Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 22

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With Cool Weather! Adveat, Uiual Fall
Briiknet it Hottd,
Frleee for th Moat Part Are Firs,
Aavaaee Brian Kaasea la Glac
stasis, Tomatoes aaa Flail
luir naialaa tatkaiacl.
Among the Omaha Jobblns; houwi the
Usual tall briskness of trade Is apparent
and It Is now considered aa absolutely cer
tain that the year limo will be written down
on the booka of the Jobbera aa very much
the beat In their history. The movement
la steady, the volume la large, and, whluh
la a very good thing for the Jobber, prices
are Arm. in some ilhea, especially In dry
goods, the Jobbera are having a difficult
time In getting enough (roods to aupply the
demand, and thla la cow their principal
grief. "
Borne advancea In price have been noted,
the moat Important being on dretta glng
b&ma, tomatoea and canned goods and
' salt flab. Bug ar remalna etatiunary and
! coffee la firm.
'. Unlike laat fall, when quick changes for
; higher prlcea were the rule, boots and
' ahoea remained stationary for weeks at a
time thla season. The leather market, how
ever, la firm and Indications point to higher
prlcea before the winter la over. A good
. many late orders ere being sent in by
caleemen and are coming from buyers who
held oft under the evident and mistaken
Impression there would be a slump In the
market, under present conditions me mar
ket la likely to advance at any time and
these buyera are lucky to get their goous
at prlcea named at the height of the sea
goo. Dreaa Ginghams Opea Higher.
Quotations have been made on dreaa
ginghams, opening Vk&lo above laat year's
opening quotations, and some of the Im
portant lines have already been withdrawn.
All cotton goods are high and scarce. No
change In these are expected In the near
future, but when a change oomes It will
undoubtedly be for higher ptioes. Sales
men are very busy on the road Just now
and the orders are more than liberal. They
are taking advance orders for next spring s
goods. House trade la also good. J'rac
Ucaily all of the fall shipments have been
cleaned up.
Though some fluctuations have taken
place curing the week In raw sugars, both
raw and relined are now unchanged frutn a
week ago. The news from Cuba continues,
the dominating factor In the raw market,
and the fact that hostilities have been tem
porarily suspended has checked the upwaid
tendency of prices. The result Is a much
quieter tone and there Is very little dis
position to speculate. There Is, on the
other hand, however, not much disposition
on the part of producers to sell and Utile
. 1. ..... . I. ... n ..HnA,. in 1 1 1 1 r
IllUUIlIkUUIl UU WIG . VI 1 tltliv i m w wuf.
Heavy withdrawals are reported, as the
1 consumption demand Is muun larger than
usual, and many refiners are still several
days oversold.
The coffee market Is firm. Arbuokle la re
ported a heavy buyer. Recent telegrams
from the east tend to Increase the strength
of the market. The new crop is said to ba
poor, and this is seemingly true, for all the
aamplea which have thua far been shown
in Omaha by representatlvea of eastern cof
fee Importers show small and undesirable
beans. If the people want good coffee this
season, said a local man, they will have to
depend on the old crop.
Mackerel CatcU Very Llfcht.
Late advlcea from Holland say there has
been an advance of 2 cents a keg on white
hoop Holland herring. While the catch has
been largo, the consumption has been the
largest on record and stocks are being used
up as rapidly aa they are prepared for mar
ket. Local dealers aay lower prloea may
not be expected this season. - .
The mackerel catch In and around Glou
cester has been a practical failure, not a
half of the ordinary catch being landed.
What have been caught are small, counting
300 to 876 a barrel. The market has ad
vanced rapidly, and from reliable sources
comes the information that an advance of
tl a day per barrel for several days would
not be surprising. The catch will be dis
posed of In a very short time.
The catch of codfish Is 10,000.000 pounds
short of what It was at the corresponding
date of a year ago.
