Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Ollic?. IU I'enrl
Dvl, drugs.
Clark's, sods.
Stockert sella rsrjet.
Fine engraving at .efTert's.
F.d Rogers' Tony Kauai beer.
r -Oet tho new photon at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating, Dlxby & 6onN .
Lwla Cutler, funeral director, 'phone '7.
" Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. $.
For rent, modern tjouse, 7l Sixth avenue.
DlAMiJNDS ' Ab" AN lNVr.ISIalls.iVl'.
talk io l:piht aboi t it. .
Buy yduf phonographs' and records from
Williamson,-, 17 South Main street..
Superfluous hair removed permanently by
etectroiysea at Uraves , luo j'earl street.
ee Stephen Bros, for, lire brick and lire
clay, sewer pipe, fitting and uaruun hone.
We take contracts tor piper hanging,
painting and Interior decorating.- worwica.
ill South Main. - '
The Dodae Liaht auardi have lysued In- i
vltaticna .tor. a. smunt-i to im nem st the
annorr Saturday veiling., intone.- , i.
I pay tig per ton fur cast Iron; mixed g
Stove, $; rsgs, ic per ib.; ruliner, 7c;
copper, 14o per ib. J. Ktletinan,. aw Mum.
Ixitn 'phones b. t
Just peep in tne A. Hospe Company win
dow, i South Main street,- and -e o'ne of
in- flost baby grind pnfiios ver hrougiit
m CeuucU iuha. ' . .
Tiwi i, 'i ' nlpJI'' "1 1
or tnia city Friday, .v I
V , wholesale res cream. - Snipped to any
part of the slat. Spec-mi to tho
letall trade. X. Mucrl, 2U vVesi ttroadwuy.
Council fcllufTs.'Ia. ,'fel. 3M.
W hav the finest line of sample, inonu
m en is to select irvm lit the w?ai. Snceiey
st Liana Marble, and Ur.inlle worat. 2i;
al Broauway, Council blurts, la.
Lost lold bea4 necklace and locket,
either in towa -or on rosu betc-wcti town
ana farm of h,. u. bnugari. mikio. pieane
leturn to bee ohwia ana receive rewaid.
'VatittU, a j'nunK msffieu nutn iiciween
twenty, une and lolfiy -ears out, to oo
wnn about bouse, tae cure or ruinate ana
yard.".-Apply to LouarJ Kvereti, is r"euri
rftreeU. . - . .
Justice -tlardiner performed the marriage
cwemony yesterday tor rt. A. Cooines and
btnel King, both troin l ieniont. Men., ami
for U. W.. Cooper and (da M. rtussell, botn
Iroin Florence, Neb.
'Van'Tlnint ha just-received a few more
cars of noboy- vtlucies anu will lie plenycd
to have you cll and Iook them ovu. Botuc
great bargains wlir be ritteted. .Anyuno will
alrect you to hie repository.
WllHsm Hayes of Huflnn, lu., clerk of
the district, court of Blielny county, wi
In Hie city yesteruay investigating U.c
method of Keeping the records in tne off ee
ot" the clerk ot the courts here.
Juuge. v neeicr, who was uollgi-d to slop
In I lie middle of the trim of a cave m Uien
wood and return to nie nnnie in tnis city
on account of a severe attack ot quins; ,
was . reported yestewiuy . to be inui n nii
tnuved."' '-'jUldrew1' ti.- Miller' and Minnie Faulseiu
both from Persia, l; and Harry .M.
Hmith gnd Nettie Fouls, both from Valley,
Jieb., ' were -married yeaierday by liev.
henry JJPUong at .h)s pmce In the coumy
cwurtivouae. ,
A charice for a bargain, do you want UT
-W( have. a . large stoca ot carpet and inal
ting remnants, must get rid ot them; will
sell at most any price. tftove oil clotn
from'Sfei to 40c a iuare yard; cocoa tloor
' inats," otic to. Btockert t arpel Co.
DHnlel Runyon. foreman of a switching
crew in tri" loca. yards of the Milwaukee
railroad, iaJ his toot badly crushed yes
terday morning. He was tunen to his home
ui Skin in Vtnth street. ' 'ltie nttctiUlnit
phyoklan sUted ta had hopes of saving the j
WANTS I' LACE where the tamily usss
our -famous Ohio nut coal. win oo tne
. work of Economy nut and Kentuci.y nut,
, is fcoo-a ton cheaper and thre times a
clean. 3rldenstela 4t Smith, Fourteenth
avenue and Blxth street.; Telephone lsi.
'We hve'r' fill to give absolute satisfac
tion. ' Carpets '-cleaned by our sanitary
process are thoroughly cleaned. We take
. them' from vour floor and relay them. You
have ho) trouhle ' or annoyance. Call up
'61 and see how cheap we-do It. The Coun
cil Bluffs Clesnlng and Rug Mfg. Co., 34
North .Main street
JbimJtJ i i toi ' ii'Vre HOT
BKAlZP.Jh.UlS. ui--K-r
An unoccupied' thret-rooni cottage at
Ninth street and Avenue G was destroyed
bT fir vesterdsy mmnlng. As the eot-
J, Ms" Is only a shcrt .lletsnce from th.
'Northwestern tracks, 11 Is believed the fir
wa started by trsmps who Had pmbahl
spent th night in U- The cottage w
ths property of George Scliere. a dslry
ma llvfng Bar.Mmter Hpring". ami
' not insured. ..."'
