Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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v. ' ' i i i i
Wheat Open Firm d Adranou Under
'. Cuh Denmnd. - ' ;
Mora Activity, Bhowa Thaa for Boa
Time Cars Does Not Syaapathls
il Drops to Lower
Prices Thaa Before.
OMAHA. SepL 17. WA. '
Vlhet opened firnv and advanced under influence of a better cash demand,
closing lo abuva yesterday fur Decent-
miia T40 aoove lar May.
jt - Trade was belter than fur iom time,
.-ar Cables wars firm, and while the weather
i woe generally favorable, the receipia am
Increase that was antlcl-
."Sort wer. "porUdVrom
not mow me increase that was anuci-
f patea. - I'urum
tun f I'lHL . n
and Hour for export were reported
ins nurtnwesi.
Liverpool closed 4k 0 V4d higher on
wheat and Hd higher on corn.
The Price Current, out today, says:
"Corn aafa from frost In nrlnnlcal corn
states. Larger crop than. Inst year cf
good quality. Early cutting nf fodder In
dicated. Increased offerings of grain
probable when fall work Is completed.
Pastures not uniformly good and rain
needed in some sections to put ground In
TSffi.1 'fr'Mlnneapo,,. sny thst
deteriorated very, materially . sines the
flt1rriBi whn th rrnn wiLfl firat CUi. I
Rain ha. Injurea the crop. y report,
covering K.nsas. Nebraska. Boutn Dakota
' !. w"inB!?r,J' .'"no-7 ITTf-I"
lunnnr norm, vrrains VI m.u m.ium
growing In shocks and stacks and advlt
are that It Is ImDOsslble to tell what t
outcome will be" until after threshing 1.
Local rang of optional
Articles. Open.j Hlgh. Uw. Closs.j Tas'y
No svmuathv was anna rent between torn v,nc 'n wheat today, attracting (rood out-
c-edlngly dull, prices at the close being 14 1- i 'fc?,,? k JuIrli?dM "No l
under yesterdsy for September and He " "'.iV, l"c- Ber,.
under for December. May was more active, rjj",, ."iLilJl ' if .
.running at one time to V above yester- TvL J,lo"'i .? C Decembr" K 1,9
day, but rescttn with a loss of He. . ' ,V?k C ' ,ka k . icg
, Primary wheat receipts were 1,00.000 S?nTHJll?JZA? uvj IfJlZ'r and
bu. and shipments 444.000 bu., against re- & 'f-'T' ic-
celpts last year of 1.369.000 bu. and ship- "He, f. o. afloat: Na 1 "ow;
ments of 757.000 bu. Corn receipts were No. 1 white, W'-, Options were without
, 877,000 bu. and, sblpmenta 27.000 bu., rc"0E"', "'SI'" ilT "J? Tlnd l
against receipts last year of .31.000 tu. 5LJi BeDle,nbr "l W4C nd 1e
' and shipments of 26,000 bu. Clearances VTA ts nT-T; . ts inn h,. . ..mrti 14 150
wera ;jo.97 bu wheat, 11.747 bbls. flour. uItlL: b.;. ITto kt Iba
; J5.W bu. corn and 61.40 bu. oats. K;..8? "aitLmliTJ..0"JL.J?
---Wheat I I I I
' Sept... W 1 OKV, m I
, 13.. 61 69 69
'.May... 72H 7r, 72HI
Corn , I
- Sept... 43 tt 4t
, Dec,.,. M 8ft . J7V4
May... li i ITKi
Oats . . 1
... dept... i
' "
. ' ' OasahwCoeli Sales.
' WHE5AT Nd. I hard. 1 car. 67Hc; No. 4
hard, 1 car, 7q.-
y 4)uika Cash rnees.
OATS No. 1 mixed. mflo: No. I whits.
Wiivac no. 4 wnite. uoiiHO,
KXKNo. 2, 6uc; No. 1, t&hio.
Carlot HeeelDte.
.'. - .':- WheaC Corn. Oats.
, Chlcaa-o .....i....... XM i 275
Kansas City ....118 I. U
' Minneapolis .......v....... SuA
.. Omaha 6 - H
Duluth ....w.v.r.. SH0 ..
cat, .Louis t.' . . C". lot
Features of the Trodlaw mm Clostaa;
I -, Prloos on, Board f Trade
CHICAGO, Sept. Z7.-Covertng by shorts
caused strength In the local wheat market
today final auotatlons on the December
delivery being up Ho. Corn waa a shadal
' lower. Oata were H4a lower. Provls-
Ions were ltt70 lower.
Sentiment In ths wheat. pit was Inclined
to bulllMhnes. all day. At the sUrt M
- r " i I
aA b ooraLULTftt v
.WHF.AT-.No. 9 herd. nUSrlAr: No. II
:M 7C5 N N- MprTcr'we.'ernr.trar
V Ski M .,ll i'lK a . Tk.' .V hit lin4iU.A I ' Ba A a. B V X
Btrentth of th whMt mfcm
ft . ' I owkaH mrioaa aaKrxarAt vtd4ssra raa arat I n m tint.
'i zv.v..,z: .r:-r.rv.;"-i -:wi,r,-
.uii.uMiu,,,! .... f
dev. Receints today at Minneapolis an
puluth were atm of arnall rlu,m VL" i,"1!
helDed to encouraae ths bulls. Trading
during the first part of the eeaalon waa
more animation war manifested and the
market became strong. The upturn was
due largely to covering by shorts who be-
came urmra vj i,riv tcutf wuun v'
leading commission houses. Tha market
waa strengthened by additional conflrma-
tlon of reports from ins nonnwesc ciaim -
Ing that the else of the spring wheat crop
had peen greatly exaggeratea. a. gooa ae-
mana tor casn wnea aiao neipea i sumu-
In tin hleher'at IMKbUc. Sold US to 76o and
rlod at TM4o. Clearances of wheat and
' . iomi v... .nn.n.Mii xivi
n . . . . n mmf .n hi, tnHm.1V
1.8&R.00O bu. for the corresponaiag ume a
year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi-
cago reported receipia or ms cars, against i
L. I . .... . A n mm . mwI
o. v .-. -
W.ia,lti.nlln mllf.h am. 11 1 MMtlntl
than expected the corn market was easy
early in the day on selling by pit traders.
Iter sentiment became eomewhat firmer.
but trading continued quiet all day. Tha
strength of wheat waa a bullish factor
later In the session. Ths close wa. Stsady.
December opened unchanged to So lower at
43mR48Uc sold up to 3c and closed at
4Si'H3He. Local receipts were ISO ears,
with 711 nf contract arrade.
Trading In tha oats pit was dull and tha
market was about steady. The market wag
i.y. - . .. n m A nln.. M t X4ae
Hi-no tnu . -
Local receipt wer 7TS car.
tTOVIBIonS were enBier uit imuiu.i.'o t
rw.nK. nrnncta bv local lonsa. A la de-
cllne In the price of live hogs wa. a bear-
l"h factor. At the close January pork we
off 7Uo at tUKH. d win down 6 at
it T7ii tik. war. fiXiHKn lower at 87 07U
Esrtlmsted receipt, for tomorrow are:
Wheat 4 cars; corn. 448 car; oats, 260 can;
Tl.... 1 AAA haed
The' leading future ranged a follow.
Article.! Open. Htgh. Low. Close. IT.s'y
TTrieat J - ' I
Sept. 1 tr,!
Dee. 175 ffl4l
' May 179!
Corn I . I
Rent. 1 48
TSUI ' T?4
THl 1 . 7!
76H! T6
74 I 74 I
) ' -
. 44 47SI 47H
, 434' 4SUl4Jl4ffi'!i
,. . 4SI 43bI
MrV l4iH-l
I 8,J
Sept. '
84HI StN.1 tm't4H44l 8414
rS4'At.S"Wr.l -4K t'H'HW
I ' Sb t7 l ID'.k' 30
ill IK I It 80 i 14 SVO 14 T I 111
Ins I in a lu irv,1 u 221 it so 1
I 4 WTtd 8 8-UI I I I ITU oa
) IK.I 4 V 8 80 I 8 1 I 8 7U
i4 4.1 ! 6 4 I 40 t 6 4?4J 8 4T4
,Tt7J I T7S J T T7tj Tftt,
fer.t.1,8 R I IH
8 S I 1 at 1 , o
, I . fi 1 g 8 I 80 I st4.l Tt
7 07tpl 7 10 I T OS I 7 07i! T 1 '
Vr. 1 . ' .
t'.tsli nuotaMcm. wers a. follows:'
F'ljOI'R Firm. fHi JOc hlxher; winter t.t.
enta. tS.r3 '; wlnl.-r straights. C-OOfit J
rprlnx patents. V) T'.triS SA: prlng straights,
$3PWH60: baker., t 6VOT2.80.
WIJF.AT N'e. spring. TlttSc: No,
sprtne- lfTIV! K,. t red7'(r73He.
(MBN-sNo. 2. 47Hc: No, t yellow. 4T
' OATt-No. t 47S4Sc: No.-1 white, 854
SfUc No. t White, t'Jafttllic. .
