Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1906, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee
Ifob Spirit Wbion Baled Atlanta Saturday
HUrht it Curbed.
Prominent OitittniHold aft Meeting; and
Denounce the Mob.
Many Stcroet Are Lettinc City on Traina
asd on Foot
Mob Sat aly Took Voageaac oa
Colored People, bat Waatonly
DitrT4,Frrir of
' . Whlltl.
ATLANTA, U.., Sept. IS. A rare war
Df alarming proportions began here last
night. Through th night It rsged with
varying vigor, and when morning dawned
't found a number of negro and one
white man dead, a acore of both races
wounded and th downtown atreets In
possession of eight companies o' t Fifth
Oeorgla infantry with bat "I; "Ight
artillery In reserve. Throi. V A',y
Utile of Importance occurred.
claimed, with the aid of the V . 't,
to have the situation under control.
This condition came an the result .
numerous and repeated assaults or ai
tempted assaults upon white women by
negroes. , Th last Of an even doaen of
such assaults within the limits of Fulton
county within the last nine weeks came
yesterday, when four attempta at assiult
were reported.
The usual Saturday night crowds wero
largely increased by men and boya who
thronged the downtown atreets. There
waa no leader and no overt act until lata
In the evening. About 10 o'clock a negro
men ahored a whlta woman from the aide
walk on Whitehall street, in the center of
town. Almost simultaneously a negro
woman made an Intuiting remark to a
white man on an adjoining street' and he
administered what he considered due pun
Inhment. From this start the excited crowd, which
had become a mob, began Ha work of de
struction. Five thousand men and boya
thronged the' downtown streets looking
for r.egroes. News that a riot had started
brought thousands more from their homes
in the suburbs and residence districts,
until fully 10,000 men 'thronged the down
town section. They made attacks on the
Incoming - street cars. Each car waa
scanned for negroes. The trolleys were
pulled from the wire and In the aeml
darknesa of the unlighted car negroes wsra
beaten, cut and stamped upon in an un
reasoning mad frensy. If a negro ventured
resistance or remonstrated it meant prac
tically aura death. One car, half filled with
negro, approached from an outside run.
The mob dashed for the car. Resistance
waa made by the negroes, who had not
beenejprlad.' the. Rouble. .'Three negroes
lay dead -an -tan.-floor of the csrwhen It
Waa permitted to move on, and two more
were, beaten Into jpneonaciousness.
, Ftremea near Streets.
When the crowd seemed to be getting be
yond control, at about 10 o'clock. Mayor
Woodward mounted a car platform on
Paachtree and Marietta atreeta and urged
tfce crowd to disperse; declaring that tho
assaults of the white woman would be
adequately and promptly punished by due
process of law. Mayor Woodward waa
given 'a respectful hearing, but when ne
finished, the work of destruction was re
sumed. He made another appeal a few
minutes later, but without reault. Then' he
turned In a general fire alarm, calling the
entire fire department to the scene.
To Chief Joyner he gave the laconic
order:. "Clear the atreeta." The result was
to stop the mob In Its work In that Imme
diate section and to drive itito other
atreeta. The situation becamo ao threaten
ing at 11 o'clock that Governor Terrell was
appealed to to order out the state troops.
Although no request had come from the
sheriff. Governor Terrell gave the order
mobilising the eight local infantry com
panies' at once. Previously a police riot
all had been sounded summoning all police
reserves to headquarters. With the de
cision to call out the troops the big Are
bell sounded once more, this time tho call
for every member of the militia to report
forthwith at his armory. It waa almost
I o'clock this morning before tffo first
squad appeareJ on the atreeta, and at 5
o'clock six companies were under arms.
The attacks on negroes had the effect of
clearing the atreeta of blacka. Street hacka
were abandoned at curblngs, drivers on
bagfsg wagons vanlahed and their places
were taken by white meu. This fear of
trouble affected several public convenience
today. The postofflc officials bsd much
difficulty in delivering special letters, lea
deliveries have been scarce to private
homes, in some restaurants service has
been restricted by the absence of regular
waiters. Throughout the. day hundreds of
negroes have been fleeing the city by train
and wagon and on foot they hurried away,
fearing the possibilities jpf troubln in the
Immediate future. .. .
Waasea Pleat Back.
In the fighting last night negro women
were the moat warlike, urging resistance
to the mob and themselves fighting like
Amaaoo. la the residence district great
anxiety waa felt last night. The police
force was can tared down town, practically
leaving the residence districts without pro
tection. It waa a night of terror to hun
dreds. The lawless character of . the mob. last
night was fully demonstrated during the
latter part of the evening. When negroes
had vanished from the streets the aimless
mob, from pure wantonness, broke windows
and damaged property.
The crowd, after pulling the negro porters
from the Pullmans of a Western as Atlantic
raUruAd train standing ready to start, pro
cioled to smash the windows In the day
coaches and mall nnd baggage cars. The
nietnW'rs then crossed to ths Kimball
house and continued the window emashing
amusement, causing a loss of several hun
dred dolls rs. Numerous windows In stores
on Peachtree street today allow the tact
that tU mob paesed that way. A eloss
watch wss maintained . o guard against
Incendlarlani, but fortunately thia precau
tion was unnecessary and fire waa not
added to the horrors of last night.
