Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1906, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily' Bee
.arbor Itrswa with Tricki and Btreets
Blocked with Debris.
Innumerable NatW Craft Cent to Bottom
1 ii of Lifo it Greatest Amone House
boat! in Hirer Pearl
French, British, Germaa and Jap-
nimi4 la CpIMdosFJcrs
Arc Demolished.
HONO KONGi Sept. II. A terrific ttorm
broke suddenly hero thlo afternoon. listing
two houro and destroying Innumerable na.
tlvo craft and causing much loss of life
The harbor It literally atrewn with wreck
age and the streets of the cljy are blocked
with debrla. . . "
An unidentified steamer- Hided with the
Rrltlsh ateamer Strs. ' , . eerloualy
ih. latter. i
UiinSH . w .
Tha Brltlah ateamer Loomv t collided
ith the British ateamer KJtv'Y, wltn
allaht damage.
Tha river boat Fatshang 1 the
French mall boat Polynesian. .',
The Brltlah ateamer Monteagle. tffo. V.
man ateamer Btgnal, the German atev':-y
Emma Luyken, the Brltlah steanViv
Cbangshn. the German ateamer Bexta, thC
Kowloon ferryboat and a water boat were
driven ashore.
The American ateamer Boraogon and the
German ateamer Johanna are awash.
A Japanese ateamer Is stranded on Kel
let'a island.
The British river gunboat Moorhen la
leaking badly, one, French torpedo boat
destroyer is ashore and two other dragged
their anchors tha entire length of the
The British steamer Empress of Japan
waa saved by tha dock company's tuga
keeping It ateady.
Tha American steamer B. P. Hitchcock
waa driven high and dry on shore.
Tha British river ateamers Kwong Chow,
San Cheung and Bun Ire foundered. Tha
French ateamer Charles Hardouln waa
damaged. Tha little Chinese ateamer Wing
Chal was beached.
Humorous at earn . launches and llghtera
foundered and moat of the wooden plera on
the water front are demollahed.
La) estimates snow tnat m uvea were
ago waa dona daring tha typhoon. .
Stoma Comes Wlthawt Waralag.'
Although tha barometer waa low thla
tnornlnaT there waa nothing to presage a
hurricane. Under ordinary precautions,
the nauat harbor work waa In progress
whan tha storm struck the shipping with
out warning. Vessels pitched ashore
along the-water iron end iba'dooka and
sea waJls were strewn with wreckage.
Ooeaa liners, junks, sampans and ferry
boats were piled Up tn tha streets and tha
flooded high ways blocked with the w reca
st. Tha greatest loss of life was among the
natives. Pearl, river waa crowded with
boata and tha storm aant hundreda to tha
Among tha few ahlpa in the harbor
which escaped damage la the Empreaa of
Japan. Tha British steamer Monteagle
la ashore, but no casualtlea on It have
been reported.
The French torpedo boat destroyer
Froude, waa damaged in a collision and
twenty persons were loat. : The American
sailing ahlp 8. P. Hitchcock, waa thrown
high and dry,
The Brltlah government offioiala Im
mediately started to clear away tho
debrlo and aoldlera and sallora are try
lng to aare tho drowning and succor the
Description af Ships.
NEW YORK. Sept, IS. The British
steamer Monteagle arrived at Hong Kong
September 14 from Vancouver and Hono
lulu.' Tha ateamer regiatera 3,0)3 tons not.
is feet long. 12.1 feet beam and 27.1
In depth. It waa built at New Castle la
The German ateamer Johanna sailed
from Dell, an ialand oft Java, August L
Tha Johanna waa built at Lunbeck,' Ger
many, In 19M, regiatera 162 tons net, is St
feet long. 36.1 feet beam and U.l feet la
depth. It is owned by M. Jebaen.
Tha British ateamer Fstshan waa built
at Lelth in 1887 and is owned by tha Hong
Kong, Canton and Macao Steamboat com
pany and tha China Navigation company
of Hong Kong. The steamer regiatera
l.tat tons net, la BO feet long, M feet beam
and W.I feet In depth.
Tho Brltlah ateamer San Cheung waa
built at Hong Kong In ISO is of Da) tons
register, IS. 8 feet long, 3S.I feet beam.
t.l feet depth and la owned by tha Cheung'
On Steamboat company of Hong Kong.
Tha German ateamer, Emma Luyken, had
recently arrived at Hong Kong from Mauri'
tlua. It waa built at Flenaburg In 1891 and
Is owned by the Hanseatlache Dampfcr
company of Hamburg. The Emma Luyken
ia of l.W net tona regiater, 20. feet long.
37 feet wide and 17.1 deep.
Hong Kong la an Island situated In tha
China aea. off the coaat of China, from
which It la separated by a narrow strait.
It waa deeded to Great Britain by treaty
in imi. i ne rocitwin na a wen pro
tected anchorage, Victoria, the capital
(itself commouly called Hong Korigl, is
situated" on a itntgiiineent bay of tha earns
name, aeittng up into the north aea of
the Island. Horn; Kong la a great center
of tha fereltfn trade of China. Total sx
ports are roughly eHtlmated at il2,000,Ott
and imports at l'M.W..(Vy As a British
colony' on Chinese soil It Is the most Im
portent In Its polltlrtii and defennlva post
tlon and la the hadi,if fere of the mill
tary. naval and mercadtllo es'shUafinumts,
The population of Hong Kong, the city,
Is about ITS. 000.
