Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
THE CM All A DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER .25, . 1006. The Omaha Daily Bee FOVND&D BY EDWARD IIOBE WATER. VICTOR HOSE WATER, EDITOR. Enured at. Omaha Postofflc as second clam matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pnlly Be (wlthoUf Sunday), on yeer...WflO Dally Bee and Su1ay, on year f Hundnjr on year I SO Saturday Be, one year 1-U DELIVERED BT CARRIER. tlly Ke (including Sunday), per week. .10 I'ally Be (without Sunday), per wee-. .He Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week So Evening Be (with Sunday), per week.JOo Sunday Bee, per copy. Addreaa complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. orriCES. OmahaThe Bee- Building. South Omaha-City Hall Building. Council BltiY) pearl Street. Chrcaro1640 1'nlty Building. , New Tork-3501 Horn Life In". Building. Washington Wl Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Ber Editorial Department. ' , REMITTANCES. Remit -fey draft, express or postal ords? payable to Tha Be Publishing Company. Only I -cent stamps received as payment of man accounts. Personal cnecita. ecci Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBUSHINO COMPANT. ' STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Ptata of Nebraska, Douglas County, set Gaorg B. Tsschuck, treasurer of Tha Be , Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complet copies of Tha Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Be printed during tha month of August, 1J0S, waa as rouowa: 1 . . ..; ... i... 81,150 ai.eoo 31,680 sa,oo 80J40 uuo 1.440 31,330 81,140 31,70 S1.S40 80,050 XT II II 10 31,300 Sl,40 30.900 31.140 31,880 33,940 81.SB0 30,830 23,350 30,830 30,800 30,810 4, . c 11 t j. ...... , . . T IT ....... . 1 U II II . I II.. ..,..,'. 31400 14. ;.;.. 31JL30 ',10 30,870 10 II ltM. 31,0.20 II 33.440 It . 3L830 ' - Total ,. , A '. . . . .972,800 Less untold copies 8,143 , Net total sales Dally average 1 .964,448 , 31,111 GEORGE B. TZSCHTJCK, . Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before m this list day of August, (Seal.) ' ' ' M. B HUNOATE, . -s Notary Public . WHE.1 OUT OF TOW!. Subscriber leaving; tha city tem porarily shonld kaTS Tha Be mailed t then. Addrea will b rhangca as aftea as rcanested. New York democrat are said to be in doubt.' Tbey will probably b la despair In November. . Bishop McCabe Is certain God will take care of Russia, but seems anxious for Undo Sam to undertake the correc tion of affairs in Turkey. The remarks of "Elijah" Dowle to his flock at Zioa are almost official notice to the rarensthat they will be expected to ""set busy" again. . One lea oomnanv of nhicaan will declare Its first dividend since 1900. The stock"" should reach par if there Is another "crop failure" this winter. The democratic candidate for attor ney general has advertised a speech-' making; Itinerary. He will not travel on the; John P. Irish fast mail this time. In placing1 a definite date for the nest revolution, Nlcaraguan revolu tionists have made possible their sup pression without the usual prelimi naries. Russian . Octoberlsts deserted by M. Shipoff, have the satisfaction of know ing that while he may Increase the number, he cannot r Increase the fury, of the opposition. , . . , . . Are we not to have another charter revision committee this year? Or Is the ?new charter -enacted by the . last legislature' to be left alone, except for a little necessary tinkering That a man should be publicly whip ped in Delaware was a sad enough commentary' upon ' the state, but that 8,000 people should struggle to see the brutal punishment is far worse. - ' According to official figures, the Ne braska State fair cleared' up with about 127,000, after deducting the ex pense from receipts. And nothing small about the expenses either. " , ' John Redmond wants no "cowardly makeshift" in .place of home rule for Ireland. The distinguished member of Parliament has apparently ' learned something from his American visit. Fortunately for Senator Bailey the Klrby Lumber company had no cases pending tetore the United States de partment but'- the Texas senator should consider this only a stroke of luck:' Colonel Brian's fear that the cor porations 1U control the democratic party recalls the governor who kicked a lobbyist out of his office because he offered 4 bribe "too near the gov ernor's price." The . reoJ. question. Chancellor An drews side steps Is whether university students might be expected to spell more correctly under simplified forms or would be accorded merely addi tional excuses for mis-spelling. Governor Pennypacker will doubtless take personal, if not official notice of the tact that It -is senator Knox and not Senator Penrose . who Is announ cing changes It) the "federal brigade" of th Keystone state. Douglas county republicans have a county and legislative ticket for whose success all elements of the party can work." The .next thing is to get an organisation of the county committee that will pull the. forces together and not drive aj of them aay.