Waa til Bar Casaatlt Salelde. i
INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. a The bodies Of
Mrs. Mary Williams. 40 years old. and
fUmuel Junes, an la-year-old boy. both
restrteitt of this city, were found In a room
at the Hotel tit. James here today. Death
was due la asphyxiation. Polio officers
Investigating the affair attribute the tragic
end the couple to a love affair and pre
meditated SJtctd. The gas Jets were
turned on full ftree and. the treasons, aad
wladoaa tightly oioaed.
Conservative Breach of Liberals
Split Over Caarta.
ST. PETKRSBl'RG. Sept. .-The cause
of conservative liberalism as represented
by the Octoberlst and peaceful regener
ates has suffered -a heavy blow in the
less of Dmitri Bhlpoff. the veteran liberal
and a central figure in Russian polities,
alio In a letter to the committee of Oc
tober! Rts announcra his withdrawal from
the party, which he led In the last cam
paign. His retirement Is due to disagree
ments with Alexander J. Gnuchnff and
others of his colleague, whose views ap
proving Premier Stolypln'a measures of
repression prevailed after a hard fight In
the central committee.
M. Gouchoff. who has now succeeded to
the lesdershtp of ihe party. In an open
letter today to Prince Eugene Trouhetskoy.
the constitutional democrat, relteratea his
approval of drumhead courts-martial and
other measures of firm repression, declaring
that a liberal or even radical government
would be unable to cope with revolutionary
terrorism without them, and that It la
the truest mercy io strike and spare not.
"There are things more terrible and
more ssvage than a drumhead court-martial,"
the letter soys, "namely, the lynch
law, armed revolt and civil war."
The letter condemns the constitutional
democrats for sreklfTg to persuade the peo
ple that an understanding between the
government and the people Is Impossible
for preventing by extravagant demands
any other Issue than actual revolution.
"Ex-en If the, right of revolution la rec
ognised I must 'shrink from the fratricidal
ff "fe which would follow. In such a
"itlon as Russia's It would exceed In
'. v nnd barbarity all previous civil
K k those who led ' Russia Into a
n. 'v - ,Wgn war are guilty, how much
morv able would be those plunging
the en. ..ire Into a ghaatly Internal war
when the situation presents another Issue?
Excesses and revolution would bury our
young liberty and all of our culture."
Peter DolaroronkolT Kspelled ' front
Membership In Marshals of the
KURSK, Runria, Sept. 23. At an extra
ordinary meeting today of the marshsls of
the tioblllty It waa decided by a vote of
M to I to expel from the ranks of the no
bility three members of the late Parlia
ment, Including Prince Peter Dolgoroukoff.
vice president of the lower house, who
algned the Viborg manifesto.
ODE6SA, Sept. 23. It now transpires that
the Black Hundred, acting in collusion with
the anarchists, had elsborated plans for a
violent attack on the Jew on the occa
sion of the Jewish New Tear and 'that the
carrying out of these plans was only
averted by the extraordinary alertness and
energy shown by the authorities. General
Oregorleff. prefect of Odessa, in the ab
sence of Governor General Kaulhars, has
telegraphed information concerning the plot
to Premier Etolypin. Although the danger
la believed to be past the preventive meas
ure inaugurated by the officials have not
been relaxed. The Jewa continue appre
hensive of trouble. In view of this ohack
to their pis rr thq experienced organisers
of the anti-Jewiah demonstrations ' have
opened the columns of their newspapers to
another campaign. They have revived the
old story of ritual assassinations, accusing
the director of a private Infirmary of the
murder of a Christian child by the trans
fusion of Its blood Into the velna of a sick
Jewess. An official Investigation of this
charge disclosed the fact that the child,
which was a Jew. had been accidentally
poisoned. Despite thla, however, the cam
paign is progressing. The beating of Jewa
In the atreeta of the city continues.
Geraaaa Rnaaeror Desires to I.eura
Principles t'nderlylagr the
Time-Worn Idea.
BERLIN, Sept. 22. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Much has been said concerning
the conversion of the German emperor to
a belief in the powers Of the divining rod.
The truth of the matter la that the kulser
did not have the allghUst aucoesa with
the rod. i . .
He made many trials, but his efforts were
utterly unsuccessful. Prince Hans von
Carolath, formerly commander of the sev
enth, cuirassier regiment, did, however,
achieve some slight successes In the pres
ence of the kaiser, and the emperor In
vited him to continue his experiments In
the future, expressing at the same time
the hope that the principles behind the
dlvlr.lng rod might be discovered and used
for the benefit of the human race. It waa
the remarka and the entire Incident which
has been distorted by the newspapers.
Oaa Paris Proprietor Dies of Kaelte
aseat While Dratoaat ratios)
. ta Oa,
PARIS, Sept. M. The employee of sev
eral atorea today made a demonstration
agalnat the opening of the houses In which
they worked. In disobedience of the weekly
rest day law, and during the course of a
scuffle outside a large establishment in the
Rue Menilmontant Its proprietor, M. L
Protre, dropped dead from excitement.
