B TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1903. 9 ! I I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Whtat Ehowi Eiiinem at Timet, tut Undertone rina. SCARCELY ANY CHANGES IN PRICES la Ifile oil Talk, of Better Movement, Very Little Grain rones on Mar Let Cora Extremely Weak Throng h Session. OMAHA, Sept. a, if, 'Wheat showed a littio easiness several times oa pmnt-lakins:. but the mm uni.r. tuna maintained tlia greater part of the session. Remarkably little wheat ha come on the market the lut few nays and the scarcity of offerinira after a. a-cmi A-Jfce is significant. Minneapolis shows the f.niie stubbornness, it mura very little difference for the moment how much spring v. neat has been raietd, as long as it aoes uui come 10 me market. While the futures at Liverpool closed from d to Vkd lower, canh bids advanced Sd. The cash market was extremely weak. The September was sold freely and tills induced liquidation In the inure distant months. The Jonea-lnglls report Indicate a yield of ,ull.W)u,uou bushels. Oats were dragay, but sustained by the bullish local sentiment. The cash market was from no to lo lower and there is every Indication of a freer country movement, as the strength to the cash and in the current delivery have been the backbone in the recent advance. Primary wheat receipts were 978,000 bush, els and shipments wjb.uoo bushels, against receipts last year of 1.3&4.UM bushels and suipuients of sw.ofo bushels. Corn receipts weie blk.OOO bushels and shipments Hl.vH bushels, against itcelpts last year of M 00 bushels snd shipments of 674,000 hush els. Clearances wure 176.0UO bushels of wheat, jio.Oi barrels of nour, 18.UW) bushels of corn and 8,000 bushels of oats. Liverpool closed VlvVIrd lower on wheat and H0d lower on corn. lirooiuhail estimates world's wheat ship menu Monday at 10,M)0,uii0 bushels. Local rang oi options: Axticlea. Open. jlign.) Low. Close. Yesy W heat j Sept... Dec:... May... Corn 8pt... Iec.... May. j. Oatri Sept... 6T.H 8TT 67T 67' 67H 72 72(4 71 7l 43 I to 67T. 72' 43 37 38 10 Omaha Cash Bales. WHKAT-No. I hard, 1 oar, 6714c; No. hard. 1 car, 06c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, iioc; no giaun, 1 car, 62o. Omslis Cash -Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard. taKSc; No. S hard, soi,iAV4c; No. 4 hard, SZaiioc No. 3 spiing. tVwTc. CORN-NO. 3, 41HM2c; No. I yellow, 42 No. 8 white, 43c OATS No. 1 mixed, JaiygflOo; No. 3 white, RYENo. 2, 63c; No. , Sl'ic Carlo! Heeetpta, - Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 74 443 268 Kansas City 123 20 14 Minneapolis 2K8 Omaha 29 38 23 Duluth 441 BL Louis 4V ' 84 48 CHICAGO GRA1.1 A.D PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading? and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept. 23- W( aker oash markets In the northwest and the easier tone in co ares grain continued a break in the price of wheat here today after the market had opened firm and active. At the close De cember wheat was unchanged to He lower. Corn wma down Vic Oats wero off Vo to Vc. Provisions were 2Vkc to 10c higher. i ne marker openea nigner Because oi light receipts In the northwest and reports lag extensively damaged by locusts. Under these Influences December wheat advanoed to 76Ho, but local traders sold actively on the bulge and the market dragged some what until the close. Offerings, however, were scarce and prices rallied quickly. Cables were reported heavy aa the result of yesterday's market here. Minneapolis reported that cash houses In that market ware stilling December wheat and also sent a report that northwestern shippers are toting, wheat because of their inability to get car.' It 'was also declared that the firmness of wheat during the early part of the week had checked In some degree the demand for flour. .These, together with the weakness of the coarse grains, bad the, effect of making traders continue to cover. The close was steady.' December wheat opened unchanged to Vfcc lower at 740, sold between ifo and 75Hc, and . closed at 74o, Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 264,000 bushels. Primary re ceipt were 878,000 bushels, against 1.854,000 bushels last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 7o0 cars, against Til ears last week and 1,04 cars a year age. The corn market was quiet fur the greater part of the day, fears that there Is danger oi a squeeze in Mpiemuu euro, keeping many brokers out of the market. The September option declined Sc. but the loss in other months was small. Local receipts today were somewhat larger than lor several aays pasi ana uie uiureue ue expected to continue over Monday. Decem ber corn opened He to "aSSo lower at a-,-wyfi to 2rt.c sold between 42"4-2c and HWOa. The close was easy and Ve lower at 42c Local receipts were 443 cars, with 877 of oontract irrade. The oats market was quiet. The range of prices kept within c The pressure from either side was not important. The pri mary movement continued liberal. Decem ber oats opened VuVc lower at 83Vo to 8e sold between S3S.0 and 83V&33vc, and closed easy and VtHty: lower at 338330. Local receipts were 2nS cars. The provisions market ruled higher on a mail run of hogs and on an advance of 6o In the prices at the stock yards. There was excellent buying of lard throughout the dsy. Shipments of meats and lard were In fair quantity. At the close January pork was 10c higher at 813 22H- I-ard was up Hc at $7.60. Ribs were iftr& higher at 7 07H4fT 10. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, It cars; corn, 475 cars; oats, 854 cars; hogs, 84.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.l Opea. Hlgb- Low. ! Cloe. Tes y. Wheat Sept. , Dec, May Corn Sept. Dee. May T Oats Sept. Dm. May Pork Sept. Jon. Lard Sept. Oct. Nov. Jan. ' Ribs Sept Oct. , Jan. ' T!H TIS T4 71 H 78iH 7SH 47iVffS. 47t 42i', 43 ua 43H h S" S3HS S3 S4' ii 1 90 1 90 13 17H 13 25 8 W 3 AO 3 87H 8 M U 8 60 1 W 7 80 00 9 00 $ SO 8 W 7 07H) 1 10 7!X' TJH 74H 78 i74 47H 4SH 42-5 a 43H 48H 43Vil nit S3H) 3,-H S4SSJHlSii3Mi 34H W-i 84H 18 "50 " 13 12 8 874, ' SB 16 90 13 17H 9 94 8 83 8 4.1 7 77H no 16 90 13 2H 8 90 1 8TU ' 8 47H I 12H 7 SO "l 7 TTH 9 on 8 9?H 8 RTH 8 R7'4l 8 67H 7 05 I 7 10 I 7 06 XtT'No. 1 Ztf Cnnh quotations wi were ss follows: Ft OUR Firm; wti V winter straights, 3S.i vlnter patents. S.:oy.IO; S.oufiS.Co: ftirink Datrnts. $3.7t&3 60; spring str.Uhts, $T bakers. $2.0$2.IO. WHEAT No. 1 prlni:, iWlc: No. 3 spring. 774iH:c; No. 2 red. TSWTISc CORN No. 3,4rrc; No. i yellow, 47ic OATS No. 3. 83'ic; No. 1 white, SiSBljc; No. 8 white. SlHtjBK'. RYE No. 3, tic. BARLKY-Fitir to cholre msltlng. 44fl!o. SEEDS No. 1 flax. r.04H; No. 1 north western, $1.10. Prtne ti.nothy, $4-J0. Clover, contract grade. $1176 n.nMrrai.vo fihf.pf rtViv strips flnose. $3 W 0ft. Mess pork, per bhl., IjiM. rer W lbs.. $.i)0. Short clear sides (boxod). Following were the receipts and ship- tnsnts of flour and grain : Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Porn, bu... Oats, bu... Pv bu IS SOO ... 