Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1906. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Stresrlh ill Wheat Due to lUins Doei Hot Last NORTHWLST BUYS, THEN TURNS SELLER Prices at Cloee Show CUnklt Less larreaaed Receipts and ravtnkU Weather Caoae Weakaeaa la Cora Optloas. OMAHA, Sepl. 17, 1906. Wheat was up at the opening thin morn ing under Influence ot rains In the north west and higher cable. Price remained steady on a light trade until late In the session, when prices went down, the nortlt '! crowd turning sellers. Beptember rinsed unchanged and December He below Saturday. Cash prices were firmer In spue f large receipts. . though business win light. Clearance were large, but exporter said thare wti nothing In the way of new business. A weak market In corn was due to in ' creased receipts and. favorable weather. Trade wg light and iientlment bearish and there was talk of "better acceptance at r1rt hand. Opening price were weak and there waa a further decline. Primary wheat receipts were 1.S08.V00 . bushels and shipments 1.048,000 bunheti. against receipts last year oT 1,508.000 bushels and shipment ot (48,000 buah . ela. Com receipts were 737,000 buahels and shipments - 441.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 42,000 bushels and shipments of '167.000 bushels. Clearance were aVi.tfH .bushels wheat, 9,47 barrels flour, 89.644 bushels corn and 14,100 bush- i els eats. Liverpool .closed. Jd higher on wheat and unchanged to d lower on corn. , Wheal visible supply Increased 1,029,000 bushels, corn Increased 1,000 bushels, oat Increased 360,000 bushels. The following from Pfnrrlus, the New Tork exporter: ' "If western sentiment make the prlca of wheat for the next few weeks, then we ought to advance. If ex port or cash demand la the bssls, the mer- f kets ought to decline aa surely. During this whole season we have not had such dull cash wheat markets as for the last Ave divi." i i xcal range' of option Article ! Open. High.) Low. Close.) Sat'y, .Wheat- Hpt... Deo.... May... Corn- I ' I I 4',4 64V4 m 644 SH (6 66 70 70 7(H4 70V4 42H . 4?H 414 42 7 ,7S S7S K S8V . SSVi 88V4 38V4 ........ i H 64 4 6V 70 42. Sept... Deo... May.. Oats Sept.. 37, 8H 29Vi Osnaha Caatt Sates. OATfMNo. 4. l'car, t9He. Omaha Cash Prleea. '.- WHEAT No. I hard, 66Hfo; No. 1 . hard, HiJftM: no. 4 bard, lsTitJSo; no. I anrln. 4Wnfi6e. CORN No. t, 41i941i4c; No. I yellow, 41Vi : tT4l4;- No. I white, isVS43c. OATB No. t mixed, 29Ufl2Wc; .No. I wmts, bw4Quhc; mo, f white, arvauue. . RYE No. 3, 62440;, No. 3, 51o. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago 86 799 848 Kansas City 206 21 XI Minneapolis 406 ' Duluth 816 -. Bt, Louis 120 106 182 : CHICAGO GRAIX AHD PROVISIONS j Featarea of the Trading; aad Closing Prlcca stat Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept 17. Weakness of coarse grains for the greater part of the day and " persistent selling by local traders caused ' an easier closing In the wheat market to- oay. in nnai quotations snoweq, u - camber wheat w3fcc lower. Corn was 4 down HfiSc. Oat were Ho higher. Pro- visions were down 6c. Because of rains In the northwest and southwest the market opened slightly higher, commission houses were good buy '. ers, but the pit traders commenced selling , at once and continued offering wheat until ' the and or tne session. The steady pound ; Ing of the pit traders had Its effect. Tho ' weakness In . the coarse grains was also I aralnst the bulls and there waa some eell- ltnr fa ' W W1UW UT MWiwniy TOer'nav .- Ing been stesdy (or several daya. cables , wera up Hd on firmer American . offers v. I , I. l . 1. - TI-I..J 1 ' , 6m. Tbe thlomenta from Ruasla and ports on the Danube were about one-half the amount the soma day last year. Other bullish tcwi waa contained In the 1 'Indiana crop report, which showed a whest , yield of 11.000,000 bushels less than that of the government . crop report. , Caah markets were strong. December wheat opened Ho to e higher at 73fto. to ltc, sold between 7?H-!J72?4ci9Tmo and closed easy at 723727ac. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 006,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,806,000 bushels, against 1,608,0000 bushels compared with the am time a year ago. - Minneapolis, Du- luth and Chlcaao reported receipts of eight cars, against 766 cars last week and 1,325 cara a year ago. The corn market was heavy alt day. Lo cal receipts were heavy and general rains throughout the corn belt also weakened prtaea. Clearances were small and primary- receipts were 88,000 bushels higher , than for the same day last year. The local caah market was affected by the lib eral movement and declined He to 4o. Cables were Ho lower. The December op tion opened '3"io to WITHo lower at 4ZHo . to 4ZS40, sold between 4104Pmo and cloaed easy at 41tH Ho to a below the close of Saturday. Local receipts were 799 cars with 76 cars of contract grade. The oats market was weak during the . greater part of the day, being strongly af fected bv the slumo In com. The local caah market, however, held firm and later In th day all or tne eany loss waa recov ered and the market closed ateady and He higher. December opened unchanged at 12 Ho, sold between 22H?T32Hc and cloaed at 82Sc. Loral receipts were 858 cars. ' There was no particular feature to the provision market and the list ruled fairly ateady. Hogs were ateady and the bulls were encouraged by the fact that the run aeems to be growing lighter. The dnmeatlo ossn Oemani wss gooa. ai ine ciose jan mnr nork waa Be lower at 811.96. I-anl was rtnwn 6c at 17.70. Ribs were 5c lower at ", Estimated receipts fer tomorrow; Wheat 1 cara: corn, 406 cars; oats, 864 cars; hogs. n ow head. Th leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles.! Open.l High.) Low. Close. Eat'y, Wheat J ' ' Spt...f T1H Dec...7SHrH May.. .177341 Corn 1 Bept...!?' m msf ti 71441 73S, Vl 47 42H SH 82i' 8:"i 76HI 76! , 77H "J 4i! 47H Dee... 42-"i 41,;4lH'N"'4i4fl'H May... Oata- Brpt... Deo... May-. Pork Sent... 42 42!43S,tl ! 8?4 8?HI 82H 8?V 82HI 82H 5?t ,4H-W. 84H'34H 17 no' 18 00 IT 00 18 00 I 85 17 00 12 96 17 00 IS 96 1 16 13 00 Ird- S-pt... 0;t.v Nov.. 8 87H1 8 Nt I IK ( 8 ?u 8 82HI 6 K2Hl 8 8 87HI I 50 8 52HI 8 45 I 8 45 Jan. .J - . 1 T 7i 7 76 7 70 I 7 70 8 ?J 8 96 8 52l 8 65. 6 96 I I 96 7 73 Rlba- ,J I Bept...f 2HI Oct... 8 51 I Jan... TOO 8 9THI 6 57HI 7 0IHI 8 R 8 55 7 00 No. t- dish ouotatlons wera as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patent. 8S 2tWr 8 40: straights. 3 00n 20: spring patents, 817vft480; straights, $3fi.0; baker. 83.30 4J-70. WIIBAT-No. t spring. 76c; No. t, 71r 7o. i CORN No. 2. rN7c; No. 2 yellow, 47c. OAT No. 1 82c: No. 2 white. 83Hff 4Ue: No. 8 white, 1jS. RYE No. 9. 6TH4?8o. ' BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 43'iWle. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 8104: No. 1 northwest ern, 8110. Prime tl-nothy. 