THE OMAHA TTULY BKE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, , 1906. COOPER GIVES INTERVIEW 4 n' . eaw.t n as. jenar. raiuitnrepm win ua it tv Laaia Thirty taja. SHARES HIS INCOME WITH; THE TOOR !f. 4hat Created Seneatlaa la the ' . Kill-Have Maae 111m ...." large Fartnaei , ST. LOUS. S-pt. it.-JL X Cooper, or the "Great Cooper," a he li called., waa seea in his hotel thla morning by a reporter nnA nmved to ha -a rAmtupiNiwi mln. be i little over ft) years of age. rif. p ,n ,n,, Wno M lo created a. aeYiratlon In eastern cities fcr lie estenalva nh.Wi.M. .u . v enormous sals of two preparations of which ha la the owner. Wn'll talking hia far light tip with a amll. almost boyish ,n Ita expression, and ha seems very rouns o hsvs aoanlred tha nnniiiB inriu h la aaid to Doeaeaa. wim ir km.i hi. piana lor nis visit to Bt. Louis, he aald: "I ahall umaln In thla rtty about four weeka. I hara coma here to Introduce my preparations in my uaual way and I will give tha puttier ample opportunity t as eartaln whether ?ae claims I make for . tbeaa medicine n ha erlfted." "It la one of my beliefs that every suc cessful man should devote a part of hla resources In elding tha unfortunate. 1 rely to treat extent on. tha publle for Information concerning famlllee, or Indi viduate who are In need, and I will there fore be very grateful to all who will aend ma the name and. Address of people who are deatltute." ' Upon being aaked about tha publle re movala of deafness, which ha haa mad In Pittsburg and other cltlea. Mr. Cooper aald. "I hava appeared each night. In tha cities I hava visited, before audience that ranged from 1000 to 10.000 people, and have etated that I would remove In leaa than . three mtnutea' time, deafneaa of years' atandlng. "I hava treated In publle In thla manner over a hundred people aach night I ahall do thla work In St. Louie to aome extent. and I will then prove whether I am sue. eessful or not. It will be lima to discuss "thl work after I hava given one of theae aeem extravagant. tm preparation with which I give theaa demonstration la not the one to which I owa my aucreea. aa my New Discovery la my principle remedy. Thla preparation la for tha removal of all forma of atomach trouble. . ' ' "I hava not yet decided where my head quarters will be while here, but will know within tht next twenty-four hours. lion of' shops and the building of the larger buildlnga. lie superintended the con- atructlon of the ehopa at Cheyenne. Ho waa for yeara the principal engineer undrr J. B. Berry, and whn Mr. Berry realgned waa the natural successor. He haa been acting chief engineer alnce November 1 lent year. The work of chief engineer of the t'nlon Tactile at thla time la no alnecure. for no road In the went la doing the building and making the Improvementa which the tTn1.n PstMfie la making. ' Vaat sums are being apent alt over the t'nlon Pa ride system. ' FROM AUSTRALIA TO ENGLAND Wewepaper Man Makes Trip Th roach tralreal Mates and Steps i'- la Omaha. ' Leonard Henalowe, an English journsllat who haa apent much of hla life In Bvdnev iand Melbourne, Australia, tarried Monday In Omaha, enreute from tha antlpodea to V Londorf. On hla trip Mr. Henalowe la work Li.. k.v. i ..!., i... . jjfm In Australia and tha Harmaworth preaant purpoaa to turn tha tide of travel from England to Auatral! via tha United States aa Mr. Henalowe bellevea hla ooun trymen will see much that la educational and Intereatlng by traveling through thla country. ' Thla la Mr. ffenalowe't flrat trip through tha "stAtev" - Ha la tioh lmpreaaed wltlj tha country through which ha traveled from Ban Francleco to Omaha and aaid ha looked forward with Interest to tha trip eaatward to New Tork City. "While you hero In tha great West hava ' bean developing at a rapid rata,' Auatralla haa not been lagging In tha world's march of progreaa. ' It may surprise you to know that Sydney and Melbourne have popula tiopa of (00,000 each," remarked Mr. Henalowe. . The visitor