Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha ' Daily
ttorm at Hon? Kone: Proves Disastrous to
Lift kid. Property.
Cyer Half the Hatife Craft in the Harbor
Are Sank.
rrw EUROPEANS reported missing
Enndreds of Chinese Bo&trrun and Families
' Are Drerhed.
ttorm Was ( Loeal Kataro Came
tp Wlthoat WnrltlaaT After
Moderato Wind Was
HoNG KONU, oepl. so. It is new estl
maieu i tin :aai ciimt-M tost tneir uv in
iiui rcnt lipnoon.
Kepor i are daily increasing the mortal
ity, i .
l b (learner Monteagte haa been refloated.
MANILA, Sept. 19.V m. Latest ad
vice from. Hon A;, ""ate that l.OiO
live wer lost dv v,' . "Mrphoon an J
y ' "vphoon
thai Uia dutuag to' ,
y -uOllu and
private,' win amount lv fi " '
lara. ' O,
Twelve ahlpa were aunk.
wera etrandeu, (even wera da.
one-hair bf the nativ craft In p.
sunk, i ' i
The shipping trade baa been para!
through lack of lighters.
Storna Was Local.
HONG KONG, Bept. U.-Ths typhoon
which swept this port yeaterday, destroy
ing a great number of vessels and causing
much loss of Ufa, was of a local nature.
It came suddenly and without warnmg.
The observatory had predicted moderate
winds. Half an hour after the gun signal
had been fired the storm was at lta height.
It lasted two hour. Most of the damage
done was wrought on the Kowloon penin
sula. The losses are estimated at several
million dollars. Over 1,000 sampans and
Junk are missing from Hong Kong alone.
Wharv wera arwept away and houses col.
lapsed. The military barracks are In
The steamers Monteagle, Fatshan,
Kaungshan, Wing Chat, Hermanla, Caatel
lano, Tak Hlng. Emma Luyksn, San Ro
aarlo,' Slave, Pakhong, Petrarch, Chum
Lee, Sexta. flunon, Chang Sha, Signal and
Chlnkat Maru are ashore. The American
hip S, P. Hitchcock waa also ' driven
ashore, aa were many of the launchea that
run about the harbor. The steamer Kwong
Chew, Ban Chewng. Soraogon and Kong
moon wera sunk. - The steamers Apenrade
. and Johanne are partly awash. The Brit,
tsh reserve sloop Phoenix and a small gun
boat, the Dongola, are ashore. The British
torpedo boat destroyers Moorhen,' Robin
and Taku were damaged. The Sir William
Jervalm. van-sunk. The French, tornado boat
destroyer. fYounde waa wrecked and the
Ftanctsque Is ashore. The gun of the
f ZTrunae were nveu, uui uim pvuy uiu
cer and one seaman lost their- lives. .
A Chinese" revenue cruiser Is ashore and
several ' Indo-Chinese and Manila liners
narrowly escaped disaster.
Many Cklneso Perish.
The harbor Is atrewn with , wreckage
thrown upon the . shore. . Hundred of
Chinese boatmen and their families were
saved ' by the bravery of , the police and
civilian, but several thousand of the
Chinese water dwellera must have perished,
many wUhln short distance of the shore.
The losses In Uvea and property among
. the Chinese were appalling. Today the
,' police stations in Hong Kong are sur
rounded by Chinese identifying their desd.
" The families of the Hong Kong boatmen
live night and day on the sampans and
thouaanda of these people are now home-lesa-
." Ths Chinese take the disaster calmly and
show no manifestations of grief.
One. launch that waa capsized and ISO
Chines on board. They were all drowned.
The; river ateamer Fatshan drifted Into
collision . with the French mall ateamer.
' The entire Chinese crew climbed aboard
the French ateamer, and left Captain
Tho-rias, who wa Injured, on officer and
the engineers, to navigate the Fatshan to
. Shelter bay. where it was blown ashore. The
bishop, of Victoria, Dr. J. C. Hoare, wa
on hla way to visit some neighboring Is.
janon watn me storm uruss ana is reponea
missing. Hi launch haa been found float
ing bottom upwards.
Paw Europeans Mlsalas;.
Many valuable steel lighters have been
lost. Some of them were hurled ashore.
Channel will have to be dug to permit
SJme of the vesatl ashore to be refloated.
The force of the wind and waves were
such that some vessel were stranded al
most high and dry.
The, Japanese ateamer Sada Maru rea
died lxty-slx native and on English
pilot h waa approaching Hong Kong.
Tha Kngllsh mall steamers Delhi and
oon escaped damg.
The British cruiser Terrible entered port
yesterday afternoon and reported fine
weather up te the harbor.
Sir Matthew Nathan, governor' of Hong
Kerf, and ths authorities are doing every
thing possible to render assistance.
Reports of fresh disssters are arriving
every hour.
Only a few Europeans are missing.
No report are on hand to show how
the fishing fleets and the ships outside of
' the harbor fared.
Public opinion la Incensed at the observe
tort fr not reporting1 the approach of the
typhoon. An Inquiry haa been demanded.
Fof years paat the observatory has fccen
subjected to adverse comment, but on thl
occasion It Is not believed to be blamable.
Rt. Rev. Joseph Charles Hoare. Anglican
bishop pf Victoria (Hong Kong), waa on
board the yacht Pioneer, which stranded
In Castle Peak bay. Hit. Una re has' gone
In a government launch to search for tho
bishop, tin lives were lost In Kowloon bay.
Report la Paris.
PARIS. 8ept.-ffL-A cablegram from the
French admiral at Hong Kong confirm the
newa of serious damage to the French
torpedo boat Fronde and Francisque dur
ing; the fjphoon. Five members of the
. crews of tb torpedo boat were drowned
ud several Injured.
NEW IORK, Sept. 19-Th Commercial
i a me company jeceiven notice today that
tin. Hue lands to Canton and Swato, China.
re InteriitpteO. Jt, U supposed these were
damaged by the typhoon.
lowmervial Aaeat 111.
PARIS. Sept. l.-lllltoii M. Price, the
commercial agent of the I'nlted State at
Jies ue U Froniera, Spain, la dangerously
IU her
Akieace of Tsar from Services Caases
tJafarorahle Comment la '
it. Petersburg.
BT. PETERS Bl'nO, Sept. 19.-General
Dmitri Trepoff. alio died last Saturday,
wss buried today at Peterhof. Contrary to
expectation the emperor was not present
at the funeral. His majority In still cruising
In Finnish waters on board the Imperial
yacht Standart.
A great throne of army officers and high
functionaries followed the catiket on foot,
according to (he Ruaslan custom, thrmigh
lines of soldiery representing all the units
of the Bt. Petersburg garrison, from the
rllla where the general died to the cathe
dral and thence to the place of Interment.
Although an attempt by revolutionists to
Interrupt the services was feared, nothing
The fact that the emperor did not aban
don hla pleasure cruise to return and at
tend the funeral of a devoted subject, al
though hla return was scheduled for yes
terday, has aroused much unfavorable
comment. It Is recalled that his majesty
absented himself from the funeral of Gen
eral Kondratchenko, who lost his life at
Port Arthur. Tho emperor and the em
press were represented today only by
magnificent wreaths.
A high pollco officer explained to the As
sociated Press that the emperor' absence
ana due to Premier Stolypin. who had been
Informed that an attempt might be made
against his majesty and 'telegraphed htm
not to return.
With the exception of Controller of the
Empire Schwanebnch, no minister were
present. The only, members of the Im
perial family who attended the funeral
were Grand Duke Nleholaa Nlcholaievltch,
his brother; Grand Duke Peter and Grand
. Duchess Elisabeth, widow of the late
(and Duke Sergiua and a sister of the
General Trepoff. when he was prefect
of Moscow, vol on term of close frlend
ahip with Grand Duchess Elisabeth. The
widow of Grand Duke Berglus came from
Moscow especially to attend the funeral.
She walked with the widow anddaughters
of General Trepoff behind the casket.
far ' Irrigation
Wyoming aad
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept (Bpeclal Tele
gram.) The secretary of the Interior has
executed the following contracts In 'con
nection with the Interstate canal. North
Platte Irrigation project, in Wyoming and
Nebraska: For construction and comple
tion of schedule 8, earthwork on about
thirteen mile of laterals, Joy Hurley of
Pratt, Wyo., 19.830; schedule , earthwork
on about seven miles of laterals, Hobbs,
MeElroy tc McElroy of Merrill, Neb., 9,40T;
schedule 4, earthwork on about twelve
miles of laterals, J3. R. Noe .of Merrill,
Neb., 36,922.60; schedule 12. earthwork on
about five miles of laterals,'. Frank Wyne
gar. Mitchell, Neb., 13,300. ' .
The secretary of the Interior has aranted
an extension of time of forty-five, ditys
from September 1 to Orman. A Crook, con
tractor, for the completion of their' con
tract ' for . the ecastrwoUoa-eT -dam autd
canal at tha Belle Fourche- Irrigation pro
ject in South Dfckota. This extension wiu
necessitated on account of,thefact thut
the work was greatly hampered during the
early part of the season by rainy weather
and scarcity of labor. ,
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Ina
vale. route 8, Frederick J. Btoner carrier,
Charley S. Btoner substitute. Iowa Center,
vllle. route 5, Sllaa W. Bryant carrier,
Henry O. Crawford substitute.
ma Do Ifot Like Proposed
fader tha Pave Food
' . taw.'
NEW YORK. Swpt. 19 At today's ses
sion of tha commission on rules and regu
lations ' for the enforcement of the pure
food and drug aot. Commissioner James. I.
Garry read the tentative regulations pro
posed by the commission regarding the use
of the label.
These regulations provide that the prin
cipal label shall be printed in English with
or without a foreign label In addition. The
substance, manufacture and place of pro
duction ahall be conspicuously stated. If
the package contains more than one sub
stance and only one substance Is designated
on the label, it Is a misbranding. It was
also announced that the law will not go
Into effect where the labels are already on
hand until July, 1907.
Objection were made to some of the pro
posed regulations by representatives of the
drug trade who wera present. The tenta
tive ruling provided further that no geo
graphical name should be used on a prod
uct when It bore no relation to the plaoe
of manufacture of the food.
"If thla rule prevailed." asked Edward
Gudenman, "would It be possible for us to
get Boston baked beans or make them any
where outside of Boston T'
Five Oat of Ma Districts Will Have
- Xo Deaaoeratta Candidates
for Coaaress.
ST. PAUL. Spt. 19 Complete unofficial
returns from yesterday's nominations in
the nine congressional dlatricta of Minne
sota show that the following ticket will
be voted upon in the November election:
First Diatrict Jamee A. Towney, repub
lican; Andrew French, democrat.
Second llstrict J. T. MoC'leary, repub
lican; W. 8. Hammond, democrat.
Third District C. K. Dvvis, open: no opJ
Fourth District F. C. Steven, republican;
Must a v Si'holl, democrat.
Fifth Diotrlct K. M. Nye. republican;
Frank Larrabee, democrat.
Sixth DlMi'lct-Charlus A. I.undbergh,
republican; M. C. Tift, democrat.
Seventh District A. J. Valatead. repub
lican: no democrat.
Kighth District-J. Adam Bede, repub
IIcho; no democrat.
Ninth District Halford E. Steenerson,
republican: no democrat.
PHILADELPHIA. Bcpt. 1.-The follow
ing have been named for congress In Penn
sylvania: First diet riot. General H. H. Bingham;
Second, John E. Hepburn Third, J. Hamp
ton Moore; Fourth. Reuben O. Moon;
Fifth. W. W. Fouikerod; Sixth. George V.
McCracy, all republicans. ,
Jaaaa to Have Oil Vslaa; Boats.
Avery, assistant general manager of the
Toyo Ktsen Kaisha tUeamhlp omp my, haa
arrived here from tne ei on hla way u
Japan. Avery haa ben in the east several
months xrrana-ttig for oil hirnint,- m;
"hinerv. which the company will u.. in j(a
new siraMvj that .lie now Ix-ing ob
structed fur the run b"tw-cit San Fraitciaco
and the orient. "The ttrwt of these steamers
ill be ready for business 111 December,
1"T." said Avery last ntuht. "and the s.x?
mtd will he finished about the jiiiJdle ot
June. 14"
Oimarroa Eiir Refuse to Give Up Bodies
of Book IiTand Wreck Victims.
Three Peraoa Knowa to Bo Mission
and Siateea Are Iajare
( Baby nice ot Pats,
KINGFISHER. Okl., Sept. tt.-Ths Cim
arron river has fallen eight feet from the
stage at which It weakened the Rock Island
bridge yesterday, when part of train Nd. 11
went Into the river, but the smoking car
Is still six or seven feet under the surface
and an attempt to explore it will not be
made until tomorrow. It Is not known
positively how many persons were In the
smoker when It fell. Conductor Thomaa
saya there were at least nine, and he be
lievea that three escaped. B. P, Nicholson,
who escaped from the amoker, says there
were at least ten persons in the csr and
that persons with whom he had talked are
missing. Mr. Nicholson escaped from the
rear door of the smoker. The car filled
with water as he clambered to the upturned
end and he broke a vestibule glass door
to make an exit. Escape of persons known
to have been riding In the front end of
the smoker, aeparated from the rear door
by a partition. p thought to have been
an Impossibility. No bodies have been re
covered. Herman E. Sells, aged 1 years,
son of Mrs. Kate E. Sells of Payne. O.,
died today from 'acute pneumonia a a re
sult of Inhaling muddy water.
Missing- aad Injured.
The following are missing and probably
Mr. Gomel, mall clerk. Caldwell, Kan.
H. Uttlefleld of Pittsburg, Ta.. bill
poster Korepaugh-Sells circus.
V. I Douglas, negro porter.
John Sullivan, aged 39, Chicago; hand
C. A. Smith, aged 23, New Tork City;
slight cuts.
F. S. Ball, aged 25. El Reno; knee and
leg cut.
George Wright, aged W. Denver; cuts,
bruises and exposure; floated seven miles
down stream. ';
A. A. Baldwin, aged SO. postal clerk. Fort
Worth: cut on head and bruises.
Frank Cullen. aged 23; cuts and bruises;
floated several miles from scene of wreck.
Li. H. O'Brien, aged 80, Oklahoma City;
bruises and cuts.
Mrs. Kate 8!lls, aged 29, Payne. O.;
shock, exposure and Internal Injtirlea.
Jack Robinson, aged t7, colored; alight
H. H. Balmer. aged 80. teacher In Haskell
Institute, Iawrence Kan.; bruises all over
and carried fourteen miles down stream.
8. D. Overton, postal clerk; carried
two miles.
Mrs. C. K. Rutscher. Dallas, Tex.; back
Injured and nervous shock.
O. W. Brown, aged 62, Comanche, Okl.;
hand cut.
' David J. Lang, Hlllsboro, Okl.; back In
jured, head and arm cut.
Mrs. J. U Robinson, aged 32. Enid, Okl.;
cuts and strangulation: may die.
8. W. Bryan, fireman, aged 28; shoulder
. One man whose name cannot be learned
was taken out of the river today at a
point nine miles below Dover bridge. He
wa nearly dead when brought to King
fisher. He had been nine hour In the
water, clinging to floating debris.
. Mesnasre la m'. Bottle. - ' .
"Glud A lye, a farmer -Hvtng n mile
northeast of here, found toffay what ap
pear to be a pathetic relic of the wreck.
It 1 a bottle containing a small , slip of
paper on which are written these words:
"The one that finds thla bottle write to
Cleo, Oklahoma, to Eldon Camp. I love
The bottle waa found at the Alyea farm,,
several miles below the fatal bridge. In a
pile of wrecksge and driftwood. It Is be
lieved to be the dying message .of some
one Imprisoned In the submerged amoker.
Other Bridsres Washed Oat. '
ALVA. Okl., Sept. 19. As a result of the
excessive rains, and a cloudburat at Ash
land, Kan., eighty-five mile northwest of
here, bridges are reported gone on nearly
all streams In Western, Woods and Wood
ward countlea. The Santa Fe bridge acroxs
the. Cimarron, near. Waynoka, could not
be crossed yesterday and the southbound
train remained In - Alva all night. No
Rock Island trains arrived here from the
south. The Santa Fe bridge across the
Cimarron Is badly warped from the strain.
There Is a rumor that cannot be confirmed
that the bridge across the Cimarron In the
southwest part of the county went out.
laterstate Commerce Commlssloa
Promnlaatea Important Order aad
Iasaes Circular to Railroads.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. The Inter
state Commerce commission today pro
mulgated an important order made Hep
tember 15, providing for a hearing he's
beginning October 8, to conatruct rules
for the simplification of rate- tariffs, and
in connection therewith have Issued a
circular embracing certain . requirement
which It la proposed to insist upon.
They Include the filing of Joint tariffs
by the initial liner the printing of tha
schedules of each initial line aa an inde
pendent document, the filing with the
commission by participating lines of gen
eral authority to the initial line In the
behalf of all tariffs or all Joint tariffs of
a special kind; the separation of class and
commodity rates, the filing of a detailed
Index showing all commodity rales In
effect so that each commodity can be
easily located, limiting any tariff to five
aupplements and any classification to ten
supplements, the entire classification of
tariff to be reprinted where there are any
excess, the 'observance of a uniform order
in the compilation of tariffs, the proper
apeclficatlon In the tariff of the Initial
line of all terminal charges, the absorption i
of switching or terminal charges where
it affects the total cost to the shipper
shall, be stated upon the tariff.
Owner aad Machinist Thrown from
Car While Driving Over Ven
der hilt Coorsa.
NEW TORK. Sept. 19. George Robertson
and his mechanician, Arthur Warren were
seriously Injured in an automobile accident
near Mlneola today, while on a practice
spin for the Vanderbilt eup race.
Robertson waa steering hla ninety-horse
power car over the Vanderbilt course
when, at Hairpin turn, the sharpest turn
sn the course, the car swerved wide, struck
a telegraph pot and hurled Its occupants
out with terrific force. Mr. ' Robertson
sustained a broken collarbone and hla
mechanician two broken rlba." Both were
rendered unconscious. Just: behind Robert
son was Elliott F. Bhepard. speeding in his
machine. He summoned an ambulance
from a hospital at Mineola and the Injured,
men were removed to that institution.
'Robertson' car 1 believed toy he too badly
damaged to take part In tha race.
President Direct that All Poblla
Work Be tone I nder This
OYSTER BAT, N. T., Sept.' 19.-Fresklent
Roosevelt today extended the eight-hour
law to apply to all public work under the
supervision Of any department of the gov
ernment. This order affects more particu
larly work on river and harbor Improve
ment. Charles P. NellL commissioner of labor,
who, at the directum of the president, ha
had charge since last winter of the en
forcement of the eight-hour law, has sent
to the president a report ot whlfch the
following is the concluding paragraph:
I might add here that I found very no
ticeable effect has already been produced
In this matter of the elaht-hour law. Con
tractors fully realise now that the law Is
going to be enforced with earnestness and
they no longer dismiss It as a matter of
no consequence. They probably like the
law less than ever, but their attltuile l
rapidly changing Into one of becoming re
spect for the statute.
To carry, out Commissioner Nelll's recom
mendations the president has today signed
the following executive order:
1. All departments of the government un
der the supervision of which public works
are being constructed are hereby dlrectt-d
to notify the representatives stationed at
such public work s . to report at once to
their rexpective departments all cawa' In
which contractors or subcontractors on
works now under "Construction have re
quired or permitted laborers or mechanics
In their employ to work over eight hours
In any one calendar day.
2. All government representatives In
charge of construct bn of public works are
further directed that It is part of their
duty to report to tlielr respective depart
ments each and evety case In which labor
ers or mechanics ar required or permitted
to work over eight? hours a day on the
works under supervision of such govern
ment representative. Whenever reports
showing work In excess of eight hours t
day are received by any depart own t they
are to be referred, to the Department of
Justice for appropriate action.
8. All departments of the government un
der the supervision of which public works
are being constructed by contract are lur
ther directed to have their respective local
offlcera prepare and forward to the presi
dent a list of auch statutes and execute
orders as have direct bearing on contracts
for the construction of public works, and
with which bidders on auch works should
be made acquainted.
September 17. 1906.
Three Members of Third Mntnal .Life
Committee Decline to Allow ,
t'so of Names.
NEW TORK, Bept. 19 Protests against
the unauthorised use of their 'name from
several nominees on the "selected fusion
ticket" for trustee of the Mutual Life
Insurance company were made public here
Mayor J. N. Adam of Buffalo, originally
nominated on' the "united committee's
ticket," wired Judge Alton B. Parker,
chairman of the executive committee of
the International policy holder' committee,
that the uae of hla name on the fusion
ticket waa against his wishes.' 'A similar
message from James; D. ' Phelan, former
mayor of San Francisco, was received at
ths headquarters of the International pol
icy holders' committee. William L. Gull
laudeau of this city .wrote the committee
to the same effect. ' . v
Replying to notifications that their names
had been placed oal- the "third ticket,"
President Charles Ar1 feabody, Seconal Vice
President George T. Dexter and Superin
tendent of Foreign Agencies Henry E. Dun
can of the Mutual Life addressed Albert
S. Bard, counsel for the promoters of the
fusion ticket, today.
Mr. Peabody said the question at his
acceptance must depend upon the character
and position of those who brought , about
his nomination. When advised as to the
personality and purpose of the movers he
would reply aa to his ' acceptance. The
two other officers of the Mutual stated that
the bylaws of the Mutual Life would pre
vent them serving If elected trustees.
Makes " I'snal Antl-Trnnt ArsTameiyt
aad flays Railroad Position.
Is Mlsanderatood.
COLUMBIA. 8. C, Sept. lO.-William
Jennings Bryan spoke today to 8.000 peo
ple on the campus of the South Carolina
university. ' Mr. Bryan expressed gratifica
tion that this meeting had been opened
with prayer and he referred to the fact
that the need of the Orient was Christian
Ideals for citizenship. He declared he had
no objection to President Roosevelt using
his platform, but he does object to elect
ing a republican, when a democrat could
be chosen en the same platform and be
consistent. Roosevelt, he said, ,had been
elected as a "god of war," and he will go
down In history as a peacemaker,
tThe republicans, he charged, had refused
to put a rate bill clause In their platform,
but the democrats at Kansas " City had
done so. He made his usual anti-trust ar
gument and explained that he had been
misunderstood In the matter of the public
ownership of railroads. .' .
Mr. Bryan left this afternoon for Geor
gia to continue his speech-making tour,.
Mr. Bryan will stop first in Augusta, hav
ing been taken In charge here by a commit
tee of the Augusta Chamber of Commerce.
Kastcrn and Western Lines Do Kdt
Want Pari He Lumbermen to
Re Heard.
CHICAGO, Bept. 19 Various eastern and
western railroads, through their legal rep
resentatives, made strenuous objections to
day before the Interstate Commerce com
mission to the presentation of testimony
by the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufac
turers' association In Ite petition against
about twenty-five western railroads.
The lumber manufacturers are seeking to
compel the railroads to furnish adjustable
racks on flat cara for tha transortation
of lumber. They claim that the roads fur
nish proper facilities for the shipping of
other commodities and In refusing to do
likewise for the lumbermen discriminate
aganat them.
The attorneys on both aides of the lum
ber case have made exhaustive arguments
nd the commissioners declare the case will
he Indefinitely postponed.
Livery Barn at Basin.
BASIN. Wyo.. Sept. 19 (Special Tele
gram.) The livery barn of J. Cook burned
to the ground at 8 p. m. Three horses
were burned. Loss, 85,000. Sparks set a
mall barn across town on Are. No insur
ance on either place.
Docks at Bneaos Ay res.
BCEXOS ATREB. . Sept. .19. -Customs
dock No. 4 has been destroyed by fire. The
damage la estimated at several million
paper dollars. The shipping Is safe. The
Argentina paper dollar is worth about O
Secretary of Wax Besrini Stralehtenioe
Out Cuban Tangle.
Prraldent Palma flays He Will
Reslan If It Is Derided
to Order ew Flections.
HAVANA, Bept. 19,-The president of
the moderate and liberal partlea this after
noon submitted to Secretary of Wor Taft
and Assistant Secretary of State Bacon,
representing President Roosevelt, their re.
pectlve statements of the facts leading up
to the revolution and the conduc of the
belligerents. Each of the presidents to
morrow will present a written statement
of the terms he Is willing to agree to In
the Interest of peace. General Menocal,
representing the veterans, also related to
Secretaries Taft and Bncon the efforts he
has made In the line of peace and the
difficulties he haa encountered, and gave
his opinion as to what courses hold any
promise of an amicable settlement. A
committee of Isle of Pines Americans also
appeared, but got little satisfaction, their
attorney simply presenting a statement of
their grievances, which was not taken up..
Today's hearing began at the home of
Minister Morgan In the village of Marlanao,
which It so happens Is only three miles
from the most advanced post of the Insur
gents' forces, thnt of Colonel Bnldomcro
Acosta, which Is encamped In the vicinity
of Arroya Arenas. The proceedings were
conducted very quietly. No crowd sur
rounded the beautiful and spacious Qulnta
Hidalgo, which has been the home of
American ministers to Cuba since the birth
of the republic. The hearlags were held
privately In a room adjoining the library',
no one being present in the house except
those directly Interested and newspaper
men. '
All Cesferf es Preliminary.
Secretary Taft Informed President Mendea
Capote, Senor Zayas and General Menocal
Ithat today'a conference would be pre
liminary and all would be heard again.
Vice President Mendes Capote was given
an appointment for 10 o'clock tomorrow
nd Senor Zayas for 9 o'clock.
After the hearing Secretary Taft said to
ths Associated Press that he had Just
begun his work and that It was evident
that the mission upon which he came
would require more time than he had an
ticipated before bis arrival. He Intimated
that ten daya would be required to com
plete hla errand, but he could not say
whether or not It would be necessary to
visit Insurgent camps or other cities other
than Havana. He was pleased that repre
sentatives of every faction had visited the
agents of President Roosevelt, which he
considered augured well for the success
of the mission, which he desired It to be
understood was purely mediatory. Mr.
Taft said he had not talked as yet with
representatives . of commercial Interests,
but that he expected 'to meet men of af
fairs and property.
A private telegraph wire la being strung
from Minister Morgan' house to the cable,
office In order that Messrs. ,Taft and Bacon
may be able to report direct to President
Roosevslt .
"A ''detachment of V rural guards lias
been sent -to. Mariano, which hitherto has
not been specially protected.
Government Opposes Elections,
"After the conference Vice President Men
des Capote said the government was ab
solutely opposed to- any plan which in
volves new elections. He added that he
was preparing a written statement of the
terms which the moderatea -will accept In
a settlement of the difficulty.
Senator Zeyas said he had been In
structed not to talk about the conference,
but asserted that he had been urged to
use his influence In all possible ways to
stop fighting. He said he feared he would
be unable to reach distant insurgent camps
in time, and pointed out that the attack
by a government force on the insurgents
under Tello Sanchex at Sanotl Spirit us on
Tuesday was a violation of the govern
ment's armistice. Senator Zayas repeated
to Secretary Taft the efforts he had made
for the relief of liberals arrested as con
spirators and Mr. Taft Informed him that
President Palma had stated that the pris
oners under indictment would be released
under ball. Up to tonight, however, they
had not been released. Senator Zayas
safd it wa imperative that Jose Miguel
and others of the prisoners should assist
In the peace negotiations. Mr. Taft wa
careful not to- commit himself to either
faction, but encouraged all to talk freely.
Palma Talks of Resigning;.
During Secretary Taft'a visit to President
Palma earlier In the day the latter spoke
freely of the situation and of the future
possibilities, and added that in ths con
tingency of a general election being or
dered he would not feel It consistent for
him to continue In office. No member of
the government. President Palma . aald,
would be willing to concede to ths proposi
tion for a general election under any cir
cumstance. Following hi visit to President Palma,
Secretary Taft boarded the cruiser Den
ver to return Commander Colwell's call.
He found there Senator Zayas awaiting
him under a prearrangement with Com
mander Col well and thua cordial relations
were established both with the palace and
with the revolutionists. Senator Zayas
had on Tuesday sent a letter to Secretary
Taft under care of Charge d'Affaires
Sleeper, tendering him his greetings. Un
fortunately the letter did not reach Mr.
Taft, but Senor Zayas made it public to
day. The conditions In ths field are quiet, al
though the situation at Cienfuegos Is
threatening. General Rodrlgues said this
evening that rural guards are patroling
the entire outskirts and suburbs of Ha
vana. One thousand militia from Man
tansas have been removed from the Ca
banas fortress to Camp Columbia.
Yonna-er Offlcera to Front.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 9.-Young officers
for command In Cuba In case the army la
sent there Is the plan practically decided
upon by the War department. General
Frederick Funston probably will be In com
mand and his chief lieutenants are likely
to be Brigadier Generals Thomas H. Barry
and William P. Duval!. These two officer
have recently completed an Inspection of
the German maneuvers in Europe and have
notified the War department that they
Intend to sail for thla country on September
19, but owing to the acute situation In
Cuba they have been advised that their
presence In this country at an earlier date
will be desirable. Notwithstanding the
presence of Secretary Taft and Assistant
Secretary Bacon In the Cuban capital on
a mlaalof looking to the pacification of th
Island, preparations are going forward to
meat any emergency that may arise in
case the reconciliation of the warring ele
ments in Cuba c amot be accomplished.
Whatever Secretary Taft or Mr. Bacon
iCoulinued on Second Pag a)
Fair and Warmer In West. Showers
In East Portion Tharsday. Friday
Temperatnre nt Omnha Yesterday!
Hoar. Dev. Hoar. Dear,
a a. m. . . , . . AH 1 p. m ......
t a. m...... KM S p. nt...... "3
T a. m...... n.a 8 p. m d
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11 AA n p. m IKI
p. m na
Mnrphy Can Force I'ntt Rale on
Democratic Delegates la
NEW TORK, Sept. l9.-According to the
returns and the reported affiliation of the
leaders elected at the democratic primaries,
Charles F. Murphy will be In control of
twenty-four votes In the executive commit
tee of Tammany Hall, representing twenty
districts, and will control sixty of the 105
delegates to the democratic state conven
tion. These sixty votes will enable the Tam
many leader, If he so desires, to apply the
unit rule and cast the vote of Tammany
Hall solidly for the candidate determined
upon by a majority of the delegates. Up
to the present time Mr. Murphy haa madn
no statement as to his Intentions In this
respect, but during the primary campalg"
it was generally understood that Mr.
Murphy was friendly to Hearst. Murphy'H
victory, however. Is believed to preclude
the possibility of District Attorney Jerome
securing the New York county delegation
to the state convention.
In Brooklyn State Senator Patrick H.
McCarren regains control of the county
democratic committee and will control
sixty-three out of the sixty-nine delegates
to the state convention.
In the republican party Herbert E. Par
sons, president of the county republican
committee, defeated the forces headed by
former Governor pdcll and Lemuel E.
Qulgg. Persons carried twenty-two of the
thirty-five districts. The defeat of Odell In
New York county may take from him the
control of the state committee, of which he
la chairman.
There wa no opposition to William R.
Hearst In the democratic primaries In Erie
county yesterday and the full county dele
gation. Including Buffalo, will be Instructed
for him.
Annoonces He Wanted to Hold I'ntll
After Primary and Now
Wilt Retire.
City Prosecutor Tom Lee will yield th
duties of his office this morning to Her
bert S. Daniel. Bo Mr. Les told The Bee
last night. - '
"What are you going to do with the Ice
trust tomorrow?" was ssked of Mr. Iee.
It was then he made known his Intentions.
"I'll let the Ice trust off easy tomorrow,"
he anawered. I -won't be there to prosecute
Ioe trust, drunks, vag or anybody. It will
require Just about two minutes for me to
get through' with my business In pollca
court In the morning.' I will simply ask the
court to relieve me of- th. usual arise of
cases and get Mr. Daniel to take care of
them." " ' " " J .'J " ' n
Mr. Iee further explained that it was
never his purpose to keep Mr. Daniel f rom
the office Indefinitely. He wanted to hold
the office until after the primaries, had
done 'so, and was now perfectly willing to
give It up.
Tom Lee was appointed city prosecutor
by Mayor Moores three years ago. He was
reappointed by Mayor Dahlman when the
democratic administration came In, but the
council would not allow him the demor
cratlc partonage and refuaed to confirm
the action of the mayor. Herbert 8.
Daniel was appointed about a week ago by
the council. He brought mandamus pro
ceedings against Lee to oust him from
the office and a hearing was set for' Tues
day, though postponed to Wednesday and
finally to today. In the natural course of
events It will be dismissed this morning,
when Mr. Lee surrenders the office.
Dlspnto Over Merits of Kelson and
, Cans Leads to Death of
Two Men. '
CHICAGO, Sept. IS. Two men were shot
dead and another severely wounded In n
saloon In Hammond, Ind today as a result
of an argument over the respective merits
of Battling Nelson and Joe Gans, the prlxe
fighters. Ferguson Lauden. a machinist
of Hammond, did the shooting. Thedead
men are Paddy Golden, G5 years old, and
James Blemn, n porter In the saloon where
the shooting occurred.
John Bellamy, a detective, who Inter
fered while the shooting waa In progress,
was shot In the leg.
Golden and Lauden had been discussing
the Gans-Nelson fight for some time, whi n
both men became ar.gry and used abusive
language. At last In a rage Lauden drew
a revolver and fired twice at Golden. A
Golden fell Lauden shot Blemn twice. At
this point Bellamy Interfered and was
shot In the leg. Other persons in the
saloon at the time dropped to the floor
and escaped the bullet.
Golden, who was shot In the leg and
abdomen, died while being taken to a
hospital. Blemn wa hit In the chest and
stomach and died rhortly afterwards.
Ijiuden made hi escape after the shooting.
Fire Hand red Passengers front the
Mongolia Create Famine on
WASHINGTON, Bept. 19 The plight of
the 600 passengers of the Pacific Mall
stean-ship Mongolia, which recently went
ashore near Midway Island, waa made
known to government officers today
through a cablegram received by the man
ager In thl city of the Commercial Cable
company. The necessity for the Imme
diate sending of supplies was made ap
parent and the question was raised If It
would be In contravention of the coastwise
navigation laws to send a relief ship under
foreign register. The matter first was
brought to the attention of the "Department
of Commerce and Labor and in turn
the Treasury department officials were con
sulted and the decision wa reached that
there would be no objection to sending
the foreign built cable ship Restorer, now
at Honolulu, to Midway at once, carrying
needful provisions, supplies and wrecking
apparatus for the relief of the Mongolia
and passengers. There are ordinarily leas
than forty people on Midway Island and
the Influx of 800 additional population
would mean a serlou drain on the re
sources of the Island unless Immediate re
lief weja given.
Iatritata Com mere Commiasionar Trobei
Bailrcad Mine Ownership Methods.
Harrimaa Railroad Owni Its Coal and
Email Competitora EqueaL
Meeeath Says He Bourht Up Independents
to Ihrottle Competition.
First Inrestlantlon West of Alls
Bhenlea, and It Will Bo Wide la
( Scope, Extending to
Salt Lake.
