TELEPHONE PQU0LA3 111 . t ' Suwrtly ready-are we in AutiimnJ Shopping chaminneW all goods. Everything as newias the season. Smart, jjjh; suits, the ieaspn's approved fioat, JoVely fdrs,' handsofqe waists and desirable skirts, all surprising low priced. - The ,Readjr-to-Wear Department iaindeedwelT prepared for, fallr ' j' . ; ' lie-chposing'of dress goods' we have made pleasantly -easy, as "the assortments are so wide. And ihe eilks.the product of the best looms in the world plain silks, fancy silks every weave. TbepYicCT "are very moderate. " Redera Whalebone Corsets. TUB CORSET BEAUTIFUL MAKES THE BEAUTIFUL FIGURE. Not expensive Corsets when compared to custom-made, tout tha best shape the market affords beat because each coraet la aa cars fullr made M If cuatom-made. Tha fitting la dona by hand, hence there la no varia tion In tha seaming, each lection fitting to a nicety ita mate. It coata more to make a coraet thU way, but It la tha only way to make a corset 'modal. . optimistic over affairs In Cuba, believing that peace between the government and revolutionary parties In the island la a question of 4 short time, active work goea on In the War and Navy departments In preparing for eventualities. General Funaton, who undoubtedly will ba In charge ;'6f tha expeditionary forces In Cuba, having a larger knowledge of the topography of the country than any American pffjeer,' carried with him a list of officers ijwhot would probably ba selected to have $sge QCthe several branches of tha fore n ' the field. These e-rf&oers will ba Vty- wh ' ,,w cf lvln satlsfactlft' Oie general. From thV iolawlng liat of quarter masters the 'Chief quartermaster will ba chosen: Major Aleshlre, Major Llttall. Major Bellinger, Major Hodgson, now stationed at Atlanta; Major Baker, Major Joseph Crabbe-.and Captain, Butt. Major, Bellinger. Jt ia ftnocra.tooa llirfa asked for a detail TaaJphUf uArt'rmaatr. tut,l,s now en govt lo.Mnanolsoo rtlleva Colonel Carroll A. Devol, 'who Is ordered to Wtaa.hiarton for duty wUh the general staff. " ' ': '. ' " Ii( "tW coffifnlssary Vpartmarit n sens-. tary, of war will havd following offi cers Yo 'slct Ironif Lieutenant CoWntl Knlskarn. now stationed At Chicago; Lieu tenant Colonel D. U. Bralnard t New TorVi1 liajVr F. V: taatman 'aV Ban 'Tran claco. and Major ;W.;H- .Hart, atatloned hers. . Cojopel C,H Whlppla w)U be ,cMf Pay master of tha Cuba" expedUlon Iri event of American intervention, having made application -when, the question of Inter vention wae Orst broached., Major. Muhl enberg, stationed at Omaha, '' also asked for this assignment,' but aColOhl Whip ple la his senior and having asked the duty flret, Paymaater Oaneral Bnlffen undoubtedly will defer to' tha wlahes of the senior' oflcer. '-.r LlsutensJBt' Colonel George C. Soriven, with, station In New York.- probably will ba In. chfg of tha signal corpa In Cuba. Ae.'ohlet' surgson, Major Guy L. Edje Is spoken -'O- in .laudatory terms. Others who rt. mentioned are:. Colonel Phillip F. Harvey, Stationed at New York, and Colonel, John Van R. Hott at Omaha. The military secretary a ofrlce: In all probability will ba represented by Colonel H. O. BrHeltaad, now-n New-York, -;. . ' '"' - ' Sterling sliver Frenser 16th Dodge sts. SPANISH WAR VETERANS MEET la Wtik. (atae a Tmrae-' Rooeevelt WASHINGTON Bap Ths ofllctal eall for tha Wavttotiat encampment of tha 'United SpanTshjrr 'veterans, ttf be held hers thsj week, beg ytqlng Ootobetv i. waa recelvea today.' by Department Commander Walter Mitchell, who la secretary of the national encMnptnanl-comtplttee.-.' The eall states that the date was arranged "to ault the convenience of (. Comrade and Preeldent Theodore Rooeevelt. Vho will be present and parUclpate la)t encampment." Pastor's Wife. In Southern CJty Re. stored to llt alth by the Wonder, fol Pyramid PUe Cure. 'i Ws Want Zvery rtla Baerer U Test frbis area Cure a pat Sspaasa. gtaad Tear STama a4t Aflaxeaa Fas a rise ;lTrti4 raekaga.' ' ' "in l0, ray f wife , waa attacked wltk piles and Buffered f rop them 4 years and was unable toT attend to her domeetls work. Wa trlef many remedies, but all failed, and aha 'gave, up la despair. Mr. Edwin Shaver cf Salisbury, N. C, who waa cured with, your pyramid Ills Cur recommended it- a a sure cure to ma. I have used I boxes) eflt. and part of a bes of salve, on m wife, and aha. has bee 7 cured. May Go blees you and ' your remedy. Yours very truly, M. U. Has. kins. Pastor Noltaway. Va., Presbyterian Church." Wa want te sad you ' a free trial of this remedy at