was Interested In tha agri cultural waajth of . .Nebraska and of ths commercial Importance of Omaha. ,Hs was free lo admit that all that bad been said of tha areatness of thia conntrv had been true, and tha traveler had many kind words to say of tha American woman, nf whom ttw iinu iictk i v. buu rniu mum unurf roacn Ing tbeae-ahorea. HUNTLEY NOW IN 'FULL SWAY PALMER VISITS MANY HOMES Coaaaletea rircait of teveral national Heatoaarters far the Old leia-lers. Captain H. K. Pnlmer returned Sunday morning from an official visit to tha Na tional Homre for Disabled Volunteer at Darton, 'O., Milwaukee, Dnnrllle, III.. Merlon, Ind., Hot Sprlnga, 8. D.. and Leav enworth, Kan. At the meeting' of the board at Danville tha auperlntendency of tha Battle Mountain sanitarium at Hot Springs was finally aettled by tha unani mous election of Dr. R. D. Jennings of Hot Springs as governor and aurgeon. . Dr. Jennings hsa been a resident of Hot Springs for eighteen years and a resident of the Black Hills country for twenty-fire years. He wsa one of the prima movers In securing the location of the sanitarium at Hot Springs. He succeeds Major J. A. Hull, rentgned. Dr. Jennlnga was endorsed by practically alt the prominent and Influ ential men of tha Black Hills country, as well as by many eaatem eongrssmen and senators. The place waa sought by nu merous appllcanta from tha west, several physicians from Omaha aaeklng tha ap. pointment, accompanied by atrong endorse ments. ' While enroute from Hot Springs to Leav enworth several of the members of tha board stopped over m Omaha Prlday even ing from to 10 o'clock and were enter tained at dinner at the Omaha dub by Captain Palmer.' Those in the party were: Ex-Governor Murphy of New Jersey, presi dent of the board; Major Jf W. Wadeworth, congresaman from the Geneaeo (N. T.) dla trtct and chairman of the congressional committee on agriculture and son of the late Major General J. M. Wadsworth, who wss killed at Gettysburg; John M. Polley of LaCrosae, Wis.; ex -Governor H A. Markham of Pasadena. Cal., and gov ernor of the Santa Monica National hom Major Moaea Harris, general treasurer of ths board of trustees; D. C. Spencer, gen eral secretary of , the board; Dr. Elwell, Inspector general and chief aurgeon of the National homea, and Captain Palmer. The party was met here by Thomas Kimball, architect of tha Battle Mountain sanita rium, and automobiles were provided and tha party took an evening ride aboutv tha city, leaving over the Missouri Padflo for Leavenworth at M o'clock p. m. The party made tha tour of the homes In a private car. The board was met at the Iaven worth home by Senator Warner of Mis souri, another member of the board,' and upon the conclusion of tha business of the meeting of the board at Leavenworth an adjournment was taken and tha members proceeded Saturday evening to their re epectlve homea. ' Tttalar aa Wall aa Aetaal Eaglaeer ( tha Vatoa v. : Paolto. Chief .The title of ' Acting Chief Engineer Hunt ley has been changed to that of chief engineer of tha Union Pacific. When J. B. Barry rsaigaed. aa chief, engineer ef tha Union Pacific to accept a similar position with tbo Rock island. R. L. Huntley was given the title of acting chief engineer, and now he haa been given the position aa head of .the engineering department of tha Union Pacific, with, jurladictlon over the entire ''yatem of tha .Union Pacific, Including tha fiMnsaa, toioraao, Wyoming ana nepraaxa Juiviaiona. . ' - Mr. Huntley la a graduate of the Renaael- laer Polytechnics! Institute of Detroit and after graduation went to work for ths Nw York Central. After a few yeara with that company he moved wast and helped In ths construction of tha Kansas City A Omaha road. In: Its ha went to work for ths t'nlon Pacific aa an assistant engineer, his principal work being In tha eoaatruo- LITERARY THIEF SENTENCED Maa Whet Attempts Robbery at Pnblle Library Geta Term at Sixty Days. H. L. McCreary and -Claude Crander, who were