Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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RIew Separate SldrtsNew Coats
All our ready-to-wear garments are mads with a veiw to their practical elegance. We
show such loyely styles for so little money that, it is no wonder there is such an enorm6us
increase in our cloak business. . V -; . ' - - :
New separate skirts in fancy mixtures, voiles and pananiasr all our own exclusive
styles, fitted by our own expert fitters. ,;;v; '
New Coats
Wi could not sir without counting Just
how mnr different style of coats we anew,
but at a rough guess would say not leva
' than ISO, thla la a showing mad to please
the moat fastidious, every coat la good,
mad and aold on honor. We ahow th
greatest raluea li coata at $10, $15, $17.60,
f?t, $30 and 138.
NEW WAISTB Lota of new things ar
rived today (or Saturday's selling.
Little Children's Coats
Grandest selection V' pretty cloaks ever
, ehown In Omaha at M. 17.60, $1.50 and $10.
All the new and pretty plaid effect.
Hundreda of really new- and stylish coata
for the girls' at $7.50, $.f0, $11.50 and $13.
In all the aew and dainty styles at $&,
K $7.60 and tlO.SO.'
Second floor. ' '''' .
Y Women's SiUcH6siery
There never waa a season when wa have
ahown euch a prof union of , ultra atyllah
. thlnge In hoalery a the present, and
lover of finer hoalery should not fall to
are our elegant assortment of alllc hoMery.
- Black silk hoe richly embroidered In all
aorta of designs, flower and figure at
$J.75, $3.00, $4.00. $4 50 and $5.00 per pair.
, Very aheer black allk hoe clocked ln-
aclf, $$ per pair, clocked In color, $3.50
per pair. .
Thread allk bps In all the evening ahadea,
$2.M pet pair.
' Plain black, silk'. hoes, light or medium
. welghta at tl.CO, $y $2.50 and $$ per pahv
. Main floor. ;.,?jr J
News of Infanta' Wear Dept. .
Every day ' (here, la - aomethlng new to
i tell about. Mother In order , to keep n
touch with the. hew thing ahould vlalt
', tht department at all times, aa faat aa
there le a novelty or aome new thing sp
peara on the market com to Thompson,
Belden aV Co. a Infanta' wear department
. and you are aura to aea it.
Baby Shoes
. Tb Bonlta ahoea for baby, either button
or lae and ankle .tie in varioua com
bination and plain color, 50c, 75c and $1
. m pair.
A complete ahowlng of - Infanta' knit
Jacket In plain or fancy atylea, 60o to
1.7 each.
. New carriage robe, either knit or elder
' town, colore pink, light blue and white.
Samson opened his gates ' for th season
- was In hilarious attendance. The success-
ful flight ot th airship In th afternoon
no doubt acted aa a attmulue on th at
tendance. Naturally th airship waa tb
' principal point of attraction aad Aeronaut
. Hamilton was kept busy explaining how It
all hsppened Friday afternoon.
All th attraction on- th Highway were
'crowded 'to their capacUry, some of the
shorn men remarking that it seemed as If
the carnival had been In full blast for
three week Instead of a like number of
days. ' Rven the free band concert at th
' entrance to Samson's domain had more
than Its ahar of appreciative listener,
aa the people evidently had an early sup
per snd tor themaelvea away from home
to aaalat In atartlng the gayety ot th
evening. Th barker "barked" until they
wer forced to ask to be relieved, aome
on account of overdoses of confetti In
-' their buslnea persuader. In fact the ouly
event to mar the whole evenlng'a gayetlea
was the quantltle of confetti which were
thrown and alao the manner of Ita die-
. trjbntlon. Everyone waa carrying a bur
den of confetti on each shoulder, with a
'plentiful supply besprinkled generally, but
the practice waa apparently carried to ex
J.rrme Friday night, , causing a nulsanr
i- to sober-minded visitors. If any such un
fortunates were within th realm Friday
flight, and also to the showmen. And the
supply of confetti and powdered chalk
never ceased Until It waa ankle deep, when
, Samson- loyal knights hied themaelvea to
their downy cuuehra to woo sweet dream
of the pleaaurea of the morrow. '
1 Kataestjamaaera Draw.
'The'KatsenJamnier Kastle seemed to be
the mecca ot .th faithful Friday evening
on their -Journey through the clouda of
confetti, as a constant atream of laugh-
Never cava wa shown such a comprehensive assortment of boys'
fine clothes. Kvery vantage that experience can secure, every benefit
that -ready cash can command. Is incorporated In the new fall aults
now dlsplayd by the Boys' Own Store. '
See the new models from North
rop t Carry, Samuel W. Peck Jt
Co. and a half dosea others ot New
York's style-making tailors to
boys and young men.
