THE CM AHA DATTT BEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4 lfTK. V r II r IMILTON ROGERS c y. i Sons Co., , J4th and Farnam Streets. 7 .. ,:'ffI9f The Quick Meal, The Malleable, The Puritan. Our Puritatt with high closet we sell as low as $24.00. toves! Stoves! Reliable tovp at a low price that what you get at this "tore. Besides, we have the largest variety to aelect from. Don't fall to ret our. price.- - Radiant Rome Base Burners, Cole's Hot Blast Steel Ranges. CONGRESSMEN COME SECOND Petition of Kinkald to Eo OiTtn Pltct Ahead of State Ticket Rejactai for and spoke at length upon th stata political mw of the campaign. Lysle Abbott, democratic nomine for attorney -4 general, vii then introduce and confined hi remarks to (tat politic principally, glvtrg th republican admlnl trmtlon a cen tral shaking up. POPULISTS FAIL TO flit NOMINATIONS tllat that It la Sot Oversight Part f OOlclala Hat I atll Sext WriirHir to See a re Plarr a Ticket. MOB AGAIN AT MOBILE JAIL Asethar Committee Bearches in Vain for litailant of Little Girl SECOND ' CASE OF . KIND IN MONTH Graad Jarr Brian- la Indlrlmrnli Aaalast Both Negroes and Trial Are 'get for Xext ,-, ...v7 Wak.' 1 MOBILE, Ala... Qct.3. Mobile paused a day of great excitement, due to the Inci dent of last night, when a mob went to the county Jnll to get the negro. Dick, alla Cornelius Robinson, charged with assault upon the little So'ssaman girl, and soma person unknown fired guns through the open gate at the Jail and wounded Spe cial Deputy Boy Hoyle, from the effect of which he died. This 1 the second case of the sort, there being another negro 'lfj Jail In Birmingham, Willie Thompson by hume, who probably would Y have been j. lynched here about a month 'ago; had the nlob been able to get hold of hlhit ' Thla evening a meeting waa held1 near the; Jail and a 'committee visited the Jail ant) reported that the- negro was not there. The crowd4 dispersed., i About the same hour the) grand Jury In session brought In Indict ments again both negroes and set their trlala.that of Thompson for next Wednes day and of Boblnson for next Thursday. This "being known had a calming effect upon r the people.' - ' Governor W. D. jelks ha been here all Jay .with .to, exception -of five hour-spent In Coden, where he Inspected the relief work there- for etorrri sufferers. . A leading negro ciyien, James T. Peter son, published an address to the public, stating that the best negroes repudiate In the strongest manner, the . awful crime committed by members of their race, And that they-iwill ideaU -they can to bring criminal, to: Justice, ? Th4 report first received of damage and los of life- on .the- lower coast have been mora than fulfilled by the recent newa. ' Reblasoa at Blrmtnahant. BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Oct. S Two deputy sheriff from Mobile reached Birmingham today, having In charge Cornelius Robin son the negro youth, who is alleged to have assaulted Ruth Sossoman. a 12-year-old white girl near that city Inst evening and because of the crime a mob attempted to storm Mobile Jail. Robinson was placed In the Jefferson county Jail for eafe keeping. He. donle hi guilt. The offleer say that after the arrest and Identification of Robinson he was rushed to the Mobile Jail, but kept there only long enough to secure a team. He was then driven to Carey- station, a few miles- out, where a train to Birming ham was boarded. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Moderate Increase Sated the Past Week In the Marketing of of Hogs. CINCINNATI. Oct. .-(Speclal Tele gram.) The Price Current says: There Is indicated a moderate gain over the pre ceding week in the number of hogs sent to market. Total western packing was 375.000 head, compared with 335,000 hesd the preceding week and Srto.OOO head last year. Since March 1 the total Is 14,320,000 head, against '13,295,000 head a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows: ' 1906. 1901 Chicago 8,255 S,0).000 Kansas City 1.870,010 l,GS6,0no South Omaha 1.42S.OOO 1, 276.000 Pt. Louis SM2.000 860,010 St. Joseph 1,098.010 990.000 Indianapolis 815,000 730,000 Mllwnuaee 6 , Cincinnati 312.000 332,000 "ttumwa 370,000 310,000 Cedar Rapids 313.000 257.000 Hloux City Slti.Ocfl 5!6,(0U 8t. Paul 445,000 443,000 Cleveland 330,000 362.0U0 Fatal Wreck In South Dakota. PIERRE, S. D.. Oct. 3. (Special Tele gram.) One of the engines on the lino west from here went off the track yes terday three mile west of Teton. Jonn Plnkert, the engineer, was caught between the cab and engine and scalded to death. II was' a new man on the run and leaves a family In Huron. John Helney, the fire man, wa thrown from the engine at the tlaie of the -accident and badlyj bruised and Is In the hospital at this city. It la the first fatal train accident on the new line. aata Vr'm l.araer Dividend. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. The director of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad company today declared a semi-annual div idend of 24 per cent on the company com mon stock. This is an increase of half of 1 per cent over the last previous semi annual dlvidnd. . Tea Can Trust The People-They Know What They Want. OVER 5,000,000 BOTTLE SOLO ANNUALLY the sal increasing each year leave BO room to quart tna the wisdom of the people's Gboio of a Ooagn Bantedy. Look for tht Ben on the Baffle. 2d, Me. an It. Bottkn. LLsnr.OTcaaD om sr a i . - ' t eeerY"""4 THE E. E. SUTHERLAND MED. CO. Pmdueak, na 11 (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOL.N, Oct. .-(Speclal.)-A question of official precedence, not exactly of the kind that - make trouble at Washington social functions, but nevertheless carrying the Idea of preferment and distinction, has been raised by Congressman Moses P. Kln kald of O'Neill, representative from the Sixth Nebraska' district. In a letter to Secretary of State Oalusha, asking thnt nominees for congress be given a place on the ballot In advance of the state ticket Jt the coming election. He declares that a part of the national ticket they are entitled to precedence ever candidates for state office. I'nfortunately for Mr. Klnkntd and other congressional nominees, the ballot law of Nebraska is plainly against the arrange ment he proposes. The law contains a sample schedule of the official ballot and provides that It must be followed a closely as possible In making up the ticket. This assigns to congressmen a place Just below the state ticket and above the legislative tandidates, the theory of the law maker evidently being that candidate voted for by all the people of the state should come first and those elected by district after wards. On receipt of Cungressmman Klnkatd's letter. Secretary of State Oalusha referred It to the attorney general's office for an opinion. Deputy W. T. Thompson of th legal department looked up the law on the subject, which he found In section 140, chap ter xxvl. Compiled Statutes of 1905. It Is provided there that the form of the ballot shall as nearly as possible conform to the accompanying schedule. Tne conclusion which he reached waa reported to the sec retary of state's office in this language: Schedule A, set forth In the statutes un der section 15K of said chapter. Is made a pan or tne statute and Is the form ol the ballot and the order in which the names shall appear thereon. It Is our opinion that this statute is not open to construction, and that It is your duty a wureiary oi state to loilow It provisions. The secretary of state. In certifying the nominee to the clerks of the various coun ties, will follow the attorney general's opinion and recommend that the nominees for state office precede those for congresa on th ballot. ' Populist Fall Down. ine popuiista have thus far failed to certify their nominations, although the time limit expires next Wednesday. An officer In the state house, who Is Interested In the success of the populist ticket, has In formed the officers of the populist state convention of the neglect to file. It I known that the populists swallowed the democratic nominees, but the certificate ha not been filed. General P. H. Barry of Greeley Center wa chairman of the pop unst tate convention and J. L. Sundean of Wahoo was secretary. Mr. Sundean did all he could to secure fusion, but he nas lauea to nie a certificate. It la thought by some that the neglect was In tentional on account of the distaste of the populists to accept the democratic notnl nations. If the certificate fails to an. pear by next Wednesday the populists will not have a place cn the ticket and they win nave to come Jn by way of petition next year. Brran Start Camnnlarnlaaj. W. J. Bryan started today on a tour of campaigning, which, with few Interrup tions,' will continue until nearly election day. After his speech tonight at St. Jo seph. Mo., he will return to Nebraska and make addresses Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. The week following and perhaps longer will be spent in Kansas, and from there the central state will be visited. Mr. Bryan will make