Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Bef. Frank L. Loveland Roiee Cordial
Welcome et Fint Vitbodiit.
Set Came rlcatar, kat aa aa
Ambassador af Christ Male
, rharrh Fewer la the
slslnt; th value r.f runty, sjoodness, kind
ness. meknss. pntlnc. fnrbesrance nrt
At the clone of the services tho- peopla
greeted the pastor. The holy communion
will be observed next Sunday.
Her. Frank L lovelsnd delivered bis
Initial pennon to the congrefrstlon of tho
First Methodist church yesterday morning
end was welcomed by a large attendance.
Mr. Levelaad nunc to Omaha from Water
loo. Ia.. to hold the services and will re
turn there thta week to close tip hla pastir
ata. Consaquentljr he will not hold services
here next Sunday.
For almoet an hour yesterdsy inorninff
he held hla audience spellbound. Hl
sermon waa longer than usual, hut he was
able to keep the attention of the people
from the time he beaan until he cloeed.
Experience on' the lecture platform haa
made him a master of the art of public
spenkln. Hla diction l very simple and
hla thought vigorous. He clothes hla
thought In Imagery that makes hla sermon
expeclally attractive. He also showed con
siderable strength as a word painter and
his sermon was filled with sharply drawn
Rev. Mr. loveland is a man of some
what striking appearance. He la tall and
his maaelve frame, strong face and Iron
gray hair give an Impression of power and
dUrnitr. He hss a heavy voice that enables
him to be heard with ease In all parts of
the church.
Before hla sermon he spoke feelingly of
his old home and friends In Towa. where ha
said he spent the greater part of his life.
, "The people over there." ha said, "have
been very good to me and I have dep feel
ings of emotion as I think of giving up'my
boyhood friends to come here. But you
have treated me so cordially and your
hand-shake haa been so hearty that I am
sure you are going to give u a warm place
In your hearts. i
"I do not come to you as a dictator or
as a Judgment giver. I come aa an am
bassador of the Voti Christ. And as your
pastor I ask your co-operation, and above
uli I ask the co-operation of the Master."
All Work Together.
In his sermon he msde no reference to
ny factionalism In the church, but ho
iurned from the text long enough to maka
n earnest plea for everyone to work for
the Interests of the church aa a whole. In
part he en Id:
"Our supremest business today la identical
with the supremest business of Christ when
He. was here on earth, namely, to do our
Father's business In a businesslike way.
Our church means something. But should
It ever happen that this particular church
should fall to stand for Christ, then you
had better sell it for a factory. I come
not alone as an ambassador, but to put my
hand In your hand, to put my heart against
your heart, as a brother who hss been re-,
deemed, as you have- been reaeeraeji. 10
sea that this church shall represent Christ
In this city.
"I know the follies that fill church his
tory. , I am awaro of the crimes that have
been committed In the name of tne cnurcn
and of the shortcomings of the church.
But I know Christ did not establish the
church because It was perfect, but be.
cause of the great need of the world for
tho church. I don't suppose I have come
hera to a perfect church. Tou would not
then need me. If it were perfect you
would have to change or get out, but wa
want to reoreeent a principle here for Qofl
"There is only one thing that can hurt
the church, and that Is ourselves. Infidelity
and paganism have never Injured the
church. It Is always triumphant over
them. But believe me,' my friends. It Is
the wounds that ere made by our friends
that hurt. If an enemy strikes at you you
mmrd aninit him. But it la the unkind
word that comes from the Hpa you lore,
the. blow that comes from the hand , you
have fondled, that makfS the wound that
never heals. It is for you and me never to
do. anything to wound the body of Christ,
tho church."
far pose af Pastor aaa People at
Bemad Preshyterlaa.
Minister, offlrere and congregation at the
Second Presbyterian church hare Joined In
a purpose to make the ensuing church year
the- best In the hlBlory of the church. The
keynote of thst resolution was sounded
yesterday morning from the pulpit by Dr.