After this the Store Employes' union met
at the labor exchange and resolved to
cease all manifestations and to sign a
letter of regret at the death of M. Le
Pi ct re.
Body af Bishop Hoare, Drewaed at
Haagr Koag, tt Yet
HONG KONG. Sept St. Europeans and
Americana have contributed 13,000 and the
Chinese IJS.OOO to the relief fund for the
sufferers from the typhoon. Boisterous
weather conttnuea and Is hampering the
work of salvaging rn the harbor.
The damaged torpedo boat Pranceaque
will be docked tomorrow.
The body of Bishop Hoare haa not been
Doctors Say Baler af Tarkey la Saf
ferlaac front Caaeer af the
PARIS. Sept. St. The Temps says It
learns from an absolutely unquestionable
source that the latest consultations of medi
rsl advisers of the aultan of Turkey estab
lished the fact that Abdul Hamld waa suf
fering from cancer of the kidneys.- This
malady, the paper says, doe not permit
of an operation being performed aad is
usually fatal wltiUa a gear.
Dismembered Tortious Am Found in Two
Different Placet.
tew York Police Hate a Revolting;
Harder Mystery t Solve Ut
ile an Which ta Work
at Present.
NEW TORK. Sept. U.-A burlap bag.
rtamped with the nam K. Mano,' a
scrip of a woman's skirt and an oilcloth
table covering bearing a rude sketch of
the landing of Columbus, are the only Im
mediate clues to the perpetrstor of , a re
volting murder committed early today.
. The dismembered body of a man, appar
ently an Italian, wrapped In the burlap bag,
was accidentally found In a hole twenty
four feet deep forming a part of an ex
cavation at o4 West Thirty-sixth street,
where an addition to a brewery is to stand.
The discovery was made by the day watch
man, and later a eyeuematlc search by the
police resulted In finding the parts of a
man's legs .from the knees down and the
arms and hands. These were wrapped to
gether in a newspaper of the date of Sep
tember 10 and bound hhout the bundle waa
a strip of a woman's skiit. All was nee.iiy
and securely tied with a atriun, suggesting
deliberate preparation. Thla latter bundle
was fouqd under a covering of hay in a
freight car at Thirty-sixth street and Elev
enth avenue. ' The car waa unloaded of a
shipment of horses yesterday. The head
and the Uiigha of the man are missing.
It Is the theory of the police that the
murder waa committed near where the body
was found and that three packages of the
dismembered parts had been made with the
purpose that they be disponed .af at some
distance from the evens of the crime. The
police believe that the persons carrying the
bundles became alarmed and hurriedly dis
posed of them at the nearest convenient
hiding place. They expect to And a third
package in the same vicinity.
Work Sklllfnlly Done.
Coroner' Physician Weston, who exam
ined the body, said that the work of dis
memberment had been deliberately and
skillfully done. Dr. Weston uncovered the
body, which had been first wrapped in a
newspaper, then covered with a table cover
of oilcloth. Dr. Weston said from appear
ances the remaina were those. of an Italian
or Syrian, in life about five feet three
Inches In height, weighing approximately
130 pounds and from the appearance of the
hands probably a mechanic. The body had
been washed after death, which had evi
dently preceded the discovery of the mur
der only a few hours. Tha physician said
the death had occurred after Saturday mid
night. There were three atab wounds on th
body, one immediately over the heart,
another in the left shoulder and fhe third
in the right breast.
The burlap bag bore, the name of "Z. K.
Mano," and waa of the type which are in
us in the importation of Syrian . nuts to
thla country. In the directory the name
Z. K.' Mano appears as a put importer of
47 Washington. street, and Inquiries there
show' that Mr. Mano,'.'''; Syrian .dled tx
weeks ago and that about three weeks
since bla wife auctioned off the stock in
trade of her late husband's business. Some
thing like sixty sacks similar to the one
in which the body waa found In were among
the first sold. Of these fifteen were sold
to Balan St Ballsh of $3 Washington street,
also in the nut business, a number to a rug
Importer, while another man Is reported
to have bought some -of them.
The trunk and limbs were removed to the
morgue and Inspector Walsh took charge of
the case.
Many Members from Abroad Attead
the Aaaoal Meet-
laar. ,
MANNHEIM. Sept. 23. Th annual con
gress of the German social democratic
party was formelly opened tonight with
nearly 400 r'.clegaVes. and several foreign
aoclal democrats In attendance. Deputies
Singer and Dreesback were elected, respec
tively, president and vice president. Herr
Bebel, the social leader in the Reichstag,
In a speech warmly advocated unity, on
the ground that internal atrife would seri
ously weaken the party. i
Prevloua to the congress a woman'a con
ference was held, at which all the notable
women agitators of Germany and many
from abroad. Including gn Australian, took
Mme. Balabanoff. a Russian, was cheered
when ahe said that the party in her coun
try. In Ita bloody war against the autocracy,
waa setting; German socialists practical aa
wall aa theoretical examples.
