Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Ice Cream Sodas
. and
Nut Sundaes
Made from the pure
fruit juices, pure cream
and appetizingly
served. They have a de
lightful and satisfying
sensation; refreshing
and healthful.
None so Good as
1518 Douglas St.
Omaha people will have to prepare (or
winter early this year. From all parts of
the country ooma reports of a decided drop
In temperature. Don't delay, but buy your
winter clothing early. , Many of the early
tall and winter colds would nerer exist If
the people were oareful about clothing
' themselres properly. Erery Omaha man
who wishes to be properly clothed at a
reasonable prtoe should see Llnderman
Ilersog, 1416 Douglas street. They have the
ery latest In fall and winter suitings and
overooatlngs which they will make up for
you In the very latest style at a saving to
1 you of to to 25 per cent. In patronising
f them you are ' boosting Omaha, as they.
I make all their clothes in their own shop,
. right here In the city.
The dress ault coat la longer
this year. .It has a dip la it that
the old dress coat didn't have. A
last year'a dress suit la almost aa
much out of date aa a' rear en
trance automobile.
The , latest fashion plates for
dress suits are In our possession.
They arrived last week from Lon
don. The latest novelties tor silk
linings in dress suits are also
A MacCart try-Wilson dress suit
always reflects the latest dictates
of Dame Fashion. $43 to $70.
Faultless fit and finish guaran
'Phone Douglas 1I0S.
SOe-SOS loath Sixteenth Street.
. Hext Door to Wabash Ticket Offlea
SEPTEMBER -23 - 23 - 24
1st GAME CALLED 2:80.
Tuesday, Eve., Sept. 25, 8 P. M.
Max Landow
In a 1'iiuo Kltal
. lBth and Davenport St.
Tickets st Matthews Plsno Co., 1511-15
narney su ana raoapa s. uu uougias 81
Find them every day
by watching the an
nouncements In TUB
BBS'S Want Ad Cs-
Ofnns ana Inflrmarv. Bta and Mason PUs.
tentsH a. t-H. , Telephone Harney O.
Competitor to Bepresent United State i in
Vanderbitt Rao Are Selected.
Oae Car Wrecked Asalnet Telegraph
Pole, hat Ka Oae gerloasly In.
Jarea la Lob a; lalaaa
NEW YORK, Sept. 21 A raet throng
which rushed upon the course today pre
vented the completion of the elimination
race to eelect Ave American racing auto
mobiles to take part In the race for the
Vanderbilt cup, after three of the cars had
completed the rsce. Joeeph Tracy, who
won the race, Hubert Leblon second and
H. K. Harding third, were the only rscers
who were allowed to cover the entire
course. They thue qualified their machines
for the cup races and the Judges selected
machines driven by Herbert B. Lyttie and
Walter Christie ss the other two, to rep
resent . Americsn manufacturers in the big
When Tracy crossed the finish line of the
287-rolle Journey, after a sensational rsce
In which be made one circuit of the course
at the rate of a mile a minute, Including
nine turns, the great crowd of spectators,
which greeted him with a roar of cheers,
thronged down upon the course and en
gaged In a scramble to see snd congratu
late the winner. Leblon and Harding, who
were on the tenth and laet lap, had to
drive their cars almost Into the throng In
order to get aoroes the finish line, but the
other racers, who were far behind, were
unable to force their way through.
Vaaaerbllt Stope Rare.
Perceiving that the action of the crowd
would prevent a fair finish of the remain
ing two qualifiers, W. K. Vanderbilt. Jr.,
the donor of the cup, and the Judges or
dered the races stopped and held a meet
ing to select the other conteetante to qual.
