Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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TiU Aefcit U Liht Baori of VaItjm
il 6 null.
Frost Lattav aa r tootl.
' Kfcosae.-aat Crap la Oat ml
t Dtti-Wkrtt Seatl-
OMAHA, September, a, 1901.
f.VfiTlT ?hll Lr,,' wr steady, but the
P 2 iL fVTd, ofr unr ' trade, doe-
'"'T lr-dajr. General Senti
ment iMmi ta ha k .k .u.. - .
,?2LW . n favor of "" Du nobody
want to trade. Firm cables, un.
. t i injm Anniina ana a
imna were noted with pleasure
y the pull interests.
Export business ihnaa alanat nf linnnrl.
Ill A n t m i " t
fc.iU- 'rg nin or wheat and nour
elng reported. Prediction, are tor a
scalping market tomorcow.
.A5rn "' advanced slightly over yes
??i,r. tn voluma of trade being light.
Kecelpts Wer, , ,,., una,r tna ,stimate,
i. w'r hvlar than laat year, Frost
rPrl a far aouth a Kanaaa. but
J" wo"t'y out of danger.
.J mJ:rjr wheat receipt were 1.214,wOO bu.
md ahlpmenta WB.ftO bu.. sgslnst receipta
lfiJf'fr of ' u. and shipments of
bu. Corn receipts were Wl.noO bu.
and ahlpmenta 467.000 bu.. sgalnst receipts
of 430,000 bu. and ahlpmenta of
Ml.ono bu. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 363,64 bu., and were 2,308 bu.
coin and 440 bu. oata.
Liverpool cloned unchanged to d higher
Of) wheat and unchanged on corn.
Modern Miller aaya: "The black weevil
nas appeared In tha winter wheat held In
useks and blna by Mlaaourl and llllnola
farmers. Efforts are being made to de
stroy these pests by fumigation, but many
farmera. It la expected, will market their
holding rather than chance aerloua lose."
. The weekly Argentina' cable aald: "Th
i wheat market la firm, with a unlet de
mand. The wheat cron la doing well and
weather favorable. The corn market la
cssy. with poor demand. Arrivala from
the Interior, are amaller, with quality ssils
factory." Local range of optional
Artlclea.l Open.j High.! --m. I Cloaa.l Tss'y
c- V . .
i!s M',4 4 W,i WW4
49 9 6Ni7 08', 69
72 72T, 72H 72"), 72
42 41 414 42 42
74 n 74 r ith
ss as m4 isi4 u
Omaha Caah Halea.
CORN No. t, 1 car, 41c; No. 4, 1 car,
4H4c; no grade. 1 car, 40c.
OAT Standard, 1 car. tic; No. 3
white, 1 car. 32c; No. 1 color, 1 car. 31ic
Omaha Caek Prteaa.
WHEAT No. 3 hard, 7HHc; No.
1 hard. 57c; No. 4 hard, 20(c; No.
3 aprlng. 4J7Hc.
CORN No. 1, 4H442p: No. 4. 40'd1
41Hc; No. 3 white, 43Hfr43
OAT? No. :i mixed, iOH6 Jte; No. I
white, lieilr; No. 4 white, 1HH0.
RYE No. 1, SSV4C; No. 3, b4c.
Carlot Receipt.
Wheat Corn. Oata.
Chicago 66 ' 422 24
Krnaoa City J7 XI 37
Minneapolla 279 ...
Omnha, 20 41 M
Dulutli 434
HI. IOul t hi H 71
reaU area af tk Trad las aad Cloalac
Prleaa Baard Trade.
CHICAdO, Sept. 28. Profit taking by lo
cal longa caused moderate weakness in the
wheat market here - today, the December
P Mt&Ma. Oata were oft Vc rrovlalona
were JVi to 7M;lo higher.
Tha wheat market opened rather firm
because of a fair advance at IJverpooL
For a time the market waa quiet, owing
o a scarcity of ofTeringx. The market
waa also affected somewhat by . the con
tinued small movement In the aouthweet.
wether In the poring wheat country was
generally favorable for the movement and
report from 'Minneapolis stated that the
raiiroans, urged on ty protente from shlp
pera,, wera making Special effort to move
wheat that nad accumulated at country ata
tlona during the past week. These report
indicating a probable early Increase In re
ceipts at Mlnnoapolls and Dulutb, ap
parently Induced free selling of wheat here
during the laat hour. The remilt was a
gradual decline In price. pit traders
wera the principal seller, although there
was considerable selling by leading ram
rnlaslon houses. The market closed weak.
Oooember opened U to HW4e higher at
7644 to 7M475e, sold up to ?c, and then
declined to 75o. Final quotatlona were at
754Q7MiC. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 361,000 bu. Export for the
week as shown by Bradatreets Vera equal
t i 4.574.000 bu. Primary receipta were
1.224,000 bu., compared with 1,264,000 bu. for
tha corresponding time a year ago. Min
neapolla. Duluth and Chicago reported re
ce'P1.0' c- ainst 700 cars laat week
and W0 care a year ago.
A feature of trading In corn waa tha
liquidation of considerable special holdings
and a decline of nearly lc a buehel In the
price of that option. Tha weakneaa of
the September dtillvery. however, tolled to
nava much effect on other options, which
ruled firm all day. Trading In general
was quiet. The close waa weak for Sep
tember, but fairly firm for other montha.
Uocember opened unchanged to He higher
at 48W'4o to 414o, aold up to 43 4?H4c.
and closed at 4Je. Local receipts were
4a care, with 140 care of contract grade.
Oata wera firm early In tha dav, but
Inter eaaed off under pressure of offerings
from local longs. Prospects for a large In
crease In the movement In the near future
were- the main bearhrtt influence. Decem
ber opened a ahade to Uo higher at 3444i9
34c to S4Hc aold off to Mc. and ck?ed
' 34c. Local receipta were 24 oars.
Provisions wera firm In aympathy with
strength manifested In the market for live
hoga. An exception ta thla waa the October
product, which wera a trifle easier on
scattered liquidation. At the alone January
pork waa up 7Hfrl0o at flS.KXjjlS.82H. Lard
r'VlO.60 l7'2" Rlb W"' 2hlnr
Eatimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
.r"J corn- cr: . rs; bogs,
IS.oiio head. -
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. 1 aos.Tes'y."
!43,r'4 4SStH143ti,l 4lt3
143'-K, 4S!.4ei,4Sft;i
Vi'il 331'S4U4
84 H
MS! 4'4! M
Is 0
17 Oft
i m
is 2?
17 0ft
18 80
is r4
8 M
8 4!4
11 twtl
13 32V4,
is sr
3 36
3 35
3 M
3 M
3 40 I
4 715 I
7 074,1
8 3R
1 US
1 W4
3 4!l
3 4.'H
3 42H!
T 8?S
3 75 I
e JP:.
1 10 I
8 30 I I 30
8 36 I 8 S5
T mm T 10
8 S
8 334
T 07?
No. I
Cash quotations were s follows: ' '
FLOUR Firm; winter po tents. 33.80tr
140; winter straights. IS ootil ; spring pat
ents, 8S.703 : spring straights, 33.i-Jiik):
twkers, 32.Ot(s.80L
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 77fi2c; No S
sprlnr. 7ugxic; No 1 red. 7J,j;Sc.
CORN-No. 2. 4747c; No. f yellow, 47f
OATS-No. t. 34;e; No. I white, SVic:
No. 3 white. S2VviS4c.
RYE No. 2, ljj2.
U A RLE Y Good feeding. 3440c; fair "to
tlmlce mailing, 4r?2o.
SEEDSNo. I flax, 31.04H: No. 1 north
western, 81.10. Prime timothy, IS.hi. Clovr
rontrart grade, II!. 26 '
PHOVlsrKiN8-Stnirt ribs sides (loose!,
3H.7ufi1.eO. Meas pork, per hbl.. 117.00. Ijir l
(er i Die., 8.s5. Sliort kiear sltia (boaed)'
M7&m(.87H. r
Kolloauig were the receipt and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Flour, bbla M e H
Wheat, bu 4K.) H4"
Corn, bu 47.!Oj Xi T-
Outs, bu 37r.Ot
By, bu ll.fn )
Barley, bu 8Ji.?jO I'acO
On the Produce) exchange tdav tha but
ter market wa ateady: cteamerlcs. li
24c; dairies. 17-Sc. Kvw. steady; at
niark, cases Included, lin'liic; firsts r;
nui fltata. 33 He; extra. 3c Cheese, firm,
,l-'He. v
DalatkvOrala Market.
DULUTH. Sept. 13. WHEAT On track:
No. 1 hard, 7THc; No. t northern, 7tiV; No.
ftcrw fzrsz. Oc,ob"
""ii-id arrive and tnlmlifr, Kr.
