A t 'TTTR"- OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER -2f, 190tV 1 L .1 I1. . "ELBPnONB DOUGLAS 1S. New Fall and Winter This is the recognized store for everything pretty, new and stylish- in "vtaists. - Our 'waists' aro ahaays clean; ptXf and ready to put on. Our prices art always low, in fact, we know you can buy the test of aiets here for less money than, in any other store. We now show-" " ': ' "- Vhlte Madraj Waists - White Linen Waists .. " . iWhite Nun's . VeUing Waists .Black NunV.'Veiling Waists f . ;' j Lace The- New Chiffon Spot Proof Broadcloth Has Made a Great Hit This Season. The .reason why this display of new chif fon broadcloth Is' attracting such an un usual , amount or attention la not far to seek; Wei n la bJlevln. A . Visit to this department and wa .will show you the most beautiful collection of nsw autumn shades ever shown In this -city. This class of dress ..goods Is Simply ."..Without equal In other 'words, dread elejshce Itself. Ail the new autumn shades, 4 c CO. - Spot ' proof blscki $2.60, $3, p. and St' 4 yard. V , Fine Values in Basement Dress I Goods Department. Wednesday you can get stylish, pretty plaids; for. , wajets and children's school dressep at JBw and Sc a yard and a special lot of j small figured novelties In the new autumn shades at 39c a yard. Start a Deposit Account. It has.. ajl the : convenience of a credit system. v It has all the economy of a cash busi ness. It pay's 4 per cent Interest, compounded four times ayar. You may deposit as little or as much as Vou please. J'ou may withdraw your money any mo tent without notice. It Is safe, economical and convenient Investigate. paloony, main floor. . . . . " r- oyer Cuba indefinitely and possibly for ever. president Palma has called a specisl ses sion .0$ pjurress for Friday, when he will present ' the resignations ' of 1 himself and Vice President Mendes Capote. The mod erates, however, will nut attend that session of- congress., for, .In their hurriedly called national fmoderala( assembly this afternoon they decided unanimously ' simply to quit forthwith. . ' .. They will not even attend the approaching sf&TlottVr liave anything more to do with the government of Cuba, alleging that they have been unjustly treated by President RoosevejVSf oorttmtss.loneta, ' ''' This dY"fyia-tron Is taken by Messrs. Taft and jlVicyps, however, ss another Indi cation thatht'jwpdera't leader sine they cannot b&tf rntryt the government themselves, fl'fp' netertrilneei,' . ajt whatever Coat, that tne'4lterl. shall 'not' now or" hereafter obtain cou1rt)l. a, ' , . At the conetfriOMjf -rif nXe moderate sestet bly tbtaiii -Pjft.Mtlrtt Capote collect on the Ainorlcan comifiisslon efa and oAA.ihad ,;,qeep fJn trucked JbyttW''ntwr8te''a4iremWy-'i' iiiti a repfy toBetarV: taft'rf.Wt!r,in!?real 9ent almt,ttlwWVpeaie'teir! were uggetedeVtMs rnter vfewieior Mn des Capote., sal's ,o the.; Associated Jresa "I hate rVsfgheA rrrevoaWy',wy position as rice preside ty-the? republic. 1 .1 resurnrd because MnaInBttnn. of iTeetdent Pslma wis forced upon 'him -by causes : detri mental to the- dle-nity ami dennrum tt the office n1i chief- executive.. --The. president will porif(pne'yftnfress In extraordinary hes lon ot ;rr1dsyto conM-ler his resignation ind my pwn.-f - V1' ' 1 Mendes' lfpote sard further that tha en tire be1y.Tif moderates m both houses, as wll as 'the entire liberal national, or Nunei,'" pjsrty. would refrain from attend ing the .extraordinary , aenslnn. As the moderate and the nationalists comprise more Uflfi two-thirds of each house there will hejno quorum. This will block action and preve that the structure of constitu tional government no longer exists. I Capote rondemas Taft. Mends Capote emphatically condnnmed the artegred partiality of the - American commissioner,, and said he expressed the opinlon.iof many of the1 members of his party -hea he declared' that Secretaries Taft atid Bacon had placed themselves un reserveBly on the side of the liberals and againaQ the existing : recognised govern ment. )le said. tha( even If they accepted the basis first presented by the' mediators he dldjjiot think the Island would have re mained; at peace for thirty daya. Mendes Capote has called another meet ing otjthe moderates for Thuraday to de termine) tha attitude of the party toward tha approaching extraordinary session of congress Whlfa the developments recorded today are pfiafoundly serious, the outward ap pearance of thinga was distinctly peaceful. Thl:waj tha quietest day yet at the CLUTT, F-CAOOV , C. IS M lU-wHWhu-Swhhw, . - , FflOd I OP - nl rvoua- man rVUUIUI Who And their power to NfirVOS' work ' and youthful vigor - m 1 ui i ut ex cesses or Indiscretions should take GRAY'S NERVE fXKJD ULLS.. They will make 1 oa Boxes t9 ky MalL , Shermsii McCcnnell Dm Ce com. mm Ajrp xoxa, ocuu 'n : Boa't Kiss This OBDQiiunlt. Sfou- ara fitted' by grad- . i.