Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
TIIE OMAHA DAILY MIE: RATURDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 22, 1906. 13 C R A1S ASD f fiilDIC EM ARRET ttLtrCtB Optio .FrUi"- t Bit ftr "Wilt, GAIN LOST J ON REACTION ' At CLOSE Heavy Demand fop ..W lie t fcarl, feat , Moo Tarn fettlr ifi Fellow vVBrArB lead. ' OMAllA, By. Th drftA for wheat-wait t.eovy in tit flrt hour. Opening-prices up nd the inarKkt g.'i.neV Tn et(r-ngtn juAtll price Her a b.g rri,oti above yesterday., ine irin.' , reas easily mtl, ' ubIM bein- receipt small in tnt nortuwest sn.i tvtatner thfre Mide-rv Lar.e nortft' weti Interest turned iler at the d- vmue. and loesl price reacted undtr n Influence ..4 A yesterday' oioa. jAIl mar kets rp6rtd a good cash demand. Opening1 corn price were In mpt1iy wltn wheat, bat after remaining Arm an hour, the market ' tarnrd rWeak, .aslkiiit oft to Ho below .yesterday. A fltiry. In Sep tember c'arrled prices tip a ent. Receipt were Bmtll, but eetltAatea tor tomorrow aie fair. r' Primary wheat recent ,frf. J.010.000 bushel and il.lrimerit l,00 bushels", rgalnat receipts lul year ." of 1.2B6.O0O bushels ahd nlpmtntp' tf l.Xt.MO bushel. Corn receipt were KS.OOO buriel and ship ments, 815,orio uuRhe!,"galnt rtcelpt last year of 121,00 bushels and shipment of 4-'4,OflO bushel. CIarn-- wete 664.000 bushel wheat, 'a.!.)' barrel -fitful-, ' 61,000 hrjsheil corn and lLOuo bushels oats. Liverpool 8BUe. higher on wheat. and UTtVyd higher on coro. . Rartlett of Orrlodiru wired W. R Sunder land : "The POJtitri la cemmmclng td con tract new torn, out ft hotraw report they bought y.rtno buhei of rw corn In Iowa this morning.. My Ta-re Haute bouse, has already control, led about 4.0OO bushels f new corn for futdre de I very. This Is thA best Indication posslhla of what farmers artJ dealers think of tb .cr ta." Modern Miller will say toiiay: ' Benefi cial rains have fallen In sections of th ean and southeast, where dry Weather ha delayed winter wheat seeding. This wofk la well advanced and Is now being carried on as far north a a Nebraska. Far mar a . maintain their holding altitude on wheat.' ..... .... liOcal range of option! Articia. Opcn.'i Mlgfi.l Low: Close.) Tss'y Wheat-! fept... Iec. May. Corn flept. LHC. May. Cat .sept...', 4 ! .44" : .A ' : 1 1 43 38 OS' 6 T4i 674 ti 44 . H I to rn-ln14. 141r: first, fof: nrtmi tatraa, S4c. Chea steady. HKW tnftK HRIKrlt I. MaKKflT irftat4wa of Ike Xt a Vartnaa ( aMttfiadltlea. NEW.rolK. tuft. fa.-n)i ft-Rip'". .?77 . hbls.; eports, l.o!r? bbls ; sl. 4 ' paoVaa-ei. Market dull hut JrTii; Mlnnenpotls parerjta. 4.10'u) Mlnneaota bakers, U40tiil;' wtn- irr p tenia. ,iit n win'r siraigoia. MSnvJHO; wlnty mtrai, 124? J 26; Winter to arades, U.iZm 10. Ry flour. stey; fair In good, Hj3 80: chok-e to fan.y, CORNMEaUnrm; fine white and fal low, 'i SMil as; cbHrae. 1.1301.15; kiln dried, R V B Firm; No. I western, SW4c c. I. I. Burtirto. r.ARMST-Dull; re1lti. 4nf bid, r. I f. BTirTalo; maltlilg, 4fti.- c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHBAT-Reeeipta, S5,?nd buwhels; . ex portk, ,CW huabela; aalea, 1.7O0,4i bushels; IkiiimL a MM k -1 . Bha market batly steady; No. I red. 7JVc. elevator; No. t red. nc, f. o. b., afloat ; No, 1 northern Imluth; hiHr, f. o. It., afloat; No. t hard wlnte, 7c. t.'H. b,. 'afloat. An early sharp advance In wheat today based on hUther cable arid bull news - from th northwest Was followed by quick reactions, t'nder. nortbwes selling and. moderate liquidation. ' elsewhere the upturn disap peared and final priues were practically net unrhahd. Bales Included No. 1 red. May, IrtSHo. Closed at 4 la-ls; Septem ber closed at raHc; Uecember, tOSifjia l-16c, rlosf d at MVc. t'OHN-Reoelpts. .K6 bushels; exports, ClLJtl. bushels; aalea. 111 000 buehcla spot. Spot market easy; No. 1 WHc. elevator and 47VKS f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 7VC: No.1 2 Vhlte, 68Vc. Option market was dull and no tranaactlon. May closed at 60c; September closed at (c; December closed at fclr. OA'FS-Recerpts, g4,kW bushels: exports, 11. 130 bushel; spot market steady; mixed oat 36 and 12 riotinda. t7Uo: natural whits. CO to S3 pounds. M"i4vHc; clipped whit, M to 40. pounds, 40$4bc. . FliKD Steady; spring bran. I1J.B0. Bep tambar shipment; middlings, 120 M, Septem ber shipment. HAT Quiet; shipping. 6570c; grod to choice, wftlfce: MOPa Firm; state common to choir, 1006, 11(2 17c; 1(04, nominal; olds, nominal; PaolAo coast, 1(105, 1361go; 104, 12c; olds, I.EA THER--8teady; acid, 236Ho. HlLE8 Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs, 20c: California, SI to 2t lbs., 22c; Tsxaa dry, 24 to 90 lbs., 15. PnOVISIONB-Beef. steady: family. 111.00 4511.60; mess, WOrfflOO: beef hams, $21,009 in. SO;, packet, lloootflOSO; city extra India mess, tK.O04rift.6O. Cut meats, steady; pickled bailie. 110.00012.00; pickled shoulders, nominal; pickled hams, 111.50 nl.oo. Lard, steady; western prime, t..Oti09.1O; refined, steady: continent, 1940; South America, $10.00; compound, .lii-Va VJ.8;h. Pork, steady; family, Jl&.SOfcls.oO; short clear. $l.6o18.60; mess, ll8.6O13W.6O. TA LL.O w Firm ; city (12 per pkg.), iia; country (packages free), 6viiHc RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, IHWac: Japnn, nominal. Bl'TTER Firm; creamery, common to extra, 1 Mr 26c; state dairy, common to fancy. Igiii24c: renovated, common to extra. lS'iftlle: western factory, 16gic; Imitation NEWTORRSTOC&S AND BONDS Vtrkat ii Drill tad Sltcciih Aid SearJ . BUcnatit at Timei, rtW SPECULATIVE FAVORITES ACTIVE Bask Rtateaaeat Today la Eipeeted m ! Make Favorable atemat Rt for Call Least I l.vr. cent; for three months' bills. 4Vfl4 per cent. iew lark laaff Market. NEW YORK. Sept. SI. -MONEY On call. Arm at per cent; ruling rate. 6 per cent: offered at I per cent. Time loans, dull and strong; sixty days, TTH per cent; ninety days, 5 per rent; six months, W4j 1 per can. PRIMR MERCANTILE rAPBR-VB7 PRTERUNO EXCHANGE Flrtn. th setual business In ban a era bills at 14 R8vJ 4.IC.75 for demand and at 14 77'V)r4 7975 for slxiv-day bllll; posted rates, $4 and $4 4'4; commercial bills. 14 7V,S'4.;!'V SILVER Bar, ci , Mextran dollars, 50Hc I BONDS Qovernmant, J weak; railroad, heavy. Quotations on New York bonds today were aa follows: V. rl. It, n....l4HIJaaa , t aartea..teH 4a coupon in 4n lia. etft 11 H P. g. In. rag 1"Hl So 11 torlea "4 Mm intH1 So e. rtfi t V. S. HI 4a. ri... WHl.' s N. ual 4a......lnH .inj"4 Manhtl r. (nra w 111 IMei Ontral 4a ' .111 So lat Inr 1 . T7H'Misa St U 4a.... tH .li'H W.. K. T. 4a IH .l(ik M Ut tan W. n. B. la. a. n. ait do coupon t. f. s 4a, tt. do coupon Am. Tob. 4a 00 tt Atchlaon ae 4a. do a. a., Atlantis C. L. 4a.... rlj N. Y. C. aan. Ht B at o. aa., ioiu .. 3 .. MV ..lit 7 do IHa Bra. k. T. ev. 4a Central of Oa. as 4a lit lae do Id Inc do Id lav. t4 N. J. taa. .... lla No. Paclflc 4a 104 da la ...nrr. H Hot 5 W. . 