BARLEY 87f)47c.
4taaatlaa af the Day Vrlaas
NEW YORK. Hept. 28 rLOl'R Re
ceipts, 11.824 hbl.; exports. 11.718 bole ;
tale. lo.20 pkgs.; market steady with
better demand for spring graoe.
Minnesota patenta, 34.114f4.4u; Minne
sota bakers. H.7t SO; winter patents, $-. 7!S V
4.10; winter straight, trfrOtjS.fri; winter
tra, ll.1S; winter low grades, .'.754r
IX. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 13'j
1.66; choice to fancy, SJ 704.00.
t lKNMEAly Mrm: fine white and vellow,
31 2r4rl. 30; coarse. 31.131.15; kiln dried, 32.7
4j 2. W.
. RYR-Steady; No. 1 western, 8V4c, c. I. f.
New York.
BARLEY-Steady; feeding, 4142c, c. I. f.
Buffalo; malting. 43c c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts. 43,000 bu.; sales,
2.100.000 bu. futures, 80.000 bu. spot;
exports, 187,824 bu.; spot market eaav;
No. 8 red, 734c, elevator; No. 2 red,
19 "40, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern,
Duluth, 87 He, f. . b. afloat; No. 3 hard,
winter, 83 He. f. a. b. afloat. Trade In
wheat waa less active today and after
a firm start, due to steady cables, It
esaed off, remaining; under bearlah In
fluences pretty much all day. Consid
erable selling by tired lonas was a fee..
tur Impelled by less bullish northwestJ
mm neavier Argentina snipments.
The rloae showed c net decline. Sales
Included No. 1 red. May, 88 (f IS He
closed 85c; September, 7l0c,
closed 74c; December, 824 0 83 S-llc.
closed 13 He.
CORN Receipts, 82,110 bu.: exports,
2.308 bu.; salee 80.000 bu. futures; 32,
J00 bu. spot. Spot market asy; No. 2,
I84e elevator and 34 Ho t. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 yellow, 38c; No. 3 white, 83 He
Options were steady all day on lighter
travelings and email receipta, 'except
September, which reflected manipulation
and waa easier. The close showed a
partial He net decline. May, 60Hc,
closed BOHc; September, 3H0t(Hc,
closed 83 He; December, 82 He, closed
12 He.
OATS Receipts. 180,000 -bu.; exports,
440 bu.; spot market steady: mixed, 21
to 35 pounds. 37 He; natural white, 30
to 38 pounds. 38t340He; clipped white,
38 to 40 pounds, 40O4o.
FEED Firm; spring bran. 320.10,
prompt shipment; middling, 331.10,
prompt shipment.
HAY Barely ateady; shipping, 8507Oo;
good to choice, 87H12Hc
,J2Es8"",,'r: state, common to choice,
10, 2l24c; 1&06, ll17c; 1804, nominal; Pa
cific coast, 1805, llijjTSc; 1804, 12c; oida, nom
inal. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25
pounds, 10c; California. 21 to 13 pounds,
1.ciT,, ar 24 to 30 pounda, 19c.
LEATHER Steady: acid, 217Hc
PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. 311 .60
11.00: mess. 38.00tJ8.00; ' beef
hams. 821.0012.6O; packet, 3lO.O0ffllO.6O;
city extra India mesa, 318.00 18.50. Cut
meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 310.2&ifl2.fii");
Pickled shoulders, nominal: pickled
hams. 311.60011.00. Lard, steady; western
prime, 8Oi6. 10; refined, steady; conti
nent. 31 100; South America, 310.25; com
pound. 17.12HlM.87Hc. Pork, bsrely steady;
family 8)8 00.18.60; short clear. fki.603U 60;
mess, 31 8. 261 8.75.
TALLOW Firm ; city ( per pkg.). Ws;
C9"ntry (pkgs. free, IHWicV'-
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, SH
gtc; Japan, nominal.
19BtTTTER Firm; western creamers- flrsts,
CHEESE Firm; state full cream, email
fancy, lac; aute fair to good, 12im2Hc;
,wlS.Ja 'ney. ISc; state fair to good,
LS?U,C Ute inferior, lOHCUHc; skims,
EGOS Strong; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy aeleoted white, 82(5 S3e; Penn
sylvania and nearby fancy aelected choice,
Sialic; Pennsylvania mixed extra, 2-c;
western first 22fc24c (official prloe. S4c;
western seconds, 225 JSc. . .
NEW YORK. Sept tt.-SUOAR-Raw.
steady; fair reflnlng. 3 lc centrifugal, M
test, 4 l-16e; molasses Sugar, 3 6-16c; re
fined, quiet; crushed, 6.70c; powdered, 6.10c;
granulated, 8.00c
COFFEE-Steady; No. 7 Rio, 84o.
St. Laala Geaeral Market.
. S VP11!8, ,P'pt- WHEAT-Higher;
track. No. 1 red cash, 76875Hc; No. 3 hard.
d'&'74c; December, 73H6HHc; May. T7Hc.
COR N Firm ; track. No. 3 cash. 46Vif7o:
whUe? HBHct01 Mr WW- '
OATS Firm; No. I caah, 84c; December,
34Hc; May, 8M4c; No. 3 white. S635Hc.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 31.40
4T8.70; extra fancy and straight, 3S.10fli
3.23; clesr, 82.2OS.70. U
" SEEDS Timothy, steady, 13.6O&4.00. "
CORNMEAL Stsdy, 32.60. .
BILAN Firm; sacked, east track, 8082o.
rleOM'uw'' t'raot'1Jr "OOS'lS.OO; pral-
BAOOINQ 8 l-16c.
PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; jobbing.
13.50. Lard, ateady; prime steam, I8.47H
Dry salt meata steady; boxed extra shorts,
39.60; clesr ribs, 39.62H; short clear. 39.75.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra short s, $10.25;
clear ribs, 310.S7H; short cler, 310.50.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 11c; springs
12c; turkeys, 13c: ducks, 8Hc; geese, 6c.
BUTTER Firm ; creamery, 302ttc; dairy,
EOOS Firm at 17Ho, case count.
Receipta and shipments of flour and
grain were as follows:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls s.ono n ro
Wheat, bu 66.000 Sl.COO
Corn, bu 67,010 46.000
Oata. bu. ............. 78,000 64,000
Minneapolis Gcla Market.
patents, 34.20$4.S0; second patents, 14.100
4.20; first clears, 38.2643.86; second clears,
f2.402 6i).
BRAN In bulk, 813-0013.25.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations for
Minneapolla and Chicago delivery). The
range of prices as reported by F. D. Day
at Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, waa:
Articles. J Open. Hlgb.j Low. Close.
Sept. .
Dec. ..
May ..
Sept. .
Oct. ..
Nov. ,
Dec ...
744 744 74H 74H
74H 747, 74V 74H
71H'Sj 78 78H 78H
1 IS 1 11 1 12 1 12V
12 1 11 I10S 1 lOiJ
111 1 11 1 10H 1 11
1 10 1 10 1 03 1 08
Minneapolla Caah Cloe Wheat : No. 1
northern. TTfic; new, 77Ho; to arrive, 7Hc;
No. 3 northern, 7b'o; to arrive, 74Hc; No. 8.
73 4ff74He; No. 1 durum. 34Hc; No. 3 durum,
2c. Corn: No. 8 yllow. 4Hc; No. 3. 44c.
Oats: No. 3 white. 31c; No. 8, 28Vc.
Br'y'- .Ke"c Ry: 66H)67c. Flax:
Cash, 31.10.
Kaasaa City Orala mm Pravlsloaa
September. 6sHc; December, SHc; May
7a,V; lh: No. 1 hsrd. 8Hfi-72c; No. t!
3.ji71c: No. 3 red. 70H; No. 3. ti5Hc.
CORN September, 42Ho; December. $8We
May, SKHc. Cash: No. 8 mixed, 48Vo: No
2 white, 4fiH0r,c. '
OATS-No. 2 white. 35SS6c; No.' 1 mixed
32c. '
HYE Steady. 664167c '
HAY Unchanged to 60c higher; choice
timothy. $12.Mi2AO; choice prairie. 3.oo
KOaB Firm; extris. 21e;. firsts. 30!; case
count, eecond. ISHc.
BUTTER Creamery, 24c; packing, lHe
.... . . Receipta. Shipments.
Wheat, bu lM.ono itaooo
Corn, bu zi.ouo io.o0
Oats, bu 12.000 10 000
l-lverpoal Orala mmm Pravlalsaa.
LIVF;RPOOU Sept. M.-WHEAT-s'pot,
rrm; No. 3 red weatern winter. 6s luHd
futures quiet; September, ta 8Hd; Decem
ber. s Hd: March, 8 Wd.
