Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaiu Daily Dee
Victor RoeawaTER. kditoju
Entered at Omibl Postofnce second
class muiv. ,
Pstly Bee (without Ruhdsy). on year..M
t11r Be and Sunday, oni year J.W
Pundny Bee, on year t-W
Saturday Bra, on yrar I M
rslly Bee (Including "undsyt, per week..1?c
Pally Bee (without Sundavl, per week.. Ho.
Evening Bee (without Sunday, per week c
Rvenlng Bee (with HUnday). per week..lOc
Sunday Bee, pr ropy........ c
Address complslnt of Irregulsrltles In 4c
llvary to City Circulation Depsrtment.
orriCKB. .
Omaha Ttie Bee Building.
8outh Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1640 rnltr Building.
' New ork 13 Home I.lfe In. Building.
Waahing1orH-0 Fourteenth Street.
Communication! relating to new and edi
torial matter ahould be addressed; Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, espres or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 0cent stsmp received a payment of
mall acoounta. Personal cheeks, except on
Omaha or eaatern eaehanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa:
George B. Tssohuck, treasurer of Th
Bee Publishing Company, being duly
worn, eaya that Ui actual number of
full and compters copies of The Dally,
Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during; the month of August, 1I0S, waa aa
I..... si.sso it ai.300
s...i ai.eoo it. s.s4o
I..., i ai.Mo if ' ao.teo
4....; ts,oeo ti n.iM
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tl 81,860
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ti aasip
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14 .;'.., ai.aso -JO... so,7o
ii aiao ti aa,44o
it auaao
Net total aaJea 844.4ft
Pelly average 81,111
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before me this list day of August,
(Seal.) . M, B. HUNGATE.
Notary Public
... Saaserlkers leavta the elty taaa.
aerarlly . aaaald kar , Th Bae
saalled to taeaa. Add rasa will fce
aaaged m eftea aa reajaeated.
United States army transports In the
Pacific must have been drafted by the
salvage corps. '
ptow that Japan has endulged In a
cabinet crisis there can be no doubt of
Its continued progress.
If any bad men happen to squeeze
through the primaries, they will hare
to be nipped off at the election.
' If Council Bluffs geU a reduction In
its contract prices for street lighting
It can thank Omaha for showing the
Cuban rebels .seem aaxUMta-to make)
a showing. e,nUUlng them. to. belliger
ent rights before Secretary Taft starts
his inquiry.
?If the attempt to purge 'London's
society of its "smart set"- Is successful
royal Tlstts to European resorts may
become more frequent.
Plenty of fall moisture Is usually
welcomed by the Nebraska farmer, but
In this, as In other cases, there can be
too mucbTof a good thlr r.
' The 'Interstate Commerce commis
sion is at all events helping us demon
strate that the Omaha Grain exchange
IS permanently Qn the map.
Colonel 'Bryan could not have read
Secretary Shaw aright, since he says
he finds., the secretary . apologetic on
the subject of protective tariff laws.
Thanks to the rotation . ballot, the
Judges and clerks of the primary elec
tion have to earn their money and the
public must wait for the complete re
turns. . .
Uncle Sam may' be depended on to
protect British interests in Cuba
provided British interests do not inter
fere with a proper solution of the
problem. .-... .
It Is to be noted .that" the widely
advertised friction between J. J. Hill
and E. H. Harrlman has not reached
the rate making departments of their
railroads J ; I v; : t . .
The iMlltlcal joke, of ttie season la
the - manifesto of those 1 New York
democrats claiming to oppose fusion
on the. ground that It will be securing
office at the sacrifice of !rlnclp!e.
Another subject the special' grand
Jury may be called to investigate is
the threatened, formation of a local
Ministerial trust in restraint of trade
in marriage certificates for divorced
persons. '
Th announcemenrhat currents In
the Pacific coast have altered their
course may bring about a change in
th - California citrus" belt, but Ne
braska'a golden, grain farm's will not
be affected, , , .
A referee is to be appointed by the
supreme, court to take testimony in
the suit brought to dissolve the alleged
Lumber trust. Here is another nice
soft Job to be gathered In by some
lawyer who la not overworked in his
own practice.
The local democratic organ has dis
covered that there Is as difference
between Sheldon and 8hallenberger.
