Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Chicact fiattt Oat PhiUdalphla nd Mot
, ,AnothtT KotchTeward Ptaiaut
,.''' r . .. .
St. Lerwie ' Wtmm. DeUlTe Ttetory
(rra Hnr Yirk kr Snperler Jill
Arml Week Seoree f
Other Qan. ,
Mi ' .. i -v, - ' ;
cWcAGO. ' Hepi. tt.-Chlcago shut out
Ptlfladetphla today la the second punt of
tha eerlea. Tha batting of Owen and
Roh waa the. feature Bcorc: .
' '-, , B H O.AS. - B.H.O.A.;.
Hahn. rt I 1 I S,Hrtel. If. 0 t
Jnnee.-efV.... 1 1 t Armbr'ttT, Ml I t t
labels Ik t I 11 tH. DaTle. k. 1 10 t
O. Dart. Mil 1 t f Lord, cf...,.4 11
rfuki. Ik. 1 tit I .4 Rlmu k... 4 I t t t
Ixju.&.rlr.' .U t t i t SallWan, aa.. I 1 I' I
Rob, lb...... I I r I loMrlng. lb . I t t t 1
Ftwh. . t.,..., t til- tB.rna. ....! t t I I
Owwa. i?..... I I I 1 tCoomne. ....! t 1
, SchUBl.. p.. 1 t t I
Total.. i.!.M Tl tl 4 ! "
Total..:. mi i u n i
Chicago i.0.1 I 0 0 3 7
Philadelphia, ....,....,0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0
Hlta: - Off Coombs, S In five Inning; off
Vihtirnan, l .ln thrti Innings. . l-ft on
bues:.' Chicago, 13; pbllade Iphla. '6. , Two
baa frits: Owen 2. Armbruster. Sheesn.
aerifies .hit: IsheU, Rohe. Blolen bases:
Roth, Donohue, Dougherty,-Rohe. Double
plays: Isbell, O. . Davis to Donohue;
Sheean. flullivan to' H. Davis. Btrtirk out:
By. Coombs, t; by Rchuman. 3; by Owen. 1
Base on balls: Off- Coombs, 6;-Schuman,
6; off Owen. 1. Wild pltchv Coombs. Hit
with ball- Owen. Tim." 7:07.- Umpire:
t. Lenle'fiefeait jjew York.
WT. LOVIB. Mo.. Sept. IS. The St. lunula
(Mm defeated the Mew York today very
decisively.,- Jrimth worked CIarkon and
Hughes up to the eighth Inning when ha
went In, Glade pitched splendid ball.
Hcore:' (
ST. 'UH'M. ' ? :. KW TOUR.
i - V JI.H.O.A.B. . B.H.O.A.IC.
Nile, rt 4 1 t t kwIt. rf....4 t 1 0
1 0 Elherfelrt, aa. 4 0 1 I t
t (H'ham. lb. .. 4 .0 4 t 1
t WlHma, lb t M 1 1
I Upon, lb., t t t 1 t
1 oCorirojr, If... I 1 I t 0
4 a Hoffman, ef..t I I 0 V
0 o Kletnow, c.'l Ilia
1 ociaMno. a . 1 0 0 0 e
'Vcw i t o t t
10 7 n It OHualwa,' b ... I a o i o
, .... .. OrinXH. 0 0 t t
no use ::
THAN ' .
Jenaa. Ik I t II
Btan. - If.,... Ill
Hamphlll, rt. 4 I
O'Rrlan, lb . I 1
Riw Bni, ,5b 4 1
Hartiall, aa.r4 1 I
Rl-kajr. t..., 4 I 1
Olad.. ...... I' 1 t
M I 14 I I
Batted for HuaheaMn eighth.
St. Loala'. v., ..t. V 0 10 10 7
New York 0' 2, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Earned Vuhaf New"3rorK, S;' PL 'Ixiula. i.
TWo-baae hit: Klelnow, Olade. Three
biaa hlte: . Stone. oma run: Conroy.
Kacrlflre hits: Qlade,, Jonea. Laportn. Wild
pltchea: Clarkwm. 1;. Hughe, 1. Pa bps on
Saluti Oft Claraeon. 2; off Hughes, I Struck
out: By Clarkaon.. 8; by Olade. 1. Hits:
Off Griffith, I in two Innings; off Hughes,
3 in-flva Innings; off Orimtn. 1 In . one In
ning. --Left en basex: St.- lxula. 7; New
York, I. Tfai J:k Umpire: Connolly.
, Beamaailara Defeat Tiger.
' tETBOIT,; llch., Sept. 1. -After blaJnk
Ing. Detroit foe aeven .Innings Olasn waa
driven from tha slab In l top eighth, Harris
repracinR him. He waa touched in the
ninth, but Boston's lead waa too great, and
tna incident did not affect the result, Bos
ton. wlnnlng.7 to CouRhlln a rlelding and
Slahl'a hitting wera the features. Score:
i.", . BOtrrON. . ' DETROIT.
R.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B.
fiof ressivc Dealers Evaywkcj
Croes. Stolen bases: Turner,' StovaJI.' Double
play: Turner to Roesman. Baaea on balls:
Off Hesa. 1; off Smith, t. Hit with, pitched
ball: By Hess, 1; by Ooodwln, 1. lft on
baaea: Cleveland,' 7; -Washington, .. Struck
out: By Hesa, 2; by Smith, 2; by Goodwin,
a. - Time: 1 :!. I'mplrea: Evana and Hurst.
Staadlasj f tha Teams.
Played. Won. Ixjut
Chicago i 1M ffl tn . . i
New York 114 81 51 ,ns
Cleveland 13S - T 6S i
Philadelphia 133 . 74 r!) .(&
St. Isoult ..: 1S4 07 7 .S00
Detroit 1.13 0ft 7S .452
Waahlngton liM 2 . S4 .382
Boston 137 : 45 2 . 3H
Games today: Washington at Cleveland,
Philadelphia at Chicago, New York at St.