:ORN Spot. . firm; Amertcan mixed, 5a
Futures unchanged; December, 4a Sid
January, new, 4a lHd.
4HIl4'ndfl0 C"t- Cr0Pl 4
vfir Arttrr uui i a . . . " .
irm'.i"'.r western creamery, offlt
r V J ' " ' -. -c; extra ne
nPlnil nlA
EOUS Firm, nearby freali, Uc. at mnr
CHEE8E-Nw York full cream, fan
i-JHirtt, ieir i gooa, U'Ul.'
Pearls Q.rala Market.
Plr50RIA. III.. Sept. 23 -CORN-Stesdy
No. 8 yellow and No. 3. c; No. 4. 5,c:
no grade. 444e.
OATS Higher; No ! white, 334.C- No. 1
white. SSHc; No- white. 2c.
RYB Firm; No. 2, 8?li3c.
WHI8KY-)n the baaia of 31. 18 for the
finished goods.
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
1 northern, 7ie4o; No. 1 northern, 7Sfi.;:
December. 7iVc.
ttfORN-No. cash. 4W48e; Dwamber,
R YB No. 1. SH04c. .
BARLEV-No. i, tec; sample, ISgWa.
grkct is TJadsr Piewara wnioh t't Timss
BtooniM Aonto.
lavage Oaslaaaat aa Over-Esteaaed
S hart taterest fa a sea (harp
Advaaee Maaey Candltloaa
tha Feat a re.
NEW YORK. Sept. 28.-Btorke were un
der pressure sgnln todsy, which beoatne
acute at times, but were interrupted by
occsslonal rallies when the bear traders
detected a slackening In the selling and
bought to cover shorts. A savage on
slaught on the over-extended short in
terest caused the violent recovery at last.
The high opening was a direct result
of the order of the Treasury department
rilacing 326.KJO,ono of government deposits
n national banka at different points
throughout the country. ' The high prtcea
were Immediately taken advantage of to
sell stocks In' realisation . of profits, and
thla movement continued at Intervals for
the rest of tha dsy. The early rise In the
call money market caused arprehensmn
that there would be a flurry later In the
day despite tha government deposits with
the banka. Operations were apparently
going on for the heavy demand to be met
on Monday for the payment of dividends
and interest and for Increaae of caah re
serve of the loan companies. Loans were
called on quite a large basis snd bidding
became rather urgent for renewals. Sev
eral million dollars were plsced In the
loan market, however, by tha National
City bank, and these offerings kept the
rate down. . The effect of this action on
specula I va aentlment waa Impaired to a
degree by the special weakness of St.
Paul, Union Pacific and Amalgamated
Copper In the market, concentrated selling
of these stocks, giving an Impression of
the liquidation of an important speculative
Cool. Sentiment is quick to be influenced
y movements in any stock reputed to be
a medium for market operatlona by the
recognised groups of great capitalists.
Tha method of relief for the money mar
ket chosen by tha treasury authorities
did not give entire assurance of Its ef
fectiveness for meeting the needs of the
stock market. The wide distribution
of the deposits likely to be assumed
militate against an overflow In the New
York money market. It was not forgot
ten, also, that the depositary banks are
under admonition from -the secretary of
the trenaury to see that government de
posits do not find their way Into the New
York csll loan market, where It was as
sumed they would be employed In stock
market speculation. The effect of the
treasury order was pronounced, however,
in tha time money market and -opinions
were expressed by brokers In that market
that a return to a 3 per cent level for
time loans was an early probability. For
eign money markets were also favorably
affected by the Washington action, and
discounts rallied In the London market,
advancing In Parle and Berlin. The effect
was to lift foreign exchange rates early
in the day, but they yielded again later.
Estimates of the currency 'movement in
dicated that the loss on sub-treasury
operations had been supplemented to the
extent of over 33,000,flo0 by the movement
to the Interior on balance on the express
movement. The immediate condition of
the banks Is less considered than tha large
money operations on next week.
The bears were persistent sellers during
the day and prices were evidently punished
In the sudden snd violent turn In the msr
ket In the last half hour.. This was caused
principally by the seeming probability that
points of difference over the ore lands
negotiation between the Orest Northern
and the United States Steel corporation
had been adjusted, making an announce
ment of the terms 'Imminent. The recov
ery in the general -list did not extend gen
erally beyond last night's level of prices.
The closnlg waa feverish and Irregular. -Bonds
were irregular. Total sales, par
value, 31.8n2.00O. United States 2s declined
14 ner cent on csll.
The following was the range of prices on
tha New Tork Stock exchange:
Sals. High. LoV. Clee.
A4sm ExarsM n. rrt
Amalgamate Copper 10.400 111 . 10SV4 lit
Amer. Car sad Foaniry M.KK) 44 4
4o pM ion lot ioi lonvt
Asiar. Cotton Oil l.soo U 4
4o pM
Amor. Eiprm ink u 24i 24
Amer. Hid A Leather pfd tns Xt4 H K
Amor, loo geeurltlo ..,., T.J00 t t
Amor. Llsosed Oil., Jo
- o pf4 t4
Amor. Locomotive I, too T4 7 7V
,. PM 111 111 110
Amor, gmoltlng A Refining tl.soo lfil lMtu, UVi
4o pM 1.400 114 111 114
Amor. Sugar Romiing...... 1,! lH 134 1.141
Amor. Tobareo pfd ctfa.... 00 lv Mi M
Anaronda Mining Ce 11,900 ll t1t 181
Atchison io.joo 106 104 iob
0 fd too 101 ioo iou
Atlantle Coast Line 1.J00 140 ljou.
Baltimore A Ohio li,50t 111 110 111
do- pfd , tt
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.... ls.loo T7 7 7
Canadian Paclflo lu 1 Hi
Central of Now Jersey 100 las II 16
Chesapeake A Ohio 1,00 (3 (1 ('
Chloaao Oroat Western (00 17 17 17J
Chicago A Northwestern., two K)S 106 807
C . M. it. Paul 41,400 174 170 171
Chloaao Torm. at Trans.... lot 11 H a
do pfd J?
C., C. C. St. Louis too 13 i" 3
Colorado Puol and Iron.... ll,too 64 n 14
Colorado A Southern...... (00 17 uu u
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd , 100 11 ' io" uu
Consolidated Gas 1.700 140 111 jss
Corn Products rfg 1. 000 10 20 ' n
do pld rfg.. 100 76 T6 76
Dataware 4 Hudson 1,(00 lit tM l?l
Del.. Lack. A W.tera... .... . Ill
Denver A Rio Orsndo 400 ii 41
do pfd , , 14
Distillers' Securities 1.400 -71 70t4
' JJ 77 7 14
do M pfd too u e
rXlJ:::::::::::, m m
In'p.::::::::::" ti
o pfd ... r. " ;;;; J,H
low Central
VP' Mo i" io 60
Loulavlll"'Na,nTiii;::.': 1,'ioo 147 146 li?
Meslcsn Contra! 400 i2 tnI li,.
mi,., a gt. loui...::. :::: ?t jj ?
d.fdp .?r.".'.'.'": 1: ,0 l" ,4
Mlaaourt Pa'ciflo' I.'ioo iu mu 'mS
do pfd J ino 70 ttZ MU
Natlosal Load 170, l
Si R" ? S'nlea 4 47 i
Norfolk A Wester 1.100 2 Uu.
do pfd
North America
faoldo Mall
Peoplfs Os
Hub., C, C. A St. L
Pressed Steel Cor
do pfd
Pullman Paler Car :.
do 1st prd
do Id pfd
Republic stool
do pfd
Rock Ulead C
do pfd
St. L A S. P. Id pfd
St. Louis Southwsstora...
ds prd
Southern Pacltto
i si
M 7 U 17'
M.400 141 lltii in .j
OS U l
00 14 14 tl
4 tt 64
i .... stJ
, 0 111
1.4U0 141 144 14,,.
100 U M M
l.ooi ri ik"- k
1.J0J M 14 U
600 6'4 44. hZ
4 44 44
m V 61 17? 7u
114. WO tIS. -wJ
sh kaifwav::::::::: h
old.8pfdU.r" 52 si-?
Br,r.r w
V. S. Eipross
I'. S.,
l'a"'sfs"bb,f ,:iii " il
e:::e-;tt- v
& S. 'h
Wesilnghoue Eloctrto '
Westers t'sloa 'iii :; "
Whoeltns A L.b. ' 88 M
Wlereualn Coniiwt aoo ii " . i;;; ..
do p(d , ?2 "
Northera PaclSe ,112 ., ',
Lentral Leather
do pfd
sioas-soesield M i." "J
(irwt Mart hers ptd 14 iZ lis?
lucrkorough Motrpoilt,.:: IK ju
do ptd
Kl-dirtdeud. eosored.'
. . . bM , .
