Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE 0MAJ1A DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, RETTEER 22, 100(7. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements far fknt e-alasaaa will be taken aatll la as. far Ik !( edltlea and aalll II a. as. la Rales 1 1-e a wtrl flrst Insertion, le a ward thereaMe-r. Retains taken Icr lni tha SOa for tha rat laser tlaa. Ttieaa advertisements nsust ha raa coneeeallvely. Advertisers, by resjaesllne; a' na tiered check, mi have aaawara ad rested a letter la care nf The' Bea. Answers aa iraH will aa delivered aa presentation al rkeek. , MISCELLANEOUS FALL TERM BOTLE8 BUSINESS COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. Students are admitted any da. Saw Catalog Frea. Tl- Douglaa 194. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boyles Building. OmahaNeb. "gas & electric fixtures wholesale and retail '.; b urg ess-gr anden co., lie SO. 15th SC. Tel. Douglas 681. .' . K-M923 OMAHA Sara and Iron Worke maka a spe cialty of Are scapes, shutters,- doora and ', safes. G. Andreen. prop., '101' 8. 10th St. . . . r, R 789 L.ilJ. BIGN PAlKTlNG-S. H. Cola. 1302 DJ- ' $fWHERERUNKS ARK tHAdIq. Trunki, (nit cases and shopping -bags. Old trunxspn exenange. Hepainng. AFRELiNG ec 8TE1NLB. t . ,tUH. mMSt.1 'Phone, Douyilaa 4995. a, ) Jv M704 Bit ' THTJnlly s Towat Supply. TaL'SdJMO. IOWA SanlTary Cleaning Co., 1019 FamarV ANTIMONOPOLT?arbag Co., CI N.16th. Tel. 'Doug. 177. Res., phone Doug. 7091. . ; v r-tw - ' ELSa'oSER A BRfCK, Machinists, 317 South 12th St. (Tel. 6837. a E Vt i ' J-"14 i. t l,.tV,f j LJr. t . EKL1N Locksmith, t rrfored upstair entrant; l4 Farnam. Tel,'' Doug. 2974. a , e " ft mi " '.BUSINESS', CHANCES'. A COMPANY that owna a printing plant, employing from 10 to 14 people. Wishes to close out tha printing department and will sell the same and give rontract' lor all their printing. $4,000 cash required. Address R-3, Bee. Y-M.79 23 Do . You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or. prop. . erty that you want le sell or exchange write us. OLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. -Y-M910G1 FOR BALE A first-class Job office with . A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three papera In . surrounding towns; Job type ill new; doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, as this snap will not lust. long. prices low. Address box wt, Hastings, Nab. T-623 -, INVESTORS. Framo building in South Omaha paying 10 per cent net, $1,500. Elx-room house and lot paying 12 per oant net; price $i,ouo. Oall 1224 Farnam St., Room 8. T-MLS WANTED Gentleman to take an Interest In a stereoptlcon lecture and moving picture attraction; business established. Address R-4, Bee. Y 296 21 x - ' HOTEL, FOR SALE OR RENT. We 'have been In business 28 years, which la long enovlgh, and have decided to re tire. We own the Scollard hotel. Sturgla. 8. D.. which Is a good money maker; 40 rooms, well located, up to date. Want to sen notei ana furniture; easy terms. 'If 'not sold by October 1 will lease hotel andsell furniture. Apply Bcollard Hotel, Sturgls. S.. D., Y 294 26x. .;i . WANTED - GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK ' kv, Have clients who want a . "' general merchandise stock of $10,000 to $15,000, well located In ' !.ti Nebraaka and doing good busl- , 4 ' ) '. ness. They have tha rash, but they, want a good stock and . ' business. . You must be able to . ' show that you ARE doing good business. , . , Make. lowest price first .letter, '"-same to Include the regular real estate commission' to us. " ' '.' Write quick. THE ABBOTT-CO WAX CO., , Omaha, Nebraska. T-3ii n FOR SALE A good brhk hotel located in i a good business town and county seat in eastern Nebraska and being the only 12 a day house In the town.' Will take aa part payment Improved land not exceeding tu acres. - For particulars address R A. cara Omaha Bee. . Y-M330 23 x FOR SALE A wall established abstract business and abstract records covering a whole county In northeasrern Nebraska. For further particulars address R 7, cira Omaha Bee. Y-MI! : FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS EOpA FoyWTAlN, any alxe. ISM Farnanv Q 796 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint, fchernian 4k McCunnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q TN HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. lll Farnam. . . Q 797 FOR SALE New and setond-hafid billiard snd pool tables; ws lead the world In ' - thsap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-ick-Balks-Collendr. 4uf 8. 10th St. , ' Q-TM . LETTER CABINET TUO Besley letter cabinets In good condi tion. muda of aralnut aad , have ' iwa drawers each. Call at Bee business offlcs and,' gat a bargain. Q 441 x FOR SAi-K Steam housa heating boiler; , aa used to nest (-room house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee ' teldg. Q-M43 SEND L'S your mall oidars for drugs; freight paid - on $1 lota. Myers-Dilloa Drug Co.. Omaha. Q $u0 tu STOVLS; must ba sold la' the next0 days. Chicago Fur. Co.. 1410 Dodge. : - ' ' 1 ' ' ' a-47 QUARK PIANO for sale cheap.CaifRed 1U1 or K27 No. Uth St. 14 2ix ' HIOH' grade fox terrier puppies.' Tel. Douglas t47. UK No. 2tn. Q C4 Ux 36.0OS SHARKS Bylvanlta Deep Mining and Tuuuel Co. s stock at a bargain If takan al once. Address P-67, Bee. 1 . 