TUD OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 190(5. TfllRH CENTS FOR SHERIFF Trio Alls-wad lj County Bord Tor Two If tali a Dsy. M'OOMALD FAILS TO SUBMIT ACCOUNT Kor Elrat Maatha He Daee Net fUaaer His Bill ? Cmlri He Ar4 A bstrfa for a aettlemant of the con twersy between the county commlaaion ers and Sharlff McDonald over the pay to b allowed (or boarding county prlaonera, a raaolutioo wu Introduced by Brunlnf and Solomon at tie meeting of the county board i Monday providing that the aheiiff a ha 11 receive 80 cenU a day for furnishing two wholeaome meala to each piiaoner and hall taeue requisition on the county board for all auppllea needed at the jalL Owing to the fact that Mr. L're la out of the city the resolution was' not con aide red by the board, but wu laid over until a future meeting. The resolution call attention to the fact that Sheriff McDonald has been boarding the prlaonera for eight months and has railed to submit a report as to the cost of board as he agreed to do. The present scale of pay allows him K cents a day, out of which he furnishes both the food and supplies. The new resolution provides a reduction of ( cents and that ths county buy ths supplies, 1 . ' Tea flalnona Wlthnat Urease. Probation Officer Mogy Bernstein, through Mrs. Towlt-; called the attention of the hoard t9 the fact that two saloons are being operated In ".at Omaha Without a license, flhe says that a young girl who Is now In the Good Shepherd convent asorlbes her ruin to the Influence of one of these places. 6he offers the assistance of ths probation officer in whatever action the board wants to take.'' The communication was referred to the committee of the whole. Chairman Tralnor of the county hospital committee announced the plans for the tuberculoids ward at the hospital had been completed 'by Architect Kimball and he. Mr. Kimball and Dr. J." E. Summers, super Intendent of the hospital, would meet the board Friday afternoon to go over them. The new ward will cost about 14.000 and will provide separate apartments for men and women. A Proaalacnt C'!ttsea mt DextrfleM. lad.. Heeemanenda Chanafcerlala'a Colle, Cfcolera mm Diarrhoea) Heaaedr. For the last fifteen years I have used and old Chamberlain's Colic,' Cholera and Diar rhoea. Remedy In lhy pwn family It has always been a certain and positive cure for dyssntenry and bowel troubles, and I can cheerfully recommend It to anyone Buffering from, pains In ths stBuiaoh or bowel complaint. ..It Is a remedy wufceut an equal. Frank C. Walker, Deerneld. InOv Mies t Thelma ' Meracnelm, formerly In charge., of BheUy's millinery; Miss Lottie XJttle-and Miss Maurlne Nash, both lately with Shelly, are now Identified with our millinery parlors and will be glad to see their many friends. . , THB BENNETT COMFANT. ' Balldtaa- Peraalts. . The following .building permits have been Issued: Robert Schmidt, dwelling at 1129 North Nineteenth, 11,200; William Oorat, Twenty-second and Brown, 42,600 dwelling; Oeorge Hoffman. 1014 South Twentieth, 12.600 dwelling. . .. , . j , You Can Save Ak-Sar-Bcn Exp enscs Victors to Omaha can save enough to pay a large portion of their expenaea by laying In a supply of Drugs, Medicines and Toilet Articles and Cigars, which we sell at cut prices. We mention a few below, but our stock comprise everything kept In drug stores In the west. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. sell: $1.00 Squlbb's Baraaparllla for TBc '&a Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder for tic ll.ov Barnham a Baraaparllla for K5 toe Lynn's 'rooth Powder for lo tl.00 Fe-ru-na (with top atrip label) 9c tSc Mistletoe Cream 10c K5 "Saturday Candy" Saturday onty....2Xc AU the famous Kl&XALX. PREPARATIONS at cut prices. $1.00 Liquosone for. Mc fcoc Llquosone for , 46. Good 2-quart Water Bag for 50o ttood r-quart Fountain Syringe for 6e $1.00 Borden's Malted Milk for 75c fcagla Condenaed Milk for 16c too Mennen's Talcum Powder for 15c UGc Piyker'a Tar Soap for 15c 25? Woodbury's Facial Soap for 17o Colgate's Shaving Soap 6c Sfto Williams' Shaving Stick for 13c toe Grape Juice (quarts) . 2c 1 dosen too Orape Juice (quarts).... $120 $100 Kilmer's Swamp Root 1., Wc 60o Klimer'e Swamp Root for 46c $1.00 Duffy Malt Whlekey for Wc $1.00 Baker'a Barleiy Malt Whtahey for...T5? 1 do. Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey for $.00 Gem Safety Rasor, equal to any $3.00 Rasor for $1.00 'Pure Borax, Mule Brand 14o Olllett Safety Rasor BlatVa. each 5e Moat nraima 6c (Jljrara, 7 for 2bo Big .Salt of Books Saturday Jap KonHlei Is thi Arcade Removal Sale Specials j NOTE THESE TUESDAY BARGAINS : LfldlCS JflCkCtS $2 OS Ladles' light weight jackets fop fall wear, worth up to 11.95 twelve dollars and fifty centa Special Removal Sale bargain at, each 2 Ladles' 75c Night Gowns, 35c These gowns are made of fine muslin daintily trimmed and every one a splendid special bargain Removal sale price, each 35c 25c Handkerchiefs,' 10c h Ladies and men's all pure nen handker chiefs In all widths of hematliohing many are initialed fine sheer quality and worth up to 2 Bo each, at, each 10c TUESDAY in the BASEMENT Most of these curtains are the very finest hand made goods import edChwys, Arabian, Swiss Point, Battenburg, French Net, Brussels and Bonne Femme, in white, cream ajid Arabian actually the finest lace curtains made new est and most elegant patterns worth up to $25, at pair $l98-$298-$398-498 All the Balance of Our Odd Single Curtains From Our Big Monday Sale No Matter What Size or Quality in one lot Each. .... ... . ........ )C Curtaia Scrim Our entire stock of ' Curtain Scrim from our great , lace furttin sale, jtLPJ worth up to. 10c a yard, at, a yard. Dotted Curtain Swiss Our entire stock of dotted curtain Swiss long mill lengths usual price 15c ' yard at, yard Comfort Silkoline Five cases of comfort silko line, in mill lengths usual 7Y2o to 10c kind, at yard. 5 c a 2c ! BRANDEIS-BOSTON STORE I II E C To every lady caller this week a four months' sub 1. Evils lis scription to the American Woman's Review Mag azine, one of the most interesting woman's magazines published in America, at our grand cooking exhibit given by the Broth en Steel Range Co. of St. Louis, in demonstrating the superior quali ties of a new improved malleable steel range. A $7.50 set of trimmings, free with every range. Free lunch all day and music between 3 and 5 o'clock. ' - . The Stoetzel Stove Company r Only Exclusive Stove Store in Omaha. 714 South Sixteenth Street. ; Beveral lamlard f Clgara, t for... ....26c Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. ' THB RFJXAI J. DRt'OaiBTS Osraar SlxiMnth aad Xoata, Omaha. OHMJB1TB1 (8Ut;TH .TUB r-oSTuFi'lCB SHOES H I . tRTJI lialnty feet ahonld be 'properly fitted. If we vera permitted to fit all tbe young Klrle 'and mlssea In Omaha with ahoea there would not te ao many ill fitted feet. , ' Fitting shoes correctly Is an art. and few shoe salesmen can do it as It should be done. We hare made It a study for 20 years and employ none but the pest of salesmen, who know how to correctly fit the foot. MUses' shoes from, 12.00 to Young women's shoes, from $2.60 to ., $2.50 $3.00 We've a width and alia for every foot In Omaha. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST TaeKday, Showers; Cooler. PISfWM J WEDXESDAT IS RED LETTER DAY mafia s in irjf mm Bennett's Bennett's Bennett's .r. ' T Our Own Our Own GraM Fall Opeiiii Superb Store Decorations Grand Window Display Best Ever Achieved P Everybody Invited u wu Every Xlcnm ..... r. aoonHha on4arfa ne mna .suction. limLbr Ml-Mutt ou..ni.nt. f ymr innW ar a. f h. R.niliit.unnl. .1 OUr. but wad tuuna tar lllnatMl kAW 1 . . . full wuailuiimldm auaaa1.C?Vii; rot mist t tUSIULaM u MoCONNKLl. jRJQ CU IStn ano iXMisa at. Mitria-DIJLUN VRVi) CO. at al Cor. Uta aa4 raraam Stm. 1 B A f tm b u-s..:: II V aaan,ir rm UElaAHDWCMEN. Lau.aA. 1 rMSleiaraaataral ii:aftra.tBniiti U Iriu.uuu at aluan mn."; sf aiacaaa ai liWU, rattuat i". m "v ruiiNt, aaa aat aama. LiauwitaiuuLi. gaal of aeiwaaaa. 