Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Vaktrfieia Bays TwbIts of Omaha
Track is Washed Oak
UnnlMt MMX-m In Twrttr-rir Tears
rU( t JeJbnsrman, Rivers Ar
Oat ovl Banka and
Reado Flooded.
NORFOLK, "b., Sept. U. (Special Tele-
ram.) It la reported from Wakeflnld that
twelve tnllea of truck went out on tha
- a m i 1 . I
It la aaid her that Omaha rullroad im
Tloyea at Sioux City, arc holding peopla
thare en promise to ' get. tha railroad re
paired within a lew hours, when the pas
sengers mar a" aroutid by California June
tion. D. Mathewson, secretary of the Com
mercial club hare, aaya ha waa assured ha
could cot through laat night, but took no
chances. Mm Burrows and daughter of
Maw York, now in a Sioux City hotel, have
twen waiting; alnoa early yesterday on
promise of speedy repair of the road.
PONDER. Nes Sept. I8. (Special Tele
gram.) The flood, .resulting; from a water
spout bear Concorde has inundated the
lxgan valley for several miles. Thla town
Jias been prartloaJLy submerged for thirty
mix hours. ." There haa train for
two days and provisions are getting short.
The loss of lire stock has been frightful.
2iay, grain and small buildings bare floated
away. It is difficult at Us la time to ascer
tain the loss,'
. An S-ear-old son of Cbarles Warren waa
browned here yesterday ' while tha family
Waa moving out. Nearly all the bridges
re a wept away and It Is difficult to get
In or out of town, li to water Is receding
lowly, there is some hope at this time of
relief. A great deal of suffering and loss
of personal effects are distressing to fami
lies living on tha lowlands. Every effort
la . being put forth to relieTs those who
vara at thla time home Uses.
Rains Ceatlno.
"WATNE, Neb Sept, 18. (Special Tela
a-ram.) It haa bejj raining- here nearly all
day and little haa been dona towards re
pairing tha lnmM amount of damage
'wrought by tha cloudburst and heavy rain-
(tall northwest of this city early Sunday
morning. Miles of the Chicago, flt, Paul,
(Minneapolis Omaha tracks east and west
of this city are out, also on the Bloomfleld
and Wayne Una No mall haa been re
oeired or dispatched from here since Sat
urday evening and may not be for' two
or three days. Business is at a standstill
and no accurate estimate haa yet been
made of the losa sustained by the flood.
All fences in the- track of tha flood were
destroyed. .
. WEST POINT. Neb., Sept. 18. (Special.)
-Exceedingly heavy and violent rains
hare been falling steadily here for tha
'past two daya, causing floods on the low
lands and rendering travel on the coun
try roads almost. Impossible. The rains
pare heavier than for many years at this
season, and are causing great Inoonvenl
amoe. ' FREMONT, Neb., 8ept.' IS. (Special.)
It has rained steadily most of the day
today and consequently the railroads, espe
cially tha Northwestern and Great North
ern, are having trouble with washouts.
Tha Lincoln line of tha former is still In
bad ehaps in several places, the-" worst
washout . being near Ceresco. Tha Great
Northern tracks were very soft and all
their. grades in this vicinity are washed
out and it will .. take months to, replace
them. Tha Union Pacific trains from tha
east were but, little ,leleyU VjTha.t PJtte
la rising and -all tha small, streams ,lo the
Vicinity are running bank" full.
BEATRICE), Neb.,- Sept. 18. (Special.)
A terrlfio rain has been falling her all
day. The rainfall waa two and a half
t PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Sept 18. (Spe
clai During an electrical storm the dwel
ling occupied by Byron Reed 1 and family,
five miles south of this city, was struck
by lightning. Tha family bad retired for
tha night, and were awakened by the shock
to find the interior of the building afire.
LINCOLN,- Neb.. Sept. 18. A continuous
nd at times heavy rain throughout the
day made flood conditions worse in and
near Lincoln. Tha Union Pacific railroad
la tha worst sufferer, tha flood being the
mpst disastrous from Valparaiso to
Btromsburg and from tha former place to
Wahoo, that has ever been .known. More
track haa been washed away by tha over
flow of Oak and Wahoo creeks than ever
Vurorou Health Is tba Ore Source of
Power to Inspire and BnoeuraffST
All Woooea Should Soak It.
One of the most noted, successful and
rlchaat men of this century, la s recent
article, has aald, " Whatever I am and
whatever suoceas I bar attained In
this world I owe all to my wife. From
the day I first knew her she has been
n inspiration, and the greatest help
mate of my life."
To be such successful wife, to re
tali) the )ove and admiration of her
husband, to Inspire htm to make the
most of himself, should be a woman's
constant study.
If a woman finds .that her energies
are tigging, that she g-ets easily tired,
dark shadows appear under her eyes,
she has backache, headaches, bearing
down pains, nervousness, Irregularities
or the blues, she should start at once
to build up her system by a tonic with
apectfio powers, such As Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Following- we publish by request a
letter from s young' wife :
Dear Mrs Pinkham:
" Ever alnoa my child was horn I have suf
fered, as I hope few women ever have. with in
fiamiOAtioji, female weakness, bearing-down
pains, backache and wretched headachea It
affected my stomach so I could not entov nij
meals, and half mv tiina was spent in bad
" Lydia U. Pinkhatn's Veritable Compound
made Die s well woman, and 1 fee! so gTSteful
that I am glad to writ sad tell you of mj
marvelous rwoverv. It brought ma health,
new life and vitality ."Mrs. Bexte Ainsley.
611 Honth lOt a Street. Tseoina, Wash. ,
What Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Alnsley it will
do for every sick and ailing- woman.
If yon have symptom you don't un
derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham,
daughtcr-in-lew of Lydia E Pinkham
at Lybn. Mass. , Her advice is free nu
fclwajs Jtalyf uL . .
f jiirj. Hesi9 Jtintley J
before einre the branch waa opened for
traffic Miles of track has been washed
ray and serious damns dona to the
roadbed. No trains iave been able to travel
In or out of Lincoln on that road since
Saturday. '
The Burlington has s washout between
Linooln and Nebraska City, and traffic on
the branch between Lincoln and Seward, Is
The bottom lands west of Lincoln are
covered, snd part of the street ear track
to Capitol Beach Is washed out.
AUBURN. Neb., Sept. .- Special.)
Auburn and vicinity has been visited by
a heavy rainfall In the last thirty-six
hours. The Little Nemaha river has been
reported bank full and Is expected hourly
to go out of its banks, which. If It doer,
will destroy thousands of dollars' worth
of property, as the land alone the river
la the richest in the county and a very
large crop has been raised thereon. Con
siderable soft track has been reported
along the lines of the Missouri Pacific and
Burlington railroads. It Is still raining.
Rata Stasis Pals at Twiiuwk.
TECUMSBH, Neb Sept. 18. (Special Tel
egram.) This was to have been tha first
day of the Johnson oounty fair, but the
continued rains have made condltlona en
tirely unfavorable to holding- the same
thla week. A meeting of the board of di
rectors win be held in the morning and It
la understood the majority of the members
favor a postponement until October to i,
Sews ef Nebraska-
BEATRICE Prank Bradley, a railroad
man from Wymore, waa committed to the
s avium today.
PLATTSMOCTH A superabundance of
rain has been falling in this vicinity the
last few days.
DAVID CITT Postmaster Hall reports
that he sold 12.700 worth of money orders
last Saturdav. writing forty-nine orders.
DAVID CITT The republican central
committeeman met last Saturday and called
the county convention for Saturday,
October a.
BEATRICE The foot ball season opened
here yesterday at the high school. A good
team hss been orrsnlsmt for tha season and
practice began yesterday.
BEATRICE Rosa Louise, tha young
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Spnllm&n,
died yesterday morning after a brief ill
ness of stomach trouble.
BEATRICE Two cars, loaded with grain,
were wrecked In the Rock Island yards this
afternoon, blocklag traffic ror a short time.
A broken rsll caused the trouble.
DAVID CITT The York High school foot
ball team will play Its opening game with
the David City team next Saturday Sep
tember 22, st David City fair grounds,
BEATRICE a. H. Davis yesterday pur
chased his partner's Interest In tha atone
crusher plant of Davis aV Mayne, which
was recently damaged by Are, at Blue
Springs. , .
PLEASANTON The crack Pleasanton
ball team won Its third straight game thla
season from Ravenna, by a scoe of i to 1.
It waa Ravenna'a second team Tleaaanton
BEATRICE John Janaen. a prominent
young stockman of this section of the state
and a son of Peter Jansen, left today for
Winnipeg, Man., where ha will locate perm
anently. PLATTSMOUTH A. t. Fried has sold
his stock of drugs to George W. D'Ment
and has gone on the road for the Henry
Vosn Wall Paper company of St. Joseph,
Missouri. ,
DAVID CITT The David City band haa
disbanded for the present, owing to the
Indisposition on part of its members to at
tend practice, and also not being well
enough supported by tha cltlsens.
YORK York oounty will have a large
clover seed crop.. Many farmers are cut
ting tha second crop of olover and will
thresh later on. The yield of aeed la aald
to be about the beat in many years.
DAVID CITY The- treasurer's report of
the David City Chautauqua, shows that
they paid for their talent on the program
this year, S2.Z11.47 and after settling all
bills, have a balance on hand of. $641.71.
DAVID CITY-Grace, the little B months
old baby of Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon,
died st their home, three miles north of
this city, Sunday. 'The funeral was held
Monday afternoon. She ,was one of the
twins. - ., ; ' .
YORK Horace Robinson and family were
fcU affected by poison' front some unknown
cause. Mr. Robinson suffered the most.
They believe that the poison may have
been In an . extract they used in making
GENEVA Tha publle here is much
pleased over the winnings of the city
schools at tha atate fair. Today Superin
tendent Taylor received- a check for (20 for
cash premiums won. Besides these there
were eighteen diploma prises.
PLATTSMOUTH The state finance com
mittee of the Degree of Honor was in ses
sion In this city today. Among those pres
ent were Mra. Mary Latky, grand chief of
honor, and Mra. C. F. Spencer, both of
Lexington, and Mrs. G. B. Chapman and
W. A. Greenlee of Lincoln.
BEATRICE A deal has been practically
closed by -Peter Jansen for the sale of hla
farm of 2.0U0 acrea In Jefferson county for
tlSO.000, or t7S per acre. Mr. Jansen re
cently purchased residence property in Be
atrice and will make thla city hla home
Just as soon as he disposes of. his farm.
LONO PINE The Northwestern Rail
road company has for soma time been test
ing the land In the near vicinity of Long
Pine, In search of good gravel. They suc
ceeded in locating on the land belonging
to Mr. Carl Petttjohn. They have leased
the land and will In the near future in
stall a sand sifting plant.
CLAY CENTER Tha marriage of Miss
Osoro Allen to Mr. Jamea W. Butler, wsa
consummated; today at 10:80 a. m., at tha
home of the bride's parents in this city.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.
G. Smith of the Christian church, only
relatives snd a few intimate frlenda being
BEATRICE At the last regular meeting
Of the Knights and Ladles of ' Security
these officers were elected: Eugene Hoyle.
president; E. M. Gashaw, first vice presi-J
dent; alary Harsn, second vice president;
Mary B. Campbell, prelate; Mary J. Dunn,
corresponding secretary; Jennie Walker,
financier; Maggie Bird, conductor; N. M.
Harsh, guard; G. W. Wilcox, sentinel.
WEST POINT The regular fall term of tha
district court of Cuming county convened
In West Point yesterday. The court only
took up matters of naturalisation, large
numbers of cltlsens being In attendance to
receive their final papera. Nearly bjO com
pleted their naturalisation yesterday and
this morning, the largest number of any
previous term In the history of tha county.
FREMONT About a week ago a farmer,
giving his name ss Magnus Nels-m. left
hla team at the Star barn, saying ha would
be sround for it tha next day. lie lias
not shdVed up since. A lot of groceries
and about twenty -Ave pounds of beef stsak
were In the wsgon. The team was d good
onu and Nelson appeared to be a man
who would not be likely to l-ave hla prop
erty uncalled for.
- 8TOCKV1LLE The twentieth annual fair
of Frontier county opened here today and
will continue four daya. Active prepara
tions for the en me have been under way for
the last ten daya. A large floral hall haa
been built and other Improvements made.
Tha e-rounda were never in better .condi
tion. A large number of entrlea have been
made of stock and every stall and pen will
be (llled.
WEST Pill NT Fred W. Leffert. one of
tin) best known of West Point cltlsens. Is
dead of an affection of the stomach. Mr.
Leffert waa t3 years of age and bad been
Identified with the best Interests of West
Point for nearly forty years. He was city
water commissioner at the time of his
death. Funeral services were held under
the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, the
deceased having been secretary of the
local lodge for many years.
BEATRICE The mysterious disappear
ance of George Frederick, the 19-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Frederick, who
reside a few miles north of the city, Is
causing bis parents no end of grief snd
worry. The young man accompanied hla
father to Beatrice last Saturday and alnce
that time nothing has been seen of him.
The officers were notified venterdav to M
in the search for young Frederick, but they
have so far been unable to throw any light
on the case. Ha Is about six feet tall and
at the time-of hla departure wore a black
hat, a pc-oper-And-salt coat snd vest, black
nanis and heavy sea ml eta shoes. Any In
formation concerning him will be thank
fully received by his fatties,
FREMONT The Atlantic Canmng com
pany shut down ita factory here for the
aeusou Saturday. The total pack was small,
only about half that uf last year. The
low price of canned corn, owing to the
operation of so many new factories lsst
season, waa the reaaon for the small out
put. The company employed a good many
Japs and most of them left vesterdiy for
i.t.ier places. The Standard Beet Sugsr
fat-tory, at Leavltt. will run this season
and the company hss a force of men em
ployed getting ready for business. It la
feared that the heavy rains following the
hot weather of lust week, will lower the
! sugar content of the beets which, up to
I tha, Uma were of a hlsti srsda, -
C mi I LaJ is ami mi
i . . ...
17 Haply T:eWed TTv to Date from the
Iowa Executive.
Denaeeratie Committee Decldea to
Issassrste a Speakiaat Cssmslfs
with BrVaa and AUea as
Bis; Cards.
(FTom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 18. (Special Telegram.)
Governor Cummins of Iowa haa been
Invited to make several speeches In Ne
braska during the campaign. A telegram
was sent to him from republican state
headquarters today, but no answer has
been received. Should the Iowa executive
consent to coma across the river Norrls
Brown will go to Iowa and do some talking
over there.
In the meantime the appointment of C. H.
Reynolds as a member of tha atate commit
tee and of the executive committee to take
tha .place of J. C. Pettijohn. resigned, haa
caused some comment. . Ha wss appointed.,
by State Chairman W. B. Rose. At the
last committee meeting, when the resigna
tion of Pettijohn was accepted, it was
voted to delay the selection of his successor
until the next meeting of the committee.
Mr. Roee, however, has taken that work
off the committee's hands. It haa been
customary for the committee to fill vacan.
cies heretofore.
Referee la Lam bee Case.
The application of the attorney general
for tha appointment of a referee to take
testimony In the caae against the alleged
Lumber trust, filed In the supreme court,
has been granted. The court has not yet
selected the referee, but will accept sug
gestions from the sttorneys In the case aa
It did In the grain case.
At this session of the court It Is not un
likely tha caae brought by former Attorney
General Prout againat the State Journal
for S84.00O alleged to have been collected
by the fake reformer from the sale of
supreme court reports upon which the state
owned the copyright, will be decided. This
caae has been pending for some months, a
rehearing having been granted Just previ
ous to tha opening of the recent campaign
for nominations.
Drills for Xatloaal Gaard.
Competitive squad drills will be a feature
of the winter work of the National Guard
companies. At the meeting of the military
board today It waa decided to encourage
thaes drills snd to offer numerous prises
for tha best drilled squads. These will be
followed by section snd platoon drills, each
for a prise,
Phillip Cooper la still chief of police not
withstanding the demand of the ministers
that he be required to resign. Mayor
Brown asserts he has the power of removal
and after the hearing yesterday evening
before the excise board he announced em
phatically Chief Cooper waa In to atay. Rev.
Mr. Baton to the contrary notwithstanding.
Civil Hla-Ma Caae. ,
George Payne, manager of the pool room
In the Capital hotel, was tried In the court
of justice Bacon this afternoon for refusing
to allow Ora 8. Stout, colored, permission
to play pool In the hotel. Stout claims his
right, as a cltisen were denied him. The
court took the matter under advisement
Maay Hemes flooded.
Oak creek. Salt creek and Capital Beach
have united and formed a sea of water ex
tending from the west end of the viaduct as
far aa tha eye ran aee. The water la dan
gerouslj near the gas plant and many peo
itH" r' " il'il'fllM1"'"'.!;-
" Mk LJ
m- dik .
ill. m hi m r,
Mm mte '!! n
em mi I pi st fi''
Ilk.. . ,11 1 I P'' -
(Lj wim,. miJ IuZI Cmm3 C3 Kmmm
ple In the lowlands1 'have 'already been
drlverj . from their homes, and more will
have to get out during the night. The po
lice are patrollng the waterfront and are
ready for any emergency. Last night the
water began to recede and It waa thought
all danger was over, but the heavy. rain to
day swelled the streams and thousands of
dollars damages will be done.
' Democrats Decide on tampalfa.
The executive committee of the demo
cratic state committee met last night and
decided to Inaugurate a speechmaklng cam
paign and discussed other plans by , which
they expect to carry the state. It Is under
stood former Senator W. V. Allen will take
the stump for Shallenberger, while Mr.
Bryan will devote a week to speechmaklng
some time In October.
Governor Oat ef State.
Governor Mickey went to Kansas City
last night on private business, to be gone
until Wednesday or Thursday, while Secre
tary of State Galusha, Treasurer Morten
sen snd Land Commissioner Eaton went to
Hastings today to look over the Improve
ments In the Hastings asylum.
Snserlntendeat Davidson of Omaha
, Delivers Address."
BELLEVUK. Neb., Sept. 18. (Special.)
Following out the Idea that a good start
is half the race. Dr. Wadsworth aecured
the presence of Dr. Davidson, superinten
dent of the Omaha school, to give sn sd
dress to the students. Thst Dr. Davidson's
address waa an excellent force to start the
work of the year no one who heard It can
doubt. Dr. Davidson took aa hla aubject
for the morning. '.'The Great Problem of
the American School and College." Under
this title he made a magnificent appeal to
the students for a "good cltisen." He
summed up the substsnce of his address
In the motto he gave from the Hampton
Institute, "God and country first, ourselves
Rev. E. H. Jenks seconded Dr. David
son's address, highly recommending tha
thoughta he had. given.
Among those present front Omaha were:
Rev. Walter Reynolda, Rev. Mr. Purdy,
Rev. Mr. Hunter, Rev. Henry Lampe, Rev.
& H. Jenks.
'.. Wolfe' Named far Senator.
OAKLAND. Neb., 8ept. . 18. (Special.)
The Seventh senatorial district convention
met at the opera house here Monday.
Eric Morell of Oakland, waa chairman
of the convention and Harry Whltaker of
Craig, waa aecretary.
S. C. Wolfe of Craig, who waa allowed
to name his own delegatea st the Burt
county convention, waa endorsed by the
Cuming county delegation and was de
clared the nominee for senator. The fol
lowing were named as the senatorial com
mittee: A. J. White, Lyona, chairman; J.
E. Elliott, Weat Point, and A. H. Daniels,
Small Iliad of Fnalonlsts.
LTNCH. Neb.. Sept. M.-(Bpecial Tele
gram.) Tha democratic and populist con
ventions met In Lynch tonight and nomi
nated S. L. Whetmore of Knox county for
repreaentatlve of the Twelfth district. Three
democrats and one populist from Knox
county snd three democrats snd three popu
lists from Boyd, sat In tha convention; W.
II. Jreen, fusion nominee for lieutenant
governor, addreased the convention, as did
other speakers, It waa predicted by 1 popu
list speaker that In two years the popu
list party would be out of existence.
Hnnter Accidentally Shot. - -
BASSETT. Neb.. Sept. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) While out hunting with some
friends thirty miles southeast of Bassert this
afternoon Xoh Craudafi was accidentally
shot and killed. CraudaU was standing up
--IjtJSSX ' Utas-.
itVuG lit iff III 111
D ttSllnt's1 InaJ I'm"! i linJ (ZD
glad to "Show You
that Our Sales o
for Sis Months from January 1st to
July 1st, 1906 were
An increase of over 10
for the same period
. BUDWEISER exceeds in sales all other bottled beers,
even though it commands the highest price, because it is
the purest, best and most wholesome bottled beer in all
the world. ,
We court the most rigid examination of our beers and by all Pure Food Commissions.
.Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis U.S.A.
fjj taZHsa3 aC3 aaaaZsaaS. E3 eCZZmal
GEO. KRIIG, Manager
Anheuser-Busch Branch
behind the seat In a spring, wagon and a
gun lying across, the seat was discharged
and the load of shot entered his abdomen.
He lived about an hour. The coroner hss
gone to hold an Inquest. The deceased
had been foreman for a number of years
on the Overton ranch, but lately has been
living on his homestead In Rock county.
He lravea a wife and three small children.
State I'see Fp Two Dnys Introducing
TECUMSEH, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Tel
egram.) Ex-Banker Charlea M. Chamber
lain la being given a preliminary hearing
in the county court on a charge of having
accepted money - for depoMt in the failed
Chamberlain Banking house of thla city
after he knew his institution to be insolv
ent. Chamberlain waa cashier. Mrs. P. S.
Jones is the complainant in the case. Two
days heve been devoted to It and at aupper
time the atate rested. At least that much
more time will probably be required. A
similar case, C. H. Dennis against Cham
berlain, on the same charge, will come up
for consideration.
Increase Tost Ineomo.
Opportunities in all lines of business la
new and growing towns In Iowa, Illinois,
Missouri and Minnesota, Along the line of
the ChlcagoGreat Western railway. Write
to Industrial Department. C. O. W. Hy
St., Paul. .Minn., for "Town Talk" and
county map.
Fair and Warmer Today In Ne
braska and Booth Dakota Fair
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18.-Forecaat of
the weather for Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Wednesday and Thursdsy; warmer Thurs
day. I
For Kansas Fair Wedneaday and Thurs.
day; warmer Thursday.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair
Wednesday and Thursday; warmer
For Montana Fair Wednesday and
Thursdsy; cooler Thursday.
For Iowa and Missouri Showers and
cooler Wednesday; Thursdsy fair snd
Loeal Record.
OMAHA. Sept. 18 Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corTeapondlng day of the last three
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature.
Mean temperature
1906. 106. 1804. 1806
. 63 74 NO
. 69 62 67 43
. 61 63 68 54
. .81 .62 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with tha last two years:
Normal temperature 66
Deficiency for the day , 4
Total deficiency alnce March 1 U
Normal precipitation 10 inch
Excess for the dsy ,. .71 inch
Precipitation since March 1 22.72 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 I M Inches
Ienclency for cor. period In IMS. 4.11 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period in 1904. I Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station snd State Temp. Max. Rain
of Weather. 7 a. m. Temp. fall.
Bismarck, part cloudy. .... 68 72 .00
Cheyenne, cloudy 4ii 66 .02
Chicago, clear 72 SO .0
Iwvenport. part cloudy,... 82 im .iirt
Denver, cloudy..: 48 64 .16
Havre, cleur M , M .04
Helena, clear 7' 76 .00
Huron, cloudy 62 66 T
Kansas City, clear 74 . 7S .00
North Platte, part cloudy.. 63 70 .00
Omaha, cloudy 63 SI .81
Rapid City, clear 62 70 .09
St. Lnuia, clear S4 88 .00
Bt. Paul, cloudy 70 7 .00
Salt Lake City, clear M 72 .00
Valentine, clear 60 6 .0t
V'llllston. clear 74 78 .00
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
tun s hi J CaS
If '
mi -
mvs sic
Million bottles
of 1905.
r wmZZ3 C3
Interstate Commerce Commissioner 8tarts
Coal and Oil Inrestisration to Omaha,
J. T. Marchand of Washington, Gen
eral Attorney for Government,
Is tn City to Aid
Mr. Proaty.
C A. Prouty, Interstate commerce com
missioner, will be In Omaha today
for the purpose of presiding at an In
vestigation under the TUman-GlUesple sen
ate resolution pertaining to interstate com
merce as applied to railroads engaged in
the transportation of coal and oil. This
Investigation will apply especislly to the
Union Psclflc, but other railroads will be
included In the inquiry.
J. T. Marchaud of Washington, D. C,
the general attorney for the Interstate
Commerce commission, will conduct the
injury assisted by Elmer E. Thomas, at
torney for a small coal company filing
charges sgalnst the Union Pacific. Tha
Investigation will begin in the federal
court room at 10 a. m. Wednesday and
will continue for two days. Twelve or
more witnesses have already been sum
moned, including representatives of tha
Standard OH and certain coal companies
shipping over these roads.
An inquiry was begun Tueaday morn
ing preparatory to the public investiga
tion Wednesday. Two or three witnesses
were before the sttorneys for the Inter
state Commerce commission at their rooms
In. the' Psxton hotel.
From Omaha to Salt Lake.
After Commissioner Prouty has com
pleted his inquiry here he will go to Salt
Lake City for further Investigations. Tha
scope, of tho investigations snd Inquiries
to be held in -Omaha are similar to the
testimony taken at Cleveland and Chicago
and otner eastern points.
The Investigations will be public. Attor
ney Msrchaud said Tuesday rooming:
"It la our purpose to make These investi
gations as public as possible, being a mat
ter of news the public Is entitled to and
we will be pleased to give the press all
- - - ------ - -
3. In case of sickness none but the best should be accepted.
4. Our treatment is known the world over and has proved Us
merits In over 360,000 cases. '
5. We five value received, and that is the reason we are at the
head in our specialty.
6. Tha only Keeley Inatitute in the state ot Nebraska Is located
In Omaha.
' Correspondence Confidential.
from either depot Oil A HA, NEB.
the Information and to explain any part of
the proceedings."
The way Elmer Thomas comes to be
Interested In this case Is that as attorney
for some little coal company out. tn
Wyoming ha instituted charges against
the Union Pacific on the grounds that it
refused to build a spur track to ths new
Comes to Enter Hospital and All
Trace of Him Lost Since Shortly
After Arrival, j
A telephone message to the Omaha police
Monday night from Frank Nelson at
Niobrara, Neb., asked the aid of the local
authorities in finding Charles Karlatrshm.
a Swede 75 years old, who came to Omaha
three weeks ago for the purpose of secur
ing medical treatment and entering ' a
hospital. Karlstrahm is a person of some
prominence In Nlobrsra and no word hav
ing been received from htm by his friends
there, since he came to Omaha, has
caused considerable anxiety.
It waa learned Karlstrahm,. or a man
answering his description, called on Dr.
Robert Gtlmore two weeks sgo, snd It was
then arranged he should take a room at
the Wise Memorial hospital. ' An appoint
ment waa made for both of them to be
at the hospital at a certain time the next
Karlstrahm' waa on hand a little ahead
of time and utilised the Interval In In
spectlng his room and was apparently
entirely pleased. As Dr. Gllmore drove up.
snd waa about to enter the hospital, he
met Karlatrshm going out. Asking him
where he wAs going and receiving a satis
factory, though Indefinitely reply, the
doctor went Inside to wait for him.
That was the last seen of ths old men
so far ss the police can learn. He never
returned Inside the hospital or sent any
word. On coming to Omaha hs had with
him about $200 in cash and his friends ere
grestly worried, lest be haa met foul play,
end sre anxious to receive some Infor
mstlon regarding hint.
Gonial Rnya Another Lino.
BAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 18.-Tbe an
nouncement ia made that the Western Pa
cific has acquired control of ths Virginia
& Truckee rsllroad and will build into
Rsrto. Tha transfer of the property to the
Goulds hss not. It Is sold, been formally
made, and It will not be turned over until
the Western PaclBo has beer -sy.pieted.
1. Drunkenness, Opium,
Morphine, Cocaine and
other drug addictions
are diseased conditions.
2. Therefore, a e 1 n 1 1 f I e
medical treatment Is necessary.