eaos, so you can aa with your own ayea what t ran do. ' Your cure yourself with perfect ease, In your own home, a ad foe little expense. Pyramid Pile ;Cura, gives you prompt relief. It heals aoraa 'and ulcers, reduces cocgeetlon and ilaflammation, aad. takes away pal a, itchtpg and Irrigation. After you have tried th sample treat, ment. and you fre satisfied, you eaa get a full regular-altad' treatment of 'Pyramid Pile Cure at yor druf gist's for t cents. If ha hasn't It. reixj ua tha money and we will send you the treatment at onoa, by mall. In plain sealed package. , i.. 8end yaur name,' andadSreeV aL.o'nVa for trial ef tbli rveloUa ti(irvk,.ajare cure. Address Tj r.mVd ' Irug ; i.'o.,'' i( PyraaUd BI&4- Marshall, Mien. Davs Grand Display of Fall nnd Winter Merchandise ; ; lv every tiroartment ,4f;thU hlpfhl of Greenland whalebone. Of the meat pliant nature. - MISS McCAULET. special coreetler for the Red fern cornet, ta her for a few days and will be pleased to meet. the women of Omaha and 01 then) to a roper .corset In a proper way..' Second floor. . Ladies '.Sweaters. ". ' . Wa all tha .famous make of Northland sweaters. They are the very beat made and coat no more. than the common kind. ', . Ledles' petticoats, In silk, at 16.00, 16.00, $7.50 and DO 00. Second floor. Worthy Notions AT LITTLE PRICES. Mohair Shirt Binding, all olors, In five yard bolts, 10c each. - ' A good quality of pins, Sc a paper. Darning Cotton, In black and white, to a ball. ' ' V tc, A good Pearl Button, two dasen on card, at 10c pr card. Whit Basting Cotton, te a spool. In basement. Free Lessons Art Embroidery SECOND FLOOR. Miss Steenstrup. tha zpert needle artist, la atlll with us and contlnuea to glre free Open Saturday Evenings. Howard Street, Comer Sixteenth. ' MORE FRAUD IS FUEL LANDS OommUaioner Ftxmlj, Secures - Mors .Evi dence Acafott Uaioa Faoiflo'Ooal Co,-."-, WYOMING OIL BUSINESS WANGLED WMaess' ftays Reraaal of Rallraad to Vablfah Tariff Prevents Davelbaaaeal of the '. . , Field. SALT LAKE CITY. .8ept. Much 'evi dence tending to ahow that' the' Union Pa cific Coal company hd secured coal lands Illegally waa produced at tha hearing con-j ducted try.Chariea A. Prouty of tile Intei atate Commerce oOtiimlsslon today, bt the effort 4tq brlngot caaea of diacrim-" Inatlon.ln rates and dlstrflnAlon' t cara waa not successful. Vice President W. 11 Ban,erOft; of' the' Oregdh" Short' Line.- wa Interrogated concerolng an alleged secret rate of 4 mills per ton" per mile, said te. have been made to .the Anaconda, poppt-r company ...from Dlaroondvlile, Wyo. iMr. Baacraft denied .all, knowledge of. Such a rate. , ' ';,.'" ,;J ' . ' The government brought out.' testimony that the 'coal company has obtained much government land in Wyoming- through Ita employes. Severe) witnesses confeaaed that -they took up quarters which they never saw. improved or paid , for. Robert 8: Spence, an Evanetbn,- Wyo-. attorney, testified that the Wyoming oil Inqulr y had been 'dormant because the Union Pacific has refused to publish' the rates On oil. The Witneea said forty com panies have , oeen organised to . develop the oil fields and one company had been willing to spend $1,090,000 on Its property, but waa forced to abandon its project be cauee no railway facllltlea could be ' ob tained. " At tha opening hearing Commissioner Provty explained that the Sa)t Lake City sessions ' were to be a continuation of those held laat week in Omaha and undor the provisions' of the TIUman-Glleapie senate resolution relative to' the coal hold ings of the Harrtman and- other railroads end other maters such as discrimination both-. In ratea and supply of shipping fa cllltlea. IUJs, considered probable- that the testimony will involve, tho Rio Grande system. aV well as the Union i-aclnc. , OE KELLY STARTS DISTVRBAKCB Proaalaeat Deaaeerae .Takes. Iseae - . with Caadldater. Porter. v' SIOUX CITY, la.. Sept. M.-tSpefial Telegram.