RYF.-No. 1 4140.
IIAKLKY-Oood feeding. . 2tfStc; fair to
choler .jna!'lng. 4l''16!ic -
SPSEDtt No. 1 Jinx, tl.OB; No. 1 , north,
weetrn. ai.ltrVk- trover, contract grade,
''UfiVISION'SV-Short rlba sides flooaei.
8S.0trS.). Wen pork, p-r hbl.; 814 5tV&'l 40.
Iirj per 1"1 Iba. Short clear aide.
(hnxetW. IA7-fi17
Following wr the receipt, and .hip.1
,enu of flour and grain:
rtec.-ipr. Bhiuments.
F'our. t onis ii.T
Wheat, bu 1.... 88OJO
Corn. :ku ........i..TM 0tO '
Oats, bu , ;.J..2...7
Rve. bu...; ...:. ,(! :
, 23 h
Bavley, bu ,.., 4 OOtf
rtn tke Produce exchsnse t.rtdev the l...t.
LnM,lnS sale' prevn?.rd "Xv 'in "V! MoT h.mJ?Wi
DeceV,b? o" r,edd S ?ha5. low?r lo No 1 durum Wc: No. 1 diinim Ol.c.
a .hada hlaher at IWWIlSe, sold b?wen ts: No. 1 white , nC, No I. JtlSOc
, 1 ter ntaaWet was -teidy to eary; ctymrnArlea.
' J M"5,J4c, Uutrles. l.nHC, ,-S-. steady.,, cases Included, ISfflec; first. He;
,.f Prtn" flrta. tlvo; extra, 14c. Cheese, ftrro,
' ""re" T r-T.e.--..
I'll FAX v g wa- ---. neb .-- seas gjaiaT. a C LrWa . lAB) IA X ax, m-tr- . -mm
firm;. No- 1 14 westara winter, 6a liVs4fNe. 1 Invoice, to.
IlVmitMUU Bept n. WMKAT Bpot,
future, firm; September, fia 3Hd; Decem
ber, lis SVi; March, as t'id.
COFIN Spot, firm; American mixed, Bs;
futures, steady; Iecember, 4 64d:
January new, 4s IVtd.
tsootatloa of the Day aa Varloa
NEW TORK (lent 7 FtrCR Receipts,
16.077 bbls.; exports, 115 bbl.; sale. 1,460
pags.; market, nrm, witn a quwi
trade: Minnesota narama s4.Lxa4.46. Minn'
ota bakers, a.4ofc80; winter patents, l&-t&
4.10; winter strslght. $S.KKa.Jn; winter
extra, ll5a.26; winter low grades, I? .751
S.M. Rye Dour, firm; fair to good. t."w
1.66; choice to fancy, $3 7134.09.
tunnMBALi-nrmi nn whits ana jfi'"",
f1.KVSl.10: coarae. 11 134M IS: kiln dried. 12.71
"YESteady; No. I western. c. u i.
New York. '
BARLEY-Steady: feeding. 4142c. C. I. f.
Burtaio; malting, 4Mj&9c c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts. lOO.dno bu.; exports.
15.807 bu.: sales, 2.50O.00O bu. futures. Spot,
firmer: No. I red, 79c, elevator, and ic,
f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth,
nti. ZTJl
nam wmicr.
bull conn-
ght north
west receipts, explained an early kc aa
tTHc; natural white, to to 8 lbs.. I:
cllDoed white, aft in 40 lbs.. 40fr4Sc.
FEED Firm: spring bran. 120.00. promrt
shipment; middlings, Ml. 00, prompt ship
ment. HAY Quiet: shlnolna. Vxffthc: good to
choice, 06c. .
HOPS 8tesdy; state, common to choice.
10, nig24c; 1906, ll?17c; 1904, nominal; Pa-
f "180i 1-
vfoT?i X pJl
-Vfc A"A 1- rMtii7c.-
.. , . -. . 7 . ' .T n
.fi v, i .JVoO- bee'f
city extra India mess. I1.001I 0. Cut
nent. S9.60: South America. 110.26; com
pound. $7.12H7.87Hc. Pork, barely steady;
family, S18 ovniM; short clear, tls.6018.o0;
mens, i avuis.i. , .
TAIJXIW Flrmi alty (W per pkg.), Sc;
eountrv" fnlrem. freeiV. kLGiMc.
kiwji Bieaay ; aomesiic, lair i ir, y
OSWe: Jaoan. nominal.
BUTTER Steady: street price, extra
creamery, . 264326HC. Offlclal pnoos:
Creamerv. enmmon to extra. 19&26c: statt
dairy, common to fancy, 1847240; renovated,
I common to extra. lfiW822c: western factory.
I common to firsts, 164ilc; western imitstion
I creamery, extraa. 21WM23c: firsts. 19WKlHc,
CHEESES Firm: state full cream, small
fanov. Uo: state fair to cood. l.2P1JViC
state larae fancy. 11c: state fair to good.
12HlJo: stats Inferior. lOHOllVsc; slUms,
euub rirrn; state, Fennsyivania ana
nfwirujr itmncy eifMJiwa wait?, ptu-.hv, vnviw.
2'Z, umciai
econds, Jiy
14c; fowla, 14c; turkeys, 14c. Dressed, firm;
western chickens, 12316c; spring turkeys,
iuu;ac; iowia, laeisc. - -
Bt. Loots Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sent. 17. WHEAT Higher;
track. No. I red. cash. 714i'7bo: No. 2 hard.
nania riwmhr. IHAo: May. VAa.
t;UKfl"Wu; iracK, no. s caau inu w
cember, VWkc; May, 4iHc
OATsr-rirm; track. No. I cash. 14c; De
cember. MHo; May, 86 So asked; No.
FLOUR suady; red winter patents, 13.40
04.70; extra fancy ana straight,, 3.ivr
.to: clear, xi.axavu.
seedo Timothy, ateaay. ,
BRAN Firm ; sacked, east track, .wane
HAY- Steady: umotny, ixusu.uu; prsi
.a AAn1 Ml
itrVivr-rov TUca-ilOoti.
1 urmp twinc 7im '!
I prqvUBIONS Pork, steady: iobbltg,
owsr: prime steam, H.47.
I 1".1W. Li Ut ivwvr niui kwnii e-w i Tty
TtTli TT-i- ...J.," wi ...e .hi.rii
r(b, W WW; hort cm
I L. ' . . . . ' si n iir
aoon. awaay: poea. -oori.
i clear rios, iw.myt, snor clear, iv.e
I nnTii Ttv if,- . , hula
aprlngs. UV.c: turkeys. 1816o; ducks, SVrs
I . .....
" butTBR Firm: creamery, 10926c; dairy,
I ftoaa.fc'lrm: 17V40. oase count
I Kecaints. ahtnmanta
! flour, bblfc I.OOO 14,000
Wheat, OU, ei.uw - ii,uw
corn. bu. 44000 ' 44,000
qT bu. 103.000 ' 104,000
i .
I atlaaeapells Orala Market.
mtvwcaPOLJS. Sent. ?T.-FLOI.Tni-Flr.
i jt":l torn. aeconl uatenta. 14 06 '4
Tf ?
BHAN In bulk. tU.u09U.:
I fflunaplor Board of Trade Quotations foi
amiropyni v....-.- -
range of Prlceat aa reported by F. D. Day
an iv-i - . .
. i i ' '
i . i iui.KI T i
I Wheat-
74H TS 74H
T4 78 T4H
786 78. -78H
1 14t4 1 14 1 14
1 184 1 1JH 1 U
I 11 1 12 111
1 11 1 10V4 1 10V4
1 U 1 144i 1 l
Duluth "F.aiiH
Sept. ....
1 IS
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat! 'No.
1 c .
rtfm rival ai -a PtI.Ii.
I Kaxtso my ri rrovisioas.
I tern ber, 6Tc; uecemoer, anc: May, rtc;
cash. No. I hard. Hc; No. t, 4&Jp1oc;
No. 1 red. TOr". No. 8. &QHc.
I CORN September,' Cc; December, S8Hc;
May, 88e; cash. No. 1 mixed, 4SH 0-48 Vic;
No I whit. 4CUO.
OATS No. 2 whit. S6936Hc; No. t mixed,
EGGS Firm; extra, tie per dossn; first.,
ea.e. Included, 21c; seconds, lSVyC. .
HAY Steady; choice timothy. tll.7Wll.0O:
choice pralrte, t9.0OQ 60.
RYR Vnchanged. 66(fJ7c.
I BUTTER Creamery, 24c; packing, lHo.
IiecipiB. cnipmenia.
Wheat. bU ...141,000 160.000
I Corn, bu , 10.000 17.000
I Oata, bu,.,.,..... 11.000 4.000
Peoria Orala Market.
PEORIA. HI.. Sept. 17 TORN Firm;
No. I yellow and No. I. 44 Vc; No. 4,
4c; no grade, 4V44e.
OATS Higher; No. 1 white. 8tHe; No.
I white. 28J33; No. 4 white, fio.
