12 TTTE OMAHA PATLY BKKs WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEIt 3, J. a M 4 IBflWBEISkil k I Br andeis9 Mew Store RIowOpee - - BRANDEIS' NEW STORE lllk - Dosslas Street 17th Sts OMASA Make Toimlfii at Horn la the Largest and Koit Beautifully Equipped Btors la th Wsst. WE WELCOME ALL VISI TORS TO OMAHA'S CARNIVAL Check Tour Bagga ud Paroals 1-rse Mak Uss (X ' Our Waltt&r Boom. Fine Millinery Jlrandeis Millinery lias a stylish, dash ing air that can't be found elsewhere. Urandeis lints this year are prettier than ever. Every stylish, up-to-date model, all the newest shapes and trimmings, a big special, nt v...., L&dieY Stunning UkU at $5 five hundred brand new hats of the regular $10 kind, ulll be sold this week at $5 the swellest new effects New, . York models and copies of Paris hats at - )50 3) Ladies' Trimmed Hats In Basement Any lady who wants a neat, up-to-date fall hat at a moderate price, should attend this sale in the basement large and small shapes, at choice CARPETS.! RUGS Grand Special Bargains All This Week Right When You Need New Carpets and Rugs, Brandeis Makes These Wonderful Offers Jxl! Axmlnster Rug, at 8x12 Brussels Hugs, tX valued, at 36x72 Axmlnster Rug, at 27xo Axmlnster Rugs, at..... Large line of made-up Rugs at one-half actual value. 22.50 ..$15 3.50 1.98 Bent quality All wool Ingrain Carpet. S5c grade at yard UJW Best quality all wool filled cotton chair carpet, 76o values. 55c lnion Carpet," 60c grade,' 'at 35c Best quality all wool- Art Squares, ZVkxl, at $6 3x3 at 7 3x3 at $8 ufi 8x4, at m 5 5 N See the Difference Between These Two? OBB XAS XO IIAXS. TXB OTXEB 111 THEM Curson's Fashioned Hose ' ''am th Only Stockings Mad Without tarns That Property Fit the Teat The only stockings that fit ex cept Burson's have seams and the eeams cause-the callous on heel and sole of foot, cause corns. Stocking3 with seams wear out quicker. ' Try a pair of Burson's. They feel comfortable and wear , splendidly. Sally Talks About Footwear by SpaoUl Salespeople Hosiery Sept, 5 T Si 5 5 M s W0Fv SLIPPERS Our line of Dress Slipper? is nothing short of a beauty show. We have the prettiest creations and dainty Dress Slippers and Pump that we have ever offered our trade. Patent Kid Pumps, Blue Kid Pumps, White Kid Pumps, Gray Kid Pumps, Pink Satin Theo Ties, Black Castor Theo Ties, Patent Kid Theo Ties. SI FRY SHOE CO, THE SHOERS 1 6th and Douglas St. 1 CONSTANCY makes the heart grow fonder that's why our business Is constantly growing. "Why," because we cater to the every want of our customers and give prompt service. $1.00 Pivins Toilet Water 76c el.Ou De Mar's Wine of Cod Liver Oil ..69c 11.00 Pompi lan Massage Cream. ..,., .60c "60c Orange Flower Skin Food 24c 50c Elder Flower Skin Food 2c 60c Conte Magda Cold Cream 40c 50c Hind's Honey Almond Cream 29c BEATON DRUG CO., 15th and Farnam. Hot drinks now served at our famous fountain. ' ED. ROTHCRY'S Schlitz No. 2 BEBTATTBAJTT and CAT'S. Ill South 14th tni Highest Grade of Winos. " liquor and Cigars. Imported Ale and Porter. Schlttxa Famous Milwaukee Beer and Half-and-Half on draught, . Baggagci or packages checked free of charge at our Information Bureau, established for the special benefit, and convenience of Ak-Sar-Ben visitors. Eye Troubles Are Hereditary They are handed down from parent to child, and if there is a defect in a par ent's eyes. It is more than likely to be found In the eyes of the child also. Red lids, styes or itching,, burning pains, neu raaa nt the eve or body are INDICA TIONS of eye strain that can be over come by the proper glasses, at the low est possible charge. Satisfaction guaran teed. Examination iree. . x. mt Bldg. Tel. 6972. Dr.B.H.Ghedeok -......o tw IWVnT'KPT! TO HIS PRIRNDS AND PATIENTS THAT HE .Tnr PDAHI 1-119 P(Ml M H tTTl H 16TH ST. TO ?riTEV7-8 UNION BLOCK. loin o 4 V xt a a rv I.1NGTON TICKET OFFICE. PHONE 496L 5 Douglas and 17th Sts. Phone Douglas 647. S Omaha's New Modern Down I Town Grocery. n yr We. extend to the people of the west a cordial invita m t ion to visit Courtney's New Grocery. 