- TWO CKXT FARE IS THK KjST. The rspldlty of the extension In the east of reduced maximum fares, both for interstate and local trips, is re flected In the filings with the national commission, although comparatively few of them have come to widespread public notice. Yet the revolution is so marked that high railroad officials are quoted as expressing the opinion that the 3-cent maximum will be prac tically established In the New England states, New York and Pennsylvania and possibly Indiana in "advance of legislative action, Ohio, as Is well known, having legally established that limit last winter. It is suggestive that a number of ap plications by Important roads have al ready been made to the national com mission for permission to recall filings of reductions from the 1 or 3-cent to the tH-cent maximum, on the ground that competing roads have an nounced reduction to 2 cents, whlcn they desire to meet promptly. The Pennsylvania, which started the move ment,, had hardly announced a reduc tion, a few weeks ago, from 1 to I tt cents one way on its main', line east of Pittsburg before the Erie re piled with a cut' to 1 cents, over Its whole system, with a transferable t cent flat rate mileage book, but the Boston ft Albany, the New York, New Haven ft Hartford and other roads have now made one bite oTthe cherry, so that the 2-cent rateWpi be exten sively, effective within v thirty days, practically compelling competitors gen erally to come to that level. It would not be so Important It these reductions were made merely In the heat of a 'passing rivalry and liable to be as suddenly restored. ' The law now prevents this, and besides the change is deliberately made as. a per manent policy on the settled convicJ tion that , tha old maximum can or at least should bo -longer be main tained. And the eastern roads that are vainly resisting the reduction are doing so, not on the ground that It should not be msde as a matter both of public and business policy, but that if made voluntarily by them they fear Immediate agitation for compulsory reduction below the 3-cent rate. ' TUB PtOPL KASD TUX SSWATX. ; There has already been a more favor able response than mbst anticipated to the Iowa legislature's Invitation to the states to Join In a concerted movement to secure a constitutional amendment for election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. Already twenty-nine states have given notice of intention to be represented by dele gates in the convention to be held at Des Moines In December, and assur ances have been given that several other states will take like action.' There is, therefore, , ground for hope that the effort may produce some prac tical results. ; " k.- . i '.: . The advocates, of this, reform have long recognised the fact that It would be, necessary t secure a constitutional convention which requires petitions therefor. to congress of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Many legisla tures have heretofore, at one time or another, adopted joint resolutions, but there has been no concerted movement among them. The object of the Iowa meeting is to attempt effective organi sation, whereby the co-operation of at least the necessary- thirty state legisla tures may be brought to bear upon congress to Insure the calling of a con stitutional convention.', Such a movement should : . by no means become " occasion for relaxing the Increasingly successful effort . la the severaj states to'secure In advance Indirectly, as near as may be, the ef fect of. the desired constitutional amendment through the direct' primary nomination or, "where that is not done, through convention nomination of sen atorial candidates, the same being morally binding on members of , legis latures, but on the contrary, It should rather stimulate that, effort 'every where, because every such nomination and election not only brings the United States senate at once 'nearer popular control, . but hastens the day when popular senatorial elections will be compulsory and uniform throughout thd union. . ,".,'" . . 1HT&RPHKTMQ 'THB RATI LAW, Probably the most important act of the Interstate Commerce commission so far as facilitating .the. operation of the new law Is concerned Is its de termination to grant Interpretation of the law upon' proper request, not withstanding Its long established prac tice and announced Intention after the amendments were adopted at the late session of congress to follow, the Judicial rule wherebV questions are not decided until regularly presented in the form of concrete controversies re lating to some particular problem. The Judicial rule, which Is the fruit of cen turies of experience. Is recognized as vital to sound court practice, although ft may often entail-delay, expense and sometimes serious Injury. If followed by ' the commission the court, rule would obviously postpone for years the definite settlement wi innumerable questions of construction of the rate law and practice under It, which It Is of the highest public concern to clear up at the outset or promptly to put in the course of settlement All this has been done, so far as tha commis sion can do it. by permitting parties in proper interest, whether railroad companies, shippers or communities to come directly before' the commission and secure Ha interpretation on im portant, but doubtful points, which