another tour of Nebraska before the campaign closes. Sutrrnarlats Elect Officer. The Nebraska Equal Suffrage association closed this evening. During th afternoon the following officers were elected: Presi dent, Mrs. Amanda J. Marble, Table Rock: vice president, Mrs. May G. Ward. Tecum seh; recording secretary, Mrs. Helen E. Stearns. Humboldt; corresponding secre ts ry. Miss Mary E. Williams; Kenesaw: treasurer, Mrs. Alice Isabel Brayton, Ge neva: first auditor. Dr. Inea Phllbrlck, Lincoln; second auditor. Dr. Emma Dema- ree, Roca. Practically all the business of the con vention was disposed of at the morning session. aprease Court In Session. The supreme court did not adjourn this afternoon and no opinions will be filed until Thursday. H. F. Rose of Lincoln wa appointed thl forenoon by the Judge of the supreme court to act a referee In the state's quo warranto suit to oust Dr. J. M. Alden from the superintendency of the Norfolk asylum for Insane. The attorneys for Dr. Alden pleaded for delay, owing to the fact that he la ill, but counsel for the state pressed for an Immediate hearing on account of the Importance of getting the matter ad judicated at an early date. The taking of testimony will begin aa soon aa the referee Is ready to hear It, which may be by th first of next week. Governor Mickey Absent. Governor Mickey made a trip to Omaha today. It was stated at his office that his visit had nothing to do with the South Omaha saloon situation or other official business, but that the governor had some private affair to look after, one of them being hi recently acquired farm near Cres cent, la., ten miles north of Council Bluffs, which he may look over on this trip. 1iiaWnsiM'i ai ttmiwmm& miit m-t r Ann oun cement yijf 1 The publishers of Everybody's Mag-1 r zihe will make an important announce ... ... . ment to-morrow concerning their new weekly to-ie known as Ridgway's. The I' , . V announcement ' will appear in this paper " j and will be of large general interest to the American public. .-''' T'he RIdgway Company, Union. Square New York City ' 1 " Iu Wisher of Everybody's Maxlne . ; Degree of hoor rkhervb fid Committee to Draft Appointed Plan. HASTINGS. Neb.. Oct. I. Special Tele gram.) The election of officers and the consideration of a proposition to create a reserve fund took up practically all the time of the Nebraska grand lodge of the Degre. of Honor. Ancient Order of Vnlted Workmen, today. The grand lodge voted to create a reserve fund and a special committee of five persons was appointed to prepare a report on the subject with recom mendations as to the conditions which should be Imposed. Thl report will be submitted before adjournment- The grand lodge represents 2H0 local lodges throughout Nebraska, over 8.000 beneficiary membei and about M.ono social members. There j are 256 voting delegates and about 300 visit- J Ing members In attendance. The ejection was conducted according to the Australian ballot system. For several of the offices a second ballot was necessary. The vote was: Grand Chief of Honor- Mary Latky. Lexington (elected) ... Mamye Cleaver, Nellgh , May Elder, North Platte Anna Rogers. Hastings Grsnd Lady of Honor Maria Smith, liolrirege (elected) ... Klsa Masterman, Lincoln Grand Chief of Ceremonies- Emma Smith, Ht. ;! wards (elected). K.4 149 13i US 84 43 179 53 26 23 1; 48 23 170 . i.'4 Emma Crawford, Wahoo Susan Gould, Beatrice Grand Recorder Teresa Heinpel, Plattsmouth (elected). Anna Fraxler. Fairmont Forest A. Farley, York Mary Taklsh. Fremont Grand Reciver First ballot: Katie Schmltt. Omaha Ellen Boswell, Beatrice Ellxa Kirkpatrlck. Columbus Second ballot: Katie Schmltt Selected) EHxa Kirkpatrlck Grand lTsher First ballot: Caatello Foote, Hastings Clara Heffner, Kearney Mabel Gilltngs, Broken Bow Second ballot: Caatello Foote (elected) Clara Heffner Grand Inner Watch First ballot: Marlon Mason. Long Pine Augusta Anton, McCook Ada Leyda. Falls City Lydla Blanchard, Seward Second ballot: Marlon Mason (elected) Augusta Anton Ada Leyda urana outer waicn Carrie Lang, Geneva (elected) 12 Martha Burns, Creighton 115 Mary Miller of Diller, Mary Latky of Lexington and Ada Harding of Hebron were chosen superior lodge representative In the order named. Dr. Ada Ralston of South Omaha was elected grand medical examiner on the second ballot. 