Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
I resident Aaasnacts Bit Appoiatmaat u
Frantioaal Governor of Iilaad.
At Eequeit af Secretary Taft Formar
Habraaka Ww Ordarad U Manila.
lecretarj of War Withdrawa Euarrestion
' and Appointment ia Made.
thief of staff Will Start for Caha
Snnrtay to Consolt with Mr.
Taft an Disposition of
"ABiiisuTUS, D. C, Oct. l.-It wu
announced at the White House this after
noon that upon further consideration of
the subject the prfsident had decided lo
adhere to his tan formed yesterday and
aud Charles E. Magoon to Cuba to re
lieve Secretary Taft aa provisional gov
ertior, allowing Governor Wlnthrop to re
main In Porto Rico, where hla service are
U was stated late today that the presi
dent had reached his intention not to send
Governor Magoon to Cuba as announced
earlier In the day, because of advices then
In' hand from Secretary Taft Intimating
that the arrangements made for Governor
Wlnthrop assuming the duties of pro
visional governor had gone too far to be
-changed conveniently. A later dispatch
Iron, the secretary put the mutter in a
J different light and Indicated that the sec
retary was willing that the governor should
remain In Porto Rico. President Roose
velt, who ' has nil along been anxious to
have Mr, Magoon go to Cuba, acted
promptly on the secretary' dispatch and
Immediately announced the appolnUiicnt,
of Mr. Magoon. This decision, hn feels,
leaves) Governor Wlnthrop to finish Im
portant work which he has In hand In
Porto Rico and will delay but for a few
months Judge Magoon's departure for the
f Philippines.
General Bell Ordered to Cuba.
, At the president's request. General
V Franklin Bell, chief of staff, will proceed
aa soon as possible to Havana to consult
with Secretary Taft as to the disposition
of the American troops. '
Whan General Bell returned to the War
department, after his personal conference
with the president. In which he received
Ills orders to go to Cuba, ho found on his
desk a direction by the president 4hat Gen
eral 'Thomaa II, Parry, assistant chief of
staff should be designated ns acting chief
of staff In General B'U' absence.
General Bell said he knew practically
nothing of the reasons for his being or- L
dercd to , Cuba, except that the president
had received from Secretary Taft a re- (
quest that .he be ordered there.
i While In Cuba General Bell, b" virtue of
hts rank will be Jn command of the Arrter
losrT troop on the' island. General Bell
' will probably leave for Havana the last
' of this week, us he will have to go from
Tampa or Miami, Fla., on a merchant
llnar Mxt Sunday.
Maaoon Start Saturday.
Judge Magoon late today was Informed
, that Becretnry Taft wanted him to come
to Havana at the1 earliest moment, and he
will leave here Saturday, which will enable
him to catch a steamer from Miami, Fla
due In Havana Tuesdav. General Bell, who
has been ordered to Cuba, will accompany
Mr. Magoon.
Tonight Mr. Magoon, Secretary and Mrs.
' Boot and Rev. Vr. Pe.ibody of Groton,
Mass., were guests at dinner at the White
t Secretary Root and Judge Magoon, as
V well aa the other dinner guests, remained
at the White house through most of the
evening. While It ia assumed that there
wan some discussion of the Cuban situa
tion In connection with the president's
election of Judge Magoon as provisional
governor no further Information on the
subject was given out tonight. The dute on
which Judge Magoon will assume the office
ha not yet been fixed. The policies he
may pursue In the administration of that
- government. It Is understood, will not be
made known until he has conferred with
Secretary Taft and become thoroughly ac
quainted with the situation on the Isluud.
Alacrity with Which Order I Obeyed
Harnrlae the Mont Saaaalne.
HAVANA. Oct. I. The alacrity with
which tha rebels are laying down their
arm to the commission appointed to
upei intend that Important phase of the
termination of the revolution ia the
greatest surprise the provisional govern
ment' has yet encountered In its smooth
working program. This operation I now
well under way In the vicinity of llavami.
700 of Guerra's- men with their horses
having already been entrained for Pinar
Del Rio, while one brigade marched to
Guanajay today without a sign of dis
order. Hundreds of persons from Havan.t
went out to Santiago de Las Vegas und
Rlncon today to view the disarmament.
Thf were disappointed at not arcing the
rfTH-ls actually surrender their guns,
l ii,. "u'lriHIT Mini nu.,
nevertheless, they witnessed hn inter-
estlng sight. A a concession to the men, ,
General Ftinston and Major Ladd pcr-
dUtted them to take their arms to IMnar
J ml Rio. when, most of the men Joined
r ....... , association, summoning Uie new re-
were first eounud by officers of marines , t,)ulli u, ,icsert from the army If they
under the direction of Malor Itdd and be,tt!Vl.a tl.,.y Wl r "unable to endure tho
the men will be required to surrender tn,uUH punishments and vexation of bar
them before leaving the train at Hnar j k ,,.. ,ulJ concluding with an invita-
dcl Rio. The marinei. sent' to llnar d'-
Itlo last night were prepared to enforce
order arid that the disbanded rebels
dispersed quietly lo their homes. General
Guerra hJ promised that one thousand
men would bo ready for entralnment to
day, but the. preparation of die muster
nil required o mu. Ii time, as each con
tains a minute description of every man's
. horse in order to prevent substitution en
routs after arrival, that another special
train conveying 400 nun and horses wl'l
leave Rlncon for I'uiar Del Rio tomorrow, t
MUle Flchtlua- la Revolution.
rh remainder of Guerra'a men will be
marched to GuanaJav end olh-r nearby
point in llnsr del Rio province as
rapidly the muster rollr are prepare I.