otherwise could not be known till a specific Issue had been Joined , In an actual case and passed through a long process of bearing in its turn on a crowded docket - V . The commission ts essentially aa ad ministrative body, although Judicial methods are necfesary, ' In some branches of Its work. ' It will, of course, continue to employ them In all matters to which they are appro priate. As to other matters the com mission is actually proceeding to de cide Important questions of legal In terpretation, and has In fact already disposed of some, In advance of their appearance as controverted issues. The Important decisions si to payment for transportation and as to exemption of cotton export rates from the thirty day notice, are examples of prompt settlement of questions which by court practice would have dragged along In definitely, and forcibly suggest the Im mense aggregate saving of time that will be effected. , The commission Is, without ques tion, gaining distinctly In public con fidence as an efficient agent of public control policy. Among the gravest complaints against the course of things under the old law was the almost In terminable delays of Judicial proced ure, both before the commission itself and In the courts to which all import ant questions could be transferred, even In spite, of its rulings. Antici patory interpretations , can jeopardise no essential rights, for court '.appeal remains though if has been greatly simplified and curtailed,' but Innumer able disputed points which formerly had to await decision of the main Issue, can be promptly and certainly disposed of. ' ACCEPT THB PROPOSITION'. The telephone franchise controversy In Omaha has at last reached the stage where the Nebraska Telephone com pany Is ready to make some conces sions to the demand for lower rates. In a communication pending before the city council .the telephone com pany offers three alternative proposl-tlons-v-one of them for the payment of a royalty of 2 'per cent on gross earn ings Into the city treasury, beginning at once, and the other two for re duced charges to telephone users, be ginning January 1, 190 f. Of the two proposals for reduced charges, one contemplates a reduction of 60 cents a month from the present charge of 17 for Individual metallic circuit unlimited business telephones, with the abolition of toll charges on con nections between Omaha and South Omaha, and the other a straight cut of $1 a month from the present $7 charge. The condition ipon which all these offers are made is that they will continue so long as no franchise be granted any other company, and that the concessions are to lapse at any time another franchise proposition is submitted to the voters of the city. , The Bee has no hesitancy in saying that it believes the council should ac cept one of these propositions before they are withdrawn, and that the pro position accepted preferably 1 Is the $1 reduction on monthly rentals of business 'phones. While other tele phone propositions " are '' before the council, there' is no assurance that any of them' will ever be voted by the people, nor even a guaranty that they will be submitted to the people for approval or rejection. If the conces sion offered by the Nebraska Tele phone company should be accepted and these other ordinances should fall of adoption by the council, the nsers of business telephones. In ' Omaha would be so much the gainers, while should the offer be terminated after acceptance by the adoption of one or more of the franchise ordinances no one would be the loser. Moreover, shbuld the charges for telephones be once reduced, no matter what the con dition, the chances of ever having them pnt back to their former places over the protest of telephone patrons would be very, small Indeed. The plan the council should pursue right now Is to take what Is within reach and then ask for more. Before putting In a claim for former County Attorney English for dissolv ing the local coal exchange as a trust, It might be well to inquire whether the exchange ever went out of business or changed its methods of business. Members of the exchange declare that County Attorney English simply ex amined their organisation - and told them that they were well within the limits of the law and could go ahead. The proof of the pudding Is that the exchange went ahead without let, or hindrance during the entire time the present democratic candidate was offi cially empowered to put It out of busi ness. The World-Herald makes a frantic appeal to the democratic mayor and council to redeem the pledgees on which they were elected. "Why this delay In fulfilling campaign prom lees?" It demands. "What has be come of the promise to give Omaha universal street car transfers, dollar gas, telephone competition and other, reforms?" It continues. And in the next breath It wants the people of Nebraska to give full faith' and credit to another set of platform promises made for political buncombe purposes by voting for the candidates nomi nated on the democratic state ticket. With the approach of another politi cal campaign the discovery is again made that the Board of State Univer sity Regents conducts its business be hind closed doors. This, however, Is