84. la Clover, contract grades, $11.00.',. PROV13IONS Short ribs, sides (looaet. S85t0. Mesa r"f. Pr bhl., 87 00. Ierd. per lna lbs., $&M. Short clear sides (boxed). l7.S7H. Following wera th day receipt and shipments of flour and grain: Receipt. Shipments. Flnur, bbla. n M 77. Wheat. b M.0i 12.4'X Corn, bit..,, 476,7' 421 0 Oate, bu. Sai.Ma) tS0.7iiO Rya. bu , 7.W . J. lis Rye, bu i.:. T.O0 . S.t0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa Steady; creameries. 1Wm.'c; dairies. 17c. Kggs stesdy; at mark, oases larluded, llan7',c; Brats. 19He; prime flnata. He; extras, Me. Cheeaa steady, llWe-WHo. Toledo Seed Market, TOLEDO. O.. Sept 11 SKEDS-Clover, cash and October. . 8756: Iev-nner and ouary. 8I.kH; March. 7.67 No. 2 rya. 5.'. nominal. Prime timothy. 81.40. Prima aislke, 87.04. JEW YORK, CiESfcRftl. MARKET q.ot.tlo.a of ,T"Dr,.. V.rl Comaaodltlea. NEW TOBK ori IT irtlfR Receipts. l2t hhl..; exports, 9,153 hbls. Msrkct stesdy. eiin ngni inii'jlry. Minnesota patenim tlt.iw: aiinntta bakers. i.4rui.u; winter ratrntu, 8.1.;5Jj4.10; winter xtralghta, 83.oOV : winter extras. S.x.i3 25; winter low arades, $J7B.i ao. Rye flnur. quiet ; fair to g.o,l. $3 V,3.60; choice to fancy. H.TWi J 95. t OKNMKAL Firm; fine white ana yel low. sl.&i'tl.ju; coarse, 51.iVjl.le; al.n dried. IJ.7ra" 86. RYE Firm: No. z western. 64V40, c, I. I.. New York. BARI,KY Quiet: feedina. 39Uc. 6. I. f.. Buffalo: mnltlng. 4Sti9-'c. c. I. f.. BttfTMo WHEAT Receipts. W.ino bu.; exports, 243,fM bu. Sales, 1400.000 bu.; futures, spot market easy: No. 2 rod. 77c elevator and 7'jo. f. o. h., afloat; No. 1 northern iniiiith, lT4,e. f. o. b.. anoat: No. x naro aintT. SHc. f. o. b.. afloat. Irrea-ular con ditions prevailed In wheat todajr. It opened steady, advanced after midday, but broke sharply In the last hour on northwest 'lllnsr. and a British estimate of th uprtng wheat crop. Earlv steadiness oue to Arm cables, small receipts and heavy clearance. Final priceli snowed He to He net irvn. May, .13 'y ciosea at szc; September cloaed at 777Ae: December. 80a 81 5-16C, closed at 80Se. whk-Keoetpts, 64,K cu.; exports, w.frM bn.j sules, 75,000 bu. futures and 16,000. spot. Spot market easy; No. t, 59c elevator and 5fio f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow. 6c: No. 2 white, tiDHc. Option market was dull ll day and generally lower on easy cables, large receipts and liquidation, eloping HHe unoer Beturaay. May, 4n4o, ciosea at 49e; September, RtiH'&WHc. closed at 5c; December, 61iWlH, closed at 61c. OATS Receipts, 90.000 bu.; exports, 14,400 bu. Snot market steadv: mixed oats. 211 to 82 po'ind. 87c; natural white. 80 to 31 fifuiiun, onmx&n, Clippeu Willie, wrf lJ w pounds, mf44He. FEED Steady; rprlng bran, 819.25, Septem ber shipment; mlddllni?. 820.1U, September shipment; city. 820.5OS26.00. HAY Steady; shipping, 65ijf70c; good to choice, 90ca1.0t. HOPS Steady: state common to choice. 1905, U4fl7c; 1W4, nominal; olds, nominal; PacUlo coast, 1906, WtlZc; 1904. 12c; olds, nomlnsl. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 28 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., ile; Texaa dry, 24 to 30 lhs , 19c. LEATH RR Steady ; acid, 2HI7e; PROVISIONS-Beef, firm; family, 811 -Vm 1150; mess, 88 oni&O 00; beef hams, $23.0v 22.50; packet. Sin.O0310.5O; city extra India mess, 816.0on6.50. Cut meats, qnet: pickled bellies, 810.0012.00; pickled shoulders, nominal; pickled hams, HI 50 Lard, ateady;; western prime, $R.'XKn.00; refined firm; continent, 89.40; South America, 810.00; compound, 87.12H i7 87H- Pork, steady : family, 818 5Offl00; short clear, 817.00S18.75; mess, 818.7fl9.25. TALLOW Firm; city (12 per pkg.). 8He: country (packages free), 6H&6c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 8VhHc; Jspan, nominal. BUTTER Steady. Street prices: Cream ery, 1926c; renovated, common to extra, 6H52ic; factory, common to firsts, 11H9 AVI., ,.111.11 I IUII VI 1,1 ! 1 1, 1 ,rtflWVi CHEEHH Easier; state full cream, large rancy, l2Hc; state, ralr to good, ltfU'ic; mall fancy, 12Ho; fair to good, llHSlic; Inferior, litello. EGOS Firm; ' state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 2930c; gtate, good to choice, 8728c; mixed, extra. ii'J rue; western firsts, 21H1t22c: official prlots, western flrets, 41Hc: seconds, 2021o; Ken- . .... 1. .. trrAii.. POlfLTRY Alive, firm; western spring cmcaens, 12c; iowis, i3Hc; turkeys, ic Dressed, quiet; western spring chickens, 1216o; spring turkeys, 20(S28c; fowls, loaitc. St. Loals Qeaersl Market. ST. LOUIS. Sent 17. WHEAT Futures. lower; cash, Arm; track No. 2 red, cash, 71H4r72c; No. 2 hard, 6Hiff72c; December, 7 c: May. 74T4c. CORN Lower; track No. 1. caah, 46Ho: No. 2 white, 4&H8Vc; December, 40Ho; May. 4H&-41HC OATS Weak: track No. 1 82Hfl32c: No. f white, 84c; December, 82c; May, U& 84Hc. FLOUR Firm ; red winter patents. 83. 5o; extra rancy and straight, e3.utai46; clear. 82.15ffC.90. SEEDS-teady. 83.50J3.R5. CORNMEAL Steady. 82.50. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 78tf79c. HAT Firm; timothy, $12.001.00; pralr IS.OCVfflO.BO, IRON COTTON TIE881.00H. BAOQINO-ei-iJc. .' . HEMP TWINE 7Hc. v v PROVISIONS-Pork, ' steady; Jobbing, 816.46. Lard, lower: prima steam. 8A.62H. Dry salted meats,., lower;, boxed extra clears, I it. 60. Bacon, lower; boxea extra elawra, ' 9 50,- - Bacon tbored,- lower; extra shorts, $.S7H; clear ribs, ilO.liH; ahort PQULTRY Steady; chlckena, 10c; springs. 110; lurKeys, 14c; aucas, so; geese, o. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2026c; dairy, EXJGS Firm; case count, 17c. ' . v. Recetnts. Bhlnments. Flour, bbla 9,000 8,000 Wheat, bu 119,000 87.000 Corn, bu 106,000 35,000 Oats, bu 182,000 29,000 tflaneapolls Grata Market MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 17. FLOUR First patents, HlOi&H.IO; second patents, 83.809 i.uv, iiivi vinra, second , cieara, 82.4tV3s.flO. BRAN In bulk, 81.0013.25. ' ' (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Minneapolis ana Chicago delivery). Th rang of price, a reported by F. D. Day at vo., jiv-Lii jttuara 01 Traae, was: Articles ! Open.j Hlgh. Low. J Close. Sat'y. Wheat I Sept... Deo.,.. May... Oct.... Nov... Dec.... 71HtfS 71 71 71 71 72q 72 71 71 72H 76i2 76 75 76-i 76 i h 1 iih 111 1 12 1 iH l W4 1 10 1 io 1 10 iwl 1 10 1 10 1 0 1 C 1 Mt4 1 00 Kaaaas City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 17.-WHEAT-Sep-t ember, 64c: December, 66c: May, Kk 70c; casn, no. z nara, 6osc; no. , 6MltMc; No. 1 red, Tc; No. 8, 65i66e. CORN September. 4iHe; December, 87c; May, 3Hc; cash, No. 1 mixed, 4.H3o; No. 2 white, 45c. OATS-No. 2 white. 2Q)62o; No. S mixed. BV'C. RYE Steady. 65fi7c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, tll.TOUli.OO; cnoice prairie, BUTTER Creamery. 28c: packing. I60. EGGS Firm; extra. lc; Miasouri and Kansas, white wood ceaea Included, firsts, 18c; seconds, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 355.000 106, - Corn, bu 36.000 : 28,000 Oats, bu ; 16.000 13,000 Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 17. WHEAT Spot, aim; no. 1 re a, western winter, m Hd Futures, steady;- September, osld; De cember. Is 3d. CORN American mixed, steady at a iua. r utures, quiet: sepiemoer, nom inal: December, 4s6d; January, new, 4s d. ' HOPS At London: Pacific coast, steady at fcl iue ids. - Visible Bapply of Grala. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. The visible supply of grain aa compiled bv the New York Produce exchange tiaturday, September 16, was aa follows: Wheat. 31.1SO.0UO bu.. Increased 1.011.000 bu. Corn, bu.. Increased 1.000 bu. Grits, I.ltiJ.OoO bu.. Increased 46.000 hu.' Rve. 1,466.000 bu.. Increased 81,000 hu. Barley, 1.31H.000 hu., Increased 433,000 bu. Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 17.-WHEAT-NO. 1 northern. Y5u?6r: No. 2 porthern, 728'75c; Dect-nber 72ii7?c. RYE Higher; No. 1. 69069HC. ' B 4KLEV Steady; No. 1 iic; sample, 88 CORN-No. t cash, 46Hi947c; December, 42e. Dalatk Grala Markrt. DULUTH. Bept. 17. WH EAT On track: No. 1 northern. 73Hc; No. 2 northern, 71cj September. 72He; October, 72He; Decsniber, 72c; May. 7So. OATS To arrive. 31ct . September, 81e. RYE 54o. HA1U.K Y 36tf64c. Peoria Grata Varkot. PEORIA. Sept 17. CORN Lower: No, t. 46c; No. 4, 46c; no grade, 41 c OATS Eaey; No. 3 white. 82c; No. I white, 31 32c; No. 4 white, 8031e. RYE Firm: No. 1, 6&rc WHISKY 11.29. i, rblladelpbla Prod are Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17.-BUTTER-Vnchsnged. EGG Firm: weslrrn. 23c at mark. CHEESE Firm : New York full cream fair to farcy, 12n8a EUsrla Batter Market. ELGIN. Sept. 17. BUTTER Ruled firm today snd unchanged, bring quoted at 24V-'. Total output for th weak. TU.00D pounds. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BOSLS Varket It Irrecnlar tnd A 0 tire. Later Turainr Weak. CALL MONEY RISES TO tO PER CENT Hardening of Leai Hat Taraa tho Prleea Doveaerardl aad Close I at Lowest Polat of tho Day. NEW YORK. Sent. IT The speculative choice ot lavorttr went racing through the Hat of stocks usually prominent in in mantel today and exploited the individual nock thua selected for what they could be nude to yieia in the way of a price movement. 'ihe furious activity with whicn tne sudden bursts of buying' dis tinguished tnee storks was no leaa as tounding than their sudden lapse Into dull new wnen operations turned to the next choice on the selected Hat. As the various siotks were left behlmt by the tide of the most trading they were Inclined to sag back In price also under the Influence of the prollt-tsking sales. Some of th strong est and most active stocks of the early desltngs lost all their gains subsequently, those that Immediately followed in the movement lost part and the latest comers In demand received the best part of the gains. Individual tranaactlons In sep arate stocks were very large and gave the impression of orders executed from one Source or under concerted operations. Purely speculative operations by room trader In following these movements were on an enormous scale and without any pretense of Information to base the buying on. Block of thousands of shsres were bought on the floor snd often quickly sold at a slight advance for no other motive than that they look good for a movement. Some of the day's conspicuous movements were advertised beforehand and were sub ject of widely circulated tips before the market opened. Accumulation of buying orders over the week end a a result of last week s Influences were on a moderate scale. The usual weekly summing up of Indus trial and business conditions was convin cing of the flood tide of prosperous activ ity In every branch. The car movement of all kinds of merchandise over all lines was reported to be limited only by the svallable equipment facilities and railroad officials expressed but one apprehenaloj and that of car famine and coming freight congestion from Insufficiency of means to take care of freight offerings. The rail way equipment stocks responded early to this showing of conditions. Amalgamated Copper responded to the showing ot gen eral prosperity In the copper trade ana to specific rumors of Intended Increase In the dividend on Anaconda and on Its own stock. The speculative element was disposed to assume thst the Saturday bank state ment showed that the crisis In the money market had been passed and an obstacle thua removed to the due reflection In the securities market of the extraordinary proeperlty prevailing. First loans on csll were made at below 6 per cent, compared with Friday's 9 per cent rate and thl served to confirm speculative confidence. The later rise In the money rate to 10 per cent had something to do with the reac tionary tendency of the later stock market, although the palpable speculative exploita tion of stocks that was going on and the manner In which different Issues were thrown aside aa fast as their possibilities were exhausted excited some uneasiness. The hardening of the money rate waa at tributed to tne arrangements making for a paymnt of an Installment of subscriptions to Baltimore Ohio new stock, which called for something like 810,000,000. There were some email additional gold, engage ment in London announced and Incoming steamers brought several millions engaged abroad too soon to get the benefit of the treasury aid measure and which there fore became newly available to New York bank reserve with their arrival. There were further remittances from here to San Francisco through the subtreaaury. Read ing, Pennsylvania, th Harrlman Pacifies and Amalgamated Copper absorbed a large firoportion of the day'a dealings. The clos ng was weak and -not much of th day'a gain was aaved. Bond were Irregular. Total sales par value, 83,838,000. United Btatea 2a regis tered declined H per cent on call. Following were the sale and rang of price on the Stock exchange today: rMuea.nujn.j-w.i.-ioe. Adams Bmiaas Amal. Caspar Anur. Oar and remnary. ..81. to HSU lt!14 ., m,m ' ti 4m .. 10 100U, MO .. 9,900 ' M MMb 1U4 4J 100 MH tl4 Sit It 40 ltist 1UV4 UIV4 117 Vi 01 Vt tit 1MU 100 144V4 de pfd Anar. Cotton Oil de afd Amer. Btpraaa 1 Amar. Hlda A leather pfd. Astr. loe Securities Amar. Llaand Oil - too too t.oo tM (744 M6 do sfd Amar. Locomotive .. do sfd 81, 900 It 144 Amar. smelting Raflnlag M.TM MS Did ....J... too 1US4 lltuj Amar. Sutar Raining Amar. Tobacoe pfd etta.,. Anaoonda Mining Co Atohiaon do pfd Atlantis Co it Una Baltimore A Ohio do ptd Brooklyn Rapid Transit. ... Canadian PnctAe Cantral of Now Jersey Caeeapeako a Ohio Caicafo Great Western.. .. Chlcato A Northwoatara.... C. at. A St. Paul Chisago Term. A Trans.,.. do pfd C, C. C. St. Urala Colorado Fuel and Iron.... Colorado A Southern do let pfd do'td pfd Consolidated Oaa Cora Products rfg do pfd Delaware A Hudeoa Del.. Lack. A Weetern Den rer a Rio Grande do pfd Dlatlllera' Becurltiea Brie do let pfd do Id ptd General tlecllie Hocking Valler Illlnela Central later. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Leulevlllo A Naahillle Mexican Central Mian. A at. Louie at., St. P. A lault 8 La. M . da pfd Mlaaourt PaelBe Mleaourl, Kanaaa A Teiaa.. do pfd National Lead National R. R. of Max. pfd New Tor Centre! N. V., On I. A Weetern.... Norfolk A Weetern do pfd North Amerleaa PaeISc Mall 4. to 1.100 11,400 84.100 1SIV4 1I4V4 100 a rH Its "4 1MH 10744 100 10014 90 14 It, tO 1144 1014 ltt 123 VI tl 4. M TtVfc 7t4 1,100 17144 17144 I744 too lain rn tu 8,100 4H 4 44U 1,400 114 1T44 n4 lot I11S4 IHV4 310 40,100 1744 17744 171 It . .. 17 M 4. 00 174 174 47 1.000 , 174 H IT T 100 1 M 404 .... 1 It 1.40 744 Tt Tt A 100 Xtl lit fit 421 00 4( 41 414 1.104 H4 IBV4 U4 11.400 TS4 714 71 14.400 tt 41 '4 4IU tot T74 774 77 3 n l.ooe ltt iw4 11 itt to in lTi in4 tot 11 11 174 114 104 14 7H M4 UlV, 114 744 111. It' M4 ti Tt too too 1044 tl4 104 424 tt M4 Wie tl 714 Ul 1714 Wl It 14 KI0 JH TOO 4I U.ont H4 Ltot tl, too Tist 100 1U loe 17ll 17,000 lWOfe it. toe rr ltot 714 ltot an, 700 4 714 74 44 I.7O0 1444 1414 1434 tot to4 404 t4 4,100 MU H Mvj , 100 4 to4 c4 too tit eitt 114 10 M ' nu. uu Pennarlvaala People' e Oaa Puts.. C, C. A St. U.. Proceed Steal Car do sfd .114.400 1444 1414 itlu U44 . eeia e tt tt 7 ttt'4 ltou so 1.004 44 Pullmae Palace Reading Car. I0 HI .436. too 144 Vt 8414 ltv4 a let ptd , do td pfd Republic Steel . du pfd, ea-dlv Rock leland Co do ptd Rubber Oooda pfd Bl. Lv A Ban Praa. Id pfd St. Louia Soutawealara do pfd Southern PaclSo do pfd Southern Railway do pfd. Teaaeeaes Coal aad Iroa.. Texaa A Paci&c Tel.. St. Louie A Weetern. do pfd Ualoa Pacific do pfd mo 1,74 I toe 4.100 too 'too isles I. MO I1.7UV at I4i 14 74 7t Bil tt it" W4i 114 t4 74 44 10 44 16 14 41 14 444 117 i, 74 t 144 44 U4 414 Ma 111 174 " in 17. M Lax tut LOuo 114,400 17 It tl 10 4 tela 44 . 4 MH 1174 MS r.:: 11 10S u 104 41 it" 444 ti 144 It M4 14 U 464 iis4 TJ. A Eapreaa V. S. KeeJt I'. S. Rubber do pfd V. S. Steal da ptd Vtrslaia-caroilna Chemical. do ptd We been ..; do pfd Wella-Parta Eiproea WeeUashouee Klertrle Weetera I'nloa Wheeling A Lake Erie VYuveaela Central do pld Northers Pectne Central Leather do pfd Sloee-Shemeld. ei-dlT. .... Ureal Northern pld Interhoreuss Melrepoiltaa.. de pfd Ufferod. Total aalaa for the Say. 1W 111 714 (4S4 10 S( 464 1044 41 104 jet too 141 44 us 14 W 8. tot l.lo at. 10 U.000 l.tut U 114 44, 1074 41 lot 400 N 444 lv tat 100 144 1.401 0 VI tut tt4 tV4 8,40 1174 8'4 IllSg lot Msg .... lot 7444 tvt M4 TJVt Ml U llo 114 444 tue it ti4 1.44.10 ' Mew York Mlainar Itoeka. NEW YORK. Sept. 17.-Clcolng quotaUons en mining stocks worat Adama Coe t Uttla Chtet 1 Oeurts J7t Opblr ....... M.....iat Poioel 4 ij" M Sierra Nmi. ee Alice broare kruaewlck Cos.... t'ooialock Tuaael Con. Cal. aad V. Mora Sllrer Iron Slleer Laadellla Cea. ... ..ut .., te , IT . at 17t HmH Uea i tut Leaaard ......M...i Treoeory Stoteaaeat. . WASHINGTON. Sept. 17Tody s stste meat ul Uo treaauxy balaaoa In tfee an. eral fund, exclusive of the,oon gold reserve, shows: Araliable cash balance. rn.i.970 437: gold eoln and bullion. 3111. 740; g gold certificates. 839.8nM60. !tew York toney Market. NEW YORK. Sept. IT MONEY-On call strong. 4yl'10 per cent; ruling rate, f, r'T cent; cloelng, a per cent; offered at per rent; time loans dull and stesdy; sixty days snd ninety riaye, tjfii per cent; six months, 5V4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3H per cent. 8TERLINO EXCHANOE Stesdy, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 Wr 4.8-?? for demand and at 34.WJfvfi4 2n for sixty-day bills; posted rates. M 81ff4.8lt and 84.MH: commercial bills. 34.7974 a,, SILVEHr Bar, (9Vkc; Mexican dollars, oS4C. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. Quotations on New York bonds today were as follows: . K. m. m.,lfen CTIB..., So rouoon lOfiH do til eerlee ?4 . tl . M4 .l"u .101 . Tl . 114 . ts .ions V. F. e. rs 1lt! dn 4e, tfi do cotinon ..!"'. L. A N. nt. 4... ..lo:4 Vanhat. e. (old 4j ..1"14 Me. Central 4a..., ..Ill I dn let Ine .111 Minn. A at. L. to - 77V, M , K. A T. 4.... ..111(4 do Me O. S. old 4e. re.. do coupon tt.... V. S. new 4e. rag., do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a.. do la Atchlenn sen. 4a. ''t'N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. M- do adl. 4a. .. et-k n. x. u. aea. iea.. e- e Atlantic C. U 4a ... ttuN. J. C ea la i.tu a- a- O. 4a lOJH Nor Pacific 4e 1M do ! o la T 44 Brk. R. T. c. 4a.. ttjNnrfolk A W. e. 4a. .100 Central of Oa, Is... .Ill Ore. S. L. rf t . tt do M rnc at Penn. c. 140 l.W do Id Ine r? Reading ten. 4a.... at'e Chea. A O. 4Ha IJt St. L. A I. M-1. ta.lltst Chinese A A. Ie.. IT t. LAST fa. 4e. tt C.. B. A Q. s. aa.... M14 St, Lenla S. f e. 4a. TVt C. R. I. A f. 4a.. TI4Sabord A. U 4a... til do col. la m (go. p,0i(C 4, 11 CCC. A St. U f . 4e. Iii da let 4a etfa V voio. mq. ea. ear. a. Ttst eoutnern Ry. ee ...1114 Colo. Mid Colo. A So. ta.. Cuba ta t. A R. O. 4a.. Diet. ta Brie prior lien 4a do gen. 4a Hock, Vol. tste.. Japan 4s do td aarlea.... . ei r. ina 114 154 Tol., St. L. A W. t. k .ISI I'nlon PaclSc 4, ;nt .1M"4 t. a Stel Id is.... 1114 KS Wahaih lata .........11414 .' 1 do deb. B a . M Weetern Md. 4a tl .inii:w. aV L. B te at .:'t Wla Central 4a W . hI Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. Sept. 17-Call loans, fcvff per sent; time loans. 6(87 pef cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were as follows! Atchleoa adj. 4a.... tt lAtlantle .. lt4 .. 144 ..m .. Itt .. 7 .. 14 .. 114 .. II . .. II .. I .. 144 .. 44 .. 41 ..1114 .. tt4 .. 99 .. 1"H .. 914 .. 10S4 .. 4S4 .. tli .. tst .. MS4 4i .. 14 ..160 .. 74 .. it .. 114 14 ..1J0 .. ii .. 414 ira Blnxbam Mea. Central 4a Tt (Cal. A Mocla... Atehlaon IMS4 Centennial . VH 100S4 Topper Range .. Boeton A A 4S Pair Went Boeton A Me 14 Pranklln Bostoa Kletrated 1434 Oranby Fltchbur( pfd IK Ile Royele .... Mexican Central .... 114 Mass. Mining .. N. T.. N. H. A H....1M iMtchHan ....... Pera Maruuetta .... M Mohawk ....... Union PaelBe lWHnid Dominion . n.u. wtimw. innn.... xja owmi. da nf4 M4 Parrot tl IQulncy 117 8hannon 1M Tamarack .... ltt'Trtnlty M14 United Copper 1044jU. 8. Mlnlnf.. Am. Pneu. Tube.... Am. Sugar ., do pfd Am. Tel. A Tel.... Am. Woolen , do pfd Dnm. Imn a Bdlenn Blen Til "t l,i!-w zest u. B. Oil. Mana. Electric n4 Victoria ' PM TIS4 Winona Maea. Oaa tt iWoWerlne tnlted fruit 1014 North Butta Lnltod Shoo Mach.... to Butte Coalition ... . P'd M Nerada V. g. steal 4J1 Mitchell . ' 107 cal. A Arixona AdTontar ( Tocumeeh tTHlArla. Commercial.. Amalgamated 114 Bid. "Asked. Londoo Cloalngr Stocka. INrON. Sept. 17.-C1oslng quotations dn the Stock exchange were: Console, money 14 t-ltM., K. A T M do account Mil-UN. T. Central 14 Anaconda ItVNortolk A W tl Atrhtaon Ill do pfd to P lOdtt'Ont. A Western (IS A O irr4 Pennarlranla T4s Canadian Paelfts ....IMS Rand Mlnaa t4 Chea. A Ohio M4 Reading TUl Ohlcago O. W it (Southern Ry Its C.. M. A St. T 1414 1 do pfd lfltvi DeBeora 114 Southern Pacific ....