1 V1-M264 36 PEACHES for" sale; If you want good home grown peaches - for 7$ cents per bushel go today or tomorrow to Itfa N. Uth. Q-M313 31 x DECORATIONS, feather flowers. Harring ton. 611 N. llth St. Q M310S3x AUTOMOBILE DECORATIONS, feather flowers, stand the rain. Harrington, 611 N. Uth St. Vr-Mail 23x THREE thousand yards of sod for sale. Inquire of Juhn F. Behm, 14o 8 15th St. Q 316 23x CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. iXventrul and truthful predictloas given. ; Call 11$ k. 14th St, Opp. Boaton Store. -M-U4 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED-For' the V. martna eorpa, men between sgea a and V; an eppor t unity to aea the world. For fuller In formatloa aea poster in poatofBce of any county aeat In tha state Of - Nabraeka. giving addrsaa af recruiting office located thereto. -MM WANTED Flra boys, good wagea, per manent Job. A. D. T. Co., 3U 0. 13th St, B MM WANTED BOL'ND TOUNO MEN. U to 30, to prepare for firemen and braJtemen on new roads and for fall rush. Ea perienca unnecessary. Firemen $100. pro moted to engineers $3U0; brakemen r. prompted to conductora $1W- ' Foeltloua now open. National Railway Training .Association, 20 X Paxton Bik., Omaha, Neb. - v , B Ml$ Ol DRl'O STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleat. i24 N. T. U B QJ. TEAMS can maka 'from $4 to par day. Steady work. C. B. Havena 4t Co. yards, 14tb and Webster. B 3 WANTED Car builders, repalrera and truck men. Cudahy Fading w. WANTED Experienced bill Clark; must be well recommended;' prefer married man; atata age and salary.- Address i o t4. cars Baa -4i. TWO men to sell goods on payments from 1- .snn. ' C r. i Idiml CO.. 1(11 Howard. B-Mwi Ol . a mi . r A ., will Km t na iA in a capable of writing- Dusiness nimwn i teaching others to do ao. Addreaa lock box 1626. Lincoln. Neb. B M3t)i 04 MEN and boys, plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades' par $6. to $3 day. Wa teach you thoroughly, In three months. ' Position gusranteed. . F,ree catalogue. Coynes Trade School, St., Louis. Mo... - B M3s7 X . vniTvn w . XT T-TTrV f.AWt .. . Omaha School of Lbw; evening sessions only. Further mrormanon. aaaresw tw ary, wx rt. x. Liia oiog. , '--jJ""a- ... " U Qha OS I WANTED-'Three'boya. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha,r. 4W( . tttot WANTED Experienced' armature winders. Apiy to Omaha Electrical Works. 10$ Noi'llthSt. ', B-gr7( WANTE1V-S eiperienced men for blacking i and putting up sHovfs: steady work; wtfPi $2. Milton Roger?! A Sons Co. V r ' B-262 n WANTED-5r5hlpplng and delivery clvt. with some experience in stoves antr nara ware preferred; 'steady work, good wages. Milton Rogers & Hos Co. B 261 21 WANTED Smart, active boy, not under IB, for atatlonery and book aectlons. ee Mr. - Russell at once. Main Floor. Tha Bennett Company. B $74 81" WANTED Office, boy: good .opportunity for right boy. .4 People's Store. , . B M280 22x TEAMSTERS Apply at barns, 8th and Jones, or 14th and Nicholas. B M2R2 23 A BOY to carry packages and work In stock. Apply at M. Splesberger 4k Son Co.. 1J06 Harney St. B M313 23 WANTED Elderly man as partner In pleasant business. Call Windsor Hotel, basement. B M304 22x CEL-PEP-KO 15 cents drink sobers up quicker than wink. Ask bartender. B-M306 Z2x A BRIGHT young man for general Mora; must nave tne Dst oj reierwnces .ui need not have experience; must speak German. Address R 11, care Bee. B M325 ANY person willing to distribute our samples; $20 weekly. "Empire" 92 Ii Salle St.. Chicago, 111. Steady position; no canvassing. - a MJ WANTED Performers, free and paid at tractions, for market oay ana street fair. Walnut. Ia.. Sept. 2'and 29. . Ad dress A. Kaatner, Walnut, Ia. B M344 23 WANTED Tailor. Aug. Beermann. 307 8. 17th St. . aMst ax WANTED Men to learn barber trade: few weeka completea; little expense; big money to graduates; tools given; positions waiting. Call or write Moler Barber Col lege, ill" f arnam St., umana. ' B-M33 Z7X WANTED Non-union experienced harness makers and saddle hands, collar makers and machine operatora: open shop;- trans portation advanced to reliable men; steady , employment anagooa wages to comnc . tent mechanics: 'ohance for a-ood work men. Sommera Bros.' Mfa. Co.. St. tLouls, Mo. . Address all correspondence to J. Uttman. -Secretary, 2100 Washington Ave., St. IiOUlS, MO.