14 THE OMATIA tAUX BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1000 i! I; SPECIAL tlOTICES Adre-rtleeaaeat foe these colaasa rrUl (skew wattl IS aa. for th vrtar ealtlaa mm walll . s. lot the Boamlaer Saadar edition. Bates 1 l-e a war flrat Insertion, l m war thereafter. Nothing- take far less thaa Oe far taa flrat laser lira. These advertisement aiaat $ raa renaeeatlvelr. Advertiser, by reooeatlnai tia. terra eheek, eaa hart nnawers ad dressed aaibrrr4 letter la eare if . Th Ilea. Answer so addressed irtll bo delivered aa preaeatatlaa at i'M(k, MISCELLANEOUS FALL TERM " BOTLES BUSINESS COLLEQB 18 NOW OPEN. -DAT AND NIGHT. Student are admitted inr day. ,VW Cstslog Free. Tel. Donjtla 1984. - Address H. B. Boyle. President, '.oylea Building. Omaha, Nefc. R 184 OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . fcURGESS-GRANDEN CO., SU So. 16th St. . Tel. Douglas 681. R M928 OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a sp. olalty of fire capes, abutter, doora and . Mia. U. Andreen, prop., lug 8. 10th St. R 789 SION PA1NTING-S. H. Col. 1301 Dougla. R m WHERE TRUNK8 ARK MADH. Trunks, suit case and ohopplng bags. Old trunks In exchange. RepnlHng. . FRELINO at STKINLE. 1A H. 10th St. 'Phone Dourlas 49SS. R M704 mVi TRY Kelly Towel Supply. Tel. DougKao. .OWA Banilary Cleaning Co.. 101 Farnam. ' R 792 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. . Tel. Doug. 177. Res. 'phone Ioug7Wl- "" ELBAR8ER BRICE. , Maohlnlatk. ill! Buuth Uth bt. Tel. 6817. lUCFLlN-Locksmith. moved upstair antrance, UU4 Farnam. Tel. Doug. &7. . BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or prop, --arty that you want to sell or exchange write us. aLOBK'kAND AND INVESTMENT CO, f Omaha, Neb., or tlloux City, la. i- V-M10 Ol FOR SALE A flrst-claaa job offlce with 'A-1 newupaper plant li connection, pub llshlng three papera in surrounding towns; Job type all new; v doing good business; excellent reason for soiling; Joonted at Hastings, Neb. Write now, i or come, aa ihla simp will not last long 'Prices low. Address Box UK, Uastinaa, '.Kab. . X-m ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS! SO tons stucco fo sale cheap; 2 cement block machines for sale cheap. Call V&'U Farnam Bt., room 3. Y MJ76 FOR BALE Clean up-to-date atock of hardware In good town In central Ne braska; Invoice about 14,000; good reason for selling; will bear investigation. Address tj 24, car of Bee. Y Mil 02K HOTEL FOR SALE FURNISHED. Price $3,700. , Two dollar day. Only hotel 'n fine town, 700. Large building; 19 rooms, tu.r.ace heat, gasoline engine for pumping and washing. At Junction town and good trade. Poor health reaaon for selling. J. L. Turner, Cola. la. Y-M601 03 WANTED I or S parties to Inveat in a good established manufacturing business. 1 Add res 8-38, care of Bee. Y M596 29x YOt NG MAN with tlSO can step Into pleas, ant business; draw 118 weekly. Windsor .Hotel basement. " Y M726 29x FOR SALE Oood paying bakery; only one ia town of l.fiOO population. In state of owa, for particulars laddress 8-42, care .Of Omaha Bee. Y M722 04x. FOR BALEw-Sti.OOO atock of groceries and dry goods in thriving town of 2,000; in aotern Nebraska. Bales, 1.800 per month. Address 8-44, car of Omaha Bee. I - ' .. Y-M72S O PRINTING offlce building, lots, subscription list, presses, etc., for sale dead cheap. If sold quick; good town, good country, food territory. Write or call quick. Wmera Stat Bank, Craig, Neb. .... ... Y 724 28 FOR Sale Prospcroua mercantile business; mall investment; town railroad division; , rat ch and stock surrounding; business .bout 12,000 monthly; stock about H.fOO; got d reason for my selling. Address Box Ji4, Umai Mont. Y M7i 6 FOR BALE Grocery and meat market An Ing good buHness; going to California on aoci. in neaitn. No tradra. Cheap rent. 'Oood location. Addresa 8 47, Bee. Y-M758 S9x 8TO!"K market advisory service. Success fully assists tradera everywhere in stock f New York stock exchange. Bend for particulars. Frank H. Tubus, 240 Hroad- ay. now jot. x 741 2x PRro STORE, only one in town, doing ' , good business; money maker; must be aoia, account Ul-heallh. Write quick, . pox ,211, Hastings, Neb. Y M747 02x WANTED AGENTS ORIENTAL WAISTS AND SUITS. 'Agents wanted everywhere. Ladles and gentlemen are making lia to S5u per week at) ling embroidery goods direct to the lu dle. Good seller in cities or country. No experience or capital required. Call at ofttoa or writ to U. S. Kmhroliierv Worka. loM and 1UH So. Utb St. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Salesman to Introduce and avll the GaHup Fruit Gatherer, Iarge money hustlers. Gallup Mfg. Co., Room 1 I -euerson dug., uinana, reo. J-M20 WANTED A hustler with capital to Join a, v large Transfer and Storage company aril niauage aiuruge nouse, l.lu-7. IJncoln, J ai ns so t WANTED Man or lady to sell limited amount of stock in splendid proposition. 