Newman Hall Burdlck, who took for his
text, "A New Record." The pastor urged
his people to hold this motto before them
and to realise t:ier responsibilities and priv
ileges as members of the church. The
pastor set forth several reasons why the
members should buckle on the Christian
rtnor a little tighter and give the church
nd Its work a higher place In their lives.
Like the children of Israel, who under
went trials and hardships for a year before
being commanded through Moses to enter
the promised land, so are we, Christiana of
today, oftentimes visited with certain trials
as part of God's great eternal plan, be
fore wa are allowed to see the hills and
the greater things God hss for us." said the
"In our church life we should cultivate
more the social life, we should realise
that each member has a particular work to
o and we should be quicker to say. I
ought to .do that particular ' work,' than
to say merely. ; 'It' ought to be done.'
Christiansshould gt away from that
paralysing fear of too much work."
Officers of the church supplemented the
pastor's remarks with reports of the various
departments of the church.
Them Vsed by Dr. Duteaer at First
Christian Chareh.
Rev. 8. D. Dutcher of the First Chris
tian church spoke Sunday morning from
the text. "Strength for Thy Days." The
application of the text that Ood was al
ways ready to give strength to those who
sought to serve Htm regardless of dl
eouragementa that appeared at the outset.
Dr. Dutcher said:
"Whatever one may be, whatever cir
cumstances surround him in the effort to
do God's will, trust In Ood and He will
make provision for your success. Nations
prepare for battle by building storehouses
for the storing 6f provision for their armies
and wrestlers make every preparation for
the test of their strength In the wrestling
match that when the supreme test comes
they will be ready to. exercise the stored
strength. The Bible at first reading teaches
one that It is profoundly Interested In man
both for his present and future needs. The
Christian life Is not one of pleasure and
leisure, but of preparation for the future
state.. Tax your' strength Juat a little
mora that, you may sea the sunrise from
the mountain top and thus appreciate Us
glory and grandeur rather than from the
mountain side. Walk and faint pot In tha
Christian life, though It be one of constant
struggle, contest, sacrifice and discipline.
There may be times In this struggle for
well-doing when the feet are weary and
tha heart sore and one feela almost over
whelmed wtth tha effort, but then la the
moment when further effort Is necessary
and la the moment when God's strength
cornea to lead on to the too and final ac
complishment, for He has said. 'I will give
you shoe of iron and brass that you may
traverse the stony road."
Twt Me Cut aa Beat F.aea Other.
est with Thlrit Laad la
Jail. -
. i
Cries of "Murder,, help police," attracted
a crowd of 1,600 persons to witness a spec
tacular nght "on the balcony of the Martin
flats, Seventeenth and ' Wk-bster streets.
Sunday at 11 a, tn. until the festivities
were brought to a, sudden termination by
the arrival of Juvenile Officer Carver and
Officer Hudson. i ;
Napoleon Perry, William Smith and Tom
Hicks, gravel, roofers by trade, have been
keeping bachelor quarters In the flats and
Saturday night Smith and Perry quar
reled. Smith attacking Perry with a
butcher knife, but did no particular dam
age. Sunday morning Hicks said Perry
renewed the quarrel wtth Smith, using a
large rock to emphaalse his v arguments.
Smith protected himself with a large pocket
knife and they fought for some time In
side their room. The fight was then con
tinued on the front balcony outside and
Perry waa getting decidedly the worst of
It when the disturbance attracted the at
tention of Officer Carver, who was passing
on a car. Carver arrested Smith and called
the patrol wagon, who took the two com
batants to the station. Perry was badly
out up by Smith, having two long gashes
across his forehead and numerous other
cuts. His Injuries . were dressed at the
city Jail by Police Surgeon Elmore, who
found It necessary to take six stitches In
the cuts on Perry's forehead.
The police report that the room where
the fight started waa covered with blood
and the fight had evidently been In progress
for some time before the timely arrival
of Officer Carver. ,
WATCHES Franser. Oi and Dodge Sta
Ora-aafaatlaa of First Chrlstlaa
Charts Bearlas Fall Series
- Thursday Night.
