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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1906. Telephone Douglas fit. Bm, September, 17, 1904. Fall'sSFirst Fashion Show of Fine Hats Welcome to Thompson, Dcldcn & to'.'s Greatest of All Fall Expositions ' ; YoacatcR'Die spirit of i lid occasion the moment you enter our Millinery section, there is so much to', see; so much real elegance, refinement and beauty you are sure to grow enthusiastic over tha showing.- 'Tis a most .complete collection, ideas from America's foremost designers, as rell aVmeiy-i'xquisite Paris creations, and many beautiful conceptions from our own workroom, features tHis opening display.'. W want everjejwoman In. Omaha and vicinity to consider this a very personal Invitation to be our Tne Great Linen Bale continues All the'orld flrieivebie cloth and -hspklnl t one-half price? An unusual opportunity for the thrifty housewife to replete her linen chest. sVa k,rat saving In price. Nw Tailored Waists. (X WHT(S lAWflS. WHITE LINKS. WHITE CMBtWS AND GRAY AND IWUfSJiPSTRIPEJS. The new tilings they appear In New ew flit I York are showA, In our beautiful department,-' Sewrtid floor our prices are ilways the loStnrtt for high els Silk pettlcoaAt ladles' suits.- ; Misses' snd Tldren's coats. Ladles' coats Beautiful kimonos. Perfect fitting -skirts. goods. necaasary order for tha general to Join htm. Othrwles General Funston, on hie arrival In Washington, will await Instruc tions from Sectary Taft. Tuft Hear Both Sides. JACKSONVILLE, fia., Sept. lT.-Sec-retary of War Taft and Assistant Secretary of Stats Bacon will probably not reach Havana before noon Wednesday. Tha train bearing the .Washington party to Port Tampa passe through here four hours late. Upon reaching Havana Secretaries Taft and Bacon will be taken by United States Minister Morgan to hia home at Maralano, a suburban resort on the shore, . about -Jen mile's from Havana.- A email detachment of.the legation guard will be sent to Marlaco from tha cruiser Denver. It la believed by Secretary Taft that his party will thereby enjoy greater freedom In working out 'the policy of this govern ment. Involving the ending of the Insur rection, than t"they would at a Havana hotel. While they will not admit having formulated a program. Secretaries Taft and Bacon are determined not to become Iden tified with the leaders of either of the op posing forces jntll they have had an oppor. tunlty tqf; observer.' actual conditions. Of course, It will be nece" saary to return cour tesles surf to ' be. extended by President Palma iM tery4nictala of the existing administration, .but for the purpose of sr- riving at the eiuses of turmoil. Interests of a non-polltlcal character will be con sulted. Hearings also wilt be given to leaders of both the government and the revolutionary forces. For the latter Min ister Morgsn's house Is regarded aa Ideal.' faeerirears r'V lne"rpendeit;,!-' HAVANA- Bept-,37--?'Tty trhif result -thus far of PTefsJrtfotfalma'e order" far te suspension ? of ' hoMtllftles Tier 'been' that libers, adjirj JhS-JMUuxloJjave jjad, every reason" for" ahtlclpallhg arresT," are ' circulating- epey!nv! Havn-again and even.aonferrlng with ''rmherV:e the gOvv ernment. Willi regard! kp pence and,., that such , rnsurgsnts In their field! S"have. been consulted, ' while they-' express themselves as agreeable Jo settling matters amicably, at the same time assume an Independent attitude which cannot .be' said to bide partlonlarly 'well for' a -prompt settlement of existing difficulties. . In the - mean while fienfeegos It In a stated f siege. 