- H Z4X WANTED Lady. or youns- man printer, $8. . Address World, Leigh, Net). v" B M3K4 24x WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED Womau cook.. S3 per month: must furnish recommendations. Address L, I, Bca. .. ,C Mw( WANTED A straight matter compositor either lady or gentleman. Anchor Pub. llahlng Co., Patterson Bldg. , C-M7S8 WANTED Fifty girl to work in . candy factory. Good cJianca to earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. Tha Voegele 4k Dinning t-'o., me Jones St. ' , C-M79 FIFTY strong girls for turning bagsi girls is or i years oia ior cupping tnreads. Benils Omaha Bag Co. C-M104 WANTED A good girl for general house work; no warning. Apply Mrs. John L Kennedy, .'iz uaaa. U M164 WANTED Experienced : Al cloak sales. ladles; high salary. . 8. Fredrick .Bergar & Co.. 1517 Farnam. , . c 370 a WANTED Young girl to help with chil. dren. 832 So. 37th St. Tel. Harney 3237. I ' ' CM 211 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted at once, V. J. u ttrlen Co., VATi Howard. C-M286 WANTED Cloak and ' suit aalea ladles, must be thoroughly experienced and com petent. Apply cloak department, Haydon Bros. f a t -M300 32 WANTED Competent girl for -general housework. No washing.- Wages. $6 per week. Inquire 504 0. 36th:. . . C M306 2$ GIRL for grr.crsl. housework; no laundry; good wag s. 3416 Burt. . C 31 23x WANTED A cook and a housemaid. Mrs Merrlam, 1602 Blnney St. 'Phone Douglas 3424. C-821 WANTED At once, several smart address ers; quick, clean writing will, get prefer ence. See Adverting Msnager, 3d floor, between t and 10 a. m. ' The Bennett Com pany. C 32$ 21 WANTED At once, first-class ' cook and laundress; good wages. 1024 Psrk Ave, q M i 43 23 ; SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION wanted as companion or nurse by trained woman. Address R 6. Bee. , . . A-MI14 t3x-- SITUATION WANTED By young mar ried man, aa aalea or- office manager; thoroughly experienced. a hustler, and, with right firm would be willing to take small compensation until can demon 'strata ability.., Address R-3, Bee. .. - A 316 27 BY middle-aged western couple, care of ranch as cook and manager; state wages; come any time. Addresa Geo. Bradley. ;( La Sail St., Chicago. A-MXU 25x WANTED By man with good drlvltig team, te travel aa agent, engagement tor three months or more desired. Address R 13. care Omaha Bee. A M344 22 SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen to place our Patent Adjustable Umbrellas, with 100 cigar deals; great aelier; - an article whT-n makes sales saay. Address Crown Clfr Co.. Milwaukee, Wla. L M631 2s SALESMEN make tU and up per werk selling our high grade investment con tracts; absolutely safe and profitable. T. C. Blue, Storm Lake, la. L M$2g 27x FLORISTS HE8S 4k 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -TM L. HENDERSON, 161$ Faraan. TaL Doug. Hardly a subscriber who doesn't read the per sonal ads on the Bee Want Ad Page. You should have yours there. FOR RENT FURNISHED" ROOMS DEWET European hotel, l$tn and Farnam. K 105 Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E 0t CAPITOL HOTEL. lth and Capitol Ave.. wuwi 1 1 un l , rooms who or wunuui unai E-80 FURNISHED room in new, modern house. jjougiaa Bt. n. ia THREE pleasant rooms, partly furnished; modern, gaa stove; adults only; no ntner roomers; references required. 27H Wool worth Are. E M2S3 23x ONE LARGE front room, furnished, for housekeeping, with use of kitchen, 110. 122 . S. 26th St. K-MM 22x PARLOR and alcove, modern; $S per week. i n. intn. u. M.iui iax NE'WLY' furnished room: private family. Phone Douglaa-413C. bis N. 3"th tit. i XT' Iv t Mil oa VERY. desirable room or suite for one or two -people appreciating a good home; modern, clean, fine location, nenr car line; I meals (ttnu-classi If desired. r.M N. 1!th 'St. .. 1 . E M.142 !1x FURNISHED, ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O) M. E. Haul Trunka I F I0t. VIENNA hotel;. private dining rooms, cafe, F-10 44- MODEiRN rooms, home cooking; reasonable price, iZ2i ' uowara Hi. lei. Uougiaa lott ' F-M-0 tNllELY furnished rooms, modern; pleaa. 'Silt surroundings; good board; reasonable rates, a ina rtose, juv Harney tit. ' ' 387 S24X UJilFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO Marge parlors and kitchen, all mod ern, nil team heat. l:'2 S. 25th St. Tel. Pougltrs 5ne. G-M3' '8 22x F0R RENT HOUSES ' ' APARTMENTS Applications will be receive! for renting the up-to-data apartments of five and nix ' - ' rooms each In new building. 26th Ave. and Half Howard St. Will be ready for occupancy y about Oct. 16th. Rent, $45 and $40 par month. GEORGE & CO., Tel. Douglas-7B. lSfil Farnam St. " D-266 30 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest Prices. Tel. Douglas 126. So'imoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-811 HOUSES ,n " of tn c,t- C PeUr Co.. Bea Bldg. HOUSES ln 1111 jp of u ciy- Tn UTU000 O. r. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. D-401 HOUSES, insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Bis. . D al4 OMAHA Van 4k Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1130-24 N. IDth. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1U9. D-6 WB MOVE pianos. Msggard Van A Stor age Co. TeV Doug. 1494. Offlcs. 