4a iaa Ore. . L. rf(. 4a.... Man tt. Ia lot 7 iRaadlns sen. 4a..... MM OMia. Ohio 4ta..lMH . U. I. M. c. 4e.)14t Chlraso at A. I(a.. 7M St. u I. T. t. 4a. t?H C, B aV Q. a. 4a.. Stt, at u S. W. eon. 4a. 71 C. R. I. A P. 4a.... Ttioaaakntrd A. L. ta. H o eoi. a ui an paciac ta 11 lit . Oataht'taia Bales WHEAT No. -8 Ixird, I ear. 5; No. 4 hard. 1 iar. MVfrc. '. ';.' '. ' Oaiulta taal' frle'es. WHEAT-NO. 1 hardl miQ tc; N. hard, Hl'tSlMttci No. 4 hkrtJ. Si8tj4Vtc No. i spring. SiHtttnC),, i-OKN-No, 1. 42f,J4llof No." 1 yellow, 43ft l4 : No. .hlte, 4;if44c: OATS No." I mixed, ; ic; No. 3 white, l11"4c: N0.4 White, ' WiUtiSnAic, .. . -RYE-No. S. t3'e; No.'!.' 82o. 1 ..-f..t 1 crenrtierr. ikfM2c. CHEESE Firm: state, full cream, small fiwy, n'4c; state, large colored, rancy, ... .it. Chicago Kansas. CltV .. Minneapolis -.v Bt. Louis . Carlvt, )lelBta. . , : Wheat, .corn. Oats. ........, 2 I4 . KIM 1 8 2. ...-.-77.:...SJ7 .. ........... 11 15 1 $! ' .. ..:.... M 71 80 CHICAGO 4,'nAJt, AU FRttVlSIUKU I Featarea the Tradla t loalnar Prices oa Board i Trae, rHICAOO, 8ept.-( 21. -Heavy . realising lies and th decided opinion Of, the bears. backed -by .short sales, that a. reaction In IRt vnttl iHlirim ft ouf,- cauvfii. pricoi in the local wheat markst today, after a strong opening, tn react cloae tu'th final uuotatlons of yestrrda. At the end of th session OeoihMr wliaAt was unchanged to to higher. Cnm wna down HHc. Oat were H47cr Jowari Provisions-were up ast Th Wheat markerf 6pened atronar on good buying by oomrnlaalon houses arid short. Ths chief ' factors wer firm csble, small shipments from Argentina and light north western receipt. . , Later hews carda thkt th northwestern crop ha been, overesti mated -an4 -that the yield In that- section will be about S0.on0.000 bushel less than last year. Wet- weather1 and unfavorable farm report were alas- factor (or- higher prices. Local, traders fought the -advanc strongly," setting heavily every . time the market halted. They ind,e .no. Unpresslon on the market, v no evr, uhtlt after the middle 'of th eeaslnn.' when price de clined under tn. constant hammering. Th market for caah. wheat waa flrrm through out th day. To market closed firm. De cember wheat opened 8fcc to 44c higher at 7RHc to 75VC,, old between 744,c and 76c and closed at . ti74'!ie. " Clearances of wheat and flour Were equal to C78.TOO hush, el, primary receipt wer 1,014,000 push els, sgainst l.lM.OuO bushels last year. Mln. neapolls,' Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts ef 700 mars, against 74H cr last week and 1,013 cars a year ago. Trading In the corn pit was chiefly in th September delivery, prices In that op tion declining from 4c to 48t.-' Cash corn dropped' to a similar extent. The mora distant future were "not affected severely, by the decline .In' September, bat still thy. were weakened somewhat. .The selling of the September option by if prom inent Commission house wss the. cause of tne weaane. prlmarv movement ayus fair arid exports small. 4The close was easy.' December ppeneO'Vtc to) tc higher at 43S'843Vo to 4W- sold between 4rc and 43k!43Ho and closed at 43c. )-oral re ceipt were.w'C car a, with 151 aair of con tra, t grade. - t. ' The slum in corn. anal, (he loss of the early advance In stlwat caused an easy close to the oa: market. Eastv In. the day the markt ' bulged along With Wheat, (coring an advance of X !ater It ue- ciineac rrom tne tola..1 nature-and closed easy, with a of alo. Lpcal longs were heavy. Seller and the country Is said to he.-otferliig train liberally.'. De cember oat opened tc to tc 4)lgher at 4Co 14V Jtc, sold between IS and Mi and 'closed a( V. Local receipta were 204 car, k. : . A The prnvlalon market, Waa flrjiv chiefly on an advance of ac in the price of live "t. i no mnraei tnrougnout was dull 'Free predictions are made 'of. a Mrht run of hogs during th next ' few -. At the close January pork' was l?i4e hlaher at $is.)2k4. Lard waa tip 5c at, 1M7H. Rib wer 6U7Vp hie-her at 17.08. r V.'Vic; state, food to prime. lltitJ12c: tate, common to fair, lOllc. EflGS Firmer; state, Pennsylvania, and nearby mixed, extra. 261127c; western flrtta. 22c; official price, HM. POCLTRT-Llv. oulet: spring chickens. fowls and turkeys, 14c. Dreassd. nult; western spring chickens, ttmtc; spring turkeys, lftSZlc; fowls, lSSH'c. Rt. Loat Oeaeral Market. BT. LOUIS. Sept. 21. WHEAT Higher; track-. No. 1 red, cash, 78j74c; No. 2 hard. 7lJ73oi December, 72S$,73ic; May, 70'3TH3. UUKN-MDtr; traca, ino. z. caan, tic; No. I white, 48ttHoc; December, 404c; May, n. , OATS Ijower: track, mo. casn. He; Nt. 1 white. 84HC1- December, 38(h31c. FLOUR Steady ivred winter patents. 20 43 40; extrs fancy Vadd straight, $2.8563.25; clear, $2.60412. 75 bekiw- I imoiny steaov; w.ou. CORNMEAL Steady; $2.50. BRAN Firm; sacked east track. ?n4Stt1c HAY Steady; timothy. -$11.00616.50; prairie. $8,003)50. IRON l.triTUM TIBS Sl.W. BAGGINO 1-16c. HEMP TW1NE-7HC. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing;. $18.10. lrd, higher; prime steam. $8.62H- Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 18.17H; Clear ribs. $92; short clears. P.7. Baoon, atesdy: boxed extra shorts, $10.12H: clear -ribs, $10.25; short clear, $10.50) POUL. rnx Hteaay : rnicaens, iuc; springs, 11c; turkeys, 14c; dunks. "4c; geese, 5c. BUTTER Firm: creamery, Kiffioc; dairy. rXJGS Firm at 17. Followln were the receipt and shlb- X a . menta I nour ana grain: Receipts, un I omenta Flour, bbls...... 6.O0O - 8.000 Wheat, bu M.OOO 69,000 Corn, bu , v-- 72.000 fil.nno Osta. bU ..... 80,000 - 48,000 'Erie fisr Ilea 4a. . do fan. 4a. Nil V. s, Steel Id aa.... lit tiitiWanaik lata litv lo da b. B..- ta n Waaiera Md 4a. U4 Keek. Valley 4Ha....1W W- AUK. 4a Jaeaa aa lol ,Wla. CTal 4a Aeatoa t tec Its ail Boadt. per BOSTON. ' Bept. 21 Call loan. 64i cent; time loans, ftp? per cent. Closing Quotation on stock and bond war as louew elgri gold with the subtraction -of drains to other quarter. An Important element In the offset was the loss of balanc to th Interior on the expre rrovemnt. whlcn rose again to above $4000,000, indicating that the Interior drain on New York haa been fully resumed. There waa a small ad ditional parcel of gold secured today and this not In London, but In Paris, and not from the Bank of France, but from other quarters. The Private discount rate In Lon don rose an additional fraction above the bank rate and the price of gold 'also rose higher, the effect beln- to divert New York demand upon Paris. Unlea the Bank of France relinquishes It determina tion not to release gold to Nsw York, It Is not exnected that a movement from Parts will attain any important proportion. Thl Increased th conviction that treasury measures were the next available source of r.NW Tk nH1 atrnrth of Hotithern i CCC. A It. L a ti lei I da lat 4a cttt Pacific waa based on reports of an Isstle "! 