An advance of W took place In the
cheese market early in the week and
another advance Is anticipated. It v Is
claimed there la 25 to 80 per cent less cheese
In cold storage than a year ago and that
the recent dry weather has made a 16 per
cent lighter output than last year on the
eeptember make and a 30 per cen lighter
output on October make. This, together
VHth the Increased consumption, naturally
puts prlcea up. It la aald that In New
York condensed trlllk manufacturers are
' paying for milk on the basis of 1614 cents
for cheese and consequently the farmers
are selling to the condensers.
Canned and Dried Fralts.
jr..nv attention tins been centered In to
matoes during the last week. The market
has been advanced in ine east i?ri" v'
riosen on No. S. and 25ft30o per dosen on
..iinr.a The feellna: all over the country la
very strong on tomatoea, with every ap
pearance OI lull nmiitjr v" . . . ,,
news of the season, which will be virtually
nv hv the middle of this week, la largely
responsible for the advance and very strong
feeling. As recently advlaed, the syndicate
controlling the carry-over or iww p-r,
rt careful consideration of crop condi
tions and prospects, withdrew Its offerings
from the market and will not sell now,
expecting to obtain better prlcea In the
near future.
No change Is reported In canned corn, but
many of the canners have finished their
pack and smaller packa are reported than
In itt In all nf the state" Ohio. Indiana.
Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. It Is
a settled fact that the Iowa pack Is not
as large as last season, but what differ
ence there will be has not yet aeveiopeo.
In some sections of Illinois the pnek hps
been very disappointing; In others SO or 90
cer cent of last season's pack. Mntno
also la very short of the expected output
While there Is some carry-over from the
1906 pack of corn, when the conditions of
other canned vegetables Is taken into con
sideration, notably peas and tomntoea, it
would appear that there Is abundant room
for epeculation In corn. Neither peaa nor
tomatoea can be retailed, If bought on to
day a market, at less than two for 2n cents.
Almost without exception advances have
been made In gallon fruits. This advance
Is na'tlnulnrly sharp on gallon raspberries
and blueberries. Blackberries and goose
berries have also come In for a share of
. this advance, only apples and rmmplzlns In
.all the pie material remaining about sta
tionary. Really first-class apples In ral-
; Ions have not yet come on the markat.
jBoine few are comlna from Missouri and
-Arkansas, but to users of New York state
s goods this fruit Is aald to be very unsatla
f factory.
1 Further advance have been made In
I quarter-oil sardines. Very few sra being
I taken at the present time and the outlook
j ts for still higher prices.
I There Is very little change to report In'
the California dried fruit situation. Kat
, sins are strong at the Advance of Ho over
the opening prlcea. wltu a certwlnty that
arty deliveries will be practically Impos
sible because of the difficulty In getting
rhoxes. Prunes are more firmly held. Evas
orated apricots and peaches are strong at
.the advance and supplies evidently are
control lea, juaging irom ail reports.
The market has continued to decline on
pot evaporated anplea. The sujinly has
been more than sufficient, and as the stock
rvallable waa not good keeping stock. It
aa been forced on the market at low
prices Considerable fruit from Arkansas
and Missouri Is being offered and some
neavv sales have been made of thle fruit.
Small sunpllea are now enmlnr forward
from Michigan end New York and within
the next thirty davr a fair eupnly of tide
fruit will be obtainable. Mehant who
desire satisfactory apple will onlv txiy
as they need for the next thlrtv or fortv.
tire days, after which very desirable stock
will be obtainable, says a local dealer.
The first shipments of new head rice are
Jn and of fine eoloe and excellent nunllty.
Reports reeardlng rlee cron are some
what eonfllot'na. With the Increased acre,
are In Louisiana and Texas. It would n
tear as If the rron mil-' he somewhat
larger than lost seam. The outcome
ha crop, however. lt ha In Aoht until
the crop la harvested, wh'eh will practi
cally be done Inside of thirty days.
Paints, Otis and Glass.
