THE OMAHA' DAILY BEIT: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, lDOfl. 6 OTIIER CONTRACTS HYOLYEQ IlatatOTt Hot Only Work Lt by tb Board DlecUne Authority. CONSTRUCTION ON PORCHES STOPPED Pobattaa; League Compose of , FW 1,adla- Weatorn I'alversMles, laeladlac Nebraska, la Farmed-i (From a iUlt Correeponderi. LITfCOLN, Sept. (Special.) ElPlce th publication of (acta regarding the letting of the eontraot to construct food elyatora W at tha asylum at Hastings, Chairman1 Eaton jjpf tha State Board of Public Land and "iailldlnn hoa waked np to tha fact that ( It ha tha duty of the board to let theaa con- tJkcts and not to turn them ever to Iho superintendent. This morning Mr.' Eaton telephoned to Tr. Kern, the asylum super intendent, td atop -the work of constructing porchea at the Institution. This la another contract wnicn, it is sail, wa oeiegatea V to DrKsrn. " The food elerator contract la still under rf Investigation and though Chairman Eaton i said he knew nothing of the matter. It hna developed that he knew all about It 1 Secretary of State Galusha went to Hast ings thla morning and ha could not be seon to deny 'the statement, of Eaton that he had not been authorised to tell Dr. Kern to let tha contract to 'Earl. Wescott. Eaton denied positively that the board, had au thorised Oalusha to write the letter, but from the letter Itaelf and information re ceived, from other sources,- It Is believed Chairman Eaton knew every detail of the matter. 'rr" It Is understood If the food elevators are paid for out of the Appropriation for main tenance the asylum will report a deficiency to the next legislature. Should a deficiency be reported Governor Mickey will. In all probability, ask for a legislative Investiga tion Into soma of the contracts let by the board. .'. Colored Boy Gets Wild. J. O. Barnes, colored, got wild and wooly thla afternoon and landed In the police station. He la. an elevator operator and during the afternoon, business being slack, he went to a pawnshop and bought a re volver. Then, when the clerk refused to sell htm oartrldges, he-pulled one-out of his pocket and threatened tha clerk after putting tha cartridge in the weapon,, but did no shooting there. He then struck out on tha street yelling and brandishing his pistol, . which finally ha fired off. Elmer Sides, a policeman, gave chase and hustled tha colored lad to Jail. Tha boy la thought to have become suddenly Insane. Ha la 1 years old. Celiac Debating; Lengae. Arrangements for tha Five-College De bating association, of which ' Nebraska forms a part,' .have been practically com pleted, according to the reports received by Secretary Fogg of tha State university. The universities represented in this are Nebraska, Minnesota, - Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. Tha schedule has been ar ranged for debate this winter so far aa place la concerned, but the data has not yet been determined. Most of the unlvar- i - bum lavor reoruary is, pui aa uus xaus on charter day at Nebraska, there would V be little opportunity for such a data her. v--S, Member of the faculty from each of the "lb 11 ges have been working on the oonstl C" tutlon and bylaw of the association dur- plated. Each, university will have two teams, one of which will stay at noma to meat its opponent and on will go abroad. Tha debate between the team will be held on the same night and all will dis cuss tha ma jnaeauon. Wisconsin wlU visit Nebraska' M ' '5 : : Nine successive victorias In the last four years have forced recognition from the greater ooUega In the middle wtsL Ne braska has triumphed over Colorado, Kan sas, Missouri. Iowa and Washington uni versity. These ' victories now. entitle the . university to an opportunity to try conclu sions with larger institutions and this op portunity comes this . winter. . Kansas was defeated three time and Nebraska' took on Missouri after It waa satisfactorily shown that Kanaa waa outclaaeed. After Missouri Washington