(54 D- A R. 0 49 jtnlon Pactflo .104V do pfd M oa pra rle (o4 V. 8. Stool frit do let pfd ......... to, I do pfd Ill do Id pfd Tt fWahaeh tt Illinois Central lTt do pfd 474 Loulrrllle A N 167 'Spanish 4a 4(2 SILVER Bar. steady; 31 6-16d per ounce. MONEY-8ff84per cent. DISCOUNTeV-Ttia rate of discount In ths open market for short bill la 4 per cent, for three months' bills, 4 par cent. Foreign Ptoaaolal. . LONDON. Sept, IT. Money waa not abundant on th market today. Tha de mand waa good... Rtxtea were firm and discounts were ateadily maintained. Trad ing on the stock xohang waa quiet and firm. Consols snd first clasaers tended to higher prices under more confident opera tions and ,the Idea, that tha monetary sit uation la clearing. Foreigners were Irreg ular. Some Part favorite showed im provement, but Russtsns were weak. Americans were quiet during the forenoon, but distinctly firm and well over parity owing to the favorable bank atstement. Later New York sent buying orders and the market Improved further,, especially Reading. The market closed firm. Kaf firs were heavy. Copper shares received much attention and were firm, especially Boston & Montana. ' Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 closed at 103H- BERLIN, Sept. 17. 'i he Bourse waa gen erally quiet today, although there was lively trading in some domestics. PARIS, Sept. 17. Trading on the Bourse today waa firm. Russians were strong on rumors of the abolition of the repressing meaaurea against the Jews. Russian Im perial 4a closed at 69.10. Russian bond of 1904 cloaed at 470. - 1 . Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Sept. 17. Bank clearings for to day were 31, 767.064.87 and for the corre sponding date last year 31 ,530.384.17. Bostoa Copper Markot. - Closing quotations bn Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 3 Board of Trade building, Omaha: AdTontur 14 Mohawk 44 14 Allouea 174 Nerada Consolidated. 1114 Atlantic It1 North Butte tlVt Bingham 344 Old Dominion ....... 414 Black Mounts! ....a., tt Oineola ,.,..1SJS4 Boeton Coneolidatod.. It Pneu. Servle It Butte Coalition 144 Pneu. Samoa, ptd... te Calumet A Arixona. ..110i Oulner 44 Calumet A Hacla 77 Shannon lots Centennial It Tamarack 100 Copper Hans 7t4 Tana. Copper 41 Dailf West 1IS4 Trinity 10 East Butta IV United Fruit lotst Pranklln II United States, com... tt Greene Copper tl United Stalea, pfd... 474 Oranby It Its Consolidated.... tt Helvetia t Utah Copper is Isle Royal Ma Victoria .... 1 L. 8. A Piuburg.... IT Winona 1st Maaeachuaetta t Wolrarlna Ill Michigan It Cottost Market. . NEW YORK. Sept. 17.-COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 9.80c; middling gulf, lO.o&c; sales. 100 bales. LIVERPOOL, Sept 17. COTTON Spot In fair demand; prices 1 points higher; Ameri can middling fair. tlOd; good middling, 6 82d; middling, t.Ud; low middling, i 38d ; good ordinary, 8.14d; ordinary, 4.9ud. Th sales of tha day were 8,000 bales of which 500 wera for speculation and export and In cluded t.000 American. Receipts, 3,000 bales, including 800 American. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Sept. 17. COTTON Oulet; middling. aSo. Sale none; receipts, 17 bale; (hlpments, 6B8 balea; stock, U.&61 NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 17. COTTON Spot closed firm; sales. 800 bales; low ordinary, 4 13-16c; nominal: good ordinary, 7 7-16c; low middling. 8 11 -loo; middling, 9 5-lHc; good middling, 9 9-16c; middling fair, t 15-ltic nominal; fair, 10 9-lSo. Receipts. bales; stock, &.W8 balea Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 17.-COFFEE Fu tures opened stesdy at a decline of 5116 points in response to lower European cables and some hat larger Interior Santos receipts. A return of dry weather was reported from -St. Paul and as the recent rains are said to be Inadequate th?re wis some buying on this fact, while leading paa'klng houses also supported the market. Prices held pretty steady on this demand, but Europe was seller and the market closed steady at a net decline of vjj-20 points. Sales were reported of SS.roo bags. Including October at 50c; Dec m her. 4 tiSrfs 6.70c; March, jRfi8.9oc: Mar, IryjfT.Ooc July 7.H'tj7.1ac. Spot Rio, steady; No. T Invoice. 4We. Wool Market. LONDON, Sept. 17. WOOL The arrival of wool for the fifth aerie of auction closed today with th following amounts: New South Wales, 21. 203 balea; Queensland. It 8E2 Vlctorla, 3,M; South Australia, 428; West Australia, 8,823; Tasmania, 19ft: New Zea. land, 45.34ft. and Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 14.625. Of the arrivals 10 too Cape of Good Hope and Natal and I9.5u0 Australian were forwarded direct to spinners, mak ing th net amount available for th salsa 80.141 bales. Including 19,000 held over from th fourth series. BT. LOUIS, Mo.. Sept. 17.-WOOL-Bteady; medium grades combing- and cloth ing. 13ic; light line. 18rj.c; heavy fin. 12 !Sc. tub washed. lapSSc. ' 8Corle4 Apples aad Dried Frolta. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. X. VAPOR A T-F.n A1-LJL-Market, aulcl. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ail Ilnda of Stock. Trt-ins Dtlkjtd I EetTf Rtius. CATTLE OF ALL KINDS ARE STRONG Hoc Average Higher, hot So Great Chaago 1st Oeaeral Market Olieep aad Isnhs Aetlv 4 rotty toady. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 17. 1908, Receipt were: Cattl. Hcgs. Sheep. Official Monday 4. MO 4,nO0 5.W0 Same day last week 8.0vl 3.oo 17.ttr Sam two week ago.... 3.3ti3 14.S.T7 hame three weeks ago.. 7.430 5.9M 9.M9 Same four weeks ago.... 5.11 8.8.3 17.VM Same day last year 8.403 8,687 83.044 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Soutri Omaha for tha year to date, compared with last year: ln. 1905. Inc. Cattle 877.528 63.4.078 S9.4M Hoga 1.8,8n2 1.73.1n lM.i51 Sheep 1.311,(88 1.184.927 8t,7hl CATTLK guOTATIONS. Th following will show tne prlc paid for th different kind o( oattl aa the S'-uth Omaha markat: . Good to choice oorn-fd steer rx-'? Fair to good corn-fed steer .0Ot6. Common to fair corn-fed steers.. -J3J'?a Good to choice rang steers Kx7'15 Fair to good rang steers rxrJr Common to fair range st-era e0M4 00 Good grass cows and heifers Fair to good cows and heifer.... i tog! at Common to fair ooti and helfars.. 1 ."gl Good to eholc atocksr A feeder. 4 74 to Fair to good stocker and feeder.. 14.00 Commm to fair stocker ' ,SJ I. Bulla, stags. te ,s5,! Veal calves .fJOuiS78 Th following taole show th average prlca of hogs at South Omaha (or th laal several daya, with comparison: Dkt. I 1908. 11805. 11804 11808. 1808. 1901. HO. Sept, ... Sept. ... Sept. 1... Sept. (.., Sept. 9.., Sept. 10.. Sept. 11.. Sept. 13.. Sept. 13.. Sept. 14.. Sept. 16., Sept. IS. 1 Sept. 17. 6 3l S 08 83 f 05 6 80. 3 08 IU 844 46 t 16 6 33 t 23 6 38 6 46 ( it) ( Ot ( 04 109 o I 13 (521 8 87 ( CI Sunday. RANGE OF PRICE8. Cattle. Hoga. Omaha tl 503 00 15.86tji.SS Chicago 1.606.95 t.rXX&o.od Kansas City 1.7fVH 40 6 loq 40 St. Louis -50 17W-W Sioux City t.SOrfW OO 8 804K.14 SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following show the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to th coun. try and their points of destination: CATTLE. Name of 8hlpper and Road. No. Cars. A. W. Wade, LaMollle, IU. 43 1 C. H. Flchter, Randolph, la Q I W. P. Campbell, Woodbine, la I. C 1 George .Winner, Shelton-U. P ... Roger Hroa. U. Co., South Ravenna U. P. 1 P. Carey, Portsmouth, la. Mil 8 J. G. Close, Rockford. 