"Thsrles J. Roth, aged 47 years, died e--tei.tav
nwmliig t his residence, V South
'Pseenth stre-t. from; heart trouble after a
w-ek's. Illness. His wife a-id three step-t-lilldren
survive lilm. The funeral will be
-held Friday afternoon, at S ocl.K-k from
the resident and .Interment will be In
. ..Talrview cemer. . ',- .:, ;
r rector oi ni. " -
conduct the services. ,
V QeorieNPabst', the boy who was to have
i,art a hear liist before Judire siac.v in me
juvenile division of the dlstrtct court ve.
Jrdy morning " J chaiRe of ln-orrli-hilltv
was not To be found when the offlee".
wcnl'mr him Tuesday evening. He over
heard his mother telephoning to Probation
Officer IeLonr nd after making a threat
that he would shoot guy one who atteiiipied
to arrest him left the . house and dlsap.
. ; . Hotleel
... Th'vcUbrated Acora Itn of .toif.
ranges, ba burner, heating tov and
rM. stove. old tho world ovr. and
acknowledged to b th best Iot on u
market for heating, cooking and durability.
Do aot buy until you th Acorn. D. V.
KUr, agent. 101 South Main trt.
arvet restaurant, 110 Braadway.
Old Hickory. Old an VanBrunt farm
wagona acoop board, wagon boxes, for
hi at VanBrunt'g . fepoeitory. Special
term for next lxty day.
, warranted. Central Oroctry and Meat Mar
jir kt. Bln 'Phon K '
E,ARL ST. - - .
warrtac Moons
I.lceuse to wd were issued yesterday to
th follimtisg;
Name and RestdWioe. Age.
Jsme H. More. linrt'.ett. Ia , ?1
fjerma I Dvvlon, MrPaul. Ia 17
tndrcW N. Miller. Pert I .......
iillnnl Paulson. Persia, la U
j a. Davison, 4Hrlada..Ia..,..
Margtret C. JorJjMi. C.'larinda, 1 1. JS
r. W. Flfchwlrk, Atchison. K3 0
Amelia Church. Indianapolis, tnd 97
Harrr M. Smith. Valley, Neb....; ...51
Nettle routs. Valley, Neb H
lunar Llnqulst, Missouri. Valley 10
Ida Ten Cyck. Missouri Valley 4
H A.. Coontea. Fremont. Neb.., M
.Ethel King. Fremont. Neb It
O W. opT. Florence. Neb....'. V
Ida M. Rusaol. Florence, Neb , 41
H L. Whistler. Council Bluffs
Chrttn Mayne, Council Bluffs 1
Ml. Tel. 43.
Action Taken Eborilf After Adjournment
of Eesiion of the Cornell.
More llihli, All-'laht c tied ale
Old Mnonllstht Schrd!
Shortly after the city council adjourned
at nildirlifhl Tuesday, Miiyor Macrae at
hed his official slgnnture to the new
lighting contract with the Citlsins' Gas &
Electric company, which was approved by
the council after a two hours' discussion,
by h vote of six to two. Regarding the
new contrsct Mayor Macrae had this to
say yesterday:
"While the contract may not be sll that
tho tlty would have wished, still I consider
It a very fair one for both the lighting
company and the city
There Is no doubt
but that the all-night schedule Will be ap-
predated by tho people cf Council Bluffs,
The moonlight schedule was a farce and
a delusion. Under the new contract we
will hsve more lights than before and our
llgniing mil lor me year nui uui " i
greater. - Aa the city gnws and the com-
pany a business increases the royalty paid '
tl.hi kill r.... iha vr 1T1 not any i
the city by the company must necessarily
Increuse and we will be enabled lo have
,h.r- mill t.r.
sarlly be some croakers who will say the
but when all Is 1
city Is paying too much,
said and done I believe the city has made
a good contract."
The contract Is for five years from Oc
tober 1. fnder It the city Is to par W
a year for each arc light, -of which there
shall be not lees than 2on. White this is the
rate named the contract provides that the
company shnll pay the city a royalty of
i per cent on all electrical business other
than that of lighting and 2 centa on each
1.0V0 cubic feet of gas sold and paid for
by the patrons of the company in the
city. These royalties. It Is estimated, will
reduce the cost of the lighting to $70 a
lamp njid the contract provides that the
company shall not collect more on an
average during the year.
The price of gas, commencing January
1, 1W7. will be reduced from 11.46 to $1.25.'
provided the bills " are paid before the
fifteenth of the month and $1.83 If not paid
by that time. A discount of 15 per nt
Is also to be allowed on all bills for elec
tric lighting and power if paid on or be
fore the tenth of the month. The company
agrees to extend Its gas mains whenever
there are six customers for each 6sj feet of
If you think of painting your house let
a give you- an estimate now. W guar
antee th pslnt to be mad of pur ma
terials, mixed and put up by skilled me
chanic, so' when we paint It stay painted,
W also have some odd lot of artistic wall
paper that we ar closing out at low price
to mak way for new tock. If you want
good paper at little cost com see us now.
Jensen Nlcolaesen, 2M Broadway.
For Imported wines, liquors and Bud
welser beet; go to L. Rosebfeld, wholes!
liquor dealer, til Sou lb Main street.
Always Increasing In all -of the depart
ments except th . price , department ; C.1
Hafer. Council Bluffs, la.