'communication hy telegraph being severed not only rn'the direction of Havana. :bol to -Santiago 1 aa well. It is known that Clenftiegoa had-not been at tacked up to midnight Sunday, hut what has :tranfled . sines thsjf time Is not known here." ' Isurga4a Msr Attack Havana. All accqurtf agree, thaj- there are., easily 1.000 Insurgents a few miles southeast of Havana and rumors are' 'In 'circulation that they will enter the city peaceably If they ere hot 'rnOleeted: but that they will fight If they meet' with resistance. All visitor to insurgent campe In "' Havana province return with "this Impression, but' It Is be lieved no attempt will "tie made" against Ifavana until the arrival of Pino Guerra'a . .. c. V . . s -1 . H6W to Fool a Lazy Liver with Artificial Exercise rf VERY serious Sickness has a small oeginmrig. I jj" Andrln nine eases out c( ten," ' SJ that berlnnlnr la made In the CiwaflptMon ts the beflnnlnj of most dl uses. ' 1 1 p vea the way for all others. , ; 'Lck of exercise." nasty eating, improper' food.'swo its first causes. vlfllnoss, and postp6nemn,. permit II jroer ln Chronld Constipation; whtch' neansjlfejopf pujcomfqrt, U Us'l ecessary be lck-a-bed. you no4n In 0"rder' to bernljhty unoomfortablei Even slight Indigestion ffects the Mrtes, dulls the. mind, and obscures the erry sunshine of Life. ... t e . V f . The time to sdfust the Bowels is the very TlftUte you, suspect they need adjustment. Hf yoiir longtja is slightly coated. . , -lf your breath is under suspicion, ' . Iflf your head feels trifle heavy or dull, VIf dtgestlon seems even a Utile slow, if Heartburn, Belching, Collo or ResN fcssness begin to shoV themselves, Test's the trm to eat a Cesesret. ' ' II acts as pkasmaUy as it tastes, it is as wngeniej to you Bowels as it Is to your sJate,", " ..--1..- - i . - It sttmulatea the .rnueculai lining of the' Bowels and Intestines, so that they mechani cally extiaot aeurkikraent from the food and Irlve oat the ejte. ' - :'' The, pnly way a bsve Casearets ready to Ue preoisely when you peed them Is to urry $fm ocnsUuHly in your pocket, as jou do Wsjwb c Lead penoll, ' The ten sent bc of Casearets is made Ihjn, flat, round-edged, and small, for this precise pVpae.--"'-' ' Be very careful i6 get the genuine, shade , only by (he" Sterling Remedy Company and exes sq) 1a, fyW Every tablet- stamped Ca"AU dnigJsta.,i x guest during tins great fashion "".p v.- rjj iin , , ... '' Knitted Underwear. v- EARLY FALL WEIGHTS. The shortening days are very suggestlvs of heavier underwear, and right well w are prepared to meet your wants. Alt heights 'and-style at most any' wanted price. f Coma "and, see the lined, wa are always pleased to. show goods. Children a fal weight In wool, vests, shirts and drawers, high neck, long alaaves. drawers ankle length, 13c to 70c each, ac- cording to slse. Children's medium weight cotton vests, high neck, long sleeves,, ankla - length drawers to match, alses one to four, 28o each, five to eight, 5c each. Women's fine ribbed corset covert, made j from sea Island cotfbrv high neck, long Open Saturday Evenings., Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. force, which now Is variously reported to be from twenty to forty miles distant. The general ImpresHnn is that the pres ence In Havana harbor of the American cruiser Denver will not act as a deterrent to such a movement, the auxiliary cruiser Dixie having gone to Clenfuegos and the cruiser Des Moines having gone, pre sumably to bring to Cuba Secretary of War Taft and Assistant Secretary of State Bacon. Will Proteet British latereMs. The announcement from Washington that American vessels of war will protect Brit ish as well as American Interests is tsken as applying especially to Clenfuegos, where the Rnglinh-owned Cubsn. Centsal railroad has been obliged to suspend, operations and has suffevd considerable damage, to Its property. The Western railroad, also a British enterprise. Is' not now . suffering special damage, except rf the vicinity of Havana, and It-Is expected that traffic -on this latter line UI be completely, reopened tomorrow. ' . Three representetives of the liberal party started eastward tonight to confer with the Insurgents In Santa Clara and ether east ern provinces. Beveral automobiles loaded with more or less authorised - peacemakers went westward today, but were obliged to return, not having either government pass for touring or credentials for negotiation. Secretary Montalvo has refused permits to various persons desiring to make thesu Journeys,, among them Senator Sanguilly. Independent. . . r , Rebel Leaders' Visit Palace. 'General Menocal ha'd a conference this evening with Vice President Mendes Capote slid arranged for a. satisfactory oommlttee of veterans tds Make- authorised vtetts 'td (pHurgeata tieftfpe.? Alfredo). ZayaS. 