Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Atk your best dressed lady friend where she bought her new Tall
Tailor-Mado Suit, and she will tell you at "BEKGER'S," becnma
they have the laiest and moat up-to-date rtodels, with those pretty
curves to them that set her oS to advantage and cause her to re
ceive the admiration ot her many frienda.
We take special care In fitting; all our aulta, and we guarantee
them to fit aa perfectly as any man tailor ould possibly fit them.
Is thla worth anything to you?
For Thursday, we offer specially low prices In our
Governor Holds Up Work on Elevators at
the Eastinn iijlnm
lniroauciory &aie oi tur jacueis
You can't afford to miss it If you contemplate the purchase of a
Fall Wrap. , v
WANTED-Compelent Alteration Help.
Cloaks, Soils, Skirts, Fors and Waists .
The New Cloak Shop. 1517 Farnam St.
nil c
O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile Co.
Wish to inform their many
friends and customers that they
have MOVED into THEIR
and will be ready for BUSI
See Announcement Later
... - ... t .- mmb
Flood Coadltioaa In Northeast Dis
trict of Nebraska but Little
PENDER. Neb.. Sept. l.-(Bpeclal Tele
gram.) Borne families ar. moving; Into their
homes, being conveyed In boats. The lops
of household goods, grain and live stock
will amount to many thousand dollars. The
growing corn on the Logan valley will be
a total losa unless the water runs away
mora rapidly. Another raise from up the
valley Is reported due to recent rains.
The street carnival and races, wer.
to opeq today," but the ' races were
abandoned as there is three feet of 'water
over the raca . track at this ttme. The
fences along the valley are swept away.
Nearly all the hay along the whole track
of the flood la either floated away or
ruined. Mauy fanners . have lost their
whole herd of, hogs. Most all the - cattle
and horses reached the highlands and are
running at large. Many families ar. yet
llvipg in the top stories of their houses,
where they will doubtless remain for forty
eight houra longer,
.The body of young Warren was conveyed
in, a boat across the creek to the cemetery
yesterday, .where burial took place.
jpAKLAND, Neb., Sept. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) Many reports of enormous damage
by the flood on the Great Northern at this
point and north of hero have been, cir
culated .for which, there la no foundation.
As yet no grade has been washed away
between" here and Blnux City and trains
from the north on! the Great Northern
haw. run about on time all week. The
report that the big nil youth of town has
been washed away la also false. No
damage has been done there thus far.
The high water which has caused so
much trouble north- of Oakland . reaohed
her. today and the water Is reported the
highest since 1881. The north grade out of
town . is covered with eighteen inches of
water and In some places the grade la
being washed away. The. south grade Is
not entirely covered, but as the . water Is
still rising. It will also be - oovered by
morning. For two miles across the bottom
there is a solid lake of water. - Thousand
of tons of hay will be lost, as well aa the
danger to live stock, although most of that
has been taken to higher ground.
ARLINGTON, Neb., Sept. 19. (Special.)
One of the hardest rains of the year has
Just fallen. . Streams are all swollen and
many bridge are unsafe. The damage to
roads Is great, as much of the recent wprk
done Is In a soft condition.
NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) Italians working onNthe washouts
near Wakefield refused to work in the rain
and not hi rig was don. there all day yester
day. If the weather clears trains may run
by Saturday. If more rain falls other roads
may have to tie up. An fnch of rain fell
yesterday and last night.
Broken Bow to Be Rid of Sensational
Trio for Awhile.
BROKEN, BOW. Neb.. Sept. l.-8peclal
Telegram.) Martin, Wade and Ryan, the
three criminals who have don. all kinds
of sensational stunts while confined here.
have been found guilty of robbing Moran's
store at Callaway and sentenced by Judge
Hostetler to two years In the penitentiary.