5 "' One of the largest and most beautifully S equipped Groceries and Meat Markets in America. H M M M Pure Food Center of Omaha ; ; Entrance from West Tunnel Brandeis' New Store, also a Douglas Street and a -Seventeenth Street entrance. BETTER THINGS TQ EAT FOR LESS MONEY. v;; COURTNEY & CO. i -r.iuw tat rug" ESSi ROUHD TRIP ma bbiw Buffalo. N. Y., Oct 10, 11, 12 $26.75 New Orleans, La., Oct. 11. 12, 13, 14 2a.60 Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct 14. 15, 16 $2.00 Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 16, 16, 17, 18 $19.60 Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8. 9.... $32.10 All information cheerfully given at WABASX OJTT TIOKBT OmOB, 1801 raraam at. 'rhoas Song. 368. Or address MABBY B. MOOBII, a. A, T. ., WABASH B. B. OMAKA, l. SCHOOLS AMD COLLEGES. 5 a Y ! HEADQUARTERS FOR v The 5anltaiu . r Wall Coating Call and se colors and dcaigas. UTESS-DILLON - PAINT DEPT Business Boosters : Try th Want 14 . . OdIbbuss t Ta St. Louis School l- A Tine Arts RAWING. FAINTING, MODfX- swi nri-ADATIvr nrAi.N AFPLIU ABT rIrtinT) of WMhtnivon ralrtralty lib Ar lluiinn snd Ar Lltrry. Autiqas n4 Hit !. rt-ntomy .9r-!-tiv. cumpollion. ltm-work, ulu tralort lrr.. i rnmplat lonruclion. t aranll uan turn luriu ! pov tr' wheel, bars In h kiln. dcorl In re lief end color, nnder nd OT" slue. The rtllieboolbindtnf ooureeie eltocoieplete. OrenS Prue b. nU LxpoeittoD. f.r elude nte' w.rkl Cold Menel eo Director. Student! enter t eny lime. Par and lfti. llluttreted booklet Iree. Bd year uveas Sept. 84. . H ALSLY C. ivy. L L. D., Dlreetor 1Mb A Locuit Street. at. Loots rv R .l.ll. WKATIIK.lt KORKCAST Wclnrelsy. T7R TTV 1 TVTT TFTFT?. yJJ CKM TRADIJCS STAMPS EVUT TIUE All Visitors Are Welcome To Omaha's Most Popular Trading Center Highest degree of comfort in shopping is best secured in this great store. We offer you the securest satisfaction in all purchases. We permit no tx-aigratiw of vahtf. An, article ntleertitd as Uinrf rorth so and so, is pusitirtly worth that same so and so, and vwre than that, is being sold oar tvrrn in other s'ores at the alkged so and so. Here are dry goods prices, and prices in other lines, "that cannot be duplicated on the basis of quality. Watch extra green trading stamp inducement for Wednesday. WE ARE CONGRATULATED on all sides by our store friends for having the agency for The Ladles' Home Journal Patterns. For years women have longed to obtain patterns of the smart and distinctive designs shown In The Journal, and now tlioy can do ao. Prices are only 10 and 15 cents. Trade on a Transter Ask first clerk you reach for a transfer slip. You will find It an easy way of shopping. Saves carrying of packages from one department to another. i. Transfer Booth West End. Main Floor A Sensation in Silks THREE TIMES GKEEM TRADING STAMPS TO ALL BUYERS IN SILKS AX1 DRESS GOODS SECTIONS WEDNESDAY. This plan Is for the special benefit of Ak-Sar-Ben visitors who are Green Trading Stamp collectors. WEDNESDAY, THREE TIMES GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES IN SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. 