According o all prognostications, th
difference will be accentuated at the
election- by upwards of 10. 000 or
15,000 plurality. In. favor of the
former aa the republican gubernatorial
As was to have been expected, sev
eral of the fske reform organs hare
rushed to the defenae of the treacher
oua Williams, who' Wss nominated on
the republican ticket for railroad com
missioner la consideration of ,hls sell
outef his instructions for - Edward
Rosewater for senator. Taking ad
vantage of the death of Mr.' Rosewater
and the fact that he cannot deny false
assertions, Williams has been cooking
up explanations Intended to make peo
ple believe that he had been released
from hla obligations to Mr. Rosewater
and voted for Brown out of personal
preference, being picked up by the
Brown managers afterward for the
nomination as railway commissioner
quite by accident
. Thla defense la so .weak that it falls
to pieces of its own weight. The first
notice that there waa something wrong
with the Pierco county delegation
came through an article In the Lincoln
Journal a week ahead of the conven
tion, pretending that the delegation
was not definitely Instructed for Mr.
Rosewater and would leave him at the
first opportunity. This was, of course,
pur fiction, because the Pierce county
convention had Inatructed its state del
egation both for Rosewater for sena
tor and for Sheldon for governor, and
had Instructed Its congressional dele
gation for Boyd for congress. Boyvl,
Sheldon and Rosewater were all three
present at that convention and the In
structions for one were Just as definite
as the Instructions for the other. It
was no less rank treachery for Wil
liams to make a deal to violate his In
structions for Rosewater in considera
tion of a nomination for himself ,than
it would have been for him to have
made such a desl to violate his in
structions for Sheldon for a similar
consideration. It would have been
th same as If a member of the, Pierce
county congressional delegation had
sold Boyd out for a poetofflce to either
McCarthy or Young.
According to Our cod Of' ethics,
Benedict Arnold Is "condemned as a
traitor, while those who paid him Brit
ish gold do not suffer the same
obloquy. Th explanation offered by
one of Williams' defenders, that "the
Brown managers, seeing that all th
candidate for railway commissioners
were from the South Piatt country,
looked about for some suitable man
from the north that geographical dis
tribution might be; made," and picked
upon. Judge Williams "as a man emi
nently fitted by education, location
and' sentiment to creditably fill the Im
portant place," is too flimsy to go
down. If the Brown managers
were looking for that kind of a man
they would never have picked on Wil
liams. They picked upon him be
cause he was In a posltlomto play Ben
edict Arnold and they had the price to
offer.. They picked him because . he
was weak, dishonest, untrustworthy
and could be used for their purposes,'
anl'l' did His test to deliver the
goods according td cotttfacC
Th question Is not whether Wil
liams', treachery was vital to the con
vention outcome,' but' whether a man
of his low morals Is the man to trust
lth th important duties of railway
commissioner, and. to. subject . to the
temptations sure' to be held out to him
by the great railroads to betray the
people when their interests are at
stake. Every member of the railway
commission should be a man of proved
integrity a man who would go
through the ordeal of fir before he
would either yield up the smallest
right belonging to the people, or do
the slightest Injustice to anyone a
man to whom an honorable name
would be more precious than gold or
preferment. The ' treacherous Wil
liams is not that kind of a man.
Not the least notable circumstance
with respect to Cuba is the conclusive
recognition In all countries that the
dominating factor in the settlement Is
the- United States, and that the prob
lem doe not belong to Europe at all.
Less than a decade ago, when we were
on the verge of Intervening to end an
Intolerable altuation which Spain had
demonstrated' its incapacity to deal
with, th atmosphere of the diplomatic
world was rife with plots for European
interference to take th matter out of
our hands, nor did they cease until the
British government peremptorily signi
fied Its sympathy with American inter
vention. Now our assumption of ex
clusive ultimate responsibility, with
overt Intervention Imminent, Is tamely
acquiesced In In every court In Europe
without so much aa a whlaper of pro
teat even from Spain herself, whom we
so recently drove out of the Island at
the bayonet's point.
It all marks a vast stage of progress
in' the exclusion of European med
dling In the new world and actual ad
justment to the essence of the Monroe
doctrine, whstever European diplo
mats may atlll be pleased to write In
books and parchments about It. It was
truly and strikingly said in a report
of the foreign affairs committee of the
house as long ago as 1821: . "The
Monro castle can be considered a fort
ress at th mouth of the Mississippi
rive." Today the Importance of that
symbol of Cuba has been multiplied a
thousand old by our Industrlsl de
velopment of the continent and out
reaching commerce la adjacent waters,
not to speak of th Panama canal.
With this prodigious Industrial growth
has com corresponding physical
power, well represented by the new
navy, to make futile and perilous
transatlantic interference In new
world affairs. -
W all appreciate . the grave diffi
culties and costs Involved in our as
sumption of the exclusive right to dis
pose la th last resort of Cuban affairs,
bet our settled national conviction la
that that undertaking Is Infinitely Jes
difficult and costly, as well aa . less
dangerous, than It would be It com
plicated with European Interference.
Nothing therefore could be more vital,
In a broad view, to our present and
future Interests thsn the signal waiver
of European rights and claims which
the present situation Implies, for It
establishes an Irreversible precedent.
The responses of practically all the
state governors to the inquiry of th
Pennsylvania State Board of Trade
favor lower railroad fare, and all who
have replied, except from a few of the
far western mountain states, favor a
compulsory maximum not exceeding I
cents a mile, with the Information that
In, most of the states . whose legisla
tures meet next, winter effort, backed
by popular demand, will certainly be
made to pass such a Isw.
As to th region whoe population
approaches the average density of th
whole country, Including most of the
western agricultural states, the popu
lar demand for the 2 -cent limit la
aurely growing, and there aeems to be
no reason, from a legitimate business
point of. view, why lower fsres should
not have been voluntarily established
at least early in th period of un
exampled railroad earnings and profits
which began several years ago. The
enormous free pass abuses only aggra
vated th extortion of excessive fares
from the portion of the traveling
public which did pay in full for trans
portation, while also complicating
freight discriminations and being a
malign Instrument for debauching
politics. But with free passes abolished
by law In Interstate travel and certain
to be soon abolished in th majority
of the states, there remains no longer
excuse for failure of the roads volun
tarily or of the people compulsorlly to,
put down fare exactions at least to
the 2 H-cent limit, If not to the 2-cent
The governors beyond question state
the truth when they assert a general
and urgent public Judgment In favor
of reduction. It is not a mere passing
anti-monopoly spasm, but a conviction
formed on solid business and public
grounds, whose correctness is corrobo
rated by the action of th Pennsyl
vania and several other great eastern
systems which recently have deliber
ately cut the maximum to or near 2
cents, as well as by experience under
the state law passed In Ohio last
winter. But while public Judgment Is
clear and strong, th western roads
show a perverse disposition to resist
to the uttermost, and if any reduction
is to be promptly realized the people
themselves must see to It.
Sworn and precise testimony In the
case of. the state of Missouri against
th Standard Oil company Imposes
upon Mr. Bryan the duty of another
application of the-principle which he
deliberately an solemnly, .proclaimed
in his speech at Chicago a few days
ago regarding National Committeeman
Sullivan, in these words: "I hold that
no man who Is officially connected
with a corporation that H seeking
privileges ought to act aa a member
of a poltlcal organisation, because he
cannot represent hla corporation and
the people at the aame time. Ha can
not serve the public while he Is seek
ing to promote the financial Interests
of the corporation with which he Is
connected." That testimony puts on
public record th intimate and Im
portant connection with the Standard
Oil octopus of Senator Bailey of Texas,
who is so trusted as attorney as
to have lately been custodian of
fl3.000.000 of its securities and its
successful representative In the effort
to secure from th stat government
of Texas reinstatement In rights which
as a corporation It had forfeited by
violation of th laws.
, Obviously, if National Committee
man Sullivan by his "corporation con
nections" with a local gas company,
which was organised. 'as be affirms, In
response to a demand for competition
to secure reduction in the price of gas,
was occasion for Mj Bryan's crusade
to purge the democratic national com
mittee of his presence, the case . of
Joseph W. Bailey, United States sena
tor, conspicuously Influential in the
democratic Dartv as a national oraranl-
cation and seriously considered aa a
possible candidate for the prealdency,
raises an Incomparably more urgent
emergency for the Nebraska purifier,
who In the aame speech declared that
the only way the democratic party
could prove its sincerity was to void
Itself of all such Influences.
Likewise It would seem- to be the
unescapable conclusion that the only
way In which Mr. Bryan can vindicate
his sincerity In the attempt to expel
SulllvanV la to proceed forthwith and
even more decisively to drive out
Bailey, and that, too. without regard
to the fact that, after the party haa
been cleaned of the taint of th Texan
statesman, "there are others."
City Veterinarian Ramacciotti Is In
a fair way to win a place for his por
trait In the hall of fame, or at least
to secure recognition from the.
Carnegie hero fund. . He has Just
asked that he be assigned additional
duties as a publlo officer without In
sisting first on additional pay. There
is no danger, however, that this dis
position will become epidemic among
other officials.
In his struggle to enforce the fish
snd game laws on military reserva
tions the Nebraska gam warden haa
the aatlafactlon of knowing that he
can secure Jurisdiction when an at
tempt a mad to ahip th game, and
pothuntera have no reason to rejoice.
London butchers . give American
meat a clean bill of health, which Is
appreciated, but It would be of greater
value had not the expert displayed hla
Ignorance of the aubject by declaring
th recent agitation "political."
Colonel Bryan haa gone to Virginia
to place hla daughter In a girls' board
ing school there. All those editorials
In the World-Herald about the super!
orlty of western educational institu
tlons and the duty pf western people
to send their children to western
schools must have been lost on Colonel
. In prosecuting his own suit for pos
session of the office the newly ap
pointed democratic city prosecutor
.tin.. i j i . i .
uuuiu iiiu puiiio vaiuauie experience
that will come In handy In prosecuting
other people later,.
In suggesting that cavalry In the
Philippines should be mounted on
Australian horse General Weston Is
surely looking more to the efficiency
of the service than to personal popu
larity at home.
The naming of Pay Director Rogers
to be psymaster of the navy because
he is qualified and did not ask for the
place will make several aspiring
officers anxious to curb the Impetuosity
of friends.
Chicago News.
By a singular coincidence the government
figures on the( bumper corn crop were an
nounced on the day that Governor Cobb
carried Maine.
Bllakera oa Baak Examiners.
Washington Post.
Btenslanda confession that It took him
ten years to steal JfiOO.noO doesn't Improve
the looks of the eagleeyed bank examiners,
who took longer than that to find him out.
Yellow Treaaare Overlooked.
St. Louis Republic.
It seems that In estimating the corn crop
the government experts overlooked ?,0no,0O0
bushels, which they now hasten to Include
In their estimate. No, one appeared to miss
the corn, either. . .
Folly la a Crowd.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
When tens of thousands of people trample
and Isqueese each other to the point of
panic In order to get a close sight of a
popular young woman It Is calculated to
give additional currency to Carlyle's esti
mate of the proportion of foolishness In
the population.
Serlons Sltaatlna ta Csks.
' Chicago Chronicle.
Evidently the Cuban Insurrection Is be
coming a formidable affair. Two editors
have left Mansanlllo to organise an in
surgent band. If the proofreaders now
take the field In freedom's glorious cause
President Palma may as well engage pas
age for New York. It will be all up with
Chicago's school census gives the city a
population of 1.780,000. while tbe city di
rectory's estimate Is 1 1,900,000.
' Congressman Nick Long-worth has one of
the aptitudes of th" politician at least he
knows how to keep fcefofe the publlo.
' General R. C. BhaTr,' ona of the few sur
viving' commanders"' of the Confederate
army, la a-aet icing- law at the age of 71
years at Mens, Ark. '
William -lioeb, jr.;; private aecretary to
President Roosevelt, and George Thompson,
publisher of the Bt. Paul Dispatch, are to
start on a big hunting trip In the Jackson's
Hole country south of Tellowstons park on
September 24. . .
Notwithstanding the fact that Congress
man Theodore E. Burton was ona of the
busiest members of tbe last congress he
haa found time to writs a Ufa of his old
friend John Bherman, wblcb will, be pub
lished In October. .. -
September's superabundance of moisture
recalls the story of the Scotch deacon who
prayed for' rain, but mindful of the flood
that followed a aimllar petition, hastily
added: "But In a' that pertains to the
weather we ken weel It Is neefu' to exer
cise great caution, so that we may keep
doon the harmfu' tendency to overdo It."
"Lucky" Baldwin of Ban Francisco, who
lost heavily In the earthquake, announces
that he will not abandon hla plans for es
tablishing at Broadmoor, Cal., one of the
moat beautiful country estate In the westt
The plana for the' estate were drawn by
the late Stanford White and the prelimi
nary outlay Involved .will be over 1100,000.
Alfred Q. VanderblU and Reginald C.
Vanderbllt may become members of the
Rhode Island general aaaembly If they
wish. Their fellow townsmen In Portsmouth
are anxious to send the brothers to the teg.
lalature as representatives of Portsmouth
and they will only have to announce their
willingness to accept to be nominated and
Mew Kaclaaa Cities MaWUIaa; Acalast
Bahoraltaat Hae.
Boston Transcript.
The sentiment In favor of municipal firs
Insurance, which haa developed quite ac
tlvely In several of the Connecticut cites.
Including New Hsven, Bridgeport and Nor
wich, haa now apparently struck over into
Massac hu setts. The Holyoke aldernianic
Insurance committee met last night snd
considered tbe question with some of the
city's leading business men to see If there
could not be devised some means of pro
tection against the steady, and, as It
sesmed to them, exorbitant Increase In
rates by the compsnies. . The opinions ex
pressed were largely favorabls to ths idea
of municipal Insurance. Tbe chairman of
the water board said that the question
had arisen in that city some right peers
ago aad a committee appeared In Boaton
to petition the legislature but It wss de
clared 'unconstitutional, and since then
nothing had been done about it, though
he thought the time ripe for a revival in
some form, Ex-Mayor . Currsn advecatedj
tna plan OI caning a siaie cunvenuun rot
a longer consideration of the aubjoct, and
the present mayor suggested that ths in
surance commissioner be given power to
revise ratvs when It was shown that they
were exorbitant, thus giving sggrieved
communities a chance of sppeal. H
thought this would bs, constitutional and
would pans the legislature. The Massachu
setts business, aa stated front ofitclal
figures for the five yeara lano-im, was:
Premiums reoelved. t8.71(.Ma; losses paid.
laB.Hl.JM; excess of premiums, $42,371. itil
which certainty left a good margin for es
penses and proflta, so far sa this state waa
concerned. The National Board of Fire
Underwriters hss Just made sharply
critical report on Springfield's system of
Pre protection, which the officials of that
city consider entirely undeserved and which
certainly doea -seem to- be overdone. But
that Is something which other cities titan
Bprtncfleld must expect st this time. When
the buslnesa is bad the Are departments
bavs to caca It. .and -now their alleged
Inefficiency cornea In to help Justify ths
boostio of rates all ever the country.
in MEMORIitsl.
Ballder la Beat Seas.
Rushvllls Recorder.
His Intensity and aesl undoubtedly mads
him enemies, for ths newspaper man has
never lived who succeeded In avoiding thla
part of their burden, but none will gain
say the honesty of his purpose or deny that
he was ever on the right aide of the great
public questions of the day. Mr. Roseweter
always earned the reputstlon of .being a
fighter, but he waa also a builder, and that
In the best sense of ths word, for he never
smftsaed great weahh, while he did his
duty to those Immediately under him and
the publlo In general. Mr. Rosewater will
be missed especially by ths writer, who
hss met htm upon several occasions, only
to Improve our Impressions of the man
each time. His loss Is not only to Ne
braska, but to the nation, who have in a
measure mourned with the family.
Saddened Ml ehraaka.
Howetls Journal.
Edward Rosewater, veteran editor,
founder of The Omaha Bee, for more thsn
a third of a century a persistent upbullder
of out growing slate, hns laid down the
burden of life with a knowledge of a work
well performed. News of his death sad
dened all Nebraska and to those who were
dear in life goes out the sympathy of the
people of this state for whom he had done
so much. Peace to the ashes of this pio
neer. Personality Impressed oa State.
Stanton ledger?
Rosewater founded his paper before the
dsy of the newspaper octopus. He csme
before the state of Nebraska and ths west
hsd entered upon Its era of commercial and
political development. He developed with
the state, his character In part being the
result of his environments and his time. In
turn, his own personality was Impressed
not only on the state, but the entire west.
The masterful elements of his nsture were
courage, democracy, lova of Justice, sin
cerity and ambition.
Friend of Common People.
' Waterloo Oasette.
The passing of Edward Rosewater re
veals a great many things and some phases
of his Mfe not generally known or be
lieved by the people at large. Few realized
what a potential Influence he had been In
shsplng affairs In 'Nebraska, how high
he stood among the really great of the
country at large. He was more truly the
friend of the common people than perhaps
any of us realized, and thousands have
testified in . these last few days of the
kindly Interest and substantial help he
gave them when such' encouregement wss
most needed. Even his enemies psy
tribute to his worth as a progressive cltl
sen and untiring worker for what he con
ceived to be the right, and all agree that
during his life he msy have been greatly
misunderstood; that his motives were often
Impugned when his actions ran counter to
the ppopular view, but In many Instances
the publlo hss eventually come to credit
the action as right, viewed In the light of
Conservative aad Coaaeleatioaa.
West Point Republican.
In private life he exemplified many of
the rarest virtues. Through the kindness
of his heart he was given to chsrlty, and
It Is characteristic and worthy of note
that, in the formal disposition of his prop
erty, this spirit Is plainly manifest and
many will receive the benefits of his ben
evolence long sfter his .body will havs
crumbled Into dust. In publlo life he waa
broad, conservative and conscientious. He
had a remarkabls hold upon the people of
this statavhavlng won tJialr -confidence .'and
merited their esteem. It may not be inap
propriate to add that they would not have
failed him could the crowning ambition of
his life have been submitted to them direct.
He was the friend and advocate of every
great reform measure tending towards
the purification and elevation of the re
public. He was a fearless champion of
the right and dealt many vigorous blows
In Ita behalf. He frequently waa the very
storm center of arduous political strug
gles and such. contests seemed to develop
his strength and Increase hie power. For
more than a quarter of a century he led
his party through victory and defeat and
then, like Moses of old, was dsnled the
promised land. ' ' For him, life's cares are
over. Hla loss will be felt In the home.
ths state and the nation. His life was not
without Its triumphs, but more Important
than all else, he achieved an honorable
success and leaves to posterity the fruits
of a useful life, a brilliant record and an
honored name.
Brave, Bold, Tireless.
Oakland Independent.
Edward Rosewater'a death removes ons
of the best known and most influential
characters of the west. He wss a brave,
bold man of large mental caliber and tire
less energy. In Nebraska politics he was
perhaps the greatest force to be reckoned
with, and his power extended even to na
tional pollttca. ftosewater waa admired
for his courage, sincerity and his capacity
for detailed knowledge of many of the sub
jects of present-day problems.
Place Hard to Fill.
North Loup Loyalist.
In ths death of Edward Roaswater Ne
braska has lost ons of her foremost men
a man who bad tbe courage of his con
victions a man who - fought, and fought
hard, for thoss things which he thought
to be right. A man haa fallen whose place
it will be difficult to nil.
Will Sot Be Forgottea.
Chadron Journal.
When Edward Rosewater gave up his
life ths evening of August II, Nebraska lost
its greatest Journalist, a national, a world
known character, and a man of great busi
ness abiiiiy. Mr. Roaewater made a place
In Nebraska', which will bs difficult to nil.
Hs waa a of Indomitable energy,
one who was trus to his friends, a man
who was willing to mske a fight for what
lis considered right. He was a great ex
ample of what push can do for a man. Ths
nam of Hosewster will not be forgotten
in the annals of Nebraska's deeds.
Rated with Horace Greeley.
, Bcrlbner News.
Edward Rosewater's sudden death last
week has brought forth expressions of re
gret from every section of ths country.
Mr. Rosewater's ability Is generally ad
mitted to havs been of ths highest order.
In the matter of general practical knowl
edge he rated with Horace Oreeley.
, .
Flakier With f'saraae.
Leigh World.
The death of Hon. Edward Rosewster.
editor of The Omaha Bee. brought sorrow
to every cltlsen of Nebraeka and to many
throughout ths nation. For thirty-five
years hs had "been identified with ths
building up of Nebraska. He waa a his
tory maker and molded more Nebraska
history thsn any other ona msa. Hs wss
universally known In Nebraska and also
prominent In national affaire, where his
advice wss always respected. During ths
thirty-five yeara which hs wss editor of
The Omaha Bee he was alwsys found on
the sMn of the people and against corpo
ration rula. Hs was a fighter for good
things, and always hsd ths courage of hla
Juniata Herald: Omaha's msyor. by his
antics during Bryan's home-coming, hss
probably convinced New. York that the
west 1 still overrun with buffaloes, In
dians snd stage robbers. H certainly
added "dignity", to the proceedings, and
Omaha democrats must te pmtid of the
reputstlon given the state. '
Beatrice Bun: Jim Pnhlina'n. the mayor
of Omaha, Is a clever fellow In manv ways;
coarse in "manner and lacking In poltrh.
but a clever fellow. As a cowboy he wns
a success, bet the Introduction of the cow
boy play at this asre of the world, while
It won ths curious admiration of the east
ern spectators, was hardly the thing to
"make Omaha famous" as a center of com
merce and civilisation. It would have been
better for the city and the state if they
hsd "roped" Jim before they sent him east.
Chadron Journal: The east hns always
had sn Idea thnt Nebraska is Just sbot't
the Jumping off place, the .home of the
cowboy. The delerstlon which recently
went to New Yovk to welcome W. J. Bryan
seemed bent on the Idea of impressing
upon the minds of the easterners the fact
that the west was and Is wild and woollly.
If the report of Mayor Dahlman and his
Issso Is correct, the msyor snd his crowd
might have done better by trying to show
the good eastern people that Nebrnska is
Just ss much civilised as New York.
Ashland Ossette: A special grand Jury
has been called in Omaha to Investigate the
"Ioe trust." The reformers are rather
timid over the mstter, for fear tha there
la no statute in Nebraska that has b"en
violated by the "trust." Our laws sre de
fective, The next session of the legislature
should see to it that 'they are so amended
as to make It a capital crime for a dealer
to fail to provide a normal supply of ice,
whether nature furnishes It or not. And
yet It is altogether probable that this
would fall to make the reformers truly
happy. As a failure of the Ice crop dors
not occur on an average oftener than onre
In twenty years, even such a statute would
Mil to keep Its enactors In the limelight
as lovers of the "deer peepul."
Hastings Tribune: If Jim Dahlman, the
democratic mayor of Omaha, pulled off
one-half of the stunts in New Tork Inst
week that the newspapers give him credit
with, then he has disgraced the fair state
of Nebraska. And ret. If Mayor Dahlman
did those wild and woolly things, he Is
not alone responsible for his conduct on
that auspicious occasion. He was sur
rounded by his personal and political
friends of Omaha, and if those friends
were foolish enough to egg their mayor
on, or tencourage his antics in tho least,
upon their hesds should rest the greater
portion of the censure. It Is easy for a
man to slop over when he la the victim
of too much hilarity, and on such occasions
be is more to be pitied than censured.
Grand Island Independent: The high
handed, outrageous conduct of the Omaha
Ice dealers, who evidently are handed to
gether In a regular trust, ' is setting tho
populace of that city wild. Several firms.
It appears, were recently arraigned, found
guilty and fined for cheating their cus
tomers by short weights. They now re
taliate by refusing to sell Ice to those fam
ilies, members of which testified sgainst
them and plesded for Ice In vstn. Is it a
wonder people are Inclined to become hns
tile against corporations and their '.'gen
tlemen's understanding? Is It a wonder
that they look to municipal ownership un.
der such circumstances? And, In a degree,
that domineering, dictatorial, grasping spirit
Is shown by other corporations and cor
porations, too, which ars doing business
on franchises granted free by the public.
Even our own city msy have a question
like this,' perstalning to the sale of an
other commodity, to deal with. Fsir, equal
treatment, in short, a. square deal, and le
gitimate competition should, be.--and no
doubt will be, insisted upon, or the fran.
chlsa should be revoked without any cere
mony. ', Raffllaar Senatorial Keeling.
Kansas City Star.
In coming out with the statement that In
fifteen years ths railroads hsve paid 11.000.-
000.000 In rebates and only XI 6,000 In fines.
President Stlckney has laid himself open to
the charge of being extremely careless of
the feelings of those loyal corporation sen
ators who have clung to the contention that
no r&llroad legislation was needed.
t'onirnstorf Proof. '
St. Louis Republic.
The mines of the United States Isst year
produced S92.tl9.Ml short tons of coal, val
ued at t47,7M,983. That was the record
In the country's history. Nearly every
consumer Is willing to testify that he got
one of these short tons, too.
Rare Self-Coarol.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The Japanese have left Mukden, and it Is
a remarkable Instance of - self-control.
Would Russia have left It? "Would Eng.
land? Would the United States? How
easy to havs taken It with them!
Must have them out of the way this week. Painters, paper
hangers, carpenters, working to make changes In our. various de
partments. .'...':
Pianos that are In the way must be moved. They cant ., ,
stand grit and dirt, therefore the tags and the prices have a blue
mirk (so ) msde through the already low price and a
still lower price takes Its place. V '
Why? To Quickly sell them. They must go! They will go!
If you want to make money by availing yourself of this big
clean-up cut sale of good pianos, then they will be gone before 'y , f
. the end of the week.
Thre are pianos for $90, for 1110, for $125, for $185, ,,
for $150 and up the kind you buy elsewhere for $200, $260, '.
$300 and up. , ' '
Think of It. See the names the best the world produces.
Read, vl.: KIMBALL PIANOH, the Irving Pianos, Voae tc Sons
Pianos, Weser Bros. Pianos, Chickerlng & Sons Plasty, Hallet
Davla Pianos, Krell Pianos, Emerson Pianos, Cramer Pianos and
the Btetnway Pianos.
Where on earth will you find a larger representation of the
best pianos made? 1
Then you can buy them on practically your own terms:
$10 down, $4 per month; $16 to $26 down and $6 to $10 per. .
month. It you want to pay cash, you are Just as welcome.
Here is a chance to buy a piano at a price which enables
you to again sell It at a profit. If you feel so disposed.
Every one gusranteed as represented or your money back.
Stool and scarf thrown in the bargain.
Come now If you need a piano. Come now if you don't
ments snd you are Just one year ahead of the deal,
neee a piano for a year. This sale saves you 12 months pay
Again, remember the prtca la marked In plain figures AL
WATS no more, no leaa.lOur trade is posted in this respect. W
likm'lse do nut pay commissions to anyone assisting you to select.
They do not ssk us they know our rules.
You sre safe to make your selection ss If you knew all
about piano. That Is why our trade Ilk ti end their
friends to our store for the beat treatment, loweat prices and the
. highest quality and ths future guaranteed.
A. ffbspe Co., 1513 Douglas St
Fall Announcement 1906
We are now displaying a most
Complete line of foreign novelties for
fall and winter wear.
Your early Inspection Is Invited,
as It will afford aa opportunity of
choosing from a large number of ex
clusive styles.
We Import In "Single suit
length," and a suit cannot be dupli
cated. -
An order placed now may be de
livered at your convenience.
Knlckrr Do you think that water can be
located with a stick!'
Hocker Tes. If spplled to a boy on the
right spot, It will mske the tear flow.
Nen- York Pun.
Bf you would like your baby when hs
grows up to. enter the army. Hut suppose
lie does nut develop' any special ability
for a ni'lltarV career?"
"Oh, but he's done that already. Ha
has msde himself quite familiar with the
use f srnis. ami hss led many a wesry
midnight march." Baltimore. American.
"Yes," said Colonel Brssx. "I've been In
a good many tight places In my life."
"Tight vlacen!" remsrked Peppery,
"that's s new name for them."
"A new name for wlist?"
"Saloons." Philadelphia Ledger. '
"But she sings more than she plsya.
Why do you s-k of her music -as 'ln
"Well. It's Instruments In making the
mur vim. i-iuisaeipnia iTvsa.e
"I like a good loser. Don't vou?"
"Oh, I don't know. l n not particular
about the loser so long ss I w in." Philadel
phia Bulletin.
Aspiring polltlclanCumhrklge. you heard
my speecli last right' Now that vou have
slept over It. tell me frankly what you
think of the effort.
Trusted friend To tell you the truth,
Rlckaby, 1 I slept under It. You'll havs
to let me see the manuscript. Chlcaso
Tribune. .
"Are you maklna nvthlna of a hit with
Mis Prettyglrl?"
"I fear not. Can't seem to interest her,
I have lauded her beauty, but my strongest
superlative make absolutely no impres.
"Hold on! J forgot to tell you, old man.
8he was formerly engaged to the press
agent of a circus."-Pittsburg Post.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Now when yu want to write a tine,
Don't rack your brain or waste your time
The spelling book yu msy eschew
Just spell it as it sounds to yu. . ,
With business letters yu're dlstrest
Perhaps the nu way may seem best
When heapt with mall until yu're blu.
Just spell things ss they sound to )U.
Yu'd ssve enough In time and Ink
To buy a house and lot, 1 think
If you should rite a book or two
And spell words as they sound to yu. ,
A tender mlslv to yur lov.
In which yu speak of her as duv
And other words yu use a fu,
Just spell them as they sound to yu.
And when yu're done with vows expreett
The stamp sfflxt a ml it's addrest
You've blusht then curst this spelling nu
Just spell it as it sounds toiyu.
For tho it's short snd to the point.
In writing It seems out of Joint .
The spelling book yu may eschew
But words don't look so good to yu.
Bo If the spelling chopt snd ripe.
With old words fixt and 'lettera cllpt.
Has put your wits all in a stu,
Use English aa you used to do.
King & Co
" With the return of th Foil," mid
Beau Brummel, "my ipiriU Hae." '
"We've fine distinctly New
St yies in Saclc Suits in a
great many patterns.
$15 to $35. .
It's for' you to decide
which will best suit your
If you want to change
your hat to-day, we've every
new-Hshape soft and stiff. .
Fifteenth and vSjS
Douglas Sts. ; vy
Omaha, Neb.
Rroarioaytf F W YORK Cooper Kqnnr
Guckert Cl
Mc Donald
317 Oouth 15th Qt