arreated Friday afternoon by Special Officer Samuelaon at the Public library on ths charge of attempting to rob one of tha cases containing tha Byron Reed collection, appeared In police, court Monday morning.' , Officer .Samuelaon tes tified that his attention waa attracted by tha ringing of the electric beila after the cast waa forced open and ho found Cran der and hia alleged partner standing ly tha broken case. He arreated both on the charge of the attempted theft, but Judg ' Crawford - did not believe - there waa an; evidence againat McCreary, ao dlamlaaet him. It developed that Crander has a police court record, having been sentenced to Jail sometime ago for petit larceny. Judge Crawford aentenced Crander to alxty days' In his former place of residence on the larceny charge, aa It appeared that Crander realated arreat and threw -away a chisel with which the casea In the li brary were opened. Kxearalem to CTcar Lake, la. On Friday, September 2t, the Chicago Great Weatern railway will run a aueclal excursion train to Clear Lake. Ttoketa will be sold at very low ratea and will be good to return until October I. Aak H. H. Churchill, general agent, 1512 Farnam street, Omaha, for Information. EXCHANGETRlPStlP SHAFFER Omaka Ortlt rket DitcontU Latsit Trick tf tkt Hack IiU.d. , EFFORT TO FOOL COUNTRY DEALERS Firm from Chirac Camea Hera la la tereet of Bayeetted Railroad and Falla to Elude Omabet Mooatere. Omaha grain men hava received word from the country that J. C. Shaffer A Co., the Chicago grain firm which has located here, presumably for the purpose of get ting business for tha Rock Island road, la aendlng out bide on grain "f. o. b. Council Bluffa; Council Bluffs weight and Inspec tion." ' The Grain exchange men are accordingly warning their trade throughout the atate not to be fooled by thla representation, for there are no official Council Bluffa welghta and InapectlonS and the phrase means simply J. C. Shaffer A Co.'s weights snd Inspections. Pending the tote by the board of directors on the petition of tha Shaffer company for membership In tha exchange, that firm la not allowed the privileges of the exchange and can get no official welghta and Inspections. Laat week the local representative attempted to aecure theae services on twenty cars of grain, through a member of the exchange, but thla member was refused hla request when he admitted that the grain belonged to the Chicago concern. Trophy for B, A. Imlth. In consideration of his splendid services during ths tournament of the Middle West Tennis association, the tennis committee of the Omaha Field club has presented Stew ard E. A. Smith with an elaborate watch fob. Visitors were all loud In their praise of the maner In which Mr. Smith cared for the crowds which were In attendance at the tournament and tha committee took thia means to enow Ita appreciation. DIAMONDS Edboim. xstn aid Harney. Marriage Lleeases. The following marriage licensee have been Issued: Frank J. Bkryjla. Omaha O Fannie Benak, Omaha B Joseph Malerkl, South Omaha tt Martha Walent. South Omaha a Guatav F. Hohenase, Bur well. Neb...... 40 Olga C. Van Lund. Burwall. Neb 26 John E.' Larson, South Omaha a Fannie R. Vondra, South Omaha 10 John Kovarek. Omaha fi Mary Kuss. Omaha..... 1 AIRSHIP IS READY TO SOAR Kaabeashae's Great Teasel Is Hera aad la the Best . of Conditio. The Ak-Sar-Ben airship' haa arrived and the rigging has been put In place at the carnival grounda. The machinery haa been tried out and It was found nothing bad been injured In the trip from Milwaukee, ao everything should be In readlneaa for ths aacenslon next Thursday. The "Sunflower special" of thirty-two cars; bearing the New Parker Amusement company, which will help In the' merry making of the King's Highway, rolled Into town Monday noon over, the Union Pacific. It eama from Tankton, 8. D., whrre It has been giving performances. No accidents occurred and the whole show Is ready for business. Immediately on arrival the transfer to