Ryej nrm; ro. a. nti&
WHISKY On th basis of for fin
ished goods..
Mllwaokee Orala Market.
Steady : No. 1 northern, TWSlc; No. 1
J northern. JJaTtc; V- . ,
BARLEY Firm; No. I 60c; aample, 429
64c.- . - .
RYB Firm; NO 1. sWBo4o.
- Philadelphia Predai Market.
Steady; extra western, offlclal price, 2bc;
stree-. price. 240.
EGOS Firm ; western rresn, ;r, at 'nrx,
CHEESE Firm; Ns Yrk full ci'.sma.
Jlr to fancy, I'JwUV.c . .
Daloth Orala Market. '
nni-TH. Sent. 27 WHEAT Track. No.
1 northern, 77o; No. I nortntri, 7ivo;
September. 7c; uctaoer. ite.
OATkV- IO arrive ana oeptenioer, r.
.. Tole Bee) Market.
TOLEDO. O, Kept. .'7 -EKD8 Cssh
clover. t!.: October, 7.V); Decani ocr. 87.76;
prima Umothy. tl.80; pr':n .Nike. P.2u,
1 Cee Market.
I vt-w nmr ant r7 porrrc i.-
40 1... In. ff.itureA onetiad flrtn at an . .,
I'O ! Wnii uoinls on ths announcem.nt m.i
I K,.,K.. rt Atnarlran an.4 k' i , m ..... . , -
.j. 1 ar uwia.uw. . - " " "M. . I au.
0 I in,u...a hail tvrfad to Ira n . u
I - . . - . . ... l.. . 1 .....
tuaUons during ths mlddls session were
mm,wamt Irregular awing to realising, but
tb gensral tone waa steady and the mar-
ket cloned ateady at an advance of 20a22
Dolnts. Sale Included 400 bags; October at
4 7un4.80c, January at 4 7(,fto.oc May at 4 M
D6. Jun at 7 0V7.1O, July at 71647 lUc.
August ai spot 8UO, SIM
I fc. . 7w 1, KJa 1 nnKm T7tt i ,A rrl.a
I .nariey; sooiiic. num. mntvn. , f w.
Market ii Imenlaf, with Wide FlrietuA-
tiom is Certain Innrt.
illy Sea r the Close Is Da
Corei-la of Short Contracts by
Bears-Call Mooey
Rat Flrsa.
NEW TORK. Bent. 27.-The currents of
the stock market shifted ss constantly to
day aa yesterday and speculative senti
ment seemed to undergo the same vsciiib
tlona during the day. There was an ap
preciable expansion In the volume of the
market, however, and the fluctuations were
much wider than yesterday. The effective
efforts on the side of higher prices prac
tlially ended after the shock caused by
the alarmist rumors regarding the extent
of the harm done by the storm In the
southern states, although there was a tem
porary recovery alter It wss learnea now
far the early rumors were exaggerated.
Aa these rumors pointed to the annihila
tion of tha cltv of New Orleans and almost
a repetition of the Ban Francisco calamity.
tne errect on prices of stocks was nsiurai
when the results following the San Frsn
clsco catastrophe were remembered. The
more sober conslderstlon of the news from
the south detracted from Us sensstlonal fea
tures, but provided some grounds for mlnglv
Ings over the effect on the cotton crop. Re
ports of withholding of spot cotton from
southern markets pending further details of
tne damage done. Indicated a ampoaiiion 10
pause and tske stock of the situation be
fore taking definite steps.
The advance In prices which ws. Inler
ruDted by tha storm news, was largely
In sympathy with the whipping up of
Heading in a manner that lias oecome
hlahlv characteristic of thst stock and with
dlmlnlshina effect on seneral speculative
sentiment. There was some suosiaence or
polltloal discussion with the adjournment
of the New York party conventions until
late In the day. The late bear drive against
the market wa. accompanied with many
professions of anxiety over the possible
disturbing effects upon business confidence
of an active campaign waged along the
lines indicated Dy tne political ouuooa.
Fears of a pinch In the money market also
plsyed a part In the creature on the
market. Great dlllrence Is exercised In
etudylne- ud details of reoulrements to be
met In October and mention of anything
that has escaped general attention la of
innuence in aggravating tears 01 string
ency. The large municipal tax payments,
to be made in New York next week, waa
one such Item brought forward today. The
largest requirements to be met, wmcn are
on October 1, are expected to be of tem
porary effect and of a kind to find their
way back at an early day Into ths channel,
of tha money market. It Is pointed out,
howsver, that large maturities of time
loans occur during October, especlslly In
the form of finance bills, placed with for
eigners and tha open discrimination lately
exercised by foreign money lenders against
American borrower, raised the possibility
of difficulties to be met In renewing these
bill, in case or need. There wer reports
of further gold engagements current to
day, Dut no actual engagement was an
nounced Until after the stock market
closed, when a 81,600,000 engagement was
reported. A good Impression waa pro
duced by the Bank of fcngland authorities
retraining from advancing Its omclal dis
count rate, but the weekly . statement
showed a condition materially weakened,
both by loss of bullion and Incresse of
loans, the proportion of reserve to lia
bility falling from 47.64 per cent, last week
to 42.83 per cent this week. The Rsnk of
France also showed a loss of 83.836,000 In
mniA r, wiA . n AwnAlAn t OA MW ADA I. mi...
standing loans. The sterling exchange
rste at Paris declined in consonance with
this showing. . The tons of the call money
market was hard, but showed no disturb
ance. The considerable rally at the last
was due to, coveting of short contract by
the bears and waa evidence of the profes
sional character of much of the selling.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
vauie, 81,778,000. United States pond. wer.
unchanged on can. .
The following wa. the range of price, on
in insw xorg biock exenange:
aslss. Hit. Le. Cleaa.
Adams lima m
Amalnmtte CoDer 1M.100 UI 110e 11014
Amer. Car ss4 tonnirf.... 11,100 4SU . n 4S
so r i aw w iw w
Aster. Cettea OIL 1.1M U 14 M
4a Sf4 ..... M
Amer. tMl , lot I4ML . MtK IMtt
Aaier. Hlda Leather sf4. M
Amer. Ice seeuntias 1,Ht
Amer. Unwed OI1..I m II itVi
So std I
Aster. Leeenwtive I.W4 71 tl ' n
rt .... in
Aster. .sMltlBg m Resnlsg 1.100 IH HI 1MH
4e fa 4M 11414 111 1141.
Aster. Btiftr Retain. 1(0 1U 1M14 114
Aster. ToMeeo 'a tin..,, wm n
Antcanae Mining Ce
II. tea M . 81)14 ni
l7.o 1"H 10414
10 li it 101 1 100
M 140 14 14
rrto a 1W14 init
too M 0
44.700 Tilt 74 7414
4 pta
Atlentl Coast Lin
Baltlster Ohio
4 f4
Breklrn Rapid Traaalt....
Canadlaa Paelt
C antral ef Naw iaraay....
rhaaapaak Okie
Chicago Oraat Waalam...
Chleaio It North waatara..
C M. St. Pasl
Chleaco Torst. a. Tnuta...
o (4
C. C, C. A Bt. Lawla.....
Celerado Pl and Iras..
Calorae A gouthars
do 1st pld .
da id ptd
Consolidated Oaa
Cera Prodsets rfg
do ptd
Delaware A Hndaon
Pol., Leak. WaaUrs...
Daa?ar A Rle Oread....
do sfd
Dlotlllera saevrlllea .....
do 1st prd
do M prd
General Eleetrte .,
Hocking Valley
Illlaola Central
Inter. Paper
do pfd
Inter. Psstp
do aid
11,40 111 1014 1014
8.4A0 (IU. us,
0 171k 17 I'H
to t0 104 104 7I14 171 171
100 W t 11
11.10 M M 13
1.100 m m
10 7 17 7
1.100 H 40 D)
t.ira in in in
a ai au
1,104 in tit
I, to
804 1ft 14
404 171 171 171
17 11 11
Iowa Control
da Bid
80 6 6
K. C. Southern
do sfd 11 i li
no 141 141 1414
Loulavllle A NaahTlllo..
H.xlomn csatral
11 II 1014
Mian A Bt. Lout
1.. St. P. A Sault gto. M
do pfd ....
Mlaaourl Paelfla T.100
Mlaaouri, SUaaas A Taxaa 1,10
da pfd 101
Natloaal Lead 1.100
N. R. R. of Meiles pfd.... TO 44
New York Caetral 8, foe 141
N. T.. Ontario A Weaters I0 41
Norfolk A Waatara II. tot
da sfd
North American 4A fiu
Paella Mall 400 17
Peanerlnala 41.100 141 140
People' Oa 1.70 to 'a l
Pitta.. C. C. A It. Lewi
Praaaad Steal Car 1,104 64 41
do aid : ...7
Pullman Palace Car 10 M4 144
Reading M.K 1, mu ,
au 1 a. p....... ............ ...a
do 'Id pfd
Rapubllo Ileal 8.10
de pfd
Rock I .land C I. loo
do pfd u
II. L I In Pran. Id pfd.
- , 44
mo u ltd uat
M. Lsul aonthwaater....
do Bid
tVi tt 17 Vt
loulharn Paolte 1M.I0 11
do Bid 40 in
southern Railway T, loo pgu
so sis 10S at
Tanaaaao coal aa ires
T.ia. a Paclse
Tel.. Bt. L. A Wastars
-ol . Bt. L. A
do pU r.