The Men's Century club of the First
Christian church will hold Ita Initial meet
ing for the fall Thursday evening at the
Dodge Street luncheon rooms, beginning
at :S0 o'clock. Chairman De Bord will
speak upon the subject of ''Why Do Not
Mora Men Attend Church." The matter of
providing a series of Institute meetings,
one of which will be addressed by Knox
B. Taylor during the winter,' will be dis
cussed at Thursday evening's meeting of
the Century club.
DIAMONDS Ed holm. t aud Harney.
Hit Inowledre ef Cabas Traill a Faotor is
War with Spain.
C'aatara at Asralaaldn aaa Sareeasfat
Wsrk at aa Fraaelsra Staaia
Hlaa as Rxeeatlaaal Mil-
Itarjr Gealaa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. . -(Special.) The
name of Funston which haa been par
ticularly uppermost in the public mind
since the awful disaster at San Francisco,
first became known In 1884 when Edward
H. Funston of lola, Kan., was elected to
the Forty-eighth congress. Funston had a
tremendous voice and was known through
out the county as "Fog Horn Funston."
He was the father of General Fred Fun
ston, who has been selected by the army
department as the officer who will have
charge of the Cuban service should armed
Intervention follow the failure to bring
about a peace between rival Interests In
the Gem of the Antilles In which Secre
tary Taft and Assistant SecreUry Bacon
are now engaged.'
Fred Funston Is a born soldier. His sol
dierly qualities were discovered during the
war with Spain. He turned up at Tampa
fresh from the camp of the Insurgents In
Cuba, where he hsd commanded a light
field battery In the early daya of the
Cuban uprising against Spain. He came
to Tampa and gave the military authori
ties there first-hand Information of the
geography of Cuba. He showed roads
and trails, springs and streams, send he was
so thoroughly equipped from Intimate as
sociation with Cuba that his knowledge
afforded the Americans an opportunity to
strike decisive blows against the Spaniard
without getting hurt In return. Later
Funston turned up as colonel of the Twen
tieth Kansas. He drilled his regiment at
the Presidio of California before embark
ing for the Philippines and out of raw
recruits he made a splendid regiment of
General Funston's achievements In the
Philippines, his capture of Agulnaldo. his
swimming of the Passage river are well
Known to the newspaper reader and then
to crown it all his .splendid work at San
Francisco during the earthquake and lira
there stamped him aa an exceptional mili
tary genius. General Funston la undoubt
edly the right man for service In Cuba
Knowing the Cuban character as he does
Secretary Tat could not have selected a
man better equipped for a diDlomstlo
aituatlon such as Cuba now presents than
me son of "Fog Horn Funston" and tha
pride of the Sunflower state. 1
Baad's Toar la Brakes OsT.
Lieutenant William H. SanUeman. the
leaaer or the United Statea Marine hand.
Is broken hearted because he cannot Uke
mat aplendld military organisation to Eu
rope this year. Arrangements had been
made for the absence of the band on a
concert tour of European dtlea and per
niBtuon naa been received from the prest
unm ana tne secretary of the navy for
the band to go abroad when tha manager
quu ana the tour was declared off. wil
Ham H. Santleman, while not as sbswy a
conductor as John Philip Bouse, Is the
superior of the American king when It
comes to . the knowledge of music. Al
though none of Mr. Santleman's compo
sitions have attained the fame of tho.
written by Mr. Bousa, he has nevertheless
written prolificacy, among his best known
compositions being "Heart's Messaere" an
attractive and petite concert number, two
concert waltses,. the "Debutante" and the
"Volunteer" and the marches. "Thomas
JefOerson." "Admiral . Dewiey," "General
Heywood" and "The National C.nltol r..
tennlal.'; Two excellent specimens of San
tleman's work a harmonist and arranger
are hla own military band arrangement of
Felix Welngartner's version of w.r..-.
