Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY TJKE: SATURDAY, SETTEMBEH 23, 1P0V ,-"aBX---aBa---" "aaaaa---aaa---axaa- -aaa--wiVWW-''" ' ' I'' --axaKa- ' - ' - ewest JTsyli esti Tfifininmnriiii fun i luimnTia jfol mm. TxnrrTirFT 1 . A. a a a n Our tamou Offer uar unci auk laitcu Waists. 4 Spies,... Vtvl- Gj L iorlS Fine Silk Petticoats Li jgmmmaammmmmmmmmmmm All fi 7 I W I w ' J Wliil H :-Fall Opening-Exhibit lt ... ' ' ' ' rijdeis Exquisite Millinery j- g. .. mm vT. sj o tg. '- ' 9 9 a m 9 s We feel that .the brilliant success that attends our millinery openinjr more than justifies the immense labor and bonspuJou pain we exercised in preparing for the event. The well dressed women of this vicinity are making this n fashionable function as well as a display of millinery mode. Our display needs no, words of ours to do it jus tice. Th. jiraise we hear on every hand and the recogtiitien of supremacy that others accord us gives us more prominence than any boast or claim.: v Original Fall Model Hats it $10 We ley, special stress oo tals splendid gathering of npto-date nlllinerr St Ula frit.' Mas ara genuine New Tork 'model! revealing the terr lateat and t-tAiteat - preesfs at tslUlery atria -aHkera are) ei Mt ceplee ef - atpe-slva farlstaa feats. ' ' Every cerrect Ship ant every reigning color ' Snd rspreeentatlea here. This la an offer ef uausaal lmpertaaea at Smart Fall Salt Kati These hats an; in the swell little round ' crjwn pml curvinx bhm sailors of velvet, and silk, also the pretty turbans in latest and most fashionable design- tastily trimmed with ribbons, quills darts, etc every leading color a splerfdid assortment at this moderate price for suit and walking hats, at ........ Children' wad Mlaaee' Hate A pretty aaaorttn eat ef the newest effect la scaoal hata, dress hats and hati for every , day wear sbown In our children's millinery aectlea Third floor. Our Famous Fashionseal Suits. 25 e Every advanced autumn style is here.s " Fashionseal r stands without an equaf among the higher grade suits. These suits are made from selected fabrics by Q the best man tailors every new feature of style is here and the trim- V . mings and finishing are perfection. Such dressy suits as these are equal . to almost any $35 or $40 suit shown anywhere. "Fashionseal" line aU; Stunning Tailored Suits Copies of Elegant French Models Tiire ruits are clever adaptations of the most ex pensiye models designed in Pnris almost exact replicas of the .ciegant J 'rcnch boulevard V . Miit in color, tailoring and tyle featuies'thoy are beyond criticism. Evei7 lover of pretty clothes hould view thew gems of the tailor's art First Showing of Street Dresses in Silk and Wool Beautiful and attracUre dreeaes almple and correct la atyle treatment c)rly faahloned of vdlto, relllnga, taffetaa, eaahmerea, etc., for house and street wear LadUa' Fall Suite The heat, dreealeat and moat practical suite ever ahown at moderate prices CI Q Q it up-to-date tall style C1Q Ladloa' Novalty Cloth Coat Jul aitra special at this prle made full and handsomely tailored vaty Q AO stylish at J, JO BLACK BBOADOliOTH COATS Ready for every oocaslon street, eveatnr. church, etc. seren-eighths lengths,' black, gray and . mhlte satin linings some are plain, others with hrald or embroidery trimming at SI Drandeis Matchless $5 Hats Our auccee la the paat In the dlaplay of charming hata to sell at a moderate prlc la more than duplicated thla year. We were nertir ahle to offer auch a One array of the. new atylee, the new trimmlnge and the new colore la millinery faehlon, aa this ses son at IS. AS It la a display such as only Braadeis could offer the line Is ample and varied, at cloth Never SS5 2- Ladies Long Gloves Ladies! fine gloves in varied lengths, silk gloves, long silk gloves, driving gloves and street gloves very special offers at these $1.1 lfl pricesat, per pair s-PI'IaaU Ladles' fine long Hid gloves, elbow lengths, biack and white' tan. black, brown, white, etc. the greatest variety shown by any western bouse. Imported direct for . 