;alos Paolso
IIT.IU 1(1 111 11
do pfd
. it" ii.
to n no n
ii.aoft aiu AitL ...r
V. I. Biproa
U. g. Realty .
V. 4. Rabbet
da ptd
V. A Steal.
4 fl 4.1i lo 104 104
Vlrgiala-Carollna Chemical. tut M aa mj
da pld
Wabaah 80
do pfd lo
Welle-rargo Bipreoe
Weettogaouae giactrl
Western Union to
W kaalln A Lake Brl
I ii-
44 M
Wieaoaals Central ..
do pld ,
Northers Pat I la ....
Ceuiral Leather ....
da ptd
!. 111 80
1.11 It M M
T4 . T4 11
Oraat Narehern of I 104 M ' m
lawmvwill aiVtrvpaiiiaSt. t, P.
da pfd i.ioo
11 14
Total aalaa for th Aaj. 1.441.40 ihaea.
Xow York Mlalnal Btooka
NEW YORK, Sept. H-Closlng quoUtlon.
en mining stvruas were
Adam Cos
Utile Chief ....
On larl
... 4
... 11
... M
... M
A lira
Braaawlok Cee
Coaaeterk Tuaool ..
Can. Cal. sad V..
Hor a Hirer ......
Iran II War
Leadaillo Ce
retool ,
Sierra Naeada
Bnun Mooaa .
Baak of EaglaaA Btatexaeat.
LONDON. Sept. n.-Tte weekly state
ment of tha Bank of England shows ths
: I following changes: Total reserve decreased
1 Al,sjt,uvO; circulation Incroavsed. AHIOW);
bullion decreased, i&.04i: other securities
Increased, Al.Dn4.0u0; other deposit in
cresned. 2.4i,uU; public deposits Incresed,
i l.s.i Hi; notes reserve decrease, ti,z,tw;
government securities unchanged. The
proportion of
. .... 1.
rile weea
With 47.68 per (Cent last week.
Kew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Kent 57 MONKY On mil.
firm at 4u per cent: ruling rate. Va per
cent; cloelna bid. 4 ber cent: offered at 6
per cent: ume loana. nrm: sixty sna ninety
days, 7 pet cent; s4x months, it per cent;
prime mercantile paper. 6S47 ,r cent.
actual business In bankers' bills st 84 886 V
KM" for demand and at 64.i9utt&'4.7V& for
sixty-day bills: Dosted rates. 4 iHG4.el
and M8H; commercial bills. 84 T94.
SILVER Bar, 67 Vc; Mexican dollars.
bonus Government, steady; ' railroad.
Quotations on New York bonds today
were as follows:
. S. rot. am. n(....1Ns Jimi la. M ssrlaa. .. .10
4e eeepea 1 01 I 4 4Ha rt'a i
. s. to. r( aa m etrlea H
aevpvs im' f . et'a ai
ti. a eld 4a, r....lot L A M. al. 4 1004
a roopon
. . saw 4a, rg
do eoopon
.101 Manhet. a. fold 4a. .101
..ISt 'Max. Central 4a.... .
Am. Toe. 4
do I ...
Atchlron sen. 4a
do adj. 4a
Atlantic C. k. 4a
k T7H Mlntl. 4 St. I, m.,,.
..111 u.. K m t. 4. i
..107; do Ma
fi N. n. S ef M. e. 4. M
16'N. Y. c. . !
AO. 4a
do 1
Brk. R. T. y.
...liij N. 1. C. gen. aa... IH
No. Paelle 4 let
Central ef O. is.
u mm 1. 1
. . . . . 1
. H
. 11.
n. m w. eon. . .. .t
do let lac
00 M me
ire. . la ng. aa..
Penn. .v. I... 100
i! Id Ine
Chaa. A Ohio aa..iot st 1. a f - . la imu
HaawrTltlaT aVa41 441 .
v.. m a. avt 77;St. U a .. r. t.. . M
C. B A Q. , 4.. f st. u. w. . .. ti
C, R. 1. at r. 4a..Tlaabord A. L 4a. to
lo. Paciia 4a M
ll 4 : AV gM I . a a. Irani. I Aa. a a .14. am
.' wejsouthera Rraa 11a
1 010. m so. 4a aib.
T., It. L. A W. 4. M
v"V EmTH"-
w.i.t. M,?!i
Cab la IM
D. A R. o. 4a lw)
Plat. Sara, aa..' ..... aiu
Wabaah lata
Erie prior lion 4.... M
do deb. B.
Bn. ao 90L
Hock. Val. au.-.-iiaZ
Waatara Md.
W. L .
4a. 17
4 M
mmpmn aa
Wla Central
Bostoa Storks and Bonds.
BOSTON. 8eot. 27 Call loans. SJF7T iter
"'i um loans, MB 7 per cent. Closing
on siocks ana oonas wer as
Atehlena adj. 4s.
... M I Atlantic
.. .10 Bingham
' Cel. A Hecla....
...lot Capper Rang
...10 Dalr Wart
...IM Pranklla
...14 Oraabr
...IH Iilo It orala
...Ill Maja. Mining ....
. H
. 11
do 4a
Max. Central 4..,
. TT
do nfd
. 17
. it
,. II
Boaton A A
Boetoa A Mo
Boaton Bievate ,
,. 0
ruc&barg ptd ,.,
Max. Central
w; Michigan
. 14
i.-T H H.JII
Par Marauatta .... HI
Mont. Coat A C.
.. 41
Union Pacific n
Ant. Arg. Chamloal.: M
Old Dominion
Parrot ,
"do pfd si
Ant. Paen. T...i 14
Am. Sugar -.. utu
.do Sfd in
United Copper .
U. A Mining ...
U. A Oil
em. Tel. at Tol
Am. WooIob .....
. 4
do pfd
Dom. Iraa A I. .
Rdlaon Rlaa. 111. fia
Maaa. Eloctne la
do Bfd M
Maaa. Oaa II
United Fruit jou
United Shoe Mack.... 7
preene Ceeealldtd.. t
North Butt
r'd 8
Batto Coalition
. U
U. g. Steal
.. NTada
. 1
. 6
do sfd
Cal. A Arlwaa...
. 14
Arli. Commercial
. 17
Kx-dll4on4. Bid. Aakod.
I London. Closing; Itocks
LONDON, SepL 27. Closing quotation, on
me DtocH exensnge were:
Conaol. mooar M 1-14 M , X. A T....
do accoant
N. T. Caetral
Anaconda 14
Norfolk A W.
Atekleea 10
do Bid
do pfd 101 '
. A Oi 111
Out. A W....
Rand Minos .
Southern Ry
Caaadlen Paolte , .',.117
Chaa. A Ohio
Chicago O. W 11
C, M. 4k St. P.. ..Ill
do pfd
DaBear ' 11
O. A R. O 44
d sfd v.
8a, Pacllc ...
a7at I
'Union Pull
do ltd
Brl .......44
d let pfd T
do Id pfd 7.
tlllnel Central 178
U. g. Ileal...
do sfd
do pfd
L A N It
Ipanlah 4e
air veto .. . t
B.wTEn .vr.u,. , a. t-iau pur ounce.
MONEY-441A ner .cenL . ,
lJlHi:oi;N'lit-iha .... rfi.r.At.a m '..
open market for short bills I. 4SH per
cent: for three nntilhi' hill. ka. .r"T(rev .
Boston ' Cooper Market.
Closing quotations on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, t Board
oi i rsae uuuujng,' umini :
Black Mountain ...
Boaton Consolidated
11 Narad Cenaolldated. 1
n nons null ........
Old Domlalos
11 Oeeeela
MPbau. Borrlea
Butte Coalition
CaluBtet A Artaoaa..ll Paae. gorrlce, .
Calumet A Heels. ...TM Qulner
. M Ihannoa
Copper Rang
Dally Waat
Kaal Bulla
Oroeae Copoar
HelTMIa .......
lale Roral .'.
L I. A Pittaburg.
Maaaachuaatt -
Tl Tamarack ,
. 17Trlnltr
. ! un
Itod gtalea oom.
United Itatea, pfd.
MUtsh Conioliaaied... 44 1
tU DI.K Cu. .. w
U Utah Copper
vision .
. 10 Wlson .
, 11 Wolrerlae
.. tl
Bank ot rr.... Bt.le.o.l. .
PARIS, SepL 27.a-Th weekly statement
of th Bank of Franc show the following
changes: Nots. in -circulation, lnnraaial
7JU6.0U0 francs; treasury deposits, Incrsased
..n.v-v, iorrai ueuoaita, increased
41.860,000 francs; gold in hand decreased
16,676,000 franc; sliver In hand. Increased
600,000 francs; bills discounted, lncreaaed
104.860,000 francs; advance, decreased LjkiCOUO
. 1 auv...