university waa tackled in 1901 and met with the earn re sults that- the other colleges had experi enced. Prof. M. M. Fogg has been largely Instrumental . In bringing the debating More Beer; Less Drunkenness Positive Proof That Beer.l a Mean j To Temperance An interesting, and practical temperance lesson may be drawn by our readers from th Increased consumption of beer 1n this country and a corresponding decrease in drunkenness. Really sincere temperance worker are learning to differentiate between malt liquor and spirit If w may take some public utterance of celebrated publlo leader "as an example. They urge th substitution of beer for stronger liquors aa th real mean to temperance and sobri ety. V.i ' , 1 y i . .. ..'.- . In same of th state where th practical. progressiva temperance worker are strong est we And th people giving consideration to a law that make th license. -touch less for selling beer than spirits. This shows th tendency of th time is favorable to beer. The recent report of the Internal Revenue department ahowa 1600,- 000 mora gallons of beer drank than in any previous year and statistics are quoted showing a decrease In drunkenness In th state that I very satisfactory to those who are not only earnest but -practical in their labors for temperate habits In our people As a distinct aid to temperance as well as a wholesome, refreshing beverage Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer lead all others. One reason tor Its great popularity I the fact' that doctors recommend It because of its absolute cUanneasv' ' purity. age and trengtb. It Is the most nutritious beer brewed bettauae made from Papst exclusive eight day -tnalt ' which retains In greatest degree the food value of the barley. Thla Pabst . exclusive eight-day process malt double the cost but It make Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer th superior of all American beers and accounts for Its great popu larity. PABST BREWING CO. Paeae Deag.T 1307 Leavenworth Stseet, Omaha, Ken. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer VUEX ORDERING ASK FOR PABgt Visiting; Druggists and Doctors 1 All PHral"'.ans and Pharmacists visiting Omaha d iritur the . Ak-8sr-Ben festivities are corulslly Invited le visit our store and avail themselves of every courtesy at our , iominvnd. On any article purchased we - shall of couiee be glad la extend the cus toms rr discount. -I Sherman & UcConnsIl Drug Co. fl Dealer In Rare Druaa and Chenilcala Physiclsn and Iioi"tal Suprlirs. Corner fiuateeata aaa podge, Osaka. mm. &1 the shoes for men MA1DWELL the shoes for women teams of the university In' touch with the larger colleges and Nebraska hopes to con tinue Its string of unbroken victories. Scavena-er Law I'sder Fire, 'The supreme court has another wrestling match coming with the scavenger act en acted by the legislature of 1903, having for Ita Intent to clean up back city and county taxes. The case this time comes from Flattsmouth, In Caaa county, and the man who Is objecting to the decision dt tha district court, which held In favor of the scavenger act. Is Herman B. Burgess. He haa appealed to the supreme court. Bur gens, aa did many other people during the hard times, (ailed to pay taxes on his city lots from 1894 for several years and therefore be waa one against whom tha scavenger law operated. Sheldon After Material. Oeorge 1 Sheldon, republican candidate for governor, spent Sunday night and Mon day in Lincoln looking over the state rec ords and getting more material for his campaign. Mr. Sheldon said the meeting at Crete Saturday night was very gratify ing, the opera house In which It was held being entirely "filled. The next governor has a number of speaking dates and will continue touring the state up to the time of election. The prohibition state committee haa Is sued a challenge to the democratio com' mittee for a Joint debate between the can didate for governor of tha two parties, on the Issues of the present campaign. 