Real Hstaie Traaafera. "
These transfer were reported to The
Bee by the Pottawattamie County Abstract
company of Council If luffs:
I A- BP. ' . nd 5, block
Arnolds Second addition to Oak-
land. Ia.. w. d S S.(s
8. T. Hansen and wife o Paul F.
ana Herman w. mueiier. nv oi se
Sc of nw -77-W. w. d
George Elerhart and wife lo J. C.
Hayes, lot 6, subdivision of lols E
and G. John Johnson addition to
Council Bluff, la., w. d
Dartmouth Raving bank to Henry W,
Hasellon. lot ;o. block 17. Mill addi
tion to Council HlurTs, la., w. d
Dartmouth Saving bank to Merlon
B. Orout. lot 21. block 17, Mill addl
tti n to Council Bluffs, la., w. d
J. H. Sigofoos and wife to Fmma
C. Chi-lKtensen. part of lot 11. block
Mill addition to Council Bluffs.
lsy w. U .. '......
Annie M. Bishop and husband to
Boone Humbert, lot '.'4. block I.
Gates' addition to Oakland, la.,
w. d
Fred J. Hole and wife to Surah A.
Steadmon, lot and II. block 6,
Hancock. Ia.. w. d
Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate company
to Margaret B. Curtl. lot . block
.12. Central wibdl vision to Council
TMuffs, la., w. d
Elizabeth A. Tngnacker and husbsnd
to 8 J. Emmon. 3tt feet of lot 4.
block x. Walnut. Ia.. w. d
Ben.iamln-Fehr Real Estate romeanv
and Elmer I Fehr to Anton Ound
ram. n4 of nt of e-4 of lot 5,
original plat of Council. Bluffs. Ia..
w. d
Countv Treasurer to Omaha. Council
Rluffs and Suburban Railway com
pany, lot 15. block 1, Regatta Place
70 1
addition to sianawa. i. w. a.
Twelve transfers, total
14 I
W sr headquarter for fin pianos.
No matter what may be your need we can
upply It. We offer you a line of piano
that are fully tested and w guarantee you
satisfaction In tbe purchase of an Instru
ment from ua. Call on u. Tour money
will go farther her than anywhere else.
Eay term If desired. Bwsnson Music
Co., 407 West Broadway.
If you nd a wtng machln r want
to rent a machln or want your machln
repaired, call on Williamson, at IT South
Main street. H has machine to rent frm
So up.
Girl t.lves Parents a genre.
Miss Marguerite Roc, the IO-year-otd
daughter of Dr. and Mr. L. E. Roe, caused
her parent much anxiety Tuesday night
by leaving her horn without notifying them
and staying away all night. The police
and sheriff force Were appealed to late at
night by Dr. Roe to sit In locating the
missing young woman, but It was not until
yesterday that It was learned she was at
th home of a friend in this city.
- Miss Roe had been keeping company
with a high school student and to this
the parent objected. A few day ago th
partnte . learned that their daughter and
the youug man had been meeting and
Tuesday evening Mra. Roe took her
laughter to task about it. The girl re
.'used to listen - to her mother It la aald.
Ait your doctor about Ua wifrdom of your
keepin, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ia th soua.
ready lor cold, coughs, croup, broBchlri. If
bo says If g all right, tfaoa get a fcottlo of it at
once. Why not show iittU foresight la each
matters? Early treatment, early car.
We have as We wakltaa, f . O. Aye Os..
thsfVraalassf UntSrastfMns. Lssrall. sm.
sad erted she would not give th young I
men up. About S:Sn Mrs. Roe on going i
to her daughter's room found she was miss
ing. Tre parent for a time f oared the
young couple might have eloped, but en-
' qulry at the home of Ur young man In
question found him there and without
knowledge of Miss Roe's whereabouts.
railing to secure any trace of his daughter
after several hours' search and Inquiries at
the homes o.f their friends. Dr. Roe sought
the alstnc of the police and sheriff's
Here Is a god chance to get a ll-horse-rxiwer
Jackson touring car, almost new.
On sxhlhltlon at Van Brunt's buggy re
pository. Fourth street. Will be sold very
cheap. Call and see It.
If you want a good position, finish s
course at the Western Iowa college. Day
and evening school. Enroll any time.
'Phone for Information.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO. Night, Vl
Tow Maay
Men Have Heard f the It
Rrldaet Case. I
Conslderable difficulty Is being experi- f
enced In securing a Jury In the district i
court in the suit of John C. Bridget against
the Town Mutual Dwelling House Insur-
ance association of Iowa. Nearly every
Juror questioned yesterday afternoon ad-
milted he wae prejudiced from reading
newspaper accounts of the circumstances
of the fir for which the plaintiff now
seeks to recover 'on an Insurance policy,
The regular panel and the two additional
venires were exhausted and Judge Macy
louna ll necessary 10 ururr n-u
summonexl. The defendant company re-
l"t the payment of the Insurance on the !
grounds of the alleged suspicious clrcum-
eiances surrounoing me me. D.uB-i o,
his wife were arrested on a charge of
arson, but later were acquitted. As Judge
M' t0 " to Olenwood Friday to
hold a session of court, juuge ureen win
arrive this morning to hear the case.
The case of Franklin P. Elder against C.
C. Clifton, brought up on appeal from a
justice court, was. taken from the Jury
yesterday by Judge Macy at the close of
the testimony of the plaintiff.
A decree of divorce was granted Mrs.
Fannie Gregory from Charles Gregory. The
plaintiff is given ll.Ouo'allmony, 1250 a year
for two years for the support of her two !
minor children and the possession of the
household furniture.
