THE 0MA1TA DAILY BEE: - MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2i, 1906. SPECIAL NOTICES -16- bw.Vake ! J fsr ths vealaar -adlttsav ad .. 1st the puti aad gaaday adHlsw. RttM 1 1-Xe ward Srst laewrtlaa, 10 a war 4 thereafter. Rath-lac takrea for-tsaa Hit SO far aa arst laser. tlSa. Thae' advertisements asast tea r (Mnntinlr. Advsrtlsrre, by resaestlaa- a awa. kra,ktnk, saa haa it ad dressed to a naaaaered latter la aara at Ttr'i. Answers aa affl aa delivered aa araacataMaa at ' ' MISCELLANEOUS " FALL TERM B0YLE9 BUSINESS COLLEGE , 18-NOW OPEN, i PAT AND NIGHT. . Sttulents sre admitted any day. New rstalog Free. Tel. Doiislaa 1564. .. Address H. B. Boylee, President Borles Building. . Omaha. Neb. GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WIJ0U5SALB.AND. RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., 8 U SO. 1 6h 8t Tel. Douglas (SI. R M923 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works maka a spe cialty of firs -scapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, prop., 102 9. 10th St. - t . i ' R 789 ION PAINTINO-a. H. Cole, 1301 Douglas. .'. . .; K IW WHERE TRUNKS ABB MADS. Trunks, suit cases and shoppln base. Old trunks in exchange. Repalrlna. .. . "RKLJnJ A BTK1NU3. tn.Jf. llh Bt. Phone DougSa 41 u tt r - . A MTOi Si TRT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Dour 3M0. ' R 71 IOWA SanHarx Claaalnf Ca., Wl Farnam, . -. . . it ;w ANTI-MONOPOLY Qarbave CO;. (21 N. 18th. Tel. Doug. 177a. Res. 'phone Doug. 7061. . .- . Rm EL6AB8ER aV BRICK, Machinists, U? Bouth 12th BU Tel. 047. HEFL1N Locksmith, t , mored upstairs entrance, 1324 Farnam."' TeL Doug. 7i. - R 91 'business chances Do YoVifili ;t6 Makea Chaago If yoti have" a'farnv-hame, business or prop arty, that you want .to sell or excltange write- us. - - - QLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. . . f-MS10 01 FOR 8ALK-A flrst-oiaaa Job office with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three- papers In surrounding towns; Job type ill new; doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, 'Neb. -"Writ now. or come, 'as; this, snap will not last long. Prices-low. Address Bos 61C, . Hastings, Nab. , , X-aa HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT.' We have been In business 'M years,' which Is long enough, and have decided to re tire. We own the Scollard hotel. Bturgls. S. D., which la a good money maker; 40 rooms, well located, up to date. Want to -sell Hotel and furniture: easy terras. If not sold by October 1 will lease hotel and sell furniture. Apply Scollard Hotel, Bturgls. 8. li. . .T 284 MX ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS! M tons atuooo for sale cheao: 2 cement htMk machines for sale cheap. Call 1324 Wnara ut., room s. i ixu.o WANTED To ' eell '' a 'Small block of Saoquallnle Trust lo. ana 't upper Min las Co.'a etock. Address 8-1", Bee. , T-M4M34X '-- fit , . , . FOR SALE Grocery and queensware stock in beet business town in . central Ne braska; 1,600 population; stock j fresh, clean end up to date; fine location and establlahed trade Good reasons-for sell . " B-Mi -care Pe-. - " T 478 Hx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS fcODA FOUNTAIN, any site. 1UI Farnam. Q 796 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best . mixed paint. Sherman at MCConneu Lrug Co. Omaha. .. . Q 714 HALL'S oafea, new, id-band . 1SU Farnam. Q 797 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tablaa; we lead the world In cheap uar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns- wica-jaike-t;oiienaer, mi o. luia fit. O 7M LEJTER, CABINET TWO Beslev letter cabinets In good condi tion, mud of walnut and have two drawers each. Call at Bee business office and get a bargain. Q 441 s FOR SALE Steam house heating boiler. wss used to heat t-reom house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee siag. tj uui SEND US your mall orders for druxs freight paid on (it) tola. Myers-Dlilui) urug uo umana. . j atw M STOVES; must be sold In the next 0 days. Chicago rur. Co., iuu Dodge. Q 747 SQUARE PIANO for sale cheap.' Call Rsd m or tan no. loin Bt. w itwt l...tce SHARES SrU-aalts Deeo Mlnina and Tunnel Co.'s stock at a bargain if taken at once. Address r-si, uee. s , Q-M'iH a FURNITURE, stoves, carpets. 1907 Wirt. Q-M373 Wx CiOOD phaeton, rubber tire, 4. XXH Wirt t. :.,,(, W M4s0 Mx CLEARANCE BALE of used automobiles 1M6 Pop Toledo touring car, 19)4 White Steamer, 19C4 Btevens-lurye runabout. Write for prices. Derlght Automobile co., mil r emain m. y mi'js zv FURNACE ItE AT I -arc rooming house, flneet locsllty. full oi real gooa roomers, easy walking dls tsnce, rent only I37(t). furniture for sale. . . , W-VM40R U FOR SALE Oood family cow, Jersey. Call rl l. ae m. f . . w -M wJX DANCING .MORAND'S. Hth and Harney new open. uaaeoaa ier aaiui, luaw. ana in, a p. m. aeaenibilne. Wed.; private leeaons, ball room or stag, tor terms pnone Doug las 1W1. Tba High School Class meets every Friday at I p. at. u erma, season uci. 10 May, tin. xou wui nna misscnooi tne nast. : .4 ? 41IQ4 CHAMBERS' SCHOOL OF DANCJNQ, M2 V'ainatn. reopens for adults Monday, Sep .Vembar 14. 