73.000 ...$il.10 ...31J.600 ... IIV4 IH4 331 0W 167. 10 1 600 fcariey.-bu... . 1 D-noA MhnnA tMlflV th hilt tsr market was steady creameries. Wil'tc: dallies, 17fi9Lc. Egcs, firm: at mark, cai"e Included. Ij1c; firsts. Ivic: prime firsts. -. . . y". 1 . ill. Al4'n xic; extras, su. .imav. mw, M75UW74V, Pklladelaltta Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. JJ.-BT.TTTICR-Flrm: extra western creamery, official M . . , - . . . KVnA "dll. A I Flf? Finn: western freh. J4e, at mark. 4v fll lXSK Steadv; New York full creams, 1 fair to choice. 12ji3c. I . IMstk Grals Market. tjn.irnt Minn.. Sect. 32 WHEAT No I hard.- oa . trsckj. 77c, to arrtvs; ilo. 1 northern, Tic; No. i northern, 74H. track; No. 1 northern, Tse; No. 1 north ern, Ho. , September, 7c; October, TMc; D-i ;n her, 74S,c; May, OATS Te arrive, Kic; September, 8:Vc - NEW YORK UEICRAL MARKET Qaetatloas of the Day oa Varloas Cesantodltles. NEW YORK, Sept. 2J. TLOUB Re ceipts, 1M10 bbls.; exports, .V26 hbl; sales, 1.700 pkgs. Market dull but steady; Minnesota patents, 34.1034.30: Minnesota bakers, 33.4t8.0; winter patents, 13.78. (14.10; winter straight. IJ.EOfc 3.t); winter extra, 12.161.25; winter low grades, IJ.H 38.1. Hye flour, steady; fair to good, 33.2098.(0; choice to fancy, II 703.5. CORNM AL Steady; (In while aud yellow, I1.2&4J1-30; coarse, l.H41.16l kiln dried. 12.753.86. BYE Steady; No. 2 western, 44 He, c L C New Tork. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 404HC r. t f New York; malting, 4iHc, C.TT, BtirTalo. WHEAT Receipts, 13.(00 bu.;, exports, 47.128 bu.; sales, l,2ft0,000 bu. futures and 24,000 bu. spot. Spot market, easy; No. i red, 78 c, elevator; No. 3 red, 1c, t. o. b., afloat The early wheat market was firmer on small northwest receipts and re ports of locusts In. Aregentlna, but later yielded to res II ring and closed He uet lower. May, 84H084c, closed 4Hc; September closed at 7c; December, 12 l-lfelIHc closed at 82HO. CORN Receipts, 108,878 bu.; spot mar ket, steady; No. 2, Si He, elevator, and 67 He t o. b, afloat; No. 3 yellow, o7Hc; No. 3 white, 68 He Option market was without transactions, closing He net lower. Msy closed at 4vc; September closed at 61 He: December closed at 62 He OATS Receipts, 132,000 bu.; exports, 7,430 bu.; spot market easy; mixed oats, 38 to 82 pounds, 37c; natural white, 30 to 33 pounds, 88 H 40c; clipped white, 38 to 40 pounds, 3 H 044 He. FILED Firm; spring bran, $18.76; Sep tember shipment middlings, $20.60; Sep tember shipment, city, $20.60 4T 26.00. HAY Quiet; shipping, 85 76c; good to choice, $0tf6c HOPS Firm;, state, common to choice, 1805, ll2jrl7c; 1604, nominal; PaclOe coast, 1306, lS&llo; 1804, 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 26 pounds, 2c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 80 pounds. 18c. LEATHER Steady: acid, ti&ZTc PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $11. 00S 11.60; mess, ti.OO'Q 8.00; beef hams, $21.00022.60; packet, $10.00 10.60; city extra India mess, $14.00 16.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $10,600 12.60; pickled shoulders, nominal; pickled hams. $11.60012.00. Lard, firm; western prime, $9.06 3.10; refined, firm; continent, $9.00; South America, $18.00; compound, $7.I2H7.37H. Pork, steadv; family, $18.608 19.00; short clear, $10.60018.60; mess. $18 90018.00. TALLOW Finn; city ($3 per packet), 6 He; country (packages free), 6HW 6Hc RICE Steady r domestic, fair to extra, 3HHc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Quiet; creemery, common to extra; l!32&c; stats dairy, common to fancy, 184T24c; renovated, common to extra. 16H22c: western factory. 1619c: Imitation creamery. '!. Receipts, 4,772 pkgs. CHEESE Firmer; receipts, 3,216 pkgs.; weekly exports, L1M pkgs; state, full cream, small fancy. 12H4(12Hc; fair to good, 11VMP 12c; large, fancy, 12Hffl2He. EOG8 Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby selected white, 30632c; choice, 27 29c; officlnl price, western firsts, aH'offic. POULTRY Alive, spring ciui.ni", fowls and turkeys, 14c. Df-sed, oulet; western spring chickens. mSM6c; spring turkeys, 16622c; fowls, UtfHHc x. Loala OeaenU Blarket. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 22. WHEAT Firm: track. No. 2 red. cash. 784Ti4c: No. 8 hard. 70ifi:4Hc: December, 72H'fli2c; May, 760. CORN eieaay ; iraca, xn o. s cann, wtyg 47c; No. 3 white. 4SHOH8ci December, 40Hc; May, 41Hc OATS Easy : track. No. 3 cash, KHe: No. 3 white, 44j4Hc; December, 33H483Hc; May, 34HC FLOUR Bteaoy; rea winter patents, $8.403.70; extra fancy and straight, $3.10 gl.zt; clear, fi.iuvz.su. 6KKls Timotny, steaay; t.tuvi.vv, CORNMEAL $2.60. . BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 78 81c. ....,. HAY Finn; timothy,., , $1.K) 16.00; prWrleg i.q0lL00.. .. . , IKON Wliun x.wv. BAtXttNO 6 l-le. ' . .t . HEMP TWINB 7HO. ' ' ' PROVISIONS Pork, steady: lobbing. -, . . . t 1 V. t h-V. .t.am ' til K It Dry salt meats, ' steady; bdxed, extra hnrti 18.9.1: clear ribs. -89.(6: short clears, 19.76. Bacon, steady: noxea, ex tra short. 810.16; dear rib. 310-301 short clear, $10.45. POULTRY Quiet : chickens, 10c; springs. 11c; turkeys, Uc; ducks, 8He; geeos, 6c. HI'l 1141-' Via; crauntry, ev'.ou ; osiry. EfjKiB rirm at no, ruse count. Receipts. Shipments'. Flour, hole. T.800 8,800 Wheat, bu. 49,000 73.800 Corn? bu 34.100 $7,400 Oats. bu. ......48.000 33,770 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Bent. 22. FIOTJR First patents, $4.20414.30; second patents. I4.06u4.lo; nrsi Clears, ea.OMUu.to; seoono clears, $2.4vu2.60. s BRAN in Duia, ixa.wa'Lt.a. Minneapolis and Chlcatro delivery). Ths ranee of prices, as reported by V. D. Day 4a Co., 110-Ul Board of Trade, was: Artlcies.l Open.j Hlih, low. Close. Tes'y Wheat I Sept... Deo.... May... 73 74 78 74 TSSQ" 734 IV 73 TitfM 78 77Vi 78 1 14 1 14 1 UVi 1 13 1 11 111 1 OMa. 1 1 10H 1 104 1 04. 1 0f4 1 10 1 10 1 06 1 OfeV Flax- Bept... Oct.... Nov.. Do. ... Minneapolis Cash Cioae Wheat: No. 1 hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 77c;. to ar rive 76c: No. 3 northern. 76ic: to arrive. 744a; No. 3, 73YS'744te; No. 1 durum, 63c; to arrive, (uc; no. 1 ounira, oic; 10 arrive, eo4c Corn: No. 3 yellow, 44e; No. X 43c. Oata: No. 8 white, 0c; No. 3, Wu'aan.. Barley. 3443H7o. Rye, 64aiia 6c. Flax. $1-0TA. Kanaae tlty Onls and Pre-rlslens. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 32.-WHEAT-Un-chsnsed; September, 6c; December, 68c; W... 1... M.K XT a Urn. A ftfiWOV" Vrt I tT'TrSSHc': No. 3 red, e: No'. 3. 6Hc. rrtDNf a.nt.mk.. iSlLi.' rMcemher. 