1 S)a44 by braifUU, i r aaai ia aUia wraaaar, I r airM. araaaid. lur A St.. or baUUaai 7. V ilatvaiai awl aa m'wt. Our Reputation WE MEAN to maintain our reputa tion aa skillful and painstaking tailors at all times be the price ot your suit $20 to $50. We have atrlvea earnestly more than a acore of years to acquire this valuable prestige. ' Several cases of Individual Pattern opened up today tor fastidious d reusers. Trmers $5 to $12. Suits S20 to 550 TAD L(0e WILIJAM J ERR CUB' QQNQ "S. & H." Green Trading Stamp Inducements During rail Opening Week every purchaser of . $1.00 or over in Dry Goods, receivea Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Here is the plan. On making your purchase of $1 or over in Pry Goods, yonr sales slip will indicate you are entitled to Twenty Green Trading- Stamps-at same time a coupon will be given you -hlch, on presentation at Premium Parlor, balcony, entitles you to a book with thirty Green Trading Stampw Fifty Green Trading Stamps In all. - LADIES' 'HOME JOURNAL STYLE BOOK FOR I SEPTEMBER FREK i FOR THE TAKIXQ BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Our Immense Bu-lnesa Enables V to Turn Our Stock Almost Dally, Hence Low Prices and Fresh Goods. ' 7 t wnnptia capltol f 1A . Bennett's Capitol 4C. .' ' Mck I.SV I Extract, bottle 18C I . Rna y)ne unarea Ureen W 1 IVarffiiv O , Ls? - 'V"-aaB..Jatr pAPITPI ovr :IiHEITCC Trading Btampa. Benntt's Breakfaat IO. Cong?, 2-'b- n "oC i And Thirty Oren Trad ing Stamps. Banket Fired Japan JO Tea, pound 0v And Forty Green Trad ing Stamps. Pickling Spires, '' whole, pound..,.:. And Ten Oreen Trading Stampr. Ture Strained megt Honey, pint Jar And Twenty Green Trad ing b tamps. Bennett'a Bargain Soap, ten bars..:, Worcester Table Salt. 5-lb. sack.. And Ten Green Trading Stamps. ' 25c 25c 10c And Twenty Green Trad- - Ing Stamps. Bennett s Capitol n. Wheat, two pkgs....UC And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol tn. OaW. two pkga C And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Navy Beana, clean me hand picked, lbs..'C Wiggle Stick Blu- ap ing, 6 for C And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Wiggle Stick Waxer, r for .- C And Ten Green Tradlna. Btamps, Chocolate Menler, 1 pound And Thirty Green Trad ing Stamps. Canadian Whole lit Whlta Peaa, lb 45c BENNETT'S CANDIES Salted Pcaiwits very delicious, per rnd r 10c Trade On a. Transfer Slip -Especially in Dry Goods Section makes the getting of Extra Green Trading Stamps easiert Fall Opening Display Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25th and 26th Stylish Outer Garments iniM iyi$ THB RELIABLE STRE v ' Exquisite Millinery The Charm of New Fall Beauty was never more manifest here than on our first opening day and we feel thaftaTfy efforts. Hundreds visited our Millinery Department Monday and expressions of delight were heard on every hand. No place will you find a more pleasing array of distinctive and exclusive millinery modes. , Bewitching Parisian ideas are shown in profusion. We cordially invite your presence Tuesday. 55 Special Display of Fine Furs Tuesday, the second day of our opening in the Ladies' Suit Department, will be devoted to a special display of fine furs. Never before have we shown such remark able values as this season. Guaranteed Sealskin Jackets, London dyed, up from , Handsome Otter Jackets, guaranteed, up from Persian Lamb Jackets, will go at, f c up from ,V. yJj Elegant Beaver Jackets, will go at, C CO up from pa Fine Sable Squirrel Blouses, will go at, C CO up from i f.t&3J Siberian Squirrel Blouses, will go at, C CO up from : ..,.pOJ Handsome Squirrel Sets, on special sale "7 C A .7U I 1 " 10 a ..