nothing new, for the board of i e gents has pursued this practice con sistently, under both republican and fusion control. Nonetheless, the se cret session business on the part of public bodies Is bad and ought to be abolished; not only In the university, but wherever other governing officers undertake to perform public duties undercover. Those prominent people of Atlanta who "deplore" he race) war In that city, should convert - their sentiment Into action. Educstlon in the rights and duties of citizenship seems to be necessary for oth races In Georgia. Prospects are good tor breaking all records In the number of out-of-town visitors to be entertained during Ak-Sar-Bcn week. Omaha should see to it that Its reputation for painstaking hospitality Is fully maintained. If "the roan with the hoe" does not succeed the man with the machete In Cuba In a hurry, new quotations will have to be made on American cabbage leaf. Tw .Blinda ftroodlagf Tbaaght. Kansas City Star. Governor Mickey Of Nebraska announces that he la going to quit politics. Governor Hoch of Kansas la suspected also of a similar Intention. ' " Watch the Boats Glide By. . v 8L Louis Globe-Democrat. ; . Early In the history of steam navigation the Missouri river played an important part for 1.600 miles above Its mouth. Has a river Ilka that a future? Tea, and a mighty big one. ' Fresh mm tha Saarebrash. ' New York Sun. The Wyoming democrats salute the Hon. William Jennings' Bryan . aa "the trium phant candidate In 1908." This Is a little fresher phrase than "If the election were held today." ; Pathos of Food Doaera. New' Tork Tribune. ' According to the manufacturers of adul terated and colored food! tha public wants It and won't be happy without It. All tha same, the said manufacturers do not seem to want the labels to specify that their product have been colored and adulterated to suit the public's palate. . , la the Baclcarroaad. Wall Street Journal. . . There was a day when it was all "Mor gan," "Morgan,", In Wall street. Now It Is all "Harriman." Is there anything significant m the fact that Mr. Morgan Is keeping In the back ground lii theae busy days of Wall street speculation and Tallroad financing? Hew Watches .to Waahlaartoa. f Philadelphia Record. There Is to be a "people's lobby" In Washington, supervised by several dis tinguished "muck rakers" and promoted by a weekly or monthly periodical which Is trying to get In the field of dally journal ism. The lobby Is to "watch all commit tee and legislative work through a perma nent bureau established in Washington and combat the attorneys for special Interests. Incidentally the . bureau will keep records of the publio career of each senator and representative." All this work Is now be ing dona by the corps of .Washington cor respondents, and pretty well done, .too. The people's lobby cannot compete with the press gallery. ... . '", ' , BdSS OP1 THiB TRUSTS. ' '' ' Extent of the Business and Profits of tha Standard Oil Company. ' ' - Wall Street Journal. The gross business of the Standard OH company Is exceeding all previous high rec ords and its earnings are also reaching record breaking figures, which leads to tha belief that tha final dividend on' the stock this year will be large. , . v.? . Tte' Standard' Oil company now ha Ip storage W. 000,000 barrels of crude ell, which gives some Idea of Its Immense Inventories. This oil represents' a valuation In the neighborhood of 125,000,000. The business of the company la growing so large aa to tax the capacity of the pipe lines and refinertos to their utmost, f. . , . . . . No . statement bearing on the earnings Of the Standard Oil company has ever been Issued for the benefit of the public, but It la understood that earnings are now Tun ing at the rate of more than 175,000,000 a year. The surplus of the company la an other unknown quantity In the affairs of the Standard, although report has it that Included In the Item In' question are tl 00. 000,000 of government bonds. The question - of Increasing the capital stock of tha Standard Oil 'company has not been discussed at any of the directors' meetings of late, but th impression pre vails that tha stock will eventually be In creased. . , t Dividends - to . the stockholders of the Standard OH company within tha last eight years aggregate approximately 360,000,000, and before th close of next year they shall have reached about f 100,000,000, or more than four times the outstanding capital stock, t. ' . Representatives of tha corporation seem confident that th' litigation Involving tha Standard will blow over in time without serious results.' DAHLMAN AS BOOM MAKER. Boosting; Maryland's Governor ' 1 aa Bryan's Banning Mate, Washington Star. Th New Tork reporters, with charac teristic Irreverence and jocularity, had a good deal of fun with th Nebraskana who came east to greet Mr. Bryan. They limned them with broad brushes and doubt- lass Invented many of th queer doings and sayings ascribed to them. All, how. ever, was In pleasant part, and probably th Nebraska ns laughed as heartily as anybody else. This comes from Baltimore, and . evi dently was not Intended as a joke: ''Mayor Dahlman of tmaha, Bryan's lieutenant, was bar today