87740! May, ZHc: cash. No. 3 mixed, 43u43V; No, $ white, 4ftf'46C. OATS-No. 3 white, 83MeS04'ic: No. t mlxerl. $m&e. HAT lnchaned to 16c lower; choice timothy, $11.76 012.00; choice prairie, $8.00 8.26. RYE Unchanged: 66 67c EOG9 Steady; extras, 21c; firsts, cases Included. 20c; seconds, 13 He. CUTTER Creamery, i4c: packlns;. UHe. Receipts Shipments. Cy-Heat. 13.00 , 148.000 Corn, bu. 36.000 18.000 Oats, bu $.000 6,000 Liverpool Grain Marker!. ' IjlV r,ItrM WKS -iiiir.ni-iniiii; . . ,. . J .. 1 1 . ntTA e m.I , A , . H.M.. 6s 8d. Futures: Market steady; September, a. iz. n.Mmher ga ed. CORN opot: Maraei nrm; American . . . 1 A UmwW. n , . I . . . September nominal; December, 4s 64; January, new. 4s let Mllvraakee Grain Market. MrLWADKEE, Wis., Sep. .-WirEAT-Bteidy; No. 1 northern, 7S.78c; No. I northetn. 741740; December. "4c. RYE Steady; No. 1, tto-Hc. U A KLEi-Steady; No. i, 66c; aample, CORN-Txiwer: No. I cash, 4He47c; De cember, 42o, asked. Peerla Market. PFORIA, 111.. Sept. 3 -CORN Lowen No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 471c; No. 4. 4'c; No irrnde, 46c. OATS Iywer; No. t white, .T: No. 3 white. rjfrSZc; No. 4 wHt, 1jlc. RYB Hteady; No. 3. !fir:c. WTIISKT-On the basU of r S for fin ished goods. Toledo feed Market. TOLEDO, Sept. &. SEEDS Clover, cash and October, $8 40; Deeember, January and March, 87 88. Prime timothy, $1.80. Prime alalke. $7.. No. 3 rye. 6c. nominal CotTeo. Market. NEW TORK. 8fpt 2t -COFFEE F11 tures opened Irretular at an advance or 6 points to a decline of 8 points, trading belne on steadlner European cables, while the market was unsettled by the declines lo pri.-nary markets and reports of freer offerings of spot at a lower basis. Trading was quiet, but the market sagged oft under moderate offorinxs In the absence of sup port and cloned steady at a net decline of 6rl0 pointa Bales were reported of 34.600 bags, including October at iOc; Do remner. .iu 4uc: March. afor0ac: Mav $70je3.7Sc; July. .6vd4 s6o: Auirust, I Spot. Rio. -nuUt; No T Invoice, tc Mild, steady; ITordova, slTWc .... SEW I0RK STOCK AND BONDS Bank BUtemmi Filfilla tbo Brkatett XxpeqUtieas 0 EptcuJatoM, MARKET FAILS TO RESPOND TO STIMULUS Call aad Time Loaas Hlgpev Becaase of Prospective .Demeede for. Meaey Close Is Weak . aad I.Ter. NEW TORK. Sept. 2S.-Tht hank state ment today fulfilled the brightest expecta tions and belled some forecasts from the usually accepted experts that had threat ened a poor showing. But In spite of the Improvement Indicated In the hanking posi tion, the stock rrmrket showed little Incline, tion to throw off Its lethargy. The coumo of the time money and mercantile paper markets towards the end of the week was regarded as a better Index of the situation and of the dlsincllnntion of money lenders to entrust resources to tht .stock market operations. , . The amount of resources at the command of the banks must supply the extraordinary dues about October 1 and it Is suppowed tnat growing difficulties will be encountered in securing additional gold abroad Tor the benefit of New York. The $7,422,200 loan expansion of the week shows the continued demand for large credits In spile of the restraint upon stock market activity which has been In evidence throughout the week Estimates made yesterday by the accepted authorities showed astonishing rtlicrep onclee In the Item of the week s cash move ment, varying all the way from a Bain of over $11,000,000 by the banks t a loss by those Institutions of over $2,000,000. Tne confusion was caused- by the d'fer'-nt ac counting for the gold arriving, by incoming steamers during the week. There was a confident hope smonssi speculative operators yesterday tnnt fur ther measures of treasury relief woulflne announced before the day Is over. Tl sppolntment of this hope prompted "rne of the selling. The market closed weak at considerable not losses. ' Total sales of bonds, par value, J!J- , Following were the sales and rang or prices on the Stock exchange today: Ulm. Hlgn- f. Cloifc Aaimt Fiprw Amalgamated Ceppsr An. Car sol Foundry.... so pt4 Ann. Cotton oil o pta Amor, tipna Ann, Hide LMthsr pta Amor, ics Amu. Uum4 Oil do p(d ll.ro 114 ns lJ'H I.SO J0 101 101 w u II MS JJH :::: :::: :::: S MM 90 80 i.'too ii n it H II na Asa. LocemotlTS A9'8..V..."Rii.-..- 188H MH 184S inn li5Vi lltVa He4 do ptd A mar. Bugar ReflnlDS A mar. Tobacco ptd otti... Anaconda Alining Co Atchtaon do pfd Atlantic Coast Ur ....... BalUmora Ohio do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.. Canadian Pad no Canlral of New Jersey.... rhtaapeako A Ohio Chicago Groat Weatara Chicago A Northwestern.. C. M. A St. Paul Chicago Tarra. Traoa... do pfd C. C, C. A Bt. Lonla.... Colorado fuel sod Iron... Colorado A Southern do lit pfd do td pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Dalawar A Hudaon Dal., Lack. A Wratern... lienrer A Rio Orsnds do pfd Dlatlllars' gaeurltlw Krla do lit pfd do Id pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Intar. Paper tK 1W Vi 1MH iiwi tii'"' liiii i14 h. XtO 0 104 JU IIM 101 101 J01 141 VI 11.100 134 U 12ISi i. 'toi V" 7H '4 xn 177H nT 1741 IX li0 1T4 'H 4s H 100 17. 17 11 100 '109 m io 17.600 17VI 177VI 177 "; ;;;; ii l.aoo loo i 17 14 17 M 14 M 1J tu 74 100 10 '06 io 'too 321" 10 io 114 114 .... 6S0 100 100 1.100 4. too 41 16 71 47 41 71 47 42 47 77 ... TO 100 144 1MJ 100 174 174 17 10 41 171 17 0 4 14 l 10 87? M 141 l4 71 160 170 7 to!t 71 1,000 17 do pfd 00 100 10 41 Intar. lump do pfd -... Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Loulavlllo A Naahvllla.... Mexican Central Minn. A Bt. Loula M.. St. P. A Bsult 8ta. M. do pfd ' Mlaaourl Parldo Mlaaourl, Kaoaas A Teiaa.. 100 10 100 0 1044 M 0 10 7 1,400 141 141 ft0 4U. 11 100 .74 74 1,400 400 M 16 a do pfd National Lead 3.104 W Tl National R. ft. 01 Hex. pis, iw aa New York Central 100 141 N. ., Ont.'A Weetm to Norfolk A Western 1.100 11 44 46 142 141 41 41 M II .... K .... II 17 17 do pfd North American .... PaclSe Mall 100 17 Penneylvania 14.700 141 141 141 Foocie'a ca 100 W M M phi. c. c... A St. Loala. - 4 64 7 Preaaed Steel Car 800 14 do pfd Pullman Palace Car 10 M Reading (MOO 111 84 SV4 ttl 14 141 do lat ptd do Id pro M 17 . I 41 M II 111 87 its 1 II M Ie4 1 Republic Steal do pfd Bock lalaad Co do ptd it. L. A BU Fran. Id pfd St. Louis Bouthweetarn 1700 11 , . 400 K 34 It W 14 7 100 do pfd 400 tt.Kl liioi 100 8oulhern PseiSo 14 siii do pfd southern Railway do ptd Tenniaaia Coal and Iron... Texas A PaciBo Tol.. St. U A Westara... . 3.604 14 14 "ioo ' ii" 44 U.IOO U7 It4 do ptd Colon PaclSe de pfd V. Biproas V. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber do ptd U. 8. Steal do pfd , .... Ill Tl 1.400 W II Si 400 110 110 110 O.100 44 44 46 LI0O 104 .104 104 Virginia-Carolina Chemical. 100 40 i 40 4ou do pfd 110 too ii do ptd Wella-Fergo Exprooa Weatlnghouao Electric ... Western I nlon Wheeling A Lako Kris Wlacooaln Central do pfd Northern Pacta m ii M II 400 100 7 II 4 11 N 4 ICt M I 1.40 115 114 314 Central Leather 100 U M M lot 74 1.40 834 131 . S3 W 14 II II 77 do pfd Bloee-Sneffleld Great Northern pfd lnterborongh Metropolitan. do pfd .... Offered. Tsui salas tor the day, 447.10 sharoa ' London Closing stocks. LONDON, Sept 32. Closing- Quotations on tne Dtoca exenang-e were: Censoia ' money. de aocount ... Anaconda Atchlaoa .. . . de pfd A O Canadian Paciflo Chee. A Ohio... St.. K. A T..., .. 17 ..141 .. 7 .. M .. 11 .. 71 .- 77 .. 11 ..141 .. tl .."lit .. 14 .. 44 ..llo .. 10 .. 41 .... le N. Y. Central .... 11 1 Norfolk A W ....11I do pfd ....Wi Ontario A W ....lil Pennaylrnnla . ....U4 Rand allnoa ... .... 4f Reading Chicago O. W. .. in southern ay . C, M. A 8t. Paul. ..14) do pfd DeBi 14 So. Pacific . D. A R. O do pfd Erie de 1st pfd do td pfd Illinois Central .. Louts. A Naen , 44 Vnlos Papilla . II do pfd .... . 41 U. 8. Stool. . do pfd i.. . 71 Waoieh .110 do ptd .114 BIJ-.VKK Har flrtii ; 31 ll-16d per ounce MONEY-S per cent. DISCOUNT e rate cf discount In tht open market for short bills is H 1 er oaui; lur uirea uiuut.ua oius, per cent. Boston Copper Market. . Closing quotations on Boston copper mar. ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 8 Board of Trado bullUlug, Omaha: AdTOBtnrs I Mohawk 11 Allouea M Keeada Coaoolldatad. to Atlactle 11 North Butte e Blughaia 11 Old DeuUnioa 11 Black Meutaia 1 Ooroola lis Boetoa CooaoUdated.. 14 a Pnen. Sarvlco n Butte CoallUoa If Peea. games, pfd 10 lalaaut A ArUoaa. .111 Qulncy a Calunae A stools... .lal Iriuan ni Copper Hangs ...... 71 Tmuanck .v M Pally Weal ........ 17 Trinity 11 gaot Buiu U United Fruit 110s, I raakllB V I nitad Btntea. coai.. 41 Oreeno Copper - ti tolled ttoiea. pld... 47 Oranby ...... 11 L'taA Cooaoitdaud.... u Helretia 1 t'tab Copper ........ 04 laio koyal Victoria . 1 8. A Plttakurg... Wlaoua g? Maaoarkustts I WelTanas . iu BUiB-gas .... ...... 14 , Bsak Clemrlngre. OMAHA, Sept. K Bank - clearings for today were l,411,T27.40 and for .the corre pundlng' date lt yeiir $1 310,ou0.41. 1904. 1808. Monday $V,e;.4.ir7 1 $1 n Tuesday Lios.ia.OO 1 1 Wednesday 1.4oi,;ii6.ie3 148:,144 ti Thursday , ino.ro.kl 1.43i.4.tij Friday :. 15J1.6.A 44 1.511.1173.36 Saturday . LtlLiii.K, ... l.lio,euu,U TotsU $S.n,(n8 69 8t.S3 043.a Icerease over corresponding: week 'last jra. $a37:.31. Clearlngr Mense Irtragea. " NEW TORK. Sept. . The stktsmrnt of clearing house banks for the week shows that tne saakg hold $lL3li,tJti snore than the legal requirements. ' This is an In crease of $7.77.Si6 kt rempsred with last week. The statement follows: Increase. Loans ll.OlS.StV.CW $ 7.4.40 Deposits .......... L23.dU.64) . 17.7.H Circulation ....r.. ....... 4M"0 IX). Too Legal tsndero - 77. 641. W.6) Specie- l!C.6K6a l$.i;o.Oi Reserve r.. 2, US.") U.iV 6"0 Reserve required a66.i$.8Ti " 4.440.$;5 Surplus 11.116 "6 7.778.5 Ex. U. 8. deposits. Uecrsase. . ie.7o,;s 4.y;4.x;i Hew Torlc Meaey Market). NEW TORK, Sept. SS. MONEY On call nominal; no loan. Time loans dull and steady! sixty and ninety days, 7 per cent; six months, 6V per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-eH? per cent. STERLING ' EXCHANGED Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 83 4.8376 for demand and at $4.770if4.i975 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, 4 !Vu4.l and $4 844; commercial bills, $4 19'tTi l.fvV. SILVJsiR liar, 6ic; Mexican dollars, 6ic. HOND8 OoA-ernment, steady; ' railroad, easy. Quotations on New Tork bonds today were as follows: 1 V. . rf. ta, reg....lM Japan la. Id aertes ..104 do coupon lot i do 4vta, ctfi. ...... 11 0. S. la. reg 103l do Id aer4es 40 do coupon 109! do 4a, ctfa M V. 8. old 4s, rag.. ..102 L.- A N. ant 4s 100 de eospon 10S Manhat. c. sold 4t..l0i C. t. new 4a. re.. ...Ml iMox. Central 4a 11 do coupon .111 do lat Inc i. 77 Minn. A St. L. 4a... ri .111 M. K. A T. 4a 100 .K2 do Ida . W ft. R. R. ol M. e. 4a. K Am. Ton. 4a de 4a Atchtaon gen. 4s.. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. I to H N. T. C. (en. .... 1 B. A O. 4s 101 M. 1. C. gen.. M....1K do M Prk. R. T. ct. 4a... 3 Central of Os. la... Ill do let Inc 17 do Id Inc t do Id Inc a7 No. Pad Bo 4a. .104 do la H. A W. s. 4a. Or. . L. , rfg. Penn. ct. me... ,...71 ....100 Is.. M . ...'.101 Reading gan. 4a. Chee. A Ohio 4a..l04 at. 1. I. M e. 5s. 114 4; Chicago A A. !a... 77 S)t. L A 8. P. tg. 4a, ? C, B A Q. n. 4a., H st. L. I. W. con. to. 7 C, A. I. P."4a... 71 ;Hebnard A. L. 4a. do cel. la 7j8o. PaciBo 4a 11 CCC A St. L. g. 4a. .101 do lat 4a ctfa to Colo. Ind. to, scr. A. 7) Southern Ry to.:...US Colo. Mid. to 7?Tex. A P. lata Ill Colo. A Bo. to 11'T.. Rt. L. A W. 4a.. 11 Cubs la .101 il-nlon Paciflc to.... 101 D. A R. O. to IV. g. Steel Id Ea ai Diet. geca. la HfclWabaeh lata 114 Brio prior lies to.,.lu0 do deb. B 71 do gen. ta !Weetors Md 4a 14 Hock. Val. 4a li:W. ALU. to M Japan to lul i i Offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Sept. . Call loons, rVff per cent; time loans, per cent. Closlns; ?uotatlona on stocks and bonds were as ollows: Atchlaoa M Amalgamated ....111 .... 11 .... ta ....784 ....240 .... 71 .... 17 .... 11 .... 11 .... 3D .... .... 14 43 1 i: .... i t .... 14 .... 11 .... II .... 11 .... 44 .... II .... 8 .... .....147 48 .... 14 lit .... 11 .... 40 So to t 100 Atlantla Max. Central 7t Bingham Cal. A Heels. Centennial Atchleon lo do pfd 101 Boston A A 144 Boelon A Ms 144 Boat on Klerated ....1(4 Fitchburs Ptd 1JS Copper Rang ieiy won ... Franklin lOranhy Max. Central to.rala Royals . n. I.. H. m H...1K) Pars Marquette .... II Union Paclflo 1 Am. Anre. Chemical., zt do pfd i Am. Pnen. Tube 14 Am. Sugar ;..1J4 Maaa. Mining ... Michigan Mohawk k V.. Unnl In-1 JL C Old Dbminloo ... Oaoeoln Parrot Qulncy Shunon do pld ill Am. Tel. A Tel0fl..!ll7 Am. Woolen Tamarack do pfd Dom. Iron A Steel. Edteoo Bloc. Ill Maaa. Electric do pfd 111 Maas..Oaa t'nlted Fruit United Shoo Mach. do pf .101 . 10 .231 . 1 Trinity I'nlted Copper .. U. 8. M'.nlns.... U. 8. Oil . 71 Lteh .. 65 'victoria .110 Winona . o . 46 ,108 Wolverine North Butte .... C. 8. Steel Butte Coalition do pfd Cal. A Arlxona.' drenturs llouea Aaked. Bld. ... at Iami. Commercial 1 Tecumaeh Kew York Mining; Stocks. NEW TORK. Sept. 22. Closing; quotations on mining stocas were Adams Con 10 Little Chief ... .... I ....too ....240 .... 11 ....111 .... 10 .... 10 ....1M 1 : Alice 121 Ontario Ophlr Potool ... Bavago Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . standard Breeco .............. 10 Brumwlrk Con....... 31' Copaetock Tunnel , .., . 0 Coo cel. and Va... 85 HotS tlTer-.... 110 iron Silver 100 Leadvllle Con '; i Foreign' iflnAaolal. . " -- ' EETRLIN, Sept 21 Trading on the Bourse today was somewhat depressed.. OUAIA WPILp8At.E MARKKT. Condition of Trade and Unolatlona eta , Staple and Fancy Prod nee.. , , EGGS Per dos.. 18S19C. 1 " .1 LIVB POULTRY Hens, 10; v roosters, 6c; turkeys, 10c; rlicV. 