-) While Claude' R. -Porter,' demo cratic nominee for governor, waa address ing the Stoux City democrats? -in a- ral'y held here tonight, Joe Kelly,- brother -of John C- Kelly, editor of the Sioux City TYbune and the "boss" pt the. Eleventh district, attempted to break up the meet ing by repeatedly Interrupting the speaker. Mr. Kelly refused to be subdued by a po liceman and waa finally hauled out of the audience by Alderman.' William Johnson, chairman ef the police committee of the city council, and pushed down stalra. - An allusion made by fir. Porter to George D. Perkins, editor of the Sioux City Journal, who waa defeated bjr Governor Cummlna for the republican nomination for -.governor, caused Mr. Kelly to make his demon stration. raltael -tretkMs' Kad Ca(eanv. . AMES. la., Sept. t (Special.) Te United. Brethren conference at thla place elnce Tuesday was closed and the appoint ments were made today. - Bishop Weekley, president of the conference, preached to a crowded houae tn tha Armory opera house thla morning." The theme' of 'hi addreaa waa "Love,'?; and he mad, a strong plea for tha little acta and deeda Of ' kindness and of leva that' ahow the true man and woman. After hia address. Presiding Elder MUler came forward with a requeat that If 00 be raised by the gathering to finish' paying tha bishop's salary for the year, end "ti'wss . Immedi ately raised in dollar and fifty cent gifts. All the ehruchea in the city dismissed their meetings that the' conference might have full swing. fws Beys Tkesfkt te Be Drawee. ALTON, la.. Sept :i-(8pec!al Telegram.) The shots, and clothing of Nick Jonaa end' Nick Haster, peered IS and It -years, re spectively, were found this -morning en the banks of the Floyd river and It la believed the beys have been drowned Jonaa waa the eon ef a farmer near Alton and Heater lived at David City. Neb."' r- rrte-aee'AlleeMa'raer. DES MOINFJB,. Ia., Bpt. Jj.t That Carl KJumb, avtpoed to h ecoram?tt ad suicide, whose body. Was found near the. OoU end Couatry cluq Saturday. alh4,wes"mBnrt-ed 6a the claim- of -Ma-weklthy Velatlvea. who started aa faavaatigaUoa today. gat"4jr TUT, OMAHA . . jt '.V f,v ? "Be. September 14, IsOcV ' Are Here storfr to tre'et oar friM33( rith Instructions In Art Embroidery. Come and learn tha new atltrhes. Cluxs meets every day from 1 to S p. m. .Materials must ba purchased here.' : , Mrs, Stork, well known In the art work tine, la now In charge of our Art Depart ment. . . A Change of Weather Me&nS ft ... Change of Underwear. In making this change you ahould buy your undrrgarmenta of tha beet store, that handles the beet goods at the lowest prices. Women's fiwisa ribbed gause wool vesta, low neck, no sleeves, also high neck, long sleeves; color, cream; 11.00 and each. Drawers', Jtnea Or ankle length, 11-60 each. Women'a medium weight ribbed cotton vesta, high neck, long sleeves, hand trim med;, tighta to match, ankle length; 60c each. 'Bora' heavyweight cotton shirts, high neck, long sleeves, drawera to match, ankle length, all aises, 60c each . : . - . Men's fine ribbed cotton shirts and draw era, medium weight, just right for now, ex tra finish throughout, three colors, brown, blus and ecru, all slsea up to snd Includ ing it SPECIAL GOOD VALUE AT FIFTY - CENTS PER GARMENT. Main floor. Sea display In Howard atreet window. i H t night the body, badly decomposed, was found, hldden-jn. a brush heap, with a' bullet near the hearty. Relatives claim.' that ha could, not possibly, have committed suicide, aa no'gun waa found near the' remains, and Klurrib had. no rnotlyea for .'taking', hie own llfe.' -Hela believed to have bid on ,W per son considerable, money, , whlclT is mlaellig. FATHER TRIES HABEAS CORPUS -. . ' Frank Vancart. Waats His Soa WlUle Released from' Kearney ndas. 'Alleging ala aoru. Willie; Is wrongfully de tained at, the Kearney 'Industrial school for boys, ' Wrattk Vangert hae applied to tha dlatrlct court- for 'a writ ef habeas corpus to get possession of the lad. WlUle was.- adjudged Incorrigible by Judge Day of the juvenile .court September 16, BX6, and sen(. to ' Kearney ntil ' he bocawe , M. according to th copy at the order attached to the 'petition. vTha court ""thertf Ound ' he" was 16 on SeBtiember 10, 805..Jt Is. alleged, by his parents be became 1 early "In this niontH p ehoulfl. be released- from the school. Tha writ u directed to Super intendent fl. p.. Hayward and' is made, re turnable before Judge Sutton September is, at a p. in. . . . '.' "m -' ' I DEATH RECORD. V ; Mlltoa S. Boaasa. - Milton S. Bourn, an attorney, died Sun day In Colorado' while on a trip 'In the in terest of his' health. - Death enaued from bronchial trouble with which Mr.