You'll admire . the natty new
styles . for boys, ages 7 to 16,
Knickerbocker or. knee trouser,
Jerome and Broadway Norfolks
and mannish double-breasted suits
10, $0, 8.50, 7.00, ffl, $.1.
Little Fellows' Suits How about
the Uttla sailor boy and the Rus
sian suit boy? Bright new clothes
await him at the store he calls
his own.
ta.BO, $7.50, 96.50, f0, $3.
a f Jfj
There was no lack of buying enthusiasm last Saturday at th.
after-supper sale. The crowds came and were delighted with the re
markable values. The good were here Just as we advertised them,
and quick action began at the stroke of the 7:30 bell and continued
unabated until the goods were all gone. We have prepared for another
after-supper sale, with equally as good bargains as last Saturday. Be
here prompt at 7:80 it you will share In the savings.
Ribbon Special, 5c a Yard
Thousands of yards of hie heaviest and best quality, made ah
silk satin ribbons, in widths from one to two and one-half inches, that
sold up to 10c per yard, all at one price Saturday evening, 6c a yard.
Colors, brown, green and navy only. Not a large line of colors, but one
of the best ribbon values ever offered. '
v Children's 25c Hose 15c a Pair
All the odd and broken lines of children's hosiery, that is, some
sizes are missing and some are styles that we shall close out Misses'
fine ribbed black lisle hose and boys' heavy ribbed black cotton hose,
regular prices on all these stpcklngs 25c
On Sale Batknlsy Evening, 13c a Pair..
Men's Vests
Our entire line of men's fancy
white, black and white effects, also
are one of the best fitting garments
best manufacturers in the country.
vour Choice of the Entire Line
$2, $2.15, $2.50 ana 3 eacn.
Baby pillows and slips hand made with
Vretty hand embroidery, $1 to $J each.
main iiwwi .
Our Men's Department
la a department yob should know about-,
located on main floor, eouth aisle, handy to
.get in and handy to get out; ue either en
trance. Bright new merchandise greet
you on every turn, be It Hosiery, Neck
wear, Underwear, Glove or In fact any
thing that you would expect 'to buy In a
modern Men' Furnishing Department, and
our prices are always lowest.'
'A-decided Improvement over the old
styles, very simple and convenient. It will
not tear the hose and can be attached In
atantly to any part ot the stocking. Made
of the very test of. webbings
Mercerised Lisle Webbing, 25c a pair,
rine Corded Silk Webbing, 50c a pair.
Open Saturday
...... .
Howard Street,
Ing and nerve-shaken people v passed from
the portal of th Kastle. There are aa
many genuine thrilla for the small price
of admission In this attraction aa any
other within the large . enclosure. From
th tint of entering th door one Is con
stantly wondering If It is possible to get
out alive, as th pitfalls laid for th feet
of iinwary travelers sre even more nn-'
merous than those enumerated In Bun
yan's ancient maaterplece. x
The "Skiddo Girl," Supposedly twenty
thre' In number, although several had
apparently succumbed to the effects of the
strenuous life, of the past few days, were
very much in evidence and effectually en
treated th merrymaker In dulcet tones
to "Meet Me st the Watermelon Vine" In
ride the amphitheater, all for the small
sum of 10 cents.
After. a safe Journey through th Katsen
jammer Kaatla many' of ths Joyoua confetti
dlatrlbutora looked for a nook for quiet
retirement where they could compose their
wasted energies snd sought th animal
show ss the remedy, only to have their
fond hopea dashed to earth In witnessing
the many thrilling sights afforded . at the
latter attraction. But the baby lions, Ak,
Bar and. Ben, slept through It all without
raising an eyelash, if. Indeed, they poa
aesa any at , thla period In their youthful
careen. ' .
T Roe4ha All rilled.