8 i. m. H sh" school. Saturday, September tt, 1 p. m. Iiildren, baturday, Beptember I p, m, k-OanBllmentary raids of admission to tha at aitng will be furnished to past pupils and their - friende upon application. Call or write for booklet. Telephone Dourlaa iwn. M174 SITUATIONS WANTED SlTl'ATION WANTED By young mar. lied man. aa aalea or office manager: thoreuehiy experienced, a hustler, and . with right firm would be willing to take mail compensation uniu can demon- avatsj aUlty. Addreaa Jt-g. ttee. A tie XT BY , taMdla-aged, western couple, car of ranch aa cook and manager; state wages) come any tkma Addreee t-reo. ijradley, mi Las eade ot., - criicago. - A- MUl Bi WANTED Position. Is there a aria in Omaha desiring the aervlce of a thor oughly practical bookkeeper and aocoun taat: am at present engaged, but would consider a proposition to get Into a good . boaiaesft trhOinaha,- realdaat Of Ohio ad eatttrbrriiah glit edge retereooaa upon fee. a eat. Addre W, care Osaaha Bea. A Alftxl X WANTED MALE HELP WANTED For tha U. S. manna eerpa. man between iim a -and : aa oppor tunity ta toe world. For fuller in formation see poster in poaioCDca al any county seat In tba state of Nebreeka, giving address of recruiting offire located there's. B MM 8J0X WANTED Fire boya, food wages, Pr tnaneat Job. A. D. T. Co-. HI 8. " WANTED SJOUND TOPNO MEN, M to aw, iQ prwpare or Dnmin on new roads and for fall rush. Bi perlince unnecnetiary. Firemen llw. pro moted to engineers UUO; brnhemen git, promoted ta conductors 150. Positions now opan. National Railway Training Association, 620 X Paxton Blk.. Oman, Neb. - BM18 OI DRUO STORES bought and Bold: drug clerks wentflu. F. V. Knleat, W K. I. U TEAMS can make from $4 to l per day. Bteady work. c. . Havens at J. 14th and Webster. B-2M WANTED Car builders, repairers and truck men. Cudauy racking cu. B 433 WANTED Experienced bill clerk; must ba wall recommended: prefer married man; stats age and salary. " 34. care Bea TWO man to sail roads on payments from BALART and commission will ba pl4 to a Drst-ciass oia-una me . capable of writing buslneaa himself and teaching others to do so. - Address lsoh box 1626, Lincoln. Nab. 9 Mt Oi MEN and boys, plumbtn, brlcklyln. plaatertn tiadas par Is to M day. We teach yoj. thorouhly In three months. Position e-usranieao. rrwm ivi. Coyne's Trade School. 8U Louts, Mo. , r B UUfl Omaha Belioot of Law; erenlne sasslons only. I'lircner uirormaiion, .auirm retary. 701 N. T. Life Bld. Tel. Po"f 8S7. B 9W 0 WANTED Threa men and three boys. Omaha Box Co., Boat umann, awi WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weess compieiea; mxiw money to graduates; tools given; positions waiting. Call or write Moler Barber Col lege, 1111 Farnam St., Omahs. B M3SJ lit WANTED Non-union experienced harness makers ana saanie iuuiub. nr -and machine operatore; orn shop; trans portation advanced to-reliable men; steady employment and good wages to compe tent mechanics; caanc for good work men. Bommera Bro. Mfg. Co., St. IajuIs, Mo. . Address ell correspondence to J. IJttn'an. BecreUry, X100 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. B Mi33 21x WANTED Lady or young man printer. IS. Address yvoria, xxuh", oku. . " B M3M Sx WANTED Office boy In wholesale house. Address R 16. Bee. giving age ana ex perience. B-M368 WANTED Two elevator men, capable of taking charge of corn elevator wun gaso line engine power; not over 30 years of age: must be able to give bonds; elevators in Indian Territory. . F. P. Hannlfui. Broken Arrow, Ind. Tr. . i B M3fi0 2 . WANTEDSalesmen In men's hat ' depart ment. J. L. Brandels Sons, a 4J4 Je WANTED Cash boys, cssh girls and liun- dle wrappers must be l years or oiaer. J. L. Brandels Sons. B M4S3 i We are In need of ' Bookkeepers. -Stenographers. Office Clorks. - To till good positions In Omaha and the west. - The demand Is greater than the supply, r'all ae write for nertlrulara WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N (INC.), Dept. B. 840-1-X N. T. Lire Bing. . ( , , . ,B-M4ffl 34 IN EIGHT WEEKS or less we prepare you as a competent barber, secure yoti a .salaried position In a responsible shop. Address American Barber College, corner 12th and Douglas Sts. B-4e Zox WANTED Grocery delivery clerk. latere, rU Leavenworth. n a COMPETENT rnrlde salesman for office supplies. Aaarfii wun rricirinr. i former employers In this -tine, giving e. perienc and sslary expected. John W. utanam CO., cspoxane, wasn. - B-MiM 24 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Womau cook. IS per month; IU4AJ1V Aigg sAaataj i twwuiiumitewvHai mwuiwsj L 7, Bee. . C Mbae WANTED A straight matter compositor: either iaay or genueman. Ancnor mu- lishing co., ra i tar son ttiug. . . c mvm WANTED Fifty girU to work in candy factory, uooa cnance to earn money to buy your Christmas prssenta with. The Voegele ex Dinning cu., ins Jones Bt. C 147SJ FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls 15 or 1 years oia (or cupping threads, Benils Omaha Bag Co. . . C-MliX WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. Apply Mrs. John I. Kennedy, Z124 case. . . c M164 WANTED Young girl to help with chil dren. Si BO. 37th St.' Tel.. Harney 3W . C-M 2S1 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted at once. D. J. UHrlen Co., yivg Howard C-MM WANTED A cook and a bousemsld. Mrs. Merrlam, 1802 Blnney St. 