Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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What 8hsw' laiis at Timet, but
TTidtrton rim.
l f Ft ef falsi at Batter Mvaaat,
Tary Uttle Oral a Ccan Mar
kMn Eitmtlr Wtik
Threagh Beaataa,
- . .OMAHA. Sent. M. 1901
Wheat showed a lltu easiness several
time on profit-taking, but tne fli-m under
ton waa maintained tn greater part of
in wBion. neinaraaoiy mil wneat nsa
on the maraet the lam few day and
lnel scarcity of offerings after a 4-ceut
bulge If significant. Minneapolis snow trre
aaia stubbornness, t H - maaea very lltu
dllTerencs for tli moment how much spring
wheat haa been rained, a a long a a It doe
not come to the market. While th futurea
at Liverpool -rtoeed from 1 to Hd lower,
tlh bids advanced Sd. .
The cash market waa estremely weak.
The September waa sold freely and thla
Induced liijutdatton In th more otstant
months. The Jnee-Inglt report Indicates
a yield Of I.OTUO). 000 bushels.
Oats were dreggy, but sustained by the
bullish local sentiment. The cash market
naa from feo to u lower and there Is every
Indication of, a freer country movement, as
the strength In the rash and In the current
delivery have - been ths backbone In th
recent advance.
Primary wneat receipts were 979,000 bush,
flu and shipments sta.MK) bushels, against
receipts last year of l.aM.OOO. bushels and
shipments of, so'i.ono bushels. Corn receipts
weie Mft.flOO bushels and shipments 442,0"
nuetielH, against receipt last year of b..-400-
bushels and shipments of i4,ono bush
els. Clexmiue were 174.O0 bushels of
wheat. 20.ono barrels of flour, H.OuO bushels
if corn and l.oott bushels of oats.
IJverpool closed -SfVId lower on wheat
nd 'Vtrd lower on corn.
Broomhall estimates world's wheat shlp
mthts Monday at M.ano.fKjO bushel.
Lfoeal range of options:
ArtKlea.l.Opon. Hlgb". Low. Close. Tea y
Wheat I
WHKAT-No. t hard, 1 oar. Voi No.
bard, 1 car, We; No. 4 bard, 1 car, u6c; do
trade, 1 car, Klo.
Omaha Cash Frteee. -
WHEAT No- 2 hard, 6fctc; No. S
hard. 6'((6Hc ; No. 4 hard. 2i66o No.
spring, Si,iyiie.
CORN iso. 1. 41H92c; No. I yellow, 43
042c; No. I white, 43o.
OATS No. t mixed. stfl; No. I whit,
SOHcj No. 4 White. )c.
RYE-No. 2. Mot Na tr 8114c.
' Carlt Reeelsus.
Wheat. Corn. 0ts.
Kansas City
Omaha .......
Bt. Louis
...... JO
, 44L
rator t the TradlBsT sm Closing
- Prlee Bar4 of TraAe. '
CHICAGO, Sept. 22. Weaicer ash markets
In tha northwest and th easier tone in
eoares grain continued a. break in th price
tt wheat her today after the market bad
Mned Orra and active. At th close De
cember wheat waa unchanged to Wo lower,
1'orn was down .c oats were on -ho to
Wo. ' Provision were 2o to loo higher. -
market opened higher Deoause oi
light receipt in th northwest ftnd reports.
rora Argentina, that tne crop tnr is De
ng extensively damaged by loousta. Under
he Influenoes December wheat advanced
to tWic, but local traders sold actively on
th bulge and th market dragged some
what until tn close, uuennga, nowarer,
'. war scarce and Drioe rallied aulokly.
Cable were reported heavy aa the result
'of yesterday's market bare. ' Minneapolis
reported that cash bouses in that market
war Ulna- December wheat and also sant
0. report that northwestern shipper are
storing wheat beoaua of their inability'
to get ear. It was also declared that the
InnDMi of Wheat during tb early part of
ih week had checked In some degree the
QlAmand toe flour. The, together with
Th weakness of th ooara vraln, had th
effect of rr"3ttn' trader continue to cover.
The aloe was steady. December wheat
opened unchanged to ttd lower at 74fco.
old between 7ao and 7640. and eloeed
avt 74 o. Clearance of wheat and flour
wam .nul tn XM.0UU buahal. Primary re-
oelpt war 979.0U0 bushela. against 1.154,000
bushel last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and
Chicago reported receipt of TW can, against
141 oar last wee and LOU oar a year ago.
The corn market waa quiet for th
an-aavtar iart of th day. fear that there
s danger of a rqueeae In September corn.
dIu out brokers out of the market.
The September option declined Ho. but the
loa in other months waa small. Local
reoaipt today were somewhat larger than
for several days past and the Inereas is
axpeoted to continue over Monday. Decem
ber corn opened Ho to tk tower at
mfmttAU .i-m5jk. .tiold between 42A4iS44tO
au 43'4to. Tine -etom waa eay and Wo
lower at tmeo- iooi rucwis." were w can,
with 177 of trontract grade.
Th oata market waa quiet. Th range
iiriMa hmru within &a. The crtuisure from
eitner aia waa noi imiwiviii. -uv
mar? ja)avt. continued liberal. Oecem
Wr t ojwMied V'lio lower at Wo to
totrt sold ttwdM. fca nd 8H4'S. nd
oloeed easy and Vtifj-vi
Ia.i recef nt were isi tiars.
Th provision market rjled higher on a
mail run of bog end on. an advanue of
in the nrioe at tb stock yards. Vhw
was excellent buying of larl throughotat
,Km a.v Rhinments of meats end lard wer
i. f.i. mimntttv. At the close-January DOfM
waa lOo higher at $13.H. Lard was up)
. rj tS wiha ware itifflto hlaher at 3
r o7W(B7ia . - .
taetimated receipt for Mobday: Wheat,
7 oars: corm. 475 cam; oats. M cars; hogx.
j S4.'ji0 head. m ,
' M'k. i..rfin ri4,ir euna-ed ae follows:
Article. OpB. High.. Low. 1 Clo., Ye' .-.
. Jan. .
Oct., .
72V Tib
' 7"C
" 4.1
II 90
14 90
I 90
I 60
1 to
1 90
11 90
11 40
U 11
I 17
I 47
7 77
U 17H
II 17
1 90
f 7Hl
I 47H
1 $0
1 00
7 77
I t"
I 67HI
7 06 I
T07HI' T 10
T 10
I 706
No. 1 . - ,
Cash auptatloQg were a follows)
ru)lK-rirm; winter patents, fl 'Tt w;
winter straight. 13 OuOl 3"; spring patent.
tl 7041.10; t spring atralghu, $1 u64.40.
bakers, $l0gll0.