.ccordlrrg to tho testimony of an Amen
..... ...imed HarVey. formerly u noo vP.
Rough Rider, who nas been with the In
surgertts. an-.ouut of actual fighting
LtturinS this revolution i really very
ainull- ' Harvey Kay that most of the
lighting lie had seen a between game
cocks. ' About ten rn-r cent of Guerra's
" ;wttUiiuJ vn tivvuud fuac J
Attempt I Made to Knh (ashler,
hat Men Are Taken
by Police.
. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 1-6:15 p. m
A bold attack made by a number of revo
lutionists this afternoon on the cashier of
the branch custom house here was frus
trated by the quick action of the police,
who captured several of the attacking
party after a fusillade, during which Vine
man Is reported to have been killed.
The firing occurred st the Bourse end of
the palace bridge, one of the most fre
quented thoroughfares In the city, situated
hardly IPO yards from the winter palace
and the admiralty. The affair caused great
excitement among the operators on the
Bourse and the general public.
The cashier was returning In a carriage
from the treasury with over $10,om for
the payment of the salaries of the customs
employes, when two men armed with re
volves sprang at the horse's head and
seven others surrounded the vehicle and
covered the cashier with their revolvers.
The police apparently had advance in
formation of the plot, for they Immediately
surrounded and opened tire on the revo
lutionists, who answered the fire and at
tempted 'o flee, hut ran Into the hands
of n se- ' of plain clothes policemen. Ore
,, .vua killed sml five I
fe', three of them ncing mu-
dents t-"1 " Three men escaped. The
man kU '. 'r mere youth.
POTI, . ' - sin. KiiRsIn, Oct. 3 -
Twenty-fl. . n with rifles and rc-
whv . '1
Caa re
the Black kh
-g at various
a port on the
f on the east
.iceeeded In ab-
points between fc
Black sea, and IV
coast of tlie Black
stractlng and getting l ,y with $''..") from
the mall and tho ship's treasury during
the night of October t. Firing . their
weapons and shouting at the steerage pas
sengers not to move, the robbers drove
the crew Into the steerage and occupied
the approaches to that part of the ship,
threatening the patwengera and crew with
death If they resisted. The first-class pas
sengers fired some shota at the robbers,
who, however, compelled the captain of
the steamer to order the immediate cessa
tion of the firing, threatening to shoot the
.... ..... I n ,, . ..... m.i,.M ami four SA lor
whom they had detained as hostages. If the I
firing was continued. After securing the
money the robbers compelled their host.
Bgfs to put mem asnore in one ui i
ship's boats.
. - r
Weather Map Showed' American How
to Travel Fat In
PARIS. Oct. S. Lieutenant Frank P.
T.ahm, Sixth cavalry, United States army,
winner of the International balloon contest,
and Major Heraey, his companion, arrived
here from England this morning. Much
of the American's success Is attributed to
Ma lor Ilersey's. knowledge of meteorolog
ical condition, obtained as the remit of
Ions service In the weather bureau at
Washington. Before the departure of the
United States, the winning bnlloon, Major
Horsey closely examined the latest weather
ernorts and knew Instantly that the heavier
nnd faster mrter currents would be nt Vie
lower surface and with wind revolving
about the center, from left to right. wo:i!d
Inevitably change their direction and cn
the balloon northward toward England.
Consequently, while the rivals of the Amer
icans were vainly testing the upper strata,
the latter remained close to the earth,
their guide rope touching much of the
time. Their Judgment waa vindicated by
the fact that, although the I'nited Stales
was the twelfth balloon to start. It was the
first to reach the English coast.
Attorney General Allege Modern
. School to Be for Instruc
tion In 'Violence.
MADRID. Oct. 3. The atttorney general.
In presenting in court today the case of
Senor Ferrer, director of the Modern School
of Barcelona, who is charged with "bring;
connected with the attempt upon the life
of King Alfonso May 31 lot. submitted
evidence to prove that the prisoner, under
the name of the "Modern school." con
ducted an establishment for teaching an
archy to youths, was privy to Manu
Morales' plot 'to aasassinnte King Alfonso,
aided Morales with money and assisted In
concealing and dlHgulsIng the would-be
assassin nd accomplice after the bomb
explosion of May 81.
Trouble at Fort William, Ont F.nd
When Police and Men
Shoot. '
FORT WILLIAM. Ont.. Oct. 3.-A num
ber of armed titrlking freight hrndlcrs,
Greeks and Itallnns, yesterday B'.irrounded
the Canadian Pacific Railway company's
boarding house. In which were fifty strike
breakers, brought here from Winnipeg.