167 Pieces Pare Silk 19-Inch Colored Taffetas, usually sells for TCI p 65c, every shade, a yard C 27-Inch Pore China Silk, in every conceivable shade (except black); also 20-lnch Printed Habutal Silks, white grounds with black Ct dots, etc., a rare bargain, per yard !.... "C WE SHOW THE NEWEST AND BEST LINE OF PLAIDS FOR SUITS AND WrAISTS IN THIS CITY. Large Lot Fine Silks Wednesday Loulslnes, Taffetas, in all Q colorings, small, neat stripes or checks, per yard OC Elegant quality 27-inch Black Peau de Sole, Wednesday, Rf a yard , OeC New Fancy Faille Silks, new fall shades, very heavy and fine for waists aad dresses, neat designs, per yard. 48c Dress Goods 2,500 yards fine Fancy Wool Waistings, in every color comblna i tlon, plaids as well,. Instead of 75c and 50c, Wednesday, yard. 56-inch AH Wool Fancy Suitings, in every 'new fall shade they come in plaid or stripe effects, new browns, blues, reds and black and white effects-instead of $1.25 yard, on sale at, a )ma t..f)vt ................. . 54-inch Mohair Suitings, in neat little checks, same quality . you pay J 1.00 yard for, Wednesday, a yard 50-inch Black Broadcloth Moleskin, beautiful, fine quality for suits, in blnck only, regular price $1.75, Wednesday, yard. ; 50c Black Mohair, in a good quality, Wednesday at the low jf price, per yard...... ; , JLJC 29c 75c 39c 1.08 Mala Floor Extra Specials Mala Floor 10C FLANNKLETTES, In good, dark colorings, best styles, per yard. ...6c COTTON CH ALLIES, In light and dark Persian - styles, best quality, a yard lic 3-INCH FLANNELETTES, beat luc qualities Persians, black and white checks, blues, reds, etc., Wednes day, a yaid 73e 18C FLEECE DOWN. In all the new patterns butterflies, Persians, light and dark, tine for aacques, etc, the low price, a yard 9c SHAKER FLANNEL, good quality, per yard 3c -4 PEPPEREL. SHEETING. tin bleached, everybody knows this brand, worth 25c, on sale Wednng. day, a yard Uo SVINCU FINE BLEACHED Ml'S L1N, regular - 74c grade, on sale Wednesday, per yard 4 '4c A Sensation in Linens Beat showing of domestic and dec orative linens to be found In any stors in the west. THREE TIMES GREEN TRADING STAMPS WEDNESDAY TO ALL. BUYERS IN LINEN SECTION. This is for the special benefit of Ak-Sar-Hen visitors who aru Green Trad ing Stamp collectors. 72-lnoh Cream Table Damask, c r a yard OUC 68-lnh Cream Table Damask!"'ors a yard aOC 60-inch Bleached Table baniask! A t a yard 4UC 18-inch Bleached All Linen rt Nankina. Hnvm Iulf 21-Inch Bleached Union . Napkins, dosen 65c On the Second Floor SOO ladies' I asclnators, Neck Shawls, Head Shawls and Scarfs, in all styles and colors, values up to $2.60, in two lots, at 79c r ft and OJC 10 ladies' I Itinnelrtte Wrappers, in dark colors, neatly trim med in braid, finished with a deep flounce, only , Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, 54 inches long, made Hubbard style, extra width, only ." 69c 48c 100 Children's Coats, ages from 2 to 14. in bearskin, boucle, cheviot, friezes and fancy mixtures made lu all late styles, worth fa p up to $5.5. at JLtJO 150 Children's Coats, In broadcloth, velour, fancy mixtures, bull's-eye, . bearskin and fancy plaids, made in Prince Chap style and i n swagger back, all very latest models, worth up to $7.95, for. TfJD DELLEVUE COLLEGE atle nUOie, pulcal courses. ACADluMV ab accredited High SoUooi. Prepare for Bellsvus or aay other exe ieaa or university- NORMAL, bCHOOL Elementary and a enc! courses. Certificates graot4. CONSERVATORY Theory vt inu:. eno, voice, viulln. eloouboo and art. OMAHA CoNNiOC'TlONS-Klectrio Hue and Burlington Railway. Four MoJerp Dormitories. Addrata Prsaldent Wa4ortta. Bailors DEPUTY STATS VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY vETERINARIA. Office and Infirmary. 