$165 ..$119 Tuesday for Many Special Bargains Tuesday FROM TILt, 10 A. M. Men'a heavy flpeced shirts and drawers, all alaes, reg ular 60c qualities, 25C In Our Furnishing Dept. FROM 10 TILL It A. M. Misses' and children's ahlrts and pants, winter weights, all flies, tto quality, at IUW FROM 11 A. M. TTti. 11 M. Men's work Shirts, with re inforced fronts and barks, regular BOo and 76c Of. valuea, at ,.a5VC In the New Bargain Room 8ttc DRESS GINGHAMS, Tuesday, at yard tic STANDARD DRESS PRINTS Tuesdar. at yard 10c FI-EECE BACK FLANNEL- fir ETTES, Tuerday, at yard u" .4Io 3ic 86c MERCERIZED SATEENS, In all colors, at yard ,sw 19c SHIRTING MADRAS, In great assort ment of light and dark patterns, r3r great snap, at yard...., Ji Granite Sale-Hardware Dept.-Granite Sale Jnst received, a carload of New England Gray Granlteware. The whole lota will be on sale Tuesday. If you need Granlteware you can buy It at this sale at one-half regular price. Below we giv a few sample prices. You will never be able to buy it again at these prices. - r C7 10-qt Dish Pans IPo. No. S Tea Kettles 4bC ' I s-qt- Sauce Pans ISo ' , S-qt. Codes Ppts 26a. e S'' Wash Basin, lfte. l-jt. Preserving Kettles 15c. 8-qt. Preserving Kettles, 29c. 14-qU Dlahpan 6o. Pie Plates c Quart Dippers US. 10-qt. Water Pails 39c Chamber Patla 69c. Pint. Cups Re. 12-inch Spoon (e. 49e Pudding Pans lOo. Teapots 16c The Last Big Sale of Colorado Peaches Our last car Is In for this aeason. We will open It Tuesday morning. Theee are extra fancy and very tine. Thla la the finest can we have received this year: they are large, freestone Elhertaa ana are worth $1 per box wholesale; tomorrow we are going to place thla car on Qff ale at. per crate " "w We would raiueat that dealers do not ask for them at thla price, as we cannot sup ply them. ' ' Big Candy Sale Tuesday to Make Room for Big Alterations Jelly Beans, Marehmallowa. Chocolate Creams, Fancy Stick. Peanut Candy. Cream Mixed. Wrapped Caramela. Per. permlnt losenkea. Royal Oum Drops, Vic torla Mixed. Yankee Peanut, etc. These are all worth 15c to 20c per id. 1fC II . . .1. mil . tmj. 1H . Swa s m " n n M UUU al U aW 0 5, 0) (W U Vaf ' r EXCURSION RATES EAST CSE FARE p!as $2.00 for 15-day tickets CKE FARE plus $4.00 for 30-day tickets On sale daily until September 30th to many points in eastern Canada, and on sale Sep tember 5th and 19th to many New England points, ia the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Three fast trains to Chicago every day leave "Union Station Omaha at 7:55 a. m.f 5:45 p. m. and 8 :35 p. m., making close connections with eastern lines. For further information and folders, call at City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam street, or write to . - F. A. NASH, Omaha Keb. General Western Agent. Fast Time to Chicago and the East Via- ILLIN01S CENTRAL RAILROAD See our schcedules to some of the principal eastern cities: Chicago Detroit Buffalo , Syracuse Albany .... . New York . . Boston .13 hours .21 hours .27 .30 33 .37 .44 hours hours hours hours hours Indianapolis .. .21 hours Cincinnati ...... 24 hours Pittsburg 26 hours Philadelphia ...35 hours Baltimore .36 hours Washington ....38 hours Toronto ...35 hours The fast "Chicago Limited" train leaves Omaha at 6 P. M-, fast day train at 8 A. M. Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all principal points. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cafe car service. ; Tickets and information at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1402 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, IK YOU ENJOY., cool, delicious, satisfying smoke one that will banish yoar cares aad maks life worth lit lug, be sure and call for the old reliable S09-il bo, IStiT Irfc jl r. R. Blco Mercantile Cigar Co, lsuXM.(urers, M. IaoI a I