to learn th sentiment of leading democrats toward Bryan.' He talked with United States Ben. a tors Rayner and Whyta. Th former said he favored government ownership If It could be proved feasible. Senator Whyt was noncommittal... "Dahlman desired to sea Governor War- .field, but he was out of town. Th mayor of Omaha wants th democratic ticket to be Bryan and Warneld. He says Warfleld is liked la th west. He stands with tha people, and they a re better acquainted with hire In th west than any other eastern man who eould be named." Mr. Bryan haa many lieutenants, and th cowboy mayor of Omaha may be on of them. It Is to be doubted, however. If he la authorised to be scouring th country for a running mat for Mr, Bryan, or If any suggestions on th subject volunteered by him will amount to a pinch of snuff with th real leaders of th democratic party. Th matter la too Important to b Intrusted to small fry, or taken up out of season even by those competent to deal mith It. Governor Warfleld Is an able and at tractive man, and when It waa announoed that Mr. Bryan had broadened under travel and was now "sane and safe," th sugges tion of th Marylander for second place on a ticket with th Nsbraakan seemed not Inappropriate as a means of bringing th two factions of th democracy tor.nher, But how la It now? Who, th man and his business sagacity ana Connec tions, would associate Governor Warfleld with Mr. Bryan's bimctallsm. and his gov ernment ownership of railroads? Who raa Imagine th Maryland man lending hi name aa a candidate to a platform knocked together by men of tb stamp of the cowt boy mayor of Omaha? IN MEMOkltM. - A larrae-rat KVeat. Burlington: Hawkey. Mr. Rosawater was a notabl man and lived a life which left a deep Impress upon th west, and mors particularly upon his horn city Omaha. . He was born In Bohemia and was of Jewish parentage. As a worker and doer there are few men who have more to their credit than ne. He was so hard a fighter that by the tlm he felt himself worthy of honor at tha hands of his fellow men, h had. accumulated a list of personal enemies which was able to overthrow him when ever h sought reward. But not so th projects which h espoused. These gen erally won. Th sudden death of this ex cellent man, following so soon upon his political defeat. Is a sorowful event. Great Farmatlv Work. De Moines Register and beader. Th most marked Individuality of west ern newspaperlng passes In th death of Edward Roswatr, founder of Th Omaha Bee. Mr. Rosewater was an editor of th old -school. Henry Watterson remains. There are few others. Mr. Rosewater put himself Into his newspaper. Th Dally Be was In fact the Dally Rosewater. A man of force, of ideas, of purpose, he mad his newspaper the exponent of his life. There have been a variety of contempo raneous Judgments on his career. The ultimata judgment will be that he worked with singleness of purpose for the building of the west along Una of good government and permanent prosperity. When th Irritations of the! day are for gottenand Mr. Rosewater did nothing to allay them the great, strong and pre dominating traits of his character will stand out In bold relief. His nam and his life work are Inseparably associated with the formative period of a great city In a great stat. Virile Fare. Sioux Falls Argus-Leader, Mr. Rosewater waa a man of power. He was aa full of energy aa an egg Is full of meat. He was for a third of a generation one of th most virile forces In Nebraska affairs, and Nebraska politics will hardly be what it has been without Edward Rose. water to crltlcls and advise and fight. Mr. Rosewater built up a splendid prop erty In The Bee. Of late years It has not kept pec with modern Journalism, but Th Bee has done mora for Nebraska than any other one power, and Mr. Rosewater was The Bee. His son. who Is an able and balanced young man, succeeds to Edward Rosewater' Interests In The Bee, and there la a likelihood that th appearance of a younger and less vindictive man at th helm may maks for the popularity of th paper. . ... Enanty f tha Machine. Sioux Falls Press. Mr. Rosewater started Th Omaha Be aa . small afternoon, paper some thirty. five years ago and he caused It to grow Into a magnificent property and to wleld an Influence second to none In Nebraska. He mads war from the beginning upon the railroad corporations that have been a power In Nebraska since the early days of the Union Pacific, and he waa the enemy of the machine In politics down to th day when he eeased to exist. Like many news. paper men, Mr. Rosewater was possessed of political ambitions that were never real ised and his death waa probably hastened by his long and arduous campaign for a seat In th United Btate senate, closed a week or two ago. In Th Omaha Bee he has a mora enduring and honorable monu ment than could have been reared by any political . honors his state might have b. stowed upon him. H mad, a success of his vocation and as long as th paper ex. lets It will be known' that Mr. Rosewater was Its inspiration and Its creator. tar of Host ITaefn! Kdlters. ' Verblen (8. D.) Advance. Mr. Rosewater was one of the most use ful editors this country ever knew. He built up on of th biggest newspaper