'the. president of the liberal party, moved freely Mwr thJ'-Wty tbty"'dreVe Unite the" . palace, ( where he had a . fonfsrence. jrltK rcretary I'Sloptaivo lrele'tlve;j means of securing pesce.' Svn'or ZayAs told the 'Associated Press that he was hopeful of the final, outcome, although nothing like a definite' basis for agreement had yet been considered. For the present, he said, he was largely devoting himself to securing the , releaae of all suspected ponsplrstors. He said that by tomorrow' he hoped' some thing would have been accomplished. Palma Lost Slb Of. The peace endeavors have really reeolved themselves more Into negotiations between the moderates and liberals than between the government and the Insurgents. The moderates, while entirely loyal to Presi dent Palma seem now to be less concerned over .his continuance In office thnn 'with the perpetuation of the control by their party. Mendes Capote, aa president of the moderate organization, and Aflredo Zayaa, as president of the liberal party, will largely be eble to dominate, the situation. General Menoca is Industriously confer ring with both these political leadera. The veterans have resumed their peace meet ings and the negotiations with the tnsurg. ents will be chiefly through them.. The executive committee of the moderate party at a meeting this afternoon voted to continue Ite efforts for peace. Terms were informally discussed. , Secretary Taft Will Be Arbiter, It Is generally1 agreed that Secretary of War Taft must be tbe , eventual arbiter, and both In Cuban and foreign business circles the hope Is freely expressed that not only- will the United States settle the present strife, but that the American gov ernment will retain sufficient ' 'hold ' on Cuban affaire p prevent a repetition of tha last month's experiences, 'A Cuban gunboat went to .Martel tonight to bring to Havana a quantity of arms and ammunition stored In tbe quarantine etatton lest it fall Into the hands of tha Insurgents. 'Points of special and polttloa.1 consid eration in 'the 'peace negotiations are. the fixing of a neu'traj sone agd camping places for the Insurgent' forces and the supplying them with food, which, it seems' to be ex pected" will have tq be done by tbe gov ernment. TAFT POSTPONES WESTERS TRIP Visits te Parts plare by Necessity f Qslis to Caa. WASHINGTON SepU 17.-One result of Secretary Taft's mission' to Havana Is the Indefinite postponement of a trip o' in spection which he Intended to make with General Belli chief ef staff, They were lo bsve left' Washington about the end of tbe present month for Cbickamauga and then go westward to. Forts Sheridan, Seeding and Riley. The trip was plsnned to afford the secretary an' Opportunity to ascertain for himself tbe advantages of.these places for the establishment of great brigade .and even division pouts. ' P.sovtded Jhc the sec retary's mission In Cuba dons not 'consume too much time the nspeaAJ,rlp may yet be made 'before tbe "aseenjbllng of . tbe nest session, of , eonaraae. As Secretary Taft la ea-offlclo president of the American Red" Cross and Assistant Secretary Baron Is a member, of the ex. ecutive committee, their absence, from Washington may alep, operate to cauae a postponement of ' the' meeting of (he ex ecutive council." which has been called for the JHtJ ihst , Ho wind tip some business In connection with the San Francisco relief measures..., . ', r.- Illlaole MerweSUts i Meet. CENTRAL! As. 111.. Sent. 17. The f t. fifth annual session of the Southern Illinois .conference, Metnofliat tnpisoopel church. .wilt convene at VandaHa.' 111.. Wednesday ' morning. einop t. a. uoooseli of Boston will be president. Many of the prominent speakers of. tbe cluircho will be present. Tne eoumern Illinois conference le com- bhow. sleeves, all elsrs, 80C each. Men's medium weight cotton ribbed un derwear, color, brown, shlrta and drawers finished nicely throughout, ' extra good value at 60c each. The "M r Waists for Boys and Girls. . We want every mother In Omaha to see a demonstration of this Improved "M" w,aist the first time she visits our store. The "M" waist possesses- all the merits of any knit waist, and In addition has so many desirable new feature that It makes Instant appeal to the mother, who Is look ing for the best. Costs no more than the other kinds. No on exhibition In our Children's wear department, Frlcas 15c and 25c each. BRYAN IN TAR HEEL STATE (Continued from First Page.) and the poor that were ever made by all the speeches on anarchy put together. Mr. Bryan delivered a ten-minutes' ad dress in Capital square after leaving Met ropolitan hall, where he spoke firs. He wss Introduced by Governor Glenn aa the next president. Colleata Tresldeat Dies oe Trala. When the Bryan special stopped In Dur ham It was raining, so the speaking took place In the opera house, which was crowded to the utmost limit. Here, In the home of the American Tobacco com pany, Mr. Bryan made some of the sharp est thrusts at the trusts, and his remarks were cheered heartily. ." ' Soon after "the train left Durham, Mr. C. D. Mclver,. president of the State Nor mal college at Greensboro, died of apo plexy, -i In .. consequence. of thla , event. Mr, Bryan. who regarded Mr. Mclver, aa his personal friend' declined" to speak at HUlsboro and at. Burlington 'he made" a brief announcement of the. tragic occur rence and paid a Under tribute to the memory of his departed . friend. RAILWAY WRECK : JN - KANSAS Santa Fe Flyer Leaves the Tracks Near Kinsley, Hertlag Fomr- teem Passeagers. TOPEKA,; Ksn.. Sept. 17. Word hss reached theA Atchison, Topeka 4'Banta Fe effice here of the -derailment of the Mis souri Blver.Flyef train No. 10, .eastbound, early today,.' three rnlles west of Kinsley, Kan. A baggage car, a coach and a chair car left- the ralhr and- 'were- turned overt Fourteen-of the passengers received, more or. Ies, -serious . Injuries, list -none, was killed. . . , The accident was caused by a soft track, the roadbed being covered with water at the time. When the accident occurred the train was .ten hours late and running very slowly. .. STEWART OUT OF THE RACE Colorado Withdraws From . the Ticket. DENVER, . Step. 17.-The Post in sn extra edition tonight announcea that Philip B. Stewart of Colorado Springs, republican nominee for the governorship of Colorado, has withdrawn from the ticket. The Poet also says: "Ostensibly Mr. Stewart has withdrawn because of - the condition of his health, having Just rallied from an attack of ap pendicitis, but In reality be has refused to make the race with.. Chief Justice Gabbert on the llckef-v. Bee W'ant Ads are business boosters. Kanaasi Killed by Cars. . CAIRO, 111., Sent. 17 In Jumping from a moving train today P. J. Thfstlewood, a wealthy grain dealer of Cairo, who for merly was a prominent real estate man of Wlcblta. Kan., fell and broke his neck, death resulting almost Instantly. Mr. Thlstlewood. In company, with his brother, Captain Thlstlewood, former commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republlo post of Illinois, started to Chattanooga to day. Finding they had boarded the wrong train, after it had gotten under way, both lumped from the platform.- Captain Thls tlewood waa uninjured. agiaevr Held foe SheotlagV PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 17. Chief En gineer Albert P. Knight of the steam ship Kron tense, now at this port, was held without ball today to await the result of the Injuries of James Hunter, first officer of the vessel, whom he shot aboard the steamship Saturday night during an alter cation. ... "COFFEE DON'T Hl'RT ME." ' Tales that Ar Told.,, ,. "I wss one of the kind who wouldn't be lieve thst coffee wss hurting ma," says a N. T. woman.' I ' . 'You Just couldn't convince me its use was connected with the heart and stomach trouble I Buffered from most all of the time. My trouble finally got so bad I had to live on milk and toast almost entirely for three or four years. Still 1 I wed the coffee and wouldn't believe It 'could do such damige. "What I needed was to quit coffee and take-nourishment in such form my stomach could digest. I bad read so much sbout Postura, ths cereal coffee, but never thought It would fit my case until one dsy I decided to quit coffee and give It a trial and make sure of it. So I got a package and carefully followed the directions. "Soon I found began to get better and waa able to eat carefully . aelected foods without the aid of pepsin or other digest. and It waa not so long before I was really a new woman, physically. . "Now 1 am healthy, hearty and sound, can eat anything and everything that cornea along, and I know this wonderful change Is all due te my having quit coffee, and I got the big quantity of nourishment I needed through this delicious Poslum In place of the dangerous eoSee snd tea,. "My wonder is why every one don't give up the old coffee and the troubles that go with It and build themselves up as t have done with Postum." Name given by Pos- tum Co., Ratals Creek, Mich. Easy te prove by ten days' trial of Poa turn In. place of coffee.'. The reward is big and "there s a reason. GERMANY MARES PROTEST Secretary of Embassy it Sk Petersburg Demands freteotiM far Germais. sSaBBSSBsssJJMt, , . RtfGH OF TERROR IN BALTIC PROVINCES Rich. Maaefartarer t Riga Killed by Me Said 1 Be Ralslag Fnads far Terrerlst Case- "' alc a. ' r ' ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. ST. The inse curity of lire and property In the .Bsltlo province. which culminated, last Saturday In' the murder of Herr Bush, a rirji German manufacturer and the leader of the Ger man colony at Riga, has led the German embassy here again to maka energetic rep resentations to the Foreign ' office concern ing the sdoptlon of measures for the pro tection of German subjects. Bush was killed by sgents of the revolutionary or ganisation engaged in levying .tribute. D. von Mlquel, first secretary of the German embassy, called, today at the Foreign office snd presented the report of the German consul at Riga regarding the killing of Bush, who waa struck down In his own fac tory. He celled attention to the length of time the reign of terror hes lasted. Al though the armed revolt waa crushed ami the country, reconquered by the, forces un der General Orloff last winter, robberies and murders have continued unchanged for over a year and a half. America Net Interested. .There are 8.000 German subjects living In Riga. The American consul at Riga has sot Joined in this demand for protection. Very few Americana are there. From Odessa, where the conditions are almost as bad as In the Baltic provinces, the embassies hsve been Informed that guards have been furnished for the consu lates and the residences of the various con. suls. The ministries of the Interior, Justice snd wsr hsve sent commissions to Investigate the recent massacre at Siedlce. The com missioners have been Instructed to Investi gate especially the charges of unrestrained looting and killing by soldiers snd to fix the responsibility, .. TrepofTa Funeral Wednesday, The Funeral of (t He. late Genersl Trepolt, commandant of the .Imperial palace, who died suddenly Saturday evening st Peter hof, wilt take place Wednesday morning. In accordance with the deslree of the de- cesed the ceremonies will be conducted In the most i simple manner consistent with official usages. -Tbe body -will be Interred In the chapel attached o; the- great palace at Peterhof . Keqtelu'. 111' be sung twice a day and attended by the grand dukea at Peterhof;,. Tbe appointment of General De Dloulln to succeed Genersl Trepoff as' com mander of thfvlmperlsl palace, has been msde permanent.' General eD Dloulln Is too low In the nlersrchy to receive the full title. '1 :, - General Woanded. WARSAW, Russian Poland. Sept. 17. Genersl . Dorphevky president of the court-martial, ev-hkk, Vn September 15, con demned two- rtvoTutfOnleta to ' death by banging; -was shot at end wounded In the thigh while driving JjfT "this morning. The would-be assassin escaped'. ' '. Arrrets at Odessa.' "' ODESSA. Sept. 17. Upwards of 100 persons were arrested here today for rejoicing over the death of General Trepoff In too publlo a manner.' f," :' v-i-iaa -;- ' ' ROOT' WAKES FfilENDS IMPERII Secretary- vtMmt&iJtt ' List gan- LIMA, Peru, Sept. 17. Secretary Root made an excellent "Impression upon all classes efsoelety dyrlbg ths few days Of his Peruvian stsy, The street crowds gave him sn ovation -yenterdSy In Lima and Callao. Over 800 prominent persons as sembled, at ths rssharf and bade Secretary Root an affectionate farewell. The ves sels In the harbor were be flagged In honor of the visitor. Ae the' last boats which ac companied the .Charleston down the tier- bor dropped behind, Secretary Root, from the deck of the American cruiser, called "Viva Peru!" ' The Charleston left last night for Pan ama. DEATH IN CUBAN EXPLOSION la Persons Killed anal Many Injareal When Two Balldlaga Are , . Wrecked. - HAVANA, 8ept.;l7. A violent explosion occurred here this morning snd wrecked two brick 'buildings. Six' persons were killed and many Were wounded. No details of ths cause are yet at hand. An Investi gation is being made. The explosion Is thought to be the work of Incendiaries. Ths buildings at 'once caught fire. Dead and wounded are still being tsken from the wreckage. The buildings were injured Some alcohol was on storage in one of the damaged buildings, but ths force of the explosion causes the belief thst de liberate use of dynamite was made. PERSIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL General letle te Be Held Every -i Two Years la lad --' 'f shah. TEHERAN, Persia, Sept. 17. According to sn ordinance just published, the new Persian national council will consist of 1&4 members. Teheran will' be represented by Sixty members, while the provinces will send nlnety-slx. A general election will be held every two yeara. The ordinance assures the Inviolability of 'deputies snd gives full Instructions ' for the carrying out of the first elections, preparations for which begin with the publication of the ordinance. The government has granted permission for the establishment of a German bank here." ' " Raselaat Dowager la Denmark. COPENHAGEN, Sept. 17. The dowsger empress of Russia landed today for the first time from the Imperial yacht Polar Star, whtch Is in the harbor here. She accompanied her sister. Queen Alexandra of England, to the new summer residence at Hvidora.. -The dowager empress has been ill plnce her srrlvsl here. . . . ii Wltte I nales the Knife. BERLIN, Sept. 17. A dispatch to the Lokal Angelser from Hamburg says that Count Witts, ex-premier .of Russia, was operated- upon yesterday far the fifth time by Prof. Spless. The operation waa a alight one. Count Witte is being treated at Ham burg for polypi of the nose. - Spanish Carltats Active. SAN SEBASTIAN. Spain, Sept. 17.-Tbe recurrence of CarUst agitation In Catalonia has caused the civil and military author! tlea of that province to sdopt moat severe measures for Its suppression. ... Tarks la, Metier. PORT SAID, Sept. 17. Several men have been killed In a mutiny on board the Turk lab troopship AssAr-I-Tewflck.( Quiet has been restored. ' . ' Sterling BUr. Frenaei. ieva and ttodtre. A '" "aiP ' ' is HUNDREDS IN GREAT DANGER (Continued from First Page.) transfer passengers there. - In the town of Raymond four Inches of water fell in two hours.' Many brldgea were carried out and a foot of water waa running through the streets. Farmers on the creek nesr Raymond lost hogs snd many hundred tons of hay. i ' - OAKLAND, Neb., Sept.' 17. The heavy rain of Sunday badly washed . the new tracks of ths Greet Northern nesr here a4 train service wss temporsrlly aban doned. Two miles of track on the Omaha road were alao washed out. PA PILLION. Neb., Sept. 17.-Last night was ons ' of the heavleat rainstorms of the season. - The . creek . overflowed Its banks, cellars were flooded snd some stock drowned.' 1 LEIGH. Neb., Sept. 17.-(Speclal.)-A heavy rain fell here yesterday snd last night and it Is still raining this morning. The ground received a thorough soaking, which, will, help fall plowing and revive the 'late pastures. Corn- hss made wonder ful . progeess toward ' rlrening 'during the last two woeks arid, nearly all of H Is oujt of the way, of frost. Many think that 'the corn crop here this year will be the largest ever gathered. ' FREMONT, Nb., Sept. 17.-.(Speclal.)-A washout on the Northwestern line betwesn .here and Fremont delayed trafllto today. WAHOO. Neb.V Sept. 17.-(Speclal Tele gramsThe heaviest rain known for many years fell here Sunday , afternoon and evening, .amounting to 4J6 Inches. The Wshoo and Cottonwood creeks were both out of their banks, being almost a. mile wide. The Union Pacific had two miles of track washed out, a mils of which had Just been raised, and tha Northwsstern slso had Its track Washed out south of ths Wahoo creek. Many horses and hogs are reported drowned. The two main brldgea six miles west of here srs washed out, being one mils east of Weston. Storat Mow Ceatered In Georgia. WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 17.