1QO Branded, at, per pair ,JJ Ladies' Walking Skirts Entire new showing handsome : broadcloths, plaids, Panamas,. etc f.t $7.50, $9.98 and up to $35. 50-inch Novelty Mixed Cloth Coats in this sale at $6.98 1W5-17.50-J19-24.505'. $49 Wilkinj Skirl. .1 $.98 In all the correct styles, and colors desired. aucb a showing AOS ..TTaaVJ at. i e a e 4 USES) LADIES' FINE FOOTWEAR Latoot Refined Stylos in Brandoia SHo Section We deelre to meniion the beat line of Ladies' Fine 8hoee ahown In Omaha. Complete lines of . the-famous Latterman'a bench made shoea, New York bench made shoes, Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes for ladlea, the Red Cross Shoea, the Phlt Kl Bboee. etc. Tne correct fall laats and the lateat se lected leather,' Prlcea are., , Our shoes are properly fitted by experienced salesmen. Von are certain of courteous, efficient service at Brandels. .3.50 ST $5 '5P 6iv is vv r J I m fSMf1 The New Fall Waists tl The materials in the fall waists are more than ever de sirableWe specially mention numbers in, new veil ings, new taffetas, new laces, new nets, new plaids, etc all the latest style features q aq m an and colorings. Prices 0JO'JO Chlliren's Csals & Dresses Very serviceable little gar ment, la all ages, fram little tots to the mlaa of fourteen. Plain and mixtures at J2.9S-3JS-4.98 np to 12.50 New Undermuslins Ws announce a apeclal ahow tng of the newest undermus lins,' beautifully dealgned and very elaborately trimmed. Shown la our Waitt and Un dermualta Pctlon. PACIET USE INTO OMAHA v - - - Kepart sf Steamboats to Corns Up Mitsouri ,',,'',::'-.,Biwa : ' CAPTAIN KIEF-R OF St. JOE -PROJECTOR 1 ;' " ' ' ' " . ' rom-trottl Claa- is Set Advlaed. Uttmtti la tke Matter WtiJ- U ftcported frm . nvtx'.f Nb., Tale- b.nt 9t liM.I.I , fc 17 J' L. . ,1. IDCUBI gram.) Tarmera, . land ownrra and bust nroa man . hr "and,, in tha pelchborfna towna. villagM 'and cOrAmuriltira are hlRhly pi.aard at ha- announiment tbat a packM lln, Hti JTgph Klfi: Of St Jorvph as cp(Lq. will aoon bAflh rpr- tlona, carrying frlgKt between pmaba and Bt. Joseph, ! ' ' ". ' l anlain Joseph KWcr Of tha cable ferry nhiih now plifS h"twepn Belmont, , Kan iii'. and (he Wet bottomn of Kapnaa City lr to ba in chr of the first Steamer en KtfA for (he frvlc. Ha. ha a bousht the teamer Hany, a gove'ramenC boat tied up a lock . OJaah'HVer. near are;riiy and ha ortll k hia boat to .St.-joaeph as aoon SS 'i la thoroughly Overhauled will tm ready for operation about October IS. A barge will ued In handling freight and-the'-boat will atop V White Clnud. Cgu.; Rulo. Fargo,; Jrhraka 'lt an moat, ir not all. the' river tomna 01 Its way, b-i(lea at' tat ions where farmer (an handily loftS their produce , Into th' bont frotrr' ho bank or rlv' ""edge. The Una, w4li' rarry all kinds. f treignt from live atork to balled '.hay, grain or; cord-wood- Farmer Are Jnbllant ,t the .out look and. oa who wished Ho sell thelt farmay tK'Catjaa of, th-Mng dlWftnoes to railroad stations art ioW content to kep their poaneaelai pa,'1 is they say th .value of their' ptyflurtlve farms 'will dOOble as auon.aa thl Una