Ify. Lyttie and Christie were choeen, be
cause they were in fourth and fifth posi
tions when the course was blocked. Lawell
was pressing Christie closely for the fifth
Tracy's time for the entire course wss
Ave hours twenty-seven minutes and forty
five seconds, that of Leblon five hours fifty
one . minutes and , twenty-five seconds,
Harding's six hours twenty-seven minutes
and thlrty-ntne seconds. '
Notwithstanding that the course was re
garded as - mora dangerous than that over
which tbe cup race was run last year and
the drivers sent their powerful machines
over it at a speed at times as high as
ninety miles aa hour and on sharp curves,
only one of the racing cars was reported
to have been smashed and from that tbe
driver, Mongint, and his mechanician es
caped without serious injury. Twenty
miles from the starting line the car driven
by Moglnl burst a tire, and, turning out
of the road, crashed Into a telegraph pole
and was badly damaged. Moglnf was
thrown out, but landed 'safely.
There were numerous minor accidents to
the machines, chiefly damage to the tires,
so tbat the racers were trailed .out at long
Intel vale over the couree and many bad
not half oompleted the distance when the
winner finished.
Leaders Alternate.
Throughout the greater part of the race
the oonteet for first place lay between
Tracy, Leblon and Lytle. Lytle led the
others In elspsed time lor the first two
rounds Leblon then took the lead, but
alternated for the leadership In eaoh round
with Tracy until the tenth and last lap,
and Traoy clung to his lead.
Tracy scored the' swiftest record for the
lap of the day, covering the 28.11 miles In
tt minutes and ta seconds. This was In
the sixth lap.
Never wss there a more odd gathering
of spectators than that which thronged
at vantage points along the course to wit
ness the running of this race.
The start was scheduled for I a. m., but
the spectators began to gather even before
midnight. Before the sun rose almost the
entire couree presented an unique spectacle.
Clustered about the starting line was a
great park of automobiles and strung along
ths crooked course were many hundred
Spectators la Camp.
Knowing that It would be hopeless to try
to secure sleeping quarters at any of the
little villages, the spectators formed In
groups along the roadside for miles, where
they found parking places, and many even
brought camping outfits to prepare break
fast. Their campnres and the glaring head
lights of their cars marked the course long
before daylight.
Hundreds passed the long hours In sleep
in tbelr cars. No circus ever Invited a
more motly gathering than those as
sembled In the villages along the Una.
The big grandstand on the south side of
the course midway between Jericho and
Hlneola was crowded when the call for the
first starter went up.
There were twelve starters and the first
was sent away nromptly at I a. m., with
Ernest Keeler driving it
Race Begins Promptly at Six O'Cleek.
I'aaer Clear Skies.
NEW YORK. Sept. XX.-The race started
promptly at f o'clock. Ths dsy was oiear
and oool and the course In fine shape, the
haw ore of last night having served only
u lay me mist to some extent.
Csr No. 1, driven by Keeler, wss ths first
sway, ssd Little, the latter In Car No. t
but a bit slow In getting under way when
he crossed the merk, but Monglnl in Car
No. I got a flying start. The automobiles
got away rn the following order:
Car. Driver. Time. Dntrant
No, 1 Keeler 6:00... George O. M. Binlth
No. -Lytl :01.
.A. A. Pods
No. Mongint...s :il
No. 4 Cslllois....:l-6.
No. ! Hlon...:Oi 0..
No, 7 Roberts... (:06:0S..
No. S-Fryer :07
No. S-Chrlsty. ....u
No. 10
. ..C. A. Sliisr
.E. K. Thomas
!!'."C. "Al'Coey
....H. 8. HoudI
-....O. 8. Iar
Walter Christy
"!""!w"' jV'Miiler
...8. T. Devlea, Jr.
John Haynes
!"!!!"'.!j."F." Stone
No. It Lewell :10.
No. 1 J Tracy 6:11.
No. 1-
No. l-Hardlng...:U.
No. IS
No. 1 Blden :14.
Each driver sent his ear awsy at Its beat
possible speed and In a few seconds every
rar was lost to sight from the grandstand.
Twelve cars started' In the race out of the
fifteen entries There was no No. IS be
cause of the superstition attached to
number. The crowds along the course at
the start were not as large ss expected,
but the early comers were there in good
numbers ssd as the day advanced their
number was largely augmented.
Tbe coarse is 0.71 miles an4 roust be
gone over ten times.
. Lytle finished the first round in advance,
having covered the distance, 9.71 rrXes, in
M minutes and SI seconds: Chrltie was sec
ond in B minutes 12 av ootid, , Ls Bion
third' In SJ tH. Balden fourth In 14 03,
Harding fifth in M:14, Tracy sixth In fi tl
and Lsweil seventh in 10:17. Prayer's car
broke a clutch near Roslyn. about fifteen
miles from the grandstand and had to be
stopped for repairs.
As Harding and Belden passed the stand
on the first round there were only about
twenty feet between them, and each going
furiously. Both drivers were heartily
cheered. Harding had started two minute
ahead of Belden. so that the latter gain!
Just that much on his rival or. th n.-l
Monslnl's car in this round dashed tnle
a telrgraph pole snd wss wrecked. Both
the driver and his mechanician ' were
thrown, but neither was seriously Injured.
Lytle held the lesd through the second
round, but In the thlrS Le Blon rushed to
the place of honor, having covered the
course three times In M minutes, 8 seconds.
On the second round several cars passed
Christie and In the third round Christie s
car broke down. Tracy was In third place
at the end of the third round and was
only a minute behind the leaders. His
time for the third round was 10 minutes, M
seconds, the best time thus fsr made during
the race. Tracy, who had been going at
great speed for three rounds, was In the
lead at the finish of tbe fourth round. He
finished this round at J0:11. making his
elapsed time 13 minutes snd I7H seconds.
Le Blon, who finished the fourth round at
1:14:65. was second, with elapsed time of
129 minutes and 66 seconds. Lytle was
third. His elapsed time at the end of lbs
fourth round was 131 minutes and Vb seconds.
Car No. 7, driven by Roberts, got as far
as Mlneola on the flrat round and then had
to go Into a garage for repairs.
Csr No. 1, driven by Belden, broke down
at Bullshead during the third round.
At the end of the fifth round both Le Blon
and Lytle had got ahead of Tracer and Le
Blon was In the lead, with his elapsed time
163 minutes and ( seconds for the five
rounds. Lytle was second, his elapsed time
for the five rounds being 163 minutes and
63H seconds. Tracy was third, with his
elapsed time 164 minutes, 16 seconds. At
the end of the sixth round Tracy had
taken the lead from Le Blon and finished
the sixth round In 198 minutes. 4H seconds.
Le Blon finished the sixth round In 194
minutes, S8 seconds. Tracy covered the
sixth lap In the fastest time mode today.
It was 29 minutes, 29H seconds.
In the sixth round Lytle lost a tire at
Bullshead and lost several minutes putting
on a new one. ,
On the fifth round Tracy stopped at Jeri
cho to take on gasoline and water. On the
fifth round Christie stopped at East Nor
wich and lost some time putting on a new
Belden finished the fourth round In 211
minutes 12 seconds.
Harding finished the fifth round in 134
mlnues 40 seconds, and the sixth round In
226 minutes 7 seconds.
Calllols completed the fifth round In 207
minutes 18 seconds. Lawell finished the
fifth round in 208 minutes and 23 seconds
and Christie finished the fifth round In
216 minutes and 66 seconds.
Lytle completed his sixth round in 248
minutes 6 seconds.
Tracy completed the seventh round In 231
minutes and 12 seconds.
Tracy completed the tenth and last
round In 6 hours 27 minutes and 48 seconds.
Tracy wss the flrat to finish the race. Leb
lon finished second.
Leblon, however, was ahead of Tracy st
the finish of the seventh round. Leblen'j
time for the seven rounds was 229 minutes
and 66 seconds.
Leblon was also ahead at the end of the
eighth, completing that round in 4 hours
21 minutes and 39 seconds. Tracy finished
the eighth round In 4 hours 22 minutes and
11 seconds.
Tracy got by Leblon again In the ninth
round and completed that round In 4 hours
63 minutes and 38 seconds, while Leblon
oompleted it In 6 hours I minutes and 22
Lytle completed the seventh round in S
hours 11 minutes and 32 seconds. Harding
finished the seventh round In four hours
21 minutes and 1 seconds and the eighth
in 6 hours and 66 minutes.
Christie finished his sixth round In 4
hours 16 minutes and 38 seconds. Lawell
finished the sixth round In 4 hours 18 min
utes and 19 seconds
In the meantime Roberts had got his csr
out of the garage and entered the race
again. Hs finished the first round in t
hours 66 minutes and 4S seconds and his
third round In 6 hours minutes and 6
After Tracy. Leblon and Harding had
finished the race, in the order named, Wil
liam K. Vanderbilt, Jr., donor of the cup,
ordered the race stopped, owing to the
crowding of ths course, and the other
drivers wars stopped as soon as they could
be notified.
Mr. Vanderbilt took this action because
ths crowd which surged on the course in
front of the quarters of Tracy, the win
ner, prevented ths other cars from pass
ing. A meeting of the Judges was then called
to select the five men to qualify for the
cup race.
The machines selected by the Judges to
take part In the Vanderbilt cup race were
those driven today by Traoy, Leblon, Hard
ing, Lyttie and Christie.
Leblon's time for the race was five hours
fifty-one minutes snd twenty-five seconds.
Hospital Arrangements Resemble
Those for Battle Between Armies.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2. Thousands of per
sons and hundreds of automobiles and
other vehicles gathered early today along
the course over which the preliminary auto
mobile race for the Vanderbilt cup. was
contested today. The raoe, called the elim
ination trial, was for cars of American
manufacture and was to determine which
of the cars should have the honor of com
peting for the cup over the same course
on October 1 The conditions for today's
race were:
Race, the American elimination trial.
, Place, Nassau county, Long Island.
Btart, from WeetburV at 6 a. m.
Lenirth of course, 29.71 miles.
length of race, ten times around course.
Number of starters, twelve, to be sent
swsy st minute Intervals.
Object, to select five American-made cars
to compete In the Vanderbilt cup race, to be
run over me same course oetoner a.
Estimated time It will take, five hours.
Winner last year, Bert Dlngley. ,
Spectators and contestants wero astir
early, giving the staid old roads of Long
Island an appearance of life they seldom
assume. At Westbury, where the start
was made, the grand stsnd was crowded
to the limits of its capacity. Many per
sons prominent In society mingled In the
throng and It was noticeable that many
of the fair sex risked the denser of early
mists snd fogs to witness a race In a sport
that has so taken hold of popular Interest.
The course is said to be an exooedingly
dangerous one and there were fours of
accidents. There are nine sharp turns no
the course, as follows: Jericho, East Nor.
wleh, Bullahesd, Old Westbury, at s point
near Roslyn, Manhassett. Lakevllle, Sear
Ington and Mlneula. The turn at Old West
bury Is the roost dangerous. Its shape Is
Ilka a hairpin and It has been given the
nsme of "Hairpin Turn."
The arrangements made by the managers
of the Nassau hospital appeared more like
preparations for a battle between two ar
mies than provisions in connection with a
contest of speed and skill. Eight ambu
lances were sent earlv this morning to
various dsnger points along the course.
Sheriff Frederick Gllderslasvs bad made
equally elaborate preparations to prevent
Injury to spectators and to keep the puhllo
from encroaching on the course. Mors than
309 deputy sheriffs and flagmen had been
stationed along the roads ever which the
racers were t speed.
In drawing for the numbers for the
starters the so-called "unlucky thirteen"
was omitted.
ratal Mine Accident.
PITTSBURG, Kan.. Sept. 21 Thomas
Lewis, a miner, was killed here yesterday
by the explosion of a shot in the mine.
He was a native of Wslee and a veVan of
the Boer war. He had a number of
medals from the fcni.a govaroroe 4 fur
vai.-iot service.
tsps on Track Directly in Front sf ths
Apprcachtne Car.
State Binder Ft lee Answer In Snlt
Wherein It Is Sonant te Hold l a '
the Pny for Work Dona
for the State.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, Bept. . 22. (Special.)
Harry M. Altenburg, a S-year-old boy, was
almost Instantly killed today at Seven
teenth and Woodland by a street car run
ning over him. He had been sent to the
grocery on an errand by his mother and
tried to cross the street In front of a car.
Seeing his danger he stopped exactly In
the middle of the track. Although the car
was alowlng up to stop at the farther side
of the street the motorman was unable to
get It stopped In time to save the boy. The
car cut his legs off and crushed In the lit
tle fellow's chest. The family live at 671
West Eighteenth street snd the father,
Henry Altenburg, a traveling man for the
Dental ' Marshall company, was today In
Iowa City. When Informed of the accident
by telegraph he fainted. The mother has
been 'in the care of physicians ever since
the accident. The parents are young peo
ple and the boy was their only child.
Railroad Hns Appealed.
The Rock Island railway has appealed
from the district court the suit of Robert
Mitchell for J30.000 for damages received In
a railroad wreck In Wayne county, lowo,
at Clio. Mitchell's spinal cord was In
jured permanently so thst he Is unable to
do anything. The Jury gave him a verdict
for $6,000 damages and the railroad haa ap
pealed. The wreck occurred December 7,
Wanted) for Bigamy..
The Verts bigamy-divorce case took a
new turn today when Sheriff Curry of
Klrksvllle, Pa., appeared with a requisition
on Governor Cummins for Verts, charging
him with bigamy. Bessie Stubbs sued for
a divorce In which she altered that David
Verts had a wife In Pennsylvania when she
married him and that this fact was un
known to her at the time of her marriage
to him. Wife No. 2 In this city asks for a
divorce and attorney's fees. Governor
Cummins-gave the attorneys for Verts snd
Sheriff Curry a hearing this afternoon. Ow
ing to errors In the papers the governor
mads no ruling and will not till the papers
have been corrected.
Brought Bark to Answer.
George ' Martin has been brought back
from Wisconsin to answer to the charge of
forging the Rock Island railway's pay
checks and securing a considerable sum of
money on the forgeries In a number of
Iowa etilea two years ago. He was ar
rested as he stepped from ths Wisconsin
penitentiary. Martin ' Jumped his bond
after having been arrested here.
, Drop Vladnct for Sabway.
The safe communication across the rail
road tracks between the city and Fort Des
Moines, 'which wss promised to the War
department when the army post was lo
cated here, Is now turning toward a sub
way. The railroads have vigorously fought
the overhead viaduct and the proposition
for a subway, which It is asserted can be
built for much less. Is being investigated.
Action will be delayed till the cost of the
subway can be ascertained to a certainty.
Tedford Piles Answer.
SUte Binder Howard Tedford of . Mt.
Ayf today filed his answer In the district
court here to the suit of the labor union
people of this sity for an .Injunction re
straining the state officials from paying
him for the binding of the Official Register,
because of the work being done outside of
the state. In his answer Mr. Tedford al
leges that the courts have no Jurisdiction
and that the secretary of state, only,, hss
authority to pass on the work done and if
he finds It properly done to issue a warrant
for the payment. He explains that the
fact that the legislature required 26,000 ad
ditional copies this year necessitated tak
ing the work out of the state In order to
give the state proper service and a fur
ther reason was the fact that a strike In
this city Inaugurated by the people now
asking for an injunction was the principal
factor that Interfered with doing the work
here. Further he asserts a legal right to
take the work outside of the state becanse
the law, while requiring the state binder
to keep an office "equipped sufficient to do
the work," In this city, does not say thst
the work has to be done in it. , ' (
Miles Investigates Franc's.
District Attorney Miles of Corydon was
In the city today In conference with Postal
Detective Price and collecting evidence In
postal frauds that will be presented to the
federal grand Jury at the coming session.
Iowa Banks Prosperous.' '
The consolidated statement of the banks
of lows, made by the stste auditor, and
showing the condition of the state and
savings banks on September 4 of this year,
shows ths total amount due depositors In
both clssses of banks to be $179,400. 4TT. 20, an
increase of $0,790,690.44 since the last state
ment. Issued May 17, 1?06, and an Increase
of $27,841.285 .99 Since August 2B1WTR. It
shows the bills receivable to be $194,447,4X6.16,
an Increase of $4,404,379.22 since May 17;
credits subject to sight draft, $36,947,149.21.
an Increase of 35.249,074.16 since May 17.
Snpreme Conrt Derisions.
James Beem and M. Steohens against
E. D. and Anna Farrell, appellants, and
Thomas Farrell; Kossuth district; suit on
promissory note: reversed.
Cecil M. Kimbro against New Tnrk Life
Insurance company, appellant; Linn dis
trict; suit to recover on Insurance policy;
Judgment for plaintiff affirmed.
T. J. Mitchell et al against C. W.
Wheeler et al, appellants; Woodbury
county; action to recover balance on
promissory note; reversed.
II. D. Kepler, appellant, against C, A.
Larson et al; Chickasaw district; stilt to
enforce performance of contract to loan
money f affirmed.
Democrats Komlnats Dickson.
SIOUX CITT, Is.. Sept. 23.-Charles A.
Dickson of Sioux City was nominated for
congress by the Eleventh district demo
cratic convention at LeMars today. Thero
was no opposition.
lown News Motes.
CENTER VILLE Burlington train No.
f was badly wrecked near Dean last nlglvt.
Five cars. Including the mall car, w
burned. No one was Injured.
BOONE Robert Flwkart. a miner, had
his foot crushed and three ribs torn from
the backbone, also Internal injuries, by
a fall of slate and coal. It Is thought he
will recover.
Ml'NTERVILLE Charles Johnson, a
resident of Muntervllle, died as the re
sult of Injuries received In a runaway.
He was found about a mile from his
home In an unconscious condition and
nothing la known as to the details of the
a RIMES J. H. Baumsn. a prominent
farmer, waa riding a horse on a side hill
on bis farm when the horse slipped and
fell In such a manner aa to break Mr.
Bau man's lower Jaw. The break was so
serious that the bone protruded through
the flesh.
CLINTON Orval Hanson, the 9-year,
old son of Mr. and Mrs. William llanaon,
was shot and probably fatally wound!
by the accidental discharge of a rifle In
the hande of his elder brother, aged 1$
yeara. The boy was shot In the abdomen
and his chances for recovery are fclight.
MODALEV The annual convention of 'he'
Christian churches of Harrison county
will be held at Modala on Tburtday, Fri
day and Saturday. eWptember 27, 2$ and
2. The long and inlerestin program
wtll be rendered by T. Boa well, Rav. Mo
Cormtck, Mrs. Jennie Coe. Heryl James,
Kev. W. B. I 'le miner, Mra W. H. Johnson,
L. C Harris,-Mra Eila Olmstead, Jars.
Best Silk
Bargains of the
Entire Season
S ....
Over 30,000 yards of handsome plain and fancy silks, all fresh, new goods, purchased
at a great bargain direct from one of he largest silk mills in the country received just
in time for Monday's selling. t
Taffetas, Peau de Cygnes, Messalinest Gros de ton
dres, Chiffon, Poplins, Elegant Plain Taffetas in all ;
Colors, Including Black and White, Handsome Plaids
for Waists, Etc.,
The handsomest lot of silks
In two lots Monday, at per
SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the exceptionally beautiful
$1.00 values anywhere Monday
Laura Noyes, John Bostwlck. Albert Loss.
S J. Carter, Mrs. Pearl Johnson. Lee Boa
well. Maude Ixigan. A. E. Bessiro, Hex
Macfarlane, George W. Atkins, Sadie
Pugsley, Mrs. K. Beaman. Frank Becker
and J. H. Darting. A large attendance
ls expected.
Party from Bervla Knocked from
Post to Pillar on French
PARIS, Sept. 22. (Specisl Cablegram .to
The Bee.) A psrty of gypsies continues
to have a queer time along the eastern
frontier. It Is being sent from pillar to
post, as no sooner does It turn up at one
place than it Is evicted, to try Its for
tune's elsewhere, with a like result. After
having been expelled from several French
towns, It was conducted by gendarmes to
the border, but the Germans did not rel
ish the society of the gypsies any more
than their neighbors had done, so they
found their way once more across the
frontier. The French officials, however,
were on ths watch, and when the luckless
wanderers appeared st another spot on
their territory, they wers packed off again,
only to be promptly driven back. At the
present moment quite a little army of
French and German troops Is keeping an
eye on the gypsies. Tbey are on French
soil, but a company of Chasseurs is posted
around them. One of their chiefs has
applied to the Servian minister here, as
they hall from his country, asking him
to get them all removed to the Italian
frontier, and the sequel to all this ls being
awaited with considerable Interest.
Proprietor of Country Inn Near Jena,
Aged One Handred and Twenty
Fonr Yenrs Passes Away.
BERLIN, Sept. 22. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The death Is announced st the
sge of 124 of Christian Fried rich Blertump
fel, proprietor of a oountry Inn near Jena.
According to his relatives he was born In
1782 and participated in 1806 in the battle
of Auerstadt. ,
He Is believed to have been Germany's
oldest man, and perhaps one of ths oldest
In Europe. His youngest son, who Is still
alive, la 30 years old, and ths youngest
grandson 49.
Oct Rid of All Your Face Troubles
In Frw Days' Time With
the Wonderful Stuart
Calcium Wafers.
Trial racks Seat Tree.
Tou cannot have an attractive face or a
beautiful complexion when your blood Is
In bad order and full of impurities. Im
pure blood means an impure faoe, always.
The most wonderful as well as the most
rapid blood cleanser is Stuart's Calcium
Wafers. You use them for a few days,
and the difference tells in your face right
Most blood purifiers and skin treatments
are full of poison. Stuart's Calcium
Wafer are guaranteed free from any
poison, mercury, drug, or opiate. They
are aa harmless as water, but the results
are astonishing.
The worst cases of skin diseases have
been cured in a week by this quick acting
remedy. It contains the most effective
working power of any purifier ever dls
covered calcium sulphldo. Most blood and
akin treatments are terribly slow. Stusrt's
Calcium Wafers have cured bolls In three
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return, and It Is done without deranging
your system In the slightest.
No matter what your trouble Is, whether
pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter,
ecxetna or scabby crusts, you can solemnly
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never falling.
' Don't be sny longer humiliated by having
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stare at you or allow your friends to be
ashamed of you because of your face. .
Tour blood makes you what you are,
The men and women who forge ahead are
those with pur blood and purs faces.
Did you ever stop to think of that?
Stuart's Calcium Wafers are absolutely
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ing to you even at the end of a week.
They will mak you happy, because your
face will be a welcome sight, not only to
yourself when you look Into the glass, but
to everybody ele who knows you and
talks with you.
We want to prove to you that Stuart's
Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the beat
and quickest blood and skin. purUUr In
the world so w wtll send you a free
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Poultry Ida M. Shepler '
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