Tuiaj sales tor the day, 1.471,iU tMt
ew lark Sflalasr Slacks
IZJL1' notation.
Adam Cea Is
JUI Cklsl ..
Alloc 160
Breece Is
Brusiwlrk Cm M
Cometock Tusssl .... li
Cos. l ssd Vs..;. U
Horn SIlTsr 1M
tree tll'er stw
LsadTllls Co t
.. I
.. II
.. IS
blerre Nevada
Small Mopes
Bank Clearlag.
OMAHA. Sept. 28.-Bank clearings for to
dsy were snd for the correspond
ing date last year I..3 U.
Treasarr Stateaseai.
WASHINQTON. IVpt. 18.-Today s state,
ment of the treasury balance In tb gen-
eral fund, exclusive of the 3lWi.,oft gold
reserve shows: Availalrfe cssh bs lance,
l.'l. 00.724; gold coin snd bullion. 3132.e.
827; gold certlflcstes. 843.mi50.
' Xew York Maavy Market.
NEW TORK Sept. TA MONET Oh call,
strong at 4SaT per cent; ruling rate, 4
per cent; closing bid. 4'4i per t-ent: offered
at 8 per cent; time loans, easier; sixty snd
ninety days, SMj per cent; six months, 8H
per cent; prime mercantile paper. IMF? pet
cent. " "
actual business) In bsnkers' bill at 34 83.-VK3
4.81 for d-mand and at 34 71 rOfl 4 7 . for
stxty-dar bills; posted rates. 48tHfi4.8l and
44H; commercial bllla, 34.7JV
SILVER Bar, 87T,c; Mexican dollars,
2Hc. .
BUNDS Government and railroad, irreg
ular. quotations on New Tork bonds todsy
were as follows
f s. rof. H. rsg
do ooupoa
t. . Is. r-,
do coupon
V. S. old 4. reg
de eswpo ,
V. S. sew 4s. rsg.
de coupes..
Am. Tob. 4s
do s
Atchison gen. 4s.
do sd). 4s
Atlantic C. L. 4s
Japan . 3d series ..10
do 4s, ctfs
do Id eerles M
do 4e. ctfo M
L. A N. ant. 4s let
.'lMjMka- r. gold 4s. ..101
.111 ' "
ill I do lot ISC
nu'Mlnn. A St. L 4s
:m?i-.. i . ...
R. R. St M. c. 4s.
H. Y. C. tn. ts.. l
V. 4s 10,1
N .J. C. gen. is. ...114
No, Pacific 4s 104
do Is 7lt
N. A W. c. Is 100
Ore. s. L. rfg. 4s.... 14
Penn. ct. Id. ,. . . .10",
Reading gsn. -4.... M
St. U A 1. M. e. ts..lil
St. L. A 8. P. fa. 4s. 13
s v
rk. R. T. re. 4s.... l
t-ontrni ,f 0,. is... .
' 'do 1st Inc
, 00 rs nte.. uu
"1 a
q. . is!
c. r. 1. P. 4s.
JjBt. L. S. W. e. 4. 71
"H Sssboard A. L. 4s.... N
" So. PsclMc 4s
Cols. Ind
is. ssr a eaT ""T ' M
,f i!.T - w. 4. i
Colo. Mil
" r. o.
filst. Sees, i,."
" prior Ilea -4s.
do ga. . 4s.....'
Jock. Vsl.'4s...
Japan ss ...... .
j-'s inion rscine 4e 1(12
,ll. R. Steel Id Is.... WU
!Wshs.h lets 114
do deb. B 71
,? IWostsrn Md. 4...... 14
M;W. L. sj. 4, ,7m
1W, Wl. Central 4 11
BseB Keeki aad, Boads.
cen? TPnl' iB'pt- -CH loans. Mf7 tr
ouotti,,m.' J0"8, J7 cen- Closing
?oI?owi" lOCk and. " wera as
Atchison sdj. 4s...
do sdj. 4a
Mcs. PmImi Am
M lAtlsstls .........
100 Blnghsm
' Csl. A Hoc la
'00 Copper Range ....
t40 I rial Wat
... 11
... S4
... (4
... 71
... H
... 13
... 11
... lf
... 1
... 11
... 1
... U
... 14
... M
... 11
... S3
... 11
... M
.. II
... M
... 4
... M
do pfd
Bneton A Alnsnr,.
nnMiw SV u.iu , . ,
Boston Klovsted Il.ilM
Pltchbur pfd
N. Y., N. H A H
Psrrs Harqustts ..
tnton Papist
isle Royalo
Mass. Mining ....
Mohawk .
.. II
.. M
.. II
.. 14
.. It
Am. Arso. Cbom!
Mont. Coal A C.
Old Dominion ..
do pfd
Am. Pnou. Tube.
Am. Sugsr
do nfd
IQulncy ,
Am. TJ. A Tsl..
Am. Woolsn
Shannon .........
Pom. Iros ft'siaei'.:
. I
united Copper ...
V. B Mining
IT. A Oil
Edison Klec. 111..
Mses. Electrle ....
do pfd ,.
Mass. Oas
t'nltsd STult ....
I'nl ted Shoe Mack...
do nfd
. 1
TOU! Viet rt
101 WolT.rlno
7 North Runs
rl, Butte Coalition .
f. S. Stool
. 44
do pfd
Adrenture ...
Alloues .............
. 19
, I
. 14
Call A Aril
'Arls. Comswrelsl..,.: 17
tendon Closlag Stocks.
.LOcDiN 8Lpt- -Clnoln quotation en
the Stock excharree vm
Consols, money , IM.. K. A T..
, 17
. 14
, 71
do account
!. T. Central
.. 14
..1 01
Norfolk A W.
do nfd .
do pfd j
B. A O
Canadian Pacific
Ph.. a, nHi
Ont. A Wsstsrq.
Psnsrylianla ......
Kan a sunss
Chicago o. w.::
. 46Rosdts u..,, 71
18 Southern By ....... 17
'.. M. m St. P..
DsBscrs .,
D. A R. O
do vJA .
..llOul do Bfd
inoutnorn partao
. rr
. 7
. 4d
. o
. 4
... 44
... 4
... 7
... 71
L'nlon Paclflo
Brio i
OjA Ifi ....
U. S. Stool
do 1st pfd......
do id pfd
Illinois Central
do- nfd . . .
Wabash ....
do nM'
L. A N
'Spanish 4a
, V ' " 11. tin o. ...,,..,
ISCuUN'irt-The tute of discount in ths
open market for abort bllla la 4U per cent
for three months' bills, 4 per cent.
Boilos Copper 9iarket.
.Closing quotations on Boston copper mar
ket reported by I.ogan A Bryan, 2 Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
AdToaturs , 1 Michigan 14
Alloues M Mohawk t
Atlantic ... 11 Norada Consolldsted.. 1
Blnghsm .: .34 North Butte
Black Mountain Old Dominion ....... 60
Bseton Consolidated.. II Osceola 111
Butte Coalition II Pnou. Sei-rica 14
Calumet A Arllona..l1l Pnou, Berries, pfd... 11
Calumet A Hecla....7l Qtilncy 7.... M
Csntennlsl 13 Shannon 11
Copper Range 77 Tamarack
Dally Wset 11 Trinity . 11
East Butts 10 Vnltsd Fruit 10
Prsnklln f. t6 fnlted States, com.. 40
Oreens Cpper N I'sltsd Ststss. pfd.... 4
Oranby I II t ub Consolldstod ... 44U
HsWetla 4 t'tsh Copper ,.i
Isls Royal 10 Vlctorta 1
L. S. A Pittsburg.... 11 Winona fu
Massachusetts 1 Wolrerln 141
Foreian Financial.
' LONDON, Sept. 28.-Money was In good
demand and supplies wers reetricted In the
market today., Discounts were a shads
anaafaokna Teoillni M t3 A 1. s
'ju.fct but prices were firm. Secretary
Shaw's acttbn In asHUtlng the money mar-
Waa Sisanat Vi a .A il.. . a. - . Dww(is,iiirritru iuo rrcrni more nopeilll
feellnr. resardinr the outlook here and
caujcd a material Improvement In consols
and gilt edged securities generally, but the
nnql quotations were below the best of the
Hhv A murlnu nai har.Af1tAA u
v....a. wvuiinru 8 '8 1183 aHIIie
tause. received strong support In the fore-
nnnn anil rns A .i j i
aw ,v a ''TiBtuertiuiy BDOVe
parity, especially Atchison. Topeka A
fin r r ia TTsa m nH i"an ls m u 1 aa J "
- v vsiimuiaii M. aWlllU, III) MllCr
reaching, a new record. In the afternoon
lh. hmivanv nrr.Hw...Jt .11 . 1 .