8WBDISH CONFERENCE ADJOURNS Appointment Made of Pastor for Ensuing; Year, KEENE, Nteb., Sept 14. (Special.) Chancellor Huntington of th Nebraska Wealeyan university delivered an eloquent address op education to a large and appro, datlv congregation of the Swedish Methdlst Episcopal conference, as did Dr. C O. Nelson of Chicago. .The conference received three brilliant young men as members, who graduated from ' its theological seminary last J una J. W. Peterson of Keokuk, la., was elected trustee of the theological seminary at Ev anston. 111. Revs. C. P. Etcklund, John P. Seaberg were elected to represent th con ference at the annual meeting of the Methodist Book Concern. Rev. T. J. Swan son was appointed conference visitor. . Burlington, la. Was selected for th next Conference session. , , .. Bishop Luther Wilson Sunday morning at 10:30, delivered on of tha strongest' and most .eloquent sermon aver . given at th conference session. Th subject was "Endurance and the Secret." Three young men. Revs. K. J. Nuberg. Theodora J. Adrian and Guataf Freeman were or dained as deacons. The conferenoe session was very pros perous, showing a great Increase in all benevolent collection Following is a partial list of tha ap pointments: Central District C. J. MtUberg. presid ing elder: Axtell, O. J. Bwann; Bui-dick, to be supplied; Clay Center, First church. Hugo Peterson; Clay Center, Second church, Oscar Ltndberg; Davey, Jona P. Johnston; Holdrege and Prairie, H. A. Stromberg; Keene, O. L. Stromberg; Lin coln, O. L. Sandberg; Lindsborg, A. O. Engstrom; Looking Glass, Frederick ; Stromberg; Omaha, Peter Munson; Ong and Shlckley, N. O. B. Barton; Randolph, to be supplied; St Paul, to be supplied; Baronvtlle, C. O. Sherman: Brand la, J. E. Johnston; Stromsburr, A. F. Wlrraell; Swede Platna. K. O. Norberg; Topeka, to be supplied; Wayne, to be supplied; west Hill and Genoa, Carl Fromen; A. O. Engs trom agent for Immanuel Home. -. Eastern District C. - A. Anderson, pre siding elder, Des Moines, ra.: Boxholm, C. O. Freeman; Burlington, C. P. Eklund; Buxton, to be supplied; Concord, to be supplied; Dayton. Emll Malmstrom: Day ton, Theodore J. Adrian; Essex, Frank Edwarda; Globe and Springfield, L. M. Lindstrom; Harcourt. P. J. Uerg; Kansas City, John A. Johnson; Keokuk and Mol roae, John P. Seaberg; New Sweden and Lockrtdge, J. O. Borgeson; Oakland, John A, Gabrlelson; Ottumwa and Httema-rt, Carl Nord; Bt Louis, Hugo Aim; Sheldahl. White Oak and Oskaloosa, Olof Oranbt : Sioux City, Nels Pearson; Stanford and South Marlon, Oscar R. Ralra. Western District F. J. Swanson, pre siding elder: Denver, C. E. Schlldt Fatal Aectdent at Letgrn. ' LEIOH, Neb., Sept. U. (Special.) Ray mond Carleton, the IS-year-old son of Mr. and Mra W. H. Carleton, Is dead a a re sult of a gunpowder explosion. The boy had a miniature cannon, constructed from an old gun barrel, and waa attempting to Br it. Besides the loaded cannon he had a can of powder. In attempting to set a match to the cannon both the cannon and can of powder were explodnd. No one will ever know Just how it happened, but the explosion caused something to strike the boy in the abdomen with terrific force. No one waa with the lad at the time of the explosion, but a neighbor who heard tha report went down where It occurred and assisted the boy home.- Four physicians were sailed, two from Leigh and two front Columbua - The operation showed that the muscles and lining of the abdomen was completely .riddled. He died in twenty-nv hours after the accident.) This is th sec ond' sudden death in this family. Inside of a year and a half. Another son. a young man, was taken 111 of appendicitis and la twenty-four houra was dead.. This , hap pened only a little more than a year ago. Held for Tnreatealaa; Wife. BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. J4.-(Specil Tel egramsCharged with attempting to shoot his wife. Mabel Force, and her brother, Henry Treedl., following a drunk n spree of a wee. Cliet Korea was bound over to the district court today by Jaclge lnman in the sum of 11.