123 81 7ti ICS 88 114 81 61 19 134 82 51 CRABTREE FOR. SPELLING REFORM President of Pern Normal Lectures to Stadeats. PERU, Neb., Oct. . Special.) President Crabtree delivered a short address Tuesday morning to the students of the state nor mal on simplified spelling. He spoke in favor of the reform, after giving a short history of the movement to simplify our spelling system. A new electric clock has been placed In the science hall at the state normal, which ring gongs In the halls of the dif ferent building every ,orty-flve minutes. At an enthusiastic meeting of the Athletlo association last night the following officer were elected: President, Fred Zink of Stew art; vice president, O. W. James of Hum boldt; secretary. Miss Via Waterhouse, Omaha: treasurer, . August Eggecberger, Strang; sergeant-at-arms, John Akers, Virginia; member of the . Atbjetlc board, Hacel Beck and Glady Majors, Peru, and Fred Zlnk. :i lii- Colonel J. C, Hill. Hraomlnated. IMPERIAL, Neb.. Oct. S.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Colonel J. C. . Hill of Imperial, Chase county, waa renominated by the re publican convention at Wauneta today on tho first ballot for representative of this. the Sixty-seventh representative district. This nomination comes to him unsought and la a compliment to his record as a member of the last session of the legisla ture. His election Is assured by an In creased majority. Newa of Nebraska. YORK York county is well represented at Omaha this week In attendance at the Ak-Sar-Ben. CHADRON Right Rev. James J. Keane, bishop of Cheyenne, delivered a most In tersttng lecture here. Subject: "A World Benefactor." CHADRON At the residence of the bride s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Woodrutf. Solomon tieren or liienaive, Mont., and Miss Arle Mack were married. YORK The York Ice company says It will have sufficient Ice to supply the de mand If there l no warm season lor any lmgth of time during the month of Oc-tober.- PLATTSMOTTTH The last game of base nt the season waa played here last evening and the home team was defeated by the soldier team irom ron v-rooKi score to . ntTATRTCE Deacon Burroughs and Lafe McKlnney engaged in a fight on the streets this evening and both were badly Injured. They were arreetea ana loagea in jau oy the officers. YORK The York. County Fair associa tion has balanced accounts and, owing to having the fair held in a week when it rained nearly every day, financially the fair waa not a success. ' PLATTSMOUTH In the Bohemian Catho lic church today, Joseph F. Letak and Mis Anna G. Rotter were united In marriage hv Father Hancek. all of Plattsmouth. Dledrlch Schwegmann and Mis Barbara fe- tt imjffl TTk msmmmi u (j,, s different f "LoW Beer Is orewetl etpecUlly to satisfy tk present-Jay America- tte. Trie modern de 11 i i:u U.. . t.'rrktor- k tk.a nt vt nMxfnced a beer with all the goodness and purity of the best beers now Lnown, bat without any of the comebacks ostully smo cUtedwIth beer drinlinij. A beer wltnoot that "sticky" hearlness thai oppresslTe bIoatmg--that unpleasant "neit-mornintf" experience after an evening of tfood cheer. A beer that yon like, and can drink as much as yon like. And that beeiwhlch It remained for us lo study out and perfect the Tery highest attainment of the brewer s art, is i ii ! i i i a THE BEER YOU LIKE mi mn "LTJaTJS" IS DIFFERENT an exquisite surprise to the palate. "LUXUS" IS DIFFERENT It Is brewed entirely from the finest hops grown in Bohemia, malt made from the best barley Crown in the world, the finest Indian rice, the purest water from oar own Artesian Springs. "LUXUS" IS DIFFERENT no beer was ever brewed with sock exacting uniformity as "Laxas." That's because every process of the brewing is automatically controlled by electrical machinery especially designed for the brewing of this par ticular brer. . .... . "LUXUS" IS DIFFERENT it has excellent body, wit hoot hearlnesst Its color Is the palest, clearest amber; it has the refreshing snap, sparkle and life of champagne; It satisfies the palate and quenches thirst as no other beer does. "LUXUS" IS DIFFERENT it is not a billioas beer bat rather a most wholesome appetizer and aid to digestion. NOW IN TUIS CASB-in any case of "Lnxns" you will find 24 fall quarts or 36 pints, as yon order, of the most complete beer satisfaction erer pat into a bottle. ' r i i r rir - As a lover of good beer, pure beer, light beer von can t afford to be without a case of "Luxus" In your home. "Luxus" is a be?r for the home, filling a place hitherto unfilled. So in this case there'a nothing left for yon to do But get a case of "Luxas"-the "Beer you Like." Most every dealer In the West has it In stock. If yours hasn t Luxus don't waste time, but write us