'Phone louglaa 3424. . , c szi WANTED A girl for general housework, 1 D. lJ 1 1 . 111 JU 111111 , a-v " - A rTt C 366 14 A GOOD COOK for general housework. 411 8. 33th St. Phone Harney-ifaO. C-364 24 WANTED Thoroughly, experienced salea. ladles for cloak and suit department, Hlsh aalarlea. B. Fredrick Berger A Co. 1617 Farnam St. , C 363 U WANTED Dining room girl, Koehler ho tel. Grand Inland, win rurniah ticket.- C 473 24 WANTED Girl for general housework. KI3 rarit, Ave. . c im a WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work;-apply ladles' cloak department, Hayaen Bros. C 418 26 WANTED Cloak And ' suit sales ladles must bs thoroughly experienced and competent. - Apply cloak department. Hayden Bros. C 8i 2 WANTED Stock girls; apply cloak de- partm ent Hayoen Bros, c 1 WANTED AGENTS OHIHINTALk WAISTS AND SUITS. Agents wanted everywhere. Ladlea and gentlemen are making 325 to 360 per week selling embroidery gooda direct to the la dles. Good sellers in cttlee or country. No experience or capital required, can at office or write to r. S. Embroidery Works, luvVt and ius bo- lein Bt, umana. incd. J-M7S3 OU AGENTS Don't accept aay agency until you hear from us: quickest seller on earth; 3,000.000 sold; 120 per day; aamplee free. Domestic Mrg. CO., Minneapolis, Minn. J M37 24X SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Saleamen to place our Patent Adjustable Umbrellas, with 1 cigar deals; great seller; an article whloa makes sales easy. Address. Crown Cigar . , till ..I UN T 11,11 .1 U., MUM.UATC, T. 1 A JU4 I SALESMEN make H and up per week selling our high grade Investment con tracts; absolutely safe and profit able T. C. Blue, Storm Lake. la. IM3 t Hi WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow t&us or tu.SOe home money la ample, well rented residence property in Boiitn uraaoa. at T per cent. AQireaa in nr. w. . vyi UW AND COLLECTION'S I. M. Macfarland. lot N. Y. L. Bldg. TeL Douj.; M (J Oi OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON laatltuta. tM . Y. I TeL DOUg. 04. Hardly a subscriber who doesn't read the per sonal ads on the Bee Want Ad Page; You should have yours there. , OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DKWET SXirepaa AoUl. Uth and Farnftro. JEa Y'"3 Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunk. E HO CAPITOL HOTEL. 13th and Capitol Ave.. south front; rooms with or without board. B SOs FURNISHED room In new, modern house. VERT desirable room or suite for one or two people appreciating a good home; modern, clean, fine location, near car line; meals (first-class) if desired. 2224 N. ll'th Bt. E-M3I2 2 fx PLEASANT room, modern, private family. U4 south th Ave. s 3Vi znx LA ROE, modern, welt furnished southeast front room with alcove; private family. Telephone Harney-2296. E 361 24x MODERN rooms; gentlemen preferred. t23 f. atn. is M41 ax TWO south front rooms, newly furnished. in new brick nat. 'Phone 684o. vsm Har ney St. ' I0-M37I tsx BEAUTIFUL, - large front room, modern. beet rererenoe regarding neat, etc. ei4 is. 23d. E M4S4 24 TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent. 1306 Blnney. Tel. Red-7003. E M4S3 25x ELEGANT, large south room, with alcove, nuu. uio ivr i.u, aiw x-ariiaiM. E 479 MX FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M.E. Haul Trunks - r-oi - VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cats. JT IV MODERN rooms, home cooking; reasonable pnee, sua Howard Bt. Tel. Dougiaa tDSL F-M3M) NICELY furnished rooms, modern; pleas. ant aurruunainga; good board; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney Bt. - F-387 S24X WANTED TO RENT WANTED About Nov. 1, furnished house. weat i-amam street district. Apply Hi So. 14th Bt. K MS6 WANTED To rent, by young coupl wlth- our cnnaren, modern 6 or e-room cottage. Address R 10. Bee K-M337 I?4x FOR RENT HOUSES APARTMENTS Applications will be received for renting the up-to-date apartments of five and six rooms each In new building, ; 25 th Ave. and Half Howard St. Will be ready for occupancy about Oct. 15th. Rent, 345 and 140 per month. GEORGE & CO., Tel. Douglas-764. 1601 Farnam St. D265 30 r WE DO expert piano moving at lowest ,.i iv. aci. vougias isa. Bcumouor at Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. - " ii 811 HOUSES ln " Parts of the city. R UWUOM c, Peten A Co. Beo Bldg. Uaii HOUSES ,n l jp1" ot e'ty- Th UUUDfaj o. F. Davis Co., 60s Uo Bldg. 1) a La HOUSES, Insurance. Klngwalt, Barker Blk. D tU4 OMAHA Van A Storage Co., pack, move, store li. it. goods; storehouse, 112U-Z4 rs. liita. Offloe, liU Farnam. Tel. Doug. lZin. i 1S WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van at Stor age Co. Tel Doug. 14& Office, 1713 Web ster St. Dsle SEE us whsn shipping household gooda to large dtiee west. We can ssve you money. EXPRESSMEN S D El .1 VERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. TeL Doug. UK. . . d-si; FOR RENT---room house, all modern: furnace, 325. C. M. Baobmann. 486 Paxton Blk. , . D 332 PIANOS and household goods moved; boxes for sale. Cole A GunneiL 1600 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 10. D M774 O 13 FOR RENT New flat 821 So. 29th Ave.; the most beautiful flat of the kind in the city; complete and perfect In every detalL Win. K. Potter, 301 Brown Blk. D M339 . STORAGE g furn!ture. Telephone Douglaa 176. 