Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Beit Umpirt f Lsaeus Hai Off Day at
... Eourk Fninily'l EipeiM.
Mnim k Ptteaea Steady Ball, Rat
( rasata a Mas, and Tensn Otvaa
HIM Brrerleas 8aa
v. . art.
Seven oIom decisions, an made against
' Omaha by Wats Pavls at Vinton street
. park Wednesday afternoon, coat Omaha
the last cam of Uia series with Lincoln
scheduled on ths homa grounds. What
few fan braved tha ohlll atmosphere' were
thoroughly aroused at Davis, who haa bean
praised In moat of tha newapapera on tha
circuit aa being a shrewd umpire who gen
erally got hla- decisions about right. But
when seven close on, all at critical stsgts
of the game, are all decided against the
-lnmie tram it hurta and look bad' at' tha
itnt time. ..
' Lincoln won from the Rourke family by
the score of 4 to 4 In a fame in which
Sanders did not pass a man and tha
Omaha team did not make an error. Tha
hlta came Just.-at opportune tlmea. Tha
fans have' howled against the uroplree at
Vinton street ' park this season until It
haa, become an old' atory and many, had
hoped tha seaeos would pass without their
having. to criticise Blata, wha waa counted
aa a good umpire. '
Lincoln made ana rha In tha second In
ning when .Fenlon led off with a atngle
and. waa caught at .seoond when Thomae
tried to aacrlfloa. Oag-nler hit aafe and
Thomaa scored on Steen's single. ' ' In the
third Zackert led off with a .Texaa leaguer
. and Went to Second when Ketchem beat out
a bunt Qulllln sacrificed them each for
a bag and , Zackert acored on - Davidson's
aafe bunt. Fenlon flew out to Baiiaey and
Ctulltln scored on the throw. Lincoln made
another In tha eighth on two hlta and a
fielder's choice. t
The only runs the Rourke family could
amasa came In the fifth Inning.. Basse?
opened "with a single and Dolan followed
( suit. ' Ooiidlng sacrificed them each on
for a aacli " and Basaey came home on
Long's grqnhder to the pitcher. Bandera
hit a clean one to right 'and brought Dolan
home. Omaha: was .threatened with other
scores, but 81 ate Darts -was on deck to
aee tbst none of the Rourke family crossed
.the plat. .. ... -,..s
Omaha, goes to- Linooln Tor the rest of
,h w and. will return for a double
header N'rlth, , Lincoln next Sunday and a
postponed- game -Monday,, which waa an
open date for both teams,
WTrfe fcor: ' : V . .' . ',.- '
,ab. ;p
... i , I
::. s
... 4
... 4
if)4 fJou pay three
fyyf for a
Kchert. if ....
Wuillln, Jb
ItoA-idaon, iff.-..
Fenlon. rf ..;..
Thomaa.'. lb' ....
cjRgnlrr, ss
Bteen, 2b
Rogers, e . .,' i 1
Zackert,' p j
, 0
' 0
. 4
A. ,
You pay for HAT not for
NAME some charge another
two for NAME.
. Ask the Dealer
Bchlpke. Three-base hits: CLeary, Ran
dall, Belden, McIIsle. .Passed ball: Hog
rlever. , Bases on balls: Oft Paige, l;.oft
Cicotte, I. Btmok-nut: By.-Pala-e. 7: -by
Cicotte, (. Fl rat base on errors: Dea
Moine. 5. Left on baaea; Denver, 7i Ies
Moines, 12. Time: 1:4. Umpire: Van
ItHlif of the Teajna.
Played. Won. Loet
Pes Moines ..
Sioux City ,
Qames today:
.. 134
. 137
, 134
W .
Omaha at Lincoln.
f- TpUls f
Howard, ' "4b
Autrey. rt
Perrlng, b
Welch, cf -
Baseey, If ........
'Dolan.' lbt ........
.unndlna. ......
lxtng . . as ...;...
Fandera, p -
Towneend , ......
. .''
. , Totals t
,,'. 34 .
4 10 27 16
H. PO. A.
11 1
J 0
I s
1 . 0
..Runs .............. 0 1 t
--Hits - .......Mva 3
AH. .1.
.... 0
4 e
.... 3 !
.:.. !
.... 3" 0
.1.. 4 .
3 0
.... 1 ' .
,.... 3. S7 . 16
.Batted. tor Banders' Jn' ninth. .
o e o t a 4
K 9 12 0-40
Omaha, uri ,i'.i.'i ;
,iRun .4...V.....r. 0 0 0 0 t 00-7-2
Hlta f., .,.,i 1 a o 0 4 1 0 1 18
. First base on balla Off ' Zackert. 8.
Struck out: By Sanders,'-3; by Zackert, 3.
'Left on baaea: Omaha. 7; Lincoln, 4. Sac
rifice, hlU Autrey, Gondlng, Qulllin. Stolen
base:n Baaeey. Time: 1:26. Umpire: Davie.
. Attendancotr XX)., .. . .- .
" " ,'' v Kvea Break at Denver. ,
DBNVER, Sept. W.benver and Dea
Moines completed their series hore today,
dividing the double-header. Pslge and' fl
cotte pitched both games. It was bitterly
cold -and- wet -end there were not half a
hundred fans present. Van Blckel's um
piring was weak, both Doyle and Everett
deserving expulsion. Score, first game:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
... 4,0 1
3 0
3 0
Fremont WUIInar to Join l.eaane.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 19.-(Spclal.)