The following talesmen were summoned
to appear In district court this morning:.:
p. B. Beno. Otto Vogeler Oeorge 0-rner.
Jr.. Pat Ounnoude. Jacob Stein. T. C.
ureen. uus w.uie. reter i no... n. n. "
lac. H. F. Keller. A. B. Nichols. James
Thls second assignment of law cases was
made yesterday by Judge Macy as fol-
Thursday. October 4 - Bridget against
Town Mutual Dwelling Hou?e Insurance as -
soda t ion.
Friday. October 5 Morse against Pendr
gast; Everett, executor, against Miller.
Monday. October 8 Haefner against Mus
tier Bros.; Hawkins against Omaha st
Council Bluffs Street Railway Company.
Tuesday, October Estate of Charles
C as son. hearing on probate of will (con
ditional. Wednesday, October 10 Stein ag-ainst
Harding; Hlddleson against Chicago, Rock
Island Pacific Railway Company.
Thursday, October U Cooper gainst
Street et al.; Weaver against Omaha A
Council Bluffs Street Railway Company
Kannoyer against Omaha A Council Bluff
Street Railway Company.
Monday, October 1ft Lorensen agalnit
Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway
Company : Reed ag-ainst Gajnea et al.
Tuesday, October l Stat . ot Iowa
against Rolph: State of Iowa against Jack
son; Stat of Iowa against Whlttaker.
All-Week Blar Demonstration.
Continuing Monday morning nd lasting
II week, we will demonetrat th Cole
Colelied Steel and High Oven Range nd
Cole' Original Hot Blast Heatera; all In
operation at our store, 41 S. Main St. $.
et of cooking utensil free. Paddock ft
Handschey Hardware Co.
Parage Too Maeh for Meetlna.
The Ak-8ar-Ben electrical parade In
Omaha last evening proved too great an
attraction and consequently there was not
J a quorum t the regular monthly meeting
of the membership of th Commercial club.
Th election of a new executive committee
was accordingly postponed to om later
Rev. Jumes O'May of the Broadway
Methodist church. Rev. Otterbeln O. Smith
of the First Congregational church and H.
A. Ballenger wfre among those who put In
an appearance, and they Improved the op
portunity to discuss the question of holding
a Chautauqua In this city next year. Dr.
Smith spoke strongly In favor of holding
one. and In this was supported by Rev.
Mr. O'May and Mr. Ballenger. The dis
cussion, however, wa purely Informal, but
It was decided to hold another meeting, and
Secretary Reed of the Commercial club
wa requested to Issu a call for some
I evening the early part of next week, when
another attempt to get those Interested in
i the project together will be made.
A. Mtsajar st Co.
New Location of Wholeaal Bakery,
. $11 Mynster Street, Co. Bluff. I a.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
W sell th Red Cr Bss Burner, th
Round Oak Heating Stove and the Quick
deal Rang. 8e u before you buy. Swain
ft Maurer, 336-SiS Broadway. ,
E. H. Odell Lear Today.
B. H. Odll, who for the last vn yesra
ha been local claim agent for the Street
Railway company, will leave today for Se
attle, Wash., to assume a similar position
with the Puget Sound Electric Railway
company. He will be accompanied by Mr.
Odell. Mr. Odell ha been a resident for
over twenty year of Council Bluffs, and
hta departure Is greatly regretted by a
large circle of friends and acquaintances.
W. 8. Dlmmock, formerly, superintendent
of the Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Rail
way and Bridge company, 1 manager of
th Puget Bound Electric Railway company.
For Sale.
Waasan Dies f rosa Rarna.
Mr. Ether M. Hrrl. wife of O. W.
Harris, who wa terribly burned by an
explosion' of gasoline at her borne. Tit West I
Broadway, ten day ao. succumbed to her
Injuries yesterday morning at th General
hospital. Defeased waa 3T year old and
leave, beside her husband, five small chil
dren. The funeral will b held thl after
noon at I o'clock from the Epworth Metho
dist church, Twenty-fifth street and Avenue
B. and Interment will b In Fslrv lew ceme
tery. Wanted. First class aho - salesman
Reference required. Nona other need ap
ply. B. M. Sargent, algn ot the bear.
Council Bluff.
Rival Candidates la City.
Governor A. B- Cummin, republican can
didate for re-election, And Hon. Claud R.
Porter -of .Centerville, democratic nomine
for governor, war both gueat at tho Grand
hot) last, night. Govsrnor Cummins cam
from Mlwuiiri Valley, where he spoke
yesterday, ami will lvf for the east esrly
this morning from Omaha over the Bur
lington. Mr. Porter arrlred earlier In the
evening and will go todsr to Missouri Vsl
ley, where he Is hooked to speak. Both
retired soon after reaching the hotel.
Usatr Seete fleaey.
Must sell modern sis-room dwelling near
high school. Tel. n. Charles T. Officer,
411 Broadway.
Street far . pa ay Haadles Crowd la
flood Shape.
For three hours last night Council Bluffs
wbs like a deserted City. Everybody who
could was In Omaha to see the big dec
irlcal parade. All day long crowds poured
into the city from nearby Iowa towns and
the crowds on the street were almost as
big as on Tueedny during the clehration
of German day. Most of the out-of-town
folk made their way across the river enrly
In the sfternoon. but It was not until
about t o'clock that the big ruh com
menced, but from that time on until near
o'clock the cars were packed.