Frau Zedkln of Germany, in thanking the
foreign delegatea for their presence, cold
the socialists of the world were bound to
gether to fight the on fight of all and
that victory would mean one victory for all.
Brother socialists In Russia, ahe said, reck
oned not only on moral but financial sup
port by socialist 'abroad.
This year's congress Is more than usually
Interesting, aa several most Important
questions will be debated, including the
relations between socialists and trade
unions. It Is also Intended to roach a
definite decision on the question of a gen
eral atrike, concerning which there la a
wide' difference of opinion In the ranks of
the party.
Joha Brosaaer. -
TANKTON, S. D.. Sept. St. (Special Tel-
gram. John Bromner, a prominent resi
dent of Tankton for the last thirty years,
died Sunday at t o'clock p. m., after an
illness of a few hours. He was a vtrsn
of th civil war, serving In the Nineteenth
Iowa infantry, a member of the Grand
Army of the Republic and Veterana' union
and prominent In business affaire of th
city. H ia survived, by a wife and son.
Roger, now In Denver.
Mrs. C. J. Korhlrr.
Mrs. C. J. Koehlei wife or Rev. C. J.
Koehler of Duell, Colo., died In a hospital
in Denver Saturday afternoon.. Mrs.
Koehler ia well known in Omaha a Miss
Minnie Fisher. She waa formerly one of
the secretaries of the local Young Wom
en's Christian association. Her relatives
in Omaha are her mother, Mrs. Emma
Fisher, and a brother, E. G. Fisher of the
United States mall service.
David Wllklaaoa.
DAVID CITY, Nab.. Sept. 21.-Bpcial
Telegram.) David Wilkinson, a leading Im
plement dealer, who baa been ailing for
the past six months, died at the hoapitel
thla morning at Ju o'clock of heart trouble.
Ilt leaves a wife, brother and sister. Th
body will be taken to bla old borne lu
Wisconsin Mondsy noon, accompanied by
bis wife aaa W. H. WaataerboUaa.
Chicago Oflleora at Bar Office
Waltlaar Arrival af th
tea aier.
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Yhe Chicle
representatives of the Illinois states at
torneys office, Charles U Binns and Joseph
U Kinder, with two New York and two
Hoboken detective aergeants, kept vigil
all night at the barge cffic at the battery
ready to board a fast tug, the moment
the steamship Print Adalbart with Banker
Stensland on board was sighted. Theo
dore Stensland, son of the fugitive, dis
sipated the fear of the "Chicago official
during the night when Mr. Kinder called
on him. The' son said lie would make ho
fight on extradition. He added that his
only wish In 'the matter was to avoid
all the publicity possible and arced tht
the best plan waa to get his fathev aboard
a train and on the way to Chicago. .
This declsrstion followed a letter re
reived from Paul X3, fttensland, mailed
September The "father wrote that hla
wish waa to get back' to Chicago with
alt speed. He advised his son not to do
anything to delay th return and aakej
only that hi son and daughter meet and
greet him in New York. The daughter
did not come to New York, aa it waa be
lieved inadvisable- for the sake or her
health. As the young man put it, he cam
here to give hla father courage.
The officers said no Interviewers would
be allowed to see the elder Stensland on
the Chicago journey. Young Stensland
wished every accommodation and comfort
provided for bla father on the journey
The Chicago officials said today that
they had been advised by cable that there
waa no truth in the story that Stensland
had attempted suicide. lie hsd ample
opportunity If he had considered such a
thing, but msde no move in this direction,
the officers declared.
Paul O. Stensland. the fugitive Chicago
banker, who Is ret taming rrom Tangier in
the custody of special representatives of
the federal government, waa not landed in
New York tonight. The steamer Prince
Adalbert, oh which he Is a passenger, had
not reached quarantine station at sunset
tonight, when Health Officer Doty, whose
duty It Is to pass the steamers Inward,
ended hla duties for the day.
Even If the Adalbert were to arrive In
the night it would have to wait at the
quarantine station and Stensland could not
be removed from it until" Mr. Doty had
Inspected the passengers after sunrise to
morrow. FIRE ISLAND." Sept. St. A steamer
paased Fire Island , at 10:SO p. m. bound
In, but refused to answer signals. It Is
believed to be the Prim Adalbert, which
haa Banker Stensland aboard. It slowed
down considerably, apparently with Ihe
purpose of not coming to Sandy Hook be
fore morning.
Aaa erica a Officer Ar 'Eatertalaed
by Brlttah at Olb-
'...;.'. raltar. -
GIBRALTAR, Sept. a. Th vessels of
the United Spates second cruiser squadron,
under command of Rear Admiral Brown
on, sailed this rooming.. Ut West Virginia
and Pennsylvania for. Naples, and. the Col-"
orado and Maryland for Palermo. . The
British military office ro her gave dinners
at their messes Saturday Bight to several
of the American officers, who afterward at
tended a reception at the governor's resi
dence. .
