THE, OMAHA DAILY DEE; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, lOOd. CRIB AND f RODUCE MARKET Wheat PrioM Opn Firm, Gradually Firm lag. Throurh Season. .; r SENTIMENT BULLISH AND TRADE LIGHT Talk et Da nana; Bnla Poor Reality la Herth west Corn Ala Higher, with Slight Re aetloa a Close. OMAHA, Sept. 14, .ltO. .!51th,," flPln feeling, the wheat Tfl? LEiu,u,J1 trengthenef until prices ZV? k abov Saturday. Sentiment VwJuJ''n. and .tradej waa very II frit. Ht! ,n P" of heavy world hipBwnU and fairly large receipt! In the H?r . J1' T,u,t " from the north WJL? . pa,r uaUty of wheat and dam- ?-U "'r,Un ,n bc or rain. i?!1? WM.'iron tod7 ln "P't of gn-ir-.b,rlh new- tem- at the opening, but thl .to atrength which continued throughout the aetsion. Closing price !r J 0 above Saturday. The maricet snowed a firm undertone, though tred-t waa extremely light. The beet buyer were commission nouses. A bis run of b-S Pcted this week to apply on September contracts. Kecelpta today overran estimates. . - wuwai receipts were l.x,ouo bushels and shipments 692,000 bushels, aairit receipts last year of 1.876,000 bush eia and shipments of euO.OOO bushels. Corn If?1?1".. wf? 730000 b"shel and shipments l'WJ bushels, against receipts last year of 6U4.W0 bushels and shipment of 681.000 bushels of wheat. 64.O0O barrels of Hour, l,0u bushels of coi n and &f2,0U0 bushels of oats. wJh risible supply Inct-essed 920,- wo bushels, corn Increased 8ut,0U bushels and oats Increased 916,000 bushels. . ii p2o1 c'"e SHd higher on wheat and unchanged to Wd higher on corn. i.Jr1kln w'rdl "J on t think you need '"Vr xoeeslv receipts, aa railroad poo. J Zn 1 ot. th Power to move moss ar doln now. I am told they li.W.0r.lUnf th"r ,ar ei to the limit and after about four trips they have ' 5 to h? ahop for repairs. Notwith I i.nF 'aJrlr Kxl receipts our stocks are still decreasing." Local range of options: Aitlclea. Open. Hlgb. Low, j Close.l Baty. Wheat I sept.., Deo... May.. Corn . Bept.j Deo... May.. Oats . May.; 65 B 71 . 7SV 7lS 7a 7lS '"jjj ""iz ""'T " I7H rt, k i si ...... ........ ........ . SOU, 80 'Omaha Cash Bales; hard. I n, 8c. OATS No. I white. 1 car, tlUc. , . . . Omaha . Cast Prices. . WHBAT-No. hard TJc: No. I hard. W$iio. mo; No. I spring, n&Sf-l0- A. No. yellow. 41o; No. I white, 43280. OATB No. I mixed, aoHMOfie: No. I white, JiaaHio; No. 4 white, 4oy&30c. TB-No. 1 63c; No. t, 61 Uc Q. . 4, Carlot Beeetpta. , Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago , Kansas City ... Minneapolis Omaha Duluth Bt. Louis 80 Ma 411 ....128 ....414 .... n v ...J37 ' .... 7 23 'to 110 CHICAGO CBAJH AND - FROVlSIOita Featares mt tha Trading sad Cloalmar Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Bept. 14.-8mall receipts of . Wheat at Minneapolis formed the basis for a strong market for wheat here today. .At the close wheat for December delivery wm up 7u. orn was up WOio. Oats showed a gain of He Provisions were . H66o to Kx(02o higher. . . .. ' llfl Bnttmn In Ik. aK.. nit ... V.. . 11 Ish all day. Despite favorable weather In the spring wheat country for the move . men t of the crott, arilVal toflr t ; Mln aall were rCfttriparsrtlTlf" hC -The .' total arrivals there being reported at 416 cars against 8S1 care for the corresponding day one yes'' ago. This small movement eaused an otlve demand here for wheat . and with only moderate offerings, the mar ket developed considerable strength. - The flrmnece was accentuated by an advance In lh Jrice of wheat at Liverpool. Trad ing during tb'jajMt hour was active. To ward midday e marked reacted on sell ing by local longs, but became strong and held nrm for the remainder of tha uulnn. The visible supply showed a smaller In . oresse than was expected, a gain of 930,000 . bushels being recorded In the 'United States and Canada during last week. The market olosed strong. December wheat opened H'&'Hc higher at U to 1&c, sold up' to 76Vic, and closed at 76o. Clear- w.779 buehels. Primary rcelpts were 1,289, 000 bushels, sgalnst 1,975.000 bushels for the corresponding day last year. Min "iv. v. it iiv. , n ii u iiuui will r,uni iu neapolis, uuiuin ana cnicago reported re ceipts of 833 cars, against 838 cars last week and 1.332 cars one year ago. The feature of the trading in the corn pit was selling of the September delivery by a leading local long. This caused a decline of lc a bushel In the price of that option and brought about a moderate de cline in all other deliveries. ..The market was also beariahly affected by liberal local receipts, arrivals today being about MO cars In excess o.' the expected number. During the last halt of the day the market became more Arm on buying brought out by the sirengtn oi wneat. tne volume or trad ing was small. The market closed firm. December opened He lower at 42He. sold off to 424J'42Hc. and then advanced to 43Hc, The close was at 42H3o. Local receipts were 642 care, with 375 cars of contract grade. - , Liberal local receipts and the weakness of corn depressed the oats market esrly , In the day. Later, however, tbs -market sion houses supposed to be acting for ; northwestern Interest The close was , Arm. December oata opened HHo lower - at Kc. advanced fo S3vtf34c, and closed at tlVtf3374c. LocsA receipts were 411 cars. Provisions were firm all day on a good general demand. Shipments of lard and meat were large and the price of live hogs advanced tfloc. At the close January pork was up lOUHo at 113.1313.35. Laid was up !&Sa at tf HWjfl.iS. Ribs were twate hlgh.r at 87.12H- F.etlma-ted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 84 cars; rorn, 67 cars; oats, 314 cars; hogs, 3,000 head. me leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open.) High.! Low. I Close. Sat'y. Whest -pt. Dec. May Corn Sept , Dec May Outs ' Sept. ' Doc. -' May ' Sept. ' Jan. rd ' Sept. Xt. Nov. Jan. Plhs - Sept. Oct. - Jsn. ' 7?H' 74HI TS7 4H! i -78 : . 75HI P4H-Hi 78'4 7 CH 7S1 . 70H t . 47HI ' 4fi4 424 43 4 43'i 4!4 4!'4fiMSI SHS'HI 48 S3H' 8SH 3SHfr, XT-i 3SH 3SH1 84 I 16 r i 16 90 U 32H M 95 13 85 16 m U 2SH U 37H' U 40 I 8 96 8 80 8 60 T 86 16 65 8 98 8 98 3 55 8 9?HI 8 9?4l 8 8 90 I 8 9?4l 87H f I 8 62'il 8 47H t 87i,, ( ai 1 ao 7 80 I t 15 9 08 I 10 00 8 65 S 47,1 I && 6 67H 7 12HI T 17HI T 12HI T 12,l T 10 v 'No. t " ' "nnh nuotstlons were aa follows: FLOtTlt Steady : winter patents. 88.2"t) 140; winter straights. 13 00453:30; spring pat ents, 8S.7033 SO; spring straights, Ukxfa9.40; b. Iters. 8.' 2.B0. ' . . WHRAT-No. erring TfHc; No. t spring, rrfe: No. 1 red. 73H ti73Hc CORN No. 2. 47c; No. 2 yellow, 4Tc. OATS No. ?. SV; No. I white, J4'C06Hci No. I white. rmc RYE No. 3. 2c. . BARMCY-Fatr to choice malting. 44?e. HKBD8 Nr.. I flax. 8104H; No. 1 north western. 81 10. Prime timothy, i.O0iSt.8O. C!tver. contract grade, $1175. PROVISIONS Short rlls Sides (loose), 89.00r . Mfm porti. per hbl., 3U1.96. Lard, per 100 lbs., 8 00. 61-ort clear side (boxed), tS.7T-W1.s7H. - Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: - Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls., Wheat, bu.. ('unit ,m Oata. tu,.. Ra bu.i..3 ......... 