"Invitation to the Dance" and Ooldmsrk-.
l Daxuniuia - overture. Next in rank a.
composer Is Edwsrd B. IJewellyn. the solo
cornetlat of the band: Edward
the clarinetist; Arthur Treglna, Laurtts
"a win A. Baker, who la known
as me cowboy clarinetist of the band
e is me author of a popular patrol an
titled "Aa They Marched Past," and i
concert waits. "Sylvan Whispers."
siotore Arc Graaaally BelaaT
Harrlmaw System.
As rspldly aa the cars can be turned
out of the shops, the Union Pacific is
equipping Its branch lines with the new
gasoline motors which, In the opinion of
E. H. Harrlroan himself, are going to
revolutionise the railroad business of the
country by making the small feeder lihu
profitable and by overcoming the threat
ened dangerous competition of the electric
roaas oy providing an efficient, rapid and
economic tnterurban service on the tracks
of the steam roads. Several new cars go
inio service tnls morning. . ;
Nos. I and , which proved themselves
capable on their trial run only week
ago. atart on a regular schedule Monday
morning with trailer between Lincoln and
Beatrice, thirty-nine miles. No. 8, at the
same time goea to the line between f
r-aui ana Loup City with trailer. No
haa been for some time In service between
Kearney and Calloway. No. I la to be
held aa a reserve. No. 4 Is runnlna be
tween Leavenworth and Lawrence, Kan.
iso. is in California, No. in Texas and
No. 7 In New York, each of them doing
auiy ana maxing money. It Is HarH
man's plan to equip all tha branches of
nis system with these cars as rapidly
as they can be built, and to build new
branchea to take care of additional cars
until tne entire west Is gridironed.
Jaaeah B. Cherry, rh, D
aaetea lata Paatarate.
Rev. Joseph B. Cherry, Ph. D.. was form
ally Installed last night as pastor of the
Third Presbyterian church. Twentieth and
Leavenworth streets. J3r. Cherry name to
this charge about three montba ago from
Wataeo, where he was pastor of a church
for several years. The Third church had
been without a pastor for a few months.
Rev. John K. B pence r. the former pastor,
having resigned, January 1 to take charge
of a church at Albla, la.
. The services last night were presided
over by Rev. Char lea Herron. D. D., of
the Omaha ' Theological seminary. The
charge to the pastor waa delivered by Rev.
Daniel E. Jenkins, Ph. D.. of the seminary,
the charge to the people by Dr. Herron
and the sermon waa preached by Rev.
Thomas K. Hunter. D. D.. pastor of the
Dundee Presbyterian church.
Taking for his text the words of Zacha
rian, "Not by might, nor by power, but by
My spirit, salth the Lord of Hosts." Dr.
Hunter taught that spiritual results are
only ta be attained by the power of God,
and through the agency of tho Holy Spirit.
Pastor and people, he said, can do nothing
working by the dictates of a world that
doas not understand Christ; but by trust
la Gvd great spiritual things stay be aa.
aompllshad through His spirit. Tha spaakar
dwelt at taoglB, am tha beatitude, emha-
Exquisite does not always Imply material,
as we are apt to think, for the gown shown
here would be exquisite In whatever fabric
It were made, whether cosily or Inexpen
sive. The long flowing Upes and graceful
air which pervade It whole realisation are
alwaya there, whether set forth in a silk
mouasellne or challls. or a rich crepe metior
or chiffon. The construction la decidedly
unique, which accounts, perhaps, for some
of Its fascination. The yoke and sleeves
are one, while the skirt portion Is gathered
full to the former and hangs straight to the
floor. The edges of the upper part may
be aoolloped and embroidered, aa shown, or
finished simply without decoration. . The
gown is one which Is easily slipped Into
for breakfast, loose and restful, to put on
when Mlladl returns tired from her Jour
neys about town, and a very haven of bliss
for the afternoon nap. The medium slsea
requires 7S yards of K-lnch material.
Tt Sixes, C to O Inches bust measure.
Big Crewe Llstcaa ta Ceaeerts
' Kilties aaa tha Caaaalaa
Told la the Hills" at tha ilayd.