WASHINGTON. Sept. 2t.-Rear Admiral
Brownsnn, commanding the armored cruiser
squadron now at Gibraltar, cabled the Navy
department today that he Intends to sail
from that port tomorrow, resuming his
voyage to the Philippines. The next stop
will be at Italian porta, but owing to tha
regulations of the Italian government that
no more than three foreign warships may
atop at any Italian port at the aame time,
It will be necessary to divide the cruiser
squadron and two of the cruisers will go
to Palermo and two to Naples. After re
maining at those porta for four days the
ships will proceed to the Piraeus, Greece,
and stay for four days, leaving there for
Port Bald, at the western entrance to the
Sues canal, whence they' will proceed by
easy stages to Manila. ,
As soon as Admlrsl Brownaon reaches
Sues at the eastern end of the canal he
will come within the llmita of the Asiatin
station and assume command.
Goveraor of Baltic Provlaee Seek
to Create Byaapathy for
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 21. There are
strong suspicions here that the throwing
of a bomb at General Sollogub, governor
general of the Baltic province, at Riga
Saturday, waa a atage affair arranged to
strengthen his position, which is oald to
have been greatly shaken owing to hla In
ability to restore order In the Baltic prov
inces and especially because of the repre
sentations made by the German embassy
on the murder at Riga, September It, of
Herr Bush, a leader of the German colony
there, and that the bomb, which exploded
ten paces away without 'Inflicting even a
acralrh, waa a harmless petard.
Sirh measures to excite sympathy are
not without precedent in Russia.
Report Seat to Asaerieaa Paper fald
ta Ba Wlthoat Feaada
tloa. CITY OF MEXICO. Sept. 3-An Official
of the Mexican government In close touch
with the conditions in the southern part
of the republic waa shown a news dispatch
reported to' have been sent to Ij Reforms,
a Mexican paper published In El Paso,
Tex., and said to ba one of the organs of
the revolutionary junta with headquarter
in St. Louis, stating that an uprising
against President Dlas had occurred In
th towna of Minillat, Suchll, San Juan.
Exqulmaa and San Geronlmo, denied that
an uprising or disturbance of any kind bad
Fata af Oathreak la Baa
salaao Hiagea oa tha
-WASHINGTON, Sept. 2t -According to
Information which haa reached Washington
from San Domingo, a battle between the
government troops and the rebel force is
Imminent and, th forthcoming . engage
ment la expected to be a declalve one.
The contending force are assembling lt
th vlcnity of Monte Chrlsto, where the
battle is expected to be fought. It is
said that ahould ths governmef gain a
victory over the rebel it may put as end
to th rebaUloa
Republican Statt Ixeoutira Committee
Called to Vect at Lineola.
Lancaster Mea Pledged ta Brtwi, hat
Deellao to Stat Position oa
State Matter af Vital
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. a. (Special. ) Chairman
Rose has sent out notices for a meeting
of the executive committee of the repub
lican atate committee, to be held at the
headquarters here Wednesday, September
W. at t p. m. This will be the first meet
ing of the executive committee since its
appointment. The call states the purpose
to be for "levying assessments and pro
viding other means of raising campaign
funds, deciding upon the compensstlon of
officers and employes, and disposing of any
and all other mattera which may properly
come before the committee."
Th engagement of Senator BeveHdge to
speak In the Nebraska campaign would
have been fixed for Omaha If It were possi
ble to make the arrangements without con
flicting with th Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
The state chairman was notified that he
could have a speech by Beverldg for Oc
tober , and his first decision wss to
schedule him. for Omaha, but after a con
ference with the committee at Omaha It
was decided unwise to attempt a counter
attraction to the big Ak-Sar-Ben street
fair, and Lincoln snapped up the oppor
tunity to take him.
Silent an Vital Polats.
As was expected by those who witnessed
the Lancaster county convention, the legls.
lative nominees met yesterday afternoon
and In answer to the Question asked by
the Evening News, agreed to vote for
Norrls Brown for United States senator,
and kept ailent on the great issues now
pending between the corporations and the
people. Whether the fake reform paper will
accept the pledge to vote for Norrls Brown
In lieu of all other pledges remains to bo
seen. . Whether the legislative candidate
will vote , for the enactment of a direct
primary law, a freight rate law, an antl
pasa law, will be determined probably after
the legislature meets. It is true the county
convention adopted a platform covering nil
these point, but the convention also en
dorsed Norrls Brown, and there la no more
reason to suppose the legislative candi
dates will bolt the latter Instructions than
they will the platform, but the News de
manded them to again publicly express
themselves upon the senatorial matter.'
One candidate for the legislative ticket
said: "The News had no right to ques
tion us at all, as It la not a republican
paper. I answered the senatorial ques
tion, but you can bet I wlll not do any
thing farther toward answering question
from the News. - I will go on the stump
and tell the people what I have to aay and
what I intend to do If elected.- but I'm
Pot permitting the News to tell m what
to do."
Republican voters here Intend to. demand
of the candidates that . they make public
statement of where they stand n tha Is
sues of ta campaign" aefor the -election,
notwithstanding the above statoment of in
dependence 'issued by a candidate.