The Interesting fscts were brought out
at the afternoon hearing In the Inter
state Commerce Commission Investigation
Wednesday, one of which threw some light
upon the methods adopted by tho Union
Pacific Coal and Railroad companies in
acquiring title to coal lands. The other
was that the Stoux City 4k Rock Springs
Coal company wa not averse to turning
an honest' penny In accepting a liberal
commission of tlO.OOO In negotiating for the
purchase of a quarter section of land be
longing to one of Its employes and turn
ing it over to Union Pacific people for
$13,200, paying A. F. Abbott of Denver the
83,300 and pocketing the remainder, and In
the meanwhile bringing about the resig
nation of Abbott from the Bloux City com
pany as a "friendly" act for the Union
Pacific people because he was a person
non gratia to the Union Pacific.
John N. Baldwin, general solicitor of ths
railroad compel y, caused some Interest
when he admitted the Union Pacific rail
road company owned all the stock of ths
Union Pacific Coal company, a fact that
did not create great surprise, however.
Pronty Presides at Hearing;.
The hearing before Interstate Commerce
Commissioner 'C. A. Prouty, under ths
Tillman-Gillespie senate resolution relative
to the relation of coal carrying railroad
and the ownership of mines, which began
In the north federal court room Wednesday
morning, la the first of these hearings yet
held west of the' Alleghnnle and Is wide
reaching In Its effect, being the first In
which the great railroad system ot the
west are Interested.
The specific case under Investigation Is
that of the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany, wfth the' Sioux City and Rock
Springs Coal company aa the complainant.
The hearing Is the outgrowth of a claim
made month ago by th Sioux City and
Rock Springs Coal company for trackage
facilities from It mine nesr tho
Union Pacific Coal company' mlnu at
Rock Springs, Wyo., and which the Union
Pacific Railroad company refuses to grant.
Another feature of the suit 1 that tha
Sioux City and Rock Springs Coal com
pany haa pending against tha Union Pa-
cina Railroad company a suit Tor 880,000
damaaea - for .refiMtrw: 1a. nffn rt traeitna-..
facilities that the . complainant company'
might! market It coal. . 4 - '
' Hearing; Attracts' Crowd." --' -
The Court room was crowded wfth nrnml.
nent coal and railroad men and the utmost
Interest 1s being taken in the case.
The witnesses thus far summoned to
testify in the case are: Warwick Saunders,
president of the complainant coal com
pany, of Davenport, la.; Erastus Young,
general auditor of the llarrlman lines; O.
W. Megeath, president of the Sheridan
Coal company; W. G. Lemltt of the C. B.
Havens Coal company; W. R. Brooks of the.
Consolidated Coal company of Fremont;
Henry Newman, coal denier, Columbur,
Neb.; Dyer O. Clark, vice president and
general manager of the Union Pacific Coal
company; Frank Brown, local treasurer of
the Union Pacific Railroad company; W. L.
Rltter, Arthur H. Doane. Edgar B. Treat of
the Union Pacific Coal company, A. F.
Abbott of Denver and Randall Brown, coal
dealer of Omaha.
Baldwin and Marchard.
John N. Baldwin, general solicitor of th
Union Pacific, Is conducting the hearing
In behalf , of the Union Pacific Railroad
company and J. T. Marchard of Wash
ington, general counsel for the Interstate
Commerce commission, represent that
body and E. E. Thomaa of Omaha appears
In behalf of ie Bloux City & Rock Springs
Coal company.
Commissioner Prouty and Mr. Baldwin
arrived In Omaha Wednesday morning
from Chicago, where they had been at
tending the hearing of the Peavey Elevator
company's case.
Mr. MeAutln, official stenographer for
the commisHlon, Is reporting the proceed
ings for the commission.
The first witness was Erastus Young,
general auditor of the Harrlman line. Ills
testimony was to bring out th fact that
as auditor ot the Union Paclfie Railroad
company he had authorized and audited ths
payment of the sum of tlS,200 for the north
west quarter of section 28, township 11,
range 102, In Sweetwater county. Wyoming.
He stated that the land In question had
been deeded to him a a trustee of the
Union Pacific Coal company, and that th
transfer was made some time In 1905, tho
transaction being conducted through War.
wick Saunders, who had bought the land
from one A. F. Abbott, ostensibly for ths
Union Pacific Coal company. 1
Mr. Young's memory was a little faulty
as to the dste of the transaction and the
amount paid. He Insisted that he was net.
lng merely as' a trustee,. He did not know
what became of the deed.
Baldwin Makes Statement.
"Ws have no hesitancy whatever In giv
ing testimony In thl case," interposed Mr.
Baldwin at this Juncture. "No question I
raised nor la there any notion to keep front
thl commission any Information relative
to the property, stock and bonds of the
Union Pacific if this information Is desirc.1.
The Union Pacific Railroad company own
all the stock and bonds ot the Union pa
clflc Coal company, which were bought at
the mortgage rale of the old Union Pacific
Railway company from the government.
But In this rase the Sioux City It Rock
Spring Coal company has a special gricv'. '
ance, which is clearly an Independent pro
ceeding. The Union Pacific has slraady
filed lta answer In the caae and thl matter
must be fought out before this commis
sion." Commissioner Prouty said:
"We are not here to take testimony on
the part of the complainant, but to ance-.
tain whether the Union Pacific Rating id
company did acquire all the property of
the Union Pacific Coal company did It ac.
quire ths property referred to In Mr.
Young's testimony by direct conveyance In
the name of an Individual for the purpose
of rsoonveylng In the nam of some other
official of the company,"
Attorney Marchaud said that it' was u