Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 17

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    NX Adswrl
1 will fee
... - i
i.. - . : cw.HMne
iBMtR anil ia ...
" iti mm ill s n. M. ft
' aa Saaday edltloa.
Kate 1 1-Se a war a rat lasertlea.
la m ward t.i . ..
- - w .., mm
far Ik a aoa for Ike flr.t Inaer.
ineee aaTertlseaaeata aiaat a
ArtlSera, ay reajaaatla a mmn
r fhtok, cm have aainrri ad
- - '"" letter la ear
?i..Ti ?.?- addreaaen
nil 99 VFIlTfrflC B afrafCaeatafttlattaB SB.
hile the Moon Shines
Th young man who la drudglne; mt In
1 w Duwruinue loo R mn v r.-
e-alTt h".?3. "?f iW '"' taTlnE
all da v f,K p,?,"M?n- wh occupied
lot tiLln-:'.
oatkm U denied km. ' u " eQU
Boyles College
' " Night School
higher JattJonaAopportunirwrk
KlBlS2K-.f? .-TrJ'"'"1 !u"Oundlngs,
iTi if " w a"i an eaucation that
Practical staff of Instructors thit superin
tend tha work of th day students. The
student of the Night School ge? exactl y
tha aama thorough course that are the
ustes ur uay Bchool grsd-
.m!nh!, -oni-5,irf b,ame ,f T
ramain on a dead level. You have only
yourself to blame If six montha from now
Anfm t ae vnti araln ha . .
money than you earn today. You have only
rouraelf to blame If you continue In that
ui.v.i.ncMn, riujiuymtni. we are ready
to help you. but you flrat must help your
C Vl "I"81 mu,t decide to enter our
fisxHrf fnr Maa . & -1 .
iJ ?r.K com ia nd thi matter
Tv(t ua t
, - Boyles College
H. B. BOYLE 8, Pres.
Boylsa Bid. Omaha, Neb.
SIS So. 15th fat.
Tel. Douglas 631,
clalty of fire acapea, ehuttera, door and
Auuroeu, yrop., ua o. mtn Ht.
R 7W
BIQN PAINT1NO-& H. Cola. ISOJ Douclaa.
Trunks, suit caaea and shopplne bass. Old
trunks In exchange. Repairing.
CO N. 16th 8U 'Phone Duurla !
TRT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. S630.
' - - " 11-791
A Banllary Cleaning Co., 101 Fa mam.
AJJI"ONOPOLT Oarbare Coa a N. 18U.
Tel., lou. 177. Rea. 'piJonJ jW-; 7U.
MaohlnliU, 317 Bouth tilh BU Tel. 6837.
It 784
IIRIPLIN-Locksmlth. nioyad upstairs
autranca, U24 Far nam. TaL Doug. ;.
. B Wl
WAKTED-For tha U. " . marine corps,
pan between ages a and U; an oppur-
tunlty to sea tha -world. - For fuller in
formation see poster in postotOoe of any
oounty seat In the slate of Nebraaka,
flvlng address of recruiting office located
herein. B MM tuox
WANTEI Five boys, good wages, per
manent job. A. 1). T. J(t., SU B. Uth St.
10, to prepare for firemen and brakemen
on new roads and for fall rush, iilx-
peni-uce uunecoaswry. Firemen fiuu, pro
moted to engineers 2(j; brakemen 7i,
promoted to conductors S160. PobUIoiis
now open. Natioual Railway Trainlug
Aaaoclallon, SM X l'axton Blk., Omaha,
Neb. b Mi&H Ol
DRLO STORES' bought and sold! drug
oltrk wamdu. F. V. Knlast. Ua N. Y. I
1BAM8 can make from (4 to per day.
Mieady work. C. B. Uaveiui Co. yards,
Uth and Webtter. B
WANTED Car builders, repairers and
irucji uieo. cuittii acslng Wv
WANTKD Experienced bill clerk must
bo wall recommended; prefer manlad
man: state age and salary. Address u
U. care Bee. B-hWI
TWO men to sell goods on paymanta from
sample wagons. C F. Adams Co., ltll
Howard. aum ox
el ALARY and commission will be paid to a
firat-class old-line Ufa Insurant man
capable of writing business blaisalf and
teaching others to do go. Address lock
box IUb. Lincoln, Nab. B-MStf Ot
MEN and boys, plumbing, bricklaying,
plastering trade pay 6 U tt day. W
tesoh you thoroughly In three montha.
Position guaranteed. Free catalogue.
Coyne's Trade School. St. Loula, Mo.
. - . - u-vu; x
Omaha, Bchool of Law; evenlntc seslons
nly. Further Information, address Sec
r.tary. Vtl N. t. Ufa Bid. Tel. Doug..
M7. ' B Ku OS
VAKtibD Turee men and three boys.
Otntfi Box Co., Kaat Omaha,
WANTED Experienced armstura wlndont.
Apply to Omaha Eleotrlcai Works, 103
No. Uth BL B-a7a
WANTED mce boyj good opportunity
. for right boy. people's Store.
8-M2M Ex
TEAMSTERS Apply at barns, 6th and
Junes, or ltn ana rxicnoias. n ss
rtftT to carrv caekaaas and work In
Stock. Apply at M. Bpleaberger Boa
Co... IS ilarnay St. aWM&lS a
WANTEDEJderly man as partner In
pleaaant business. Call Wlpdser Hotel,
biuwmant B MS04 X2x
CKL-PKP-KO U cent drink aobera up
quluker than wink. Ask bartender.
B M tlx
ANT person willing to distribute our
samplea; HO weekly. "Empire'' I La
Salle ml., Chicago, 11L Steady posit ion 1
no oanvasaliig. B US it 3x
WANTED Forforme re, free and paid at
tractions, for market day and ft
fair, Wajnut. lav, 6ept. :s and it. Ad
dress A. Kastaer. Walnut, la.
B M 144 II
l'th St.
Aug. Beermann, jot 6V
B MJjt Sx
WANTED Men to learn barber trad; few
wteka completes; little expense; big
money to graduates; tools given: poajtloti
walling. Call or writ Moler Barker Col-
1 iege, Hie anuun di uuuuu
B MX3 J7x
t WANTED Non-union experteneed harnea
maker and saddle hands, collar piakors
, and machine operators; open shop; trans-
purtatlen advanced to reliable men; steady
employment ana gooa wegea 10 com in
tent mechanics; chance for good werk
men, Sommer Bros. Mfg. Co., St. Ixmly,
Mo. Addreaa all correspondence to J.
Vlttman. Seoretary, Waahlnit'nn Ave.,
i. Louis, Mo. B l33i t4x
I WANTED Lady er toum nuuj printer, U.
AAdrea. World. Lb. --BiUMA
Do as THOUSANDS of others bare
oone ana taken a course In the
A few months spent In any of
our departments will prepare you for
a position as Bookkeeper, Steno
grapher or Telegraph operator, at a
salary ranging from
$40.00 to $100.00 PER MONTH.
or Tel. Doug. 1289.
19 th and Farnam Sts.
WANTED Good tailor; steady work and
sva pmy. tajt r arnam. if m a
IN SIX weeks we educate you In aales-
salesman with responsible firm. Address
t B 4S7 23X
WANTED Trustworthy man to manage
branch office and distributing depot for
targe manufacturer, salary to start with.
extra commissions and expenses. Applicant
must have good references and tl.ouO
casn, capital secured. Experience un
necessary. Address Manufacturer, P. O.
dox (it, unicago, ill. B
JACOB ERL1CH & CO.. 28 W. SOth Rt..
N. Y. C, manufacturers of ahlrt waist
suits, Etons, white dresses, wash skirts,
kimonos, dressing sacquos, etc., require
representative on commission hanla onlv
for Nebraska and Kansas; only those
uii nave nau experience selling ready
uiuub gooos neea appiy. xv toil iax
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing household necessity
ucsirea meorasita manager; aemonntra
tton In leading department store; office
furnished: three years' contract- unhirv
$1,800 and commissions: good opening for
man oi ana aoiuty. Addree
Manager, Zt6 Ontario Bldg., Toledo, O.
ADVERTISING distributors; 15 per day;
"""i' oearcniignt i'UDiiaiung Co.,
jiinw.mTO, wis. j 404 23x
BOT wanted. City Steam Laundry, 21 S.
"ui ou a jug a
WANTFrn nffla'hnv t. . v. ni u i ,
AUJivw AO, aoetj, KivinK age ana ex-
A . '1 I , . .1 T . .
WANTED Two levator mea, opbU of
viikiq ui win cirjvsiior wun gapo-
&e: must be able to five bonds; elevatoui
Brokea Arrow, Ind. Ter. , B 2&
WANTED Mfcn. everywhere; good pay; to
tack slgnft, etc.; no canvasshisr. Address
Va flA ..1 m..llM.iU r . . .-x i
'aiiunu vibii luuitiiH xurV4U, 1UU KJalLm
land Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111.
B 417 23x
ARB YOU. a person of standing In your
loctu community; are you known as a
man or woman of character and ability;
can you throw your whole energy Into an
honorable proposition whldh should be of
proflt to you immediately, and In which
you are, outside of your commissions, ad
mitted to a share of the profits on a co
operative basis In a corporation which
will be of the greatest in the world n
its field T If you are such a person, and
,can prove tt, your chance has come.
Address, giving full particulars. P. S. C,
30 Ann St., New York. B 420 23x
SALESMEN 2S per week and traveling ex
penses paid salesmen to seji goods to
grocery dealers; experience unnecessary.
Defiance Co., Parsons, Kan. B
making Business learn show card and sign
writing by mail; merchants want signs;
they pay big money to those that can
make them; all can learn; good salaried
positions guaranteed, or start you in pay
ing business; Invest little money and spare
time and learn trade that's fascinating
and prohtabie. Terms, testimonials, etc.,
on request. Miller College of Sign Art,
Inc., ii Miller Bldg., Boston, Mass. B-
tlilo discoveries and Inventions make
farming, gardening, dairying and poultry
raufuns; easy ana. pionisoie. Bena ior our
free booklet, "Dlgeing Nuggets of Gold."
Columbian Correspondence Collefe, Wash
ington, D. C. B 432 Six
DETECTIVES Shrewd, reliable man w ant
ra in every locality to act unaer oraers;
no experience ntcessary. Writ H. C.
Webster. Indianapolis. Ind. Bm 23x
TELEGRAPHY Young men wanted at
onoe to learn telegraphy ana take posi
tion with the railroads; the road will re
fund your tuition after one year's service;
train dispatchers' wire in school; writ
for catalogue. Chicago Railway and Com
mercial Institute, R. 61, f& Wnshlngton
St., Chicago. B-m tix.
WE will mak you a present of 1100, glv
you a splendid suit or clotnes every so
days, enlarge your picture free and pay
?ou a salary of S per month and all
raveling expense to Mke order for the
frreatest and most reliable portrait houae
n the world: all this will be ouaranteod
Address R. D. Marlel, Dept. 851. Chicago,
IU. - ' B-Stf Sx
WANTED Brick handler and laborer at
Avery brick yard, two mile south of
Albright; good wages; boarding house at
plant. . Bi&S 23
WANTED Salesmen In men' bat depart-
mem. J. Lt. eranaeia at Bona, ts 4 z
WANTED Cash boys, cash girls and bun
dle wrappers must Do 16 years or older.
J. L. Brandels Sons. B M4W ii
WANTED Good man in each county to
represent and advertise hardware depart
ment put out samples, etc.; salary VI
weekly; expense money advanced. Dept.
A, Tha Columbia Houae, Chicago.
B-as Bx
MEN to distribute sample, tack signs; tt
daily; steady; no canvassing. Oliver,
Masonic Bldg, Chicago. B 48 83x
WANTED Assistant manager in each
county; Sv salary, paid weekly, and ex
pense money advanced; no investment or
experience required; poaitlon permanent.
Cooper Co., Ui Lake St., Chicago. 111.
U lUi
WANTED Young man of good appear-
aaoe to travel: expenses aavancca. A. xt.
Or ham. Merchants hotel. B 450 lix
WANTED An ambitious young man with
some ciotning or snoe selling experience:
' German speaking preferred; state full
paruouiora aa to experience; reference
and salary wanted. P. Martin At Bro.
P. Q. Co., Orand Island. Nab.
B-407 'J
ACTIVE man wanted to advertise, exhibit
gwooa ana manage Branca oi large mall
order houae; salary tut per week, ex
pense paid;, permanent position with ad
vancement; honesty more essential than
experience. National Ca, Tat Chestnut
St.. Philadelphia, Pa. B-,
YITNQ mea to prepare for postal clerks
and letter clerks ana letter oarritu:
Onaaba examination anon; be prepared
for coming examination. Address lei.
Internal Bldg., Cedar Rapid. Ia.
B 4S7 Bx
A POSTOFFICB exajntratlon will be held
in omana iovmor n. run intorma
tlon about all otvil eervlc examination
and queatlon recently used by Vie eom.
luiaalou. free. Columolan Correajavadene
Culls-. Wasaloaton, 1. C .., it
We are In peed of
nice Clerks.
To fill good position In Omaha and the
The demand fs greater1 than tha supply.
Call or write for particulars'.
; uepi, a. wt-i-t n. x. Litre iiiig.
B M46J 24
IN EIQHT WErTKS or lea we prepare you
as a competent barber, secure you a
salaried position In a resnonnltile shoo.
Address American Barber College, corner
izm ana iougiaa Bts. u na J6x
WANTED Church sexton: must have en
glneer's license for running steam plnnt
B 4S3 23X
BOYS for factory work; apply at one.
gOMETIIINO NEW rn health anis aerlHant
Insurance. A leading company, with large
proms, to a gooa uinana apent, and also
ior out sine agents. Great Western Acci
a on l, ues Moines. B
BOTB, make money by becomlnr on
agents; catalogue of novelties, tricks,
books, rree. The s. Mandeiberg cov, P. O.
- cox st, uepi. j., umana. hi I S3 23
WANTED Grocery delivery clerk. Lelsge,
2S1S Iavenworth. B 474 lb
WANTKt-Wnm,n Mini, SSR Me
muat furnish recommendations. Address
u I, sea. VMmH
WANTED A straight matter compositor;
rimer ibujt wr seniieman. Ancnor 1'UD.
uiuuil vi imitrmn oiag. fj Miss
WANTED Fifty glrU to work In candy
buy your Christmas presents with. The
Vnanala A lllnhln. IOI. T r, .
vs aav awauMau vW.c AaUV i UtlCS DC,
FIFTY strong girl for turning bags; girl
ia or io year oin ior cupping threads.
enii umana nag to. U M10S
WANTED A good girl for reneral honse-
worn; no nmiiuii. Apply jurs. John Lt.
XVI.IIIlCUjr, .11 V.tVBH. V. AllOf
WANTED Young girl to help with chtl-
aren. tMi bo. a,m est. xei. Harney 3237,
C M 281
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted
at once, u. j. j onen to., ijuz Howard.
WANTED Cloak and suit sales ladle
kuci. in... i.u, ...j c.uri,ni aim vuill-
petent. Apply cloak department. Hayden
' ' VJ v. iQM OA
WANTED Comnetent rlrl for ' nn,r,1
nouseworK. rvo wanning, wages, xti per
wren, inquire oui b. dotn. c MdUo 3
OIRL for general housework; no laundry;
gviiu nafita. Aviv xsurfc. ijlw SX
WANTED A cook and a housemaid. Mra
lernam, ums tunney gt. 'Phone Douglas
o1- O 321
WANTED At once, first-class -cook and
iiiuiiuress, goou wages. iU24 FBTK Ave.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
iwi B. xvtn. two in lamuy; good wage.
u 866 Z4
A GOOD COOK for general housework. 418
b. win Bt. t-none iiarney-zuoo.
C-354 24
WANTED Thorougjhlv exnerlencd sales.
male ior cioaK ana suit department.
High salaries. S. Fredrick Berger & Co.,
ion r arnam bu u tA
TAILORESS and dressmakers, steady
worn. Appiy at once, zon t arnam St.
C-358 23
LADIES to do piecework; $S per dozen; ma
terials lurmsnea; no canvassing; steady
wont, otampen envelope, liest Airg. to.,
vnampiain xnag., cnicago. o eu sx
YOUNO woman for position earning $50 to
iuu per montn, in your own home twn
or eisewnere. xne Hal. Snyder Co.-, Cea
tury Bldg., Denver, Colo. C 43 23x
WE WANT a representative in every city
ana Tilings wno can aevote an hour or
her time dally to our proposition; no
money requirea. Address the Thome Pub
lishlng Co., 1S8 West Broadway, New
York. C 459 23x
SEWERS Gingham aprons; mak highest
wages; material sent to door free of
charge; stamped addreswnd envelope for
particulars. i. f. Kicnaras, bWi Forrest.
viue Ave., Chicago. C 453 23x
LADIES for shadow drawing; natural
naient unneccasary: JCO weekly easily
earned at home; stamped envelope for
particulars. Aaaress Bureau or commer
clal Art, 1717 Indiana Ave., Chicago.
C 452 23x
WANTED Lady chiropodist and manicur
ist; bjso nair dresser. Ruth Tanner, 124
norm ltn Bt., uncoin, xseb. J 130 23x
LADIES to mnke sanitary .belts; material
an cut ready to sew; $1.20 per dosen; par
ticulars, stamped envelope. Lenox Co.,
TYn r(l 1, 1 n n cii mn
WANTED Manufacturing company wants
sniesiaay ior mis territory; iz per week;
enclose addressed envelope. J. D. Mc
Brady Co., Chicago. C 34 ax
LADY to travel; reference required; salary
$11 per week; expenses advanced; no capi
tal requirea. J. s. zieglnr & Co., Chicago.
WANTED Competent girl for general
iiuusrnuift, guuu wages. AppiV 111Q B.
Slst St. C-468 23
WANTED Experienced aleslBdles In Jew-
Alrir Anna T T T I .1 m r
J ut-r-wiviuoui,, . 4A AJt Sail U t 19 CC DO II 8.
C 466 23x
Lace. Veilings. Linings, Knit Underwear
ftnrl HnnHlrnrhUf m
Only thoroughly experienced salesladies
need apply
C 466 Zt
WANTED Dining room girl, Koehler ho-
.l f1mmA T I . . II'II I a I I ...
uiaiiu ABiauu. win lurnisn iicftet.
C 4T3 24
WANTED Qlrl for general housework. (BJ
rarx Ave. C 470 25
WANTED Experienced sewing women
ior alteration worn; apply ladles' cloak
department, Hayden Bros. C! 1SS 25
WANTED Cloak and suit sales ladles:
must oe tnorougniy experienced and
competent. Apply cloak department,
Hayden Bros. C 439 25
WANTED Ptock girls; apply cloak de
partment nayaen Bros. C 431 25
Agents wanted everywhere. Ladlaa and
gentlemea are making $25 to $6o per wee
selling embroidery goods direct to the la
dle. Good seller In cities or country. No
experience or capital required. Call at
office or write to V. 8. Embroidery Works.
10H and 111 So. Uth St., Omaha. Neb.
J M733 Oil
AGENTS Don't accept any agonoy until you
tirni uwiu ub, iiuii-acBi aciier un eartn;
2,1X10,000 sold; $30 per day; samples free.
Domestic Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, M nn.
J-MIC7 24a
WANTED Representative, every locality.
cTtuiirimug iirw iiiai everyDoay wanta
Photographa reproduced on pillow tops by
electricity. Big money maker until Chrlet
maa. Have you picture you would ilka re.
produced? Write ua. .Art Co., UJ
Clark St.. Chicago.
J 444 23X
AGENTS make $10 to $15 dally aelllng cela.
Draiea kit invertea uai lampt. Im
mense demand In every ga town. Writ
for exclualve territory and terma Star
Light Co.. Chicago. J 449 23x
AGENTS Genuine odd ahape pearl acarf
puis, last sellers; send 2d and 50 cents
for samples. Real Pearl Co., 34$ W.
ll$th St., New York. J 402 tlx
AGENTS wanted to handle English jiov-
wMnimii juai nnpurtea; sens
quickly; big profits. Address Brown
Patentee, 19s West Broadway, New York
J 441 23x
WANTED Energetic trustworthy man or
"wiim .v w"ia in .,rix ., representing
large manufacturing oouipany. Salary,
cenaea advanced. J. K. Moore, Omaha,
Neb. J 46s 23x
AGENTS Be your own boaa; start a mall
oraer ouainoss at come: we tell you how,
furnish everything needed; writ St one.
Addreaa Central Advertising Axency. Box
77$. Lincoln. Xeu. Ux
WH DESIRE live representative for thl
state to appoint ulagenta and sell to
trre; nave a quick selling olnce spe
cialty of exceptional merit; attractive
proposition; large profit. R. A. Nellea,
i cnamnera Bt., mew iotk.
J 412 Sx
AGENTS F.xcluslve territory and hi
money for hustler, novelties and house
hold necessities; free catalogue. Shoe-
majter-uavis vo., frovldence, l' I.
j cs nx
li 1 v n "T. . i. n i n - - .i . . v.
.i, rv gn, mm iiv, , r '111-
Ing to sell, make or learn; full Instruction,
zoc aiiver. atoyer, vox n, Portland. tre.
PORTRAIT AGENTS Why not deal direct
wun the artist.' Host work guaranteed.
Reasonable prices. Prompt shipment,
Write for circulars. A. K. Zlsklnd, 617
New bra XJidg., Chicago. j 3S5 zax
$7B WEEKLY and Upward easily marl fit
ting a-lass a. Our f ye book free. Tel: fm
how. Writ National Optical Collge, St.
iouis, mo. j bi &x
AGENT8 Sell the Hearwell Telephone At
tachment and make big money. J. F,
Lhlenbrock, 69 5th Ave., Chicago, 111.
J-3S9 23x
ot our enthusiastic agents regarding our
new box or soap containing six whopping
big cake of fine toilet soap and six solid
snverold teaspoon, the wnolo outnt sell
ing at 35 cents, at any amazing proflt to
our agent. Agent in Durham made On
Thousand Dollar first ten week. SDlen
did opportunity for branch office and road
crew managers. Writ today. Parker
Chemical Co., Chicago. J 390 23X
patented; big seller; agents wanted.
pocket itltchlngpost oo., Munrle, ind.
J 392 23x
PORTRAIT Men Get highest grade work
at lowest prices direct from artist: no
frames; express prepaid. The eieginea
. btudlo, 1-11 Blue island Ave., Chicago,
J-40O 23X
AGENTS WANTED-4100 per week; thl
amount can be easily made by any or
dinary agent selling our patented gaso
line lamps and lighting systems; the
most beautiful made; needed In every
store; our demonstrating outfit makes
fnllure impossible. Security Light and
lanK CO., Dept. 14, eo Boutn Clinton Ml,
Chicago, III. J 402 23
WANTED Live agents to sell the latest
Improved Monarch - hand power tool
grinder and sharpener; tins the new dia-
mondlte, nonheating grinding wheel; Just
out; puts 'em all in the shade; outsells
everything on the market; extra good
profits; big demand; reserve territory and
get our proposition quica. tr star Mtg.
co., Milwaukee, wis. j w mx
MANAGER wanted In every city and
county to handle best paying business
Known; legitimate, new, exclusive con
trol; no insurance or book canvassing;,
Address Charles Halstead, 34 West 26th
St., n. x. i J 408 sax
AGENTS Quit merely existing and get
with a live one; our men are coining
money selling recently patented house
hold specialties; 150 per cent profit; ex
clusive territory; live men make $10 per
day. Excelsior Co., Dept.
S, ZUF uearborn
m., Chicago,
J 418 23x
AGENTS Let us explain how to make $50
a week easy money, immense pronta
handlintr our wonderful premium and
combination propositions. Being the larg
est makers you save mlddlemnn s profits.
The Davis Compahy, 33 Union Park Place,
Chicago. J
AGENTS Learn to fit glasses. Our eye
book with full information rree. jacK-
sonlan Optical College, 16 College Place,
Jackson, Micnigan. J
BRAND NEW necessity; sell on sight;
agents rortune. ,uiuniai ruuiuiy, urn,
Ville, N. Y. J-
HOT SIDE LINE Pay hotel bills. Con
signed good; pocket . samples; prompt
commission. American cnewing uum t o..
St. Louis. J
WANTED Salesmen to place our Patent
Aajustaoie umoreiiaa, . wun iuu cigar
deals; great seller; an article whlon
makes sales easy. Address Crown Cigar
Co.. Milwaukee, wis. u aisji x
SALESMEN make $V and up per week
selling our nign K.aae investment, con
tracts; absolutely sale ana prontaoie. r,
C Blue, Storm Lake, Ia. L M3J6 27x
SALESMAN "Order getter" (not "order
taker") can earn $2,500 to $5,500. Specialty
ability paid proportionately. Line sells
general trade. Bartoa-Pajker Mfg. Co.,
Cedar Rapids, la. Uiii Six
SALESMEN Ambitious, energetic, single
young- men U travel, experience not
essential. Unusual opportunities for ad
vancement. Several new men making $75
to $115 a month. No Investment required.
Responsible corporation, rated half million
dollars. For consideration, give refer
ences. Sales Manager Chicago Portrait
Company, Chicago, ill. L atx
WANTED Traveling salesmen In each
state; big fronts; liberal terms, our gooai
sen reaaiiy to mercnants, Danas, tcnoma
etc. Address, F. C. Co., Box 242, Cen
tralis, ill. L I3fi 23x
LARGE wholesale house wants plain every
no hot air or blue sky salesmen need
apply. State age and experience fully
Address, Box ?W, 8U Louis, Mo.
L 434 I3X
SALESMAN First class all-around hustler
to cover unoccupied territory selling staple
line to retail trade. Tennmcai anowieege
unnecessary. Permanent to right man;
$J0 weekly; expenses advances. Bales
Anmmmr ttnr T Chlfum I i J3H 9llV
WANTED Side line salesman to sell fruit
ciders to general stores, grocers and con
fectioners; neat pocket case free; large
commission. Los Angeles cider co., bt.
Louis, Mo. L 460 23x
TRAVELING salesman to handle, on com
mission, spring line or special makes or
dry goods; loom to retailers. F. C. Foil
man It Co., Mfgs., Philadelphia.
' L 415 2tx
SALESMEN 200 to 800 per cent proflt sell
ing specialty every, mercnant ana busi
ness man wants; quick cash sales; un
limited quantities. iL Habben & Co.. St.
Louis,. Mo. L 421 23x
SALESMEN Would like to get Into com
munication wan a nrst-ciuss specialty
salesman. Address American Jobbing
Association, Iqwa City, Ia. LiZi'i&x
SALESMAN for Nebraska; experienced
traveling man preferred; line staple tor
general trade; position permanent; $J3
weekly advance with commissions. Saw
yer, Leslie at Co., Detroit, Mich.
L 434 23x
SALESMEN wanted to sell to grocers.
druggists and confectioners; $iuo ptr
month and expenses. California Cider and
Extract Co., St. Louis, Mo. L a 23x
WANTED Experienced traveling salesmnn
to can on drug ana general store traae;
experienced man only; state age and ex
perience and territory covered; reply con
fidential. Box 655. Chicago. L 3a6 23x
WANTED Salesmen who have sold life
insurance, advertising or contract prop
osition; position worth not less than $100
per week for the right man. McAUlster
Coman Co., 356 Dearborn, Chicago.
L 406 jsix
25 SALESMEN wanted to sell kitchen spe
cialty; easy seller and good pay; answer
today. Address P 17, care Bee.
L ill S3x
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and
Iowa with a full Una of soaps, perfumes
and flavoring extracta: furnishing the $1
tor $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $3o
weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Bales Dept.,
Detroit, Mich. L
WANTED Experienced Irug Specialty
salesman to sen proprietary meaictnea to
retail drug trade; want enly man with
ability and experience; aalary and ex
penaea; give full report of your experi
ence; we have a good offer for the rUat
man. Dr. Snoop Family Medloia Co.,
Raclue, Wis. L
REPRESENTATIVES wanted to solicit
oraera rrom aaioons aruggists, noteis ana
ciuts ror wooaunn r.ikKv, adopted by
easy seller; commission or salary. Write
f,i, l.rrlliirv ti r 1 . - cmrtlA. al Wa, A
land DUUlUnf Co., 7 Bcott'St,, Covlng-
JOHNSON IaaUtut. il N. T. L TaL
UOUf. .iOO m-mi
PR ' W. W. BOWBxTH, var UOO Fsmaru.
mrm tmm wmtmm . m wm
A COMPANY that owns a nrlntlnx nlan
employing from 1( lo 15 people, wlshea to
cinae oui me printing aeiariment ana
-will sell the same and give contract for
an tneir printing. $3,000 cash required.
Aaaresa Jt-a, liee. X M2,i u
uo iou wish to Make a Unanire
If you have a farm. home, business or nroD,
erty that you want to sell or exchange
umaua, Mea., or bloux City, la
Y-M910 Ol
FOR SALE A flrst-claas Job office with
A-i newspaper plant in connection, pun
llshtnc three narera In aurroundlm
towns; job type ill new; doing good
Business; excellent reason for selling
located at Hustings. Neb. Write how,
er come, as this snao will not last Ions.
Prices tow. Address Box (it, Hsstlngs,
ix to. x e.4
Wo have been In business 28 years, which
is long enougn, and nave decided to re
tire. We own tha Scollard hotel. Sturals.
S. D., which is a good money maker; 40
rooms well located, up to date. Want
to sen notei ana lurnnure; easy terms.
If not sold by October 1 will less hotel
ana sen furniture. Apply Scollard Hotel,
murgis, b. u. x an mx
Have client who want a
general merchandise stock of
$10,000 to $15,000, well located la
Nebraska and doing good busi
ness. They have the cash, but
they want a good stock and
s business. You must be able to
show that you ARB doing good
Make lowest price first letter,
same to Include the regular
real estate commission to us.
Writ quick.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Y-323 22
FOR SALE A good brick hotel located In
a good business town and county seat in
eastern Nebraska apd being the only $3 a
oay nouse in tne town, win taxe as pari
payment improved land not exceeding SO
acres. For particulars address R 6, care
omana Bee. Y M330 23 x
FOR SALE A well established abstract
business and abstract records covering a
wnoin county in northeastern Nebraska.
For further particulars address R 7. car
umana nee. y MS29 a
SIXTY THOU8AND, four thousand, ninety
tnousanas acres, $3 to $7. Agricultural
land. Great chance for speculator. Small
acreage for homeseeker. Write for details
and pamphlets. Groesbeeck A Co., San
Antonio, Texas. x 441 lax
WANT $30,000 cash. Natural gas close to
I'pnver promises great returns, rin par
ticulars, write R. More tt Bon, California
dug., uenver, coio. J &l rax
tm MADE YEARLY for life from only 110,
cara win nring run particulars, no
scneme. Aosoiuteiy sare. Best rererences,
Don't fail to write. Mention this paper.
ijox i44. uiknart, ind. Y 435 .Sx
START a mall order business during leisure
time nanaung our latest English nov
elty; just imported; big money maker
we supply printed matter. Brown's Pa
tentees, 198 West Broadway, New York.
X 460 23X
GILT-EDGE 8 per cent cumulative ere
rrrea stocK or a successful New York
Industrial company at an attractive fla-
ure. E. Martin Black, 45 Broadway, New
x org. x 1
LAWS Most liberal in the United States,
no franchise tax, private property ex
empt, keep office anywhere. "How to
run a corporation" free. "Universal Cor
poration Record" free. Write for free
annotated law and other Information be
fore Incorporating. Fees reasonable.
Arizona Corporation Charter Guarantee
co.. Phoenix, Ariz. Y-470 23x
START a mall order business: we furnish
everything necessary; only few dollar
required; new plan, success certain; cost
homing to investigate. MiLBURN
HICKS, 358 Dearborn St., Chicago.
Y-469 23X
oi n Ave., is. i.; assets one and a quarter
millions; oner o per cent guaranteed
realty Investments secured by nigh grade
letu estate. X 154 23X
20 tons stucco for sale chean: 2 cement
block machines for sale cheap. Call 1324
r arnam bi room s. X MJ78
HILDAGO copper mines, Mexico, Immense
noaies ricn ore exposed; snares, 26 cents,
worth $1.00, to erect smelter. Photo cata
logue rree. Phil Chew, Bt. Louis.
Y 419 23x
IF YOU are Interested in an Investment of
rrom u0 to liw that can be shown to be
entirely legitimate and to promise with
reasonable certainty to yield large return
in a snort time, address r , nee.
Y 428 2Sx .
FOR SALE Bakery, restaurant and con
lectionery aoing good business; best coal
mining, agricultural and college town In
state of Missouri: 6.000 population; pay
roll, $W,W0 to $60,nno per month. Reason
able rent; best location In city. Best
reasons tor selling. Address, Box 4K3,
ivexington, Mo. Y 431 Z3x
WE buy and sell bonds and stock; money
lurmsnea on nign-ciass propositions;
loans and charters secured; will take In
terest In new corporation. First National
Bond Co.. Rector Bids.. Chicago.
Y-398 23x .
SEND for "Successful Method" of trading
in grain witn smau capital; nooKlet and
market letter sent free; references. Corn-
stock 6t co., commerce Bldg., Chicago.
T-399 23x
WHEAT-12.50 buys five ups and five
aowns; gooa ror one week; Z-cent ad
vance or decline from price gives $100
pront; write ior particulars, commero
Grain Co., commerce Bldg., Chicago.
Y lu3 Zix
WANTED Good restaurant man to locate
at Heigratie, Neb.; good brick building,
3uxS0, fitted with electric light; rent rea
sonable and a snsp to right parly. Ad
dress L. M. Rathburo, Belgrade. Neb.
Y 410 S
Patents 6ecured or Fee Returned.
Bend model or sketch for free opinion a to
patentability. Bend ror illustrated Guide
Bock. Contains 100 mechanical move
ents advertised free In Werld's Progrosa
Rea. Attorneys.
$88 F St Washington. P. C.
YOU can never profit by business chanoe
unless you have aome money; small aav
lnga are the toundation of large fortunes;
start a savluga account with i. L Bran
dels A Sons, Bsnkers. ISth and Douglas
Sts. Assets over $400,000. Y
CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream and cater.
mg nusiness in city or over lo.ouo, no coin
petition, average sales $100 per day, will
sell for Invoice. Write for partlculara
Wm. Madgett. Heatings, Neb. Y
WANTED To sell a small block of
Snoquallnle Trust Co. and Clipper Min
ing Co.' stock. Add rasa S-17. Bee.
Y-M490 34x
V. . . 1 tt .w . w . . .
uc,i piAiiu in ruuin umana. a nave omer
business. J. W. Bouk, South Omaha.
I BoU Z3
FOR 8AL Only republican newspaper In
county; gooa coumy-eeai town or 1.1U0
population; best newspaper proposition
In Nebraska: must sell br October 1. Ad.
dress S-19, Omaha Be. Y 471 Z3x
FOR SALE Grocery and queensware stock
in rxt pusiness town in central Ne
braska, 1.5u0 population: stock fresh,
clean and uo t date: fine location anil
eatabllahed trade. Good reasons for sell-
ing. B-il, care liee. Y 471 2ax
FOR SAI.Bv-Reetaurant serving from tftt
to iw meats aaiiy, in a growing town of
10.0W to U.0O0 population In Nebraska.
Wilt or 'phone William Arnold, Fre
mont, Neb. Y 476 23
la. Maefarland. xna V tim, t.i
Doux. 5a. , MUi Ot
of piles cured- Internal, external, blind,
Bleeding or Itching plies., A guarantee
ven in every case treated ay ur. ix
well, who ha has twantv-fiva year' ex
perlence in trestina nllea. Hundreds ot
testimonials given on application. K4 ea
iua., umana. Neb. 'Plion iougiaa-iuk
WT TOOR GIRL In ti4 of a friend call
ur wnie to tne mairon ot tne paivation
Army Horn for Women at S&34 N. Mth
oi., umana. Neb VT uw
tSEJ Blanchard's Feiema Lotion for kln
disease, at druselsta Assistance given
free by Prof. J. Blanchard, skin specialist.
Minneapolis, U M6T1 O 10X
TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phon Doug-las
DR. ROT, Chiropody, Doug.-64f7. 1P( Far,
u ei
PRIVATE confinement Iioms. Mrs. Dr,
-nog. zuis M. nst St. TaL DOUg. Sut.
r,. . ' BmbvDlderlng.
Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink
ing, only 6o per yard. Baud lor prjo list
and sample. -
00 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 134.
'..."Uon . Army solicits ' ceit-oft
, IU mill, IIHIIK WW W aaw
fteed. oollect retmlr and Mil. at 114
N. Uth St., for cost of oollftctlnf to ths
wnf hv tiAa rv.... Alflst anil
WAsrsan suil1 talt I T sill
S?R IT H i . . . . mt mm. m avft
Davenport fits. - 6pe!al atfentlon paid to
Vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug.
U 121
THE City Garbage Ce.-Offlc. 14th and
Msavenwortn eta. Tel. uougias wet.
U 83$
PRIVATE Aome during -confinement; ba-
uir aaoprea. 1 ne uooa parnaritaa oan
Itarlum. 7?$ First At.. CounoU Blufia.
mm., hi, iiv u Ja
SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer. HI Be Bldg
PENNELL Millinery Co., formerly of 15th
Bt U-340O4
wuiuh, uuw jovataa m - m
OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Kama Bldg.
U U1
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut
price. Send for free catSlogU. Myers.
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U-SU
f a nMir!TTn osteology-m. riu
v tenhou,. 41 N. leth.
room 1 second floor.
U-M427 BU
WE RENT sewing machine at $1 per
weea; we sen secona-nana macnine to
up. Nebraska Cycle C.. corhr 15th and
narney. tci. Dougis uss.- - , u ess
CHAMPION Carpet cleaning, Doug. 664. 1(28
Leavenworth. U M2 Oct.l
FOR anything In th sewing machine tin
go o e. m. sioaman, :u capitoi ah.
- if M804 04
ARCHITECT-O. L. Brollne, 61t Bee Bldg.
; , ... U-M34I u a
PRIVATE HOMO durlna confinement: an.
ciai attention given to tne - ooaraing oi
In. ants. Madame Pickett, 2216 Charle
Bt. leiepnone uougia bm. U24 oct sx
CHRISTENSON, carpet cleaning. Tele-
vj no LnJUi 1W7. u mtxmt J ma
liAGNETIG treatment and bath. Urn
La.urjAAl eiBjth m . 1$, 2d floor.
...... i U-eM336 014X
Tel. Douglas 8761
lffls Howard.
XJ M204 017
cmaimtb we pay highest market prlo.
charging no oommlasloo, for all kind
produce butter, eggs, etc., cash or mer
chandise. Write for - dally quotations.
We ll send pretty souvenir postal.. THIS
ounnai i ujurA I. u MSU3
A RED, coarse,, unsightly akin made fair
' u
A MIDDLE-AGED widow, -very wealthy,
n cfl iook nr. iiren nr "imt T.immmmA.
ness," wishes to correspond. Lock Box
x, oi, wosepa, mien. u 4oa ax
NO CURE, no pay any disease, mala or
lemaie. .ncise si.uo: s months- medi
cine; state disease fully. Dr. Brtiwn, 76
uiuoa 13 lock, niagara f ans, is. x.
, , U-466 2SX
ATTRACTIVE young lady of means wishes
mony. Address F. L. Rich, 285 Washing
ton St., Boston, Maas. U 451 23x
- u C-A1XV.
..... wo in uuuiu uii iMtmrvai grounus,. com
mencing Monday, September 24th. Intend-
i,.s cj.muii.ura can ui once ana maxe en
" jr. rr. n r.r. t, r . I . necreisrv.
" ' U M364 16
LIQUOR HABIT Cured In 8 to ID days: a
i iwcuag iree to every person sending
10c stamps or com as. guarantee of good
faith; cures the drunkard with or with
out his consent; mention' whether it Is to
oe administered secretly or nonsecretly.
All I ask. If he is cured, Is that you
recommend It to some other nerann. Ad.
dress Commonwealth Institute or Francis
vaugnn. Mgr., 145 court Place, Denver,
Colo. - U ill 2Sx
She Is worth $18,000, a widow,, age 80, no
cnuaren: anotner, age 41, worth tjn.OV).
Home Circle, Detroit, Mich, . U 426 23 x
rvr i u a o t , , . . .
.u, riu-if -u. inaniii aciurea
nuur ibib. , i-iu cuming. xeiepnon
A "JUST right" article; Satin skin powder
ia mug in iour alluring tints, zsc.
fcTUPBRFTUOUS- HAIR, warta and moles
permanently removed by electricity ; eon.
sultatlon free and confidential; all work
Iuaranteed. Mlas Allender, 421 N. Y.
.Ife. TJ
LADIES, throw away puffs and powder
imgm; carry rria Toca in your purse; san
itary, healthful, delightful; samnle ' 10
cents; catalogue attrnctlve novelties free.
The S. Mandeiberg Co., P. O. Box 305,
Dept. B. Omaha. . U-461 23
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
naoit myself cured; will inform you of
harmless permanent home cure., Mary
Baldwin, Box 1213, Chicago. , U
A NICE healthy baby girl for adoption.
AuurvB O-Jfj, on, f U - m 4 H If iDX
Bf ST nery bracr for men. 'Grsy Narr
i, V" uot popipaiu.. . oiiarman si
McConnell Drue Co.. Omaha.
DR. PRIES, specialist, women's dleea
WMlin...i ,4I.Sl, tu..I.J..-.
cured plnlealy and afely. Withneli
block, Uth and Haroay, room Z. Omaha.
. . an
DR.- HUTCHINSOK. srteclallet of womea
ana cnuaren. umce. zaA Cuming. Pbon
Ltougla $667. .....
LADIES U Triumph -pill for delayed or
suppresaea menstruation;- always sale
and reliable; "A Faultless Remedy" and
other Information free. National Medical
institute, Milwaukee, Wis. 411 2Jx
MORAND'S. ISth and Harney, - now ope.
iaoua ior uum, iu. ana m,, a p. m. :
asaeniDiicB, neu.; privme lessons, ball
room or atag. ror terms pnons Doug,
la 1041.
The High School Claa meets every Friday
at s p. m. l erms, aeaaon Oct. to May, $10.
sou wui nna tni acnooi, tn best.
cat nam, reopena ior aauii aionaay, Sep-
. mi m m. "
H Sh school Eattirday, September 2. $ p. m.
Children, baturday. September 2t, 8 p. m.
Complimentary cards of admlsalon to the
owning win te furnished te past pupil
and their friend upon application. Call
or writ for booklet. Telephon Douglas
"' BH3,
WANTED To borrow IMO ar $1,000 horn
mwowr wu ampia. wn raniea reaidanc
' ' .lt"ujl" VMHia, si i par cent,
Addrass N (7. !.. V-iJ
DEWEY European aotej. lith and Farnam,
Id lift
Dong. 611 O. M.E. Haul Trunlcf
CATITOL HOTEL, ISth and Capitol Aye,,
south front; room with or without board.
FtTRNJ8HED mom In nw, modern house
2306 Douglas BU E 445
THREE pleasant rooms, partly furnished;
miHiern, gas atove; adulta onlyjno other
trim, rcien-nwi requirea. Jivi nijoi
worth Ara
E M2S3 23x
ONE IARGB front room, furnished, for
housekeeping, with use of kitchen, $10.