But the populace wa out In number
that made the light of aatlafactlon ahlna
In the eyea of Doc Breed, manager of the
concession, - as all the fine attraction
had their shsre in the general aatlafac
tlon of the evening, and the miniature
Ferris wheel waa kept moving even more
wtftly than the wheel of progress are
supposed' to be moving at the present
All th bootha within the Highway are
, Young Men's Clothing A spe
cial meeaagsr for every young fel
low in his teens. "Northrop", and
"Sampeck" 1307 models are ready
for you. They're chock full of
ginger, these young men's clothes
are; twice better than an average
tailor could make at any price
$20, $18, 915, S13.50.
.Get your suit fitted bow; you
take no chances; you'll get a style
others can't fnrnlsh and a positive
guarantee back bt every purchase.
mm w MH4v
98c Each
vests, including plain white, fancy
pretty grays and tans. These vests
on the market, made by one ot the
Vests that sold as high as fa
Saturday Night at 98c Each. . ,
Made of fine linen, with, pretty, novelty
border, absolutely faat colore, full. Sis.
The money-saving man will profit nicely by
laying In a aupply fit theae All-Linen Hand,
kerchiefs at 16c each.
. Dress Trimmings
Of course, all atorea carry Dreae Trim
ming, but all atores don't carry th as
sortment that we do. Whether you want a
plain edging of some sort or th finest
piece of trimming, th chances ar we can
suit you to a nicety. All marked at th
lowest prices. Come and se them..
New Veilings
No wonder w sell o many Veil. It
ian't because our money will buy better
good than others; simply thla our buyer
uaea Judgment In selecting our Veils. Th
Corner Sixteenth.
practically filled, even th enlarged area
of th ground being Inadequate to meet
th demand for apace. Th Douglas
County fair booths ar full to overflow
ing and the agricultural displays ara . a
really wonderful exhibition of the re.
sources of the county and are a conatant
source of pride and gratification to th
many vlattora. '
The crowd In attendance- Friday night
waa extremely orderly and certainly ap
preciated to the utmoat the efforta -of the
weather man to add hia mite toward one
of the moat enjoyable evening ever had
during tbe twelve year' reign of th great
and glorious King Ak-bar-Ben. Many
subject of his llluatrioua majeaty refused
to leave the grounds until th light were
extinguished, when they wer forced to
depart for their several home and get
buay In decorating their room with red,
whit and blue paper, reminder of a
well-spent evening in th land of Qui vera.
- Official Roate at Parades.
Th official rout ot th Industrial and
floral parade ha been ' announced and
will be the same for both, the rout of
the electric parade being the same as In
former yeara. ' The route of the other two
parades is to start at Twenty-sixth and
Farnsm streets, go east to Fifteenth atreet,
north to Douglas atreet, eaat to Eleventh
atreet, aouth to Farnani atreeet, west to
Fifteenth street, south-to Howard street,
west to Sixteenth street, south to Leavon
Worth street, and then countermarch to
Cuming and Iaard streets, where the pa
radea will disband.
The march ot the parades from Howard
street south to Ueavenworth will be con;
dltional on the city repairing sixteenth
street, which ha been torn up by tbs
street railway company, whose rails apresd
at that point. .
Ccaatr Fair Naeda Sae. -The
Douglas County Agricultural society
finds Itself pinched for apace In which to
ahow all J he nuineroua exhibits, which are
being brought: In from- al parte of the
county. ' The moat elaborate display which
has been put In place is that of tho florist
and it Is surely a beauty. ' It wa found
that aufflclent apace had not been allotted
for th florist and sixteen additional feet
were given them Friday morning, making
this one of the largest displays of any
on line on th ground.
That th poultry display might b uni
form and present a better appearance the
aoclety ha secured the elaborate coops from
th county which wer uaed at ths Trana
mlealaslppi exposition. These . havs been
stored by the county sine that time and
will give a more uniform appearance to th
poultry extilblt. The bird will not be in.
Stalled until Monday, as ths society doea
not Ilk to ask th exhibitor to hare their
fine poultry confined toe long In th coops.
Ths live stock alao l in th same aitua.
tlon and thla will not be put In exhibition
until Monday.
Parker aad Helsaea Her.