8t loo ii.v TI.'.I0 K.SuO ........... 6v4 414.0i U,H0 A lli.?j 44d. 3 tlariry. bu. 19.SU) On ths Produce exchange tedsy the but er market was sted" creameries. litMc; dairies. 17tTHo. Kvas, strsdy; at mark. cases ijjl"dey 14a4;; firm a, priiae firsts. 21c; extras, J4o. 12l2c. Cheese, strong. ew Torn; ERAL MARKET ntalea ef the De t oa Tartoas Commodities. NBW YDRK. Bopt 24.-nJbVR Re ceipts. W.914 hbls.: exports, 12,8 hbl.; sales, 1.7-0 pkgs. Market Arm. with light trade. Minnesota patents. 84 10r54.1; Minnesota bakers, 13 0; winter patents, 83 7rVj 4.10; winter straight, 8! .Stuff SO; winter etra. 8t8rv?r.!&; winter low grades, 82"."'i? 8.20. Rye flour. Arm; fair to good, 12.300 8.6R; rholce to fancy. SXTlXHOO. CORHMEAL Steadjri Ane ahlte and yellow, fl.289130; coarse, 8l.llOl.lii kiln dried, 13.781.15. RYE steady; No. western, 84 Ho, o. L f.. New Tork. BARLEY Firm; feeding. 340Ho e, t f. Buffalo; matting. 4ffi67e c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, lOH.TOO buehels; ex forts, 66,7KS bushels; sals i,S00,O)0 bushtls futures. Spot market Arm: No. I red, 78fc elevator; No. I red. 8rtc f. o. b. s float; No. 1 northern Duluth, RHc f. o. b. s float; No. 9 hard winter. 1IH0 o. b. afloat. Bullish northwest news gave wheat another strong Impulse today. Shares and commission houses were good buyers and rirlces closed Ho net higher. Additional bull nfluences were the big clearances, small nortbwest receipts and higher cables. May, 84 18-16i84 15-ltlc, cloaed at 8&HP; September closed at 80c; December, 82H4t3ot closed at M7sJ. . " CORN Receipts. 107.500 bushels; exports, 110.666 bushels. Spot market easy; No. 8, 87Hc elevator and 66H0 f. o. b. aAoat; No, 8 yeflow, 87Hc; No. 3 white, 68Hc- Option market was without transactions, closing partly Ho net lower; May closed at 60c: September closed at 66H; December cloeed at B2Hc. OATS Receipts, 174,000 bushels: exports. 80,178 bushels. Spot market steady; mixed oats, 96 to 82 pounds, 87c; natural white, 80 to 83 pounds. 8SHt40c; clipped white, 86 to 40 pounds, $mHhic. FBKD Firm; spring bran. 819.76: Septem ber shipment middling, 8.K; September shipment, city, 820.60r3'J6.00. ' . HAY Steady; shipping, 66g7Bc; good to choice, no it 5c . . , HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1906, a24c; 1906, 11&17c; 1904, nominal; Pa cific coaat. 1M6. 1318o; 1904. 12c; olds, nom- "' HIDES steady; uaivesion, it i Sounds, 20c; California, 21 to 86 pounds, lc; Texas dry, 34 to 80 pounds. 19a LEATHER Steady; acid, 2iSia7Ho. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, 81 LOOS' 11.60; mess, $8 0000; beef hams, 821.00023.60; packet, 810.00 910.60; city extra India mess, 1 00 16.60 Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 81? .60 12.60; ipickled shoulders, nominal; pickled ho mm iiikiiiioo. l.ard. Arm: western prime, 3.OR9.16; reAned, Arm; continent, 19.60; South Amerloa, 810.26; compound. 37.12H7-87H0. Pork, steady; family, 8 2 Zf$ 19.26; short clear, 81G.&W8.60; mess, $l.6(hrf 19.08. ... ... TALLOW Firm; city tis J", 5 He; country (packages free). 6HW (He - RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3H?6Hc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Bteady to Arm. Street price, vtra creamer. 7&Si2&ic.'m Official prices: Creamery, common to extra, 1926c; state dairy, common to fancy, 1824c; renovated, nnmmnn to extra. lbMAiHc: western factory. common to firsts, 164i(!l9c; western Imitstlon creamery, extras, uwaac, nrsts, ismwsio. CHEE1SB Firm; state ruu cream, smau fancvj 13c: state fair to good. 12312Hc: state large fancy, Uo; state fair to good, 12Ha12Hc; state inferibr, 10HllHc; skims. hAHio etrong; state, r-ennyivni ana nearby fancy selected white. 8-k082c; choice, 88429c; western Arsts. MHU03C. Official price western firsts, 2ZHi'23g; seconds, 80 42lo. rvuLTRl-Alive not quoted, uressea. Irregular; western spring chickens, firsts, 12fy-lc; spring turkeys, lff22c; (fowls, 13 14Hc. . , St. iVotils Oeaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, MO., Sept. 24. WHEAT Higher: track No. i red cash. WHfl74H: No. 2 hard, 71HA'4cf December, 73H873!4c; May, 77Ho. CORN-Steady; track No. S cash, 46 47r; December, 40H&407o; No. t white, 48H CH9c. OATS Higher; track. No. I cash. 33c; December, 330; May, 36c; No. 2 white, &4H-P6". FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 83.40370; extra fancy and straight, 33.10 .26; clear. 82.20a.7O. SEEDS Timothy, steady; 81-60 O4.00. CORN MEAL Steady, 82.6A. . BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 78 0 81c. 1 HAY Firm! timothy, 318.00015.00; prairie, IS.OO'fj'll.OO. IRON COTTON TIES 11.00H. ' . BAOOINO t16c. i t v HEMPTWINE-7J4a J ' , ( ' PROVISION Pork! higher J Jobbing, $16. 40. Lard,' Steady; prime steam. 88.56. Dry salt meats, .steady; boxed, extra- shorts, 89.86; clear ribs, 89.68; Short clears, 89.75. Beoon, steady; boxed, extra short, 810.16; clear ribs, 810.30; short clears, 810.46. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, 11c; turkeys. 13c; ducks, 8Hc; geese, 6c. BUTTER Firm ; creamery, 2fj.c; dairy, 1892SO. EGGS Higher; 17Hc, case fcount. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu. Oats, bu 8,000 6,000 ... 73,000 ... 69,000 ...110.000 86.000 47,000 46.000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 24. FLOUR First Detents. ti.iMhA.ttn Mmnil rtita second clears, 82.40a2.60. BRAN In bulk, 318. 003 11.25. ' (Superior Board ef Ttkqs guotanons for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles ! Open. High.j Low. Close., Sat'y. Sept... Dec..., May... Flax S;pt... Oot., ' ;Nov.., Dec... 74fjT74H 75H 74 76H 7374 74 . 734 74H 7878V 78H 78 ' 7H 1 12H 1 12H 1 11H 1 UH 1 o 1 10H 1 09H 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 09 1 10 1 08H 1 09 1 08H 1 0SH Minneapolis Cash Closer Wheat: No. 1 hard, 78Hc; No. 1 northern, 78Hc: to arrive, 76Ho; No. 3 northern. IHo; to arrive. 7434c; No. 8, 74Hc; to arrive, 75c; No. 1 durum, 64 Ho; to arrive, 6SHc; No. t durum, 62Vo; to arrive, 61o. Corn; No. 3 yellow, 43c; No. 8, 42 Ho. OaU: No. 3 white, 31c; No. 3, 29Ho. Barley; 36 47c. Rye: 66456He. Flax: Cash, 81.08. ' : Kansas City Grata and Provisions. ' KANSAB CITY, Mo., Bept. 84. WHEAT September, 60Hc; December, 6c; May, 72H Cash: No. I hard, 6970c; No, 8. nb'.tSSHc: No. 2 red. 69Hc; No. 3. 68c. C'oHN September, 42V,c; December, 88c; May, 38c; May-. SHc. Cash: No. i mixed. 4Sfr43'c; No. 8 white, 45&45HC- OATS No. I white. StHc; No. 8 mixed. 4343io; No. 8 white, 46i&46Ho. RYE-664)67o. . -HAY Steady; choice timothy, $11.5omj.0O; Choice prairie. 89.009.26. EaOU Bteady; extrae, o; firsts, 20c; sei-onds, 13Vfcc. BL'TTLMi Creamery, 24e; packing, 16H. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu.., ,.,.,.....307.000 , 101,0X0 Corn, bu 20,000 62.000 Oats, bus. 13,000 .ll.OuO ' ' Llvereol Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 24. WHEAT Spot, dull: No. 2 red western winter, 6a 9d. Fu ture, steady; September, 6s 3d; December. 