The boarding roufce was defended by
twenty of the company's police. A largo
number of shots was fired and a eon
atuble was wounded and several of the
strikers wcae shot In the legs.
After the trouble a deputation of fctriker
Interviewed the mayor. loiter the strike
w:is called off unconditionally, so far as
I . ., i,..n. .,.
tntl-wllliary Manifesto.
D.-hii.'V fkt 3 A larcre numher of
ter, w"erc placarded on the walls here
juHng lnu lit. signed by the antl-mlll-
tlon to the women of Rouen to form an
"International Society of Mothers to reslrt
the despots of the government which la
still thirsting for human blood." The
police tore down the proclamations shortly
afler daylight.
French tilrl a Terrorist.
TOl"ION. France, Oct.' 3. A girl ar
rested here on the charge, of throwing a
bomb at the governor of Ekaterlnoslav
and who claimed to be a Russian,
out to be French. Her name la Jeanne
Tilly. A a result of association with
Russian student In the Latin quarters
I of Purls she Joined the terrorlfct and
j undertook the task of killing a prominent
; Russian official,
- storm Daataaea Shlupln
I. ORIENT. Frame, Oct. 3. Many flailing
craft havu been lost in a atorm which has
just swept over this coast.
Rattleahlu as lionolaln.
HONOl.l'Ll'. Oct. S.Tbe Vntted States
battleship Wisconsin arrived bcrs today
fruui Yoaohaoia.
Kansas City Grain Ifan 6ayi Company Caa
Outbid Rirali at that Point
Harry Uower Saya Allowance Wu
Marie, to Private Elevator to
Place Them on Level
with Other. '
CHICAGO. Oct. 9.-E. O. Moffctt of the
Moffett Commission company of Kansas
City, Mo., was the first witness at to
day's session of the Interstate Commerce
commission, which Is investigating alleged
rebates on grain. Moffett testified that
owing to an allowance of l'i cents per
hundredweight, which he declared Is given
by the Cnlon Tactile Railroad company to
the Peavey Elevator company, which has
a rfumber of elevators In Nebraska, the
elevator company Is enabled to bid a higher
price on the Kansas CIUl Board of Trade
for grain hlpped from polnts.on the Union
Pacific line than any other traders. In
this way, said Moffett. other traders are
plated at a great disadvantage.
- " ..
or the C hicago. Rock Inland & Pacltlo Rail-
oompnnv; 8.rptarv MrVann of the
Omaha Grain exchange and J. T. J. Broad
enax, president of the board of trade of
Kansas City, were the afternoon witnesses'.
Mr. Oower testified that for snme time his
company paid the J. Rnsenbaum Grain
company an allowance of 1'4 cents a
hundredweight on grain elevated by It in
Kansas City. Mr. Gower asserted that It
was necesfiary for the railroad to do this
to compete with the 1'nlon Pacific and
other railroads, which were elevntlng their
own grain.
Secretary McVann, who was the next
witness, denied that the Omatia Grain ex
change has boycotted the 'Chicago. Rock
Island Pnclflc. as was testified by wit
nesses yesterday.
Mr. Broadennx declared that railroads in
Kansas City clean, grade, elfvat ani
clip their grain In their own elevators
without any "thnre charge than the rate
for transportation. In view of this the
private elevator lose monry In shipping
grain, because It owner must pay tne
freight rate as other shippers and besides
stand the expenses of cleaning, grading
and clipping In his own elevator. His
point was that Uie railrondn should allow
the private Independent elevator man a
certain amount to cover this loss. The
hearing will be continued tomorrow.
Bid Asked for roiitrnclon Work on
Xrth Platte Irrigation
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-(8pecia! Tele-gram.)-Rural
carriers appointed: Ne
braska, Anslcy, route 1. Benjamin F. Jones,
carrier; Jamea W. McManls, substitute.
Carroll, route 2, John II. V'anscolk, carrier;
Peter VanBusklrk. substitute. IJubols,
route 2. James M. Sparks, carrier; Clyde
E. Clinton, substitute. Lincoln, route 2,
J Geon
ge -W. Orceuamtyer. carrier; Harold
enameyer. substitute. Iowa, tnancn-
aid. route I. Joseph wnile. carrur. inm
1 White, substitute. oxiora junction, route
J, John A. Schedeck. carrier; Mike snc
deck. substitute.
William A. Jimerson has been rein
stated aa rural carrier for route 2 at Lib
erty, Neb.
The secretary of the interior la asking
for proposals for the construction of a
diversion dam and head works on the
North Platte river. Nebraska, In connection
With the North Platte Irrigation project.
The work Involves the excavation of biftOoO
cubic yards of earth and rock, furnishing
and placing In structures about 10,000 feet
of lumber and the construction of 8.000
cubic yards of concrete masonry. Bids
were opened at Mitchell. Neb., November 1.-
C. L. Allen of Pierre. 8. IX. has been ap
pointed copyist in the land office. John
! H. Whaley, John A. Griffin. Early fas
ten and Charles E. Fink of Cheyenne,
Wyo., have been appointed railway clerks.
Major Georgo T. Hollhway, paymaster,
will proceed from St. Louis to Omaha for
temporary duty as chief paymaster of the
pepartment of the Missouri.