WHEAT No. I spring. TVfWic: No, S
spring, 77(fllVc; No. I rd. X72Se. .
COftN-No. X yo; No. t yellow, 4:e.
OATS-No. 2. 13Hc; No. 2 whit. ?4fflc;
No I white, smtf84c. ,
RYE No, 2, tlo.
BARLETY Fair to choice msltlng. 44Qlo.
6EE3D8 Now 1 flag. $1 044; No. 1 north
western, $110. Prime timothy, $4 24. Clover,
contract grade. $11.78
PROVISIONSShort ribs sides (loose),
$1 90600. Mess pork, per bbl.. II A 71. Lard,
per Too lb., $6.90. Short clear side (boged),
Following were the receipts and ship
menu of flour and grain: '
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls IS. ... 14.M0
R.M:::ri:::r.:::::::M:K rS:S
Oats, bu...i.. ...... .11.6' 19T.4O0
Rye. bu 9f J.S"0
SMiriey. on. .,.,.,. . ...... ., om.wjv m.av
On th Produo exchange today tn put
ter market waa ateady; trarle. 19644c;
dajrle. 1710o. Ecc. Arm; at mark, case
Included, leti ksc; ft rets. 10c: prim first,
11 He; extras, tea, Cheese, firm, Ufe4Tlo.
Patladetphta Pea Mark..
Firm; extra western creamery, ofllcial
price. Uwrrr; street price, jo c.
ntyrs-nrm; western rresn. rc, si mars;.
Cllffi8H-Btea1v; New York full creams.
te onoioe. wcisc. , .
Daletk Grata Marke-t.
DULUTH. Minn., fept. WHCAT-No.
I hard, en jraek. -.77NC. to -errive: No, 1
northern. 71c, 0. northern. 74Hc on
track: No. 1 northern.' TSar: ?o. t north
ern, Un. September, 7kvc; October, 76c,
uecerrber, 74Vc ; May. tc.
OATS To arrive. f-'Hc; September, Kc
Q)tala of 4b Day a Varl
t'snmltles. i
NEW YORK, Sept. 22 FI-XH'R Ff
eelpte, 19,-l bbls.; exports, i.i2i bbii.;
sale. 1.700 pkgs. Market dull but stead;
Minnesota patents, 4 lfi4.IO: Minneota
bakers, .V40rl 90; winter patents. IS 7 J
4J4.10; winter straight, IS. JO winter
extra, S2.ft.S0s. 26; winter low arades, 11.75
S 20.- Rv flour, stesdy; fair to good,
11.100 Tl'; choice to fancy. J. 91.
fOR.NMKAIi Steady; fin white and
yellow. 11.2641110; coarse, 11.1191. It;
kiln dried. 12.7525.
RYE Steady; No. 2 western. He, c. L
f.. New York.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 404He,
e. I. f.. New York; malting, 44 4J&&C cTTT.,
WHK AT Receipts. S.00 bu.; exports.
47.12I bu.; eales, 1.150,000 bu. futures and
14.000 bu. spot. Upot market, easy; No. 2
red. iSc, elevator; No. 2 red, 7c, f. o. b..
afloat. Th early wheat msruet was
firmer on small northwest receipts and re
ports of locusts In Aregentlna, but later
yielded to realising and closed Vc net
lowes. May. ItQMNC ciosea mi.
September closed at 7lic; December,
12 1-KfllSHc closed at S2HC.
CORN Receipts. 101,676 bu.; spot mar
ket, ateady; No. 2. 6SVic, elevator, and
674c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67Hc;
No. 2 white. 6H4c. Option market waa
without transactions, closing fcc net
lower. May closed at 49 c; Peptember
closed at ilHr; December cloaed at 62 He
OATS Receipts, 111,000 bu.; exports,
7. 480 hii snot market1 easy: mixed oats.
2 to 22 pounds. !7o.; natural white, 20 to
IS pounds. 8ft 40c: clipped whit, S
to 40 pounds, sHV44ic.
PKKI) rirm: snrlnar bran. -Sle.76: Sep
tember shipment middlings. 120.50; Sep
tember shipment, city. 20.60J 26.00.
HAY Quiet; shipping, 560 6c; good to
choice, 0 5.
HOPS Kirm; state, common to cnoice,
1905, ll17e; 1904, nominal; Pacific coast,
ISO 5. ulftc; 1104, lie; oias. nominal.
HIOF.K Hteadv: Galveston. 20 to 26
pounds, 20c; California, 21 to 26 pouJ,
rexaa ory, zt to bo pounaa, inc.
LEATHER Bteady: acid, zwzc
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family.
Ill ooaii SO: mess. II 004 9.00: beef
hams, tl. 00622. 60: packet, 110 00610.60;
city extra India mesa. 1100911.60. Cut
meats, steady; picmea oeuiea. iv.w
12.60; pickled shoulders, nominal; pickled
hams, 111.50012.00. Lard, Arm; western
rime, I9.064J9.10; refined, nrm; continent,
9.60; South America. 119.00; compound.
17 12Vt 4f 7 I7A. Pork, steady; family.
$11,604 19.00; short clear, lle.iO tfll.60;
mesa. 1 1 8 SO 4T 1 9.00.
tallow Firm; city Hi per pcmu,
64c; country (packages free), tVsO
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
IHt'l Japan, nominal..
buriMt-yuiti; creamery, -common m
evtra. 1fxs-26c: atat dairy, common ' to
fancy, 1824c; renovated, common to extra.
lg(tfJ4c; renovaten, common xo iu,
western factory, 1b19c; imitation
ry, lfr22c. Receipts, 4,772 pkgs.
BSE Firmer; receipts.- 1,216 pkgs.;
weeklv exnorts 1.1M okas: atat. full cream.
small lancy, ltWOizvtc; rair 10 govu. nrrv
liuc: large, fancy, 12V4ffl2Hc.
EOOS Firm; state, Pennaylvanla and
nearby selected white, 20032c; choice. X
2c; official price, western firsts, Zl-JjCc.
POULTRY Alive, spring chickehs,
fowls aftd turkeys, 14c. Dmssed. nulet;
western spring chickens, 12316c; spring
turkeys, 16402c; fowls. mffltVxC
St. Loals Geaa'ral Mukt.
BT. LOUIS, Sept. A WHEAT Firm;
track. No. 2 red, cash, 7IB4c; No. .2 hard,
VWlMci December, 724n2ic; May, 76'o.