6a 4Sd. - . CORN Spot, firm: ' American mixed. 6a ld. Futures, steady; September, nom inal: December, 4a6Hi: January, nominal, 4sl!d. HOPS (At London), Paclflo coast, 1906 crop, firm at 4 16c. - - Vlalkle gapply of Grain. NEW YORK. Sept. 24. The visible supply of grain, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, Saturday, September 22, waa as follows: Wheat, 32.118.000 bu., an Increase of 939.000. Com, 3.741,1)00 bu., an Increase of 8UD.000. Data, 8,ti78.i)iiu bu., an Inoreaae of 916.000. Bye. 1.618.oo bu., an Increase of 67.0UO. Barley, 1.M77.O0O bu., an Increase of 649,000. gfllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Sept. 34 WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern. 7&jjh0c; No. 2 northern. T'tf79c; Decemberv 7lHc, asked. CORN Lower; No. 8 cash, 466-4t,Vo; December, 42c, bid. RYE Higher; No. 1. 82H368c. B A RLE V Firm; No. i 66c; sample, 87Hwo4o. Dalai Grata Market.' DVLUTH. Minn.. Sept 24. WHEAT No. 1 hard on track. 77Hp; to arrive. No. 1 northern, 7fHc ; No. 3 - northern, 75c; on track. No. 1 northern, 764o; No. I northern, 7vc; September, 1He; October, 76Hc: May, 7Sc. OATS To arrive, 82Ho September, 83Ho. BARLEY 8747e. i ... v Pvorta Grain Market. ' ' PEORIA, Sept. 24.-OORN Lower! No. I yellow and No. 3. 47c; No. 4. 40c; no grade, 4!c. OATS Steady; No. I white, Wrr No. ( Hl"-Viu; No. i, fitfu, wrtlir, k.'iv-'-. No. 4 white, aliiaiVsO. NEW MKSTOCKS AND BONDS '. ' , Early Mtrkat it . Ltwer 0wi ti Alarm Ore? IfoBtj Situation. - " RELIEF fRCM TREASURY EXPECTED Prteee Alrasee Vader ' Raaee te This Kdeet as! the Close le Fires aad v Streag. NEW YORK. Bept. 24.-Dleturbed aentl tnent over the money outlook induced con siderable selling pleasure 00 the stock mar ket today and It waa not untM accumulated selling orders had been worked oS to some extent that a recovery set In. . The rally had about wiped out the early losses by the middle of the afternoon. The early selling was reinforced to a con siderable extent by short selling for ac count of professional bear traders. Their operation were encouraged by a misread ing of the significance of the sub-treasury figures, which showed on their fsce a with drawal of !, 412,000 from the banks since the bank statement. The inference that the banks were poorer In rash to the amount than shown In the bank statement was. however, unwarranted. The false Impres sion Is dus to the extraordinary amount of confusion ln accounting caused, by the operation of the treesury's methods of assistance to Importing of gold. The ap parent loss by the banks on sub-treasury operations Is due to repayments of advances made to them by ' the government against engagements of gold for import In accord ance with tha agreement of the bsnks when they should receive their consignments of gold shipped. But the repayments sre made with the newly arrived gold and are not withdrawn from the present cash reserves of the banks, ss the sub-treasury account of operations seems to indicate. Some of the professional selling Induoed by mis calculation of this Item iwas covered later ln the day and helped to the rally. There waa not much change In the money situation or rather In the procession of events which Is drawlngHlghter the money market. The weekly arrival I of South African gold In London furnished material for New York's demand, which yielded an additional engagement of about 3L0OO.0OO. There were no withdrawals from the Bank of England for New York account and no further supply was secured In Paris. Tha bidding for the gold In London advanced the open market rates another fraction. Discounts hardened also ln Paris and Berlin and expectation was reported of another rise In the official rats of the Im perial Bank of Germany this week. Whllo the official rate at the Bank of England remains at 4 per cent that institution de mands 4H per cent tm American bills and I per cent for money. The prospect, there fore, is fdr much smaller engagements of gold this week than Inst. Routine sub treasury, operations, also, are making a drain on' the banks, although not in. the proportion suggested by the wrong inclu sion of the repayments on gold Imports. The government institution wss a creditor at the clearings house this morning to the extent of 38,923. The principal factor In this showing was large transfers of de posits due at Interior points, banks of the interior drawing on their New York corre spondents to pay obligations to the govern ment. A deposit of 816O.O0O at the sub treasury waa for the purpose of telegraphic transfer to St. Louis. The scarcity of funds In the time loan market continued. In view of these conditions the conviction grew that treasury relief for the money market was essential to enable It to meet the Ootober 1 demands upon It. The confi dent belief that such measures were Immi nent was general late in the day and con tributed .largely to the Improved tone of the stock market, ' ' The late recovery became decidedly strong, hut the only stocks to yield any considerable net gains were the Harrlrhan Pacifies, Atchison, Reading and Amalga. mated Copper. , ' ' . , Bonds were easy. Total sales; par Value, 81.86O.O0O. United States bonds were un changed on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: V saiM. Hlh. lo. cioea. ... ' 1 tf Aalsnau Copper ...... M.900 IU UH JH Amer. Car sad foundry.... M00 t j JJi tfs plH 100 10014 100ii W Amor. Cotton Oil..,. do pfd .... ..i Amar. Eipnaa ............. Amaa. Hlda a Laatbtr Std 00 84 U (4Vb , 100 KSH H tM 10 27 37 M Amar. Ico Saoniitlad ..... Il.0t tO SST .... It .... MH i?4 ,3 - 1UH 14H .... 1US4 Amar. Unaoad OH .. . dO' pfd I.......'' Amar. LaeoaUea, , -H do pld i ,..""v.' Amar. BowltlDg dk RonlD 14.700 V ' do pfd ..' '- Amar. usar Raflnlnf ... Amar. Tobaoos ptd- ctfa. Anaconda Mining Co-,... Atchlaoa ,......... de pld Atlantic Coaat Una ..... Baltimore A Ohio do pld .. , Brooklyn Rapid ,Tranalt, Canadian PaclAo , l.see 1MH MiH ut . , TOt Mt4 " Mi4 . S.(0 Itl M4 ill . 41,400' 107H loeuj join , . 10 10H4 J01V4 301 0 141V4 141 H 141 H . t4,ot m 111 1MS4 .... . . 13,ot tH Tl WH i tot n HtH ith . tl . 1.700 44 ' 3t4 . 10 17 1744 7H . 1.40 210 tl . 87,400 17714 171 177 ..... .... 11 .. .. 17 104 SH , !H ' tSH . 6.700 4M4 M , tot MS- Nti H to C7V4 47H ri , too - ao4 te - 40S4 ; 1700 1UH 11JV4 1 . to o4 to . to. to 74 .7 7 . 'i.tuo la 1a 1 tst .. .... , ...... .... 4zt od . 4S 4144 , H too trH tt . t.tO 714 71 7H4 rContral of Naw Joraay.., Cnasapeaka, Orrto , Chicago Oraat Waatara . . Chicago A Northwaaura C, M. A St. Paul Chicago Term. l Trans., ' do pfd C, C, C. A St. Loola.. Colorado Fvol and Iron., Colorado it iovtharn.... do lat pfd do Id pfd 1 Conaolldatad Oaa ....... Corn Product rfg do pfd rfg , Dalawara A Hudaoa Dal., Lack. aV U'aatars... Danror A RIO Brand.... do pfd DUtlllara" iacnrltto .... Brt . U.WO 47 . . UN 77 47H . 47- do lat pfd 71 . T .... . ttMi do Id pfd Oanaral Electrl ., Hocking Valley Illinois Central Intar. Papor a.., a fd , . 100 14H 144' 1M .... OIJ o in :m 171 70O 17 17 . 