9c; spfing chlckons, JTTER'. "rTacltW "st6ck;'"ic: ' cUold fancy dairy1, LStfraQe; creamery 22(&24c. HAT Prices quoted by Omaiia Keed Com. pany: Choice upland, $8.60; medium.-18.00; coarse, IK.OoS.W. Rye straw. W.607.00. BRAN-Per ton. $16,00. , VaVGETABLEB. SWEET POTATOHS-Per bbL, $2.6a" TOMATOKS Home grown. irt iimtt o 30 lbs.. 26y6e WAX BEANR-nPer tnaikel basket of about 15 lbs., 860. - ' TURNIPS, BKETS AND CARROTS-PM bu., 7&c. t LEAF LETTUCE Hotbouss. per doa heads, ZOc. CELERYPer do..-a?40o. " . " Cl?CUMBiXtS-Uome giown. ps - 3tc. ONIONS Home grown, 16o per bu.; 8pariinh, 61.75 per crate. . GREEN ONIONS Per dog. bunch ea 16a RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 16320c NAVY BRANS Per bu., 31.S6, :o. A $1.71 i LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6a GREEN PEPPERS Per market tiasktt, fOCe PARSLEY Hothouse, pep dos. bunch eg, 30c . CABBAGE Home grown.' per lb., IKoV EGO PLANT Per dot.. 7c ' POTATOOvS Per bu.. 660. TROPICAL. FRUITS. . ORANGES Valencia, according to else, UitXfSOQ. ; LEMONS- LI roomer, extra fancy,, 14 else, $0.60; SOO slxe, $8.00; 360 site, $8.00; Other brands. Ij.Oo less. . . BANANAS Per medlum-slstd bunco, tl.7o33.26; jumbos. 32.60via.OV. DATES-Per lb.&5c PEACHES Coloroda, o0eQ$1.00; Missouri, par o-basket ciate, ILUoul.te; Callforula nal ways, per box, $100. PLUMS caliiumia. el.o0(1.7t; Oregon, Italian prunes, $1.10. PEARS Bartlett, per box, $2.60. GRAPHS-Home g.wwn. at' -lb basket. i7c; Tokay, $1.75. APPLES-Psr DbU $2.00020. CRANBERRIES Per bbL, 6u00. MELONS. WATERMELON 1Psr lb., 11C Or bout 2M)oic each. CANTELOUPES Colorado and Arisong.: per crate (standard), $1.7o-ui00; ponies, 4U.UI; Kockyford atandMran. W W. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs, 12c; No. 3 ribs, He; No. S ribs, (c; No. 1 loin. lMc; No. i loin, 13c; No. 3 loin, 8c; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. 8 chuck. 2o; No. 1 round, ' 8c; No. 3 round, 7c; No. 3 round, tl,ic: No, 1 plats, Ic; No. 3 plute, ZV10; No. 3 plate, 2c. MISCELLANEOUS. . SUGAR Granulated cans, in sacks, $6.41; granulated beet, lu sucks, 46.31. CHEEBB Swias, new, loc; . Wisconsin brick, 14Vic; VVisuonain limberger, lie; twins, lVc; young Anericans, 16ic. 1 COKKEK Uoaaled. No , U,-ju per lb ; No. no, iti',c par lb.; No. xo. lHc per ib.t Ne. 30, UVkQ per b. No. a, USo per lb. NUTS Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 11c. Thuouda, solt shells, pe,r lb., 16c; hard sheila, per lb., L-tjlto. Cooua nuts, $4.0u per sack of lvO. SYRUP lu bbls.. 37o per gal.; In cases, ( 10-lb. cans, $1.70; cees. 11 catia, 6i W, gases. 54 2-lb. can,' $1.86. HONEY Per 24 frame, $3(0. CANNED GOCiro-. 0111. standard west srn, 561 'Ale; Maine, II lo. Tomatoes, 6-lb. cans. llOO; 8-lb., c4j$lW. Pmeup plea, gr'4''-' !b., 3206'ttj.U). sliced. U.ij 120; gallon apples, fancy, $2.66; California apricots, $l.B0tri. pears, $1-761,2.60; ptacties, fancy, ll.6j:!.4o; 11. C pt acnes. e.W'tt: lu. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26; tancy Chinook, lo; fancy soekeye. r'., H !, utidinss, oil, $176; K muotard, $100. Sweet po 1 mots, I1.1ki1.Ui. .au-rkiaut. $lou; pump, klna Wc&'l.OO; wax beans. 2-lu. 6i8oc; lima beaoa. 2-Ib.. 76c4j136; spinach, 1 ii, rhrap E"' """ uc; xt;. ---; fancy, CURED FIHH-Family whl'efUh. per ouarter bbl.. 100 lbs.. 4 W: Norway macka erel. No. 1, $3 00; No. 2. $24 00; No. S. SAi.Qu; Irish, No 2, US 00: herring, in tbli . M hg each, Norwa. 4k. $12 00; Norway. Ik. lil. no ; Holland, mixed. Ill 00; Holland herring. In kegH. mllkere. SOo: kegs, mi-.d, 70c. FISH Buffalo. !arg dressed. c; trout, medium or large, dressed, l.'c; pike, jreeeed Uc; halibut, fine stock. 11c; catnsh. d reared, , ISc: bullheads, oresel snd Bkinr.ed, white perch, dressed. 8e; orsppies. large, 12c; lui.liah, pan size, oc; white bass, extia choice, Uc; pickerel, e: samion, C'blneok, 11c: white fish (frosen), tie. maekervl (Spanish)' .loot native, per Ash. l32ec; codfish, fresh froacit. 12c; flounders, freatt. froyen. lie: blueflsh. fresh frosen. 16-; haddock, fresh frosan, 10c; fed snap, dresMd, 12c; smelts. No. L per lu., lie; lobsters, (boiled, per lb.. 40e; greta. 37c eel, per 4b., lac: Irog leg, per doa., -2jc; roe shad. $1 each: shad roa. pair, 46c. HIDER AMVTAI.i-OY. -Green salted. No. I. UV; No. 1 UKc; buU bides, iWJ 10c; green hiilaa. No. 1. 13c; Nr.. . ll,c; horse, $l.Siuv4.76; sheep relts. iuev431.2B. lal. low. No. X. 4Hc: No. 3, ihto.-. sVOOL-Pat lu.. iawAW . . HAHA LIVE STOll MARKET . , Most Kindt of Cattle Show BtiDTta for .the 'Wa.k. NO VERY IMPORTANT CHANGE IN HOGS See Kinds of Sleep aad Lamas A beet teady for the Week Co ansa oa Medlasa Kinds of Keeder La nobs bswtr. ' SOUTH OMAHA, Pept. , 1808. Rereints H - . . liogs. bbeep. Olliciai Monoay Offlrlal Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Ofliclal Thursday Official Friday .... Official Saturday . uoi 0,411 6,04t '6,012 6.1S4 4.653 6.600 19.M4 21.1&1 28.W4 8.641 3.600 This week St.OTJ 2S.720 88,023 I .est week 22.7t ' 34." 73,t6 Two weeks ago 27,667 M.6HS 70,043 Three weeks ago ........28.174 39.381 48.44 Four weeks ago 18.828 46.074 ,4o3 Same week last year....28.8ti8 28,678 68,774 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hugs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1"8. 0o. Inc Cattle 697,051 n7.1 28.S63 Hogs , r 1.871. 064J 1.7V8.837 1K4.2I3 Bheep 1.2W6.108 LlSi.871 107,237 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will enow the price paid for ths different kinds of catUe on the Beuth Omaha market: ' ' Good to choice corn-fed steers 35.70M Fair lo good Corn-fed steers 104) ? Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4 6"U 10 Good to choice range steers 4.5(t).li I' sir to goou range steers 4.0(4.50 Common to fair range etere a.00tl0 Good grass cows and heifers 3 .0ii8 J6 Fair to good cows and heifers...;.. &p3 00 Common to fair cows and heifers-. .6if2-M uooa to choice stackers A reeders. .oo.dv talr to good stockers and feeUois.. 8 .SK(f4.00 Commjn to fair stockers 1750 3.30 ouiua, stags, ete " Venl cslvea A0(Mi73 The following table shows the average price ot nogs at Mouth omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1 lsoa. iiaxje.iiSM.iLwa.tisoa.liwi-li0' 7 48) I 41 1 uol 7661 7 6sl J 6l 45 I 16 6 39 6 23 88: 6 V.! 6 0 6 08 6 621 6 06 i 609 57 till 6 13 6 761 1 14 5 19 6 12 6 23 i 21 7 S7 7 38 a 7 49 8 77 86 7 C 80 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. soirt-oO (K'tfoO 854KU6 'p. H'r'A Omaha I1.80&6.00 $6 1.30(j690 6. 1.75iitj.40 6. 2.0Ut.l6.50 6. . 2.5o43.00 5. Cattle. 11031.. She' Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... Sioux City .. C. M. A 8t. P 6 Mo. Pacific Ry 3 Union Pacific System I 23 C. & N. W. (east) C. & N. W. (west).... v.. 20 C, St. P., M. & O I 6 C, Ii. & Q. (east) IS C, B. & Q. (west).... 30 21 C, R. I. & P. (oast).. .. 4 C, R.. I. & P. (west).. .. 