Treasury . Statement.
WASHINGTON. Sitt. !7.r-Todava .fate
ment of th treasury balance in ths ren.
oral fund, exclusive .of the fl60,000,000 gold
. luitu, a.v.usiv -ui tne xov,uuv,wu gold
reserve ahowat A v. II. hi. V...h Wi .7
tanVt: goT 'col Tnd bulll!,"nKea!;
gold certificate t-U67.210.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Sent. 27. Bank clearlnes for in.
day wre tL420,4O6.O2 - and for tha corr-
eAiiutii, l' iwt ... 91,000, Bm.wV.
Wool Market.
BOSTON". Sept,27.-WCOL-Th ' wool
market is more acuvs ana me majority ot
tha dealers sre sharing in the bnaina.a
Territory wools sell fast and ths demand la
good for all grades. AU three-elehths
grades of both territory and fleeo wools
is th one preeminently active. Pulled
wools ot nne giaue are in ueinaiid. "A
supers selling at 6u$lo and "B" at about
00c. f oreign greuee are in rair requisl.
Iadina auotaflons follow: Kentucky. In.
dtana, and Missouri combing, three-eighths
blood, 33u'36c; combing, quarter blooti,
eac. leaao tewuiau i.iiv. tfrrivi montllSi
tna .i v to elvht rannl h. M:ai
. .'ll KU,An 'nll 1.. ' . 1
basis, northern choice. 6tj70c; northern
good. 68tf70o; middle oounty. 6W4o; tuU-
srn, si:(((tc; iii "w, omaoic. ure.on.
scoured basis, eastern No. 1 staple. 72w74o
eastern No. 1 clothing, 67fiti8c; valley No. 1,
utilize. Territory, atapie, scoured Katils,
fine. 730376c: fins medium, oti1oc: msdium.
6mo6o. Territory, scoured teals, fine, 708
72c; fine .medium, 6r70c; medium, 7$tc,
Colorado and New Mexico, spring, scoured
bssis, 476c; pulled wool, scoured bssls,
extra, 72'd"74c; fine VA." 46&$8c; "A" supers,
sre.fiict "11" suoers. 60if6c.
LONDON, oepi. ii. nyjKJi Tne errerlngs
st the wool auction sales today amounted
to 1L744 bales. Competition waa spirited
a a. a.. .a enu.lnn.llv a.a...
auo " . . ... a"...., . . c.
giessy cross oreoa wer in active demand
r . j aoouraria weea liUn k
.AnHnanlal huVSrS. Medium scoured .am
alowly. Gray merlnoa were In ellers'
- v.l! n are the aalaa la .... .1 .
New South Wsles. 1.200 bales: scoured IdfMs
tVd; gray. IVdOls IHd. Qusensland le
eaipts, 1,400 bales; scoured, Is IVM1 lid;
ereajiv. tdinlld. Victoria. 809 be I a. m-oureri
Ut2s 2d; greasy, Pd&l Id. South Auoinli,
10U bales; greasy, itraffiinM. vt'ot Au
tralla, ov uaies; greasy, t'topwi Team
nla., 60s naie; acoursa, ioi': greasy.
Udtjls 2d. New Zesland, 4.609 - bales;
scourea, itrs rtw, a saw ja.
NEW YORK. Sept. 27. M ETA L8 Ther
waa a anarp aavanoe m in London tin
mirkiL with spot closing at 138 and fn.
turaa at 187 10a. IOcally tha market waa
firm, with spot quoted at 140 64 bid to 341.00
asked. Copper wa. higher In London, with
spot and futures quoted st 80 16a Locally
th market , was nrm witn lake quoted at
tl-7S420.00. electrolytic at II. 4043 14.74 and
T. . WJUl-t M. I4.pi n -WllOL-Qulet; J? Z2 t i TSZi'r. IZ I Z
msaium grauos '.. uiu, anit ciutning, 14V I V vi7 uT - 7. .
24c; llgtit fin lSHilci heavy a,, uWci h.lf. ""' --..
tub washsd. Utftlc. 'I U ! . ........ t
I casting st Ii Bxri ao. loo wss unchanged I 11 cows 414 I 00 11 cowa
.at 86.7V&4 02 . in th local market and all 8 slock calve ,
J 18 I'.m 6d In London. Spelter was un
changed at mvt lie a in London, but was
easy In ths local markst at o M4 86. Iroa
wa' higher In th English market,
standard foundry quoted at 64a 2d and
Cleveland warrants at 64 d. Locally
.... - . v t . a
ern. quoted at a 0003.00: No. 1 foundry.
northern. 8mojaot). No. 1 foundry, south -
ern 61 &3a.v; N. I foundry, southern,
. ... Crw. M i. "
Mo-bUI i CaUU Gradaall,
I ' B.ii! a. J
, ceiling ciesuj.
heep) Receipts Coatlao Very l lberwl,
with Downward Teadeatey t
. Valoee All Kls. Both
Feeders and KUlera.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. K, 190.
Receipts wers:
Cattle. Hogs. Shiep.
.. .. LW 2 447
Official Mondsy ....
tmnsi Tuesday
Official Wednesday ....
Offlclal Thursday
t.tH7 V.&
,Kil U.'iOO
Four days this week.
Same days last week
Bsm two week. ago. ...11,84
Bnme three waalte aav. oa tX
I ftml riot wa I.. a. a. a, . M OtaC
r"f. " rKa .tna of
- '"""'" "r.'.. r
I mm sneep si oo... vj..
I ,na rar to date, 00m pared with laat yean
I 1904. 1-
I Cattle
li..M! 1.8'a.66 1JJ:J
in... .....
1 aneen
.14M.446 l,l4,a ia.o
.....,h r,ti
. . ' .7- ..rle. P. id
I . Will Wl a X - . .
'' 1 different kind. l oaltl n ip
I untnt inarsei:
r,ar to good corn-fed steer.....
Qood to cholc corn-fed steer..
. .10.70
. 6.26416.74
wood to cholc corn-fed steer
I a. a. 1 m a a .
Common to fair corn-fad steers
hair tl. .....u 1 ... aiaora 4.Wt
onNrfa'VVnjr.tee'r.:::::: I- CO
0"9I graee cow. and heifer. I i T
... -,T- " -iioi.1.00
- bju-u anjws ana nvuvi 7 t,.
Comm",.7. " LTJihH . 1 in tvi
good to choic sfocker. feedsr.. 4.r4.
I fair to good. stockrs and tura.. Si'il
".ff 111 ! 'locker. f-i "
Veal calvss 4.004.
I Ths follom-ln. t.Kl. .), the aysrag
price 01 nogg at ftouih irmaha lor ma -
"r-.i aaya,- wltn comparison.
Date, J 1904. m.1804.18O8.lM.l01.l0.
Sept It..
t 141 4 671 t 481 1 481
t tl
t 18
t 88
oapt. 14..
Sept. 17.. I
Sept. 18..
6 61
48 T K!
t 441
4o 7 U
4 1
1 '
Bent. 18..
4 04
4 11H
4 U
6 1 I 741
Sept. 80..
t m
Bept. 81..
SepL 12..
Mept 28..
6 801
I 29!
6 81
t 76
I 76
7 44
I 40)
Sept. 14..
7 74
T 47
4 84 14
Sept. 26..
6 m
7 661 4 80) I 14
7 M 4 76 6 14
7 84 4 74 t 16
Bept. 24. .
5 Ml t 171 t 70
BenL 87..
1: 87
I lutnuo. ur rnu;,
I . . Cattle.
i umana X2.lnu4.0v
1 Chicago LtotrAM
6 I Kansas Cltv 1 40
SL Louis l.OOiu -
6ioux City 1.6O&V.0O
Tne omclal number of oar of stock
brought la today by each road was:
Cattl. Hogs. Bheep.H r s.
C, M. St. P..
Missouri Pacific 4
Union Pscino 62
C. N. W. (east)
C. N. W. (west).... 29
C. SL P.. M. A O... 1
C, B. At Q. (east).... t
C, B. A Q. (west).... 1
C. R. I. A P. (eaatl.. 8
C, R. I. A P. (west)... t
Illinois Central
Chlcsgo Ot. West. I
Total receipt 116
Th disposition of the dav's reoelnta w.a
17.011 WHO
1!.A4 74.N1
S.816 46.4
14. M ),441
.471 46,14
IS IKt 74 758
71 I aa follows, each buyer purchasing th num.
7 bar of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
1 vmana rwtini to. ...... ail
' 4et
iw... vu,iiwii ...... .,oua
Mluaany r-actung co..... .1,001
Armour 4 Company 871
Vansant Co U
I Carav A Ronton fts
lLobmn A Cs AH
wmn i
I Ufl 'r.a rV a. Pan.
S?,0C.r,J?r Cary.
I "... Bi"Pnq.
5U P,
I ' " e- LOWI...