'a. a, ear. A. T Satithern Ry .. w 4. ia. en, t.w. Colo. Mid. If Taaaa A T. lata f-I'i: "I"-." . "'.J"?. I rolo. A o. 4a HU T.. St. U W. 4a. tl " wvtr di. rui. n inamiiicu ir- u lot Ifalaa tarllla 4a . 10S41 metai ana a numner oi minor inaiimnais Dlat. Beea. la wr arrected ny special rector Bearing on their Industries. The closlnar ton was heavy and there tm no relief from th predominant dullness. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, tl.474.Oit). United Bute 2s, coupon, declined per cent on call. NEW YORK, Bept. 21. The shrinkage la the volume of the dealing In today' stock market was principally due t tke lessen ing of the furloU activity In a few stock which ha kept up the agnregate for sev eral day past. Readlrur and Southern Pa cific wer still disproportionately atlve, but In nothing like the same degree aa for some time past. OuUid of tbe specnlatlve favorites the market was exceedingly dull ana sluaglsh and nearly stagnant at times. ine amines, or tn marxet in tace 01 an appreciably easier condition of tb call loan market and the promise of a substantial Increase in the banking surplus to be shown in tomorrow Dank atattunent, waa tne oc casion of varloua theorlea to account for It. Voices were heard In the financial district to point, out that an Inference might be drawn that speculative demand was not so efljrer to lick up resources In the call money market as detractor had alleged. Secre tary ttnaw circular to national Dank warning against lending government funds for speculation haa Impressed upon the minds of stock market borrower that they must Wait on signs of urgent need In other departments of th money market than the ran loan Drancn to induce rrexn relief measure by th Treasury department. Th contrast In the call loan rate receding to below per cent, with the tock market quiet and (flit-edged mercantile paper com manding 6V1 to 7 per cent, and also loan for sixty to ninety days commanding a premium equal to an Interest above 7 per cent, was regarded in stock market circles Aa glowing evidence of the Innocence of speculative borrowers of any part In the reaponslblllty for high money rates. This Contrast was felt to offer a convincing argument In favor of new relief measure by the Treasury department. Belief was very confident In fact that further deposits. ..100 .. 71 ..ldtlt .101 Ateklaaa adj. 4a do 4a Mat. Central 4a. Auklaoa do eld Boaton - uoeie at Me 1M Boeiaa Elevated UIU r Itch borf pfd 131 Mai. Central tin r. i., n. n. at H..1U Para Marsuatts .... U vnloa PaotSe ltfVf, am. aria. CBan.... It da efd It Am. Pneu. Tabs 14 Am. sugar' do pfd Am. Tel. A Tl... Am. Woolea ...... do pfd Donv Iraa.aY P.... Rdiaoa Eiea. III... Maw. Klectrl ... do pfd .......... Maaa. Oaa. ..J.... 1 nlted Fruit Hatted Shoo Mach. a e'd Oreene Ooa. - V. 8. Steal do prd Adventure Alloaet , Amalgamated Atacd. Bid. ...lie ...111 ...1171 ... IT ...10 ... ... n ... it ,.. Tl ... U ...uou. ... IH ... ... 27H! ... H ...1044; ... ... It XlHU Atlantic riinsham (!. A Harla.... ranlaaolal Copper Ransa Pair waat Pranklla Oraaky laia Kerala Maaa. Mining Mlehlgaa Mohawk Meat. Cee! A Coke Old Dominion oac-ola Parrot Qalaey Shasnaa rT-riiarack Trlnur vnlted Cop par .... V. 8. Mining I'. I. Oil VUn Victoria Winona Wolverine North Butte Dulta Coalition .... Nevada Mitchell rai.' A Arlioaa .llt . II . S4-4 .o . M . r . 171 . lt . to . t . 14H .. M . i . KM .lit ,. in .. 1IH tv .. us .. st .. 1U .. Mi .. N4 ..141 .. H .. m .. 2S 41i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET aMJaBBBBP B4jf 8tert and !drt Qetermllj Btatj, 0w Lower. HOGS MOSTLY FIVE .CENTS HIGHER Liberal Receipts ef Sheep aad LAsabfe, wltb Jo levanhy tbasig la Prlee fe tt Day P vV'eek. . w SOUTH OMAHAJ3ept. 21. IP. Receipt were: Cattl. Hog. hep. Otlicmi Monday.... . t-uoJ . OrTlci Tuesday 5.7u7 040 1.$M Official Wednesday 6 . 5.012 11. 1M tifflclsl Trlursdsy . 5.1M M4 omclal Friday !$oo. ll,5t Total five day .TO 14.18 6.W1 Sam day last!UH 4ai 72.1.0 Ssme two weeks a-o....rr.4!V 28.4V 70.04 Same three weeks -tgo...t3.7 . 4i.21 Same (our Weeks ago....l.$MI ' e,4M 48,j Same day last year.... 1 11 ." 2,W4 Th following table show -the receipt of cattle, hog and sheep t South Omaha (or the year to date. Compared with last rer: IP. ' IP1. Ine. Cnttle ...I ;. tW754' (Wl.610 l.t44 Hop .- 1.9t,404 I.711.K 1 B Sheep .1,294,47 1 175,8J 118,774 CATTLE QUOTATION. Th following whi show tne uric paM lor th different kind ef cattl tb Bcuth Oman market! . , .,. good to choice corn-fed steer .7wp. Fair to good corn-fed steers i2ft.'i2 Common to Xalr corn-fed steer.... 4 JO Uond to choioe rang sneer f2i'i! air to good rang a l ear. ......... WIJ Common to fair rang st-cs Good graaa cow and heifer I-Jj 2 Flr to good oow and heifer...... --j" Common to fair oow and heifer.. l.SrK Good to eholo atocker feeders. 4 044 60 Fair tn ni,a tk... . l..ri. I.hj6i4.0 Common to fair atockera.... 75SS.3p Bull, stag, ettt 110S?I! Veal es lvet ......... C0047$ -"Th following tahl show th averag prree M uog at Mouth trmana lor tu ssveral day, with comparison! T. A. Racon .Wvo. 24 cowi... .11141 v Jfiili lift lit tnthnrp A Daniels -Ne. 24 Cw IX 70 ; feeder . Sf J 48 ! feeder.. 8 Inn (bull KM 1 S bill's and stfcg no jl" bull R- 118 ealves .. Ul I t aa n,a.u-f44K in Cow nd belfer...,.! r V 64 cows . cows MIT" 1 rows M0 1 00 2 feeders.. 7l0 1 80 $ stock era. 1 PS $ stccker. M M I bull l.W IT, Ivull I5PW 1 50 i bull .- Too i Oft H. Woodruff-Mont. i5 I 80 I cows 1 $5 Co-rs..,.. 8W i rt he1f.nt.. W 1 8A heifer... H(XlMot of the hear sold c higher this morning and the trade waa reaaen ablv active. sr thst th most cf the re. celpt changed hands In very fair aon in tne forenoon, possibly aome or tns rough, undesirable hops may not have) shown quit that mm-h advance. TJi market as a whole waa- in very satlsfac terv condition. , Tftdav' advance, together with that bf yesierday, make tip frr tbe decline ef Tuesrtey and Wednesday And leaves prices bout where they were on Monday. In other words, the market 1 ftuw a hde higher than It waa at tne close er last week. ' Representative sale: N. At. h. Pr. N. 41.. 141 ... I 1214 Tt Ml Data. lie. llM.11M.pM.riM.ri!-!0' Tecum uh Arlk. Commercial 40 Bosteai Capper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar kt, reported by Logan A Bryan, 2 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adventure tl Mohawk ttH Allouei , HH Nevada Vnaioildated. r' Allantla 1! North Butta of government fund In national banks was j Ptnahara UHoid Dominion lis immediately Imminent. Estimate of the 2'"r" ?un'".1"-.7. V10" week's movements of raoh nolnt to a vain by th bank of upward of 111.005.000. This renreaents the week's arnntBltlonk or for- Followlnp were th sales and rang of price on th Stock exchange today: Bala. High. Low. rtoaa. Adamt Kiartae 171 Amalgamattd Cop par IN, ion H5i It "4 1144 Amrr. Car an Psandry I.iet 44 s 4S M pit io ii 11 IW'i Amar. Cotton Oil . u 14 M do pfd .... at Amer. Gapraaa 260 Amar. Hide at Lmtbar pfd. tot U H II Amar. lea t.hjO to M 04 Aarar.