the carnival grounds began. - A large force of men waa put to work on the carnival grounda nutting everything In readiness for the opening, the tenta are being pitched and the lot has the usual appearance of a circus lot. - 'V J. D. Weaver and Al Powell, In charge of the Ak-Sar-Ben electrical parade, have requested that all floatmen report at the den Monday evening for -rehearsal for their parts at the grand ball. - FOOD LAW AND MEDICINE MEN Rea-alatloas Ianlte aad Makers Won't Gaaraatee Goods to Pass . Inspection). , Evidently the pure food law haa the patent medicine manufacturers guessing and their correspondence with the drug dealers shows It. As yet they have no clearly defined Idea of tlie requirement of the law aa It applies to their product A local concern haa put a Clause In Its order blank, providing for a guarantee by the manufacturer that ths medicine will pass national and state food Inspections. Thqugh most of the ps tent medicine jpeopie have accepted such orders, one' haa returned the orders . with tbe Information . that It cannot ship goods under such a guarantee.' The Information was added that there was nothing harmful In tha medicines, but reg ulations regarding labeling and sals. were ot clear to the company and It . would ave to wait until they were defined by .hose to whom the Uw gives authority, , , AND ECKERMANS GET NO ICE taeh la tatm aad tabataaes of Oar Jim's Noisy Oasada Agalaat the Trast. Mayor Dahlman admitted Monday morn ing that his efforts of last week to secure evidence against Ice ' companies in the matter of Impure Ice were futile. Many aamplea were taken from wagons, txaro Ined by the city chemist, but In all cases the ssmplaa were good. The mayor be. lleves the Ice men are selling only artifi cial Ice for domestic purposes. Mayor Dahlman stated there waa nothing new In the Ice aituation. And meanwhile the Omaha Ice and Cold Storage company's wagons take tack around the Bekerman home and heed not the sign hanging in the window nor Mrs. Bckerman's outstretched hands,- one bear Ing a coupon book and the other coin of tbe realm. GRAHAM BUYS CREIGH HOME Maaager at Hardlag Cream Compaay Pays tlx Thaasaad for New Family Reeldeaaa. H. B. Graham haa bought tha residence of ThomaS Crelgh, Jr., at IX South Thirty fifth atreet. The conalderation waa $8,000. This la aald to be significant of the fact that Mr. I contemplating matri mony. Hs Is manager of tha Harding Cream company.. IP3 I s - ' ' 1 I 1 -'I'1 Consider fllae oda-Cracker Science has proved and established the fact that the soda cracker is the most nutritious and healthful article of food made from flour. - When it is considered that Unocda DicCUlt are the perfect soda crackers it is no wonder that' nearly 400,000,000 have been, sold 4he only wonder beint that any one can go a day without Unocda Biscuits NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Indigestion Cured at 74 V , - If 4 I 1" . T jf MR. L. T. MnXEIl, 74 TEARS OLD. Mr. L. F. Mlllrr. of I tlra. X. Y- vbo In nrvrnly-four yrars of, ag, va rurt-l of Indigestion and pain In the stomach by Ouffy's Vutf Malt Whiskey, nftor years of suffrrlng and all otlirr fncdl clnoa had failed. WR. Mll.l.KR Writes: "I write a-ltn Joy and satisfaction. Seventy-four stormy winters have pnsacd over my head on the 11th of Feb. last: Mv occupation Is R. R. Blacksmith. Two years ago I waa taken with a pain In my stomach,, my food did not digest and I Was In con Ktant pain at my work. 1 went to a doctor, got some medicine, but of no avail. 1 got discouraged going borne to my dinner. One day I met a man. I told him how 1 felt that If I did not gt a Sfwedy relief I would have to stop work. He aaya, 'Why don t you try Huffy Malt Whlekey?' I went that night, got a bottle. It cost tl.M I took It according to directions. I had about H taken when I began to ferl better. 