Ten tat lie Decision by Officials to
Adopt This Method of
Const ruction.
WASHINGTON, Oct. !. A tentative de
cision has lieen reached by Chairman
Shouts of the Isthmian Canal commission
that the Panama canal be built by con
tiact. An announcement of the final de
termination of the canal officials respect
ing the methods of construction Is ex
pected In a few days.
Chairman Shonts had a long conference
last night with President Rooacvelt. at
which this and other matters relating to
the canal were considered fully. The pres
ident is anxious that a conclusion be
reached on all questions of ranal construc
tion as soon aa possible, so that the actual
work of construction may be pressed vig
orously. Chairman Shonts and Chief En
gineer Stevens have been working for
many weeka on the subject of constructing
the great waterway by contract. They
have prepared specifications for the work,
which are now being considered befora the
Issuance of Invitations for proposals.
In this connection It Is understood that
the president hap not abandoned his con
templated trip to Panama and will not
unless the Cuban situation or some other
question should become so acute us to re
quire bia presence In Washington. Chair
man Shonts expects to be in Panama at
the time of the president's visit, but It is
ltkly that Instead of accompanying the
president he will go to Panama In advance
to supervise arrangements for hla recep
tion. .
llarrishnra; Prepares to Welcome
President Wbea State Hon
I Thrown Open.
HARRlSBi'RG. Pa.. Oct. I.-Thouaands
of viators have already come to Harrlsburg
for the dedication of the new state capltol
tomorrow. President Roosevelt and his
party will arrive from Washington in a
apecial train at 1 o'clock tomorrow mr.riilug.
He will be met at the railroad station by
the capital dedication commission and
Mayor Ureas of Harrlsburg. The party will
be escorted by the governor's troop to the
capital, where Governor Tenn) packer and
other distinguished Pennsylvania.! will re
ceive the president.
The relebiytion will be opened informally
tonight with the illumination of the city
aae. wlLb a public buid concert.
Visitors to Omaha during Ak-Sar-Ben
week are specially ' In
vited to inspect the home of The
Bee In the magnificent Bee build
ing and the unrivaled mechanical
plant by which the daily issues of
this paper are produced, with as
surance that the process will
prove interesting and profitable.
The best time to see the machin
ery In operation Is between the
hours of 2 and 5 o'clock In the
Convention Meet, at Providence and
Declare foe. domination of
Senator hy People.
PROVIDENCE. R. I., Oct. 3.-The demo
cratic state convention for the nomination
of candidates for the various elective stale
offices was held here today.
The platform denounces "the boss sys
tem," which. It declares, dominates national
and state affairs. "The government of the
state." it asserts, "haa passed to the boss
because Rhode Island has a constitution
which gives representation In . Its law
making body to Its territory rather than to
Its manhood." has "robbed Rhode Island
of million of dollars' worth of franchise
end privileges and betowed them on men
who have contributed out of their lll-gutten
wealth to the support of the system, not
out of gratitude, but because that system
exempted from taxation that wealth ao cor
ruptly given them."
The establishment of the eight-hour day
for all state and municipal work Is de
mandrd, as are the calling of a constitu
tional convention with representation based
on population and the enactment of a cor
rupt practices law applicable to elections
and primaries.
The platform also favors the election of
t'nlted States senauw by direct vote.
James H. Htgglns. mnyor of Pawtucket,
who was nominated for governor by accla
mation, In a speech declared that In Rhode
Island "the money and rights of the people
have been bargained Swiiy for Individunl
profit and the good name of the state
( In the mire," and that "a brutisl
boss, with h warped conception of public
morality Und hideous disregard of even thu
outer forms of political decency, has sold
our laws und offices from an auction bloc-K
In the state house."
The ticket waa completed, as follows:
Lieutenant Govermn Charles M. Siesou.
8.x-retary of State William Palmer, Eat
Attorney General Edward M. Sullivan,
State Treasurer John K. Atvhambault,
Insurance Commissioners Decided
They Do ot Want Aay
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 8 (itptclal Tcl
gram) R. W. Brecionrldge, chairman of
tho committee of Insurance of the Amer
ican Bar association, who mut the sub
committee of hi. ccmmlttet! liece for
the purpose of appearing aclore the
convention of state Insurance com
missioners, left for Omaha tonight. Mr.
Breckenrldge appeared before Uie con
vention to urge a number of reforms
relative to life and flro Insurance
policies. He Insisted that laws should be
passed prohibiting bribery of insurance
commissioner and employes and that
there should be legislation looking to
simpler forms of tire Insurance policies.
The committee of the American Bar asbO
elation, although present by resolution of
that association and by invitation of tli"
chairman of the conference committee,
Mr. O'Brien of Minnesota, the convention
paid little or no attention to the recom
medatlons formulated by the Insurance
committee of the American Bar associa
tion. In fact It waa a clear case of tho
Insurance commissioners of the several
states represented blazing their own path
way without any advice from tho luwyera
who desired to set them right.
Today representatives of the conven
tion, Including; John L. Pierce, insuranco
commissioner of Nebraska, and B. F.
Carroll, secretary of state and ex-ofticlo
Insurance commissioner of Iowa, called
on the president and spent the day in
sight-seeing., All reforms looking to th
regulation of life and fire Insurance com
panies doing business in the several
state it was decided today to refer to a
committee of fifteen which will meet In
Chicago on November 15.
Accidents In Faetorlra at Pneblo and
Baltimore Kill Several
PUEBLO, Colo., Oct. 3.-At an early
hour this morning a "blow-out" at blast
furnace "E" of the Colorado Fuel and
Iron company's works In this city caused
the Instant, death of two men and two
others were so badly Injured and burned
that they cannot live. The explosion is
supposed to have been due to gaa. A fifth
man was believed to have been caught in
the falling debris and crushed, but this has
not been definitely established. An eye
witness says be doe not believe more
than five persons were hurt, notwithstand
ing exaggerated report sent out.
The furnace ha been In operation only
a year and cost about It Is not
known how badly It la damaged.
The names of the dead and Injured ar
not yet given. ,
Another of the victims died this after
noon at the hospital. It I said all five
men are foreigner.
Accident Sear Baltimore.
BALTIMORE, Md., Oct. 1 Four mm
were killed and eight other 'Injured,
two perhaps fatally, In an accident at the
works of the Maryland Bteel company at
Sparrows point today. Three of the dead
pre negroes. The victims were ov'ei
whelnied by a rush of flaming gas and
coke from a hole in one of the blast
furnaces, caused by the forcing out of it
socket of a casting which holds tha com
pressed air pipe. '
The men had Just put In a new air
pipe and the blast had been turned on
about ten minutes when tire accident oc
curred. The officials of the company,
after an investigation, declared that no un
usual condition caused the accident.
Ttiey were at a loss to account for It.
No explosion occurred and th-j furnace
was not damaged.
Canadian l'elSr Dividend.
MONTREAL, Oct. J The Canadian Pa
cific railroad at it annual meeting held
today decided to distribute tills year an
additional 1 if cmt dividend to the share,
holder. This mean that they will re
ceive 7 per ctnt in all. The additional 1
per cent comes fiuut the gle vi tera
Be publican Candidate for OoTtrnor of Hew
York Outlines His Fanoaal Platform.
V --Baanaa
He Say HI Ambition I to r;lve
the State a Sane, Efficient
and Honorable Adminis
tration. NEW YORK. Oct. S. With the declara
tion that the Issue In the forthcoming cam
paign in this state Is not to be one of re
publican principles or of democratic princi
ples, or a partlran Issue at all, but the
vital Issue of decent government, Charles
K. Hughes of this city tonight formally
accepted the nomination for governor,
which was brought to him by a committee
from the republican state convention re
cently held at Saratoga.
The ceremonies of the notification of Mr.
Hughes and of tho other candidates was
held at the Republican club In West Fourth
street and followed a dinner at which Mr.
Hughes met the members of the new re
publican state committee, who had been In
session here today. Among tho other
ruests at the dinner were former Governor
Odell and former Governor Frank 8. Black,
and they were among the first to congratu
late Mr. Hughes on the conclusion of his
brief speech.
Speech of Mr, llnahes.
Mr. Hughea spoke as follows:
Highly appreciating the honor you have
conferred and realizing krenlv the responsi
bility assumed, I accept the nomina
tion. As a life-long republican, as ore
loyal to the principles and best traditions
of the party, 1 respond to the call of tho
We enter upon the campaign Inspired by
the example and fortified hv the achieve
ments of our great leader, Theodore Roose.
veil. .
The national administration, with Its
record, has strengthened Its hold upon the
conlidence of the people. The activities of
congress In tho Interest of all the peoolc
have been nttested by the pxssaue of the
railroad rate act, the meat inspection net,
the pure food act and the employers lia
bility act.
In referring to this record of the federal
administration. I should not he underi.t.,od
to Imply that this Is a campaign of na
tional issues. The paramount Issues In this
campaign are state isues. But In he
matters which I hove mentioned we find
a notable record of achievement wh'ch
presents a striking contrast to the noisy
pretensions of the hour.
Our stats administration has also accom
plished many genuine reforms.
Real lue of Campnlan.
Here Mr. Hughes enumerated the re
forms with special reference to life Insur
ance companies. He continued:
What do we find In opposition to us? A
masquerade. An independent league, whose
Independence has been betrayed, and a so
called but spurious democratic party which
has violated every principle of democratic
Vain is It for our orponenls to parade in
the livery of virtue. Empty are their pro
fessions' and hollow their declarations and
If you would know the sort of adminis
tration we should have In tho event of
their success, look at the Buffalo convex
tlon, for there you
111 Und their motives j
and their methods mirrored their motive,
ealflshness, and their method. Intrigue.
V imI the Hineerltv of their Inrienenrl'
ence by their efforta to procure the demo- . seventy-five men are supposed to be en
cratic nomination. j tombed. Two rescue parties have entered
We test the sincerity of their appeals to , mi., ari(i un lo n 0-,,ock tonlaht two
American Ideals to their despotic proceed- "P 11 O clocg lonigltt two
i men named Dolbert and Godaah have been
We test th sincerity of ' their attack I rescued and revived. The mine Is reported
upon the Question of money In politics by., D(? 0 fl ftnd tm, k ()f ue ,
their use of money In politic. I , ,
We test the sincerity of their .devotion I tarded. The rause of the explosion Is not
to the Interests of the people by their ef- j determined. Great excitement prevails In
forts to foment disorder and exploit Ig-j thp neighborhood of the mines. Crowds
noriince In the lnterems of self-ambition. . . ..i.ii .
What thon Is the sum-erne issue of this ' of men. women and children remained
campaign? Is It not an Issue of the repub
lican record. Is It not an Issue of repub
lican principles or of democratic princi
ples. It I not a partisan Issue at nil. It
Is the vital losue of deeent'government.
The question Is whether the unholy al
llunce thrft succeeded at Buffalo shall cap
ture the state of New York.
An Inhoaaed Administration.
In my message to the convention I stated
that If elected it would be my ambition
to give me siMie u. nunc, nncieii. um1 non-
oralile administration, free from taint of
hnsslnn or of servitude to any private in
terest. n his In my position In a nutshell.
It will be an unbossed administration. I
believe in party organization in clean, ef
ficient organization. 1 promise all mem
bers of the party fair treatment and Just !
' V."7 .. .... ' .i . V Vi'. h ...
permitted to dictate policy, I shall decide
and act according to niy . conscience and
as I believe the public Interest requires.
I promise an honest administration. It
will be my aim to make the administration
of the government 'eftlelent and economical.
I am not committed to specific measure. I
promise an examination, careful hnil Im
partial, of all matter within the scope
of my authority, and such action as my
honest Judgment shall approve.
Every practical measure for the real
benefit of labor will have my cordial sup
port. I snail spare no errort to mane errectlve
the reforms in the business of life Insur
ance so essential to the Interests of policy.
I promise the enforcement of the law
with equal severity and In equal Justice
tn all, rich and poor, corporations and In
We make our appeal to the cpmmon sense
of the American people. Which has never
failed to express itself decisively In a
great crisis. We are pledged to achieve
reforms In the American manner. In ac
cordance with the genius of our Institu
tions and with love of truth and even
handed Justice.
It Is In this spirit and with these pladgel
alone that I accept the nomination.
Nebraska Addresses Crowd of Tea
Thonsaad Person ta Mis
souri City.
8T. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct S.-Willlam J.
Bryan spoke In BV Joseph tonight to a
crowd of 10.000 persons. His train was
late In arriving and It was nearly 10
o'clock before he began hi address. Many
sat In the tent. In which the speaking
occurred, for five hours waiting to hear
Mr. Bryan. The Ncbraskan was Intro
duced by C. F. Booher, candidate for con
gress, aa the next president. He thanked
the chairman, saying the announcement
waa very pleasing to him. Mr. Bryan said
that President Roosevelt 1 popular because
he has carried out the teaching of de
mocracy. While the trusts were attacked,
Mr. Bryan said little of the railroads. At
the station Mr. Bryan waa met by a com
mittee of four which Included R. E. Culver,
attorney for the Chicago Great Weatern,
and R. M. Spencer, solicitor for the Bur
lington. '
Another Ment Inspection Rale.
WASHINGTON, Oct. J. The secretary
of agriculture today further amended the
meat inspection regulations with regard
to the Interstate shipment of meats, which,
prior o October 1, lf"KI, have ben exter
nally treated with small quantities of pre
servatives, the regulation being Intended
to extend the same latitude to meats as
was glviii In the pure food law to codfish.
Canadian Miner May Strike.
SPRINGHILU N. 8.. Oct. S. A trlke of
the 1.600 employe of the Hprlnghill Coal
mine I probable by next Monday. Tho
unions demand an advance In wages an 1
notice ha been given that unless the
demand-1 granted work will cease next
week. The mine owner have offered an
advance of i per cunt, but the unions de
cline U accept.
Fair and
Cooler Thursday. Friday
Temperature at Omaha es
trrday t
Dra. Hour
. . fvt I p. m
. . Stf p. m
. . M it p. m
. ft:t t p. m
. SIT n p. m
.'! B p. m
. . I7 7 p. m
. . T2 N p, m
. T.l
. Tit
. T5
. TO
I a. nt
l n. m
7 n. tn
a. m
n. m
lo a. m
it a. ni
t'J m...
f p. m.
Men Rent Cashier and P.acnpe with
Five Thousand Dollar la
SAN FKANCI8CO, Oct. 3. Armed with
revolvers and pieces of gasplpe, two rob
bers entered the Japanese bank Klmmon
Glnko, also known aa the Golden Gate
hank, at In, O'Fnrrell street, at noon to
day, and after probably fatally beating two
clerks, escaped with J.VW0 In gold.
The robbers chose a time when there
were but few persons transacting busi
ness in the hank anil the sensational and
bold deed was so quickly effected that It
was all over before the crowd of people
passing the doors of the Institution were
aware of what had taken place. While one
of the hold-up men engaged the paying
tellers of the bank, the other walked to
the rear of the bank and. going behind
the counter, picked up a sack containing
$5.(100. The action of the robber who went
to the rear of tho hunk was witnessed by
one of the clerks, who Immediately raised
a cry of alarm. The cry had scarcely left
his Hps before he was struck down by the
man who was carrying out the gold.