9th and Mason Sts. OMAHA, JSEJi. TleyVone Mrny. 6-3. -i OMAHA'S LEADING GROCERY New, fresh isoio piouucts at lowest prices. Grt-at vuricties. i'rlde Of Benctl's riour, sack. . . .J1.30 And Fifty Jreen Traulng Slumps. Bennett's Breakfast Caflee, 1-lb. can,4Sc Ann 'lniriyireen 'liauing oiumps. Teaa, all kinds, pound 6c And Jfitty Own Trading biampa. COjiOtAAilU.N HftA-lAU. Benett's Capitol Oats. 2-10. pug. ...10c Bennett s t apaol v lu'at. i-lo. pKg.luc Bennett's Capttol Extract, 2-ui. bot.lic uencll S Capiiul Cmiee, l-IO. pun.. Ml Ueuetl'S fsucae I'lOUI, i-lU. pas-.l 75c ONE HUNDRED GREEN TRADING STAMPS. OLJVE OIL ue..MOishiUA'l ION Bi' EXt-tatf. A. Uuiliard it Fils. Mar seilles. France. Guaranteed auso luteiy pure. Special otter lor a lew Uaysr . naif pint bottle Anu Ten Green Trading StaJiipa. Pint bottle "O And 'iweiy Green Trading 8tanii.s. uuart bottle uc And lony Green Trading bumps. Haif gallon can And Fifty Green Trading blamps. Gallon can . W-" And I'M Green Trading Stamps. BUTTER. Direct from nnesl dairies. Bennett' Capitol Creamery, lb. brick, lull weight -0 BULK PICKLE8. Sour Pickles, quart ll And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pimento Stufled Olives, pint. iuc And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chetse. New York Full Cream, I0..3NJ And twenty Green Trading 8tami. Diamond C Soap. 10 bars..... :x Freeh, crisp Ginger Snaps, lb. ...... .4c DOUBLE OKEBS TRADING WITH GRANULATED SUGAR. New Fruit and Vegetables. Ten Green Trading Stamps with each can . . . Ten Green Trading Stamps with three pkgs. Jell-O. assortea narors ac BARGAINS IN CAR PETS and RUGS 8D FLOOR. 30 FLOOR. UNION INGRAIN CARPETS, sell regularly tor 15c, tills week a d...2Sc COTTON CHAIN INGRAIN CAR. PETS, sell r' gulaily for Site and iV. t!tl m,A..lr a . . . 130 CARPETS, wiilio they :..S!ic FACE this week, a yard.' TAPESTRY BRUSSELS sill regularly for 75c, last, a yara JOHN BROMLEY'S WOOL SMYRNA RUG. 30x(iti. sells lurly for IX this week at.. ROOM SIZE RUGS PALISADE. EMPIRE AND TASH MOO BRUSSEL RUGS, xl2. sell up to HI), while they last, each. HS.lJs RIFTON AND SANFORD WILTON velvet Riv.rt i.. ir,.": norai ana conventional di slrlctly taut coiore. aril for , tli la week at liana at LACE CURTAIN BARGAINS NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS Beautiful new patterns, some small neat patterns, otht-r lai geallo er tt- fecta. can use one to a window, worth up to f 50, In one lot, per pair (1.49 CABLE NET and fine NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, plain center with bor der, and a Hover effects, sell up to M ju, in one lot, pair I J. 05 REAL HAND MADE CI-I NY AND CORDliD ARABIAN CURTAINS, worth Up to 15 50 pair, all extraordi nary Values, in one lot. pair J 7i Don't Miss Wednesday's Bargains u f-. Mj riumiiiiiiu Ever Child Should Have an Air Ship free, Wednesday. 1 i i in - BOTDBS THK RKLJABLI ST HE Air Ships, Free to the Chitdren, Wednesday. Sale of Boys9 and Chil dren's Clothina. M J3.75 to J6 Values, at $2.59, $2.95 and $3.50. J A great stock oi boys' suits m an me newesi j patterns and materials. Double breasted, sailor blouse, liussian blouse, single and doubl breasted Norfolk?, and - many other styles, manv of the rant have double seat and knees. AVtual $3.75 to $6.00 values divided into three great lots for this sale at $2.50, $2.95 and $3.95. Humming Birds Free. Fascinating, InstructVve Scientific Toy. Every child accompanied by some older person, visiting our Children's Clothing department Wednesday will receive abso lutely free one of these interesting toys. Lvery child will want one. Don t laii to brine them Wednesday. MANUFACTURER'S STOCK SALE of Ladles' suits, coats, waists, skirts, chil dren's coats, etc. CONTINUES WEDNESDAY AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ABOUT 60 PER CENT ON FALL, GARMENTS. SPECIAL SALE ot PATTERN HATS S Values $4.98 In Our New 4 MILLINERY DEPT. Many other vplendld values shown. Grand Embroidery Sale Wednesday We are clearing up an immense stock of Factory Strips of Embroideries and Insertings at Just Half Regular, Prices. 