V, imiuimoi uiiin me receipt
- ; - "i 1 '""f. nnit-irwuB ac
companied by aelling order, when the mar
ket r 1 1 m mjn r m..A r, A n ,
j v.'.nviu wcsk. r oreigners
a,ra ..nll u v I. ( 1 1 . -. .
- jru,vn, wmcn fans
supported freely. The new Russian loan
closed at t per cent discount. Copper
... "r,rI pn imperials os
of 19"4. closed at 103.
BERLIN. Sept, s.-Prices on tha Bourse
today wera firm.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Sent. .-WOOTThe ommer.
cial Bulletin of this city, basing Its report
upon statistics gathered for the govern
"IT1, .wil say tomorrow: A good volume
of business Is being done In territory fleece
aofl Australian woola. Three-eighths Is the
particularly active grade In both domestic
and foreign. Merchants are pleaaed with
the situation, feeling that a satisfactory
fall and winter trade la practically assured
and that at pricea about the same as are
now ruling. The London auction, which
naa developed more strength than waa ap
parent at the opening on Tueeday, 1 hav
ing a beneficial effect on Boston values.
Toe demand for territory wool Is confined
to no grade, although three-eighths Is the
strongest and most active. Sales are being
made In grades and original packages.
Une medium Nevada and Utah bringa 28
4i24c. or SS70e scoured. Three-eighths
Idaho has recently made a good movement
at CTHJt&c. fine staple is on a clean basis
of 74j,5c. fine medium tip to Toe. fine cloth
ing 7(672c, tine medium anil half-blood 689
70c. three-eighths 6V,i7a and quarter-blood
846c. Further sales of eight months are
being put through at 14c. or about sc
scoured. - A small transfer of staple No 1
Oregon was made at 72f73c. Several hun
dred bales of Red Bluff. California, were
taken at 3rVj26Hc or 67ttc clean. The de
mand for thiee-clghths fleeces continues
unabated, while half-blood Is only In good
request. Delaines has been sold ahead but
quarter-b'ood la quiet, although firm. Three,
eighths Ohio brings 34jU4c and half-blood
Mty&ase. Quarter is held at 87o and fine
unwashed at 28c. Michigan three-eighths
Is moving freely at 83rf3c and half-blood
ft- JVtii3c. The shipments of wool from
Uoston to date from December i7 1905 ac
cording to the same authority, are lal' 837
M6 lbs., as against 178 92R.44S at the aam'e
time last year. The recelnte tn h.i
233.103.Oo7 lbs., aa against 1.2u8.077 for the
same period last year. ,
Iawuu?. rpi. a. wool The offering
at the auction Bales today amounted to
14.S3 bales. Merinos were In active de
mand. Cross breds brought out spirited
competition between borne and American
buyers, the former look medium and course
grades. Faulty lambs' wool declined 10 prr
ct-nt below the July price. Cap, of Q.vjd
Hope and Natal aupera. snow whiles and
good greasy were firm, but short greasv
sold in buvors' favor. Following are the
sales In detail: New South Wal,s, art
bales; scouted, lt(la lOtl; greasy. 6061s 'iM
Queensland. l,ou bales: scoured la Idtj
2s MJ; greasy. M Is. Victoria. 1.7W bales;
scoured. Is 8diils.lld: greasy, ls&ls 3d
South Australia, lot) bales: srreawv tu'
I West Australia. 100 bales: greasy, 7V,C8.d!
i aaiiiw ma, iwin; sruurtd, J8 SO . ' IS 1 '
greasy, d4ris Hd. New Zealand. 6 Sfsj baies:
acoured. Udftia )Hd; greasy. iUd'nl sud
Cape of Good Ho and Natal. V&iiO bales
scoured. Is tfcdfcis UHd; greasy, 4Hfilld.'
River Plata, wO balea; scoured. 6W&Td
greasy. 7djl 2d
ST. LOl lS, Sept. 23.-WOOL Steady; me
dium grades, combing snd clothing
fee; light rtne liiic; heavy flue. Ufll7c;
tub washed, 12. . ' . " '
Vsrj Litrht Ens f Ctttls, GeBrl
About Btetdy.
Liberal Receipts at Sheep aad I .oaths
top a FrlaarPrlcea Steady lap
tha Day, hat Lower
(or the Week.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. , 1803.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Shtep.
Official Monday 1.688 8.W .47
Official Tuesday 1.059 3.777 33. M0
Official Wednesday 3.631 l.MT 17.4.3
Omclal Thursday 3.1S4 4 413 .7
Official Friday 1.750 80 8.770
Flvs dass this week..27.1M 11.213 3,irS
Same daya last week.. 23.397 23.4 W.5L3
Same two weeks ago....22.6! 2.456 71.470
Sams three weeks ago. .27. 41 2H.410 70, '
Pamo four weeka ago... 23.07 S3.8H0 47.521
Snme days last year.....82l 22.674 7J.607
The following table ahows the receipts
of rattle, hoga and sheep at South Omalta
for the year to date, compared with last
year: ions. tDnft. Inn.
Cattle ; 7.408 s.,747 J9.Kd
Hogs l.JfH.iMft l.Mw.241 1S.SlH
Bheep 1.3M.658 1.26.436 13.233
Oood to cholca corn-ted steers.. ..35.75r..S
Fair to good corn-fed steers..
Common to fair corn-fed steers... 4.8ovl.2e
Good to choice range steers 4 !fi.1o
Fair to good range steers 4O04.(O
Common to fair range steers...... 3.ty4
3nod grass cows And heifers...,. 44
Fair to good cows and heifers.... 3 Ml 16
Common to fair cows and heifers.. l.Vft.V
Good to choice Blockers and fdrs.. 4.f94.B0
Kalr to good stockers and feeders.. 3 3MH "0
Common to fair stockers S.Tbfrl 30
Bulla, stags, etc 2.4(iW3.75
Veal cslves 4.0Offf,.0O
Tha following table shows ths average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. 1808. liy.19rj4.lI0S.!19O2.m.130O.
Sept. 19..
Sept. 30..
Sept. 11..
Sept. it..
Sept. 33..
Sept. 34..
Sept. 26..
Bept. ..
Sept. 27..
Sept. 28..
01V, I 18 t 74 I 71 T 871 1 13
608 889180 TS8877I12
3 11H 8 80 1 81 1 81 86 I 23
6 13.32l7oBfT4 131
I 8 2 8 76 1 7 7 SO 9
I 17 t 78 7 74 1 67 6 34 I 14
6 17H 5 3S e S r 7 B5 6 ti 1 14
6 lv (24 IT 70 7 36 6 75 I 16
30. S 1 8 87 7 84 6 7s f 15
I 18 I 74 I 69 81 1 16
Sunday. .
The nfllclat ni'imKA .1 riMb WM..ka
In todsy by each road was:
. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r s.
C, M., V St. P. By.. .. 3 ..
Mo. Paclflo Ry 9 1 ;.
Union Paclflo system 6 14 8 ..
C. A. N.W.Ry, EastK .. ' T " .. ..
C. N.W.Ry. (West) .. 17
C Kit It X O D S
-- - - v. a a . . ,,
C B. eV Q. (East) 4
C.. B. Q. (West)... 49 1 t
C..R.I. P. Ry.(West) .. ;3 .......
Illinois Central 1 , ..
Chicago Great W ,. 2 .. ..
Total receipts..'.... 6 57 23 .
Tha disposition of tha day' receipta waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the Dum
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 117 443 830
... tn ; 8i ...ow
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift Co ,
Cudahy Packing Co
4o 1X1 070
Armour V Co 291' 1,036
Cudahy P. Co., from K. C 70 ....
Vanaant & Co 11 '
Cnrey A Benton 99 ....
W. I. Stephen i... 1
Hill Son 88
F. P. Lewis.. 41
Hamilton At Rothschild.. 6
LI F. Hues 7
J. H. Bulla 21
Mlkn Haggerty 8
T. B. Inghram 6 ,
Sullivan Brothers 23 .... . ...
Other buyer , i.. 267 .... 1U72
Total......: ...1,629 3,530 14,195
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were small,
as nauaktm a Friday, there being hardly
enough on sale to really make a market.
For the week to date the receipts have been
quits liberal, the total showing a nice gain
over the corresponding days of last week,
but still falling short of ths record of a
year ago by several thousand head.
There wera not enough beef steers of any
kind to make any teat whatever of the
market. The total supply, so far as could
be observed, consisted of one or two losds
of western range steers and four or five
loads of corn-feds. With so little stuff
In sight, buyers did not seem to feel that
It was hardly worth bothering with and
msds very little attempt to buy It. In
other words the market was extremely slow
and dull, with very little doing. Oood corn
fed steers are steady for the week, with
common to medium grades generally a little
lower. Range steers are generally lOtjj'lSc
lower, with common to medium kinds as
much as lOtJOc lower.