The robber who had lieen talking to the
paying teller drew a piece of gas pipe from
his pocket and struck him a blow that
rendered him unconscious.
' Both robbers stopped long enough to
beat their victims Into unconsciousness and
then walked leisurely from the bank and
disappeared. The crime was discovered a
moment or two later whCn several cus
tomers entered the bank to make deposits.
They found the Japanese lying prone on
the floor and Immediately gave the alarm.
The police arrived shortly afterward and
the two men were taken to the hospital.
There It was said their death probably was
a matter of but a short time. Both ars
believed to have fractured skulls.
Despite the fact that the police In every
portion of the city are on the lookout for
the roblsrra not the slightest trace of them
hue been found.
K.xplosion In Conl Mine Near HI ar
field. W. Vs., May Kesolt In
Many Death.
BLI.KFIELD8. W. Va., Oct. 3.-Aa the
result of an explosion this afternoon at
tha West Fork mines of the Pocahontas
Collieries company, where tho explosion of
l!k2 occurred, in which Superintendent
O'Mally and fourteen others lost their lives.
about the drift mouth anxiously awaiting
news of relatives nnd friends among the
The explosion took place in what Is known
a the Ht. Faul entry of the mine. Reports
of the number of entombed men vary from
sixty to one hundred men. The lack of
brattice cloth helps to retard the rescue
work and a carload of It Is being hurried on u sneclul tntin from lthief lel.U
" a IruJn riom
The definite results of the explosion will
not bu known for perhaps twelve hours.
The force of the explosion was hardly
noticeable at the mine's mouth, as the
entry In which It occured is two and
half miles In the mountains. A
number of
men In the south mine were almost suf
focated before they were rescued.
More Evidence thnt Son of Kansas
City Banker I Victim of
Fonl Piny.
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 3. Acting Cor
oner Bagley of Hlllsbnro is so convinced
that Carey Buyder, son of R. M. Snyder,
the Kansas City millionaire, waa murdered
that he has ordered the sheriff of Wash
ington county to reconvene the Jury which
was Impaneled on Monday, when the body
of tho Kansas City banker's ion was found.
A more minute examination of Snyder's
skull by the authorities revealed injuries
at the base of the skull that must have
been made by a bludgeon and which would
have caused death. The belief Is spread
ing that Bnyder was murdered and his
body Kecreted because he knew too much
about the robbery of the Forest Grove
bank last year, though It I not hinted
that he participated In that crime, which
I alleged to have been committed by
George Berry and a man named Brashear.
Snyder's brother-in-law. Perry and Bra
shear are ex-convlcts, having served terms
tn the Kansas penitentiary.
Only Opposition to Election of Hoke
Smith Come from the
ATLANTA. Ga., Oct. 3. The regular state
election, held in Georgia V'lay. reaulted
In the practically unanimous election of
the democratic nominees, headed by Hoke
Bniith for governor. The only opposing
ticket was that of the socialists, headed
by J. B. Osborne.
iReturn received by the Constitution ip
to a late hour tonight show that the con
stitutional amendment providing for a court
of appeals was carried, though a Urge
vote waa cast againnt it tn some sections.
Balloting all over the slate waa very
light and practically no Interest was shown
In the slate ticket.
Rev. Jacob Bark hart from Roselund
Loses Life Savlair Children
In Indin.
I.A PORTE. Ind., Oct. S.-(Sperlal Tele
gram.) Report received today hy relative
My Rev. Jacob Burkhart formerly of Rose,
land. Neb., Is deud and Rev. Mahlon Lapp,
If dying from Injuries inflicted by a Jackal
at Dliamtarl. Indtu.
The animal attacked some little girls
r.t midnight In the orphanage In charge
of the two Mennonlte mlsrionurles, aha
rushed to the rescue and were bitKu. Two
Sills weis sIbo hurt
Ak-Ur-Fen XII Oomsi Unto Bit Psople,
tha Subject of Quivers.
Estimated that Nearly QuirUr of Millioa
ieopls Witness This Ursat Inuctisn.
Kingdom Msre Frospsroai and Citnana
avora nappy Tnan Any iravirai Tear.
I'arade I Complete Socce In Every
Detail, the Moat Currying the
1'heuir vtlth Striking"
Harmon) .
Weather: Fair and cooler ThuisJayi
Friday, fair.
Mitel lair ut carnival ground.
Aiismp ascension at i.tu p. ni.
' .uiiiuu s Hum irouay'' with Fay
iciiuMium ut i tic tooyu.
' iuuiuiu nope," at tho Krug.
' fumeo. L i. ai Uiu buruuuu.
yauut villi- t mo Uluileuiu.
liiumuay aiie i .10011, (inner parade.
i ii.ui night, coronation bull ut Coliseum
'I hu. soay .
Friuuy ....
Sat unlay .
Tue.-d.iy ..
W tHini'sday
1'nia tear.