1215 Harney St D M827 014 FOR RENT A new modern e-room house. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D-M347 CENTRAL, steam. 4-room Hat. 230 N. 23d. D 200 MODERN 10-room brick: gas. bath, laun dry, furnace. Keys, 8601 Capitol Ave., on premises. D M276 25x 1907 Spencer St., T rooms, strictly all mod ern: will be vacant October 1. 133.50. IS28 Capitol Ave., new house, 6 rooms, 332.50. Hastings & Heyden. 1704 Farnam St. 1 D-M341 24 NICE 6 and Jl-room house, with bath and gas; rent reasonable; nice location. In quire 4206 Nicholas. D-352 24 DESIRABLE apartment of four rooms, modern except heat, to family of adults. 3304 Pierce St. D M497 EIGHT-ROOM modern house; choice loca tion; 8m4 8. 3flth.- Enquire P. B. Myers. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. 16th and Farnam. D 482 x FOR RENT- STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk rom In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 3th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. I 134 A GOOD OPENING for a bakery, with a 1st., class bake oven, 1711 Nicholas St.; aieam heat during winter. Bemts, Pax ton block. - I-M711 DESK ROOM. tv Bee Bldg. I-M3T4 26x FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Twenty-seven general stocks of merchant dlae from I3.W0 to t-J,0u0 for land. Im proved and unimproved. Thirteen hardware stocks from 33,(00 te 18,000 for improved and unimproved land. Five restaurants, - Seven livery and feed barns, all prices, ta exchange for land. Stock of implements, buggies, wagona, etc., Invoice 3.0t, with buUdlrg U0.OUO, Incumbrance I6.QU0, tor l-x-d Iowa or north Mlasouri farm. Eight blackamita ahopa, invoice 3463 ta 5,0u0, lor South Dakota land. Five drug stocks. Invoicing frvm 34,306- ta 3S.0OO, for laud equal value. Thirty-four -evidence properties, located ta good -towns, good schools, etc., to ex change for Kansas, Texas, South Dakota, Kcbiaaka or Iowa land. Five hundred well located. Improved farms, located lit Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri. Write for prices and deacriptlona. OLOBE LAND AND 1NVBTMENT CO, Bioux City, la., or Oiuaba. Neb. Z-MU6 F tOU do not find what you wart la this column, put an ad in and you will soua get It. &-4i 160 ACRES land In Washington county, Colorado, to trade for residence in Lin coln: a snap If taken at once Address Box 34, les Moines. la. Z-406 x PHAETrON. also noree. for carpenter or brick work 3wM Wirt St Z-M476 I4x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE John Morrison Place Grand Ave. and Florence 'boulevard; rooms, big barn, fine trees, great outlook; dl- ' sgonally across from Rome Miller's. Peremptory order to rent or sell. Ask us for par ticulars. Harrison & Morton 112-813 New' York Life. Telephone Douglas-314. ' RE-M377 FOUR houses and lota, 1617 Cass . , RE 490 0-7x WE have several buyers for homes from 11.000 to 13,000, between Vinton Bt. and Railroad tract. List your property with us. Louis. Berks, 141 New Vork Life Bldg. - RK 48 WHY pay high rent 7 Let us sell you a farm. We have Improved farms in Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and sixes, for ale on the easiest , kind of terms and payments. Squires 4k Annls, Council Bluffs, la. RK 443 OI OWNER wishes o sell a -room modern house, walking distance. Address R J 4, Bee. RE 360 34x - Live In one . Rent t),e Other. ' Two modern residences at 1128 and ilM South Hat street wttb on good barn. Ground 76x150. East front on paved street. Eastern owner will sell for 13,000. THOMAS kSRENNAN. Room L Now York Life Building. RE-M303 SOUTH OMAHA BARGAINS. 3-room house and good lot. $1,000; half cash; balance monthly. Store building, paying 10 per cent net, tl.finft; half cash: balance time; leased for three years. Call 1324 Farnam St., room I. RB M376 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1S04 Farnam, and P4 . per cent loans on real estate; no delay. w-a MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 14 WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam Smith ex Co., U20 Farnam St. W-6 BUILDING loans on residence property; i per cent. W. B. Meikle. Ramge Blk. . W-KS1 LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block. W-362 PRIVATE MONSY-F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug. W 6i 11.000,000 TO IX)AN on business and resi dence property in Om,aha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Breanan, R. 1, K. Y. Life. . ,v W-l WANTED City loans. R. C Peters St Co. i W-56 City & farm loans.. O. F. Carson Co.. N.Y. U W-363 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. w-r tFOR SALE FARMS In i) .: '' ' n . SJ6 . j oi:'. . - - ! , i , - ' . .I-M'-. I CI I Free Trip to Texas I have Just secured the option on a large section of fine land in southwestern Texas, which will be sold at a bargain If taken at once. Will refund fare to the purchaser of any of this land. Have arranged a trip for examination, October 2. , D. W. OTIS, 127 Pearl Street. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. . . . I H t0 24 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out lta . lands In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From 33.00- to li.OO per acre. Take advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the lands. Foi further Information1 apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 318 South 15th St, Omaha. Neb. H-M496 9 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. BEST INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of us. Buy direct. No agents. No heavy commissions. Finest, sil-pralrie, hard wheat land: Nine and ten dollars. Easy terms. Others ask fifteen and more. We aave you money. Write us quick. - F. A. PARKER i CO.. Spencer. la. H 267 OH FOR SALE Ranch, cheap, territorial water right. Particulars, address. A. P. Rleck, Saratoga, Wyo. H MJ48 28 x PATENTS PATENTS quickly secured with ample claima 8peclal fifteen dollars saving proposition for thirty days. Write today, enclualng description of invention. Win. Bagger,. Patent Lawyer, Wash,, D. C , U -4 Sept ix F. J. LARSON 4k CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 324 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS-Patenta nrocured. Inventions developed, drawinxa. patterns, castings, machine work. 604-613 B. twin Bt PATENTS procured and sold, 1 fee. Nat l Investment Co., Douglas Blk.. ICtta Dodgiv ' M 396 O 6 PRINTING LTNdSTAD High Grade 107 Calendars, ex JOHVB. Capitol Ave. - COMPLETE line of 1M Calendars. Hnati Printing Co.. 816 8. 12th St -M923 OI CALLING cards 36o per hundred. Castle man Printing Co., sWi S. 18 to St. M Oi WE HAVE a new press no Job too large or two small. Central Printing Co. M-7M Ol3 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES' CH ATE LAIN School of Languages Day and evening c-laasea, French, German, Spanish, fencing. Davtdge Bldg. 274 08 VOCAL CULTURE Limited number pupils taken: moderate price. J. J. Naven, 230 N. 17th. M nj 24x DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE oat active service, 'phone Red .ail. Rooms 13 and 14, Union Blk., Uih 4 Farnaav, lA-stf OM j PERSONAL AN Invisible, Instantaneous skin perfuming beautiner, describes Satin skin powder. ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Balvetton Army Home for Women at 3S24N. ,34th St.. Omaha, Neb U-MI00 USB Btsnchard's Ecsema Lotion for skin diseases, at druggists. Assistance ,"lvefi free by Prof. J. Blanchard, skin epeclalist, Minneapolis. U-M871 O lux TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas 8530. U 4-4 DR. ROY. Chiropody, Dou.-64J7. 1506 Far. t U 82 1 PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 2011 N. list St TeL Doug. PLEATING BJ'Rucn,. 1 LLfl 1 inVJ Embi-olderlng. Dyeing and Cleaning. Bponglng und Shrink. Ing, only so par yard. Seud for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. V0 Douglas Block. TeL DouglftSj5. LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264, . XUS-lUhSt THE Salvation Army solicits cast-ofl clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. V,3."?'1 wagon will call. U 611 FREE medlcsi and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sta. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night U 129 THE City Garbage OoOfflce, Hth and Leavenworth Sts. TeL Douglas 1387. U 833 PRIVATE Aomi during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San. itarium. 728 First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. U-323 SURVEYING, Bllckensderter. HI Bee Bldg. 0 . . U 831 PENNELL MIlHnery Co., formerly of 15th and Douglas, now located at 321 N. lta St i U-340 04 OMAHA Stammerer InsUtute, RamaJg. -4-- SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut E rices. Send for free catalogue Myera. Ullon Drug Co., Omaha. U-836 M AONFiTTf! OSTEOLOGY-Mrs. Rlt MAJidiij tenhouee. 410 N. 16th. room 1 second floor. U M427 B2 WE RENT sewing machines at 31 per up. Nebraska Cycle Co.. corner 16th and Harney. Tel. Doualas U63. U-836 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 656. 1521 Leavenworth. U Mr. Oot.l . FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman, 1614 Capitol Are. . - U M304 Oi ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, ,618 Bee Bldg. U M359 O 6 PRIVATE HOME during confinement; spe- clal attention given to the boarding of infants. Madame Pickett, 2216 Charles Bt Telephone Douglas 6SU. V36i Oct ta CHRIST EN SON, carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 1669. U M800 O 18 M AnKTTTf! treatment and bath. Unit U M&a6 Oi4x ACORN PRESS Tel. Douglas 3762. 1S10 Howard. U M204 017 TO FARMERS AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS We pay highest market price, charging 'no commission, for all kinds produce butter, egge, etc., cash or mer chandise. Write for dally quotations. We'll send prettv souvenir postal. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U-M303 A RED, coarse, unsightly skin made fair by satin skin cream and powder. Zoc. U- DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR. Office of secretary of Douglas county fair will be in booth on carnival grounds, com mencing Monday, September 24th. Intend ing exhibitors call at once and make en tries. G, W. HERVEY, Secretary. U M364 25 A NICE healthy baby girl for adoption. Address B-'18, Bee. U M499 26x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" 11 box, postpaid. Sherman A MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. -A38 DR. PRIES, specialist women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell ' block, 16th and Harney, room 2, Omaha. 