Edwin Arden and company In "Told In
the Hills," a drama in four acta, be sea
the Hllla," a drama In four acta, baaed
on the novel by the same name, by
Marah FJlls Rysn and McPherson Turn-
bull. The cast: , ,
Tilly Hardy, Hardy's young wife
tioris unucnni
Fred Dreyer, the major's daughter
a.ouise uannwnjr
Chsrles Stuart, a novel 1st.... George Spenrer
Rachel Hardy, Hardy s sister. .. .Julia ucau
Jack Stuart, known as Genesee Jack....
' Kflwin Ararn
Captain Holt. V. H. cavalry Edwsrd Ellis
lit. rnll Murray, j. a. cavsiry
Hoy raircniiu
Lt. Laurence Rafferty, better known as
"Weary RalTerty. IJ. a. cavairy
',.... Fred Tldetf
Private Smith Harry Cashman
Private Dolan...., Jamea Bevin
Private Olsen, ....4.;. R. R- Nelll
Prlvste Adams ., Harry Leonard
Private Kane Charlea Wallace
Sergeant Allen Frank Sardam
Honry Hardv, a ranchman. .C. W. Mitchell
Major Dreyer, commanding detachment
or i B. cavalry iiarry lasnman
Jo, a negro servsnt John G. Edwards
Little Jack, Charlea Stuart's son........
........Msster t naries rosier
Kalltan, Genesee's Indian runner
, David Thompson
Surgeon Howell. U. 8. cavalry. R. H. Albert
White Bear I'liirora mum
Lion Face Harry Buxton
Wicked Bear ... Frank Wiles
Wsr Eagle Arthur Libby
Flying bird... ; Csrl Pettec
Bnowcap, grandson of Grey Eagle war
I F - - M wa Al Wa.l lAnat
oniet 01 nootenai. .aiasirr irri
Told In the hills, or told In the valea.
lt la the same tale woman s love tor a
man and a strong man's effort to spare her
from needless pain. Marah Ellis Ryan
didn't attempt to refine the passions In her
novel and still less In the play she made
from It. She deals directly with the ele
mental, and her characters all live close
to nature, with the exception that an un
dercurrent of that fineness of feeling that
Is lndlspenslble among men and women of
breeding winds through it all, and on lt
hinges the story. An apparently dlarep
utable man saves a girl's life; It happens
that he loves her, and when he Is accused
of stealing horses he allows himself to be
arrested rather than tell where he was on
the night the horses were stolen, because
he didn't want ' anyone to know that he
was with the girl. An over sealou army
officer Involve the lives of himself and all
the others In direful menace of Indian tor
ture and massacre. Tha accused man
risks his life and saves the others. Ex
planations follow that might have been
made at tha beginning and clear all. Sim
ple enough, when reduced to Its skeleton.
but a wondrously Interesting affair as
dressed for the stage. In fact. It la com
pelling In its force, and Intensely vital In
Its action. And to a large degree It Is
realistic, in that It presents some phases
of western. life with almost photographic
fidelity. For example, the first act closes
with tha hero under arrest, looking straight
Into the captain's face, and replying to his
demand, for information as to his where
about on the previous night: "Go to hell
and find . out," .
Edwin Arden is at the head of a splendid
acting organisation. It would be a cap
tious critic who would quarrel with any
of the work shown at the Boyd last even
ing. To Mr. Arden must be given praise
for his excellent Judgment.- . He Is asked
to do something that Is very difficult por
tray a man' character a delineated by a
woman, and not make It appear too good
to be true. Mr. Arden makes Genesee
Jack a man and nothing , more. He Isn't
a demigod; he doesn't propose to do any
thing unreasonable or Impossible, and
doesn't waste xwords or mince matters In
his dealings tadth-lther men or women.
In all hla sceaes Mr. Arden holds himself
well within, .bounds, and gives a portrayal
of a hero, JhatjJs worthy to be listed with
any. ,. . , v :.
Whatever reference Is made to the work
of Miss Dean must be In pralae. She uses
excellent Judgment at all times, and de
serves the role for which she is cast. It
would be unfair to Messrs. Ellis,. Tlden.