I Huston A Co
Hamilton At Rothschild
L. F. HUB...
St. Louis D. B. Co..,..
384 ...
J. H. Mull 68
Mike Haggerty 28
J. B. Root A Co ' 182
it. H. Clark at
T. B. Inghram.... 10
ouinvan tiro , 81
V. 'A. Brltton f
Lehmsr Bros rr
i non-man packing Co
1 Other buyer. ..LOW
Total ,22
4. 417 17 11
" A r-garfa e-a T a a . . a ... . '
--:t i-w-T"1.700"0 a ramin in the
o I "roe mie morning, with only about
I iuv cars reported In. aa against M7 yeeter-
I day. Th market, aa a whole, wa. in very
.mill .nnHlll... . -J .... . . '
1 1 - ..'.. . hw cnanga oc I m-
I portano jook plaoe. A glance at the
"ffur i" I"" of thu oo'umn will
show that for the week to dats receipt.
PI a Is., Kaan atah.a lot oaaeak -w mr
-S af all C,nYJri"n.IJ
I feds, but the offerings were not very large
and so far a could be obeerved there was
I nothlna vary choice. The 1
waa lust about stsady with yeeterday, there
wiiia nw quuwuta viiange in any direction
Cow and heifer also sold In about ths
aame notches a. yesterday, and as the of-
ferlngs were comparatively small the most
of U reoelpta changed hands In very fair
I Hwvn. 1 (kicii iiarv oevn ire Duyers
of cow stuff ail this week and the market
haa hld up remarkably welL
the large tuna.
Stcckers and feeder, were In moderate
uppiy ano tney, 100, neia aoout ateady.
. k.,uu. j a . .
A good buying demand developed yeater-
SDredecrr..nnuSnad JlCXi t'?'
J.b 'rllh' S&l
cattl which they had on hand. They
were, therefore. In a position to tak on a
fsw mors csttle in spite of the f set of It
being the largest half of th week.
Representative ssies:
A, ft. he. A. Pa, ,
1177 4 M
121 I If t
nw i m n
101 1 1 i
144 I 44 87
44 8 Ot 14
1M4 I II
44 8 44
M 18
S'lUCtvr.Kci ANli,
,..., tw a ai
feeder. . 638 I 16
I feeders.. 1088 jg
41 stocaei'S. Kwi ( no
14 cows U tu
Jit feeders., ss 2 44
18 feeders... stl I )
21 stockers. .61 8 14
14 cslvts... 3uo I 86
as cow Kau 2 oO
ft ! 1186 176
w 0W,,"V i?o ae ri
A. Boaerlng. Nsbraska. '
26 heifers... 804 2 44
L. B. Wright. Nebraaka.
11 feeder... lit t 40 87 feeder... 84) aa
4 feeders., re I 40 8 cows hit 144
4 cowe 1027 1 Ml ,
C. L. Hoyt, Nsbrsska,
ter.....H7l 110 18 feeder... 1042 t 66.
J. V. Johnson, Nsbrsska. '
calves... 24 4 60 i Cow. M I ti
cow. 1 I 74 "
F. Csrrothsrs. Nebraaka
M feeder. .1043 8 86 t feeder.. 6U IB
4 feeder., Hi lit
r. jonnson iso.
"1 i !S
I Ml 1008 2 00
fcow lost if.
M. Q. Wgmbaugh-Neb.
H fedrr..W8 10 ll cowi 1074 g
I L. Boyr Neb.
ow.!90l, w u fdsra..l I 4t
- -. . t,.rp.iiier. jeorasa.
aw waa. . .
P. J. Sturgeon Neb.
M feeders. .1174 4 16 14 4)ows 1084 I 80 1
7 COW. 44 I 00
E. Coffey 4h L.-Neb.
eew. 80 I 06 cow. 11M I 08
cow 11 t 1 cows W t 64
Kscer A Bates Neb.
U) cow lit 110 I calves... tit I 2
Tsmarsck L. S. Co., Colorado,
tt steer.. ..1144 t to 24 now. 142 t 40
J. Buden, Colored.
tt feeder... 443 t 44
14 cowa Ill 1 09
feedtr... 700 00
( P. Nordholm, Colorado.
I 24 cow V8 80
I ' O. Peterson Colo.
r its
84 140
- 1 4 palter calves 4t t 00
r. uanismourg :oio.
It feeders.. W 11 10 cow. MB I if
W. Vernon Colo.
11 feeder... 82 116 . 21 heifer...'. 404 6f
ths I t heifers... M lJ
l. I i .a... 4. rv.ta
I 4 feeder.. 1)26 110 if heifers... IM 18)
I W. F. Miller Colo.
ll cows t24 1 Tt 11 feeder.. Ct 149
I A r C.aU.h it ,-.!. K Italrnta f
I .J . IU . . ,a . . IM . KB
Inarmonx i. a o. vu.. vuiuraoo.
Ptoows.,,.. m 1 40 7t tsr..... 4o4 I 44
1 ataara . '78 I OA 14 toat Ui I M
cowl 100 t 40 cows 1) 1 40
N. Nareelle, S-uth Dakota.
14 stem.. ..1114 8 70 4 steers. ...1 4 40
Westers Rsncbe. South Dskot.
47 steers.. ,.l74 4 10 11 steers.. ..114 I TO
11 steers... .11M) 1 40
J. A. Br Cattle Co.. South Dakota.
M Steer ....113 I 70
H. Franklin. South Dakota,
tl Steer . ..llM) I 16
J. A. Bar Cattl Co.. South Dkots.
383 steers. ..1171 I 70 I cows 1M0 I 60
I cows 10W 8 80
Western Rsnches, Ltd.. South Dskot.
41 steers. ...! 4 06 84 .teers....llll IB
10 steers.... 1078 8 40
r K. Howard. Sooth Dakntv .
4 Steers. ...114 8 70 I cows 1W 116
It feeders.. 1107 4 40 14 steers. .. .1100 t 70
J. A. Bar C. Co., South Dskota.
44 steers. ...1160 1 70 44 steers.. ..1087 170
11 steer..... M4 1 70
C. Krestman S. I.
tl feeders. .1121 4 0 11 row. im t to
T. V. Mathew. Wyoming.
II teera..,.12l6 4 IS Ii steers.. ..!. 4
steers. ...1271 -4 16
10 cowe :i I 2S
18 cows 40 t 76
bulls UJ4 I
7 calves... 8M 1 71
11 cows.
1 1010 I w
1 cows..
M l
steers. ...lino 1 to tl steers... .10?!
17 steers.. ..1774 4 ?S 14 cow 830
1 90
I calves... 146 4 00
W. T. Whalav. Wvnmlns
80 cows 461 I 80 101 cows AM t 00
II fowl...... 878
14 cows 1CI 8 Ot
4 bull 1114 1 00
cow. 1004
Snper Cattle Co., Wyoming.
11 heifers ..1006 1 66
Bngleklng Bro... Wyoming.
ter....llM 4 10 M feelers.. U 10
R. P. Allen-Wyo,
47 feeder... 1140 4 70 24 cow. 1084 110
A. J. Hirell. Nevada.
140 steer.... 108 t 70 It steers. ...1044 t 00
steer. ...1061 1 70 84 steers.. ..1178 190
11 steers. ...n loi I steers.. ..1188 1 to
17 steers.. ..U64 4 00
BJ. Merrill-Idaho,
t calve... 821 1 60 I calves... 1 100
4 cows 1040 I 60 11 COWS 6 1 00
HOGS As compared with yeiterday there
was comparatively little change In the hog
market, crlcea for tha moat cart being the
ssm s prevailed yesterday. In other
words, it was a steady market without any
quotable change In any direction. The fact
that there were no choice light hogs hoxe
to compere with the best yesterday, made
the top loo tower, but the bulk of the good
lightweight, sold the same a. yesterdsy, at
I8.264j6.l0. Heavy hogs sold largely at 84.06
C4.16, with the medium weight and mixed
loads at I4.1W.J0.
The hog market has shown very tittle
change thl. -week, and .till there h. been
a gradual firming up, so that, hogs today
sold fully to higher than at the elot of
last week.
Representatives sales.
Ws. A. Sh. n Ka t. Ih. Pt.