The street rallwsy company furnished ex-
cedent service, no less thnn thirty-one
trains, several of the cttr having trailers,
being placed on the nialn line to Omaha,
Borne of these trains succeeded In making
three round trips between and o'clock
and all of them made two. It is estimated
that the cars between these hours carried
about 12.m) people from Council Bluffs lo
Omaha, not to mention the number who
went earlier during the afternoon. The
first car returning after the parade roach, U
Council Bluffs at 8:46 o'clock.
PI, lures for w
' .
noer- a,Ma
rictures for wedding gifts.
C. E. Alex-
Horse Show Jadge Drops Dead.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Oct. 3.-At the
Carnival Horse Show this afternoon, Just
as the first class was through in the. ring.
Jake Fisher, one of the Judges, dropped
dead of apoplexy. Mr. Fisher livid In
West Liberty and was one of the best
known horsemen in the west.
Attempt of t'aaaery at Port Kenyoa,
Cat., to F.mplor Celestials Nearly
taaaes Riot.
EUREKA. Csl., Oct.- j. The Starbuck
Tallant flsh cannery at Port Kenyon
agreed today to Immediately deport twenty-
Myen cllneBV from ifuiriUp!t county and
!ot aln -ttcnpt to brlng Chinese labor
,mo ,he counly, Ftve hundred woodsmen
convened ,t Fort I'na this morning I
, ,lemaded that a guarantee be given t
'by 6
o'clock the Chinese would be de-
The directors of the cannerv. ace-
,ng tne atPrm,naton ot the public to
eject the Chinese, declared that the can-
Dery management would accede and an
i . . .. . .
Uiuci worn i, iiiu .iinit-Br; ni
Sheriff Lindsay, now at Port Kenyon,
will esecort the Chinese tu Eureka at once
The Chinese will be housed on Woodley
island. Humbolt bay; until the northbound!
.learner sails. The citizens t Fortuna 1
nd th woodsmen of . the county are quite j
All the saloons In 'Fortuna are closed.
Eureka titlzeq have appointed a vigilance
committee to turn In a general Are alarm
hen a vessel enters. Humbolt bay with
nines huwiiMrs frt this non Ti.i.
ctlon is to prevent any more attempts
o bring Chinese or Japanese here.
Payae Sees President.
WASHINGTON1,1 CvjCfcairmari Payne
of the. way -and raeAn..immltteef of the
house of reprsenttlVi'Ba'w tne president
this, morning. ,!Thera,as'''.ge'neral talk
over th political aitnaUon, particularly
with reference to the botis of representa
tives. Mr. Payne .'expressed the " opinion
that the republican would secure control
of the next-'house. ,.''""'
Mr. Tart and Mrs. Barna no Sonth.
WASHINGTON, D; C.t Oct. .-Mr. Taft
nd Mrs. Bacon, who aVe now In New Tork,
have telegraphed to Washington that they
will proceed at once to Miami, Fla., to all
next Sunday from that place to Havana
In accordance with the request of Secre
tary Taft and Assistant Secretary Bacon.
Silver Prices Higher.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1-The director of
the mint today purchased 260.000 ounoe of
silver at (9.21 cents per fine ounce, delivered
at the Denver (Colo..) mint.
- Shooting; la e-e York.
Nr7W YORK, Oct. ai-Hcrbert Piurid-e
was shot three time early today In the
apartments of his sister, with whom he
made hi home, and will probably die. The
hooting waa done by Charles Johns, a
stenogrspher, whose attention to Mra. Jen
nie Smith, Patrldge widowed sister, wer
objected to by Patrldge. Coming borne early
today Patiiage found John in the apart
ment and In rage seized a carving knife,
with which he attacked Johns. In the
struggle the knife blade was broken, but
Patrldge continued the attack, Then, ac
cording to Mrs. Smith's story, Johns drew
a revolver and fired three times, each bullet
entering Patrldge' body. Johns dis
appeared after the shooting and Pstr.djo
waa taken to a hospital, where his rase was
said to be critical.
Strike Hlot at Wlelilla.
TvtrillTA. Kan.. Oct. $. Eleven women.
wive of striking union linemen of the Mis
souri ft Kansa Telephone company, at
tacked nonunion linemen with club and
tone yesterday. Th linemen and th
official of the company fied. I F. Dilg
gan. district manager for the company,
was struck several times by the women.
One workman was knocked down. The
women climbed a stockade In oureult of
th men and gave up the chase only when
the workmen were all behind closed doo'
In the telephone company' office.
rftev -
Orcaoiiation Eplit Biiteei Tear A to Over
rlitioal Aotion.
lire Preside! Falrbaaks Is la Speak
at Waterloo October IS Datee for
Other Repablleam Meetlnaa
la State.
(From a Start Correspondent)
DES MOINES. Oct. 3. t Special. )-Th
Woman's Christian Temperance Union in
this state, which sixteen years sgo split
Into two organisations over the question
of supporting the prohibition party, united
today on a non-partisan platform which
reads: "The organisation in relation to
work for enactment and enforcement of
law shsll give Its i ndorsement to men
and measure only, the rights of all mem
oers being conserved." The union of the
two organisations was affected this after
noon at a meeting at the Central Christian
church. To bring It about a large num
ber of details had to be looked after. The
non-partisan faction. In which the older
members, in point of years, have continued
to work, owns property Including Benedict
Home In this city which Is free from debt
and has. furthermore, $10,0.10 In assets In th
wa of bequests And endowments, some al
ready on hand and others to come soon.