837 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS The Union Loan Co, have Increased their capital and during tne month of September will make a special rate on collateral loans, pergonal prop erty, mortgages and individual notes, without security. Terms to suit your convenience. 'Phone Douglaa 29u4 or call at Sid Bee Bldg. X-M804 OI DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses .Mu n ..... ' I V, .-. 1 . ) , . T perfect privacy: immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended when sick or out oi wora. ait naroaca Bik. 209 Sontb 16th St X 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances prlvats money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money same day asked for at small cost Open evenings till 7. X 43 MONEY I .OAK ED SALARIED PEOPLE ana outers wiwoui aeuumy; easy pay. ments. Offices in 66 rrtnclpal cities. Tul ntu, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-S43 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE: reliable acoam modating; all business confidential. liol Douglaa FURNITURE, live Stock. Salary loana Duff Green Loan Co., room 3. Barker LI 1- V U , DIU1K. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 310 & Ulh. X-M CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loana Foley Loan Co., 16o4 Farnam St X 6M CHATTEL end salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co.. 633 Paxton block. X-647 Money to Burn But we don t burn It; we loan It. Any reasonable amount will be given you ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK AND OTHER CHATTELS without dlaturging them. In shortest time after leaving application. SMALL EASY PAYMENTS Rapaya your loan, and If you settle before I agreement expires we give you a most LIBERAL DISCOUNT. W ALSO LOAN ON SALA'UCS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg, 306 S. 16th St Established UU. TeL Douglas 236. X-AUS4 TO LEND Salary loans by private party; . very low ratea; get my terms before borrowing elsewhere; conuaeimai. Ad dress Box Tufc X-MM6 80 PLUMBING BL'Y plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale oricea. fcave on everv article. Oniv nrat- claae gooda handled. Prompt attention te every order, bend for catalogue, a. y. Karei, 3U Uarrtsun St, Chleagu. Ill M-d A LOST ANb FOUND LOST Skye terrier dog. gray, bitch, blind In right eye; liberal reward. Keturn to ,404 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 336. , 29 ;-6 FOUND ladles' gold watch. 'Phone Found M4I1 24X Doug -3144. STRAYED Black mare, from farm, TtHh and tenter Sts. Reward If returned. C. Ev Wllklns. Ixiet 463 FENCING WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest prices; nee catalogue, cmana vire and iron Works, 933-46-37 No. 24th St. Tel. Douglsa 1701. M801 OlS ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing eo per foot 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814, -M803 Oil CHAMPION fences best 611 8. 16th. Doug. IOWA 34 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture. stoves, carneta, clothing and snoes; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas-3971. N-M3M OI SECOND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red-394. N M943 OK A SECOND hand pony trap. 'Phone Red- 6001. N M4i I4X CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions given. Call 113 8. 16th St, Opp. Boston Store. S-M193 IF worried or troubled, consult the reliable Mrs. Faust. 1608 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 4112. S M455-0-22X DRESSMAKING MAJDAME WOODRUFF Robe. Suite 313 14-16-16 Neville tfik. Tel. Douglas iz. M 369 Oct 22 FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 736 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam, Tsl. Doug. 1253 sot MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 682L -M42S S24 RAILWAY TIME CARD CNIO BTATIO! TESTS AXD MAftCY Valoa Faclflo T Mi. A mi t ma Overland LlmlteV a 9:44 am a 3:18 ant The china ana Japan Fast Mall a 4: pm a 6:10 pra Colo. Calif. Ex a 4:18 pm a 9:30 am bllfernla & Ore. ex. .a 4:26 pm a 6:16 pm fjU IiihIm Umltad all:sO am alA-U in Fast Mall a1:Mpm a 8 :30 pm Colorado Special a T:46 am a 7:44 am North Platte iocai as:iuam a 4:m ptn Beatrice Local b :U m b l:M m Chicago, Rock. Island at PaclSa EAST. Chicago Limited a 8 3 am a7:lam Iowa Local al:6tam a 4 JO pm Chicago Mail a 8:16 am al0:)0 pm Iowa Local ' bll:C pm b 1:66 pm Chicago- (Eastsrn Exp.). 4:01 pm a 1:46 pm Chicago tlowa Limltedi.a 6: pm alius pm , T AlD A, Bkw WAIIHt.lfl flm. A 7 -Sfl am a e.1B .m Colo. Cal. Express... a S.-01 pm a 1:61 pm OkL A Texas Exp a 4:40 pm all 04 pm Colorado Fast Mall al0:ll pm a 1M am a dally, b daily except Sunday. kcklcaga Great Western St Paul At Minneapolis. 8 JO pm 111 am St Paul ft Minneapolis, am II :66 pm Chicago Limited 1:4 m (:00 am Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:66 pm Chicago Express 1:10 pm tM Pm Wabaah fit Louis Exp rasa. jl 6:89 pm a :46 am bt ixiuis ijocai tirom CouncU Bluffs, a :l am a16:36 pm Council Bluffs) b t;09 pm blldO am Stanberry Local (from MtaaOarl PaolSo St Louis Express a 6:00 am a 69 pm IL C. 4k St L. :U pm a 6:09 no Chiesge A Ssrtkwemraai ' It Cedar Haplds Pass.. ..a 1:66 am a 1:01 Twin City Kxpresa ....a I AO am al0:00 Chlnam Uavlia-hA A LlliAm All ,11 Pm pm pm pm am am Pm ana so Pm am am am am am pm pm pm pm Chicago Local alius) am a 3:46 bioux city xocat .......d mq pm a 9:36 Carroll Local .a AM pm a 80 Sioux City iocai , u 8:46 Chicago Ivxpress a 6:60 pm a 7.39 Fast Mall a e:3s pu. a 84 Fast Mall a I.