properties in the west, and waa always against monopoly and fraud and -sjrtttx the people. . , ... Lifters and Leancrs. Farmer's Advocate, Topeka, Kan. A poet has said there ar two kind of people In th world lifters and leaner. Mr. Rosewater was a lifter. Th horn of The Omaha Bee Is a magni ficent , seven-story fireproof structure covering nearly half a block one of th moat ornate as well as substantial news paper' buildings In th United ' States. It waa th pride of Nebraska's "grand old man.". Ever , sine It was built h had practically lived in It, for his was a strenuous Uf and h tolled there early and late, day in and day out. And since hs after year ohos to spend his wake ful hours and far Into-th night beneath th roof that houses his great newspaper, it was perhaps his will that tb Inevitable, if com it must, should find him there. ' During his long career as editor of Th Omaha Bee, Edward Rosewater waa th employer of many men. Hundreda have com and gone. Many are there yet, long In continuous service. And of all th lot not one can say that h did not receive from Edward Rosewater full measure of justice at all times moreover, protection end sympathy If he needed and deserved It. Work Well Done. Portland (Or.) Oregonlan. . Edward Rosewater, of Tha Omaha Bee, waa a man of distinction In his stat and in th newspaper world. He was a man of fore and of character who mad an Impression on th Uf of his own stat, and waa known far beyond Its boundaries. Forty years ago h started the paper for which his nam aver sine has been a synonym. ' Though not among tb greatest of writers,' he was excellent In Judgment, and Indefatigable In hie effort for his city and stat. H created a great newspaper, and mad th city where it Is published known as th horn of Th Omaha Be. His work waa well don, and his death will be noticed and lamented universally by tha newspapers of th country. BelUved la Dolngr Things. MUbaok (S. D.) Review. Edward Rosewater was on of th mea who believed In doing things, and whsn he conceived that It was right to do a' cer tain thing, no oonslderatloa of monetary ! loss or of criticism tor a moment deterred him. He was a power for good in his community and contributed largely to th upbuilding of his city snd stat. Th news of his death brought from near and far the most eulogistic tributes. A Shining Llaht. Wyoming Tribune. In th death of Edward Rosewater of Th Omaha Be western Journalism lose one of Ita ahlcing lights. Rosewatsr was th leader of Nebraska journalism, a suc cessful business man, a strenuous politician and died highly estnid by th people of his great stat. , Meet Pnblla Spirit Man. ' St. Louis (Ma) Live Stock Reporter. In t death' of Edward Rnaewater. Ne braska has loot ont of Its best known and most publla spirited men, and journalism one of th brightest lights In yb "old school" Journallati. alas.. ...... .i '. . I 't "'yf sail NEBRASKA PRESS COMMKST. Springfield Monitor: The Br Is keeping up Its old record of going after republican offlceseeker whom It does not think lit te serve the people In a public capacity. Beatrice Sun: The Omaha Bee Is op posing the candidacy of Williams of Pierce county, for railroad commissioner, upon tb grounds of dishonesty. That objection ought to be good. Springfield Monitor (dem.): In nominat ing W. R. Patrick for float sens tor on th democratic ticket at Papllllon last Saturday th Convention put a load upon th ticket which th Monitor believe can not be car ried. Ther la . such a ' strong sentiment against Patrick that It would be Impossible to elect him even If there waa no pop can didate, but with Cone of Wahoo In th field. Ales Laverty or whoever th repub lican candidal may be, will hav no dif ficulty In being elected. Valentin Republican: Although this paper was a warm admirer-' of Edward Rosewater and earnestly desired his nomi nation for United States senator, It can very cheerfully support Norris Brown, th successful candidal for the nomination. Brown Is an able and popular man and haa made a good record as attorney general. He is also a poor man and cannot be suspected of buying the senatorial nomina tion. He will make a fit associate for our, other young senator, Elmer Burkett, and we feel sure will represent Nebraska In "a creditable and perhaps brilliant manner. Weeping Water Herald: Wanted. . two up-i.'od candidates for representative, not In a trust, not affiliated with railroads, with good reputation that will bear newspaper Investigation. Apply to chairman repub lican county central committee, or attend th county convention and bring reference. Schuyler Free Lanes: The delegation of democrats which went from Nebraska' to welcome Bryan at New Tork certainly were written up In ridiculous style sufficient to please the rankest seeker after notoriety in the bunch. We read and then wonder If Mr. Bryan was proud of the "home folks." Perhaps it waa unjust? FTemont Tribune: An Omaha statesman conceived the plan of standing for a legis lative nomination on the platform that he would not abide by the action of th re publican stat convention In nominating a senator, but that he would vote for an Omaha man If elected. This statesman. It Is noticed In th published results of the