3 Illinois Central 2' Chi. Great Western.. .. 3 Total receipts 24 108 10 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn buyer purchasing tne num ber of bead indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Company O. Packing Co., Country. McCreary Carey St. Louis Dressed li t. Co. Sheridan Meat Company. Sullivan Bros 8. & C. Co Other Buyers 647 65 "26 175 60 1.706 2,107 1.924 80 78 78 48 "a Total 423 1' CATTLE There, are never any cattle to speak of on sale on a Saturday and today was no exoeptlon to the general rule. For the week ths receipts foot up slightly more than for last week, but' show a falling off as compared with a year ago. The market during the week has not been overly well supplied with corn-fed steers, while there has been a good, healthy de mand. As a result cattle of that kind have been steady, or strong every day and the market at ine ciose ot tne week is, 11 any thing, a little better than it was at. the Close of last week. About the same thing could be said regarding range beef, wht-h has also been In demand and has sold at good, firm prices every day, with the close poBslbly a little better than last week. The week started out with cows and heifers selling a little stronger and the market continued to nrm up until Wednes day, .when prices reached the highest point touched in some weeks. In fact, that kind of cattle sold very high compared with the way fat ateers were selling. High prices naturally brought In liberal receipts, with the result that buyers were pretty well filled up, and when Thursday arrived with another liberal run they were In position to bear the market. They con tinued to squeeze prices Friday, with the result that the market for the two days was 10'lac lower and in some cases pos sibly lj&e&c lower on the more common kind This means that all the advance ot the week was wiped out, leaving the mar ket a little lower than It was at the close of last week. Stockers and feeders having quality were rree setters an last wee a ana prices eon tlnued strong from day to day. The top Was no higher, but there seemed to be a tendency for the lower grades to sell up a little closer to the better kinds. The coun try demand was very fair and at the close of the week the yards are very well Ciearea. . Representative sales: BEEF BTKEtttB. No. ,$... 1... 1..., 1... 11... At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ...110 II I no I 10 COWS. .. SOO 1 M 1 NO IH ... 81 1 10 1 lilt 15 ,.. 1 78 1 ,...111 I 0 ... M7 1 71 1 102 I 40 FEEDERS. ..MB I II 1 ,00 I ft WL8TERN3- WYOMING. 3 feeders.. WJ 185 1 feeder... lnoo gs J fern! era. 31 feeders. 36 cows.... 1 bull -100- I m 17 feeders.. Jiejs J go 808 3 65 4 feeders.. 1126 3 86 NEBRASKA. 808 2 30 16 cows 712 1 75 680 2 26 16 heifers... 443 t 20 R. P. Scott-rNeb. 1D10 I 25 13 cows 457 3 85 '2 cows.. HOGS While It was possible to Dolnt out high spots or sip tie out particular loads that sola a little nigner, the general market was not very much changed as compared with yesterday. In fact, sellers as a rule were quoting ttieir sales as only steady witn yesteraay. me trade was slow in getting started, out wnen once un der way the early arrivals were pretty much all disposed of in very good season In the morning. The only trouble was that a considerable proportion of the receipts 111 not arrive at ins yaras until late In the forenoon, which delayed the market very mucn. Receipts of hogs huve been light thl week as compared with the previous week. but Just about the same as a year ago. As to prices tne week startea . out a little stronger, but steadily eased off until Wednesday, wnen me low point waa touched, hogs selling on that day 10c' lower than the first of the week. During the re mainder of tne week mere was an UDward tendency to values, so that today hogs sold fully as well as on Monday, or about 2VC nigner man. at me ciose pi last week. , Representative sales: Mo. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. P. 4 4 ... I 60 !.. .141 .111 .14.4 .rjo 140 I 1J 1 ... 130 ... a u er.. 174 ...IN M... . 12 o 4 11 40 I 11 14... M.. '.- 14.. I.. u.. U.. ,t: ii.. 173 10 I M .121 .... IH lf7 UH 14 lot ... IN ...124 SO I M J to I 0 .....Ml . 44 I 00 1 Ill ... 4 00 . .....Ill Si IN I 4 00 lot 1M U.. 70... 11., 70.. 41. . It.. 40.. 41.. .. .. it.. .181 44 4 IS ...HJ 140 11 ...1J7 IK III . .. Ml lit) U ...14 M I II .4.11 ... 4 11 ...lei 14 11 ...14 10 4 17 64 . 114 00 (40 17 If. ...... .Ill 10 44 fl ...... .MS ... 4 0t 7 .lt ... 101 40 10 ' 110 1 to ... W ilo 1 io 40 4 18 ... I 0 ... 4 to ... lit to t 10 ISO It liO I M 40 I M 40 I X4 ... 11 M I rf ... J ... II M I 17 ... 17 ... I I N IN ... 4 m ....t?5 ....121 ,.H.tii .AJ14 ....Ml ...-tJl ....111 ...141 ... t4l ...141 ...184 Ill ...111 ,...;w ...147 ...144 ....114 ... B7 ....IN ...4 ....It 40 4 ill .. 71... 11... I..., ..!. ft... VI. .. 1... 1... E:!:: 71..., S::: M 4 0 40 I 05 H 1 04 to I Of 14 I 41 ... 47 40 07 4 4 7 10 01 ... 107 ll I 7 100 14 ... I 1 ,..n ...!41 ...IU .. ISS ...t ...171 ...tit ...ttl ..r.i ...tlA .. .. .171 ...u. 4 14' ..! 4. 4 ..U ... 10, .. .1 la 1 4 4 1 (1. 41. 11. Sept. 10.. C S 6 44J t 64 Sept. 11.. 6 87 6 36 1 6 tkl Sepu li.. S V) 6 iU 6 64 6 64 Sept. 1J.. 6 00 6 21 C 61 Sept. 14.. a OiVi U 6 68 E 56 Sept. 16.. 8 08 6 14 6 67 6 62 Sept. 16.. 6 29 6 63 6 08 Sept. 17.. 6 11 6 64 6 40 Sept. 18.. 6 08 6 32 6 64 Sept. 19.. glim IU 6 74 6 71 Bept. 20.. 6 OS I K I hO Sept. 21.. 6 11H- 6 2016 81 SM Sept. 22.. 5 321 6 76 5 80 Sept. 23.. 5 29 6 7u 6 78 DO YOU SPECULATB IN STOCKS, GRAIN OR PROVISIONS, IP50THB . CELLA COMMISSION COMPANY OP ST. IOriS. THE LAItflKST AM 8TROXGKST COMMISSION COMPA.W IS TIIK WOllLI), HAVE A CX)KKKSPONIKXT IS OMAHA. No trader can do himself justice In his transactlona or be successful 111 his operations unless he has confidence In the financial standing ot his housn. Without such assurance obtained by his own lnvssllgatlnn, or having asked you to learn their financial condition and refers you to the. following banks: . . . ' Msehanla American Monal Bank, St. X-oals, K. Third Rational Bank, Tonls, Mo. Battonai Bank of Commsroe, Bt. Ionla, Mo.' Third Batioaal Bank, Jersey City, IT. J. ' 1 "' Oersaaa Battoaal Bank, lattle Book, Ark. They further a-k that as a customer you make Inquiries at least every month, so as to have their standing slwavs up to data. OrrOBTTJBXTTES Tou buy pteoe of real estate and sell It for 80 per cent advance and you have made a good deal. In stocks you buy a Rood stork or sell a weak one and there ts sosrcely a trade that will not show from 60 to SOO per cent front, sometimes within ten days. The same Is largely true of grain trades. Tou must, however, be the judgw as to the time of closing the transaction. In 1884 AtJt hlson sold at $3.00 per share. It has since sold for $110 and Is now selling for $107. In 1898 Union Pacific sold at $124 per share. It has since sold at $185 per share, fnlon Pacific sold In July at $140: in forty days It had advanced to $185. Had you bought but fifty shares of Atchison, say st $10, and put on a small margin of $160 you would .have made $6,000. h sides dividends of $200 per year. Had you beught fiftv shares .of I'nlon Pacific at $140 last July from the OXX.X.A OOMMTaglOIT CO. on a margin of $160. you could cash It today for $188, making-a profit of $2,409, besides receiving a cash dividend of $250. These opportunities are continually oopfirrlng and, unlike real estate, you have a market and the cash at a minute's notice. 