Cheek aa falTeraity.
In 11 probability th next state legisla
ture will b called upon to amend 'the laws
relating to the management of the' State
university Insofar .as th finances of that
institution are concerned. At the present
time the vouchers issued' by the employes
of the regents, to whom the management
of th Institution Is practically delegated,
ar never examined or checked up by the
state auditor. Under the law the auditor
la required to issue a warrant . upon the
written request of the secretary of tha
Board of Regenta without regard to the
voucher, which Is never filed at the atate
During the course of the biennlum nearly
tl.000,000 11 spent In this manner and Mia
tat auditor haa no ' way of knowing
whether. the money la spent legitimately
or not. Other atate Institutions which
spend much less of the taxpayer' money
are required to file with the auditor a
voucher for every warrant Issued and the
records can be checked up at any time.
The regents of the State university are
entirely Independent of - the auditing de
partment of the state and apend the money
without hindrance or question. Once a
year or thereabout the regent employ an
outalde accountant to go ovr th records
of the secretary of the board and make a
report and thla la the only check kept on
the expendlturea. Though the auditor doea
not have authority to look up the vouchera
be la compelled to act aa the clerk and
issue the warrants. ' It is the opinion of
Deputy Auditor Cook the secretary of the
Board of Regents should either Issue the
warrants and this work be taken ' off of
the auditor's office, or the vouchera should
be filed with the auditor aa are all claim
from other stats Institutions.
Taft t Speak la Omaka.
Stat Chairman W. B. Rose of the repub
lican , committee tonight announced that
he had received word that Secretary of
War Taft would make a - speech In Ne
braska, probably on October 13, at Omaha.
Predt ta Stato Fair.
The State Fair board la to the good
t3t,HS. Secretary Mellor tonight reported
the finance aa follows: On hand at Jan
uary meeting, gll.000: receipts of 190. fair,
tt?7,000; expenses, t39,t.
After Making- Threat Ha Sarrenders
ta Sheriff. '
LEXINGTON, Neb., Sept. St. (Special
Telegram.) Thl afternoon Frank Kelly,
who when not under the Influence of
liquor. Is a very quiet citlsen, filled up on
boose. He went home about t o'clock
and asked his step-daughter for some
money. She refused to let him have any,
whereupon he got very wild, secured a
gun and threatened to kill f her. Her
brothers managed to throw him to th
floor, but he regained hla feet, and hla
wife and the entire family fled from the
bouae and raised an alarm.
Acting City Marshal Weber went to the
scene, and by this time a large crowd
had gathered in front of the house. Kelly
told the marshal he would kill him if he
undertook to arrest him without a war
rant. Weber immediately returned to
town and secured a warrant. When he re
turned Kelly ran upstaira and locked
himself in a bedroom. Ha then opened a
window and told the crowd to move or he
would shoot to kill. The crowd moved a
bhort distance and atopped. In the mean,
time Kelly again qua? ted and said if the
sheriff would come art er lilm he would
surrender. Sheriff Lincoln was sent for
and Kelly permitted himself to be taken
to the county jail, where he now Is. He
haa no children of his own, but has a
wife and three step-children who are all
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Fair Meaday and Warmer la Kaat
Portion. Taesday Showers-, aad
f ooler In West, Fair la East Por
tion. -
Temperntnre at Oi
Hoar. Dear.
aha Yesterday
Hoar. Den.
1 a. a Tt
a p. ra Tft
I a n TS
4 s. an T4
5 p. .. TO
a. sn ra
T p. sn As)
H p. as S
. at ea
a a, m. . , , . , at
a. an ft
T a. as ft.t
a. m n
O a. na T
10 a. o
11 a. as Tt
IS at M
Record for Past Year a New Mark la
History of the lalted
tin tea.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 28-The foreign
commerce of the United State haa crossed
the t3.000,000,ono line. In the twelve months
ending with August the Imports were
tl,2M.3&,736 and the exports tl.7M.41T.IW, a
total for the twelve monlha of t3.01J.817.(3.
These figure ar supplied by the Bureau
of Statistics of the Department of Com
merce and Labor, which, In a bulletin,
saya in part:
The August figures of both Imports and
exports exceeded those of any preceding
August In the history of our commerce.
August Imports for the first time oross
the tlD,0U0.i0. The Imports hsve exceeded
tinu,ui,ioo In practically every month of
the last year, but August Is usually a
light month for imports, and thus the rec
ord of more than iMO,Oii0,00 for the month
of August is made for the first time in
the figures of the month Just ended, which
show Imports of t10&,uf"l.ir4, SK.ilnat JW.OOO.
U in August of it 6, SMk.OOu.tito in 1904.
The export figures for August ar also
larger than those for ady preceding Au
gust, amounting to I13.4M.7W1, against UH.
(pO0.0O In August, 1906, tloS.O0O.000 in August,
The growth of commerce is distributed
through a large class of article. Meat
and dairy products exported amounted to
tHU68,0t7, against tl4.212.27H in August of
last year and til. 219.618 In August, 1904.