primaries, did not pull through, which IS evidence that political treachery Is below par even in Omaha. There has been a good deal said by the fustonlsts about what Omaha was going to do to Norris Brown, but Omaha knows If It begins a fight of that kind It will have the stat on Its back Ilk a thousand of bricks and the state could play even with Omaha at every mark In th road. Th fuslonlsts hav also nom inated a candidal outside of Omaha. It Is plain, therefor, that Omaha Is compelled to be good, whatever its Instincts may be. Schuyler Free Lane: Th Norris Brown forces did not do a great Job when they nominated J. A. Williams of Pierce, for tha offlc of railroad commissioner. Wil liams was on the delegation to' th republi can stat convention front Fierce county which was instructed for Rosewater for senator and he had made It up with th Brown forces to swing his delegation to them at a critical time and In turn get th nomination for railroad commissioner. He told his delegation and appealed to them, to do him the favor, and they did, although the other delegate were sorry afterwards when they realised what It all meant, .But Williams may not realise on his deal and h may be defeated, as h should be. He Is a one-horse lawyer' of Pierce who. was county judge in that re publican county,,. but was defeated for re election by a big majority, so It shows (hat ma sianqing is noi ui. di si iiuum. z Is mighty' poor timber for ' such an Im portant position as railroad commissioner. Friend Telegraph! Th Stat Journal is able to notice evidence abroad In this stat of hostility . towards th State unl versity. In the past the people of this stat hav poured money Into the State university without stint or hindrance and there has nothing been withheld from that Institution which money would purchase. After a trial of over thirty-seven years th time haa arrived when the people ar be ginning to desire something like adequate returns for this outlay. Looking over th grounds both at the campus and farm, It la evident' that tha ground outside, on which to erect buildings must be purchased or the great work of sducatlon, as w hav been abl to see It, at th university, must soon cease. Ther are a few minds at our university who have lent ton to It as an educational Institution, but among the. great mass who are drawing good salaries th feeling has gone out ever th state that th people were not receiving adequate returns for the money expended. Upon the regents of this Institution rests the responsibility of weeding out those who ar not up te standard and who ar not lending anything towards the good standing of . this Institution beyond Jthat of drawing their salaries and aiding to soak up the money paid in taxes. ' PERSONAL NOTES. There 1 a scandal in Nsw York's Sch'ool for Deaf Mutes, and it is as noisy as any scandal. - . - . General Frederick Funston Is Intently studying the map of Cuba and carefully lo cating th natatorial streams. Th first of th Standard OH group to pass up hia tank Is Daniel O'Day, the Irish genius who directed tha transporta tion snd of th combine. H left about HO.000,000, but that's all. On of th features of th run on a San Francisco savings bank was tha presence of refugee m the line of scared depositors. Ever sine th shake and fire these "poor" people were recipients of charity, though possessing bank accounts of moderate pro portions. A British officer In th Sudan suggests that th educating of th natives In the' matter of wearing apparel will be a work of tlm. "Their purchasing power 1 still far greater than their expenditure," he writes. "Many an Arab owns an need of cattle and only on shirt." James 3. Hill, tb railroad magnate, has three sons In the sam business, James N.. th eldest, la vie president of .the Northern Pacific; Louis W. is first vie president of the Great Northern, and Walter H. Is right-of-way agent for a new line between Sioux City and Omaha. It Is generally un derstood that Louis will be ht father's successor In th railroad world). Henry 8. Welcome, th famous American chemist, now. living In London, haa re ceived from th Sudan government on of General Gordon's steamers, whh he will convert Into a floating laboratory, the first ver established, and with the assistance of Dr. William Beam, an American, will attempt to make Central Africa habitable for th whit race by exterminating mil lions 'of malaria-beating mosquitoes. By cleverly mixing mental soothing syrup and handing It out liberally the authorities of Newport. R. I., turned Into Joy th wrath of th, Jackie recently tx eluded from s dance hail. Th defense put op In court did the' business. "We were obliged to exolud them." , sail the defendants, "because the Jackie In uni form war so attractive to th ladlts thst civilians would hav become wall flowers." Tben th jackles yanked their trousurs I Tl Ioff .'