The trial of Harvey, John and Charles
Dennis, charged with the murder of George
Morrison in Wayne township on May 18,
commenced this morning. The day was
taken up In empanelling a Jury. The pe
culiarity of this case is the shot that
killed Morrison is alleged to have been
fired by 11-year-old Harvey Dennis,
3d at a Big Discount at
1 v
, ...Thousands of dollars worth of choice pieces both
antique and modern room sire and. smaller sizes. Oiir
First Fall Importation, intended for the new store (which'
will not be ready for some time to come), will be placed
on Clearance Sale with the balance of our stock, and in
order to live up to the policy pursued since the conception .
of Our Removal Sale this entire stock will be sold at a
Big Discount. '."We are determined to make a clean sweep, .
so we can open our New Store with a COMPLETE NEW ! "
STOCK. ' ; ' ' . '
- ' : 1515-17-ld Faruam Street . v
Hlashaw Asked to Rxalala a Pass
' Ealsade Dates far Bryaa'a
perches la Nebraska
Glvea Oat.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. . (Special.) The State
Board of Public Lands and Buildings and
Superintendent Kearn of the Hastings
asylum are having trouble over the con
struction of food elevator and the in
stallation of engines at the Hasting
asylum, and on the face of it the matter
looks queer. While the records of . the
board fall to disclose the fact, Earl Wee
cott haa the contract for something like
18.400. The material Is on hand with which
to do the work, but It is held up by mem
bers of the board, as the material and
engines do not come up to the specification.
This contract was Supposed to have been
let first to Howard Burns, son of . Joe
Burns, along, with other work at the In
stitution. Burns concluded his contract
did not call for the food elevators and so.
he waa released. The bids, though they
cannot be located and Chairman Eaton of
the board, professes Ignorance of the
matter, are said to have varied from $2,100
to W.5n9. After Burns got out of the con
tract the matter was left to Dr. Kearn to
let the contract. The Mollne company filed
a bid and later withdrew It and then the
work was given over to Weseott and at
the state house It Is said Weseott secured
his material from the Mollne company. .
Dr. Kearn and Governor Mickey had a
long consultation about the matter yester
day, but no information waa secured from
either of. them. Chairman Eaton was
asked why the board had let the contract
for 15,400, when the original contract called
for about $1,900. He replied:
"I know nothing about the matter. The
board referred everything to Dr. Kearn
and I guess everything Is all right."
Mr. Eaton then hustled for the office of
Secretary of State Galusha.
i It Is understood Governor Mickey will not
permit the use of the material now at the
Institution and the work has been stopped.
Traable for Hlashaw.
A report of reliable origin reached
Lincoln today of a transaction in which
Congressman Hlnshaw was the principal.
which will rise up during the campaign to
seriously embarrass that gentleman's con
gressional committee, unless the story can
be successfully refuted. It is told that
Congressman Hinshaw franked his automo
bile from Washington to Falrbury, under
the frank of Thomas C. Piatt, president of
the United States . Express company and
United States senstor from New Tork.
This transaction occurred shortly after the
state convention of last year, which went
on record as opposed to free passes of all
descriptions and which caused the state of
ficers, except Secretary of Stat. Galusha,
to return all passes and franks of whatever
Bryaa's Nebraska Dates.
Chairman Allen of the democratic state
committee haa announced the following
dates for William J. Bryan in Nebraska:
October' 4 Afternoon. 2 o'clock, Geneva;
evening, Hastings.
October s Afternoon, Kearney: evening,
Grand Island.
October Afternoon, central city: even
ing. Columbus. '
Mr. Bryan will be accompanied to some
of these cities by A. C. Bhallenberger and
to others by W. H. Thompson. After the
meeting 4n Columbus he will leave for
Indiana, wnere tie nas nromisea to. mutt
some addresses.
Dates of meeting which are to be ad
dressed by- W. H. Thompson,' democratic
candidate lor united states . senator, nave
been announced as follows:
September z Aiternoon, verdigris; even
ing. Crelghton.
September 26 Afternoon, Plalnvlew:
evening. Pierce.
September L'6 Arternoon, oaKdaie.
September 27 Afternoon, Beemerj even
ing, West Point
September 28 Broken Bow.
September 9 Ravenna.
. Old Friends Talk of Old Times.
Judge GIUls of Tekamah called upon Gov
ernor Mickey thla morning to talk over the
old days when both lived on Honey creek
over in Iowa. Judge GIUls succeeded Gov.
ernor Mickey aa teacher of th. Honey Creek
school and later came to Nebraska and
located at Tekamah, where he has been for
the last twenty-five years.
Governor Invited to Chicago.
Governor Mickey haarecelved an Invita
tion to be present at' the banquet to. be
given in Chicago In 'honor of the visit to
that city of Vice President Fairbanks upon
the occasion of the laying of the corner
stone of the new court house. The banquet
Is set for September 21. Owing toother
business which will occupy his attention
at that time, the governor has declined the
Jndare Sedgwick Joker.
Former Chief Justice Sullivan, who haa
just returned from bis summer outing in
th. old country,. is here attending supreme
court. "I had a most gorgeous time," said
th. Columbus man, "and I think th. rest of
our party did. Of course Judge Sedgwick
wanted to play pranks upon the sailors
most of the time and tried to joke th.
Londoners, but with all of that w. got
back alive and feel better physically and
mentally. Incidentally w. found the orig
inal 'hoi. in th. wall.' though w. had to
sampl. a number of places before w. ware
sure of it. W. met Mr. Bryan in Paris,
though we did not see him In London."
MeKIIHp Fall? Recovered.
Patrick McKJUlp was in Lincoln today
discussing politics and other business mat
ters around the democratic headquarters.
Mr. McKllUp haa fully recovered from his
trying experience aa peacemaker before
the lata populist state convention.
Mew Corporatloas. .
Articles of Incorporation of the John
Gilllgan company of Falls City have been
filed with Secretary of State Galusha. The
company will engage In a general contract
ing and construction business. Taa capital
stock is $100,000. of which $70,000 is fully
paid up. The Incorporators are: John till
llgan. Amos E. Garrett and John A. Crook.
A company to build, own and operate an
opera bouse in Pawnee City haa tnoor
porated with a capital stock of $$,000. The
par value of each share la $6 and but 2$
per cent of each share is paid for In th.
beginning. . Other payments 'will be due
when cabled by the directors. The board
of directors cons lata of F. B. Colwell, J.
B, Sawyer, C. H. 8chenck. . J. Van Anda,
A. B. Edee. D. E. Wherry. C. C. Starr. H.
C. Van Horn and A. B. Anderson.
Atnswortb, Black Gill of Omaha
have Incorporated, with a capital stock ot
$15,000, and will engage In commission busi
ness. The directors of the company are:
Harry T. Black. Eujrene o. GUI and H. W.
Legislative Naaalaatloaa.
Since the Douglaa county primaries, seventy-three
candidates out of 100 for the
house and twenty-two candidates out of
thirty-three for the senate have been named
by Nebraska republicans. Th. final line
up cannot be known until October $. when
the Sixty-seventh district republican con
vention la to be held at Wauneta to select
a candidate for representative.
Members of the house from Douglas
county In th. resslon of 1906 have been
more fortunate than their associates, as
outside of this county but, ten members
have been renominated and one ot them.
Representative Engstrom of Phelpa county,
refused to make the race.
Th. renomlnatlon of all senators from
Douglas county makes six members of
that branch who have been renominated.
Democrats have not advanced their work
as rapidly as republicans, only sixty-five
candldatea for the house and eighteen for
the aenat. having been named. So far they
have not renominated a member of the
last legislature In either branch.
Dr. Wj O. Fletcher ot Orchard Naaied
for Represeatatlve.
NELIOH. Neb., Sept. 19.-(Speclal Tele,
gram.) The Antelope county republican
convention, held here today, was a har
monious gathering with all sections of the
county represented. Dr. W. G. Fletcher of
Orchard was nominated for representative
on the first ballot and before ita conclu
sion his selection wss made unanimous by
acclamation. He thanked the convention
and said that If elected he would carry out
the wishes of the people; that he had not
applied for a pass, received one or rode on
one; that it he went to Lincoln he would
pay hla fare and it would remain paid;
further, that the pass system waa an evil
and he was opposed to and would vote
against It. No candidate for' county at
torney was placed In nomination, but the
central committee waa empowered to place
one on the ticket," Thla result was brought
about by the declination of the different
attorneys to accept the position owing to
the fact that private business would neces
sarily occupy their full attention. . .
The resolutions adopted reaffirmed the
state and congressional platforms and
pledged support to the state, congressional
and legislative ticket. Th. candidate for
representative Is a bright, clean young
man, very popular and his election ap
pears a foregone conclusion. There are
no dissensions In the "party.
BURWELL, Neb., Sept. l.-(Bpecla! Tel
egram.) At th. repbubllcan convention held
here last night A. ' B. Story waa made
chairman and P. P,; Scott secretary.
Thomas H. Do ran was nominated by ac
clamation to aucceed himself. Resolutions
were paed endorsing Roosevelt and the
republican ' platform and asking' for an
antl-pasa law and pledging the candidate
for Norrls Brown for United States senator.
LONG PINE, Neb., Sept. 19. (Special
Telegram.) The republican Fifty-first rep
resentative district convention met In Long
Pine Wednesday, September 19. The con
vention was called together by the tem
porary ohalrman. Mr. W. H. Wllllama of
Alnsworth. J. 8. Davlsson of Long- Pine
wss elected chairman and Mr. W. H. Wil
liams secretary. Mr. W. H. Coryell of
Johnstown waa endorsed by the Brown
county delegation and was chosen repub
lican nominee for representative. Mr. Cory
ell la a widely known Influential business
man of Johnstown and will make a strong
raca for th. office.
II (Maw VARTf.a. aifg
la Nw aiic
la osMTs iaom : a so as oaarrn
tkvsTv, pcaaea a aa.
mim m aiwiTv man iwii
.. . 1 . -.
Motloa Ara-aed Make Chtldrea at
gamael Miles Defeaaaate. .
FALLS CITT. Nsb.. Sept. !. (Special.)
District court has been in session her.
sine. Monday noon. The first day waa
taken up with hearing arguments on a
motion to make the children of Samuel A.
Miles parties to the suit in the Miles will
case, they being beneficiaries under what
Is known as the Rulo will. During all the
yeara thla case has been In court they had
never been made parties.
The case of the State against H. L. Bab
bitt and Frank Wilson was heard Tuesday.
Babbitt and Wilson, two tramps, were ar
rested the night of July 4 tor feloniously
assaulting .William Davidson, a conductor
on a Burlington & Missouri freight train,
which ran through Falls City that night
Some- tramps beat Mr. Davidson up in a
frightful manner because he refused to let
them ride on his train. The Jury found
them not guilty and they left town late
last night. Mr. Davidson, whose home is
in Wymore, haa been unable to work alnce
he waa hurt, but expects to take hla place
again next week.
The Children Enjoy.
life out of doort and ont of the garnet which they play tod the enjoyment
which they receive and the effort, which they make, comet the greater part of that
healthful development which It to essential to their happlnett when grown. When
laxative It needed the remedy which It given to them to clean to and tweeten and
strengthen the Internal organ t on which it acta, should be inch aa phyticiant would
sanction, because ita component partt are known to be wholesome and the remedy
itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and
parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy,
because of itt pleasant flavor, its gentle action and Ita beneficial effects, is Syrup
-A .J . ,L. . . I I ,L. wk t r-V .1,ah1J lu nuil h
ox x lgs auu lur wo same rcasuu it uio vuij uuuti uiwi auvw w una - i .
fathers and mothers.
fivn nt Ttfm la ti nnlw ramew arblrh acta o-ontlv. nlaaaantlw and natural!
without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, - W' VJ, fi
wunout producing uai conaupaiea nauit wiuui results nvm mo uso ox uiv uur
tlme cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be to
carefully guarded. If you would hare them grow to manhood and womanhood, .
strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not
needed, and when nature needa assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only
the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative
principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our
original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do I. 'r
not accept any ui vug sudsuiuicb wuitu uuswuyiuuu unuci iwiiuiik. w
increase their profits. Please to remember, the full name of the Company
CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. is printed on the front of every package. la
ajIaw f A fret Ita Kaingsrlrf atl
OJ i r. -. v""
CrT&;?A f' J sary to buy the genuine
V V- :'; 1 73Us "0 only. For sale by all re-
company Is determined to break up an
annoying practice of over a year's duration.
Maa Whs Does the Shooting- Makes
His Eseape.
SCOTTS BLVFF. Neb.. Sept lT-(Spe-
clal Telegram.) Arthur Crocker, a laborer
at Burke's camp on the government Irri
gation ditch about ten miles north of here,
was shot and Instantly killed by a negro
last night. The negro escaped.
Charaed with Recelvlagr Deposits
After Bank Was Iasolreat.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Sept. It (Special
Telegram.) The preliminary' trials In both
the cases pending agalnat Charlea M.
Chamberlain in the county court her. were
finished today. Chamberlain, aa cashier of
th. failed Chamberlain Banking- house of
this elty, was accused by Mrs. P. S. Jones
with receiving $100 on deposit after he
knew his Institution to b. Insolvent. C.
H. Dennis accused htm with receiving SAOO.
The trials consumed three days and much
evidence elicited from the Jones esse was
accepted In the Dennis case. Judge James
Livingston bound Chamberlain over for
trial In the district court In both cases,
fixing bond at II, 0W) in each case.
The bondsmen who qualified for the
amount stated for Chamberlain's appear.
ance In the county court will be held un
til Friday, at which time the district
court will be in session her. and bonds
can be fixed In that court. It la said there
ar. other charges to be filed against th.
ex-banker in the county court, but they
have not materialised aa yet.
F. Keaaedy the
E. B. Daakla aad J
" SCOTTS BLUFF. Neb.. Sept. U. (Spe
cial Telegram.) A rear end collision of two
freight trains shortly after midnight thla
morning caused the death of K. B. Dun
kin, a traveling man for a Kansas City
powder house, and J. P. Kennedy, an am
ployment agent tor Maney Robinson,
contractors on th. tri-stat. - Irrigation
ditch. Dunkin'a home is In Dead wood and
Kennedy's In Denver. ' Two other passen
gera escaped uninjured. None of either
train crew waa Injured. The wreck oc
curred within the yards
Dunkln wss on. of th. best known trsv-
ellng men In this section. He resided at
Nellgh for many years and untu recently
represented the Walter O. Clark .company
of Omaha.
' Barliaartea rakeaaaa) Arrested.
M'COOK. Neb., Sept. II. "peclal The
results of recent Burlington deteetlv. work
became evident here last night when two
brakemen, V. K. Lyon and B. F. Mats, were
arrested charged with burglary and larceny
from Burlington freight cars. Lyon
pleaded guilty and la now In th. county
Jail In default of a bond of tX. Meta
pleaded guilty to larceny of two pairs of
shoes and waa fined S10 and costs and re
quired to pay the price of th. shoes stolen,
or a total of S21.U. Other developments
are aspect ad la th near future, as taa
fV?4vrAQ?K eflectt It it always neces- '
$J&&XV' wry to buy the genuine , TSrt r'fo
r&V(ftfyFfa r le by all - JiP A
S t&Wr. "A ." 'M. I J ..;t v
Hews of Nebraska.
PLATT8MOITTH A hesvv rain fell In
this vicinity last night.
COLUMBUS Dr. C. E. Leach and Mlu
Emllle Segelke were married last evening.
DAVID CITT Mrs. Matt Bench died at
her home In Savannah township Sunday
and was burled In St. Mary's cemetery
Tuesday morning.
WOOD RIVER Mr. and Mrs. Joseoh
Nolan are home from Denver and other
points la the west, where they have been
for the benefit of the latter'a health.
GENEVA A rain fell almost all dav
today-and after-showers for the last four
days the ground is thoroughly soaked.
The rainfall today was .94 of an inch.
ARLINGTON Much of the corn .on the
table lands Is out of frost's way, but the
corn lnt the vallevs needs several weekH
of dry, warm weather to finish its growth
TABLE ROCK The restaurant and
lunch counter of Captain R. P. .lennlnir
at this place has been sold to Charles H.
Haasness, wno nas already axen posses
sion. ARLINGTON The farmers around here
are sowing a larger acreage of winter
wheat than last year. The recent rains
have put the ground In tine condition lor
SUTHERLAND Th. vleld of wheat
averages twenty bushels to the acre, while
oats goes thirty bushels better. The corn
crop Is good and nearly all is out or ins
way of frost.
BEATRICE Dr. P. T. Gass and James
Wlggina returned yesterday from a hunt
ing trip of a few weeks at Wood Lake,
Neb. They report game plentiful in that
section of the stats.
ARLINGTON The Arlington Roller
mills has been sold to parties from Kear
ney, Neb, It has been announced that the
mill would start Just as soon aa ths pa
pers were signed transferring the property.
SUTHERLANO Tne recent rains nave
put the ground In fine condition for the
sowing of small grain and it Is estimated
that, the largest acreage of winter wheat
ever planted In the country will this sea
son be sown.
YORK: The rainfall In the last three
days hss been nearly two Inches. Fsrmcrs
nave naa neariy ati mnr iruuuu piucu
fnr winter wheat and lust as soon as It
dries off they will sow thousands of acres
to winter wheat.
SUTHERLAND The sugar beet harveit
opened this week and the yield promises
to be enormous. " From fifteen to twenty
tons of beets to the acre will be har
vested, giving the growers returns aa
high as $100 to the acre.
BEATRICE The rainfall yesterday is
reported to have been ell the way from
two to three Inches. The ground is in
excellent condition for fall work. The
late rains have Insured four crops and in
some instancea five crops of alfalfa.
GRAND ISLAND A district convention
comprising the Fourth and FlfJlLdlstrlcts
of the Modern Woodmen was held hen
yesterday, M. Kent of this city and B.
Miller of Holdrege being selected as dele
gates to the supreme lodge at Omaha.
PLATTSMOUTH J. M. Robatham'a large
barn was consumed by fire. In the build
ing was a large quantity of hay and grain
snd a valuable stallion. The loss was
only partially covered by Insurance. The
fire Is supposed to-have been of Incendiary
WOOD RIVER Ed Oswald and LeRoy
Drake, two prominent sheep men, are In
the west buying sheep. The former Is at
Bitter Creek. Wyo., and the latter In
Idaho. The. price of sheep ranges so hlfth
this year that some are going to feod
EDGAR Henry Benson, a young man
residing near Ong. Nob., died Monday
morning, having been operated on for
appendicitis last Wednesday. He was II
yeara of age and had been airk but a
short time. He sank rapidly after the
GRAND ISLAND At the special meet
ing of the Board of Education, called
for that Durpose last night, the contract
was let for the construction of ihe new
high school building, J. H. Wagonknccht
of Wathena, Kan., being the successful
bidder.. The figure was 147.123.
BEATRICE r-As the wrecking crew Is
in Colorado the track In the Rock Island
yards here, which Is blocked because of
the wreck vasterday afternoon, will not
be cleared for several days. Trains are
being operated over a side track and will
be until the wrecker arrives.
EL WOOD The vote at the special elec
tion held Tuesday. Beptember 18, for bond
ing the village for S12.0J0 to construct a
system of water works, carried by the
note of K to 6. . This Insures a first class
system for the town, snd work will comi
mence as soon as the bonds are Issued and
sold and contract let for their construc
tion. BURWELL A special term of district
court was held here last night with Hon.
J. R. Hanna presiding, for the purpose
of entering decrees In the scavenger cases.
The commissioners have marie a armclnl
effort to collect taxes In the last few years
and everything Is pretty well collected up
and the county Is In good financial con
dition. YORK The York county fair manage
ment is considerably disappointed this week
as the fair should have opened yesterday,
but owing to the heavy rains It was Im
possible. The secretary announces that
commencing Thursday they will hold the
fair and hopes that the weather will be
good. Owing to heavy rains the rac. track
Is very heavy.
TABLE ROCK A rain commenced to
ifall at S o'clock this morning and has
continued all day. Fall plowing, whloh
had almost ceai.ed owing to the dry
weather, will now continue and farmers
are getting ready to sow their winter
wheat. A few have already sown their
wheat and a few fields begin td look
quite green.
' WOOD RIVER As the time for the
county convention draws nesr, the
scarcity ot candidates for the legislative
honors appears scarcer. F. M. Wescoatt,
president of the American 1 8oclety of
Equity of Tall county, who' realdea at
this place, is said to be a candidate, but
so fsr no others have been mentioned for
representatives. The county primaries
will be held Saturday night. ,
FREMONT The directors of the Young
Men's Christian association met last even
ing for the purpose of considering bids
for the new building. The lowest bid
waa that of Simon Koberlin of IJS.TIO.
This Is considerable larger than was an
ticipated and while some, advocated a
smaller building It was finally decided to
try and raise more money. A committee
waa appointed for that purpose.
' ARLINGTON The surveyors of the
Northwestern railroad have made a second
survey of the Arlington cutoff. The last
route Is eight and one-third mllea from
thla city to Nlckerson, Neb. The surveyors
eav this route In an Ideal one for road
building. Many who are in a position to
know claim the road will be In operation
before snow, files. The greatest cost wlil
be the bridge acrons the Elkhorn river.
BEATRICE John Elite, who leased th.
Gage County Herald plant about six
weeks ago, has severed his connection
with the publication becauss of the finan
cial entanglements of the paper. It Is
understood O. H. Trigg, the holder of the
first mortgage on the plant, will foreclose
at once. Other mortgagees will have to
sit patiently hy and wait until his claim
Is satisfied. Mr. Ellis is In possession of
the Job plant and will continue the busi
ness In a new location.
GRAND ISLAND Richard Ooehrlng,
manager of the . Hoagland Lumber com
pany, and wife celebrated their silver
wedding anniversary Monday evening, a
number of neighbors and members of the
Llederkrans Maennerchor . surprising ,
them by calling in a body and passing
the evening In song and aoclal merriment.
But the surprlsers were also surprised .
to learn that Miss Hattle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ooehrlng, had, earlier in the
evening, been married to Mr. Miller Be
vler. GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Elmer J. Miller,
who waa frightfully burned by an ex. '
plosion of kerosene, after trying to start '
a fire with the oil, passed away aftor
suffering Intense agonies. The bereaved
husband is helpless through the Injuries
he also received In trying to rescue his '
wife. The family la in needy circum
stances and the people of the community
are taking up a liberal subscription list
for its aid. Besides the husband three
small children, the oldest T and the young
est t years of age, are left to mourn th.
BEATRICE The water department,
acting upon the suggestion of Dr. Davis,
the water expert, haa eonstrueted-en ex.
perlmental coagulating tank at the water
woraa station wnicn la proving a suc
cess. The experimental plant consists of
a tank twelve feet in length and four
feet In depth and two feet wide. By the
Introduction of a solution of alum the
water Is freed of all mud and comes from
the tank at the rata of 400 gaUona per
hour. The result of the experiment may
again bring the matter of a filter proposi
tion before the people of Beatrice.
B D R W ELL About two weeks ago some
one broke Into the hardware and furniture
store of F. A. Johnson, but th. matter
was kept quiet and placed In the hands of
local officials and a still hunt-made. .Yes
terday proof enough waa seoured to Justify
them In accusing a young Bohemian boy
by the name of Frank Valla, who lives
about six miles south of town,' and when
accused of the crime by his father, who
knew nothing about the matter until told
by the officers, the boy confessed and pro
duced a gun and a lot of ammunition he.
had seoured. The father la all broken tip
and is assisting the officials to probe UaS
matter to the bottom. ' w-
DAVID CITY About t:S0 Tuesday
morning, while Mr. Holland, wh. works
for the Nebraska Telephone company, was
doing aome soldering In their store room
in the basement of the Central Nebraska
bank, right under F. W. Fielder's harness
shop, with a blowpot and the pot exploded
setting fire to everything In the base,
ment and the flames shot out of the
window snd up into the harness shop
burning the entire front end of the har
ness shop. Most ot the harness waa taken
out, causing a loss to Mr. Fielder of about
$100, but the Bell company's losa
amounted to between 1700 and IS 00. The
loss on the building was about f 300. Th.
building and harness waa Insured but it
was a complete loss to the Nebraska
Telephone company.
Fj?r M Sfr
The Land of
The Modern Soda Cracker-
Bounded on the North by the Purity of the
Snows; on the South by the Nutritious Wealth
of the Tropics; on the Hast by the Health
fulness of Scientific Baking; on the tVfJ by
the Energizing Power of the Mountains.
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