CORN Stesdy i track. No. t cash. 4MW0
47c; No. 2 white, 4tt3gfuo; jjecemoer,
40Hc: May, 41Ho. . . .
OATB-asy; tracK, mo. i casn, iio; no.
white. Mi4Mo; December, 33'.4y3Q2Ho;
Msy, 4Hc. . . . -
FLOUR Steaoy; rea winter pamnis,
II. 40ft 1.70; extra fancy and straight, 11.10
CMS; clenr. (2.70O2.90.
SEEDS Timothy, steady; 11.6004. 00. "
CORNMFAIr-12.66. -m
BRAN Flnnr sacked, east track. -710
'ifAT-Firm;' timothy, $12.00016.00;
prarrle, IS 00911.00.
BAOOINO 9 l-llc.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing,
lltu Lard 'higher: prim steam. 11.55.
Dry salt'' meats, steady; , boxed, , extra
shorts, 19 1; clear rtos, ; snori
clears, sv.te. dkuuh, bicu. uvwu, "
tra short, 110.15; dear ribs. 10.S0; short
Clear, $10.46. Vi
' POULTRY Quiet h hickenav 10a; spring,.
He: turkeys, isc; aucxs. c; gee, so. -BUTTBiA
lrm; araamery. 3c; dairy,
iaaV-Pirm t 17o, cas count. :
: Receipt. Shipments.
Flour, bbl. 7,900 1.100
Wheat, bu. .00 72.100
Cora. bu.. , 4.100 .17.600
0ts! bu.'..4..... 41,000 21.770
t i i '
" Mtaaeapelts Grata -Market.
First ' patents. $4.2US4.30; second patent,
HO&tttU; - first . clears, $2 S.45; seoond
cleara, 12.40fta.IW. . . .
BRAN la bulk. $13,00411.25.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations for
Mlnneapou ana uuctm ueureij;. mi
xix or
3o in
10-111 Board , of Trade, was:
Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y
7SA f 74 . 7t .t 74
7SStC 7Mt 78t 73
TJAidlJ n 77V4 7
i 14 1 14 1 1SV 1 1SV
1 It 111 1 Mi l osi
lios iiH l ioK
1 10 I 10 1 OSAj 1 ,
Minneapolis Caah CJos Wheat: No. 1
hard, 77c; No. 1 northern. T7o; tq ar
rlv. 7o: "No. 2 northern. 75ic: to 'arrive,
74; No.' t. 13Viie; No. 1 durum. tBc- to
arrive, U)o; Jo. j ourum, l-o; io amv.
0Ao. Corn:. No. I yellow,. 44Ho; No. 2.
4SVe. Oat: No. 1 white. SOV.c: No. 1
Vtf9Ho. Barley, MHSHto. Rye, 4
eel.e. riu, H-V'tt.
' 0, ,.'.
ttasiea vity ureia aaa t-revisieaa.
changed; Beptemwir. wito; lmMr we;
May. 7c; cash. No. ! hard. OS-TiOc; No. t.
' dTl, AAatOlXA XTn attVa XJN Ctilt
Vll$, uwnv i v. at s wa , vv ( a v- vw,
CORN September, 42c; December. 7T4c:
May. ttttc; cash. No. mixed. 4330; No,
I white, e645e.
OATS No 1 white. S304He; No. I
mixed. I1HA320.
HAT Unchanged to 25o lower; choice
timothy, $11.76012.00; choice prairie, $9.00
RYE! Unchanged: ISO 57c.
Steady; extraa, 21c; firsts, cases
tnciuneo. zoc; . asconaa, uttc
BUTTER Creamery. 24c; packing. lUo.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu. ............ 129.000 149.00
Corn. bu. 21.009 11.000
Oats, bu. $.000 . - f ,00
Liver peel Grata Market,
LIVERPOOL. Sept 23. WHKAT Spot t
Market dull;. No. 2 red western winter,
6a d. Future: Market steady; September,
as t'Ad : December. I 4d.
CORN Spot: Market firm: American
mixed. 6 Wd. ' Futures: Market quiet:
September nominal; December, 4 ld;
January, 4a isa.
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
Bteady; No. 1 northern, iv&iVc; no.
northern, 74r7c: December. 74c
RYE Steady : No. 1. CttWfHe.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 65c; sample.
CORN Lower: No. I eaah, 4697c; De
cember, 4Zo, asxea.
PesHs Market.
PEORIA. Til.. Bent. 22 CORN Lower
No. I yellow and No. t. 47c; No- 4, 46e;
No grade, 45Hc.
OATS-I.ower; No. t whit. !r?V: No. I
White, ebw; r.o. t white. suVvole.
RYEV-teady: No. i tlflCc.
WHISKY-On th basis of $12 for fin
ished goods.
Teled Market
TOLEDO, Bept 21 SEEJDS Clover, eash
and October, $8 00; December, January and
March. $7 85. Prim timothy. $1.90. Prim
alalk, X7 3V. no. 1 rye, Khie, nomlnaL
Votresi Market. '
NEW YORK. Sept. .-COTTON-8pot
closed quiet, 6 point lower; middling up
land, 7.70c: middling gulf. 9 9c: no sale.
ST. LOUIS. Bept 22 COTTON-Steady i
middling. Sc; no aelea; receipts, 11 bales;
Shipments. Ibt bales; stock. K,' bale.
Sulet; prices 1 points lower; American mid
ling fair, 4 Old; good middling, iTM; mid
dling, 6 53d; low middling, i.ibe: good ordt.
nary. 6 lid; ordinary, 4.i7ii. .The.sales of
th day were 4.000 bales, of which' 4w were
for speculation nnd export snd Included
2.M0 American. Receipts were $.000 bales.
Including 5.000 American.
Snot cloaed steadv: sales. 2 326 bales; low
ordinary. 4c, nominal; ordinary. 4c. nnml.
nal; good ovdinsrr. 7 15-le; low middling,
$o; oUddllng, te; good middling, 'C;
middling fair, 9'c, nominal fall", lojci
receipts, 4.1.11 bales; stock, 40.959 bales.
Ceadltlem of Trade aad atlea a
taol aad Fasef rredeee.
EGOS Per dot., lft.1e.
LIVW roULTRT Hens. 10c; roosters,
6c; turkeys, ,1'V; rucks, c; spring chicken.
9Vt'3 1"c. , ,
HI'TTFn ' Packing stock, lc: clinic
fancy dairy, lMi'JOc; creamery, 22824c.
HAT- Prices quote by tiiiMiii Keed rem.
psny: Choice upland. IS 60; medium, I9.00
coarse. K0o'ul5. Rye straw, $k.5o7.0a.
BRAN-Per ton, 115,00.