111. Mil 1 8. B. Hutching, Btrahn, la. Wab 1 liner Hlett, Sliver City. Is. Wab 1 Andrew Jensen, Tekamah -M. A 0 1 H. J. Smith. Blair M. A 0 1 J. E. Narberg, Oakland M. A 0 1 William Carson, Oakland M. A 0 1 Erlck Johnson, Oakland M. A O I SHEEP. D.D, J. E. VanDusen, Emmett, la. U. P 1 Bullord J. 8. A L. Co., Emmett, lav. U. P. 1 HORSES. W. H. Farley. Vail, Ia--N. W 1 Tha official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. H'ra. C. M. St P. .. .. Union Pari no System. ( 8 7 C. A N. W., (east).... I t. C. A N. W.. (west).. ..117 14 1 1 C St. P., M. A O .. X C. B. A Q (west).... 61 I t C, R. I. A P. (east).. .. 1 .. , .. C. R, I. A P., (west). II Illinois Central I .. Chi. Great Western.. .. 1 .. .. Total receipts ......219 88 - 81 9 Th disposition of tho day's receipts waa fm follow, eaoh buyer purchaalng tha num ber of head indicated; Cattle. Hoar. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co........ 630 3 Swift and Company 599 787 - 478 Armour Packing Co 1,075 727 895 Armour A Co., Denver.... 125 ..... Carey A Benton 129 Iobman A Co 82 McCeary A Carey 60 W. 1. Stephen 4 Hill A Son 48 Huston A Co 18 Hamilton A Rothschild.. 91 L. F. Hubs 176 Wolf 316 J. II. Bulla 17 Mike Haggerty - 17 J. li. Root A Co... 211 ..... T. B. Inghram 1 Sullivan Bros 6 V. A. Brltton ( F. P. Lewis 63 , Other buyers 136 1645 Total 4i669 XTOO 4.802 CATTLE As regards receipt ther waa a good deal of uncertainty In the cattle ket thl morning. When the trade opened only a few over 100 cara were In sight, with almost aa many more reported back. Owing to uncertainty regarding the amount of damage done by heavy rains of yesterday and last night no one waa uble to say when the remainder of tha receipts would put In an appearance. Hence buyer and seller wer both In tha dark this morning as regard th day'a upply. The number of beef ateer on sale was comparatively small, while ther wa th uaual good demand common to the firat of tho week. Tha result was that buyers wero out early and without waiting for late trains, picked up practically every thing In sight In pretty good season In the forenoon. The prices paid were strong, to say the least, and in spots the market looked quite a little better than last week, although sellers were generally quoting It no more than strong. Cows and heifers were In very active demand and the offerings sold freely aa prices anywhere from strong to loo higher. The advance, as a mstter of course, was largely on the more desirable kinds, which everyone seemed to want. Feeder buyera were anxiously looking-for good fleshy feeders this morning and they were In the saddle muchVearller. than usual. Anything that found favor in their eyes sold readily at prleea some atronger thsn last week. In fact, the general market might be described as strong and actlv on everything that waa In any way do alrable. The early arrival for the most part changed hands in very good see eon. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. I I 11 31 4 1 8 3 1 1 1.. 1..... t I 3 4 1 A. P. Me. A. Pr, .mm u toit 1 it .141 t JO K 113 t 44 ,114 4 It tt lt4 I tt .12t 4 14 44 1!4T t It COWS. . ltt 1 40 t tt 8 tt .W I" t Ml I 4 . M 8 0 1 rtt I aa .tit I it t tat I to .lit 8 14 4 tit 3 I HKirERfl. . t t 44 t IK It) .10 I fi I lit 3 (4 . J40 I tt 4 ft I U 4zw 1 wu BULLS. lit IK) 1 137 trt . aaVJW IS CALVES. - 1.. 4.. 3.. w in it tt 4 4e 1 j,( lot I 71 I Tt t t STOCKERS AND FEEDFRB 4 77 I 11 t 4ti 1 it 3 4t nt t :.:::: i JS WfciBTEKNo NEBRASKA. 1 calf 80 I 25 1 calf I calve... I cow 1 120 I 60 4 86 8 00 I to i 71 3 75 I 71 15 1 calf 1H) uO I cows 953 t 50 t ler.. .. (40 00 4 steers.... 40 4 10 t steer.. ..Use I 75 t steer.... 9.1 I 76 4 steers.... (eO 8 75 64 steers.. ..HV 3 75 3X0 USSYS steers.... 716 I steers..., 440 1 steers., t steer... 13 steers.. ..i?so .. 944 26 steer.. tOl'TH DAKOTA. 43 steer. ...1130 ( 4 cows.. . 970 I 60 . 978 3 n mo 4 i 1021 3 86 .UK 8 00 .876 I 36 916 3 DO .1220 4 1 so feeders.. luso a bv 9 feeders.. UU 8 86 7 oows. 1 ateer... 11 steer.. eows. .. 3 eows... 4 feeder. 11 steers.. 80 feeder.. 100 4 36 II steer. ...1184 6 cows 1"M IS cows...s. 9.1 ( feeders.. 914 42 steers. ...1238 4 05 3 36 ! 4 46 WYOMING. t steers... 611 3 60 row 90 3 80 4 steers.. I Steer.. 1 row 1 steer... 7W7 HJ tin 13?0 3 60 3 2 40 i 60 3 90 4 m t 40 I ste-rs....lld 1 steer 1440 3 80 4 60 4 60 t steers.. ..11X3 3 feeder.. STB T steers. ...1266 t feeder.. lma 3 ataers. ...130S 8 50 4 to 30 row la4 4 cow ant I 40 83 helfera..U 4 to Brooks A Hudson Wyo. t steers. ...1240 cows UU 4 10 U feeder. .1131 4 Itt 387 5 4S 5 36 4 4t 7 401 8 7V 3 IT 8 96 146 I S3 tU 122 IU 8 90V4 3M 5903 81 746 I 88 8 89 I 54 11(1 198 8 44j 5 61 7 4 187 III I 401 7 46 8 90 5 ifil 5 64 6 041 7 b 00 5 31 (61 7 56 I WH 6 14 5 58 I M 6 08 5 14 6 57 6 62 T 68 I295536 6S75& ( 64 I 46 7 42 It. I.lnnell-Wyo. irow 100 111 11 steers. ...1103 (M steers.. ..KW 4 36 1 ateer lfflo 4 85 i; row UK Iff 1 steer 1520 4 85 steer 140 4 36 P. le Cory Neh. 74 feeder. .1047 8 45 1 cows US 136 R. Luacs Neb. 41 steers. ...1230 4 45 r- r afoekoWvn 30 teem 6 cow.. ..1102 4 25 7 steers... .ID9 4 36 ..1180 3 86 1 8 row 987 I 50 , F. Holmegan Colo. .. 974 t SO 3 cows 756 I 00 11 rows,.., 15 heifers. t 4 90 ' B. B. Rrooks wyo. It feeder..! 4 80 48 heifer. .1014 1(0 7 eowa 10MI 8 16 T. It. 0'N11l-8. D. 88 feeders. .ton) 4 !0 N. A 8mith-S D. 7 feeders. .lfSf 3 n 11 cow IM8 8 f t eows 790 t 26 ! cows 9M I 40 1 bull 1220 1 05 H0O9 There a-ere not enough hogs here this morning to make a market and It Is no easy matter foP anyone to exactly describe the attuatlon. .It would be safe to say, 'hewerer, thst th market, as a hole. WVTP-teTy tivven, some sales look ing a good deal higher while othera were no better than last week. If as good. Thus light hogs only sold up to 36 S whic h was 5c lower thsn the top on Saturday. On the other hand, heavy hogs, If anything, looked a little higher than at the close of last week. Th trade waa slow, there not being nough hog In sight to really Interest buyers or to make It worth while to bother with them. Hence It took longer to sell the twenty-five or thirty loads In sight than tt would ordinarily take to sell three times that many. - - As waa the can with other ktnde of stork, there wer a good many cars re ported hark, without any possibility of any one being able to tell when they would reach the yard. representative saleit He. . ta. f rt. a. ..844 ..lit SV Pr. ... 4 It ... 4 1 tot t It 47 114 H IN tl.. tt. ...tU ... I tt ... IN ...24 ... t tt ...174 344 t t ...! ... Itt ..17 It I e ...ttl 40 t 40 tt., II., IT., tt., It. tt. It. ..11 1M 6 It .HO ... I 1IH ..T 14 t US Tt.. 14.. 71.. 7.. 46.. 44.. I., tt.. 7.. ISO t 1 44 t It 4 t It 40 t 11 .,..4t .;..m It Hi It ITt at It) ... t tt M IN t7 no .141 ... t tt HI ... IN lit 139 I tt .tot ... ttl .IN 44 t It 41 . tt.. Mt IK) t tt tot 1 07 'a 44 167 41. 141 i it 1 1 It II. to I M 8HH.B.P-When th market opened thl morning there ware only thirteen cat in ight, .with ten additional reported back, no on knowing when they would come, or whether they would come at all. Uf th car reported In there were a few killers, but the moat of th receipt consisted ot feeders, there being one string of eleven cars of mixed ewes, wethers and lambs. There seemed to be considerable Inquiry for desirable fat sheep and lambs and the few loads In sight sold quite readily at good, firm prices. There were a few lambs good enough to bring 17.50, with yearling at 85.90. There wer a good many more feeder buyer In th barn than there were shoep or lambs to offer them, so that there waa no chance for the market to be otherwise than fully ateady with last week. Tha heavy storm of yesterday and last night, which cut down receipts to such a low point, left many wuuld-ba buyer without supplies. Quotations on kthero: Good to choice lambs, 87.(KK87.C0: fair to Brood lambs, 86.76i? 7.00; good to choice yearlings, 35.76 4,15; fair to good yearling. 6u.66fc6.76; good to cholc wethers, (C.lboo 40; good to choice we, 84.7tV4f6.10; ftlr to good ewes, (4.60 84.7(. Quotations on foeders: Lambs, SS.763 6 70; yearlings, Sn.ib4lti.76; wether, (4.66 5,26: awes, (3.5061.76; breeding we. 86.00 66.25. Representative sales: No. , Av. Pr. 31 Idaho awes 107 (00 32 Idaho yearling 85 (90 14 Idaho yearlings 97 (90 50 Idaho Ismbs, feeders (4 60 109 Idaho lamba 62 7 25 ' 60 Idaho lamba 70 T 50 128 Idaho lambs 7 50 CHICAGO ' LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle atroaa; to Ton Coats Higher Hora Steady Sheep Weavk. CHICAGO. Sept 17. CATTLE Receipts, 28,000 head; strong to 10c higher; common to prime steers, 83.75ttT6.76; cows, 82.70(54.75; heifers, 88.6026.36; bulls, 32.2fycC4.M; calves, 83.003. 28; stockers and feeders, 82.&4 45. HOGS Receipts, 80,000 head; steady; prim light, 86.50(3660; prime heavy, to. 26 1.40; butchers, 36.25$.6(; mixed, 85.80&6.40; packing, 36.365.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 30, C00 head; weak to 5c lower; aheep, tt 6064.75; yearling. K.0V.40; lamb, 3.&o81.76. t. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Sept. 17. CATTLE- Re ceipts, (.500 head, including 2.800 Texana; market for natives strong; Texana 10c higher; natlv shipping and export steers, 84.80f6.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, 83.9006.15; steers under 1,000 pounds, 33.604? 4.66; stockers and feeders, 32.0034.25; cows and heifers, 82.50ff5.50l csnners, Sl.6frff2.Ov; bulls, 82.20O4.00; calves, 33.001.76; Texas snd Indian steers, 83.006.10; cows and heifers, 82.004)3.50. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; markot strong; pigs and lights, 86.10(6.45; packers, 6.7rtj-45; butchers and best heavy, t6.xit 6.60. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10000 head; msrket steady; native muttons, (3.00 &6.76: lambs, S4.OOrg7.60: culls snd bucks, J3.0O&4.50; stockers. S2.7oJr4.00. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 17. CATTL E Receipts, 26,000 head. Including, 4,000 south erns; market ateady to weak; choice ex port and dreaeed beef steers, 85.756.50; fair to good, I4.00ff6.60; western fed steers, 83.2536.00; stockers and feeders, I2.504i4.70; native cow, Sl.75trS.75; native heifers, 32.(0 ?4.75 bulls, S2.O043.OO; calves, S2.5CnS6.26. HOGS Receipts, 3.600 head; market strong to (c higher; top, (6.45; bulk of sales, 86.SOQ6.40; heavy, 3fi.06?J.26: peckers, So.iortf 1.35; pigs and lights, (6.25(S6.4o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 11.000 head; market, 10rfjn&c lower; lamba, 84 000 7.76; ewea and yearlings, 34.60Q6.S0; western yearlings, S3. 506. 60: western sheep. 34.000 (.25; stockers and feeders, S3.60&6.SO. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 17.CATTLR Receipts, 8.460 head; steers, slow. 1043 15c lower. Natives, 84.50116.25; cows and heifers, tl.6046.10; stockers and feeders, 83.26 $4.50. HOGS Receipts. 2.371 head: market strong to to higher; light, 8.10W.42Si; bulk of sales 86.16(716.80. SHEEP AND LAMR8 Receipts 9.3M hesd; market stesdy to a shade lower, lamba, 87.46. Sloox f lty Live "tork Market. 8IOUX CITY, la., Bept. 17. (Special Tele-gram.V-CATTLERecelpts, 8.00 head; market generally 10c higher; stockers. li.? 16c lower; beeves, S3 8036.00; rows, bulla and mixed, S2.50U4.t5; stockers snd feeders, 33.00 04.26; calvea and yearlings, S2.e04a3.60. HOGS Receipts. 1.600 head; market So higher, selling at I6.S0Q4.1E; bulk of sales, K6604.OO, took ta Sttrht. Receipt of live stock at the aix prin cipal western markets yesterday: lame. noes, once p. South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City St.. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Total receipts.. 4,600 (.800 l.oOO 3.600 t.STJ 4.000 80.000 11.000 9.33 10,000 30.000 .66,200 46,971 5C.181 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. METALS The London tin market was steady, with spot rlcced at 1X2. 7 Id ard future at 181. Locally tin was Arm, with apot quoted nt S9.6iKg.475. Copper was lOe higher In Lon don, with spot and futures both quoted at 87 7s d. Locally Ihe market ,ws at rone, with lake quoted at S19.0919 26; eleotrolvtle at tl8.S7VttTl9 12H. ard casting at S'tA." 19.87V. Lead was unchanged, at 18 ICa in London. Locally the market wts Arm. with spot quoted at (1 7o4i'1.02s4 Spelter ad vanced 2s M, to 27 15a, In Londin. Ix rally the market waa also Arm and higher, with Iot quoted at 3.S''lf.30. Iron was lower In the English market, with stand ard foundry quoted at 63r 10d and Cleve land warrant at 54 4(d, Locally the market waa Arm and unchanged, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at SK'-Oftrifti; No. 3 foundry northern t 8'9 Vx'W.CO: No 1 foundry southern st 8-41 SrW2l.00; No. 2 foundry southern at IX VHfffl 00 ST. IUI8. Sept. 17. MKTALU Lead Arm. 86.85; siHrr higher. 16.20. Oils aad Ilosla. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. OILS-Cottoneed steady; prime crude, f. o. b., mills. 24sVt 26sc; prime yellow, 38o. Petroleum, steady: refined New York, (ftc; Ph isdal B his. and lialllmore, 87.45; Philadelphia and altlmnre. In bulk, (4 36. Turpentine, easy at tvh3H. ROSIN Stsady; strained, common to good, 84 10. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Sept. 17.-OIL-Turpen-tine.. Arm at OH. ROSIN-Steady; quote. A, B, C, 83 861 190; D. 83 85; E. 84 064 07m F. (41Hi4.1i; G. Mfa4l6; H. 846; I. (4 30; K. 34 46; U. 84 46; N. (4 ; W O. 86 08; W W. 86 40. OIL CITY. Sept. 17. OIL Credit bal ances. 81.5. Ruas. l&lUi bbla.: averaae. 0S bb'a. Shipments, 27,U) bbla.1 aver age, Ul.ii bbi. NEW YORK. Stpt. 17. PI 'OAR Firm; fair refining. .', rentnf naal, 96 teat, 4lc; molaexe ram nr. 3V(J.V" H-nned, hi in; No. , 4 61V; o. 7. 4.oc; No. a, 4 c; No. 9, 4.36C! No. 10. 4 .TV; No. 11, likio; No. 12. 4 loe; .So. lit, 4.IT; fo. 14, 4.ioc; eontev tinner' A, 4.NH-; moulu A. 6.26c; rut loaf and cruahed,; powdered, a.luc; granu lated, (.tax-, cu!e. b.Jtc. MOLASrirJS -etieady; .'rw Orleans, open keitle, good to chiiice. S,i3Sc. NKsV o.HI.KANtt. 1.., 4pt. 17. ftl'OAR Uteady: open kettle centrit ugal. 3m4-Im-: rentrilugsl yellow, 4(4i-Ih-; seconus, 2Hv AlOLASSE8-r1rm; syrup, J54i30c. OMAHA WttuLKSALK MARKRT. Staple aad Fancy Prodace. EGGS Per dox.. We. LIVE PUULTRT-HehS. 9Vi10e; roosters, (c; litjixc; ducks, .tit spring chickens, loMilUtc . , BU'l 'l Kit I'Hi king stork. KfnHe: chuloa fancy dairy, 17ul8o; creamery, 3i."e, HAT"I'r4cea quoted by m..ii eeeil com pany: Choice upland. 88 50; medium. I9 00J coarse, R.0Ofl8.(0. Rye straw, S5oHI.0w. BRAN Per ton,' 800. VIWJKlivBLES. SWEET POTATOrJS-Per bbl.. 83.00, TOMAI -st- s Horn grvwn, per basket O? 20 lhs.. 2MT3RO. . wax RK.NKper tnaikat . baaket ot about IS lbs., 86c TURNIPS. 1 1 KETS AND CARROTS-Pf bu., 75c. LEAF 1-KTTUCE-Hotr.oue. Pt doa, hesda, Wc. SELERY Per flos . tttftOc ' UCLalblCKS-ilome giown, per dotu 26c. ONIONS Home ' grown, lHo per 1b. Spaninh, SI. 75 per crate. umra unions Per dos. ottnenea 8f All8HtS-Per dos, bunches, lbMc. A VY REANft Per bu.. 11. Hi. :o. A 11. TL IMA BEANS Per lb.. (U unacfl rarruiur-fsr maraet naaasi. toe. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. bunch, 80o. CABBAGE Homo grown, par lb., Die. EGO PLANT Per dox. 100, POTATOES-Per bu., 6o. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Vacancies, according to sls l4.Wxp4 00. LEMONS Llmonler.. ' extra fancy, 344 alxe, Jo. 00; 300 sise, 89.50; 30 ."lie. (9.60; othet brand-., 31.00 Use, BANANAS Per tnedium-tused bunca, (1 76jt 26; lumbo. S? 504M.0O. DATES Pr lb.. osJSsto. V H lsr i X d PEACHES Colorado, '764390c: Missouri, per t-baaket crate, 81-00ul.2a; California Sal way, per box, 850. PLUMS California, Sl.eOtfl.Tt; Orgoa Italian prunes, 81.26. PEARtJ Bartlett, per box, $2.26. ORAPKS-Mom grown, per -lt basket, 17o; Tokay, 31.76. APPLES Per obi., 81.00fJl.Sfc CRANBERRIES Per bbl., (u.00. MELONS. WATERMELONS Per lb.. '. 1C14o. ot bout Wuiua each. CANTELOUPE3 Colorado and Arlaona, per crate (standardl, ti.75'u2.O0; ponies, (l.iiOi Kockyford atanUMrits. 83.60. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 rib, 12c; No. ribs, 9c; No. I rlba. (Skc; No. 1 loin, 15Hc; No. 3 loin, 13c; No. 1 lcin, 8c; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 8 chuck. 4c: No. 8 chuck, 2Vc; No. 1 round, 8c; No. i round, 7c; No. 8 round, (He; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 3 plate, 2c. MlSCk-LlANEOLaV. SUGAR Granulated cm lie, In aacka, 86.41; granulated beet, In aacka, (6 31. , CHEES1& Swiss, new, loo; Wisconsin brick, 14Vic; Wisconsin llmberger, r Uc; twins, ltc; young Americans, I6V40. COFFKk Roasted. No. j, 4to per lb; No. i. SOS40 I'er Ib.i No. 36. lso per lb. 1 No. 80, I6H0 per "b-i Ho. JO, llao per lb. NUTS Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 11c. Tlmonds, soft shells, per lb., loe; hard shells, ' per lb., 1&qU4u. Cocoa nuts, 84.00 per sack of loO. SIR'JPIu bbla-. S7o per gal.; In cases, 6 lo-lb. cans, 81.70; eases, it 6-10. caoo, (Lav; cases. 74 2V-lb. cans, 11.86. ' HONEY Pr 84 frames, 83.50. CANNED GOODS -Corn, standard wette cm. 66t0e; Main, 61.1. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, SlOOt J-lb.. 97Wal.0. Plneap- rle. gmt-ri 2-b 81064.3o; sliced. S1.9VJ 20; gallon' apple, fancy, 82 ; California apricots, 11.90.-1; pears, 817&O2.60; peachea, fancy, Sl.754jJ.49; It. C. pcaoues. te.wxgi.sis, Alaska salmon, red. 31.26; fancy Chinook, IJ 10; ' fancy sockeye. F,. 11. a. aordinea, Vi oil. 82.76; K mustard, 83.00. Bwet po lMioea, ;1i-' aaui-rkiHUt, 81. Oli; pump kins, 80dglXiO;-7vwax beans, l-lb. fcfiooe; lima beana, t Mb . 76ctU.3a; j spinach, S1.34; rneac peas, 2-lb 60c ; txtra. '.oiuirjc; fancy, 11.8671 7- . CURED FIRH-rttlrill whlteflsh vhlteflsh. ms auarter bbJe.UJO IBf.MW. Norway mark Jrel No. lTUtlx); KJA 820.00; No. S, 830.00; Irish, No 8, 816 00: herring. In bbls.. 209 Ihe, ach, Norway. 4k, 813.00; Norway. 8k, IU.90I Holland, mixed. 811-00; Holland herring, la kegs, milker,. .80c: kegs, mixed. Ton. FISH-Buffalo,. Jarg Oresatd, 8c; trout, medium or large, dressed, 12c; pike, dresaed, lie; h - but. An stock, Uc; catfish, dressed, lie; bullheads, dressed and skinned, 13c; white perch, dressed. 8c; croppies, large, 12c; sunflsh. pan also, 6c; white bass, extra choice, 12o Pickerel. 9c; salmon, Chinook, lie; whit -fish (froxen), tic; mackerel (Spanish) .16c; native, per fish, 18-6 26c 1 codfish, fresh froxen, 12c; flounders, fresh, frozen, lie; blueflsh. fresh , frosen, Uo; haddock, fresh froxen, 10c; red snapper, dressed, lie; smelts. No. 1, per lb., 2c lobsters, (boiled), per lb.; .40c; green, S7c eel, per lb., Uc: frog lege, per dos., toe; roe (had. 81 each; shad ro. pair, 45o. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted, No. 1, iSMo; No. t, 12ae; bull hides, HtflOoi frsen hides. No. 1, L'c; No. 3, I04C: horse,; sheep pets, 60O43S1.8 Tallow No. 1, 4c; No. 1. 3c. . iVOOI-Per lb.. Ij2ne, If you have anything to trade advertlet It In the For Exchange column ef Tht Bee Want Ad patpa. . ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John W. McDonald to Edward Glsln, lot 10. 11 and 12, block 11, Parker's I. F. Baxter and wife to El E. . . Rrando, part lot 16, block 4, sub of John I. Redlck's ;t.r. I 3,606 Elisabeth Dufrene to William B. Long, lots 7 and a, block 5, Plain view 1,171 Samuel D. Mercer to N. S. Mercer, et al, K. H of lot 6, block 48, original plat, of Omaha 1 Emma Ruther and husband, et al. to Jane Badger, N. V lot 3, block I, Horbach's Second.... Cora A. Sanders and husband tr D. A. Brown and wife, lot 9, block 1, Madison Square 1,700 John Steel and wife to Ida B. Pond. E. 60 feet, lots 10 and 11. block. 13. Ilnnscom Place 1.Z0C Mry Sw-ergard to Anton Jlndra, lot 17. Malnnry'a 14 Joneph Shivers to J.. J. Freytag,.lot 1 Aldlne Square - 1 Caroline Poppletun et at to Jasper. Robertson, lot 2, block E, Sulphur Springs ., 744 Frank H. Parsons to J. E. Musgrove, lot 6. block 1 I F. Hammond's. i.... 231 John W. Battln. Adm.. to Dennis Cullep. part lot 10, bJ'X-k -4. sub. of J. I. Redlck 1.00C Sieve Budoutiki and . wife to thaxtVa . Jaworskl, lot 8. block 314., , tkmth - ' Omaha A J, 000 Freda Anderson to Urlka Anderson, lot 7, block 20. First Addition to South Omaha t Erlck Anderson and wife to- Freda 1 Anderson, same 2.000 j Geors H. Payne, truataa. and wff a to ' Minnie Br-nontwrn. 101 v. piocb u. Wslnut HUI .', 1 Newel S. Gibson and wife In Lulun O. Gibson, lot 12, block 122, South Omaha .l 27S Pnlthas Jetter to Geo'ce Sohwer. cA 14. block 8. Drew s Hill.,., 150 F. M. Smith and wife to- Charlt J. Borkamp, lot 12. block. .15, Ceir tral Park .v. 180 Olvlu Werts. et al. to Julia A. Pun-all, et al. lot 10. block 11. Mwlnvlew 1,400 Anna E. Day front O. M Johnson lot 7. black 2. Rose Hill ....v.v, 100 Total ..,.....'....'...tl6.&$4 TRUSTEES v -V EXECUTORS DIRECTORS We have large line ot MUNICIPAL and RAILROAI JVUMW. ''j A. B. LO ACH & Co., NEW YORK. CHICAGO BOSTON PHILADELPHIA