C. W. Parker, proprietor of . th New
Parker Amusement company, accompanied
by hi lieutenant, Fred B. Holme, arrived
from Illinois Friday morning. They are
making a tour of Inspection ot ths Parker
enterprises. Holmes Is well known In
Omaha, aa he was manager of om of
th Skip Dundy enterprise ' during the
TranamlaalaslpBi and Greater America ex
positions. "I urged Parker to take his shows to
Omaha by all means," said Mr. Holmes,
"for I knew what a show tows Omaha
was snd also, that th people would like
th clean kind of stuff Mr. Parker would
A fanning be was held at th animal
ahow "Friday morning' when Holme ar
rived, for ba'bad not seen tb propria tor
Bee, September 21, 1106.
Hew Waists
showing la choice and at eur usual low
prlc . ;,,;''.''
Veiling In all the new and desirable
shades from Ke to $180 a yard.'
Ask to see the pretty Made-up, Vella tor
hit drape and auto use.
' Cam and see th new Veiling; W show
goods with pleasure.
Special Sale of Women's Hose
' Z .." Supporters
j. AH the!, Women' Mom. Supporters that
have become; soiled or mussed from display
Ofl our counters, and wer Originally sold
at TBe to $3.00, '. . .
... : :; Thread
' John I. Clark's spool : Cotton, white ana!
black, two spools for Be, or tse a doten.
BFECIAL-100-yard spool Silk, black and
colors, at 5c a spool.
Knitted , Corset Covers
'. Protect yourself from dreaded ' cold,
f he- knitted corset covers ar Just ths
heeded protector.'
Mdd of fin . ribbed cotton, mdlum
weight, hand crochet neck snd front, high
neck end long sleeves.
. ' Women's Union Suits
Of particular mention , In the woman's
underwear section la this union suit ws
speak of today. Made of fin ribbed cotton,
a tale. medium weight, suitable for wear
right now, hand trimmed, high hack, long
sleeves, also high neck and short sleeve
or low neck and no sleeves, all . ankle
length. Slses four, five snd six.
,Maln floor. ' '''-.
Redfern Whalebone Corsets
The air of distinction that cornea to a
woman wearing a Redfern Modal I to be
envied. . In the Initial tpv that la, th
adoption of a corset of the new fashion, It
Is wise- to b fitted eclentifloally.
' Misei Adelaide McCualey special corsetlere
for th Redfern Models Is now 'at our
store and will thoughtfully corset you ac
centuating the good points Snd concealing
the defects f your form as only the y
and th knowledge of an expert csn.
Redfern corset styl is exclusive snd in-
dividual. So accurate la a Redfern that
tho model sjjpears euatom mad.
The boning is genuine Arctic whalebOn.
and the ho supporters ar th "security"
rubber button.
Second floor. .
- V-
of that ahow, Al Barnes, nor Dollle Dimple
for fifteen years, when they trouped to
gether with an "Unci Tent's Cabin" show.
Holmes wss Simon Legree. Barnes Uncle
Tern and Dollle Dimple Little Eva. Ths
lion cubs, Ak. Bar and Bn, Wer taken
to th entrance Friday tndmlng and wer
viewed by hundreds who - wer gathered
there. These ars now 11 days old and ar
beginning to take notice..,
Llesi That Rides the Horse.
A peculiar trslt of wild anlmsia is
shown in th animal show. - The moun
tain Hon which ride the horao has been
doing that turn for twelve . year. H
osed to ride th mother of .th present
pony which Is used snd whsn this on
wss a colt ths lion was always trying
to kill the colt,, for It seemed to think it
wss In Its way, Whsn, however, ths'
colt grew . to a larger , slss . than ths
mother ths Hon suddenly changed and
showsd sn affection for tbs colt and th
colt waa substituted for ths mother.
People wonder that th pony show no
tear of th Hon while In th arena to
gether. - .
Th preparation tod ths parades ars
progressing nlcelr and with In. assist
ants. Beech Tsylor, Charles Karbach and
P. C. Heafey, Oottld Diets is getting
everything well in hand: The large corps
f girt Is hard st work under ths direc
tion ot Mrs. Whelan preparing flowers
for th flowr parade and the decorations
on some. of the machines have been
tarted. The feature of -th day
light parade will be th McKeen motor
car which has been prepared by Mr. Mc
Keen at great expense. . An bxSct repro
duction of motor car No: I will be put In
both the flower and Industrial parades.