8WEET POTATOES Per bbl.. 111.
TOMATPRH-Hoiue gruwn, j.rr etet a?
20 lh.. 2r.4T
WAX BEANS Per msixet basket el
Shout 16 lbs., 25c.
bu.. 76c.
LEAF 1 .KTTUC E Hothouse, per dot,
nesds. Kc.
CELEHT-Per dot.. ff40o.
CUCL'MBlkRS Horn gtowa. per -.
ONIONS Home grown, lc per bu.;
Spanish, 41.75 per crate. " .
QREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunches. 10.
RAniRHrl-P.r Ann. bunchea lfi20O.
NAVY PKAN8 Per bu.. 11. . i. 11.7a,
IJMA BEANS Per lb.. 6
OREEN PEPPKRfl Per market hasktu
PARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. buache.
CABBAQB Home grown, per lb,
KG(J PLANT Per dot., 760.
POTATOEU-Per bu.. 6o.
ORANGES valeiiclas, according t als
$4 25fW.
LkTMONS Llmonler. extra fancy. 149
site. 16.60; 900 site, $1.00; 100 else, $S 00; other
brsmlK. $i.0u lees.
BANANAS Per me'llum-sised bunca,
11 7 i jtimboa. $2 5001.0. - .
DATES Pr lb., 64jMo.
PEACHES-Coloroda, 90c $1.00; Mlsaourl,
per e-haHKet crate, u.mrjjl.ifc, California Sal
ways, 'per box, $2.00.
PLUM8 caiiiornla. $l.iuw1.7$; Oregoa
Italian prunes, $1.10.
PEARS Bartlett, per box, $160.
GRAPES Ao me gowiu t-ar s-ib basket.
X7c; Tokay. $1 76.
APPLE3-Per obi., 12.00016.
CRANBEIUliES-Per bbl., $tf.0&
WATERMELONS Per lb.. - 10U4C or
about 2f.u30c each.
per crate (Standard), $1.764i2.Q0; poule. $1-50;
Kockyford standards. 13.50.
6c; No. 1 foin. lSHc"; No. 2 loin, 13o; No. i
loin. Be; NO. 1 cnuca, oc; do. a cnuca.
No. 3 chuck, 2Vc; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2
round 7c: No. 3 round. 6V4c; No. 1 plat.
lc; No. 1 plate, 2c; No. 1 plate, 2c
ciiGATl Granulated cane. In sacks. $5.41:
granulated beet. In sacks, ((.II.
CHEESE Swiss, new, lec; Wisconsin
brick, 14c; Wisconsin llraberger, Uo;
twins, 14ic; young Americans, tc.
CO TJC15-ttoasiea. no. o. nyts per is..
No. 2uH0 per lb. I No. 26. UHo per lb.; No,
to. ltW per 'b.i No. W, lic per lo.
NUTS Pecans, large, per lb., 12o; small,
per lb., 11c. Tlmonds, soft shells, per lb.,
15c; hard sheila, per lb., U4il4o. Cocoa-
nuts, 14. tw per saca hi .
SIRUP -1 u bbls.. 27o per gal.; In cases,
I 10-lb. cans, 11.70; cases, ll 6-ib. can. 1140;
cases, 24 2-lb. cans,
HON SSd X Jrer inunwi ee.w. ,
CANNED OOODaV-corn, standard west
ern. 666 'jOo; Maine, ll.i. Tomatoes, 1-lb.
cans, 1100; l-lb... . 97Ho0$l.OO. . Pineap
ple, grated. 2-1 b., $2 064,2.30; sliced. Il.l
120; gallon apples, fancy, $2.66; California
apricots, i m"ti i. ou , ucftii, .iow.wl jxkcu,
f.nv tt 7Mi2.40: H C. pcacnea. Ix.uiKdl lu.
V .Ih, " ... ..wUK, 9,
12.10: fancy socKeye, r.,, wraines. u,
Oil, $2.75; mustara, .w. ewitt po
tatoes, ll.1i.-rl.2a. sauerkraut. $100; pump
kins, 10c8l.0O; wax beans, 1-lb. liittSoc;
lima Deans, z-io., iow "yiun,;
rhenp peae, 2-lb., 40c; extra, ,o)ci fancy,
1rMticn FIHH-Famtly whlteflsh. nee
uarter bbl.. 100 lb.. 14.00: Norway mack-
fret, no. 1. '. e.w, ,.u. a,
ri.h. No. 1. Ill 0: herring, in bbls.. 20 I ha
each, Norway. 4k, $12.00; Norway. 2k, 111.00;
Holiana, mixea,; nuuina nerring, I
mllVters. 10a: kecs. mineil. 7na.
tfiKH Buffs it. !arg (tressed, le: trout
medium or Urge, dressed. 12c; pike, dressed,
llo; naiiDut, nne biock, us; cainan, area sett,
i,.. ArmmmmA en,4 .lilnn a ioa.
white perch, dressed, to; crapples, large,
12c; snnflah, pan six. Ic; whit base, extra
choice, l-o; picaerei, c; saimon, cninook,
llo: white fish (froxen). He; mackerel
(Spanish) ,16c; native, per' fish, l.2c;
codfish, fresh froxen, 12c; flounders, fresh.
frozen, lie; oiuensn, iresn irosen, uc;
haddock, fresh froxen, 10c; red snapper,
dreesed, lie; smelts. No. 1, per lb., lie;
lobsters, (boiled), per lb., 40c; green, 87c
eel. per lb., 18c; frog legs, per dos., fee;
roe shad. Si eacn: shad roe, pair. 40.
HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted.
No. L 1344o; No. 2, 12V; buil hide.
lOHC; green hides. No. 1, 12c: No. 2, llVc;
horse, $1.60(676; sheep pelts, 60cgl.25. Tal
low, CIO. 1, 4ho; NO. I, ZftC.
WOOL-Pet in.. lM2ea. -
Foreign Flaaaelal. '
LONDON.i Sept. 22. Money waa In good
demand on the market today. SuoUles
were scarce and discounts were firmer and
there wss no Inclination to take bills at
the higher rat.
Trading on th stock exchange wss
quiet, hesitating and uncertain, the
monetary situation checking business
Consols were bsrely maintained. Horn
rail were a shade harder and foreigners
were steadily maintained. Americans ex
Derienced a ouiet session. The antlclDa
tlon of a favorable bank statement caused
an Improvement early in the day. but sup
port slackened, prices eased again and the
market closed dull. Japanese imperial
sixes of 19U4 closed st 103.