The directors of the baee ball aaenciatlon
held a meeting: last evening and diacusscd
the state league proposition at some length.
Sentiment wss favorable to .some kind of
an organisation for a limited number of
frames, perhaps one a week, with the privi
lege of playing outside games. Fremont
baa had a good many of Its best players
taken by league teams and It has required
pretty strenuous work on the part of Man
ager Bnea to Keep nia nine up to the stand
ard. . It was decided not to rtiaband the
team for a couple of weeks T''and It Is
expected that games Will be arranged with
some of the Western league nlnea. Early
game with those nines usually resulted
In a loss of players snd at the cloae of
the season no such trouble Is looked for.
; Assistant Coach for Cornhnakera.
LINCOLN, Sept. 19. (Special. )T. M.
Btuart, for two years a member of Michi
gan's famous foot ball eleven,' was elertd
to - serve aa asststant coach of the t'ocn
hunker at a meeting of the athletic board
held yesterday afternoon In the office of
1'hyslcal Director Clapp at the t'ntversity
or rveoraBKa. lotton ana "Bin jonnson,
Dotn, memners or last year s varsity team,
were aspirants, but the board derided that
Stuart would prove a more valuable man
for tbe place because of his experience' and
better knowledge of the finer points -Of the
Rain Stops Raetna! -"
COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 19. Rain put an
end to Grand Circuit racing this -afternoon
after one heat of the Board of Trade $3,0(i0
rurse for1 2:07 pacers had been decided
in inn iiiiiu inrns o nun i im imir iu .t..
Kudora. Jubilee, ByrI Wilkes. Bolivar, and
Blsrk Pet finished In the order named
Today's card will be taken up Thursdsy
and it Is planned to end the meeting on
Saturday. .. .
Iowa Lea am e Keaalts.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Sept. 19. Ppe
rial Telegram.) Following are the results
la tne lor.a league:1 ' v
Burlington, 8; Marshalltowh, I.
Ottumwa, 14; Waterloo, 5. . . " ,
Keokuk,. 7; Fort Dodge, 'R. -
Oskaloosa. 3;' Clinton. "Dskaldotla,
Clinton. 1, five innings-.- . :'
f - mmm . . .'J
Philippine Cltlieaa. Give Dlaner '
Honor of Tiro Inaalar Got- -ernors
America! Leaden Lou Hard Fought 0am
ta Philadelphia Tribe.
Two Rons Are geared, bat This Is
Rot Safllelent to OTercorae Lead
Sew Vork Shots Oot
at. I.oals.
CHICAGO. Sept. 19 Philadelphia won a
hnrd-fought game from C'hlcacn today.
The locals rallied In the last Inning, but
could not overrrme the l-ad. Score:
rt I t 4 1
B. H O. A.g.
Hsrtarl. If... 4
Annbrufltr, rf I
H. Davit, lb 4
Lord, if 4
Bhcan, lb.. 4
SuillTin. I
(Hilrlni. lb.. 4
InhrKk, .... 4
i)irt, t
Teuls Jl
t Huhii.
JnrtM. ef
fibril, b
t RuK. lb.
DntlohUff, lb
t UouahertT, If I
e i, '.ii, it o
t Rnlh. r 4
1 hundoa. m. . . I
u. It, aa. i
I 17 10 I Altrork. p ... I
MrKirlAnd .
1 I
1 1
1 1
it t
Totals 11 rt
Batted for Dougherty In eighth.
Batted for Altrock In ninth.
Chicago 1 0000000 2-3
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2-4
Ieft on banes: Chicago. 10: Philadelphia,
Two-btse hit: Donohue. Three-bae
hits: Bhean. IOrd. Sacrifice hits:
Armbruster. Donohue,' Sullivan. Stolen
bases: Isbell (31. Double plays: Hahn
to Isbell. Btruck out: By Altrock, ; by
Dygert, 7. Passed ball. Roth. First base
on balls: ' Off Altrock, 1; oft Dygert, 6.
Hit with ball: Hahn. Time: 2:06. Um
pire: Sheridan. .
New York Shots Oat St. Loots.
BT. LOUIS. Mo., Bept. 19.-New York shut
out the home team today. Orth was
effective. Powell was In good form, but
was out lucked. Score:
4 I 1 ANIle. rt
I 1 t 4 0Jne, lb
0 Stone, it
O' Hr1
Kfll.r It.... 4
Unir. rf 4
Smnet. rf . , . . I
lxbrrt, lb... 4
M"Lmd. t... 4
lthantr. Ml
Peal, lb I
Hail, a 4
Tat alt
In double-heeder. The econd game wss
called at the end of the eighth on account
of darkneaa Score, first game:
B.H.O A g
ti.,..!. k t a l ii'iar. Bb....4 loss
lit Malonar. n.. m w m - w
last Batrh. rf 4 I
4 Humm-I. lb.. I 14 t
lilt XrCarthr. If. I t I t
14 4 1 Alparman. lb I I I a
! I 0 1 lwla. aa I t I 1
1 It 1 t RUtar. r 4 1 I J t
t 1 I Kaann. a I I
Rar4nB ....1 e t
i: i r u i
Tatala m i n ii
Batted for Eeaon in ninth.
Ctnclnnstl 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 01
Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 01
Two-baSe hits: Jude, Lobert. Sacrlflca
hits: Delehanty, Deal, Alerman. 8tolen
baees: Maloney. Patch. McCarthy. Casey,
Hummel, Ielehanty. Deal. Double play:
Kellf-v, llugRins and Deal. Iefl on bases:
Cincinnati. : Brooslvn, . First baae on
balls: Ult Roeon, 4; oft Hall. S. Hit by
pitched ball: Bv Eaton. Struck out: By
Kaeon. J; by Hall. 6. Pasd ball: Mo
lan. Wild pitch: - Eason. I: Hall, 1.
Time: 11. Umpires: Johnstone snd
Score, second game:
Caaar. 3b
ktalonay, cf . , I
Huvtnal. lb.. 4
RAardon. rf . . I
McCarthy. If. I
Alperman. tb I
Iwla. aa I
Brtn. e.... I
Strlcklatt, t. I
I t 0 IHu((lnt.
OKollrr. It..
fjude. rf....
f Hraoot. cf...
Ixibart, .lb.
JSrhlrl. f...
II Delehanty
aa I
!"!. lb I
tKwins. I
B.H.O. A B.
4 1 I
Kaelar. rf...
BIMrfalt, aa
t'haae. lb...
Wllllama tb
Laport, Sb . .
Conroy, If..'.
Hoffman, ct.
Klalnow, c.
Orth,' p
1 11
lKeck'Sal, lb I
t Harttall, at.. 4
n O'Connor, e . I
OPowall. p.... I
B.H.O. A. .
4 1 1 t
1 It
1 I
1 1
e i
.... 4
.... I
cf. 4
lb.. 4
ToUla 10- 7 17 II 1
New York .; 1
St. Louis 0
Earned runs: New
Totals II I 17 11 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 03
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
York. 2. Two-base
hit: Stone. Sacrifice hits: Rockenfleld,
Chase, Klberfeld. Double plays: Stone
to Hartsell. Passed ball: Klelnow.
Stolen bases: Keeler, Hoffman. Elberfeld.
Wild pitch: Orth. First base on balls:
Off Powell, 2; off Orth, 1. Struck out: By
Foweu, 2; Dy orth, s. J-ert on Dates: Bt.
Louis,- 7: New York, 4. Time: 1:46; Um
pire: Connolly.
Detroit Wins from Boaton.
DETROIT. Bept. 1. Klllian pitched his
first game alnce his suspension was raised,
and Boston waa beaten handily though hit
freely. 8core:
' B.H.O.A.E. - B.H.O.A.E.
Mclntvra, If. 4 0 I 0 t Hoar, if ! 0
0 1 t Parent, aa.... 4 10
lot SUM, ct I 0 I
1 t 1 Chadb'rnt, lb 4 1 1
7 I tGrlmabaw. lb I 1 11
4 4 1 Morgan, lb... 4 11
7 t Or'iacman, rf. 4 0 I
1 1 0 Carman, c. 4 I 4
0 11 Barry, p...,. 4 10
Coughlin, lb. 4
Crawford, rf. 4
Cobb, cf 4
Payne, c 4
Schaafer, lb. 4
Llndaay. lb.. I
O'Leary, aa.. 4
Klllian, p.... I
Totala It 4 14 I 1 Totala J 4 14 12 I
Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 0 o 01
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Game called account darkneaa.
Two-bsae hits: Deal. Three-base hit:
Lewis. Sacrifice hits: Msloner (2), Alper
msn. Stolen bese: Maloney. Double
plays: Reardon'to Hummel. Alperman to
Hummel; Lewie to Hummel.. Left on
baes: Cincinnati. S: Brooklyn, 5. Flrat
baae on balls: Off Strlcklett. 2; off Ewing,
2. Hit by pitched ball: By Ewlng. 1.
Struck out: By Strlcklett, I: by Ewlng. S.
Passed ball: Schlel. Time: 1:7. Um
pires: Emslte and Johnstone.
Pirates Defeat Glanta.
NEW YORK, Bept. 1 By their defeat In
today's game with Pittsburg the New
York's lost their last chance to have a
look in at a pennant winning club this
season. Score :
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Haltman, cf. I 1 I I 0 Shannon. If.. 4 1 S 0
Oanlay, rf... S I 1 0 Browne, rf..! 0 1 0 0
1 I 0 0 Seymour, cf.. 4 I 0 0 0
I 1 I 0 Breanahan, e 4 0 0 4 o
1110 Damn. 8b... I 1 t 0
111 0 MrOano. lb..O t t
0 110 Honlln. lb... I I 10 1 0
1114 nahlen. at... I 0 1 t I
0 0 0 0 Strang. 2b... I 0 I I 0
Amea. p 0 0 0 0 0
M 11 14 11 0 'Burke 1 1 0 0 0
Taylor, p..;. 10 111
Kltiterald ..1 0 0 4 0
Ferguson, p.. 0 0 0 0 t
Totala 1 7 14 14 I
Batted for Ames In third.
Batted for Taylor in seventh.
Pittsburg 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 08
New York 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 14
Called account of darkness.
Left on baaea: New York. 4: Pittsburg. 10.
First base on balls: Off Ames, 2; off
Taylor 1; off Leever. 1. Btruck out: By
Ames, 2; by Taylor; 3; by Ferguson, 2;
by Leever, 2. Home runs: Beymour. 1
Three-base hits: Burke. Two-tin no hit-
Donlln. Sacrifice hit: Browne. Stolen
bases: Hallman, Leach, 2. Double plays:
Bresnahun to Donlln;- Hallman to Wagner.
nua: un Ames. in tnree inninara: orr
Taylor, in four Innings; off Ferguson, 0 in
one inning. Umpires: Carpenter and Klem.
Time: 1:50.
Clarke. If.... I
Wagner, aa., 4
Nealoa, lb... 4
Leach, lb. ... I
Rttchey. Ib.. 4
Olbeon, 4
Leerer, p.... I
Totali 14 I 37 I 1 Totals IT 11 M 11 I
Detroit 0 2 2 0 0 I 1 1 !
Boston 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 02
Two-base hits: O'Leary, Barry. Three
base hits: Crawford. Cobb, Bchaefer.
Stolen baees Coughlin, Crswford, Lind
say, Chadbourne. r'trot base on balls:' By
Klllian. 4; by Barry, 2. Left on bases: De
troit, 8; Boston, 12. Struck out: By Kll
lian, 6; by Barry, 1. Double play: Bchaefer
to Lindsay. Wild pitch: Killlsn, 1; Barry,
L Time: 1:36. Umpire: O'Loughlin.
Xapeleoos Defeat Senators.
CLEVELAND, O., Bept. 19. Cleveland de
feated Washington today. Hickman's dou
ble saved Washington a shut-out. Score;
B.H.O.A.E. B.K.O.A.B.
Jai'kaon. if.. 4 lit I Alttaer, aa... I till
t Scbelfle,. HH.t I i
s Jonea, ? rt. ..., 4 0 1
Crnaa. lb..... 4 11
0 Hickman, rf. I I I
0 AndereoB. If. I I t
1 Stahl, lb....: I 0 U
t Warner, c... I 0 0
0 Hardy, p I 0 0
Stovall, lb... 4-1 1
Turner, at... Ill
Lalole. lb.... 4 0 1
rongalton, rf 4 1 1
Flt k. vt 4 1 1
Roeamao. lb. 4 I 10
Bemte. e 10 1
Berahard, p. I 1 0
Belden. If......
Smith, so......
Randall, rf....
Rusadl, lb...,
Weigart. c , Jt .
iqi rmir, i ... .1
Meddlck. Sb... 1 0 "
Davlds.Sb..,..., I
Donahue, 2b i.... 2
Pslge, p., I
Sch!pke Sb...
O'l-eary, ss..
Andreas, cf..
'flabrle, lb....
Hogrlever. c
...2 " 2
Mowry,,lf S
Sessions, rf 1
Magoon, 2b,....,, 8.
Clcutte, p , I
1 27 10 2
H. PO. A. E.
, 0 0 0 0
0 12 1
14 0 0
0 10 , 1 , 0
0 4 10
0 0 0 0
13 0 0
0 110
0 17 1
1 24 12 2
Denver ,.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
les Moines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stolen ' tie ace: Paige, O'Lesry, Magoon.
Sacrifice' hit: Weigart.' Fa act on balla:
off Paige. 1; off Cicotte. 1. Struck out:
By Paige. 3; by Cicotte, f. First bene or
errors! lenver, I: Des Moines, J.
bases, Denver, 2: Des Moines. ?. Time:
1:18. t'mplre: Van Sickel. Attendance: 66.
Score, second game:
AB. R. H. PO. A.
4 11 0 .
MANILA, Bept. 19.-A dinner that waa
at once a farewell to Governor General
Ids and a welcome to hla successor. Gen
eral Smith, was given tonight by a num
ber of citizens of tha Philippines. Speeches
eulogistic of the Ide administration were
made by several Filipinos, and representa
tives of American, British and Filipino In
threats) greeted General Smith.
In an address retiring Governor General
Ide reviewed the work of hla administra
tion, calling attention to the substantial
progress that has been made. He said that
the foundation for commercial and Indus
trial development had been laid, but while
much has been accomplished, there la
much remaining to be done.
Governor General Smith, In responding to
the welcome tendered hi in, asked for tha
co-operation of all claanes of citizens In
support of the government, as there must
be coheaton In order to obtain results.
A large crowd viewed the t parade of
troops. Governor Smith In hla- address an
nounced that his policy would be the policy
of President McKlnley and Secretary Taft
K .......... , .. . , . ,
2 ! ruuvainiii aim yi t-yn in i lull ui tnc pliie
0o or popular sen-government. . Discussing
politics, he said:
I perxonally doub't that Independence ia
. Totala It 10 IT II I Totala. II 4 14 II 1
Cleveland 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 -
Washington 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1
Two-base hits: Stovall, Hickman. Three
base hits:- Rossman, Flick. Stolen bases:
Bemls, Stovall, Altlser. Bases on balls:
Off Uernhard, 1; off Hardy, 2. Left on
bases: Cleveland. 7; Washington, i. Struck
out: By Bernhard, 3; by Hardy. 4. " Passed
ball: Bemls. Time: 1:11. Umpires: Hurst
and Evans. ,
Standing: of the Team a.
. Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago 135 M 62 .1
New Vork 1 82 M .807
Cleveland 134 71 68 .57
Philadelphia 134 7f ' 6 ' .fx)
St. Louis 135 B7 68 .49
Ietrolt 13 1 78 .4f
Washington 137 62 85 ..380
Boston .: ..138 46 93 .S2
Gamea today: Washington
Boston at Cleveland.
at Detroit,
the panacea for nil the Ilia that people are ! Rhodea,
in ir iot nan uuua rouna tnat an liu pnemi-
I-ft on snt nationality haa given irood govern-
innni. peace ana contentT Independence
without force or means to mnintnin It Is
not worth having. Independence without
good government la deceiving.
Belden. If...
Smith, ss....
Randall, rf..
Ruarell. lb.,
Welatsrt. c.,
McHslc. cf..
Davla. 3b
Donahue. Jb.
Paige,. p...
Totals ..
I Steamer Meteor Waa Sot Ordered front
Portantooth Harbor In a
Storm.. ,
VN. 4
8 27 12
B-Mpl'r, b...
OljBmrf. a ....
Andreas, cf...
Haia-ie. tb
Hogrlever. c.
Mowrv. If......
S'Nsainua. rf....
1ngoon. 2t...
Cicotte. p
... S
.... 4
... R
... 6
... 4
... 5
.... I
... 5
.... 4
H. PO.
1 1
PORTSMOUTH. Eng... .Sept. 19. -The in
cident of tha Meteor has. been much niis-
E. ! construed by German newspapers. The
2 1 naval authorities explain that the Meteor
Totals 43 T 14 27 9
THa Mlttea 1 2 10 110 1 0-7
Denver ..,.... 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 04
Stolen base: McHale 2. Andreas 12), '
Mowry til, Bahrle, Hogi lever. Sacrifice
lilt: Cicotte. Two-baae hits: Srasions,
learned into the harbor and moored Itaelf
...I 1 1
a-'- BranaSeld. lb I 4 4
mission. The authorities directed It to cast Titua. rf Ill
off and the Meteor soon left the harbor, but I JJjJJ JJ"" J J
was not ordered to do so. I Courtney, lb.' I 0 0
The Berlin Neutte Niichrlchten said vea- ! houaton. c...l 0 4
terday that tha Hamburg-American line
ateamer Meteor, with -excuratonists on
board, had been ordered to leave Pom,
mouth during a storm, tha ateamer having
taken refuge there.
Philadelphia and St. Loots Break
Even In a Dooble-Header.
PHILADELPHIA, Bept. 19. -Philadelphia
and St. Louia broke even In a double-header
today. Score, first game:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O. A.
O'Hara, If... 4 too OThomaa, cf.. I 0100
Durch. cf I 110 tgentelle. lb . 5 0 110
Bennett, lb.. 4 14 1 1 BranaSeld. lb 4 0 I 0 1
Perry, lb 4 0 0 1 1 Tllue. rf 4 I 0 0 0
Murray, rf... I 14 0 aMagee.. If ... I 0 10 0
Hally. lb I 1 I 0 ODoolin. at.... 4 1 I I I
Marthall. e. .. I 10 0 Courtney, lb. I 1 I I 0
Grady, e I 0 1 1 0 1'ooln. a 10 1 0
Crawford, aa.4 1 1 4 V Hlrnie. p s e 0 1 t
p.... I tOO 1 Dugglehy, p. 1 0 0 I 0
Karger, P....1 0 0 t t Uouovao ... 1 0 0 0 0
Totala II 0 17 11 8 Totala 31 4 17 10 I
Batfd for Richie In sixth.
St. Louis 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 04
Left on bases St. Louis, 8; Philadelphia
7. Stolen bases: Marshall. Two-base hits
Crawford. Doolln. Three-bsse hits: Mur
ray. Sacrifice hits: Bennett, Hally. Dou
ble plays: Crawford, Barry and Hally;
Bennett and Barry. Struck out: By
Richie, 3; by Duggleby, 2; by Rhodes, 3;
by Karger, 2. Bates on balls: Off Richie.
4; off Rhodes, 4; off Karger, 2. Hits: Oft
Richie, In six inning; off Rhodes, 3 In
five inninga; off Duggleby, 2 in three In
nlngs; off Karger, 1 in four innings. Hit
by pitched ball; Thomaa. Time: 2.06,
Umpire: O Day.
Thomae, cf... I 110 O'Hara. If... I I I 0 i
t Burrb. rf ... I 0 1 1 i
0 Bennett, tb.. I I 1 I
Barry, lb I 0 I 0 0
aM array, rf... I 1 1 1
Hally, lb,... 110 14
t Grady, c I 1 4 0 0
ll t raw lord, at. I 0 0 I 0
1 Karger, p.... I 1 t t t
Luah, p.,
10 1
Standing! of the Tea ma.
Played. Won. Lost.
Chicago 13 im 88 .7S
JNew York ...137 88 49 .643
Pittsburg .136 84 62 . 618
fnuaaeipnia ,..,.,.,.138 u 73 .471
Cincinnati -i,. ..141. 61 8n .431
Brooklyn '.i 137 67 80 . 418
St. Louis i... 140 49 91 .850
Boston ..;.. 188 43 95 .812
Gamea today: Pittsburg at New York
Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Chicago, at Boston,
St. Louis at Philadelphia. . . .
Captain Predendall of Qnarter-
maater's Dtnrtnaet Aeenaed
otj Mia pat a- Fonda.;'.:
.sr.-' ' ' ' ' '
MANILA. eV;'!l9;-8 p. m.-Captaln Tra
tt. FTedenaU of;1lhe quartermaster's de
partment wss charged in the court of first
Instance In this city this afternoon of mis
appropriation of .public funds. The filing
of theae charges IS thewculmlnatlon of ex
tensive investigations by the Insular au
thorities Into an alleged series Of frauds
perpetrated by members of tha quarter
master's j department -in the Philippines.
The inquiry resulted In the discovery, of
padded pay rolls in quartermaster's shops
and grafting in the lease of lighters. Both
officers and civilians' are Implicated and
court-martials will follow the court pro
ceilings." " '
Major - General Wood continued the in
quiry originally begun by Major General
Corbln. The result of the Investigation has
been a great saving In transportation funds
and a decrease In graft, such aa the manu
facture of furniture, etc., in the shops for
the private use of officers and civilians.
High officials In the army and govern
ment are said to have been the beneficiaries.
Captain Fredenall entered the service of
the United States during the Spanish
American war, , serving as quartermaster
of volunteers. At the close of that war
ha secured a place in. the regular estab
lishment, his commission bearing date W'l.
He la a native of New York and waa a p.
pointed from Wyoming.
Franco anal Belgian Object to Action
of Saltan Dnrlngr Recent
TANGIER, , Morocco, Sept. 19. The atti
tude of the sultan and hla representatives
during disorders at Casa Blanca September
17, when Sheriff Taelalnein, with 260 men.
pillaged the French Iron worka there and
pursued Europeans through the streets,
wounding several of them, have called
forth official protests from the French
and Belgian ministers to Morocco.
These diplomats have notified Mohammed
El Torres, the foreign minister, that their
government haa reserved the right to de
mand indemnity for the pillage of Franco
Belgian establishments.
v Itching, disfiguring eruptions, rashes, boils, etc., as well as pimples,
Maek-besds and rough, scaly skins, show the presence cf some irritating
hutuor ia the blood. , These acids and humors with which the blood Is filled
are being constantly thrown off through the pores and glands, and the skin
is kept ia a feverish, diseased and unsightly condition. Nothing applied
externally can change the condition of the blood or prevent the outflow of
poisons and acids ; only constitutional treatment can do this. The countless
washes, salves, lotions, etc., that are used cannot reach the humor -laden
tlood and are, therefore, useless, except for the temporary comjort and clean
liness they afford. The acid poison in the blood, which is the cause of the
trouble, must be removed before a cure can be effected.", iv"S) 3. 's Tea
blood purifier, possessing all the requirements to neutralize aud remove the
hvnior. from the circulation. It completely eradicates every trace of the
poison and restores this vital fluid to its natural state of purity S. S. S. cools
the acid-heatev'. Uood o that instead of pouring out acrid matter on the skin
it feeds and n-irvi.! t it with health-sustaining properties, and the eruptions
and diseases cf . ... ' pass away. Book on Skin Diseases and medical
.vlviccficc, JII SWIFT SFECtHC CO., ATlAlffA, CA.
I . "
I It s
Totala X l2 I 1 ToUla M
'Karger out, hit by batted ball.
Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 0 1 4
bt. lAuia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Left on baaes: Bt. Louie. 6; Philadelphia,
4. Karned runs: Philadelphia. 2. Stolen
base): Doolln, Hally. Two-base hit:
Branafleld. Three-base hit: Doolin. Dou
ble I'Uya: Doolin snd Branatleld; Burch
and Grady; Hally, Bennett and Barry:
Branafleld and Latsh. Btruck out: By
I.uah. J; by Karger, 1. Bases on balls: OS
Karger. 1. Pesfcrd ball: Grady. Time;
1:1-:. L'mplre: O Day.
defease Ttea High Mark.
BOSTON. Sept. 1. Chicago tied h rec
ord of the National league for 10 gamea
won. made by New York last year, by win
cing today from Boaton. Score:
flaa-ta. cf..
Checker. If. 4
Sli ille. rf I
(kaare. Ik... I
Stemteiat, tb 4
Tinker, aa. .. 4
rrera. Ib 4
Morao. e 4
Heaibeok. I
HO. A. a.
41 Delaa
Tease, lb...
Brala. lb....
Batea. cf
Howard, lb..
Brtaarell. aa.
I Caaieraa, It..
S Brew, c....
I rauag, a
B. H.O.A a.
1 11
Two-base hit
Bates. . Sacrlflca
11 rat on balla:
1 - Struck out: '
M 1 rt II I Totala II in II
0 0 I 0 0 0 0-1
'. 0 0 1 4) 0 0-1
Tinker. Three-baaa hit:
lilts. Brain. Buelbach.
Off Toung. 1; off Kuelbech.
By Toung. 4; by Ruelbach.
Z. Time: 1:. umpire: btarroru.
Kn Break to Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN. "Sept. 1 Tha Cincinnati
lara a k air raama aallt even aaaia aesanr
American Veaael Seised
SHFTLBURNE. N. 8.. Sept. 19 -The Cana
dian rnatoms officlala have aeiaed the Amer
ican fishlrg schooner Arthur Binnet at
Northeast harbor. It Is charged that tha
schooner landed amuggled goods at Iivar.
pool. N. S.. some time. ago. The Blnney
balla from Boston.
Verdigris Kills Maeteen.
BRKSLAl. 8ept. 1K.-A . dlspsteh from
Totiutasow, Russian Poland, says fifty- per
sona there were poisoned at a confirmation
festivity by eating meat which hud been
rooked in a copper kettle containing ver
digris. Nineteen persona have already
died. :
l 4lassof
n Beer Tnr
atl Lj , rh
The Prohibition Theory on Beers
Has been weighed In the balance and found wanting. The great scientlats of all Nations after careful snalysla declare that beer
brewed from pure barler malt and hops contains only shout per rent ot alcohol or )unt enough to miiclly stimulate the bod?
and promote hrallby digestion. Iir. Bauer, the Oerman analyst whce tame is international) says: "Hner has a number of
pleasant and valuable qualities. No other beTerare contains such aromhinatlonof useful properties. The water of It quench"
the thirst, tbe carbonic sold refreshes, the extracts are nutritious, the alcohol furthers digestion, the mineral aalts build up Ine
bones, and extracts of hope act as a tonic." , t.