-y' lowest possible eharee. t glasses will relleva ' defeat of vision which reuses headache, aervousn e. red and in- flamed lids.'- roeeei eyes, blurring, ato. batlsfactlon guarantees, luxaiulastiun rr. XH jr. Y. US aUdlas. Tea. tWTX Waists White Silk Waists Black Silk Taffeta Waists Redfern Whalebone Corsets. 8LENDERNESS 18 ONLT PRETTY WITH EVIDENT CCHVE8. ' Redfern Is a model distinctly made for young ladies. It is designed to assist in the development of the form, which In this model becomes bewitchlngly sylph like. Pilled with supple Arctic whalebone and trimmed with valenciennea lace. At tached are tha "Security" rubber button hose supporters. Miss Adelaide McCauley, expert . corset ier for the Redfern Models Is now at our atore and will give daily demonstrations of this famous corset. The women of Omaha and vicinity are requested Xo ba present. Second floor. Bee display in 16th street window, . Open Saturday Evenings. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. American legation, where the commission ers have been holding their hearings. There were comparatively few callers, but there was a constant Interchange of cable grams with Oyster Bay, over a direct wire from the legation to the cable office. These communications were a result of the notification from President Palma that he and his associates had determined to re sign rather than submit to the, terms sug gested and the fact that they declined to offer any modifications to these terms. Tha formal draft of the terms, sent to the palace early thia morning was rejected at noon. This action was no ' explained by Secretary Taft, notwithstanding the .fact that It had been threatened by certain of the government officials and It practically coused him. to abandon his efforts toward settlement..'... V .,"'.. . V Although 'intervention ."'appears-: pertain both' Secretaries Taft ..and Bacon 'aaeured the 1 Associated Press tonight .that, sucb a fou:Voul(riioiv;ba taken ad lioa. as a 1yii)metii temalfia with vhlch they fan treat, out in tne jaca ox me personal cum mnicatlonrfrxrr.PTestdeat Pkn,yar';he y about to tltroWji.oyer 4a' hole "rnafler. Jlefretrx Taft vbs jio igrNit'. expectation ytkt Hhe government wll.ndufa for long. . ' ralmaf Is laelaerre..-. A Secretary ;Taft feels that ', President Palma's, course is uncalled, for, "aa the letter setting forth, tha Jerma of peace In vited the government officials to suggest changes In tha conditions unsatisfactory, to them and In fact to offer another plan which they believed would" be acceptable to all concerned. Secretary Taft feels keenly that President Palma has been insincere In "the negotia tions with the American commissioners. In that he had entered upon the negotiations with the voluntary promise to abide by tha decision of the commissioners and then rejected the very first suggestion made, and also refused to offer any counter plans. This convinced Becretary Taft that Presi dent Palma Intended only to accept In the event the decision favored the governrnent and when Palma sent word that he In tended to resign, Mr. Taft waa further convinced that the president of Cuba would wreck the government of the republic rather than make personal or party sacri fices. , At a late hour tonight Secretary Taft announced that, in view of the attitude of tha government, the promised conference with the liberals would be' suspended. After Becretary Taft had declined to go to the palace. Vice President Capote readily, called at tha American legation and kept the commissioners Informed of the action of tha government and tha moderates. Alfredo Zayas, the liberal lender, visited ths mediators several times, and at I o'clock this evening he was Informed that the negotiations with the liberals for a peace agreement would ba temporarily sus pended, pending action by the government. Upon leaving the legation Benor Zayas said Becretary Taft bad told him that tho government officials, Includjn the prcal dent, would resign to congress. Comment. Ing on this statement, Senor Zayas said this made a new situation, as there would be- no government with which- to treat When Zayas received the first Information that the government officers, had, decided to resign he said hotly: . v ''Then I tell you that the government and .the . moderate have betrayed us by delivering- tba republic to the Americans." PvcparlaaT ie Laat Marines. Captain Albert