beemnes pernutnunt. Thay eotiutder It an earnpe from .the aaoiMve freight rates 'which tha.. prairla famier. hava reUl fo Keenly. , ." ' , Captain Klefer anHi?lpatf a' large bual nesa and ha nay (Here la no reason why he ahould not, at-there la now a packet line between Rockport, Uo.,'and 8t. Louis which dors a proaperou btialr)eea,'wlfh three or fi.ur boat a atradily In. tha aervira. .Tba ata get an abundance ef freight to carry d'plte tha fact that tha river it paralelled by railroads on both sides. Thl Missouri, Katttaa aV Te-aa runs on tha north aide and tha Missouri Pacific on tha south. Tha Harry, which'' Captain Klefer euc esfully bid In, while a amU boat. . ha plenty of power and with the barges can easily, hiuidle a large . freight buslneaa all along tha Missouri river. Th Commercial club haa heard nothing of any plana to run a boat or barge Ham between. Omaha and the lower river towna. Commissioner Ouild has clipped from the Kaneas City papers a number of articles regarding tha line which It la proposed to run betwaen Kansas City and St. Ixula apd has sent them to Chairman Tetter of tha trade extension committee, who may bring the matter before the committee for tha purpose of establishing a barge Una between Omaha and Kansas City. Membera of the Commercial club have talked "boat line" In an unofficial way alnca tha Kansas City project was started. but the Question has not come up In a meeting. I-Hely Commissioner Guild has received lettere from -ahtppera -along . tho river aa far north as South Dakota ask ing tha cub, to Investigate the advisability of opening a river traffic' Henry T, darker always Interested in the Missouri tlver, hsa also been Importuning the club to look into tha matter-and It Is probable the subject will be considered. H1NSHAW ENTERS A DENIAL (Continued from Third Psge.) ' ) rharlea Miller of Wymor and Frank ?perry of Beatrice, charged with robbing the home of Fred Meyar, a farmer living treat of thla city, were heM to tho district rourt In bonds of $1.W0 each. In default if ball they were remanded to th county jitil. found tn the body of the dead man. Dr. Nicholson testified that there wera marks on tha body after death, which Indicated Mows that might hava led to death, but he did pot believe death waa due to theae blows. It ia not - known what Sheriff Burns testified, though his evidence Is lm-' portant in that It bears on the bruises oo tha patient. Following is a Hat of the grand Jurymen: F. P. Prince, B. H. Baker. A. B. Richard eon, F H. Davis, W. Busteed. H. K. Own, B. O. Desn, 8. W. .Garvin, -P. W. Ruth, B. Ii. Grant, M. J. Hughes, P. F. Zimmerman, T. K. Hansen, M. W. Car mody, Burt McQJnnls. T. J. Malone.' The deatha of Patients Prosser, Shock ley and Davis have been Investigated. Former Attendants Cilia. Wiles, Byerly and Blair Golf are the men against whom charges were made by Complatnanta Rlggs and Oronk. two former attendants. The grand Jury finished Its work of taking testimony this evening. Dr. Nicholson, former superintendent, was the last wit ness on the stand. The grand Jury haa not yet formed its verdict. IIOVMSOR BKrOBB ftRAUT) JIRY ' ' i Probing Ckaraea ef Abas of Patleate. ' NORFOLK. Nab., Sept. t. (Special. Todhy waa taken up by the Madison county rvand jury, which haa been probing charges agalnnt four former attendanta of the Nor folk1' Insane hospital, with tasTfinony of Governor Mickey, Dr. Nicholson, the for mer assistant superintendent, and Sheriff Burns of Knox county. Governor Mickey and Sheriff Burna ara the only two wit nesses txamlned In this Investigation who were not examined In the orUlnal Investi gation. . SlieiiR Burna was called to testify 1. regard to th condition of Patient lt.n Prosser, who came from Knox county Jan uary 1 and died February 1 It n chargsd by Former Attendant Bgg tVit Forest Ellis, an attendant, kicked Pr?. r aa 'severely the day after ha arriv4 that death resulted. It waa said by Ellis In defense that Prosser had been brulaed In a fight with th sheriff on th train, and that thla atruggle cauaed tha marka able comment from th hundreds of visitors who came her to nee what Cheyenne county could do In the way Of agriculture The live stock exhibit waa also highly Com mendable. Music was furnished by the Julesburg band and tbelr selections . were very pleasing. The weather waa propitious. r- - rcr-.Fc By the Old Eoliable Dr. Searlei ft Starlet. atatafcUahed in Omaha for U year Th man thoueaadg of eaae cured by ua maha ua th meat experienced &vo tallata In th West, In all dlaaasaa ead aUmanta of mask We knew just what will cure you a ad ear quickie-. MK CVKJS KOI. TUCN YOU PAY t8 OtK FXI, W anaka no misleading ar falae atatamaata. or offer roa) eueaA worthleaa 4ratnaaat Oaar lapuiatloa aad nam era foe favorably knewo, every eaaa " treat, eur repulse Uoa la at ta. Tour health. Ufa and bapptnaaa la toe eefioua a matter ta place la tba banda of a "NAMHW ULhf DOCTOR. Honeat dootar of ability ua their OWN NAMB IN THJT1R BLttlNKfia. Me cu effeet to verroa Ufa-long CURB for Weak. Nervsjue Mak tranoiaa. Mervous xxbiuiy, Blood Polsuak trwublaa. KWuer. Bladder. WASTINii W 1l A HTdroeate, Chrania tMsaaaaa, CaWtraatad Dlssaaae. I aaa bku 1'ieasaa. ; a examination and cotiaultatloai. wrtta) fag Uk SKA.Bl.Ki aa BSLLBUSd. lit a-Ml st . ih SHKI.DOI DRAW A GOOD CROWD Telia' Clay Coantr Farmers About Railroad Rales. FAIRFIELD. Neb.. Sept. (Special Telegram.) A good slsed audience greeted George t,. Sheldon at the opera house this evening. Delegations were preeeflt from Edgar,., Qlenvllle, Harvard and Clay Cen ter.t- ' Dr. A. J. Jennlson of Harvard, candidate for the legislature, waa present and ststed that he stood squarely on the republican platform. The doctor Is an old resident and waa given a hearty welcome. Hon. J). M. Nettleton waa called for and made a speech ' stating that If he waa returned to the' house he would do what he thought waa right there aa he tried to do twenty years ego. Senator FJpperson waa railed for knd defined his position on the Issues, and. aald he had nothing to apologise for to ills constituents. He stood for every plank of th platform and If elecjed would give It hia best support. Mr. Sheldon paid t blgh tribute to the public .record of Messrs. Nettleton and Epperson and spoke highly of Dr. Jennlson. He waa proud of the ticket Clay county had put up. Mr. Sheldon dealt with the history of th low aaaeaamenta of railroad ! property. He made the point that any vnJse In tha assessment had been made by Un republican Boards of Equalisation: that' while other assessments had been ralMiil from o to 1 pr cent, the B. ft M. hntl Union Pacific had for tha last two years paid their taxea only in portion on an hsasament not raised In anything like that proportion. Ho atated that (he Burlington charged Clay county farmer 4Vi cente more per lofl pounds from Clay Center to Omaha than from Omaha to Chicago. If J w had the Iowa rat It would qiov froiu Clay Center' to Omaha for t.W cent per .100 pounds, which would mean an annual Having to Clay county farmers of about JlSO.ono. That the en-ess rata wa are pay ing An wheat aa compared to the Iowa rata ii mount to about ( centa a bushel, and on other grain much In tha aame proportion. Nebiaska haa no law regulating freight ratea and tha rates are higher than In ad joining states and th railroads' net earn ings here ara also much greater. Tha I'nlua Pclfi la saving flv time as much in Nebraska and the Burlington four and n half tlmea aa much aa th average rail toad aarna for tha fnltad States. Mr. Sheldon made a telling speech and had cloa attention, throughout. fc ruetaua I ft. Hr I Btomaaa a- Jl HUE Syanptoxa Blank far home treatment. Da-ifl aUiweas, Uau-ba, Side- Pair a Saeeeaa. SIDNEY, Nb Sept. B -(Special Tele-tam.)--Th farmera fair and stock x rhanga. held for tha paat to days, closed tonight and waa highly successful In every particular. Tha farm product aer equal to anything raiaed In eastern Nebraska and Ioaa and created a great deal of favor. of ebraeka. BEATRICE Mrs. Faille Robinson died yesterday of dropiy. aged 37 yeara. GENEVA There Is a big crop of peachea In thla vicinity and they are of the flneet quality. . AlNSWORTH Rain haa been falling thick and faat here for the last few days and night. HhiA T K K. r, Tne Mary voting mens Chriexlsn association building will be dedlrsted October IS. . BEEMER Mrs. Gordels hss purchased the Kreuger property and will make Im provements oa th same. COM.'MBVS The banks hava aa aanoeiia SL.ina.4i i. in. wnu mere are loans amounting to SHO,0g.i, BEATRICE Robert, th little son Of la. E. Watson, fell yeaterdsy while play ing at school and broke hia right arm. ALBION Barring bad weather, the county fair neat week without doubt will ba the largest and most successful ever had In. the cajunty. TECVMSEH From Friday. September 14, to Friday, September 21, according to the register kept at the Burlington depot here, 4.4. Inches of rain fell at this point. BEEMER Heavy rains have fallen al most continuously for th past Ave days. No particular damage ha been done,, aa the corn is well out of tha way of frost In this section. " . BEATRICE TbV missionary' society of the United Brethern church Waa enter tained by Mrs. T. V. Rhodes, and th I .ad lea' Aid society of th Christian church by Mr. I. W. Funck. ALBION On account of the recent 111 jtesa of County Attorney Spenr the October term of tho district court, with the exceo- tlon of a few cases, will be adjourned until acme time in December. COLVMBr8-W. D. Benson lias been asked by the powers that be In Wanhlna- ton to aend on to them four ounce of latte river water every week until fur. ther order. They want to analyse It. BEEMER Saturday a deal waa closed by Which Henry Bebrert becomes the owner of the Kerbel property In tha eaet part or town, consideration. 11. too. Mr. Kerbel will continue to occupy the prop erly. BEATRICE Word waa received here yesterday announcing the death of T. D. Cotuin of Plattsmouth. Mr. Cotton lived at lienitt for many years before local lng at Plattsmouth and waa well known In this section. TECVMSEH Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sherman of ibte city hava received word that their ton Ueorge, who Is an engineer land, Kan., waa In an accident In which hia leg waa broken. BEEMER W. A. Holmea la erecting a large arte buslneaa piovk on his lot Just north of tha opera house. The build Ing will consist of 10 store room, on of which Hugo Miller will occupy with ma a i oca or mrniiure. HARVARD At the horn of th bride's parent, Mr. and Mra. Robert Scott, six miles south of here, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Viola May, to Elmer Pense, of thla city. Rv. Vlrgai Bherley performing th ceremony. HARVARD The past few days haa been mostly cloudy with more or less slow ralna. The aggregate rainfall during the week is about ihree-quariers of an Inch, which, with former raina. make th roads muddy and bad for traveling. AL,B10N--Boone countv haa experienced a week of rain. But little of tha water liajij run off and the ground 1 left In pl(?fulld condition. There ' lias been nd frost and the corn Is well nigh matured. Fail pan turn and winter wheat never waa In better condition. BEEMER Plekenbrock Brothera of Tar no, Neb., have thla week purchaaed th Frd Ruegge general merchandise stock and ar now in possession, ready for business. Mr. Ruegg will move to Tllden, Neb., where he recently bought an Interest In a general store. CHADRON-Nanry Martin Meicham. agad at yeara. la dead. Deceased lived twaty-ix year In Oto county, Nebraska, and moved to Norden, Keya Paha county, in int. wher her huaband died in 104. Slnee then aha haa been living with her daughter, Mr. Mary Hani. BEATRICE Yesterday Clarissa M. Nel son, daughter of the late Horace M. V l. t. ham., commenced an action In th dteirl-t court to have a deed made by Mr. Wlck ham, to -her brother. Frank VYIekham. sal as Ida on tha ground that wbjla their father waa eick he waa not competent to transact business. BEEMER W. T. Fried, lumber end grain dealer., la erecting Jl new elevator, twenty-eight by thirty-four and sixty feet high, with a capacity of 20,000 bushela and will be equipped with up-to-date machinery for the rapid handling of grain. This will add greatly to hi al ready commodious elevator... CH ADRON Row of tents down th cen ter of the bustnee streets contsln exhibits for the Dawe county fair of which any country might well be proud.. Th idea of i using the regular fair grounds only for the live stock exhibit end having all else In tha middle of tha city la regarded aa a great success. All is "fair" except the westher. ... . . BTANTON-Rev. C. N. Dswson, D. D.. having been returned to this ctiarge as pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church for another year, the members nf th church gave a receplon 14et evening In honor nf the. doctor and his eatlmabla fam ily. The official board of the church raised the salarr of the naator for thla -ear frnm 1I.2M) to tl.fiofl. HI'M BOI.DT Indications are that the rainy spell s about over aa far aa thla section is concerned and farmers are pleased at th prospect of an opportunity to ow their wheat. A large acreage will be sown In thla county this fall, much of the ground having already hern prepared. Conalderable of t will have to be gone over with dlsca to cut oat the weed. which have a good atart .already. Ht'MBOI.DT A number of friende and relatlvea were entertained at dinner by Mra. Anne Bauef' In honor of the nine tieth birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. Carl Zulek, who hss been S resident of this section for a half century and ia st present quite hale and hearty. In spit of the' fact that leas -thsit a year ago she suffered a badly -fractured hip by reason of a fall while engaged In her dally occu pations. M'COOK MeOook'a new opera house, with a seating capacity ff l.Jnn people and costing $15,000, will ha opened to th public September 37, by th Curtis Musical Comedy . company, wblch Will give three performances and a matinee. Thla ,1a an event of large slgnlAcancw (e all south- .IS 1 4 4-i t 1 B ro T ra S ro ro ro wind shield to help her: Fractional time was :). :M. and Th Abbe became the champion S-yenr-old trotting stallion when he won the de ciding heat of the Kebtuckv stock farm futurity. purse. Hie ahnre wa Ht la a full brother M The Abbott. f :15 class troitlnc. three hetta In Ave (four beata run Thursday), purse Ii,)": T4i!le R.. h. m. KVtlng 1 1 Belle Bird. b. m. KsterK..... t 4 Kim. rh. g. (P. Rhsnkt 1 ! Oale, h. g. tHopkln...., 2 1 Bobln C., rh. g. iHoh! t 13 Henry 8.. Jr., b. g. lEva-twi ... S Admiral Hrhlev. h. a. ISharferW 7 Mttle Bride, h. m. fCamgan.. t J J. M.. Jr.. b. g. (Tavist Heliograph, fcr. h. (Hornbvl... Lticretl. br. m. tThomppanl.. Bettv Brook, b. m. (Titer! ... Alatlnn, ch. h. Bramtm..i . . Divided third and fourth roonry. Time: 1:1014. :fb. I:l"i4. 511'i. i:Tt. Kentucky slock farm futurity for l-yer-oMa, trotter division, two hents In three (two heata run Thursday), purse to.TM); The Abbe. blk. C. (Whlt 2 1 1 Ed Custer, ch. c. Chider 1 1 f Vera Prodigal, br. f. (Chllds) 4X2 LlKhtanme, h, f. iBenvnni S 10 7 tiovernor Frsnrla, h. c. tFnote) S t 4 Alleste, br. f. (B. Shank ,..7 4 la Hheeny, ro. c. I. Thomas) i ! I Vendetta, b. e. (Curtis),,... Id S 9 Kid McGregor, h. c. McPherson).,..U a IBoudle. h. f. Saunders) tag Marcopla, br..c.' Nuckoht) Ida Time: 2:124, ?:1?V. 2:10Vi. Hotel 1 Hartman consolation, pacers, three heats, purse tl.O00 Captnin Derrrr, b. g.j by Charles W 11 ro .10 il ia ro . dr .1? 11 dr ..... I sdr Inaton. br. h. (Anderson). Time: 2:07. 2:ftMi, :os. l is clae trotting, three neata in five. puree rethel I... ch. m., b Elyrla fOnhagan) 1 Build, h. g. (Carpenter! I India, br. m. tEldridgnt .Tesele Benton, ro, m. Benyon)... Peter Bait, b. g. (Hedrick) 4 Ruth ( tr in. iKennev) 11 Tvt ell K W iattrrlntnl g 11 Emllv IJfber. b. m. (Graves). 7 Fnshoda. h. m. (Geersi i 7 .70 Astral, blk. g. (Estesi 10 7 11 Burnell Bums. g. g. (Darby) l' 10 Pearl Hnnul, h. m. tFerguson). ds Vensngo, ch. g ! Time: !:11t, i Vi, :I3- . Free-tor -atl pace, tnree neats. puma i,j; Angus Pointer, h. g., by Pldney Ierhv (Eldridae) Blllv Cole. b. g. tNlchols).... Crayton E., b. g. (Entes) Hidalgo, br. g. (Derr.areai) ... F. J. Park. h. a. (Real, Vanya, b. gr (Eckerai High Seven, ch. g (Smart). ... Pointer rSunderlln) Ecstatic, b. m. (ltna) Urstt. blk. h. (Spencer)., Baron Orattan. b. g. (Geera). Nervom, b. h. (Cox) Mv Ptsr. ch. sr. (MrHmrvt... I.acnndra. br. n. (T. Mii'phv). . Time: 2:06, 2:W-,. !:03. 2:10 trot, ttire heats in five (unfinished). purse H.onfi: V, J. I-wls; b. r. (1 Murphy).. Oro, blk. g. (McCarthyl n"iant, b.; m Deverux) U'etson. ch. g. (Cnyne Roberta, b. m. (Mcflenry) Totsrai b. tin. .(Titer) Boreax-lle. br. h. (Demarest).... Time: 3:Of. Z:08i4. F.xhlhltlrm to heat track 'trotting reco-d of 2.01S bv Sweet Marie, b. m.. by McKln. ney. deiven by A P. Mclionald. Time by quarters: :!, :5. t:W. f.I. hlxhihltkm to beat l:W4 pacing by Audu bon Boy, ch, h., driven by Gatcomb, lost In Irf'V O Rxhthltion to beet i:074 trotting by Ixrd Rol.erts, b. h., driven by McHenry, lost In 2:10. rive three weatern Nebraska, giving it an auditorium unequaled In the atate outside of th largest cltlea and a atage large enough and equipped to accommodate the Urgent companies. It will b the event ff th aeason for McCook. . , , GENEVA The Geneva Equal Suffrage club met yaeterday afternoon In the rest room of the courthouse. A number wer present, the new officer presiding. Mr.' Mllll Toungera waa elected aerretary. The following delegatea were elected to repre sent th club with Its president, G A. Flory, at the state convention at IJnVoln In October: Mra. Kate Koehler and Mr. I .aura Shlrkley. The club la endeavoring te have domestic science taught the following term of school aa there Is a fully equlpred kitchen In tha