The car will be mounted en the trucks
ef automobile and propelled by Its own
gasoline engine. Every float la the In
duatrial parade muat have sortie live ex
hibit and with the large number of floats
this will' be ons of the most attractive
parades of ths history- ot . Ak-Har-Ben.
Arrangements have been mads with the
chief ef police to keep ail outside wagons
from the parsds and none but the reg
ular floats will be permitted to follow th
line of march. '
The pared commute has secured th
us of th market house on Chpltot ave
nue for., the owners ot automobiles whe
wish to participate In the parade. A tele
phona, Douglss 7506. has been Installed
ther. and all who wish to secure In
formation regarding ths pared can secure
It by calling that number.
number. sng copies te your out-ot-towa
frtenda Ws pey tbe portage. . .
Seaater Clark la Aata Wreck.
Bt'TTB.' Mont.. Sept. Word baa been
received from Marseille, France, to th
effect that Benator W. A. Clark was la as
automobile wreck and sustained a broken
rib. At last account th patient wss
slowly recovering. -
What a difference
In the morning!'
after 10 days of
.. . . ; . v, 'v
"There . retton.
'. I
leorttar Will Froolilm Himself fro
visional Governor of Ooba.
Pre1dest Refwaea t WKksrsn
fleslgnatla a4 - foasresemea
- Break aevaaa f Seaslna
x Calle to Art I ft. .
(Continued from First Psge.)
whom 1 offer this testimony ot my highest
As soon as th clerk had finished reading
this document Representative Manduley
hegsn sn Impassioned sddress In which he
declared thst Palme was ths only man
fc which the republic can loo't for salva
tion. With eloquence he urged Congress
to cast te the winds sll considerations of
partisanship snd t unite In an appeal to
the president td reconsider ths resignation.
He also urged an appeal to ths American
cemmiaton)ts to pre this same request
en ralma. As flan or Manduley concluded
a tipple o'f applause waa heard from the
Spectators, but this wss the only demon
stration of Interest.
Alfredo Zayas replied to Msnduley. Hs
urged thst congress had no legal right to
present such sn Sppesl to the president.
Manduley retorted thst In th present
crisis, with the life of the nation -at stske.
It Wss ths duty of congress to disregard
such technicalities.
Congressman Diego Tamayo declared that
congress wss fsce to face with the death
of the nation, and thst only Palme s con
tinuance In office could save the republic.
A .long argument ensued, to which many
representstlves and senator paid little
heed. Dols chstted with some friends Who
hsd gathered about his rostrum. Finally
Dols terminated the question of the right
ef congress to appeal to th presldont for
reconsideration of his resignation by put
ting the matter to a vote. The result was
47 ayes to It noes.
Coafereaee at Palate.
On ths motion of Manduley, the house
then took a recess to permit ths moderates
snd the liberal nationalists to visit Paima.
The latter went to the palace, vhere they
were at once received by the president In
the old throne room of Bpanlah days, now
ths red salon. Palma waS much affectod
at the appearance of practically all hla
leading Hies. He greeted them sorrow
fully, nd then listened Intently to Senator
Dols, who stated ths object of the trrand.
President Pslma replied that It was Impos
sible for him to continue as president of a
nation whose people evidently hsd become
put of accord and sympathy with him and
hla government Neither could hs continue
at the head of a government while a por
tion of the people were disposed to remain
In armed rebellion. Palma voiced his deep
regrets, but reiterated thst bis decision
was Irrevocable. . .
H ewaa deeply moved snd spoke with
tears hvhi eyes. He said:
I would never have hesitated in males
any sacrifice asked for by my country,
whose liberty 1 fought for during forty
yeara, exposing my fife and nm'K niy
fortune. But you Srk me to sacrifice my
personsl dignity and thst of the govern
ment of th republic, now imperiled by
armed forces, without sr.y pro.iovi of a
practical result In securing peace and iha
Stability of ths nation. If t could see that
th eaciiflce of my personal and ofnciul
dignity meant peace and atablllty and
rightful liberty, you could, count- on my
compliance to that extent. But alnoe tny
authority haa been curtailed by armed
force, and aa I have been notified officially
that I am occupying my position by fraud,
1 beg you not to Tnaist in asking me to
withdraw ray resignation Which has been
presented to congress. And whlc.l represents
my Irrevocable resignation.