B. .Couden, ' commander of. tha American squadron here, was sum moned by Becretary Taft tonight to con sider ths situation Inthi event' that a landing baoocnea avscessary. Tba liberal and Independent Cuban newspapers pub lish extra, editions, tonight charging that the attitude of . toe government, was as sumed tor the sole purpose, of provoking American ' Intervention end hjslsttng that the government - officers were larking in patriotism in surrendering the government to foreigners rather tbaa , ta- a party of their awn people. - ' During the course of tha afternoon Becre tary Taft received a report from a source usually reliable that . President Palma's decision to resign meant the . Immediate abandonment of the government. Before learning the falsity ot this report Secretary Tsft sent for General, Msnscol. tha head of the vsterana . It I believed by many persona that tf.it became necessary hur riedly to form a 1 temporary government General Menaeol would -be given a high poet. ', . , ; V The arrival here Thursday of ' General Fvneloa causes onsderabls - speculation to what ha will, do In, Cuba., . "Haarabaa'is He-aleeteja. MILWAUKEE. Sept, 26.-At this after noon's eton ef the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen aol Engineers, Grand Master Hanrahan waa re-elected over Frank P. baignu the vote being- to 2X0. Baa Want Ads (or Business Boosters, rj)UMLdWi&JSL if o BreV8ptmrtS, ltOf. Waiste Silk Petticoats. All the new fall style are now on sale. The best Silk Petticoat In America for $6.00, second floor, cloak department. - , Children's Coats. . The greatest assortment of pretty Coats, in bear skin, serge, broadcloth. Imitation krlmmer and all the lateat fabrics. Prices from 14.60 to 110.00. Misses' Coata, I, 10, 12 and 14 years, the well new plaid coats, fancy .checks, every garment girlish and pretty. , , First Showing Outing Flannel Night Shirts for Men. :; . . The new ouyng flannel gowns are here-r-bright., fresh and snapping with newness. The time to buy them is now, while, the as sortments are best; then you will be pre pared for the 'cold nights which are apt to come most any time. No use making night shirts when you csn .buy such well made and roomy gowns at these prices. Good quality outing flannel night shirts; well made; ail sixes, from 16 to 19. SPECIAL, GOOD VALUE, 60c EACH. Fine quality outing flannel night shirts; good weight; fancy trimmed; all sites, from 16 to 1.' GOOD VALUE. 76c BACH. Finest quality outing flannel night shirts; good, heavy weight; fancy trimmed; cut extra wide and long; all alses, from 16 to 20. FINE VALUE. AT tl EACH. Boys' outing flannel night shirts; fine quality; just as well made as the men' gowns; sixes, 4 to 12. . EXTRA VALUE. AT 600 BACH. Extra sire night shirts, tl 26 each. . Be display In Howard street window. STENSLAND ENROUTE WEST Ihicaco Bank Wrecker Will aoh loans of His Crimes Tsdaj. ANXIOUS TO STRAIGHTEN MATTERS euf aya He Got Only Half Million, bat Does Sot Know Hew Mach ' Tha ' Other . Fellow . Got. ; NEW YORK. Sept. 28. Psul O. Btens land, self-confesaed embexxler of funds from the MHwnuke Avenue State bank of Chicago, of which tie-was president. Is to night on hit wsy to Chicago, a paasengev on the Twentleth'Centory L1mWd.-ready arirN wlfflrlr. he siiy. to', 'admit hl ullU' but atrTre'lfmeNletermlmd to aeeua others whamrht. claims w;re"equally culp-J ame tor vnaisrreokins;, of tna instMuirpn sad Its-ttAndantr,losse .of nllllona of dollars.' ' '' '.-. .- Last night and early today Stenslsnd was a prisoner at . polks headquarters, but his promtnunca afforded- him no privllegoa whatsoever. Following a sleepless night In a cheerless cell. In which a pine board was the only resting place, he was lined up with a score of pickpockets and., other petty criminals and forced to pass In re view before the detective sergeants.. Then he. was measured and photographed' for the headquarters' gallery. After that con ditions changed for Stensland.' ' He wns escorted without physlcsl restraint to the district attorney's office and there turned over to the custody of Chlcngo detectives. Under these officers his freedom became more pronounced. After having waived his extradition rights he was taken to a Broad way hotel for luncheon with his son, Theodore Stensland, and later for a walk down Broadway and Fifth avenue.. Prisoner's . Condition Improves, Stensland's condition, both mental and physical, seemed vastly Improved over the mourning, when he was In a state of partial collapse. Ha appeared pleased at the pros pect of getting back to Chicago. With Stensland on the train, which is due at Chicago tomorrow morning, are Assistant . State