we'll see that you get It, and quickly. FRED KRUG BREWING CO, OMAHA, NEB. Exponents of "the fine art of brewing." , Qt at taw i"4j Lcldlg of Palmyra were married by Father Iianrek. BEATRICE W. H. Moseley, who re signed the position of Adams Express agent at thl point several months ago, ha returned and will again enter the em ploy of the company as agent. YORK-The light frost last night did not do any damage except to hurt the tender vines and plants. Farmers assert that the large crop of York county corn is practically out of the way of any dam age from frost. YORK Phillip Kennedy was nominated by the democrats and funlonists of York" and Fillmore counties for State senator. For several years a nomination by demo crats and fusionlsts for this office has been an empty honor. YORK The York high achool has com menced the foot ball season by playing David City and won by a big margin. The personal of the York team makes Its ad mirers here believe that York again has a champlonshl-ieam. KEARNEY Leonard A. Anderson and Miss Jennie E. Kllllp, both of Riverdale. were united In marriage at the I'nlted Evangelical parsonage at noon today by fiev. G. P. Netherly. There were a doten relatives of the young couple In attendance. COLUMBUS The democrats of Platte county and Columbus In particular aro extending the glad hand and congratulat ing Judge Edgar Howard, over the fact of his being president of the "Homo Folks Society" with headquarters at Columbus. BEATRICE Hugh Elliott yesterday purchased an English shire draft horse of Joseph Watson, who has Just returned to Lincoln from England with forty head. The animal Is valued at $3,000, and la one of the finest draft horses ever brought to Nebraska. CHADRON J. W. Good, who has been In the clothing business here for fifteen years, sold out this week to O. J. 6chwelger & Co., the latter moving here from Omaha. Mr Good, owing to the condition of hla health, will devote his time to over seeing his large ranch. BEATRICE Katie Qulnn, the eleven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Qulnn. who was Just recovering from diphtheria, dlec last night of heart failure. Another case of the disease waa reported yesterday In the family of John Engler In West Beatrice. CHADRON Died. Robert M. Phillips, aged 64. Deceased had Just come here from Hot Spring, 8. D.. and moved into hla new home, with his wife, to live ntar his youngest daughter, Mrs. Bert Jennings. He had a stroke of apoplexy and only lived six hours, In an unconscious condition. COLUMBUS Fred H. Abbott will still edit a new paper to be known a thj Columbus Tribune. It will make its flrst appearance this week: will be repub-. lican to the core and It Is expected that It will disunite 'the republicans more than ever, and, thajt 1 bad enough in Platte county. "' CHADRON Two exciting game of bast ball were played here this week. The one between Chadron and Crawford waa won by Chadron with a score of S to 5. a close game all the wey through and highly ex citing. Chadron against Alliance was won by Alliance, score 6 to 1 This game wa even until the eighth Inning, when the Alliance boyu broke out with such vigor Chadron was helpless ever afterward. COLUMBUS The Columbus Journal company.- has changed hands and will come out this week under the manage ment of Editor R. G. Strother. Colonel Strother has been publishing the Genoa Republican, a pretty good paper for its slr.e, but he was anxious to extend his borders and cultivate a larger field, anj so comes to Columbua. The Journal has been published for more than thirty-five years. FREMONT A coal shed back of the Fremont Gas company's plant caught Are about S o'clock this afternoon and was al most entirely burned. The company had (several carloads of coal In It which was pretty well burned before the department succeeded in extinguishing it. The origin of the tire Is unknown and may possibly have been caused by spontaneous combus tion. The loss is partially covered by Insurance. Total loss about 4i0. BEATRICE The necessary machinery for sinking the oil wells arrived In. the cltv last evening, and a couple of cars of casing will follow In a few days. J. N. Mauptn, the promoter, says that work will be started in about ten days, and that tha first shaft will be put down on the south f W. N. Farlow's farm, which is located about two miles southeast of Beatrice. Mr. Maupln says he has every reason to believe that he will find gaa in abundance, and plenty of oil. BEATRICE A number of public spirited citizens have secured from