1713 Web ster BL D 1 6EB ua when shipping household goods to . large cities west. We can save you monsy. EXPRESSMEN 8 CEUVERV CO.. 214 N. Sixteenth 8U TaL Doug. U3C . D-4117 FOR RENT -room house, all modern; furnace. $25. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Bile j: D-M PIANOS and household gooda movd; boxes 1 ror sale, t-oie dt uunneii. iww rarnmn Tel. Doug. 70. D M774 O 12 FOR RENT New flat, 321 Bo. 29th Ave.; the most beautiful flat of the kind In tha city: complete and perfect In every detail. Win. K. Potter, 301 Brown Blk. D MW STORAGE 'jV furnt,ure. Telephone Douglas 78. 1215 Harney St. D M827 014 FOR RENT A new modem 8-room house. Globe Land and investment Co., Patterson Bldg. I ' U-B2tl CENTRAL, steam, 4-roora flat. 220 N. 23d. D 2) MODERN l-room cottsge; except furnace, Keys. 2521 Davenport. T 276 21x MODERN 10-room brick: ras. bath, laun dry. furnace.. Keys, 2601 Capitol Ave., on ' n King 2fix Brand new.-room modern house, Oct. I, $30. t-room cottage, modern, except furnace, ; Oct. t, $ao. ' W. O. 8CH RIVER. 1023 New York Life Bldg. D M335 23 190? Spencer St., T rooms, strictly all mod ern; will be vacant October 1, $32.50. W28 Capitol Ave., new house, rooms. $22.50. Hastings Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. ' , . D M341 24 FOR RENT -room house, modern, near Hanscom park: vacant Septemher 24 rent $26; not for aale. J. C. Scl.len. 407 S. 10th D-M339 23 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk rom ln Bee office, city hall building, 411 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 A GOOD OPENING for a bakery, with a 1st class bake oven, 1713 Nicholas St.; steam heat during winter. Bemls. Fax- t ton block. I-M7U TWO splendid wholesale houses, five stories high. In center of wholesale district; cheap on account of over supply of whole ssls property. The 8. B. Mercer Co., 222 Paxton block. 1332 22 WANTED TO RENT WANTED About Nov. 1. furnished house, Went Farnam street district. Apply U! 80. 14th St. ' K-M WANTED To rent, four or five unfur nished rooms, modern. A. O. Mslsh, 31S 8. 15th. K-SiOOx WANTED To rent, by young coupH with out children, modern 6 or 6-r-om -" " . Address R 10, Bee. K-MW7 24x DANCING MORAND'8. 16th and Harney, now open. Laxsona for adults, Tuaa. and FrlM 1p.m.; assemblies. Wed.; private lessons, bail room or stage. For terms 'phone Doug las 1041. ' Tha High School Class meets every Friday at I p. m. Terms, season Oct. to May, $10. You will nna tms scnoot ins oan. CHAMBERS' SCHOOL OF DANCING, 2424 Fat nam. reopens for adults Monday, Sep tember 24, $ p. m. H'gh school, faturday, September 2$, 3 p. in. Children, Saturday, September 29. $ p. m. Complimentary cards of admission to ths opening will be furnished to past pupils .and their frlenda upon application, tall or write for booklet. Telephone Douglas 1671. -M974 PLUMBING BUY plumbing suppllea direct. Wholesale prices. Save 011 every article. Only firs', tiais goods handled. Prompt attention ta etery order, bend for catalogue. B. f . Kaxol. 336 Harrison St., Chicago. HI- LJi s FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON Large Tracts, Easy Payments TUKEY HEIGHTS Lot 2. block 2, Lot 4, block 2, 94 by 141 by 141 by 100 by 100 by 100 by $jno .$300 .$300 .$275 $276 .$276 .$275 .$226 .$225 .$226 '.$226 Lot Lot Lot block 3. block 3. block 3. Lot 7, block 3, Lot 8, block 3, 220 by EPWORTH Lot 11, 61 by 129 Lot 12, 60 by 13 Lot 13, 60 by 129 Lot 14, 60 by 129 A. P. TUKEY- & SON, Doug. 2181. 444-446 Board of Trade. RE 317 22 DUNDEE LOTS Two 'choice lots across the street, north of Mr.) Hoagland'a residence,, south and east front, about 3 feet above grade,' one block . from -street car line. Price t educed to $1,650 for both lota. ' Hastings & Heyden. . 1704 Farnam St. RE 318 21 , 7 R00MS $1,600. Near 27th and Parker. Four rooms and hall on first floor and three rooms . on '; second. Good ' cellar, city water and everything In A-l . repair. This ia the best bar gain In north end. Price re duced from $2;000-"to $1,800. W. FARNAM SMITH. & CO. Tel. 1064- 1320 Farnam St. RE 302 21 $1,700 7-Roorn Bargain One good house; elegant view; 2 large lots; biggest bargain in Omaha; near 3tii and L&rlmore Sts. C. T. PETERSON. Tel. Doug. 1089. 620 North 16th St. BE 271 21 WHY pay high rent? Let us sell you a farm. Wa have Improved farms ln Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and slaes, for sale on the easiest kind of terms and payments. Squires & Annis, Council Bluffs, Ia. RE 443 0$ Lira In One Rent the Other. Two modern residences at 1128 and il30 South 31st street with one good barn. Ground 76x150. -East front on paved street. Eastern owner will sell for $8,000. THOMAS xJRENNAN. Room L New York Life Building. . RE M 804 $700 SMALL COTTAGE. 