PARIS, Bept. 22. Trading on tha Bourse
today was weak in every department, with
anxiety over the monetary situation. Rus
sian Imperial " fours closed at (9.10 and
Russian bonds of 1904 at 471. -
BERLIN, Sept. 22. Trading on the Bourse
today was somewhat depressed.
Wool Market.
LONDON. Bept. 22-WOOL-Th fifth
series of wool auction sales will bs opened
next Tuesday and during the first five days
209.000 bales will be offered. Th sal Is
scheduled to close on October 4. The lm
port of wool this week were: New South
Wales, 2,000 bales; Queensland, 4.700 bales
Victoria. 400 bales; South Australia, 400
bales: New Zealand. (.300 bales: various.
1.400 balra Th arrivals for th sixth
series amount to 1,000 bales, including 1,000
forwarded direct to spinners.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 22.-WOOL Steady;
medium grade, combing and clothing, 27H
vc; 111111 nne, smuxic; neavy no, uxglio;
iud waanea, kxjvic.
agar aad Moiaeae.
vrw rnsif ee it'ir t.
steady; fair refining, 3Sc; centrifugal, St
test, sc. Moiaaaea sugar, 'o. Kenned,
ateaay; mo. s. .ouc;,iNO. 7. . 4. sac; Mo. I,
4 40C; NO. . 4 S6C; .NO. 10, 4.26c; No. It, 4.10c
No. 12. 4.15c: No. IS. 410c: No. 14. 4.05e: con
fentloners' A A Roe mnuld A K SSe tit In.f
6 70c: crushed. 6.70c: powdered, 6.10c; granu.
lated. 6.00c; cube. 1.26c.
MOLASSES Bteady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 90fr8c.
Bteady: centrifugal, yellow, 4047-llc; see-
on os, 2ft09'C.
Metal Market.
markets were quiet, nut retained a en
orally Arm tone, with prices showing little
change In the absence of rabies. Spot tin
is quoted at $39 R&tMO.OS, with soma dealers
asking I40.J6. copper shows a very Arm
ton, witn lage quoted st HI 264119.60,
eiectroijruo at iif.gugns.zt and casting at
18 6719.12. Lead Is quoted at $6.759
02H and spelter at HSU34.40. Iron la
nrm at recent prices.
ST. LOUIS. Bept. 22. METALS Lead,
quiet at $6.S6e.tO; spelter, steady at lift
Evaporated Applea aad Dried Frails.
APPLES Market continues quiet, with ths
tone rather easy In ths absence of Im
portant demand.'' Old crop supplies ar
quoted at lou-iio ror in Peat grades. New
crop stat rang from 60 to tic. according
te grade, and new crop southern are
quoted at 44tr5c In bags.
re attracting a little better demand and
rui teaay in tone, witn quotation rang
ing ir tvgo 10 site according to grade
Apnvuia bio uaunangea.
Oil aad Reel.
NEW YORK, Sept. . OIL Cottonseed
oil. firm; prime crude, f. o. h., mills. t4Vt$
27c: yellow, tsrtyti. Petroleum, steady;
refined. New York. 17 6"); Philadelphia and
Baltimore. 17.45; Philadelphia and Balti
more, In bulk, $4 36. Turpentine, firm, 149
ROBIN Firm; strained, common to good
14 0044.10.
OIL CITT. Pa.. Sept. 2!.-OILCredt
baiancea. $151: runs. 104.191 hbls. : average.
mi. 1 oom.; snipmenis, is.h eois.; aver
age.. 137.264 bbls.
Experts aad I as pert s.
NEW YORK, Sept. 22. Total Imports of
merchandise and dry goods st the port of
New York for the week ending today were
valued at $17,161,270. Total Imports of
specie st th port of New Tork for the
week ending today were 115.133 silver and
111.591.171 fold. Total exports of specie
from the port of New York for the week
ending today was S40,74 silver acd so
Mott lindi of Uattla Show 8trtnctlt for
th( Wssk.
Geed Klads of Skoep aad La asks A beat
Steady far tk Week Ceeaaaea
to Medlasa Klads of Feeder
La as be lasveer.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 22, 19M.
Reeelnta i!
Catli. Hogs. fthep.
.. I.hfc 2.J S.4I3
.. 6.707 (.04 193M
.. 6 !I40 6.012 21 151
.. 4.ri 6.134 !31
.. 1.923 4.5S1 9,M1
.. T,l 6K J.0T0
Otliclal Monday
Offlrial Tuesday ..
OfMclal Wednesday
uninii 1 nurstiay
OfTiclal Friday ....
Official Saturday .
...22. W
...27 637
S9 31
I.est week
Two weeks ago ...
Thre weeks sgo .
Four weeks mmn .
Same week last year
Th followln table shows the receipts of
ctutle, hogs snd sheep st South Omaha for
the year to data, compared with last year:
left. 1906. Inc.
CM1 97,OM tTt.W 29.W2
Uaa . ... . . - ,11 A
"" l..l U-Xl l.lfn.wii
Sheep 1.295.109 1.197.871 107.237
Th follnarln-i -k-lll aKrtai the lirte Bald
for th different kinds of cattle oa tb
Boum urns he market:
Good to choice corrt-fed' steer...
Fair tn nnA ,n...ful
5 10W.70
, 4 1
4.604. 16
, 4.0MJ4.W
Common to fair corn-fed steers..
ooa to choice rang steer
fair tn eoori rmrtmm It...,.
COmmOH tO fsle -an,. ,tM-l ...
vrx.u grass cows and neirers. ie"j!-L!
Fair to a-ond m -A K.ura 2.60f S 00
Common to fair cows and hlfer . I.eOfltJJ
woo to cnoice atocker 4t feeders. ts"r
Fslr to good stockers and feeders.. I SMtt.oo
Commin to fslr stockers 2 75flS
uiis, stag, etc K"'iJ
esl calves 4.0OS.71
Th followlno- tahla atinwa tha SVCrag
price of hogs at Houin timaha for tne last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I IV 906.1104. 1903. 1902. 1901 .U0.
Sept. 10..;
Sept n..
Sept 13..
t 17
6 90
( 00
6 44J
I 161
T 41
I 46 5 14
4 33 I 23
6 18 6 !0
4 4 I 04
I 62 6 04
161 111
t 76 6 14
6 19
77 6 12
ST. 6 2S
5 21
G 99
I 9i
6 54
6 S3
6 21
6 54
6 61
6 61
Sept. II..
Bei.t. 14-
I 14
Sept. 15..
Sept !(..
I 09
( 01
6 14
t 29
$ 67)
6 611
6 61
6 IX
Sept. 17..
Sept II..
Sept. 19..
6 64
6 44!
