Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Connoil Traaiacti Lares A mount of
Eoutne Iui.d;.
rplilili Filed Against Jmff
f gaoaamen aad Hearlaas Bet
for Patarrfar, Moadaf
Xest Taesday.
Th meeting' ot. the city council wa
on of uneventful routine last night. All
of the member! were present, and the Item
were hurried through with dispatch. Un
der the head of communication 3 met
Austin asked 2.ono In consideration of the
ervlce and death of hut son, James E.
Austin, which occurred, as he stated, from
the fatal Injuries ha received at the Armour
fire. Mr. Austin stated that hi .son was
burled by the same wall which fell and
killed ' Con, .Dertny. and that he died
nine diys Jater.v Ha was acting a a vol
unteer fireman at the time the. wall fell.
The claim was referred to the city attor
ney 'and the finance - committee of the
A petition .waft received asking that a
walk be. laid on each aide of Twenty-first
treet between,.? and J street. The city
attorney and. engineer reported favorably
on the petition to grade 8 street from Thir
tieth to' Thirty-second, and like manner tn
a petition to grade K street from Twentieth
to Twenty-second.:' '
Residents on the east side sent In a pe
tition to have tha Water mains extended
from I to J street on Eighteenth treet.
Police Judge P. J. King presented his
monthly report for August. The city at
torney reported adversely to the claim of
Mrs. Theresa Angltn and recommended that
the claim be not .allowed. . She bring a
heavy claim. for Injuries received by fall
ing where, there was a hole In a bridge.
Sevrer Contracts Presented.
The contract and bonds for the ewer
entered Into by the National Construction
company and Jarne Jensen about which
nme Interest hung owing to the size of the
contracts urd the . threatening Injunction
were put over to "a later meeting for th
reason the city attorney wlslied to examine
the contracts. ,The bonds of tho National
Construction company on the Mud creek
and Jetter creek sewer were In the sum ot
1288,000 and $a,aoO respectively and signed
by E. A.Cudaby as surety. The Jensen
bond was furnished by the Fidelity Surety
company. 'The approval of these contracts
I the business of a special meeting Thurs
day evening.
The sidewalk contractors were instructed
to Isy permanent walks on both aide of
K street from Twenty-fifth to Twenty
sixth, and on both aide of D street from
Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth.
Warrant were ordered m the interest
fund to. reimburse Treasurer C. A. Mel
cher $S,J78 for obligations of the city paid
in New Tork. A warrant was ordered to
the treasurer to pay Interest on. the paving
bond of Paving District No. 17, being
Thirtieth street south of Q. The amount
of the warrant was 12,100, covering Interest
of the paving bonds aod.for the redemp
tion of bonds No. 6, (, 7, and 8, which
have now matured. The city I therefore
paying the bond which should be met by
a special tax on th property owners of
that Tk 1... Vk flnl.
leoted. Also f&S,K was voted for the re
newal of bonds In paving district No. IS,
bond No, t, and 1227.20 for bond No. 4 In
Improvement district No. t A few minor
bills were allowed,
A special sidewalk ordinance was Intro
duced laying a special tax to cover the
coat of the permanent' walk which have
been laid by the city.' "Two other ordi
nances were put on second reading, one
providing a sidewalk for O street from
Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth, and the
other being the ordinance to grade F
street from Twenty-sixth to Twenty-ninth.
The proposition of J. Bhellberg to lease
a portion of Railroad avenue tn the vicin
ity of Twenty-eighth and F street was not
granted. Sewer bonds to cover the cost of
Improvements of district 113 were sold at
par to Robert Parks, the contractor. Th
amount was about 1230. The aale of cer
tain district Improvement bonds wa de
ferred to Thursday evening, to which time
the council adjourned.
Cases Against galoaamea.
Complaint were filed yesterday against
all tha saloonmen whose place were
raided last Sunday by the police officer.
The trials will be heard September 22. 24
and 26. On the last named date - Peter
Uvlck and his sons, Joseph and William
Vvlck. will be tried for selling without a
license. Complaints were filed before the
police court and before the federal courts
in their case. Ail three have been re
leased from Jail on (300 bonds each. It Is
aid that they will make an attempt to
replevin the stock of liquors which was
confiscated by the police authorises Sun
day night. The defendants have secured
a lawyer and are prepared to figh ..the
case vigorously.
Charles Carry Mianlsg.
If has been reported to the police by
Tor Yearly Xvery Man, Womaa or Child.
A short time ago we published an arti
cle recommending to our readers the new
discovery for tho cure of Dyspepsia
catted Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and the
claim then made regarding the wonderful
curative properties of the remedy have
been abundantly sustained by tbe facts.
' People who were cautious about trying
new remedies advertised In the news
papers and were flnaly Induced to give
Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablets a trial were
surprised and delighted at the results. In
many rases a single package coating but
60 cents at any drug store made a com
pints cur and in every instance the tnoet
beneflotal results were reported. From a
hundred or more received we have space
to publish only a few of the latest, but
; assure our readers w receive ao many
commendatory letters that we shall pub
lish each week a fresh list of genuine, un
solicited testimonials, and never publish
the same one twice.
from Jamea Yemmelster, LaCrosse,
Biuarrs Dyspepsia Tablet are do-
log me more good than anything I ever
tried, and I was so pleased at results that
I gave away several boxes to my friends,
who have also had th same benefits.
From Jacob Anthony, Portmurray, New
Jersey: I have taken Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets with th best results. I had
Dyspepsia for six years and had taken a
great deal of medicine, but the Tablets
seemed to take right a hold, and I feel
good. I em a farmer and lime burner,
and I heartily recommend to every one
who haa any trouble with his stomach to
use thee Tablet.
From Mr. M. Jt. Meat. Preston, Minn.:
I have received surprisingly good effects
from using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 1
gave one-half of my last box to a friend
who alao suffered from indigestion, and
he had the saute good results.
Stuart's Pjspcjsla Tablets are a oer
tala cure tor all forma of Indigestion.
They are not claimed to be a cure-all, but
are prepared for stomach troubles only,
and pfcyeidaa and druggists everywhere
recommend J hem to all persons suffurjng
front.: Nervous Dyspepsia, sour pr acid
stomach, heartburn, bloating or wind on
loaauh and similar disorder. . ..
relative of Charles Carry that ha ha dis
appeared from hi home. He I an em
ploye of the Union stork yards and haa
tecome slightly tinbalal"d from the ef
fret of a sunstroke. In most way he
appears to, be rational and has an Intelli
gent appearance. It Is feared that hi
trouble ha bwome aggravated or that he
may have met with foul play. It ha now
been several dnys since he left home and
did oot return. He ha an ancle and
other relatives, and they have become
anxious a to his safety.
Male City Koasln.
Jetter's OoM Top Peer delivered to all
parts of th city. Telephone No. t.
H. H. Qulnby of Sliver City. Ia., Is th
ruest of Frank Hobblck, 715 North Twenty-
Miss Hattle Robert left yesterday for
Kearney, where she expect to attend tha
Normal college.
Mlu Fannv Rlabaueh expects to leav
today for Kearney, where she will attend
the Normal school.
Miss Nan Baker, stenographer and secre
tary to Mayor Hoctor, has returned from
her annual vacation.
R. Flndlev. John Rvan. John Schnunek
and Thomas Halley were vent up In police
court to reinforce the weed gang.
Tha heavv rains of last nlxht caused much
delay to the stock trains yesterday, and
some of the stock failed to arrive.
Miss Zora Jones of Missouri Valley and
Albert Trobough of Avoca, la., have been
the guest of A. A. Wright the past week.
All member of St. Mary's church. No.
677, are requested to be present at the regu
lar meeting held tonight. Tuesday, Septem
ber 18.
Miss Clara FYeltag has been spending two
weeks or more In the country. She now
returns to her work In the office of the city
The death of the Infant daughter of ,"t
cent F. Ftodl, S121 Z street, occurred ..
tember 16. The burial took place In
Mary's cemetery yesterday morning.
The architect Is busy preparing th plan
of the new warehouse for the use of the
South Omaha public schools. They will
be ready for approval at the next meeting.
A mysterious club called the "Hopkln's
Club," announce that it will hold a meet
ing Thursday evening at 7:80 p. m. It la
hinted that this Is another nam for tha so-.
called "Injunction Club."
John Vondra, aged 64 years, died yester
day at 2X1 South Twenty-third street. He
was a native of Bohemia. The funeral will
be held September It at the residence. In
terment will be in the. Bohemian National
Mrs. McTarun and Mrs. Chrlstofter. living
at 2M8 R street, caused the arrest ot Harry
Mason, charging mm witn arunxenness ana
unseemly conduct. They say that while In
that state he insisted on picking up a little
girl and kissing her.
Make an offer on the northwest corner of
ISth and Missouri avenue a nearly new
house, east front, and neat cottage, south
front; two new lota Room for two more
houses. Will sell on easy terms. Price,
$2,760. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Farnam St.
The parents of Anna Spurgeon have aaked
the assistance of the police in the recovery
of their daughter, who left her Missouri
home in tha company of a Greek. She wa
arrested in South Omaha last night. She
wilt be held for the Instruction of th
The following births were reported yester
day: Osbra Pennington, 1913 M street, a
boy; Bat Murphy, North Twentieth, a
girl; Louts Frandt, 3020 W, a girl; Bert
Munshaw, Twelfth and J, a girl; George A.
Hulslger, Thirtieth and Harrison, a boy.
Hearing) Before Board Brines Out
Lively' Scene With Attor- V
ney Yelser. '
Edward Leeder, engineer of Engine com
pany No. J, was dismissed from the services
of the Omaha Fire department at the close
of his trial before the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners' Monday night. Fol
lowing the advice of his attorney, John O.
Telser, Leeder declined to answer the
question put to him by th board, and a
a result his dismissal was ordered, not
only on the grounds that the charges had
been substantiated, but' also on thos of
The trial wa short and wa marked by
a disposition on ' the part of Attorney
Yelser to block every attempt on the part
of the board to secure any Information
from ' Leeder. Leeder wa charged with
running for political office In violation of
the rules of the department, and the time
for th hearing had been postponed to
Monday night's meeting.
When the matter was called Leeder re
mained outside the room and Attorney
Yelser sought to take hi place before the
board. Commissioner Spratlen, however,
remarked that Leeder, not Yelser, was on
trial, and Chief of Police Donahue wa
Instructed to bring Leeder in, which he did.
Leeder was then asked If he la a candidate
for member of th state legislature. Yelser
objected to th query, th objection was
overruled and the question repeated. Yelser
again objected, with the same result. This
performance was repeated until the matter
was compromised by. an admission of the
allegations In the charges.
Questions addressed to Leeder whether
he bad seen a copy1 of the rules and regula
tions of he department and had read them
went through the same ordeal, until the
board forced the matter and Leeder made
the reply, "Upon th Instruction of my at
torney I decline to answer," In each case.
The board then, after a recess, ordered
Leeder's dismissal as stated.
The proceedings grew heated at times,
Yelser In one instance grabbing a pad of
paper upon which he threatened to draw
up a habeas corpus bill on the spot. At
another time he announced ha and Mr.
Leeder would withdraw, but as th board
aid Mr. Leeder would remain, neither
left. He took exception to the final action
of th board on th charge and on the
Item of Insubordination because no charge
had been made and no hearing had. He
was allowed all the time he desire for
drawing up a bill.
There was little other business trans
acted by th board. Scott Stover of En
gine company No. t was ordered dismissed
from the department and the charge
against Lewis Bllby of Hose company. No.
4, and Lorenso Wlnslow of Engine company
No. 4 for being late, were set for hearing
next Monday night. Those present were
Mayor 4ahlman and Commissioners Sprat
len, Thomas and Miller.
WATCHES rrenar. il and Dodge Ita
The Union Veterans' union and th
women of tho Grand Army of the Republic
will picnic at Krug perk Wednesday. A
frogram has been arranged and It la up
o the weather man to see that a square
deal la given them. Over 700 tickets have
already been sold for the affair.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Union Pacific haa been called for
Salt Lake City, October . No intimation
has been given out as 'to the Import of
the meeting, all that has been vouchsafed
being the annual election of officers.
Martin Dlnusso, the druggiat who Is
charged with telling cocaine to Arthur
Moltay, an alleged dipsomania, has en
tered a pela of not guilty before County
Judge Leslie. He was released on a 1100
bond to appear for trial. September 24.
Duncan M. Vinsonbaler has sold his resi
dence at U6 South Thirty-ninth street to
Thomas H. Matter. Tbe consideration Is
not made public, but Is said to be H2.0u0
or $14.ou. Judge VinsonhaJer haa rented
the house at Fortieth and Burt streets,
formerly occupied by J. M. Gruttar. onoa
superintendent of the Union Paclic. ,
K. W. Judson's and C." M. Wllhelm's golf
divisions of the executive committee of
the Commercial club, .having each won a
game from the other, are planning to play
off the "rubber" aa aooa as th weather
wilt permit. -Only two game were planned
at the beginning of the season, but since
the last contest each ide has been claim
ing superiority, and the only way to set
tle the dispute is to hare a battle on th
C. A. Christie, who Is tn charge of the
golf links at the Field club.' has reported
to the police that Monday morning he
placed his pocketbook, containing l5. in
a looker at the club- house and when he
returned about noon the book and money
ere nowhere t be found. There Is a
clue to the thief, however,- wntcfl th
police are following up. - -
Those who tied dinners at the Field club
Sunday evening In spite of the rainy
weather Were Dr. and Mrs. Sumney. wh
had ten guests. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Robert
son entertained six of their friends. Mr.
John rsrri'h had four guests. Mr. and Mr.
Conrad had five guests, and a score or
more dined singly and In couple.
A special table d'hote dinner and aa
unusually attractive musical program I
announced for Thursday evening at th
Field club. Mrs. A. B. Hunt haa had
charge of the musical arrangements for
the evening and the services of following
well known musicians have been secured:
Miss Corinne Paulson. pianist; Ml"
Margaret Damm, meixo-soprano; Mts
Alice Wlnspear, soprano; Mr. Will Man
chester, basso and Mr. George Barker,
violinist. In addition to the musical num
bers, Mr. Dave O'Brien and Mrs. George
Shields Will give a clever Irish oomedy and
Mr. Carl Relter will contribute several
Miss Marie Mohler ha Issued Invitation
for a luncheon at the Country club Wed
nesday. Miss Connell will entertain at dinner at
the Country club Saturday evening, for her
gtiest Mis Pierce.
Cards have been received In Omaha an
nouncing the marriage of Miss Cora M.
Hitchcock and Mr. Claude Bernard
Matthal, both of Council Bluffs. The
.veddlng will take place October I at St.
haul's church Council Bluffs. .
Dr. and Mr. Hanchett of Omaha an
nounce the engagement of their 'daughter.
Miss Hope Hanchett to Mr. Richard Organ
of Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mr. C. F. Weller and Mis
Weller will return this week from their
summer place at Chase, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Blacklln and daughter
left for an extended visit to the Pacific
coast. v
Mrs. Frank Smith of Philadelphia is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. A. G. Edwards.
Mrs. J. M. Guild and children returned
Monday from an extended visit at dcean
Beach, Cat. Mr. Guild met them at Salt
Lak City and accompanied them home.
Mrs. A. W. Gird, who ha been visiting
relative and friends In Kansas City, ha
returned home.
Mr. Robert D. Wilson of Burlington,
Colo., spent Sunday at his home In thl
Mr. and Mr. Harry P. Wltmore and
daughter, Eugenia, will sail for home Sep
tember IS. Miss Eugenia return to Briar,
cliff Monroe, N. Y.. and Mr. and Mr. Wit
more return to Omaha.
Mr. and Mr. Clements of Lincoln are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Georg
Schwarti of Wl North Twentieth street,
Mr. P. A. Wells and Dr. Myrte Wells
have returned from a visit In northern
Mr. Harry 8. Byrne Is home from an
eastern trip, which included visits to Bat.
tlmore, New York, Niagara Falls. Lake
wood, N. J., and Chicago.
Miss H. Estell Brown- return today
from her summer outing spent in Wyoming
and Dakota.
Mrs. H. L. Whitney has returned from a
trip to Excelsior Springs.
Misses Zola Dellecker, Mary Morgan and
Helen S holes left Monday morning for
Lincoln for the University of Nebraska.
Miss Mary Bedwell and Miss Faith Hoel
went to Lincoln Monday evening for rush
ing week.
Miss Nelt Randall will take a post course
at the University of Nebraska thl year.
Mis Alice -French, and .Mr. Herbert
French leav tonight for their respective
school In the east Mis French goes to
Pratt Institute. Brooklyn. N. Y., and Mr.
Herbert French to the McKensle prepara
tory school.
Miss Jeanne Wakefield entertained . at
dinner at the Country club Sunday even
ing for Miss Lottie Smart of St. Louts.
Covers were laid' for th Misses Smart,
Moorehead, Webster, ' and Messrs. Harley
Moorhead, Elmer Cope, Harry Tukey and
Stockton Heth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell gave a Sun
day evening dinner at the Country club In
honor of their daughter' gueat. Miss
Eleanor Pierce of Fall River, Mass. Covers
were- laid for Miss Pierce, Miss Connell,
Mr. Edward Crelghton and Mr. Arthur
Others giving dinners Sunday evening
at the Country club were Mr. and Mr. M.
C. Peters, T. L. Davis and C. E. Spens.
Mrs. R, Matthews has returned from a
six weeks' outing spent In Wyoming.
Mr. Kbersoll, who has been the guest
of relatives and friends tn Omaha th past
two weeks, returned to her home in Chi
oago Sunday evening.
Mr. Edgar Zabrtskle, Jr., leaves this
week for Amhurst college. -
Mr. J. O. Huteson returned Monday
from Seattle and the North Pacific coast,
where he haa spent two months on busi
ness and pleasure, Mr. Huteson having
business interests at Seattle. Mrs. Hute
son will' .visit In th west two weeks
longer before returning home. -
Cocoa beans crow In
pods on the trunk
and limbs of a deli
cate tropical tree.
They contain Mix
times more food val
ue than beef.
We use the highest
cost beans that are
grown and there Is
nothing In our cocoa
but cocoa
That Is why It Is
the most delicious of
tu watrsa a. tewinos.
u t i
, tWt im UL Cigar
k T&zs- i ,t yu
8kK55E rf utth
, Bs3S 4. J? low
The A box-mark of the American
Company is the official seal of
insurance on your cigars, whatever price
pay for them, insurance of quality,
fortuity, cleanness and condition.
It guarantees you better cigars at every '
price cigars that are fragrant, full-flavored, mcl-
and absolutely unvarying in quality.
The American Cigar Company has established
scientific system in every stage of cigar production,
from the culture of the tobacco to the delivery of
the cigar.
The American Cigar Company has equipped a
great system of " Stemmeries " to provide for new
and heretofore unknown tobacco-improving processes,
which no other manufacturer even attempts. .
The selected leaf is thoroughly fermented by a
two-year process and the ripening tobacco is perfectly
blended all the qualities of the selected varieties' of
leaf that have been stored in contact being smoothly
mingled. The ordinary factory operation called
" blending n is not blending at all but merely mixing.
The finished cigars are stored in great "Humidors"
where the climatic conditions of Cuba are constantly
maintained a moist warm air and an even temper
ature. Here the finished cigars are constantly im
proving, like rare old wine with all their character-,
istic aroma intact until they are ready to go to the
dealer. After this seasoning and maturing and
before being shipped, the cigar boxes are sealed and
.cfofi 66'sealed in a tough parchment paper wrapper
which does much to preserve their condition.
The only way to get the highest cigar quality at'
any price is to see you get an American Cigar Com
pany brand. The cigar that suits thousands of other
smokers may not please your taste at all; yet the way
to test the results of the new tobacco-improving pro
cess is to begin with such a remarkable "hit as the
aaaj -
5 Cents
The "Anna Held " is a perfectly blended smoke a typical example of the results of the new system of
cigar production. It is a seasoned cigar, with no slightest trace of rawness; rich aad full-flavored, yet with ,
no tinge of bitterness ; well-rolled, even-burning, fragrant and satisfying.
Sold by all dealers In good cigars
Trade Supplied by J. & B. MOOS, Des Moines, Iowa.
Nebraska Railroads Not Materially
Affected by Kalas Except
Although all tha 'main lines of the Ne
braska railroads seem to be getting their
trains through practically on time, many
of the branch lines are out of business a
a result of the heavy rains. Twelve miles
of the Omaha road have been washed out
and considerable'' time will he consumed
In putting the track. In condition for the
running of trains. The Great Northern
line from Fremont to Sioux City la In bad
shape and on one of the large fills the
track Is said to have washed Into the
ditch, putting the line entirely out of busi
ness. The rain was still falling Tuesday
morning south of Valley and several
bridges on the Union Pacific branch are
washed out of line and will have to be
straightened up before traffic Is resumed.
Although the main ltne of the Union Pa
cific ts pretty soft between Lane and Val
ley, trains were run over It on time Tues
day morning. -
The Burlington reported high water In
the vicinity of Ithaca, Wahoo, Seward and
Ashland. Slow orders for many trains were
necessary, but no great amount of da mag o
was done and no suspension of service was
necessary. '
Burlington rain reports showed heavy
falls In some places. In a track damage
report Staplehurrtt reported six Inches of
rain; In the regular weather report Ne
braska City reported i.t Inches.
The Rock Island hsd several patches of
soft track, but reported no washouts.
. Sterling Sliver, Frenset, lvn,and Dodtfa
If you have anything to trade advertise
It In th For Exchange column of The
Be Want Ad page. .
Samuel Hall of Lincoln Is at the Paxton.
C. W. Rlbble of Beatrice la a Paxton
guest. - '
J. Cox of Tork Is stopping at th Mer
chants. W. It Edelman of Sheridan Is at th
Paxton. .
C. D. Conrf of Alliance ts stopping at th
V. L. Wilson of Alliance Is a guest at
the Henshaw.
A. P. Overguard of Fremont ts stopping
at the Paxton.
F. H. Gilchrist, a wholesale lumber
dealer of Kearney Is at the Her Orand.
Dr. O. S. Hodman left Tuesday for a four
weeks' trip to New York aud other eastern
points. '
J. W. Collett of Weeping Water and
Lawience Wood of Petersburg are at the
Merc hants.
II. K. Newbranch of the World-Herald
ts gradually recovering from a serious
attack of rheumatism and lumbago.
Al 1 layman, the ' well known theatrical
manager, passed through Omaha enrout
to Sao Francisco Tuesday morning.
United States Marshal Warner has re
turned front a two weeks' trip through
British ' Columbia and is Inclined to be
rather nthuMastie over the magnificent
scenery of that locality, but is a tnll
reticent about the weather.
Railway postal clerk of th Omaha and
Ogden division. John B. Whltely, Charles
(1 MoCann, Wesley W. Noye. Chester E.
Irwin, Charles F. Rodman and H. IS. Love,
have been promoted from class 4B to
class 4A on account of additional service
on the above line.
It Is expected that Carrie Louer, super
intendent of the Wise Memorial hospital,
will return to the city Tuesday evening,
accompanied by her father. Miss Louer
haa spent the fast two weeks visiting rel
atives and friends at Denver and reports
naving had a most enjoyable vacation.
Among the state grrivals-at the Merch
ant are Robert P. Pearaon of Keauian
Urove. Be lb Jones, wife and daughter of
Wlnton, J. C. Uowen of Broken Bow. W.
T. Ietweller of Grand Island, James Mor
ris of Lexington, Lr. H. E. Lund of
Humphrey, Arthur J. Evans of David City,
W. H. Harrison of Kennard and V. Lucas
of North Platte. ' .
Gorton Roth, assistant secretary of the
Omaha Drain exchange, was among the
unlucky Omahans who were delayed in
the country by the Sunday washouts. Mr.
Roth visited relatives at Tekamah Sunday
and rose early Moftday morning to get a
train for Omaha. It was to hava left
Tekamah at 7 u clock In th morning, but
tnaiaad it left at la th valaa
If so, you should advertise in a farm paper.
Here are a few facts worth considering:
You Cannot Cover
the Richest Section, of the West
Without Using
IT has a larger list of prosperous fanners and 6tockemn at $1.00
a year each than any other farm paper in its territory.
IT has by far a larger circulation in Nebraska than any other
farm publication.
IT has a larger circulation in "Western Iowa than any other farm
IT has a larger circulation in Northern Missouri than any other
farm paper. ' .
IT has a larger, circulation in Eastern Kansas than any other
farm paper.
IT haa larger circulation in Oklahoma and Indian Territory than,
any other farm paper published outside of the territory. .
IT has a strong circulation in South Dakota and Illinois.
IT is the only farm paper with a strong circulation with range
cattle men of "Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Montana and Utah.
IT is a clean paper in every department and only reliable adver
tisements are accepted.