7 804 II II li ..... , ' 47 .... It 80 to at to 1"0 to, to o too n ' 87 tt to ' tt M M 6,40 14t 147 14t 70 81 M 0 .... .... .... II lie lit Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Contra! do pfd K. C gout ham , do pfd Loulavlll A NaahTlll. llaxlcaa Cantrnl Minn. A St. Loula .... li., St. P. A saalt 8u. It da pfd Mlaaourt Paella 10,101 Mlaaourl, aUaaas A T !.. 1,100 do pfd l.too National Land 1.10 National R. R. of Max. pfd !. M tt l ! M 16 Ttl . 10 70 aa W14 7 46 46 4b Maw York Cantrml I.t0 14S J 40 J42 N. T.. Out. A Waatara.... 1.100 41 4S 4 Norfolk A Waatara 3.401 13 N tl do pfd - , f. .... to North Amarloaa tt Pacia Mali ' 10 tt - II W Pannaylranla 44.10 1U 140 141 Poople'a Oa lot It t tt Pitta, C C. a- su lioal .... 14 Praaaad gteel Car ,. 1.000 84 44 do pfd 17 Pullmaa Palace Car Z.40 Mt lit Mt Raadlng 81,70 lit 147 14t do lat pfd .'. .... it do Id pfd SO0 1M Rapubllc Bll 8,000 Id do pfd 100 M14 Rock lalaad Co I. an l de pfd 70 46 II. U I lu Pres. M pfd St. Louie lout waatara.... 1.10 84 do pfd 70 tt Southaro Pacific 104.404 ' II do pfd 17 14 46 14 47 14 4t 41 M M M lit Soatiiara Railway I. tot do pfd 10 87 17 M 17 7 tt U7 lit Taaaaaaa Coal and' Iron.. Taaaa A Paclso Tol.. St. L. 4V Waatara... 00 IM 14.P94 8 II " 14 14 14 14 lot - 14 10 44 do pfd Gnlaa Pulsa da std .U4.I0 117 U4 1117 V. 8. Ripraas V. 8. Raalty , VJ. 8. Rubber 4. do pfd V. 8. Staol da pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical. do ptd Wabeab. da pld Walla-rargo Kipraoe Weatlnghouae Elaotrl .... Waatara Lrnloa Wkaallas A Lake Erie Wlaconala Ceairal do pfd Northern Paella Caotral Laalbar do pfd .. .l Iloaa-Khafflald Oraat Nortbara pfd Intorborougk Matropoluaa.. do pfd . Ill to te t4 tot no no no 14. to ui 4444 4f 110 1.40 10t 10 lot UO .... 110 40t It 1 9 aa .... IM .... 141 to M too ita M M lag is4 .... U 40 4. TOO 114 til 314 - aa i 108 .... .... .... 74 . t4 in tut. aa IT 17 It M Total aalaa tor the day. tls.804 aaaraa Kew York Mlalast ttoeks. NEW YORK, Bept. 84 Closing quotations a uuniua twe.s wvre Adams Cos 8 Alia 10 Siaaa Braaawtck Cos ,, II Coaaatock Teauel .... II Con. taL and Va... N Horn Sllrar 171 Iroe 81 iw let Laadrill Cea 8 lUttlo Cklef t Ontario tat Opblr ....tot Potoai i PvS ...,.,.to Slarre MaA. j Small Maoae H adrd .8u . 84a a k rieartngra. OMAHA. Sept. 24. Bank clearings for to day ware 11.67,344.06 and for the eorre- t ponding oats last year 81.512,649.8V. - Trensary Katantal. ' WASHINOTON, Sept. 24 Today's staierueut oi me treasury beuancea la Uie generil fund, exclusive of the 150,000, giild r"rfi utinws; Ato.iam- . balance, 1217.471.038; gold coin and bul lion. 8U6,9tt.660; tola certificates, $..-734,810. Sev Vera Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 24. MONET On call, firm; 36H 1'er rent; ruling rete, 4H per cent; closing bid, 8 rer cent. Time loans, firm; sixty days, ninety days end six months, 4H7 per rent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6H (H per cent. , 8TERLINO EXCHANGE Firm, wl'h actual burineas In bankers' bill a'. 84.8888 6 4.8390 for demand dand 3i.79404..97 for sixty day bills; posted rales. 4.e 4 81 and 34.64H; commercial bills, 64.79H 04.79. SILVER Bar, 68 He; . Mexican dollars, 62Hc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, easy. Quotations on New York bonds todsy were as follows: O a. rr. 8s. ri....iMH Japaa . M wrln....lMH do coupon ......... 1" I an 4. rtta H I), a. I, r ...l',3H i Iri aerlaa to eaupoa I"H do el fa V. a. old 4a. rg....ni1 L. N. nnl. 4a loo de aoepoa .'...lM MaahaS' . sold't t?. 1. f 4a, -rag lit Ji. Central, 4a f7 de enopon Ill ! dn lat Inc.. tlH An. Too. 4a 1IH Mina. aV 91. L. 4a.... do la .lilt, if,, k. 4k T. 4a 1H- Atrhlaon son. 4a HIS 1 do tda M do a a J 4a. ..... N. R. II. of M. e. 4a. M Atlantic C. L- 4..,.. BVN. T. C. aan. ma.... tl B. A O. 4 N .J. C. ran. 4a....li1T4 do I ......... Brk. Jt. T. er. 4a Caotral of On. I. r No PaclBo 4a 104 do la 75 v N. W. con. 4a.. ..ion Or. R. U rfg. 4.... II Ponn. ev. le........loo Reading gen. 4a.... It Bt. U A 1. M. e. i,H4ie St. U P. fg. 4a. 12 ..111 .. do lat loc tl do td loo tt do Id Inc 7 Chea. at Ohio 4.. ..'. Chicago A. la.... 7 v.-, H. a 1). l C, R. I . P 4a.. !iat. U 8. W. eon. 4a. la la... 7 I Baa board A. I. 4a.... do cel. t. .v. .....'" iftouthero Pacific 4a... 1114 CCC. 4 Ct U i, Hn lrt 4a, rtfa.... tl Colo. Ind. 4a, arr. A. 7! Southern Rr la lit " i am. .....;., Tt Texas a Facinc Colo. 4V sav 4a Ilu T... 8. L a vr. 4m.. 12 Cuba 4a ir.lM Union Pacific 4a.... lt 18 114 71 14 14 D. A R. O. 4a... ....10 If. 8. Steal Id la.. Diet. Sara. Bi ,. 11 Waheah lata Brla prior lien 4s.... tl do dab. B . . . . do sen. 4a i to Waatarn Md. 4 ... Hock. Val. 4a Ill W. A L. E. 4e Japan la ,.,., Wl. Central 4., OSarad. .1 . .1 , ,, i Boston Stoeks and Bonds. BOSTON. Sent. 24 -Call loans. Gs rr cent; time loans, 407 per cent, closing ?uotat!on on stocks and bonds were as ollows: Atrhlaon adj. 4a...... PS i Amalgamated do 4a , .,..100!Atlanllc Me.. Central 4 ... 71 Bingham ...114-,, ... 11 ... 14 ..7A ... ... 71 ... 17 ... ... 11 ... 80 ... 4 ... 14 ... 13 ... J ... M ...lit ... 17 ... II -... 11 ... II ... 11 ... II ... II ... II ... 45 ... 4 I ...141 Atcbleon .......107V. CaU Jt Hocla d pfd 101! Centennial Boaton A Albany... .11 Copper Rang Boat on aV Main 144 Daly Wast .... Boaton (derated lPranklla ...... Pllchburg pfd 134 ' Ornobr Max, Central :I.le Rorala .... N. T., N. H. A H..1I1 Mam. Mining . Pare Marquette ..... M Michigan union raciOc ...,.c.liriMhawk Am. Arge. Cham.... M Mont. Coal A C. de pfd 13 Old Dominion .... Aa. Sugar lt Am. TaL A Tel IPS Am. Woolaq It Oacaol Parrot Uulncy .e pro 104 Bdlaon Blae. Ill m Maaa. Blectri ...... II shannon Tamarack , Trlnltj do Bfd 11 United Copper V. a. Mining , Maaa. On 41 United Bho Mush..,. I U. s. oil I' tab , Victoria , Winona ......,, WolTorlae .t. do pfd It 4k V. 8. Heel 45 do pfd ..10(41 Adventure I Allow . 49 ' London Closing gtoekav- LONDON. Sept: 24. Cloning quotations On the Stock exchange were Con tola, money. 44 M.. K. A T.. 87 147 l U Ma Tl do acoeuat .... ...84 4-1 II 101 lot ,....127 ....its .... 44 It ,.,.. II N. T. Central... Norfolk A W..i do pfd ...rr.. Onl. dk Waatara Pannartvanl .i Rand Mine ... Heading , Southern Ry .., do pfd ,. so. Pscloe ..... Anaconda Atcbleon do ptd B. Ohio Canadian Paclflo I 77 7 101 hJ ...... ij pa - 44 114 W Chea. Ohio.... Chicago O. w.. c, m. 4V at. p, DeBeer O. A R. 0 Union Paolfle d pfd .... v. a. stMi . do pfd do pfd Brt ............. v 41 ..'40 .. 71 flo let pra do Id pfd Wabaah Illlnola Cantrnl .17 do pfd U - A Kathrlll. ..lM'.ISpaaleh 4 14 u nii-.v bit ear, steaay; na per, ounce.. MONEY SWSH per cent. - , - DISCOUNTttThe rate of discount In th open market fot rshort - bills Is 4V4 per cent; tor three months' bills, 4H Pr cent. .Boston Copner Market.. "" Cloalnc Quotations on Boston cocrjer mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 2 Board of Trade building, Oroaha: , ,., . Adventure , 1. Michigan 14 Allooa 1 'Mohawk 41 Atlantic ,.,.'