-Uoaaad Oil It da pfd 106 40 40 Mi Amar. Uocamotlva t.too 1 7SSt Ti" do pfd v , Hi Amar. ameltla A Retain. lt.iM) IMa 144't IKS do sfd too liftfe liiu 1144 Amar., Sugar Manning too iHa lma IM14 Amar; Tobacco pfd ctta... too tt , nu Aakoonda Mining Co 11 Ml Raaton Conaolldatat.. Il' Hneu. Service It Potto Coalition 17 Pneu. Service, pfd... W Calumat A Arliona..loQulncv m Calamat A Hacla Tan Shannon 11 Centeanlal. 1441 Tamarack M Copper Range J Trinity 1114 Dally Weat il United Fruit livk Baax nulla jus t nltaa nratea, Cora., St Prauklln 11H tailed Statee. pfd. Oraana Copper t74 I'tah Conaolldated.. Oranby 12 , I'tak Ceppor Helvetia Victoria la Boyal $1 Winona I.. P. A Plttehurf... H Wolverine Mataaehuaatts , Cananaa Michigan M 4T 1114 K 141 11 evr TArnt Mlnlaar AtOcfca. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Clolng quotation on mining siocks wer Sept, 10.. Sept. IX.. Bept, Id.. Bept. 11.. Sept. 14.. Bept. 14.. Sept. 1.. Sept. 17.. Sept. lg Bept. Sept. 20.. Sept. a.. 58 f 17 o 02H ! 8 OlSi V 111 14. 6 14 . 182 6 18 (9 6 10 6 44J 1 Ml I t I 64 I 61 I 58 (53 641 6 741 I 801 II I 56 6 52 6 58 6 461 54 6 71 a t 81 7 41 $ 45 6 1 4 I $3 $ 22 j 66 M 6 W 155 4A ( 62 5 04 t8 t 56 67 81 6 U 41 $75 6 14 7 5 11 IK 77 111 a I M I 23 Hor. $5.204V25 66ii6.o .00j4.62'. .00( 6.5& Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. ' Cattle. Omaha 11.50f5.e5 Chicap ;.. 1.60ti.96 Kansas City ........... 1.76(j40 St. Louis 2.004.60 Sioux City jt ; ISofit UO The offlolal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H'r'. C, M. St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific , Union Paclflc system 4 C. At N. W., east C. & N. W., west.... 27 C, St. P., M. A O. ... 1 C, B. A Q.. east 1 ' C, B. A Q., west.... 27 C, R. J. A P., east. .. C, R. 1. 4 P.,-west. V Illinois Central ...... .. Total receipts..'..;. 8 The disposition of the day receipt wa aa follow, eacn buyer purcnasing in num ber of head - Indicated: Cattle. Hops.sjheen. u 'is :: . 7 .. 1 . ' 31 2 1 e a 1 .. 1 , - .4 a a a A tt 71 35 4 Kaaaas City Grain aid Provision. KANSAS CITY. Sebf. 21. WHEAT September, .Sfic; December, tTc; May, 71 He; casn, No. z nara, ai"4 4jiic; jno. i, ilHOttUc; No. 1 red, 6Vc; No. 1. 17 HO lc 7- CORN- September, 4! He; - December, IBftc; May, state: casn, ro. r mixed, 41Hc; No. 1 white! 48J45t4c. OATS-r-No. 2 white, l$Htjil4e; No. -J mixed. ltril2Hc. RYE Unchanged. 6667c. HAY Firm; timothy, $11.75ffl2.O0; choice prairie. t..o&.GO. BUTTER Cramry, 14c; packing 1IH EOQS Firm; extras. 2lc, cases Included; flrsts, 21c; seconds, 14Vyc. The receipts and shipments of grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu .....150,000 . 1M.0OO Corn, bu 31.0 ,ooo Oats, bu $,000 16,000 1 Mlnaeapelts Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Bept. 21. FLOUR First patents. $4.Hxa4.0; second . patents, M.(ftW4.M: first clear, $.2&6!.46i second clears. K.tOQ 10. ltRAN-In bulk," $1100511.25. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The rans'Of prices, a reported by F. D. Day A Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Artlclea.r Open. I Mlgh't Low. Clote.J Yea'y WheAl-l oepi... Dec.... My... Flax ' Sept... tlct.-... Nov... Dec.,.. . I 41,47,! 74V.1-0, tlTSl 747, TSH "3i 744j 784 7S4 ; 774 iiT 1 17H 1 14V 1 14 1 16 1 11 1 12 1 164 1 12 1 12 1 14 1 11 1 11 Estimated recelnta' for ftc.-.. . wv... . The leading future. ranged a follow: Article .1 Open.ltlgb, Low; I Cloe. Te'y. Whet Sept. Deo. , May Iec. May Oat Sept. Iec. May Pork - Bept. i Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. Nov. Jan. Ribs Sept. ' Oct. -Jan. 1 TfUafj-i. P aWl. TaS -.7lV.lT4S4m 74 itwa. -. mi ' "I . JNI . . 4$t'. 4P-A SS-v . 4.'t , 41 41 14114; : J , 3'l . 43S . 43M SS 14 f:-' i4'ilI 4jH : fjp! sat. it rt ii ii $ $71 41 T 80 5 ?!'! 1 7$ 11 10 ''l 1 IS I IN Its1' , T tRHJ TO a, n V' Tt V; ' M"4 V4V 1 1A (lT$ 1 A I 11 07S SH vH .7 t T I t ?,' :.? .0Cti! .7 AS I 7 no ii un.i - 0 i . 1 4K. -J W i I 4?H M i?i 7 li I 5 No. 1 ' quotstfoii wer a follow: FIjOUR Firmer;', winter patent. $t lot $40; .tralght W.OOfiA 0; eprUig. ptenti $1704 s ralghts. ithteO; baktr. $lw tr. 7o. I ... WHEAT- Ne. t pxlng. 79tV; No. ptiiif, 74S0c: No 1 red. 7!V,.tJ7y4e-. CORN-No. J. 4H4c;.N. 1 yellow, 44e. OATS .No. 1. . 3SU.C-, . No. $ white. 1414 6V.c: No. whit, iigt4Hc it IE-rs o. c aic. -. B ARIJC Y Fair la choice maHlnf. 44fr52c. SF.KUS-'No. flax. 110'; No. t north western, $1.11. peiir timothy, $4 0. . Clover, contract grade. US 5: - PROV!410NS-brt rib. 4V looeV HMtK. Mesa pork, par Mil. $lvfa l3. Lard. per ha) Ih 44. BhnrX clear aldea (boxed). It 7tr tT. Following wer tk day receipt and hlpment of flour and a-raln: , . Rcipt. Shipment Flour, bbl .-tttno , 20 m Wheat, bu. ..; .'..in6.0 ' - 11 6"0 ?om. bu .'...;,.. ftS.Ma ' ' 17 onr, bu . 3WKI ' 17S,n0 Rye, bu l nrt rley, bu..... 10,40 ' '. fi.Ttjo On th product exrhang today the but tr market wa steady ; 'creamerle. l!4p:4c; (taUia ITtJtu'c. Egg,' firm; at mark, caac Minneapolis Caah Close Wheat: No. 1 bard, .77 Vkc; No. 1 new, 77c, to arrive, 7t4e; No. I.aew. 7&V: to arrive. 73c; No. 1 white. 73Vwf74Hc: No. 1 durum. tUUc: ta ar. rive, 24c; No. 1 durum, tiy; to arrive, Mtc; No. 1 yellow. 444e. Corn: No. a. 4Sc. No. 1 White. 0c; No. 1. jar, 3Pe. Barley: 14ff47e. Rye: 6Jfj&4c. Flax: Cash. $1.0V FbllaAelpblsv Prodac Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sent. 21-Bl'TTKR Firm, H4)1c higher; extra western cream- ry. emeiai price, sK; atreet price, 24rVic; extra neamy priuia. em. EOOS Firm, good demand: nearby fresh. 24c at 1 mark; western fresh, 24c at mark. CHEBSB fteady, fair demand; Nw York full ereami, choice, i:4Jiic; fair to good,124JVc. v , - . Fearla Market. PtJOBlA.-Sept. 2t.-CORN-Stcady: No. yellow and No. 1. 48e; No. 4. 47Uc; no grade. 4Vc. OAT8-l-ower; No. J white, Sc; No. I white, 3$c; No. I white. tlVrliCc. RYE Firm; No 1, 0.alc. WHI8KY-On basis of 11.28 for finished goods. - . , -Merpel Oraia Market. LIVERPOOU Sept. O. WHEAT Bpot, dull; So. 2 red western winter. F d; future firm; September, ta ?td; Decem ber, it 4Sd. CORN Bpot, 1 firm: American mixed, Bs; future firm; September, nominal; Decem ber. 4 7d; January aew, 4a lHd. ' ltP9-At london 1 Pacific coast) ateadv 1 104)4 Md. . -, . Mllavaako Gralw Market. 1I1LWAUKFK. Sept. B.-WHEAT-V, 1 northern, iltl.Pe: No. 2 northern. 74ib7oe: December. 7416'74.c Wd. R Y Bj-Na. I. a.634c. BARIJtY No. I. 66c; sample, TMc. (,'OHN-No. $ cash. 444Vc; December, 45o asKed. Atckil do pfd , Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio..-. 4 pfd Brook Ira Rapid Traaalt.. Canadlaa Paclflc Central at New Jersey... Cheaapaake 4t Ohle Chicago Oreat WeMera... Chicago North -atrn.. Chicago, M. A 8t. Paul.. Chicago Term. A Trantlt d pf4 C..