With Three Haadrea Warkaeaa Idle,
SO Ear Is Made ta Kaa
ley Others.
PKRIV tnd.. Sept. l.-Oeorge W. Smith
master tnechanlo of the Wabaah railroad
with Jurisdiction over the Peru. Chicago
and Buffalo divialona, said today there are
04 machinists, boiler makers and black
smiths out an his prt of the system. Ho
haa received no orders to employ other
men and does not look for any change In
the situation for several days.
The strtkeia will hold a conference lata
today at Fort Wayne.
Ttebraekaa Closes Twt Days' Cam
palga la Xorth rarallaa at
CHARI.OTTE, N. C Bept. IS.-Clooing a
two days' tour of North Carolina In which
he made speeches In a dosen towns and
rear platform addresses In half as many
more, William J. Bryan closed his engage
ment in this state tonight with a half
hour's talk In Charlotte, and passed on to
Columbia. 8. C, where he speaks tomorrow.
Four thoussnd persons heard the Ne
lirankan here.
The special train provided by the state
democratic committee bearing the Bryan
party arrived here this evening. After a
reception at the Southern Manufacturers'
club Mr. Bryan was escorted to a stand tn
Vance perk, where he spoke for an hour.
At 9:50 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, ac
companied by a special committee of Colum
bia, B. C. cltlrens. left for the South Caro
lina capital. He will continue his Journey
south from that point tomorrow.
Noticing the great number of laboring
men Ih his audience at High Point Mr.
Bryan said:
"I shall never forget that In my campaign
of 190t there was Inserted In my platform
a plank that I wrote myaelf.
"It was a plank for arbitration between
labor and capital. Soma will tell you that
the sliver plank drove away from ma tha
most of the support, but I tell you It waa
not the silver plank, but the clause for ar
bitration that drove them away, far more
than WIver. Again, I Insisted that there
should be an arbitration plank, and would
not leave my party to take a backward
atep when I believe they were right, aa It
la now."
Ha favored arbitration between labor and
capital, declaring that every state should
have a board of arbitration, that the dif-
vences between corporation Interests and
e of the laboring men might be ad-
.jkted without the cruel necessity of strikes,
The free silver question waa prominently
brought forward also, and Mr. Bryan de
clared he believed In the paat that he was
right on the question and he still be
lieved so. '
Tha special train arrived at Salisbury In
downpour of rain. In spite of the rain,
owever, 10,000 persons gave him a royal
welcome. Mr. Bryan spoke for mora than
an hour. He discussed the trusts, Philip
pine and tariff questions at length.
Veteraas of A rear of Cnmherlnad Hold
Meetlag Wednesdny oa Chiekn
mange BattleBeld.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn ... ept. IS. Mem
bers of Wllders' brigade, a famoua or
ganisation in the Army of tho Cumber
land, are arriving in large numbers to at
tend the annual reunion which begins to
morrow, tho forty-third anniversary of tho
battle of Chlckamauga.
Tho brigade waa made up of Infantry
regiments"' from Indiana and Illlnola, was
armed with breech-loading rifles, then vary
rare in the field. The celebration waa to
have begun today at Hoover's Gap, where
tho brigade waa hotly engaged in the bat
tle of Chlckamauga, but the program was
changed, and a business meeting will bo
Jteldw Brat-, a the Wilder monument- on
Chlckamaaga battlefield. ; These will bo a
Joint eampflre of ' tho blue and gray to
morrow night at the Auditorium In Chat
tanooga. Although 111, General Wilder ia
expected to bo present at tho reunion.
Beeoatd Move - la War - of Railroads
far Coatrol of Ceatral
Orearea. '
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 11 The second
move In the great war of two railroads
has been made. The Hill Interests have
gathered their forces and are contending
with might and main to wrest from Harri
man the control , of the rich districts of
central Oregon. The purchase of the Cali
fornia Northeaatern by the Southern Pa-
clflo waa the first move and was designed
to forestall the plan of tha Hill interests.
who had announced the Intention of build
lng a road from Butte, Mont., to Boise.
Idaho, down through central Oregon and
finally ending at San Francisco.
News has now been received here that the
Hill interesta are not asleep. The officials
of tho San Francisco, Idaho tc Montana
road have announced large contracts for
bridge work and structural steel and say
that tha whole route haa been surveyed
and cross-sectioned, and that actual con
traction work will begin In a few days.
OfBeers of Esspreaa of Chtaa Makes
Startllaa- Report oa Arrival
at Tokto.
NEW YORK, Sept. 11 Shipping men
ware moch interested today in a cable dis
patch from Toklo which stated that tho
steamer Empress of China, on arriving at
Tokto Sunday, reported that considerable
changes have taken place in Pacific ooean
They regarded thla as accounting for the
stranding of ao many steamers' recently in
the Pacific in the vicinity of tho Hawaiian
islands. Tho steamers Manchuria and Mon
golia and the United States transports
Tttoraaa and Sheridan have met this fate.
The Toklo dlspstch adda that report of
the tidal changes harmonises with the
Kobe obeervatory'a report of a great earth
quake In .mMparlfle, which preceded the
convulsion at Valparaiso by several hours
nd la believed to have made Important
changes In, the bed of the ocean.
Two rlntta liens of Thirteenth Infantry
Will Start oa Marrh to Fort
Crook Today.
FORT RILEY, Kin., Sept. 1 The Tenth
sod Thirteenth batterlea left here for Fort
Knelling, Minn., today and tomorrow many
other troops will lfave. The headquarters
band and the First and -Third battallnna
of the Thirteenth Infantry will start on
their march to Fort Crook, Neb., tomorrow.
There waa a continuous fall of rain here
today and the troops had nothing to do.
The Fourth battalion of Held artillery,
consisting of the Second, Twenty-second
and Twenty-fifth batteries, which are sta
tioned regularly at Fort Riley, commences
Its march tomorrow to Republic City, Ksn.,
where it will participate In the one hun
dredth anniversary of the unfurling of the
first American flag In Kansas territory.
These troops will march M miles.
Cotton Urowers to tlslt Toaeaa.
TEXARKANA, Tex.. Sept. .A,t tho
recent meeting or tne rnrmera r.ducaiiniuu
and Co-Operative union au trganlaation
having over 700,00 twmbera In the south
western states. It waa decided to aend
delegatea to the Farmera' Co-Operatlve
buslnvra euncraea, which meets at Tojttaa
oa vciooer as.
i. B. Jaqaith Sayi Elevator 0a. BeoeWed
Rebate tnd Divided it with 8eller.
Head of Great Westera Tells of Two
Dealers Who Were Drlrea Owt
of naslaesa by Die-erlaalaatlea.
CHICAGO. Bept. II. E. P. Peck, manager
of the Peavey Elevator company at Omaha,
was the first witness today In the hearing
of the Peavey Elevator companies before
the Interstate Commerce commission. At
torney Marble, acting for the commission,
elicited from the altoees the Information
that a strong prejudice existed between
elevator men and track buyers of grain.
The witness denied that there waa any
discrimination against farmers.
"Why did you discriminate against tha
smalt track buyers?" asked Attorney
"We do not care to deal with the broom
and shovel."
"In otheV- words, you boycott the man
With the shovel and broom?" was the com
ment of Commissioner Clark.
Testimony of A. B. Jaejalth.
A. B. Jaquith of Omaha, formerly mnna.
ger for the Peavey Elevator company at
that point, declared during the course of
his testimony: "Omaha will never amount
to much as a grain market unless tha
elevators, allow it to. The broker cannot
live when a rebate la paid for the handling
of the grain. I, myaelf, have put In a
claim for the repayment of money paid by
men for . the handling of grain, but tho
Union Pacific would not allow it."
"Could there be a grain market without
the elevator?" asked Commissioner Prouty.
"The elevator Is not necessary," replied
the witness. "Payment of rebates in the
past has been a detriment to the Omaha
market. Wo chased some of the discrimin
ations away, but othera remain. The Union
Pacific has helped the market by bringing
in grain, but the other roada have carried
It around."
After Mr. Jaquith had been cross ex
amined he was further questioned by the
commissioners. During the eaamlnatlon
Jaquith admitted that ha knew of an in-
lance wuere ine ife-ceni allowance lo
the Peavey company had been divided be
tween the grain ao that a greater price had
been paid for the grain than competing
companies could psy. He also admitted
that with this additional allowance from
the railroad, the dealer may go Into tha
country and defeat his competitors because
he has the allowance to aid him In over
bidding the competitor.
Btirkaey oa the Btaael.
During the afternoon session President
Btickney of tho Chicago Great Western, the
man who Is bsck of the fight against the
Union Pacific company, gave the details of
an alleged trust, augmented by the Union
Pacific and of how two men were crushed
financially. One of these Is Bmos Lefllng,
a former grain dealer of Lexington1, Neb.,
who haa written . the commission that he
wishes to testify In the present inquiry,
Mr. Btickney did not divulge the. name of
the other . man. The ; reason given by
Mr. Btickney for withholding ..the man's
Identity wae that he waa aXrald that if
ho disclosed the name , the man -would
suffer the loss of a clerical position he la
now holding In Chicago.
According to Mr. Stlckney this . man.
whose name Is withheld. Invested 130,000 In
the grain business In Nebraska. He waa
having a hard time, when he received a
check for $5,000 for the Peavey Elevator
company. He saw it was a mistska and
asked tha Union Pacific, which aent the
check, to give him a rebate of the same
kind. The man also found a letter accom
panying the check addressed to the Peavey
Elevator company. The railroad, Mr.
Btickney declared, told the man he would
bo taken care of If he gave them back the
letter he received by mistake. The letter
and check were then both returned to the
railroad. Shortly after. Mr. Stlckney de
clared, the man was put out of business
and left Nebraska penniless.
Adjourned until tomorrow. '
Mew rhara-ed with Planning to Con a
terfelt Veaeeaelaa Cola Are
Arrala-ned la Coart.
NEW YORK. Sept. 1. The details of an
alleged attempt by Captain George B.
Boynton and Lewie M. Thompson to finance
a Venesuelan revolution by the manu
facture of the bolivar, the standard silver
dollar of Venesuela, were disclosed In court
today when the two men were arraigned
before United States Commissioner Rldg-
way on a charge of having mad plana to
counterfeit tho bolivar.
Captain Boynton and Thompson were ar
rested several weeks ago together with
membara of tha firm of Kellar Bros., die
makers or this city, who are alleged to
have made the dies tor tho coins. Robert
Moser, United States secret servioa agent
testified today that he secured an intro
duction to Boynton and Thompson aa being
willing to advance tlO.OM to promote tha
plan. He aald that 16.000 was to be used to
buy a vessel to run to Venesnela from the
West Indies and SR.ono to buy the first lot
of sliver bullion. For this Moser waa to be
paid 150,000, he aald. Tha money was to be
coined in the delta of the Orinoco rtver so
as not to conflict with the United States
laws, and the Issue, Moser testified, waa to
be legalised wtien a revolutionary party of
which Captain Boynton said ha waa the
agent, should secure control of the Vene
suelan government.
The plan waa to make a feint with revo
lutionary aoldlera and draw the govern
ment forces to the vicinity of the Andes
mountains, snd while they were absent
officers of the Venesuela navy, acting with
the revolutionaries', were to seise the prin
cipal Venesuelan ports.
The hearing was continued until next
Tuesday. .
Seaeral Wttlsa Says Cavalry
Lsiss Is Mot Manatee, ta
Propter Maaaor.
WASHINGTON. Sept. lL-MaJor Genera)
Weston in his annual report of the Depart
ment of Luson, Philippine Islands, refers
to aa inspection of the troops of hla com
mand, and says:
Troops, Including aoouts, were found tn
good conditions as to instruction for field
service. Owing to the scarcity of horata
many men of the cavalry were dismountl.
Many horses were ton old. too large and
weigh too much, which rendered them uo
suited for cavalry, ao that arm of tha serv
ice is not at its best. . The deficiency, as
atated, is la the anlmsls, and not ia the
men. I am of the opinion that horses
should not exeeed fifteen and one-half
hands high and weigh between (60 and 1.100
pounds. I think, too, it would be well
to send a board of officers, composed of
cavalrymen, to Auatrtlla, where I am told
aa active, well built borsa. at a mods rale
price la obtainable.
Reform CaaeVtitatf for Governor
Sew Haeavshlte Forces Issaea
la CasBaala-a.
CONCORD, N. H., Sept. IS. Every delo
gate to the republican state convention In
this 'city today waa prepared tor a long-drawn-ont
battle and no one dlaputed tha
assertion that the fight for first place on
th ticket would be one of the keenest
In the history of the republican party.
The candidates for governor are: Charles
R. Greenleaf of Franconla, Charlea M.
Floyd of Manchester, both of whom are
regarded aa "stand-pat tere;" Rnoecrnns W.
Plllsbury of Londonderry, who has made
charges of extravagance In the use of
state moneys, and Winston Churchill, the
novelist, candidate of the linroln Repub
lican club of New Hampshire, whose plat
form contains vigorous charges against the
Boston Maine railroad. Mr. Churchill
also demands reform In. several directions.
Including direct primaries, the discontinu
ance of railroad passe and the election
of railroad commissioners by the people.
Btephen B. Gale of Exeter waa still In
the field today, but It was not expected
that he would figure prominently In the
convention. The Churchill delegates early
today were In a Joyous mood because of a
rumor, which waa not denied, that the
Issues raised by their candidate In his cam
paign occupied the major portion of the
platform, wtilch was tentatively adopted
last night by the committee on resolutions.
When the convent lot was called to order
the routine of organisation moved slowly
and after the comnittee on credentials
had reported, SOS bit of SOS delegates
seated, the platform ft as read:
The platform endoises the administra
tion of President Hoosevalt. commends
the "Industry of. work" of the fifty-ninth
congress and congratulates the country
upon the republican financial and Indue
trial policies that have "brought unpro
cedented proaperl ty ."
It opposes any change In the tariff which
would undermine the republican policy of
protection and endorses the action of the
United Btates senate in passing the Gal
linger shipping bill.
The remainder of the platform la de
voted to atate Issues upon which the
campaigns of tho contesting candidates
have been largely based. It urges strict
limitation to the issuing of free passes
by . railroads; additional legislation to
guard the purity of the ballot, and legis
lation for the prevention of corrupt lobby
ing. The platform recommends that the
next legislature consider the question Of
a ihange in the manner of nominations
for office and also the question of placing
in the handa of the people the direct elec
tlon of railroad commissioners and some
other atate officers created by atatute and
now appointed by the governor and coun
The platform waa adopted unanimously.
The nomination of candidates then pro
ceeded. The first ballot for governor was
as follows: Greenleaf, 212; Boyd, 200
Churchill, 1S7; Plllabury, 206; Gale, II.
No choice.
The second ballot follows: '
Greenleaf, 230: Plllsbury. 220: Fiord.
20T; Churchill, 159; Gale, 0; H. B. Qulmby
or uaso rort, i. ?
Knhn,' Loch at Co. Say I'nloa Paclflo
Hasa't Boaa-hifUITt eaora A ,
NEW YORK. Sept. IS. A representative
of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb Co. said to
day that the report that they have sold the
Union Paclflo Railroad company the slock
of the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad company,
which that firm purchased from the Penn
sylvanla Railroad company, la premature.
Negotiations for the sale are under way,
but not completed, Kuhn, Loeb At Co. an
The announcement of Kuhn, Loeb A. Co,
la the first official statement in conflrma
tlon of rumors current in Wall street for
some time to the effect that E. H. Harri-
man was seeking a large Interest In Bat
tlmore Ohio. With their large holdings
In Chicago Alton and tha control of
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific the ac
quisition of Baltimore Ohio would give
the Harri man interests control of a railroad
lino from the Atlantic to tha Pacific.' Mr.
Harriman and hla also would
have a voice In the affairs of the Reading,
a large block of that company's stock being
held In the Baltimore A Ohio treasury.
Wall street Is interested 'In the method
to be adopted by tho Union Pacific Kali
road company to provide funds, for the
purchase of the Baltimore at Ohio road,
It la estimated that complete control of
tha road will cost about 2130.000,000.
Snpplaater of Apostle Dowlo Elected
Leader by Overwhelming
Majority. .
CHICAGO, Sept. lS.-Wllbur Glenn Vollva
was chosen today by the people of Zlon
City as their leader by the overwhelming
vote of 1,911 to for hla opponent. A. N,
Bills. Tha election waa held today - under
the orders of Judge Landia of the United
States district court, who waa asked some
time ago to settle tha controversy between
John Alexander Dowle. founder of the
church, and Vollva, as to who should have
control of Zlon City. Believing that the
best way to settle the difficulty was to let
the people of Zlon City choose their own
leader, -Judge Landia ordered the election
and today'a vote ia the result.-
The action of the Zlonltes today prac
tically makes John Alexander- Dowie an
outoast from the religioua organisation
which he established several .years ago
and which haa now grown to large propor
tions. Dowie, who is in feeble health, re
fused to recognise the authority of the
court in ordering the election and did not
present himself as a candidate. -,
Out of the total of 1.917 votes cast about
half of them were by the women of Zion
City, who went to the polls singing hymns,
cast their vote and then knelt In prayer at
the door of the voting place.
Hew Haval Paymaster Oaly Eligible
Who Had Hot Asked for
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1L-Pay Director
Rogers oftbo navy, who has recently been
designated to succeed Paymaater General
Harris, and who has been ordered to
Waahtngton to familiarise himself with his
new duties, ia said to be one of tho very
few officers eligible to appointment aa chief
of the bureau who did not have an applica
tion on file asking for the place, or whose
friends had not Interested themselves In
his behalf.
President Roosevelt, in looking over the
list of ellglbles, waa Impressed with the
faot that Pay Director Rogers had not ap
plied for the piece, and at once caused a
letter to be written to hlia asking if he
would accept the place. The letter waa
the first Intimation Mr. Rogers had thai be
was being considered.
Opens Hit 8peakic Campaign at 8dalia,
Mo., September 24. .
a Tlma Set for Council Blaffa So
Far aa Kaowa by Speaker's Sec
retary, bat Arrangements
May Be Made.
(From a Stsff Cqrrespondent.)
WASHINGTON. Sept lS.-l8peclal Tele
gram.) Speaker Cannon begins a long and
arduous swing "around the cirue," In be
half of republican policies both state snd
natlofiar-at Bedalia, Mo., September U A
special car has been arranged for by the
national republican congressional committee
for the comfort of tho speaker, who wlil
bo accompanied on his tour by Congress
man Jan es E. Watson of Indiana, one of
tho best orators In the house and the
republican whip. In addition to Mr. Wat
son, Speaker Cannon will be accompanied
by his secretary, L. White Busbey, for
merly Wsshlngton correspondent of the
Chicago Inter-Ocean, and representatives
of the press associations.
After leaving Bed alia. Mo., Monday, Sep
tember 24, "Uncle Joe's" Itinerary Is as
Tuesday, September 3, Kansas City, Mo.,
Wednesday, 28, St. Joseph; Thursday, 27,
Omaha; Friday, 28, Ottumwa; Saturday, 29,
Burlington; Monday, October 1, Davenpor.
In the Itinerary as given out today by
Mr. Busbey there Is no provision for
Council Bluffs, although It la understood
Judge Walter I. Smith haa been Importun
ing Chairman Sherman of the congressional
committee to send the speaker Into his dis
trict either for a day or night meeting.
The dates here . given contemplate night
meetings, tt being the desire of Speaker
Cannon's associates to confine him to one
speech a day, but circumstances may make
It Imperative that he apeak at afternoon
meetings enroute.
Tn his Iowa Itinerary he will speak In
the First district, now represented by
Thomas Hedge, In Dawson's district and In
Lacey's district. The speaker haa open
dates from October 2 to 8. which will prob
ably be filled by the congressional com
mittee In district near to Chicago, hla
eastern tour commencing there October I
and terminating in Wadsworth's district
In New York. October 24.
Arraaa-emewte with l.oeal Committee.
Mr. Busbey, who Is In charge of the
speaker's tour, haa not been advised as to
any local preparations under way for Mr.
Cannon' rneeting in Omaha on the 27th,
but presumes that Congressman Kennedy
and the committee will take care of that,
Andrews Talks la Virginia.
W. E. Andrews, auditor of the Treasury
department, who addressed the republicans
of the Ninth Virginia district at Abingdon
yesterday, returned to Washington today
greatly pleased with the situation. While
the district . la represented by a republi
can, Campbell Slemp, the only republican
In the Virginia delegation, Mr. Andrews
sees no i reason to expect a change. Mr.
Andrews will address the Ohio associa
tion of thla' city Friday night. '
Rev. Lather Kohnl-Trtbute.
Rev, Luther M. Kuhns, formerly of
Omaha, was In Washington today On .offi
cial business' of his church on his way
from New Tork to Richmond, where ha
speaks tonight before the Luther league.
Mr. Kuhns, speaking of the death of Mr,
Rosewater, said: "The country has lost
one of Its ablest editors and Omaha a citl-
sen devoted to its welfare. He was char,
itable to every good cause, and the suc
cess that crowned hla life of struggle is an
incentive to others for mastery In doing
things. His wss a recognised ability and
he was ever a power to be reckoned with
in whatever he undertook."
' Minor Matters at Capital.
Harry D. Purvlance has been appointed
regular and Ralph B. Purvlance substi
tuto rural carriers for route No. t at
Ueneva. Neb.
The Farmera' National bank of Garner,
Ia., has been authorised to begin business
with IX, 000 capital. C. K. Moer, president.
and Isaac Baelgard, cashier.
Charlea A. Hall of Valley, Neb., haa been
appointed tagger in connection with the
bureau of animal Industry.
Both Parties Hold Conventions
Over State.
MILBANK. S D., Sept. IS. Special Tele
gram.) The Grant county convention prac
tically a pi It,- both sides electing part of
the ticket. The convention fought from
start to finish. Tho convention stood fifty.
eight Insurgents, machine, fifty-seven dele
BTURGIB, 8. D Sept. lS.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) The Meade county republican con
ventlon, held here today, endorsed the
national administration, the republican
state platform and the oandidacy of Sena
tor Gamble, and the candidacy of Henry E.
Perkins for atate senator. It- nominated
I the following ticket: Clerk of tho court,
(-Matt Flavin; register of deeds. Max Hoehn
Judge, Charlea C. Polk; state attorney.
Herry P. Atwater; superintendent of
schools. Juliet Brown; representative, A.
M. Anderson; commissioners. First district
Frank Gardner; Third district. William
Scott. The democrats of Meade county also
held their convention here today, nominat
ing tha following ticket: Theasurer. Fred
Meyer; sheriff. Thomas Stewart; auditor,
Arthur Bchnell; clerk of the court, Lee
Forbes; register of deeds, O. J. Sherman;
Judge, M. McMahon; state attorney', John
D. Hale; commissioners. First district.
Jesse Brown; Third district. John Stepnens.
YANKTON. S. D., Bept. U -(Bpeclal Tele
gram.) T. B. Price won out In the repub
lican county convention against John Hol
man for nomination for member of the
lower houae from this district. The vote
stood SB to 1, with sixty-four required to
nominate. Mr. Price repreaented the origi
nal insurgent wing of the republican party.
A. L. Vanoadel waa nominated for the
place of representative by acclamation. No
other nominations yet made. Price was
nominated on first ballot
VERMILION. B. D.. Sept. IS. (Special
Telegram.) Clay county republicans to
day nominated O. W. Thompson for sen- j
ator. M. J. Chancy and J. E. Johnson j
iur reifrrivniuvv uj acclamation. I ne
democrats head their ticket with A. 8.
Anderson for senator, P. C. Cleland and
Ralph Tire for representatives.
Germany Hans Polish Meeting. .
P08EN, Bept. IS. The meeting of the con
vention of Polish Journalists, scheduled to
take place here, he's been prohibited. Tho
object of thla meeting la presumed to have
been an effort to reach Identity of plana
looking to tha promotion of the Polish na
tional spirit.
Boiler Manufacturers Meet.
PITTSBURG. Sept. IS The eighteenth
snnual convention of the America u Boiler
Manufacturers' sssoriatlon of the United
States and Canada opened here today with
several hundred delegatea In attendance.
Fair Wednesdny and
Warmer Wednesday.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi
Hoar. Den.
B a. m fltt
A a. m. , . . . . Mt
T a. m ..... . l
Hoar. Deg,
1 . m At
a p. m aa
S p. as...;.. AA
4 p. m ..... . A3
5 p. n is
A p. at ..... . An
T p. at A
N p. as A
p. m ....... u
a a. m ..... . el
a. m 0
in a. m..( ... HO
1 a. m AO
IS m no
Rata and l.laht Vote the Features of
tho Day Devoted to geleetloa of
a County Ticket.
Rain added to the general lack of Inter
est dlrplayed In the Douglas county prl-
mary on Tuesday and a light vote waa tha
result. The rotated ballot was again In
evidence, and Its effect Is noted In the slow
return of the count. At 2 o'clock Wednes
day morning the returns were still Incom
plete. Enough figures were at hand,
though, to indicate the composition of tho
republican ticket for the legislature.
For senators, Ia C. Gibson, Charles A.
Saunders and B. F. Thomas are renomi
nated. For the house of representatives the can
didates appear to be N. P. Dodge, Jr.,
Michael Lee, Edward Ieder, Henry T.
Clarke, Jr., F. C. Beat, John O. Yelser, S. C.
Barnes, A. R. Harvey and F. C. Tucker.
The contest between tho1 lower men on the
ticket la going to be close and 1 may take
the official count to decide.
For county attorney W. W. Slabaugh Is
For county commissioner M. F. Kennard j
la renominated.
The labor unions of tho city resented tho
action of tho Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners in dismissing Leeder from
the fire department because of his candi
dacy and rallied to hia support. They car
ried tho day.
N. P. Dodge, Jr., carried on a moat ag-
greasive campaign on his own account and
landed high man on teh representative
The county officials and employes put In
full time working for Kennard and suc
ceeded In defeating Joe Hummell.
Mrs. Hathaway of Kansas City Re
covers Danghter After Parsait
. . , of Thousands of Miles.
MILWAUKEE, Sept. IS. A Sentinel spe
cial from APPlton,- Wfs., says: After
traveling thousand -of miles through tho
northwest and spending hundreds of dollars
la search of her little -daughter,. Mra -H.
Hathaway of Kansas City today recovered
her child in the possession of Hn. Nettie
Plumer, , who la a guest of relatives In
Five years ago the child was born In a
Chicago hospital. Immediately after the
birth of the child the woman's husband
deserted her and she was left penniless.
Two months afterward the hospital au
thorities Informed the woman that she
would have to turn the child over to a
friend or give it to an orphan's home. The
child was given Into the care of Mrs.
Plummer. The mother left the hospital,
procured a divorce and soon after married
H. Hathaway, a laundryman In Kansss
City. Three years ago the search for the
child waa begun, and since that time Mrs.
Hathaway haa followed Mrs. Plummer
from city. to city, covering practically the
entire northwest. Mrs. Plummer denies
that she wsa trying to evade the mother
and claims that she was In pursuit of her
husband, from whom she was desirous of
obtaining a divorce. The mother and child
left Appleton today for Kansas City after
the former had agreed to give Mra. Plum
mer 1200 for the keeping of her daughter
for three years. s
Several Reernlts In Commercial dob
Resolutions Adopted oa Lnte
Edward Rosewater.
The Commercial club reaped a harvest
of new membera at the meeting of Its exe.
cutive committee Tuesday. These were
taken Into membership: Thomas B. Cole
man, John C. French, T. M. Shelton, Sam
uel Bums, Jr., H. E. Patterson, C. W.
Reynolds, L. V. Haskell and Albert L.
These resolutions In memory of Edward
Rosewater, offered by the memorial com
mittee, were paased:
Whereas, It haa pleased Divine Provi
dence to call from ua our honored and
distinguished member and co-worker, the
Honorable Edward Rosewater, one whose
work In his chosen vocation has not only
built up a Journal of recognised national
Influence, reflecting great credit upon thia
community, but one who has at all times
labored persistently and eucceasfully along
intelligent lines for the betterment of our
city, slate and nation; therefore, be It
Resolved. Bf the Commercial club of
Omaha that in hia demise the club. In com
mon with all commercial Interests of the
olty, has suffered a greet loss, one that
will only be fully known and appreciated
aa time passes. Be It further
Resolved, That a copy of theae resolu
tions, with sympathy and condolence, be
sent to the members of the bereaved fsm-
Henry aad Mrs. Marararet Wernes
Bo Married Tonight, Com.
pletlaa- Romance.
A romance la connected with the mar
riage of Henry Werner and Mrs. Margaret
Werner, which will be celebrated tonight
at the home of the bride, Sine Sherman
avenue. The bride ia the widow of tha
groom's brother, who died sometime ago.
Mr. Werner has seen service In the navy
and has traveled much. He recently came
to, Omaha and renewed1 his acquaintance
with hla sister-in-law, the wedding being
the result. The ceremony will be per
formed by Rev. Leonard Greh of St.
Mark's Lutheran chut" i.
Steel for Baa Franc-tee.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. IS Contracts
for all the structural steel required for the
New Palace hotel in this city have been
awarded, with the assurance that the ma
terials will be delivered within four months
after the specifications have been placed
In the handa of the eaatern manufacturera.
The expedition In the delivery of this ma
terial will. It la believed, permit of be
buudik? boing nnlaned wlthfa twa yaaoo,-
Book Island Faiseocef Train Goes Intt
Cimarron Bherln Oklahoma.
About tha (am h umber Are More or Lest
Number of Persons Ceen Floating Down
Stream oa Driftwood.
Bridge In Pushed Oat of Lino aa
Strikes It Crew Escapes by
lamping or Swimming.
GUTHRIE, Okl., Sept. lS.-Elght pee-Plo
ara dead, twenty more or leas Injured and
aa many more are missing, as the result
of the wrecking of a Rock Island passenger
train three miles from Dover, Okl., at .3v
o'clock thla morning.
The engine, tender, baggage and mail
cara, smoker and day coach of passenger
train No. 12, northbound, left the high
bridge that spana the Cimarron river and
plunged Into the current flanked by treach
erous quicksands. The locomotive dlsap-'
peared from alght almost Immediately. The
mall clerka and baggagemen escaped from
their conches and swam to the shore.
The accident waa due to defective con
ditions of the bridge, which was swerved
out of line by the pressure of driftwood
carried down by the swollen stream.
Train Rnnalaa- Fast.
The train was an hour late and was run
ning at high speed to make up time. Tha
onglne driver did not aee the condition of
iue unugfj until ne wne wunin m ivw jhiui
of it, when It waa too late to atop. Ha
shouted to his fireman, threw on the air
brakes and Jumped. Ho landed on tha
very verge of tho river bank and escsped
unhurt. . The . fireman was less fortunate
and sustained several injuries.
When the engine struck the bridge, tha i
whole structure suddenly collapsed, pre
cipitating the engine, smoker and day coach
Into the water. The two heavy Pullmans
were not pulled In, but remained on the
The scene was one of Indescribable con
fusion. The shrieks of those imprisoned
In the partly submerged coaches were added
to by the shouts of those on the bank.
The current whirled the day coach down
stream, and lodged It against a sand hank.
The occupants were helped out through
the doors and windows. The smoking car
floated down stream, submerged all but tha
middle of the river, and four men were
seen to clamber through the windows and
pull themselves on top of tho car, calling
loudly for help, but those on shore were .
unable .to reach them on account of tha
high water. Whlla they were beaalne
assistance a large R)aaa of omtwootrawrpt. ,
aown ana cmea Tnem otr tneir fragile
footing-.. ' 'V ''V ' -!i,u..;a.,.
. Tljree . other men Jumped through the
rear door of the amoker before It sank and ; ,
struck out for the shore. They were car
rlr I down the current for perhaps a quar
ter of a mile, when they were pulled out.
They were almost exhausted from strangu
lation and exposure. ,
Thirty Men la Smoker.
The most authentic accounts place tho
number of paasengers in the smoker at be- .
tween twenty-five and thirty.- With few
exceptions these have not been accounted
for. The only hopeful news Is contained
In messages received from rural districts.
Men on bits of driftwood have been seen
going down stream at various points, but
attempts at rescue have in most Instances
proved futile. v
One man, whose name is not known, waa
fished out of the Cimarron at Cashion,
twenty miles from tho scene of the - dis
aster. He was almost dead. Others hava '
been reported floating down the river. ,
Those who were Injured and taken from
tha river at the bridge were hurried to
Kingfisher. Six physicians left that place
immediately after the first news of tho
wreck was received. ' They have been work
ing without cessation since early morning.
The people of Kingfisher have thrown
open their homes for the succor of the in
jured. Enough clothes and supplies hava
been donated to provide an army.
It will be Impossible to ascertain the
exact number of dead for several days.
Many Of those reported missing may show
up safe at some point down the Cimarron.
Search for the Dead.
Tonight the derailed cars ara lying near
the bank of the river. A party of aesrr bi
ers Is working with torches and lanterns
to lend aid to any who may be within the
coacbss or recover the bodies. Jt Is tho
opinion of people who are at the scene of
the wreck that a few bodlea will be found
Inside tho smoker.
Sheriff J. P. . Love of Kingfisher, who.
wsa In the omoker of the w recked "train,
experienced a marvelous escape. Ho aald:
Just as tha csr was turning on Ha
side I fought my way to the rear and .
forced my body ' through the door. . The .
water then waa over my head. When ;
came to the surface I waa swept down
stream by the heavy current. Just aa
I had given up all hope and waa tn the
last atsgs of exhaustion, I touched bottom
snd drew myself upon the bank. There
were thirty othera In the smoker. I saw
only two beside myaelf escape. "f
Learning of the wreck, Governor Franta
this afternoon ordered out the engineer
corps of the Oklahoma national guard. In
encampment here, to the b'g bridge over
the Cimarron river, three miles north of
Guthrie. Reports reached here that sev
rral bodlea havs been acen floating down
tho river.
Story of Sarrlvor.
Clyde Oiest. of Dover, Okl., who eacsped '
from one of the cara that went Into tha
river, says:
"We were running very slowly and care
fully when we could feel the track giving
away and heard the engineer whistle for
emergency brakes. I started for tho door
with the porter and Just as we got outside
the door of the oar I felt tha track give
entirely away and we fell Into the river.'
The porter and I managed to stay on top
of the smoking car and floated down tho
Stream several hundred yards, when waves
and driftwood dislodged us and wa wore
oast out Into the main current. In the
meantime I had taken off my clothes and
that ald. d me much In getting ashore. Ilia
porter weul . dewa a few minutes after
being dlelodged. I immediately started for.
the railroad atatlon, where I notified the
agent." ' ' . ,
W. U Moore, 'the Rock Ialand station
agent at Dover, was the first person to
reach the wrsck. Ho aaya:
"Tho only thins X could see ec tfce an