This growth In the exportation of meat Is
shown In nearly all articles except canned
beef, which shows a marked decline com
pared with the corresponding months of
earlier years. Figures exceed those of th
corresponding month of last year, fresu
beef being 24,000.000 pounds, against It.ftOO.
000; salted beef a little less than 6,600,000
pounds, sgalnst A.SOO.00 pounds; bacon, 12.
tmi.oon pounds, against 33.b0O.0nn; hame and
fresh pork practically the asms and lard,
M.Bon.ooO pounds, against M,0u0,000. Bread
stuffs aggregated tlt.000.00u. against t7.60u,
000 in the same month of 190S. and tS ,600.000
In the corresponding month of 1WH. Cot
ton, however, rails considerably below the
August record or 19. being a little over
t9.0u0.000 In August, 19W, against tli.5to.000
In the same month of 1906. but larger than
In 1904 or 1903.
The growth In importa for August oc
curs cnlefly In manufacturer' material
and manufactures.
Waata the lalted States ta Wipe
l the Sultaa af
I8HPBMING,' Mich., Sept. tt Bishop C.
C. MoCabe or Cincinnati, who Is presiding
over the session in progresa her of the
Detroit Methodist Episcopal conference, in
a sermon todsy In the First Methodist
Episcopal church on "Religious Liberty,"
said that be would like to ere war declared
agalnat the sultan of Turkey. He told of
the persecution and outrage , practiced on
Christians In Turkey, and of the III treat
ment accorded Jew In Russia snd then'
caused almost general applause by- saying?
"We aa a nation or for peace. Wo don't
want any more war, but I'd Ilk to aee on
more war; one against the sultan of Tur
key and I'd like to participate In it.
"I'd like to aee Dewey with a good .fleet
sail up the straits of Bosphorus. We dun't
want any more auch rulers aa the aultan
of .Turkey and the ctar of Russia. . In
every rase In history we find God haa
raised great leadera at proper tlmea and
we need have no. fear about the future o
Fleet Which Haa Been at Bar Harber
Sails for Province- .
BAR HARBOR, Maine. Sept. S. Tha bat
tleship squadron of the North Atlantic
fleet sailed from Bar Harbor at sunset
tonight for Provlncetown, Masa. The war
ships, which had been here ailtce Septem
ber 8, were th Maine, Kearsarge, Ken
tucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, , Missouri
and Alabama, and the despatch boat Yank
ton. At Provlncetown th gunners will engage
In target practice and on Tuesday a court
martial will assemble there for the trial
of Captain Samuel P. Comly and Lieuten
ant Alfred W. Pressey, officers who com
mended the battleship Alsbama when It
collided with the Illlnoi off Newport News
last July. . The officers are charged with
mismanagement of their vessel.
Five of Them la Kaaeaa to Faea
Federal Coast on Feaetasr
TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. St. Five of the
thirteen cattlemen Indicted last spring
for fencing government land In th west
ern part of the atate, will be required
to stand trial In the United States dis
trict court In Wichita next week. It la
expected that the cases agalnat the other
will be dismissed aa they have removed
their fences.
The penalty provided calls for a jail
aentenre not to exceed one year or a fin
not to exceed tl.000 for each charge.
There ar several counts against each of
th remaining five cattlemen.
Freight aad Work Trains Com
Together Sear Xanearllle,
ZANE8VILLE. O.. Sept. St. Thre men
were killed and alx aerlously Injured lu a
contusion between a -freight trsln and a
work train on the Cincinnati ft Muaklngunt
Valley railroad at Rock Cut, thia after
noon. The dead; ,
EDWARD KINNEEN. engineer. Lan
caster, O.
JESSE M'VEACH. seotlon hand. Bremen,
DAVID RUSHING, water carrier for
work train, Roaeville.. O.
Raptar Betneen Chorea a aad tha
laaaish Government
MADRID, Sept. St. As a result of aa
exchange of notes between Ihe Ppsulsh
cabinet and the Vatican, an arrangement
based on the same principles as ths modua
Vivendi of last year, th concordant re
maina unchanged. The queatlon of recent
violent paatoral lettera la left to oe dealt
with by Uk legal authorities. .
Did Not Belie? Fetot Could Be Eettored
bj 8eoretTT Ttft.
TJiiik Any Peaoe Between Factions Will
Be Temporary Only.
Holdi TbU Country it Bound te Girt Cub
Another Chance.
Peeplo af Havaaa la Lara Sarafcere
Take Advantage af Bltaatloa to
Visit tho tnsargeot Camp
Near City.
HAVANA. Sept. 23 All class ar now
awaiting for the conditions under whir
tranquillity will likely be restored In Cuba
and keen disappointment ta expressed on
every side because of the likelihood, of
peace being brought about without armed
American Intervention. That tha difference
tne opposing tactions couin o itch'.
died was not generally believed to b possi
ble until todsy, when It was announced
that the liberals and th insurgents hsd
empowered a committee to represent them
before the American mediators.