Senator Dols broke the ensuing silence
by saying that moderate would not pies
ths request snd ended the Interview by
embracing President Pslma. Th presi
dent and several others wept freely snd
withdrew, to ths residence of Senator Dols.
Ther they entered .Into another long con
ference. Teh tendency - at first wss to
meet ths liberals by agreeing on General
Manocal for provlalonal prealdent.' This,
however, wa aoon absndoned. became It
was recalled that Secretary Taft had Inti
mated that Prealdent Palms's continuance
In office would be ths Only srrsncement
sufficiently satisfactory to the Vnlted
Stateas to prevent Intervention.
N (taeraas ' at Vlcfct.
Conalderabl 111 feeling waa exhibited
toward Governor Nunes.
- Ths congressmen left. Senor Dols' resi
dence early, declaring that they would
not attend th aeaalon of congress. Benor
Dots Said th problem before th moder
ate party waa on that It wa useless
to try to Solve as American Intervention
was sn accomplished fact. He said this
was the true reason for President Palme's
.resignation and instanced aa proof of hla
assertion th landing of American force
at Clenfuego at the -request of the
American commissioners to protect Ameri
can property, completely Ignoring ths
Cuban government. Prealdent Palma, he
said, decided that ths action ot the com
mission In dealing With ths rebels wss
ample reason for hla realgnallon.
Ha declared that the commission had
not listened to honorable propositions of
ths Palma administration snd that It
would be beneath, the dignity ot the
Cuban government to continue as officers
of a republic whlc-h for some time hsd
been under American domination. Fnally
by a vot of 10 to II the moderate re-
fused to assist at the night aeaalon of
tht congress and communicated this de
cision to Benor Dols, ' . ..
Ths night session was railed for
o'clock, but at It o'clock only four mem
bers Vers present. Benor Manduley de
manded a roll call to determine whether
there wa a quorum, saying, if there waa
not h would move that ths session sd
'Journ. General Bosa, a . loyal liberal,
aald hs wss willing to wait until mid
night. However,, as neither President
Dols nor General Freyre Andreda were
present te open ths letter notifying ths
chair of ths action ot the moderate cau
cus the seeslon simply dissolved.
At 10:te ths tights were extinguished
and the email crowd present wss invited
to "move on," thuS practically terminat
ing ths present government.
Eveata of the Meralag.
The probability that tbs warring Cubans
would get together on any agreement
under which the sovereignty - of their
government can. continue without in
terrugtloa . was sa . remote as ever this
afternoon. As ths Urn approached for
ths opening ef ths eitra sesaloa of con
gress the liberal leaders had made a Anal
effort by presenting th name ( various
Independent and liberal candidates to suc
ceed Benor Palma as provlalonal prealdent.
but none Of theae waa satisfactory to the
moderates' Ths letter, sfter stisny axolted
discussions. In which, however, only a
acattered few participated, . eettled down
en two additional facts One that, after
declining to aooept Palme's resignation,
they would go la a body to tbe palace and
endeavor to persuade ths prealdent to re
consider ats determination, and ths ether,
thst, failing in this, they would preaent
General Rodrlgues, commander of ths rural
guards, as a candidate tor provlalonal presi
dent. As no general meetings were held
which were fully representalvs of sll ths
element of th moderate and liberal na
tlonallata, th program lack deftnlunee.
la tb meanwhile tb liberals expect t at
tend tbe eessten of congress and present
vsrious candidates acceptable te these-
Beyond thees sxpvlatlon all is gloomy,
Lr s I
if V131Q DOUG S
Smart Now Tailored Suits Spe
cial Values at $17.50 and $25.00
Smart new coats, made of best
or mixtures, either lined or nnlined Very special valnes at
so far as th continuance of Cuban sov
ereignty la concerned, but th light dis
tinctly shining Immediately beyond
namely, that of American control la the
hope of practically all excepting those ac
customed to holding the offices.
Secretary Taft aat back In his chair
at ths legation In tho attituds of waiting
for Cuba to play ths Isst card In the game
In which Its Independence Is at staks. Ho
wss confident the card will not take the
trick and so expressed himself to the As
sociated Press, and yet, recognising the
sscred function of the congress which is
sbout to meet to set on President Palme's
resignation, ha Is determined to give the
politicians all the leeway possible In set
tlement' ot the controversy. He eald he
felt certain the United States would have
to land troops tonight or tomorrow at the
latest and that a proclamation eaabllsh
Ing a provlalonal government will be Is
sued then.
