Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Douglas 18.
.. V: Advertising brings the peopJe. into our store.
Price sells them the goods. Quality is what makes them satisfied.
I And it is satisfaction that brings them ' back again. Remember
this is tlie quality store.. , ,
i Umbrella Weather
It tflth as for certain. Better buy. ene
now and be prepared. It will pay to get
good umbrella when you buy, Ven If It
costs .iitUe mof. but such Is not the cue
t Thompson, Balden ft C. e , We've a
splendid stock of the dependable kinds snd
the prices nre.Jiist ss lows you would
pay elsewhere "fo superior gondii.' for lt
srsnea, ,
A good.' durable' rain umbrella,-2 or 28
Inch, fcover lwsde, of fine mercerised, ma
terial.; extra good frame, $1.00 each.
Children's school umbrellas,. H br 24-Inch,
extra rood yalne, $1.00 each. .
Main Floor. .. .,,.. "
The Newest; Styles in Coats
The ewir fSney mixed effects In the new
check and Maids, .the fitted and the awsg-
Intent ,ot Mr Thomas or: himself to Intro
duce the Sioux City & -stock Springs Coal
comparrt' in thla case.' ;,
, 4. i -. . i '
Oitat' Stork.
Continuing, Mr. toon g said fee was not
the owner of any aiepfc or property, of the
Union Pacific or . In, svny .of Its subsidiary
property. The -payjaewt pf the 113,200 for
the Abbott property.- .made either as
an official of 'the TTrilmj 180100 Railroad
company or Union Pacific Coal ' company.
The accounts and records of the Union
Pacific Cosl company wee, not at present
available, being kept at Cheyenne.
Mr. Baldwin said the .accounts of the
Union Pacifio Coal company formerly were
kept in Omaha, but as the coal company
was Incorporated In Wyoming the books
and records, are now kept In the state of
Its creation aa the laws of Nebraska were
eedraatlo ; that-they would" drive the coal
company from the state, bence It went to
Wyoming. ' ' - '; '
Warwick; Saunders 'Was the next wit
ness and-, he told rf the. organisation of
.-the Sioux City and Rock -Springs Coal
company of which" he wa.a It' trustee, which
ws organized .in, Wyoming In 1903, and
acquired, cent sin-' coat .lands adjacent to
ths, Union Pacific ' railway's right-of-way:
ilt - Marchgnd ',h,ere . Interposed that It
was the purpose of- the complainants to
show that the Union ' Pacific Railroad
eonpany refused to the' complainants the
same accommodations, accorded 10 .other
c&l companies, .
Mr. Baldwin We did ' refuse, but did
not-, refuse equal facilities. This phase
of' lhe case IS already; Jh another court .
.,No Great fe-swense' Rrenlredf. '
Vr ' Saunders proceeded ; to show ' that
nd great expense ' would accrue . to the
railroad company to make-' the extension
'asked. -.: "- 1 . ".'
Vputv eqmpany'; had already' expended
'4,i00'foT ,pelg,urj.thaln.jnlnea. .It ap
plied to the railroad company In December,
J8uJvfor a aervloe track by -which it opuld
market ' its -cosl," he said: This track
would be about fci'fntle from the Union
Plflo -msJn"4lne. The I'nlon Paelflo pro.
fessed ' at .hls . Hme to be friendly,' but
subsequently changed its attitude. I then
cartie to Omahk.apd consulted with D. O..
Clark, but Oark w oiot'dlspoBed. to talk.
Tbe, .Abbott-Quarter Sestion 'lay between or
adjacent the foal company's land and one
of the conditions was tbat the one com
paay, should, acquire, this piece of land and
Wey Cook Book
' "do paxet ef up-to-dsts
ideas t recipes. Shows
yoji bow te serve dithre
te please the ejs ss well
, as the uit. ' , ' I
' Dootfooa la the old
wI.lrI the aodcro wtj
of cheaper , jet better
eookfntf All job he
to do Is. to send your
-address as speeUL The
1 book will do the re.C
Write to ' ' .
' Xiebig4! Ki tract of Mekt Company, Lit, ,
I1 -v.. '.'; '. :". i , M Badsoa St, New Yetk. !
ample Rocker Sale
' ' .lieatKiagain ; it's- worth' reading, for' it 's ,tho
$oty 'of -the greatest sale of Rockers and Chairs
S-ever offered at any one time by any store in the
Vest. A gigantic undertaking.