7 42
7 43
7 17
5 S3
6 13
6 19
6 64
6 74
Sept. 20..
6 801
7 18!
Bept. 21..
Sept. 23..
5 )l
6 61
I 11
6 811 6 75
6 29 I la
5 90 7 49
Sept. 23..
6 78
- - Cattla. Hoc.
Omaha $l.nH) $850t.30
Chlcag l.ji 6V367
Kansas city l.T-Hit to a. won. fro
Bt. Louis 2.00r(,60 .7tiW
Sioux City 2.6OW1.0O 6.SMi.15
Cattle. HoBfc. She p. Hi t
C M. & St. P
Mo; Pacific Ry
Union Paclflo System
C. ft N. W. (east)..,. .. 6
C. N. W. (west)..., .... 20 .. 2
c, st p., m. 0...:. 1 . v"
C, B. A Q. (east) ' IS
C, B. A Q. (west).... 30 21 . 1
C, R. I. sV P. (east).. ., ,7 4" .. ..
C, R. I. P. (west).. .. ' 2 ..
Illinois central 2 .. ' ..
Chi. Great Western.... I
Total receipts $4 .. lot 10 I
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ss follows, each buyer purchasing the number-
of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 547 .....
Bwitt and tTompany : ' m 1,705
Cudahy Packing Co ... 2,107x 90
Armour Company 20 1.924
O. Paoklng Co., Country. 176 " '
MoCreary tk Carey 50
St Louis Dreesed B'f. Co, 71
Sheridan Meat Company. -V... 71
Sullivan Bros.....
S. A C. Co .. 98
Other Buyers 05 1,990
Total .....C..... . -'ttk 'XS 1,070
CATTLE There ar never Any cattle to
speak of on sal on a Saturday and today
was no exception to the general rule. For
the week the receipts foot up slightly mora
than for last week, but show a falling off
as compared with a year ago.
Th market during the week has not been
overly well supplied with corn-fed steers,
while there baa been a good, healthy de
mand. Aa a result cattle of that kind have
been ateady or strong every day and the
market at the close of the week is. If any
thing, a little better than It was at the
close ef Isat week. About the asms thing
could be said regarding range beef, which
haa also been In demand and haa sold at
good, firm prices every day, with th close
possibly a little better than last week.
The week started out with cows and
heifers selling a little stronger snd ths
marxei contiuuea to nrm' tip until Wednes
day, when prices reached the highest
point touched In some week's. In fact, that
kind of cattle sold ' very - high compared
with th way fat steers were selling. High
prices naturally brought In liberal receipts,
with the result that buyers were pretty
well filled up, and when Thursday arrived
with another liberal run they were In
position to bear the market They con
tinued to squeete prices Friday, with the
result that the market for the two days
was 1041 5c lower and in some cases pos
sibly lMd25c lower on the more common
kind This means that all the advance of
the week was wiped out, leaving th mar
ket, a little lower than it waa at th close
of laat week.
Blockers and feeders having quality were
free sellers all last week and prices con
tinued strong from day- to day. Th top
was no higher, but there seamed to be a
tendency for the lower grades to sell up a
little closer to the better kinds. Ths coun
try demand was vary fair and at the close
of the week . the yard , ar vary well
Representative sale:
No. Av. Pr. are. . Av. Tt.
I UM I 19 I 94 I U
I Ht Ik 1....... 94 I 94
1 ste 1 9 1 ui 1 as
I 1 11 I Ill 1 M
14 Ml 1 II 1 IMS I M
I I X.-jj.. IS is
I feeders., 940 I 86 1 feeder.. .1000 f 15
1 feeder. . 760 1 26 17 feeder. .1049 $ 90
11 feeders.. 90S. 1 16 4 feeders.. 11 196
M cows 10 2 SO 11 cows...
1 bull 690 2 26 16 heifer.
R. P. Scott Neb.
2 cows 1010 2 26 .11 cows..;
712 1 76
441 a to
"57 I SB
HOOS Whil it was
ruble to point
out particular
out hlah a do La or sins
load that sold a llttl higher, th general
market was not vary much changed a
compared with yesterday. In fact, sellers
as a rui were quoting their sales aa only
steady with yesterday. The trade was
slow In getting stsrted, but when one un
der wsy th early arrivals .ware pretty
much all disposed of Iq very good season
In th morning. Th only trouble waa that
a conalderable proportion of the receipts
did not arrive at the yards until late In
th forenoon, which delayed the market
very mucn.
Receipts of
hog hav been light this
area with th previous week
the cam as a year ago. Aa
week as com pa
but Just about the cam as a year ago. As
to price th week started out a llttl
stronger, but steadily eased off until
Wednesday, when the low point was
touched, hogs selling on that day 10a lower
than th first of th week. During the re
mainder ef th week there was an upward
tendency to value, so that today hog
old fully as well as on Monday, or about
tVftc higher than at th clo ef laat week.
Representative aele:
Na As. Ik. Pr. N. At. Ik. - p.
44 ... M . H. ...... I4t Its 4 1IU
1 IM ... 4 4
ST. ...... .21 40 . 4 111
M fe,4 S I ll
I no 4 1 11
44 Ml 1M 1 u
44 14 H III
ft Hi IN 111
44 tn 11 1 if
t M IH
47 ! M I 11
41 17 ...
t ..... IS f II
14 IT4 ... IN
M Itl 14 I 44
..Ul ... SS
..404 ... I 14
..IH 4 44
. . 4
..Ml 4 4
..111 . . IM
..111 94 4 4
..let as 1 at is is
..A IN S
..114 44 4 4
..Vt ... 4 42V4
..174 ... IN
...P IS 171
...14 ... 4 11, 4 4 I
...M4 IM I IS
..tla ... 1 si
m 19 4 m
...111 ... (Is
.. ... II
...til ... 1 t
...U HIM
.,.14 1W I ft
4 971 4 4 M
ti r Hit
14 At! M 4 44
44 M4 I M
14. 11 M IN
44 11 IM 47U
It J71
41 It
14 tt
I 1H
I 1
4 4 M
tf IN
- I M
... I f
.. I M
M 4 tt
.. I IT
.. IM
99 (
.,... Alt
tl 174
.....I IS) 7i
4 IS 4 1
.... J"l ... 4 14
Ml ... 4 14
.... Ml 4 I
M4 . . 4 I
.... Kl 14 I I
At! 4 1
I. ...... .914
11 ...let
41 In4
n u4
1 11
I 4
1 444 is I ss 1 iss s te
I Me MIS 1 4 as I ss
SH EEP Contrary te tn usual m's there
waa a fair run of lamb here today, ten
fresh cara being reported In. Th market
as sii to be expected on the the last day
of the week, showed ve.y little change.