- Bouma had been afflicted for aoma time Mr; Bouma ia survived by a wife, who lives at tha family homo at Thirty-seventh and Ida streets, and a brother and Bister, who live in Iowa and Oklahoma, "respectively: Mr. Bourne had offices In 'the . Ramge building with C. H. Balliet.. The remains will arrive ' Tuesday afternoon and will be taken to tha Leslie undertaking rooms until burial arrangements are decided upon. " "' ' ' TLIIHe Resek. .' Lillie Resek. the infant daughter '. of John Resek and wife, 8611 South Thir tieth atreet, died Sunday afternoon:" The funeral, will take place Tuesday ' after noon." from tha family .home and inter ment will be at the Bohemian National cemetery. . ... . Ilaea DeLasaeter. SAN DIEOO, Cel.. Sept. t4. Simon Dela meter, formerly of Chicago, died yesterday after a short illness, aged 78 years, , Ha came to this city laat winter 'from. Chi cago, where he wae a prosperous real ea. tta agent .and. a prominent Maaon. FIRE RECORD. . '' Blaae at Tepeka. TOPEKA, Kan... Bept, 14 Fire atartinr from a natural gaa asploaloa in the base meet of the, Crawford Opera, houae,. a four-atory building at tli-tli Kansas ave nue, today cauaed tha destruction of tha etpek of the Moffatt furniture store, the Union Tea company, the theater .and scenery and the 'household goods of sev eral families. Tha loss Is estimated at $100,000. v - HYMENEAL . MeDoaald-Taeyer. , Frank O. McDonald, Fourty-elghth and Arbor streets, and Violet A. Thayer of thla city were married .Saturday evening by Justice of the. Peace Eastman at' his home, 1101 Seward atreet. Mr. McDon ald haa been an employs of the Cole Grlnnell Transfer company Xor several years. Tha couple will reside at their home, tilt Charles street. Weasaa KJIle Baa. KANSAS CITY, Sept. M.-Mrs. Joy Bamea, aged 42, tha wife of an employe in the car., shops of the Kansaa City Southern, and her 4-year-old son Prank were found unconscious in their home here today. - The room waa filled with gas from an open Jet and It developed that tee woman had attempted to kill both her self and her son. The women waa resus citated and will recover. The boy died Some time ego Mrs. Barnea waa released from an asylum. The family cams her a year ago from Atchison, Kan. Suppose .you quit . fj "' ' ; 10 day 1 and tea If Coffco Is the trouble. Meantime use i....,..HTherwVAa Reaon.' DAILY DEK: TUESDAY, PlRE'S :PEAK: ' CENTENNIAL CelebraViei On wltk Esiw fMili lrytOrrniittiinl. . COLUMN IS TWO. tLE$ JN LENGTH ctwiri.,' lintel feierade Pioneer Ar 'v. Cawapleeone ' 'Fairbanks In 'Reviewing. COLORADO SPRINGS.' tj-oto.. Sept. With the city gay In the Jfuff and white of the revolutionary -period, -.'thenatlonnl colors floating from almost1 every building and tha strains of martisl moelc resounding throtieh the streets from early morning, tha Pike centennial celebration, commem oretlng the discovery of Pike's Peek by the man whose name it bears, opened here today. 1 The chief feature of the day'.-ead tha chief military display of the week. ws tha parade of Infantry, cavalry and artillery,, followed by members of the Grand Army, of the Re public, Colorado National . Guard. Spanish war veterans, high school; cadcta end other local mlHtla, organisations,, which moved from 'the-Colorado college campus at H a. m. and proceeded through the atreets of the city. Cowboys, Indiana snd Colo rado pioneers steo held conspicuous posi tions In the parade, the column being fully two miles In length and requiring an hour to pone the reviewing stand, where Vice President C W. Fairbanks officially re viewed the parade. , Vice President Fairbanks snd Mrs. Fair banks arrived In the city from the east early In the morning ano were escorted to the Antlers hotel by Thomas F. Walsh, whose guests they will be during the en tire. week. Congressman F. E. Brooks and several other prominent cltlsens also acted as ths official reception committee. Prearraca ef the Day. The sports of tha week opened this after noon with ths first games In the polo tour nament on the grounds of the Cheyenne Mountain Country club. Teams from sev eral western cities,' Including the regular army team from Fort Robinson, Neb., are entered In the tournament. The principal Indoor feature of today's program was the holding of patriotic ex erclsea at the Grand Opera house, begin, nlng this afternoon; under the auspices Of the Daughters of ths American Revolution and the National Society of Colonial Dames vi Ainmcs. , 7 ; - v y ''f Conditions for7th .pSfceC- centennial, at least' so far aa the first day was concerned, could 'not have been more favorable' had they been made to order. A glorious' Colo rado sunrise,' garbing In red and gold tha peak that ia It reality the center of at traction for the v' assembled thousands, uehered the day'tn. .two band concerts and a military re ception were th attractions for the evening. The Midland band'er this elty, which dur I'ngs the Philippine campaign played "A Hot Tims' m' the Old TownWhUe 'marching on Manila, through "the erf ';d1sco'teed music at the North pars '' ''. '' v '' The official receocJorTjo Vlce President Fairbanks and visiting' 'jnllltayy .'