4piy iu i-axion uiock. j M7I6 Stx SALESMEN WANTED it-lnity who r:ilis on retail dry goods trade and if well acquainted wMh buyers m ami imu utrmriineiit. t an arrun etutactorlly with largo knitting mill mil k I M If kh.wl, a nba t u pundiice conrldentlal. tilve references Jiu vipenence. Aaarvs 8 M. care Bee. . . Ls M749 Oct I BAI.E&MEN Side line, easy seller, pocket anmples. ItherHl commissions. Maoufac- uiri. ,vi nuiiwsy exonauge, t'lilcago. ' ' L-M744 4tx BPK.I.END1D opportunity for hlgh-cla 'iiciior. t.au on commercial trade, y-. r.,-."'.':"1" Bee O. Bi Ifc'gle, SITUATIONS WANTED FOSITION a managing house keeper, her there are one or more servant,. Kv cujutble woman of experience. Addresa aijaa vJl X LOST AND FOUND TIIAYLD Black mare, 'from farm. Toth tuU Ct nter Wts. Reward If, returned. '. Cv Wilkin. Lost 46& PRAYED Red cow witb horns; reward. hone Doualas SV34. v Los M7I9 SOx FLORISTS BS It SWOBODA. 1413 Kamam. -Tj4 h&nlur&ON, lilt Farnam. Tel. long. i WANTED MALE HELP WANTED For the V. B. wanna eerps, men between ages a and 86: an oppor tunity to aee the world. For fuller In formation aee potter In postofne of any county aeat In the atute of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located therein. B-M646 Brx WANTED Fire boye, good wage, per inanent Job. A. D. T. Co., US 8. 13th St H Mwl WANTED BOUND YOUNG MEN. II to SO, to prepare for firemen and brakamea on new roada and for fall man. Ex perience unnecoamry. Firemen 8100. pro moted to engineer $200; brakemen S7S. promoted to conductor $160. Position now open. National Railway Training Association. 420 X Paxton Blk.. Omaha. Neb. BM188 Ol DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug clerk wanted. F. V. Knieat, 624 N. T. L. WANTED Car builder, repairer ad truk men. Cudahy Packing Co B 133 WANTED Experienced bill clerk; moij vw well (Twmilivnuvu, I'm171 man; atat age and aalary. Addres O $4, car Bee B- TWO men to aal! goods on payment from Howard. B-MMl Ol SALARY and commission will b pa' flrst-claa old-line life maurance man capable of writing buslnes himself and teaching other to do ao. Address lock box loa. Lincoln. Neb. B MJ07 04 Omaha School of Law; evening aeajona only, Further Information, aoareaa o retary. 701 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 87. B 950 O WANTED Three men and thra boy. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. tri WANTED At once, two clothing salesmen for Saturday only. Apply Mr. sieyer, clothing department, second floor, Peo pie. Store. fc WANTED First-class . butcher, to take cnarge or meat mHmri; guuu right party. Address 8 31, care Bee. - B 573 29X WANTED A good all around blacksmith; steady Jon tor rignt man; no oooxer. n dresa M. H. Matthlesen, Superior, Nob. B-MSl-S 2Sx WANTED Two - assistant at Ox team camp, carnival grounds. Kererences re quired. Kara Meeker. B M608 29x WANTED Oood coatmaker, at once. J, Smentowakl &. Son, Graud Island, Men. B M602 2x WANTED Oood coatmaker. Barrett-John- aon Co., 1507 Fai nam Bt. B M6a Zx WANTED Delivery boys. Apply at once. J. L. Brandel ft Sons. B twa a WANTEDTwo well dressed men to ask bartender: "How I Cel-Pep-Ko Mum Yum 7" It the latest. B M727 29x FACTS for you to consider: "Ol-Pep-Ko". contains soiudis nourisnin; nuniiniTH, S7H per cent; eggs, 18 per cent; beefsteak, 12 per cent; rice, per cent; bread, per cent; milk, 8 per cent; beer, 2H per cent; water, H per cent; distilled water, 0 per cent. Chemlsche Faoh Zeltung, Berlin. .. . , ' B M728 ax Call for Bookkeeper; Stenographer, Office clerks, etc., Are belna received continually, and all those who are experienced In these line are requested to see u at once or write for particulars. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASB'N. (INC.). Dept. B, 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-M70? 29 WANTED 10 first class harness maker. steady Jobs for the right men, married men preferred. Apply to Semmann Mfg. Co., Denlson la. B M721 SO Experienced shoe salesman. 11,200. Experienced Gen'l Mdse. Salesman, $1,200. 1 Grocery clerk, . Gen'l Mdse. clerk, $50. WESTERN REF. as BOND ASS N. (INC)'. Dept. B, 840-41-42, N. Y. Life Bldg. . B 7U2J-: EXTRA butcher for Friday and Satur day. See J. H. Leaser, meat depart ment. The Bennett Company. B M710 30 ! SALESMAN WANTED WELL EQUIPPED DALESMAN TO CALL OIN PHYSICIANS. A VERY EXCEPTIONAL v OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED FOR 1M- ' MF.DIATE WORK. HIaTB AGE AND EXPERIENCE. LOCK BOX R58. PHILA DELPHIA. B-M720 SOx WANTED Men to learn barber trade, our facilities cannot be equaled. Steady practice, careful Instructions, diplomas, tools and positions waiting; few weeks completes, money earned from start. Big wages to graduates; utile expenses, i.aii or write Moler Barber College, 1116 Far nam Bt. B-M742 6x WANTED A good, first-class white porter tor saloon, ia a. mn hi. uisi WANTED Experienced salesmen In line arts department; must have experienoe In selling statuary, uronses, art nric-a brae and rslntlnei. Apply to A. D. Brsn dels between 8 and 11 a. mi J. L. Bran- drts as 8on. . B-40 10 BAR'BER wanted; must be workman and sober; no Sunday work; $14 guaranteed. Joe Hand, Crawford, Neb. B M7ay 3ux WANTED A man and boys to pick ap ple, rneooore wiuams, uenson, r,eo. B-M745 octlx BOYS for factory work at once. Bcmia omana Bag jo. a ias so WANTED Teamsters; steady Job. Sth and jonea. a ih u-t WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Womau eoox, $38 per month; must furnish recommendation. Address L 7. Be. c-U WANTED Fifty girl to work In candy factory. Good chance to earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. Tb Voegele at Uiumn Co., 131S Jones St. : M7S'J FIFTY strnnir girl for turning bags; girl la or li yeara old for clipping threads. ' bcmls Omaha Bag Co. . C-UH WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. Apply Mrs. John L Kennedy, 214 Case. C M164 EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted at once, D. J. O'Brien Co., i;i2 Howard. C MJu WANTED A cook and a housemaid. Mrs. Mrrium, IM Blnney St. 'Phone Douglas " 31X4. C-iA WANTED Experienced child's nurse. 116 So. 35lh St. 'Phone Harney 064. C-M563 WANTED TJiorpughly experienced sales ladies for cloak and suit department; high salaries. 6. F. Berger ic Co., 1S17 Farnam. C -671 28 NVRSE GIRL, one that can go home nights. 1017 So. 81st St. CMC03 I9k WANTED Competent alteration help for rlr.k and suit department. S. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1617 Farnam. C s 49 WANTED Errand girl and apprentices. Room 7, Duvldge block. C 628 29x TELEPHONE operator. Must be Intelli gent und write well. Give references. Address 8-46. iie. C MTU 80 WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper In a real estate offlce. Address 8 43. Bee. . C MTU SOx WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, no washing, good wages. Inquire 411 No. 40th Bt. C M718 80x Bookkeeper and stenographer, $40. Rixjkkeepcr and stenographer, $J6. Experienced cashier, $40. See us at once or write. If In need of a position. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASH N. (INC.). Dept. B. 840-41-42, N. Y. Life Bld. C-71J WAIST DRAPER at SCO Leavenworth Bt. , C-7 Sox WANTED Competent girl for general houeework. No washing. Wage $6 per week- Inquire 504 8. StKh St. C 736 30 k tlOOD GIRL for general housework. C Pacific Bt. C M761 lx Htenocrapliyr, Oliver, g. Two bookkeepers and stenographers, $.1S. WESTERN HEP. at BOND ABH'N. (INC.). DeyL. B. 84U-41-42 N. I, U Bids. C M763 Hardly a subscriber who doesn't read the per sonal ads on the Bee Want Ad Page. You should have yours there. FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, lith and Farnanvi K v Doug. 611 O.M.E.Uaul Trunin E-804 CAPITOL HOTEU ISth and Capitol Ave.. eoutn tront; room witn or without oonro. E-S0 FURNISHED room In new, modern house. uougias St. M THREE pleasant rooms, partly furnished; nioaern, gas stove; adults only: no otner roomer-: reference required. 2701 Wool worth Ae. E M592 30X PLEASANT room, ' modern, private family. eouin a,tn Ave, Hr a x MODERN room; gentlemen preferred. 21 A Alt.ll. ILd .1 TW A LARGE, modern, well furnished southeast front room with alcove; private family. Telephone Harney 2296. E 884 Octlx PLEASANT front room, all modern con venience. 2968 Dewey Ave. B 627 Z9x TWO furnished rooms for rent, private lamuy. Apply m b. zetn Ave. E-M718 30x ELEGANT, large front room, steam heated, close In. 413 N. 26th St. B-M717 O lx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Uaul Trunks F-soe VIENNA hotel; prtvat dining room, cafe. F-810 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT OCTOBER 1 Five unfurnished rooms. neat and light furnished. 'Phone Harney 3870. 660 So. 26th Ave. O 6W) A SNAP for three or four young men who want time or four large unfurnished or partly furnished rooms In modern house with private family; no other roomer. Call and see. 8. A. Dutcher, care Jones- Southmayd Co. G 668 3ux FOR REINT HOUSES : APARTMENTS Applications will be received for renting the up-to-date apartments of five and six rooms each la new building, 25th Ave. and Half Howard St. Will b ready for ocoupancy ' about Oct. 15th. Rent. $45 and $40 per month. ( . GEORGE & CO., Tel. Douglas-756. IGOl Farnam 6t. D-265 80 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest price. Tel. Douglaa 1628. Souxnoller at Mueller Puuio Co., Ull-ill Farnam. i 811 HOUSES ,n rU of tn ur- UUUOM, C, PUr CO.. Be Bldg. HOUSES ,n jp1" ot th eltF Tn u. jr. uavu Co., 608 Bee Bldg. - i a HOUSE8. lnaurano. Ring wait, Barker Blk. D 814 OMAHA Van . A Storage Co., pack, move, tor H. II. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. mh. Office. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1-68. D-tla WE MO VIC pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. UM- Omo. 1713 Web ster St. . D-l SEE us when shipping household good to larg cltie west. W can sve you money. EXPRESSMEN S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug, in. FOR RENT -room house, all modern; furnace, $25.- C. M. Baotunann. 436 Paxton Blk. D-331 PIANOS and household good moved; boxes for ale. Cole at Gunnell. 160S Farnsm. Tel. Doug. 670, P M774 O 13 STORAGE a'aV. furniture. Telephone Douglas 878. 12m014 FOR RENT A new modem 6-room house. Glob Land and Investment Co.. Patterson Bldg. D M247 fiW s-room moaern di'ick, not water heating plant. 2405 Harney, $80. .. u-iOom nouse, strictly moaern ana up to date, $31.80. ERNEST SWEET, 611 N. Y. L. Doug. 14 .2. D Mill 29 FOR RENT Two first floor and one ec ond floor llat, corner 28th and Douglas. Glob Land & Investment Co., Pattrs0n Bldg. D Moll FOR RENT Eight-room house, 3030 Evan street, Omaha. Cellar, well, cistern. Ad dress, Msry Williams. 6 Park Ave., Council Bluffs. D-M530 1 FOR LEASE November 1, four-floor build ing In wholesale district. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas St. D-6S1 OcU SPLENDID HOrSES FOR RENT. Only two left. 606 and 610 North 21st St., rooms, new and strictly up-to-date; the very best ever built In Omaha. Tenant can select patterns for decorating through out. Don't fall to se these houses at once. Rent $j0, with shades, curtain rods, poles, aas range, laundry heater, all furnished. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 1 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' D 741 34) FOR RENT Two elegant new 7-room house, with large hall and vestibule; all modern convoniences; Dundee Place, one v block from lar line; ready November 1. D. C. John. 424 Webster St. Phone Har ney 2S14. D-670 28X 8-ROOM tnodern house; choice location; 304 S. SSth. inquire P. B. Myers. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. 16th and Farnam. D E72 i"x FOR RENT 8-room all modern house, near Hanscom park; fine condition; not for sale; verv cheap at $26. J. C. Belden, owner. 409 8. lKh St. D Mti24 30 FOR RENT 6-room steam heated flat, nil modern; south exposure; The Dunanny, 10th and Pierce Sts. Apply to Conrul Young, 1518 Dodge St. D M61S RARE opportunity to get modern new house; will paper to suit. For particulars refer to this sd at Payne. Bostwlck Co. D 707 x 1907 SPENCER ST.. 7 room, strictly all modern; new house. $32.60. 283 Cspltol Ave., 6 rooms, all modern, new. $32.50. These houses are now vacant; ' readv to move In. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam Bt. D 734 90 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Deak rom In Be office, city hall building, 417 N. 2th St. Bout Cm ha. Apply to manager. I 184 A GOOD OPEN1NO for a bakery, with a lat class hake oven, 1718 Nicholas St.; team heat during winter. Bemis. Pax ten block. i Mill FOR RENT Large corner store room, lfth and Vinton 8ts.. $10. C. M. Bach mann. 421 Paxton block. I M421 FOR RENT Modern brick room and base ment. 26xK. Fitted for dry goods or rieneral stock: best location and well Ighted. Special opportunity for store to open at once. A- L. Berry, Clarinda, la. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. T. L. T.L Doug. U64. 9 DR- BOWSER. vr 1A0Q Farnam. TL JJoug. 63.0, Ai-tWO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE . TRACKAGE A most desirable lo cation on a main thor oughfare with some old buildings. Area 10,824 square feet, with front age on two streets. One fmatage of 66 feet suit able for wholesale or re retall stores. Private sldetvack on the prop erty. Present annual rental $1,002. HENRY F. WYMAN. 1003 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' RE 703 SO NONRESIDENT OWNER will sell very desirable 10 acres near macadam-, Ized Center Street road,' about one mile west of misers', for only $1,500. HENRY V. WYMAN. 1003 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-704 30 John Morrison Place Grand Ave. and Florence boulevard; rooms, big barn, fine trees, great outlook; di agonally across1 from Rom Miller . Peremptory order to rent or sell. Ask us for par ticular. Harrison & Morton 812-913 New York Life. Telephone Douglas-314. RE M377 FOR A FEW DAYS We can offer at a bargain a practically new six-room, two story house, close In on paved street; permanent walks all paid for. Hot water heat; lat est plumbing. Better see us at once. C. P. GLOVER & SON, 1 I N, Y. LIFE BLDG. RE M565 29 SOUTH OMAHA BARGAINS. 6-room house and good lot, $1,000: half cash; balance monthly. Btore building, paying 10 per cent net,- $1,600; half cash; balance time; leased for three years. Call 1324 Farnam St.. room 8. RE M375 Special Dundee Bargain Ve offer for a short time a fine cor ner of two lots near car line, 100x135; c anient walks. This is an especially nice location. Price $1,500. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, 642 Paxton Block. RE-689 30 ACRES, HALF ACRES, QUARTER ACRES, BETWEEN OMAHA AND BENSON. We have 7 full acre lots, 5 half acre lots and 4 quarter acre lots, all convenient to street car. Just the place to buy for raising chickens, fruit or garden truck. These are the most accessible pieces close in that are now on the market. Buy one of these acres or half acres and set It out to fruit; It cannot help but double In value. Prices per acre, $4K) to $600. v Prices per half acre, $260 to $360. Prices per quarter acres, $150 each. One-tenth cash, easy monthly payments. We can show you these any time. Don't delay. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St., Ground Floor Bee Bldg., or Garvin Bros., x 1604 Farnam St., U. S. National Bank Bldg. RE-708 28 ONCEMORE YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO A VERY FINE NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE . Finished In hardwood. . Polished ot floor, bqth stories. Large room. Central hall. Large lot, street newly paved with as phalt. i block from car line. Two block west of Joslyn's. You .nust see this fine, sightly street and the house before you buy any of the OLD. CHEAP OR REMODEL ME AT ONCE kind you may be looking at. YOU CAN NOT SPEND ANY MONEY or make any improvements In above house. IT IS NEW. COMPLETE and ready to move. into. For aal by x ED. O. HAMILTON, 626 Bee Bldg. RE-M709 30, WHY pay high rent 7 Let us sell you a farm. We have Improved farms In Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and elzes, for sale on the easiest lund of terms aim payments. Squires 4k Annls, Council Blunt. Ia. Ubi 841 08 WEST HARNEY ATTRACTION. 8-rnom strtctiy modern house; new hot water heating plant, nickel radiators in each room; full lot, stone walks; beau tiful home; only $2,700. H. R. STRINGER, 227 Neville Blk. Phone Douglas 7661 RE M.8J 4 FOUR house and lots, 1517 Cass . RE 490 0-7x KERR-SHAI.LCROS8 Ctl B ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 bond against loss ty errors. You don t buy a law suit when . you bug a "Kerr" abstract. 1814 Farnam Tel. Doug. 647. RE- FOR SALE Two brick modern house. , w., t.lrwlra tiArth rtf M , nUiTiin nark An paved street, east front; rented for '$70 a monui; easy lerms. i want an oner, THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York I-ife Building. RE-M750 DRESSMAKING MADAME WOODRUFF Robe. Suit 813-14-16-16 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas 8412. M-. Oct22 DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2666 Davenport- Phone Uht ney Ski!. 7:1 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE detective service. 'Phon Red euL Kootiis 1J and 14, Union Bik.. lith and Faroaiu. M-ttf 014 aywuie,allixi 91131 FOR SALE FARMS SOUTH DAKOTA EXCUR SION Tuesday, October 2, special low rates to central part of South Dakota. 4ti.(XO acres of improved and unimproved lands for sale cheap and on easy terms. It you are go ing to see land, see us first, for we enn get you n round trip ticket lor LBPS THAN ONE FARE. hnllvosd free to buyers, very cheap to lpok'-rs. Call Mon day or early Tuesday. CONTINF.NTAL REALTY CO., 32-36 U. Si Nat l Bsnk Bldg., Omaha. Neb. H-M763 1 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. I closing out .It land rn western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From 83.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage f tb low price and easy term offered, tb opportunity will oon ' be gone. Special excursion rate to the lands. Foi further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. US gouta lith St., Omaha. Nab. H-M495 2 COLORADO EXCURSION Next Tuesday, October 2. we conduct a land-seeking excursion to Washington und Yuma counties in eastern Colorado, the fa mous wheat countty. Finest climate, purest water, largest crops and cheapest land anywhere. Go out with us. We can get you a round trip ticket for less than ONE FARE. ' We give free fare to buy ers. Call Monday or early Tuesday. CONTINENTAL REALTY CO., 32-36 U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-M762 1 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. BEST INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of us. Buy direct. No agents. No heavy commissions. Finest, all-pralre, hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollar. Kksv terms. Others ask fifteen and mora. We save you money. Write us quick. F. A. PARKER & CO., Spencer. Ia. H-?CT 018 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 0 and $H per oant loans on real estate; no delay. W-848 MONEY TO LOAN Psyne Investment Co. W-348 WANTED City loan and warrant W. Farnam Smith as Co., U20 Farnam St. W-868 BUILDING loan on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Meikle. Ramg Blk. W-851 LOWEST RATES Bern la, Paxton Block. W 862 PRIVATE MONET-F.D. Wead. 1620 Doug. W 868 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resl dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thoma Brannan, R. 1, N. Y, Lite. W-864 WANTED City loan. R. C. Peters oV Co. ' W 856 City & farm loan. O. F. Carson Co.JLU, LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thoma,. 606 Flrt National BankJJldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET A loan on furniture, pianos, livestock or other chattels, left In your (Undisturbed Possession) . IF YOU NEED MONEY to pay vour grocer, landlord, or any other bills which may be bothering you.- Our plan the best aa we give you a writ ten copy of the contract with a GUARANTEED REBATE if paid before the contract expires. SALARY LOANS made to people steadily employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO (Established 1892.) Tel. Doug. 2295. 118 Board of Trade Bldg. 306 So. 16th Street. X-M522 REDUCTION In salary and furniture loans from now until further notice. We are still offering to honest people our apeojal $J0 loan for $3. Reliable Credit Co Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth street. X-O40 28 The Union Loan Co. have Increased their capital and during the month of September will make a special rat on collateral loans, personal prop erty, mortgages and individual notes, without security. Terms to suit your convenience. 'Phon Douglas m4 or call at 3U Be Bldg. , X-M304 Ol DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, ptouo. horaea, etc.. In any amount; less tlutn half rates; Lei feet privacy ; liumtdlate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended win sick or out of work. 814 liar bach li k. 2U8 South 16th St. X 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances privat money on chattel or salary; ey to get, uo red tape; you gel money aame day asked for at small cost. Open evei'lnfcs till 7. ' X hii MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLU and others without security; easy pay. meats. OUicea In 68 rrlcolpal cities. Tol man, rjoiu 714. New York Life Bldg. X-843 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom modating; all buMiien connduntlal. 1M D-juglas. X 844 I'l'RMIt'KlC, liv slock, salary loans. lui Ureea Loan Co.. room a. Barker blovk. X 846 TO LEND Salary loan by private party; very low ratea; gel my terms befor borrowing elsewhere; Confident ial. Ad dress Box 7Wk X-M80S 80 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cews, etc. C. F. Read, 110 & 18th. . X-8 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loan .Foley Loan Co., IM Farnam BL X 8s) CHATTEL and aalary loans Phoenlg Cretin Co, CU Paxtou block. X 847 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful prediction given. Call 113 8. lith St., Opp. Boston Store. ft-Miai IF worried or troubled, consult the rellak: Mrs. Faust. 1608 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 4122 P M4o6-Q-2ix WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, stoves, carpels, clothing and shoes; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas-3871. N-Mi$ o SECOND-HAND clothe. Tel. 'Red -Sfcg N MtS UL MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CH A TELA IN School of I-angusges Daf snd evening classes, French, German, Spanish, fencing, pavldg Bldg. 174 OS PERSONAL COMING TO OMAHA THIS WEEKt Make your headquarters at our offlce while here. Leave jonr baRKsge at our ofnee, make yourselves st home with us generally. CONTINENTAL REAI.TT CO.. 32-3 V. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg., Omen, ien. , li MiM l ANT POOR GIRL In naed of friend call or write to th matron of the Salvstton Army Home for Woman at SS24 N. tjth 6t.. Omaha. Neb U-M10S VSB Blanchard' Frsema Ixtlon for Vln ciff-nses, at aruKKlsta. Assistance) in free by Prof. J. Blanchard, skin specialist, V4 .. .li- w y 8f71 g"a im S'l I KIIT-A injurs, u m 4 V - TRY KEIXY'i Laundry. 'Phon Dpuarta 1R. ROY, Chiropody. Doug. -6487. 1506 JKar. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. J9. P L E A T I N Ct Bu tsRuchmg. 1 ULO I lilVJ Embi-olderlng, Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging !;nd 8hrlnK. ing, only 6o per yard.' Send tor price hat and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. iml 0 Dougla Block. Tel. Douglas 1KSI U 828 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 24, tU 8. Utb St. u jo FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th snd Davenport Sts. Special attertlon paid to confinement cases. All treatment uper vised by college professor. 'Phone Doug. L67. Call anwrd day or night. U 12! THE City Garbag Co. Offlce, 14th and Leavenworth St. Tel. Douglas 1387. 1J 31 PRIVATE ftom during confinement: ba bies adopted. Th Good Samaritan San itarium. 7M First Avi Council Bluft. 1. rr- I , - it 23 " ACk 1 1 . W SURVEYING, Bllckensderter. Be BlrlfH PENNEIA, Millinery Co.. formerly of 16th and Douglas, now located at iii N. ltb 6U U-C40 04 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramg Bldg. 1 !U4 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut E rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers ijllon Drug Co.. Omaha. U-885 WE RENT sewing machtnea at $1 per week; we sell second-hand machines U up. Nebraska Cycle Co.. corner 16th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 168. , U-4U8 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. oT. U2t Leavenworth. U M828 Oot.l FOR anything. In the sewing machine lln go to P. E. Flodman, 1614 Capitol Ave. U-M304 04 ARCHITECT O. L. Brolln. (18 Bee Bldg. U-M368 O 6 PRIVATE HOME during confinement; ape- t .uouLiua given to ins ooarains ok infants. Madame Pickett, 2218 Charles St. Telephone Douglas UU. VM Oct 3x CHRISTENSON, carpet clean ng. Tele phone Dougla 1G58. UM800 O 13 WE will find good, comfortable home for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. See "Mother Lee, Supt." Tlnley Rescue Home, 403 Bancroft St. ".- U-700 028 MAflNETTO treatment and bath. Mm. aLO-UlAAU Smith. 118 N. 15, 2d floor. U M836 0l4x ACORN PRESS Tel. Dougla 8762, 1610 Howard. U-M204 017 TO FARMER8 AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS We pay highest market prioe, charging no commission, for all kinds produce butter, eggs, etc., cash or mer chandise. Write for daily quotation. We ll send pretty souvenir postal. THE) BENNETT COMPANY. U-M308 . MR. snd - Mrs. Morand's classes In dancing and physical culture for chil dren, will reopen Saturday, October 6th. (New location, 210 So. 18th St.). Be- f Tinners. 10 a. m. Advance, 3 p. m. Mat nee class, 8:30 p. m. Particulars, book ' lets. Telephone Douglas 104L 714-Tx . A FLESH, white, pink, brunet gossamer covering bestowed by Satin skin powder. 2oc. . U MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray' Nsrv Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 838 DR. PRIES, specialist, women' diseases, weaknesses, discharges, Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell block, loth and Harney, room Z, Omaha, 887 LADIES' trouble removed. Dr. St. Mark Organic Capsules. By mall In ' plain wrapper, $2. Strictly confidential. The Creole Medicine Co., Box 564 Hot Springs, ,Ark. M 608 04x DANCING MORAND'S, 16th said Harney, now open. Lesson for adults, Tuaa. and Frl 8 p. m.i assemblies, Wad;; private lessons, ball room or stage. For term 'phon Doug las 1041.- The High School Class meets every Friday at 8 p. m. 'lerms, season Oct. to May, $10. You will And this school tb best. 41SOS CHAMBERS' SCHOOL OF DANCING, S4S4 Farnam, reopen for adult Monday, Sep tember 24, 8 p. m. H gh school, Saturday, September 28, 8 p. m. Children, Saturday, September 28, $ p. m. Complimentary cards of admission to th oieuing will be furnished to past pupils and their friend upon application. Call or writ for booklet Telephone Douglas 1871. M74 PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Grade 1807 Calendar. . ,r,,r, B. B. cornr Uth St. and at .itsnvu, Capitol Ave. COMPLETE line of 1807 Calendar. Snail Printing Co.. SIS & Uth St, -MS23 Ol CALLING card S5o per hundred, Castls man Printing Co., 2oV B. Uth St. 837 04 WE HAVE a new press no job too large or two small. Conlral Printing Co. M-7ti Oil Patents F. J- LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. --'4 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS-Patent procured, inventlona developed, drawing patterns, casting, machine work. (04-ul3 . loth St. -fc PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee, Nat l Investment Co., Douglaa Blk., Uth A) Dodge. M-3V8 O 6 FENCING WIRE AND IRON fence; lowest prices; tree . catalogue. Omaha Wire and Iron Works, 823-6-37 No. 24vh Bt. Tel. Dougla rot M-801 013 ANCHOR and Iroa Fencing; Wirt Fencing So per foot. 2o N. 17th at. Tel. Red 611 -MMTJ OlS CHAMPION fence beat. (11 S. Uth. Doug. liJO. ' -st4 PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save ou every article. Only first, class gooos handled. Prompt tteaUa Is every order. Send for catalogue. B. ' tCaroL 338 Harrison St.. Chicago. III. -M '.'Ot X HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HORSE, easy term. 43d and Center. P-M5J4 LAW AND COLLECTIONS J M. Marfarland, M N. T. L. Bldg. Tel Doug. fcU. sA-wa OS THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing: m fact, anything you do not 5,'d; . collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call Phon Doug. 4138 and wagon will call. . U-AU DEATH NOTICE HIGG IN "-George, aged 72 year. The deceased wss a resident cf Omaha for fortv vears. Funeral sen-Ices from hi lute residence. 821 South Thirty-sixth street. Paturdav, September S, at 3 o'clock r. m. Interment Evergreen cemetery. Friends invited? , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ODA FOUNTAIN, any all. 1818 Farnam. Q 79 SHFRWIN-WILLIAM8 CO., best mixed ralnt. 8herman McConnell Drug Co Omaha. ti 79 HALL'S afe. new, td-hand. 181S Famanw Q-78J FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; w lead the world la theap bar fixture; easy payment. Bruns- wick-Balk-Collender, 407 8. 10th St. (J-783 LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets In good condi tion, mad of walnut and hav tw srawars each. Call at Be buslnes offlc and get s bargain. Q 441 x FOR BALK 8 team house beating boiler; was used to heat 8-room house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Be Bldg. Q Ml EEND US your mall order "for drug; freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dlilo Drug Co., Omaha. Q 600 tOO 8TOVE8; must be sold In the next 0 day. Chicago Fur. Co., 1410 Dodge. i J-747 SQUARE PIANO for sal cheap. Call Red 38 il or 2627 No. l."th St. Q 22x MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q-M52J CLEARANCE SALE of used automobile 19 Pope Toledo touring car, 1904 White Steamer, 1904 Stevens-Duryea runabout. Write for prices. Derlght Automobtt Co., 1818 Farnam St. Q M498 2 500 UNREDEEMED overcoats, 418 No. lOth. g-Mo.'O O 24 FOR SAIJ5 Fine quarter-sawed oak drug gist' prescription fixture; cost $:'25, will ell for $75, good a new. The Bennett Co, WALL shelvl.tg. suitable for cigar store, at a bargain. 2220 Cuming. Q M731 SO SEWING MACHINES for sale. Csll at . 1147 No. 18th St. 0.-7,15 80 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE. A first class stock of stationery for trade for a good farm. This stock i first class In every particular and no) trading proposition, but owner wants tot ell or trade at once. Located in a good town and doing a first class business. 1,800-acre ranch located in Garfield' county consisting of stock farm, ma chinery, horses, etc.; 200 acres of this la now under cultivation and in tame hay, and about 800 acres of wild hay; all fenced and a good proposition. Will trade for a small farm or other good property. For further particulars, write J. P. Falter. Plattsmouth. Neb. - Z M608 Ot REAL ESTATE FIRMS TAKE NOTICE. Will exchange 120 acres Dodge Co., Neb., land, unincumbered, two and one-half miles from thriving town for close In Omaha property. For particulars, address . C. B. REYNOLDS, Fremont, Neb. - - Z M62 SO FOR TRADE House ( rooms) and lot In Leeds, Sioux City, la., for Oklahoma City property. Address Beni. Thompson, 226 West Seventh street, Oklahrma, City,. Okl. Z-M748 Olx F YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will soon get It Z 633 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 3 second hand gasoline auto mobiles In perfect condition; being used every day. Owner buying new cars. One 3-cyiinder Ford; detachable tonneau, 8500; one 2-cylinder 16 h, p. Queen, slilo entrance tonneau,. 8650. H. K. -Wheelook, 2210 Farnam St. M-42S OS RAILWAY TIME CARD t'KlOlf STATIOS TESTH AMD MARC V (.'ton radge Leave. Arrlv. Overland Limited a 8:40 am a 8:18 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:16 pm a -10 pm Colo. V Calif. Ex.., a 4:15 pm a 8:30 urn California tk Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pin a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all :30 ant alO:4S pm Fast Mall a 1:65 pife a 3:30 pin Colorado Special a 7:46 any a 7:41 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:60 pm Beatrice Local b 8:15 pm b 1:00 pm Chicago, Rock, Ialaad at Paclfle EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:25 am a f:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall ....a 8:15 nm alO:10 pm Iowa Local ..bl3:10 pm b 9:55 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). a 4:05 pm a 1:45 pm Chicago (Iowa Llmit'di.a (:3a pm al2:10 pm ' WEST. Rocky Mountain Urn. ..a 6-38 pm a 3:15 pin Cola A Cel. Express. ..a 2-01 pm a 8:55 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. 4:40 pm al26pm' Colorado Fast Mall al0:15 pm a 7:35 am ' a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. - Chicago Great Western St. Paul tt Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:19 stn . bt. Faul t Minneapolis, t ilt am ll:&o rm ; Chicago Limited .. b:v pm : nm t meago j-.xpress Chicago Express Wabash - 7:46 am 11:60ptii' 8:30 pm 8:30 pm I St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 8:40 an t St. Lout Local (from i Council Bluffs, a 8:18 am al0:30 pm Stanbsrry IxmsI (from Council Bluffa) b 5:00 pm bll :30 am : Mlssoarl Pacific .. , St, Louis Express a 8:00 am a(:30 pm K. C. A St. L. Express. all :15 pm a 8:00 pm Chicago A Northwestern Cedar Rapids Pass a 7:05 am .a 6:05 pm Twin City Express a 7:50 am al0:00 pm ' Chicago Daylight a 8:0" am all 15 pm Chicago Local all :30 am a 3:46 pm Bioux City Local h8:6opin a 8:36 am Carroll Local a 4:82 pm a 8:60 am Sioux City Local b 3:45 pm ' Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am Fast Main a 8:23 pm a 8:80 am Fast Mull a 2:00 pm Twin City Limited a-S:25 pm a 7:05 am ' Overland Limited a 8:38 pm a 9:15 am Chicago Limited all :00 pm all:16 am Norfotk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am al0:S5 am . Lincoln-Long Pine b 7:40 am bio 35 am Dead wood -Lincoln a 8:00 pin a 6:06 pm Caaper-Shonahlnl a 3:00 pm a 6:05 pm ' Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm b 6:08 pm : Fremont-Albion b 8:03 pm bl2:40 pin .' Chicago, Mllvraake m St. Paal Chi. and Colo. Special. .a 7:65 am a 7:30 am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 6:45 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pin a 9:30 am Marlon A Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am bll:uo pm j Illlaola Central ; Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 3:55 ptn ' Chicago Limited a 6 00 pin a 7:80 am . BIRLIKGTOT4 STATION JOIh Jt Masoa Barllagtoa Leave. Denver A California.... 4:10 pm Blsrk Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special ......a 4:10 pm Northwest Express all:10 pin Nebraska Express a 9:10 am Nebraska Local a 8:00 ill Lincoln Locul Lincoln Fust Mail b 2:00 pm Ft. Crook A Plattm'h..b 2:60 pm Bellevue A piattam'h..a 7:50 am Denver Limited Bellevue A Pac. June. ..a 3:30 am Bellevue A Pac. June. ..a 9 10 am Chicago Special a 7:25 am Chicago Exprea a 3:45 pm Chicago Flyer a 8: pm Iowa 1-ocal a 9 15 am St. Louis Express 4:45 pm Kansas Clty-St Joe....10:45 pm Kansas City-St. Joe. ...a 9:15 am Kansas Clly-6t. Joe.... a 4:45 pm Arrive, a 3 .80 pm a ( 30 pm a 9 )6 am a (:30 pm a 7:40 pm a 9:06 am al2:30 pm bl0:25 am a i.ao am a 7:10 am a 8:30 am a 1 pin a 7:26 nm a 8:65 pm a 7:26 R'll a)0:53 pm all JO am a 8:45 am a 4:10 pm WEBSTER STATION lBlh A WEBSTER Chirac, Bt. Paal, Mlaaeasolls k Osaaha Icave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ,.b 6:30 am b 9:10 pro Sioux City Paenger...a 2:00 pm all:30am Fmeraon Local b 6 20 pm b 0:10 am Fmersou Loral c 8:46 am c $ 50 pm Sflaaoarl Paelge Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 1:50 pm bU SO pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, Sunday ooly. bally except Monday. if-' i '1 J 1 I' ss V.1