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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1906)
Telephone Douglas 118. Simplified Storekeeping. When simplified storekeeping comes in high prices go out. Sim plified storekeeping simply means: t. K Buying for Csh, r ' Selling for Cash,. Paying no Commission. '' Makinf no Concessions Tkat all may not thsLrc. Simpijfied storekeeping! : Thompson, Belden & Company have been Mbing it for twenty years. , Fall Weight Underwear for ?.V,' .'Men..- ATftACTIVfcLY: PJUCED. , Medium-weight! eotfVm .underwear, cornet In the popular rlbptf .ty'; none better for j fit; color, brown. AhfV and ecru.- Drawer j bar double aeet; ea-good value at JOc! er garment. :s .t .''.'. i- - " ' Medium-wemni natural-, wool unaerw-ear, tscellent flnlah throughout. Juat lne-tlght weight for now.. Prlf, II' per garment.. Main floor. v . , Important, Too.. .. .. ... u , Now, do aJluHy'hard thjnkung whan oa. get ready-i'to Ajtiy ' four new black allk: irese ThriiripsoB. ftoi(!;n 4 Co. have sold Haekell silks vfer rtnty year. Pretty ood record, letr.l Of flrat Importance, price ticket anVinewspaper ada do not In dicate value. Eyeing 4a believing. Come and examine Hikela , alike; look-theni aver. Io not h-rltat look all the ques tlona you wanetreV',0t samples: show them to your fYfend, ?TIta-great cut-price tale on Hatkell'a filV la" to further ad irartlse them. Coma nnd bring your friends. Note: Sample wlirtie mailed to our out- f-town customer. .f , r In the water,, waa one coach with juat the top a font Vf' twoy iibov the surface. I could see four persons on top ol the car. 1 was helpless to.' Assist. Suddenly a large piece of driftwood bruahed them off the coach anJi the' next Instant they had gone down." K,r ,V FRICTION', fr JAP CABINET v? ; . , Dlplomate nnd. Warrior Have Serlau Dtffarenee la Regard to -i'- f-afe of Manchuria. VICTjpfA; B. C, Sept. 18. The ateamer 'Empress tt -India, which arrived yester day finti," tne, orient, brought: news of serious .dlfrerfnces.fh. the Japanese cabinet regarding. Japan's actfon Jn Manchuria. ' Vleeount tya'shl. formerly" minister to Great BrffanJ," 'tealgriAd i the ' post . of for-: elgn minister In" PieYiilit Batonlji's cab inet because of tbaatlon i&ken regard ing th South Manchurlan railway .system whfch Japan took over aa a .government concern. Japaneaq' ' veraacujar.. . paper pointed out that (the Qoarrel la really, a fight between dlploHiacy., bead by Vlaoount Hayaabl, and militarism', headed by Mar quis Tamagata. The military section op poaes the opening of Manchuria and, ranorevet. --wishes, tsi control the Manchurlan ..railroad; 11 1 strategy line,- while the dip-. Torhatlo ttA-tloft lias 'declared for th open ing of. Manchuria and sank .to subor dinate 'mflitarlam whit fighting for ' the .commercial '.development by Japan of . southern.. Manchuria. The military sec tion, , which -sought to appoint the late Field, Marshal Kodama In charge of the Manchurlan railway system, seeks to ap point a military advlaer who would In ef fect control the line. It waa In protest 'to, this 'arrangement that Viscount Hay ashl resigned. ' One Tvklo paper , point out the effort of - the- military section haa more than one occasioned relations, of more or leaa unsatlafartory, . character with America and England regarding Manchuria. Jr RANCIS READY TO COME HOME Head of St.' Loale World's Fair Pro- .. seals Last o Medala to ' Kfacs. ''PARIS, Sept.' 18. David ' R. Francis of th Louisiana Purchase exposition, arrived her; today from Brussels, where he pre sented the St. Louis exposition medal and diploma' to' King Leopold. ' Ths i mission abroad of Mr. Francla la thus completed and h (a excee'dlngly gran ted at' the' reception accorded . him by the vartou "Vowned 'head whom h visited. Mr-'.FrancIs will leave Cherbourg tomorrow on board th Kron'Prln William.