H in 4 n lo m ia l
M II ... S Tl 171 40 I
Ill 14 I 0 4 17 N I N
U II 4 to 4... Ml ... II
ft IT ... 47 171 ... M
44 Ill ... 1 41 N4 Mil
14 Ill ... I 1 41 147 M I W
I Ill ... I 4 i4 ... Ill
1 IrT ... 4 11 T4 J7 WO 4 tl '
41 110 ... I 11 10 11 ... 4 If
It 14 ... 11 M Ml ... If
M o 80 8 M II ... Its
70 Ml 14 111 TO 14 ... 117
I 171 10 4 1 It II Mil
tt Ill 40 I IS Tl 15 M 10
41 11 M I If 0 Ill 10 11
II Iff ... I It 7 Ill 0 8 X
II IT 10 t 17 f IM ... I II
II 44 4 I 17 II Ill ... I M
W Ml 40 I 17 M It! II 4 16 '
1 MO ... 8 8 7. ...... .11 ... I 14
SHEEP The receints of sheen wer very
liberal for a Thursday, making the total
receipts for the four day almost a. large
aa the receipt for the whole of last week
and larger than for the corresponding four
days of last year by about 16,000 head. -A.
noted yesterdsy. th msrket haa hsld up
remarkably well In the face of such large
receipts and prices would In all probability
have remained fully steady had ft not been
for the break at Chicago. At th clos of
the msrket yesterday there was very little
good stun: irrt on sale, and witn only a
moderate sorlnkling of common to medium
light lambs. The fact Is the receipts, Isrge
aa they have been, have nevertheless been
pretty well cleaned up on th day of ar
For some unexplalnabt reason the at
tsndsnce of country buyers has not been
as large thl. week a previously, pot bly
they ar waiting to come In next week,
when th Ak-Sar-Ben festivities will b In
e.iit 4.1... i Am.a. eh... v. ..
u.a.. , I, v 1 ' 1 . ' ... a .... c a. a.. -,- " - . " ,
been no lack of buying demand, a com
mission msn all had large buying orders
in hand which they had been holding until
tne market enouid snow som weakness,
They hava accordingly taken advantage
of the aomewhat lower range In price, pre
vailing during the last two or thre day.
to nil a large number or the? waiting or
der. , , ,
Thl. morning . receipt, consisted largely
of lambs., with quite a snrlnkllnc of fst
stuff. Aa fat lambs suitable for killers
hava shown little change this week, buyer
wer naturally Inclined to take off a little
thl. morning, so that the markst on that
kind was generally a little lower than yes.
tsrday. On th other hand, fst sheep were
very scare and fully steady. The terd
eney on feeder, wa. a tittle lower and eHtl
the change as compared with yter''ay
waa not verr marked. Tt la safe to rav.
however, that the general feeder market 1
2&s lower and In some esses s. much a.
60c lower than the high time Isst week. A
comparison of the price prevailing at this
point win .now mem to De right cic.e up
to eastern market.
Quotation, rn killers: Good to- rolc
lambs, 17 00477.26; fair to good Umbo. WT9
7.00; , rood to choice yearllnrs. 8S.fVW6.76;
good to cholc wethers, 15 0036.20; good to
choice ewes,
Quotations on feeders: I .smb.. Kflt t 60:
yearlin- k.vo.ih); weinera, 4 .oe-n u
we. tt.tofMKO; breeding ewes, tJ0ni86.35.
Representative sgies: .
No. At,
4 60
4 90
I 86
I 86
6 60
I 90
172 South Dskot ewes
271 Nevada lambs, feeders
174 Idaho lambs, feeders
1117 t'tah wethers, feeders
13J Wyo. yearling and wethers.
100 Idaho lambs, feeders
114 Wyoming bucks
4 Wyoming bucks ,..
86A Wyoming lsmb.
4.10 Nevsda lambs, feeders
471 Ntvnda lambs, . feeders
191 Wyoming Ismb. feeder..,
471 Wyoming lamba, feeder.,.,
261 Wyoming lamb, feeder...,
4 Wyoming lambs
254 Wyoming lambs
17 So. Dskota Ismba, f seder..
784 Wyomlns lambs
70 Vteh ewes
aft 1'tah ewe, cull.
m T'tah wethers
6 8714
( 10
4 1l
t 10
8 40
4 90
4 40
7 10
4 80
4 TJ
4 IK
I 40
4 n
4 60
7 00
41 Wyoming ewes, feeder.......
T'tah yearlings
374 wvoming ismns
101 Wyoming tsmhs, feeder..,..,
6.11 Wyoming lambs .
24t Wyoming lambs
Cattl Steady, bat Slow Hogs Fly to
Ten Cent Lower.
CHICAGO. Sept. 17. CATTLE Receipt
8.600 head: market stesdy. but slow. Com
mon to prim steers. 31.T54i4.8V cows. 82.70
frl.T6: heifers. 2.6Afl65; bulls, 12 404J4 60:
calves, $3.0014. 60; stockers and feeders, (2.60
HOGS Receipts, lO.OnO head; market
6ifi"10c lower. Cholcs to prime heavy. 16 60
J4 ": medium to eood heavy. 36.8SinM.45
butcher weisnie. ss hoars. tv; sooa to choice
mixed. KHIt-to; packing, ia.u)M.4; pigs,
66.7M16 60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Rsceipts. sbout
10,000 hesd; msrket tor beet, steady; others
lOo lower. Bneen. H w'a Jli yearlings,
is.fje.ou; tamos, w.wvri -
Bl. Loal. Live Btoek Market.
T. LOUIS. Mo.. Sot. 17. CATTLEv-Re
retnts. 4.600 hesd. Including 1 000 Texans
markst Tor nstives stesav; ifyss strong
nstlvs shlprtlpg and export tr. 14 7i.i
46: dressed if end butcher stearx. 63 71
fM.U: atsera under I. con pounds. iiet4 6C
stockers ar.d feedera. Z.Uvfi 1,50; cows snd
heifers. l2.Mm.o; caiuers. tl l,f.:.l; pu'ln
tl. 2644.09; CKlve, 'ifd7.'. Trxs
Indian etsers, n.wne.iv; cow and neirers,
2 ocx r&.
HOGS Receipt. r.VW head: market weak
rig and lights, H'tTl 46: paoxeri. 84 2i
A6: butcher and bt.t heavy. td-atfiti-TO.
SHEEP AMI lambb- neoB'pts,
k A , ....Wat at Mil ,a Mat va m . 1 1 . , ... I OA
( 60: iamb. 4.C6rT7.": culU and biicka,
C4.K; stockers. 8X.aUsi4.ol.
Kansas City Lie Btoek Market.
RaceiDt. 9.000 need, including soa south
erna; markst steady; choice export
drend beef steers, ta vot.x; fair to good
14 ft 1 4 21: weaiern fed stera. 13 MSG. 00
Blockers snd feeder, 11 86ft 4 44: southern
auara. 82 t0ii2 80: southern cows. 81.712 80
native cow., tl 76471.60; native heifer. tlu0 mills. tl lMJl.OO; calves, IJ.JWM I.
HOGS-Rclpts, 7.600 head: market
lowsr; ton. N62H; bulk of sales. 8480.446
hssvy. 84.IM1 o; pncksra,;
and Itrht. 66TMi4.5?U.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13
hssd; market, sheep weak; lambs lo4i:0c
lower; limbf, 16.6067. 26; swes and vegrlln.
4.6oJ.4ll; western yeaning. to.iA.aj4. !
weaiern neep. na.a; siocasrs an
feeder. H 6Wu6.0.
BL Joseph Live Btoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 17. CATTLE
RecelDta. 1.477 head; n.arktl. steady: na
ties steers. tS4Uai4.26: cows and hslfers.
ii '26A4 O0: atocksr. snd feeder. n.OUiM.Ou.
HOGaV-Rceipt.. 4.800 head: msrket, frx
10c lower; top. ss. bulk ot salo. M
e 9.
hesd; market, steady; beet Ismb. 7.0i
yearlings, 14.76. .
Kew York I. Ire Stock Market.
NKW iOKK, Srpt. I7.-IIKSVK8 ne
celpts, 101 need; meiket feelirg steady;
dreased l.ief in fair demand st H to i'rO
lor native sides; Texana, beef, 6Wiio. lav
etpool and Ix.nd.m cattle markets steady;
exports ltnrt rattle.
CALVICS-hecelptn. 414 head; market,
vesl ste.idv; grasr unchansed; veels,
84 b.(i6 W; cull. f.00; granser. il l;
uieneed calves, steady; -t4lc for city
dressed veals and il-'Hi- for country
811 KKP AND LAM BS Receipts, 1.411
head; market, sheep stesdy: good lam I.,
active and firm; otr.eri slow and feeling
eKy; sheep, lfv6.W; lambs, 7.0.HAi.
Canada lambs, )t.;i,
Hoas-Hecrlpts. 1.009 head; mirket
essler; state and hogs, 17.44
Bloaa City Lire Btoek Market.
SIOUX CITT. I , Sept. 17.-8pecll Tele
gram.) t'ATTLb Recrlpta, AO head; mar
ket strong; stockers, slow; beeves. I40CJ
I0U; cow, bulls snd mixed, t-'V-trSkj
stockers and feeders, HCttyt W; calvea ai'd
yearlings, I! 6OH3.06.
HOGS Receipts, l.ftn hesd: market wai
to 6o lower; selling at i.9;.); bulk of
sales. t6.0or4.1i.
Btoem la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at th six prlnclpil
western msrkete yesterday were as follows:
came. nogs, oner p.
Fnuth OmahA 21.WQ
Blnux City AO
Kansas City ?.fC
1.6 t
t Ml
Bt. Louis
4. M0
St. Joseph .
Chlcsgo ....
.. 61.277 42,700 tt.Ui
OMAflJ wholesale markkt.
EGGS Per do. Ilflac. .