It la evident that the business interest
of th. Island have bo confidence in th
ability of the Cubans to rule themselves,
and now. when It appear too late, they
ar openly favoring forcible Intervention
and possibly annexation. '
Secretary of War Taft Is cogr.tsant of
thla general opinion that peace cannot last
unless It Is enforred by an American army.
dui ne consiaerv kibi u is in quiy oi tuw
United States to gtve the republic another
chance and believes that It would be bod
policy for the fnlted State to keep a fore
In Cuba longer than waa required to super
vise the laying down of arms. He said
today that If tha liberals and moderate
harmonise their differences th ' United
Rtate must regard the compact as mad
In good faith.
Have Faith la Pear.
' That peace will come aa the result of tha
mediation of the United State I now be
lieved by Cubans, regardless of psrty
affl liatlon. but whether It will be on ternia
which, will Insure permanent tranquillity ia
Secretary Taft and Assistant Secretary
of State Bacon apent Sunday quietly, re
ceiving few persons. Representatives of tha
veterans and of the diplomatic corps mnd
brief visit. Senator Alfredo Zaya later
met tha mediators at th American lega
tion and -arranged for their first meeting;
with the Insurgent' and liberals' commit
tee at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. All
conference hereafter will be held at th
legation on account of Its accessibility,
slnoe th mot of .th visitor, ta Messrs.
Taft and Bacon reside la Havana. - -'
' Vhn the -titnlnitiatle'-rrAmmii&UvM of
tha foreign power . visited Mr. Morgan's
..111k - Uaanbii - i, l - IVft -I cm tfl
cantly atated that he could give them no
definite assurances of peace, for the rea
son that terms had not been put forward.
Thla atatement waa In, response to an ex
preealon from - Gayetan .. de - Ayala, the
Spanish. minister, that the world expected
the United States to aettle the turmoil on
auch generous, but firm condition aa to
maintain the Integrity of the republlo.
The members of the ' diplomatic corps
were also received by Mr. Bacon who
sought their views on the situation. All
or them asserted that their governmenta
desired the conflict to be ended with all
possible dispatch, In order to save com
mercial relatione and credit between the
Island and their countries from ruin.
Among the other - callers at ( Marls nno
were' General Menocal' and Agramonte
who congratulated Messrs. Taft and- Bacon
On their auccesa In bringing the moderate
and the liberal leaders to a realisation of
the necessity of each making some conces
sions. . The veterans evidenced sympathy
with many of the principle for which the
inaurgenta took up arms. They suggested
that the first basis of the negotiation
ahould be the revision of the Cuban con
stitution, alleging that It confera too much
power and too little responsibility upon
the members ot the cabinet.
"Cubana are too hot blooded to be given
unlimited power," said General Menocal.
He declared that the present trouble re
sulted rrom the - dissatisfaction ovsr the
actlona of the present and former secre
taries of the Interior. '
Rebel Caaap Visited.
The nearest Insurgent camp, near La
Llssa,' just west ot Marlanao, waa visited
today by great crowds of tlavaaese. En
couraged by tha reports that peace was
Imminent, the people for the first time
dared to gratify their curiosity and to
how their great sympathy wtth tha revo
lutionary cause ' Although it waa raining
this afternoon thla did not dampen th
ardor of thoe who wished to see the In
surgents. Many extra care were in opera
tion and every kind of conveyance was
used by the crowd, but they were Insuf
rtcelit and many persons walked th twelv
mile trom Havana to the camp. It la
reared that the effect of thla enthusiasm
may be bad In the event that . the peae
term require the rebel to make derided,
concessions. In the rebel' camps ar th
sands of negroes, to whom revolutionary
life Is easy and interesting as compared
with labor on plantations. Some of the
more refined of the officers, however, ajmlt
that tbey would not be sorry to return to
their homes.
Despite the armistice which la now In
effect-a clash between government troops
and Pino Guerra'a forces waa threatened
today. General Avaloa,. with ) cavalry
and 3(0 infantry, arrived at Ouanajay at
noon, having come by train from Ilnar
del Rio to Artcinlaa prepared to- proceed
to Camp Columbia, near Havana. Thla
meant passing through the rebel Samps.
General Guerra sent a message to General
Avaloa that thla might lead to an . en
counter and that he would not be respon
sible for the outcome. General Avaloa de
clared his Intention to continue the march,
but Oeneral Rodriguez, by direction uf Sec
retary Tart, ordered him to take hla force
to Marlel, which will be done tomorrow.
Architect Arrested for OTladllaK.
AN FRANC1PKTO, Sept. fll.-Jaine A.
Taylor, an architect' and constructing en
gineer from Chicago, waa arremrd here to
il ay mxm telegraphic insiructlotia from I.
I). O'Bflen, captain of Ihe Chioago deter
live department, upon a charge uf emtx-t-Element.
The local police have been watt-It-lug
for Tvlt;r for severs! days. According
to the telegram from the Chicago authorities
requesting his arrest, he Was manager ot
the Taylor Ranch company. Incorporated.
Taylor said that he was guilty of no crime
and declared that h would Haul
I UadUlov .