Falrehlld and 1 Cashman not to refer to
their fine work, for each has a part that
Is vital to the action of the play, and
each does It so well as to leave nothing to
be asked. One of the strongest scenes
of the play, and one of the finest bits of
Intense acting ever offered. Is that between
Genesee Jsck and Private Smith at the cloae
of the second act-, But thta Is only one of
a number of scenes, any one of which might
easily be selected for especial praise.
The mounting of the piece Is superb.
The setting of , the third act and the
handling of the lights Is extremely ef
fective. The audience at the Boyd last
night -was not overly big, but It wa most
appreciative, almost demonstrative. If the
piece secures what It deserves the rest of
Its engagement, In Omaha will aee the
theater filled at each performance. The
engagement includes Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings and a matinee on
Wednesday fifte,rnoon. .
"Arlsona" at the Kragr.
The return of Augustus Thomas' thrill
ing play of the cattle country. "Arlsona,"
drew a crowded house laat night at the
Krug. The clever mlxture of cowboy and
soldier life , on the plains, vivacious
women. 'love and treachery presented In
this lively production give an opportunity
for "human interest" situations that will
Insure . Ita popularity at all times and
under all conditions.
Hollla E. Coolie Is presenting the play
this year w)th a cast that, while it con
tains no names of stellar rank, averages
up well with the better grade of road pro
ductions. The staging Is exceedingly well
done, each of the four scenes being repro
duced from actual conditions in Arisona.
Edward J. Farrell, aa Lieutenant Denton,
the young cavalry officer whoae entangle
ment In a mesh of suspicious circum
stances and the subsequent clearing of
hla good name, form the principal part of
the plot, makes good with tha audience
and draws most of tha applause. Captain
Hodgeman, the villain, la represented by
Thomas Llngham - with success. Tony
Mostano, the vaquero. haa a lively Inter
preter in Escamllo Fernandes. Among
the female, characters 'Alma Bradley as
Bonlta Canby, Denton's sweetheart, holds
first ptar In the play as well a In .the
hearts of the audience. Sadie Duff haa
the part of Mr. Bonham and Bernli
Buck that of Lena Kellar. each making a
very creditable showing. The support Is
uniformly good.
Two good houses greeted this old favor
ite yesterday and It will be repeated to-
The l-aay nt I.yaas" at tha Berwood,
At the Burwood this week one Is taken
back to the time of the Directory in
France, which fairly teemed with roman
tic events. The old story of love's con
quest has received at the handa of Mr.
Morrison and Miss Elliott a very artlstlo
Interpretation In this, old classic of Lyt
ton. . It Is wtth no dissatisfaction that
one views a play that haa its setting In
what are usually termed the good old
days, for through them the spectator be
gins to realise that In much the past re
sembles the present, though the mode of
action may not be Identical. .
"The Lady of Lyons" alms to picture
tha conflict between nobility and peas
antry. Albert Morrison, aa the peasant,
Claude Melnotte. and Mlae Elliott as th
highborn Pauline, bear the heavier part
of the play and both acquit themselves
with excellence. The other members of
the company are cast In minor parts with
the exception of Mr. Fey, who as Beauae
ant, does exceedingly well. Much charac
ter work Is required In the plsy, which
gives all the members splendid oppor
tunities to display their versatility. The
bill will be presented each night during
the week and on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday matinees.
Vaadevllle at the Oraheasn.
Lord Plantangenet Chalmondly Pipe Hope
and Jay Armour Swift, a titled English
man and an America porkpacker, retired,
or otherwlae your old friends Carney
Brooks and Edward R. Burton, are among
the top-liners at tha Orpheum this week,
and you may be sure they are Just as clever
and Interesting aa they ever were. If not
more so. These two popular comedians
have been together five years and their
work Is produced with such grace, ease and
a wholesome completeness that you wonder
they were not alwaya together. Burton,
one of the real veterans of the present day,
Is still writing as welt as presenting, and
yesterday morning he picked up his little
pencil and whipped off a few stansas on
Omaha's toe trust that will pay you to
hear. He and Brooks reeled them off as If
they had been singing them all season.
Their big hit on thta bill ia a new act writ
ten by Burton tn which the lord la h la
the packer's son-lnrlaw. And what the
lord doesn't do to his own and his stage
nationality Is not a very big much. It's
simply rich. Too good to miss. - Burton
about puts the finishing touch on things
with his reply to this question from the
phlegmatic lord:
"The h-eagle is America's national bird,
Isn't itr' .
"It wa for many yeara," says Burton,
"but President Roosevelt has supplanted lt
with the itork."
Arthur McWaters and Grace Tyson, an
other pair beloved because they are good,
present a spectacular musical comedy
which la featured with a scenic display
than which none more gorgeous waa ever
seen at the Orpheum. McWaters and Mlaa
Tyson are there with the making of many
a fine laugh. Those acrobatic feats which
Miss Tyson's face perfdyma are enough to
make a heathen cry or laugh. This pair has
been with Herman the Great and, with
McWaters leading, they give clever bur
lesque on some of the famous magician's
In a bill aa thoroughly strong a the
one that drew two large houses yesterday
It la difficult to Justly bring out the nu
merous excellent features, but even In tha
most cursory comment th Barque quar
tet could not be overlooked.. Tbey are
high class .'operatic artists and their' bill
yesterday amply demonstrated an appreci
ation on the part of their audience of this
class of music. The quartet Is composed
of one woman, Anna Ivaldl, and three
men, Achllle D' Arras, George Caoum and
Joseph Garcia. '
Collins and Hart, fresh from th Euro.
pean shore, laden with laurels of foreign
friends not Bam Collins, but his little
brother, Sim or Simmle. ss Cim called him
they are her and they A ; something
new. They appear aa the ' Strong Men.
And they send half their audience home
under , the delusion that they must be
about tha mightiest monster ever. But
they are simply' great.
Linden .Beckwlth as a singing portrait
wins much deserved applause. Her ell
max with "Annie Laurie" la very pretty.
She appears to sdvantage In every picture,
Juat before Miss Beckwlth comes on Zlska
and King, "Kings of Comedy Magicians."
prepare the house for, the reception of the
singer's art as a respite, too. from a strain
of unbroken hilarity. For Zlska and King
really display a 'fine line of goods.
The bill 1 opened by the Forrest, father
and con, with superb Instrumental music.
They' are long In being allowed to leave
the stage.
Th entire entertainment Is a splendid
For the accommodation of Th Omaha
Bee reader these patterns, which usually
retail at from at to 10 eenta, will be fur
nished at a nomlral price (M cents), which
severs all expenses. In order to get a pat
tern enclose 10 cents, giving number and
Same ef pattern wanted and bust measure.
Aa th pattern are mailed direct from th
publishers in Nw York. It will require
about a week's time to fill the order. Aa
crea: Patter Department, Th Oman
nee, Omaha. KeK
Krug Park closed last evening with mu
sic galore- The program provided for a
continuous band concert from i p. m. to 11
p. m. by the Kilties' band or Canada and
the Royal Canadian band, th latter having
played at the park all th season. There
were thirty selections on the three band
programs that were played, not counting
th eacores. Such a wealth of music at
tracted Immense audiences both afternoon
and evening.
The Royal Canadian band played from I
p. m. to 1 10 p. m.. when th Kilties went
on the bandstand.
At 7.14 p. m. the band started for Mitchell,
S. D., where lt will open a week' engage
ment today at a corn palaca festival.
The big balloon waa aent up at 1:30 p. m.
and it made the highest and prettiest aa
censlon of the season.
The Royal Canadian band opened the
evening program at T:W p. m. and played
until 11 p.. m. It waa frequently encored.
This 1 the moat popular concert band that
has ever played a season's engagement at
Krug Park.
Bandmaster John Finn and George Finn
will ' remain In Omaha, a will also the
Rhors brothers and Messrs. Rugner and
Hr finer. '
PIAMONDtt rrauMr, Wl aad DeOn aaa.