.11'' Nevada CoaaolldeUd. II Bingham ..85 North Butt te Black Mountain ..... ' I Old Dominion ,,.... IS Boetoa Conaolldatad.;' It Oeceela Ill Butt Coalition ..... 1 Poeu. Bervto ....... 14 Calumet A Arlaeaa..llV Pnau. Service, pfd... to Calumet A Hecla....77t " Qulney v.. 14 Centennial 14- Shannon tl Copper Range 1 TunTaraek ...nil Dally weet 11 Trinity ...l.i. 11 Beat Butt 10 Unltd Prult lift Pramklla ..' 16 United Stelae, com.. 40 Oraon Cepr 17 Unlud Btatea, ppfd... 47 , Oranby , 11 t'Uh CooaolldaUd..., at Helvetia tuth Copper tl laia Roral 80 Victoria I U S. A Ptttaburg.. It Winona I MaaaachuaatLi ....... . Weivorln ,..,......,.147 Forelaja Plnanclal. :' LONDON. Scot. 24. Money was much wanted ln the market today and supplies were not plentiful..- The discount business was restricted, but. rates were firm. The volume of business on the Stock exchange was insignificant, operators being ocoupled with the mining carry ovea The monetary situation still caused a drooping tendency In gilt-edged securities. Home rails further sagged, - the Scotoh lines being affected by labor troubles in tne t-iyae. Foreigners were heavy, owing to the Ioor Paris ad vices. Americans .started weak on Satur day's decline In Wall street, which checked speculative ventures . here. The market ruled dull In the torenoon, with prices be lowtarlty. The New York advices rr celvdd later did not assist the market, and after a small advance prices eased and trading closed dull. Copper shares were strong In sympathy with the advano In prices of the metal. Imperial Japanese 6s of 19114 closed at 103H. PARIS, Sept. 24. Prices on the Bourse opened Arm, then receded sharply owing to anxiety regarding ths monetary situation and closed wttn an improvement. . Kussian Imperial 4s cloaed at 68.83 and the Russian bonds of 1904 at 469.00. . . , . . Coffee- Market. NBW YORK. Sept. 84.-COFTEE Fu tures opened steady at an advance -of tftlO points in response to higher cables and reports of a better spot demand. Prices worked up to a net gain of about 100)18 points, but weakened Inter on the record breaking report of Sao Paulo receipts, and the market was unaettled In the late trad ing. The cloee was steady at unchsnged prices to a dacllne of 8 points. Sales for the day were reported of 66.750 hags, In cluding October at 6.17.20e: December. 6.30(841. 45c; March, 6.6Cg.70o; May, 6.6&&6.75C; July, wa-90c. opot mo, quiet; no. 7 in voice, 80. Cot eon Market. . NEW YORK. Sept. 24.-COTTONSpot closed quiet, 10 points down; middling up lands, 9. Wo; middling gulf. 9.85c. Sales, 99 bales. i - 1 LIVERPOOL. Sept. 34. COTTON Cotton eiulet; prices 8 points lower; American middling, 7.wa; good miaanng, 6.710: middling, 6.47d; low middling, 6.27d; good ordinary, 8.03d; ordinary, 4.79d. The sales of the day were 6.OU0 bales, of which 600 wer for speculation and export, and Included 6,400 Americana Receipts, 6,200 bales; all American. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 24.-COTTON Steady; middling. 9Ho; aales, 16 bales; re ceipts. 20 bales; shipments, 11 bales; stock, 10,848 bales. S NEW ORLEANS, Sept. W.-COTTON-Spot, low ordinary, i !5-liU nominal; ordinary, 6 7-16c, nominal; good ordinary, 7c; low middling, 9 Mic; middling, 9 3-16c; good middling, 9 7-16c; middling fair, 13-lhC, nominal; fair, 10 T-Mc, nominal; re ceipt, (.691 bales; stock. 48,033 bales. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. Sept. 24. OIL-Cottonseed oil, firm; prime crude, f. o. h., mills. 243 27c; yellow, t38Hc. v Petroleum, steady; refined, New York. 8750; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 87.46:- Philadelphia and Balti more, in bulk. 84.85. Turpentine, easy, 6JH 664c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, 34 004.10. OIL CITY, Pa.. Sept 24. OIL-Crdlt bal ances, 31.68; runs, 198,167 bbls.; average, 91,491 bhla.; shipments, 267,336 bbls,; aver age, 136.5U3. Philadelphia Pr4r Market. PHILADELPHIA Bept. 14. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, official price. 26c: street price, Cc. EOOB Firm; western freah, 24c at mark. CHEE8B-8teady; New York full creams, fair to fancy. 12ai3'iic. Wool Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. 8ept. 84. WOOL Bteady. Medium grades combing and clothing. Mil Ac; light One. 1'Jlc; heavy fine, litfl.c; tub-washed," 340 34C. ... Elsrln Batt Market. EUjlN. III.. Sept. 84.-rBUTTER-r-Ruled steady doday at Uo. Output for the week, 4Xi,UuO pyuoda. .. , OMAHA UYE: STOCK MARKET Laree Becaipta of Cattle, Prices Steady to Tei Lower. CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENT IN HOGS mmw e targe Recelpta of ""beep nad Lantba, with Prices eely to Lowe on Acr-oaat of ' Lower . Kastern Markets. ' SOITH OMAHA. Sept. 54. 1908. Receipts ere Cnttis riii. Sheep. .. S.Sffl 8."0 29.1W Official Monday Same last week Same two weeks ago.. .. S.rT5 4.413 .. 8f91 17.807 14.WT 3.679 nams tnree weeks a so 8.f8 4.WJI .M4 Hume four weeks ago... 7.4M Harne Hnv laaf vur . . . fi L, 1,734 ine following table snows tne receipts 01 entile. ho ami sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 108. lnn. Iec. Cattle 706,818 657.442 89.07 linn 1S7R 410 1.789.779 1R5.641 8heep 1,813,733 1.194,701 Ii9.0tl4 m CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The foiiufting win !' price paid tor the different kinds o( rattle oa tt "- uiii iimnna marki : - Good to choice corn-fed steer... Fair to good corn-ted steers..... Oood to choice corn-fed steera.... Fair to good corn-fed steers...... Common to fair rorn. rod steers.. ..85.707.38 .. i.l04J6.70 ..t6.8V430 ,. 6 tolfi o .. 4.60416. 6 .. 4'o.2 ., a.vwrrt flood choice range steers 1 . , .,..u .. .-.r.-l Common to fair range steera.... 0001 r,, m . n .1 h.l f.r. B.8hi3 TO rair to good cows and heifers J.1?1 Common to fair c and heifers . l.6"42.S Good to choice stockers A feeders. 4.CO84.60 fair tu gc.oo stuckeis auU iteaeis . m.r. tt.mmn to fair sleeker .,6itj1. Bull, stages, etc I.60W 65 Veal calvea , 4.00X.( The following tal.le shows the average price 01 nog at t4outh Omaha tar toe xtsi sevsral days, with comparisons: Pate. I 190S. 1808. 11804. 11803. (1808. 1801. 108. Bept li.. Kept, 16.. 08 I1457S62TC8 639 46466s76o 6 11 1 6 44 4 7 U 08 6 82 (64 7 43 OIH 8 13 6 74 6 71 7 87 08 689840 T 88 11V 3o 6 81 8 SI 13 6 32 S 75 6 80 7 49 6 t 5 75 8 7hi i 60 6 78 7 74 T 67 6 08 57 61 6 IS 6 7i I 14 $ 19 77 8 If 86 I 23 6 21 C R 6 S4 I 14 Bept. U.. Bep 18.. Bept. 18.. Bept. 80.. Sept, 21.. Sept. n.. Sept. 23.. Sept, 84.'. Sunday. ' , BANOE OF PRICES. - t'alllo. - Hhrl Omaha ...31.604316.86 8t.806ii4.3E Chicago I.6041&.90 b.lOruH.UH Kansas City L7oi4j.40 lOOm 6i" Bt. Louis 3.ori2n ainrndmu Sioux City 2.60too.OO 6.854,6.2 The official number of cars -of stock brought ln today by each road was: t'o.tM linn Kha'n M ' r' a C, M. A Bt. P 8 wabash , , 1 .. Union Pacific ......... 86 ' I 66 ' 19 O. A N. W. (east).... J ; C. A N. W. (west). ...164. 14 86 10 C.. Bt, P., M. A O.... ,11 ... .. C., B. A Q. (east).... 1 . 1 ' .. .. C, B. A Q. (went).... 80 C. R. I. A P. (west.. 8 ,. ' 7 Illinois Central ' 1 .3 .. . 1 Chi. Ureal Western.. ..