This organisation has but 1.M0 members
in the state. Mrs. Florence Miller of this
city has for year been Its president. The
partisan faction, which sixteen year ago
gave Its support to the prohibition party,
has a membership of 3,5o0 and an endebted
ness of $700 or more. It has agreed to
wipe out this Indebtedness among Itg own
members. This afternoon the two organisa
tions met together In the Central Christian
church In this city, adopted a constitution
and elected officers and the two old or
ganizations are no more. In reality, how
ever, the partisan organization of the
larger membership has come back to the
I"u ul ,ne "rgnnnauon. mere win
lron' nul ne woman enns-
tian lemperance in ion In Iowa and that
Is the organisation that Is affiliated with
the Francis Willard wing of the national
society. The white ribbon 1 the symbol
of the organisation and the "T" designat
ing the Temple wing of the party, which
as the emblem of the partisan organisa
tion, Is dropped. . Every effort to Induce
Mrs. Dunham to withdraw her candidacy
as president of the consolidated organiza
tion failed. It was argued by those who
opposed her candidacy that as Mrs. Miller,
I president of the organization, had recently
' died and aa Mr. Dunham wa Identified
with the factional fight. It would be better
for the society to elect a younger member
as president and select one not Identified
with either faction of the society. The
matter, however, was allowed to go to th
delegates for them to decide. The union
of the two organizations this afternoon was
somewhat snertsciilsr unit sSVfHnv tinn,..
I 'in,.nH 0(,h fllr . . '
rihhnn hlr) hih In tit alt- In th !.....,.
A ... , . 4. , .
neletJ,e. r he . ,1 'Tl ?
'SllL T " th'""p
T. ,h. k . e T !""""'"
before the real business of adopting the
constitution and electing officers could be
taken up.
After the demonstration the agreed upon
r"ntltutlo' '" adopted, and Mrs. Marlon
r oi uurungton, presioent or the
I'ar1l8 ctety since it split off, was
elected' president of the merged societies.
It w then so late thst the convention
adjourned till tomorrow to complete the
election of officer..' A banquet wa glvtn
tonight at Plymouth church.
Fnlrbnak at Waterloo.
Dates have been arranged for Vice Pres
ident Fairbanks to speak In this state
at Waterloo. Saturday. October 13, and
with - him on the jilatfcrm will appear
Governor cummlnn and other prominent
politicians. Mr. Falrbank will speak In
th afternoon and Governor Cummins will
spnak both afternoon and . evening. It Is
the Intention to make the meeting a dis
trict rally and gather In the republicans
from all that part of the state. At the
republican state headquarters here today
dates were announced for prominent cam
paign speaker, as follows:.
Governor A. B. Cummins October 3.
evening, Missouri Valley; October 4. after
noon. Aftnn: October 8. evening. Otttimwa;
October 9. afternoon. Neota; October 10.
Rock Inland. 111.: Oi-tnber 11. even'ne:.
MarenKo; October 13, afternoon. Waterloo.
Walter I. Smith October 4. afternoon.
Atlantic; October ft. afternoon, Hsrlsn:
Octoler 8. evening. Soencer: October .
evening, Clsrion; October in, sfte-nor,n,
Linton: October 11. evening. Wllfon: Oc
tober 12, evening. Eldon; October 13, after
noon. Osceola.
Senator J. P. Dolllver October 3. after
noon. Indianola: October 4, afternoon. At
lantic; October 6, afternoon. Audubon: Oc
tober 8, evenln. Webster ' City: October
eveninr. Algona: October 10. evening. New
Hamilton: October 1. afternoon, Tama;
October 1.1. evening. Perry.
John F. Lacey October 3. morning,
Keota: October 4, evenlna. Klrksvllle: Oc
tober 5, evenlns;. Fremont: October l. aft
ernoon. New Sharon; October 10. evening.
Aeency: October 11. evenine. Blaksbuia:
next week. Bunch, Pulaski, A I bla and Bux
ton. Cnadldate fnr Warden.
It la learned that C. W. Jackson, for
six year sheriff of Woodbury county, will
be a candidate for appointment to the
position of warden of th Mate penitentiary
at Anamosa, made vacant by the death of
Warden W. A. Hunter. The members of
the board and Secretary Treat are todjy
at Anamosii attending the funeral of Mr.
Hunter. They will not take up the matter
of the appointment of a successor to Mr,
Hunter for some days, the Institution In
the meantime being In charge of the deputy
The best test of any food is the ability to ork veil
on it; sleep veil after it ; keep well by it.
No article of food has stood this test so well so
long as the soda cracker. No soda cracker has stood this
test so satisfactorily as Unaada Biscuit.
Babies have thrived on them ; strong; men hare kept
strong on them; sick folks have lived on Vem; well
folks have kept well ci them.
are always fresh and crisp that's why they are so good;
pure and clean that's why they are so wholesome; all
Iood and nourishment that's why they are so healthful
Millions have learned this and profited by it hare
you? The knowledge costs' you only a nickel.
- -
warden. Th body of Warden Hunter as j
taken to Newton for Interment. !
Paralelasi Disappears.
Dr. W. J. Latts, for many year a physl-
lan In this city, hss disappeared com- j
pletely and all effort 'of his friends to
And him have failed. An lnveilgatlon
has been Instituted. Dr. Ijiita was mar
ried at one time, but for some year hss
lived separate from bla family. He left
Ies Moines, moving his office, furniture
from the Century building, and told some
friends that, he was gting to Colfax, la.