Ix)Uls, Boston at Detroit.
Hrr. If .... I 'I I t tMrlntTr. If. t
raab'rne. Bb 4 '1 I 'I -o Cvuahltn, lb I
abt,. ef..,wii 4 4 fO 1 1 Crawford, rt. 4
,'r.iK.,... 1 . DCohby cf 4
Irlmabaw: lk 4 ,1 I n , Schmidt, e... 4
Morsaa, lb . 4 0 1, f grhaaf r, . lb-I
rraaman, ft.. 4 I I 4 0 Llndaar, lk. I
rarrlcan, ... 4 1 4 0 aO Irx, aa.. 4
(lax. ..,.. 0 .0 4 Mullln, p.... 4
arris, ; p:.. l t '0 0 eParna 1
.0 0
I t
1 t
t 1
o t
Brooklyn and (laelnnatl Break F.Ten
In a UoBblv-Haader. ,
BROOKLYN, Sept. 1. In the double
header here this afternoon Brooklyn and
Cincinnati broke even. Score, first game:.
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B.
1 raaar. lb.. v.. 4 t I t
OMaloner. of.. 4 1 0 0
0Lumly. rf -.. I 0 1 1' a
I Hnmmal. lb. I ' 1 II t o
OMrCarthr. If 4 I t a
I Alpennan. lb 4 1 lit
1 Lawla. aa 4 1 1 4 1
OBarran, C....I I I 10
ssranloii, p... I 0 0 I 1
Huggina, ib. 4 t
Kaller. If.... 4 1
Jude. rt 4 t
Stnoot. of ... 4 I
Lobart.1 lb... 4 1
Irhlal, a 1 0
Corcoran, aa. I 1
Daal. lb ..... I t
Walnar, p... I I
: Total...... II t 17 14 RHtr 14 ST It t ' To1ala...;..41 11 IT II
'Batted for 0'lary In ninth. '
Boston ..;...o t 0,0 0 1 1 2 27
Detroit ;.... ,,.0. 0 ft 0 0 0 J 2-
Earned runs:. Detroit, 2; Boston. . Base
hit: Oft Glaae, 10 In seven and two-third
innings; off Harris.' In oneund one-third
Innings. Two-base hit: Hoey. Three
baaa nttaaaiiCoughlm, Crawford.'' Freetnan. '
Home run: Parent. HHcrlflcje hits: Par
ent wtoierT bases: Mcfntyre, Schaefer.
nrst-base orr balls: By Mullln. 1; by Glair,
t. Ieft on bses: .Oetrolt.'ll- Boston, ft.
Struck out:' By Mullln. 1; by Glaze, 2; by
n arris, V Pouble play: CougliJIn and
ndaay. Tlihe;,!:!)..'-. Umpire.; O'Lough-
Pair fetrrClevrland..
CLEVELkAND, 8ept. ISClevelnnd won
two gamea from Washington today by
bunching their hits. Turner accepted
twenty chance at short without an error,
while. Jonea, In center field, had twelve
cnascea. score, nrst game:
. ,H O A M. . t. . D H.O.A C.
Brmnih'n. HV I I 0 Alitor. aa...i I I 0 l
Btovall. 10... 10 1 osrhainr, lb.. 4 110 1
T a Joora, rf 4 1 4 t t
1 o fmn. 3b 4 0 I I o
0 o Hickman, rf . 4 . 1 I I 0
0 Andaraon. K. 4 1 f t 1
0 o stihl. lb 4 1 t 0
1 t Warner, c... 4 I I o
... a w w m vniiinn, p.... a s v a
v Total.. :.1.U It tf II o- Totl 17 II 24 7 4
Cleveland 0 I n 1 M 0 0 8
Vaahlngton . .10 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 06
Two-baae bita: Kltsnn, Jones, ' Hlckmnn,
Alttser, Home runs: Clarke. 'Anderson.
Sacrifice' hits: Joss, flick. Stolen banes:
Birmingham (21. Clarke. - Turner. Double
play: Clarke to lJoie. Bases on balls: Off
Klteon, 1. Left on bases: ("levclAnd, 6:
Washington. 5. Struck out: Bv Joss, 2; by
Kttson, 2. Wild pilches; Kltson. 2. Tlmu:
, l.:S0. I'mplrea: Hural. and Kvans.
Score.' Bacon d game-.
B.H.O.A . , B.H.O.A.E.
rrrmnan'ia. If I o Aitl- aa... 4 lis
Blarall,' !... IOI Olrhalfl.r, 2b.. I
Tifrnar.- 4..1'4 -tit 0 Jonea, cf I
Lajot. Ik... 4 1 I I OCroaa. Ib I
CoBcaltsa, eft I 1 t vHlckaian. rf. 4
Pllck, ef 4 1 1 t t Andmon. If. 4
Raaamas. .10, I I It t istakl, Ib 4
' Bamla,- a-,.. 4 lift rWakcflald, e. 4
H. , p.n... I , tMl Ctmiih. p
Goodwin, p.. 1
Taui 14 ii n ii i
Toala...... 124 ' 4 1
Cleveland: 2 0 I 0 0 10 I 7
Washington ,..2 0,0 Q , 0 0 0 0 02
iJtlls: Off Smith.'. in three Innings; off
Ooodwln, 4) In five Inning. Two-bana hlta:
Ijijole, Roeaman, Bemi. ' Sacrifice hit:
Totali. .....II I 17 It I
Batted for Bergen In ninth.
Hatted for Scanlon In ninth..
Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 14
Brooklyn;. 2 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 Q-rS
Two-base hits: Hugglns, Alperman.
Three-base hits: Hummel, Bergen. Sacri
fice hlta: Hi m ley, Corcoran. Stolen bases:
Maloney, Hummel, Deal. Double, play:
I.umlcy to Bergen. Ieft on bases: Cincin
nati, 6; Brooklyn, 7. Flret base on bails:
Off Scanlon. 5; off Weiroer, 2. . Hit with
pitched ball: Sen lei. Struck out: By Scan
lon, 1; by Welmer. 7. Time: 1:50. Umplrea:
Johnstone and Emalle. .... .
Score, second game: -
' B.H.O.A.E. B H.O A.B.
Csaay,. Ib 1 t II 0 Hut sin, lb.. 4 1111
t 1 Kallay, If .s. 4 t 1 t t
t 0 Judc. rf...... 4 110 0
0 OSmoot. cf...'. 4 110 0
0 OLnbert. lb.... 4 10 4 0
1 t McLean, c... 4 14 10
I 1 Corcoran, a. 0 I I. x
ODeal, Ib I OHIO
1 tFraaar. ..... lit
1 I
0 I
Malonajr. cf. . 4
Lumlcr. rt . .. I
Hummal. lb.. 4 1 II
Mr'arthr. If. I I 1
Alparman.i Ib I
Lvarla, aa..... I
R It tar. c. ... I
Mclntrrs, p.. I
t 0
0 I
t I
1 t
Tumor,' . a.,, 4 1 I
Laiol. lb,... 4 11
Onaaltoa. Jl 4 1 1
Pllck, of...,. I 1 I
RoaMiiaa, j. lb. 4 111
Clark. ..... Ill
Joaa. . p. I 0
Totali. .....27 I 17 II I Totala. .....S4 4 14 14 I
Brooklyn A 11 0 0 0 0 J
Cincinnati W, n..0'l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0r
Two-base hit: Hummel. Sacrifice "hits:
Caaey, McCarthy. - Stolen basea: Huggina,
Casey. Alperman. Double play: Lewis, to
Hummel. Ieft on -, basea: Cincinnati, 7;
Brooklyn. 6. First base on balls:.' Off
Fraser, 3. Struck out: By Mclntyre. 4; by
Fraser, J. Wild pitch: Fraser., Tlme:'l:r.
Umpires: Emslle and Johnstone.
Giants Defeat 'Pirates. ' '
NEW -TORK,' Sept. 18.-New York de
feated Pittsburg today In the flrat game of
their final series. Score:
B.H.O.A-E. ' . B.H.O.A E.
Shannon. If.. I t I t OHallman, ef. I 1 I t t
otianlar. rf...
Clarke. If..
Wanner, aa.
I Nealnn, lb.
0 Leach, lb..
ORItrhar, 2b.
aOlbaon. c.
Wlllla. p...
.21 7 27 11 i8hebn ..
Browne, rf . . . 4
Sevmour, cf . . I
Braanahan. a. 4
Darlln. lb... 1
MnGann, lb.. I
Dahlen, aa... I
Strang, lb,,.. I
Wlltee. p
0 1
1 II
0 1
t 0
t 0
CltDCM in Men am EoIm Vtko PreMst
Year KoUble.
State formal, Penx and Blmpaeat
Oat ef the Aaaaal Coateot
far Thla Tear at
Lea at.
IOWA CITY,: Ia Sept. 18.-(Speclal.J
With the opening of all of the major col
leges in Iowa this week the fool ball
aeaaon of lm will be formally launched
and the race for the Iowa, championship
begun. With the shifting about of two of
the coaches, the. elimination of the game
In three of the colleges, the disappearance
from the game of men who have been he
Idols of Iowa sports for two years past and
the changes in the playing rulea. the his
tory, of the present year Is bound to be a
notable one In the annala of amateur sport.
The first 'game to be played will -be be
tween Sheldon High at hool and Mornlng
slde college at Sioui City on September m.
' In three Iowa colleges foot ball, aa an
Intercollegiate sport, "has been formally
abollahort. The State Normal school at
Cedar Falls, Penn college at Oskaloosa and
Simpson college at Indlanola have declared
against the game, though It Is possible that
class 'teams will be organised tn the three
Institutions and Interelaea games permit
ted. Penn college , made a remarkable rec
brd' last season for a minor college and
high , hopes were entertained by Its sup
porters that thla year the Quaker school
would' break Into, the first ranks. At times
both Simpson and State Normal have de
veloped strong teams, the latter especially
under the coaching of "Doc" Pell.
Sappresseri Players Were Sports.
The students and athletes of all three
schools where the game hss been abolished
were thorough sports, supporting their
team loyally whether they won or loat.
For this reason as well as the others men
tioned the action of the faculties and di
rectors of the Institutions Is sincerely re
gretted and hardly receives the aupport of
the schools themselves. Aa Illustrative of
the eplrlt obtaining In the student body
of : the various Institutions the following
letter ,from a Simpson college man Is Inter
esting. He writes: 'Referring to yours of
the 27th, Intercollegiage football was elimi
nated from the curriculum 'of Simpson col
lege by the board of trustees at their June
meeting. Should they permit marblea or
tlddle-de-wlnka I shall be glad to furnish
you with a schedule of games.""
The announcement of the schedules by
the various authorities during the past ten
days haa created an Interesting topic of
discussion. This Is, Just how much or how
little the arrangement of games will help
or hinder the chances of the different Iowa
college teams. Ames hna disregarded the
recommendations of the western confer
ence and haa arranged the heaviest sched
ule In the state, consisting of ten games,
the three major contests being with the
universities of Iowa, Nebraska - arid Min
nesota. The Ames schedule is well ar
ranged with reference to the Iowa gamea,
the Cornhuskers having an open date after
their contests with Nebraska and Minne
sota and . then a house-warming contest
With Orlnneil, which will put them In fine
condition to meet the Hawkeyes. '
Iowa's Srhedaile Well Made.
- Towa's schedule of five games Is well
balanced and evenly distributed. ' The teem
should, be In the best of condition when
It meets Ames unless Doc Pell develops
Unexpected strength with the Drake squad.
the Drake game preceding the Ames con
test. ' Drake has a hard schedule of seven
gamea. Orlnneil and Coe college have con
fined themselves to five games each, ' Des
Moines, college haa six and Mornlngslde
college nine. . . The Cornell schedule Is not
snnounced. The minor colleges In the state
have had some difficulty in securing games
with such of the major achools aa they
desired to play, because the spirit to limit
the games played haa been everywhere
having been learned. He waa In charge of
the .police . surge. Baerwald. acting
queer!, was found bjr a policeman, lying
in the street. He was believed to be
drunk and ' taken to the poll" station.
After being kpt In Jail for a day and
falling to regain his speech or show Im
provement ' In hi condition,' the catcher
wss placed In the woman's ward under
care of the police surgeon. , He was Identi
fied by a newspsper man this afternoon
and immediately sent ' to one of the hos
pitals, bv the Hloua City Bsse Ball sssocls
tlon. Baerwald has been III with malarial
fever much of the summer. He wss left
behind by the team when It left for the
west last, Friday.
.11 t 24 14 t
o o r i
0 0 0 03
' Totala
Batted' for Rltchey In ninth.
Batted for Wlllla In ninth.
New York 0 0 0 0 2
Pittsburg 2 0 0 0 0
Left on baaea: New. York. 0; Pittsburg. 9.
Basea on balls: Off Wilts. ; off Willis, 8.
Struck out: By Wlltse,. 5; by Willis. I.
Three-base hit: Strang. . Two-base hits:
Devlin. Clarke, Wagner. Leach. Sacrifice
hits: McGann, Nealon (2). Stolen bases:
Mailman, Nealon. Wild pitch: Wlllla. Time:
ia. empires: Kifm and Carpenter.
Philadelphia Defeats St. Louis.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept." lS.Phlladelthla
defeated St. Iouls today principally through
me goon pin ning oi nparaa. uotn teams
played nne Dan. Hcore
Quaker Maid Rye
The Whitkey with a lepnUtioa"
ttemavro - J
4WAKD " v
ST. LOUIS. 1804 f
ma im w.
NITLMI1S0S ; mjr-r-
Mam t laxf1HT fcM.
Jiat aale at leading hare, .
calr aad. drug otorco
S.HIRSCH & CO.. KsrAas Cttv. Mn
X. 4.,8mpio. OftnTlalra Ajrfnt, Orahv
tffstk TBE OUSOM KKANa).
Par Cuud 4.04 aMteluc boaaa. uV
1 f.ak 4i4 situ. T ska Me. V
w In iv ml vm truomfct a ak eur w
41.1 ia.i lee-i
uncara.Traa rkilsM. -a
auaua ikii rii ta. bd m
ooa.fc taared aa Beat. 5eaa. Alava
p.t.ane. nw ut--mtm eerT
Uol c. iw
a w
. "Vr kuaioreojiaaoati ralUI Is tjjuaaaaaaot
t i f ruM skaa all alee fajli. eeM "
if aUltMalletaritL PneweTs
lj 3 .. h .i. la. tiiCiiau
' W ., Ml B. UiiWia el-. Ckuw. lit
Brilliant Girl Wis Roster talssiku
takea and Makea IfS Reeerd.
COLUMBUS. 0 ,; Sept. 1 Brilliant Girl,
owned by the Deimonte stables of Cali
fornia and driven by Jack Curry, won each
heat and of the Hoster Columbus stake for 2:10 trotter. Dr. Chsse
put up a bitter contest and forced the mare
to go In time that gives her the honor of
being the fnsteat new trotter of the year.
Hrllllnnt Girl now has a record of 2:8l4.
made In the"eoond heat, when she won
from Dr, Chase by half a length. In the
betting Brilliant Ut and Allle Jay were
the heaviest played..
Brenda York was Jogging at the finish
of each of her winning miles In the pacing
division of the Kentucky stock farm futur
ity, but took a mark of t.m. which Is a
world's record for J-year-old pacing fillies.
Phalla waa the first choice for the 2:10
pace and won In straight heats.
Norman' B.. an outsider In the pooling,
made a straight heat victory In the 2:7
trot. An estimated crowd o(,ll,0n0 people
waa In attendance.
2:12 trotting (three heata Monday),' three
In five, purse tlXa): r -Itdy-Mowrey,
b. , m. (Helmn..l 111
Colonel. Patrick, b. h.- (Pwerlngen) 4 1 1 S
1 arable Rose b.'tn. (Oeersl 2 I T 4
Bowcatcher. h. -f. (McCarthy).... lit I I
Charley T.. b. g. (Curryl I I I ro
Grace. A., ch. m. (Demarett) I 4 I ro
Sister Collette, b. m. VCahlll)..'.... I 4 ro
Orattan Bells, b. h. (McCargo)....10 I I ro
Jennie Scott, b. m.(McHenry) ro
Ann Direct., blk. m.. tWalker...... 7 7 10 ro
Time: 8:104, 2:ni,. 2:ln'i, tm.
Kentucky atock farm futurity, for 3-year-old
pacers', two In three, purse $1,600:
Brenda York. b. m. (Nuckols) 1 1
Keliey, b. e. (Chamber) 2 2
Waverly, b. c. (Jones) I I
Time: 2V14,-2:0JH4'. '
Hoster Columbus stake', for 1:11 trotters,
three heats, purse 10,0):
Brilliant Girl. b. m.. bv James Madi
son iiTjrry i ,., i i l
Dr. Chase, ch. 122
Exton, br. h. 4Benyon). .......11 1 4
Allle. Jsy, b. m. (Kenney) Ill
Jack Wilkes, h. g. (Nuckols) I 12 dr
Belle Isle. b. m. (Rea) 4 8
The Phantom, blk.- m. (Walker..- 4 11
J. N. Blakmore, blk. g. (Foote) 12 14 I
I.awretta, b. g. (Saunders) 10 0
Black Patchen. blk. g. (Valentine).. 7 7 7
Prince Edward, blk. g. (EldridgeK...16 11 9
Idora. b. m. (Patterson) 1110 12
Zetta. b. m. (Eckers).l. 14) It 10
fsnrlna Dawson, b. m.r(McCargo).. 6 dr
Kassona, b. m. (Snedeker) 14 da
Klexo, ch. h... (Demarest).- dr
Captain Bacon, b. h.. (Day) 17 dr
Time: t:0S. i M, 2fH.
2:10 pacing, three ln five, purse 11,000:
Phalla. br. m.. by Allle Wood (Gat-
comb) Ill
Cleo S., b. nO (Price) 2 2 1
Aintree. b. g. (Cox)..'...: T I
Fred R., blk. h. (L Murphy) 117
Hal P., br. h. (Hedrick) 4) 4
Berthena Bars, br. m. (Mcpherson) I 4
Red Nightingale, b. m. H. Stoker).. 4 8
Missouri Chief, br. h. (McEwen) BSD
Daphne Direct, blk. m. (Walker) I 7
Time: Z:06A4.
i:m Class, trotting,' three heats, purse
li.aur; ...
Norman . B., blk. . g., by Phaasas '
(McCarthy) ; 1 1
MncMack, b. g. fHelman) I 2
Turley. h.' g. (Geers) 2 4
John Tagor, g. g. (Ames). 4 2 4
Red Lac. ch. h. (Gi"ubh).. Ill
Lke queen, b. m. (Rosemler)
Time: -2:07V 1:0W4, 2:07V
aioax Win Closing: Game from deeley'a
f Mew.
PUEBTX). Colo.:' Sept. 18. After having
dropped four succeaslre'gsmes, Sioux City
braced up thla afternoon and celebrated its
last appearance here by def eatingg the
locals in ft close game by a score of 4 to
8. The grounds were muddy, the day waa
dark and Hall had.,hla spit ball working
good.' Only In one'ihnJng did the Indiana
connect snocessfully and that was in the
seventn. ocore:-:
stotttserrr.: "r
;-'ab.;r. h. po. a.
V. 1
......4. .
Campbell, If ,
Sheehan, lb
Nobllt, cf
Weed. 2b ....
Freese, lb ...
Corbett, rf j.;
Heat or, as ...
Pettlt. c
Hall. p-.
1 -1
' ,
12 27 11
Thomaa. cf.. I t I t 0 Biirrh. cf
Senlelle. lb.. 1
Branalelt. lb 4
Tllua, rf 4
Mae. If.... I
Uoolln. ii.... I
Conrtnay, Ib. I
Pootn.. c 1
Spark, p.... I
110 0 0
1 I
1 1
I 0 Bennett, lb.. I
0 0 Barry, rf...,. 4
0 0 Murray.. It... 4
0 ORradr. lb..., 1 til
4 t Hull?. - lb 4 t 1
t ONaarehill. ... 4 t I
1 0 Crawford,' . I 1 1
1 0 Promise.' p... I 1 0
-Noonaa .... 1 0 0
Total 14 17 10 t , .
Totala. .....It . 7 14 14 t
Batted for Fromme In ninth.
Philadelphia - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02
Ieft on bases: 8i. Louis, T; Philadelphia,
Stolen bsjaes: Thomas. Gradv. Two-
base hits: Barry, Titus. Magee. Three
base hits: Burch. Sacrifice hits: Sentelle.
Burch. Struck out: Sparks, 4; Fromme, 5.
Baae on balls: Spark. 4: Fromme. &.
Time: 1:50. Umpire.:' O'Day.
Boston Bate Brown.
BOSTON. Sept. 18. Boston won today,
to 4, by batting Biowa at opportune
times. Score:
B.H.O.A B. B.H.O.A B.
Pole, rf.... 1 1 I iCeular. cf... I I l o 1
Tenaar. lb... I I 1 1 a 8hc aard, U.I I I to
Braiu. lb.... 4 111 a Ualtua. St.. 4 0 0
Bate, cl 4 110 (hane. lb... 4 I I 0 0
Howard, lb.. 4 14 1 I Stetnfoldt. Ik I 1 1 1, as. I 0 I I a Tinker. .,., 1 111
Cameron, If.. I 1 t t a E.era. lb.... 4 1 4 10
B. Brown. .. 4 I 4 4 Kiln, c I 1110
Uadantaa, p. 4 0 0 I M. Brown, p. I 1 I 1 o
.Moras 1 e 0 0 0
Totala 12 11 17 11 I
- It 14 It
Batted for M. Brown In ninth-
Boston ..'..1 u 1 0 0 2 0 1
Chicago ...: 0 0 a 0 0 1 Q 0 I 4
Two-base' hit: Steinfeldt. Three-haae
hits: Kling. Sacrifice hit: Cameron:
htolen bases: Chance. Howard i2. Brid-
well. Bates. Double play: Kvera (unas
sisted). BBKes on balls: Off Undumaii. 4;
oft Brown, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Stein
fvldr. ritruck out: By I .in da man. 2; by
M. Brown. 2. Passed ball: 8. Brown
Time: l.oi. Umpire: Conway.
Melcholr, rf
Elwert. 3b ....
Tonneman, 'lb
Vigil, is
Riennlcker, c ..
Henley, p
Totals I I 27 12
Bloux City 2000000 0-4
Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 01
stolen base: Melcholr. Sacrifice hit
K-nhiit fWhett Rsder.- Two-base hits
Cook. Corbett. Passed ball: Pettlt. Wild
pitch: Halt. Hit by-pitched ball: Henley
rtrst base on balla; Off Henley, 2; oil
iioii i fltruck nut: Bv Henley, t: oy
Hall, I. Double play: Cook to Vigil. Lett
on bases: Pueblo. ; Sioux City, 11. Time:
125. Umpire: Van Slckel. Attendance, S00.
Poatponed Uamea.
At Omiha Lincoln-Omaha game post
poned; raltt.- ' .
At Denver Den ver-Dee- - Moines game
postponed; rain. . " -
Standing of ine lennas.
Played. Won. Loat
" 1 - - u 1 aw. 1
iiiniii i nv. vuiiBiiicjru aa a. wnuin, iu w.npu" j ,
ules of Ames, Iowa and Drake appear to I McGlWriyV'cf'"!.'!!!
favor their teams, with the single fault In Railer, i "..,...!!!!'!!v4
the Amea aeries, which will send the Corn
huskers on one Saturday to Lincoln, Neb.,
and aeven days later to Minneapolis.
Coach Work Important.
The work of the coachea this year will
be more Important than any preceding sea
son In the history of the game for five
years ' back. Upon the adaptability, the
originality and the enterprise of Chalmers
and Catlln, Dock Pell. Ristine. Williams
and Watson and Fisher will depend the
success of tha respective schools in the
race - for foot ball honors In Iowa thla
year. Amea will begin the aeason with
a larger coaching staff than waa ever sup
ported by an Iowa school. Ristine, for sev
eral years head coach; Trainer Jack Wat
son, who went to Ames from Orlnneil two
years ago, and Clyde Williams, the old
university quarterback, whose engagement
has Just been announced, will form a trin
ity of experts who should develop a re
markable team. '
John Chalmers will direct the deatlnies of
the State university for the fourth year.
This season, however, ha will be asalated
by Maro Catlln. formerly capt&ln of the
Chicago Maroons, who coached the track
team of the State university this aprlnr.
Doc Pell will coach the Drake team, while
Mnnllaw goea to the University of Mlasourt.
The system of graduate coaching used at
Grinnell last year will be continued this
season, with Fisher aa head trainer and
coach. ' Bryant will have charge of affairs
at Coe college, and It ia possible that Ham
ilton, may continue at Dea Molnea college,
though he had resigned his position.
It will depend on how these men Interpret
the .new rules, how thfy develope their
plays under them and how they, train their
men to determine the champions of the
state this fall. From a hlatory of the past
much can be predicted In the future even
in ao uncertain a thing as foot ball. Next
week, on the very threshold of the coming
aeason, the writer will attempt an estimate
of the pre-season strength of the various
trams and coaches In the light of tha new
H. PO.
2 1
A. E
Lincoln, at Omaha.
on. Lost. Pet.
106 83 .7H1
SS 4S . .wtJ
83 &1 .Mj
4 71 .471
; .41
M 79 41i
48 80 . 34
43 - M .814
r " at New York
Chicago 137
New York .......... 136
Pittsburg ." isi
Philadelphia VM
Cincinnati 1
Biooklyn lis
St. Iouia lv
Bcstpu ., 13J-
Gaines today: Ptttsbi
Cinch) nail at Brooklyn, Chicago at Boston,
ou iajuis ai I'nuaaeipnia.
Knrt Calhoaa Defeats' Meta.
PORT CALHOUN. Sept. J8.( Special, e
The following la the score of a-ante be
tween the Calhoun local nine and the
Mcts team:
R. H E
Calhoun .......1 3 I 1 0 1 0 17 8
Ml 1-0 1 0 13 4 4
Batteries: Guston and - Mathews; Wln
ningliousa and Darts. Struck out: By
G union, 7; by Wtnntnghouse, t. - Time: 1:80.
Umpires: Slader and Carl.
Tuere will be a dmb!e-headr next Sun
dsy. a. between Ca,lh,ouA and
Ikolfss Wins Bay . Shore Belling
Stakes at Gravrsend.
NEW YORK, Sept, 18. Shotgun, favorite,
easily won by two lengtha the Bayanore
selling stakea. the feature of the card at
Gratesend. today. The other races were
won by the following: 'Fantastic, 8 to 1;
Don Royal. 4 to 1; Annette Ldy, 3 to 1,
and Prudential Girl, 4 to L Results:
First race, selling, about six furlongs:
Ixitus won. Firebrand second. Simple
Honours third. Time: 1:10.
Second race, five and a half furlongs:
Fsntaatlc won. Dan Buhrer second. Lord
Boar.ergea third. Time: l.-OTH'
Third race, mile and a sixteenth: Don
Royal won, Herman Doyle second, Oxford
third Time: 1:474.
Fourth race, the Bayshore alakes, selling,
about six furlongs: Shotgun won, Kaator
second. Rye third. Time: 1:10V
Fifth race. Belling, mile and a sixteenth:
Anneta Lady won. Decide second. Edith
James third. Time: 1:48. t
Sixth race, mile and seventy yarda: Pru
dential Girt won. Young Duvte second.
Stole third. Time: L4SH- ,
Seventh race, selling, about alx furlongs:
Torn McOrath won. Sly Ben second. List
less third., Time: 1:11.
lonx City Catcher III.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Sept. 11-1 Special. V
Weak from an attack of malarial fever and
wholly deprived of epeecii. Charlie Baer
wald one of the catchers for the Sioux
City 'Western league base bail team, haa
lain In the woman'e ward at the police
stalle for three days, ha Identity not
Dea Molnea 135 M
Omaha 138 1 6?
Lincoln v.. ls
Ploux City ....'...: 187 88
Denver 13
Pueblo 184 64
Game today:
. Beat rive Ready for l.eaojoe.
BEATRICE, Neb-j Sept. 18.-(Bpeclal Tel
egram. ) The proposed formation of a Ne
braska State Base Ball league finds Bea
trice warmly enthusiastic Already ateps
have been taken towards the organisation
of a local companv: to furnish financial
baoking for- tha Beatrice club, and ample
assurances have been given that the needed
subscriptions will b forthcoming. J. T.
Harden, a- responsible merchant, haa b?en
selected aa treasurer of the fund, ami the
soliciting of' subscriptions Is to begin at
once. , ; - .
, I .
Fedtrstio. "of Labor Innei an Addreia
Outlinioc Political Polio;.
So Ceatrlhntlnns Will Re Avestel
front Candidates Gotaoers to
Visit Sew York and
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 The executive
council of the American Federation of Lao,
bor today adopted the report of the labor
representatlonacommlttee regarding Its par
ticipation . In the political campaign and in
that connection adopted the following reso
lution: a.
The committee la authorised and directed
to continue the campaign to Its conclusion
for the attainment of the largest degree of
success for the protection and promotion
of the rights and liberty of working people
and the people generally. And to the at
tainment of these laudable purposes the ex
ecutive council of the Amerlcsn Federation
of I. bor calls upon all reform forces and
public spirited: cltlsens who sympathise
with the effort to re-establish Justice and
right In the sffalrs of our country, to co
operate wun our movement, our cause and
riiht on Mttlefleld.
, The report of the committee refers to the
participation of the committee In the cam
paign against the re-election of Representa
tlve Llttlefleld of Maine and says:
Tt Is true lhat Mr Llttlefleld hss been re.
elected, but by ao small a margin as com
pared to his previous election that It has
Indeed been a great mnrnl victory and one
which will have a salutsry Influence, not
only upon the coming election, tint nisi
upon labor's standing before congress In
the future. In a former election Mr. Llt
tlefleld ran Immensely ahead of the other
representatives of congress In the stat- and
eleo far In advance of the head of the
state ticket. - Our fellow-worker In Maine
faithfully carried on the rnmnnlan pa out.
lined by the executive council.
Campalain Textbook laaaed.
The Federation has Issued a textbook for
the general campaign and the report com
mended authority for another appeal for
funda for carrying on the campaign. s The
report continues:
We recommend that ranraaanlafk'aa nf
affiliated organizations give their active
co-operation in the coming camp.ilarn and
accept assignments to deliver nnlie-cs
and participate In contests to carrv out
labor a plan of campaign. We recommend
inai at me conclusion of the campaign a
full and final report . so far as nosaihin f
made by the labor representation committee
io me executive council and that the same
be Incorporated aa part of the report of
the executive council to the Mlnne.ipoMs
convention. We further recommend that
at the close Of the camnalarn. n n.
port of receipts and expenditures be printed
ana rawifo io an amnatecl international
central bodies, state federations, directly
affiliated locals, the labor press and or
ganisers and that there be printed thereon,
that any person Interested and desirous of
obtaining a copy, may receive the same
upon writing for It, enclosing postage. We
also decided to request President Gompers
to visit New York and Chicago aa soon
aa possible to bring about unltv of action
in i nose cities upon labors plan of cam
paign. We have every reason to renort that the
campaign, so far hna been encouraging
in me greatest. possiDie degree and that
If conducted aa clean cut and upon aa
hlarh nlana In aha C m . , v.
a good accounting to give of the work done.
ana yet to De done in the interests of the
great cause we have the honor to represent.
; No Contributions from Candidates.
' The committee ' consists of President
Gompers,. Vice President O'ConnCIl and
Secretary Morrison of the federation. The
council later announced that no f moneys
naa oeen accepiea oy tne rederatlon from
any-candidate for office on any ticket and
It waa decided to pursue this course In the
Vice President John Mitchell attended
today'a session of tha council. The council
sustained a protest made by the Interna
tional Association of Machinists against
any further Infringement, of Jurisdiction
on that organization by Elevator construc
tors. Gompers Talks of Llttlefleld.
".That battle In Maine, though closed at
this time In the Second district. Is not at
an end. The contest waa merely Incidental
to the task which labcr has set for Itself
to accomplish," said President Gompers
of the American Federation of Labor laat
night at Typographical temple, where a
reception was given In honor of they labor
loaders who fought against Representative
Llttlefleld's re-election In Maine.
' "Not only Mr. Llttlefleld, but 'Uncle Joe
dared to reiterate that we stand for the
licensing of criminal and unlawful con
duct. We ask for equal rights before the
law, as any other citizen. I have It not
In mind to oay a word In criticism of the
president other than this: The right of
petition Is the right of the American
guaranteed by the constltutinnand neither
the president nor congress can take that
right away from him. Ibor is the only
power in human society that represents the
"Why did we begin the fight In Little
field's district? Bee use the election was
held there two month earlier than in the
other atatea. If we had passed over thla
district they would have said we were
afraid. We were not afraid. We con
ducted a clean fight and used no 'arguments
or language that might not have been re
peated In polite society. The laboring peo
ple have outgrown the stooped back and re
ceding forehead of 'the mnn with the hoe."
They pow atand erect. They are waning
a fight against child labor and against the
white plague. By securing better hours
snd higher wages, they will found better
homes. Into which tuberculosis cannot
Laat ' night the Krug Parka won three
straight gamea from the champion team of
1906-08. That sounds well for the Brewers
until the -scores are noted. "The K rugs'
total waa onlv fair., but the Cudahy'a were
lower on pins than tbey .will probably be
again this season. Charley French had
both the high total and single game for the
evening. Scoret - . .
... j 1st.
French , 1
Marble .7.... 178
Zimmerman............. Ill
Johnson '. 117
Bengele 1S2
... . . lBt.
Wllllama ..-..A...'..... 17
Griffiths t 1-
A. 4 Heed la
Ward ..168
H. 8. Reed 143
2d. 3d Total.
182 647
180 144 611
ll 1M 66
170 148 483
172 1M iZ2
m 8 2.661
M. 3d Total.
14 17 4.8
J So lot 4
146 188 412
11 178 43
17 ' U 444
806 , 744 1343
Iowa Leasee Resalta.
MARSHALLTOWN, Ia.,' Sept. 18 (Special
Telegram.) Following are the rerults tn
the Iowa league:
Keokuk, 3; Fort Dodge, .
Waterloo, 10; Ottumwa. 8.
Oekaloosa, 4-4; Clinton, 2-0.
porting Brevities
Chicago won Monday and New York won,
which leaves Comlskey still one game to
the good. '
Chicago Americana won the extra Inning
game from the great Rube with less hU
on more errors
The mighty Oilier, was again beaten at
Denver, when the Mountaineers made four
teen hits off him.
For three daya In succession Stone has
failed to make a hit. Can It be nossible
some one ." handed him a watch?
The Holly are without a game Sunday
aad would like to hear from any out-of-town
team Sunday. September '2. Ad
dreea Will Bed I. list North Sixteenth.
Telephone Douglas 647.
A Good Book for Six feats.
It describes your own land, the Imme
diate region, you live In the northwest.
It coats but the postage required to mall
It. It Is printed on the best of paper, is pro
fusely Illustrated. Is full of Information.
It ia suitable for your home, for schools or
libraries. It Is ' a nice souvenir to send
to your friends in the east. It tella of
Yellowstone park, the Bltterroot moun
tains In -Montana, the Quenlut Indinna on
the North Pacific- cosst, the Columbia river
acenery, the marvelous Puget Sound re
gion and Alaska. It will be sent to any
address for centa. The book la "Won
derland, 19C8." published by the North
ern Paclflo railway and Is for general dis
tribution. Bend cents to A. M. Cleland,
general passenger agent, St. Paul. Minn.,
or as many times 8 cents as you wish
copies, with proper addresses, and the little
volume will be promptly forwarded by thut
gentleman. Don't wait! The book has an
object in educate and Inform the public
about tha northwest. Help It perform lis
If you have anything to trade advertise
It In the For Exchange column of The
Bee Want Ad page. '
Iowa Bow Insane.
HURON. S. D.. Sept. 11 -(Speclal.)-A
few days since a young man from Pella.
Ia,, giving his name aa Ray RouSqult. and
who had been working in the hnrvrat fields
In this locality for several weeks past, was
found to be Insane and has been In care
of Sheriff Young of this city. Saturday
an tincle of the unfortunate boy came hero
and today returned to Pella with him. It
appears that young Bouaqult waa anxious
to obtain a college education and following
his graduation from the high school In
Pella last June came here to work aa a
harveat hand. He had do trouble In find
ing employment, but the work was too
heavy for him and he waa overcome by
heat, rtsul'.ing In temporarily a ff acting his
aav a JaphwV
Ja. arVr.-: W
tT? - v1e-a waraT.
The Best Bitter Liqueur.
The sea ha charms, but creates i
qualms. Underberg; Boonekamp Bit
ters acids to the charms by improving
diKes'ion, and quiets the "qualms
(sea-sickness), A small fla?s befor
meals gives nn appetite as nothing else -will.
Take a bottle with you. A sea-
sonable, pleasant drink, morning, noon
or night.
Enjoyable as a cocktail and brttrr tar yon.
: 6,ooo,ooo bottles imported to the
United btates.
jti mil ftoeit, CAlr w 1, er i) 'A
We M'i Mtrtkmnti mn4 t.rwrr.
I. Vsearktrf Alkmbt. RkHsber. Otrsnsy,
ince 1840. .
Ceaecal fl New York.
Jap Rose
Leaves the hair soft ajid
fluffy after the sham
poo. Then too
a most delight
ful odor of Jap
anese Roses
marks the user of
Jap Rose Soap. It
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For isle by all
grocer and druggists.
Jas. S. Kirk & Co
Chicago, HI.
. I 1
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Br f . ri wmj r 'TF TP ' TT I C k ant a,
rlk. KlT V. NsBsnsain m aV . M
l"iii,i.wtnoaiii 1 . n. 111. .1 nam, ii 11 11
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The Reliable Specialists
Do Yoi Lack Vitality and Energy?
Some men are classed as Iszy, shiftless. Unreliable, careless; they lack
ambition, energy and courage and are disheartened, who really -can't help ow
ing tired, wornout and a miserable failure. Many of these men are In faU'"
health, unable to determine the nature of their ailmcnla, and their condition ,
bames their physician, too. Thev never know the happiness of -being Infil
trated with tho vim. vigor and energy possessed by healthy men and which Is
so essential to achieve a marked success In life. Thp sufferer may cat well,
sleep well and possibly never complain, but an unaccountable languor. clings
to him whi"h he cannot shake off, robbing him of all ambition for business ot
pleasure.- Nervo-Sexual Debility will Recount for this condition In a Inrfce
majority of cases. Men who find that the condition we have described corre
sponds with the condition of their own lieslth should consult Ihe einluen spe-
clallstB of the State Medical Institute without unnecessary delay. Como to .ur
office and we will make a thorough, searching and acleutlllc examination or
your ailments, an examination that will dlsrlose your lrue physical condition.,
without a knowledge of which von are groping in the lsrk and without a
thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should trat you.
Don't allow disease or weakness to take away all tho pleasure of living.
Life 1s beautiful when you possers perfect health. You should not become
discouraged and lose your grip on life because Inferior and unreliable treat
ment has failed to benefit you. Our special treatment for his I'luoa or
trouhles. which is varied and modified to meet the requirements of each in-,
dividual cane. Is a safe cure, to which hundreds of cured men owe their sturay
health and happy condition In life. .
We cure mfely and thoroughly: ' '
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all disease nnd weaknesses of men due to evil habits, execjses, snlf-abllna
or the result of specific or private diseases.
Free ConsuKatlon and EnmlnaJion'-?,fflS i0o"y.s fr youtocJ&tB?wrfi
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb,
- Leaves Union Station, Omaha, 7:45 a. m.
Arrives Chicago, 10:00 p. m. the same day.
-Observation End Parlor Car with Dining Room and First-class
Coaches. 'Breakfast, Dinner and Supper served in the Dining
Room of Parlor Car a la carte.
tUX gar mam Btrit,
Bee Want Ads Bring Results
a ......