!.eJBccra was held at ths Antlers' parlors this even ing, a military ball following. Tomorrow morning Vice President Fair banks will deliver an address at, the Grand Opera hoese. r '" vi WOMEN T0.)MEJ-,AT HASTINGS r !-- r;. . ly v .,' Preabyteelaat Mlaetemary eeetety ef the Kebraaka Byaod Coaveaea Tale Week. . J ,j y I , t J'l ir 4j1ii4 . The. '.thirteenth, -aaaaial meetlnk- of the Woman's Missionary .society of the Pres byterian aynod of Nebraska will be .held at 'Hastings; September 2T and .' 'Mri; George Tllden of Omaha Is .president cf tha organisation and will preside during Its aesslons. An executive committee meeting . will 'preeeVJe the 1 convention Thursday afternoon and will ba followed by an open . conference. Rev. E. Van, Dyke Wright, D. D.," will presld' during the evenlng'sesslon,' fhe foaturea of Which will be an address,! -"The Whiapera of God's Power." by Mrs. D. B. Wells of Chicago, field aeoretary of the northwest, and an addreaa, "Our Nebraska Red Men," Illustrated by views, from the. Winnebago agency, by Rev. L. ,W. Bcudder. Mrs. W. H. Fuller of Hastings will ex tend the. formal greeting to 4ne vlsUiug women . Friday morning, Mrs. , Georgo P. Carley to make the .response. . A. roll call by presbyteries and. a business -hour. In cluding the annual- election fit officers, will follow. . c ,. . ., , , "Our Work at Home and Abroad" , will be presented by Miss Quendrld Graslngor, missionary correspondent, and a. tribute .to Mlaa Mary E.; Holmes by Mrs. Oeqrge P. Carley.. . Mrs, John 1 P, Elliott, secretary Of literature, will speak on "Seed Sowing." A review of the year by Mrs. J. B. La Rue, corresponding aeoretary, and a talk - on "Missionary Study' Classes", by Mrs.- D. B. Wells will conclude the morning. pro gram. . In the afternoon the following program will be given for the young people, Mrs. P. M.i Conklln - presiding: "The Tear That Haa Past," secretary; "Missionary Work . tn Junior Endeavor Bands,". Mrs. L. W. Harrington, Bawnee; "What of Our Sabbath BchoolsT' Rev. John.Crelghton, synoA's chairman, young people's work; "A Personal Question- Are You Alive?" Mrs. D. B. Wells. PRIZE' FIGHT PROVES FATAL Jack McKeasle Kaoeked Clear Oat by Terry MaWla. PORTLAND. Me.. Sept. 24.-Jark Mc Kensle of Philadelphia waa tatally in jured in a fifteen-round bout with Terry Martin of Philadelphia, at - the Portland auditorium . tonight. McKenale recelv' ; a blow in tha stomach and died within few minutes. - Martin went to the pollw siaiion immfomipiy mna sv nimseir l,p. Herman Miller of Baltimore waa- acheduled to meet Martin, but failed 10 how bp and McKensle was substituted. " Beortlas; Brevities.' Whst would the Quakers think of their former champions If, Be. Iouls would crowd them Into the second division. , A Chicago maa haa trained a cocker spaniel to hunt the golf balls. Hs hae saved his owner $30 in , lost balls this summer. ' . - New York Nationals lost two games Mon day and Plttaburg won two, all of which placea the Smoky -City . team within one game of second place. Holmes haa a fine lot of new material, which will be aure to be heard from nest rear.. He haa several youngsters, new to sat company, but who have the gooda. Ths signal corpa men at Fort Omaha are talking of Organising a foot ball team. The parade grounds woeld make a splen did place to practice. The Whits Bex will have a aeries with the ancient Bostona, while New York Is wrestling with Detroit. The ancients may wake up Just at the wrong time to please the rooters of the White Box. The Lincoln team baa made a phenomenal run. A abort time ago a question of one fame separated Lincoln and Pueblo from he foot of the ladder and now Lincoln Is tied with Omaha for second plaoe. The poaslnllltlee under the new foot ball rule will be given a tryout all over the country thla week and the preas will he able to chronMe aome ef the advantages of the new game aa aliown by practice rather than theory. It looked like Ducky Holmes waa playing the baby art when he refused to play in Ojnaha. What sense .there could be in runrung-'twrf terfms to TJncoln fur a Monday-crowd, .which would not pay the rail read fere, la .fiat apparent to the naked eve eacept tha-r.Helmea sni afraid ef the lose of a game and 1 here waa no need to be with his team Playing ths bail It slaved ouada. ' SEPTEMBER CS," 100(5. CUE MARKET HINTS There were loads of peaches on the mar ket Monday morning, but