Ornamental glass has shown no change
in the market, so far as ptioes are con
cerned, hut the demand Is very Mtl'c
tory, this being due to extensive building
, operations. Plate Klass Is also In good de
mand and the market Is st rotifer at prlcea
which were advanced recently. Pnlnt t
moving freely and there Is a big demind
for brushes, puttv. etc. Turnentlne Is still
tKHc. l.d rewalna the snme aa a wk
ago. carter" belne- quoted at T'Se, while
southern la 7Vc. Oil remains at last week's
nuntatlons, boiled being 3r. while raw
la Mo.
Hardware Qatotatloaa Steady.
Outside of a few scattered small changes
there have been no fluctuations In the
hardware market during the lust week. The
situation on all staple goods remains Jjat
the same. Mora than at any time during
the year the extreme scarcity of all classes
nf goods is being felt, and all Indications
point la the scarcity gruwiug wore pro-
flounced la the near future. This condition
of affairs If continued, will witheut doubt
force a tendency to higher prices In all
stsple linen. A shortage of freight rare la
also manifesting Itself, and makes it diffi
cult for largo shippers to secure prompt
service. Tin fruit cans are almost impos
sible to secure, while glass Jars are scarce
and are commanding rsther higher price.
The stove tmde Is much more active than
It had been thla aeason, and all indications
point to a very large fall trade In stoves.
Orders for hnskers are now coming In In
good shape. One feature nf the atove bonrd
trade for 1!" Is that but very fsw orders
are given for paper-lined boards, the trsde
demanding almost altogether the higher
priced and more durable wood-lined goods.
The demand for barbed wire nnd wire fence
has slackened oft some, while the demand
for nails Is still ss large as ever. New
lists on mica, adopted by manufacturers
for this seon, advance prices materially.
Have Root print It.
lioeal Home) Attracts Secretaries freaa
All Over the Country Want
Ins; Ideas.
Omaha' new Young Men's Christian asso
ciation building has' ifcorai an object of
study on the part of numerous secretaries
all over the land who are planning new
homes for their own associations. Satur
day Secretary W. A. Scott of Houston,
Tex., and Architect Carl Q. Staats, from
the same place, looked over the building
and asked Secretary Wade l.OCO or mora
questions. Laat Tuesday Secretary Bishop
of Kansas City and his architect' were
here for the same purpose. Several other
secretaries . have studied the structure In
the last few weeks.
Mr. Wade hopes to open offices in th
new building about the middle of October,
though It will not be ready for any depart
ment work until much later.
DIAMONIis-m fi.iei. ml. -t .i Dodge sta
Very Low nates to the West.
The Chicago Great Western railway will
ell ticket to points In Alberta, British
Columbia, Idaho, . Montana, Oregon and
Washington at about one-half of the usual
fare. Tickets on sale dally Auguat 17 to
October 31, Inclusive. Oet full information
from H. H. Churchill, general agent, 1611
Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Douglas (044) 1 minting Co.. 1508 Howard.
California ana Old Mexico.
From August 27 to October SI th Ml
sourl Pacific ' railway will sell one way
tickets at very low rates to points la
California and Old Mexico. For informa
tion see your nearest agent or addrea
Thomas F. Godfrey, passenger and tlckut
agent, southeast corner Fifteenth and
Farnam streets, Omaha, N ?b.
r7ATCHEe Freruter. wrj, ami Dodge Sta.
JToklee of tbe Mretic Shrine.
Special train leave Union Station
via C. A N. W. Ry. at 1:30 o'clock a. m.
Thursday, September 26th, returning In
time for business Friday morning.
Fare for the round trip $4.60.
All members of Tangier Temple are urged
and all sojourning Shrinera are cordially
Invited to Join tbo caravan.
For further information see th
Potentate or Recorder.
A. H. HIPPLE. Potentate.
DIAMONDS Ediioim. xtstn and Harney.
Bxanrslon to crca Uke, la.
On Friday, September 28, the Chicago
Great Western railway will run a special
excursion train to Clear Lake. Tickets
will be) sold at very low rates and will be
good to return until October 1. Ask H. H.
Churchill, general agent, 1513 . Farnam
street, Omaha, for information.
Cash Glrlst Cash Doyal
And bundle wrappers wanted at once. Must
be 15 years or older. 3. L. Brandeis 4 Son.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express 'our most sincere
thanks and aDoreoiatlon to our friends and
neighbor and all those who, by their
kindness and sympathy and beautiful floral
offering tried to lessen our grief during our
recent sad bereavement of my beloved
wife and our dear daughter and sister.
WATCHES Frenser. 16th and Dodge St.
Sonvenlr 8900ns.
Sterling, with Auditorium, postofBce and
other buildings, In bowl, $1.60 and upward.
Full figure Indian handle, 13.00. Our own
Omaha spoon, $1.60; gold bowl, $100, and
score of other from 76c to $3.60. Ma
whlnney & Ryan Co., Jeweler and Impor
ters, 16th and Douglas Sta.
The Buick Motor Car company promised
a delivery to their Omaha agents not later
than October 16 of one of their new four
cylinder touring cars. If this car meets
the predictions of the manufacturers It
will be a wonderful proposition, as they
guarantee this machine to develop thirty
six actual horse power and weigh not to
exceed 2,000 pounds. The car was originally
manufactured and ready for the market
nearly a year ago, but owing to a tem
porary restraining order that wa fought
at considerable length In the courts by
another company, claiming Infringement of
patents. It wtos impossible to deliver th
car in quantities until the present time.
The machine 1 claimed to a speed of fifty
five miles an hour and 1 claimed to stand
In the same relative position In its class
as the two-cylinder car has this season.
Three carloads of Buioks received by H.
E. Frederlckson In one week Is about th
record on any one make of machine for
Omaha. These sre the '07 models, upon
which only Blight change has been made
over 1906. . While most of thee have been
old, some will be offered for immediate
delivery the first time since Jun that Mr.
Frederlckson ha had unsold Buick on
hi floor.
Mr. A.' Hoape purchased a Buick touring
car last week to use In going bark nnd
forth from his home to his buslnees. Mr,
Hospe has been automoblllng for the last
two years. " s
Cnsh Qlflst Cash Boys!
And bundle wrappers wanted at once. Must
be IB years or older. J. L. Brandeis & Bona
Card of Thank.
W desire to express our most sincere
thanks for the many kind acts and loving
sympathy shown us In the Illness and death
of our husband and father. We especially
W(sh to thank the Omaha Musicians' as
sociation, the Knights and Ladle of Se
curity, th Fraternal Union of America, tbe
Ladle of the Maccabees and employe of
th Union Pacific store depot, also th kind
neighbors and loving friend who by their
kindness and sympathy abed a ray of light
In thla, aa hour of great grief.
Qosslf) of Third Coantry Clah Revived
Over Flnanees f Field
Now that a movement la oa foot te
double entrance fee and annual due at
the Field club, talk of organising a third
country club Is being revived. Some mem
bers of the Field club say another club
1 surs to com into existence within a
few months, in case the rot at the Field
club I for an Increase In feea
"There are many member," said on of
these men, "who do not car to pay more
thsn the present feea, and If they have to
pay more, will drop from the club. A It
Is, they have to pay $70 for entrance, and
$20 annually. In th opinion of some, a
deoraaae In membership would b a good
thing, a th club ha a membership large
enough to be unwieldy. If fewer mem
bers are wanted, the condition could ba
brought about by the proposed action. It
would undoubtedly hasten th organization
of another club, which 1 already con
templed." In th lummar a movement waa started
among member ot th Flsld club and
other to organise a country . club and
seour land near Dundee, but thla haa been
dropped for th time being, at least. On
of those Interested aald Saturday that th
project wa all but sure of success, when
the object of tbe originator of th plan
became public, and then th real estate
men raised th price of the land to twice
what It had been offered at. The price)
waa prohibitive.
Very Low Rate lataday.
Every Tuesday, balance of th year, th
Chicago Great Western railroad will sell
homeseekers' ticket to Minnesota, North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
half rate; to other territory, first and third
Tuesday. Writ H. H. Churchill. G. a,
1612 Farnam street. State number In part
and when going.
Cash Glrlst Cash Bosl
And bundle wrapper wanted at once. Must
be 15 year or older. J. L. Brandeis & Son.
Here's champagne te our real
And real pain to our sham
a ran ou
A whiskey "That
your friend
will appreciate '
as well aa yourself. An lucal
.whiskey for home and medici
nal use. Bottled In bond. Aak
us about It.
rxCS We are Issuing a lit
tle booklet containing over 300
popular toasts, which we
would be pleased to mall or
hand to you. They are free.'
Ask us for one.
wjzx.xx'8 wxnsarrES, rxruu
QUAJtTS, BOO, 9L, $U1.
W Ship 4 Quart Prepaid.
Special for Ladies
Our Special Ladles' Watch Is a
great seller. But it Is, too, without
exaggeration, the very best value
you can get for the money. A
small, dainty watch, "olid gold
filled, double hunting case, en
graved or hand polished, with
guaranteed first-class movement.
, Only $12.60
We have others, far more ex
pensive watches watches set in
diamonds and rubles but as far
as good, honest value for the
money goes, none of them beat our
Ijadips' 8perlal. Remember it is at
the headquarters for watches
At the Sign of tbe Crown.
11B South I Oth St.
Opposite the Huston Store.
How Abou!
School Shoes?
Have yon bought them ytT It
not, bring your boy or girl 00 ns
and let us show you the kind ot H
school shoes we sell. They aits N
made of the toughest leather, put
togetner la t&e strongest manner,
shaped over the easiest lasts and
sold at the most comfortable
. $1.50, to $2,00,
16th and Douglas Street.
irl 1
sn aiainwsr
il " ,'fii 1 ,1 rr 11 11 im tmm rv
For hard and soft coal, with patented AIR BLAST ATTACHMENT.
Ton must personally call and see this furnace to appreciate its many
superior qualities. Don't make the mistake of building a bouse and
putting in any kind of a furnace. Tou can get heat upstairs by encasing
an old cannon stove. That Is just what three-fourths of the furnaces
sold aro Just big cannon stoves, misnamed furnaces.
FURNACE is. We only ask you to investigate. The balance we leave
to your intelligence. Any furnace man In Omaha can install an Excel
sior. If he refuses or knocks, report to us and we will show you that
he Is more interested in a large profit than he is in your future comfort.
Repairs in stock for every stove, range or furnace made.
Hot water attachments and asbestos furnace covering.
Omaha Stove Repair Works
12001208 Donglae Street. Tel. Douglas 900.
m. TTKUO, Fre. QUO. A. W1XCOX, Treaa.
RVOO BOSatXOV. T. Pres. a. SC. atATOir. suaNr.
mmm mm msi
- -
That Please
Our new fair styles of
ladies' shoes will please the
most critical eye. Never be
fore have we shown such
handsrJme styles as we are
doing now.
The newest last we are
showing this fall is the
short, stub toe, high arch,
Cuban heel," button or lace,
bright and dull finished
leathers, ranging in price
from ,
$3.50 to $5:00
The shoe is a very import
ant item of dress. "We are
prepared to suit you in foot
wear for all occasions.
Full line of Ak-Sar-Bon
shoes and slippers.
1419 Farnam St.
Find a
Every thing you have)
to sell la wanted by
somebody If price ant)
quality are right A
Bee Want A4 WtU
tad ts custern.
to California or Oregon.
1 1 Low One-way Rates In effeot Every Day to I I
1 1 October 31, 1806, Via 11
jT I'or Tourist Sleeping
"T - s- 1 'Oar reservations and '
j h "pjsSS;. books on California '. .
h ""-City Ticket Office, ' ill
I 1-1 IffMPQeM' F ' 1324 Farnam St. J I
'- I 'Phon
kindness to
your feet
The first essential to foot comfort
is a properly proportioned shoe, on
that Is shaped right and made right.
The Onlmod shoe fllla every require
ment of common aenae and scientific
construction. They are made to fit
any normal foot.