-.. C. A St liouls Colorado Pual and Iron.. Colorado A Soutbara do Jet pfd da id pfd rnkAllnfa Oaa . A Cora Product rfg do pfd rts Dataware A Htldaoa Dal.. Lack. A Weetera Daarar A Wo Uraode da pfd Dlallllara' Becurttlea Brie da let pfd do td pfd General Klectrle Hocking Valley Ililnola Central Inter.. Paper ow pfd Inter. Pump , do pfd Iowa Central da ptd , K. C. Sautkara de pfd Loalavilla A Naakvllla Meilcen Caalral Mine. A Rt. Ututa M . H. P. A aault (la M. d p(4 Mlteourt Pacltc Mitaourl. Kaaaas A Taaaa. do pfd National Lea K. H U: ef Maalee pfd.... New Yark Cantral N. T., Oaune A Waat era . . Norfolk Waatarn do pfd North American ParMe Mall Pannaylvanla People' a Gaa Pitta..' C, C. A t. lxKilt.. Preaaa Steel, ctr do ef Pullman Palace Car . heading do let pfd da Id pfd Republic Steel do pt Rock lalaad Ce de pfd 107S let4 101 l.t'O 101-4 1011, 101 KKI 141 141 141 St St 000 125 '114. lit tn tl II 11 U.K tot list 71 40 1771 177V. 1774k .... 2St Vj 1.000 43 It 13 rot 174 17 VJ 171 too tie - rn m t.too 17tVi 177Vk 17li II 1M 3 . 1.B00 47 too 17 V S4 17 in 14 nt 4,700 lit MS HI 71 400 M7 41 17 It il 144, 4 -4 4t it rovTl 71 tt41 M .... M0 4141 i lt.eeo 1.100 74 4tH 11 47V 77 S 7 474 77V 70V, let 1MV ltt4 I44V4 aI2t X) 1744 J76 MO 17Va 17 100 II 400 484 lot. I 10 it" 174H "Vt auvt tVl 1744 ino :t 11 uu Mu I.aoe uot it imv iw tilt uu, tiv, 24 14 V, 74 71V, 1MV 14 I7IV4 171V 111 l.0 HI i4 7 " 1014 S ine tov 701 l.tOO gov 71V, 4 4 45H t.loO 141V 14 i!i u ' iivi tat tlV. me II Ml a 10 Tt4 4644 141 4V4 l 17 Owlet) Gralw Market. DULUTH. 8rt 8. WH EAT On ir.-k No. I aoTthem, T7e: No. 1 northern. 76vc; Septreter, 7V; October, 64c; December. 1: My, 7K. ' OAlav-To arrive and September, KVe. RTt r. Tolede SeeA Market. TOLEDO. Sept. 11. SEED Clover, caah and October, IT tiS: December and Janu. ary. 17.77 U; March, $7 40 Prim timothy, ti lt Vi tri aUlke, 11.20; No. 3. r,, 6 to. M.40t 141V 1414 144 tot ii" ii" JJH 4 MV M U 1 l.tos p4V4 Ml fcj 141.100 HIS UoVt 1414 OO 100 l.tnri M 1 mt tvt 4.M 11 ino 144 M t 14 V4 tH ei. i. at saa rraa. id pfd. ao 44 st. iuia Bo-tkweeter lie pV4 . do pfd Too .v Southern Paelte jj da ef too in.. Southern Railway ,. 1,700 fJ do pfd. .mi. io ,7j ;,2 Texal A Pacilc !. 1714 Tal., t. Louia A Waatarn. lot 141. .so pfd .. tne .' t'nloa Pacltc 4404 iM C. kipreta I. (. Raaltv V. A Rubber do pfd t'. t. Steel do pfd Virginia-Carolina Cnemicai. do pfd Wahath .A da pfd .... Watla-Pargo Bipraaa Weatlnghouao KlactMe Weetar Calea WkMling A Lata Erie Wiaeonala Central do pfd Northern Partfte , Caalral LaaUkar aa pfd loaa-anamald Oraat Northers I'd intarboroagh MatraaollUn.. do pfd uacred. TetaJ aama tee tka aay. et.tot rt 7 T7 444 4tV 41 1414 "S 44a 111 7V 14 164 II V JH Adama Co 24 Alice (...let Braece to Brunewlck Can to Cometock Tannat .... It Coa. CaL so Va... st Hor Silver 11 Iron Silver .....loo Leadvllla Cea. Utile Chlvf .. Ontario Ophlr Hotoal 'Savage sierra Nevada Pmall Hopaa . Standard ... $ , ...tun-1 ...17 ... It ...US .'.. n ...11 Treasary Ptateaaent. WASHINQTON, Sept. 21. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows available cash balance, $216,240,20; gold coin end bullion, $116,sJ0, 0J3; gold certificate, 136,916,640. - laak Cleartaaja, OMAHA. Sept. 21 Bank ulearlng for today were $1,631,568.44 add for rhe corre sponding date last year $1,513.17:. 38. Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. H.-WOOI-The Com mercial Bulletin of ; this city, baaing its report on statistics gathered for the gov ernment, will say tomorrow of the wool market: A more substantial Interest is being shown by manufacturers and an im portant volume of trading Is being accom plished. Most dealers are sharing In ths activity, although some are moving larger blocka of wool than are others. The trans fers Include graded, ungraded and scoured territory, fleeces of practically all grades, Texas, California and medium grades of Australian. The wool mills are taking clothing wools quite freely and the ma jority of purchases are for consumption. Th mills are undoubtedly short of stocks, but their continued effort to break price are having no effect whatever on dealers' views. A leading Sumner, street house has disposed of about 1,000,000 pound of Wyom ing stock to Philadelphia at fuH price, while Its other transactions have made an Important aggresat. A purchase of 1.000,000 pounds of Montana wool Is credited to the American Woolen company, and al though great activity .on the part of this consumer Is denied. It would not surprise some of the trade to learn that Ita pur chases this week are large. Three-eighths of both territory and fleece wools Is the leading feature of the market, while half bloods are active second. Quarter bloods are dally becoming tmnger.. Montana I selling original bag at Xtiv. the low figure being for half blond and th higher one for three-eighth. Fin medium Ne vada, Utah and Wyoming moves at shout 24c, or 4y7c scoured. Oregon and Idaho stocks are comparatively quiet. Fine sta ple territory Is quoted it 734 74c; flue me dium, eft70c. Mediant Texas is selling quite freely at 2aWfj.4c. All era den .r. request, with particular activity noted InJ' three-eighths unwashed ahd Ohio delnlne 1 ! Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Swift, from country Armour & Co., Denver.. Vansant & Co Lobman ft Co.,. Hill A Bon F. P. Lewis N. Morris L. F. Husx Kingan A Cd..... Wolf J. H. Bulla- Mike Hatrgerty , J. Br Root & Co T. B. Inghratn Sullivan Bros V. A. Brit ton Other buyers Totals 1ST 218 4;8 no 1 .'. 64 1 $ lal $6 2 '285 .24 -K . .. 21 12 221. 490 1,333 1,648 1,321 234 '.twi 18 1.78- Z71 2.165 6.079 14,504 19.160 CATTLE There was tlf ' usual moderate run of cattle for a Friday, less than 103 cur being reported on aaie. or tins num ber aulte a considerable proportion con. itted of cow stuff with no great number of good feeders or good beve on al. There waa no quotable change In th market for beef steers, th few loads here selling in about the same notches aa yes terday. The week Is closing up in very fslr shsDe. both on corn-feds and rangers Cows and heifers, owing partly to the liberal receipts, partly to th fact that buyer already had a good many on hand and partly to the fact that the week wa near it close, were very slow and lower. Sellers, a rule, were asking about ateady prices and worked hard to main tain values. On the other hand, buyers not being 1 need of any great number, were disposed to take their, time making tbe aeneral market slow as well as lower. For the two days It is safe to quote th best cow 10O15c lower with other kind 160 20c lower. In some cases salesman ratline- their common oow stuff a much as 26c lower than th high point of the week. - Tt.,., were, onlv a few Blockers and feeders In first hands and they sold In about tbe same nntcnea aa. yesteraay. Representative sales: BEEF BTEEiKS. at Av. rr. rto. to lilt 4 U I 1!J 4 74 t tso 1 a- 4 ; t2 ih 1 ,.1013 2 it 1 tt 1 tt t tat J f I am I SI I 1041 I tt a' 11 I 45 lt 1 10 10t I 44 tt... it.,'! M A. Pr. ...,it4 1 n ....1T44 f It 1A7C ltd tM, I TO i 44 1 f - to I t 1114 IN lot It Ill I 1 lit I la .tut 1 it - .1041 I M rows... 4 cows... 1 eowa... T helfera t m 1 M 1 88 lul M 11744 ir zt IIV Ill 7IU '? " v 111 .no, , . lt 4I4 n 4fi it 14P4 IMV, 104 10V 144 40V 4vt 404 11114 1114 pit 144 Ma 44 ton tl4V4 101 -74 ? V4V, 44 Th shipment of wool from Boeton to date from December 27. &. according to the noma. utVirtrlrt. n . 1 9ci ttr. ..... against 174,170 271 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date ar 226. 866.683 pounds, sgainst 22,077,21O pound for th same period last year. BT. LOns. Sept. 2U - WOOL - Steadv medium grade, combing and clnthlntr Ifa 28; light tine, Jijtrrc; Tieavy fine. 144c; tub washed. l58c. I5NDON. Sept. 21 WOO 1 A sale ot Cap of Good Hope and Natal aheepskins was held here today. . The offerlnas amounted to 137.78 skins, of which 151 were sold. All th skin wer In good condition, except eastern province. Prices generally were W& lower. . IM I 71 .471 j Tt , 47 I Tt . t4 i it . Ml 1 tt lilt ft ,iuo i tt . tot I 74 14 141 1 44 to 1114 144 It $.11 tun i" 444 lav 'to n" ii" to IM 14 it4 171 0 tiv, IT? aharaa. taas Claelaa It4ck. IXlNDON. Sept. a. Cloning quotations on th BtoVk exchange were: "uu'"l,on on Cenaola. maaay . da account Anaconda Atrblaa do pfd B. A O Canadlaa Paclnc (ace. A Ohio.... Chinas O 4V M . K. ft T.. N. Y. c antral It ...111 ...14 ...lit ... 1444k ... 4A Norfolk A W o sfd Oat. ft W. Panaaylvaaia Mae Mlnaa sea etas M. ft St. Paul.. 114 l!otbarn Rail De Boers D A R O a pi tVa , o lat pt do I aid Illlnata Central U ft h'aakvllla.. US 44 V, . at 4H. . PJH,, . v: 14Vi it waa . a pf others 4acl . 1 bios raritc ao pie ., V. . Ptael Pf Wabaah da pfd tpaalah da .. 174 ..14 .. 174 .. tt .. MS .. T4 .. 4 . TI4 .. ttvt ..!., .. 7V4 IMV, .. M .. 4T ..navt 44V4 tS SILVER-Bsr. steady; IH4 per ounce. nwbi-ri per cent. DISCOUNTS---I'll rat of discount in th open maikst for shqjt blili 1 4vj4V pr Oils aa Rasla. NEW TORK. Sept. 21. OILS Cotton seed, firm; prime crude, f. o. b., mills 24 U 27c; prime yellow, 11c. Petroleum, steady; refined New Yorh. $7.$0; Philadel phia and Baltimore. 17.46; Philadelphia and Baltimore in bulk. $4. $6. luroen tlne, easy st (tAO4c RO8IN Firm; strained, cdmmon to good, OIL CITY, Sept. 21.l-OII. Credit bal ance, $1.6$; run 16,2$1 .bbls. ; average V0.014 bbls. Shipments, 121, (31 bbls ' average, I!.t0$ r-bls. SAVANNAH, Sept. 21. OIL Turpen tine. Arm, tl 4e. ' ROSIN Firm; quote. ABC. $$6043 1 86 D, $1,868$ ; E, 11.10414.00; F. $16 4.06; B. $4.00(14.06: II, $4 1044 16: I $4 1504 25; K. $41604 60: M. $46; n! $4 6, W O. $6.16; W W, $1.46. CesTe Market. NEW YORK. Septi tl. COFFEE The market for coffee future opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 5 point In reapon to lower cable. There waa none of the support from leading trade Intereeta noted yeaterday and Ih market waa generally easy dkirl..- (i.a middle aea. Ion under ecatterad realising and bear pressure. Th close waa ateaoy at A net decline ef 1 tn 10 points. Sales for the day .were reporter or 17,50 bags. In cluding November at 46c; December t 46t(60c; March at' ((. 76c; May. 7645 0c; July. 7c; August, lew Spot, auady; No. Rio, IVic HEIFERS.' . 4 I 4 1 .tit I 44 ' 1 . tst I ta I . to 1 4a M . tt I 71 ' " 61 HUL-nV .1rt.1t 1 . til 1 2 1 .K44 I II . t 1114 ' "calve.. .14 1 t 11....:. . : .1 11 1 ,4(tt t . 14 4 it 1 14 4 10 - I...... I IM STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. 4fil i 40 1 DO I t 144 1 00 I Ml $ Tt Ml I 94 II -J... Ml I N 444 I U ' 14 ..... M I WESTERNkt AA'BRABKA. I helfera... 668 I 40 t cows 88 t AA T feeder.. 14 a ( 77 cow 836 3 66 1 calves... M IH 6 calve... Z'O 4 60 43 cow &64 I 80 it II.. I.. I I . If I 44 144 t to til I Tt IN t tt to tt feeders.. lo 1 M . 16 tfiwi ... tl7 I 40 i hetf.rt... 738 J 66 ieer.. 1X0 $ i row pt 1 os 1 clv... t; $ 1 bull .ino $ 4 cow 1067 f 12 row M i 80 1r.. 718 t fede -1 : 160 loo 2 60 fekd er.. 1087 ( feeder. . 445 1 cow 7"9 00 2 cow 1300 2 t i cow $12 tt KeHraaka 1 feeder... pV) 1 38 I cow P0 t 75 ' 1 COW. 1040 1 it TO feeders.. 107 $80 26 feeder.. P10 1 4 4 calves... 186 6 00 1 cow J 2 76 . 2 cow 1640 2 00 10 feeder.. 14 1 20 U A. Welch, Nebrakkt. . "3 row 24 1 65 cow..... 7M 3 00 1 bull 1100 2 60 , ; E. E. French. 88 calvr... 24 4 50 80 ctlve... 261 110 1 heifer... 493 1 66 - 13 helfera... 507 1 00 Reed A K Nebraaka, 14 cow 41 I 70 1 cow.'..... $1 $ at . - vauxnn, feeder.. 103 $ P) T feeder.. 1 $ . 1 raw Ml j 00 ' I cow 8M 1 55 W- R. Whlllan -Neb 54 cow and heifer 170 1 9 WYOMING. 11 row 803 I 5 1 cow 1120 J 15 ft steers.... 44 10 24 steers. ...loot 4 It 6J steers.... k'Jl- 4 00 4 taer.... $30 I 76 t heUer... noO 1 AO bd Clayton, Wyoming. !2 ter....H2 4 1 I atear... if) 410 J steer.. ..10 10 2 (r. ...1130 1 2 uer....148 4 10 . ' E. H. Mead, Womlng 11 cow ..,.. IW- 2 86 $ cow 106 is I steer.... 630 i 86 1 bull 1314 $00 P. M. lisiiagiier wyo. tn cows 108 I 36 1 built 1410 I M 2 steer.. ..I'M 4 46 12 steers.... 121 1 7 4 steers.... 1M0 4 14 I kcr...1060 1 60 : l M PM P4 kt tat 171 .... nt rtt tt it 4 141 ri 4t to tl tt II tl.... II... t IS t On (1 01 ... I t ... t f 4t t mv ... 4 ai'4 ,.. totv ... t as ... I M 40 4 04 ... If 60 I tt 44 I I ft..., tl.'... tt ... t4.... 41.1.. 4T...I 44... 1 fv. Ph. rY. It 40 I ill ...141 4 t II ...HI ... Ill . ...Ill to 4 II till IM t II .til 4t t II .441 to t It tt 4 II M I II I II t It I t 10 "'A' tl. 44. It. 42.'.'.,.'.'.'.'.J4 til rt til ... tl (43 tt Tl n4t ... 41 14T 40 41 ....... .144 ... tt..' 141 . 44 t 10 44 4 ... I It tt tt t n .141 14 t to it t 4 tin IM I tta K4 ... II .Sit IM 4 tt .111 ... It 40 4 H 8::r. 11.. . tt.... i..., M... to Ill Tt 14 .117 III ,.nt .114 11 in to t Pi 44 t 11V ... to ... M tt 144 4 N m ... (nt 114 84 I 01 .11 4t 44 .HI ... t 47V .! t 7v .IM 110 4 07 Vt .171 ... t 10 .tit I II .77 10 4 1 10. .144 40 t lit N.,., 4t 100 I 131 41.... UV at.... STAO.N 1 ..471 st I M ttf bju... oinaiiav 1 ted mot suu. rt iaiui.1 iwatr.s ttiau .u vter . U Uiavt k uuuulieU. lul leputlwu 11 ClUUH,u, bt. Utyll, .4lll -'lf -villi aum Bluux tnv mliu uai ,. usaui wuercaa tu uuieiai uuuiil ,t tiuuiu vtuaua Was u,W4 ueaui. aaui luku tu,M, tui.leeu uoubie aecas tmvm ml buUini oumim tuter $ otsiuva, in nour ui wuitu the sih mat coiupkuy i'iom 1U tur in uay, so mat iny vriiul inciuued in yes- keruay a na ultra, lmvis tuna. nuwvr, aie i-aiiisr to u aveaueu tnau tnviuiiuca u tney teaa to a aeinulaliaaliun ot priOt. but 11 i rignt tier mat im bwutu oumiiia mat ket iiivwtu up 10 th best advautafte. tn spite or in txceaaiv tecaitla, uuyet toud up 10 tbe racat and tuua pi-actiualiy everytuuig, .without enough ulneianc 111 price to oe noticeable. 