notwithstanding their abundance they cost more than they did at the close laat week. Nothing finer haa been 4n thla year . for canning pur poesea than the Albertas from Colorado and Utah that are selling at tl.ltf a crate Peara are still up at 1150 and $2.18 a box. Ths finest kind of blue plums for putting up sold Monday morning at $1.10 a crate or $0 cents a basket. Grapes have dropped again and are plentiful et 10 and 16 cents a basket. Klpe tomatoee coat mora than they did a few .days ago. the beet aelllng at 40 cents a market baeket. There are still a few home grown water melons In market that sell from 16 to 90 rents, according to else and quality. Rhu barb of fairly good quality sells two bunches for 6' cents. Small cucumber pickles are not abundant by any means snd sell for $1 a market basket. The Midgets, when they are to be had,- cost $1.60 a mar ket basket. Greed corn, selected, sells for 15 cents a dosen ears snd nice radishes are still to be hsd at t cents a bunch. - Eggs are still atva centa a' dosen and package creamery butter costs 28 and K cents a pound. The desrth In fruit cans and mason jars that necessitated some house wives letting fruit go by recently, has been relieved and the price hae dropped accordingly. Pint mason Jars selt now for 60 cents, quarts, 60 rents and half gallon Jars 80 cents a doxen. The tin quart cans ' have not dropped back entirely and sell for 46 cents a dosen Instead of 88 cents, the cost before the scarcity. . Timely Recipes. Portuguese Stuffed Egg Plant Wash a large egg plant, drop R into boiling salted water, boll for ten minutes, drain and set aside until cold; cut Into halves and from each acoop out the eenterv leaving the walls a little less than an Inch thick. Chop the pulp fine and add to It one large green pepper, seeded, chopped fine and cooked for five -minutes In- one tablespoonful of butter, one medlum-slsed enlon, grated; one cupful of drained tomato pulp, one heaping cupful of Irled bread crumbs and one-half of a cupful of chopped cold chicken. Season Well with salt; refill each half with the mixture, heaping It over the top. Sprinkle with a tablespoonful - of melted butter;' place on a fiat pan and bake In a quick oven until tender. ' Berve on a platter and send with It a bowl of tomato sauce. -' Farcied Cucumbers Pare short, thick cu cumbers; cut off the top from each and scoop out the seeds in such-fashion as to make a boat; -drop into boiling, salted water;" boll for ten minutes, then drain. For, six cucumbers peel two medlum-slsed onions, pare and core three sour apples and slice all quite thin. Fry tn two tablespoon- f uls. of butter . until : tender, but scarcely colored; add one teaspoonful of salt, one quarter of, a teesponful of currie powder.' one ' tablespoonful of flour, one-quarter of a cupful, of, rfine bread crumbs and one half ef a cupful of milk. Stir end 000k for flveihlnutes; set aside until cold. Fill the cucumbers, roll them In flour, dip In beaten egg. ; roll .In bread crumba, arrange on a greased pea, and bake for .ten minutes In a -hot oven. Serve ' with tomato sauce. poured around them. " Cucumbers and Onion. Ragout For six people thinly sites-two large or three small onions; heat' two tablespoonfuls of drip pings or butter'l'n a frying "pan, put In the onions, and. cook, slowly- until they begin to color, .then draw- to one aide of- the pan; add'!' four .tugurhbers'" which have been pared, cut in long, thick slices, dried and dipped In tour 4 Brown. ..them rapidly. and draw-to' one fide; dredge In' sufficient flour to absorb Che fat.' then gradually add bolt-' Ing water to make a sauce about one cup ful, end a baif, .Color with a few drops pf kitchen boquet, season with, .salt,.- pepper, a spoonful, of. tomato catsup and a little walnut catsup, then cover, and stew alowly for twenty minutes. Serve on toast.. Turnip. Croquettes With a roast of Iamb try turnip . croquettes. Boll and mash White turnips, pressing as dry as possible. Season highly snd for a pint add one scant. teespoontul of onion juice, one tea spoonful, pf butter,, one tablespoonful of chopped.. parsley and one beaten egg. Stir over the pre until the mixture draws sway from the sides of the sauce pan; when cool enough to handle form Into croquettes, egg, crumb, and fry. . , . , . ," WATCHES Frenser. 