The second essential Is to have th
shee fitted to the foot. Our salesmen
are experts. They will fit your foot
Try a pair of Oaimods and you will
wear no other shoe.
The Hand Built Onlmod is the
best Onlmod tbe best high grade
shoe made. $3 and 96.
The 94 Bench Made Onlmods
are a splendid shoe, looks well,
wears weU. The 3.50 and $2.80
Onlmods outrank all other shoes
In their class.
Fall styles are ready for your
i&eoem sos
60c Swlnton's Triple Extracts (all
odors), per ounce 10c
50c Colgate's Triple Extracts
per ounce .23c
6O0 Lundberg's Violet Triple Ex-
s tract per ounce 10c
$1 Fiver's LaFrefele Incarnat
per ounce 60c
ft Roger & Oallet Extracts
(all odors) per ounce 60c
Above prices tor Monday only. All
mall orders filled at above prices, pro
viding taey are stamped Monday at
your respective postofflces.
Omaha's Largest Drag IIoum.
wya ALL.-
Sale of
Men's Shirts
Special Sale
Are you a clothes critic! Well,
maybe not, but you don't need
to be in order to recognize the
superior value of these offer
ings. Complete lines of tasty
patterns in the very best ma
terials and tailored by the very
best workmen. Suits you can
depend on as proper in style
and unmatched quality, at the
special price of $ f A
$12.50 and HU
Gravenettes at $7.50 and. $10.
' You can 't afford to be without"
one at these special prices.
Youths' Long Pant Suits, the
greatest Variety and best
values in Omaha at P
$7.50, $6 and '....pJ
Children's Suits, in all the lat
est styles and materials, at
$7.50, $3.50, $2.95, 1 Q C
, $2.50, down to. .. ...le
V '
Complete new lines of the celebrated Hart, Shaffner & Marc
Hand Tailored Clothing now shown.
Suits, $15 to $35. Overcoats, $12.50 to $30.
, ar I. a. I -.ra-aMIlawa.MiMa.airiIIWMl urn ar-TT-a .aM. d .
I The reat liUlajst.gc
-rea'W " tvsTWfrw'-'pW
1 t.SSf-; - V7
w '
E .jjiw., t; i
the old pipe was made of charcoal Iron. So Is the Majestic, only tbV
Iron used is the heaviest put in a range. United States government re
port recently Issued says that charcoal iron lasts from five to six times
as long as Bessemer steel.. Sold for cash or on easy payments.
John Hussie Hardware Co.
2407 Cuming St. "u yu buy 14 of issi it's right."
On Sale Dally to October 31st
The Eock Island operates through daily Tour
ist Sleeping Car Service between Missouri river
points and California, via Colorado and via El
Paso, Texas.
For further information, call or write
9 Room House for Rent $40
It you ar leoklns; (or a strictly modern
house with all the latest Improvements
and conveniences, paved street, easy
walking distance, call on
K ORAM'S, 15th and Harney Sts.
Telephone Douglas 1041 or Harney 11 U.
a cool, delicious, satisfying amoks one that will banish your cares and make
life worth living, be sore and call for the old reliable
Ft R. Bice Mercantile Cigar
Greatest Stod
of Children'i
in Omahi
Men's Suits
Ell a I leable
The Majestic 1b the only range
In the world that Is made from
the good old long-wearing Char
coal Process Iron. Others use the
cheap Bessemer steel, which, as
you know, rusts out in a few
years. . You know how your old
stovepipe used to last and how
Quickly the pipe you got nowa
days rusts out. Well, it's because
.,. , MM I
San Francisco, San Diego, Horn
brook, Los Angeles, Phoenix, No
gales, Guaymas.
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Van
couver, Victoria, Ashland, Astoria.
Mexico City, El Paso, Demlng.
Spokane, Ellensburg, Aruantllla,
Wena tehee.
Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Mis
soula, Kallspell.
Ogden, Salt Lake, Pocatello.
. ill
if psii7
1323 Farnam Street,
Omaha, Neb.
Try th Want Ad
Columns of Th" Bee.
Co., Uaaulacturr, bU Louis.