L1VK POUI.THV Hens. 10c: roosters.
6c; turkeys, 10c; rucks, 8c; spring ohlcksna
-vu iuc.
BUTTER - Paclllng stock. lc; eholo
fancy dairy, ItvtSk?; creamery, 22i-2o,
I rice
quoted by On.aiis heed com-
pany: Choice upland
uouna, en.nv; innnuin, ...
xi eo;
medium. $I Ov
coarse, IS. Wh, 8.60. Rye straw. tAsOtfLO.
tin am t.. . n a . k rat
. -- . v. ..II, ..w.w.
8WEKT POTATOES-Per bbl., 12.60.
TOMAlTiKg-Hom. eruwn. lair iMHll
20 lb.. 2ftfro .
wax BKANF Pr mart! hak4 i
bout 18 lbs., 36c .
u., 76c.
LEAF LETTUCE Hotbous. per ooa
ed, 20c.
CELERT-Per dog.. aXdJtOO.
Cl'CUalBlERa Horns sr. own. par SOS.
S5. ' '
ONIONS Horn grown, 16o per bu.1
Spunish, 11.75 per crate. in UJNIONS Per do, nuncnea, u
R Al'IBH K3 Per do, bunches, 164)200.
NAVY BFUANg Per bu., 11.36. .ao. A tL7i
LIMA BEANS Per lb., tfte
GREEN PKPPttRB Per market baskeb
PARSLEY Hothousa, par do. Puncne.
CABBAGE Horn grown, per uu 1.
EGG PLANT Per do.. Teo.
POTATOJES-Per bu 46o.
ORANGIUH t ailaiiiLlaa. according I laa
LEMONS Llmonlera. extra taney,
lie. 4u.60: 8x aixe. 64.00: 140 Slse. U.00; otUor
brsnds, 11.00 less
BANANAS Per medlum-sised huach,
tl 76421 26: )u mixta. 82 .60411.0.
jJAlx.B t r lb., 46o.
PEACHES Coloiuaa. sucHtl OO: Missouri.
per 4-baaket crate, Il.uuiafl.a6; California aal-
waya, per pox.
PLUUnt Calllornla. ILv1.7t; OregO
Italian prunes, 61.10.
Ph.Artt Bartiett, per oox, li-oo.
UHAPKSMome crown, par -lk hasket.
ic; Tokay. 81.76.
APPLa-BPer ODI., 6LSUOl.0.
CHANaialKKlEM t'r bbla to-Ot.
WATERMELON b-Per ik. lOl0. of
bout H'tiMo each.
CANTELOL'PES Colorado and Arliona. '
Kir erst (standard;, l.,6u.uu; poulea. L4;
eckyford standards, li.av.
No. 1 ribs, 12c; no. 2 ribs, Be; No. I ribs,
6c; No. 1 loin, 14c; No. I loin, lie; No.
I loin, ltc; No. 1 chucks, to; No. I chuoks,
4c; No. I chucks, to; No. 1 round. 8c; Na
I round,. 7c; No. 3 round, 4c; No. 1 plat,
3c; No. 2 plate, ?Wc; No. 8 nists, 2c.
HiBi,;UaAn ay u .
&I7GAR Granulated cam: in sacks. 86.41:
granulated beet, In sacka, 46.31.
CHEESE Swiss, new, loo; Wlsoonaln
brick, 14o; Wisconsin Umlterger, Uut
twins. Jio; young avmencaas, ioyo.
COFFEE Hoasted. No aa. per Ih.;
No. , 200 per b.( No. U. llc per lb. I Na
20. HMfO per 'b.; No. . i2r per ft.
NUTS Pecans, large, per lb., lie; amall,
per lb., 11c. Tlmonda, soft shslls, per lb.,
lac; hard shells, per lb... 18140. Cocoa
nuts, 14.00 per sack of 100.
SYRUPiu bbltw 27o per gait In cases.
6 10-lb. cans, i.ii; cases, ii -ie. crvno,
caaea. 14 1-lb. cans, tl.15.
HONEY Per iramee. ecav.
lUNNtD aOODS-enrn. standard waat-
ern, tofiiiOc; Main, til Tomato-, 8-ih.
cans. tlOO; 1-lb.. tJHotJtl.OO. Plneap-
rle. grated, i-id., .uDv.av, suceo. si.avut
20; gallon apples, fancy, 82 .65; California
apricots, tl 900 26; pear. 11.764. 2.60; peaobea.
fancy, l..eI ui n peacnes. 4.vuai.u.
Alaska salmon, red, 11.16; fancy Chinook, F-.
If W: fancy anckeye. F.. Ii. bw, oatrdines, W
oil, 12.76; mustard. 63.00. 8wet po
tuloe. H 1 -il io. aauerkiaul. I1.00 pump.
kins. fOcWl.OO; wax oeana, x-io. aMfSoo;
lima bean. 2-lb., solnaoh, tl .84;
meap peas, 2-lb., 4wc; extra, .u-evc; faatcy,
It lVfl 76-
CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, pet
Quarter bbl.. 100 l-s.. 44.00: Norway mack
erel. No. 1. t 00; No. t. 124 00; No. t, moo;
Irish, No t. 114 00: herring. In bbls.. 204 In,
each. Norway. 4k. til 00; Norway, Ik, IU.0O:
Holland, mixeo.; noiiana nerring, i
keen, milkera. : kegs. m.ed. Tile.
Ai0U T, .. a. . ,. aaa rt. ... ... a . . . .
medium or Isrge, dressed. l!c; pike, dressed,
ilo; halibut, fins stock, lie: catfish, dressed.
OXC. DUIlliaaua. ' .nu aamiivtl. aa,
71 hit psreh. dressed, 4c; crsppies, large,
.ic; suultah. pan .is. 6c; whit bass, ex fig
choloe, c; picaerei, -. saimon, uninooK,
11c; whit fish (froin), 12e; . maokerei
(Spanish) Ac; native, per fish, l4Jci
codfish, fresi. froxen, 12c; nounders, fresh.
frozsn, lie; uiucnsn, irenn rrosen, ibo
haddock, fresh frusen, 10c; red snapper,
dressed, lie: .melts. No. 1. Der lb.. 12os
lobsters, (boiled), per lb.. 40c: green, 37c
el, per id., ic; irog leg, per uos., ac
roe shsd, tl each: shad roe, pair, 40.
HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted.
No. 1, 18c; No. t. 12; bull hides, i
10c: green hides. No. 1. 114c; No, 1, Uo;
horss, 11.601.76; sheep pelts, 'lal.
low. No. 1, 4Hc; No. 1, Vo.
VUUl-rer in., iMjxata.
OH and Rosin.
NEW YORK. Sept. 27.-OIL-Cottonseed
oil, firm: prime crude f. o. b. mills, UWtt
i7c; yellow, SZWdSc.
ROBIN Stesdy ; strained common to
good, Kt! 4.W. '
U1L 4J11Y. Bept. zi. tiur-t;raii
balances. 1158: runs,. H1.9 bbl.: aver-
ag. W.ivt DDIs.; shipment. I4t,.ii6 bbii.j
average, 128,060 bbl.
Evaporated Apple lit Dried Frails.
APPLES Market siesdy; prime from th
new crop are offering at 6c; new south
west ar quoted at e120c, according to
grade. ... , . , .
Wllllsm H- Lawton to Henry T.
Schmidt, lot 18. block it. central
nark -.1
Florence Slmorton and husband .to
James t A gee, nit lot , oiocg,i,
f. E. Mayns a First add
Russell P. Goodwin to Joshua Allen
Haughisy, lot Is, Clock U4, uunoe
Eva Locke Ives to William J. Con
nsll, part lot 5. Griffin A Smith',...
Bsnjamln W. Burleigh ' and wifa to
Jay 8. Kennedy, lots 4 and w lot 7,
block 1, Harrier First add., Villg
of Valley
Henry H. Learnard and wife to Fred
erick Wenger. eVt W of Of
section le-tA-lt ,
Anton Vltoush. t al. t Vaclav
. Horky at al. lot 14. block 1 Brown
Annie Llttle)obn to Frieda Vangat,
wVk lot b'uc Ru,h B'Ly
add to Stiuth
William K. Potter to Margart Sm4
ley, lot 1. block 1. Denlss add.
Samuel Bum and wit to Elmor
M. May, lot 11, block 1, Klrkwood.
and lot fa. block t, Plalnview.
EugD E. Brando to Maml C. Bax
ter, north ti feet of lot 16, block 4.
Redlck' ub
Baptist General Association of Illinois
to Michael J. Flaherty, lot . 4.
Brosnihsn's sub. South Omaha.,.,..
Mary Laraon to Anna McCoy, nVs
lot 12. Clark's
Christian RisnT and wif to Mary A.
Beck, lot 21, Block 1. Missouri
Avsnu park, South Omaha . ....
Hlghlsnd Realty company to William
H. Hanttng, lots 1 god 1, block 1
Qrammercy park
Thomas C. Kennedy, t at. to William
H. Hantlng, lot I and 4, blook 4.
Oram mercy park