'VThese are not cheap, poorly built chairs, bought
vbr, a mere song and hoisted on to a credulous
public the kind that are dear at any price.
; They represent the best thought, construction
and materials of .five of the greatest manufactur
ers in mis country, iney represent the expend! L
ture of thousands of dollars. .... ?
:4ur targe main noor is miea ana reniiea daily
with these Rockers and Chairs. No two alike
only one'of each finish. .. .V
,vRockers and Chairs for your living room, par:
lof, den, hall or bed room. .'
rvJ'he tremendous scope of this sale offers you an
opportunity never before had iu this part of tho
couptry. .
VvWe'd like to see them the prices wiil tempt
you to buy. .
414-io-ib bouin sixteenth
ger loose coats, hundreds of the really up-to-date
coats are here for your approval.
IJttle Children's Coats. '.- '
Girls; . coats. : f. ..:.,-i .
Misses' Coats at our usual. low prices for
fine garments.
Fur Coats. '" ' ' ' '
Fur Neckwear.
811k Petticoats. ,
Pretty long Japanese Klmnpps.
'Perfect fitting separate Skirts.'
Everything entirely new. Come and se.
. . . t
Great Half Price Sale of
Women's Gowns v. ,
A most ettractlre lot of women's Sown
are'offered at half price Thursday.
Owns made of fine nainsook, low neck;
short sleevea, prettily trimmed with lace.
Other styles wUh embroidery edging and
Open Saturday Evenings.,
Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth.
turn It over to the Union Pacific company
because of its coal bearing value. I had
a conference also with Judge Kelly of
the Union Pacific on this same matter of
the Abbott and the deal was finally
consummated and land was turned over to
the Union Pacific and the papers delivered
to Judge Kelly. The title to the property
was made In the name of Erastus Young,
the consideration being $13,200, which was
paid by the treasurer of the Union Pacific
Railroad company. I was nol obliged to
pay Abbott any more for the land than he
received from the railroad company, but
a fair valuation of the land at. that time
to the Union Pacific people was from $50,000
to $100,000. The acquiring of this Abbott
land was suggested to Saunders aa a
friendly act."
" Origin of the Case.
The Sioux City Ac Rock Springs Coal com
pany had as stated by Mr, Saunders a
suit against .the Union . Pacifio Railroad
company for $00,000 damages for failure to
furnish It railway facilities for getting its
coat to market. . ..
The formal demand of the complainant
company was read In evidence and calls
for not only trackage facilities, but for. a
depot and telegraph service. This demand
wss made October 6, 1906. The reply of
Julius Krtitschnltt, director of maintenance
of the Union Pacific Railroad company,
also was read In which he gave reasons
why the petition of the complainants could
not be granted, this reply beating date, of
October 17, 1906.' These letters were writ
ten after the .Abbott land transaction.
The -witness , was not cross-examined by
Mr. Baldwin.
Megeatb the Mtaad.
O.- Wi Megeatht president of the Sheridan
Coal company, and general manager of the
Union Pacific Coal company from IK) to
1891!. told of his purchase of .the properties
of the Van, Dyke. Rock Springe A' Sweet
water Coal , cotnpany ' properties at Rock
Springs, . and . that they, were ostensibly
bought for the' Union' Pacific Coat; com
pany. This' purchase was msde during, the
receivership of the Union Pacific' and the
witness held- onto the oroperty until after
the reorganisation. Witness paid JJSO.000
for the Sweetwater, $15Q.0nO for the Rock
Springs and $00,000 for ths Van Dyke mines.
He operated the mines at a profit for about
five yeara for the . company. -The mines
were sold In 1901 to the Central Coal and
Coke company of Kansas City, Mo. , ,
DlcklsMa net la DeaL
In the continuation of his evidence Mr.'
Megeath stated that Ed. Dickinson was
general manager of the Union Pacific Rail
way company during the time that the wit
ness was In charge of the Union Pacific
Coa' company's Interests, but that - Mr.
Dickinson was not interested In ths pur-'
chase of the coal company In any manner..
The purchase of these, independent -companies
by Mr. Megeath was ostensibly In
ths interest of the Union Pacific Coal com
pany sod railway and was devised as the
only way . to wipe out competition in the
coal business as arrayed against the Union
Pacific. The, Union Pacific at this time Con
trolled the coal mines at Hanna and ,ex
acted a differential- rate of 26 to SO cents
per ton' In hauling against the Rock
Springs 'companies In favor. .. of - the
Hanna mines. The price on tlie.ooal rate
was raised, but Jh selling price was low
ered. The effect waa to atop the Shjpment
of coal from the Rock Springs district by
the Independent companies and ultimately
resulted In ths change of ownership of
these properties. At this time about 40
per cent of the shipments'1 from -tlte Rock
Springs Independent properties waa over
See, September, 1, 190$.
Insertion. Regularly priced at 371 and
, Special Sale o Women's
- Drawers
Drawers made of fine nainsook., with em
broidery ' edging and dainty tucks. Good
value at 5c.
Sewing Class Days
You will nnd it real pleasant on our sec
ond floor these dark, gloomy days; bring
your fancy work and Join our embroidery
class. Miss Steenstrup. expert needle artist,
gives free Instructions every day from t to
i p. m. -AH the newest stitches are taught
Materials must be purchased here.
the Union Pacific, but the company wanted
It reduced to 80 vtr cent.
Proflte.Baln to Ororr.
After, the.. witness took, over the man
agement' of the. Independent companies at
Rock Springs the profits began to increase
and the coal from these mlnea waa ' sold
all the way" from the Missouri river to
the Pacific coast. The ' arranged
a pool or combination of tte several coal
companlea at Salt Lake, the general pur
pose of which was to sell .coal for cash.
J. E. Markel represented the Union Pa
cific Coal company at Salt Lake City at
that time. Mr. Megeath stated further,
that the pool continued as long as be
managed the Union' Pacific Coal company,
but that It went to pieces after his re
tirement from the management, but he
did not know why. J
Mr. Megeath said at the present time
he Is not a member of any coal assocla
tlon In Omaha. The present output ot
the Sheridan Coal company, of which he
Is president, was about 4,000 tons per
day and the rata on one mine was $2.75
per ton to Omaha! He did not know
what the preeent rate was. from Rock
Springs, but the haul from Rock Springs
was further than from Sheridan. . There
were two other mines at Sheridan at
present, whose output waa much less than
witness' company. The companies were
able to get all the cara they needed and
were required to shut down only four or'
Ave daya during the winter front ,' the
shortsge of csrs. The rate of wages and
material Is higher than at Rock Springs.
The hauling rate la 60 cents lower la ten
than In five car lots. He believed that the
rate' from Rock Springs at present
was 7$ cents In ten car lots.
Nothing; Dolnar for Browa;
Randall Wi Brown, manager of the
Omaha Coal company, testified that he:
owned , certain mines at Hanna, -; Wyp.,
and one In Iowa and Missouri. - iUs mi dm
at) Hanna are about" el mires- west- wf
fhat place. The Uniorl Pacific Coal , com
pany also owns mines at that place, Ths
witness' mines are about -half a mile from
the main line of the' Union , Pacific, and
extend .up to within a few feet of the
Union Pacific, Witness acquired these
coal lands about eight years ago for the
purpose of opening the mines and had
applied to the Union Pacific for transpor
tation facilities in 190S. . General Marr
ager Mohler of the Union Pacific had
assured witness that these facilities would
be afforded. The matter was . subse
quently referred to D. O. Clark, general
manager of the Union Pacific Coal com
pany, and thus far nothing had been done,
notwithstanding that Mr-. Brown offered
to build the track and pay for it. in te
meanwhile the Union Pacific had -built
a .spur along ths property of ' the wit
ness and refused to permit hie. witness'
company to cross the Union Pacific tracks,
As a result, the witness ssys, he is Unable
to reach his mines by rail. He had made
three demands for . track facilities, 'we
to Mr. Mohler and one to Mr, Clark, witrt
out result. . , : , ;
There Is a good market for eoal In that
vicinity, and for the product of witness'
mines, which Is In all respects similar to
the product of the mines owned by the
Union Pacific Coal company In the' Im
mediate locality, being a part of the same
vein. ; , . J
' Powers that Be aad Are.
Witness asserted to his knowledge the
Central Coal and Coke company and Union
Pact fie Coal company controlled all the
coal landa in the Union Pacific coal coun
try. The Union Pacific Coal company had
also opened up Its mines after the wit
ness had bought the property near Hanna.'
It was the, rule of the Union Pacific Coal
company to sell coal only In ten car lots
at $3.76 only to Omaha, South . Omalia,
Lincoln and Council Bluffs, but elsewhere
out In the stats the price was $4 or
$4.60.' These ten car lots meet all be
billed at one time. Witness ouys hie
Rock Springs coal of the Union PaciSc
Coal company. When we cannot get Rock
Springs we buy Kemmerer coal, which :s
Controlled by the same company. The
sate la from ti to $3.75 The witness
figured the profit on Rock' Springs at from
6 to $ cents, and pay $8 cents on mtnj
run and $1.60 on select. Witness belongs
to the Iowa and Nebraska Coal 1 balers' as.
soclation. The association, he says, is not
a trust, but is organized simply, for the
purpose of demanding the adjuetment of
short weights and other railroad abases.
Krastae Yaaasr It era lied.
Auditor Erastus Young of the Harriman
lines was recalled and gave additional
testimony regarding the purchase of the
A. T. Abbott quarter, northwest ' of sec
tion 28, township 21, range 102 In Sweet
water county. The property was trans
ferred to the witness as trustee by D. O.
Clark. The deed was never placed on
file but was cancelled and destroyed.. He
did not know why the deed was destroyed.
The property was paid for In two checks,
one for $10,000 and one for $3,200 payable
to Warwick Saunders. They were Union
Pacific railroad checks and were paid on
a Union Pacific Coal company voucher.
He knew of no copy of the deed, being
kept, but there was a copy of the voucher.
He said bs did not know why the deel
was made to Clark and the money paid to
Saunders. The payment was made on
the authority of the prealdent of the
railroad company. The witness then; pro
duced a list of coal landa for which the
Union Pacifio had paid. The conveyances
were to Individuals temporarily, . but to
whom, he said, he did not know. None
f these deeds had been recorded,
Claris laspertaat Wltaoaa.
D. O. Clark, vice president of the . Union
Pacifio Railway company and general man
ager of the Union Pacific Coal company
and superintendent of the foe I service ot
tne t'uion' Psctnc Hallway cvmprny, wss an
important and Interesting witness... He
testlited thst he was vice president of the
Superior Coal company of Wyoming. John
W. Icy of Cheyenne was president of
the company snd wss an employe of the
Union Pacific' Coal company, .Frank Man
ning ' of Rock Springs waa the general
western superintendent of .the Superior
Coal company and at the same time chief
engineer of the Union Pacifio Cqal com
pany. ';The Superior Coal company's prop
erty Is located In BweeAwaier county, Wy
oming. "
Mr. Clerk said he had bought six sec
tions of coal lands' In this section for this
company from separate Individuals and
that he had made art Independent filing
or his' own and sold trie claim to the Su
perior Coal'company for $3,200. Other coal
claima were bought fromtWIIIam 1. Olf
ford of Denver, art employe of the Union
Pacific Coal company, also from Charles
H. Donne snd Frank S. Prates, employes
Of the fnlon; PaeltTK; ffrom Wllllsm L.
Rltter, traveling sales agent of the Union
Patftflc Oaf company; Frank C Olllesple,
Joseph' -A. Clark, nephew of the witness;
Chsrle H Durfisrri,' George A. Murphy of
Rock Sprfna-, alt employes ' the Union
Psclf 0 Coal company; D. H. Ellas, a
miner; Henry Ray Berstwyehl, civil en
gineer In the employ of the Union Psclflc
Conl company; Ellsha' C. Stevens, em
ploye of the. Union Pecjflc .Coal company;
C. W. Spa ulding, counsel for the Union
Pacific Railway company; Cyrus Beard of
Evanston then an attorney In the employ
of the. Union Pacific Railway company, but
now on. the. Judicial .bench of Wyoming;
Felix Iegue.. agent , of the Union Pacific
at Rock Springs, and pharles Morgan of
Spring Valley,. Wyo.. an employe of the
Union . Pacific Coal , company.
. All Sort a of Triers raid. -
Witness paid, all kinds of prices for
these claims,. furnishing some of the money
himself. The Union Pacific- Coal company
advanced the money to. take up and prove
tip on these claims,, "The-Abbott land was
paid for In the saipe, way, $3,800 was paid
for the land and. $10.QO .as a bonus to
Warwick Saunders.'.; .said Mr. Clark.
.These lands were all procured-at differ
ent times. The deeds, were not recorded.
The Superior Coal cornpany pays the taxes
on these lands as an Individual.
"I ask how much the tax Is on a cer
tain piece of land and- then pay It," re
plied the witness, "and so far aa the state
of Wyoming Is concerned the title to the
lsnds is still in the possession of the gov
ernment. 8ome development work has al
ready' been done , on four of the mines
from which we bare tsken out eight or ten
thousand tons of coeL, The lands are about
eight .miles from the . main line of the
"Union Pacific. Seven miles of track have
already been built, to theae mines by the
Union . Pacific Railway company. I hold
the stock of these mines In my own nsme
ss .trustee for W. B. Cornish, vice presi
dent' of the I'nlon Pacific. Railroad com
pany, I thus holding $.500 of the 8,503 shares
of stock of .the Superior- Coal company.
The conveyance was, made to me within the
last eighteen mopths.. I presume that the
Union Pacific has been reimbursed for this
outlay, at' least I have been told so. The
general offices of the Superior Coal com
pany are in , Cheyenne.-Jiavlng been re
moved there ten or twelve days ago from
the Barker block in Omaha."
Mr. Clark stated .that he was owner of
lr0 shares of Union Pacific railway pre
ferred stock . and..that his wife owned
fifty shares ot the same stock. ..
The Union Pacific Coal company oper
atea five njlnea attack Springs and three
at Hanna.. The !.putput of , J.he Rock
Springs mines s'abgut 7,000 tons dally,
and that of the llanos mines 8,000 tons
daHy. There was always , a shortage of
soft coal, he stated, and ths reason they
did not mine more coal was because of
the shortage pt ort s.nd transportation.
Reasons for. Refasal.
" Relative tcvhls objection to fip-rilshtne
transportation fymhes or . the .Sioux
City & Rock' Sflrfflga'-'Coal .company, he
said; 4,It Is because .their coal was .in
ferior to 6ufcoal and we did pot want it
put out lii competition with Rock Springs
coal, and we feared ;il would come Into
the market and affect prices. The reason
we desired to acquire 'the Abbot property
was that It was' in" a" strategic position,
between xftif- mines'" arid tfte Sioux City
company's property, and for the 'further
reason that we did not want that coal
on the market as -Rock Springs coat It
' was not done' te suppress competition.
We have not undertaken to discourage In
dependent ..companies,''. The Union" Pacific
Coal company la bonded for $5,000.00 and
the Union .Pacific Railway comnanv owna
the bonds. . The . Union Pacific Railway
company pays ue $1.41 for locomotive
coal. .We ship ao ooal-to Omaha but at
the ten car lot rates.. We have recently
acquired property in tha vicinity of the
Sioux pity and Rock Springs lands be
cause we thought H, was a good proposi
tion, and may possibly prevent ths Sioux
City people from getting to the railroad.
Thla property ws acquired from the
Union Pacific Railway company.- We do
not Intend to let the Sioux City company
put Its coal onto. the., market a Rock
Springs coal If we can help It. This Is
our only objection to them. We object to
this company crossing over our lands to
get to the rail road. 1 Some of this land
-ws purchased with soldiers' scrip at I2.1H)
per acre as soldiers' . additional - home
steads." .
Mr. Baldwin objected to going into tne
question. of acquiring litre to these lands,
as this .mattar had already been threshed
over before the land office.-in which the
Sioux City company was beaten out. and
It sbould not be Inquired Into here. Said
Mr. Baldwin,:
"No human being on earth can obtain
title, tp government .land by strict and
technical compliance with the land laws."
Marrhaaa Chargea Freed.
Mr." Marchand replied wtth some spirit:
."We proposs to' show that these lands
were acquired by fraud, and that some of
your wltuesses havs already admitted that
fraud." ( .'.. .
Mr. Baldwin replied "Thla new act may
place a new light upon the methods of
acquiring these lands."
.Mr. Clark, continuing his testimony,
said: "W. I.- Gibbon had been Instructed
to file four declaratory statements on
lands in Horse Creek canon. If there was
any expense for the filings I authorised
the payment The development work In
Horee Creek canon was already begun. A
quarter session -of land in this canon waa
bought of Frank Brtggs of Denver and
was paid . for In ths same wsy as the
other lands. ,; I. do not know' who did the
development work In Horse Creek canon."
Witness anew Randall, Brown of Omaha.
He -had no objection to his mining Hanna
coal, but he did object to his running a
track through the Union Pacifio yards, as
there-was no place for such a track in
ths yards at Hanna. -
Ths hearing waa then adjourned to 1
o'clock, tbi morning. ,' 4
A Wise, Man ,
quit Coffee when it
- disagreed
1 .' -art ' J. " t
.,, 'mevde it eextjr.
Tut Train from Loodoi Jimps Bride at
Grantham and Man? Ire Killed.
Tea Prraeae . ftreeaed. Flea at
Whom Die laaaber f Bodies
still Isser the
LONDON, Sept. 80. The crowded Scotch
express' train on the Great Northern rail
way leaving liondon last night waa wrecked
outside of Grantham at midnight. The
train should have stopped at Grantham, but
failed to do so. Shortly hfter passing the
station the train left the rails and' Jumped
a bridge. The engine and several coaches
were dashed Over the embankment, the
engine turning turtle. Several coaches Im
mediately 'took' fire.
There are many passenger beneath the
debris. Of ten extricated, five have died.
The number' of lives lost Is not known, but
Is believed to be large. Many were Injured.
At last accounts the coaches were still
biasing and the fire brigade had been called
out. The dead and Injured as yet have not
been Identified.
At the spot where the express was de
railed there Is a curve and It Is supposed
the brakes failed to act. The train sp
pesrs to have gone upon a siding, smash
ing the parapet of the bridge, which was
completely shattered. v
At I o'clock this morning it was of
ficially stated that ten persons hsd been
killed and sixteen Injured. A dispatch
from Grantham stated that the fir was
well under control.
A later report states that the engineer
and firemen are dead under the engine,
that the superintendent of the mall car
Is missing end that seven Injured persona
have been taken to' the" hospital.
.(Contlpued from First Psge.)
msy have to communicate will be sent
direct to President Roosevelt, as thoy
constitute a special presidential mlsrlon
which Is quite independent of the Depart
ment of State.
No Information from the diplomatic repre
sentatives of this government In Cuba
concerning the negotiations Instituted by
Secretary Tsft snd Mr. Bacon Is expected
at the State department, ' for the reason
that these representatives are accredited
to the Palma government and officially
have nothing to do with the inquiry of the
special commission and would not presume
to report on any of lis functions. Of
course any complaints' received by the
State department of the destruction or
Imperiling of American Interests will I go
through the usual diplomatic channels and
not through the presidential mission. -.
Acting Secretary of State Adee got Into
communication with Assistant Secretary
Raeon late yesterday afternoon, while the
Des Moines was en route to Havana. A
dispatch waa sent from Washington to Key
West and the wireless station thors suc
ceeded In picking up the Des Moines at sea
and communicating the telegram to Sir.
Bacon. . No answer, however, was received.
The State department waa Informed today
by the owner of a plantation near Santa
Domingo, Cuba, that the Cuban Insurgents
had seised twelve of his horses.- The tele
gram came- from -the owner, -who resides at
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Western Paeklac Last Week the sasaa
...- . em ' the , Prerloas '
"Week. ' ' '
CINCINNATI, Sept. l.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Price Current ssys; The marketing
of hogs the last week waa the same as to
numbers as for the previous week. Total
western pocking was 876.000, compared with
876,000-the preceding week and 885,000 last
yesr. Since March 1 the total la U.slO.OOO,
against 12.685,000 a year ago. Prominent
places compare as follows:
i 0.000
' 876.0O0
Chicago 1.0K&.000
Kansas City . 1.790.0no
South Omaha'.....' 1.373.000
St. - Ixuls
St. Joseph
. 772.0UO
. 606,000 '
. SM.00O
.. 848.000
. 800,000
. 6.40.00
; 411.000
. 308.000
Indianapolis ...
Milwaukee ......
Cedar Rapids ,.
Sioux City ......
St. Paul
Net Earnings for the Year Over Nine
teen aad a Qaarter Million . '
MILWACKEB, Sept. 19.-The annual re
port of the Chicago, Milwaukee A BL Paul
Railway company Is' as follows:
Gross ' earnings, 856.428.052: operating ex
penses. Including taxes, S3.444,381 ; net earn
ings. $18.S7D.7?1. The Income from other
sourcee waa 8X8.35. making a total of
$18,337,080. The fixed charges Interest on
bonds amounts to $6.913.soO. leaving a bal
ance above all charges of $13,323,230.
The exteneion of the Chamberlain. S. D..
line has been finished aa far aa a point
seventy-five miles west of Chamberlain,
and tbla Una will be finished to Rapid City,
Black Hills, by the close of the year, a
distance of nearly 300 miles.
During the yesr the -rompsnv spent a
total of more than $7,000,000 for ths physical
Improvement of the system.
Mrt'abe.Arthar. . .
LOGAN, la.. Sept. lt.-(8peclaI.)-The
marriage of Robert M. McCabe and Leon
tlane Arthur occurred last night at $
o'clock at the home of' William Arthur,
the bride's father. Rev. P. C, Stlre of
the Logan Methodist Episcopal church of
ficiated. The honeymoon will be spent In
Hot Springs, 8. D.
Large Crowd Tarsi Oat Bad Night
te Hear Theae.
AUBURN, Neb., Sept. J. (Special Tele
gram.) Nortis Brown, candidate for sena
tor,' spoks here this, svenlng to a large
audience. Though the night was bad, ths
voters showed their appreclstion In having
Mr. Brown with them and turned, out well.
Mr. Brown In his speech of an hour or
more explained to the people the railroad
tariff question, shewing very plainly where
there Is so much excessive charges going
on on the part of the railroads, and thst
the tlms has come when It Is up to. the
people to stand tip fqr-tbeir tights and get
the rates reduced to where they should be.
That It Is not the man that the people were
to vote for, but for the measures and poli
cies that, the contest was between. . He
touched on the contests the Union Paelflo
and Burlington railroads have been having
every year, since 104 to get their -taxes
reduced and with what success they have
met at the hands of ths republicans In
power, and gave this as the reason that
the railroads were In favor of putting tho
democrats la control, ao that they may
take their chances wtth a new board, as
they could do nothing with the republican
board... -'--,'.
Mr. Brown gave a Dies sing gad Interest
tag speech.' '
, Dr. Bennett of Lincoln, candidate for
CeUbrated Q U
jr nmZ!nm"'' ' '"T
f . ""JT j
Shi t .r1
You've heard of these we've sold hundreds in Omahn.
There's nothing like them for perfect, rapid baking. Ask
your neighbor. They save fuel every day; have airtight,
all steel construction and they'll fast a life time. Let
us show-you. We have them with high warming closet
as low as $37.00. Puritan Steol Ilanges $24.50 up. .'-
14th and Farnam Streets.
Seeking an Investment?
Here Is what we offer:
You msy Invest from $1.00 to $5,000,
The security Is first mortgages on over
1,808 pieces of property mostly homes In
Omaha and South Omaha.
We have never paid less than ( per cent
per annum payable semi-annually.
We have assets In excess of $1,800,000 and
a reserve , and undivided ( profit account ot
Our net increase the first six months this
year was $320,000.
We are Under the care pf the State Bank
ing "Board and regularly examined by the
State Examiner, as well aa by a committee
from our board of directors.
We have been In business slmost fifteen
years and believe that we understand the
""1 conserving of Investments.
We will be pleased to answer any Inquiry.
Conservative Savings &
Loan Association
Z05 S. 18th Street
railroad commissioner, also gave a short
but Interesting talk, which was well re
ceived. S-atherlaad Usd Boosnlag.
SUTHERLAND. Neb.i Sept. 19 - Special.)
It now Jooks as though the many thou
sands of -acres of land suitable for farm
ing purposes now lying Idle as a result of
the - f set - that eastern people have been
unaware of the conditions here will In a
short time be utilised. Mammoth crops
have been grown In this section recently
and many eastern buyers are turning their
attention this way and dosens are Invest
ing. While soms of these are speculators
with aa eye to a good proposition, many
are bona fide farmers who are weary of
paying exorbitant rents and desire to build
homes of their own. The Klnkaid home
stead act caused a large number of people
to locate In - this vicinity and aa a rule
they are going Into dairy farming In a
manner that augurs Well for their future
prosperity. This homestead act also had
ths effect of bringing many easterners Into
the country and thus become acquainted
with real conditions, arid many of these
have bought lands with a view to making
their homes here. Dosens of land-aeekers
are seen about the country each week and
something akin to a land boom la on. Land
which a short time ago was regarded aa
worth from $8 to $6 an acre cannot now be
secured for less than $10. A deal Is on
whereby a man who two years ago pur
chased a Urge tract not far from here is
to dispose of It at a profit of nearly $17,000.
It Is conceded thst within two or three
yeara more the population will be doubled
In this section.
Madera Brotherhood Convention.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special
Telegram.) The Sixth, district convention
of the Modern' Brotherhood of Amerlcs Is
now being held at this place. The leading
A Woman's Back
Has many ache and pains caused by
weaknesses and falling, or other displace
ment, of the pelvic organs. Other symp
toms of female weaknesa are frequent
headache, dizziness, Imaginary specks or
dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw
ing sensation In stomach, dragging or
bearing down In lower abdominal or pelvlo
region, disagreeable drain from pelvlo
organs,faIntspells with general weakness.
If any considerable number of the above)
symptom arc present there Is no remedy
thel wrKglv oulcker relief or a more per
tnaAent fbte IHtn Or. Pierce' Favor It
PreAettJt ha a record of over forty
year of cuftaX It Is the, most potent,
Invigorating tonic and ttieag
vlnn frgown (pediral aclepce. mad '
oftlie glyceric extracts' of native mod let
nal roots found In our forest and eon
tain not a drop ot alcohol or harmful, or
bablt forming drug. It Ingredients are
all printed on the bottle-wrapper and at
tested under oath a correct.
Every Ingredient entering Into " Fa
vorite Prescription ha the written en
dorsement of tho most eminent medical
writer of all the several school of prac
tice mora valuable than any amount of
non-professional testimonials though the
latter ars not lacking, having been con
tributed voluntarily by grateful patients
In number to exceed the endorsement,
given to any other medicine extant for'
the cure of woman' IU.
You cannot afford to accept any medicine
of unknown composition as a substitute
for thla, well proven remedy or a sow
coatrosrrioB, even though the dealer may
make a Utile more profit thereby, l our
Interest In regaining health I paramount
to any selfish Interest of hi and It Is an
Insult to your. Intelligence for him to try
to palm off upon you a substitute. You
know what you want and It I hi busi
ness to supply the article called for.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet, are ths
original 'Little Liver Pills first put up
by old Dr. Pierce over forty year ago,
much Imitated but neve- equaled. Little
sugar-coated grannie eaiy te take 4
state members here are Supreme Director
P. H. Scott of Norfolk and State Manager '
8. 8. Hay-man of Grand Island. At this
sfternoon's session four delegates, con
sisting of Mrs. Vandant, Messrs. Amsberry,
Stsr and Bernard, were elected to the su
preme convention to held In Omaha' in
October. Over 150 attended the banquet
given the delegatea at Masonic hall' to
night. After the banquet a number of
new members were Initiated.
DOYD'8 rs. Mors
Tomorrow High and ejeturday
laatlaee Saturday.
In farewell . tour HOIT1 CBXSTO.
rrra rxarosMAjrozis
Commencing Sunday Bright, Sept. ts
Direct from Its great success Power's
Theatre, Chicago.
Woodward kl..
ft Bnrress "16l
This Afternoon, Tonight, AU Week
inn wuiimtAiiu snitn .:u.
Prices Nlahta and Sunday matinaa.
10c, 26c; Tursday, Thursday and Sat
urday matinees, 10c, Sue.
Nsxt Week The Lady of Lyons.
omm wnx, BajsnrBnro
Monday Even'g, Sept. 1 7
Accompanied by ths Olae Club aad
Katiaee at SiM Bvery Aftaraooa, x
. . oepfctBg acoaday, Bveaiaa Concert
at :1 p. sa. - -.
Banc Masle on Taeeday, TkarSsay . aad
Saturday X veals te afte the
ategalar Concerts.
rorvtVAa pjtioxs oo, a ss and so,
'Phone Douglss 484.
. s -
Children. lOo.
Prices 10c, tia, 60c.'" - .
Stioee - He Ss 0o Tee.
.Tonight Silft. Setnreey Matinee.
New story, nsw music, new tricks.
new ballets
t ' - ' i . ' ' . ' j
nt 0 CRK'0HTON
Tuesday, Eve., Sepi. 25, 8 P. N.
Max Landow
In a Piano IWItal .
JOUi and Davenport Hts. .
Tickets at Matthewe Piano Cd.i 1 61 1-1 J
Hamey St.. and Hosiie's. lilJ ItoptU St.
Young Prairie Chicken
' ' .' AT ' ' V'- ' '