Attorney Olsen, Detective Sergeant Kinder, who la personally ret sponsible for. Stensland, and Theodore Stensland, his son. The final word of tho returning official as he left Kew York was that ha was glad to go back to help In closing; the bank's affairs. He wanted to protect Innocent people, he declared, to Incriminate those who should be Incrlmln ated and to show the Chics goubllc that he waa not the black aheep that he had been painted! Investments Want Wrongr. Stensland made ' a voluntary statement to' Police Inspector .McLaughlin today. Trembling with emotion, - and with tears falling down hia cheeka, tha ex-bank presi dent aaid: ' "I made soma bad Investments and tltey did not act as quickly as I thought they would. They were not paying. The man under me tho cashier, I mean took ad vantage of the situation and he cot more than L All I got was $600,000, but I don't know-what the other man got. The money I want away with was a few thousand dol lars that I made in a real estate specula tion last summsr. I had always : been In hope of paying; ths money back, but I sup pese all la lost. -1 am suffering- from .as thma. I want to get back. - to Chicago Just as quickly as possible," . - " Papers Aro Ready. CHICAGO, Sept. 26. The papers asked for In tha Stensland case. It is officially announced, 'will meet Stensland's captors at Buffalo, with tha Idea of getting all possible information from tha alleged wrecker of tho Mllwuukee Avenue' State bank, before the latter contulta with coun sel In Chicago. ' Will Opoa This Week. ' Ia aa Interview with Mr. O'Donahoe-of tha O' Dona hoe. Redmond 4t Normlle com pany aa to tho probable opening of their new store ha stated that a temporary opening would bo made during the letter part of ths week', but that the grand formal apening would occur aa soon aa tba store waa In condition to display to tho public the1 -choice merchandise so dear to the feminine eye. The top floors of the newj building are crowded to the limit, ready to burst with their contents of dainty Adorn ments such, as' stated by the firm, as never before- beed In tOmaha. ' Their main Idea now Is to be open to greet ''their friends - and patrons ' during' Ak-SaV-Ben week.-' and, ' although' somewhat ' In 'the rough, "they ,wll be capable of, satisfying; tha wanta and tastea of 'anyone desirous at making a satisfactory purchase, I PIONEERS; AT PtE'S PEAR Eeoond Day's Procrara of Celorada Ifooo tain Cotsnnial la ia Procresa. VICE PRESIDENT "'DELIttRS ADDRESS Hall "of Lar Eaeaa ro Aeeosasne data Crowd, Tic Presi dent Ipeska In tha Open Air. COLORADO SPRINGS. Sept. 26-Ploneer day, the second In ths Pike centennial celebration week, opened as auspiciously as did tha week itself. The day had. been set ssiae ny the committee on arrangements for the glorification of the .efforts and achievements of the ntar) who' biased the trails and belonged tl tha vanguard of civilisation! Th Influi f pioneers from Colorado and ilfHehlmSne ! maiW A gathering o( those Interesting persons thst never perore has' been equaled In thia sec tion of the country. Tha formal exercises Were Conducted In rh. nn.n air this mnrn. Ing. their meeting being; held at Stratton park, at the antra nco to the-famous Chey enne canyon'. Tha speakers at thia, meet ing were General Frank Wall, one time secretary at Jefferson territory, and Judge llflll ens m.. - niiour 1; mono of Denver. Fairbanks la Open Air. Vice President- Charlea .W. Fairbanks was to havs delivered an address In the Grand opera house.- hut -ths . Auditorium could accommodate only a smsll psrt of me crowd that desired to hear him and the meeting was held In the open. In Acacia park. There, the vice nreaident spoke to 10.000 persons and waa given an uvauon. When Representative Brooks and Thomas F. Walsh attempted to cort Vice Presi dent Fairbanks Into the Walsh automobile at the Antlers hotel the vice president said: "No, I am going to wslk." The Midland band, which had given a concert in frpnt of the hotel, marched up the middle et tha street,, playing a military air, while the vice president and his escort wslked along the sidewalk for four blocks to the park, the head of the vice president towering high above those surrounding him In the immense crowd .that followed. Vice President Talks. Vice President Fairbanks spoke In part aa follows; The century which has elapsed since the expedition which we celebrate, has given a tremendous . impulse . to the cause of republican government, atid our Institu tions, whietv were feeble snd viewed witn mucn distrust a century sgo, have grown wonderfully in strength, and in the .con fidence of the world. They have success fully