2908 Sahler St., 4 rooms, city water, south front, permanent a4de walk. Two blocks from car line. Good terms. ROBINSON & WOLF, 423 Paxton Block. RE M243 A GOOD business lot for sale. Best lock t' .n In town. Address J. J. F., Fremont. Neb. RE M363 82? A GOOD business lot for sale. Beat loca tion In town. Address J. J. F., Fremont, Neb. RE M363 823 KERR-SIIALLCROSS CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the aafest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law auit whan you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6487. RE AN OPPORTUNITY , To get a brand new. 8-room, south front. Farnam St.'houae for the cost of the house alone. This place must absolutely be sold by Monday morning. Don't wait, but If you're look ing for a home on exclusive Farnam St. come and see this bargain. $5,750 buys this home tomorrow only. ' Nati( nal Investment Co., Douglus Block. RE-.M3I0 31 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE JAKVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam, 6 and ii per cent loans en real estate; no delay. W-648 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-64S WANTED City ioans and warranta W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1220 Farnam St. W 66K BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent, v. E. Mslkle. Ramge Blk. W-351 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. W-862 PRIVATE MONEY-F. D. Weed, 1620 Dn-jf. W-653 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omsha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-464 W ANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. w ao City farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y. U W SOS LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 506 First National Bank Bldg. W-K7 $5,000 In $500 and $600 amounts. M. J. Ken nard St Co., $06-10 Brown Block. W-2S1 PRINTING '.YNOSTAD Hign Grade 107 Calendars. B. B. corner Uth St. .and ii .IOKVE. capitol Ave. 86 COMPLETE ine of 1907 Calendars bnu Printlna Co.. 310 8. Uth St. -M922 Ol CALLING cards 25c per hundred. Castle man Printing Co.. 20H 8. 13tb St. 337 O WE HAVE a new press no lob too large or to small. Central ranting o. M-766 Oil MEDICAL i'EST nerve bracer for men. "Qray'a Nerve rood fills 1 box, postpaid. Bhsrman 4k McConneil Drug Co., Oman. OH. PRIES, specialist, womsn's d I seas a weaknesirs. ' discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly aad safely. With A ell block, loth and Harney, room 2, Omaha. U7 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAIN School of Languages Day and evening classes,- rTencii, lerinan. Spanish; fencing. Davidge lildg. 274 OJ VOCAL CULTURE Umlted number pupils taken: moderate price. J. J. Naven. 22u is. iiin. m - MONUMENTS Great Western aranlte Co. Douglas 21. 1 T PERSONAL .NY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the mairon of the Baivanon Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. !th St.. Omaha, Neb U-M1O0 USE Blanchard's Ecsema lotion for skin diseases, at druggists. Asslstanca given free by Trof. J. Blanuhard, skin specialist, Minneapolis. U M671 O 10X TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas $630. U 626 DR. ROY, Chiropody, Doug.-497. 1W)6 Far. U 627 PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 2013 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3669. U 613 P L E A T I N Cl Bu W.sRuciifhi. ' L,L,rl 1 1 1 VJ Embi-oidoring, Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging und Shrink ing, only 5c per yard. Send for prlca list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. M0 Douglaa Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. U 629 LAUNDRY CIT1 ft T K A M. 1 I loos 254. Ill S. llth St. THE Salvation Army solicits csst-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 11 N. llth St.. for cost of collecting to ths worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U-4U t REE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, Hth and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment super Vised; by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. , . U 129 THE City Garbage Co. Office, Uth and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1367. U-833 PRIVATE home during confinement; ' ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First 'Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia. Tel. 774. U-323 SURVEYING. Blickensderfer, 313 Bee Bldg. , U i PENNELL Mflllnerv Co., formerly of Hth and Douglas, now located at 322 N. 16th St U-340 04 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramga Bldg. U 834 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut B rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. U-8S5 M AONRTTn OSTEOLOGY Mrs. Rit JilAUlNrjilO tenhouse, 410 N. 16th, room 3, second floor. U M427 824 WE RENT sewing machines at $1 per week: we sell second-hand machines $0 up. Nebraska Cycle Co.. corner 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U 836 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 866. K23 Leavenworth. U M928 Oct.l FOR anything In tha aewlng machine line go to P. Ew Flodman. 1514 Capitol Ave. U M304 04 ARCHITECT O. L. Broltne, 618 Bee Bldg. U-M369 O 6 PRIVATE HOME during confinement; spe cial attention given to the boarding of Infants. Madame Pickett, 2216 Charles St. Telephone Douglas Mil. U264 Oct 3x CHRISTEN8ON, carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 1659. U M800 O 13 MAfl'NT'rTfi treatment and bath. Mma. lyLaui Axis Smith. 