A considerable proportion of the day's
receipts consisted of cows, there being one
string of twenty cars of the Swan cattle.
The market, as usual on A Friday, was very
slow and dull, buyers apparently being
pretty well filled up and not being at all
eager for any fresh supplies. It was. In
other words, a drag from start to finish
For the week cows and heifers are gen
erally 154326c lower.
. There wera very few stockers and feeders
and the trade on that kind of cattle was
also slow. The market for the week on
the best kind of feeders haa been very
good, cattle of that description having
sold as high aa any time thla year. On the
other hand the general run of common
to medium grades of feeder are lOttfSo
Representative sales:
ww w a.
I ..
At. fr.
MS I 4 V
......1124 1 io
100 S
MM 8 W
, 410 I i s)
III 111
Mi 1 71
, MO 1 71
21 I 74
704 8 li
47 1 84 I
114 I 10 1
1410 IN 1
144 t TO I
tM I 00 T
844 8 84
...14 2
...14k) t tS
tot 8 M
SSO 4 u
..7 in
1 calf...... 240
6 00
6 calve.... 2P1 I CD
'6 cowa 646
T feeders.. 1164
3 70
3 75
1 30
1 25
4 feeders.. 871 1 40
1Z heifer.. 91 2 75
( cows.
I cow.
o6 t 70
3 cows..
10 cow.,
i cow..
977 I 50
9 U 3 34
1330 1 10
16 cowa..
3 76
8 00
8 cows..
2 bulls..
24 cows...,
. 923
3 66
10 cows. ....,960
1 bull 140
U feeders.. 1131
8 cowa...sVltfe3
I feeders.. 622
1 90
2 10
13 steers..
. 72s
. J6
3 60
3 16
2 feeders.
16 coi..
3 65
1 on
17 cows
617 2 60 2 feeders.. 400 ITS
31 feeders..
8 cows
11 cows
973 1 60
A. B. Stulkry Neb.
948 3 75 12 cows 367 I 71
1130 8 66
36 steers.
D. M. Oonsley. Nebraska.
34 cowa 1U&) 2 80
Diamond Cattle Co.. vyomlng.
7 calvea... 234 4 49 feeders.. 9S6 I 7s
4 feeders.. 96 8 26
Home Bros.. Wyoming.
49 cows 9 3 36 21 cows 1094
6 feeders.. iHO its'
N. McDonald, Wyoming.
30 feeders.. 1084 4 16 19 cows 1106
R. P. Allen, Wyoming.
24 cows 10M 8 40
J. F. Vuagnlaux Wyo.
47 cowa 837 3 90 3 cows U98
6 feeders.. 878 8 60
Byrsnt A K., South Dakota.
16 cowa lull 3 06 10 steers... .lit
1 10
4 00
McCauley A Bhaw, Montana.
8 steers.. ..1271 4 10
8 steers.. ..1287 4 10
4 feeders.. 10.1 8 80
( feeders.. 94 8 60
I steers.. ..136.1 4 10
11 St4sers....l366
13 steers.. ..lit
4 steers..
4 steers. ...tilt
I 10
3 81)
8 60
3 8o
8. L. Lewis. Idaho.
17 yearlngs 631 I 40 87 cows fr'A 1 70
27 ;ows 666 2 M 12 heifers... 613 t 65
16 feeders.. 916 3 80 11 ralves... 360 3 80
t calves... 378 1 86 6 feeders., list 3 26
HOGS Tti receipts of bogs this morn.
Ing were small, the same ss they have
been all the week and the trade waa with
out any very new or Interesting features.
On tha opening speculators and shippers
paid what might possibly b termed A little
stronger prices, but ths general market
was not more than steady and it was
poastble tn point to aome weak spots. The
trade as a whole was slow and the forenoon
waa very well advanced before anything
like a clearance was effected. One choice
toad of hog aold up to 36 46. hlch waa
higher tlian anything brought yesterday.
nejiiHCBtitiv sates
..It 7
. f44
gs. rr.
4 I t
4 I M
... I ts
S IN ,
140 4 M
. . ills
41 4 l-s
it. .
. Is4
40 i IA
... I 04
... I 04
... 4 M
... 4 14
... 4 11
4 II
4 II
4 I
M ... 8 ill
.44 IS 4 174 ,
M s I f&H
i re 4 n
44 4 4 14
tn ... I IS
n ... 4 14 41
4 M
4 r7 4 4 II ' M IM IN 4 14
4 M 44 4 17i 7 Ill ... 4 !74j
41 ! ss 4 H II 11 314 4 4
4 HI 14 I I M in 14 4 40
14 17t 40 t 41 Ill' ... 4 44
44 lit ... I Is
1 IN n in
SIIKKP-In spite at the fsct that It was
A Friday, there was A liberal run of
sheen again this morning, carrying the
total for the week to date well up toward
the 100,000 msrk. As has been ths case
every day thla week the most of th sr
rlvala of yeslerdey wr, toid before the
close, so thst there wss no very greet
number csrrled over In first hands. Quite
a number of the core received todsy were
not ss large aa might appear on paper.
The market aa a whole did not ahow any
Very material change In any direction. As
a rule buyers seemed sstlsned with ths
decline that had already taken place this
'eek and were content to psy steady
prlcea. The trade was a little slow to
open, but still the big end of the receipts
changed hsnds In reasonable season. The
sttsndsncs of country buyers wss not
very large, but commission men still hsd
plenty of orders In hand sufficient to take
practically everything In sight.
As noted yesterdsy, the sheep market,
considering the very large receipts, till
been in remarkably good condition. In
fact, every one preoent, both owners and
commission mm, hsve commented ttpon
the strength slaliwn by the market In tha
face of such (Sirge receipts. The extent
pf the deman'l has been a source of stii!
prise to every one. Ths feet is the sis
of the receipts hss not been a weskening
factor to the msrket, ss the demand hss
been fully equal to tha receipts. The
reel cause for the downward, tendency of
values Is to b found In the lower eastern
markets, which hsve csrrled down with
them prices at thla point.
As to ths amount of decline that haa
taken place this week It might bo atsted
In a general way thst fst sheep are 1MTJ
lower, with practically everything eUe,
both killers snd feeders, ?6o lower then
the high time lest week. On the common
and medium klnda of feeders If Is possible
to point out spots where the market is 250
60c lower than the best time last week.
Quotations on killers: Oood to choice
lambs, 37 0Or7.25: fair o good lambs, tS.T5J
7.00: good to choice yearlings, 16 BOG 5. 75;
good to choice wethers. 3S.00Q8.2O; good to
Oholce ewes, 14 6o4 M.
Quotations on feeders: Lambs, 38 5ftM.H0:
yeArilng 36.25650; wethers. 84.7StiS.10;
wes, 33.5004.50; breeding awes. 35.00(36.25.
Representative sales:
No- Av. Pr. .
116 Wyoming ewes, breeding.... 112 I 00
ti3 Wyoming ewes, breeding.... 103 ( 10
20 Wyoming awes, breeding.... 97 110
868 Wyoming lambs, feedera.... 67 6 30
20 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,.. 84 8 60
268 Wyoming Ismbs, feeders,... 63 6 60
130 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 84 lid'
849 Wyoming lamb, feeders.... 84 6 60
464 Wyoming Ismbs, feeders.... 63 6 80
14 Wyoming ewe culls 92 1 30
us Wyoming ewe feeders ltl 4 26
847 Wyoming ewea 95 4) 40
808 Wyemlng ewes 106 i 6
267 South Dakota feeders 68 6 00
1,N) Wromlnr wether
104 6
.... 66 i 28
... 65 3 26
ivt wyomina iamb feeders.
148 Wyoming lamb feedera.
1.534 Oregon lamb feedera 67 6 SO
818 Oregon lamb feeders 64 8 80
434 Wyoming lambs 68 ' 6 86
7 Wyoming lambs 87 6 85
460 Wyoming lambs 88 6 86
79 Wyoming lambs..., 87 6 8S
118 Wyoming yearlings 78 1 60
Cattle Slow .Hoes StroAgr Io Ptro
Cents Hlsher ftheep Ateady.
CHICAGO. Sept. 28.-CATTLT5 Receipts.
4,000 head; slow, prices unchanged; common
to- prime steers, 13.76t0A.96; cows. 2.70'ft'4.75;
heifers, 32.6llfJ.K; bulls, 33.40tg4.60; cslves,
IS.oivfts 50; stockers and feeders, l.t3 W-
HOGS Receipts, 18.000 head; strong to 6c
higher; choice to prime heavy, 8C.Seyfl.A0;
medium to good heavy, 3.407i.5O; butcher
weights, t4.a-7j8.70; good to choice mixed.
rl46(fj.80; packing, 36.00iT.50; pigs, 36.T69
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000
head: sheep, steady, 64.SOiQft.76; yearlings,
35.6596.00; lambs, 36.00457.76.
. New York Live Stock Market.,
ceipts, 4.443 hesd. Steers steady And good
steers, firm; bulls, steady I good cows, full
steady; medium and common cowa, eaav.
euA-a ti caac ts. t aa art. k,nl. ee
1.40; cows, 11 2V(M.7S. Liverpool And London
catties quiet; live csttie lower, io&iso per
pound, dressed weight; refrigerator " beef
easier, 9H-Mo per pound. Shipments to
morrow, 1,610 cattle and 8,710 quarters-of
CALVES Receipts, 838 head; veals qulot
and no more then steady: graasers and
.1 .. 1 1 ..... I - ac rusaTu, -
31.76; Kentucky calves. 14 266 00. Dressed
calves slow, ij7i4c for city dressed veala
and 8'3'124c for country dressed,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.753
head. Sheep steady: good lambs -in fair
demand at steady prices; medium and com
mon grades alow; sheep, 83.6041 5.60; lambs,
ti.5l'n8 26: culls, 36.00.
houb Iteceipts, Z.42S neao; marxet
easier: state and Pennsylvania hoga,' 3690
' St. Loala Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 28. CATTLE Receipts,
3,000 head. Including 1,000 Texans; market
strong: native shipping and export steers,
84.7Ki&25; dressed beef snd butcher steers,
t3.7titijft.66; steers tinder 1.000 lbs., 83 6034.40;
stockers And feeders, 12.50i4 50; cows and
heifers. 32.5uf76.50 canners. 31 OOtfJJ.lO; bulls.
P.auejHOO; calves. 33.0OfTT.00; Texas and In
dian steers, 33.006.10; cows and heifers,
32.OftiJ3.75. -
HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head: market shade
hlaher: Digs snd lights. 3o.Mr7T8.S5: packers.
16 26ir6.65; butchers and best heavy, 38.5U9
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300 head;
market strong: native muttons. 33O0fi5.5O-,
lambs, 64.0037 00; culls And bucks, .0tJa.26;
stockers, 13.J'4.50.
' Kaasaa City Live Stock Market.
v i va i a fTTV eAK sjiiwi w r,
iwitipen v 1 , f w. A A w
oetptB, 3,000 i head. Including 600 head of
southerns; market alow, steady; native
steers. I4.00ta6.40: southern steers. 12. 604
8.80: southern cows, 81.7tVj'2.90; native cows
and heifers, i.7btJ.uo; stocKers snd
feeders. 82.2604.(0: bulls. tl.Orxaa 10: calves.
33.00&6.26; western steers,' 11.264)4.75; western
COWS, 12.004113.60.
UOnS Duuintl K OCA I...4' M..b.l . I.
to 6c lower; bulk of sales, ttS.3ofjS.40; heavy,
M.2NS6.40; packers, 86.3096.46; pigs and light,
BHfcaEr AINU i.amb rieceipts, i.wq
head: market ateady: muttons. 84.6096.60:
lambs, 36.tW7.2S: range wethers, 14.264.76;
led ewes. i.mjt.v.
Kloax Cly Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITT, Ta., Sept. 28. (Special
Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200
head; market steady; stockers, slow;
beeves, 84.0066.00; cows, bulls and mixed,
J 2.6094.60; stockers and feeders, 33.000
.26; calvea and yearlings, 32.6093.65.
HOGS Receipts, 2.600 head; market
steady; aelling at $6.9J4.25; bulk of
sales, 36.059615J
ft. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, SfO head; market steady; natives,
84.5tift.26; cows and hclfere, 31.506.10;
stockers and feeders, 33.26(714.50.
HOGS Receipts. s,7S head; 6e higher;
top, 30 50; bulk of sales, tAM'8-46.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receints. i 7M
head; sheep steady; feeders lower.
'stock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at ths sis principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Honrs. Sheen.
South Omaha 1,7V I,..) 4.770
Bloux City 2" i.tfO '
Kansas City f.Oto 6.0tV) 8.0"0
St. Joseph .1 3.7f9 (.rrj
St. Louis 2,00 4.0ml
Chicago 4.000 14,000 7.01.4)
Total receipts 10,840 34.999 27,823
Metal Market. '
NEW TORK. Bept. 28.-METALS-Thcre
waa an advanco of 3 In the London tin
market, accompanied by considersble spec
ulative excitement, with spot closing at
191 and futures at 1X0 1. Locally the
market waa strong In consequence, with
spot quoted at til 264M1.7U. Copper was
also' higher In the London market, closing
a 91 zs 6d for spot and 91 for futures.
Locally the market was firm snd hlaher
again In the absence of important offerings.
jane is quotea at is.iWfrju.izt; electro
lytic, $19.37 YU37tt. and casting at 811.26
19 SM,. Lead waa quiet at ta.7674 02W In the
hcul market and at 18 12a sd in London.
Spelter was 2s 6d lower In the London mar
ket, St 27 10. Lot-ally the market was
easy at 3tU5fi20. Iron was a little lower
in the English market, with atandard foun
dry quoted at Us Id. snd Cleveland war
rants 64s 7d. Locally the market was un
changed., with No. 1 foundry northern
quoted st f.'l .(s i3cS HO; No. 1 foundry north
ern.; No. 1 foundry southern,
I l.ftiil ft, and No, t foundry southern.
82e 6ob Jl.W.
Bl'. LUL IN. Bept. ZS- MKTAIaS Iad
higher at 3a.tkVjfS.96; apelter, quint at 3I.I2V9.
tele Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 4.-COFF-K.E - Varl.i t
for coffee future opened ateady at un
changed prices to 11 decllie of fti points
la response to ltsap,xiiotiiig European
cables and A private cable from lUrre tsti-
4 H S 3 II 41
ri 84 6 14 4
4 11 . . I II SS
4. l If I II 47
47 44 4 14 41
mating the present crop t very high hg
ureo and claiming f rstl weather 1.
the coming .-reix Th.'r era ruppiit fnm
some of the Isrg local Interests, at tha
partial decline, however, ami lb mtirki
ruled generally steady in the absents tt
Important offerings with no close 1
chsnged to 6 points higher. Halos Wirt
reported of ll.taa) baga, iiiclitdlttit Dereiii,
ber at 4.Tr.4.lV; March St 3 S6fr7.0f)c: May
at 7.10c; July at 7.20c and August at 7 VAJ
7.26c. Spot stesdy; No. 7 Rio.
Coadltloa of Trad aad Qaetatlaaa 00
Staple ad raary Prodace.
EGGS-Per dos. I8fl1c.
LIVE POUI.TRT-Hens, 9tic; roostefs,
6t; turkey. 9Vc; ducks, S'ijIOc; spring
chicken". 9ViC
BUTTER I'scklng stock, 18c: choice to
fsnov dalrv. 18ac; rreamerv. JriJ4c.
HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Fi-ed com
pany: Choice upland, 38 50; medium. 19.(0;
coarse. MPOIJ860. Rye straw, 36t37.00.
BRAN Per ton. 315 09.
SWEET POTATOKS-Per bb!., 32.60.
TOM ATOKS Home grown, per baskst bf
20 lbs., 26fjS5p.
WAX BEANS Per market basket Of
bout 15 lbs., c
bu.. 76c.
LEAF LETTUCP Hothouse, per
hesds. Jftc.
CELERV Per dor. 2540c.
Cl'CUMBKRS Home grown, per dog.,
ONIONS Home grown, 16c per hu.;
Spanish. 81.76 per crate. ,
GREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunches, Uc.
RADISHES Per dos. bunches. UBS.
NAVT BEANS Per bu.. 31 85: No. 2, 31. .1.
LIMA FF.AN9--Per lb. 64c.
GREEN PEPPERS-Per msrket basket,
PARSLET Hothouse, per dor bunches.
CARBAOF5 Home grown, per lb., 1V.O.
F.GO PI, A NT per basket, 60c.
POTATOF.S-Per bu., c.
ORANGES-Valencias. according to glie.
LEMONS Llmonlers, extrs fancy. iW
alse, 38 50; 3C0 else. 38.S0: 310 site. IS-;
other brands, 1 lesl. '
BANANAS Per wiedltiTi-Slted bunch.
tl.76(fr2.2K; Jumbos. $2.8O3.00.
DATES rer lb.. 5tt6Uc. ; . 1
PEACHES Colorado. 8tV1.00; Missouri,
per 6-basket crate. 81.0O4jl.36; Callfoml
Sslwsys, per box. 3100. -,, ,
PLUMS Oreaon Italian prunes. $1.10.
PEARS Bsrtlett, per box. $100.
GRAPES Home grown, per $-lb basket,
17c: Toksy. 31.76.