(00. Yesterday t'orct en tered his home, whipped out revolver .i d pointed it st Mra. Force and her brother, but before he had time to pull the trigger 6Haa Burcham. a milkman, grabbed the weapon and wrenched l away Irom hint. AN OLD and H'KLtvTRIED REMKDT, son ov wrrt tbass. t ma. wuiuwi oTsiLaa mnv mcs aw f mwte BiXK tlui ky anxious M OT HltKt lr tklr IMlLDBaN WHILB Titltf. IH FKHFfcCT Slu ts. IT S'MJTHX t CMiLI). sorTK.s Iks bJU! axxats su raiai tlRfc WIND COUC u ta the Mi til ahm N USA M kr bnsstau la vntg wt tb w.irlS S Mr aa M (mt tins, wixsixnvs ooTuixa syrcp t a seuie $4 mw The? vry best JjmjJ dealers show fi&ry (C - , them He .was promptly lodged In Jail. ttra. Force recently instituted divorce proceed ings egilnst her husband, which is said to be the cause of the trouble. THRF.F ARREITI AT XORFOLK F.llle, Byerly Wiles Takea an rtiarere af Aseaalt at ,aylom. NORFOLK, Neb., Sept. 14 (Special Telegram.) Forest Ellis, William Byerly and Jo Wllea, former attendants at the Norfolk Insane asylum, were today ar rested by Sheriff Clementa on charge of assault with Intent to do great bodily in jury. Indictments were found against them ty the grand Jury. They all secured bail of 1 1.000 each. The three men have retained Attorneys Robertson, Tyler end Mapea to defend them. The cases come up In district. court November It Byerly and Wiles are now attendants at the hospital and Ellis Is conducting a restaurant at Pender. Dr. Alden, superintendent at the hospi tal, who has been 111 since Friday, Is Im proving. It Is said that ne has suffered a stroke of apoplexy, but Dr. Singer, as sistant, merely says "Dr. Alden Is Indis posed. He is much better." ' 'Norfolk- Mea Are Lasers. NORFOLK, Neb., Sept. 14. (Special Tele gram.) A special from New York to the New today says that sums amounting to (2,000 were lost by Norfolk men in th bucket shop of Oage & Company, New York, which Is being Investigated. Names are not given. Trala Service Renewed. NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. 14. (8peclal Telegram.) Trains on the Omaha Una ara running between Sioux City and Norfolk, service having been resumed today. l Kewa of Nebraska. YORK David Tewell, an old resident snd well known In northwest York county, was found dead In his bed at Arborvlllo. YORK The auditing committee is pub lishing notice to the public that the York Chautauqua association, a corporation, l:aa no indebtedness. YORK At the Congregational parson eg Mr. Clarence E. Sawyer and Anna Elia were married last evening by Rev. W. H. Medlar In the presence of a few relatives and friends. BEATRICE Union Pacific motor car No. S waa InssHlled on the branch line between here and Lincoln today. About twenty Beatrice people christened the car In mak nlg the round trip. FA1RMOUNT Fire waa discovered In the coal house of Wright Spans yesterday. Prompt measures saved the building. Spon taneous combustion waa the cause. Th coal was put In wet WEST POINT The democratio senatorial convention of the Seventh senatorial dis trict hss been called to meet In Oakland, October 1. Twenty-two delegates compose the convention, fifteen from Cuming and seven from Burt , WEST POINT New has been received in the city of the death of William Osselke, a well known resident of Cuming county, which occurred in Bt. Joseph's hospital, Omaha. The cause of death was an acute attack of appendicitis. - WEST POINT The republican float rep resentative convention for Cuming, .Thurs ton and Dakota counties has been called to meet at Pender on October a, The rep resentation will be Cuming county, ; Da kota, C and Thurston, 5. FAIRMOUNT Yesterday mornmg an en gine ran into the hand car of Section Boes Hawkins, smashing the car, but fortunately the men got off before the car waa struck. The fog waa so dense that they "ouhl rot see the engine, which was aa extra that bad run here for coal. , BEATRICE The tenth and thirtieth