1 radically every tiling, either teener or kulera, mat oeuid b quoted desirable sold at auou. kady price, it would be poesMue to point out aie that looked a little lower, but tt Waa also possible to point - out others tnat iooaexi nigner, a for example, letder yea. - unga Bold at .the tilaheat tooint of the yar. Wnen It wa all over with and th cau house dosed for the flay It wa found that, barring seven loads of soeculators' stuff Shipped to an eastern market, thai were only ten cars ieTt unsold and the most of them were carried over more oh account of th Impossibility of their being ahaptd up in time to be sotd. In looking over the sales reported sheepmen should bear In mind that after a continuous downpour of rain lasting for several days the stuff ar rived here In the worst shape possible. In raot tne owneia themaeleea would hardl v have been able to .recognise much of their eiurr. 1 The receipt thl morning, whil nothing like aa heavy a yesterday, were much larger than usual for a Frtdav. - belnar In fact the largest run for that day lnc the opening of the range season. After tli heavy receipts of prevlou day buyer might have been xpotd to liana; back A iim mis morning, out, on the contrary, iiiey were out in gooa season ana tne mar ket was fully steady. There waa vara lit. tl stuff among the fresh arrivals suitable tor sillers, out such aa there was sold quit reaaiiy. r eedare lo . Bold In. about th aama notcnea a yesterday. .For the week there haa been com nara tlvsly little change-In deilrabl. kinds of sneep anu 1 am Da. Bom oT th ctmmon medium kind of feeder lamb poaslbly are a little lower. . Quoutlon on Where: Good to choice lambs, r.OOW.60; fair to rood lambs, $6,769 7.00; good to choke yearlings, $o.76$6.16; fair to good yearlings, 4o.iJ6e6.7S; good to choice wether. $6.1btj 40; good to choice wee." $-7C45.l; fair to good ewes, $4.64 4.75. Quotations on feeders: Lamb, $s.78d Ji ,yrln. $fi.25(.80; wethers. $4.65 FAS'Li ."" i'6'7; breeding ewes, $6.00t.26. 1 jt , Representative sale: , No. 434 Utah w, cull jsi Wyoming ewe, feeder Bt 4 46 I ts vvyoming ewe, reeder.. 101 Wyoming ewes I WVomlna; ewes 11 Wyoming ewes ...... . I'tah ewes 108 I'tah yearlings 117 Utah yearlings 661 Wyoming lambs, feeders:.. 65V Nebraska lambs .,..;' 51 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 308 Utah Iamb 1401 Utah lamb, feeders 1104 Wyoming Jaitibs, fedr.... Sal Wvomlna lambs, feeder... 2U Utah Iamb 807 Utah Inmbs 235 Utnh Inmh 10 Utah lambs , 14 nstlve bucks 212 Wvomlna wethers, feeders. i nebrsska cull lamb, feeders Jilgir: trtfi. $S0; bulk of sales. MFifHiV KF,r NHKFP AKIl IMMRK-nertlnta. head; matitet ateady. Met M. lAval live Ntax-k Market ST. IXIUIS. Mo.. Ser.1. 51 -CATTLE Ite. felpla. I.ftvi head, lnlurllng l.Sotl Texan. Market steadv; native shipping and fyirt steers. $4 vf? 80: rtreaaed beef and butcher' strvrs. UTnelfifO: steers anrti-r !.'' lbs, $Mj48; stm-keri snd feeulera, $!.6or4.; cows and helfera. $3 St.ji6.25; esn nera. II fcie to: hulls. AVfati4 .n: ralva. $150417 $6: Texas and Indian steers, tit", t l": cows and heifer. 15.m"(i$ 50. limit-Receipts. 4.n head Msrkot 64 kll.-, .!- - A 1 1 . K . . u ,,id Bl- , fiq,'6t, butcher and bent heavy, $.4t$ so, SHEEP AND LA MBA Receipts. fVaj hd. Market strong, na try e muttons. $3. (j5 76; lambs, $40p f0: cull and buck, R.0t$1.2t; Btdckcr. $3.7MI500. OMAHA WMCH.K1A1.K MARKRYN Rtapl a ad Faney Predae. EdUS-Isr dot , 18c LIVR Poultry Hena tvurine: rocAter. $c: turkey. U 13c: , ducks. 7Ci sprind hlckens, 10U4)imc . BUTTER i'arkina stock. 164116KC: cholc fancy dairy, l7l$c; creamery, Mf4s. HAT'-Prlee auoted by timaim td com pany : Choice upland, $8,601 mtdlum, tl coaiae, $8.0018.50. Rye straw, $.bu4i.w aiHAN-t'er ton, 116,00. VEOETABLES. fWtET POTATOE8-Per bbl., llOA. TOM Ai rviVC ll,.i r.,wn. ur k-aaat a I lbs . . wax BKANrt per snsritt naaxvs ,01 about It lh., 860. TVNIP, UKBtTS AND CARROTSPer bu.. T6c LEAF lOCTTUCB-HoUious; per Oe. hed,J4V, CELHiRYPer do, S64J40O. . CUCL'MUKRAMam B-inwn. Mr 4U 26c ONIONS - Home grown. 1to per lb. I Bpanleli, $1.TS per crate. GREEN ONIONS Pet do, bunch tto. RA PISHES Per do, bunche. lotJIOC, NAVT BEANS Per bu., II. I. A $LX , LIMA B4SAN8 Per lb.. Vio GREEN PCTPPICRI Per market taukeU 60c, PARBLET Hothouse, per dot. buatcB 10c. CABBAGE Horn grown, per lb., 1V4. IfitJO PLANT Per dos . 7. POTATOES-Per bu.. 66. TROPICAL FRUITS. CRANOKS Valencia, accordlttg t t4JSO0. LTMONS- UnaOttlerw, extra faney, Is. $8.00; 80S sue, $8 60; 10 MS. $10; other brodl4, 11.04 lea. V . BANANAS'-Par medluhi-ld bunck, $1 762 K; Jumbo. $2 W47I.0. DATE8-Pr lb.. WMo. FRUITS. PBACHK9 Colorado. 75oJ90c: Missouri, per -basket crate, $1.001 26, CalUorula val ways, pur box, 86c. . PLUMS California, T.oi.7t; Orol Italian, prune, $1.25. PEARS BartUtt, Per box, 2.25. OHAPKS-Mom rown. per a-lt baakrl 17c; Tokay. 11,74. " APPLKS Per obi.. 2.006il6. CRANBERRIES-ler bbl., $.00v MEXiONS. . WATERMhlLONS Pr lb., 1C1V4. r bout 2iya.M'o eaoh. CANTk.liOLPk.rJ Colorado and ArlsOna, per crat tatandard), $1.760140; poules, $1,141; Rocky ford tandarda. $3.60. CUT BEEF PRICES. NO. 1 ribs, 12c; No. 1 ribs. c; No. I rib. tVac; No. 1 loin, 15tc: No. 2 loin, 13c; No. t loin, 8c; No. 1 chuck, 5c; No. t chuck, 4c; No. Tohuck ic; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 1 pound, 7c; No. I round, 6Vc: No. 1 plate, tc; No. t plote, 2!c; No. 1 plate, 2c. . ' MISCtLlANKOUaV , SUOAR Granulated cane. In sack. $5.41; granulated -beet, In tack. 46 31. CUE.ESK Swlas, new, 16c; Wleconiln brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, let; twin. l4Hc; young American. 1670. COFFEE Roasted. No. oa, Vo per lb $ No. . .ovto ver ib.t No. ii. 18740 T No. 10, ltB pr 'b. No. , US per lb. NUT) Pecan, larg. per lb., 12o; mll, per lb.. He. Tlmond, soft shrtls, per lb., io; hard shells, per lb.. lifl4o. Cocoa nuts, $4. per sack of J00. . , SYRUP-lU bbltv IJo per til; 'In ease, t 10-lb. can. I1.J0; ces. il 5-Jb. aoa, H H; cases. " cans, U., HONEt-Per 24 frames, ttttv Tn. bOTi'W'Vt AlUtavi ii yiTiBi.w- 4jr-1, can. 11.00; 2-lb.,.A 7ycjfl.oo. Plneap-' ' , -ih.. 12.06tU.3v; alloed. tl.kvti . . , . u, 260 Wyoming ewe 106 Wyoming ewes 6ft Wyoming ewes, feeders 886 Wyoming cull Ihmbs. feeders 11 Wyoming cull lambs, feeder 150 Nebraska ewes, feeders 40 Utah cull lamb, leaders. .. MP Utah lamb ...( 81 I'tah lambs, feeder M Utah lambs, feeder.......;.. 114 I'tab lambs, feeders.....,..., fM Utah lambs, feeder.. f1 Wyoming lamb .. .340 Wyoming lamb in n yoining tamos Av. . 1(1 : 8 . 107 . 101 . 102 . lOi . 100 VV . 63 . 47 . 54 . 63 . M ' . 6 . . 66 . 71 . 71 . 70 . 78 42 101 81 4 80 . inj M M 14 70 60 6 62 81 M Bt 5T 58 6 Pr. 80 S3 4 8 4 85 4 86 4 8ft B 76 5 To K 40 , ( 90 75 (K 7ft' J 00 W 7 on T 00 5 00 8 25 4 60 4 80 4 80 4 00 4 76 6 09 t 25 t 60 71 T 75 78 76 65 66 I t 86 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle steady Heca 'tteady ta Five Ceala MlAker. CWICAOQ. Sept. . ft.