1 got t he second bottle snd on till 1 bsd taken 4 bottles and felt like a Morning Star. I will recommend It to the world. There Is a neighbor woman I was talking with Saturday night. She haa trouble with her atomach. I told her to get thla med icine. I would cure hrr of all her . troubles. I F. Miller, S2 Broadway" March 24. '08. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey If vou wish to keen strong and vla-oroua and have on your cheeka the glow of feet health, take Duffy e 1'ure Malt Whiskey regularly, according- to directions. take no other mentrlne. it is flangerou to fllll your system with drugs: they pnteon the body and depreea the beirt. while DuflVs Pure Malt Whiskey tonea snd at rest hens the heart action and purines the entlrw system. It Is the only whlekey rec ognized as a medicine, and contains no fusel . oil. This Is a guarantee. Duffy's Purs Malt Whiskey has stood severe tenta for fifty yearn and has always been found absolutely pure and to contain great meaicat prop- ertiea. OAtmoST. Wlsea yon ask your amg gist or grocer for Dairy's Pars Malt Whiskey be aure yon get ths genuine. It's tbe one absolutely pare medicinal whiskey aad Is sold only In sealed bot tles never la bulk, look for ths trfiae mark, the "Old Chemist," oa the label, aad make sore the seat over tha cork Is unbroken. Pries, tl-OO. Medical booklet and doctor's edvloe free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Go, Moohester, W. T. and AUTUMN SMILES LIKE SPRING Fall Opening at Bennett's ii Gergeou it Elaborate Deoorationa. ACTUAL GOODS ARE THERE IN EVIDENCE Nothing Old, Everything New, All tbo Best the Prosperous aad Bast . . . tra Market Caa Pos sibly Afford. The grand fall opening of the Bennett company is on and the'marvelous decora tions and color schemes which have been carried out in such artistic beauty are tha talk of the town. A new department has been opened at the Bennett store, and this, with ths millinery, is having Its formal opening, together with the grand fall open ing. The color scheme- ..followed in tha decorations Is unique and beautiful, a spe cial Idea being followed out In each part of the mammoth structure- . The Harney street windows are decorated In pink; and white, the. Sixteenth streat, window from Harney street, to the entjranoe In a deli cate blue and white, the windows south of thet entrance In bjack and, white and the Interior on the .lower flown Uv pale gresn and white.- -r: .it to t. J. E. Baum. owner and 'active manage of the Bennett company. la ambitious to make this the leading department store west of Chicago and to thatf end Is sparing no expense. He Is not so much concerned In making money, as his enormous hard ware Interests Insure him sufficient income, but to make the "Bennett company's store the leader in all things wholesome and ar. tlstlc- To that end he has had numerous buyers In aH sections of the country buy ing carload of goods, with special refer ence to this fall opening, and his definite instructions to these buyers was to "get ths beat money can buy, for nothing la too good for Omaha." Mr. Baum aaya he reallsea that prosperity la abroad In the land and that no people are more prosper oua than Omaha and conaequently they want ths very - beat there la to be had, and It Is his purpose to give It to them: v New Yorker Is Amased. . "I "never saw such a splendid window display In my life, not even in Marshall Field's In Chicago," fcald Charles A. Hoag, repreaentative of one of the largest Im porting houses In the world, who had corns from New Tork especially to attend the opening. ' "Those new window dreesers of Mr. Baum's have surely set a pace which will be hard to follow. If they can get up anything nearly as nice for the horse show they will' surely land the prise." This coming from a man who has seen all the windows In all tha lands, is taken as a compliment worth while. The new. dry goods department and the millinery department are the section of ths store which attract the feminine eye. The expensive costumes, the superb silks, ths beautiful embroideries from many .lands hold the attention of all. The