Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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35c Fancy Veilings,
Ladies' New
Drape Veils, 50c
$1.00 Silk Chemisettes
for 29c
Jut the proper thing for fall waists,' pure
white, all silk, with standing collar, TCIn
Saturday, only aaeC
Yard, 12c
Thle lot Is montly fancy mesh. III
blacks, nsvles and browns, Jl
rholre fr yard I 2"
"We have just remvetl a complete line 'of
this most popular veil, in all the latent
shades, and .will place them on Jfl
sale Saturday, at, ach )UC
A brand new line of Neckwear In lat
ent styles, splendid variety and good
value at hO:, will be placed "J f
on aale Saturday at, thole. . .C
10c Pur Linen Handkerchiefs
Special line of I-ace Stocks and Tab
IV If Line IlandXerrhlrfs,
each '
Collara, ytr .choice Satur
day at
Lxi y '1 j
The Nemo
Read "Coniston"
' . V '
The new Book by the author of "The
Crisis.". The belt book ofVl'- f Ci
the year, publisher's price (f D f&
$1.60, our price ;.M'.fyw
A Superb Collection
U-' Stylish
With, the opening of. the fall season we find ourselves much better prepared than ever before
in -the history, of the. department. Not only have selections been made with our usual great care
as to tiaiityy, but purchases "have been more extensive than ever before. .Everything ia fresh,
new and up to date nd nothing that could add to the completeness of our showing has been
omitted! "'' . ; , ' '
ELEGANT IMPORTED TAILOR SUITS at.. ...... V ,..'.$35.00, $40.00, $50.00 and $75.00
1 ' 1 Crew Jewel Baits
11$ naw one Jutt received, matchless
' la style, beauty and finish ff "JC
t, onr price ... : CpD
Our Faultless SnlU
l$l new ones. bow on display great
assortment of plain and fancy mixed
fabrics unmatched
VfOMjSN'fl COATH All the nobbiest
new airiea ana nest materials
and Ta lengths the- greatest as
sortment In Omaha splendid val
ues at aas, ais, 12.50, . n Cf
10, $8.80 down to '. .JU
to is.60 m Panamaa, fine cheviots,
, now n charge of Maclatn Buck,..whV. has had Beven, years ' experience in. like position
with Lord & . Taylor, New York,-and five years with ; Stephens of Chicago. The perfect fit of,
every garmeni tnai goes rrorn
Sheet Musk Below Wholesale Prices
I.ewet Prloes ea Sum Moaloito Omaha. AllHhe late popular kits l4e pet
eyy. AAA 1 eea postage la erderlag by malL
TOOAi Walt Till the Sun Shines. Nellie; Not Because Tour Hair is curly (very
popular); Why Don't rou Try (most popular novelty sons of the year): Cneyenne; '
What's the Csepf Loving If Vou Cant Love All the Time; Maryland, My Msty
land (latest soldier sons, inspiring mnrch chorue); If Mother Could Only He
Me Now (Eddie Toy's bis hlt) When the Mo.klns Birds Are Slntlng (beautiful '
sentimental ballad); Campmeotlns Tims (lateat coon eons); In si.
Pear Old UeOrsIA per copy llC
gLSTmrxstimTAXr Happy Heine (a bis hit), Valse Tranquil (beautiful reverie In
waits time). Iola (btsst hit of the ear, very dainty InSlody), Byes of (he Soul
, in, un.uuiui iiH-iuuy;. turrrr new two-siep, Melody at - TWlllaht
pew tntermeaso, very catchy melody), Hilver Heels, Southern Preem Oi
, Waltses (beautiful dreamy melody) per copy ,..."IJ
' CX4.MXOAX. tetrszo iAillaby' (from, Irmlne) JakolmiaW; Heart Bowed Downi
fl,'vr.lF.r15,'S. ChK,'u w?r One Airaln Would I Oaae (Faust). Obunod:
, PwJW 52fmi' if-ll0t9 ot "umm". Flotow; I Have Blahed1
L" HVM' ierd4; ' Ihou feuBllm. wet Evenlns Btar. Wagner; Toreador s
Sons (rrom Carmen), Blaet;-Flor Hn ifrom Faust), Uounod; Love Sons (from
1 Lohensrln), Wasner; hundreds of others to sek-ct from o i
,. complete, words and mle handsomely ens-raved title, page -i.. ,. . . e2f C
- v
Grain, Bar and Tuberi Turn Out Great
Tlslii This Tear.