.' saluted ;Jhe court ud ' put to sea. V ' i cheering . . ' . , Tkneb a McKibbin glove sde for' very known glov need. v Attention k called to the oVess of street (Jove becsuss lill sample HeKihbht value) mad of Imported Cape, OuHeam, or Imported Kid, P. K. tewed. - ' $1.50 v Kepresentstiv weaiere, t SMIL1NO REMARKS. "What Is the difference between talent 1 and irenlua? . , , i "V'suaUy several hundreds of Jhouaande, i Cleveland Plain Dealer. ... . ... j "I heard. Jrvrklns, that the girl you are! engaard to leads you srouml bv the nose." "That story," returned Jorklris. rvnslvely, i "is entirely tnlss-liadlng.'' IJaltlmor ! American. "Da trouble wlf some men." seld Unci ; Eben. "Is dat rtlr sympathtra Is too strong. I If dey has to do on real hard day's work ! dey stents In feeUn' so sorry (oh Uelr se'f j dat dey gits all broke up." Washington "tar'' Tuffold Knutt, who we looking at th j animals in the park, felt In his pocket j until he found a peanut, Which he tossed to the bear. I "I've get a good deal of i respeck," . he i said, "fur a creetur wot kin go to sleep at j the beglnnln' o' winter sn' wak Up fat In . the spring." Chicago Tribune.- ' . " "Why did you refine voung . Hopewood, ' Gertie? He is certainly a very good i match." ' "That might be,, but the man has not perseverance." . ,. , , . 1 "Are you sure of that?" ' ' 1 "I couldn't be more so. He- only asked j me to marry - him once." Philadelphia Prtaa. . . rr . , 4 .. r ' "No, doctor. It lsn"t merely wakefulness. It's Insomnia. Why. I couldn't sleep more than half the night.'1 "Pooh, pooh, madam, that's nothing. Think of Insomnia In Greenland, where the nights are six months longl" Cleveland Plsln Dealer. - v "If I were president I would never ap- r point a bald-headed man on a diplomatic mllon." u : . . . "Why not?" ' ' ' " "Why not, sttrpldT How could a bald- ; headed man split hairs T" Baltimore Amor- f lean. , . , . , . . . . j "I'M EARNIN WHAT I GIT." S. E. Klser in the Record-Herald. . Nesrly every day th papers knock, some It 1 was i worn oy ADner Brown Pl.h. nM rtlrttia-lsinlf In ihn.,1 l,.m. Why, the things 'thev charge 'aVtu' hlrQJT Took th money or poor .orphans left In truat to him, they say, . . And got rich by cheatln' people In. a slick and solemn wsyl I Tes. he used -to look down, on me, snd per- 1 haps he does ylt. '-. .. For I haven't got much money, but I'm i earnin' what I git! - ' , - 1 Money, - rnoney, ,rnoney, nioneyt . Nothln's ! 'CorSm'Sme only git your pile. 1 Any way to grab the profits; put aside the I .golden rule; . . . ! , If you turn from tainted money theyTl re- ! am rd you as a fool. . "Let your house become a brothel .If " It . pays to do the same, j Bo they'll tell you who've gone rrasy In the money grabbln game ' I Well, I s'pone that I'm old-fashioned; II . ain't got no fortune ylt; j' I'm a poor man. I acknowlede but . I'm earnin' all I git I i . . l They're a-huntln' Henry Waddume lived j In that fine house up there Got his flnaers soiled while tryin to become ' a millionaire. j crn rinicnnias nnv wtrn Biemin 2. poprrs ? they've exposed the case. j So the church haa gone and bounced him, , and his fam'ly In disgrace.. ( 'Course there must be wealtlrv rtopl who i have made their money rlht, , . . But the tainted rogue ana rascals loom np . everywhere In sight. Money, money, money .. money I What won't ; some folks do fer It? , , i ( Well. I ain't got no big Income but I'm ' , earnin' what I'gltl TORTURED BY ITCHING SCALP! ' ennnnnnnwnnnan.s Eczema Broke Out Also ori Hand and Limbs Suffering Intense Doctors Said Too Old1 to Be Cured -An Old Soldier of 80 Years Declares f . , . . "CUTICURA TREATMENT IS A BLESSING" "At all times and to all people I am willing to testify to the merits of Cu ticure. It saved . me .from worse than the tortures of hades, about the year 1U00, with itching on my ecalp and temples, and afterwards' it commenced to break out on my hands. Then it broke out on my limbs. 1 was advised to use salt and water, which I did, to no etlett. I then went to a Burgron, who Yatfv1av thev entH,! 14 tBfi' mrm i V I ! i gron, who a watib o(cWi' e no good, liseaets. I V commenced treating me with a borax. This treatment did me but rather aggravated the disease. I then told hun I would go and see a phy sician in Erie.:. The reply was -that I could go- anywhere, but a rope of eczema like mine could not be cured; that 1 was too old (80). J went to an eminent doctor in the city of Erie and treated with him for six months, with like reei Jts. I had read of the Cu ticura Remedies often. J was strongly tempted to give, them a trial, so l sent for the Cutirure 8oap, Ointment, and Resolvent and contuiued taking the Hceolvent until I bad taken six buttles, stopping it to take the Fills. I was now getting better. J took two baths a day, and at night I let tho Uthrr of the 8p dry on. I used the Gintmuit with great effect after washing in- warm water, to stop the Jtchiug at once. I am now cured. "The Cutkura treatment is a pleasing and should be used by every one lvo has itching of the ikia. I can't say any more, and thank God that Ue haa glvea the aortd such a curative. You can use thi letter as you plesse. A very Iiiurh befriended 'man, Wm. II. Cray, Lit. Vernon bt., rhUauelphl, -M . pit bli4i lteiilM gt I'laf m Chmm Cr 7? friM . B..MUN. Hu, r autua M m, Hum m ti ve iuaiuibg suawn I I August 2, 1W05." . I I CjnelM ttWMl Mwt ImIwm Ti i is f mvf Lnr nynM.r.trtM, Piiwh' I" Krrwui, from r Ay. W . t.r'.., ,4 raiKars T.V., (At'mrt I .. SJ.7 It . Mir. 1 1, ut ( kntel.H Co.,.1 ill. k mm Ul ' t ! I- A i 1 i: