- M 5 Extra 5 JijiiIm twi 5 Diy HMMMMMHMnaHBIMMniMaMEimi All Good! Must 69 I DIG SPECIALS IN THE 1 REMOVAL SALE I 2 - - Bargains grow bigger and bigger in this wonderful sale. 5 5 'As fast as goods are sold out at a bargain price we pile our J 5 squares and counters with fresh goods to sell far below 5 5 regular prices 2 H T B M WIDE EMBROIDERIES Tuesday Will b tho big embroidery day of the sale. Fine v aheer mlrook and Swisses in daintiest and most elegant open work and eyelet patterns also fine rib bon beadings. These embroideries are in ! corset cover or flouncing widths worth , up to seventy-five cents yard at, per yard '. LOU IMIw 39c Ladies $10 Craveaeites at $3.98 Ladies', good quality water proof cravenette coats in tan, olive and oxford just what you want T "o regular tu coats xve- m for fall wear y tnoval Sale special Basement, at n n H Ltvdies' Black Sateen Petticoats at 49c Worth u to SI, All sizes,' black sateen and . black and white check sateen, well made, ruffled and flounced regular 75c and fl.OO petticoats--, remoral sale price.. L - U I V X 49c Fine 54-inch Dress Goods Worth to $2, at 49c Yd. All up-to-date fall dress goods, 64-ln. storm Berge, 64-ln. cream yachting serge, 64-in. . black, brown and navy chiffon panamas, 54 In. cravenette cloths, etc. worth up to $2.00 a yard at. a yard . . . :49c m m Si i Sor STATIONERY All our fine Ink Tablets, that sold up to 10c, In note and letter size, ruled or plain, at, each or three for . . ; All the high grade Irish Linen or Onion Skin Tablets, note 2V 5lc . . .10c or letter size, ruled or plain, each. 3ic Denison's decorated Crepe Pa- , per folded In 2 yard lengths for, each Denison's Imperial Crepe Paper in all desirable shades, E lOc values, Tuesday. ,,,vC Stenographer's Note Books, the 10c kind. ... 24 sheets of fine Linen Paper with envelopes to match box ed In exqulsjte taste, a 86c value at. ...... 15c 25 No. 5 Baronial Envel- opes, worth 10c, pkg.,.,.IC Plain and fancy colored bor- r dered Crepe Paper Napkin, Jf regular lOo quality, dos... OUR SCHOOL SHOES ARE THE BEST MADE )o(. Boys and girls require food shoes for school wear. Wo prida ourselves on the wearing- qualities of our Boys' and Girls' Shoes. The tippers are mads of plump viol kid and box calf. The soles, the best oak leather. The material in these shoes will outwear two pairs of the ordinary school shoes. We want parents to Investigate the merits of these shoes. Touns women's sizes, f en H J to S s.ov I M Usees' slses. Ill to 1 ... 2.00 WW: 1.50 B;yto IT: 2.00 Little gents' slses, Kfk 10 to liVi i ,,ou DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St. Candidate for State Legislature s I I !T H H I 2 H II n excursion rates east CKE FARE plus $2.00 for 15-day tickets C8E FARE plos $4.03 for 30-day tickets ' On Bale daily until September 30th to many points in eastern Canada, and on sale Sep tember 5th and 19th to many New England points,, v V ." ' ' via the v Chicago, Milwaukee Gl St. Paul Railway Tnree fast train to Chicago every day leave Union Station Omaha at 7:55 a. m., 5:45 , p. m. and 8:35 p. m., making close connections , . with eastern lines. For fnrther information and folders, call at. City Ticket Offiw, 1524 : Farnam street, or write to V . F. A. HASH, Omaha, Neb. General WcsUr S -igent. J. L. KALEY Bust the Slate Vote Your Choice - Be Your Own Boss r Vote for Kiley To Friends of the Public Schools: The undersigned believe that the affairs of our Public Schools are In good hands and that the district can not afford to lose the services of the five present members of the Board of Education who are candidates for re- nomination on the Republican Ticket, namely: Robert Dempster, Chains Harding, John L. MrCague, James W. Maynard and , Dr. John H. Vance. Our Schools are now conducted on business principles with a high degree of, efficiency, and. If these men, who have proven themselves capable and loyal to the best interests of the schools, are willing to serve, the pub lie. for Its own good, ought to be will ing to take interest enough to attend the primaries and see to it that they arer re-elected. We urge you not only to attend the Primaries, but to invite "your friends to go. Primary September 18th, 8 A M. to 9 P.M. FRANK W. JUDSON, J. F. CARPENTER, W. S. WRIGHT, CHAS. H. PICKENS, CHAS. C. BELDEN. Fail 0' Coats "OU't.Ij get morq all round comfort from a Fall O'Coat than from any other garment specially If It la a Nlcoll Over coau. - . Thiti'l Wum we put all our knowledge Into buying the right kind of fabrics and all our rkill Into making them up properly. Fricea. 1) to W. Troasers $5 to $12. Suits 520 to $50 VILUAM JERREMS ONS. ft ZOO-11 bo. IStb He The following polling places have been announced by County Clerk Maverly for the primary election to be held Tuesday: OOn.OO tlven to charity if It ' "f " f " w can t mown tliat a alngl onu ot ttie SI teatlinoulala put out wua ' Bbll k Wllltll lUkS-VY MT K JH1A-C O U tM not genuii.u. It euros all stomach and bowel troubles, barvouanvsa, etc . an.l Knr'" tne blood. IT IS A TOKIO. It sUmulatea the appli( and tone up the anllr syatenk. It contains no poison rtat m ether Injurious substance. Prtoa, iw box. at Ut koatwt Drug Xpt STORZ MALT EX TRACT la a deli cious non-alcoholic li quid food and tonic, comprised of malted barley nd Bohemian hops. It is the great est flesh builder and nerve food known to medical science. If you feel languid, run down, nervous, or suffer from Indirection, Ktors Malt Extract will make you robust and well. Write for our beautiful Illus trated booklet. It con tains endorsements from the greatest phystclana in the west, and tells why 8 ton Malt Extract will help you. Eton SUlt Extract Iep't, Omaha, D5 ft 1 Mvv fim tor sale by aU leadlux Orunziaf. Continued on Page Two.) fcr.PUTY BTATF VETERINARIAK. H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S. " riTY VKTEHIIARIAX. mr?.?na In"rmary. i and Uaaon Sti! OilAHA, Mia, Taleiihont iiarney 6i, ; A LAST WORD TO THE VOTERS: jonry. RYDER Candidate For Representative (CLERK COUNTY BOARD) Is seeking a nomination and election with the definite pur pose of aiding to enact A HOME-RULE CHARTER BILL -.TO- ! SIMPLIFY THE PRIMARY LAWS (MAKE IT EASY TO VOTE) -AND TO AMEND AND PERFECT LAWS which have demonstrated their weakness in operation. Several such laws have come to the at tention of the County Commis sioners and other County offi rials. NOT ON THE SLATE. IflnJMfrcnn House Cn Uk Cigars or S2.50 per box of SO z this week. Myers-Dillon Drug Co,, CUT RATE CIGAR DEALERS. 16th 41 FARNAM STS. Originators ot telling 10c cigars tor ic OMAHA WEATHER rXRr:CA8T Tuesday, Shower. y T7 TTVITTVir I VJ. h M M a 1 1 w mm CCEEN TEICITS STAUPS Elf EST TU " ' ' - ' " OF- Ilhrlpr lliir Pprcnnal Mn;inpmpnt nnii W M WS W M I I HI WWIIMB S IS M SI M 1 W I IBI I HUH a H uwnersnip The Entire Front Half Main Floor and the Southeast Section of Second Floor. ON MAIN FLOOR- Silks, Dress Goods. Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, White Goods, Domestics, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Notions, Arts, Etc, Etc. ON SECOND FLOOR- Ladies' Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Children's Coats and Dresses, Intants' Wear, Mus lin. Underwear, Corsets, Wrappers, Kinionas, Petticoats, Etc. PRICES THAT WILL MAKE PEOPLE TALK ABOUT US " v .. ( The Biggest, Heaviest Stocked and Most Complete Dry Goods Sections in the West. Latest Fall Fashions and Novelties A Bargain in Every Purchase Queen Steel Range Sold in . Omaha ten years. Nearly two thousand in use, Time tried and fire tested. Have proven to be the longest lasting steel range sold in Omaha. See below what people say who have used them for years. WE SELL ANY SIZE AT $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 PER MONTH OR CUT THE PRICE FOR CASH. . i - . - i ..... - Mr. Berger, 3401 Jackson, says: "Nine years ago I bought a Queen of you that is as good as new. It has cost me only 50 cents for repairs. A friend of mine bought another kind about the same time, and he bought a new one two years ago. He thought he had a good range simply because it done good baking a couple of years. but he found that it takes something, besides baking to make a good range." t Mr. Smith, 424 "William, says: "The Queen I bought of you six years ago is as good as new; not even a speck of rust on it. I know of people who bought $25 and $30 ranges about the same time and they have repaired tnem several times." TOE STOETZEL STOVE COMPANY ONLY EXCLUSIVE STOVE STORE IN OMAHA. 7H SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET, Septembtr Furniture Sale Now Going On Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 r ML n7i f V' 11 i A f II i TM1 RKL1ABLB ST! We Lead In Showing New Fait Styles If YOU ENJOY a cool, delirious, aatixf ying amoks one that wUl banish four care and makt life worth living, b sure and rail for the old reliable m:mmm F. B. iUca llcrcaatU Clear Cfe, AlamnfaUttfra, Si. Loula. Great Silk Sale Continues Despite the rain Monday our sale of the Silks from th Panl kee'g Mills, Scranton, Pa., was a splendid , success. Hundreds profited by this very unusual opportunity. Not One Yard of Damaged Goods. All Bright, New, Clean Stock Taffetas, Suiting Silks, Louisiencs, Peau de Cygnoa, Messalines, most popular new weaves and colorings worth xwkwF,u to $1.50 per yd. on sale Tuesday at one price, yd v Curtain and Drapery Sale TVe will have a special sale in ..this department every day, this week. 65c Curtains, T rt per pair JZtG 75c Curtains, PA. per pair JUt Slightly coiled Rope Portleres.worth up to 14.00 pair. J fl at $1.50, 98c and fJC Zlon City Curtains, the best made for the money, at pair, Q 17.60 down to VOC 11.00 Curtains, . per pair $2 Rope Portieres, per pair 15c Sllkoline yard 19c Sllkoline, yard 25c Art Sateen. yard 69c 98c 10c 12ic .19c High Grade Linen Department $2.25 Bleached Satin Damask, 72-inch wide, Irish manufacture, f rj Tuesday only mD J $1.25 BleRched pure Irish Linen Qf 76c Damask, 64-inch, wide, J Tuesday x. 'TJC SPECIAL ON TO WEI Linen Huck Towels, extra large. sold at 19c. 10c 68-in. wide, Tuesday, only.. Specials In Muslins, Sheets and Pillow Slips Furnishing Goods Hour Saies ,. Three interesting specials that you should not neglect to take advantage of. . I . . From 9 till 10 a. m. Men's Shirts and Drawers neavy fleeco lined, in all sizes, regular oUc and 7oc values, limit of jk four garments to a customer, at, garment feC From 10 till 11 a. m. Misses' and children's Vests and Pants, in all sizes 16 to 34. winter weights, worth Z&c, limit oi lour garments I'll to a customer at, garment Grocery Department voionrao tramps ior canning .o til ing Finer Our third car arrived in perfect con dition. This is composed of all extra large Alberta Freestones and are sold on the market at 9Sr a row, Tuesday, we are going to place this car on sale and give the people oi umana tne oenent of our purchase From 11a.m. till 13 m. Umbrella Worth up to $1.00, strictly rain and sun proof covers, natural wood han dles, limit of one to a 'in customer, at. ............ . awC of this extra fine fruit- Tomorrow, per Q C crate ....03C PEARS FOR CANNING There are about 150 boxes of extra fancy Fleming Beauty Pears In -the car with the peaches.. Tomorrow w win piace tnem on sale with the peaches, per bushel 1 7 C a. it box, HAYDEW BROS. ii Opening 5 Display of mm The most magnificent display of beautiful fu garments i and skins ever 6hown in Omaha. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 1508 Douglas Street . , (With KERN, The Millin.r) : Exquisite fall and winter models of Scarfs, Muffs, Jackets and Coats. ' Thousands of dollars worth of Sable, Seal, Otter, Mink and other skins will be shown.' You are cordially invited to call. No' cards will be issued. ' ' ft Jilililliil3 1508 Douglas St. SPECIAL Homeseeker's Excursion TO Missouri. Arkansas, Indian Territory Louisiana, New Mexico . Oklahoma, Texas, Republic of Mexico Tuesdays fptnib'r 18th, October 'M nnd loth, November VI h ami Oth 1905 Via MISSOURI PACIFIC KY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE TOM HlfiHES. T. P. A.' T. F. OODFKEV, P, X. A. OMAHA, NEB. If. C. 10WN81NI), Gen. Paa. And Ticket Agent ST. LOUIS, 110. .: