Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Office, 10 Pearl
Davis, drugs.
Clark!, sodss. ,
Bteckert Mils carpet
'Fin engraving at LefferYs.
fed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Oct those tit w photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating, Blxby Bon,
Lwla Cutler, funeral director, phone 7.
Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel 111.
School supplies. Alexander's, M B'way.
Buy your phonograph and record from
Wllltstnsea,. 17 South Main street
George Hoegland haa the Sanaa Shall
brick. All hard brick. Oct bl price.
Ars you going to build? It I no trouble
to gt Hafer'a prleec at Council Bluffs, la.
flea Stephen- Bros, for Hie brick and lira
cla,-wer pipe; titling and garden hone.
Star chapter No. 47. Royal Arch Masons,
maateT.deL"' '' ork in . the piSl
We take contracts for paper hengtr.g, :
painting and interior decorating. Borwlck,
ill bouth. Main.
- Night school open Monday evening, B'p
t em her 17. College .office open evening
.'Ids .week. Western, Jowa College. .-. t
J. T. McCabe was (sailed a building per
mlt yesterday for a I o-story frunie resl- I .Avenue A, to cost tl.&iiO. .
"Thousands, of piece of sheet music and
chtssu-ai nod home.eongs at 10c -each, at
the BcAulctiis Piano House, 336 Broadway,
Council Bluffs. Ia.
I pay 111 per ton for cast Iron; mlxsd,
IWt siove, g; rags, l4o per lb.; rubber,
1ci topper, 14o per lb.. J. Katelman, 803
Main, both 'phones tbO.
We wholesale Ice cream. Shipped to any
part of the state.' Special prices to the
retail trade. I Muecl. 211 Wast Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 4.
newsDO-uer work duri'na the summer vaca-
tlon, left yesterday to take up hi studies '
at the-Iowa State- university,
Wj nave the finest line of sample monu
, metrti to select from In the west. Sheeley
AV Lane Marble- and Granite worka, 117
We have the piano that has Just the ton
to- suit you. W will -save you money on
It. 4 Easy terms. A. Hosne Co., 26 Bouth
Main street. Council bluffs.
City Treasurer Frank T. True I In De
Moines, where he expects to remain for a
week of Jttore Working with the committee
of which he Is a member In preparing a
uniform, system Of, accounts for municipal
ities Iowa.
The. tblrd annual fair and fall festival
of the Ladles' Aid society of Garner town
ship wilt be held In Glendale chapel on
the site of the old Grange hall tonight and
Thursday- night. A musical and literary
program -wijl be given each evening.
. Assistant. County1 Attorney Ross stated
yesterday.' that he hoped the grand Jury
would be able to make at least a partial report-
today- or. Thursday. The. number of
criminal cases submitted to the errand turv
at this session has been greatly above the
average. ..........
'The Misses AHmansperger are home from
Mthdea; -le where they were called by the
uivc-n nr innr miim. Alls, nan roisin. i nev
were? accompanied home by their young
cousmt p-rlts Foliln, who will now make
rile hon-fe-at-rha Altmansperger residence) on
JPark avenue.
"The Clark Drug, company will serve the -following
drinks this week: American
Sundae, i6c; M&dja, We; Southern Beauty,
15c; Eldorado Buudaa, J60; Tropical Sundae,
16c; Happy Thought., lta: Carmacleta Kiss,
20c; Horlleke Malted Egg Punch, 15c;
Msple Leaf. 10c.. . " '
- There, is no argument about having your
carpets and t-tega' eleatned -by machinery.
It fs-not an -experiment.' Charges' are very
moderate.' Prompt . service. The Council
Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Mfg.. Co.
Tel. 616. 34 No. Maid St. We make beauti
ful Tuks out -of old worn-out carpets.
- C. W, Miller of Waverly and J. F, Mc
Gintr of Knowltoci, chairman and secre
tary, respectively, of the democratic atate
central committee, were In the city yester
day: In attendance at the Porter meeting
and Incidentally conferring with J. J.
Hughes,, member of the committee from the
Ninth district. .. .
The police' found In the weeds at Twelfth
avenue and Ninth etreet a badly rain
soaked leather dress suit case, evidently
the property of S. F. Dowllng of Madison.
Neb. The cage had been broken open and
apparently robbed of Its oontents with the
exception of a few collars and other minor
articles of a man's wearing apparel.
As a number of the attorneys desired to
attend the opening of United States court
and others wished to take part in the dem
ocratic conventions and reception to Can
didate Porter, Judge Macy obligingly ad
journed district court foe the day yester
day. He announced he would make a third
assignment of equity cases tbla morning at
t o clock. , ..,'.
The receipts Jn the general fund at the
Christian Home last -week were 1112.70, be.
In" Urt lO belbw the needs pf the week and
decreasing the, balance In this fund to
SOttu. The amount needed In the Improve
ment and contingent fund for the re
mainder tit 1906 is Ifi.OMr In 111. mar.. ,.,.
fund the receipts were 161.75. being Jl.7
above -the' needs of the week and decreasing
...w u.ui-tirj ur mi- iuija a aaie to soOl.ZJ.
The hearing-of L, Joffe, the Lower Broad
way grocer and meat dealer charged with
having tainted beef on sale, was continued
In police court yesterday until thl morn
ing after the testimony of Dr. S. T. Miller,
u"u inspucror, naa oeen taken, ur.
Miller testified that he visited Joffe's place
last Saturday and that he found maggota
In the Icebox" and Other conditions hot at ail
satisfactory. He instructed Joffe to thor
oughly clean up and renovate the place,
but on viaitlng the place again , Monday
found that hla orders had been ignored.
Jaaapa from Third-story Wladavr.
Thomas Flynn! a patient at the Council
Bluffs General hospital, said to be suffer
ing from .the effects. of a protracted apree,
began to see snakes and reptilea of various
hues, and shapes on the walla of his roem
about f, o'clock yesterday morning.. The
nurse In attendance wis unable to control
him and went' to the telephone to request
the noliee- te sen am officer. White the
nurse was .thus engaged Flyhn decided he
would escape from the things' which were
pureujng-! him and' dived through ths
window, carrying the screen with him. The
room .from which Flynn dived was on the
third floor, -but he landed on th.
r which was sort after the rain, and escaped
Injury. .Ha, wa sWiewhat stunned by the
fall and before he could get any further
he was seised by attendant and taken
back Into the building.- He was later trana-
xerrea ip i. Bernard's hospital.
- . Fr Sal,
vi-uLuxiU vrt.Mnu, DUNCAN tk
1 " A. JMetsaar v.
New Location of Woalsaale .Bakery,
. IK Mynster Street. Co. Bluffs, ia.
Home-mads Bread a Specialty.
; -Visitor Welcopi.
Marriage Ureases, - - - ,-
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following1:
Name snd Residence. - . Ass
V'.'..aund,'l, fouivcll Bluffs i)
Julia Hamilton, council Bluffs ,
iinaVii'rvn:', M-;U":-&
. , '
r.rvin nl'i i itv , n c ...
GOOD quality are MATTERS. OF
LUTER; they are of much Importartce to
by having all three of the right stand
ard w have gained and continued to holj
e trade of a. large and discriminating
Cfciii Of customers.. Can't wa have, vonn)
OiWr e ailed, pi eniptly and -carefully
apd Si-tee ars aa tow as ths prevailing
H..itMtri tm pfiuuu j0ho Olson, 7 U
mi iicnj v
St. Tel. 48.
CoDTentioni Both Oompelltdto Taki a
Btctti to Esaxoh Thtm Out.
m . aexsnnnanansBw w
William C. Campbell of Barlaai to.
F. W. Miller of Cenaell
BlasTs for Jadge.
For Congress William C. Campbell, Har
lan. For Judge of District Court Franklin W.
Wilier, council Blutis.
These nomination, were made yesterday
by the democratic convention of the Ninth
congressional and Fifteenth Judicial dl.
The two conventlona were called for the
morning, the judicial at 10:30 o'clock .and
the congressional at 11 o'clock,' but a lack
of delegatea and candidates resulted In- a
postponement until the afternoon. Even
a'ter dinner It was apparent that there
waa the utmost difficulty being experienced
In securing candidatea willing to be offered
up as a sacrifice on the political altar. .
The judicial, convention wa supposed to
name three candidate for Judge of the
district court, but In view of the lack of
aspirants It -was decided by the party man
agers to nam but one. F. W. Miller,
former chairman of the Pottawattamie
county central committee, and a member of
the Council .Bluffs bar came to the rescue
and consented to accept the nomination.
The congressional convention had a like
difficulty In securing a candidate. The re-
fusal of I T. Genung of Mills county and
8. T. Cochran of Harrison county to sl
low their names to be brought before ths
convention left a big void In the field. A
till hunt was Instituted by the leaders
for a candidate' and just when .lt looked
ss If the convention would be Obliged to
adjourn without making a nomination, the undying enmity of the railroad. Tak
William C. Campbell, publisher and edl- Ing that vetoi as the" third'; term 'emergency
tor of the Harlan Tribune,-who had pre- for Governor Cummins, Mr. Porter, who
sided over the Judicial convention, .offered
to play the part of the sacrificed limb.
Business bone In Hnrry.
Bath convention were called to order
by Herman Bchurg of thl city. About
twenty delegates. Including those from the
city, ' constituted both gatherings. Th
work i of the two meetings. Including a
speech from ' C. W. Miller of .Waverly,
chairman of the stats committee, occupied
about fifty-five minutes.
Vf. C. Campbell of Hsrlan, later nomi
nated for congress, presided over the Ju
dicial convention, assisted by " W. F. Hill
of Glenwood as secretary. The usual com
mutes on credentials and .permanent or
ganisation were' dispensed with and the
temporary organisation made permanent
by vote of the convention.
Mr. Miller was nominated by acclama
tion after the convention had decided on
motion of S. B. Wadsworth to name but
one candidate for the district .bench In
place of three. Mr. Miller, on being called
for, made a, short speech In wh.lch he said
the democratic party In Iowa was on the
eve of a great success and that there would
be a great change In ths political, com
plexlen of the state this fall.
' The congressional convention . was pre
sided over by Frank Tamissea of Mis
souri Valley, with M: Flaihmant 6f Mine,
ola aa secretary. As In the Judicial con
vention the usual committees were dis
pensed with.
Roscoe Barton of Avoca placed Mr.
Campbell In nomination and the Hatinn
editor- was declared the candidate of the
party for congress by acclamation. Call
for Mr. Campbell met -with no response
as at the close of the previous gathering
he had left the' court house and could
not be located. .
V Miller Optlmlstle.
At the close of the judicial convention
and before the calling to order of th
congressional convention Chairman Miller
of the state committee addressed the
gathering. He optimistically . ' declared,
'We are going to win. There Is no quer
tion of It. We are going to vln because
we deservs to win. We are right' in the
great paramount laaue before the people
of Iowa. The paramount laaue Is not that
of railroads, or tariff. It la that of 'men'
and we have the right men. We have
selected Claude R. Porter because-he li
the right man to carry the m sage to
Garcia. We at first had thoughts that
Cummins was going to carry the mes
sage to Garcia,, but our opinions changed
when he Issued his message, i Why, that
message was about as useless a a last
year's wash bllL"
At the close of the convention C F.
Swift of Harlan was made chairman of
the congressional committee and 8. B.
Wads-worth of Council Bluffs chairman of
the Judicial committee.
Page, Montgomery and Audubon counties
were not represented In the Judicial 'con
vention. The other counties named the
following as members of the judicial
committee: Harrison, Frank Tamiasea;
Fremont, 3. C Shockley; Mills, M. Flam
mant; Shelby, W. C. Campbell; Pottawat
tamie, F. H. Shoemaker; Cass. William
Garlack. . -
Adair gnd Audubon were not represented
In the congressional convention. The fol
lowing counties named a member of
th congressional committee: Case,' J. H.
Jones; Guthrie, - H. at. Fagln; Harrison,
W. J. Burks;-Mills, M. E. Hufftneker;
Montgomery, E. O. Gardiner; Pottawat
tamie. H. Schurs; Shelby, C F. Swift
Theater Well Filled Hear Deae.
' eratle Candidate.
Hon. Claude R. Porter of Centervlll,
democratlo candidate lor governor of Iowa,
received a flattering reception in Council
Bluffs Tuesday. Despite the Inclumenoy of
the weather, the meeting at the, opera
I hn,,u in th. ...nin. rtrmigrrtt nut n xaiirfli.
ence which filled the lower part -of the
house, while a number of seats In ths bal
cony were occupied. In th afternoon
hundreds greeted Mr. Porter during the In
formal reception held at the Grand hotel.
On arriving In th city yesterday morn
Ing Mr. Porter went to the transfer depot
while the reception committee was waiting
for him at the local station. Consequently
I he arrived at the Grand hotel alone and
j unheralded. Following the reception In the
j afternoon, Mr. Porter was guest of honor
at OIIU,er at me noma or. Mr. and Mrs.
Enlmet Tlnley on Willow avenue, the etner
futmt, on. u T. Gi,UI1,, fw-retary
McGinty of the st.t. committee. Chairman
I Miller of the state committee, Herman
I Schurs, A. W. Caeady. Louis Zurmeuhlen,
' , . . , . m n n. .
jr.. Mayor Macrae and 8. B. Wads wort a,
The opera house wss taatefully decorated.
the. stage especially presenting, a pretty
picture with n immense boquet of red
roate gracing the table. Mayor James
j Dahlman. Hon. Lysle I. Abbott and d. M
I Hltrhonrk of Omaha. wrunlat aeta nn th.
atage in addition to the local reception
onmnlttoV iid other prominent members of
the prty.
' lion. S. B. Wadworth srtslded ana made
a short opening address, arousing consider
able enthusiasm by frequent references
to William Jennings Bryan.
Mr. Porter, who was greeted with ro
longed applause, opened his address by
thanking the democrat and people gener
ally of Council Bluffs to thf very jfefieT
ou reception tendered him. Wnlle not a
ftnlthrd oratar like his distinguished op
ponent. Governor Cummin.' Mr, Porter
proved himself sn agreeable speaker. While
a very large part of his address referred
to the republican candidate for governor,
Mr. Porter refrained from any personalities
and undoubtedly won many friend bv
reason of this, as It Is no secret that many
of the leading democrats In Council. Bluffs
are whst might be termed "Cummins men."
Mr. Porter, who wa.. frequently Inter
rupted by applause, said (n part;
I shall unqualifiedly and unreservedly ac
cept as the latest expression of the demo
cratic principles the plaeform adopted at
the Waterloo convention declaring, as It
does, "adherence and devotion to the funda
mental principles of the democretic faith
tersely ssserted In the words 'equal rights
to all and special privileges to none.'
Whetner It shall be my lot to lead the
hosts of democracy to victory or defeat,
before and after the election, I ahati be
found expounding the principles of democ
racy as set form In that document, and
assure you that I shall st no time deem It
within my province to set up standard dlf-
j ferent from that promulgated by the au
t thorlsed representatives of democracy of
j thl state.
It la not my right or prtveleg to add
to or take from A single plank of that
platform, nor .o set up personal views. If
any I have differing from the majority of
my party as expressed In their convention.
I do not believe It is wise statemanshlp,
or In harmony with .the-aplrit of our re
publican Institutions, that any man, or set
of men, shall be continued In control and
possession of the highest offices of the state
or nation for a longer period than two
terms; that ho matter What the occasion,
or how great. the demand, there ran always
be found in this state or-nation-a man.
or men. . worthy and able to meet any
condition that may arise, no matter how
grave or important.
Permit me. a the head thl year of th I
democratic ticket, to present their plea
Mr" hi. .peecb -'last night, for
th. first time In hi. campaign, attacked
y.. 1
' "I """ 7. J"
cause, as chief executive In 1902, he vetoed
what la known aa the "Molesberry bill," a
bill to permit railways to assume unlimited
Indebtedness. Mr. Porter declared that
Governor Cummlna haa that vote the
basis for his present' fight oA Iowa rail
road, and has declared It won for him
was a member of the Iowa senate at the
time, showed' that - bis- vote; was oris of
only eight In the senate that' were cast
against the bill, when It was passed before .
the veto, and that he was one of two
member, who spoke against -the. measure
and voted against It .when It came up In i
a similar measure,., which was afterwards
presented and which became a law -by the
governor's approval, but which he (Porter),
also opposed with his voice and hi vote,
wa. the bill desired by the railroad com
panies and wa. In reality more of an evil
measure than the one which met . Its death
at the hands of Mr. Cummlna' s' t"
At the close of Mr. Porter's sddreee. Hon.
ti. T. Genung of Glenwood; made 'one . Jif
his characteristic talk, which the audience
evidently thoroughly enjoyed.'. Mayor Da hl
man, Hon. Lysle I. Abbott and Mr. Jlltch-
eock were also called upon fpr short talks.
For imported wines, nonors and Bud-
weiser .beer go to L. RosenfeldrholeseJe
liquor dealer, fill South Main street
met restaurant 130 Broadway.
Inspecting Damage by, Rla. . ;
The city council met yesterday afternoon
In committee of the whole and 'Inspected
the damage done by the heavy r4tn last
Sunday on North Second street, - Water
followed the pipes recently laid In the -upper
end Qj the street beyond the paving and
undermined the concrete base of the brick
pavement for a considerable distance.. Deep
ditches were cut by ths water in the Upper
part of the street, making travel hazardous.
The committee decided that the water
works and gas companies be instructed to
at once repair the damage done by the rain.
the work to be carried out under the super
vision of the city engineer.
The committee also Investigated condi
tions at Third street snd Ninth avenue,
where former Councilman Casper had com
plained that the crossing Constructed after
the paving had been laid acted aa a dam
and caused large deposits of mud and
debris to be thrown upon hie property. Tho
sbatlng of the trouble complained of was
left with Councilman Wallace and City
Engineer Etnyre.
The council will meet this Afternoon to
assess some paving recently completed by
Contractor Wlckham.
CENTRAL FLOUR C. 15, Every aaek
warranted. Cential Orooery and Meat Mar
ket. Botb 'phones M. . ,
N. T. Plumbing Co. TeL 110. Night Ltls.
V ' '
Real Estate Traasfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
September 11 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Fred L Lalnson and wife to the Laid
uon Greenhouse, part of lot 10 In
nwt neV, and part of lot I in ne4
ne4 30-75-41. w. d t 4.000
Alma V room an and husband to B. N.
Jordan, lot 10, block 1, Street's add.,
w. d 1,000
Ed N. Jordan to S. V. Bamhart and .
J. J. Klein, lot 10. block 1,, Street a -add.,
w. d ..." 1,000
Executor estate of A. Cochran, de
ceased, to Kate B. Culton. lots 7, I -
and 1. block 5, Cochran'a add., w. d. 175
C. B. Cutler to J. H. Leach, lot 7.
block 6. Thompson's add., w. d. ...'.'.. ' 'JsO
Frank Million to Oreenshields A Ev
erest company, lots 10 and 11, block
11. Evans' Id Bridge add., w. d...... ,200
Interstate Realty company to: C. V.
Miller, lota 10 and 11, block It, Ev
ans' 2d Bridge add., w. d 200
J. H. Leach and wife to J. P. -Seott, '
lot T. block 6, Thompson's add., w. '
a 150
Charles A. Hamilton and wife to Ben- .
lamln-Fehr Real Estate company, -lot
2S. block 15. Ferry add., w. d.... 10
County treasurer to I.llllan A. .I-eeter, ' '
lota 1 to tt. block 54, Railroad add.,
tax deed H
Lillian A. Lester to Mrs. L. I. Mou. -ton.
lots 1 to K block ti Railroad
add., q. c. d ;. - i
J.. K F. McGe and wife to W. H. .
Dixon, n sei 2a-7V44. q. c d . 1
. Twelve transfers, total.'
..I 7.271
Swanson Musie company, 4T Wsr
Broadway th place where yon will Snd
a aplenrtld assortment pf pianos to select
from. . Conovera, Cables, Sehuhert ' and
Klngsburya All dean, new goods, price
end terms te suit every person. We think
It a good bouse to deal with. . .- .
' Bids -mm Mall Contracts.- '
Postmaster Haselton has been Instructed
by the department at Washington to secure
bids for the reletting of the contrasts for
the transportation 'of malls ' between "the
postofflce and the depots In this city and
over the two sta routes .to Treynpr and
living Springs, and Quick and Treynor.."
-The contract for the transportation of
mall between the postofflee and the. various
railroad depots 'in the city wa let -four
I eara mo to J. W. Minnie for 11,771 per
, J ? . 1 ,fc . V vv.. ,i,'..P"r lngt D'VJ4 Brown, which has been
annum. J. R Macrae, also of f thl cltv,
bold the 'present contract for the star
Bids on the new contracts must be in
Washington by December 'l
A clerk carrier examination will be held
if the" pbstnmcg pa November 8V according
to an snnouncement from the United States
civil service commission. Application m'ist
be filed with J. M. Shoemaker, secretary,
eighth civil servfcXdlstrict, St. Fsul. Minn.,
before the hour of closing business on
October tt.- ' ' r
If you think of 'painting wdur house let
us give you an estimate now. We guar
antee the paint to be made' of pure ma
terials, mixed and tmt tip-by skilled me
chanic, so when wa paint It stays painted.
We also have some odd lots of si tlstlo wall
paper that we are closing ovO. at low prices
te make way for hew stoAlu U you want
good paper at little cbst 'come see us now.
Jensen dt Nlcolaeaett, rW Broadway.
If you need a sewing r.iL-ntns ar went
to. rent a machine or wantyour machine
repaired, ckll,on NvilllamsOh, at 17 South
Main, street, he bas machines to rent from
25c up. -. v . f ,.
Meffatt Bearing Obmpnny; (.Hlgatlon
Cms -to Rikd.,i V.., y
In th United States court yesterday
Julius A.' Perltlhs'yit New- YorK ' was given
a Judgment against the Moffat t Bearing
company, of which he Is president, for
140.1M claimed to be due on a note given
by the company to Mt: Perkln tor ervlce
rendered and money advanced fn promoting
the company' in ' the United States and
abroad. The suit was'brought'by Mr. Per
kins after a recent meeting of the stock
holders in this clt at which a proposition
to -sell out to the.-United Btatps Roller
Bearing company was considered. The
Mnffsti Rea.rlnv pnmnanv la esnltallseh at
and u owner of the Moffatt and
?h" V!; "rl V.r.S!a
' MPh-rson. bo h side.
having -waived .'-Jury.-' An.: execution was
.Issued at once on the Judgment, and It Is
understood . the patents of the company In
i the United States and in. nearly every other
i country will be levied on.
j On- convening the fall term of court yes
I terdsy morning Judge Smith McPherson
I a,nakil4 ' Vvnrf .4,, ' with- llmAM
Stern of Logan si foreman.- There Is little
business for the grand Jury .and It was
eta ted last evening ; that it might . possibly
adjourn without ' finding' a single Indict
ment , . .,' ' ' "
The De. Molne. etreet railway Injunction
suit, which was td hive- been heard yester
day by Judge Mcffierson, ; was continued,
subject to csll.' anI will probably be taken
up at Creston or Keokuk. . - . n . -
The suit of the Kentucky Buggy- com
on the docket -for several terms, was finally
disposed of yesterday, "the defendant agree
ing to a Judgment for the plaintiff In the
fuH amount sued for. .- , " r
The petit Jury. has. been called for Thurs
day, when the first "suit to be tried will, be
tnat of Samuel, pobsotw -administrator of
th . estate of Daniel James, against ths
qmaha . dt Coqnclt.tlTIs Street Railway
company. , Dobson ,uef for flft.OOO' for . the
death, of James Dobson, who was struck
by a motor at Sixteen;? street and Avenue
A' on the night pf sVuguet 4 1806, and died
tlfree- days later. It Is alleged, as a result
of his Injuries. ' '.t.::. ,
.The three '.cases" plhe Omaha Bridge
Ar" .Terminal railway,' Redick .and others,
and-The?- Whitney ;Ratfy crtrtipany against
Char,R?,Hannaft,1'a fijtfer. are set for
next Monday. These the result of
Henna and otheraTto purchase from the
sttevo. Itrwa some'T.tfft acre on th wet
aide of the river a -being part of the aban
doned river bed.
NEW BUILDING of the Monarch malleable
Iron or steel 'range. ' The only perfect
range on the markets that laatrknd gives
satisfaction. KellerFafnaworth' Furniture
company, 811-13-11 "West-Broadway; Council
Bluffs, -la." '
All person knowing themselves to be
Indebted to Duncan Dean or the Duncan
Shoe company are requested to call and
ssttl at one. 3 ' r
Jail breaker Elopes wltai Girl. '
i SIOUX CITT, Ia ,Sept.. .ll.-Speclal.)
Frank Messex, Jsllbreaker snd alleged
horse thief, who haa operated widely In
northwestsrn Iowa snd South Dakota, was
arrested In Sioux City yesterday for elop
ing with the 17-year-old Florence Bryant
of Elk Point, Br V.. 4he -ward of Woodbury
Card, a prominent farmer near Elk Point.
The couple were married at . Onawa last
Saturday. Lea than two months ago
Messex waa aerVlngl-a Jail sentence at
LeMars, where he, had been convicted of
horse theft. He broke 'out of Jail there,
biit was captured and brought back. After
hla release Messex; went - to Elk Point,
where he worked on a farm. Here he met
the Bryant -girl and Site "became infatuated
with him.'' Meetfhg ,1) arrangement at
the county school which the girl sttended
Messex drove her overland to Sioux City,
whence they went, toi ''ohaw'a' and were
married. The glri I quite pretty and look
to be less thsn 15 year 'old. She la still
wearing abort dress: ;. - .:'
Night school opened( ' Mpnday evening,
September 17. College office open evenings
thl week. Western lewd College.
! : ,- i -.-. "
X acr. good rarra '.and In eastern Cola.
rado, IS per acre arid up; no Irrigation .re
quired. Can raise all kinds of 'small grain
and corn, a few good homesteads Join
our lands. Bend for. printed matter. F. C
Lougee. lit Main street Council Bluffs, la
v -iT-- V s i. ..V1
' Dlten UaWOoes nrer.: v
LOGAN. Ia., Sept. i.W(Spsclal.1 At
the Harrison- county distrtrt . court yes
terdsy .ths matter of the assessment of
benefits on land In, (. the Harrison and
Pottawattamie drainage dlswhit No. L.H.
J. Farlow, appellants- wa fer'trial) but
wa continued upon tne Judge ruling that
th county attorneys , of, Harrlann and
Pottawattamie couldU net be hired to de
fend by the boarde of supervisors, but
the attorney must be hired by the tax
payers in the district If b any one. Thl
waa the last Jury trial. la ha term and
the Jury was discharged. A few equity
cases will now be tried and the September
term will then adjourn. '7 ''
' - Waadl Wood I WaadI
- Modern Dwelling Cheap.
Must sell modern, six-room dwelling, near
high school. Telephone 41, Charle T.
Officer.. 411 Broadway...
Valaahle Palstlag rssai,
WATERLOO, Ia., Sept. . II tSpeclal.)
The valuable painting which was stolen
one week ago from -the -Carnegie .'library
In thla city,' was" fiius .Saturday night
Juat a C. A. Ralston, a draftsman, and
his brother, C. D: Ralaton, rwers ohevklng
It to" Cedar Rapids:- The 'men were" put In
Jail pending an investigation, which will
be held tomorrow. The painting I a copy
of one of Rembrandt' and is '-done by
Miss Alice Johnson, an grtlst pf this city,
bo has studied under 'ttis great (uaalst
of Europe.
Etata ftir Board WanU to Eiohangs Coal
Laid for Level Ground.
Moaameat (sasalsalea Meete and
Completes Arraagesaeats (or
Dedications la Xe
vernaer. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Sept. lR.-8peclal.-Two
fight developed today before the executive
council. .One waa over the trading of a
lot of the state fair grounds back In the
hills for land down on the level that Is
suitable for the fair and the other over the
draining of Gin Barrel slough and South
lake up In the northern part of the atate,
against which the duck hunter protest.
The director have arranged a trade for
land ,between; the .Rock, Islajid track nd
the state fair grounds. For this they pro
posed io give thirty-nine acres belonging
to the starts fair grounds, but never used
for any purpose. It Is back of the present
grounds and i so rough that It la of no
value whatever except the coal that Is
under it. The deal Is being opposed by
some who assert that the state should juse
the land for botanical gardens and '
the coal under It makes It of greater value
than that the state is getting. ,
Recently a number of farmers who de
sire the extra land for farming presented
a petition to the executive council to drain
Gun Barrel slough in the northern part of
the state. To do this It la necessary to
drain Twin lakes or South lake. Today the
petition . waA discovered by the -duck hun
ters of De Molne and a counter petttlon
filed, protesting sgainst such drainage. The
case was heard this afternoon by the execu
tive council along with that for the trade
of state fair grounds, which must have the
approval of the -executive council before
the transfer can be made.
For Dedicating; Monamenta.
Meetings of the four monument commis
sions were held today with Governor Cum
mins at, the state house for the purpose of
completing the plan for the dedication of
the monuments on southern battleilelds.
The dates finally fixed are as follows:
Dedicate monuments at Vlrksburg, No
vember 14 and 16! at Andersonville, No
vember 16; at Chattanooga, November 20;
at Shlloh, November 22 and 23. The special
train will carry Governor Cummins and hi
staff and the members of the monument
commissions snd their wives snd the per
sons participating in the program. Ar
rangements have been made to secure a
rate of 1 cent' a mile for all old soldiers
snd members of their families who wish to
accompany the party and. If the special
train cannot carry the entire crowd a sec
ond, train will be made up for the purpose.
After meeting with the governor the mem
bers of the commission met again at the
Savery thl afternoon and completed- the
arrangements for having printed a circular
giving eath program and the full details
or the arrangements for the dedlcationa.
Rev. A. L. Friable, of this city will act aa
cnapiain at each dedication and the gov
ernor in each instance will receive the
monuments and turn them over to -the
government Colonel Clarke of Cedar Rap
Ids, N. E. Kendall and General Weaver will
do tne principal speakers.
laprtne Coart la session.
After a long summer, vacation the su
preme court met todsy for the drat pe
riod of the September term of court. The
case involving ttie franchise right pf the
Ltm Moines Street Railway company was
advanced oil ths' docket and oral argu
ment waived and th case submitted. A
decision Is looked for at the next ieriod
The case of the atate against Dr. . J. . W
Crofford of Decatur county, appealed from
the district court of CT&rke county, .on' a
charge of murder by criminal operation,
waa continued. The case has been' before
the supreme court on anothr occasion,
In which a new trial waa ordered, and at
the trial Crofford waa again convicted.
The caae against Erlck von Kutselben,
who wa convicted In the Iowa county dis
trict court of murder by wrecking a Rock
Island train near Marengo, wa continued.
The case against Millard Buck of Jasper
county on a charge of murder waa sub
mitted without oral argument The case
against Mathlas Baldee of Sioux county, a
murder vase that haa attracted consider
able .attention,.' was continued till ths next
period of the court
Bxhame the Body.
To overoome what Is claimed was a far
cical coroner's Inquest In this city over the
remains of Miss Irene Blydenburg of El
dors, the girl's body was exhumed at El
dora today and an Inquest made there by
the , coroner of that county. , Physicians
made an examination and it Is pronounced
the death' was due to a criminal operation.
The verdict of the Jury here was peritonitis.
In the face of the confession by Dr. Gadd.
Rev. E. T. Coyle, the minister who fur
niched evidence and was the first to notify
the relatives and authorities of the real
cause of the death, and who later, mysteri
ously disappeared, haa again been discov
ered and I furnishing the police all the
Information he has. Late- today H. B.
Dickinson, who 1 under arrest on a charge
of. murder in the second degree In this
case, was able to furnish the 16.000 bonds
required when he waa bound over and was
released. The bonds were furnished by
Robert King and Botsy Ryan of this city.
Ha "Fra(sH la High School.
' After bearing the. boys and girl of th
high schoql In defense, of the fraternity
system the West De Molne Board of Ed-
u cat Ion has ordered that th order against
fraternities shall be enforced and that no
member of a' fraternity shall partake In
school athletics or literary society work or
be eligible "to other honors. ' The fraternity
members today withdrew from the ath
letic and literary society organisations,
the best material of the athletic and lit
erary society activity of the schools 1 In
th fraternities. This material having with
drawn from those and clung to ths fra
ternities, the problem Is as far from solu
tion as It ever waa
Bin Salt Threw Oat.
In ths district court today the big Mil
lion dollar damage suit of C. H. Crabtre
was thrown out aa being a monstrosity.
Crabtrec I Interested in a gold mine In the
Black Hills which has been the cause of
endless litigation, the first suit being by
one A. L. Steele, an attorney here, who se
cured a Judgment for about 17.000 for serv
ices. Another wss by J. C. Dooley, who
surd to recover money he waa Induced to
put into thsmln oa what ha claimed was
false pretenses. Ths damage sutt for 11.000,
000 started by Crabtree was directed against
every person interested either ss principal
or attorney or witness in any of tbeee suits.
Ksehaasjea with Crawford.
Governor Cummin and Co I.' Crawford
have exchanged date. Governor Cummins
will make one speech (n South Dskota for
the election of Crawford and Crawford will
make one address in Iowa during ths cam
paign urging ths election of Cummins. Con
gressman Lscey of Oskaloosa today called
upon Governor Cummins and It la under
stood the governor will speak In the Sixth
district Congressman Lseey said today
that .there la continual lmpreyemen In thai
SUIhu. It. la understood pressure Is belnf I
brought oa th Cummins nnr toj
We I I JTl I I
An Airtight packet of Parity, llouqurt. Flavor, KxonnmJ. That's what
yrra get when yon bny Tetley's. Make yonr jrrocer supply yon. 1 '
. McCORD-BRADY CO., Wholesale Affects, Omaha. ...
get them to quiet down a little in their at
tack on the standpatters.
Oyeslst Hs-eeeh Pestpened.
Governor Cummin' opening rsmnalgn
speech, which wss to have been delivered
tomorrow at E.mmetsburg, was today post
poned and the .opening speech will be de
livered at Churdan next Monday. Churdan
I In the northern part of Green county.
The governor will speak at Emmetsburg to
morrow, but If will not be hla opening
speech. So many hearing and commission
have taken the time of the governor lnt
week and thl that It has been Impossible
for him' to prepare for opening hi. cam
paign tomorrow.
Democratic Conference.
Dates of democratic conferencea are be
ing arranged for many of the congressional
districts of the state and the democrats
will gather at thoee place and times to
discus the campaign. The dates and places
are being kept secret for the reason, it I
asserted, that o many of the local demo
crats at" the town Where the meeting I
held will come and pre-empt all the time.
The conference are for the editor and
candidatea especially, who are being, noti
fied today by letter from the headquarter.
Conference at Fnrt Dodge.
FORT DODGE, Ia., Sept. 11. (Speclal.)
Three hundred delegates. Including a larr;
number of notables and eminent churth
divines, will be here -this week In attend
ance at the thlrty-flfth annual session of
the Northwest , Iowa conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church. Th confer
ence will open Wednesday, September 19,
and will last six da?- It will be In charge
of Bishop Earl Cranaton, D. D., LL.D..
of Washington, D. C. A special feature of
the conference will 'be the presence of two
prominent women workers In the foreign
missionary field. Mis Mable Allen, who
ha spent nine year in China, and Miss
Florence Maskell, who has been stationed
for three years at Kolmar, India. Both will
address-the conference. Other prominent
men and women of the church who will be
present and tk part in th program sre:
Rev. O. 8. Pakttel of New Tork City, Rev.
E. M. Randall of Chicago, Rev. J. B. Trim
ble Of Kansas City. Rev. M. C B. Mason
of Cincinnati. Rev. Robert Forbes of
Phllsdelphla and Rev. W. F. Anderson of
New Tork City. ,
Carnival at Woodbine.
WOODBINE, la, Sept. II. (Special. )
The first annual Woodbine carnival will
begin tomorrow and laet four days, to
Saturday. Base ball games will be played
on Wednesday, between Woodbine and
Dunlap, on Thursday, between Woodbine
and Missouri Valley; on Friday, between
Woodbine and Defiance, and on Saturday,
between Woodbine and Portsmouth. Three
buds will furnish music,, there will, bo
four free attractions each day and a band
concert every night, and amusement will
be furnished by the csrnival company.
Prises will bs awarded for horses, cattle,
hogs, poultry, pumpkins, corn, apples,
squashes, beet, cabbage, potatoes, melon,
mall grain, ' grape, tomatoes, turnips,
carrots, plum and peaches. Farm pro
duct Win be judged on Wednesday, hogs
on Thursday, cattle on Friday and horses
on Saturday. A balloon ascension will
occur every day.
Iowa Implement Dealer Falls.
CEDAR FALLS, Is., Sept. II. (Special.)
M. D. Phllleo has mads a general as
signment for the benefit of his creditors
to Charles B. Harris as assignee. Mr.
Phllleo Is widely known throughout the
state as an extensive dealer In farm im
plements. Beside his large establishment
In this city he conducted a branch busi
ness at Denver, la. He was considered to
be one of Cedar Falls'- most successful
business men and has always been fore
most In alt enterprises for the upbuilding
of the city. His capital wa Insufficient
to meet the demand of hi business. The
two local bank and th International Har
vester Company of America are the heavi
est creditors, but among the other are
the Mollri Plow company, Luthy 4 Co.,
Kingman 4 Co., Raclne-Sattley company.
Gales Manufacturing company and ' many
Mea Arrested at Sledlca After Recent
Massacre' Will Be Tried at
' Drwsnhend.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 11. A a reult
of Intercession by a deputation of Jews,
Premier Stolypin haa sent order to th
government of Sledlce that the person
arrested there following the recent massa
cre shall not be submitted to trial before
the newly established drumhead courts
martial. The Russian Banner,, the reactionary or-
j gan under whose encouragement the coun-
ter terrorist organisation, which Is charged
with the murder of ex-Deputy Herticn
stein last July, waa founded, la trying to
establish in ths death of General Trepnft
another'case of vengeance. The paper In
tlmatee that the late commandant of the
Imperial palace was poisoned. Jews here
srs Unking the name of ex-Premier Count
Witt with thla intimation. Count Wltte
Is more hated by the reactionaries than
by the revolutionists.
Prefect von Der Launity has summonnd
th editor of the Russian Banner to hi
office and warned him that the paper must
moderate Its ton.
Disheartened at the capture of th-tr
principal leaders. Of whom Vladimir Masurl
and a number of othera have been ex,
cuted, "the flying group" of the revolu
tionist, which seceded from the parent
orgsnltatlon last winter and which has
been responsible for almost all the Impor
tant assassinations and murders since the
convocation of Parliament, ha voted to
return to the fold and submit to th orders
of the central committee. This step mean
a certain regulation of terrorist activity,
because sentence which formerly were
paesed and put into execution by thla Irre
sponsible little group of half a hundred
men will have to be approved by the cen
tral committee.
Members of the "flying group" are con
vinced that they have had a traitor In the
ranks, because the arrest within the last
fortnight of over half their number In
various parts of Russia could hare been
brought about -only ' by the possession of
InsMe Information. They suspect Brlensoff
as being the leader of the band which com
mitted tlia bank rotobery In Moscow last
March' and who made such a. marvelous
escape -'from his captor .while being
brought back lu Russia from SwUierlanjJ
(By & :
This remarkable escape If best explained
by the connivance ofthe police. It Is ru
mored that Belenioff is now living In Close
hiding at the headquarters of ths Moscow
secret police. . - t -
Netherlands States General.
THE HAGUE, Sept. 11 The stste's gen
crnl was opened today. The speech from
the throne opening Parliament dealt al
most entirely wRh proposer,! domestlo leg
islation. It was announced that bill had
been prepared for the permanent enlarge
ment of sources of Income. These Include
an Income tax, an Increase In the stamp
duty on bonda and a duty on the sale of
tobacco. A revision of the, customs tariff
wit follow. The excise duty on sugar will
be lowered and that on spirits will be
raised. A bill extending the financial au
tonomy of the East Indian colonies was
anounced. ...
Headquarters Department of the Mis
souri, Office Chief Commissary, Omaha,
Nebraska, September 1, Km. Sealed pro
posals. In triplicate, will be received here
until 11 o'clocs a. m., central standard time,
October 4. 19n, .and then opened publicly
for furnishing and delivery of auch quanti
ties of potatoes and oninna aa may be re
quired by the Subsistence Department at
Omaha, Nebraska; Military Prison at Fort
Iavenworth, Kansas; Forts Crook and
Robinson, Nebraska ; Fort Meade, South
DRkota; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackenilo
and Washakie, Wyo. Proposals will slsa
be received and opened by the Commis
saries st Forts Robinson, Nebraska; Fort
Meade. South Dakota; Forts D. A. Russell.
Mackenxle and Washakie. Wyo., until 10
o'clock a. ni., mountain standard time, and
by the Commissary at the Military Prison
at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, until. U
o'clock a. nj-i central standard time, each
Commissary receiving proposals for his own
post only. The right is reserved to reject
any or all proposals In whole or In part
Blank proposals and specifications, showing
In detail the articles and quantities re.
quired, and giving full Information aa to
condltlona of contract, will be furnished en
application to any of the above mentioned
officers. Envelopes should be marked "Pm
posala for Fresh Vegetables. t be opened
October 4, 1W," and addressed to the un
dersigned or commissary at post authorised
to receive propossls. T. B. Hacker. Cap
tain, Commissary, U. S. Army.
. - six 2o a is
masler, Cheyenne, Wyoming. August t),
1&06 Sealed proposals! In triplicate, will be
received at this office until 11:80 a. m.
September 10, i9o, at which time they will
be opened In public, for furnishing all ma
terial and labor required and laying ap.
proximately 8,656 square feet of concrete
sidewalk and 16CT square feet of stone road
crossings st Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming.
In accordance with plana and specification
on file at the above named office. Blank
forma of. proposals and full Information
furnished on application. The right Is re-"
served to reject any snd alt bids or part
of bids. Envelopes containing proposals
should be endorsed, "Proposals for Con
crete Walks tmd Stone Crossings." and ad
dressed V.. K. Hart Quartermaster. IT.. H.
Army, In charge of construction, Cheyenne,
Wyoming. . . .. J123-24-26-17-8U-W.
Union Paclno
.'-..'.. Leave, Arrive.
Overland Limits" a 1:40 am a 1:11 pra
Ths China and Japan -
Fast Mall a -4:11 pm a :! pin
Colo. 4 Calif. Bs a 4:15 pm a 1:10 am
felfrnla 4 Ore. Ex.. a 4:xS pm a 1:10 pm
s Angeles Limited... .all :0 am al0:4S no
Fast Mall a 1 :M pm . a f:M pm
Colorado Special.... a f:4l am a 7:44 ant
North Platte Local a 1:10 am a 4:t pm
Beatrice Lops' b 1:11 pm b t: pm
Chicago, Rock Island A Paelge
' . Lear. Arrive.
f' hie ago Limited ...... a I& am a 7 Jo am
nwa Local .a T: am a 4:10 pm
Chicago Mall ....... ....a 1.1 km. alO: am
Iowa Local ....... ......bll:C pm b 164 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ban.). a : pm 1:41 pm
Chicago (Iowa LimHeilh.n pta U:il pm
Rocky Mountain Lira... a T: am e, 1:11 am
Colo. 4 Cal. Express. ..a 11 pm a 1:6 pm
Okl. Texas Exp a : pm all:0t pm
Colorado Fast Mall alO:ll pm a f JS am
dally, b dally except Sunday.
Chleaaro Great Western '
St Paul as Minneapolis. 1:10 pm ' T:1 am
St. Paul ft Minneapolis. : am 11 :M pm
Chicago Limited ........ 1:4 m - 1.00 an)
Chicago Express .. T:aS am . ll:d pm
Chlcasi- Express k 1:10 pn ' 1:30 pm
St. Louis. ipreee.......a M pen 1:4s am
kt Louis Local (from . .
Council Bluffs) ..a 1:11 am . all:M am
Council blurts! a) 4M pas bUJW am
Stanbsrry Local (from
Mlssoarl Paeldo
St Louis Express....... 1. -00 am a I -W sm
K. C. 4 St L. Eapreea,.aU;lt pi a t US pm
Chicago A XorthwsslersM- -
Cedar Kuplde faa....a : am a pm
Twin City Kxpreae ....a 7 AO am aiA-on
a am au:i ma
C tales o Local all:) am
feiuux City Local ... .... 1.60 pm
a .w pm
all am
a I W am
: b &
carrou iuusu ........ ...a put
fcKtux wuy
Chloaxo tutpreas .,
... iM pta a 7 .JO am
Fast Wail a 1:41 paw a l:M aie
Fast Mall ................ a, 1:01 pm
Twin City umuea . i a pra tl:i4 ta
Overlauu Limited ..,.i-a I.W pin a 1:14 am
Chicago Limited ail.uO pm all:l am
Norlulk-xtonesieei a i.v am ai: am
Llnooln-Loog fin) ,....b T:0 am bl0:3 am
Deadwood-Llnoola a I:u0 Dm ilii
Casper-Shoshonl a 1:00 pm a pm
Hastliigs-nupenor s:w pm p t:0f pm
Fremont-Albion ,.,.b 1:01 pra bll;f pm
Chicane. Mllwaakec 4 St. Paal .
Chi. Colo. Special. ...a T ie am a 7 JS am
California 4 Ore. sua.. .a l:k pm a 1:10 pm
Overland Limited ...... A : pm a 140 La
Marlon 4 Cedar R. Loc.0 1 .41 am hUiiv pm
llilnels Ceatral
Chicago Express , a 1:01 am a I S pm
Chicago LiuUisd a pm a Ijb aig
Barllagtoa ,"
Leava. . a m
Denver 4 California.. ..a 10 pm la
buck Hills 4:10 pm a I S pm
Korthwast Special ......a 4.10 pm a :3 am
Northwest ajtoreea su:in a a.w pm
a. xpreaa a IJ am a list pm
a LooaL. ....... A I .M0 am ...."."
aLsntOnli esse.. ft M
Fast Mall h Ov pm Ij'.w !,
k 4 Flaitam h..fc l.w J"J
Hsoraaaa uhh.m
Lincoln Local ......
rineoln Fast Mail
Ft Crook 4 Flaitam
Bellevue 4 PlaUam'
Bellevue 4 flatten a. .a I mi am a .M am
EBver Limited .......... a J;j a
ftslisvue 4 eo. Juno.. .a 1:40 am a am
ChUiagu gpeclai a f ;2 i
rhiun Eaorsca .....a 1:U i
peuevua m 9 mm w,m mm m :ss p
pm a I. pm
Dm a 7:1 I
Cbluaao lyex - a .w pm a JU In
wa 4sai. ....
a sua am aiu.ei pm
(tt. Louis Jkxprses a t. pm all:M am
Kansas Clty-ht pm a am
Ksnaae CUy-t Joe.. ..a 14 am l:is pm
kvaxaaa i.ity-u m a . pia ...........
Chleaac, It. . Pa a I. Mlaaeapalls 4
- Ossaha-e 'f- "
, Learo. Artie.
Twin City Psssengaf ,,.h I a, am h I It pm
Sioux City Faseocf.. a l w pra all.aiai
Fmereoa Icl b pm b I u s .
Emerson trcul ,( l:li in s I w i
Mlseaarl Parlfta
Nebraska Icali eia
Wecvug V, .io h IM pm ' p J M pr,
a ln.iy. b Dfcily expl Sundsy, tT
siv.n fiuMi.j. c auuday ea. t . ,. .