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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
8 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19CKI SPECIAL NOTICES will b takra III IS sa. tmr la tttalif itla aad 111 S . as. ft th saoralas; aad lir dltleia. Kiln 1 m ward ant lasertlsn, la word thereafter. Notklasj taken for leae Ihaa ao far ka Srst laser, lloa. Thee adTertleemeate aaaal fca ran eaeelvely. Advertiser, by ra4lasj a sa bmi eheek, eaa kaa answers a. drriaM ta a aaaikrri letter la ear of The Baa. Anwtn aa adsreeeed wilt fca delivered aa arcacatatlaa at eneelt. MISCELLANEOUS FALL TERM BOTLES BUSINESS COLLEGES IS. NOW OPElf. DAT AND NIQHT. Indent are admitted any day. New Catalof Free. Tel. DouKiai aa 19H Addrnss h. Boylaa Building-, Addrnss H. B. Boy lea, President Omaha, Neb) R-78 OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., 313 So. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 631. R-MI21 OMAHA Sara and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of fir 'scapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, prop., 101 8. 10th St. B 789 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cola. 1301 Douglas. R 790 WHERE TRUNKS ARB MADH. Trunks, suit caaes and shopping bag. Old trunks In exchange. Repairing. FRKLING at 8TKINLH. 10 N. 16th St 'Phone Douglas VQi. R M704 U2X TRT Keny a Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. US. R 7U1 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 10U Farnam. R M ANTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co., a N. 16th. Tel. Doug. 177. Rea. plione Doug- 7061. R-7a EL8A8SER BRICE. Machinist, ill South Utb SU Tel. WV. HKFLIN Locksmith, moved upatalra autranc. 1S24 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2874. R Wl BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED GENERAL MERCHANDISE V STOCK i' Have clients who want a ' general merchandise stock of . tlO.OOO to H&.000, well located In Nebraska, and doing good " business. They have th cash, ; but. they want good atock . and buaineaa. Tou must b 1 ' . abl to show that you ARB doing good business. . Make lowest price first let- - tr, -sam to Include' th regu , lar real estate commission to . ' us. Write quick. . THE . ABBOTT-COWAN CO., Omaha; Nebraska. T-2S4 20 A COM PA NT that owns a printing plant. employing from 10 to 16 people, wishes to close out the printing department and ' will sell the same ana give contract for an tneir printing. i,uuu casn required. Address H-a.. Be. i-ui a Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, noma, business or prop arty that you want to sell or xcaan writ ua. OLOBS LAND AND INVESTMENT CO Omaha, Mab., or Sioux city, la. -. - i . . -T iiSltt Ol FOR BALB-A flrat-clasa job offloa with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub. Usblng - three papers In ' aurroundlng towns; .job type ill new) doing good pusiness; excellent raaaona lor aeiung; located at .uasunga, mr. writ, now. or come, aa this snap will not last long. Prices low. Address Bos tit, Hastings, . .Nap. ; . X i I HAVE tM acrea of land thre miles from " Farnam: rood soil: to trade for a stock of dry goods, boots and shoes. - Price (U.M per acre. - J. w. nogers, jvarnaro. T-M761 Ux ' INVESTORS. Framo building In South Omaha paying 10 per cent net, U.6VU. Blx-room house and lot paring U per cent net; price ii.ouo. Call 1324 Farnam 8t, Room L T Mia FOR SALE A stock of sportsman's roods, bicycles, guns, ammunition, repair shoo In connection. Including sundry repairs and tools; 1 foot-power laths, - large 14 Inch awlna- lathe, electric motor con nected; motor eight-horse power. Fin opening for automobile business. Five years' lease on building and best of loca tion. 6tock, including tools, etc., about t&,0u0. Sale must be made within SO days. Address r i. omana Bee. yhszi u FOR BAUD Or trade. Fin hoteL steam heated and fumlnhed, doing a business of from tlS.OOO to llB.OoO per year In R. R. division town, within 160 miles of Den ver, Colo. Every department well fur nished,. 47 bedrooms, which are filled nlKhtly; will take part In trade, with a cash payment; balance arranged to suit f'urchaser. Price, 11X000. Full desorlp Ion given on Inquiry. Address P 63. car CI Be. l Z41 m WANTED AGENTS SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, and needed by everybody; our ta,ow Combine tlon Policies, covering 11 accidents, dls ases and occupations; costing only U rer annum eacn, payame quarterly; isaued y this Society only. Over tSOO.OOO already paid In beneflta, AGENTS WANTED larg commlaalnna and exclusive teirl, tory given. Address NATIONAL. ACCI DENT SOCIETY. 20 Broadway, New York. JS.aiAtsuiBiin.iJ a iiuiui. j ORIENTAL WAISTS AND SUITS. Agents wanted everywhere. Ladle and gentlemen are making t26 to SfiO per weak selling embroidery goods direct to th la dies. Good sellers la cities or country. Mo experience) or capital required. Call at ofTVco or writ to y. a. Kmbrolilery Works, lusVs ana uivt bo. utn bl, umua. Neo. J-M7S3 OU AOKNT9 to aell preparation to keep frost ore snow windows; lou per cent prom. r. D. VtlUty Co., lit Nassau St., New York J Z43 iyx SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION aa stenographer or bookkeener thre years' experience. . 'Phone Douglas aoi. un jrarnaui. a fiu ix BY EXPERIENCED young man steno grapher; I month of railroad work; also (air bookkeeper; reference. n-i. Be. , A-MJ00 llx SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen to place our Patent Adjustable Umbrellas, with 100 clear deals; great eeller; an article whTce. makes sales easy. Address Crown Cljar t, Milwaukee, wia. u MS31 ti FENCING WIRE AND IRON fanoea: loweat prlcea free catalogue, umana ire and Iran Works, lw-de-7 No. silk St. Tel. Douglaa I7UI. M wl OU ANCHOR aad Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing to per foot. J6 N. 17 th Su Tel. Red i CHAMPION fenoe beaL tU 0. Uth. Xoug. W SM LOST AND FOUND LOST IJver and whit pointer, big browa spot over shoulder; name 8. P. Brown on collar. Notify luOt Farnam, or 'phone Doug. m ana receive rewara. Lost M7t LOST Gold watch: reward for return to Mis. T. Bonner, 2Z14 Wirt St. Lost Mrs ax WANTED MALE HELP WANTED For the C. 8. marina tor pa. men between 21 and 36; aa oppor tunity to see the world. For fuller In formation a poster In postorflce of any county seat In tha atata of Nebraaka giving address at recruiting office lor tad therein. B-MHa Btox WANTED Flv boys, good wages, per- . i 1 . , . .. j iQtli B II1M II CU k HID. A. MJ. A.. Vt ' . - B Maul WANTED-SOUND TOUNU MEN. 11 to M, to prepare for firemen and braxemeo un new roada and fur fall rush. Ex-peri-nc unnroxMwry. Firemen 8109, pro moted to engineers 3300; brakemen 174. promoted to conductors 3160. Positions now open. National Railway Training Association. 420 X futon Bin.. Omaha, Neb. B hLUtl Ol DHl'U STORES bought and sold; drug 1 - .. I. . ... - ... -.4 V V t t jA M T 1 B 03 TEAMS can make from $4 to 18 per dav. steady work. (J. a. Havana m jarua, 14lh and Webster. B 29 WANTED Car bulldera. repairer and truck men. Cudaliy racking wo b ta WANTED Experienced bill clerk; must i i 1 ... A hr.f.r marrlA u wil mvuiiiicuuN, " ... - . - . ...... ...... -1 . . .. Afljrasa 1 1 IlllU, - wu. 24. oar Baa B691 TWO men to aell goods on paymenta from omnia waxnna. C S Adams Co.. I til Howard. B-M931 Ol SALARY and commission will be paid to a first-class old-Una lire insurance man capable of writing business muiseii ana teaching others to do so. Address lock box, Lincoln. Neb. B ilMl C-4 MEN and boys, plumbing, bricklaying. piakaienna irauea J w w ww. ' - teach yvi thoroughly In three months. Position guaranteed. Free catalogue. Coyne s Trade School. SU Louia. Mo. B M3s7 X MAW, D1UUI LM.rt l Omaha School of Law; evening aesslons only, runner iniormaiion, koarns m' retary. 701 N. T. Ufa Bldg. Tel. Doug.. 867. B-960O8 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Bcholarsnip inciuaes complete ouim vi tools, diplomas and positions. Board and room provided. Few weeks completes by this method. Special Inducement now. Moler Barber College. 1116 Farnam St. B M822 20s WANTED On lumber acaler and ' thre Doys. qmana box jo., uii p gcj IF you pay German and Canadian patent lees you secure nan inierem in uo u the greateKt Inventions of this country. Herafeldt, Windsor hotel basement. B M196 20X WANTED Experienced liquor salesmen. new firm, extraordinary inauremeiiw. Windsor, hotel basement. B M194. 20x POCKET side line for road salesmen, pays your hotel expenaea, 1W aampie tree. Wlndaor hotel - basement. B M193 20x WANTED Twenty bright boys or girls; must be li years oia. Appiy j. i Brandels A Sons. B M215 AT ONCE, several smart, active cash boys. ASK lor mr. nnrvrj, nwi ui u..v ment. The Bennett Co. B-M210 WANTED Experienced armature winders. Apply to Omaha Electrical worm, ivs NO. litn BU a id i u WANTED YounsT man or boy to work In real estate onice: good cnance. Anarees P-66 Bee, In own handwriting, a sat m BRIGHT, smart. Intelligent boy, not un- der U. to he d out In advertlslnc depart ment. See Mr. Kennedy, 3d floor, Th Bennett Company. B xnzsi zi YOI'TNO mas 19 or 2D. as saleaman In house furnishing goods department. Ap ply Sd floor, Th Bennett company. B M237 a WANTED Finisher, capable of first class finishing and polishing In parlor rurni tur factory: steady employment.' guar anteed. Lincoln upnoistering co.. Lin coln, Neb. B M283 21 TILE setters wanted. Will pay hlprh wages ror nrst-ciass workmen. nteaay wont. Address American Bash and Door Co., Tile dept., St. Joseph, MO. B MZ-w JU CLERKS and carriers tor Omaha Dost office. Exam, in Nov. . uovernment po sition, good salary, fine future. Splendid opportunity. Thorough preparation by mall, text books furnished. Rush.. Ad dress 146, inier-twaie Biag., jeoar -nap. ids, la: B-M23J zix WANTED t experienced men for blacking and putting up stoves; sieaay wurx wages (2. Milton Rogers & Sons Co. . B-263 H WANTED Shipping and delivery clerk, on with aome experience in stoves ana naia ware preferred; steady work, good wages. Milton Kogers sons -o. n au a, WANTED Smart, active boy, not' under 15, for stationery and book sections. See Sir. Russell at one. Mala Floor. Th Bennett Company. B 174 31 WANTED Office boy; good opportunity for right boy. peoples store. B-M280 22x CALLS for bookkeepers, stenographers, of' flee clerks, etc, etc., are still coming in faster than ws can nil them. Call or write. WESTERN REF. A BOND ABS'N. (INC.) Dept. B, 40-l-Z, N. I. Lire Bldg. B M290 10 WANTED Baker of good habits. Steady employment, wages. 114 per week. Ad drees Atlas Knapp, Webstar, B. D. B 277 JOx TEAMSTERS Apply at barns, 6th end Jones, or 14th and Nicholas. B MZSZ HI WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman cook. IX Bar month: muat lurmsn reoommenoauona. Aadreaa L 7, Be. c mm WANTED Immediately, Brst-clasa cook; beat ox wages; sons eia nea apply, let Harney u. C 41 eitner laay or geiiLieman. Ancnor mid- lisning to., i-atieraun oiug. u-miw WANTED Fifty girls to work In candy factory, uooa cnance 10 earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. Th Voegeje at Lnnning ve., mit JOnea pt. FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls . E 1 a a.ava n I y 9 rt Ml, ..... n . .. .. .1 WANTED A good girl for general house work; no waamng. Apply Mrs. John U Kennedy, tut v.aaaH o-mim nr, uniEn-n..t .1... klwAKMIa. II .. Ultl..lMm Ul T . ... . . . . ii . .. . .n . WANTED Girl to aaelat with general houaework, noa4 Manaeraon, pnon Doug las 2788. C 187 1 , GOOD gtrl for general houaework, 1021 park Ave. , t-m ui LADY for offlo work; good penman. Lock box Zbt city. U-HWg WANTED Competent girl for general houaework; good wages to th right girL 13u 8. t2d St. C Aim x WANTED Girl for general housework small family; no waahlng; good wages. lnqulr 411 NO. tuth. C iSa ZOx WANTED On pood dining room, girl; li per week, room and board; every other Sunday oft. Cudahy Restaurant, .South Omaha. c is. 20 WANTED Competent sylrl for general ww airs, xv b. nait, mid r ar- nam St. C-2S1 10 WANTED Girl for general houaework, 2967 uarney. - L. fti-w ju WANTED Experienced Al cloak aaiea- ladlea high salary. 8. Fredrick P enter 4k Co., liii rarnam. . C 170 TU WANTED Younn girl to heln with chit dren. So. 37 III St. Tel. Harney 317, C M 281 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted at once. u. J. o Brian t o.. lU Howard. C MOSS MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELA1N School of Languasrea Day end evening clasres, t-eich. Oerniin, Bpaman; rencln. Oavldg Bldg. 274 Ot VOCAL CL'LTrRE IJmlted tiumber puplla taken: moderatvprice. J. J. Naven. 230 n. iiin, ji lit Zix Hardly a subscriber who doesn't sonal ads on the Bee Want Ad should have yours there. FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 11th and Farnam. E 406 Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunki E tot CAPITOL. HOTEL Uth and Caoltol Are- south front; rooms with or without board. E tot Fl'RNIflHED room In new, modern house. w uougiaa du . 44 THREE pleasant rooms, partly furnished! Dionem, ga stove; aauita only: no oiner roomers; references required. 2701 Wool worth Ave E M2tQ tSx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M.E. Haul Trunks F-0t VIENNA hotel; prlvat dining rooms, caf. MODERN rooms, horn cooking: reasonable price, sua juowara St. lei. ixiugiaa l6tt. F-M0 NICELY furnished rooms, modirn; pleas. ant surrounaings; good ooaro; reasonahi rate. Th Rose, 2020 Harney St. T S7 SJ4X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 6 ROOMS. First and second floors. Heat and light furnished, with rent I roonua Reference. Tel. Harney 2370. 660 S. 26th Ave. O M232 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest vuvca. xei. uougia ito. Bonmouer a. Mueller piano Co.. U11-131S Farnam. D-tU HOUSES In " rt" f th dty. iv u Vetera A Co.. Be Bldg. D-aU HOUSES jp" of tn Jt' Tn uvukumj o. F. Davis Co., 408 Be Bldg. D-tU HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. i al4 OMAHA Van & Btorag Co., pack, move. aiore tx. it. gooas; storenous, iiAt- t in. ISth. Office, loll Farnam. Tel. Doug. lust. 1-Ut WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age co. leu uoug. 141. uaice, ilia w co ster St. D-tlt SEE us when shipping household goods ta largs Clllee weet. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN 8 DELIVERY CO., &4 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Douc 1196. - D-17 FOR RENT t-room house, all mod era; furnace, 1A. C. M. Bachmann, 43B faxton Blk. I-t3a PIANOS and household goods moved; boxes ror sals. Cole ft OunnelL ieo r-amam. Tel. Doug. 670. . D M774 O 12 FOR RENT-New flat. 321 Bo. 2th Ave.; the moat beautiful flat of tne kino, in the city; complete and perfect In every detail. Wm. K, Potter, 301 Brown Blk. D M83 STORAGE ? tnrn, Telephone Douglas t76. 1215 Harney St D M827 014 14-room modern, cholc residence or rooming and boarding apartment, cioee In. nneat location. ZZI I Howara Ht. t-room modern, desirable, 2204 Maple, 123. 12-room modern, desirable, 2416 Sherman Ave., 130. Rl'SSELL fk McKITRICK CO.. 432-82-84 Rambe Bldg. 15th and Harney. u-Mm xv FOR RENT A new modern -A-room house. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M247 APARTMENTS Applications will be received for renting the up-to-dat apartments of five and six ' rooms each In new building, 26th An., and Half Howard Sts. ' Will be ready for oo- -, oupany about October 16th. - GEORGE & CO, 1601 Farnam St Tel. Douglas 756. D 266 $0 CENTRAL, steam, 4-room flat 220 N. 23d. L dOV MODERN t-room cottage; except furnace. Keys. 2621 Davenport D 275 21x MODERN 10-room brick; gas, bath, laun dry, furnace. Keys, 2601 Capitol Ave., on premises. D M276 3Rx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk rom In Be offlc. city hall building. 417 N. Stth St, South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NICE light store room. $06 N. 17 St I Mtll A GOOD OPENING for a bakery, with a 1st clasa bake oven, 1718 Nicholas St; steam heat during winter. Bemis. Pax ton block. I M711 STORE Park Ave., near Woolworth. Tel. Red-4668. 117$ It WANTED TO RENT WANTED About Nov. 1, furnished hous, West Farnam street district Apply Ui Bo. 14th St K- M666 WANTED To rent 4 or I rooms, steam heated and clos In. Address R 2, Ths Pee. K-264 1 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Twenty-seven general stocks ot merchan dise from $3,600 to $20,000 for land. Im prover! and unimproved. Thirteen hardware stocks from $8,500 to 18.000 for Improved and unimproved land. Five restaurants. Seven livery and feed barns, all prices, to . exchange for land. Stock of Implement, buggies, wagons, etc., Invoice tS.OuO, with building tlO.OuO, Incumbrance ts.0O0, for good Iowa or north Missouri farm. Eight blacksmith ahopa. Invoice $40 to 14,000, for South Dakota land. Five drug stocks. Invoicing frvm $4,808 to $6,000, fur land equal value. Thirty-four residence pro parties, located In good towns, good schools, etc., to ex change for Kansas, Texas, South Dakota. Nebraska or Iowa land. Five hundred well located. Improved farms, located In Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Bouth Dakota, Kanaaa and Missouri. Writ for price and descriptions. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Sioux City, la., or Omaha, Nab. 2V-M4tt TP YOU do not find what you want In this .. column, put an ad In and you will soon get It. Z-iUl DANCING MORAND'S. 15th and Harney, now opea. asaembllea, Wed. ; private leaaona, ball room or stag, ror terms pnon uoug las 1041. The High School Class meets every Friday at 8 p. m. Terms, season Oct. to May, 10. You will Snd this school ths base - 41304 CHAMBERS' SCHOOL OF DANCING. 8424 Farnam, reopens for adults Monday, Sep- tember 24, 8 p. m. High school. Saturday, September 88, t p. m. Children, etaturday, September 2. I p. m. Complimentary cards of admiaaion to ths opening will b furnished to paat pupils and I heir friends upon application. Call or writs for booklet. Telephone Douglas 1S7L M74 MONUMENTS Great W eaters Oranlt Co. ' Douglas am. -Ui3t tit FOR'SALE REAL ESTATE ' DO YOU PAY RENT. WHY NOT BUY A HOME OF YOUR OWNt j 30 a month (sam as rent) and $300 cash will buy a new attractlv B-room cottage, 22x36, all good alsed rooms, with clothes closets and pantry, large front and back covered porch, cemented cellar, city water In ' house, coal shed, lot 80x124 feet, high and sightly, on block from boulevard, con venient to both Omaha and South Omaha. Already to move right into. Price, 11.750. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St., Ground FloorBeeBldg. 29TH AND LAKE STREETS t-room house, modern ex cept furnace; will rent for $21 for quick sal. H.KX). 28TH AND SPAULDING. t-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace; new and up-to-date. $600 cash, balance sam as rent; a very desirable placa. $3,100. R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 216L Board of Trad. RE M23f 20 SUBURBAN HOME Ideal t-room, new residence In Dundee; owner leaving- city snd says "Sell." Worth $4,500. but will consider any rea sonAbls offer. Easy terms. Beautiful restdenc lot In Dundee; $380 on reasonable terms. Sightly restdenc lot In Council Bluffs; on YOUR OWN trms. Several residences In various parts of th city, from $900 to $8,000 In pric. If you will tell us what you want w can pleas you aad save you money. Continental Realty Co., U-86 U. a Nat'I Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. RE M24S 20 PRETTY HOME CHEAP Modern and Convenient 2424 Maple St.; owner Uvea there; owing to changing posi tions, desires to sell quiok; -lot 53x130, south front; cement walks. Be. It. R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 215L ' Board of Trad. RE M236 20 Low Prices for Quick Sales Two lots, fine It-room modern resi dence in best part West Farnam district. An unusual bargain at K600. . j . v,jrv; . - i Good 6-room house, full lot, larg barn, fruit shade, etc.; well situ ated, near 43d snd Corby. Only $1,400. Attractive t-room cottage, best re pair, gas, elertrle light, sewer, brick walks, etc. Valuable location, near Uth and Locust. Price, $1,750. Full lot. 12-room modern house, newly repaired; pear 18th and Laav enwarth. Price, $7,000. Choice 7-room, modern dwelling shade treea. artificial stons walks In yard and street new barn, etc. A fine home at $3,100. Hanscom Park district. ,A See us for particulars and submit offers on above. Can arrange easy terms. Russell & McKitrick Co., 432-83-84 Ramge Bldg.. 15th and Harney. N RB-M246 30 TWO BARGAINS N COTTAGE. 18TH AND CASTEULAR. $1,660 Part on terms; good t-room cot tage and good lot; do to South Omaha car Una. A bargain. Investigate. VACANT SNAP. $110 Good south front lot. Just we.t of house $204 Boulevard Ave., two blocks west of North 30th street car Una. GARVIN. BROS.. 1404 FARNAM ST. RE 11261 80 WHY pay high rentt Let us sail you farm. W have improved farms In Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and slsas, for sale on the easiest kind of term and Saymenta. Soulr ft Annls, Council Huffs. la. RB 64$ Ol GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam St 'Phone Douglas 756. 86.600 for 10-room modern house, on Cass St.. near 81st St. lot texl3 feet Rental $600 per year. $4,750 for good t-room modern house, nearly new; oak finish, near 2Mb. and St Mary's Ave., lot 83x132 feet. 33,700 for well built t-room modern hous. . with bam, on paved street, near Mth street car line and Kounts Place, lot 60x132 feet, south front. Owner anxious to sell, and will not refuse any reasonable offer. Investigate. 88.000 for store building and small cottar, on South Uth St., near William St Rental $420 per year. $2,800 for new well built 8-story t-room house, all modern except heat, piped for furnace, on California St., near slat St. Lot has 62tt feet south frontage. Special low pric for quick sal ' 82,600 for good 7-room 8-story modern house, with mantel and grate, on Maple St., near Boulevard, corner lot. One-third cash, balance at t per cent $2,260 for 7-room modern hous in sams location, on sam terms. $2,000 for good house on large corner lot In Hanscom Park district, only $500 cash, balance about $4) per moofh. VACANT $3,000 for 4Hxl33 feet north front, on Cali fornia St., between 23d and 26th Sts. $2,760 for 64 feet west fronts ga, on $2d, between California aad Webster Bis. i,IKW I -" V, " . ,avaa. v.. , . n D I . , one block north ot St. Mary's Ave. Paved street, permanent walk, ana very rea sonable ua prtoa, ns-tot to read the per- Page. You n FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Kerr-Shallcross Co. 1614 Farnam Street. OFFER TILE FOLLOWING: NORTH OMAHA. $4,600 T room, all modern hous on North 24th street. Large lot. 181 by 112 feet. Good barn, shad and fruit. $2,100 t rooms on Parker street near 24th, all modern ex cept fufnac. Paved St. 12,100 4 -room residence house near 4 1st and Nicholas. BEMIS PARK $4,000 S rooms, all modern. Paved street $$,760' 7 rooms, all modern. Paved street $$,6001 room, all modern. On block from two car lines. $$,0007 rooms, aU modern. One block from car line. $2,340 t-roora cottage on North 33d, all modern except furnace. Paved street and on car line. ' $$,100 t-room. all modern cot tag on North $2d. Paved street and on car line. THE KERR-SHALLCROSS CO. 1414 Farnam Street Phone Douglas-6417. RE M260 $0 HANSCOM PARK SPECIAL A new 7-room square house, built by th owner for a home; oak finish downstairs; la modern throughout, with a hot water heating plant; street Is paved; hous faces th park. $4,250. LOT BARGAIN ' 66x132 On Burt St and 17th; paving and perma nent walk paid. Only $3,250. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone 287. 212 So, 14th St. RE M263 20 NORTHWEST New, 6 rooms; modern except furnace and piped for that, porcelain bath, natural wood finish, full cemented cellar, two closets, pantry, vestibule, lsrge front and back porches; lot 60x150 ft, south front; two blocks from Walnut Hill car.v Only $1,800. Tou could not build ths hous alon for las than this, and w axe throwing In th lot Owner must sell Immediately and makes this price to close out Call us up for further particulars. D. V. Sholes Company, 72$ N. T. Life Bldg. . Tel. Douglas 48. RE 272 20 GOOD INVESTMENTS $11,000 8-story, well conatructod brick block, good repair; thre stories; t flats, rents $1,260 a year. . - $7,100 11 cottages, 1 store always rented brings $1,170 per year. Reasona ble payments. NICEHOMES $$.200 Modern 7-r. house, good repair; barn;. 7 blocks from High school, $2,600 New, modern cottage, 6-room, targe attic; jaanaerson bl $1,100 Full lot good t-r. house, well, cistern, new barn, all good repair. VACANT LOT" BARGAINS $260 Near 31st and Lalk. paved St $300 Erskine, near 3th. 3360 First lot west 3807 Lake, or another nice east front next north of 8628 N. 28th. 3400 Corner 24th and Elm. 3460 Lot adjoining J. J. Smith, Ames Ave. Flv lots on Ames Ave., near 8tth, $876 for the bunch cheap. Good lot 36th Ave. and Chicago, only $500. Lot east 2838 Chicago, only 3600 cheap at $760. North front, California, opposite Victor White, $1,260. 111x144. northeast corner 27th and Chicago, $8,760. WALLACE, BROWN BLK., 'Phone Douglaa-1860. RE M24I 20 FOR SALE FINE INVESTMENT PROPERTY 13$ feet frontage on paved street, per manent walks and driveway, one block from car line snd within walking distance of business district; contains three de tached dwellings, on strictly modern, containing 12 rooms of which Immediate possession may be had; one of 3 rooms and one of t rooms; also two stables. There is ample vacant space upon which to build one of th double bricks now so popular. Alfred C. Kennedy, $0$ First National Bank Bldg. Tslephone Douglas-732. RE M261 20 HANSCOM PLACE t-room modern house, $2,800; east front and only half a block from car. This Is on of th cheapest places you can find In this-district D. V. Sholes Company, 7 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 48. RE-271 80 ONLY $2,750 7 rooms, modern: built about four years: In good condition; splendid neighborhood; one block to car; lot fruxlXO; nice trees; per manent walk; south front. Owner wants to sell and has reduced his pries from a, we to Hiw THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 BEE BLDG. RE-868 39 $1,700 7-Rodra Bargain On good house; elegant view; 1 .larg lou; biggest bargain In Omaha; near 3tth and La rim ore ta C. T. PETERSON. TaL Doug. IMS. North 16th St. VE-271 a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN A FEW SPECLVL BARGAINS 106 acre close to city limits, on paved road, at II M per acre. 40 acres, well Improved, close In, at $300 per acre. 113 acres. 1V4 miles from end of Benson car line; adjoining property Is selling for tXI; only VSO per sere. 10-room suburban rom with acre. Will sell house with five acres, mostly In fruit, or any amount of land wanted, or will sell land In r-arrela to suit purchaser at $2i0 to 8X0 per acre. - J. II. DUMONT & SON, Phone Douglas 690. 805-t N. T. Life Bldg. $75,000 Buys large warehouse, with track age; splendid location. $12,800 Buys 320 acres, on Sarpy county line. $ 450 Acres Just south of Country club. $ 1600 Residence, best location In Hans com Park district. $ 1,860 Large t-room house, with porcelain bath; sewer, etc., on Charles, east of 27th. Tracts. 3 to 5 acres each, between 16th and 24th Sc. .north, at $300 to $400 per acre. $ 1.500 Beautiful tract 82x300 feet, fronting east on boulevard. $ 600 Buys full south front lot, on Burt St., near S2d. $ 4,000 Buys most beautiful lot on West Farnam St., with Improvements; renting at over 3300 per year. $ 400 Buys fulhnt; 41st St.; short distance north of Farnam. $ 1,600 Buys three cottagei. renting at $252 per year. $ 1,600 Buys a pair of houses; three-floor each: with furnace and other Im provements: rent, 83t'iO per year. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. RE M 289 IN WALKING DISTANCE A bunch of new houses, one blork from car line, 8 or 9 rooms each, modern Jn every respect. Extra water closet In base ment. Polished floors, wide porches, phqde trees. Built -by owner by day's work. Foundation laid In Portlnnd cement. Lum ber all selected. Nothing better built In Omaha. These houses are offered at sctual cost. They are too well built to afford th owner a profit and sell in competition with contract houses. Fine for homes or good Investments. Prices and terms on application. J. II. DUMONT .& SON, 80R-6 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 690. RE M288 It IF YOU ARB SELLING REAL ESTATE and wish your sale closed promptly and properly, call on th MIDLAND GUARANTEE ft TRUST CO. They will make and examine your ab stract and perfect your title. Office at 1714 Farnam St. N. P. DODGE, JR., PRESIDENT. RE NEARLY NEW COTTAGE 2211 North 28th Ave.. t looma, modern except heating; ' built In 1904 and Is In excellent condition; lot is 36x128: two blocks to car line. Take a look at it: It's worth $2,500. THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 BEE BLDQ. j RE-268 20 8700 SMALL COTTAGE. 2908 Sahler St., 4 rooms, city water, south front permanent side walk. Two block from car line. Good terms. ROBINSON ft WOLF, 423 Paxton Block. RE-M243 A GOOD business lot for sals. Best loca t'jn In town. Address J. J. F., Fremont, Nab. RE M363 822 A GOOD business lot for sale. Beet loca tion In town. Address J. J. V., Fremont, Neb. . RE M36 S23 KERR-SHALLCROSS CO. 8 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit whs you buy a "Kerr" abstract 1614 Farnam, Tel. Doug. 6487. , RE LIT In On Rent the Other. Two modern residences at H28 and 130 South 81st s treat with on good barn. Ground 75x160. East front on paved street. Eastern owner will sell for 38,000. ' THOMAS URENNAN, Room 1. Now York Lifs Building. RE M 04 OWNERS ATTENTION. We have four customers for homes. $1,500 to $4,000. WRIGHT ft LASBURY, 606 So. 16th St. RE-M293 21 LOOK THESE UP. Hanscom Park district, 8-room house, fine lot 50x160, large shade trees, barn, 27th, rear Hickory; a nice horn and will be sold cheap. North part of city, new 6-room cottage, modern but furnace, open plumbing, por celain bath, cemented cAllar, three blocks to ,car, full lot; nothing better for the money; only $1,500. On Manderson St., near S3d. 8 rooms, modern throughout, full cemented base ment, new nickel plumbing; house Is In good repair and could not be built for less than $2,600; owner says sell It for 31,iO. A fine new house of eight rooms, modern throughout, large reception hall, front and back stairway, cemented basement, fine shade trees and good barn on 22d St., paved, and easy walking -distance. Ask for price. Other bargains In all par'i of the city. WRIGHT ft LASBURY. 5u6 So. lth St. RE-M292 21 BOMB CHEAP LOTS. Three full lots on paved street; water and ga; on block to car; all-specials paid. $300 cash. Three lots on Miami street close to car. All for 32o0. Wa have a few lots on Ames Ave., high and sightly, close to car. Ask for price. Lots of lots everywhere. WRIGHT ft LASBURY, but So. Uth St. - RE-M291 a MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1404 Farnam. 6 and 6Vj par ceut loans on real stat; no delay. W-441 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. W ii WANTED City loans and warranta W. Farnam Smith as Co., 1220 Farnam St W-W0 BUILDING loans on residence property; f par cent W. B. Melkle. Ramge blk. w-ta LOWEST RATES Berals. Paxton Block.' W 862 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. W tit $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business snd rest dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas brsnnan, R. 1. N. Y. LU. W 864 WANTED City loans. R. C. Paters ft Co. W-t&t City ft farm loans. O. F. Csrson Co., N.Y. L. W-866 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, tut First National Bank Bldg. . w t; 14,00 In 8606 and two amounts. M. J. Ken nard ft Co.. 3U-10 Brown Block. W-ttt WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $600 or 81, 0u horns money on ample, well rented residence property In South Omaha. St I par oent Adiras N 67. B4. Viil PERSONAL iNY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvslion Army Horn for Women at 8S24 N. 84ih imana, wo t'SB Blanchard's Kosema LoHon for skin diseases, at drufalsts. Assletanc given free by Prof. J. blanchard, skin pectallst, Minneapolis. U Mf71 O lx TRY KELLY'S Laundry. Tfton DR. ROY. CbJropcdy, R. 3 ft 8, 1506 Farnartv PRIVATE confinement horn. - Mr. Dr. King, 3018 N. Jl.t 8t Tal. Doug. fo6. V 318 PLEAT I NO Brntoastuchmg. 1 l-un I 1MU hjmbfolderlng. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging und Shrink, ing, only 6o per yard. Send lor pric ll and aampie. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. Vt Douglas Block. Tt Dugla 11 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. lei. lwui tus-nth THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft clothlns; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell, at 114 N. Uth St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call Phon Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U-tU FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College. Mth snd Davenport Bts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment super Vised by college profesaor. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tal. Douglas 1887. U-C8 PRIVATE Aome during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San ltarium. 728 First Art, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-323 SURVEYING. BUckensderter. HI Be Bldg. PENNELL Millinery Co.. formerly of 15th snd Douglas, uow located at 82$ N. 16th St Ut440 Q4 OMAHA Stammerer Iustltut. Ramge Bldg. U 634 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mailt cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U 686 MAONFTTfi OSTEOLOGY Mrs. Rlt iU.rt.UiN 111 J. IX ,,nhou.t 410 N. 16th, room 3, second floor. U M427 824 WE RENT sewing machines at $1 per week: ws sell second-hand machines $3 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., comer 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1863. U-638 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 6fA. 162$ Leavenworth. U M2t Oct. FOR anything In the sewing machlti Un go to p. E. Flodman. 1614 Capitol Ave u . M304 04 ARCHITECT O. L. Broltne, 618 Bee Bldg. U-M3&8 O 6 PRIVATE HOME during confinement; spe cial attention given to the boarding of Infants. Madame Pickett, 2216 Charles St Telephone Douglas btll. U264 Oct tx CHRISTENSON, carpet phone Douglas 1659. cleaning. Tele-U-M800 O 13 M AflNTCTTf! treatment and bath. Mm. 4xLO.UiAAV gmlth. 113 N. 15. 2d floor. U-M836 OHX ACORN PRESS TJ??&VL U-M204 Q17 BEAUTY'S charm a satin skin secured using Satin skin cream and Satin skin powder. U MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerva Food Pills " $1 box, postpaid. Sherman ft jnconnau Drug CO., umann. ua DR. PRIES, specialist women's diseases, weaknesses. discharges. Irregularities, cured palnleaaly and safely. Wlthnell block, 16th and Harney, room t, Omaha, 437 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEliXlS Ti. """ And this Is the place to come and get It . Den t let money stand In th way of en Joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS. : ETC. SPECIAL RATES "on" SALARY LOANS. We hav a good proposition to offer thos who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Cal! and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-306 Paxton Block. X-M946 H The Union Loan Co. have Increased their capital and during th month of September will make a special rate on collateral loans, personal prop erty, mortgages and Individual notes, without security. Terms - to suit your convenience. 'Phone Douglas 2904 or call at tl Bee. Bldg. X M5V4 Ol BR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., In any amount; leas than half rates: perl eel privacy: Immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended whea sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Bik. 209 South 15th St X-441 Bowes, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get, no red tape; you get money same dsy asked for at small coat Open evening till 7. x Mi MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay. ments. Offices in 64 rrinclpal cities. Tol man. room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-841 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom- moaating; an Business connaentlaJ. uol uougiaa. . FURNITURE, 11 v stock, salary loana. Duff Green Loan Co., room t. Barker block. X-Ui. MONEY i loaned on piano, furniture, Jew-. elry, bbraes. cows, a to. C. F. Reed, 810 S. 18th. i V-.4t CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St X 4H0 CHATTEL and salary loans. Credit Co.. 633 Paxton block. . Phoenix X-647 Monev to Burn But we don't burn It: w loan It. Any reasonable amount will be given you ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK AND OTHER CHATTELS) without disturbing them. In shortest Urn after leaving application. SMALL EASY PAYMENTS Repays your lojtn. and If you settle befor . agreement expire w glv you a most LIBERAL DISCOUNT. WE ALSO LOAN ON SALARIES. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. lit Board of Trade Bldg, tot 8. 16th St Established U93. Tel. Douglas it. X-MA4 TO LEND Salary loans by prlvat party; very low ratea; gat my terma before borrowing elaewher; confidential. Ad- dress Box 796. X M808 30 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, atovea, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay th best prices. Tel. Douglas-3ir71. N-MMt Ol SECOND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red-39vt. N M942 Q16 PLUMBING BUY' plumbing supplies direct. Wholessl prices. Save on every article. Onlv first, class goods handled. Prompt attention t every order. Send for catalogue. B. '. Karol. tut Harrison St.. Chicago, III. -M'J1 X OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. TL Doug. 164. -46 DR. W. W. BOWSER, vr UUt Farnaiu, l C vugl 901V, X fi i a i v L. V