APPLES Per hbl., 32.Ofsrr2.50.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $ 60. "V
WATERMELONS Per lb., lfrlHO. r
bout 253oc each.
CANTELOUPE8 Poor qusllty and not
priced. . '
No. 1 ribs, 12c; No. 3 ribs, 9c; No.' 8 ribs,
6ic: No. 1 loin, 18c: No. 1 loin, Wc: No.
3 loin. 84c; No. 1 chucks. 6c; No. I chucks,
4c; No. 3 chuoK,' 8c; No. 1 round, 3c: No.
3 round, 7c; No. 8 round, 6c; No. 1 plate,
3c; No. 3 piste. SUc; No. 8 plate, 2c. ,
SUGAR Granulated cane, In stcks, $.41;
granulated beet, in sacks, $8.31.
CHEESE Swiss, new. lc; Wisconsin
brick, 14m; Wisconsin llmburger. Uc;
twins, 14Ho; young Americans, 15yc .
COFFEE Roasted. No. 38. 26 Ho pef lb :
No. 30, 90HC per lb.; No. 26, 180 per Itt.;
No, 20, I6Hc per lb.; No, 21. 12c per lb.
NUTS Pecans, large, fs?c In.. 12c; small,
per lb.. 11c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb..
15c; hard shells, per lb U14e. Cocoa
nuts, $4.00 per ssck of 100.
BYRUP-ln bbls.. 27c per gal.: In ejsss.
610-lb. rsns. $170; esses. 11 6-lb. cans, L80;
esses. 24 2V'b- cn' 18s- - . " - v
HONEY Per 24 frames. 33.60. . V
CANNED GOODS Corn, stsndsrd wee4
srn. 668i0e; Maine, 31.16- Tomatoes. 8-lb.
rsns, $1.00; 2-lb.; 97Hc81.00. FlhesPDhMi.
grated. 3-lb., 32.064?23O; allced, 81.904)2:0;
gallon apples, fancy, $2.fi5; California apri
cots. ll.fcvii2.2S; pears. $1.76e2.60;- pesches,
fsncy. $1.7tVSt40; H. C. pesches, $J 0032.60,
Alsska salmon, red. $1.25: fancv Chinook,
F.. $2.10; fancy eockeye, F., $1.9i; sardines.
U oil, $2.76: mustard, $1.00. Sweet potA
toea. tl.iotal.26; eeuerkraut, $1.00; Pmp--kins,
80c1.00: wsx beans, 2-lb., 66Oc;
lima beans. 3-lb.. 76c5$l 85; spinsch, il l
cheap peas, Mb., 60c; extra, 7690o; fancy,
$l.HfiTl.75. ' .. .. a.
CURED FISH-Famlly whlteflsh. pAf
quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. 84.00; Norway rrtaek,
eral. No. 1. t200; NO. 3, 824.00; No, 3, 320.00;
Irish. No. 2. $14.00; herring, in bbls . M lbs.
each. Norway. 4k. $12.00; Norway, 3k. $1$.00;
Holland, mixed. $11.00; Holland herring, In
kegs, milkers. 80c: kegs, mixed. 70c. -
FISH Buffalo, large dressed, 8c: trout,
medium Or large, dressed, 12c; pike, dressed.
11c; halibut, fine stock, lie; catneh. dressed
16c; bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12c-,
white perch, dressed. 8c; crspples, largs,.
12c; sunfish, pan alse, 8c; whits bass, extra
choice, 12c; pickerel, 8c; salmon, Chinook,
lie; white fish (frosen), 12c: Mackerel
(Spsnlsh). lc; . Natlvs. per flsh, lit28c;
codflsh. fresh, frosen, 12c; flounders, freslti
frozen, Uc: bluefleh. fresh frOien. 16c
haddock, fresh frossn. 10c; red snapper,
dressed. -lie: smslts, No. 1. per lb lie;
lobsters (boiled). pe lb., 40c; green, 810:
eel, per lb.. 13c; frog legs, per dog . 2Sc;
roe ehsd. 31 each: ehad rmf. pair, 46o.
HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen silted, .
N" 1. 1344c; No. t 124c; bull hides, 8H
lOHc; green hides. No. 1, Hc: No . lKc;
horse. 31.60.76; sheep pelts. 60cCl 28. T41
low, No. 1, 4Hc: No. 2. 8V1C ,
WOOL Per lb., 18a26o, -
Evaporated Apples aad Dried rratte, -
APPLES Market Is without malarial
change. New crop prime are tiuoled At ,
640: southwestern range from BHWoiiO, )-
are steady, with quotaUona ranging from
su.. tA aiLn for tha recently ouoted grades.
Apricots are firm, with choice quoted si
lHc, extrA choice at 17e and fAncy at I8t
inc. Peaches offered sparing and prices
hold flrmmn modcrste demsnd. Cholj . are
quoted st 104iillo: extra choice at UVllH?
fancy, 114il2c; extra fancy. 1212Vo. Rais
ins are unchanged, with loose muscatel!
quoted at T7c; seeded raisins, 86c; Lon
don Isyers, nominal.
Cottots Market. '
NEW TORK. Sept. 28,-COTTOM-tprtt '
closed quiet; middling uplands, 8.70c; mid
dling gulf, 6.96c; sales, 8.126 bales. -
msraet ouit; prrcee a poune niimr. , .
S.SUd; middling, s.ena; low miautins, s.,'; -good
ordinary, .22d; ordinary, 4.98d. Tha ;
sales of the dsy were 4, 000 bales of wmcn -400
wera for speculation and extvrt, s.n.1
Included 2.200 Americans. Receipts, l,3f '"
bales, all American..
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Bept. 23. COTTOM
Steady. Middling, 9c; .sale five bales;
MMtlnt, hnne aihtcments i'A ls'.f.s: SIAeA. ?
lHoi oaiea, ,
011a aba Hoaia. -
sa cm n m . m aii. ck.ji. L&t
nr, ll.KS. Kunn, U,I74 bbl ! average. -
fcsj l)A WKIsa AhlrvsviAHla 1 TIL TXkA KkTa . sk ssakss.
MiMV UWiei. ( III fl I IV II tB A f,AWVW WWUB, g llTCl -
Sge. 149, 40. ..-
SAVANNAH. n.., Sent. 28 OII.-Turnerl. -
line, nrm; nivvc
ROSIN-Firm: stock. 74,08; qiioti!. A.- R.
P.. 13 75; D, 33 85; E, 83 86; F, 84 00; O. 84.06; -'
H. 8410; I, 84 20; K. 34.60; M, $4.76; K, $5.tVi; .
WO, 15.26; WW. $6.40.
Richard Scanned to K. Chnrles Bur- . -
ton. lot 6 and H lot 4. Courtlandt
Place , $ J
EIIea J. Magerreil and husband to
Clarence A. Kimbale, lots 9 and 10,
block 36, Benson 3.V)
A. H. Palmer and wife to LllllelJ.
Ayera, lots 4 and 8. block 115. Dundee 3,150
Equitable Farm and Stock Improve
ment company to Sidney and Meda
Miller, lot 7, block 9, A. 8. Patrick a 4u0
E. B. Patrick to Equitable Farm and
Stock Improvement company, same.. 1
Herlow P. Davock to board of the
church erection fund of ths general
assembly, lot 8, block 4, Clifton HUI, ,
and other lots J
Pusey dc Thomas Ahstrsct and jtaan
company to Alice M. Gates, lot 8.
block K. Prospect Place e
Soren Nelson and wife to Hans Lsr- '
son, lot 3, block 3, Cunningham's
aubdlv 1
Soren Pederaen et al to Hans Larson,
same '
Charles M. San ford et al to August
Paul, W25 feet lot 4, blcMtk 8. Jettor's
add.. South Omaha ... ,tif
Henry Colin a and wife to Henry W.
Pennock, lots 3 and 4, block L Ken
dall add., snd other lots lis)
Imiierlsl Investment company to Al-
berta T. Vette. lot 13, block I. 1st
subdlv. of Grlffen At Smith's sdd 1.260
Abraham L. Reed et al to Martha M.
ish. lot 9. Jacob's add 4,200
John W. Rasp to Hoiton N. Ailamson.
lot 3. block C, Lowe'a add 0W
William K. Potter to Fyihrtilm W.
Dixon, lots L 3, 18 And 20, block 114,
Florence $xo
William I. W: nan to E. W. Dixon, .
aatne ' J
Ella A. Bracsln et al to William T.
Wyman, same...., . .... Jru
Marie Vance to Marie D. Op.ges. lot
12, block 1. Marysvllle. 3 676
W. B. Meikle ta Blanche Si hulllsn,
lota 1 and 3. block 8. Kendalla sdd.. 1
Edward T. Heyden from Merchspt
Natloitsl benk. lots 6, 6, 14 and 14,
block 112, Florence )
Total amount of transfers..