TOE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1DCX?. KERN IS CALLED TO LINCOLN if Irrecul&ritlti Eiirt Gmrntr Will Aik jGoittact B CaDMlled. CANDIDATE WILLIAM T HEADQUARTERS tat Cntnlt Senas Out a RttlttA Hmt ! gaeaklaa; Date for George It. Sbcldaa Urawa la Jhi a Cauatr (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 26. (Special.) Superin tendent Kern of the Hastings asylum Is expected t oOrnf to LJncota shortly In an swer to a summons from Governor Mickey who raquast ' that, the superintendent rku and Earl Wsstcott (or the construc tion o food elevators at the asylum. Should th Investigation show irregular Itlea lb letting the contract the governor says ha will ask tlie Board of Public Lands and Buildings to cancel tha present con tract and make a new one. Falling to get the consent of tha board to do this he will In alt probability report the matter to the next legislature along with a number of other contracts for an Investigation. Secretary of Stale Oalusha has not yet returned from out In the state, but In the Journal this morning he Is quoted as say ing work out there had not been discon tinued either on the elevators or the porches. Both Governor Mickey and Mr. Mortensen requested work be stopped and it Is presumed to be. . The contract for the coestructlon of the porchea la another case of the board dele gating authority to the ' superintendent. Mr. Mortensen was present at a board meeting when the matter came up and he opposed Itv Later, during his absence, the board gave authority to Dr. Kern to have th porchea built. The cost will be be tween 16,000 and $6,000, so It is understood by the governor. At the present time the maintenance fund appropriated by the last legislature for the tis of the asylum amounts to about (40,000. This sum has to run the Institution until th appropriation of the next legislature Is available. Should the'' cost of the ele vators and th porches be paid put of this fund undoubtedly there will be a deficiency, and . this Governor Mickey Insists he will not permit. Governor Mickey will ask the board and Dr. Kern to meet together and go over the matter, though It Is by no means certain that the governor will be Invited to attend th meeting. ' Williams Now a Farmer. J. A. Williams of .-.Pierce county, who old out the. republicans of his county in order to secure the republican nomination for railway commissioner,' called at the re publican stat .headquarters today. He In formed an official of the committee that ha was now a: farmer and was harvesting his clover this week, "I us my farm in illustrating my little speeches," he said, exhibiting a fake re form smile. During his residence In Nebraska Mr. Williams haa been, besides a chronic office- seeker, a school teacher, a lawyer and now a farmer. One who knew him and went sa a to to n to school with Mm la Wisconsin had this to aay of him: "Williams is like a weather vane. Tou never know where to find htm. He goes 1th th wind. When he first came to Ne braska he tried to practice law in Omaha. Then he moved into Pierce county and the next thing I heard he had given up the law and was a school teacher. Then I learned he had given up teaching school and had gone back to practicing law. He managed by some way to get elected county Judge, but I understand he was badly defeated; tor rejection. : He la so. changeable there Is, no dependence, to be placed In him." .?' . ,' Whether the state committee will dare to allow Williams to go before the people to preach honesty In government and talk re form remains to be seen. Dates for Sheldon. Tha speakers' bureau of th republican state commltte has revised the dates fixed for George X.. Sheldon, making a few changes from the announcement of yester- Lift the Rock. Many a man and women has cause it waa served before being boiled long enough. jWhen Father, Mother, Sister or Brother feels the hurt of coffee and seeks to be well again and able to do things In this world, do your share Mr. or Mrs. Cook and see ' that the Postum is made right, and that's easy. Either put it in the pot and let it soak over night and then boil 10 or 12 minutes, or put it on fresh, a piece of, butter the size of a pea in the pot to keep it from boiling over and then let it actually boil at the bubbling point for 15 minutes. Then you have Postum and not the common weak stuff too often prepared by a careless cook. . rou, man, who have been poorly served, read this to your "wimmen folks" and ask for a Square Deal.'1 If coffee congests your liver, ruins nerves and stomach and handicaps you in the race of life, quit it entirely and start on Postum. . . The little stored-away elements that nature uses for the Bure rebuilding of the lost gray mat ter in the nerve cells are in Postum. - . ' A ........ ' -'' fift the rock and get the treasure.- It's there, and "there's a reason" for s a -; s - ... . O .11 iSrr - ''"' - Bt"id"-", Beptember , Grand Islsnd (afternoon nd evening: "mtember .ID. Sunday, at Grand lslarxl; Or toner 1. Clstka (afternoon and even In i ; October 1, David City fetter- noon I. olumiius tevenlngi; Ortolmr i. Albion (afternoon!. Cedar Rsplils teven lngi: (irtober 4. Ui eelev Outer laMenmoni, Ord (rvrnlna-); Or tolwr I, York (afternoon ana evening); October a, iiastlnaa (auer noonl; October 7, Sunday, at home; Octo ber , Omaha (evening); October , Scrlb ner (afternoon). West Point - (evenlngi; iK-tnher ' 10, Stanton (afternooni, Nellgh (evening); October 11, Newman Grove (afternoon); Humphrey (evening); October 12, Pierce (afternoon), Norfolk (evenlngi; October IS. Wayne tnfternoon). Randolph (evening): October 14, Sunday, at Ran dolph; October 16, Dakota City (afternoon). fonca (evenlngi; October 11, vvaKencia (afternooni, Hartlngton (evening); October 17, BloomfleM (evening); October IS, O'Neill (evening): October 19. Atkinson (afternoon), Haesett (evening); Octolier SO, Rushvllle (afternoon), Chadron (evening); October 21, Sunday; October 22, Alliance (evening). New nnlldlnn- Conrpany. The Carpenter Building company, an Omaha corporation, filed Its articles this morning with the secretary of state. Th capital stock Is 1175.000 and th company has a right to buy and sell real em ate and other things In this line. The Incorporators are: Isaac W. Carpenter,. J. Frank Car penter, George C. Carpenter and Jama A. Carpenter. , Ree Inspector Flamed. Cyrus Douglas of Tecumseh will look after the bees In Johnson county, having been appointed bee Inspector by Governor Mickey this afternoon. He has authority to look Into all the bee hives and to see to It that no contagious diseases are prev alent. Express Franks Recalled. President Thomas C. Piatt of the United States Express company has mailed out letters to members of congress and others requesting (hat they return their express franks. Such letters have been received by officials In Nebraska and It Is supposed the same letters have been sent to all the other states. Just how many of the congressman and officials had franks to send fjack Is not of record, so far as their constituents arc concerned. The state of ficer were supposed to have been taken off of the free list many months ago. Goacher Vivid Imagination. Carl R. Goucher of Wahoo, democratlo candidate for secretary of state, called on some of the state officers this morning and said he felt very much encouraged over the outlook for democratic success. He really seemed to Imagine he had an opportunity to be the next secretary of state. Good Meeting nt Cook. State Superintendent McBrien returned this morning from Cook, Johnson county, where he, with Norris Brown and the local candidates, made speeches at a republican meeting last night. Mr. McBrien said the opera house in which the meeting was held was crowded to the doors and a great amount of Interest was taken. He talked on good government and what mado It, and Mr. Brown dealt with the railroads and their non-payment of taxes! Gandr Appeals Case. James I Gandy, who was convicted -In the Nemaha county district court on a charge of Influencing a witness by means of money consideration, has appealed his case to the supreme court. Traveling Haa Missing. F. A. Smith of this city, who travels for an Omaha house, has not been beard of recently by friends in Lincoln and it Is believed he was on the Ill-fated train In Oklahoma, which fell In a river, caus ing the death of many passengers. Mr. Smith's friends have made inquiries, but have failed to get him located. Regents Go to Lincoln. President Williams of th Regent Shoe company of Omaha, accompanied by his attorney, Ed P. Smith, was In Lincoln to day aqd made arrangements to locate his. factory In this city. He has secured the D. E. Thompson building on P street, re cently, vacated br tha Lincoln Drug cum-, pany. Newspaper Haa Weds. ' Alfred - LeRoy Btxby, telegraph editor of th Lincoln Star, will hereafter use his weekly stipend to keep Mrs. Alfred Btxby, who uatll this afternoon was Miss Nellie Margaret Weaver. The wedding occurred at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Bixby, and the couple left on the evening train for Denver for a wedding trip. They will reside at 1746 Hidden Treasure The Gold is There "'"i yet to find the hidden flavor and South Fourteenth street In a home alreadr prepared by the groom, who contrary to the custom of newspaper men, saved his money and put It Into a house. Both young people are well known 1n Lincoln and enjoy the friendship and esteem of a large number of peopl BOYS HEI,D FOR KltXIJG FATHER Preliminary Hearing In Wllllame fnse Anbarn. AUBURN. Neb., Sept 2 S. ( Special. The preliminary hearing of Clarence and Charles Williams, on trial for the murder of their father, Isaac Williams, wh'.rh occurred September 12 last, waa held be fore County Judge McCarthy today. Mr. Mager was the first witness callod. Ho testified that he had known the Williams family for more than fifteen years and that there had been more or less trouble and contentions In th family during all that time caused by the uncontrollable temper of Mr. Williams. He waa also the first one on the scene of the tragedy, called there by Clarence Williams, who, when he came met him In the road, and told him of the killing of hla father He told Mr. Mager just how It came about and what prompted him' to shoot his father; that the family had been In constant fear that the father would take the life of one of them In one of his fits' of temper, and that the climax was about reached when this trouble came up. He told Mr. Mager that when this trouble came up over the ques tion, of whether or not he should furnish Charles with money to go to school his father got very angry and said, "I'll money you," and started for Charles with th pitchfork. Clarence immediately ran to the old house which stood but a few feet away, got the shotgun, came back and shot his father twice In the back, both V. n. talrlnH- U. .I.M n 1 .4 Ikfll 1. 4 K..h., .v,; . h.." e.t,, .tth . ,.tvee I four or five times after his father had fallen, but in the excitement only one bullet took effect and that in the arm. The boys were both held for murder In the first degree and bound over to tbe December term of district court. Charles was released on furnishing bond In the sum of $10,000, and returned home with his mother. Clarence was returned to jail. W. V. STATE CONVENTION Large Attendance from All Portions of Nebraska. , , AURORA, Neb., Sept. 25. (Special Tele gram.) The thirty-second annual conven tion of the Nebraska Woman's Christian Temperance union convened In the First Congregational church this morning with delegates from all parts of the state In attendance. The work today consisted of the executive committee meeting and dis cussion of plans for next year's work. The following subjects were discussed: "Outlook In the State," by Mrs. Wheelock; "Plans for More Efficient County Work," Mrs. Annie Steele; "How Can We Improve Our Department Work?" Mrs. W. D. Whit, more; "Bible Lesson," Mrs. Nesblt. Fair Draws a Bin Crowd. BROKEN BOW. Neb., Sept. 25. (Special Telegram.) The Custer county fair opened today with a big crowd In attendance. It Is estimated that there are now over 6,000 people In town and great number arriving hourly. Out near the grounds numerous tents have been provHed, while hotels and boarding houses In the city are filled to the utmoat capacity. The exhibits and at tractions this year beat all previous efforts, while the racing program is particularly good. In town there are amusements galore, especially at night, the principal ones being a street carnival, Arrlngtons comedians at the opera house on the north side and the Wolford Stock company at the New Temple theater on th south side. The crowds are being well handled, all visitors being given ample accommodation. - Big Brick Plant Open. . HUMBOLDT; Neb., Sept. 25. (Special.) A large number of our business men and citizens drove out to witness the starting of the new brick plant, the Installation of which has been going on for several months past. The power, which Is fur nished by the dynamo at Cooper & Linn's electric light plant, was turned on about 10 o'clock, and the machinery worked to perfection, turning out a fine specimen of brick, which it Is thought when burned value of Postum Food Coffee be U M rsi THE CORRECT HEAD PIECE f-Mfiblnn AS GOOD AS $0 IT LOOKS Sold Everywhere, will compete with the output of any plant In the west. An average of thirty hands will be employed and the enterprise will prove a great thing for Humboldt's busi ness Interests. C. L. 8nyder, the superin tendent, states that the Humboldt plant is equipped more completely with modern machinery than any of the thirty-six Pt he has Installed for the company, In whose employ he has been for ber of years as expert machinist. num- tTICA AFTER I'NION PACIFIC Present Survey Leaves Town a Few Miles. L'TICA, Neb.. Sept. 25. (Special.) An enthusiastic public meeting was held at the engine house in this city lust night for the purpose of bringing the Union Pacific railroad into this city. The survey haa been made within a few miles north and It Is very likely that if the proper Induce ments are offered, the citizens will be successful. The following committee was appointed to confer with the officials of the company: George Arendt, O. D. Thygeson and F. F. Miller. Thin committee will com mence Its work at once. Telegraph Wires Alt Down. WOOD RIVER, Neb., Bept. 25. (Special.) An accident which put the Union Pacific telegraph service out of commission for an hcur or more happened here last evening about 5 o'clock. A team attached to a wagon, which was standing at the depot became frightened and ran away, striking the guy wire to . a telegraph pole, which holds the wires which cross the track from the main line to the depot. When the guy wire broke, it allowed the wires to sag low enough to catch on tbe headlight of an engine as it was passing. This pulled the entire top off of th pole and grounded the whole system. Telephone communi cation was secured to Orand Island and a special train with a crew of men came up at once, but In the meanwhile a local electrician had connected the wires, so that service east and west of here could be resumed. Runaway Boy Captured. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 26. (Special Tele gram.) John Orcutt, a 2-year-old boy, who ran away from home at.- Rulo, Neb., with Vanamburgs circus, was arrested here last night . upon . Information . of his step father, Hiram Snodgraas. He will be held until his father cornea, after him. - Nfvts ot ' Nebraska. PLATTSMOrTH Tha scm of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Atwood of Havclock died Sun day morning. PLATTSMOUTH Judge Paul Jessen has granted naturalization papers to about thirty persons here this week. EDOAR Hon. R. D. Sutherland, democratic-populist candidate for congress, was in the city yesterday, circulating among the voters. BEATRICE The young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Armstrong, living in West Beatrice, died Sunday night and was buried yesterday. BEATRICE The party of Union Pacific surveyors which has been at work south of the city for the last few days left yes terday for Cheyenne. PAPILLION The clerk of the district court ha already had thirty applications from foreigners .for papers to become citizens of the United States. PLATTSMOUTH The Cass county demo cratic convention will be In this city on October t. The republicans held their con. vention in Louisville today. PAPILLION In the district court today. In the case of the helre of Wllllm Snyber, against Attorney H. C. Wedgwood. Judge Day handed dpwn his decision In favor of the defendant. , PLATTSMOUTH At the home of At torney A. J. Oraves and wife Sunday thole daughter, Miss Adelaide, and Jacob, Amen were united in marriage by Rev. J. E. Houlgate. They will reside in Lincoln. BEATRICE It is understood that the Wymore city Council is anxious to grant a franchise to Omaha parties to operate an electric plant at that place, as more light and better service is needed badly there. AUBURN Aahton C. Shallenberger. demo cratic candidate for governor, spoke here last night. He said th farmer should be the most Interested In obtaining a better freight and passenger rate In this country. BEATRICE C. B. James, one of the most prosperous farmers In southern Quge county, died suddenly Sunday night at tho home of relatives near Endlcott, Neb. The body was Interred at Wymore this after noon. PLATTSMOUTH Judge W. H. Newell and B. H. Atwood are contemplating open ing a stone quetrry between this city and the Burlington bridge. The firm now owns and operates quarries st Cedar Creek, Wy more and Amasona, Mo. PLATTSMOUTH Arthur Richardson and Miss Minnie Nelson were united In mar riage Sunday In the home of his brother, A. L. Richardson, Rev. J. E. Houlsatn of the Methodist church officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson will reside In Omaha, BEATRICE At the home of the groom's brother, Orvllle Wallen, occurred the mar. rlage of Mr. Roy Wallen and Miss Grace Bowles, Rev. J. E. Davis officiating. About sixty couples witnessed the ceremony, which was followed by a wedding supper. BEATRICE The Kansas exhibit adver tising train, comprising sixteen cars of wh'tn.t and other products, made a stop of two iKiors In the city today en route west over th Rock Island. Many Beatrice people vlf't'Hi th station to look over the exhibit. COLVMBCfeV-Jrry Wsgner came hers Saturday work up life Insurance and while cropping the street a farmer's wagon ran Into h,:n. A couple of ribs were broken and he "i is badly bruised about the head and tu('. He was taken ta St. Mary's hospital. BKATRICE Judge Kelllgar of the dis trict court was in the city yesterday and held court In the Interests of those who wished to take out naturalization papers under the old law. Second papers wers issued to about 2A0 foreigners at the sitting, which Included a brief session Tuesday morning. BEATRICE C. S. Sherman of Lincoln, the state league promoter, was In the city today in the interests of the movement. Ho says the prospects for state league bfe ball next year are highly encouraging. Mr Sherman will go to Grand Island, Kearney, Fremont and Columbus this week. COLUMBUS Judge James G. Reeder went to Central City to hold the regular term of the district court for Merrick county. The judge has ben working over time lately, having worked until nearly midnight Saturday taking proof of naturali sation and issuing pupers, as the new law. which makes It harder to prove uo and more costly, goes into effect Thursday. OAKLAND Through passenger service on the 4ioux Clty-Ashland cut-off on tha Great Northern is at lust a reality, be- finning Monday morning. Train No. 10 rom Sioux Ciiy reaches here at 1:13 p. m. and No. 11 from Aahlund at 5:22 p. m., every dav except Sunday. The mixed trains which have been running for some time will continue as before. Na mail service Is In operation as yet, but will be very soon. LEGISLATORS BEISC NAMED Confection! Held in H umber f tiitriou Tlronchsit th Ett. HARMONY IN THE REPUBLICAN RANKS Candidate Sheldon Addresses the Con vention la His Home Connty, Cass Democrats Also Trotted Oat. RU8HVILLE, Neb.. Sept. 2S.-(Speclal Telegram.) The republican senatorial con. vention convened Tuesday morning at the court house at 10 o'clock. There were two candidates, R. S. Rising of Ainsworth and David Hanna of Valentine. Mr. Hanna was nominated on the second ballot. Resolutions were passed endorsing the platform of the national republican con vention of 1904 and the state republican convention ot 1906, also pledging the nom inee of the convention to vote for Norris Brown for United States senator. Hon. W. H. Reynolds of Dawes county was en dorsed for member of the state central committee from the district; also favoring the establishment of an agricultural ex periment station for western Nebraska and recommending the next legislature to me morialize congress for some legislation for a speedy solution by sale or otherwise of the grazing lands of western Nebraska. The central committee elected by this con vention Is empowered to fill all vacancies that may occur during the campaign. Captain Corbtn of Alliance was nominated for state representative today at the rep resentative convention, which met at 9 o'clock this morning. The other candidate was Mr. Cook of Sioux county. Two bal lots were taken, the vote being close. Ord Republicans Enthusiastic. ORD, Neb., Sept. 25.-(Speclal Telegram.) Nearly every precinct In Valley county was represented In the republican county convention held at this place today. Fol lowing the unanimous endorsement of all the state candidates, a strong antt-pass resolution was passed by the convention. J. P. , Balrd, a prominent farmer residing three miles south of this place, was nomi nated for representative and H. E. Oleson, a resident of Ord, was nominated for county attorney. Delegates were also chosen to attend the senatorial convention at Broken Bow next week. Tha convention . was harmonious In every particular and the ticket Is considered to be a strong one. M'COOK, Neb., Sept. 26.-(Special Tele gram.) Israel A. Sheridan of Indlanola, Red Willow county, was' this afternoon nominated by the democratic and peoples' Independent parties for state senator . for the Twenty-ninth ' district of Nebraska In their conventions held In this city. Both convention were poorly attended, not half of the counties being represented at all In the conventions. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Sept. 25. (Special Telegram.) The Cass county republican convention elected Hon. R. B. Windham chairman and A. L. Tldd secretary. Ex County Attorney Jesse L. Root was nom inated for senator and Frank J. Davis of Weeping Water and Charles E. Noyes of Louisville for representatives. County At torney Carl A. Rawla waa named to suc ceed himself and Martin L. Frederick was nominated for county commissioner. Sen ator Sheldon end M. F. Harrison addressed the harmonious and enthusiastic conven tion. LONG PINE, Neb., Sept. 26. (Special Telegram.) The Fifty-first representative district democratlo convention, met her to day. It was called to order In the Odd Fellows' hall by Chairman Thomas Heck of Long Pine. . Mr. Heck was elected per manent chairman and Mr- Ackerman of Ainsworth secretary.. Mr. Heck was called away during the convention and D. D. Car penter of Johnstown was appointed to fill the vacancy. James J. Carlln of Bassett received the endorsement of the Rock county delegation and was chosen on tha first ballot. James J. Carlln Is an ex county attorney and a pioneer of Rock county. Sterling silver Frenzer. 16th A Dodge sts. Seriously Injured by Horse. ' AINSWORTH. Neb., Sept. 26.-(Speciat Telegram.) Yesterday afternoon when Frank Stephenson, living about three miles north of here, was trying to lead a wild colt he was caught In the colls of the rope and thrown to the grounfl. The horse fell on him and he had three ribs and his collar bone broken so bad that Dr. G. O. Remy telegraphed Dr. Allison of Omaha, who will be here on the midnight train to help set the fractures. Do Your Meals Fit? Do Yon Feel Snog and Comfortable Aronad Your Waist Line After a Hearty Mealf Did your last meal taste deliclously good to you and did you eat all you wanted? Could you have patted your rotundity lu glee and felt proud of your apeptlte and of your good, strong stomach? Do you feel rosy now because your last meal gave you no Inconvenience whatever? If not, you have dyspepsia In some form, and probably never realised it. If you have the least trouble In your stomach after eating, no matter how little or how much you eat, there is trouble brewing and you must correct It at once. Most all stomach troubles come from poor, weak, scanty gastric juice, that precious liquid which ought to turn your food into rich, red blood. If you have nausea, your gastric Juice is weak. If you have sour risings or belch ing, your food Is fermenting; your gastric Juice is weak. If you have loss of appe tite, your gastric Juice Is weak. If you have a bloaty feeling of aversion to food, your gastrlo Juice Is weak. You need something in your stomach to supply the gastric Juice which is scanty and to give power to the weak gastric Juice. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet do this very thing. Now think one grain of one of th In gredients of these wonderful little tablets digests 1.000 grains of food. They ar sev. eral times more powerful than the gastric Juice In good, strong, powerful stomach. They actually digest your food for you. Besides, they Increase tha flow of gastric Juice, just what you need to get all the good possible out of everything you eat. You will never have that "lump of lead'' In your stomach nor any other stomach trouble after taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Then everything you eat will be digested. It will give you strength, vim, energy and a rosy disposition. You'll feel good all around your waist line after every meal and it will make you feel good all over. . .Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will mak you feel happy after eating a good, hearty meaL. Take one or two after eating. You'll fee( fine then your meals will fit, no mat ter what or when you eat. We want to send you a sampls package of Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets free of charge, so you can test them yourself and b convinced. After you have tried tbe sample you will b so satisfied that you will go to th nearest drug store and get a Mc box. . Bend, your nam and address todsy and w will at one send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., U Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. . The Perfect Food Beverage The kind of Cocoa Beans that we use contain six times as much food value as beef. We buy only the highest-priced. Our Cocoa is nothing but Cocoa and that is why it Is the most delicious of Cocoas. Th WALTER M. LOWNEY CO.. Boston, Mass. l ii iiiiiiBn iaiii.ii limn i n 3. In case of sickness none but the best should be accepted. 4. Our treatment Is known the world over and has proved Its merits In over 350,000 cases. 5. We give value received, and that is the reason we are at the head in our specialty. ' ' 6. The. only Keeley Institute in the Btate of Nebraska is located In Omaha. ' Correspondence Confidential. c?.:itZc.7J'T THE KEELEY INSTITUTE from either depot OflAHA, NEB. The "Friedman Shoe Maker Another thing I am Sewing" in the ATLANTIC" Shoe. The latest improved Stitchers do Clean and Perfect Work that will not give way to the severest strain. Evtn the Thread must be up to the " Friedman Standard " and that means the Best There are over a Thousand Stitches in a shoe and it requires skillful handling to join the Linings and ' different Parts, but the Hundreds of Employes in this Shop know their work like they do their A B Cs, and I guarantee that they do it well. Another and a good reason why you shduld join the "SHOE-WISE CLUB." X,st your nxt Shoe Expartano b with th "ATI.A.WTIO" th BEST product of th ORE ATZSST sho mark on aarth. Tiedman MAKER '. ""v- V I? C - ' -1RV tti t tisWfflshfsi urn )ayi,rr ' - - Lowney's Cbecolsts Bonbens and Chocolate products. 1. Drunkenness, Opium, Morphine, Cocaine and other drug addictions are diseased conditions. 2. Therefore, scientific medical treatment is neces sary. TO MUM a? am OCEAN OCEAN LECTURE No. 4 very particular about is the A CONTINUED SUCCESS FOB 51 YEARS STLOUIS ONLY I HOUSE. IN ICtOOO HAS JUCH A RECORD :. V ' ";v. s V - ""