Noble of th Mystic Hhrla.
' Special train leave Union Station
via C. as N. W. Ry. at T:Jo o'clock a. m.
Thursday. September 2tb, returning In
time for business Friday morning.
Fare for th round trip 14.60.
All member of Tangier Tempi are urged
and all sojourning Shriners are cordially
Invited to loin th caravan.
For further Information see th
Potentate or Recorder.
A. H. HIPPLE. Potentate.
Be Want Ads are Business Booster.
Excursion to Clear Lake, la.
on Dept. 28th. Tickets good returning
until Oct. 1st, via C. C. W. Ry.
Clear Lake, la., ia one of the moat famous hunting, and flshlnc
apota of the middle went. Game la alwaya plentiful and the facilities
excellent In every way. Also One boating and bathing, the beach al op
ing gently and having smooth, aandy bottom.
Oak. wood Park, recently platted for lota, la an Ideal summer home
resort and la eaaily reached by boat. There are THREK DAYS of royal
aport and a fine time la atore for all who take the trip. Better take ad
vantage of this very cheap excursion and look over our beautiful lota at
Oak wood Park. DON'T M18S IT.
For further Information address,
time to get in quandary
about fixings. Dear khpw
there's lots else then to
think about.
The artistic beauty and
wearing qualities of Art
loom Tapestries are out of
all proportion to their mod
est prices.
Curtains Solid colors, Mercer
ized, Duplex, Oriental, Silk,
Bagdad, Brocade and
Velour.' $3 to $20. Wide
diversity of designs and, -orings.
Couch Covert Bagdad, Ori
ental, Turkish, Gobelin,'
Daghestan, figured Bro
cade and Velour. $3 and
up. tacn an actual coun
terpart of the master
. pieces of foreign looms.
Table Covers-T-Tapestry,
Oriental and Gobelin.
$1.30 and up. Re
markable for artistic
qualities and original-ity.
Always look for the Artloom label
It is on every Piece
THE very next time you
go shopping make it
a point to see the Artloom
What if you don't need
them now if you're a
housekeeper you're going
to need some of them
sooner or later and this
foreknowledge will save
you a whole lot of puzzling
and planning, perhaps vex
ation. When fixing-up time, or
house-cleaning time, or
moving ' time comes, or
guests arrive, it's not the
TO OCTOBER 81. 1904.
(OCflflt0 Baa Francisco, Log An
ya.U.UU gelea, Baa Diego and manj
. other California points.
MC nfl to Everett, Falrkaven. What
) UU com, Vancouver and Victoria,
P'JC flf) to Portaland, Astoria, Taco-
KU.UU ma aod Seattle.
MF (M to Ashland, Roaehnra;, Ea
a)a.u.wU gene, Albany and Salem, In
cluding Southern Paclfla
. branch Unea in Oregon.
to Spokane and intermediate
k. N. pointa to Wanat-
. chee and intermediate points'
C9fl flfl to Butt Anaconda, Helena,'
$a.U.UU and all Intermediate main
line points.
VLU.Uu and Intermediate main line
pointa.". '
For full Information Inquire at
City Ticket Office, 1824 Fernam St.
'Phone Doagi&s 834.
1 tii n 1 1
0 n 0
ill ma &
In at Tourist Sleeper
Is the way to combine Com
fort and Economy.
You follow the hlstorio Santa Fe Trail
over tha. shortest line to Southern Cali
fornia. :
.You can visit' tho Grand Cay on en route.
Harvey rve the meals. ,
Ail the Way.
- Aak Samuel
Larimer, Pass. '
XtX. W sth
Ava.. Equitable
Bid., 18 ,
Molnrs, la.,
for Tourist
Sleepar Vtoldar.
A Good Girl
for general housework 7
wants a place
She will come
to your house
If yon will let
her know you
want her by
putting a
. "help-wanted"
ad In The Bee.
838. '
"iJV1 'Ail
1 '1$;