Z.ooa H.AiJ
.lti MM
b, i4J C.ooJ
17. 15. W
MilCl l.'.Wl
W.tiH Xn.v'.k
31S: 3t.0ti
The route of the flower parade today
will he from the tent Ht 'I'wenly-flf th and
Farnam, east on ear mini to Filteenih,
north lo Douglas, east to Eleventh, soutu
to Km num. west to Fifteenth, routn to
Howard, west to Sixteenth, south to leav
en wonli. mid tneu countermarcli to Cum
ing and Izmd streets, where the. parade
will disband.
"The state? I am tho state," exclaimed
Louis XVI and the world laugh.
"The state? 1 am the state," well might
Ak-Sar-Ben XII have exclaimed and hU
world would have added one. more plaudit
to that deaieulug storm of applause with
which It received htm last) nig nt. Bui the
French monarch wa a tillul man mid
y n i vera s king Is all Indomitable pcrfcon
Hiny, tne ruier of a great, strong, pros
perous and proud people, arid he loru.ide.
nal king on his tnrone could iiuvu
manned the twelfth scion of tlic houso
ut Aa-bur-rjen as he swept majestically
und triumphantly up thiougn tne long,
uenau lane ot human beings last uignl to
leceive tne sccpicr of hi authority.
U nmatched, unrivaled, unparuucieu in Ilia
lusioiy or this suisero tvanval wnluli has
mudc Omaha and NebruaKa famous waj
tuc auvciu of tins king, were me circum
stances attending his coming, waa mat
tremendous muss of nutnunity which Wit
nessed Hie Impressive function and cnccitd
lo see tho climax of the beloved fvsiivlilca,
whose real culmination Is thu coronation
of king and queen Friday night.
Crowds attending the annual electrical
pageants havo been estimated in previous
years a high as 2UO,000. Last year's crowd
was variously pluoed ..between 176,000 and
Stxt.OOO. Those estimates may huVe been -correct.
It la Impossible to tell. But this
year it 1 the general opinion of thosu
adapted to making such estimates tlml
the crowd waa larger than ever seen la
Omaha since the memorable day when Wil
liam McKlnley Immortalized the Tranamls
slsslppl exposition with his presence. If
that estimate Is correct then more than
M),(K0 people witnessed the advent Of King
Ak-Bar-Ben last night.
Crowd Get Money' Worth.
The immense crowd wa a fitting trlbule
lo the excellence of the pageant, which
wan admittedly the most beautiful thai
has ever attended the annual function.
Ablaze with myriads of while and colored
lights tho tloats were dazzling to the cyra
of the multitudes. Like a huge dragon
with lights sparkling from every scalo tho
monster procession wprmed Its way down
the street to receive the plaudits of thu
loyal subjects of the old monarch.
And tne people were not slow In showing
their fealty to the king. Gathered from
every corner of Qulvera they vied with
each other in shouting their plaudits. The
float bearing King Ak-Sar-Ben XII was
cheered from the beginning to the end of
the triumphal march. The applause be
in charge of Chief Donahue, appeured to
gan whi n the squad of mounted pollcemta
clear the way and It continued almost un
abated until the lights OS the chariot of
the king had disappeared In the distance.
Certain portions of the parade struck the
popular fancy better than others and re
ceived u larger share of the applause, but
there wus praise, noisy and demonstra
tive, for all of them. The bands, which
had been gathered from all over the realm,
even from the land of the bakotas, drew
rounds 6 applause wherever they dis
coursed. The board of Ak-Sar-Ben governors, with
their pure white uniforms and mounted on
their restive steeds, headed the procession
proper and recelvtd suitable hpmagn from
the masses. The huge title float, "The Na
tions of the Earth," swept past the review
ing stand and was accorded similar hon
ors. Cheers for the nation followed aa
the national representatives passed tha
stand and to all of them Mayor Dahlman
doffed hi hat In salutation.
Climax of Demonstration.
The great demonstration came when tha
gorgeously lighted creation representing
America swept Into view. The cheer for
the national emblem, mingled with those
for King Ak-Sar-Ben, whose regal chariot
was close behind. The applause burst out
spontaneously and re-echoed time after
time. The first float stopped a second
while greetings passed between the mayor
and the occupants. The king's equipage
did not stop nt the reviewing stand. Fol
lowing the precedent set last year the
formality of handing the keys to tha king
; was not observed, although the keys had
been provided and were all ready to be
given Into the roval hands. King and
mayor we're face to face for an Instant
while a sign of recognition passed between
them and then the procession moved on
and the crowd closed In front of ths stand.
Thus was accomplished, amid demonstra
tions of Joy from his loyal anbjects, the
entrance into hla beloved city of King Ak-Bar-Ben
Xll. greatest, of hi line.
Parade Beat of All.
The parade waa a splendid succeea. It
reflected great credit upon It auihots
and executioners. The- theme, "Nation
of the Earth," proved a moat popular
one and one susceptible of great develop
ment. The floats were beautiful and In
teresting or comical and entertaining, a
was the motive.
Title Float.
The Nation of the Earth. N A Strung
armed young woman, the daughter of III
rut lens, held aloft the word "title," while
belaud tei AlUa bad tits earth JsvaU4
i! I
. a
! )
' I
r I
i i
i :
a :