new men at the h"ad of the dry gooda departments have been, chosen from ths pick of the east and are the beat trained and ths most competent that money could aecure. Entranced Bjr Beaatlea. A the customers entered the stors Mon day they were entrsnced at the beauties which presented themselves and lovers of the beautiful were enthused, for nothing like the present display of the Bennett company was ever shown in the west be fore. Many floral offerings had been sent from Importers and manufacturer In the east and from merchants of the city and thess added to tbe loveliness of the house decorations, which ' consisted of palms, aspsragu ferns, smllax, ' plants and cut flowers. ' A noticeable feature of the opening la the entire absence of anything old. Not an old piece ef gooda Is to be seen and visitor are at once struck with ths air of new styles and novelties of the season which are displayed. The dry goods de partment la entirely new with goods just received from the eastern and foreign mar keta and. are (he beat that money can secure. It can be seen at a glance that tbe buyers hsve followed the orders of Mr." Baum In getting the best to be had and exclamatlona of astonlahment are heard on all aidea aa the patrona peas from one section to another and see tha visions of loveliness displayed. pmIIv aerved until Anfll SO. and the Council refuses to nay him for the twenty days. Mr. Howe held over hla term because of trouble arising over the bond of C. A. Melcher, his auccessor. The council ha al ready allowed Mr. Melcher hla salary for the time Howe clalma he waa holding the office. JEFFRIES SUE THE COMPANY Parents of Girl Who rails Thronga Glass Iloor Ask Danaajres far Death.' - Suit for $5,000 against the Nebraska Tele phone company, growing out pf the death of Mildred Lena Jeffries, who was killed by falling through a floor skylight In the telephone building August was begun Monday In district court. Fred H. Miller, who waa appointed administrator of the estate, filed the petition. ' In the petition It la charged the glass In the floor was less thsn five-eighths of an Inch' thick and not strong enough for the purpose snd that the frames In which the panes were set were negligently made large enough to allow the body of a per son to slip through them. It Is charged the glass through which Mlse Jeffries fell was broken at noon on tha day previous and wes not barricaded nor fixed, though tha company had time to do so. Miss Jeffries'' parents, it Is alleged, were partly dependent en her for support, and it 1 in their '.behalf the suit Is brought. ABE SMITH LOSES HIS WIFE Colored Maa Agrees with Wemaa to '" plaaolve Partnership aad' She Vamooses. . I Monday morning Abe Smith, colored, and wife,, who reside in the rear of 414 South Eighteenth street, sgreed to dissolve part nership through life's stormy seas on ac count of an alleged Indiscretion on the part of Mr. Smith. ' Smith said he Intended to leave home, but Mrs, Smith Insisted that this was her prerogative, as ahe didn't Intend to live with him any more. Instead of setting the- house tn order prior to her departure, she proceeded to cut up all of her devoted husband's clothes, break all the furniture and crockery In the house, and. In tact, put the Inside furnishing of the house out In the cold, cold world a aooir aa possible. Smith summoned the police, but when they arrived the only trace to be eeen of the strenuous wife of Smith's was her trunk waiting for an expressmen. BIG DEMAND FOR PAPERS Foreigners Thrang Office of District Clerk to Take Oat Cltlsea shls) Mesas. More foreigners than ever thronged the district clerk's office Monday morning to tske qtit their second clttsenshtp paper. The increaae in numbers Is due to the fact only two more days remain tn which pa pers can bs taken out under the old lew. The new act goes into effect Thursday and after that papers will, be granted only upon petition. Last week 371 second pa pers were granted. DIAMONDS fir.uirr. izxr. r.i Podge ta PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. W. II. Crulkshank haa quit the aervlce of the engineering department of the l.'ninn Pacific and haa gons to Devll'e Lake, N. D.. to work for the Great Northern. He will do field work to improve hla health, Monday morning about 4 a. m. a thief broke through the screen on the cellar window of the building occupied by the Omaha Packing company at Fifteenth and Cuming streets, but was frightened away before n was able to aecure anything. The police have a .good deacription of the culprit. 