'.4 ' "
.Katlaaatee ef Vateaj ractSe a ad tlav.
llaajteai fraetleallr Are '
State Never la Be Proa
. - pereea Coadltlen.
-: The paaaenger department 'ot the Union
Pacific has flnlehed a complete crop ee'.l
mats tor Nebraska and the pamphlets will
e out of the primers' bands In a f
days for distribution. The estimate of
the Vnlon Pacific Is made from reports
from 27ft correspondents In the state and
ts considered very accurate. Thts estimate
(Ives the oorn crop as OI,M7.0t7 bualieis
and the estimate of ' Industrial Commis
sioner Jtanss ot the Burlington, obtained
rom entirely different sources and flnUheJ
on the same day, gives l.OUU.UUO buahela ki
than the Union Pacific estimate. This is
regard as a remarkable coincidence and
shows the care with which these are made
when it is considered the whole slate of
Nebraska is reckoned on.
.This Is ths summary of the acreage ant
total yield ef Nebraska crops for
' ' Acreage. Total yield.
Winter wheat wl.swi bu.
Spring wheat i... 4 StM.rtM bu.
ru -i.
XMl.TtMI , 7.j7.M7 bu.
M.70 ' l.iU.UN7 bu.
l',(J S.187.J1 bu.
t,M 2u3.M7.irt7 bu.
M).!M8 . 8.WMO bu.
Irish potatoes.....
I'SK.RIZ tuns
l.ln.'.bM tone
4e.V ions
Alfalfa .., 3tK.51
rinr I14.SJS
Vlld hay..-. l.iw.:m tons
Sugar beU U.rS ti.St tone
Be much clover Is used for pasturage that
re attempt kaa been maJe to estimate the
bay It produces.
Maaea drteraa frwsa Tear.
Industrial Commissioner Manes of the
Burlington system has returned from a tour
ef Nebraska, where he his been making
AH OU and WKLUtltlKb Ufc.Mtlt
roa ovsa eiTT taaaa
a, imi .m. tar aiki Uau Uti-Uox
e Men Ukas ler taur laiLDHUN wulLa 1 SiH
ml with rmrtiT nik.. IT soothss ia
tHiLo. sorrcNS ike AvMS. alLats u rai.s,
tXkM WIND IOUC. 4 U tke 4m trniarn Ut
tiaaSHOga. Su4 kr bruuu la ie .'
fek. ris. ar kk art lr
All new goods are now in stock and we are showing com
plete lines in the following makes: Kabo, Warner, R. O.,
Roval Worcester. Bon Ton, La Grecque and Nemo.
here ilustratcd is the most comfortable and durable
corset for stout figures .produced,
;: price.
Nenworsets in full figure model, 6 months
guaranteed, at
. Let us show you our iemo line.
Special lot of corsets on sale Saturday,
. 75o values, at.
Tinted Stationary 15c
A great lot of Tinted. Box Stationery,
regular 30c to 50c per box values, will
be placed on sale Saturday, to closo
quickly, at choice, f C
per box..... yw
Don't miss this exceptional opportunity.
serges, etc. 376 In the lot to select
from special Faturday, M ft C
choice t,JO
Olrenaud'a best taffetas in all
colors $$.00 values l nr
Bpeclal Saturday at. . . . . OJ0
Shirt Waist Sulta and Fancy Dresses
In all the latest styles and colora
will be ahown for the first time
Saturday specially attractive val
ues at $78, $35, $20, ' CtC
$20, $1S.S0 down to. ...... $13
EXTRA SPECIAL A special purchase
vUATB. in reds.
areenc. blilen.
PITTING ROOMS have been eorapletely remodeled and refitted
our work rooms is guaranteed.
oslimates on the crop and picking up other
Information. .