It was supposed that he was theie. but
It Is now discovered that lie has never
been ther and all trace of where hi office
furniture wa ent to Is lost.
Gorernoe of Philippines Says that
Xegroe Are (iood W orkmea
Whfi Organised.
WASHINGTON. D C Oct. 1-Former
Governor Charles FX Magooit of the
Panama cansl. who has spent a great deal
of time on the Isthmus, has considerable
confidence In the Jamaica negro a a
laborer on the cansl. He has organised
a police force of these men and say they
ar very efficient. Much of the complaint
that has been made about them as laborers,
he think. Is because they do not thor
oughly understand American terms and the
names'of article In common use. He suy
that upon the whole they ars Intelligent
and can read and write, are prolific letter
writer as lie ran testify by the many
communication received from them. They
all begin their letter In the same way:
Tour excellency: I have the honor to
Inform you that I am a British subject, etc
Judge Mngoon says that they are all
proud of being subject of Great Biitlan.
He believe that the method to be
Ultimately adopted, In handling labor on
the cansl will be similar to that adopted
by Kitchener when he advanced upon
Khartoum. The Drltlah general utilised
African labor, but had It organised on a
military basis. Judge Mngoon say he does
not mean tltakt laborer on the canal should
be under military discipline, but that they
should be organized In companies under th
charge of competent officers with men of
their race and kind In positions similar to
noncommissioned officer In the army. He
believe that a satisfactory system will
result from this method.
llaaghter of Army Officer Strangled
aad Beaten to Death
In Prassln.
ESSEN. France, Oct. I.r-A great sensa
tion ha been caused her by the murder
of Miss Madeline Lake, daughter of on
English army officer, whose body,, leni'
bly mutilated, was found Monday even
ing In the city park. Up .to the present
the police have been unable to throw any
light on th mytry. Both hr temple
were beaten In, her throat wa lacerated
by the hand of her murderer, who evi
dently strangled her In addition to beat
In her terribly about the head, and htr
arm and body were severely bruised.
The excitement caused by this horrible
crime has been Increased by the fact that
the Inquiries of the authorities hav re
sulted In eemingly establishing th fact
that Miss Lake wa related, distantly.
to the British royl family, the brother
of her grandmother, It I stated, having
married a daughter of Caroline Amelia
Elizabeth of Brunswick, the divorced
wif ot George IV of England.
New ' Wsnkls l.eavee Union Iron
' Work for Trial Trip OS
BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. i.-The new ar
mored cruiser California, which has Just
been completed t the I'nlon Iron Worka
left here for Santa Barbara, where tta trial
trip Is Jo be held.
Naval Constructor Holden A. Evan, head1
of the construction and repair department
at Mare Island; Captain Giles B. Hurtier
of the ' receiving ship Independence and
Commander Henry C. Clearing of the equip
ment department left Valejo thl evening
fnr Santa Barbara, where they are to
serve as members of the naval board that
will conduct the- trial trip.
Thl will be the first time thnt the trial
trip of a vessel built on the Pacific coast
has been conducted eltlrely by officers sta
tioned In this vicinity, it having been cus
tomary heretofore to send out member of
the regular board of inspection from Wssh
Mtii I.ost Off Havre.
HAVRE, France, Oct. S.-A a reutl of
the storm In the channel a French three
masted vessel and a number of fishing
boats have been wrecked and several aall
ors have been lost.
Insarane Coamlloaer Busy.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 1-At th
session of the National association of In
suranc commissioners today, report
mostly of a technical character were sub
milted and discussed.
Louisville and Nashville Meeting,
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. I. The annual
meeting of the stockholder of the LouU
vllle A Nashville Railroad company wa
held in the offio of th coniDanv todav.
W. R. Belknap presided. The old board of
directors was re-elected and the report
or l'resiaent ninon it. einitn was read
The report or earnings snowed a surplu
for tho year of $2.7411.374. The genera
, , .... I a r.e ths, ftnmitAnv iti Inn. 9A 1 Sila
amounted to $11,110,04$. Net earning for
tite year were $12,076.0., to which i
added $1,64,7"$ lricoin from other
"SssSr"'" ""as&rf
riMPPnRI U 1 1 I C
WllttlluUHl. -
Ihlor of liHlifmdion. Smoking,
Irrlnkln. or Katlng fata IU
Instantly Mtowtl.
Other people not ire your bad treat H
wh-ie you would not notl. II at all. It
Is nauseating lo other people to stand be
fore then whllti you are talking. , givr
them a whiff or two of . your bad breath,
It usually come from food fermenting
on your atoinach. Sometime you hate
ll In th morning that awful sour, bil
ious, bad breath. You can slop that at
once by swallowing one or two Siuait
Charcoal Isenges, th most powetful
gas and odor absorber ever prepared.
8ometlme yuur meals will reveal them
selves lu your breath to those who talk
with you. "Vou've had onions," or
Tou'v been eating rhbag," and all of
udden o-j belch In tha.face of jour
friend. Charcoal I a wonderful absorber
odor, as every one knows. ThHt I
hy Stuart's Charcoal Ixiaenge are n
quick to stop all guses and odors Or odor
ous foods, or gas from Indigestion.