( .. .. i Total receipts i... 842 86 107 80 The disposition of the day's reeelnts waa as follows, each buyer, purchasing the cum- oor 01 nu inaicetea: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. .40 .Tm a,.. Omaha Packinr Co... 428 777 466 919 Bwlft and Company..., Cudahy Packing Co...., Armour A Co... Swift and Co.. f'm c'n'y Vanaant A Co Carey A Benton .1,,... Lobman A Co.... , MoCreary A Carey W. I. Stephen Hill A Ban.., 668 931 787 1.340 ,2.173 866 621 76 863 m 219 873 288 238 193 8$ 217 F. P. Lewis. Huston A Co N. . Mtorrls '. Hamilton A Rothschild.. 285 L. F. Hus 178 Wolf 49 J. H. Bulla 1U9 Mike Haggerty .......... 62 J. ft Boot A Co......,; 227 T. B. Inghram .......... , 9 Sullivan Bros 21 V. A. Brltton ...,....... 10 Lehmer . Bron,.......'w-89 Armour A Co., for D'veP' M Other buyer ...... LH ' .t.. 10,888 Total :7,4' t.m u,n CATTLE The receipts ' of cattle this morning were large, bring considerably In exoeas of previous Monday. In fact, counting the cars, the receipts this morn ing were about as heavy as they have beenr on any Monday since the opening of the range season. .The arrival consisted largely of feeders and cow stuff, with only a comparatively small sprinkling of good killer. . The market on beef steer waa slow and dull, largely for the want of really good fat cattle to buy. While there were some very . decent westerns, there wss prac tically nothing choice, either westerns or corn-feds. The desirable kinds sold at prloes that looked about steady with last week's cloae, and atlll the feeling wa lower. In fact, aome sellers thought they had to take a little less money than last week. To call the market slow to 10c lower would probably about cover the situation. Not far from fifty cars of cows and heifer were on sale thl morning. Under the Influence of the large receipts and the further fact that prices last 'week were quite high, buyers started out this morn ing taking 10c lower right from the start. As conditions were all In their favor, they suoceeded In securing a substantial con cession. The trade wa slow at the de cline and It waa midday or after before anything like a clearance wa effected. There were a good many feeders on sale, but there wa also a good demand. Right desirable kinds of cattle did not show very much change aa compared with the cloae of last - week.- Buyers seemed to go through the yards and wherever they could find anything -that they especially liked they paid steady prices. On the other hand, the receipts were o liberal that buyer were able to force a reduction on other kinds, so that the general market might be described as steady to 10c lower, sccordlng to the kinds of cattle In ques tion. - Representative sales. BEEF STKERS. He. 4... . Pr. K. Av. rr. . 110- It. 80..... 114 3 4 441 4 0 14.. 1141 4 00 It.. , 1140 4 4 ' 1.. lKrT I 44 till I M 1144 I 84 114 1 48 ..I.-, no in 4 I tt 117 IN Ml I 10 10M I It 1074 I 44 IltO I 44 140 I tt tt'.'.'.'.' It'.'.'.'.'. COWB. 148 1 o 84 :.. M 1 0 : 4 1 IltO 1 Tl 1 774 2 0 I Hi IM 17 Hi IM i. tn I II . 1 Iltt 8 14 1 1 tt I 10M I K HKirERS. , 174 I 4 1..- 40 I tg I , 417 8 46 1 BULLtf. , 170t I 40 1..... lite 3 4 1 HALVES. ....... 41 I 84 I lot I 75 I .. tit I 44 .. 744 I Tl .. CI IM ,,in ltd ..1470 I it .. IM I Tt .. IM I 04 ., 171 I 44 a 1 140 I 71 8 STOCK CALVES tOO t M 8TOCKKRH ANT) FEEDERS. 44 I 4 84. In IX 4M I 14 lilt I 74 1014 I m 48 I t 1111 I M t44 11 44. I . Ill ill ,.441 14 . 44 I 44 .11 I 44 .134 I 44 .1041 I 44 41..'! it... T...., 4 41 I t 7r1 I 84 14 464 I 44 17 1171 4 M - WE8TKRN8 WYOMING. 8 cows. , 6 cows., cows. 1 cow.. I cow.. .. 9m 3 In 84 caw 948 I 86 ..1034 2 65 14 feeders.. 1( 4 14 24 cow 1007 2 W 1 cow...... wM t Ss 1 cows VJM t 76 10 cows 9i t 70 2 heifer... 710 t 48 10 feeder.. 834 3 70 4 feeders.. fUO 3 76 1 heifer... 847 3 60 2 cow 4 1 m .. :sa 2 60 ..lftM 1 36 . irao 1 34 7 cow. ....1037 2 60 ' I heifer... 7S0 2 0 4 heifer... 676 I 46 7 feeder. .11(11 3 76 28 feeder. .Uiti6 4 86 6 cow ineo 2 86 3 cow lli3 2 60 8 'jowa ,iA 3 80 15 cow MI IK 14 cow ! 1 cow, 720 1 76 2 66 NEBRASKA, tatocker. 486 00 1 bull. .1170 2 60 3 cow 916 lid 4 stockers. 4J6 I 7 3 reeoers.. IM t uo HOOS There was not enough hog , here this morning to make much of a market, the receipts being very light, even for a Monday. All told there ware only forty two cars on sale. As to prloes, there wa considerable Improvement, the market be ing unevenly higher, ealee ranging any where from Bteady to 10c higher. It would be sufficient, however, to figure the general market as about 6c higher than last week. The trad waa not very active at the ad vance, and, In aplte of the light receipt, eonalderubl time wa consumed In effect ing a oieerane. - - - , ' Representative sale. ' ' Wa. Aa. , Pr. Na Am. 44. Px ' I 4 .M I M M 114 IM I 14 6.;...:..86-..V I M ' Ml M 111 tf. 44 1ST'. N,U...M'1M'IM 44 ..tvt . 4 44 v 41-...... .tali U 4 M. M 4 ,.m w 4 m .Xm ... 44 .411 HIM .lit Mil ,.t7 IM 1 rvi !4t 14 .tn ... I in ,.!! 4 I 1 rt IK I in in m I i .i4 let it 71 ti rt I M 77 M M M 74 le, N tH M 144 II I IV M (..') ... IS .1 HI 4 t 1 It 14 ... 4 14 74 1)4 10 I tt tt 4 : 4 14 74 Mt 4 M K lil 4 8 41 40 4 M 4. I 111 IM 71 lat 4 IN U .. 4U 4 SI 4 IM ... I It M...M. M M...-. II 44 44 41 14 41 te ... 4 14 tt... 41... II... ...ti ...114 ...111 w lit .. t 11 M I 14 II III 44... M. 111 44 I U bHCKf 1 here) wa a liberal run here till iiii-rnlng, over 114) carl being rt-iortel, which Waa none too many lor thttt mat Jet under ordinary cucu.nstances. Ln- iwnunaieiy, t nioago naa ixige 1 un, mmi, as usual under auch condition. price broke bauly at that point. Onlcago auvices began arriving early, Indira. In sharp decline, Which ntui.l a discount ing effect upon the market at tnis point, especially so In view 01 the fact tuat pr.cea were alieady too. high aa c-iaipareu wun Chicago. In si1te of the dlnrournglng reports from Chicago, the market heie opened about steaiiy, Packers went 1 11 rough the barn Picking out here and there buncoes i-I stuff tat enough for kllleta, tor wnich they aid fully steady price, as It nappenro, here were not very many good r.ilieis. either sheep or lambs, among tne recelpta. so mat it might te said mat tne aesirauie stuff pretty much all sold steady. The great big bulk of the receipts con sleted of feeding sheep and lambs. -While quite a god many of the more desirable, loads ' sold at about last week' cloning figure, the a-enersl market had a lower tendency and the feeling right at the start was that the market wouul close consmT ably lower. 'There -was a fair attendance of buyers, and, while thoaa who were ea neclRllv particular about seourlng some certain kind, paid about steady price. The general markat on feeder was lower in some casea 10916o lower. ' Quotaiiona on kt.iers: Good lo choice lambs. 87.0oQ7.26; fair to good lambs, 8764? 7.00; good to choice yearlings, 8j.oMT6.00; good to choice wethers, 16.lWi6.36; good to choice ewes, J4.7bU6.0O; fair to good ewss, 24.60 4.78. Quotations 01 foeders: Lambs, IS.TMf .7b; yearlings, 36.adio.80j wethers, 34.f iflfcic; (,, 4B.ttfc4.fe; oreeatug ewe. 15.0096.26. KepreseBtatlve sate: No. - - Av. Pr. 15 Nebraska ewe cull feeder.,. 