-The storm which rsged off ths Carolina coast today Is centered tonight oyer eastern Georgia. The weather bureau announced tonight that the storm Is of a destructive character In the center of the. whirl, and that It probably Is hesded Inland for the Mississippi valley. STEAMER MONGOLIA DAMAGED Veeeel Is Resting on Midway . Reef With- One Compartment Fall of Water. HONOLULU, Sept. 17. Information waa received here today from Midway Islands that compartment No.' I of the strsnded steamer Mongolia Is full of water. Captain Metcalfe, who has just succeeded In float ing the Manchuria, will- leave here on Wednesday on the Commercial cable steamer Restorer with tackle to be used In attempting to save the Mongolia. The steamer Iroquois also will go to Midway island. ' MIDWAY ISLAND, Sept. 17.-Trie ' Mon golia struck ths western side of Midway reef about 10 o'clock on Saturday night. Ths vessel waa slowly moving ahead at ths time It touched the reef. There was no panic amongx the passengers, who calmly remained aboard the ship until Sun day morning, when all were safely landed. There were some. $00 passengers. Including Asiatics, and all ars being well taken care of here. ' The mall and baggage were brought ashore today. If the present weather conditions hold there Is no reason to fear for tha vessel. Its position Is good snd while held fast. It Is not believed to be In any danger of breaking up. DEATH RECORD. Jka Saart Dewar. John Stuart Dewar, aged V died at hie home In London, Ont., Sunday morning after an Illness of several months. He wss collaborator on ths London Free Press and was well known in Omaha, as he has visited his children bere seversl times, lie lesves a family of ten - children, three of whom live In Omaha. James r. Dewar, as sistant to Ststlon Master Haney st t-'nlqn station; Mrs. Theodore Or ad man and Mrs, O. Victor. . Mrs. Victor and Jamee R. Dewar were at his bedside to the last, -but Mrs. Gradmann la sick In an 'Omaha hos pital and could not go. v Admiral Sir William Chichester. GIBRALTAR, Sept. 17.-Resr Admiral Sir Edward Chichester, who commanded the British squadron at Manila during ths Spanish-American war, died bere - this morning of pneumonia after an illness of few days. Sir Edwsrd's wife arrived here I from England last nlgnt. Rear Admiral Acts 3erUy, F ' r ... picis plezvsarvtlyi; , ; fids BeKcficiallyr ts triy Svttitj of Fles tDceals to the cultured and the well-informed And to the healthy, because lt , component parts are simple and wholesome and because it acts without disturbing th natural functions, aa it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance.' In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medici nal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants' known to be medicinally laxative and to act most bene-, ficially. To get ita beneficial effects-r-buy the genuine manufactured by the . " . cwiorit,n.Y. For sals by sn tsstiag Oragrltts, is original packages snly, bear in j the full ' " same of the Company. Chichester was chief of the sea transport service during the South African war. His work In transporting 260.000 men 5.000 miles to South' Africa won him great praise. '. It ' was Sir Edward Chichester who, ac cording to report, etood by the Americans in Manila-bay at a time when friction between.- Admiral Dewey and the German commander seemed likely to lead to serious consequences. : - Warren G. F.Tllott. 1 BALTIMORE, Bpt. 17. Warren O. El llntt, president of the Atlantic Coast Line railway, died today" at Watklns Glen, N. T. HYMENEAL HIAWATHA, Kan.i Sept. 17. (8pecial Telegi-am.) Mr. Fred Owen, and . Miss Agnes Kirk of Oconto, Neb., were mar ried .by Judge Curtla at Troy,' Kan., thla afternoon, snd thereby hangs a tale. Tbe young people afe residents , of Custer county, Nebraska", where thelr parents re side. They have been , keeping company for 'about three years, and although they had peye'rm'en'tioned their. Intentions tp ineir that' ThS near her and they ' wert "to sf. 1 Joseph to hsve the knot tied, and upon falling there, came to Tfoy.v They will bfeak the news to their parents by( wlrs tonight, ' ' ' ' ' . - Daalele McDonald. Ths marriage .of Miss . Hasel McDonald, daughter of Sylvester McDonald, to Samuel H. Daniels - took place Sunday morning, at I o'clock. Rev. Charles Savldge officiating. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Cleanses , and' beautifies the teeth And purifies the breath, Used toy "people of refinement fox over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PSCPARSOSy fl I .- AUBiTQglUM OstR wkpmv aaaxxrirara ; ' Monday; Even'g, Sept. 17 . :- -.i v it ' i Return Ragagement of the ; ROYAL HAWAIIAN BAND Aocompajilsd by the" Olee Club and Soloists. BCatlaee at Si30 Rvery Afternoon. -opting Monday, Ivenlag, Ooaosrts at Siia p. sn, . Danes' Kasle oa . Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday -Evenings after ths Regular Ooueerts. vorvus rips as, sso and eoo. Boa Offloe Opens at SiOO a. sa. Monday, September IT. "TeUew the lias ROUND TRIP RATES VOTstXgZXsrZX rOZsTTS one fere plus sa.00 First and Third Tuesdays. CAJrADlAaT OUTTS ons fare . plus ta.oo Bold Daily during September. All Bummer Resorts great reduction . - Bold daily during eSvptembvr. ATLAsTTA, Oi.,, M3.10 sold October fcth and lib sTRW OBXaAlfS, X.A. ?JS.0O Sold October IHh to 14lh, Inclusive. uw oiliui, la. . . . bold . October Klh. ; trrraxo, v.'t aas.7f bold October 10th to 12th, Inclusive. . All -Informstion cheerfully even st WABASsT CITY TIOKBT wJ-TIOR, 1001 ranass St. 'rhons Doug. SAa. Or address USBT H. BTOOSIs, . O. A. T. P., WABASH A- sV, oatAHA, sias). parents. iney naa ressons to oeueve same' would hot meet-.tbclr, Approval. iirfde-fd-be WrSnged ' to" Vlsrf k ffclehd horn at wfilpll tlm Mi strnoM mr 1 oofh Foudor ixs a. Lsjcatiycr. a-. f.. f. - : '. T FIRE RECORD- . ' Barn nnd Contentktjj "" NBOtxA, 'Ia., Sept. i7iWSpeelalUA bsrn . containing eighty tons 'of hay Snd agrl- . cultural Implements 0rt'fhe preihlses .of '. William Duff,, residing eight miles south--east of this city, -was1 struck by 'lightning ; during the storm Jast'nlprht ajid Wis con sumed. There whs sa insurance-, of 11.000 on the' barn, but there, was1 hone' on the ." hay. The lost will.' Teach ltXi. '.',. A 8kln of Beauty is a loy forever. DR; T. Fella OouraUid'a Oriental : Cream or, Msgoel Baautlfler. i ,Rm's Jss,'" tlmplaa ripcalea, (,tli y.ichu - iWi ane- Dim- iwaaelg vw m ' . . mmm am fat dletl(ia. . n ' bia mXoot Us tMt ' bl 67 veara, aa4 M to harailea v taiieii tobiuraH- la rrtxcir ati.. AacaptsoeMiatr - felt. . of almiui : Bam.- TJr, t. A Sarrs' Ssld to a ' im&r er us au lo' (s' satlnrtr.': . - 1 i MUM Bk J 'Oearaad'e Creas' aa fht least harmful ojall t)u kla pranarailoni." r nr ) bf alt dructMa IM tatey Owoda Dmlare s las Stataa, Ossicle aa4 Ksnpa - FERD. T. HOPHIS, Proa, 37 .rat Jon Strait IwTkI BOYD'Sron.:Mrjri rrlday, Saturday Saturday JUattnee JIMtl O'NSILL. In farewell tour MOBTB CBXSTO. Seat Sale -Today.- Nm nri FBBromMAiroxs r"7 Commencing Sunday, Right, Sept. S3 BOWXR AmPER . In TOLD tsT TKB EULI. Direct from Ita great success Power's Theatre, Chicago, ' DURWOOD Mpi rOTBTK BIO WISS. . . u Frofesslonal Matinee Today Tonight All Week Til h! WOODWARD , STOCK. VO, In THE ALTAR OF .TBISWDBBM, Prices Nights and Sunday, matinee, 10e. 26c; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday matinees, loo, sue. Next Week The Xady of lyons. Same Capacity Ulislntia. fDITP THEATRE iVIvlJil 13c.23c.50c-73c Tonight 8 ilS.' '. Matinee -Wedaasday. JAS. Xt. TEBOsTXB PBEBEBTS Lillian Mortimer In Msr fastest Comedy areata .y. No Mother io Guide Her A Mammoth Bosnia Production of Actual Xappsniags, , . Thursday KAMbOB , TAB TAB MA. .1 ft . ' t; " f'CRfclOMTON Trione"Douglae 494;" ,-' " ' Every Night, Matinees ThUr.' Sat.Y Sur MODERN VAUDEVILLE ! Paul Kpabonl,, James- Thornton,.; Water bury Bros. A Tenny, Macart's Dogs ant Monkeys. Lillian Ashley, Bryan A Nacllna, Chas. Ledegar and the Klnodrome. trices 10c, lac, AOo. i . . VINTON - ST. PARK OMAHA VS LINCOLN Sept. 15, 16, 17,;' 18, 19 Monday, Sept. 17, Ladies' Day; Game; Called. V3;45 ROAST TURKEY with Craaberrir Sauce - - - v .- ' '. - Ghe CALUMET i i ..n -M. -i, . . 1-s.ia.y n . , ssi WANT DESIRABlt; TENANTS? Advertise la Ths Bse. BASE BALL