15th and Dodge Sts. . .." Treaty with Balgarla. WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. -Acting Secre tary of State Adee today received advices from Minister Jackson in Bulgaria that he had concluded commercial relations agree ment with Bulgaria under article ill of the Dingley tariff act. ' The agreement was signed on September 16 and will become effective on September JO. The arrange ment concluded la 'Similar to that entered Into between the I'nlted Btatea and Spain. Admiral Kaaieett te Retire. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. M.w-Rear Ad. mlral M. T. Endlcott,' chief of the bureau of yards and docks. Navy department, will retire from that office upon reaching the statutory age, 82 years, November 28 next. In order to devote hla entire services there after to the Isthmian Canal commission, of which ha la a member.'' -' ..... 1 If You Bead This It will be to learn that the leading medi cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice recommend, In - the ' strongest terms possible, each and every ingredient entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, 'liver complaint, torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It la also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affec tion and their resultants, as bronchial, throat and lung disease (except consump- -tlon) accompanied with severe coughs. It is not so rood for acute colds and coughs, but for lingering, or chronle eases Ft Is especially eflicaclous In producing per feet cures. It contains Black Chorrybarlc, Golden 8eal root. Blood root, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent nodical writers and teachers ae Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col lege: Prof. Hareyet she Univ. of Pa.t rUTi a u Prof. Flnle gwood, M. u., 01 Ben rteit Med. King. M. Cincinnati Prof. John M. Scuddei Edwin 1. M. D.. of Hahnemann Ned Chicago, and scores of Othei emineni la their several echoJ"C prac racUce. . en iledlcal placPverf Mi th :i,e - Gold ,e tiurtniiH-a. tl tnv r.i: n. Irj.i . miliar 'Vt.. I- UlxjO publicity of Its 1 E rtftftlhla euarantv nf Its merita. A elance at th!l Dubllhhed formula will how that 'Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmfnl or habit farmlngdrugs and no alcohol chemically fiure, triple-refined glycerine being used nstead. Glycerine la entirely unobjec tionable and besides is a moat useful agent in the cure of all stomach as well aa bron chial, throat and lung affections. There la the highest medical suthnrlry for Its use In allauch cases. The-IHaeovery "Is a concentre wd glyceric extract e( native, medicinal roots and ta safe apd reft wide, - A booklet of extracts from emineuW medical authorities, ewloraJOg' it Ingre dient mailed Jret on 'reunert. AddreM Dr. . V. Pierce, Buffalo, ft. Y. . If. m 9 1 1 v uch prgr? tvtr.rA Ih & ft 1 rVqTvr" O'Donahoe-Retlmontl-Ilormile Go. ... .' ..." Everybody working day and nigh! installing new fixtures, putting fin ishing touches on the building,:' opening up and marking new goods, : preparing the most attractive store ; in Omaha; Will be selling goods M-Sar-Ben Week. ;1 Formal Opening Later REDS TAKEN AT STOCKHOLM Head ef Finnish Red Guards A nested In Capital of Sweden. BORICSOGLIEBSK'S POLICE CHIEF SHOT Thirty-Eight Mea Fetai Spreadlasr Revolutionary Doctrlae Among Soldiers Are Placed fader Arrest at VUaa. STOCKHOLM, Sept. 34. Among the refugee Finns arrested here September 21, as a remit of the discovery of a quantity of dynamite In the house of two soclsllsts. was the chief of the Finnish Red Guard. A bomb factory and Important documents were also found In the socialists' house. TAMBOV. Russia, Sept. tt.-Prefect of Police Tomushan of Borlcsogliebek. the home of Mile. Marlel Sprldonovo, who shot and killed Chief of Secret Police LushenoffBkl, was fired at and seriously wounded In a street here today by ter rorists, who also shot the prefect's wife and two guarde, who were accompanying them. The would-be r.masslna escaped. VILNA, Rusaia, Sept. 24.-Thlrty-elght men belonging to the revolutionary militia eague.