . . .
FOR Health's Sake and the acme of Beer Enjoyment
cultivate the "Blatz Sign habit I Step in where
you see the signs and ask for
DIAMONDS Edholm, )Ath and Harney.
Th Smith-Premier salesmen for the en
tire state of Nebraska are holding a busi
ness convention ln the city. Thuy wer
entertained at luncheon at the Commer
cial club Wedneaday by Manager C W
Alleging that they assaulted him Octo
ber , 1W6. snd had htm placed in Jail,
Charles . Ruenker haa begun suit In dis
trict court against Albert Sigwart and
Frank L. Goodrich, policemen, for H.0U
dsnmges. Ho declare he waa dta!ned In
fall for three days without good cause and
nen releaaed.
W. C Juy. lkil Plnkney street, has re
ported to th police that some time last
week burglars eulered hi houae through
a cellar window and ramacked the house,
steaD Mveral article of clothing and a
go,l pen wh!on Mr. 3y valued vers
highly. Mr. and Mrs. Jay have beln away
from the city for -about ten dya and tko
h"U- waa entered during tlielr abaence,
Ttc police suspect local auiattur talent,
Any of the Blatz brands of beer are sure to please.
The component parts of Blatz beer possess food and tonic
properties that are most beneficial and all that means beer
honor is the basis of every brew. Then there are the
processes of cooling, ageing, sterilizing, and so on But
back of all this is Blatz Quality and Character there's
the secret of Blatz Popularity.
Bottled Blatz is available- or should be, in most first
class places. Atk for Blatz Wiener Beer.
Telephone Dongla 101 or drop a'poaul to Omaha Branch,
;0!-10 Douglas St., Cor, alb for ca aeuwea immu.
The celebrated brands Private Stock, Wiener, MuencJtener
and Exportm
' ' Brewed Exclusively by
Have 011 -Been ta?
The first, day of our great opening sale has far ex
ceeded our expectations. ' ,
It Das Been A Howling Success.
Crowds have surged through our New Store. They
were pleased and sounded our praises and they bought
Why t Because they. Baved money, and that's the reason
you should get into the line and visit our new store.
Sensational Fur Coat Sale
for Ak-Sar-Ben Week
Ladies' Blended Coney Blouse Skinner satin lined, deep
reveres, storm collar regular value $35, Cfl
this week.
Ladles' mended Coney Jacket 2 4 -Inch fitted, brocade iatln lln- ff C
Ing the very latest styles $40 value thla week V-
XXX Astrakhan Coat Skinner satin lining, $40.00 Quality,
thla week
Near Seal CoatMarten collar and cuSa right up to date fff ff
tylea will go at .pT J
d gray aquir Q f
Near Seal Blouse Bearer roll collar and revere, silk breaat
belt a $65.00 style, (or
Nobby Pur Lined Coat 30 Inches long white and gray squir
rel lining firm kersey cloth new this season
folk effects and three-quarter length, (a checks, plaids and f J PA
mixtures, styles worth S15, f 18.60, f 20 all this week. . . la,JU
A DRIVE IN LADIES' COATS Three-quarter lengths, plain M Q C
black kersey and fancy mixtures 18.50 coats this week. . . fs
LADIES' NEW COAT One of our cobby models, Imported cloth In
checks and shadow plaids, self strape, velvet piping hood, I") PA
60 Inches long Can't match it at $18.60 this week . . . laW.JU
Millinery News lor Thursday
Thursday we offer a special Inducement in trimmed hats. Every one
made of the highest class materials and every one a Qfi C C
dream of elegance special for Thursday .a ........ . 0i$?
$2.50 TRIMMED STREET HATS, 49C Hand made silk velvet turbans,
sailors, any shapes that is new and stylish this season will be 4J Q
found on our big bargain table Thursday, at . . . T'-'C
Buckram on wire frames, all the new shapes, at 19c
Velvet Bandeaus, all styles. , ,10c
worth np to 11.60. at 1 . . . .- JC
Wc purchased an eastern manufacturer's entire sample line of feath
ers, the lot consists of breasts, sweeping aigrettes, fancy u
shaded quills, birds and fancy wings Thursday DC
Black Dress Goods Sale Thursday
1 46-lach -broadcloth,- heavy, weight, beautiful gloaay finish,, and, sold at
. $1.25 64-inch .black cheviot, one of the. best wearing cloths for
fai; and winter regular price, $1.39. 48-inch black coating . f A A
. serge, dust proof, former price $1.25 All to fro at, yard. . . i.Uw
Early offering ln fall hosiery at remarkably low prices. We will put
ou fio Thursday our 60c ladles' black cashmere hose with fl A A
double spliced heel and toe, ribbed tops, 36c a pair, 3 for . . ,1,UU
Our second offering in ladles' heavy silk fleeced cotton Maco hose,
with high spliced heel and double soles, warranted fast black, "1C
the best in the country, for 4mDG
ladies' Neckwear
We will place on sale Thursday 30 doxen pieces of fine novelty stocks
good etscrtment to select from, in lace and embroidered trim- f A
tied good value for 16c and 26c at this sale . . . 1UC
In Oar Domestics
A special in New Fall Suitings 40 Inches wide black and white IP
checks and plaids worth 60c Thursday, a yard. . ........ C
FLANNELETTE 3 4 inches wide, with the very newest patterns for
housa. dresses and kimonos looks like French flannel I
special for Thursday, a yard laCC
PILLOW S LI 18 Made of a fine quality of bleached muslin. f 1
tree from dressing, only I IC
Watch for Embroidery Announcement In Thursday Evening's Paper.
The Best Investments
Ar thoa which from th outset ar well
secured, and which, through a series ot e
years, ar beoomlng belter secured by th
building up ot a reaerve back of th In- .' ,
vostment. When such Investment hav
never failed In 16 wears to psy at least.
per cnl per annum, payable seml-an- - .
nually. It la hard to Ana anything mur .
' satisfactory.
W offer thl sort of Investment to thoa '
having amount ranging from 11.00 t
16. 0U, and from which they wish t 4a
rive a satisfactory Income. .
Resource. $l,01,
Hsaerv and undivided profit, tn,0Pa.
Call or writ for Information.
Th; Cooperative Savings &: ;
Loan Association
205 Couth 16th Street Omaha
If you are subject to COLDS, you can protect your
self against them by using. Salubria Internally, ex
ternally and tor inhalation.
SAL I BRIM Instantly Relieves and Rapidly Cores
All Colds In Head, Throat and Chest.
Ta be conrlnced of tbli.""!!?'. bottle."
Balubrln and Inhalers sold by
SCHALFER S cur druo store
Coraar Isth aad Catcajrv, Omaha.
4th and a, Month Omaha. -
bor. Bin a, si Mala at., ConaoU bib ffa, la.
These Are The Days
that Brucsleta are th thing. Wi ar showing a nice
line of these In solid gtld KfO up. Borne handsome
styles In gold filled for 13.00. S3.S0, around $5.0 and U tO
Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for Th Naina.
M. - i
f .