Dr. Bauer's statement here glren nactly describes the Qualities of ,
Gund's Peerless Beer
Its commanding superiority over all American brews was proven at the St. Loo I a World's fair where In open competition with ,
tbe best America can produce It won tbe Oold Medal. Peerless has been brewed for over (0 years from the best Malting Barley
and finest Bohemian Hops by tbe world fatuous "Ound Nataral Process" and has won its high position aolely on account of
unadulterated genuine honest merit. Sold at all places of public resort and generally fouud In tbe homes of our very best
people. Telephone, write or call; a case will be delivered to your home at once.
John Gund Brewing Co., La Crosse, Wisconsin.
W. C. Hpydc-n Mjrr.. l:l20-2a'24 Leavenworth Ht., Omaha, Nob., Telephone Douglas 2JJ44.
llamliart & Klein, Wholesale Distributers, 162 West liroadway. Council Muffs, Iowa.
Krt. J. W. Bnbardt of Blair Strikes on
' Head, hover Regaining Senses.
Taken to Swedlah Hospital and Lives
Till Horning; Former Assistant
' Inatractreaa nt Brows.
nell Hall.
Another serious street, car accident oc
curred Tuesday evening a 9:30, "which
terminated fatally to the Injured person.
Mrs. J. W. Rubardt, aged 60 of Blair, at
tempted to alight from a northbound car
on the Twenty-fourth afreet line at Twenty-
fourth and Emmet streets before the car
had come to a stop. . According to the
conductors report she stepped off the car
backwards and the momentum of the car
threw her to the pavement with great
fores fracturing the base of her 'skull. Dr.
Paul H. Rills was 'called to her assistance
and after dressing her Injuries had her re
moved to the Bwedlnh Hospital, Twenty
foutth and Pratte-streets, where she died
Wednesday at S a. m., from the effects of
her injuries and without regaining con
sciousness. Mrs. Rubardt's Identity was established
by the aid of a suit case she was carrying
st the time of the accident. She was a
widow and had resided In Omaha several
years ago prior to the death of her husband.
In 1903 and 1904 she was employed .-af
BroWnell , JIall as assistant instructress In
sewing and removed to Blair, after severing
her connection with Brownell Hall, where
she lias since resided.
Mrs. Rubardt Is survived by a son who
Is In the west, but has not been located,
and a grandson, Lesle Marrlam of this city.
During her residence In Omaha she was 'a
communicant at St. Barnabas church. Tha
rector of the church, Father Williams, Is
endeavoring to find her son and ascertain
his wishes as to the burial of his mother.
The body 'was removed to the office of
Bralley Dorrance, where it will be held
until communication Is established with
Gustave Callahan, conductor, 2615 Hamil
ton street, and H. J. Roberts, 2314 Sahler
street, the motorman, were In charge of
the street car which struck Mrs. Rubardt.
Conductor Callahan told the police, who
were present- at the time of the accident,
that Mrs. Rubardt stepped from the car
while it was coming to a stop, but before
he could warn here of her danger.
rxn r
If you are interested in securing
honest dealings and successful
medical treatment, we advise
you to
tbe announcement in next Sun
day's Bee of the
c - .'. ' as
r" 'Si
w I-
or Call and Be Examined Free
1308 Faxnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
rermanently Established In Omaha, Nebraska.
'' 1 . '- ' , , ; i", .vl4.'vja ui
B PTC CI At, DlfJEASBa Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All burning i
and itching and . Inflammation etopped In M hoars; cures affsoted la 1 days.
VTE CURE . ' . - --
ome Today to the SUCCESSFUL Specialist,
'ho will cure jrou quickly' and permanently..
Twin Brew Steamer Creole Takes
Water at Fare Hirer Com
pany's Yard.
QVINCT. Mass., Bept. 1 The twin screw
steamer Creole, which was launched at the
yard of the Fore River Shipbuilding com
pany here todsy, waa built by that com
pany for the Atlantic service of the South
ern Pacific company and Is Intsndrd to run
between New York and New Orleans.
It is a steel steamship of the hurricane
deck type, and wss sspectslly designed aa a
flrat-rlaaa paaaengar and freight steam
ship. Tha veaael haa five decks and la
aubdivided by transverse water-tight bulk
head a into four cargo hold a. in addition
to tha various between-decks. It Is 4
feet long, U feet lrt breadth and ft feet in
depth-, it has accommodations (or about
iou pajiaerngars, including XI atesraj:.
us 'a Hi
.00 .on .(
If you hare violated tha lawa of health and are ';
macioua of a constant drain which ia undermining '
jvij.. your ayatem, coma to ua Oetore you Become a nerv-
Kt&tml-!' m ous and physical wreck. It you are woak. gloomy '
and despondent, have bad dreams, drpraeaed. lack of ambition and energy, unable
to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim, vigor and vitality, come to ua at once.
Our treatment will atop all dralna and overcome all weaknesses and positively '
restore you to health and strength. Wa have cured thousands of weak men.
' Those who have been diaappolnted by nnekllled specialists are earnestly '
requested te investigate our metaoAs aad terms without delay, wMoo. had
they dona in tha beginning, would have saved them time and mosey.
Northwest Corner 18th and Faro am SU. OMAHA, NER.
bowers In East Portion of Nebraska
Today Pair and Warmer la
West Portion.
WASHINGTON, Bept. 18.-Forecat of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Fair and warmer In west,
showers In east portion Thursday; Friday,
For Iowa Showers Thursday and In east
portion Friday.
For South Dakota Fair and warmer
Thursday and Friday.
Local Record.
OIKAHA,' Sept. 19 Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
yoara: 1906. 196. 19-4. 1903.
Maximum temperature 68 71 84 7H
Minimum temperature 58
Mean temperature 63
Precipitation tl
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha alnce March 1
and comparison with the lust two years;
Normal temperature 62
Klxcess for the day 1 .
Total deficiency alnce March 1 18 I
Normal precipitation 10 inch i
Kx eH for the day 11 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 22.93 Inches
Deficiency since March. 19l3 1.73 inches
Iet1cicncy for cor. period In 19"5. 4. M) Inches
Deficiency for cor. period In l&H. 8.39 inches
Reports from Stations at 7 P. M.
Station snd State Temp,
of Weather. 7 p. in.
Bismarck, cloudy 6h
Cheyenne, raining 48
Chicago, raining 7
tavenport. cloudy 74
enver, raining b'i
Huvrs, clear 82
Helena, clear 72
Huron, part cloudy 84
Kantian City, clear 72
North Platte, cloudy 58
Omaha, clear so
Rapid City, cloudy '
Ht. IOula, clear 72
Bt. Paul, part cloudy 74
Halt like City, clear 74
Valentine, cloudy d4
Willlaton. clear 78
T Indicates trace of
i r "v.
if V-f " f
By the Old Reliable Dr. Seartea &,Searle&
Eatabllahad in Omaha for 16 years. Tha many thousaadl
of easea cured by ua make ua tha moot experienced Bpe
lallats In the West, In all dlssaaes aad ailments of mesa
Ws know just what will curs you and cure qulcklr.
Ws make no misleading or false statements, or offer jroe)
cheap, wort hi aba treatment Our reputation and nam!
ara too favorably known, every case ws treat, our reputae
tlon is at stake. Tour health, life and happlnena Is tea
Serious a matter to place In tbe hands of a- "NAMEfc
LKBd" DOCTOR. Honest doctors of ability OSe tbeif
OWN NAME IN THK1R Bf 8IXB99. Ws ea affect ft
everyone a life-long CURE for Weak. Net-eous MV
Varicocele troubles. Nervous Debility, Blood Poison,
Prrwtatio troubles, Kidney, Rladder, WASTING WBAHj
NESS, Hydrocele, rhrnnle Dlsessea, Contracted Dtseasaa,
fitomaoh aAd Skla Dlaeaaa -
j w a; - nq elimination and oonsailtatlorl. Wrrta fog
a i a- m
Symptom Rlank for homa treatment.
D2(, bhm.imi 6BARLES. 14th maA OonIa aitreejta, Ouuaha, Mnhiggfi
Max. Rain-
Tt'inp. fall.
78 .00
54 .)
7 .10
78 .112
58 .12
88 , .110
78 .Oil
tS .48
78 T
68 .(
4 .00
Mt , .00
78 .Ofi
7 .
M 112
a2 .UI
I, LiOcal Forecaster.
DAYTON 1907 Model
If you or some rnembsr of your family
wsra Uin suddenly to-nlgbt with
Diarrhoea. Dysentary, Flux, Choiera
Morbus, or Cholera Infantum, would
you be prepard to check UT
Every home should hare a supply ot
Blackberry Ba.lsa.rn
t ia a moat reliable remedy for ail loose
madlUou 9t tU teulsx afj. sUlt4
Is as near perfection as an automobile can be made'. Thoussndg have
learned that there la the biggest dollar's worth of motoring value yeo.
tor every dollar's worth invested In the Stoddard-Dayton that can be
found in any car. There is such a demand for them that we're only
been alloted 25 for next jar and If you want the best automobile
made, better give us jour order right now. We will later,'
aefMtoe largely ua tbe uaialag aa -eceHea astweea
tbe sas ot u a& M. Mowaere eaa he raoeirs
hatlsr uaialag lor taa areai soaaiblUtlaa ef aua
keed teas at (be K-.AHSfcil MILITAMV
iCAUtU V. DeTaiopmeat M mim u4 soSf,
tall-resuatat ss4 lalilaUn at lu suisw e:t.
aiicr. Ciwslei ooliega iweparaianr staaual Irala-lua-aaUltary
Uctica. laalrucilea as 4laclllae
tkerouta. tauk ae sseera AUUeUca, a are ail
eaa eseelleal aaaltarr aaeialUeea. Wrue tar Cats
-- - 4, Jaaaraw atlitiUiy aVcscaUa aiaaxae, naa
COLLb.jtu-- claamneii. acieni.ftvi, ptuoao
pt.ical touisea :
ACAPbMV-An accredited High School.
Pteparea for iw-llevue or any other eu
(rae or university-
FORMAL SCHOOU-Klenwrtary and Sda
tani'rii courses Ceitincales granted.
CONBERVATORY Theoiy vt Hiiaaie,
sno, voice, violin, elocution and art.
CONNECTIONS with Oiiuaaa KUetrie
line and Burlington Railway. .
eall aeraeater opens bVptambar la,
Addraias ktmOAuA JtiadgwUCLa. rll)asTgs.
tfaa, . i i