- '' t Mr Praacls la watching th ' political development1 In - the Vnlted Statee with keen Interest. He told th Asaoclated Press . today that jn hi opinion th party advocat ing .government ' ownership of. railroads .wouUf.te. defeated In 1M. He was glad, .therefor, ' to sea that '.William J. Bryan jn his, Loulavfll speech had disclaimed tb ' Intaoflon of trying-to oramlt the dento- . craCy 1 that dootrlne.. . ' - . , If yon' hare anything to trade advertise 4t In th For Exchange t column of , The Be Want Ad pag. P . , "i lii)" ' ' ' - Equitable Life Assurance "Strongest In The following letter will prove of interest to all who may -,'tV .carry or are thinlring of taking out insurance. Mrlyll. P. JKeely, Manager, " -Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U S. ' Omaha, Neb. . ily Dear Sir: . :. ,, . ' , ; . ; I-,ani..glad to acknowledge "receipt of youf Society's cheeky paying tlie claim presented td your office, in Omaha, Septnber 12, 1906, on policies on the life of. jriy father," the late Hon- Kdward Rosewater. - ' - My father's life was insured 'for $21)499.00 in four teen different companies, the largest ' amount in' Any, one cco'mpany being held in the. Equitable, and you have made good your assertion that the Equitable would be' the first to pay any money to the estate. Tlianking you in behalf of all the family and executors "for the prompt manner in which you have made the settle pient, I remain, Yours Very Truly, ' " ' ' VICTOR ROSEWATER, Executor." - II. D.5 NEELY, Manager lor JVcbraska. . 482-3-5 Merchants' National Bank Eldg.. Omaha, Neb: The Opening of Our Millinery; Department. j - In suite of the dlaaareeable weather thfll opening haa been a great euccec. The trip la worth your while, aa the new autumn styles re certainly beautiful. Our allow ing of the neWeet atylea flrat, 'and at eco nomical prices, ha won. lor us the repu tation of leadera In thia line. This flrat faahlon ahow la a notable .event.- Tou are moat heartily Invited to be our gueat dur ing thla opening week. . Second floor? ; ' i : -., New Sweaters at Children's ; Department. Pretty, new atylea for fall. are here, now awaiting your seeing and choosing. ' ' Peter Pan blouae No. 161 la a handaoma, all-around garment for boy and girla be tween the ages of 2 and 12; knitted In hand some etltch and la made for service; - col or, -white, navy, cardinal, maroon and o foid; pretty brass buttons are used. Price, $2.00. ... i - Pastime blourfe No. 181 Is one of the moat popular numbers for boya and glrla be Open Saturday Evenings. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth LITTLE PROGRESS IN CUB: Netcotifttioni Between Government an Insurgents Almoit at Standstill LIBERAL LEADERS RELEASED FROM Ml Both ' Bide Wlik to Hits Plan Read to Submit to Secretary Taft on HI Arrival Today. HAVANA. Rent. 18 Notwlthstandlna . . . i, ; r. " Some appearances of activity; no dclelvj progress waa made today In the peace n gotlatlona. A few peace-aeekera went west ward in automobiles with the Idea of reach. Itig and conferring with Pino Guerra, th Insurgent leader In Plnar del Rio province, and othera visited Loynai del Castillo, the commander of ths Insurgent forces In Ha vana province, but the only definite thing reported la that the Insurgents In the field are' hot willing to enter on negotiations un til all the conspiracy prlanners ahall have been released. While It Is poaaoble that those most highly responsible may wchr basia of agreement In time' to present It to Secretary of War Taft' 'ahd Assist ant -Secretary of ' State ' Bacon. ' when they land hers tomorrow, there la nothing to ahow that auch a bast haa been reached as yet and there I every evidence that If If has been reached It will not be accepted. by the I Insurgent following.. I Considerable earnestness haa been ahown by some of th leadera looking lowards a ' settlement upon acceptable terma, but oth ers, and notably ao among the moderates, appear to be satisfied to let the raae rest a It la until It can be adjudicated by Pres ident Roosevelt' representatives. The liberal are more anxious to place themaelvea In a position which may be considered at leaat equally a strong as that of the government and eoneequently they are more persistently active. General Menoeal. th chief of the veter ana' peace commission, stated t othe As sociated Press tonight that the Important part of hla mission waa ended when h brought th leaders together. The liberals feel that they accomplished something In procuring the release of ths alleged con splrttnrs more recently arrested and In In ducing a cessation of hostilities. Part of their leaders also remark on the fact that the cessation of hostilities was the act of the government. Fight Sear Loa Palaelwe. Alfred Zayas, president of th liberal party, Informa the Associated Press that Colonel Avaloa, with 509 mounted men, at tacked a rebel fore under Pino Guerra yesterday near Los Palaclos In Plnar del Rio province. -The rebels' had ana man killed and two wounded.- The government soldiers had eighteen killed and thirty wounded. A second attack waa about to begin when Ouerra'a brother, In ths ca. pacity of peacemaker, arrived from Ha vana and urged. an armletlce, which was speedily arranged. The official repert of this engagement aays a party of Querra's men cam to Los Palaclos and sent In emissaries with an the World." Society, TUB ' OMAHA B, September IS, 1101. tween the ages of I and 12 years. It la an absolutely practical garment for hard wear In school or at play. Comes In white, navy and cardinal, with brass buttons.'. Price, 12.50 each. . v ' " Plain-knitted sweaters, either for hoys or glrla; colora red, navy and white.. Price, 14.60 each. . ... ; .-.,. . .... Main floor. . ; . . . . t. , . . Free Lessons; Art Embroidery; . . . . . - V Mlaa Steehstrup, .our ekpert needle aftletf gives free Instructions to fancy work every day from 2 to I p. m. All ihe newest and latest stitches are taught. Materlala must b purchaaed here. Investigate This. Form the habit of making your money work for you; visit the deposit a ccount de part men t on the balcony; depoalt aa much or as, little aa.-you. please. You buy lor cash-here .and the money that, you have work for you and earna Intereat. Thla la the secret-, of success, recommended by Thompson, Delden Co.. Investigate. Iter lo aurrendcr. - Befor an answer could e given the town waa attacked. Th ninety nllltlamen guarding the town fell back, .tMvIng aome dead add prlsonera. The .naurgents were finally dispersed by Colonel Avaloa' force. . Many depredations were committed by the Insurgents In the town. Of the militiamen three are dead and three wounded, and of the townspeople one la dead and two are wounded. Among the prisoners are thlrty-slx' militiamen. - Report from Sleeper Held Vp. WASHINGTON, Sept. 'IS. Acting Secre tary nf State Adee received a dispatch from Mr. Sleeper, American charge at Havana, concerning the situation on the Island, but In view of the prospective arrival In Ha vana of Secrftary Taft and party tomor row morning, th contents of the dispatch were not diecloaed. s. -;..,.. It la believed to have dealt toward the attitude of the Cuban government and the Inaurgenta toward the - American officials and the consideration to be given their mission., f,., 1Jl not known here, trhat course Secre tary Tsft and Mr. "Bacon will puraue on their arrival In Havana. . . Marine leaded ft ' Cieafaeaos. Commander Fullam of the gunboat Mari etta cabled the Navy department today that the landing force veema to have ovea awed the Insurgents -and that -tker Is at present no anticipation of further destruc tion "of property, Commander Fullam has 13) 'bluejackets on the Marietta, 160 on trie Dixie, and 300 marines. Information was received at th State department late to day from M. R. Spellman of the Colonial Cuban company at New York that he had been advlaed of the destruction this morn ing of the Esperansa sugar estate, near Clenfuegoa, Cuba. The estate was burned by Colonel Collada and a band of Insur gents. It la not known whether Colonel Collada waa unaware of the suapenalon of hostilities or merely waa "acting aa an out law. The Esperansa esttae la not far from the Conatantla estate, which waa reported to have been destroyed several daya ago. The Insurgent have been particularly active In ths vicinity of Clenfuegoa and are reported to have destroyed considerable property. Official advice concerning the burning of big plantations which have been reported from time to time are lacking, however. ' Some question has arisen over ths 'con tents of Mr. Spellman's dispatch and It la poaelble that he refera to the eame planta tion mentioned in Commander Fullem'a die patch received by the Navy department late yesterday afternoon. All of the ahlp of the navy deatlned for Cuba at preaent are on the ea and It Is expected they will constitute a. sufficient fores unlea pear plan fail and Inter vention becomes neceaaary, . It la understood that the navy will send a supply ahlp with food and a collier to Havana. . All Qatet ta Havana. Commander Colwell of the cruiser Denver cabled the Navy department today from Havana, saying that things were quieting generally and the leaders were diseueelng peace term. Oeneral Frederick Funaton, who la now on his way to Washington under order from th War department, will probably be assigned to command the army In Cuba, If Intervention should be found necessary. Whils orders have not been lsaued for ths movement of troops te Cuba, th army wa never better prepared for quick action. If It la found necessary to send troop to Cuba. Oeneral Funston Is probably as well in formed regarding conditions In the Island as any general officer in the army. Hs mad a good reputation In the Philippine and only aifew months ago be attracted atten tion by ths manner In which he handled th difficult situation growing out of ths employment of troops In San Francisco after th earthquake. Th fact that he is under orders to com to Washington and await further Inatructlona Indicate that hs Is "wanted for further Important duty. Minneapolis Goes Caba. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. Il.-Th big triple screw cruiser Minneapolis, with ITS marines snd a Urge quantity of ammunition and other supplies on board, alld from th Lreagu Island navy yard today for Cuba. Th Minneapolis arrived her last week and waa being placed out of commission when rush ordera were received from Waahlngton to Immediately prepare the cruiser for sea. . At th earn time marine were ordered her from Boston, Brooklyn, Minneapolis, Washington' and Norfolk and they went aboard the Minneapolis yester day. Captain , Flake declined to say to what particular Cuban port" h had been ordered. , " Utbaalaa Canal Meetlaa Delayed. ' WASHINGTON. Sept. ll.-Tb nxt meet ing of th Isthmian Canal commission Is scheduled for October 1 on th lathmua of Panama, but th meeting my be deferred until November, at th tlm th president maka hi visit. Chairman Shont intends to go to th Isthmus with ths president or will be ther at th time, and If the meet, ing Is deferred ha will not be obliged to luak two trU. - -- DAILY BEE; WEDNESDAY, CASH FOR: TRANSPORTATION Inline that Futmctr and rrtlcht BsrTio M ait On Tils Bail. POSTING -OF EXCURSION RATES Featc Ksplrea Within Three Day Settee (VsM(t Is Jelat WASHINGTON. Sept. 11 In an opinion rendered September IS. but msde public tody," the Interstate Commerce commis sion take Important action In construing the application of the new railroad rite law and providing general rules applying to Joint tariff rates on new line and to commutation, mlen(V uj- excursion ratea. The decision In fuIV 'a a follows; The Interstate t'ommrree commission. In nser to numsrntia inqulde from rallrond officials and other1 Jntereeted persons, and for the mirnnse rtr -lfc-ln Knmlnl.tmiu. cnhructlMl to certain: prnvlslona of the arhended act to reaulal commerce which -became-; efiectlve on -August :'8, vm, an- iiuui cm . -Tije following rulings: ' "Payment "for Transportation Nothing but money cVn be law(uljy received or ac- Jejvted in payment for transportation ub ect to the act;Whetlr 'of passengers or property.. r for slv ervlr in connection therewith, It belfig i Keptrilnn of the com mission - mat tne- promoiuon aranut charging or collecting a greater br less or different compensation than the established ratee In effect at the time precludes the ac ceptance of sen-Ices, propertv or other payment In lieu of money epeVAed In the published echedulea. "Notice of Changes In Rates-Where two or more connecting carriers establish a Joint rate which la less or greater than the aum of their local rates, auch Joint i rate is a civangc or ratea and requires a notice of thirty daya. In such case the Joint rate when duly established and In foroc becomes the only lawful rat for through transportation. "Nw Rosrus on new line tf road. In cluding branches and extensions of exist' Ing roads, ratea may be established In first Instance and also Joint rates to and from points on such new line without notice, on posting a tariff of such ratea and filing the. same with the oommlsslon. Exearaion Ratea. "Round Trip Excursion Rates It la the opinion of the commission that the ptd vislnna of the amended sixth section In respect to the publishing, filing and posting of tariffs- apply to the milengo, excursion and commutation ratea authorised by the twenty-second section. Such a rate when first established or offered la held to be a change of rates, which require a notice of thirty daya. No reason appeara why thla Ootlce should jiot be given in the case of mileage ratea, commutation rales, . round trip ratea or other reduced fates, which, like ordinary .passenger rates, are estab lished for an Indefinite period and appear to be a matter of permanent policy. Strictly excursion ratea, however, covering a named and limited period, are of a dlTrent char acter In thla regard and may properly be estnbllahed on much shorter notice.'' To avoid' the necessity for apeclal applica tion in eaaee of thla kind the' commission ha made general order fixing the fol lowing named time of notice for round trip excursion ratea, and carriers may gov ern themselves accordingly: "Rates for an excursion limited to a des ignated period of not more than three days may be established without further notice upon posting a tariff one day In advance In two public and conspicuous placea In the waiting room of the stations where the tickets for such excursion. are sold and mailing a copy thereof to the commission. "Ratea for .an exotirelon limited to a dertpneted pclud f rhortt' than three daya and "not '. mora : thwWrty day may- be establiahed uDon a notice of three day In plac of the thirty daya' notice otherwise required by the amended stath section. 'Rates for an excursion limited to a des ignated peilod exceeding thirty daya will require the statutory notice unlea shorter time I allowed In special case by th pomrnlsBlon." ": RILES FOR SHIPMENT OF .MEAT W'llsoa Annoaare Regalatloa 'for Enforcing; Inspection Law. WASHINGTON. Sept. U.-8ecretary Wll- gon-'todny - rOmrolaaled - the - . regulations- yndsrjthe new, niat , lnpcltlon law, gov erning in transportation oi meat in inter state and foreign Icommerce. There are eight amendment q the "regulation al ready In force and these hav to do with Interstate transportation, inspected meat and product, exempted meat, meat of fered for transportation by farmsrs and the restrictions upon "common In certain cases. The1 new regulations are 'embraced In a six-page circular' Which describes the products coming within their scope as car cames, parts of carcasses' and meat food products of cattle, eheep, awlne and goats. A "meat food product" Is held to be any article Intended for. human conaumptlon which la derived or prepared from any por tion of the carcaaa of cattle, sheep, swlhs or gosts, snd which, when eaten. Is capa ble of supplying nourishment or energy to the human body, or of repairing bodily waste. ' It la expressly declared, however, that a' mixture of which meat la an In gredient will not -be ' considered a food product unless the' meat contained therein IS a definite and considerable portion of th said mixture. "But," It Is stated, '.'when such a mixture Is prepared In an establishment where In spection la maintained, the sanitation of that portion of the establishment In which the aaid mixture Is prepared will b super vised by the department, and th meat or food product which enter the mixture will be inspected before, It enter th mixture. Th mixture will . not, b officially labeled Mixtures such as mine, meats, soups, etc., whfch come under , this . ruling and which MTCH CHEAPER. Orapa-Vnt AooeatpUsae Want Ooeaa Travel ama Kedlola Oeula Wo. Ifs not what you eat, but what you di gest that give strength. Many a man drag around year after year half dead because hi food Is not digested, and he take flrat on kind of medicine and'then- another, without re liefbecause medicine -cannot tak tha place of well dlgeated food, and never wilt Olve nature a fair chance, a a promi nent German-American of Chicago did. and If you're In a bad Hi from stomach troubl read what hs say and try it on. "About a year ago," h writ, "I wa afflicted with stomach trouble, which so enfeebled m I had to quit work. I grew o lean I wa merely akin and bones. "I had th advice of six different doc tors and two college profeor. On thought I had cancer 6f th atomach, an other advised a chang of climate snd recommended ocean .travel. I decided to follow this last and went abroad for three month. 'But my health became wore and worn, Th Uaat amount of food caused m awful pain, and I obtained relief only by having my atomach pumped out. . 'Nothing- did m any good. Soon I could tak no food at all except atralnd oat meal; then a time cam when I could not van tak that. I lott courage and pre pared myaelf to die. At that tiro my wlf brought m a package of . Grape Nut, but I had no confidence In anything any longer. . . 8he finally perauaded m to taata a f w spoonfuls of tha new food, and to my sur prise I retained It and had no distress. That mads me feel fin and encouraged to make another trial for life- For vr4 month I at nothing 1 avery day a bowl of Grapa-Nuta with cresm. and tu I regained my health, my old-time weight and am now as well as ever. I could not live without Grape-Nut.", Nam given by Post urn Co., Battle Creek. Mich. "There' a reason. .Read the littla book. "Th Road to Wellvlll,'' in'pkg. SEPTEMBER 19, 1901?. .-rJl re not officially labeled ar allowed In Interstate and foreign rornmerce without Inspection and without certlflcatea. subject to th provisions and requirements of th pure food law and th regulations made thereunder. "- Th regulations further hold that prod uct uch a meat Juice, meat extract, etc.. Which r Intended. nd ued only for medl. cal purpose and which are advertised only to the mrdical profession ar not meat food product. The regulatlnna are to become eff-ctlve on and after Octobef 1 next, but shall net apply to the contlnuoaa carriage of meat r of meat food products which are In transit on October I next. Then follow the various regulations, re quiting that no person, firm or corporation shall receive for transportation or trans port from one state or territory or the restrict of Columbia any' carcass, meat food product, etc, until a certiflcat la made and furnished according to the sev eral forms which the regulations prescribe. These call for the most exact statements of the name of the railroad to which the shipment . le-.ofTered, the shipper, the con signee, point of shipment, point of destina tion, csr number and Initial and whethev the establishment Is exempted, snd. if so. Its' exempted number, whether the meat sre inspected or uninspected. The regula tions slao provide for the forwarding to the chief of the bureau of animal Industry of. dupTlcnte certificate In rase Where th meats have been lupcted nnd the ship ment placed In a railroad car. sealed by an employe of the bureau. In these case it Is not required that the meats shall be marked "Inspected and passed." Duplicate certlflcatea alao . are required In the case of exempted meets and products, and shall he senarate and apart from any waybill. bill of lading or other form ordinarily uaed In the shipment of meet. As to these latter product the certificate must show that "the eald meet or meat food producta are sound, healthful, wholesome and fit fur human food." Farmers shipping meat must give a simi lar certificate of purity and who1eomens, duplicates to be sent to the depnrtment at once. One of the principal regulations Is that requiring that "all original certlflcatea de livered to the common carrier aa required In these regulations shall be retained nnd filed by th Initial carrier In order that they may be readily checked by thia de partment In such manner as the secretary of agriculture may from time 'to time pre scribe.". ' - ' - AK, SAR AND BEN, THREE LIONS liable of Bessie, Qaeen of tha Ani mal Family that X ome to ' . Fnll'Festrvnl. Bessle.'one o the linnesee of the animal clreua of the New Parker Arriusemnt com. pany," which will be on the King's High way this year. Is the mother of thre baby Hons. Press Agent Fred J. Hollman, who haa arrived In Omaha, has had word of the birth of the Cubs from General Manager Harry R. Raver at Yankton, 8.' D where the show now Is. Mr. Raver says one of the Cuba Is to be named Ak, one Bar and the other Ben. They will arrive fcn Omaha next Monday. Mr. Hollman says they will Pe old enough to le'av their mother's cage fdr short In tervals and allow themselves to. be fondled by the subjects, of Samson. ' ' . Gould Diets, chairman of.tne parade committee Of the Ak-Sar-Ban Board of Governors,' reports th responses to his Invitation to participate In the- l'nduat rial parade aa most liberal. The prises offered for this and' the flower parade are prov ing ag extra 'inducement to ' make th xhrbltdrii put; forth considerable effort for1 something htee in the hope of winning one -aC. tha- prtaea-vDecpratora ara; al ready at work on om of the parades and the1 preaent Indications ar .' these psradei will surpass anything ever pulled off In Omaha In that line,. The committee having In charge th Ak-8ar-Ben float parade ha requested tht all th float men call at Lleben' coatumlng eatabllshment and be fitted out for th parade. There will be 100 men on the floats and eighty horsemen. SULTZ , WANTS SUIT QUASHED Husband - Declares His Wife 'Waa Iasaae When tha Asked for Dtvorea. Kaaper Suits, whoae wife brought ault again st him for divorce after he had filed an insanity complaint againat ner, haa filed formal' objectlona to having her suit heard. H declares shs was Insane when she filed the petition and consequently It should be dismissed. The Insanity board after hearing the evidence decided Mr. Suits wa Inaane, but not to a degree td warrant her being placed In the asylum. The commission recommended the ap pointment of a guardian for her. Charlea 8. Logan, a Florence merchant, haa filed ault for divorce from Minnie 8. Logan, alleging she ha a bad temper and continually nag him and quarrel with htm. Both hav been married before and both hav children by th former union. H say h refuses to do anything 'fur him or hi child. He declare her action cause him anguish of mind and makes it almost , Impossible for him to attend to business.. Ha offers to allow her th custody of their Infant child. Frank Will has secured a decree of divorce from Florence Wllle on th ground of extreme cruelty. MEDICAL ALUMNI BANQUET eventy-Flva Gvaaaate af ttata lal verslty Attend Meeting at CansaaaateUI C1as. - Th Alumni Medical society of th Uni versity of Nebraska, held Its fourth an nual banquet and biennial gathering at th Commercial club room Tuesday even ing, beginning at ;0 o'clock. Ther war abouut sevsnty-flv persons present, most of tham from Nebraska. Dr. A. M. Tlnley acted as toaatmaater after the dinner had been aerved, . and th following toasts war delivered: "On Mor Year," J. F. Allen of Omaha, class of 107; "Medical Education of th Future," E. J. C. Sward of Oakland. Neb., class of 1SSI; "Th Price of B access." H. M. McClanahan of Omaha; "The Uni versity and th Medical School," Dean Henry B. Ward of th Stat university, and 'Th Modern Medical School," Palmar Find lay of Omaha." DEATH RECORD. n. J. Tat-In.' SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. ll.-R. J. Tobln. on of th founder of th Hibernla bank and I former president, died early today after a lingering Illness. H formerly wa a police commissioner and was on of th best known cltlsens of Saa Francisco. Chart W. Leaaaa. SIOUX CITT, la.; Sept. 11. Charles W. Lennon, local manager for Armour A Co., died at hi home her thla afternoon of Bright' disease. He waa born In Ireland and was M year' old. Eddy Transferred ta Berlin. WASHINGTON, Sept. II. floenrer F. Eddy of Illinois, flrat secretary of h American embassy at at. Petersburg, :ia been transferred to a similar position In th American embassy at Berlin, suc ceeding H. P reive! podge tit Mut I ! O'Donahoe-Redmond-Horirtile Co. Wish' to inform their many friends and customers that they have MOVED into THEIR NEW STORE SIXTEENTH , and HOWARD STREETS, and will be ready for . BUSI NESS IN A FEW DAYS X See Announcement Later MM We respectfully invite you to consider our ad- - ' vantages. We pay 4 per cent interest on depos- - its. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time. All are protected by first mortgages on improved , x real estate, municipal bonds and warrants, and ' are absolutely gqod. Write for more complete information on banking by mail. OLDEST AND STRONGEST SAVINGS BANK . .. IN NEBRASKA. CITY SAVINGS BANK, 16TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. Linen Mesh sKncipps lm Underwear chusetts, who has been appointed first secretary of ' the . American embassy at Toklo.." HAWAIIANS ATTRACT CROWD Second Klght of Band Concert Mora Liberally Patronised Than ; ' (he Flrat. A larger crowd greeted the Royal Ha- wollan band at Its . performance Tuesday night. Owing to. tha fact that some of the stsge accessories did hot arrive To- banl's masterpiece, "Tone Pictures of tha Civil Wsr." was nOWglven, but th audi ence was favored with a very entertaining program, which Included' a number of Hawaiian songs by Miss I-el Lehua and the glee club.- and the young woman was forced to respond with an encore. Popular dance music waa played after the regular , program and th audience danced. Mlaa Lehua wa among those on the floor. Tobanl s composition will b rendered to night. Friday night it will be given with special accessories and the veterans of the civil and Spanish wars and members of the- Thurston Rifles . and th Omaha Guards will take part. ; , sow on Plke'a Peak. COLORADO SPRINOS. Colo., Sept. IS. The elements evidently are planning to do their part In making th Plk' Peak centennial celebration which opens in this city nit Monday a success. Last night there wa a fall of from on to four ft of, mow, th heaviest mow vr known on Pike Peak during September. Snow plows were . used today to open up th Cog railroad- "H FIRE RECORD- t .Bars a4 Content. KBOLA. In.. Scot. IT. (Special.) A barn containing eighty ton of hay and agri cultural lmplmnts on th premises of William Duff, residing eight ml lea south 1 QQlIof fman House or $2.50 per box of 50 all this week. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., . CUT RATE CIGAR DEALERS. 16th a FARNAN STS. Originator of selling 10c clgara for Sc 4MMEMK1TI. AUDITOMUR1 on wzti, Bicuino Monday Even'g, Sept. 17 ROYAL HAWAIIAN' BIND Acooaapaaiad by th Qle C... and Bolotata. Matin at S-.30 Se.ry Afternoon, ex cepting Moaday, Svsalug Conoarts at S:l p. bb Banoe Mosle aa Tn.edsy, Tkoisflay and aUuday Ever In is after th Kagwlar Concert. rovuLAB raicssi sse est aoc BY I The Doctors Say: Linen Mesh Underwear, for Health Kncipp Linen Mesh Underwear it the only fun Linen Mesh Underwear obtainable. OUARANTEB The maker empowers ua te replace wlthsut question ny garment la th natural shad that doe net glv satisfactory wear. BROWNING, KING & 00., . Corner 15th and nouglm. : a el east of this city, was struck by UghtDlng during the storm last night and was eon sumed. Ther was an Insurance of $4,000 on the barn, but there wa none on th hay. Th loss will reach $1500. "Katy" Pa tat Shop. SEJDALIA, Mo., Sept. U. Th paint h6 of the Missouri, Kansas A Texas railroad burned her early today. Eleven cars .nnd coaches. Including th prlvat cr of 7 P. Allen, vice president and general, managei of the company, were alao deatroyed. Th loss is estimated at $100,000. The cause ef the fire Is not known. AMVSEMENTB. BOYD'Swcw.?. Mgrs rrlday, ataturday Saturday . Matin JAM4S O'NBILL In farewell tour KOITl CKXBTO. mi vBBrosMAjrozs -: " Commsaciug Bandar Wight, gtapt. 3J SDWUT AXDEX - in iois nr hi ko.z.9. Direct from Its great success Power" s Theatre, Chicago. BURWOOD Wo7. Utrt TOVBTM BIO Will. ' Tonight All Weak Til hi WOODWARD STOCK -CO. in tii AiiTAjt or ranasiur. Price Night and Sunday ma line, 10c, 26c; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday matinee. 10c, 2uc. ' ' Nst Week Tha fcedy ef Lyons. Same Capacity Uualnaaa. s KRUG THE A THE lSc-3Se-50c-7ic Tenigh Sill. '. Matinee Wednesday. tiM. L. THOIU nlUXT Lillian Mortimer 5 f a Her X.aett Oosaedy Dram' No Mother to Guide tier A Mammoth Scanl VrodoeUoa ef Aetna! Kappealaga. . . MATINEE TODAY, 25 Thursday XAV&OV'g) FAVTASMA. "Phons Douglas 4M." Every Night, Matlnae Thur.. fiat , Sua MODERN . VAUDEVILLE - Paul iipaooni, Jajdes Thornton, Water bury Bros. A Tenny, Macart'a Dog and Monkevs Lillian Ashley, liryan A Nacllue, Chas. Ledcgsr and th Klnodrom.' Price luc, Zoc. 60c. ; - BASE BALL VINTON ST. PARK d ... OMAHA VS. LINCOLtl Sept. 15s 18, 17, 18. 19 Monday, Sept 17, Ladies' Day. j Game Called 3:45,' ' - d V 0 CRCIOHTON ' at