118 N. 15. 2d floor. U M835 014X ACORN PRESS Tel. Douglas 3762. 1510 Howard. U M204 017 TO FARMERS AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS 'We pay highest market price, charging no commission, for all kinds produce butter, eggs, etc., cash or mer chandise. Write for dally quotations. We'll send pretty souvenir postal. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U M303 A RED, coarse, unsightly skin made fair by Satin skin cream and powder. 26c. ; U MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY KVbUUBODY NEiOJS IT. And this is the place to come and get It Don't let money stand in the way of en joying yourself when it can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 307-306 Paxton Block. X-M946 23 The. Union Loan Co. have increased their capital and during the month of September will make a special rate un collateral loans, personal prop erty, mortgages and Individual notes, .without security. Terms to suit your convenience. Phone Douglas 29tH or call at 210 Bee Bldg. X MS04 Ol UK. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned 011 furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., ln any amount; less than half ratea; perfect privacy: ii.-imtdiate attention; any terms wanted. Paymeata suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Bik. 20 South lilh St. X 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. LifeBldg., Advances private money on chattela or salary; easy to get, no red tape; you get money same day asked for at small cost Open evenings till 7. X 643 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLIi and others without security; easy pay. meats, unices ln 66 principal cities. Tul man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-543 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom . modatlng; all buslnaas confidential. 1301 Douglaa. X 644 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loana Duff Green Loan Co., room 6. Barker bloi:k. X-646 MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 3)0 3, Uth. Xit CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans! Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 640 CHATTEL and salary loana . Credit Co., 633 Paxton block. Phoenix X-647 Monev to Burn But we don't burn It; we loan It. Any reasonable amount will be given you ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK AND OTHER CHATTELS without disturging them, iu shortest time after leaving application. SMALL EASY PAYMENTS Repays your loan, and If you settle before agreement expires we give you a most LIBERAL DISCOUNT. WE ALSO LOAN ON SALARIES. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. v 119 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. 306 8. 16tb St t-siabiished ls2.Jel. Douglaa 22m. X M4 TO LEND Salary loans by private party; very low rales; get my terms before burrowing elewheic; confidential. Ad dress Box ISto- X MfcOS 3u WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas-3971. N-MJ66 Ol SECOND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red 39J. N-MU12 016 --LAW AND COLLECTIONS . J M Macfarland. V N. T. L- Bldg. Tel nou. ssti. m Ok FOR SALE FARMS Cheap Land! Cheap Land! Lincoln . County, Nebraska ' We can sell you farms or raw' land in any quantity at ' $4 to $40 Per Acre . Irrigated, sugar-beet and alfalfa land unexcelled in trfeT West at one.tifth the price of the same kind of Colorado land. Excursion Tuesday, the 25th. While you are thinking about it, others will get the best bargains. Railroad fare refunded if you buy. GO WITH US TUESDAY! Payne Investment Company, . ' First" Floor N.'Y. Life -Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FINE FARMS AND j RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC , RAILROAD CO. . Is closing- out Its lands i In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $6.00 per acre. - Take advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. ; Special excursion rates to the landa, Foi further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, i 318 South 15th St., Omaha. Neb. ' . H-M184 23 THREE Bargains In Farms Highland Grove. $5,200. Valley Grove. $4,800. Parker Farm, $4,600. All In the beautiful and fertile Clear Creek valley. 30,000 acres Improved farms from $15 to $50 'per acre. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. M-153 23 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. REST INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of us. Buy direct. No agents. No heavy commissions. Finest, all-pralrte, hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollars. Kay terms. Others ask fifteen and more. We save you money.- Write us quick. I F. A. PARKER A CO., Spencer. Ia. H-287 OlS FOR BALE Ranch, cheap, territorial water right. Particulars, address, A. C. Rinck, Saratoga, Wyo. H M848 28x FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Twenty-seven general atocks of merchan dise (com $3,500 to $20,000 for land. Im prover! and unimproved. Thirteen hardware atocks from $3,500 to $8,000 for Improved and unimproved land. Five restaurants. Seven livery and feed barns, all prices, to exchange for land. Stock of Implements, buggies, wsgons, etc.. Invoice $9,000, with bulldlr.g $10,000, inoumbrance $5,000, tor good Iowa or north Missouri farm. Eight blacksmith shops. Invoice $460 to $3,000, for South Dakota land. Five drug stocks. Invoicing from $4,200 to $8,000, for land equal value. Thirty-four residence properties, located In good towns, good schools, etc., to ex change for Kansas, Texas, South Dakota, Nebraska or Iowa land. Five hundred well located, Improved farms, located In Iowa, Minnesota. Nebraska, South Dakota. Kansas and Missouri. Write for prices and descriptions. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Sioux City, la., or Omaha. Neb. Z M43S .F YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you will soon get It Z-032 WANTED AGENTS SOMETHING ENTIRELY V NEW, and needed by everybody; our $2,000 Combina tion Policies, covering r il accidents, dis eases and occupations; costing only $4 per annum each, payable quarterly; issued by this Society only. Over $300,000 already paid ln benefits. AGENTS WANTED large commissions and exclusive terri tory given. Address NATIONAL ACCI DENT SOCIETY, 820 Broadway, New York. ESTABLISHED 21 YEARS. J ORIENTAL WAIST8 AND SUITS. Agents wanted everywhere. Ladles and gentlemen are making $25 to $50 per week selling embroidery goods direct to tha la dies. Good sellers ln cities or country. No experience or capital required. Call at office or write to U. 8. Embroidery Works, 109V4 and 111 So. loth St., Omaha. Neb. J-M732 Oil AGENTS Don't accept any agency until you hear from us: quickest seller on earth; 2.000,000 sold; $20 per day; samples free. Domestic Mfg. CO., Minneapolis, Minn. J M3J7 2lx PATENTS PATENTS quickly secured ' with . ampls claims. Special fifteen dollars saving proposition for thirty days. Writ today, enclosing description of Invention. Wui. Bagger, Patent Lawyer, Wash,, D. C. M 4w4 Sept 26x F. J. LARSON CO , patent lawysrs; patent book frea. Be, Bldg., Omaha, Neb, -424 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-613 6. 10th St v 625 PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee, Nat'l Investment Co., Douglas Blk., 16th & Dodge. O t FENCING WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest prices; free catalogue. Omaha Wire and iron Works, 933-36-37 No. 24th St. Tel. Douglas ror M Sol 013 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 6c per foot. 2U6 N. 17th St. Tel. Red nt -M802 OlS CHAMPION fences best HI B. 16th. Doug. loDO W4 LOST AND FOUND LOST 6k ye terrier dog. gray, bitch, blind In right eye; liberal reward. Return to ,4t4 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 336. ' 28 LOST Small black enameled pin. outer rim of pesrls. Reward If returned to Leonard Evert It, Council Bluffs, la. Lost-M347 22 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 41S N. Y. L. TsL Doug. 1664. , li9 DR. W. W. BOWSER, over 1500 Fsrnam. Tel Douglas 6370 M354 S.v WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $500 or $1,000 horns money on ample, well rented residence property In South Omaha, at T per cent Address N 67. Ro . V 347 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE detective service. 'Phone Red T4ol. Rooms 13 and 14. Union Blk., 151 ti and Farnam. M 642 014 Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes aa extra stroke 01 two af tba peo to mention tha tact that yog aw Lhs ad. Lb Tba Bea. FOR SALE FARMS H-M336 23 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FRESH VEGETABLES Headquarters Department of trw Mis souri, office Chief Commissary. Omaha, Nebraska, September 19, 1S08. Sealed pro. posnls. in triplicate, will be received hers until 11 o'cIock a. in., central standurd time, October 4. 19n6, and then opened publicly for furnishing and delivery of such quanti ties of potatoes snd onions as mny bs re quired by the Subsistence Department at Omaha. Nebraska; Military Prison at Kott Leavenworth. Kansas; Forts Crook and Robinson, Nebraska; Fort Meade, South Dakota; Forts I) A. Kusacll, Mackenzie and Washakie, Wyo. Proposals will also be received and opened by the Commis saries at Forts Robinson. Nebraska; Fcrt Meade, South Dakota; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackenxle and Washakie, Wyo., until 10 o'clock a. m., mountain standard time, and by the Commissary at the Military Prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansa, until 11 o'clock a. m., central atandnrd time, each Commissary rwelvlng proposals for his own post only. The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals In whole or In part. Blank proposals and specifications, showing in detail the articles and quantities re quired, and giving full Information as to conditions of contract, will be furnished on application to any of the above mentioned officers. Envelopes should be marked "lm- Sosals for Fresh Vegetables, to be opened ctobcr 4, 11108," nnd addressed to the un dersigned or commissary at post authorised to receive proposals. T.' B. Huckor, Cap tain, Commissary, U. S. Army. 819 20 21 22 PROPOSALS FOR HORSES AND MULES Chief Quartermaster's Office. Omaha, Nebraska, September 18. 1906. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate,- will be received at this office, until 11 o'clock a. in., central standard time, Beptember 27, 1906. and then opened. In the presence of attending bid ders, for three hundred and fifty (3Wi lavalry Horses. Ave hundred (5flo) Riding Horses, thirty-six (36i Draft Horses, two hundred (a) Wheel Mines, two hundr t.'Aii ieaa Mines, two nunarea ana twen (220) Pack Mules, one hundred (100) Riding Mules, for delivery at Omaha, Neb., or other prominent railroad points. The . ani mals to conform to specifications fur cav alry and riding horses and mules. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or ad proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals to be indorsed "Pro posals for Horses or Mules," and addressed to Captain Thomas Swobe, Acting Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Mis souri, Omaha, Neb. 819-20-21-22-25-26 RAILWAY HME CARD INION STATION TENTH AND MARC Y I n Ion Pacl(l le. Overland LlmlteO a 9:40 am The China and Japan -Fast Mail a 4:15 pm Colo. 4 Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm Arrlea. a 3:1$ prg a 1:19 prg a 9:30 am a 6:10 ana a!0:46 pm a 8:30 prs) a 7.44 am a 4 Ml n LgiirpniuL uir. ca..a m.eo pm Los Angeles Limited. ,..aU:30 am Fust Mall rnlA.Bitn flneelal Mull a 1 :H nm ,.a 7:46 am North Platte Iiocal a 8:10 am Beatrice Lore! b 3:1? pm b 1:09 pia Chicago, Hock Island A Paelflo H. A M 1. Leave Chicago Limited a, $ 36 am Iowa Local ; a 7:0o am Chicago Mail a 8:16 am Inwa Local bl 2 ' I., nm Arrive, a 7:10 am a 4 .30 pm al0:l0 pm b 9:56 pm a 1 :4& nm Chicago (Eastsrn Exp.).. 4:06 pm Chicago tlowa Limited). a S.Jto pm WEST. al2;w pm R'r.ctrv Mountain r,in m. rl w.wi Okl. A Te Colorado a dally, b dally except Si Chleaio ureal wescersj St.: Paul ac -Minneapolis. 8:3 :3J tint 7:19 am 11:60 pm 9:00 am 11:69 pm 3:30 pm nt!' Paul ft Minn r.ktAA 1 mijt nt. Paul fc Minneapolis :46 am 6:40 cm Chicago Express Chlcsco Express 7:46 am 3.39 pm Wabash Wabash It' Louis Express a bt Louis Lical (from Council Bluffs; a I rniinrll Rluffll n B 6:30 pm a 1:4 am council eiuns , Council Bluffs) 1 .-. .m al9:$0 pm bU; am ...b 6:00 pm Ktauberrv Local (from Missouri Paclllo Bt Louis Express... ....a 9:00 am K. C At Bt L. Kxpraa..aU:16 put Chicago A Northwestern a 6:39 pm a 6.u pia Cedar Uaoids Pass.... a Twin City LxyiuM ....a a 8:3 pm a a a 7:06 am a 9:16 am aU:16 sis aiv:j6 am blv:je am a 6:u6 pm a 6:06 pm b 6:06 pm bl3:4f pm cnicag'i j-uuii.a .. NorfoTk-Bonesleel Lincoln-Long fins .ail:00 pm .a 7:40 am v 1 .w aui .a 1:00 pin .a $:tf pm b $:00 pin b 6:02 pm Deadwooa-i-incuin .... C'unper-blioshonl Hastliiga-Bupei'tur ..... Frernutit-Aiblon Cbleaaa, Milwaakee f-hl U Colo. Mnerlal... I. Paul . cm. at cum. California & Ore. j r.uru.,r 1 .l,iltrt .a 7 6 am a 7:30 am a 8:10 pm a :M am nrnia a I II M . x .a 6.46 pm Murion k Cedar R. Locib 6.46 am a . pm OU.oO pm Chicago lwxpieaa Chicago 'LtiiUmd .a 1:00 am .a ;0u pm a $ 66 p. a 7.i am Bt RLlfcWTOM STATION lot l jfc MASON Bnrllaatoa Denver A California.., Black Hills Northwest Special ..... Northwest Lpra Nebr.ska KApissa Nebraska Local Lincoln Local Llncolu Faat Mail...... Ft. Crook A Piatt on h bsllevun at Platism h. Denver Limited Behevue 4s 1'ac. June. Bsllsvue A Po June. Cbioago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flysr Iowa Local fct. Louis Express Kansas City-St. Joe.., Kansas City-Si. Joe.., Kansas City-St. Joe... Leave, .a 4:10 pm .a 4.10 pm .a 4.10 pm . all .10 vm a D.i am ..a .-oo am .Vt'oVpm .b 3:6v pm .a lo am V 8:30 am .a 9.10 am .a 7:26 am .a 3:4a pm .a k:U pni .a 9uaam .a 4.46 pm .al0:46 pm .a 9:is am .a 4:46 pib Arrlva a I to pm a 6.30 pm a 9;u6 am a 6 to pm 7;4 pm a $.06 am pm b.6.36 am a .o am a 7:10 am f: a 1.6s p,a a 7:36 am a $ o pm a 1.4 Im. slo w pm 11.30 am a 6:46 am a 6:16 pm W EBSTER DEPOT 18 T$$ A WEBSTKR Chlcaa,o, Osaaha- I. Faat, Mlaaeapolla A Leave, .b 6.4V am a 2:00 pm Artlva b 9.19 pm all w am b 9 10 am 69 p Twln City Pssaaager. Eloux ciuu lu, - " w - - Emerson Local Emerson Local allssoarl Pac-ISo Nebraaka Local, via Cliy r,wv.,i. 9 pm s;a am weeping. na,.r 0 3Mpm bU 3pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. 4 Dalle except Saturday. Sunday only, a Dalle axespt Mnda. Twin City Lxyiosa ....a am aa0:00 pm Chicago Day-linn a :i am al!:16 pra Chicago Lvcal aU:j a 10 a 3:4s pin Sioux CUy Local b 3:6u pin a 9.36 a.a Carroll Local a M pin a 9:60 am Sioux City 1-ooHl l 3:46 pm Chicago iCxpi ess a 6:50 pm a 1.30 am Fast Mail a 8;J3 pu. a .34 am L- , Mull .l-l ail, m. a un nn . mm v . . ................ win city uuincu ... J"....,.! ...... I lilillwH