10 K AHA ANlV -RETURN Wg wast to yet acquainted with more people la the eatiytaf con airy la tbe weat. W want mere pec ale to jet arqaatoted with onr big store. We want more A reside of title weatern eoaatr to profit by the great oalnea thia We; atora bna aa4 sella every day in-tha year. W aro going to moke) x prooooltlon oo tho.t you eft vlelt Omaha without pending a cent lor ravllroad faro. Listen Attentively! CA AK-SAR.BEN FESTIVAL Ja the most gtorioaa event that waa oyer eelebrated. Thla year It will be grander and on a maeh larger acale than at any time In Ita hiatory. It glree yon and jronr family an' opportunity to com to Omaha and bay the time of ydnr Uvea. Dar ing thia groat event the railreada will make asocial ratea for October i, i, , 4 and 5, on ail tralna coating into Omaha, . If You Intend Coming to Omaha 9 - and wleh to know all partlealareabont oar free transportation offer fill oat the Coupon below and we will, by return mall, aend yon all Information COUPON NEBRASKA CLOTHING 00., Omtha. Please aend me particular regarding jour Free Transporta tion Offer. name ' . :: , Tew Ceanty t 4 P-tato .. ., OMAHA.NEB. o Somewhere Round Trip Rates From Omaha St. Louis $18.60 Chicago ........$20.00 Salt Lake City and Ogden. .$30.50 Glenwood Springs, Colo ',.... ,.. .. .$29.50 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo $17.50 ' Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Oct. 13 to 1$, . ' - inclusive .$18.10 : Worland, Wyo., (Shoshone Reservation) . . . r. . ; . .$32.85 Sheridan, Wyo .... .$26.40 Deadwood aad Lead, S. D .$18.75 Hot Springs, S. D .......$18.40 Richmond, Va., Sept. 29-30, Oct. 1 ...$33.75 Kansas City, Sept. 30 toOct. 6. . . i . .$4 30 Kansas City, Oct. 5 to 13. ... , .......;$ 7.75 Kansas City, Oct. 15 to 20 '..'.....$ 7.75 Dallas, Texas, Oct. 6-7 ......... . $21.20 Buffalo, N, Y., Oct. 10-1M2 . .$28.75 ! Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. U-15-16 ..,..$28.00 Memphis, Tenn., Oct.. 15-16-17-18. ............. . .$19.60 Atlanta, Oa., Oct. 8-9. . . :: . ... . . . ...... 1. '. .$32.10 T? One-Way Colonist Rates Daily. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, etc ....... . . .' . $25.00 San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc .$25.00 Spokane and Eastern Washington. .$22.50 Butte, Helena, Salt Lake) etc. .$20.00 Better call or write and let me plan your trip for you. ; I can give you all the latest, information , and free descriptive literature. iirifiinjfi J. O. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 15Q2 Faruai St. Cauha. Kci. HE CUBE MP UUUlLallU ffl Under Absolute Guarantee of PAY UO FOR CURES , ...CONSULTATION FREE... We desire to reach the poor as wall as the rich man, and by making our fas payabls on easy terms, we Incresse our business and secure las tin gratitude front thouaanda, who would otherwise remain afflicted it it were not or Uiie liberal offer. v A LIFELONG CURE FOR VARICOCELE Under our treatment the contested con dition disappears, ths parts are restored to tbelr natural, condition, vigor and strength, and circulation la rs-sstabllausd. STRICTURE ; We euro straHwre without the knits by an application which acts directly on the i parts eft act ad, dissolving the strieturs completely, uur i k'nlD, and In nowise Interferes with your bust nsaa duties. , Railway Xotes and Persoaals. n I -1 . rt 11, C . . . t. f L. . .. ' . . a . L 1 . - a . . I L peKKS m ITHU ruau