82 t 60 67 Nebraska ewe feeder , 90 4 00 16 Nebraska ewe feeder 86 4 65 30 Nebraska ewe feeders Ill 4 76. lit! So. Dakota wether feeders. 92 6 10 103 Nebraska lambs 66 86 4 Nebraska lambs 76 7 00 28 Wyoming bucks 119 2 0 49 Wyoming ewes 98 4 80 843 Wyoming ewes 98 4 90 2 Wyoming bucks 70 6 60 860 Montana wether ., 94 6 2 80 Montana wethers 95 6 28 ice T v. --. oa a ja in, .M&iiv wniixm ................ rp m . , 619 Wyoming lambs, feeders -f6 90 81 Wyoming iambs, feeders ei w CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKKT Cattle Bteady to Lower Hoes Five to Tea Cent Higher "-beep Steady. CHICAGO, Sept 24. CATTLE Re ceipt about 68,000 head; market for bee, steady; other 10c lower. Common to prime steers, S.7596.93; cows, 32.70 4.75; heifers, 32.6065.36; 4.60; calves, 13.00 W 8.00; feeders, 11.60 4.60. HOOS Receipts about bulls, 82.409 stockers 28,000 head; market 60 10c higher. Choice to pr m heavy, I4.6604.65; medium to good heavy, 36.3506.46; butcher weights. 46.66W6.I1; good to choice mixed, 86.4096.60; pack ing, 15.75 6.40; pigs, 16.80106.60. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts about 85.000 head; market for. beat, st": others dull and lower. Sheep, 84.60496.76; yearlings, 36.758PI.14; lambs, 3-00Vi.. New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Bept. 24. BEF7VE8 Re ceipts, 6,860 head; choice steers steady; eond -to nrlme. nhnde lower: others 10&16C off; light bulls lOtil&c off; medium and good cows l'W&c lower; common steaay; steers, 84.OWB6.90: one car choice. 16.16; oxen and etagS, 3.1.900-4.15; bulla, 82.401(5.90: cows. 81.16 613.50. Liverpool ana i-onaon caoies steady. Exports tomorrow, 960 cattle and 2,w0 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 1,816 head; veal 16 OfiOo higher; grarsers and westerns 60c higher; veals, 85.0Ord9.2B; culls. 34.5rf?6.00: grassers, 83.6O43i4.O0; westerns. 84.G0; drersed calves strong; city dressed veals, 9314c per pound; country dressed, H-OOifTHc. HOQ8 Receipts, 10.139 head; nrmer; state and Pennsylvania hdgs. 86.0Ogi.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.106 head; cheep steady; good, to prime lambs, lfVSSo higher: state stock steady: sheep, fi.i0tS6.50; culls, 32.60aa.40; .. lambs, 86.00(9 12: culls, 14.006.60; Canada lamb. 38.00. ' ''Kansas City Uv toek Market. ' KANSAS CITT, Sept. 4.-CATTLE-Re-celpts, 80,000 head. Including 2,000 southerns; Bteady to strong; choice export and dressed beef, steers, 35.60.00; fair to good. 84-00(9 6.40; fed steers, 83.6O43.0O; stockers ami feeders, I2.6txjl4.40: southern steers, 82.75(9 4.00; southern cows. 12 OOJfS.OO; rratlvs cows, 32.00f?400; naUve helfera 82.76(.00; bulr. 82.00i3.26; carves, 83.3fxfJ . HOOS Receipt. 6,400 head; 67He higher; ton. 8666; bulk of anles, 86 3M9.oO; heavy, 36.20j6.37tt: packers. 86.80.62Vt; pls and light. 6.26iT.o5. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. U.WO hesd; steady to-lOe higher lamb. 36 00"r 7.60; . fed ewes and yearliiia-s, 4.7b$5.60; western fed yearlings, 86.26((i0.R6: western sheep, 84.6006.25; stockers and feeders, 83.60 66-60. , - St. Lovl Live Stock Market. - ' ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Bept. 24. CATTLE Receipts, 7,500 head. Including 4.000 Texan; natives lower; Texans wesk; natlvs shipping and export steers. 14.4("Kn.25; drensed beef and butcher steers, 83.66S4.95: steer under 1.000 pound, 83 5004.35: stockers and feeders. 12.60(34.60; cows and heifers, 83.605 50; canners, 31.50(2.00; bulls. f.Jf54.(T calven, 13.0CS1.60; Texas and Indian steers, 830 6 00; cow and heifers. 82.00tf3.26. HOOS Receipts. 8.000 head: market higher! pigs and lights, 86.16irfK.66: peckers. 86.104(6.65; butchers and best heavy, 86.469 S.nTH. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l&OO head: market strong; native mutton. $3 Ooa 6.75; lamb, 12.007. S'r rilla and bucks, 82.60 433.60;. stockers, 84.2fyg6.00. . St. Joseph Live atoek Market. " BT. JOSEPH. , Mo., Sept, 24. CATTLE Reoelpts, . 4.607 head; market steady; natives, 34.5044.2S; cows and heifers, 11.600 6.10: stockers and feeders. 33.8&$4.60. HOOS Receipts, 2.716 head; market Be higher; light, 6.3666.(6; bulk of aales. 86.20 6.40. SHEET AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.757 head: teady to weak; lambs, 87.40; yearljngs 16.86. - - tons City live Stork Market, SIOUX CITY. la.. Sept. 24.-(8peclal Tele, gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4 400 head; market weak; stockers, !0Qi5c higher; beeves, 84.0Oifr6.00; cows, bulls and mixed, 82.60(34.50; stockers and feeders, 83.0Ot4.26; calvea and yearlings, 82.6Ofj3.60. HOOS-Recelpts. 2,100 head: market' 60 higher, selling at 35.969t.26; bulk of sales, 86.0udja.15. . .-v - ' f toek In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets yierday: Cattle. Hogs. Sh. ep. South 'Omaha 9,800 2,400 29.UU0 Sioux City 4,400 2.200 Kansas City 80,000 6.4O0 11.800 St Joseph........ 4.507 2.741 6.1.17 St. Louis... 7,660 6.000 2,50ft Chicago 60.000 28.000 16.000 Totals, 96.707 44.841 13.767 ' Metal Market. NEW TORK, Sept.; 24. METALS The London tin market was higher, with spot closing at 145 6s and futures at aU84 us. Locally the market waa firm and higher, with spot, Quoted at 140.32 40.60. Cop per was much higher ln the London mar ket, with spot and future both closing at 89 16s. Locally the market was strong, with Lake quoted at 319 874 019.82 H ; electrolytic, tl8.12HG18.87H; catting. 25. Lead was a little higher at a" 18 le In I-ondon. Locally the market was firm. with, quotations ra"sing from 36.75 to II OIVs- Spelter waa higher also in .the Loudon market, clo'mng u. ." (. locally spalter was a rhade lower a' 86.26 476.36. Iron was higher In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 64s 3d and Cleveland warrant at 64a 9d. Locally Iron was Arm. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 820.26 0 21.00; No. 1 foundry northern at 114.76 tf 10.60; No. 1 foundry southern at 1 10.60 31.00; No. 2 foundry southern at 120.00320 60. ST. LOUIS, Bept, 24. METALS Lead, steady; 36.60 S.90; j titer, steady; 86.2. aaar and Molaasea. NBW ' YORK. ' Bept M.-BUQAR-Ra w. steady; fair reAnlng, So; t-entrif ugal, 8 test. 4Hc- Molases sua nr. 3c- Reflne.1, steady; No. 6. 4.60e; No. 7. 4.46e; No. 8, 4 40c: No. 9, 4 86c; No. 10. 4 No. 71, 4.80c: No. 11. 416c: No. It, 4.10c: No. 14. 4.06c; eon-fet-tionera' A. 4 V; mould A. t.36c; cut loaf, 6.7oc: cruahad 6.70c; powdered, 6.10c; granu. la ted. b.Ouc: cub, t.Stc. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orlean open ketrl. good to choirs. 804Y38C. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 24.-8UOAR Steady: centrifugal, yelUiW, 4t4 7-l4Cj aC onda, tH6t3sd''' ' n3i.4iiA wtioi.esAtt: 84 an. KPT. Condition of Trad nod UntHatlon oa laple anal Kaaey Prodeee. ECtQS-I-er doa, lii9c. LlVh. Pui-Ltiiy Hens, 10c: rooslrrt, 6c; tuiaeys, 10c; rucks, cj, spring rhivacna, 9Hlc. I'L'TTKR - Packing stack. lc; cliolol fancy dairy, ISi.Vc; ireaineiy, Wv!4c. H AY--1 1 1 unto ty , ii, h e'.-e, fn. panyi Choice Uplaixl. $860; medium. 18.01 Comae. 04iS.Vu. Rye etraW. liyi.OO. URAN-J'er ton, 115,00. V6.GElAat.E8. BWEET POTAl'Olilei' bbl.. .,e!.. TOMA'l fKS Hqm r..n. ...e4t e 30 lr. . 2Mo . , . WAX P.JTANi Per met net basket of 16 lbs., 86c. ' TUNIPS. liKKTi AND t:ARROTS-Pt Bu 76c. LnAr LRVTVCE-Hothouse, per dot, hear?". fOc, CKLEKT Per do. S740. C I t L MViKhs-Hora giewh. - per o 36e. ONIONS Home grown. 16 per bu. Briinlnli. 41.78 per era I. " GREEN ONIONS Per do, bunehea 16A ItAL'lHHV H-Frr dos. buiiclies. 16 a 20c u NAVY PKANS Per :o. . tl.7k LIMA BEA NP Ter lb.. IVfrt ' QREKN PEPPUKS-Per market, rrnakeb toe. PARSLEY Hothouse, per do. ounch, JOc. CABBAGE Home grown, per lb, IV4O. Liiti PL .-iS'l 1 or dot.. 'So. POTATOES-Per bu.. Soci ,. TROPICAL F K U ITS. ORANGh.6 Vulom:. according to !. I4.2fxri4.40. LEMON? Llmonlera, - ex-e fancy. 149 alxe. 86.60; 800 else, 88.00; 300 sice, te.OO, other l'ii:(K li.CHi lea.. BANANAS Per inedlum-ld . bunca, 1176452.: J.imlma, IS 5043.0. . '. DAT KS Per lb., W0. rRUiTS. PEACHES-Coloroda. evcetl.00; Mlaaourl, per 6-basket rtate, ll.iwjl.14). California al ways, ber box, 12.00. I LUilH California, - 31.l.r .'Oregoa Italian prune, 11.10. 1 PEAR6-Barllett. per box, 82-60. OltAi l.ri-Woin gioTtTU 4-er t-lb- basket. .It?; Tokay 81.76... APPLES-Per ebl., t2.0Or6O. -, CRANBURK1EH per buU 8o.0a MELONS. WATERMEIjONS Per 4lo, of about 'J'v'Hir. each. CANTELOUPKB Colorado and Arisen, per crate (aUhdard), tl-76aa.00i pouiea, UM; Hockytord standard!. 13.60. ' CUT tSB-S-V tniUSSiB. rvunu, IV, lu. ivuuu, V71A- .v. m lc; No. 8 plate, 8H0: No. 1 plate, to. MieCELUANklOUB. '. "6UOAR Granulated carte, in Ck, 86.41; gTsnulatel beet. In sacks, 46.81. CHKKSW Swiss, nsw, 16o; Wisconsin brick, l4Hc; Wisconsin llmberger, Uu( twins, I4c; young .Americans, .UHO. COKKKtl Roasted. No. 80, Ho per lb J No. . 20V4O t er lb.: No. Ii. MHc lr lb. ; No. to. 160 per 'b.; No. TO, JJHo per lb. NU'lS Pecans, large, per jb.. Hot amall, per lb., Uo. XI morula, soft shells,. per lb., lie; hard shells, per lb.. 13tfl4e, Cooua nut. 84-00 per sack, of 100. BYRUPlb bblsn 37o per gal.; In eat, I 10-lb. cana, 11.70; caaes, II 6-1 b. Cana, 31.40; Cases. U 2U-lb; cant, 81.86. e HONEY Per 24 fraaaK 83-80. ' CANNED tl'JODe Corn, standard wtt rn. 66t0c: Maine, 11. 1. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, tl-00; -2-lb.. 37HcUOO, . . Pineap pfe. gmt-il ?-'b., 62 064it.8u; sliced. il.eVJ 120; gallon PPle. fancy, 32.66; California apricots, 3l 90'i.26; pear, 1.76-'2J0; peache, , fanoy. tl.754jli.40; H.C. pi'acnes, U.vxQi.xt. null ulmm. red. 81.86: raoev Chinook. I! 10; fancy sockeye, r" tl.taV; .rdin, 14 oil, 81.76; musts rd, 83.00. - Bweet po Intoes, 1 .1 "Liu. saurkiaut). 81.00; pump, kins, 80o1.00:,''W-a : beans, 8-lb. &ftHue; lima bean. Mb., 76c(94l.l6; splnsohrli .86; rheap pea. 2-lb., 40c; extra,' idtuc; fancy, ti.34Tl 75- CURED trisn Family whlteflsh, per euartr bbl.. 100 ls.. 14.00: Norway mack rU No. 1. tai-OOi No. 2, tSo-OO; No. t, 1.00; lvlali. No 2, 316 00: herring, in bbls., 208 ba each, Norway. 4k. 812.00; Norway, 3k. tlt.0 Holland, mixed, 111.00; Holland, herring. I kegs, milker. 80c: kega. miKerl. 70a. FISH Buffalo, :arg dremted,' 8c; trout, maillum or large, pressed. 12c: nllta Arena,,. Jlo: halibut, tine stock, lie; catfish, dressed! 15c; bullheads, oressed ' and skinned, Uo: whit perch,, dressed, 6c; crapnles, large, 12c; suiitiah, pan siss, 6c; whit biiea, ex tie choice, 12c; pickerel, 9c; salmon. Chinook, lie; whits fish (frocea), l2o; mackerel (Spanish) ,16c;. native, per fWtv 1826c: codfish, fresh frocen, 12c; rloundor, frean, froten, lie: blueflsh, fresh tfrosen, I60; haddock, fresh froien, . 10c 1 ired snapper, dressed, Uo; smelts. No. L per lb., 12c 1 lobsters, (boiled), per lb., 40c;- green, J7c eel, per lb.. 18c; frog legs, per dos., 36c; roe shsd, tl each; shad roe, pair, 40. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, isHer'No. t;;mor'buil hides, 10Hc; gTeen hides. No. f, l2Uc:' No. 2, TlVo; horse. 11.601.75; sheep pIts, Ocitl-25- Tal low, No. L 4Vo; No. 5, 8H0, I WOOL Pi in.. 144A. --., .,, RBAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Fanny P. Milne to Charle E. Svard and wife, lot 20, block 1, Monmouth park 3 Loft Peter H. McOoldrlck and wife to Kilsabeth rt. Usher, lot X block 8, Corngan place, bouth Omaha 1,804 Vera r. Ktnstrom and husband lo Melissa Webster,, part lot. 7 and s, blook 18, WUcox s 2d CT..... 89t Standard Distilling and Distributing cvnipany to city of Ornatia, weat 13 feet lot J, block 244, Omaha..., . 1 Henry Rica to .City of Omaha, north 38 leet south Vt southeast ii-sec- . tlon 6-15-1. , August Klabunde to James R. Har 11s, north H northwest hi section 16 and east 60 acres southeast section 8-16-11 '...J.... 2.50C Catherine rilianahan to Terance' and , Susan Bhleias, norm 60 (eet lots and 10, block 3, Drexel' Sub 1,600 Abraham L.- Reed et al. to Amelia . Fink, lots 13 and 14, block 1 iteed'a ilfth 204 Omalia Safe Jjeposlt and Trust -company to Hastings A rieyden, lot 18, biocic 4, HUlsldo.- ..... 1 Rosa Nash and iiusbsnd . to WUIlam N. Hill and -wit, lot 6. bloya .L -Wilcox Add 1.00C Orace Heaton and husband td Wm. N. Hill and wife, lot L block U, Brigg piac 2,600 Minnie W. km. Byferth and husband 10 diaries K. Kubbins, lot Hum- ' bold 1 place .....' 150 Philadelphia Manufacturing anil Trust company to Joshua Cham berlain, nortn H lota ill and A, block 1, Brigg place 1.300 August Dlckman et al. to Anna Dick man, lot 7, McClure' Sub. ttouth Omaha 1.400 Oak Chatham Redlok to Charley R. Nor din, part southeast nortoeaat section 9-16-13 , 30 L. P. Crofoot and wife to Maty E. Dlehl. lots 7 and t, block 10,. Hal cyon height 809 Morris C. Roller to Samuel H. -Cro- . gan, lot 4, block 2, Pope place.:..... 100 Mary Knright and huaoand td' Bal tha Jetter, lot 18 and 19, blook 4, Harri A Patterson' Ahneg 30f) First Christian churofi of Omaha to Andrew Thompson, lot 9, block 11, Patrick' 2d 460 Frank A. Smith and wlf to Conti nental 'front company, lot 17, block 124. Dundee place v.. ' IS Highland Realty company to John C. peteraon, lot 4,i block 4nl, Grand View v JL v.... n Emily M. Dora to Augusta Olsen, lot 3. block "P," Lowe t John W. McDonald to W. Ellery Hesse, lot 8, DiocK 0.' roppieiou park .' Carl A. Anderson and wife to George H. Schnell et al., lots 1 to 24, block I, West Lawn park Andrew Miles, trustee, to Charles Ladd Thomas, lot, 8. block 1. Lincoln place, and other lots Anna L. Csrlow to Wilson T. Wilson, south V lots 59 and 60 and south ,68 feet lot 6K McEntee'a Mary li. McCulloch to Lrwlgkl Will lams, part southeast section 80-15-lt Total. .:...tZ7.8ut Investment - Securilies . 8) ' '. 4f ' ' "4, . 7 .'.- A. B. LEACH & CO., KEW YORK. CHlCAfiO BOSTOX . fUlliAVKhPBlA No. 1 ribs, 43c; No. 3 riba, 9c; No. I rib. 6Hc; No, 1 loin, 15Vc; No. i loin, 13c; No. t loin, 8c; No. I chuck. 6c; No. 8 chuck, 4e: No. I chuck, 2ic; No. 1 round, '3c: No. t