withstood assaults made upon them ana have increased in strength with eacn ettempt to overthrow tbem. The perils through which we have passed have In tensified the people's love for them and their willingness and purpose to guard and defend them to the utmoat. We may say, without any aplrit of vainglory, that our institutions - can stand againvt the world without, and no disintegrating In fluence within can affect their essential soundness. Wa hear much said bf 'vies and corrup tion, much of the subtle enemies of tne state and social order, but the great besrt of the people Is as sound snd incorrupti ble today as at any hour in all of our matchless history. The 'conscience of tho. people hss pot - been seared. Pure ma terialism has not achieved the mastery. All of the forces which make for the intel lectual, the moral anti-the social advance ment of the people were never more pow erful and never in fuller play than ihey are today. Honor among nun waa never - more" regarded,, and dis honorable practlces-otther in public or private life, were, never more abhorred than they are today. Thre haa been upon every hand a dememl that thoae who hold plaes and power shall be clesn men, and that they shall consecrate themselves com pletely to the utmost' advancement of the public welfare." . . The American .petwplare going, forward and upward with tremendous momentum. They are advanrtnfc-tn all the ways which maks for a tsaa.4prtKut,. patriotic peo ple. They respset right, .and condemn wrong In every relation of 1tf, Those who would contaminate the state, of who would carry into the business, world low ideals of business morality, jean lay no claim to the general reipecL The American people are not to be judged by the standarda of the exceptional wrongdoer, but by the generous purpose of -the great body of our countrymen. - Tho currents which course the veins of tho American people are es sentially as pure now ss those which Ailed ths veins of our ancestors. - The past 100 years have been notable In onr history. The story we hsve wrltteu, both In wsr and peace, challenges the ad miration of mankind. While by no meana shirking any responsi bility which a high aenee of justice and na tional honor may put upon us, ws never theless stand ready to co-operate with other powers in the establishment of some agency for the settlement ot grave international differences whereby they may be appropriately confided to an arbi tral tribunal. The 'nation which hesitates to do all in Its power to advance the cause of International arbitration falls In Its supreme duly to modern civilisation; falla In ita duty to -itself and the rest of mankind. In the laconic utterance of one of our greatest generals,, ''Wsr is hell." Yea, as a rule, It is the expression of the brutish in man. The settlement of private differences vl et armls la. no longer toler ated. It ta repugnant to the educated con science of the civilised; world. Courts of justice are established everywhere to de termine them. Most of the disputes be tween nations could be composed by soma method euually honorable and efficacious. Ait appeal to force in adjusting them should fall Into disuse. ' The majority of the differences which may srlse msy be readily adjusted In tribunals which the na tions may create. There are but few con troversies which might not, with honor and with confidence, be submitted to their de liberate consideration. Arbitration does not suggest any Isrk of national virility. It Is rather an evidence of Improvement frl tho moral and Intellectual fiber of the peo ple. I believe that' the hour la fast coming when the statesmanship of the world will be able to devise some Instrumentality which will put In the way of just solution most of ths grave questions which fre quently menace international amity and rudely disturb International peace. To wards this consummation, so devouOy to be wished. America may be truated to make ita rich, and ample contribution. THE WAY OUT Change of Food Brongrht gaeeeae as Happiaoss. An . ambitious, but delicate girl, after failing to co through school on account bf nervousness and hysteria, found In Grape-Nuts the only thing, that seamed to build, ber up and furnish her tha peace of health. "From Infancy,:' aha says. "I have not been strong. Being ambitious to learn at any cost, I finally got ta tha high school, but soon' had to abandon my studies on account of nervous prostration and hys terla. "My food did not agree with me; I grew. thin and despondent. I could not enjoy tha simplest social affair, for I Buffered constantly from aervouanesa In aplta of all sorts of medicines. "This wrecked condition continued