Th receipts of sheep for ths aeek foot1
up close to 90.000 head. being the
largeet run for the year to date and th
largest for ny week me last November.
The heaviest receipts for lest year were
during th week ending October I, when
103. Iso head arrived at the yards.
In spite of the very heavy" receipts the
market, st this point haa been In ex
ceptionally good condition all the week.
The proportion of fat sheep and lambs
lias been small and packers have been
enabled to take practically everything com
ing, so thst good killers have sold at
steady prices throughout the week.
Th attendance of feeder buyer haa been
very large all th week, so that in spit
of th excessive receipts the market has
remained In a good healthy condition
Moreover, prices on desirable klndl Of
feeder have shown vry llttl change com
paring the close of the week with laat
week close. As a mstter of fact, prices
strengthened up very materially during th
first hslf of the week. On Thursday, when
South Omaha had more sheep than all
other markets combined, the high prices
of Tuesday snd Wednesday were shaded
somewhat, so that the market on the good
kinds dropped back to about where It was
st the clne of the previous week. Com
mon and medium kinds of lambs and to fair ewes are some lower st
the close of the week. This Is especially
true of light undesirable lambs, especially
those on th runt order.
It Is not surprising that common- to
medium kind of lambs should have sold
off at this point ss a heavy decline has
takep place at Chicago. The Chicago
Drovers Journal of Friday says of the
lamb market at that point:
"Again buyers had things their own way
with the medium to good grades of natlv
Ismbs and bought such st prices V$i6o
lower, considering the severity of the sort
demanded today. Price for such were
easily the lowest of the week and show
4ibQe decline from the range her late
last week, or a break of 75ritl.00, from
high time here early last week?'
The same paper quotes th big native
ewes and th plainest class of breeding
ewes as nesrly 25c. off on prices psid there
1st laat week, with many of them 10c be
low the high time, lea than two weeks
Quota t tons on- KLiera: Good to choice
lambs. 17.O0r7.25: fair to good lambs. 68.760
7.00; good to choice yearlings, 9i.664ni.00;
good to cnoice wethers. l6.lM2t1.lf; good to
choice ewes, $4.7566.00; fair to good ewes,
Quotations on feeders: Lamb, $5.75i9
4.76; yearlings, $6.266.90: wethers, $4.4
06.26; ewes, $3.60 4.71; breeding ewes,
$5 006.26.
ReDresentatlve sales:
174 Nebraska ewea, feeders
459 Nebraska ewes, feeder
61 native ewes, culls
12 native ewes, cults
414 Idaho lamba, feeders ..
S9 Idaho lambs, feeders ..
Vt Idaho lambs, feeders ..
SM Idaho lambs, feeders .,
147 Idaho lambs, feeders .,
40 Idaho lamb
. 4
. 74
. 63
. 185
. 62
. 49
. 51
. 63
. 63
. II
4 m
4 5
$ no
( 25
Cattle Steady Hogs Five Cents
Hlgber hees Strong,
CHICAGO, Sept 21 CATTLK Receipts,
7.000 head; market steady; beevea. 13.904.
1.90; cowa and heifers, $1.2006.20; atocker
and feeder. U.Vu4.K: calves, $l.00$8.00.
HOOS Receipts. 7,000 head; market 6c
higher; mixed and butchers, $6.20S.t7V,;
good heavy, $rt.4ii.62H; rough hesvy, 96.80
tmoS; light ts.3MM.70; pigs, I&.66426.40; bulk
of sales. S6.10ftfi.66.
SHEtP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1000
head; market strong; sheep, $8.2036.65;
lambs, $4.50r&7.75.
Kssmi City Live tteek Market.
Receipts, 800 head, Including 600 Southerns:
market steady; choice export and dressed
beef steers, 6.4tKa,a5; fair to good, $4 00i9
6.10; western fed steers. I3.40fl6.00; stockers
and feeders, $2.6094.60; southern steers, $2.71
t4.00; southern rows, $2.0004.10; natlv cows.
$1.763.76; natlv heifer. $2.50$6.00; bulls,
12103.26; calves, $3.264j.00. Receipts for
the week, 70,700. . . , -
HOGS-Receipts, $,$00 hesd; tnarket
strong, closed weak; top, $.60; bulk of
sales. M.3604.46: heavy. W.2G&4 86: packers.
$C.S6.46; pigs and light, 9b.008.60. Re
ceipts for the week, 12,100.
BHHEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market iiomlnally stesdy:- Lambs. $6,000
7.60; range wethers. 14.756.50; western
rearllngs, 15.266.70; western sheep. $4 000
26; atocker and feeders, $3.53 50. Re
ceipts for th week. $0,600.
St. Leala Live Stoek Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. 8ept 22. CATTLK Re
ceipts, 2.000 hesd. Including 1,000 Texan;
market ateady; native shipping and export
steers, $4.604. 40; dressed beef and butcher
steers, l2.7O83.90; steers under 1,000 pounds,
$3.50EH.36; stockers and feeders, $2.6034.60;
cows and heifers, $2.25tffj.20; ranners. $1.60j9
2.00; bulls, $2.00g4.26; calves, $3.60j7.20;
Texas and Indian steers, $3.10436.00; cows
and heifers. $2 10r2.40;
HOGS Receipts, 1.600 head: markst
higher; pigs and llghta, $4.0rVo(.; packers,
18 tfyM OTH; butchers and best heavy, $6.46
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 900;
market steady: native muttons. 13.0OtT6.76:
lambs, I4.004j7.50; culls and bucks, $2,009
$.26; stockers, $3.70t.50.
HeW York Live Stork Market.
NEW TORK. Bept. 23.-BKKVE8-Re-celpts,
79 head; market Bteady; dressed
beef unchanged at HiiHW' per lb. for na
tive sides, Texas beef st My7c per lb. Ex
ports. 9M) 01 1 tie and (.940 quarters of beef.
CALVBS Receipt. Ul head; market
steady; few Kentucky calves sold at
$6.50 per 100 lbs. City dreesed veals, steady
at 913tyc; country dressed, (lie per lb.
BHEF.H AND LAMBS Receipts. 499
head; market for sheep almost nominal
and unchanged, prim lamb slow but
steady, common and medium lamba not
wanted and weak to fraction lower; a few
heep sold at $3.00 per 100 lbs. common to
prims lambs at $6 0OS7.I5, Canada, lambs at
HOGS-Recelpts, 2.171 head; market feel
ing nominally steady.