E. V. Kauffman, proprietor of Kycamore Springs. Kan., a contract for the sale of tjia land upon which is situated tho springs for the purpose of formlr.g a stock company to be known as The Syca more Mineral Springs Improvement com. pany. The object of tho company 1 to erect fine hotels, anddo uch other thing a are necessary to build up a great health resort. The corporation Is to b capitalised for 1200.000. L. Crocker. resident of Beatrice. I one of the pro moter of the enterprise. TECUMSEH The annual Johnson county fair Is on here. Yesterday was entry daj and all day long the farmers and othen. were bringing their produce to th ground! for exhibition. Several of the local mer chante are making creditable displays of their wares. Today waa children's day and all the school children of the county wert admitted free. The result was a Very large attendance. There are twenty race horse, at the stables, including twelve harnest horses. All the races were tilled and wen good exhibitions today. The guidelees pacer, rDr. Tom," is making dally exhibitions. The fair will continue tomorrow and Fri day. The weather Is perfect so far. BEATRICE The Board of Supervisors met yesterday and at 12 o'clock opene I the bids for tho construction of bridge for Gage county. There were six bidders, the bid of John Uilllgan of Kalls City being the lowest. He offered to uo th work for S9.RS&, the other bills ranging from a few dollars above that, to $10.31 :. For the first time in a great many years' John Hparks of Pt. Joe declined to bid upon the work. None of the bidders com plied with the advertisement in bidding upon individual bridges. The board has the matter under advisement, and will decide whether the .-contract shall bo awarded uson bids as submitted or re ject all bids and readvertlse again. tionth Dakota Supreme Court. ' PIERRE. S. D., Oct. S. (Special Tele gram.) In the etipreme court today opinions were handed down by Fuller In the cases of George H. Brace against Ines C. Van Eppa et al.. Minnehaha, affirmej; C. N. Williamson against A. N. Aldiich et al.. Brown, reversed. Ernest R. Trues dell of Selby, William J. Barnard of Arte sian and C. H. Bohrlg of Rapid City were admitted on certificates from other courts, and a class of sixteen 1 taking the regular bar examination. , Voting In Georgia. ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct. S. Polls through out the state are open today for a gen eral election for governor, memoera of the legislature and state officer. Hokj Smith wyi be elected governor. '. , Saaday Sekoola and Missions. FRIEND, Neb., Oct. I.-lSpecial Tele gramsIncreased Interest" has been taken in th meeting of tha Baptist today and which will conclude with tomorrow morn ing' session. The session this afternoon waa devoted to Sunday achool discussion and the Woman's Home Mission, with an address by Miss Anna Barkley, a returned missionary from Cuba, and It was received with a great deal of enthusiasm. Rev. J. F. Watts of Falrbury reported the year's work of the Baptist Publication society and D. C. H. Biggs reported and offered remark on the work a Sunday achool missionary ana tne wnoie afternoon waa taken up by reports and discussions per taining to Sunday school and missionary work. Open air and praise service at the church waa held this evening and th meeting wa devoted to educational sub jects, the chief of which waa led by Chan cellor Andrews. Case Coaaty Democrats. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Oct. .-Speclal.) The Caa county democratic convention met in the Parmele opera house this after- noon and elected W. B. Banning of Union chairman and M. A. Bates of Plattsmouth secretary. The following ticket waa then placed In nomination: For state senator, j Henry tiering, nattamoum; representa tive, L. F. Langhorse, a merchant In Elm wood, and Frank Masale of Nehawka, D. O. Dwyer, Plattsmouth, county attorney and George W. Snyder of Mynard for county commissioner. Thomas- J. Doyle of Lincoln, candid at tor eongraa froia tola district, waa called Why Syrup.of fls the- best family laxative It is pore. It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladles. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances, It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants.' . It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by jf9rniaI?q Syrvp(? San a"raskclact Cat. Louisville. Ky. Now York, M. Y. ron sals b r ail lkadikq psuooistx t t V li i t l. H t 1 i .3 i n ; i I d ! if !.i n t ;! t " '4 i i I: s I I! 5 1 j a i. l ft w j I 1 .A