; "I figure .the. corn crop of Nebraska at
over 262.00,()0, this rxlng cut down from
the former eet' mate of XTaOOO.OOO by the dry
weather." paid Mr, MfcniM. "ThS xmrn Is
of a high grade an And the seed and soil
Specials run by. Uie different rosds have
borne good results for. the ears are . more
as the professors tpuglit. Ths samples I
picked up ehowtd the corn well filled at
both enda with hestom shaped kernale.
I have just flnlehed a trip through Illinois,
Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska and this state
Will show up well wltfiy sny on Its corn
"At Osford, where the drjr system waa
used ll found the corn. would yield .from
thirty to thirty-five buahels per ncre and
of a fine grade. 'That the crops arc good
Is to bs'sern In all sections, where they
are tearing down the frame stores and re
placing them with brick and stone. If the
boosters for Nebraska ever had real
grounds to talk on they have them this
vesr I know of no stats wltB .better
prospects than Nebraska.
...Hard Winter Barley.
"I in also trying to Introduce a hard
winter barley, which Is a good producer
and am sending out samples. What I am
especially interested In .Is a correspon
dence school which alt the western states
are taking up. We have the promise of
ths assistance of Governor Mickey aud I
hope the new governor will look on ths
ticheme In the same light. Chancellor An
drews of the University of Nebraska Is la
sympathy with the movement and .we
hope to get an appropriation from the leg
islature to stsrt the school. The scheme
Is to have farmers pay a small lultiAn for
the cost of running the school and then
have thqae getting the literature set akldo
n acre of ground which they will work
under these inetrurtiona. which will be
Issued In pamphlet, form. The seed and
oll specials which- the railroads ran was
a sort of a teaser and the farmers are
themselves now anxious for mora Infor
mation. The first year the specials were
,un the farmers looked with suspicion on
.he professors with the 'biled shirts,' but
he next two yesrs we had to tight them
tway from the train. We now hope to
Is a scheme by which all ran be reached.
There la no limit to the poesibllltles of
.his country In an agricultural wsy If
.he soil Is used as It should be."
. Births.
Thefollowtng birth were reported to the
Huard of Health during the twenty-four
tours ending .Friday noun:
ialrthe-- Muaea Alexander. 144S South
Tourleenth, girl; Morris Davis. 1U Fouth
ourteeuth. girl; A. Ehlers. filt South Six
teenth, boy; J. H. Urevea. 114 Kirttt
Tweuty-eiaih, boyi Lee Hansen, Uut South
Fall Garments
resedas, browns, gray, white and
plnka In sires from Uo years
. good values at $6.00 on, AO
sale Saturday at, choice, .'. a J O
variety of styles and splendid values
at $10, $7.00, $e , . . C C
, and J
Women's 7 60 Dressing . :
Bacquea at. i . . ZtDQ
FROM 8 1 80 TILL 9:80 A. M.
Women's $1.60 FlatinelfiU
Long Kimonos..'..... 070
Women'a $8.00 Moire and : OCi
Sateen UndersklrU at. ..... U JC
Omaha's Leading
- Meat Saving Section
Spring Chickens, pound.
Bound Steak, pound...
Sirloin Steak, pound.
Shoulder Steak, pound . . I
Shoulder - Roast, pound
Corn Beef, pound ..... .SVio
Picnio Hams, pound....;........... 8o
All kinds of Sausage, pound, ; .. ....... i.... 64
girl; C. O.
girl; Harry
bur Nelson,
Prawlts. 144
W. Bhewan.
girl; C. H. Janssrn. B49 Pteite,
Kotintze, X23 i'Wey svenue,
McVea, 23 Reward, boy; Wll-
!17 r'llmlnar rrl- ,' t-f
North Thirty-seventh, girlr' It. J
t hief Tells People What They Must
De While the KJaar Is Hold-
! Forth.
In connection with . the coming Ak-Bsr-Ben
carnival, Friday morning Chief Dona
hue gava Ills plans for policing the rtty
during the paradS. The chief desires to
serve warning that the practice of placing
chairs, dry goods boxes and other articles
for seating purposes along the line of
parade will not be allowed this year,' as
It has been heretofore. ': l.asf year the
chief aald a fire broke out In one of these
jbstructlons tin the sidewalks and they
ire always a prolific source of danger la
the way of accidents. .Chief Donahue Said:
"Not one chair, boa or other article of
this description will be tolerated on ths
sidewalks along the streets where the
parade will pass snd you can not make
that statement any toe emphatic. The peo
ple have'got to understand that this prac
tice must be ' slopped. Ths crowds ars
hard enough to handle anyway with the
few police at my disposal and these boxes
I and'- chairs not only Impede she work of
tn omcers in nandiing ths crowds, bat
are an actual menace to life snd limb
at such a time. I have given Instructions
to arrest sill psrtles who persist In ob
structing the sidewalks In this manner.'.'
Chief Donahue said that it was his de
sire to rope off ths streets where the great
est crowds collect, but It would take about
two miles of heavy wire and eighty bar
rela filled with sand as supports for ths
wires, and this course of sctlon had not
been definitely decided upon.
The chief also said that during ths
parades the entire police force would be
on duty even to the night officers, and
for this reason he wished to request all
rllisrns to be unusually careful In locking
up their houses, ss the residence section
would necessarily have t get along with
only limited police protection during the
T BaSala, S. Y
and return, via Nickel Piste road, at tlS.00
for the round trip, from Chicago, on fVto
ber IS, 11. 13 and IS. Return limit, October ll.
or by extension of ticket, October . First
class equipment. Individual club meals
from t& rents to H 00, served en Nickel
Plate dining 'cars; also a la carte. Mid
day lurhenn. M cent. City Ticket Office,
tn Atlanta St.. ffcioatTe
A Flutter of Beauty
A Flurry of. Price.
Ptirrr to tmt fall tpeing a Special Salt of
fifreet and Stmi Drttt Bate at
$21 to $7.5
A Special Line of Pattern
Vnderpriced for tiaimrdoy,
Sale at
An invitation (4 extendtd to all to visit Our New Milli
nery Department Sat. andprojit by the Special Offering.
Hayden's the
Greatest Grocery
Fresh frait, Butter, Cheese,
Cracker and Candy Depis. ,
the West.
Save your money and reed these prices.
19 lbs. Bnt Qrmnulatcd Corhtnea-1 12o
34 lb. Backs Beet Wheat or Rye Graham
Flour Sto
T lbs, Beet Hand Picked Navy Beans, .tie
i lbs. Choice Japan Klce mo
Saratoja Chlpa. t lb Mo
Bromanrelon. or Jello, per pkg ..7VW
Peanut HuUr, per Jar.
routa Mais, per can
Ull HaraiDo, pr can
Sour Plcklea, per quart lea
Chow Chow, per quart ,...1(0
Pure Temato Cataup. per bottle K
Pure Fruit Jelly, per (laee 44
The Bret Bod a Ctaskere, pr lb tc
The Bet Oyster Crackers, pr lb. ,.o
Freeh Criep ;inr Snapn. per lb. .....,60
Fancy Bantoa CofTe. per lb II
Fancy Meraoalbo Cofre, per lb 17'
Fancy Porto" Rico Blend, per lb.. 1
Fancy Tea Blftlno. per lb........: l?Vfca
Fancy B F Japan or Bun Dried, per ib.25o
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter per '
pound a)
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per )0r..,..1l4c
Fancy New York White Cheeee. per lb.lSc'
Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheeea, per
pound .iro
Fancy Full Cream Ldmburger Cheeee, per,
pound ..r .15c
Sip Sago Cheese, each 7 Wo
Neufchatel Cheee, eaeh...-. ....So
Fancy Freestone Peaches, per doa Ion
Fancy Bartlett Peara, per doa..-. 12tto
New Honey, per rack.......... ljild
Fancy ripe -"Bananas, pr doa 1O0
Fancy Italian Blue Plums, per basket.. So
Two measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts.
Fresh Cabbaae. eer head n
wwtti roiaioea, per ID...,
All regular Wo Candles this sale ,....0
All regular eo Candles this sale Joo
- .12c
;........'. .;... 8c
5 V$o
6 yio
all sizes, Custard Cups, Crips and
and Saucers, Cracker Jars, etc.,
all in one great lot, at, choice. . . .
Flaws Duoovered in Abstracts Iffectinf
Eiitses. Lots in the Fist
Receaaary to Heaaedy Erreralsi Pro
hatlesj Blaho O'Oormaa'e Will
4 Thlrty-Twa Years Asa Fiae
Residences Involved.
Flaws' In the title to all of the sixteen
lots In Cortland Place addition have been
discovered by attorneys who have been
examining abstracts and it will be nec
essary to go Into court and remedy er
rors made In ths probating of the estate
of James M. O Oorman, who died In 1174,
leaving the property to St. I'hllomena'a
church. . The lots comprise soms of the
best residence property In the city snd
one portion affected ia ths home property
of the late Frank Murphy, which was ap
praised at S3I.O0O. Home of the other
lots belong, to ths Ben Wood 'estate and
to Charles Barton.
W. H. De France, who has been re
tained by the Murphy and Wood estates,
and Mis Barton, declares aftsr an exam
ination of the records that not a single
one of tlie property owners has a legal
title to the property. They have an equit
able title, however, and he thinks It would
be impossible to oust them from poasea
slon of the lots.
Mr. De Francs will file suit in district
court asking for the appointment of a
trustse to give the present owners valid
The trouble dates bsck to the death In
1174 of James M. O'Oorman, a blshoo tn
Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Flux, Cholera In.
fantum. etc., can be quickly cured by
Blackberry Ba.lia.rn
Every home should bars supply of
this reliable remedy on band. 0 years
laUt AH dmlttf KU It,
Special Sale on Shoes
In rearranging our Shoe department we And we are over tock4 in
Ladles' Fine Shots. In patent kid, vlcl kid and gun metal, heavy
and light aolea, 18.60, $4.00 and $6.00 vaUee, to close, J) QQ
$50 pair amall iltea la Breaks Bros, and Ultra $3.60 AAA
ahoea, at I.UU
Boys', and Girls' School Shoes tor real aerYlce at lower ' f
prlcea than any one, $2.00, $1.60 and I.UU
The best Union Made Work Shoes, aoft and strong, tips " fl A
or plain toea, at , aU U
Infanta ?te Kid Shoes, - ' 50c
WE carry more GROVER'S SOFT SHOES than any one .west
of New Tnrk.
Can You Beat These Drug Specials
Almond Cream at. . ... . ....... . 10c
Cream Marouaise at 10c
ChamfcU Skins, each. ;... i . v. . .2Hc
Munyon'a Witch Hacel, Seap 10c
Kirk'a Soaps, per Box h,i. , lOo
Beauty Brushes, each 9c
Beef, Wine and Iron .SSc
Talcum Powder,, per box 4... 9c
2-qt. Fountain Syringes .....4c
8-t.t. Fountain Syringe ........ 49c
J JIaU, Greatly
t f Si 00
A Mammoth Sale of Men's Shirts
None Sold Before 9 A. M.
We have secured the entire surplus stocks of Men's and Boys' Work and Dress Shirts from
two of the largest manufacturers in the country, and the entire lot will be placed on sale.
Men'f and Boys' Shirts, in fine Percales, Madras, Chambrays, Ginghams, etc, soft or &)C -pleated
bosoms, with of without cuffs and oolJars attached, or with soft collars in fl
fact, almost every imaginable new style and pattern Is represented in this lot, at, yjjf
each, 50c and
assortment f light and dark pat
terns, all altes and stylea the great
eet bargain surprise ever
offered, at, choice.......
Special Saturday
Offerings In Our
Ladies' Union Suits In fall weight,
gray or white, all sites, at
Ladies' Jeresy Ribbed Corset
weight, with long neck and short
sleeves,- Saturday at.
Ladies' Outing Flannel Grown A
line greatly underpriced, at 98o, AO
75c and ;...... TJ
Children's Outing Flannel Gowns; all .Cl
siy.ftfl. snlendid value at.
An Immense Sample Line of Imported Decor-"
ated China purchased from L. D. Bhxk & Co.,
New York, .will be placed on sale Saturday at a
small fraction of their real value. V '
Salad Dishes, Chocolate Potsf Sugar and Cream
ers, Syrup Pitchers,. Spoon HoldersPlates of
the Catholic church. He bequeathed all
his property to the church and in hie will
devised the twelve acres now comprising
Cortland Place to Bishop Kendrlck of Bt.
Louis In trust for St. Philomena's church
In this city. He also made Bishop Kend
rlck executor of the. will. The will was
filed and admitted to probate, but Bishop
Kendrlck declined to accept the trust.
After some delay Bishop James O'Conner
was appointed administrator with will an
nexed. Later the church and its officers
assuming that they had both legal arid
equitable title, filed a plat and dedication
of Cortland Place, dividing the property
up into lots.
The lots were sold and deeds given,' not
withstanding the church did not have legal
title. The suit to be brought for the
property owners will ask that a trustse
be appointed to give valid deeds to ths
grantors- of St. Philomena's church.
The property Is located between Twenty
third and Twenty-fourth streets and St.
Mary's avenue and Howard street.
Hotel Attache Disappears Aheat the
Time Gaest Leees' Big
Roll. .
A. Marqulae, who resides at the Midland
hotel, 117 North Sixteenth street, has com
plained to the police that he has had the
misfortune to lose tie) from his trunk In his
room at the hotel. He had the money in a
pocketbook placed In the bottom part of
hla trunk, which was securely locked.
Thursday night he went to look If t was
still safe snd discovered that the pocket
book was there, but the money had been
abstracted. He could hot sax when ths
thsft was committed, as he had not tin
locked his trunk for several days, but hs
suspects a colored porter svho worked at
the hotel for a few days and thea suddenly
gave up his position. The police are look
ing 'for the porter.
Deprived of F'lfteea e Tweet? Tars
treat Oae Klras, . Veraser
The meps sent out by the. Commercial
club and ths Omaha Oraln exchange, ex
plaining the grain situation in ths South
Platte, resulting from the Rock Islands
equalisation rata, are exciting conalderahls
comment and many local shippers have
written to the elub commending the dis
tribution of the maps. A letter was re
ceived Friday morning from Cue aoaa, who
sale Saturday
at 50c
None Sold
.t. ...
men's Heavy work shirts in
black and white drills. Do met flan
nels, old hickory shirtings, with
double front and back,, worth up
to $1.00. , 7C
choice .i90
Ladies' Underwear Dept.
tadies' fancy
Covers Fall
.'.afiaJ v
m rS
Hardware, Stoves & Housefurnishing Dept.
18-ln. No. 7 Dlsston Panel .
IS-ln. No. 7 Dlsston Hand Q
tt-tk. No. 7 Dlsston Rip 1 27
10-In. D-8 Dlsston Panel
Saw -
,26-in. D-8 Dlsston Hand A J
$$-gln. ivs Dlsston Rip;' 1 48
26-ln. No. 12 Dlsston Hand' 1 C
Saw Ie03
8-ln. Iron Bailey Smooth
said the Idea to place the discrimination
in map form lit the hands of all members
of the Commercial club and Omaha
Oraln exchange was a good one. As for
himself, he said the Rock Island lost every
day from his , house fifteen to twenty-five
cars. Which had gone over that road pre
vious to ths boycott.
Faaetlo Will Be on (he Basle of Twt
- Dollars aad Fifty Ceats
Feeling that if ought to be nothing If not
swell, the committee srranglng for the
banquet to be given, to General Oreely
September tt by the Real Estate exchange
and the Commercial club has decided to
make the banquet $2.60 a plate Instead of
r as at first proposed. ' '
In addition to General Greely ten or
twelve officers from Fort Omaha. Fort
Crook and army headquarters will be
gussta of the two organisation!.
A program of toasts has been arranged
as follows, with W. O.. Gilbert as toast-,
"Omaha's Buocess In Securing Govern
ment Appropriations," Senator Millard;
"General Orealy, the Men and ths Sol
dier," John N. Baldwin; "The Signal Serv
ice and Signal Services, " q. M. Hitchcock;
"The Commercial Relations of Omaha to
Garrisons,' C. M. Wtlhelm; "Forts and
Fortifications," Ales O. Charlton: "How
We Rebuilt Fort Omaha," Major Zallnskl.