building, and deeiree te rata tha funds to supply try Instructor. HCMBOI.DT The German Reformed congregation held It annual Jiarveet festi val at the Dry Branch church, several miles southwest of Ihe City, the principal epes ker being Rev. Mr. Hohwelgart from Harblne. who delivered a inoet able aer nion. Tha choir rendered some appro priate music and tha service throughout waa heartily enjoyed by th crowd, which filled the edifice to Ihe door. The local German Methodist congregation dismissed Its services In the city church and flov out in a body to participate in th festival. A liberal collection was taken after tha custom of the church to aid in tha mis sionary work. HVMBOLDT On' of the 'most interest lug and Important evenia Which haa taken plara in thia county for some time wa tha celebration of tha golden wedding anni versary at Mr. and Mra. E. C. Hill, sr., pioneer residents of this county, which took place at their farm home several miles eaat of tha city. They ram to Richardson county, Nebraska, forty yeara ago. have had an eventful life and can tell aum interesting experiences' of early daya in Nebraska. Th eld hemeatead upon which they attled when they Drt cam to th county I a part of a fin traot of 1.000 acre ewned bv them and tt la among Richardson county most fertile land. DOCTORS FOR MEN ft? .... ' 4 -rM v, . -v -., N, Si i'v 4 i f f t ' 'iafi- A"" ; I "A' r i HARXKSS RACING AT ' COLt MMl g Sweet Marie Lower th Track keaard te SKXa. , ' CDLl'MBl i' O.. Sept. 21 -Sweet Maria. In front of the largeat crowd ever gaiherad at th Columbue trafk, waa aurccasrui tM afternoon In not only lowering her in record of 2.J?y but In estahilaiilng a new treulng mark for the course. Her mil In l.Cf. flat la a quarter of a second better then the time Creaceus made br In lOil. Sweet Marie wa accooi'panied by a runner alongside, but ther was au THE RELIABLE SPECIALISTS A ! PHYSICIAN'S NOBLEST EFFORTS . . To restore a man te health. Strength and vigor, and give him hjs rightful plac among hia fellow men la worthy nf the noblesr efforts of a phveician'e life, and every good physician works earnestly to this end. We oifsr roa thia aid, this help, thia aeeurance of restoration, and If you will com -to ua wa will spar you the penal ilea associated with private dleeasea and weak ness of men. - We will help you to escape from the slavery that-is holding you captive and Impeding your urogresa, both commercially and socially. Do not be deluded with tha Idea that dlaeaaea and weaknesses qf men vaal correct themselves -they never do. . Mr, It la useless 'to worry about th peat cguae after th dlseas or weakness becomes once established. The fact that the trouble now exists make it nec essary that ther should b no apathy, no delay. Do deferring anattera mull later on. Sexual diseases, or snVctlons resulting therefrom, should not be tampered with, owing to th natural tendency ef every dlaeaae to Insidiously progress and tenadoualv fasten itself upon th system If proper treatment Is not secured to bring about a nrompt cur. . W cur safety and thorouahtv: ' etricturs, Virlcocele, Emissions, Nerro-SexusJ Debility, i S . a . ta, SI . )4a ill a. am m B-l unpoienfy, uiooa roisou (bypnius), nectsvl, Sidney and Urinary Diseases,. and all disease end weaknesses nf men du to evil habits, excess abuse, ar th result ef DeclAa aad urtvata daeaaa. OOWSTrI.TATIOr ana I Offloa hoara: lam u I i a.,.. . I l le l enly. If yen cannot call ariu elf- FREE ag.AujiATXoaf. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 r-rniin -SCBetween 13th and 14tb Eta,, Omaha, Neb. 3u