bat teries, comprising the Seventh battalion of field artillery, which camped here over Sunday left the city en route north thia morning. In , making a check roll two men were found to bav deserted th battalion at thla point PAPILLION The criminal docket was taken up this mornmg before Judge Day and a Jury of Sarpy county farmers. John Curran, the man the sheriff bad to shoot to arrest him, plead guilty, and waa sen tenced to two years In the Mnltentiary. John Patterson, who waa held to the dis trict court for taking a team belonging to Fred Buhl, was sentenced to seventy-three days In the oounty Jail. The trial of the Clements family for the shooting - . Lewis Ooldbi will be taken up tomorrow, , , Annonaeomentn of the Theaters. Th true western spirit' that permeate "Told In th Hills" Is a delight to th men and women of th west ' who know th country and the peopl dealt with by th author and th actors. Th play will be repeated this evening, at a matinee on Wednesday and will close Its engagement Wednesday evening. -Viola Gillette, who was chosen by Frank Parley for th leading role In "Th Girl and th Bandit" thla season. Is a beautiful young woman, with a wonderful contralto voice. The company and the piece will be gin an engagement at the Boyd Thursday evening, to last until after Saturday night, with a matinee on Saturday. Th Belmont race track Paddock, New York's very newest . sporting success, as scientifically shown in A. H. Woods' great melodrama, "Chinatown Charlie," ought to be regarded with no small Interest by the racing fraternity all over th country, as It furnishes an exact view of the prodigious betting center, where 'fortunes are mad and lost and where the beginning of th end of many a money-mad career la re corded. Krug theater for two days, start ing tonight "The Lady of Lyons" at the Burwood Is proving a very successful card, th Inter est In the old classic having been revived by th Woodward Stock company's pro duction. The regular professional matinee will be given today. -. FORECAST OF. THE WEATHER fair ' In Nebraska Today, Coaler la Weet Portion Pnlr Tomorrow, Cooler la. Eaat Portion. WASHINGTON,. Sept. 14. Forecast of the weather-for Tuesday and Wednesday; For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Tuesday, cooler In west portion; Wednes day fair, cooler in eaat portion. For Iowa and Missouri Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. i , - - For Kansas Fair Tuesday and Wednes day; cooler Wednesday. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair in west, showers and coler In oeast portions Tuesday; Wednesday fair. For Montana Showers Tuesday, cooler in east portion; Wednesday fair. Lexnsl Reeora. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA, Sept. M. Official record of temi prrature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three yore: li. not. mo. Maximum temperature..,. 77 ss 71 6V Min.num temperature M Z 6 44 Meal temperature ti 76 S5 56 frecli nation 00 .00 .00 .00 temt'eraiuro ana precipitation departures iiwiw in, iiurmu i muni since March 1 sad comparison with the last two years; Normal temperature 63 Excess for the day. " j total ae-nciency etnee March 1 : u "iii yivciyiiauun .us Inch tendency for the day ( ncn l-recimtatlon lnce March 1 J? 4 Inches trnciency sine starch 1 trt Inchne Dcltrlency for cor, period, 106.... ..; Inc'iee Deficiency for cor. period, lftH.... 1.21 Inches Reports (rasa Stations nt T P. M. Station and State Temp. Max. Rain hi 1 p. 111. Teinn. Bismarck, clear 71 gg Cheyenne, part cloudy 70 80 Chicago, clear ( Davun(Nrt, clear 7a fc) Denver, clear 74 ' U3 Havre, clear u nt fal .0) .