Don't use hreth perfume. They nvr
ouceal the odor, and never absorb the
gas that causes the odor. Resides, me
ery fact of using them reveals the nason
for their, use. Stuart'a Charcoal LOiefigc
In the first place . stov fin- good all sour
brash and belching ot gas. and make your
breath purs, fresh and sweet. Just after
you've eaten. Then no one will turn his
face away from you when you brthe or
talk; your breath will he pure and fresh,
nd beside your food will tasle so much
better to you at your riVxt meal. ' Juirt try
Charcoal does other- wonderful things.
loo. It carries away from your stomach
nd Intestines, all the Impurlile . there
massed together and which . causes the
bad breath. Charcoal I a purifier a well
an absorber.
Charcoal Is now by far tho best, most
asy and mild laxative-known. A wnole
boxful will do no harm; In fact, the more
ou take the lietter. Stuart's Charcoal
Lozenges are msde of pure willow char
coal and mixed with Just a faint flavor
(J honey to make tliem palatable for you.
but not too sweet. Tou Just chew them
like candy. They i are absolutely harm
less. Get a new. pure, sweet breath, frtshen
your stomach, for your next meal, and
keep the Intestine In good working order.
These two things are the secret of good
health and long Ufv, You can. get all the
charcoal necessary to do these wonderful
but simply things by getting Stuart
Charcoal - Lozenge,' W ' want you to
test these llttl wonder workers yourelf
before you buy them. So smd Us your full
name nd address for a tree sample of
Sturat's Charcoal Lozenges. Then aftr
you have tried the ample, and been con
vinced, go to your druggist .and get a 25c
box of them. You'll feel better all over,
more comfortable, and "cleaner"' Inside.
Send us your nam and address today
nd wa will at once send you by mall a
ample package,' free.' ' .Address F. A.
Stuart Co., GO Stuart ' Bldg., Marsha!,
It makes th toilet somcthlnf to ba en
joyed. It remove all stain and roughncas.
prevents prickly neat ' and coaling, ana
Ucves th skin white, soft, healthy. In th
bath it brings glow and egMU fitlon wh ic
no common soap can equal, Imparting the
vigor ana life sensation of a mild Tnrkiw
fVlt. All GaofVs and Iuooist
Schlitz No. 2
Ill South 14ta Btrset.
Highest Grade of Winest Linuors
and Cigars. Imported Ale and Porter.
Hchlits's Famous Milwaukee Beer and
HsIf-and-Half -on draught.-' '
Baggage or parkagea checked free
of charge at our Information BurcMii,
established for the special benefit, and
convenience of Ak-Har-Ben visitors.
LBADnro psnraioiAjra nxsoauaa
The formula la the production of th
most' eminent stomach und bowel special
ist or Kurope. -
All stomach and bowel troubles, indlres-
tion, dyspepsia, const ipaiiou, nervousness,
catarrh of the stomach and bowels, flatu
lency, bllllousness, liver complaint, etc.
It stimulates tne appetite, purines the
blood and tones up the entire system, one
box quickly prbve ' its- worth. 60c at
Brandei and Sons' Boston Stor. Drug
Dept., or send 10c to 1i for large sample.
Ross & walker, Lepi. U. II uearporn Pt.
Chicago. ' "
. MEM'.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the mate of Netoraaaa.
hereinafter aet fortn in full, I sub-
muiea to me elector oi ins mat or rss
braska, lo b voted, upon t the general
lection to be held Tussday. Nuvsuibsr t,
A. li., 1906.
Bo it enacted by th Legislature of ib
But of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at th general lection
for stale and legislative ofllcer to to held
on tti Tuesday succeeding tli first Mon
day in November, iSu. th following pro
vision be proposed and submitted to lb
electors of the stat aa aa amuudmsut i
th constitution.
Section If. Tuct ahall b a 8tt Railway
commission, consisting of throe members,
who shall bo first elected si th geuaiel
election in 190S, whose terms of ofEc. ex
cept those chosen at th Orst aluctiou under
tnla provision, shall be six year, and whose
compensation shall be flxsd by th legisla
ture. Of th three commissioner first elected,
the one receiving the highest number of
vote shall hold hi office tof yr.
th nsxt highest four years and tli lowest
two year. The power and duties oi such
commission shall luciud th , regulation
et rates, service and general control of
common carrier as th leglalatui may
provide by law. But In hs absence of
peelflo legislation, th commission (hall
exercis th power and perform th duties
numerated in Uil provision.
Section I. That at said election -In the
f'ear ISO, on the ballot of each elector vol
ng thereat, there shall b printeo or writ
ten th words: "Fur Constitution Amend
ment, with reference to -Suite Hallway
commission" and "Against CoDsliiuilonal
Amendment, with relasitnce to Slate Kali
way commission. And If a majority ot
all votes vast at said election snail b for
such amsndment, th same shaft be dssiuej
to b doptd.
I, A. Ualusha, secretary of tti State of
Nebraska, do- hereby certify that th for-
folng proposed amendment to th constliu
ion of the Stat of Nebraska la a tru aud
correct copy of tb original enrolled and
engrossed bill, a passed by Hie Twnty
ninth session of the legislature of the Slate
of Nebraska, as appears from aald original
bill on file In this office, and that said pre
pood amendment Is submitted to the quali
fied voter of th State of Nebraska for
their adoption or rejection at the general
election to b held on Tuesday, the ttb, day
of November, A. D., 10$.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto
et my hand and affixad th grt seal of
th Stat of Nebraska.
Don at Lincoln thl 14th day ot July
In th yar of our Lot erne Thousand Nins
Hundred end Six. of th Independence if
the United State th On Hundred and
Thlrty-econd, end ot ths stst the
Fortieth. A. GALl'SliA.
(Heal.) Secretary of l' -
Advertise la Ta Be.