-06 Twin city utniiea ...a s: pm a J:06 Ovailauu Llmitod a 1:88 pm a 6:16 Chicago Limited all:M pm allot Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am aiw:J6 Lincoln-Long Pin b 7:40 am bl0:8t Dead wood-Lincoln a 1:00 put a 6:0a Caaper-Bhoabonl a 8:i0 put a 6.-01 Hastings-Superior b 8:00 pm b 6:14 Fremont-A) Dion n s:vc pm DU:4I C'blcaao, MilwaaUee A at. Paal Chi. A Colo. Special.. ..a I ts am a 7:36 California A Ore. lux... a 1:46 pm a 3:10 Overland Limited a 6 M pm a 6:26 Marlon A Cedar R. Loo.b 6:45 am bll:0 Illlnota Oeatral Chicago Express a 8:06 am a tM Chicago Limited a 6:0u pm a 74w am pm am pm pm BLRL1KQTOJI BTATlOh 10th MASOJI Barllagtoa Denver ft California... Black Hills Northwest Special Northwest luxpresa .... V... . Leava ,a :io pm .a 4:10 pm .a 4U0 pm aU:10,m Arrive, a 1:3 pm a 6:36 pm a 9:06 am a t-M pm a 7:46 pm ScwruaM r - r ...... ebraska Local .a 8.M0 am a'i'bi'a' a.Di-Ni - ijincoin mmw Lincoln Fast Mall...... Ft Crook PlatUnVh. BeUevue A Plaliaa'a. Denver Limited ........ Believue 4k Pac. June.. Bellevua Po. June. .Ik lris nm .b3:6upnt bio'jt a .a J:eu am a 6:3u aia - . .a 1:80 an. .a 9:16 am a 10 aia a 7:s am ! pm a 7:2 am alO:W pig allJuim a 6:4 am a 6:14 pm Chicago bpeoiai Chicago Express ; .a 8:46 pm Chicago mifmi ......... Iowa Local. ... fit Louis Express t - r-ltv.Mt- Joe... a a:w pin .a 9:iaoi .a 4:46 pns .aJtt:A& on Kansas Clty-St Jos... .a 9:ie am KAcaas uiyau w Vim WEBSTER DEPOT 10TH Jt WEBSTER Cblcago, St. Paal, Mlaaeapolle A Omaha Laara. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. . .b 6:6V am b 9:16 pis Sioux City Passenger.. .a 1:00 pm all. W am Kmerson Local b 6:30 pm b 9 10 am Emerson Local a :a am a 1.66 pn Mlsaoarl PaclSo Nebraska Local. 1a Weeping Water b tM pm bll:36 po a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, a Sunday only, a Daily except Monday. DR. ZAMENHOF IS POPULAR Many Wosaea Woald Marry and Eadovr Head at tha Esperanto Calt. GENEVA. Sept. 22. (Special Cablegram to The Bea) Dr. Zamenhof, the head ot the Esperanto cult during the recent con gress of Hsperantlsts here, received no less than 300 offers of marriage, all of them made-In the Esperanto tongue. Three of them were from very wealthy wuinen who begged him to marry them and use their wealth for the furtherance of ' his alma. The trip around the take was a great success. Dr. Zamenhof remained on deck for tba first part of the Journey, but the rush to be near him wss so great that be was forced to take refuge In a eabln In order that the boat might not ba upset. A rraaalaeat Cttlsea mt Detrfleld. tad., Baoeaasaeads Chaaaberlala'e Calls. Cholera and Diarrheas Remedy. , For the last fifteen years I have used and sold Chainberlaln'a Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Kn iady In my own family It has always been a oefluia and positive cure for dysentenry and bowl troubles, and I can cheerfully recommend It to anyone suffering from pains In tha stotne oh or bowel complaint. It la a remedy WHtr-ut aa equal. Frank C. Walker, Deertteld. Ind. ataagum Co, LETTER aPKCIAHflTa, MAKING A TOWN TO ORDER 5tel Trait Prawa ths Plana and Puts ' Up tba Wherewith. GREAT FUTURE FOR CORPORATION TOWN A Rival ta Plttabarg tader Way at 'Feet of Lake Michigan. Twenty Ix Miles from Chicago Details at Projert. Tha dream of George Pullman when ha planned the town beating his name aa aa annex to his car shops went' tha way of moat dreams when tested In. .the crucible of experience. Pullman was designed as an Ideal city. It was built according to Ideals of tha sleeping car magnate. I It waa laid out on precise lines, rows of dwellings lined the streets, libraries, meet lng halls and churches were provided, streets paved, and alt conveniences pro vided. Alt the dwellers had to do waa to work, for Pullman and live In one of hie cottages A family did not have to bother about going to the landlord to pay tha rent. Mr. Pullman arranged to have It deducted from the pay roll. Somehow tha beneflcarles of Pullman's paterlanlsm did not appreciate It They preferred to Jolly the landlord without endangering tha Jobs. While willing to exchange their skill ami muscle for Pullman coin they. . rebelled against corporate supervision over their families and their conduct. Tha sprouting of that Idea marked tHs beginning of tha fni of Pullman. Long ago decay marked It for Its own, and what Is left of Pullman s dream has been swallowed by Chicago. The United States Steel corporation la about to duplicate Pullman's dream on the shore of Lake, Michigan, twenty-six miles south of Chicago. Tha townslte beara tha name of Gary and the prospectus calls It "the Pittsburg of the west" A yesr ago there was an Immense tract of land, stud ded with a 'few sparse trees and soma rank undergrowth. In the northwest of Indiana, Just where Lake Michigan touches tha Hooeler atate. At present 16,000 