(0 .10 .0) Helvna, clear , M Huron, clear 7j Kanaa City, clear.. , . . J North Platta clear... ft Omaha, clear n Rapid City, clear n St. Ixul. part cloudy 7 SS.lui- "r'- .0) .00 .00 .00 .00 .M F, 1 nr. ciear to Valentige. clear. , : 7J WllUston. clear 64 - .00 .00 U A. WELSli;' Local Forecasts." cannot caue biliousness. ; j v Tell him that every bottle is Pasteurized after it is sealed. He will say that such beer must' be germless. s Ask your doctor what these virtues mean Ask for the Brewery Bottling. ' ' l? YOU' Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlitz. To avoid being imposed upon, see hat tlte cork or crown is branded- ' - . -. a - Spsni ss s . ' m 1 sn tetlwade .,,.. ...... ...... -w . rr GRAND INDPETIT. .JURIES Bth Finals Drawn for, OttoUr Term of " Itdsral 'Cturt. " sittings' !y ILL BE at sjate capital Long; List ' of Case Will Be . Heard This . Session . . Whlck Uneoln Haa to ' ' Itself.' United State District Cour Clerk R, C. Hoyt and Jury Commissioner Dr. Tllden drdjr the pahels for the federal grand and petit Juries Monday afternoon for the' term of the United States circuit and district court, to meet at Lincoln, October 1. Both Juries are directed to report for duty at 1:10 a. m. Tuesday, October 1. Orhaha la represented on th grand Jury panel by Charlea I Thomas, real estate dealer, with office In The Be building, residence 1012 Georgia avenue; F. D. Wcad, real estate and Insurance, 1624 Douglas; S. D. Barkalow of Barkalow Brothers, news dealers. South Sixteenth street. South Omaha Is represented on the petit Jury by B. L. Howe, formerly city treasurer of that city; T. B. Scott, blacksmith. Twenty-first and O streetsA Omaha haa but one repre sentative on the petit Jury, In the person of H. Clay Batrd of Dundee. South Omaha Is not represented on th grand Jury at alU ' ' Personnel of Jnrle. Following Is ' a full list of the grand Jury: ' - S. D. Barkalow, Omaha; A. E. Bell. He- Cook; U K- Chancy, Stella; Ferdinand .3 i 4 r 11 1 - -- 'r""""' il'"-ijm m"r"" 7'''-,""7rgrTv ''"''''''"' . 1 ' ' ...... . . About Schlitz . beer. He knows the importance of purity. j Tell him that Schlitz beer isvaged for months before it is .marketed aged in glass enameled steel tanks. lie will savthat it hi? f1(M!T M i I Chick, Hastings) W. W. Duncan, Beatrice;. Crawford Galloway, Fremont; Henry Har ney, Ponoa; War Hutchlna, Falls . City; John Hemphill, Valparaiso; Chris E. Jen sen. Nelson: John Kuhn, Pender; Fred Leffert, West Point; J. J. McCarthy. Key stone; John F. Piper. Lyons; James H. Paul, Ashland: Harry H. Pugh, Lincoln; Wm. J. Pryor, Stanton; Oeorge Stringer, Wayne: Oeorge Schwab, sr.. Clay Center; W. W. Scam mon. Auburn; Charles Thomas, Omaha: F. D. Wead. Omaha; B. C. Tont, Brock. Alternates Oscar R. Thompson, Wlsner; Charlea Nesbit, Tcka mah; J. P. Lamberaon. Fremont; Arthur Blackstone, Craig: William Downing, David City;' John W. Helmann, Hastings; C. C. Lyon, Grant.- The petit Jury Is as follows: Bert An drew, Crete; F. O. Aaron, Tecumeeh; W. M. Alden, Hyannls; Wilson T. Brltton, Bloomlngton; Oscar Bring, Thurston; Jacob Brown, Pawnee; Peter Burger, Jullen; Frank B. Buckwalter, Homer; Clay Balrd, Dundee; Henry Bryan, Decatur; ' V. W. Chapman, Bellevue; Wm. M. Clay. Spring view; Leon Crandall, Lincoln; Samuel Dod den. Loup 'City; J. E. C. Fisher, Beatrice; A. J. Furgeson, Wayne; Harry E. Grout, Bart let t; B. F. Orlffln, Tekamah; E. L. Howe. South Omaha. Twenty-fourth and H streets; W. H. Hober, Fulierton; L. C. Johnson, Seward; James W. Johnson, Loup City; Adolph Kork. West Point; C. T. Mar qulm, Peru; W. J. Marsh, Bloomlngton; J. L. Marshall, Douglas James Mllliken, Fre mont; Lott C. Morris,' Berwyn; George W, Medium, Nebraska City; Grant Oyler, Wilbur; J. W. Porter, Central City; C. H. Rudge, Lincoln; Lewis Stells, sr., Scrlb ner: John Sawyer, Pawnee City; Simon Baylor, Falls City; William P. Severs, Pal myra; T. B. Scott, South Omaha, .Twenty first and O streets; R. M. Trumbull, Hll dredth: Orssmus F. Turner, Fremont; Ed ward WUdy, Hemingiora. Case for Trial at Uneoln. Following 1 th list of cases noticed for trial at the October term of the federal court to begin at Lincoln, Tuesday, Oc tober . 