10c Embroideries and ings Wednesday at, per yard 20c Embroideries and ings Wednesday at, . per yard Insert- .5c Insert- 10c Ladies' New Belts. All the latest stripes, plaids and plain colors In new tailor made belts on special sale Wednesday. B0C PLAID BELTS "JC FOR 4IC 50C BLACK TAILOR BELTS I" FOR ssJC $1.00STEEL BEAD BELTS $1.00 JET BEAD BELTS ylCl- FOR ' rVC Wool Dress Gaods Saale. 50 pieces of Priestley's genuine Cra venettes on sale today. $3.50 grade S2.49 $3.00 grade $1.08 $2.60 grade $1.49 $2.00 grade $1.19 50 pieces of 45-ln. silk mixed Mohairs that sold at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 yard, line styles, elegant "T goods, will go at, a yard. . . . J JQ 50 pieces of 46-in. black Broadcloth, $1.00 grade, will go on sale IT at, per yard JC 30c Embroideries and Insert ings Wednesday at, f C'" per yard IjC 50c Corset Cover Embroideries Wednesday at, per C, yard 5Jv' Linen Sale. For Thursday we will sell 60-in. un bleached Irish Table Linen, guaran teed pure linen, regular 75c quality, only 6 yards to customer, Afi at, per yard tO 9-4 Pepperell Sheeting, bleached. 10 yards to customer, "Jt at, per yard ewlC 20x40 Linen Huck bleached Towel, regular 12 He and 16c grade, only 6 to customer, . . Q 1 at, each .'. . .OjC Cotton Goods Sale. 100 pieces of the finest fleeced Flan nellettes, most beautiful designs, fast colors, sells at 10c, 12 Vic and 15c yard, 10 yards to a customer; 61,, at, per yard '-". O3C 15c wool finished Beige, all the new grays, double fold, for school dresses, on sale at. per yd..;. 1UC New. line of silk and mercerised plaids, , fine colorings, 30 in. wide, for shirt- t waists, etc., on sale Qa T at, per yard, 49c and j J 1 Sale of Imported China. Decorated China Plates, Oatmeal Dishes, Dessert Dishes, After- t-vj n j c ner r 1 o,. Tnr,nnsA on sale Wednesday in our oc and luc department, at, oli choice Special Sale On Granite Ware 10-qt. Dish-Pans 20c 2-ot. Coffee Pots 2c Large Dippers 15c 3-tit. Preserving Kettles 15' 10-qt. Water Palls lc 45c Gal. Tubs 29c 13-in. Oak Heaters $5.95 Double Heating Universal Base Burner EARTH-j-up from Fine $30 Steel Range, on sale at No, 8 Tea Kettles ' ;.45c Large Chambers 2Tc 14- qt. Dish Pans a5c 8- qt. Preserving Kettles ,.20c 9- in. Pie Plates . . ; 55c Gal. Tubs 9o 15- lnrb Oak Heaters $tt.05 THE BEST OX '''''''"' '24.95 Hayden's, the Great Universal Providers of Everything Omaha's Headquarters for Pure Food Products Bromangelon or Jello, per pkg..7V4c Condensed Cream, per can 7o Snyder's or Blue Label Catsup, per bottle 20c Campbell's Soups, per tan 7 He Lea ft Perrln's Sauce, per bot 23c Fancy Ripe Olives, per can 20c 1-lb. package Imported Macaroni. 8 He Yeast Foam, or On Time Yeast, per package 3c Potted Meats, per can 2c 1-lb. cans Fancy Alaska Salmon.. 9c Peanut Butter, per jar 9c Walter Baker's Cocoa. H-lb cans. 20c Quart cans Golden Table Syrup. . 9c 10 lbs. best white or yellow CoVn- meal 12c 7 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal .25c 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap. 2 5c Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb .25c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per pound 12V.0 OMAHA'S GREATEST FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. Extra fancy large Elberta Freestou Peaches, per crate 90c Extra Fancy Italian Blue plums, per crate 98c Single banket, each 25c Fancy Valencia Oranges, per doz 17 V4c Large rips Bananas, per doz lOo Fresh Spinach. pr peck 10c n 1 . . . . . . a ueaas ireuo Liiuce bf 4 bunches fresh Radishes 6'' Large heads f'ahhp oach ?. New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb. 2c ',8 Dusnei baskets fancy ilpe Toma toes . . . . : 2 5c Jonathan Apples, per peck 23c 2 heads fresh Celery Be Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart. 7 He Hubbard 8quash, each 6c Fancy. Tokay Grapes, per lb 7 He 2 measures fresh, roasted peanuts. 6c LOi oJfo) l2)U0 mr 4l 11