-rATTLB-Recelbt. 4.600 head..- Market steady: common to prim - steers. $8.76474. M; rows. $2.; heifers. $3.oft.3t: bull,' $2 4W4 SO; calves, $3 0011 non; stneker and feeders, $2 hcub neeetpt. w.noo neaei. Market wa steady to 6c hltrber: eholce lo nrime heavv. $6 86f.4t; tpedlum to pond heavy. $41547 a; butcher weiant. tnaontso; mod to choice mixed. $.i64S4.60; packing, $.50fT.ft; pig. $6.70 W. SHEEP AND T.AM fig-Receipt faV) head. Market steady; sheen. $4 606.76; yearlings, $6.7MJ4.15; lamb, $6.00r'T.76. ,. Kaaaat dtp Live JBIftrk Market, KANSAS CITY, Sept.-ll.-rATTtfiV-Re-celpte, t.(K) head. incliirTTrig too soul herns; market slow but steady cholc export and dreseed beef steer. pntAfi); fslr tr) good steer, M00fltt).0; western fd steers. $3.40 ro; storker snd feeders, $2.6Ti94 60; outhern steer. $2.74.00- southern cowa $: OOtja iOt nstlv rows, $1.7641$ 75; native helfera. $$.60jt.00; bulls. $3 Hk83 Tji; calve. tS.PMf 00. , . HOOS Receipt. 5,30 head: market steady to 6c lower: top. $4 4; bulk of Aea, rtWg-4 40; heavy, $KiAnn. pachr, $ 40; -plus and llghta. $4 0nr 46. SHEEP AND I.AMBH Receipt. S.000 head; market ateady; lamba. M.0T5 7 tit rang wethers. $4.7o4.54; weatern year, ling. $6.2016.70: western . Sheep, $4.00436 It' tocker and feeders. $15065.50, . . -.lln ertnleB. fancv. 12.86: CatlfAt-nla. "V 1 .r.r-7-- 'ti 4i.o o7..i.. SVrlCOtS, II W't-i ; -. iv, fanCP, 11.7642.40; It C. pcacnej. M.OOI,iu. Alaska aaltnon. red. $126: fancy Chinook, F-. WW; fncy eockeye. F..; Mrdlnes, ti oil, $2.76; mutard. M.0O. twtei po tstoes, 11.1 .'1.. sauwai-aut, ll.txjj pump kin, SOctJl.OO: wax bean. 1-lb. 428yc5 lima heani, J-lb.. 75cfil.o; jimaohn.Uj rh-ep pea. 2-lb., 0c; extia, ..iuc; fAiioy, CuSrED FISH-Famllx Whlteflsh, pep eusrter bbl.. 100 lb.. M.W; Norway mek rL NO. L $9 00; No. I, 16 00; No. 4, $24.00; Iilsh. No. 1, $1 0: herring. In bbls.. 20 In. . ach, Norway. 4k, $1200; Norway, tk. IU.M; Holland, mixed, $11.00; Holland barring, In keg.' milker-, 80e: . mixed. Til. FISH Buff U. :urg fjrwd. to; trout, -medium or large. dresd, lie; pike, dreaaed, llo; halibut, fin tock, 11c; catflah, draaaed, 15c; bullheads, dressed and skinned, llq; whit peroh, dressed, fc; crappies. large, lie; aunfich, pan ali. tc; whit lavs, xtra choice, -12c; pickerel, tc; aaimon, Chinook, 11c; whit (fish (frosen) lie: mackerel (Bpsnlsh) ,16c; native, per fish, lt-tc; codfish, fresh frosen, llo; flounder, fresh, frosep, llcj blueflsh, fresh frnaen, 15o; haddock, fresh frosen, 10c; red snapper, dreaaed, '12c; smelt, No. 1. per lb., 12c; lobster, (boiled), per lb., 40c; gTian, 37c J eel. per lb., 18c; troll legs, per do., 16c; roe ehsd, $1 each: had roe, pair. 46a. HIDES AND TALLOW-Orn wilted. No. L 13,c; No. 2, 13vc; hull hide. J10c; green hides, No.l, 11 c; No. 1, 104c; hor,; sheep peH, tOctlU-ai. TalUw No. 1, 4c; No. 2. tc. vVOOL-Per la.. 114116, ' ' Metal Market ' NEW YORK. Sept. 21. METALS Th London tin market wa higher with spot quoted at 114 7a 6d and futures at 181 2 d. Lorally the market wa quiet with spot quoted at 131.864 40.06. Cop per wa higher in the London market with pOt and future both quoted" t 88 12 6d. liocally the market waa firmer and higher with tbe big producer asking lite outstdes quoted. !.ake 1 o noted at $11. rt 411.60; electrolytic at 111.0441 11.25; cast ing at $18.37H91.12H. Iead wa un changed at 11 t Id In th London market and $.75t.$2V. according to de livery, In the -local market. Spelter wa unchanged at 2t ls In London and $1.30 e. 4 . locally. Iron wa steady abroad, Cleveland warrant At 64 7 vs. Locally th market was Arm with No. I foundry northern quoted st 20.16 21.00; No. 1 nrthern at $11.75 Cr20.60: No. 1 toutidry sou' hern, $26 603 20.15; No. 2 foundry outhern at $2000026.60., ' ST. IOUIS, Sent. 11. METALS Iad. dull at $i $6 0 6.16. Spelter, quiet at $..., Cotrosi Market. NEW YORK, Sept. COTTON Mid dling uplands, l.ikc; middling gJlf, l'o; Bales. 'tt bsles. LIVERPLXjU Sept. a.-COTTON-8pot msfket qultt; prices f fninl lower; Amer ican middling fslr, .oM; good mlddllnf. l.ild; middling. 6 67d; low middling. Td; good ordinary. I 13d 1 ordlnsry. 4 ld. Th (ale 01 in aay were o.ww pmra. vi w,. 500 war for ppeculatlon and export knd Included 4.504 American. Receipt, none BT, LOVIS. Sept. ll.-COTTON Market, steady; middling. ; les, 13 bales re ceipts, hone; shipments, $0 bales; stock, 11.14 bales. ' ' NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 51 COTTON Spot market closed steady: sales, 2.176 bales; low ordinary. l-16c. nominal; ordinary. l-lc. nominal: good ordinary. Vc; low middling. 8 11-lcic; middling. -le; good middling. M6c; mlddlle fait. 1 16-lc nominal: fair. 1-16c. Receipt, 4.P&1 bale; atock, 17.033 bale., Blow C4(p life Block Pparket. . SIOUX CITY. Sept. ,l.-(Speclal Tele- frm CATTLE Receipt. 100 head; Mar et teady; bevea, $4 fAoAOO; . row, bulls and mixed, $2.6014.16; atockvr and feed er. $3.0044. 26; calve and yearling. 42.6CO - HCKiB rteceipt s.nro head;- market bulk of sales 14 steers. ...I"! 4 1 4 Bter..M t i 14 ptesdy. selling t $6 66454 It; Ti.904jW. v Bterk la Blaltt. Receipts of live stork k I the six principal western market yeaterday were a follows: cattl. liogs. Sheep Soulh Omaha ." Sioux City . loo Kansas City ono St. Joseph .. Bt. Ixiuls .. Chicago .... ,....'.1.781 -.r. i 004 4 60) $.40 1000 A)0 1 IM 4.000 io.fy 11.600 turtj 4.16) 6.14 Totals. K.485 4.151 HfciAl,'A'li. tHA.Ssrat.M4l. 44. Jewiepk Live llMk Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. " 11. CATTLE Re ceipt. 1.766 head; market alow: native. $4 6('o16; ewa and heifer. $1.501610; Blockers and feeders. I trt 60. ii(Xi-Receipt. 1141 bjead; otArket 44) Benjamin Fplaont and wife to Lul l ..ull. T lot 1 ulld rf, Olot'k aie- oiuana '. H. n. iJoueii n wu to u. .. Da vi ct,iirtMiiy,.loi la, irk 4, s)ed turd C. f. 'matcher and wife 10 J. O. Voting, iota sO and 4, Kairtnounl liac C. F. Iixthauen 'to A. 1 vvailln. hVk kt 14 and ni lul 16, ounnys.d add I John VondrA to Anna ViAidra, V lot 17, block 0, Rroan Park 1 Fred D. Weed and wife to Oeoig Harpster. lola 1 and 2, Coe add..... l.FB John I', rtauman et al. to M. I. Mitt la ft. lot 4, a, t. 7 nd 8, Snlioh add. 1.4 4 A. F. MltxUff to M. P. MitAlaff, lot 11, Siiiloh add 1 Carl W. Anderson snd wife tti Jume Msnry. lo I nd 16. block 1. Hal cyon Heights l.ftS. Carolln M.'Ilass and husband to M. M. ormsby part lot 1, block t, Hraokllne . , 1 4n0 Carrie 7. Crenshaw to James McClalr, lot It and i. blrH'k It. Central Park 450 Richard Edward and wife td Lottie H. Lytl. eV kit . block 16. Shlnn . 1,600 Fmma J. Smith to H. A. Tukey. lot 1 and 17. block 2. A. S. Patrick'.... 1L&4 23.154 1 peter tlravert and wife to A. P. An- dreasen, lot. ana 101 , mors; 24, Benson 2,600 Jed P. SttrTler and wife to William, Kate anq aiargarrt riynn, mu reel lot t, Waahlngton Squar 1.104 Ba J