1908: , Circuit Court Cases-J. Wlllard Smith against Gustavo H. Dietrich; law. Adel bert D. Little against The Advance Thresher Company; damagea. Watklns G. Powell et al against Gould A Mil- ler et . al; law. Welkin U. Powell ef I Why , 5ymp of fis the- b est family laxative It Is pore. , ' It is gentle. It is pleasant. v It Is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. ' It is perfectly safe tinder all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. ' If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. Phone 918 Jos. Schiltj Brewing- Co. 719 So. 9th St., Omaha wau tee Fa al against S. D. Gould; law. - John L. Webster and .Josephine L. Webster against Mutual Reserve Life Insuranoe company; law. ' Ferdinand ' Belberman against Northwestern State Bank; law. Ike Schlank against William J. Lcmp Brewing Company; damages. Annie V. Metcalf against Mutual Reserve Life In surance Company: suit on Insurance policy. Annie V. Metcalf, executrix, against Mu tual Reserve Life Insurance Company; suit on Insurance policy. Addle J. Baker against Herman F. Bchaden; damugea. Pearl A- Welshans against Aetna LWe In surance Company; suit on Insurance pol icy. Plattsmouth Water Company against City of Plattsmouth; Injunction; Union Pa cific Railroad Company against County of Lincoln, Neb.; Injunction. Commercial In vestment Company against Michael H. Mc Carthy et al.; suit to quirt title. James 8. Morrison against William McClelland et al.; foreclosure. James S. Morrison against R. D. Anderson; suit for specific per formance. District Court The MacMIIIan Company et al. against H. W. Brown Drug and Book Company: suit in bankruptcy. Oage Bros. A Co. et al. against Mrs. Lillian Chapman-Anderson; suit In bankruptcy. CABMAN FAILS - AT GRAFT ass Tries, to Hold l YOaasr Woman Passenger for Fear . Dollars. Early Sunday morning Mabel Kennedy, a school teacher from Oklahoma, on her way (o Chamberlain. 8. D., where she Is a teacher In an Indian school, arrived fn Omaha, and as the cars were not running, called a carriage driven by Fred Moore of 1111 Pacific street to convey her to a hotel a few blocks away. Upon arriving at the hotel Moor charged bar 14 for the trip and when she refused to pay the exorbi tant charge a quarrel ensued and Moore was locked up by Officer Hall. Monday morning in polio court he waa discharged after being given a sound lecture by Judge Crawford, as Mis Kennedy could not re main n Omaha to appear against him. Bec2ajsc Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. . It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which ara agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. ' All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. ''...'.'' To get its beneficial effects -buy the genuine. Manufactured by (aufqrnia Bq Syrvp(9 LsijUvllle, Ky. Maw York. ti. T. roB MM BT All It AVISO DMuoeun '& SLABAUCH;: ASKS . REFEREE s County Attorney Applies for CffloorU Eit la Coal Trait Hearintv '. MOTION NOT HEARD UNTIL SATURDAY If Plea Is Granted Evidene Will Begin a. Boo. a. Possible, Criminal Cae Coa In- an Two. The appointment of a referee to take testimony and report on conclusions of fact and law in the coal trust injunction case is asksd In 4 'motion filed Monday morning by County Attorney Slabaugh. The defendants In th caae will be glv.n an opportunity to file any objeotlon thsy may hav. to the appointment of a referee and th hearing on th motion will 6 held before Judgt Troup Saturday 'morn ing. ' " :,. . If th motion ia'graiM,!) th hearing ot evidence will begin aa umiii -as possible and It Is probabi th UJtli g of testimony In th criminal ease before; the grand Jury and In the equity can. rvll be conducted at the sama time, though th two hear ings cannot be held together. After wit nesses have been before the grand. Jury they will be sent 10 thf jeferee to 'retail their evidence. Unlley PewUs Stale-meat. DALLAS "ex.. Sr-pt. 24. United States Senator Joseph W. Bailey, who Is expect.d In Dallas tonight or Tuesday morning, haa promtetd to give out a statement recardlna hi alleged connection with th Water Pierce Oli company. ou r s'-