until I waa twenty-live, when I became Inter ested In ths letters of those who had caaea like mine and who wre being, cured by eating Grape-Nuts. "I had littls faith, but procured a box. and after the first dish I experienced a peculiar satisfied feeling that I had never gained from any ordinary food. ,1 slept and reeled better that night, and In a few days began to grow stronger. VI had a new feeling of peace and rest fulness. In a few weeks, to my great joy, tha headaches and nervousness left me apd life . became bright and hopeful. I resumed my studies and latsr taught ten months with ease of course, using Grape Nut every day. ' It la now four years Since I began to use Grape-Nuts. I am the mistress of a happy home and the old weakness has never returned."' . Kama given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. "There's reason.'" Read the little book, "Tba RoaC J WellviUe." in pkga, BRADY - BANK ' IS WRECKED tobbora Visit . Kebraaka Town, Rnla with rands. BRADT. Neb.. Sept. 28-The Bank of Brady was- wrecked, by robbers this morn ing. Four charges of dynamite were used and the ruin is complete. The amount of money taken la not known. A big force of men and dogs is in pursuit of the robbers. Revival at Blair. BLAIR, Neb., Sept 2f.-(Speclal-The city of Blair Is now In the high tide of one . of the greateat religious revivals known in the history of Washington county. Five churches have united In a union series of meetings and they hsve secured the services of Rev. Mllford H. Lyon of Chicago and his singer, Mr. J. Dale Stents of Ottumwa, Ia. The speaker csme to Blair highly . recommended by other cities of the state, among others being Columbus and Schuyler. The local churches have erected a large tabernacle on the lots opposite the poetoffice that will seat .1.400 people. . Last Sunday morn ing there was a debt of 1000 on the build ing, that was completely wiped out at the morning . service. Altogether there are well on to 200 conversions. This Is the last week of the meetings, and every effort Is being put forward to make them a success that will be beyond the highest hopes. The evangelists go from here to Hartford. Wis., for the month of October, and will return to Fremont for tho month of November. Woman Beats Off Aasallnnt. FREMONT. Neb., Sept. 2S.-(Speclal.) Rufus Mc-Martln Is under arrest at the county jail on the charge of statutory assault upon Mm. . Charlea' Green of Saunders county. McMartln was walking south towards the bridge designing lame ness, when he was overtaken by Mrs. Green, who Invited him to ride. At a point on the rosd near the house of John Nau he assaulted her and threatened to kill her. Mrs. Green fought vigorously and finally a well directed blow over the head with the butt end of the buggy whip knocked him nut of the carriage and she drove on. 8he stopped at the home of J. Nelson, who notified the Fremont officers and they with several men started In pursuit. McMartln was arrested last evening at the Stock & Land company's yards southeast of the city, where he Is employed. .'This Is the third affair of thia nature In which he has been Implicated, He Is not eonrtdered quite right mentally and was for a time confined In the Lincoln asylum. The Saunders county authorities will have charge of the case, the affair having occurred In that county. HEARST IN CONTROL (Continued from First Page.) at New York, an "additional member" of the state committee. Mr. Anderson asked unanimous consent to the reception of the resolution. By this time the delegates hsd come to realize that the resolution applied not only to lynching and mob Violence affecting the negro race, represented by Mr. Anderson, but also to the antl-Jewiph rioting in . Russia, and there waa a clamor for Its reception. Chairman Odell put the question and the resolution was carried amid cheers. Neither of. the two. United States sena tors,, Piatt and Depew, who have attended every ,. republican state convention for a generation, wss present today. Several hours . after tho session the re? publican leaders were In close conference canvassing the .situation and endeavoring, to reach anaareeraent or adjust difference before the "convention meets tomorrow for the purpoiffof 'omplet1na;ts business by tha nomination of a jatnta Jlrket, but Jt was announced no conclusion had been reached. The Important matter discussed was the governorship, but the position different members took cannot be accurately atated. save for the fact that a large proportion of them favored Lieutenant Governor Bruce and that Herbert Parsons was al most alone In his advocacy of Charles E. Hughes, v . An. Indication of the doubt In which tho situation remains Is rhe fsct that no speaker haa yet been' selected to place candidates In nomination, but as matters stood this evening- It would seem the nomination for governor Is still between Bruce and Hughes. There were repeated revivals during ths day of the. talk about Frank S. Black and several attempts were made to arrange a program to secure his nomination. Black from the first discouraged the use of Ms name and made his declination so positive that few of the up-state leaders believe that he Is really a possibility. DEATH RECORD. Joka H. Leavltt. WATERLOO, Is.. Sept. 26. (Special Tele gram.) John H. Leavltt died this morning, aged 71 years, after a long struggle with cancer. He came to Waterloo In 1864 and was a prominent banker and politician. He was one of the original promoters of the Illinois Central railroad from Dubuque to Sioux city. Twenty years later he waa active In securing tha Chioago Great West ern. He originated tha coupon bond-system for making loans on farms. He was president of the same JMnk which had stood on. the earns sit fifty years the leavltt A Johnson National bank of Water loo.' He was a large stockholder in the Cedar Falla National and Grundy Center National banks. In 185H he was chairman of the state republican convention at Des Moines and was a .popular candidate for governor until a compromise wss made on Frank P. Jackson. He was elected as state senator In M71 and waa for many years a close friend. of Senator Allison. He left V large estate.' He Is survived by a wife arid; Ave children, Roger Leavltt of Cedar Falla Mrs. Davison, Lucy Leavltt, Mrs. Thomss Cascaden and Joseph Leavltt, alt ot Water loo. Rot. J. J. Callahan. Rev. J. J. Callahan, a prominent Cath ollo priest, ia dead at Butte, Mont. Ha was born in Chicago, . amumm ... Father Callahan will ba remembered by mat y Omahans as ths rising young pastor of St. Cecilia's church, which ha Istt about eight years ago. He cams to thia city from Chlcsgo and atudled for entry Into thia diocese. He wss ordained at Cincinnati. - For a time tha young priest waa assistant at St. Patrick's church, and then for a number of years waa given tha St. Cecilia pastorate. Shortly before re moving to Butte be went to Chicago for a year. Believing- his health would be bene fited by the change ot climate he applied for transfer ta Butts and waa given charge of Sacred Heart parish In that city. Father Callahan was In Omaha In July, stopping off hero .while en route both to and from Saratoga, N. T., where he went to attend tha convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He visited many Omaha cler gymen of the church, who were his per sonal and warm friends, and they ssy he appeared to bo well and hearty at that time. Word waa received, however, of his Illness, and It was known Tuesday he could not live long. Fsther Callahan wss about 22 years of age and waa considered a priest of exceptional abilities, with ' a promising future. f. 1 .'. Colonel lk HI II. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. S.-Colonel Issae R. Hill, better, known 4a Colonel "Ike" Hill of Ohio, and for thirty-five years aa employe almost continuously of tha 2C Bank by Mail. H ..... , ..... v 1 , . .... , It is cheaper to use the U. S. mail" than to---." pay car fare. It is more convenient than ta v spend time enough to go to the bank. It virtu" . ally brings the bank to your door. "We already - have several thousand . depositors whom we -V have never seen, and we respectfully solicit your 'T savings account. jQf. We pay 4 per cent interest on deposits, y Oldest, largest and strongest savings bank in Nebraska. City Savings Bank. 16th and Douglas Streets. House of Representatives, died today at his apartments in this city from a compli cation of, kidney, liver and heart trouble. Dnko of Flta-Jamea. PARIS, 8ept. 25.-The duke of Flfa James, an Indirect descendant ' of the Scottish royal family of Stuart, died yester day, at the Chateau De Montjustln, de partment of the Haute Saone. FORECAST 0FJHE WEATHER Pair Today In Nebraska and Sooth Dakota Cooler In Baat Portion. WASHINGTON. Sept K.-Forecast of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday; , For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kanxas Fair Wednesday; cooler In east portion Thursday fair.. For Iowa Fair and cooler Wedneaday and Thursday. .. Local Record. - OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. Sept. Official record of tem- f f rat nre and precipitation compared' with ho corresponding day of t her last thre years s o. r.j ,.), W..W. W. Maxlmu4n.ternpra.t,ure,., M K,f4 , SO..,. 87 Minimum feVnperature-v.-. Bt --2 69. '-a Mean temperature 73 73 70 r 71 Precipitation ,T .00 -,00... T .W Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparison with tha last two years; : Normal temperature 60 Excess for the day...... .13 Total excess since March 1, 1906. 2 Normal precipitation .ot Inch Deficiency for the day na Inch Precipitation since Msrch l.......f2 M Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.28 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1906... 6. OS Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1804... 3.30 Inches Reports from Station at T P. M. Station and State Temp. Mas. Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. fall. Bismarck, cloudy ...i....... ao 74 .00 Cheyenne, cloudy '. 64 74 ..00 ChtCHgo. clear 74 76 .00 Davenport, clear , 76 82 .00 Denver, cloudy 72 ' 78 .00 Havre, clear 60 64 .00 Helena, clear 66 62 .00 Huron, clear ..."68 78 .02 Kansns City, clear , 78 84 .00 North Platte, clear 70 82 .00 Omaha, clear 7 84 .00 Rapid City, clear 60 72 .00 St. Ixuls, cloudy 70 78 T Bt. Paul, cloudy 64 78 1.62 Bait Lake City, clear 6H 68 .00 Valentine, clear 68 76 .00 Wlllieton, cloar 66 62 .00 T indicates trace or precipitation. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. BEECIIAU'S Ftrmt Thlna D I Q In tho T I LLO , Morning The haphazard use , 6! -a. remedy will never discover its efficacy. Try Beecham's Pills morning and night, and note the improvement in your health.-", Tho " L9t Thing mt 'Might OEECHEI'S PILLS v - - v - 8old Everywhere. In boze lOo. and 250b ellsH ay Haa"! ROUND TRIP RATES XOKXSZBKZB lOIBTS one fare plua a.oo First and Third Tueedays. OABADIAJf VOXJTTS ons fare piua Sa.00 Sold Daily durlna September, aji Summer Boserta great reduotlon Bold dally during faieptember. ATI.ABTTA, OA. . . . .3t.l0 Bold October 8th and 8th. BW OBJiBAJra, JUL. ,..,.f3B.0O Bold October II in to 14th, Inclusive. XBW OBCBABS, IVa-, $38.60 tkild October lth. . BTrrAxo, a", t... SacTt Sold October 10th to 12th, incluaive. All Information cheerfully ajlven at WABASI CITT TICKET OTTIOB, laot raraam St. "Phone Bong, ill, Or address BLABBT B. MOOBBS, O. A. P. DM W ABASH B. SV, OMABA, MKB. h. ' Alii! L PEltfiTOArflLLS If -."V T(llk BSARS). V KVrHV !-' wA H- tmr"m ruu to atWV 4 aU axMlIK koM. HUV ah BiSIUm. TaktMHtw V S.iv vA vaur t-u glal MS k tow " it i-ra-ta.tr ft -s kjclisbt, t iiue tatta PiuaTaVaa aaBBBMami i smiini u.riniiiiii w Guaranteed rainproof, the Coaf holds its shape in spite' of weather and rough usage, giving you a smart coat on fair days, yet ready, for. rain. No other garment so. safe guards your health. OsIt la ear faetertes, wttb ths greatest ertssltstlea I the elethlng Use, Is II psMikie to ta ta tare this superiority. Latest stria seek treat the tester whe sella Ksarslaa Oesta or ff-aaa ' 1C HEADQVARTER8 FOa - :-. .,' A 11 ti Ik nft5 misfit I1 1 II II SI 4 1 W II II II II iv-. s 11 II tt II II U ST tl -a H tl II II tr A UU1U aky a,MUIs. The Sanltaru ? " :.. wall coating Call and see colors and designs. MYERS-DILLON PAlftt DEPT., Thane Deao. SI2I Illt-lS Bar T v AMVEMETS. BOYD'S Mori THIS AFTERNOON . .TONKHIT Edwin Arden " in toz.s ta tii xrxi.,' ' Direct from Its all summer's run at Power'a Theatre, Chlcaarot ' '. " Thura., Frl., Sat. Matjnee and Night YIOXiA QIX.I,ETTB OVXK4 ,00. resenting a aig nueoess Til OXMIt AID BAarorz. pAMMTtAXt WJ5E1C OCT, Matinees Wed. aad SEAT SALE Qed. 'rM. CohaVe'' MUftbWf Play ,?' '. N UTM from" ROADWAY With TAT TZXTZjlTOir. BURWOOD Mgrj TITTH BIQ WEEK. . TONIGHT ALL WEErf THE WOODWARD STOCK CO. Presenting TU UOT - OP XTQHS. Prices, Nights, Sunday Mat.. 10-26e Tuea., Thura., Sat Mate 10-20o Net Week TTJXWXD UP. SAME CAPACITY BL81NK8S. KRUG THEATER. I9c-25o90c75c Matinee Today nfu,. 25c TOBZOBTT SUB Tha Great Metropolitan CHINATOWN CHARLIE . HARRY FIELDS The Hebrew Impersonator 'Waa'c tvnowa now vu Bfng. , TXtTKSDAT, TBIOAT A WD SAT. CIDATtIUT, sjATVBBAy, ' The Colossal $10,000 Frodoclloo of At the World's Mercy , Sunday Matloei d Klghf Cn - -r BtASIBOBT COBBY ' Vresata ; OZO. ABB'S Best Musical Comedy ueoess Peggy froniiParis With Atthar ' Xaoa andBfy Cast of Kavoritea. s AX I. WBBB OpeniBs; ' Monday Xvsnias;, Ootosss 1. . , TAZB B) BATtUT t rresent X.laoola J. Carts?. Maataa riay of Ballsin BEDFORD'S HOPE... Bee the Oreat Auto-Train Race. all VINTON ST. PARK - Omaha vs. Sioux City Sept 25-2-27-28 Friday, Sept. 28, dW Day. Games Called 3:45. ' ' CRriOMTOhf.i i'i 'Phone Doualas 4M. Every fllf ht M st mess Thur., Sat, ' Sun. -MODERN; VAUDEVILLE Basque Quartette; JoWsters A Tyson;. Collins,. Hart; Burton dt Brooks; Undea Beckwlth; Zlska A King; Musical forrasta and the Kinodrome. r&JCES-lUo, C ea. y E .AO