122 H. 26th HI 10 M '7 r
PAR1XR and aloove, modern; $tl per week.
830 N. 19th.
i301 23X
NEWLY furnished room; private family.
Phone Douglas-413C. 516 N. 2nh St.
K MS36 28 s
VERY desirable room or suite for one or
two people appreciating a good home;
modern, clean, fine location, near car llnej
meal (flrat-claas) if desired. 2L-J4 N. lPtr
St. E M3(2 24x
PLEASANT room, modern, private family.
o-i Boutn Ave. K 349 atx
LARGE, modern, well furnished southeast
,iv,ii, inviii nun Hieuvv, jrivaie ituniiy.
Telephone Harney-2295. E 351 24x
MODERN rooms; gentlemen preferred. 2-8,
D. mvia. . UM419 29X
FOR RENT Nicely furnished large room
an moaern conveniences sua use or tele,
phone; suitable for one or two gentlemeoa
io63 Park Ave. Must give references.
E 446 28x
FOR RENT Partly furnished dining room
ana itiicnen in locality ror good boarders,
where them ara roomers In house. Must
give references. 'Phono Harney-3241.
E 445 23x
TWO south front rooms, newly furnished.
n new onca nut. i none es. liar
ney St. B-M379 2x
FURNISHED room with board In private),
ferred. Mrs. J. C Comfort, 679 S. 2Pth St,
'Phone Harney 3t'24. E Sift 23 x
BEAUTIFUL, large front room, modern.
uiii rrivrcuuo rvgaruiug neat, etc. oi,
23d. E M4M 24
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms for,
rent. ituo liinney. Tel. itoa-7003.
E M452 26x
ELEGANT, large south room, with alcove,
suitable for two. 2702 Farnam.
E 479 24
Doug. 611 O.M.E.Haul Trunk
VIENNA hotel; private dining room, cat.
jr aiu
MODERN rooms, horn cooking; reasonable
Since, sua uowara Bt. Tel. Douglas)
568. F-M3M)
NICELY furnished rooms, modern; pleaa.
t surrounaings; gooa board; reasonable)
rates. Th Rose, 3020 Harney Bt.
F 887 B24X '
ROOMS Gentlemen only; board next doori
irici iiuo. iuiq 0, iviu. T OOD a
FOUR OR FIVE unfurnished rooms, mod.
VMU, llIBb uuvr. DdO BU. jotn Bt.
G 38123X
TWO, large parlor and kitchen, all mod-
, .i uom, lfi o. Dia BU
TeL Douglas 5309. G M303 22x
8 LARGE parlors and kitchen, all modern;
team heat. V13. fV, th at t.i rw...
las 6309. G-472 23x
WANTED Modem apartment, furnished.
or a rooms; aitcnen, sinKi ga stova,
team heat: state price. T. V. Harring
ton, Gen'l Delivery, Omaha, Neb.
K 466 23
WANTED About Nbv. 1, furnished house.
west rarnain street tnsinct. Apply 218
Bo. 14th St. K-M666
WANTED To rent, by young couple with.
out cnuaren, moaern o or e-room cottage.
Address R 10, Bee. K M337 24x
WANTED 8 or 4 rooms for light house
keeping in private family or flat; must ba
walking distance; modern; references.
Address, 8-20, Bee. K 476 23x
CODA FOUNTAIN, any sis. 1818 Farnam,
uaiui. DUCI 111-.U K mvuiljlu Jbrug CO.,
Omaha. Q 796
HALL'S safes, new, zd-hand. 1818 Farnam,
FOR SALE New and second-hand bllllam
ana pool tables; we leaa tne world la
cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Brun
Wick-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 10th St.
TWO Besley letter cabinets In good condl-
tlon, mad of walnut and hay two)
drawers each. Call at Be business offlos
and get a bargain. Q 441 x
FOR BALK Steam houae heating boiler
mm uicu iu ucai e-ruuui nuuse; will ba
sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Be
Bldg. Q-M43S
SEND US your mall orders for drugs;
Drug Co., Omaha.
in,ui. (1BIU Oil 1U lUtS. JHyCrS-UlllUOi
Q u0
$00 STOVES; must be sold In the next 44
uaB. v.nicago f ur. co., 1410 Uodge.
SQUARE PIANO for sale cheap. Call Red
oooi or am no. lum Bt. ' y 226x
25,000 SHARES Sylvanlte Dp Mining and
luiinci vu. b biock at a K'irgain If taken
at once. Address P-67, Bee.
Q-M254 26
DECORATIONS, feather flowers. Harrlng.
tun, oil ism Dl. (J AU10 23x
nowers, stana tno rain. Harrington, ill
N. 18th St. Q-M3U fax
THREE thousand yards of sod for sale.
lu-iuiie ui junn r. uenm, 14b . 16th be,
0.-315 23x
A RADIANT HOME base burner. No. 6
iiiiuBi new, aoo i tin, rt L6, nee.
Q 447 2SX
FOR BALE Roller top desk and revolving
Annus new, neviue 13IK.
Q471 23 X
FURNITURE, stoves, carpets. 1907 Wirt.
4 ftli'S x
GOOD phaeton, rubber tire, $40. 2004 Wirt
oi. g-MW Z4X
iwi r-ope loieao touring car, 19o4 White
Steamer. 1904 Stevens-Duryea runabout.
Write for prices; Dt right Autoinobll
Co., 1318 Faruam St. Q M49S 2
Large rooming house, finest loc:llty, full
ei giiuu riKmers, easy walking dl.
tance, rent only $37. 5c, furniture for sale.
$5o cash. "Phone Rogers, Red-6377.
Q&M408 24
FOR SALE Good family cow. Jersey. Cuil
t-mmm m. UIVjH I4X
FOR SALE A quantity of ornamentos
pmmnr wors, intluuiiig cupula, lion heads,
column capitals, etc., used until recently
In our show windows; less than half
value. Address Berg-Swanxon Co.. Omaha,
Qtvj Six
FOR BALE Pointers; bitch $ years old.
Bwirivu, uivirn on cnicaen ana quant
lo-month-old puppy. I am yard brealu
Ing. John Ling, Harvard, Neb.
Q-47T 28x
VOHE as SON upright piano. $75; aW
ii-iooi exteusiua taw, cnaap. n a,
tid bb t w ii ;.