General Greely will speak, but on what
subject the committee has not yet boon
Farmers Pet t Fight Agalast OSseers
aad Graders fer Rlght-
. ef-Way.
It required three deputy eneriffs te pre
vent a lively scrsp between Peter Roth
and Ma son. John, on one side and a'froup
of graders for the Omaha, Unco In A
Beatrice railroad Thursday afternoon In
t'orrlgan addition to South Omaha. The
Roths, through whose property the right-of-way
runs, had prepared themselves to
defend the place with a rifle, a shotgun
and two large St. Bernard doga. .
At the request of the railroad graders
Sheriff McDonald Sent ' Deputise Itaae,
Stryker aad Peterson te the scene. Whils
they were trying to use persuaalon on Mr.
Roth the railroad gang started to tear
down a fence. - Young Roth ran upetalrs
and pushed the muaale ef a rifle through
Ladies9 New Bells
The latest novelties in fancy and plain
leathers, also black and white silk, or
fancy Persiar. patterns, on I"
in two lots
Before 9 fl. M.
. .
FON BRAND SHIRTS, the handsome
eat and best made line of Shirts
ahown In Omaha, at $1.60 and 08c
The Greatest dtock of Men's Vnd
wear In the Weet.
lace and embroidered Hose, in
plain black and fancy colors, - . Cf,
Saturday 50c and. . f
Ladies' Hose Worth up to 50c, in lisle" and
fine Maco cotton, plain or lace effects, in
black and colors, Saturday 25c vl
and JV
Children's Hoee Heavy ribbed, a splendid
school hose; 25c value, 12' C
Several Other Hosiery Specials. '
16-ln. Iron. Bailey jack . f
ll-ln. Iron
on Bailey Tore J G5
24-ln. Iron Bailey '
juiuicr .
200 all slsed Ship Aueers, without
screws;" worth up to $1.2$,, C.
- on sale, each. ............. &U
Good Ratchet CCa
Brace ..k.aJeU
Fine Nickel Plated Ratchet f A(
B. B. Brace .. ... mflf
Attjustable Block . ICi
Planes...,,.. .....S.C
the window and told ths men te stand
back or he would shoot. At the ' same
time tho two monster dogs were let loose.
The - railroaders retreated, and .' Captain
Haxe managed to slip up behind young
Roth and disarm him . after a struggle.
He also secured a loaded shotgun wh'oh
had been placed in a handy position.
'After they bad been arrested the Roths
consented to a parley and finally agreed
not to use force to' prevent the graders
from working, but confined themselves to
vocal protests. They were allowed litKO
for. the property, taken under condemna
tion proceedings, but this did not satisfy
WATCHES Frenaer. 1M aad bodge St a,
CoBsaalaaloaera View Road. '
Members of the rosd committee of the
county commissioners spent Frldsy looklne
over the West Q street roud out of South
Omaha, which will be graded this fall, pre
paratory to pavtng' it next year. Bids were
received last Saturday for the grading
work, but moat of ths .bidders made con
tingent bids. The hoard found It necessary
to so over the road thoroughly before de
ciding which Is the best bid.
w V X
1 . ITISI- " I 1
T a MM l
11 Makes Martrtaa a e-e a V ,
bra 4f MMira. t.uMi f mwv. I
' as rar ae mam pmOttum. I
im ii. Tim WHu B4W. T
ia 1 Dss BlftB foraaaateral
esnXI SUckwris,iaS lataMeaa,
J Irrliettoe er alaeraUoas
i CMda. etL a.i L
IrillEVMtBHiajOM C. (eat e telsoae.
. liS0ien,l J Baas hy renra
Jar easrm. meets, fee
it as. m aMttw tw tk.
40tiselsr seat sa masse.
mi i r miu
til Ml - PUIS Is
u4 4t44 U4 mm. I
Sim ait m. Take
' mt .wut tin iv.t ft
.4 fc fe, V
ceri-care-Tra-a rxt-Liea, jk
iur. kKiKt PI I la, fc. si
MfifM M hmUt. bmim.K Always