- who have been working among the troops, have been captured here. Im portant letters revealing the league's work ings In other garrisons were seised. Commercial Mea at Milan. MILAN, Italy. Sept. 24. -The International Congress of Chambers of Commerce was opened here today. Tha delegatea present Included P. Hamburger of Pittsburg, Pa., representing the. United States; F. D. La Lanne. of Philadelphia, president of the National Board of Trade; L, A. Chamber lain of the Massachusetts Board of Trade and W. D., Ledoux of the Maine Board of Trade. The special ' feature of the" day wss a discussion of neutral sones for trade In times of war, on which subject Mr. Chamberlain delivered a speech. Body of Bishop Fesia. HONG KONG, Sept. 14. -News comes from Macao that the body of Bishop Hoare, who waa drowned In the recent typhoon? has been recovered. - The viceroy of Canton haa contributed personally $3,000 to the typhoon relief fund and haa also dispatched two gunboats to ssalst in ths recovery of bodies. If you have anything to trade advertise it In ths For Exchange, column of The Bee Want Ad page. A Skin of Beauty ta a Joy forever. DR. T. Fella Oouraud'a Oriental Cream or Magioal Beeutifler. TtenoTei Taa. Plmslet, tracklM, Muik r.icliM, Xaak, aad bkia Diwaws, saq arary sldiim aa saauif, aas da 1 ! datactloa. P fcaa etoed tha teal of 7 rrara, s4 U aa harmieia wi tohaniratl la propwly made Aeoapt DOoountar fait ef alailUt Sam. Dr. L. A Barre aaif te Uuiy ef tha haul tos (a pattantv: "A you iadlM Will ua th.m 1 reommn4 nearaaaVa Creeea' m tfca l.aat harmful or au tat akla preparation." For by all omit and Fancy Oooda Oealera ta th Uut4 Suuaa, tiau4a an Xurope f30.T.H0POS. Pre 17 Great km Strait In Tort ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND SAPOLIO All Grocera and DnigjlsU THE3 Ingredlentg $ of Ston Beer are the best obtainable. Barley malt made ' from the choicest grain grown In the west., t Bohemian hops Imported direct at three times tha cost of American hops, a Arte laB ewaterHpura and sparkilngMrom a 1.400 foot well.T Tha high quality f of ,'theae Ingre dients greatly Increases the. cost; J of making Stora Beer. Yet you pay no more for It than for common.'beer Always order (htarxlHeer., Oet a. aall tymnet your moneys'worth,' fw Btori' Brewing Co .' . Omaba, . Bt 97. V?jf -m a Ross & Walker's Sure Dyspepsia Core It fiurtntik to cr all gtoma'!. antl bowl trou ble, 4tJW: ItdlffMftfMl, fletttlMrTT, nan, eMtjUpsKtltm, catarrh of tho maimi ttrd bo wn I , bat brvath. batching $f gat, cankar meuttt. COt4 tontnie), btlHoaanaam, etc. Reliable Physicians Prescribe It It tstmsMS th appetite, purine the felon in tnns op the entire arsiem. serross. Me. porta far Slswtloe n Lr th tnnaastlon et fn4 fcesHh One bni of R-W-S D C aulrklr prom It. value. PRtra. to rKKTS at BRANOlKfl SONS' BOSTON STORE, VniO DEPT., or write Res Walkar, Dear, bora St., Chloags. , . , . AMl'SEMENTS. KRIIH THEATER. vovzoar siib. MATtjrww was. The Great Metropolitan; Melodrama .. CHINATOWN CHARLIK HARRY . FIELDS Ths Hebrew Impersonator Whs Knowa How to Sing.'''" nrumsDAT, predat awd bat- VUaT-MAT.- SATVatDAT... ' The Colossal $10,000 Production of At the World's Mercy : Sunday Matinee and Night Only KADXSOW COBZT Presents QUO. AOI1 Beat Mnaloal Comedy aeeess Peggy from Paris: With Arthur Deagoa and Big 'Cast of Favorites AW WIZI Opening- Monday Evening-, October 1. -' STATU aTAYMr " Present XJnooln J. Carter's Master , Play ef Baalism . , . BEDFORD'S HOPE... See ths Great Auto-Train Race.-. DOYD'6 r.tV. MjrJ TONIGHT, WED. MAT. AND NIGHT Edwin Ardor. In TOLD ZX Til IILLt. Direct from Its all summer's run at Power's Theatre, Chicago. Friday, Sat. Mat. and Night' TJOXVA OILLITT1 OPEBA . K. Presenting a Big Success Tmta ozbzj ajtd tu BAjrsrr. CAJurrrAi. win ocrr. 1 to MaUaees Wad. aad Bat. SEAT I10, M' Cohan's Muslcsl SLE J Cf MOUTH DAT I With FAT TIMTtBTO". DURWOOD Woedwata Sargeaa iri riPTX BIO Will. . PROFKB810NAI MATIN h.K TODAY . TONIGHT ALL, WEEK THE WOOIWAlU STOCK CMJ. Presenting TO VA9Y OF X-TOsTSJ. Prices, Nights, Sunday Mat., 10-2 60 Tuas., Thurs., Sat. Mats 10-20O Next Week TVXJTBD DTP. ' ' SAME CAPACITY BUSINESS. " Ball VINTON ST. PARK .. .-.-. Omaha vs. Sioux City Sept 25-26-27-28 Friday, Sept. 28, Latiies'Day. Games Called 3:45. ; . 'Phone Douglas tM. Every Nlght-Mstinees Thur., Sat , gua. ' -MODERN VAUDEVILLE- Raanna Ouartette: Mc Waters Tyson; Collins 4V Hart; Burton A Brooks; Under -Beckwlth; Ziska A King; Musical Forrest, and tha Klnodrome. PRICES Wc, c. Wc. Tues.ty Eve.. Sept. 25, 8 P, M. THE GREAT GERMAN PIANIST Max Lanclow In a PUno Recital ...'.' ' ' FIRST CXIXGREOATIOJiAli CHCBCll ; lth and Uaeenport Sts: - Harney St.. and Hospe's. U4J Douglas- St. rHOOI.S AMD COl4-V(iB.4 DELLEVUE COLLEGE . COlA-sX.-Ciacaiiel, . SOeHiBw . pSMoae- -ahical couraea. i " - ACADtMV An accredited High Seaeek ' Prepares for ballevue o . ear ethee ve ; -kae or university. - . NORMAL. aCHOOL-Elementary and ad eanced course. C'eruncalee graataeL ; ' i-nNKKH VATOHK 'I beery of aiuaaa. aav' ' ano. voice. vl llti. alocuitoe) and art. ... OMAHA tlOWNECTK'S-tlecU'le,, line and Burlington Railway. ,j ,,, Four Modern iwrmnones. Adrtraaa Praaloaat Vta4 worth, tlslsnaa Nl he