Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE Oil AHA DAILY BEE: TnUESDAT, REPTKi. 6KR 20. 1 906.
rjorlnn t . It . land .' In western Ne
braska. Colorado and Wyoming.
Fro tsss to 16.00 per acra, ,
4'ak lihrultn of th low price ana ey
trmi offered, tha opportunity will eo i
be gone.
Special excursion rate to tha lend
r"0 further InformaUnoi apply to
SIS 8outh loth St. Omaha. Nab.
; ;- . u-mim a
71IR15B Fargelns In FarmsHighland
Grove. $R,. Valley Grave, 14.100. Parker
Kami. S4.60O. All In- the beautiful and
fertile Clear Creek valley, jo.ftoo arrea
lnprod farm frnm tlf to tW per acre.
. T. Campbell.- Litchfield, Neb.
V M-151 23
canaita Land, Canada land,
fest investment of alu
Buy of u. Buy direct. No agent. No
heavy commissions. Finest, sll-prslr'e,
herd wheat land. Nine nnd ten dollar.
Kasy terma. Other aiH fifteen and more.
We aave you money, write ti quick. .
at CO., Spencer. Ia.
H-787 OlS
A Farm at Your Own Price
We will aWll yoti twenty es or more,
on payment plan If you like, tl down. II per
week until - paid. Produce M htiahel
wheat., tin bushels . oat. .40 bushel" corn.
Vegetable . end frulta. No Irrigation.
Campbell system of farming. Good land:
S to 1 per acre. Can you afford to. own
or rent high- priced land: when Colorado
land I offered at above re tee? Own some
land. Tou will be happier, independent,
live longer and be a better eltlsen. Will
take out Trty of buyer tn October. Re
duced rate. Fare refunded to purchaaera.
Write for particular.
r. . Bale Bureau.
4 Neville Bide;., Omaha.
, - v . . . h-mh
(SODA FOUNTAIN, any alt. 18U Farnam.
- ; - - - Q 7a
61IKTvWlN-W:iL.t.IAM8CO., heM mixed
Saint. Sherman McConnell. Drug Co.,
'ttnha. . Qm
HALL'S, eefev new, Id-hand. 1811 Farnam.
.. . it-ni
F6n 8ALR New' and second-hand billiard
and pool tablea; we lead the world In
cheap bar fixture; easy payment. Brum-wick-Balke-Collender,
eoT 8. 10th St.
. ,'. U-7W
TWO BeIt letter cabinet in rood condi
tion, 'mod of walnut and have two
drawer each! "Call at Bee business offlc
abd get .- bargain. . .
Q 441 X
FOR BALK Steam house heating boiler:
was uaed to heat l-room bouse; will b
sold cheap. W. li. Brklgsa, engineer Bee
Bldg. : Q-M43
KP V3 your mall ' orders for drug;
freight paid on tit lota. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co... Omaha. Q 800
VjO S10YE8; must be aold In the nest 0
day. Chicago Fur. Co.. 1410 Dodse.
XtERSO'N piano, good a new: price right.
Hamilton. .. Q Ml 98 2ox
iuuahii riA.u ror sate qneap. (.all Red
Mil or nzi xmo. tbtn er. y zstix
hlut ' grade- fox ', terrier ' puppies. Tel.
UyURlRS yw.4.. WiD no, 20m. J 24 zix
tb.m SHARES Pylvanlte Deep Mlntnc and
Tunnei lq. i stock at a rargain it taken
' at onee Address P-17, Bee.
PATENT tjulckly secured with ample
elaima Special fifteen dollars aavtng
proposition fo thirty days. Write totlay,
enclosing deacription of Invention. , Wm.
bagger, I'tcLXwyr, Waah... iX C.
"Th , It got Sept. 26
T. ' J. - LARSON COV patent lawyers;
patsnt book. free. Be Blag., Omaha, Neb.
...... y -J4.-
procured, Invention developed, drawings,
patterns, castings, machine work.. 604-tUi
8. 10th St.- -U
PATENTS procured and sold. I fee, Nst'l
Investment Co.. , Douglas Blk., 16th A
' Dodge. . . . M-Jttt O f
LYNQSTAD High . Grade 1107 . Calendar,
ft, JOHVB, , Capitol An. -o
COMPLETE line of '1907 Colendar. sneU
Printing Cp, U0 8. Uth St. -MM Ol
CA1XING .card Tbo per hundred, Castle-
man rTXntllyg, JLu..; 2CW?
109A g. 13th St.
H7 04
WE HAVE a new press no Job to large
or tao small. Central Printing Co.
. . ... M 7o Oil .
Eventful and truthful predictions given.
CU 111 M. lth Bl-i Opp. Boston Store.
. i B Mist-'
MESS V BWOnODA, 14U Faraam. -73g
L. 1IENDKRSO V. 1519 Famam. Tsl. Doug.
1M ...
WETMORR 'detect ve service. 'Phone Red
74S1. Rooms 11 and 14, Union Blk., 15th
and Farnam. UMi 014
J M. Macfarland'lC N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.
Doug. aU. M ttHJ O
-Headquarters Department of the Mis
souri, umce Chief Comrnlnaary. umaha.
NebraskLiSeprrber 1. 19u. Sealed pTO
poaMia. In -trlphoate, will te received ber
until U '.vIock a. m.i central standard time,
October 4, liaM, and then opened publicly
for furnishing aad delivery of such nuantl-
tie of potatoes and onions ss insy b re-quu-ad-by.
tha Subsistence Department at
Omaha, Nebraska; MiUtary friwm at Fort
lsvenworlb. Kansas; - Forts Crook and
Hoblnson, 'Nebfsska; Fort Meade, South
Dakota; Forts. H A. KubsoII, Mxckemie
and Wshakle, Wyo. - Proposals will also
be received and -orwned 4y the Commis
saries st Forts Roblnsin, Nebraska; Fort
Msade, South Dakota; Forts D. A. Kusaell
Markeosie. and- .Washakie, . Wyo., until lli
o clock.. m. matin tain standard time, and
ny tne c ymuinn.ary at tne Military Prison
at Fort Iavnwortb. Kansaa, until 11
o'clock a. nv. central standard time., each
Commissary receiving proposals for his own
post only. . Tha right la reserved to reject
any or. tttl propoaaJs In whnls or In parti
Blank propoMls and specifications, showing
In detail the articles and quantities re.
qnlred. and giving full informatiitn as to
conditions of contract, will be furnished en
application to any of the above mentioned
officers. Envelopes should be marked "Pr
boeals for Fresh Vegetsbles. to be opene-1
October 4. IsOe, and addreeacd to the tin.
deralgned or commlsaarv at post authorised
to receive proposals T. B Hacker, Csp
taln. CommlssaO', V. t. Army.
. : .. . 819 30 U K
Omaha, Nebraska.' September 17, 1j4.
Sealed proposals. In triplicate. wlU be re
ceived her and by quartetmasser at the
post named herein, until lo a. nv, central
standard tn itrtober 9. IK.- for furnish
Inf oats and aay during th flacal year
ending Jane ,i 17. at Fort D. A. Rus
sell, Wyoming. Proposals for delivery at
other places will be entertained, if. 8.
r?.ln'" r,ht W rJct-or accept any or
all proposals or any part thereof. Informa
tion furnished on application here, or to
quartermaster at th station named. En
vekopee containing proposals arte eld be
shirked "Proposal, for Forsge." snd sd
J.r""ert. t; fV M GRAY IA14N8KL
Offio. 10 fearl
Cm Filed, Tried, JndsTnent Render., and
'' Paid in Cut Est.
Caart Aasleas . Adjearn talll
Monday, bat Farred to Walt,
tbe Oraad Jary Waa Rat
Ready ta Re part.
A record waa established In the district
court of Council Bluffs yesterday. A
personal Injury damae suit was filed in ;
tn morning, an anawer Died by tne ae- Bp, I)f(. Mrn 8rsh Huffman died yes
fendant, tried to the court In the after- tfTgty morning at the age bf 1 yeaM.
noon after the time limit tyarl ktii waived tt.. . . . y. . . y. - uk
by the defendant and Judgment entered
for the plaintiff. Jsme Ircon. a minor .
in tn eyea or the law, sued by nia next ,
friend, Nels C. Nelaon, to recover dam-
ages of the Northwestern J'eallroad for
the loss of his leg resulting from an ac
cident on July 2. of this year.
Laraon waa a car cleaner In the em
1 M , W M . . I .y.1. I
Vwj oi me """"i '
cttv when the encldent nernreed Aonnrd- I
. ...
Ing to the regular rule, of tha court hi.
ult. being filed but ye.terday. could not
nave been docketed until tn October term
had not th defendant company waived th Tne ,fCnnA husband of the deceased' was
time limit. The company, however, waa Jot Hurrman, long since dead Huffman
agreeable to hav th matter disposed of , bffIvM t0 haVe boen by some of the
at one and consequently both .idea older jinvhts a iocsi Methodist preacher
waived a Jury and the caae waa tried )n tne eary -aos
before Judge Macy. who decided that the j Mr HutTmAn had for several year been
plaintiff waa entitled to a verdict In th j MhUy Wna bu, r,uln,d her other facul
sum of 1,00. Th railroad accepted : t, to fc remarkable degree until a few
the decision of th court And th Judgment j dayt Wore r dMthi whrn her
was paid shortly after tha court made
It ruling.
The suit of K. A. Troutmar, against the !
Council Bluffs Street Fair and. Carnlv! !""""" ..Z
profit, of the company resulting from th
fairs held in 1S03, 1904 and 1906. was
continued yesterday by agreement to th
October term, when It I. assigned for th
opening day. ,
Judge Macy was anxious' to adjourn
court yesterday until next Monday owing
to the lack of cases before him and would
have don so bad th grand Jury been
able to report. It 1. expected the grand
Jury will report .orae time today, when
court Will be adjourned until next Mon
day. The following third assignment ' of
equity caae was mad by the court yes
terday: I
Monday, September 14 Hoaaland 1
against Schneider, et el.; Hoagland !
yMi1!.1"111 et "J;! Epp BjBt PP:
berth et al.; Oranger agalnat Castor;
nipsrry aaainsi ntayoerry.
Wednesday, September 21 Smith
against Smith; Shillaber against Crane et
al,; Squires, trustee, against Crane , et aL
Thursday, September 27 Boren against
Boren; Oregory against Gregory; Malta
mann agalnat - Lisbon Mutual Insurance
company; Keellne against County Treas
urer; Richards against Butler et al.;
Illinois Central Railroad company against
Pottawattamie County, motion; Welling,
trustee, against Pottawattamie County,
motion; Mayne agalnat Pottawattamie
County, motion; .Mayne against . Potta
wattamie County, motion. , .
Friday, September 2 8 Jacks on.' against
' . '' it
MJNT. The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of tbe Utat of Nsbraaaa,
aa hereinafter set forth in lull, Is sub
mitted to the elector of th Slat of Ne
braska, to be voted upon at th general
election to be held- Tuesday, November e.
A. L . laua. - .
Be It enacted by th Legislature of th
Stat of Nebraska:
Section 1. Tbat at th general election
for atate and legislative officer to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Moo
day in November, lavs), the following pro
vision bs proposed and submitted t the
elector, of the .tat an amendment ta
the constitution.
Section There .hall be a State Railway
commission, consisting of three members,
who shaltiby first elected-at the general
election In 1WM, whose terms f office, ex
cept those chosen at tbs first election under
this provision, shall be six years, and whoss
compensation shall b fixed by the legisla
ture. Kit the three commissioners first elected,
the one receiving the highest number of
votes shall bold hi. office for six years,
th nsxt highest four years and the lowest
two rs. , The powers and duties of such
commission shstl Include the regulation
of ratea, service and general control of
common carrier, as the legislature . may
provide by law. But ln the abaence of
speclllo legislation, the commission shall
excrete the potters and perform tb duties
enumerated ln this provision.
Hectlon 3. Thai at said election In th
year lauti. on th ballot of each elector vot
ing thereat, there shall be printed or writ
ten the words: "For Constitution Amend
ment, with reference to State Hallway
commission" and "Against Constitutional
Ameudmeat, with reference to Stat Rail
way commission." And If a majority of
all votes cast at said election ual be for
such amendment, the same shall be deemed
to be adopted.
1, A. Galuaha. secretary of tne Stat of
Nebraska, do hereby certify that the for
going proposed amendment to the constitu
tion of ths Stats of Nebrsska la a true and
correct copy of the original enrolled and
engrossed bill, a paasea by the Twenty
ninth session of ths legislature of th Stat
of Nebraska, as appeara frvm aald original
bill on Itle in this office, and that said pro
posed amendment Is submitted to tbe quali
fied voters of the State of Nebraska for
their adoption or rejection at the general
election to oe neia on lueaaay, ta MB day
of November, A. p., 190. . .
In testimony wbereul. I nave hereunto
et my hand and affixed th great aeal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln thl. 24th day of July,
in me year oi our unm iiiuusana iNine
Hundred and Six, of tha Independence cf
the United State the One Hundred and
Thirty-second, and of the stste th
Fortieth. A. GALUSHA.
(Seal.) Secretary of State.
Chief Quartermaster's Office, Omaha,
this offlc. until 11 o'clock a. m.. central
standard time, September 27, 190. and then
opened, in the presence of attending bid-
ders. for thre hundred and fifty Ja
lavalry Horses, five hundred t50v) Riding;
Horses, thlrty-elx (34) Draft Horses, two
Iad Mules, two hundred and twentv
ai Pack Mules, one hundred (100) Riding
Mule, for delivery at Omaha, Neb., or
roan fointa. Tne am-
.Irv anrf riiii.. hnra .nrf m.,l.a IT-,. -4
-..j -"--" y..
pi.iw 1 " i . - iiuy .w i v iy ur iwjvc.
sny or s.i propoeaia or any part tneitor.
Particulars and blanks for proposals will
be furnished on application. Envelopes
containing proposals to be Indorsed "Pro
posals for Horses or Mules." and addressed
to Captain Thomas Swob, Acting Chief
Quartermaster, Department of the Mie
sourt. Omaha. Neb. 819-20-21-22-26-
- Offlce Omaha, Neb., September a. IsUi.
Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subjeot to
the usual corditiona, will b received here
until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard
time. October 1. lSutt. for furnishing and In
stalling tranfermr, service wfree- and
watt meter for electric lighting post fx
change and gymnasium at Fort Omsba,
Nebraska. Full Information furnished oa
appli-atlon to thl. office, where plana and
specification may be seen. Propoeasj to
be marked "Proposals for Installing an
Electric Ushting System." and addreseed
to Major M. Oray Zallnssi. Constructing
Qiisrtermaater, Army Building . Onutt,
Mb.aka, SptJi)-il-iS-a-:-Ocd
Hewitt 1 X Tre"U.r" ''t ChrVtlan sssoiitron. pkrt lol T i September 25-E.tat of J. Z nww 'nd p,rl ,w, i"
Krohn. hearlna; Taylor aaalnst Hassel- !r..w.iJ' ':'. ' --:'"'' ri -i " 00
Su Tel. 48.
Jackson: Rice against rVlee". rtttaoquecfiee
Pavings Bank sg&lnst Brauntr et al.
Dan't pound the Ufa out of your fine
Wilton or Armlnster rug by cleaning It
tha old-faabloned way. There la a better
way; cheaper In the Ions run. Our way
will not Injur tha . Oneet fabric ' Our
wagon, will call. Tel. 611 The Council
Bluff Carpet Cleaning and Rug Manufac.
turlng company.
Planoa that are often sold at from 1260 ,
to tns can be bourbt for $180 on easy pay- i
ments at A. Hospe Co., 28 South Main !
street. Council Bluffs.
Mrs. aarab HasTman pasties Away at
Harna of Haaahter.
Having lona- passed the usual allotted
uri utcurirvi ex uic i ..i i it-ny t- ' i y .
w. Fvttt.r,. im Avenue M." with whom j
thf ntd made her home for the lat fifteen
ra. Fettlsh nrinr to ber second
n,.,,!,, wa, thf widow of Mrs. Huffman
son, Charle Wright.
Mrs. Huffmsn, whose early history Is
somewhat obscure, wa born In New York
named Wright and "by him had four sons,
. . . ., '
v naries, veorne, jameB ana mnnso, u 1
of whom , tm clvll w,r snd . j
of whomhave "since died. Mr. Fettl.h was
ia , k..i. - i.
almost failed. For a number of years ha
bad been more or less dependent upon tho
Th, funera, wtn he held this afternoon at
oclock fr Woodrlng-. undertaking
rooms and nt(.rm,t wll, b, ln wlnut
Hill cemetery. Rev. A. Overton will con
duct the services. A
Owaer Needs Money., r .
Must sell modern, six-room dwelling -near
high school. Tel. H. , Charle. T.. Officer,
41 Broadway.
A. Metsa-ar at Co. --
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
618 Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs, Ia.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitor. Welopme,
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfer were reported to The Be
Beptember 1 by tbe Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
provement company to Thomas E.
Huff, part lots 6 and s, Casady'a - '
ubdlv of O. P. lot 82; lot 1, block 7,
Orlmea' ad. and part Original Plat
233, Council Bluffs, w 4.000
John L. Osbom and wife to Nellie E.
Messmore, lot . block 12,. Giimea'
ad. Council Bluff, w d 1,500
William C. Johnston arid wife 'to S. ' '.
D. Hardin, lota 21 and 22, block 10.
Highland Place ad. Council Bluffs,
w d t .-. -.. T.500
A. M. Jurgen and husband to C. O.
and A. M. Sell, lota 1 and 2, block
6. Mynster Place ad. Council Bluff,' '
w 4 ...,..( ...-.,........ 1,2
X D. Edmundson and wife to L. end .
J. Maeaenberg." lot T." block X'TDe-'0
gna BHdga a3. Council Bluffs, w d. '12i
F. J. Bchnorr and wife to Mary Boren- . ,.
nn, lux e ana f, diock , Dunu
ad. Council Bluffs
, w d..A.. 60
Robert F. Rain to Robert L Rain
part lot 6, block 34, Central .ubdlv.
Council Bluffa, w d.....
Total, "elgrnf transfers
For Imported wine, liquors and Bud
welser beer go to L. Boeenfeld., wholesela
liquor dealer. 619 Bouth Main street. ' '
met restaurant, 620 Broadway.. V-
Mayor 1'Bwllltasr to glga.
After a prolonged- conference - yetsterday
between Mayor Macrae and President Nash.
of the Cltliens' Gss and Electric' company
the former was still of th opinion that he.
would return the five-year contract passed
by th city council Isst Monday night . un-
signed at the meeting next Monday; night. ..
rresiaeni rtaen pointed out in support i
of the', contract that Under It franchise
the lighting' company waa compelled to
furnish tha city with free electric light,
for It varloua buildings, such a the city
hall, police headquarters and fir houses.;
mis, n assertea. witn tne I per cent re
bate on the company' gross earnings on
all other electrical . business In th city,
I t XimnmAft f i - v ,Mr1 miitm ry Wrym.n'.
t vuuncii diuqi nrai s.nuiie ana im-
would mak the cost of the arc lightal liberation, but will report thla morning,
practically the asm aa In. Omaha. - - fwhen it will be dlacharged.
If th atx -councllmen who voted to p' Motion, to rem.nd.- tlMr dl.trtct court
prove the contract last Monday, night do
not change their positions on th question
before th next meeting their votes will be
Sufficient to pass the contract over the
mayor's veto.
CENTRAL FliOUR-ll.lB. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phone 24.
M..w. . t a '' ....
"i"1 .rwnn.
September IT. College office open evening.
thl. week. Weatem Iowa College.
Qtolea Wateh Recovered.
A 'gold watch toln about three year
go from Beth Reed of this city, who waa
killed In railroad accident out weet
about three month ago, has beep recovered
by tha police. About two weeks ago th
watch wa. pawned with a local pawnbroker
on Broadway for 116. who listed It In his
report to the police. The description of
tha watch waa recognised as tallying with
Albright of Glen avenue, a alstsr of Read,
secured th' watch by paying the amount
advanced bv the nawnbroker on It
"Vnc VT tno pawnbroker pn it.
robbed of the watch while
asleep under a tre In the vicinity of hi
om on Blxteentn street. Tn
P" n
! "ho pawned th timepiece stated he had
, found It whll digging In a manure pile
binA th, lMrn t nU nom- -h
Hce hellev to ha tha on aa tha r,-..
TtJ Mm
er AWTFkD ta mm twtoaO
CKaa a auk. knlii.Mili.tfr.
bUM KO lit am Of F.I
.mm,. aa m ia.. a ' . w H asana at., I
Id quest Ion. hears an'Mcellent character In J
Swan m Mualc company. 7 West
Broadway the pi see where you will find
a splendid assortment of planes to select
fronts Con u-,v Cable flchubrt - and
King-bury. All clean, new goods. Price
and terms to suit every pf"nn. Wi think
It a g-ood house to rtealwlth. I
N. T. Plumblnn Co. Tel. tWl. yljht, JfX j
Marrtasre l.leeaaea.
Lerense to wed were Issued yesterday (
tn the following:
Name and Resident'. ' Aire.
O. M. Thompson. Missouri Valley, la.. ? ;
C - ... . h I. Cn. IUwitl.l ' . II A V 1. Ql
rmn g j,nBert B,a,M; orrta'ha..".. M
Kate.B. Petersen, Omaha ..
Andy Knudeen, Jr., f.'ounclt Bluffs...
.. 2J
.. 19
Mary Russell, Council Bluffs
F. W. StTobehn. MoOlelland, la...
Clara. E. Eyre, Council' Bluffs.. ...
R. dC Oudath; Omsba .,.
Llllle Berth. Coiirfcll Bluffs
O. Fl McMiillfn.' Neola. la.........
Jessie M. Herrlrk, Bent ley, . Ia
George Young. Omaha .
Alice M. Willi. Omaha
William- Bergstrand, Falrmount, Neb.
Agda Helnhorg. Fairmount. Neb
0rtK, w i ,, i ni.,..
AaC.MCotfncll Blt.fTa ! . . .." ".. : ! !
Jame Carroll. Council Bluffs
Mabel Matthews, Council Bluffs
If you think of painting your house let
us give you em estimate now. W.e guar
antee the paint made of pure' ma
terials, mixed and put up by skilled me
chanics, so when we paint It stnys painted.
. ' mntrm - .-, w.n
We also bay Some Odd lots Of artlstl wall
, . , ,, . i .rf.
P-rr h''f V. '"".
T W". '"'.I !L. Ll 1 !"
imr .i " .yy,,.. -
Jensen Nicolaesen, 23V Broadway..
If you need a sewing machine or want
to rent a machine of' 'want your fnaf-hln
repaired, call on Williamson, at 17 Bouth
Main street. He has machines to rent from
25c up.
Parlar Maslcale for Church.
Wheel No. 8 of the I-adJe' Aid society of '
the Broadway Methodist 'church will give'
at parlor musical? Friday evening at the
residence of Coun(y Recorder G. G. Balrd.
1U6 High street. The following program-
a 'been arranged
Piano duet Hungarian Dsnce. ..Mnxknwekl
Mrs. John Sylvester, Mr. Bessie Fletcher.
Bmlth's orchestra .-.. Selected
Solo In Dream 1 11 Dw.ell.Wlth Thee.. ,'
Helena Bingham
Miss Mary McConnell. I
Chorus Selected I
Broadway Ckir. ' I
Cornet - Duet ., ...... Selected i
Miss Hasel Gaff, .Mr. Alfred Flower.
Solo ...V.....:. Selected
Dr. OTaud Lewis. i
Smith' orchestra..,...,.....,,... Selected !
NEW BTTILDINO of the Monarch malleable
Iron . and steel Mnge.' ! T ohly perfect
rang on the market that lasts and give
satisfaction. Keller-Farrrsworth Furniture
company, tll-lt-16 West'.Broadway, Council
Bluffs, la.
All persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to Duncan" Dean or the Duncan
Shoe company are requested to call and
settle at once. ' .- t;-i,
6.300 acre, good farm land In ae.tern Colo
rado, IS per acre and uriino irrigation re
quired. .Can raise all kinds of ..mall grain
and corn. . A few good "homestead Join
our land. Bend for printed matter. V. C.
Louge. 124 Main tret. Council Bluffa, I a.
Far Rale.
tl.60 A MONTH.1. WILi INVOICE 13,000.
Jewish Jlew .YesTt jffbserVaaee. '
Th Jew . of Council "bBlufta began th
celebration of the Jewish New Year, 6666.
last evening with service jo the synagogue
on Mynster street. 'Th celebration will
eontinu Until FrldayV.gftertiAon and during
that time all place of business coriducted
by member, of the faith will be kept
cloaed.". :; , . ..'T"'.. "
Yom Klppur, th great pay of Atonement,
falls on th tenth day of the new year,
or September 29 In. .the ordinary calendar.
On thla -day a solemn rnemorlal for the
dead Will "be held; This. ly Is the most
acred' of th Jewish year and will be ob
served accordingly; 1, . ...
Wod! Wood I Wood!
' CHUNKS. A . BIO, RICK. 11.60. BRIDEN-j
Matters la Federal Court.
The hearing of motion and bankruptcy
matter occupled"lh' ' attention ' of Judge
McPherabn ln thefederal court yesterday.
Th grand Jury, did. .n.ot complete ;t de.
owner of the Sapp building and Rlcf
gainst the' Nebraska' Telephone company
were submitted. No' dectoron wa. reached
In th 'former, but . the buter case wa.
ordered remanded.
Davla. drug.
Clark', aodag. '
Stockert .ells carpet..-
Fine "engraving at Lefferf a."?
Ed Roger' Tony Fauat beer; .
- Get. tho new phot 01. at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby Son.
Lewi. Cutler, funeral director, phone 7.
. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel 139.
School supplies. Alexander's, 331 B'way.
Buy your phonographs and record, from
Williamson, 17 South Main street.
Oeorg Hoagland has the Kansas Shall
brick. All herd brick. Oet bis prlcee.
Be Stephen Broa. for Ore brick and fir
clay, .ewer pipe, fitting and gardau hose.
Harmony chapter,' Order of lh Eastern
Star, will meet thl evening In Maaonlo
Urn pie. . . , ... I
W. take contract, for jpapur nanglg, i
painting; and interior dscorating. Berwick, ;
ii Doym a)a. , .. ,
Nibl school opens Monday evening, Sep
tember 17. College office open - evening,
"hi week. Western Iowa College.
Thousands of piece .f sheet -music and
i elayyMly Ml u i il kyenry . il 11 . u I lay. u.yta . t
j the Bourlcius piano House. 33 Broadway,
i Council bluffa, la
1 7. . T. tVV" "Y.i.-
j lO rbAHu D 1 liLE. 1
I Day 111 oar ton for caat Iron: mixed.
110; iov. $; rags.. JVs per lb. ; rubber,
7 c; copper. 14c perJO.. 4., 101
Main, Xotn 'phone 160. ,
Th Woman' Relief corps will meet Fri
day afternoon In Oraad Army hall. Ail
meinbara are requested to be lu attendance
to prepare for inspection. -. .-
V wboiesal ice cream. Shipped to any
part of th states- ttpeoial prlcee t the
retail traiie, I MuoCI. Ill Wast Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 1(4.
W hav th finest in of sampl monu
ment s to ssiect from ia tb wu b heal ay
Sl Lane Marble and Uranite works. M
tasi Uroauaay, Countl Biuffa,. la. ,.
Tb aupervisor of Pottawattaml and
Haxriou countiea will, uieet la Joint ses
sion today aa a drainage board, when mat
ter oounected with tne Harrlaon-Potta-wattami
drainage dltcke will b taken up.
" Jame Carroll and- Mabel Matthew, a
oung ooupie of thixll. ' were married
by Kv. henry DeLong last evening; th
crmotuy being erfornie4 la U. preaeno
of friends at the Detxn mission chool
on Avenue F.
The further hearing of L. Jnffe. the
Ixer Broadway dealer, charged with hav
ing tainted bef on sale by Fond Inspector
Miller, was continued until next Monday
on motion of the attorney for the defend
ant. fharlea B. Prtc of the Commercial Na
tional bank left Inst evening for Kansas,
where he experts to remain shout a week.
Ward Price left last evcnlna for Mercers
burg. Pa , where h- will resume his studies
Irt th college there.
The Clark Drug company will serve the
following drinks this week: American
Sundae ISc; Madja, I?: Southern Heatity,
-l&c; Kldorado Riindae, ISc; Tropical fundae,
15c; Hnppy Thought. ISc; Carniscleta Kls's,
V; Horllck s Malted Egg Punch, lie;
Msple laf. ioe.
Charles Jones, a colored youth who Bp
plied for a "hand out" at the back door
of the residence of William Whitney, lioa
Avenue A, waa In police court yesterday
morning., charged with the theft of a pair
of rubber overshoes snd an ancient,
wenther a'orn cost from the rear porch
of the Whitney domicile. The hearing a as
continued until this morning, ns Mr. Whit
ney did not put In an appearance until
court had adjourned.
The right of the circulation department
of a newspaper to "hold back" a portion
of a carrier boy s pay ss a guarantee lor
the faithful performance of 'his duties is
Involved In a suit tried yesterday before
Justice Uardlncr. The fatlirr of Hert Mux
field, a boy 11 years of age, sued the
Onmha Daily News for 11.51 which had
been held bark from the pay of the bid,
who 'only worked one week and thn quit.
The- Daily Nw filed a counter claim for
133.23. allcsrlng It bad been damaged tu
that amount by the loy's negligence, but
In court counsel stated there waa no desire
to press the counter claim.'' Justice Gar
diner took the case under advisement.
BUYER; they are of much Importance to
us; by having all three of the right stand
ard we hav gained and continued to hold
the trade of a large and discriminating
class of customers. Can't we have yoursT
Order are filled promptly " and carefully ;
and prices are aa low aa the prevailing
market rates will permit. John Olsen, 730-41
West Broadly-
. NsrtknMl Iowa Conference.
FT. DODGE, Ia., Sept. 19. (Special Tele
gramsThe northwest Iowa conference of
the Methodist church opened auspiciously'
with a large attendance here today. The
conference was addressed today by Bishop
Earl Cranetonvof Washington. D. C, Sena
tor DolTlver and Rev. A. B. Kendig of New
York. At the business meeting Rev. E. 8.
Johnson of Rock Rapid was elected sec
retary. Rev. A. H. Bryan of .Williams,
treasurer and Rev. J. L. Gillies of Odebolt
statistical secretary. -The most Important
appointment of the conference, that of pre
siding elder of the Ida Grove district,
which place wa made vacant by the resig
nation of Rev.- Mr. Southwell, will be made
tomorrow. Rev. Walter Torbett of Sioux
City and Rev. E. S. Johnson of Rock Rap
Id. are moat prominently mentioned.
Weaver Will Oppose I.aeey.
ALBIA, la., Sept. 19 General . J. B.
Weaver of Colfax, former congressman
from the Sixth Iowa district, wa nomi
nated today for congress by the populiet
Independence league, th organized labor
party. He will oppose Colonel John F.
Lacey. Weaver waa one candidate for
th democratic nomination for president.
Preliminary Hearlaar f Wyemlsg
Girl Is Itw in Pregrea at
Shertdaa. ;
' SHERIDAN. Wyo., Sept. 19.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Th preliminary hearing of
Edna Irvine, charged with shooting George
KnlghWi foreman. of the Big Red ranch at
Clearmont, began this afternoon.. Th wlt
neeeea are all here and the lawyer will
fight th case In detail In Juatlce court.
' J. L. Thomas asked for a delay on ac
count of attorney, being engaged In the
trial of th divorce case of Csrrle L. Rob
ert, against William T. Roberts, a big
sheep man at Clearmont, and of th HO.rrO
damage suit by Robert, against Donald
Thompson, a sheep man of Clearmont, for
alienation of his wife's affection., but It
was not granted.
Knighton testified that on September 3
he went to the barn and saw the grannry
door open and asked who did It. Wright
Foster' said "I didn't." Miss Edna snid
"I did It and I want you tn ahut your
mouth." Knighton did not say a word In
reply, but went Into the granary to pick
up sacks. Th girl snapped her gun. but
It did not explode. The second shot took ef
fect and she rode off whistling, not knowing
If the man wa dead or not. HI testimony
was corroborated by'three other wltneeses.
Mr. Irvine on the stand showed a letter
by which he was atlll employed at $3,000
per year to deliver "U-croas" cattle. He
had us 'of the house and the company paid
two Japanese to work for him. On August
19 hi wife telegraphed him to come at
once. He left Cheyenne and was met at
the train by hi daughter, who told htm
ah had been Insulted by Knighton. At
the ranch he saw . Knighton and .aid:
"You hav In.ulted my daughter, God
d n you. If you ever speak to her again
or ever bat your eye at her I will .drive
you so far nut of the country you will
never get back."
Mrs. Irvine testified to hearing Knighton
object to killing five chickens for a dinner
tn Vice President Parker of the Colorado
aV Southern a few weeks ago, also to many
other annoyance, at the hands of Knighton.
Th hearing was then continued until
7:30 this evening, when Miss Edna Irvine
will teatlfy.
laanraar Coat laatoaer Realans.
PIERRE, S. D.. Sept. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) Tnsurance ; Commissioner Perkins
has resigned, to take effect October 1.
Governor Klrod has appointed to the place
Lrn P. Doty of Doland. Perkins expect,
to engage In the life Insurance business.
Wreck la Illiaai.
ST. LOUIS, Sept 1 Two fsst mail
trslns on the Baltimore Ohio Southwest
ern road collided forty-five miles esst of
here last night at Beckemeyer, III.. In
ternally Injuring Thomaa Bowman, an en
gineer, and Klward Hammersly, a fireman.
About six other persons were hurt, none
seriously Injured. The west-bound train
Wsa seven hour behind time, owing to
having been in a wreck at Huron, Ind.,
where It crashed with the end of an ex
press train a. the latter was taking a
, beautiful and
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother mutt
piag, .however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend to prepares tho system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great ana wonaertui
remedy is always
has carried thousands
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
Sead lor Ire baok eoaialntBf lafni attea
f pneeleee value to all espseiaet aioibtra . ,
Ts Sradnslg fUgilatar Cs4 Atlaata, ta,
toniemtiTe and Erytn followinc Lch
Want Wglib'i Flat.
Plaae Had Reea Delay the Appolat
aaeat t'nttl After the Kleetlea,
bat the Farlloa Cfiald
Sot Walt. v
1)K8 MOINES, Sept. 1.-(8peclal.) Hon.
Cato Sells Is a candidate for the vacancy
on the democrstic national committee from
Iowa made by the resignation of Charle
Walsh, and W. W. Marsh of Waterloo is
also a candidate for the same position.
Marsh is the candidate of the ultra con
servative' wtng of the democratic pan
and Sells i lh candidate of the. Bryan
people. It had been supposed that In the
Interests of harmony and the hope of
electing the democratic ticket In November
th question of filling the Walsh vacnncy
would be left till after election. Both con
servative and Bryan democrats have ex
pressed a preference for letting the mstter
a-n over till after, the election In November,
but It waa discovered here today that
friend of Marsh have written to th mem
ber of the national committee aklngthem
to take the matter up at once and further
soliciting their support for Marsh. This
fact was at once made known- to the
Rrran men of Iowa by the Bryan men of
the national committee. ,Now the contest
Is on. The state central committee Is
ultra conservative and It ia believed favor
the appointment of Marsh to the vacancy.
It Is claimed by the Bryan men that the
complexion'' of tn state committee ws
taken advantage of by the Marrh men and
that they have attempted to make a still
hwnt for th position. Hon. Cato Sells of
Vinton wa ln Des Moines today at the
Savery hotel and confirmed the report of
his candidacy. Mr. Sella has been In Texas
for three week fir more.- He was on the
program to make one of the addresses at
the Bryan reception at Chicago, but because
of hi business affairs In Texaa was unable
to be present. He Is recognized as a very
close friend of W. J. Bryan., was United
State attorney for northern" Iowa under
Cleveland and has been a national demo
cratic figure for some years. It wss dur
ing hi absence In Texas that the Marsh
men wrote .to the natlonsl committeemen
asking that they fill the place now rather
than wait till after the election. Since
the discovery of the move .by the Marsh
men the Bryan men and friends of Sell
have been busy. On being placed In touch
with the situation Mr. Sells today author
ized th statement that If there Is a general
sentiment among democrats for him ha
will be a candidate. Wilbur W. Marsh 1.
proprietor of a factory at Waterloo that
manufacture cream separators. The busi
ness Is a very lucrative on and Mr. Marsh
Is recognised aa being a millionaire. While
he 1 well known In Iowa politic he la
not so well known nationally, but occupies
a commanding position and Is especially
strong because of the endorsement of the
tste committee, which It la recognized he
will get. '
Important Witness Foaad.
Th discovery of evidence that will be
given by William D. Van SltterL a travel
ing man and friend of H. B. Dickinson,
who Is accused of the murder of Irene
Blydenburg of Bldora, haa been considered
a very Important development In th case
today. Van Bittert traveled over the state
tor the Brown-Hurley Hardware company
nd thus ram ln contact with Dickinson,
also a tra ling man. It Is stated that
Van Nsittert thus cam In possession of
valuable information bearing on the case.
He has'e i subpoenaed by the grand Jury.
A number of Important witnesses were be
fore tha grand jury today testifying in
t,h cas. .'
Dem ocratle Date Given...
Democratic conference have been ar
ranged for the northern congressional dis
tricts for candidates, committeemen and
editor, a. follows: Eleventh district, at
Lemara, September 22; Tenth, at Fort
Dodge, September 24; Third, at Waterloo,
September 26; 'Fourth, at New Hampton,
September 28; Fifth, at Cedar Rapids, Sep
tember 27.
Iniialres of Son's Death.
George MacRllle of St. Charles, Ia.. Is
here to Investigate the cause of the death
of his 16-year-old son. The boy came to
this city because the family are not well-to-do
and he desired to make his own
Irving. He hired to a circus for a day
and at th close of, the day waa arrested
with a lot of hangers on of th circus and
thrown Into the county Jail, though no
mitlmua or other record was made to
show for It. The age of the boy pro
hibits his Incarceration In any jail and
yet he waa kept there a month. At the
end of the time he found hta way home
to St. Charle and soon after died becauae
of the treatment and sickness he con
tracted while In th county Jail here. The
father demanda punishment for hla im
prisonment against the law and litigation
may follow.
Staa Ratea Redaeed.
As a result of the recent hearing by the
railroad commission it Waa ordered today
that stone and clay be placed In the classi
fication with coal, which la a reduction of
23 cent a hundred on a 100-mile haul.
Stoneware was ordered from class B to
class D and old liquor barrel, to fourth
class for less than carload lota. Thl I
Of special benefit to th vinegar works,
which as these barrel.
Mast Mak Close Connection.
.Close connection will h.v to b mad
between the convention In Shelby county
and the secretary of atate office. Th
omourata and republicans hav each
called the conventions In Shelby county
for October 6. The law require, that the
nomination of representatives must be
filed with the secretary of atate thirty
dy. before the election. The muet there
fore be filed by midnight of October II. A
train leaves Harlan at 1 p. m. and reaches
De. Molne at 10. There la no later train.
If th messengers fall to catch that train
or if there 1. a wreck or washout and
delay 8helby county may be cut out.
Red Cross Aid Chile.
WASHINGTON. Sept. la-The National
Red Cross society today cabled $4,000 to
Chile earthquake sufferer..
No woman's ntppt.
netg cad be complete
without children j it
U her nature to love
a ' .
UrnmnH la Broken at Jam est a far
tbe Mlasnarl aad Vlralala - .
NORFOLK. V.. Sept. 1-Erivls. In
cident to the breaking of ground for th
Murvlnntl and Missouri state buihllngs,' th
bnil.llnu to represent 'he National Trav.
rkrV Protective Assoclntlon of America
snd the luylng of the cornerntone of th
Virginia stste hull. ling on lh Jamestown
exposition grounds took pin re todny with
several hundred persona In attendance.
The proBrnm of the Joint function Itv
eluded nn address by Mrs. John R. Walker,
grend regent of the Daughter of the Revo
lution of Missouri.
Don't Be a Crank
About Your Food
lint Ilo Hiirc It I. Healthy As Well As
UimhI to Kat.
It I undoubtedly true" that om people
carry to an extreme their Idea about
proper . eating, therefore being - dubbed
"cranks" by th skeptical, but tht Im
portance of selecting our food with Intel!!
gent enre cannot be disputed. Our health
depends to a grest extent on what we eat.
Particular care should be taken to select
food which supplies nourishment and I.
not hsrd to digest.
We know of no other food that I so nu
tritious, so essy to digest, so heslthful and
so good to eat as Malta-Vltg. It Is a pur
grain product, made from finest whol
white wheat and rich barley malt -extract,
clean and unadulterated. After th wheat
ha been thoroughly cooked and matured
It Is mixed with malt extract, which 1.
an 'Important digestive agent. The malt
extract makes all the valuable food !
menta of the wheat easy to digest by turn
ing the starch of the wheat Into maliose,
or malt sugar.. Maltose I. so strengthen
ing and so easily digested that physician,
everywhere recommend It. Malta-Vita 1.
rich In maltose. The malt extract'not only
makes Malta-Vita eo easy to digest and
so healthful, but also give. It that fin
Malta-Vita trtat. Th malted wheat i
rolled Into little wafer' 'flakes' and baked
until "done to a turn."' crisp and brown.
MHlta-Vita Is slwnys ready to. eat. No
cooking. Get some today. Eat' It with
milk or cream . or fresh fruit. ' There'
nothing else like Uk It, no other wheat
food that compare with lt All grocers.
Now 10 cents. ,
Highest Award at
Lincoln Stat Fair. ISIS.
Highlit Award and
Gold Medal at Trans
Mlsslsslppl - Exposition.
Omaha, 1898. . Highest
Award and Gold Medal
at Lewis and Clark Cen
t n n t a 1 - Exposition,
Portland. Ore., 1906.
Thla, when ln competi
tion with the renowned
beer, of tha world, and
when Judged by a Jury
of th mot critical ex
pert. No1 6ther beer
hag had hlgherendorse
ment. Drink StorsBeer
for your health's ake.
Keep a, case In your
home. Stoni Brewing
Co, Omaha, - . Bl
Dr. McGrew
has made a 8PEJC
IALTT of all form,
f disease and dis
order ( -
' His fselllMas fee treat
tag' this alaai st slims
are usltaites. His. rs
aurkabla auras as ak
Over 80,000 Caae Cured
vartmlll. Hrrele, lee fetees. gtnetar, Otaat,
He sua Dsbllltr. Us ef gteaatb . aa Vllall.
Hla Home Treatment . ; : '.
ta aarmasastty ear tkeaaaasa st easts at
hresls Neneua KaauL Kids? sat Blaaaer M
kts Imih at snail asst. .a tlw an4 raoaaj
kr saserlbU. year aaa as writs far ntBg BOOg
sa t bu at trastsMSt. staticls seat ia. iU
Charge Low. 0 nUtatlea yrea.
Offlct Hour S a. m. to S:t0 p. m. Sun
ay, S a. m. to S p. nv
Call Or writ. Box tel. 'Offloa at ftU
South 14th It reel, on a&a, Meb.
To Creditors of Tho Traders Inaur
aneo Company of Chicago.
Notice 1. bereoy given to all creditor et
Tbe Trader Insurant) Company, of Chi
cago, mat june ?, o, an eraer
entered by the Circuit Court of Cook Conn,
ty, Illinois, in the cause weroln th under,
signed was appointed Receiver, directing
that all claims agalnat Th Traders inain
aneo Company, of Chicago, (other 'than
Ore-loss claims) b Bled, under oath, with
th Itecelver on or bafor ninety day
from said June ID, ll, and that all
claims tother than flre-loas claim) not
bled within ninety day from said June IS,
IsOt, be torevsr barred from any right to
share in th distribution tit tb estate - by
sid court.
Notlc Is accordingly given hreby to all
creditor, of said Tb Tradsrs Insurant
Company, of Chicago (other than fire-loss
claimants) to file their claims, under oath,
With me pureuant to tb term of said or
der, on or befor ninety days from June
tt, 10. Blank form for claim may Lv
bad on application at my office.
State Bank of Chicago, Hecslver f Th
Traders Insurance Company. .
Evory Ucmas.
uuarasia ana aa 1H sa.iw
I Tha i new Vatlaal Irraaa. ,
i aurrioa. gt
-11 l renrmlentj
(Taar bWktlt.'
r h rnnwiauppl7 th.
stsiii, accept ae
f wy-r. mil ma atamB for
lliwiraiv eoak .!. it
lull paruoeLan sad llrartir,Ra la. M A m A- a -.A
a. inr.,tw k)r'.
gut OSyl Bjr
l(tb ana pods pta. .
MkErtsvDil.LlN IRUO CO- :
S. H. Cor. 1Mb an Far asm era.
Deranged System
Mo Post Paid.
Uth and Podge St.
Cae aia)f?eaasatsral
Irriiaii.iaa or iiloA.a(Uaj
t ) tunkituH.
I'lttlMI UUB BAl US. (Aa l at ajiHiuM.
a-?"" ,w
iv a ar
f aiai aia a
a J Waa. .Ak U
f AA, a. a AtXMtAM.
ir- 1 aa ay ssmsriai.
i ss ra alAia raaar,
rmr-A t essraaa, eAl. la
.Art tl . ottkattUaH .
V CUeals at mmtm