Benstor Zsyas, lesder of tbs liberal party,
waa reported this morning to have noti
fied Secretary Taft that the Cuban gov
ernment had Issued orders to havs him
(Zayas), J. G. Gomes, J. H. Gomes, Dems
trio Castillo and O. G. Velei shot in ths
Most ef Principe castls. It Is not believed
that the government will dare to resort
to such extremes. I
Cabaas Still Hapetal. -
That th Cubans had not given up hop
of a settlement between themselves was
evidenced today when Senator Zayas,
leader of the liberal party, appeared at
the legation and Informed the peace com
missioners that he had word most of
ths night canvassing the new proposals,
namely, that President Palma' a resigna
tion bs accepted and that Senator rJan
gully, Independent, be elected as Ills suc
cessor. Senator Zayas asserted that ths
Idea ' met wth some favor among the
moderates and that he I- rlievcd it could
b put through this afternoon.
Tho commissioners, sfter all their ex
perience in endeavoring to reconcile and
harmonise the oppoalng parlies, havs lit
tle confidence In their getting together on
anything. Nevertheless, since the scheme
contains possibilities of a succeaaful is
sue, they have taken it into consideration
and are looking over the possibilities of
th moderate' acceptance and the avail
ability of e8nator Bangullly ; as a presl
dentlsl csndldate.
' Henator O' Far rill, secretary tit state and
Justice, on leaving Prealdent Palma'e
office today, ssld: .
"I csnnot, think thst it would be con
venient to . accept either of the liberal
candidates. 1 President Palme's determina
tion to resign is entirely unchanged."
The sentiments expressed ' here at lbs
public resorts today were almost unani
mously In favor ot Intervention. The few
who were . opposed to It esslty resigned
themselves to whst they considered to bs
the Inevitable. The intereet of the masses
in th outcome Is Infinitely , less ' intense
than would be Imagined. The representa
tives of commercial Interesta here pralss
ths fairness ot Secretary Taft and also his
determination to press the business of pro
curing peace to a prompt conclusion.
' Tree at Rassell Maadr.
CHBTKNNB. Wyo.. Sept. K.-(8pecial.)-Antlclpatlng
a campaign In Cuba, the
troops st Fort t. A. Russell ' ar getting
In readiness to snswer the call. - It is cer
tain that In ths evsnt of Intervention, the
Eleventh Infantry. Tenth cavalry. Nine
teenth and Twelfth- batteries of field
artillery, stationed at Russell, will be
called upon. They are among ths oldest
troops bsck from the Philippines snd would
be first to to td Cubs. - Fort Russell could
send not less thsn i.tdS men, sixteen gune,
.000 horses. One of ths batteries Is now
st Plks's Pesk, and ths other, with the
Tenth csvalry. I at the stste ' fslr ' at
Douglas. Ths Russell troops hsvs put in
sn sntire summer In ths held snd srs In
flrst-clsss condition for fighting servlcs la
DIAMONDS-EdlMum. tsfa and Harssy.
Ism m ka Sm wa smk. km
U tetas mi S.x bans.
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II lulli on and or r
ttu COAT sniBis
Tsms si ne ! dts sameS-M fcssaaa at
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The suits that are on special
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the finest all wool broadcloth and
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fering Is perfectly tailored In the best
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Clearlaa-s for Week Mora Thaw
Tweaty-Flv Per . feat Greater
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SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. San Fran
cisco has continued to pass ths forty mil
lion mark In Its clearings, snd ths last
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27, has shown sn Increase ot 28 .S3 per cent
over the ssms week of 1905. Tbs alesrlngs'
for the last week were M2,060,9LM snd
those for the same week f th previous
year smounted to g33.496.S10.3d. sa Increase
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DIAMONT"t r-renser. ma and nndse ets
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ASS'S Best Musical Comedy
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Presenting VMM LAST OT XjTOsTS.
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- Next Week TOASTED VP.
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Parker Amusement Co.
Will ptessat. all ef tbe Big
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Price Matin... tie; any seat
Night, tie aad 10c.
'Phone Doug. Ot.
" TONIGHT . ,,- -rniCES-lOo.
c Ka .