men ara working over this desert and In three years It will be a town of 100,000, according! to the promoters. As It Is tba United States Steel corpora tion which Is performing ' this ', wonderful feat of raining a city from a prairie, and aa It stands ready to devote 176,000,000 to tha work, it la no mere gossip to say Gary will ba a model municipality and a beehive of Industry. As the steel company Is not permitted by Its charter to engage in tha real estate business, a separata company has been formed for' the purpose of build ing tha town, laying It out and disposing of real estate.. Merely aa -a. venture In real estate, Gary will be a profitable lu vestment. City at Tea Thoaaand Acres. About 6,000 acres have already been ac quired by the corporation at a cost of about $3,000,000. ' Large tracta of land are being added to this nucleus, and It la expected that eventually 10,000 acrea will pass Into tha hands of these new city builders. ' Tha land lies along the shore of tha lake from Clark Junction on the' west, almost to tha mouth of Grand Calumet river on tha east The depth of tha tract averages about two and a half miles, the southern limits skirt Ing the town of Tolleston, Ind. Tha Grand Calumet river, running east iiv vvwv, v.,,, w i,iv iihw.i uimmi lain between' the factory and the residential parts of tha city. Three thousand acres, or nearly five square miles of land, will be set apart for the. steel mills,' furnaces, dock and railway terminals, the mills oc cupying the northeast corner of the tract on the lake and the railroad center the normwest division, ah tna land soutn or tne river is- to do reserveo ror meroannis anit WnnlMnat ritflMlnrS and fo lit. tin.riAM of the employes. Within ten years ft, a Aw-M.i Ah. II.. 'will 1.. V..1IA ,.H WLF.,VKA 1,1V II ,11 C II W1.V 1 11 1.V UUII1, UU solidly till It connects with tha. present town of Tolleston., Tn tha lnhnT.t, nlantf fnvthji eeeatlon nf "5ary, for which the Initial appropriation ' la 810,000,000, there Is contemplated . tha deepening and straightening of the Grand Calumet river, the removal of the town of Clark Junction to make way ; for .rail road yards, the tvrXng of a great harbng and docks, the connection of the lake with tba Grand Calumet by means of a canal. the leveling of a wide expanse of sand dunes, the establishment of a comprehen sive sewerage system,, rerouting ,the river so that It may be navigable for barges sa far west as Hammond, Ind. The town of Clark Junction la to be lifted bodily and carried a mils and a half to the other side of the river. " ' Greatest In the World. Gary, which Is designed to be the greatest ateel plant lit the world, Is about twenty six miles from Chicago. Why the particu lar sits on lAke Michigan should-1 have been chosen for the establishment that Is to help meet tha demands for Iron and steel Is rather obvious to a person acquainted with the steel Industry tn the United States. The least Important consideration of all, perhaps, la that It will be close to tha second Isrgest city in the country,' Chi cago Is a center of skilled and unskilled labor. Upon It the Steel corporation will be able to draw for men tn emergencies. Gary will have the benefit of the superior railroad connection of the - we teem me tropolis. That Is a vltsl consideration In business age that makes every mlnutg, every Inch and every cent count. Oary evidently will be no contemptlblo rival to Pittsburg within a - few years. Once the giant plant Is Installed the rapid building of the - west and northwest wilt keep It busy, for this is the age Of stool construction. The Pennsylvania plants will continue to supply the east, and aa the demand Is already enormous' the steel Industry ln this atate probably will not Buffer. ; Six Rallraads Meet, Six great railroads will bs connected with Oary. A harbor twenty. five feet deep ia being constructed, and the four or ftvo miles of lake front will be provided with iiiiiiivn-j ore storage aocaa. r rom a resi dence and social viewpoint Gary Is to ba as attractive as lta creators can maka It The streets will run at light angles and win pe yv i eet wiae. l ney are to oa macadamised or paved with brick. Tha sidewalks will be of concrete, twenty foet wide. The main thoroughfare, running north and south, will be called Broadway. Its mate, running east and west, may ba named Fifth avenue, the two names being In compliment to New York City, where the steel kings lire. ' The new ateel city Is to be a model aa well aa a marvel. A pleasure park of gen erous area la to be laid out along the south bank of the Calumet river, after It ahull have been straightened. Brave la Adversity, .. . . On his 68th birthday, Andrew Carnegie told thla atory: "I Ilka to see a man cheerful in mis. fortune. , I used to know a young painter who was so poor he oould not afford ta dress warmly enough In tha winter time. "I met Mm one coldish day la Pittsburg. He had on a summer suit of blue eerge, and tha wtnd moulded the ault lo his limbs till the cloth clung aa If wet. " 'I never wear an overcoat he said. "Neverr said I. " 'No. never,' he repeated, laughlag bravely. . M 'But what do you do la very cold weather T I asked. 'I run,' he answered.' I WATOxewrretaer, lata sad Xtodgs It