Blom City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITT, la., Bept. 22. (Special Tel
egram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; mar
ket unchanged; beeves, 14.00r34.00; cows,
bulls and mixed, $2.6o4.60; stockers and
feeder. $3.0134.16; calves and yearling.
HOGS Receipts, 2,(00 head: ' market
sterdy; selling at $6.t4J.14; bulk of sale,
$5.$o$)(.0. .
t. Jek Live Sleek Mark.
Receipts, 27 head; market steady; natives.
$4.6026; cows and heifers. nfrtkSe.10;
stockers and feeders, $1.2534.60.
HOGS Receipts, 2.767 head; market steady
to 6c lower; light $6 264.60; bulk of sales.
M.163 86.
SHKUP AND LAMBS Receipts, non.
Stoek lm Slsk.
Receipts ef live stock at the
western markets yesterday wet
South Omaha (76
Sioux City ino
Kansa City 900
St. Joseph ' M7
St Lout 2,000
Chicago 1,000
six principal
aa follows:
Hogs. Sheep.
1 610 2,5a)
.10.142 22, 087 1,100
Bank Clearlags.
OMAHA. Bept. tl Bank clearings for
today were $1,411,727.40 and for ths corre
sponding dat last year Sl.riO.400.4L
1904. 1906.
Monday $1.7(7.054.17 tl.690.394 27
Tuesday 1.1X1.13109 1.9H0.M9II
Wednesday 1.441,26 M 1.193.144 9
Thursday 1.710,770 11 .1.432.994 01
Friday 1.691.6nS 44 J.61! rtM
Saturday 1.411.727.40 l.tio.too.41
Tta1s $9,271.01169 $6 9 .446
- Incresse over corresponding week laat
jresr, $911,r:.91.
CI ear lag He Average.
NEW TORK. Sept. ft The statement ef
dealing house bank for th week show
that tb bank hold $11,116,926 more than
th legal requirements. This Is sn In
ereas of $7,779,626 as compared with last
week. Th statement follows:
Igat tender
Fpeet j..
Reserve required..
Ex. V. S. deposits.
.$1.041.M2,no $ T 4?t JOO
. 1,021. 261. 60 17.73.A
46.10 0 ; re too
77.641. A li4.Anft
140.F4VM lr."!)nA
ws t rm
11 P 6
4 4Mr
4 974.J7I
CwsTee Market.
tures opened irregular at an advance ef
I points to a decline of i point, trading
being on steadlner European rabies, while
the market waa unsettled by th decline
In primary markets snd reports, of freer
ffeiina of spot at a lower basis. Trading
was quiet knit th mrvrk t sagged 08 under
11 rH ... I is t ...
tM ... I ItH N .,
14 t&4 M 1)11) ..
mpderets offerings In the Absence f sup
pcfrt snd closed steadv st a net eelin
f'f MJ1 points Sales we- reported or
24.8w bags. Including October st 4 2"r, t,
cember. 4 164)4) 46c; March, ( fr A6c,
Oa of braeka'e "Heme Folks"
Olvee evr Yorker Pew
Several of the Nebraska home folk to
celebrate th arrival of Bryan In New
Tork were golfer, and enm had gsmes
on Iocs! links. "Tonr New Tork links are
too artificial; jiav like good many of
your notion here." remarked one of the
Nebraska golfers, quoted by th New Tork
Sun. "Now. beyond th Mississippi we
get nature own golf course,' for the
land to th prairies are as undulating
and close In turC as th seashore links in
th British Isles. W don't build bunkers
or dig trap for hatarda. Th land has only
to bs smoothed with A roller to form the
putting greens, and tiie dlstsnces marked
out according 16 the lay of the land to
make A good one, two or three shot hole.
It's Ideal golf, and If we didn't have to
hustle ao hard for a living w surely
would develop - an . amateur champion In
There Is on thing we have don that is
a record. We have Invented a new sort of
golf tournament and a new name for It.
W rail It a swstfest.-and It bests all other
sorts of golf competitions.
"All hands may stsrt In a swstfest, for
we believe In sociability out our wsy. It l
match play, arranged on the community
plan and on sound principles that would
appeal to Old Tom Morris. Prime Minister
Balfour, Walter 3. Travis. Chandler Egan
or any stickler for orthodoxy In golf; but
It Is wholly progressive and new.
"Th method Is something of the order
of the playoff of a tl In medal plsy qusli
fylng round, inasmuch aa all hands tee off
together. No matter how many ar' to
play for th cup, all hands start In by play
ing the first hole. They drive off In pair,
of ,cotire, or In foursomes, and thos to
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' ......... .........
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The Twentieth Century Farmer,
hole out fl-sl form a gait: r. to wltrb Ihf 1
efforta of the others snd to cheer them Any
High man or men drop eut st each he!.
Th other keep on. untli but two r left
In. but the rule remain the same.. high
man to drop out When wetfeet get -reduced
to one pair It become an ordinary f
match, usually eettled st the netho!'
or two. , , " '
' Purpose the first hole It a par 1 Usually "
two or three will have 7s, r even 8. m a
big field, and out they go. If the second
hole I an easy S. those at 6 will probe
ably be dmpped.tinles some one get d
wretched T or A and so save th bacon at
th 6 men. Often a whole bunch will be
dropped at Is or . for whll a playr .
rnlght keep them In, or as we ear, "a He.'
by a arrtflr stroke w are loo -attiet on
th aptrlt of the gam to commit ucb. as
act. Instead, should some one In such
crisis ssv th bunrh by getting I hi ll
hooted at and fined th drinks.
"When a swstfest Is 'elMed down to sis
or eight. It become aa exciting 4 form of
golf aa any I have seen. At onr lsst swat
feet over the Omaha Field club links,
there were six survivors out of severity
starter to play the sixteenth tail:' at $
yards. All had 4 when th laat p1r drove
off. One of them dropped his tee shot And
took 1 more to the green, but holed out In
4. His partner was on the green In 2, and.
It looked aa If he. too. would get a 4
and the bunch keep on Intact to the next
hole, instead, this chap played a lonfc
put bravely to the hole and got-' hla $.
There waa a tremendoua yell from th
gang a a tribute to hi courage. H took
the chance of overrunning for a 6, when
he would hav been tha only on to drop,
out, hut the I put out all th 4s and von
th cup for him."
The Innovation might be' tried by golf
club In search of a novelty, whether fM
member or open tournament pty. N
braska'a Stat Oolf association haa evolved
a novelty that may catch on. for th basil
la 4 new arrangement of standard golfing
method. Th swstfest Is not a freak
competition that may be dismissed with a
strrug of ths shoulder.
Stock Feeding.