paaaea ca-.i. lliruuan Omaha In hla private car Monday. W. R. alcKeen. jr., auperlntendent of motive power and mai-hlnery of tha Union Pacltlc. left Monday for Kxcelalur Kprlng for a abort vacation. J. D. Isaacs, consulting engineer of the Ilarrlmsn ayatem, waa In Omaha Hatur day looking over ths Improvements at this place, and left for the west Buuday with Chief Engineer Huntley on a special train. Very luaw Male -caesday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, tbe Chicago Great Weatsra railroad will sell borosseekera . tickets to Minnesota, North Dakota aad Canadian northwest at ebtfut half rata; to ether territory, first and tolrd Tuesday. Writ H. H. .ChureniU. Q. tui rarnam street. Stat number la party and when going. Mangura Co.. CETi EH HPbCI-tUBTaV Haw Healns His Bait. Edward I Howe, former city treasurer ef Boutk Omaha, has begun suit avalnst the city for IU1.11. whlob. he claims la due him as salary which the city counal re fuses to pay him. The suit waa started In county court Monday. Mr. Howe says l be waa oald all right up to Apru 10. but CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON It may be la It primary state, or It may have been hereditary or contracted In early days, thereby being conntitu tlonal. Ws cure all Its complications. W stop Its progress, eradicate every ', i poiavn irum in system, ana this without the us of mercury or potash. We cure Skia Dlsrasra, Blood Poison, Varicocele, Stricture, Xerroua Darhne, VV rakjicsa, Piles,. Fistula, Hdrvrela and Disease of the Kill neys, Bladder and Prostata. n:t.. or Hemorrhoids, are email, vaacalar tumors, situatsd at the lower rllCI ng of the bowels or rectum, and they have a moat degrading Influence oa ths aansral neaita. ws curs nis wnnom cuinna, nor ao w uss injurious llga.. tures or injections, which treatment Is seldom successful. Our treatment Is safe and reliable, and when yon are nlamlsaed by ua you are cured for life. W do not offer you FREK TK1AL TREATMENT, ELECTRIC BELTS, WORTHLESS CRAYONS, or other uselesa msthods of treatment. Our ads are our own, and while others may copy them, they cannot Imitate our superior methods ef treatment. We do not advertls cheap, Inferior treatment, but we give you ail the results of years of ripe experience, gained tn the treatment of many thouaands of patients, we give you our skill snd ability In ths trsatmant of diseases of men for a fair fee., which may be paid In anv way the patient desires. INVESTIGATES Ol'K METHODS AND LEARN THAT WjB ARE ALL WB CLAIM TO BR, A.N'1 WHEN YOC PLACE TOUR CABPJ IN OCR HANDS YOU ARE SURE Of UaiTa TINQ THE BE3T TREATMENT THAT CAN BE OBTAINED ANYWHERE. ' NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE Northwaat Cor. 13th anal Farnam'Sta., Omaha, Nab. o Dr. Lyon' PERFECT Tooth Poucfor Cleansaa and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement tor over a Quarter ef a century. Convenient for tourist a. - .EAID IY c 1 Bj the Old Reliable Dr. Searlet A Cearles. Established in Omaha for U years Tbe mitiy thousand ef oasaa eured by us make ua the most experienced fepao. lallsu la the West, la all diseases and a-Umeni of maa. - W kaow )uat what will car you and care qulckls'. WB Cl'RU YOU. T1LKN VOU PAY I'B OIK FEB. We make no misleading er false statements, er offer yea cheap, worthless treatment. Oar reputation and nam ' are toe favorably know a, every ease treat, our reputae Uon ts at staka. tour health, life and hapuinaaa is tea eeriou a matter to place la ths hands of a ''NAM l.F Ho ' DOCTOR. Honest doctor of abJIIfy as that OWN NAME IN THK1K BTJalNESS. Wa c& enact fa rreryoae a Hfe-long Cl'RE (or Weak. Nervous Mai Varleoeole troubles. Nervous Debility. Blood PnlsJiv Prnetatle traublss, Kidney. Bladder. WABTINO WEAK KKa. Hydrooale. Chroala Ptssaaaa. Oaatraetenl Plsaaais. atumaeb aid Skla Disease. a3 Is as) eaamlnbtton ' and eonsultatlaa. WrHe fat a l s- Bi Broptom Blank tor borne trsatmsea. 1 $tLXUl eaASUBnV IUU aa DUUa k(a-ea4a. OaajOaV Aeaakan