1 If you have a stork which Is listed on the Exchange you have a qulcit asset. A bunk will lend you 90 per cent of Its value by simply depositing it as security. No deeds, no abstracts, no mortgages to make. - MAionf Tou can buy as low as ten shsres of stock ntid 1,000 bushels of grain. Tou csn buy as large an amount of either as you wish there Is no limit. Tou will get It at a minute's notice. ! 1 The margins on stocks range from J to 8 per cent, or 820 lo $S0 pef ten shares, or f200 to $300 per 100 shares. On grain, le per bushel, or $10 for eacn 1.000 nusneis. ... . - Commission on stocks. on grain, . Margins ninv he rtnposlfed when the trades are made or you may makn a deposit with the hank or with the Omaha correspondents. Some oustomors have .over 850.00Q deposited with 4a Atmnnnw No interest la charged on deals On long time trades. The Omaha Correspondents are BOYCE & FUDDINCTON, 03 31 fl04 BTEW TOBK ZiTTB BX.D0. FBOHB DOUOxVASJ TS48. is.; tti ... ii n m .... 411 U 151 ... 1 i m ... 4 11 14 241 M I 11 17 Ul ... I 40 STAGS. ' 1 140 SO I 00 1 IN M I 10 1 10 40 I 00 1 440 M M SHEEP Contrary to tne usual ml there waa a fair run of lambs here today, ten fresh cars being reported In. The market, as was to be expected on the the last day of the week, showed vey little change. The receipts of sheep for the week foot up close to 90.000 head, being the largest run for the year to date and ths largest for any week since last November. The heaviest receipts for last year were during the week ending October 7, when 1U3.260 head arrived at the yards. In spite of the very heavy receipts the market at this point has been In ex ceptionally good condition all the week. The proportion of fat sheep and lambs has been small and packers have been enabled to take practically everything com ing, ao that good killers have sold at steady prices throughout the week. The attendance of feeder buyers has been very large all the week, so that In spite of the excessive recsipts the market has remained In a good healthy condition throughout. Moreover, prices on desirable ';lnds of feeders have shown very little chahge com paring the close of the week with Inst week's close. As a matter of fact, prices strengthened up very materially during ths first half of the week. On Thursday, when South Omaha had more sheep than all other markets combined, the high prices of Tuesday and Wednesday were shaded somewhat, ao that the market on the good kinds dropped back to about where It waa at the close of the previous week. Com mon and medium kinds of lambs and medium to fair ewes are some lower at the close of the week. This la eHneclallv true of light undesirable lambs, especially those on tne runt order. It Is not surprising that common to medium kinds of lambs should have sold oft at this point as a heavy decline has taken place at Chicago. The Chicago Drover's Journal of Friday says of the lamb market at that point: "Again buyers had tilings their own way With the medium to good grades of native lambs and bought such at prices lttiflSo lower, considering the "severity of the sort demanded today. Prices for such were easily the lowest of the week and show 4041 60c decline from the range her late last week, or a break of 75c$1.00, from high time here early last week." The- same paper quotes the big native ewes and the plainest class of breeding ewes as nearly 'Jc off on prices paid there late loaf week, with many of them 60c be low the high time, less than two weeks ago. Quotations on kilters: Good to choice lambs, 37.OUlS7.25: fair to good lambs, $.7S 7.00; good to choice yearling. $&.uVVti.00; good to choice wethers, $5.156.36; good to choice ewes, $4.766.00; fair to good ewea, $4.60&4.76. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, $5.76-3 6.76; yearlings, $6.206.80; wethers, $4.66 &6.2B; ewes, $3,6044.76; breeding ewea, $5.00 4? 5.25. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 179 Nebraska ewes, feeders 64 4 86 ' 469 Nebraska ewes, feeders : 74 ' 4 85 66 native ewes, culls ....'68 6 00 12 native ewes, culls 135- 6 00 ISS Idaho lambs, feeders 52 6 25 59 Idnho lambs, feeders .' 48 6 26 6"2 Idnho lambs, feeders 61 IU 361 Idaho lambs, feeders 63 6 25 347 Idaho lambs, feeders 63 6 35 40 Idaho lambs 61 76 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Stead yflloca Five Cents Higher. ghees Strong. CHICAGO. Sept. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 7.000 head; market steady; beeves, $3.!Xi 6.80; cows and heifers, H.3pi6.20; stockers and feeders, $2.404.60; calves, eu.004i8.0o. HOGS Receipts. 7,000 head; market 6c higher; mixed and butchers, $6.20.674; good heavy, $rt.4tH( 62Vi; rough heavy, 16. d0 fc-6.115; light. $o.;)iio.70; pigs, IVOi&ti.nS; bulk of sales. $0.1fii fl.oS. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. tf0 head: market strong; sheep, 6J.Jofi5.66; lambs. U-WulTi- Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Sept. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 80 head. Including 600 southerns: market steady; .choice export and dressed beef steers, e6.4tnuo.K6; fair to good, $4.00(ij 6.80; western fed steers, $3.40gC.OO; stockers and feedera, $2. 6054. 60; southern steers, $2.75 64.00; southern cows, Ili.OOnMUO; native cows. $1.7K)3.75; native helfera, $2.&0u6.U0; bulls, I2.lui03.26; calves, $3.264a.00. Receipts for the week, 70,700. ' HOGS Receipts, $.300 hesd; market strong, closed weak; top, $6.60; bulk of sales, $5.36-13 46; heavy, 6o.20fi6.!t5; packers, b.aiVa.46; pigs and light, $tt.00'a.60. Re ceipts for the week, 82.100. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, none) market, nominally steady. Lambs, $ti.0tv 7.40; range wethers, $4.75i6.50; western rearllngs, $8.26-ul.70; western sheep. $4.0CJ 6; stockers and feeders, $3.6o&6.60. Re ceipts for the week, 30.600. St. I.onls Live Stork Market. ST. LOI'IS. Mo., Sept. 22.-CATTI.B-Re-ceipta, 2.OU0 head. Including 1,000 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.Viii.40; dressod beef and butcher steers, I!.70-fi8 90; steers under 1,00 pounds, $3.60(4.36; Blockers and feeders, $2.6u-,f-4 w); cows and heifers, 2.2.Vu6.20; canners. t Ud 2 00; bulls, $?00fl4.6; cslves, $3.5031.30; Texas and Indian ateers, $3.10-36.00; cows and heifers. 12 l(vg.t0. ' HOOS Receipts, 1.600 head: market higher; pigs and lights, $6.06f(4.65; packers, ;.!vf.97H; butchers and best heavy, $6.46 j 66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 80O; market steady: native muttons. $3.yti6 M; lambs. IVO'litM: culls and bucks, $2,003 $.26; stockers, $3.708550. ' Stork In Slant. 1 Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday ware aa fo'lows: Cattk-. Hogs. Sheen. outh Omaha 476 6 fc . t,5oo Btoux City 100 , taw) Kansas City 8u0 $.304 .... Bt. Joseph 367 2.77 St Louis 2.000 1.600 800 Chicago) 7.000 7,000 !,H0 Totals ..10,842 22,077 6.3(0 I. Jaeenh l ive Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mi).. Sept. K. CATTLFJ Receipts, 267 head; market stendy; natives, $4atri6 26; rows and heifers, Jl.fwft j 10; stickers snd feeders. 3 Kf?4.50. HOGS Receipts. 2 767 hesd; market Steady to lo lower; light, H26A4 40; hulk of sales, $fl 154 36. SHJCEP AND LAMR3-Recclpt, none. Moots C ity Live Stork Market. SlOfX CITY. la.. Sept. t2.-8neclal Tel egram. ) CATTLE Receipts. 1") head; Mar. ket unchanged; beeves, $4.00-74.00; cows, bulls and lulled, $l&uyiio, stockers -and I closed within ten days; only '4 per cent W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Inves tment Securities. We offer subject to UNION STOCK YARDS STOCK. ' 1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Douglas 1408 F. D. Day & Co. Stocks. Grain. Provision - Ship Toor Grain l la, Cbleajro and Minneapolis Delivery. " One-eighth commission on Grain, one. quarter on Stocka. Prompt aud careful attention given to outside accounts. Writ llO-lll Board of Trade Bldg., 7 OMAHA, SKU. for our dally Market Letter, mailed fre Main Office, l.nngr Distance 'Phone. feuglas SB14W REAL ICSTATH TRANSFERS. Michael Flavin to Harry M. Chrlstln, all of I'pton place I 6,500 Wm. Jefferles and wife to Lysle I, Abbott, lot 2 and north 34 feet of lot 3, - Franklin square o.7j0 Harry A. Tukey to Charles B. More- 1 land, lot 17, block E, A. S. Patrick s.. l.jOO M. K. Drake to T. B. Reed, lot 4, block 1, and other lots i Jennie A. Bennett and husband to C, M. Rich, lot 6, block 4, Plalnvlew.... 2,600 H. B. Kennedy and wife to Jacob Flock, lots 6 and i, block 4, Denise s - add. --.j 3,600 Harry A. Tukey to Flora A. Haynes, . lot 18, block 2, A. 8. Patrick's l.sOO Total. .. 12.1.32 feeders, $3.004.15; calves and yearlings, $bV!(j3.60. . HOGS Receipts, 2,600 head; market stecdy; selling at tS.txijtUD; bulk of salts,' $6.8v((f6.06. Cotron Mnrket. NISW YORK, Sept. 22.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet, 6 points lower; middling up land, 7.7oc; middling gulf, 9 Kile; no sales.- , ST. LOUIS, Bept. 22.-COTTON-8teady ; middling, IC.-ac; no sales; receipts, 11 bales; shipments, 156 bales; stock, 10,639 bales. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 22.-COTTON-8pot, quiet; prices 2 points lower; American mid dling fair, 6.07(1; good middling, 5.7f'd: mid dling, 6.63d; low middling, 6. 46c; good oral, nary, 6 lid; ordinary, 4.67d. The sales of the day were 4,0o0 bales, of which 4U were lor speculation ana export ana lnciuuea 2,900 American. Receipts, were 8.000 bales, including 5,000 American.' NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 22.-COTTQN-. Spot closed steady: sales, 2,325 bales; low ordinary, 6c, nominal: ordinary, 6, nomi nal; good ordinary, 713-lbc; low middling, bc; middling, 9c; good middling, O'.cj middling fair, 97ac, nominal; fair, 10VsC; receipts, 4,838 bales.; stock, 40.969 bales. , , , Wool. Market. LONDON, Sept. 32. WOOL The fifth aeries of wool .auction sales will be opened next Tuesday and during the first five days 2U),0u0 bales will be offered. The sale la scheduled to , close on October 4.- The Im ports of wool this week were: New South Wales, 2,000 bales; Queensland, 4.700 bales; Victoria, 400- bales; South Australia, 400 bales; New Zealand, 4,300 bales; various, 1,400 bales. The arrivals for the sixth series amount to 8,0u0 hales. Including 1,000 forwarded direct to spinners. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 22.-WOOL Steady ; medium grades, combing and clothing, 27V di'inu; light fine, 2i"u21c; heavy line, tf.jl?c; tub washed, 324; 37c. Sugar aad Molasses. t NEW TORK 4 Sept. 22.-SUOAR Raw. : steady: fair refining, 3Hc; centrifugal,' 96 test. 4Vc. Molasses sugar, 8c. Refined,' steady; No. 6, 4.5)c; No. 7. 4.45o; No. 3, 4 40c; No. 9, 4 85cj No. 10, 4 c; No. 31. 4 c; No. 12, 4.15c; No. 18, 4.10c: No. 14, 4.06c; coq-' fectloners" A, 4,Wc; mould A, 6.35c: cut loaf, 6.7oc: crushed, 6.70c; powdered, 6.10c; granu, ' lated. 6.00c; cubes, 5.a.c. MOLASSi:8-Sleady; New Orleans optstt kettle, good to choice, 304TS.Sc. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 22. SUGAR' Steady; centrifugal, yellow, 42M 7-lQc; seo-! ends. 2H(53-i4iC. ' Oils and Rosin. I NEW TORK, Sept. 22. OIlACottonseed , oil, firm; prime crude, f. o. h.. mills. Z4VM) 27c: yellow, 38i(Vic. Petroleum, steady: , reP.ned. New York. $7.60: Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.45: Philadelphia and Balil- , more, in bulk.. $4.35. Turpentine, firm, fna 64Hc. . - . , ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. ej r.,A, j li OIL CITT, Pa.. Sept. 22.-OIL Credit '. balances. $1.58; runs, 104,191 bbls.: average, 60,733 bbls.; shipments, 160,233 bbls.; aver. age. 137,254 bbls. Metol Market. - NEW TORK, Sept. 32 -METAtJS Ths markets were quiet, but retained a gen erally Arm tone.-with prices showing little : change in the absence of cables. Spot tla Is o.uoted at $: K6'ji40.06. with some dealers -asking $40.26. Copper shows a very nrm ' tone, with lake quoted at $11.2019 60. eler-trolvtlc at 3!9.Crxii 19.2S and cauttinir - ait " $18 87VWH8 12 Lead la quoted St V.fi3 $02V and n.elter at $6. 40. Iron Is flrm at recent prices. ' ST. . LOI'IS. H. pt, 23. METALS Lead. ' aft C ' .1'. I. . . ......... ... . ... . Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Sept. 22. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues quiet, with the tn no rather - easy in the absence of Im portant demand. Old crop supplies are quoted at lO&llc for the best grades. New crop state runge from Ec to 6'c, according to grailtv and new crop southern are quoted at 4j6c In bags. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITH-Prunes are attracting a little better demand and rule uteady in tone, with qiiitittions rang ing from o to 8c, accoiding to grade. Aprlgots are unchsnged. Exports and Imports. .'. rw, efi. t.. 1 il a I iiiipuriB OI merchandise, and dry goods st ths port of New York for the week endsig today were valued at $17,153,270. Total Imports of specie at tho port of New Tork for the week ending today were $15,333 silver and $2.tt1.37K sold. Total exports of specie ' from the port of New Toik for the week ending totlay was $V40,708 sliver aad no gold. -